(Public Pack)Agenda Document for Children,Young People and Families Scrutiny Panel, 20/06/2018 18:00
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[NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED] Children,Young People and Families Scrutiny Panel 20 June 2018 Time 6.00 pm Public Meeting? YES Type of meeting Scrutiny Venue Committee Room 3 - Civic Centre, St Peter's Square, Wolverhampton WV1 1SH Membership Chair Cllr Peter O'Neill (Lab) Vice-chair Cllr Udey Singh (Con) Labour Conservative Cllr Rupinderjit Kaur Cllr Simon Bennett Cllr Obaida Ahmed Cllr Jasbinder Dehar Cllr Celia Hibbert Cllr Asha Mattu Cllr Beverley Momenabadi Cllr Rita Potter Cllr Clare Simm Quorum for this meeting is four Voting Members. Information for the Public If you have any queries about this meeting, please contact the Democratic Services team: Contact Earl Piggott-Smith Tel/Email Tel: 01902 551251 or [email protected] Address Democratic Services, Civic Centre, 1st floor, St Peter’s Square, Wolverhampton WV1 1RL Copies of other agendas and reports are available from: Website http://wolverhampton.moderngov.co.uk/ Email [email protected] Tel 01902 555046 Some items are discussed in private because of their confidential or commercial nature. These reports are not available to the public. If you are reading these papers on an electronic device you have saved the Council £11.33 and helped reduce the Council’s carbon footprint. [NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED] Agenda Part 1 – items open to the press and public Item No. Title MEETING BUSINESS ITEMS 1 Apologies 2 Declarations of interest 3 Minutes of the previous meeting ( 11 April 2018 ) (Pages 3 - 6) [To approve the minutes of the previous meeting as a correct record] 4 Matters arising [To consider any matters arising from the minutes] DISCUSSION ITEMS 5 Children, Young People and Families Scrutiny Panel - draft work programme (Pages 7 - 10) [Earl Piggott-Smith, Scrutiny Officer, to present the draft scrutiny panel’s work programme] 6 Children and Young People's Improvement Plan: 2017-2018 (Pages 11 - 120) [Emma Bennett, Director for Children's Services,to present report] PRE-DECISION SCRUTINY [To give pre-decision scrutiny to the report 7 The Vision For School Organisation in Wolverhampton 2018-2020 (Pages 121 - 178) [Bill Hague, Head of School Organisation,to present report] Agenda Page 2 of 2 [NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED] Children,Young People and Families Scrutiny PanelAgenda Item No: 3 Minutes - 11 April 2018 Attendance Members of the Children,Young People and Families Scrutiny Panel Cllr Peter O'Neill (Chair) Cllr Udey Singh (Vice-Chair) Cllr Lynne Moran Rosalie Watkins Catholic Church Representative Cyril Randles Church of England Representative Harnaik Singh Khun-Khun Wolverhampton Youth Council Amias Perry Wolverhampton Youth Council Employees Earl Piggott-Smith Scrutiny Officer Emma Cleary Programme Manager Meredith Teasdale, Director of Education HealthWatch Representative Part 1 – items open to the press and public Item No. Title 1 Apologies Apologies were received from the following members of the panel: Cllr Rupinderjit Kaur Cllr Zee Russell Cllr Bhupinder Gakhal Cllr Mak Singh John Dovey Emma Bennett - Director for Children's Service 2 Declarations of interest There were no declarations of interest recorded. 3 Minutes of the previous meeting ( 7 February 2017) Discussion of this item was deferred to a future meeting. 4 Matters arising Discussion of this item was deferred to a future meeting. Page 3 Minutes [NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED] 5 Head Start Phase 3 - Progress and Impact Update Emma Cleary, HeadStart Programme Manager, introduced the report and welcomed HeadStart Ambassadors Armani Osbourne and Emerson Morris to the meeting. The HeadStart Ambassadors commented on the positive impact on their lives of being involved in the programme and introduced a video which gave a summary of the main evaluation findings. The Ambassadors talked about the positive impact that their involvement in HeadStart has had on them particularly around gaining new skills and confidence. The panel thanked the HeadStart Ambassadors for their presentation. The HeadStart Programme Manager commented on the progress of the programme since the previous update report in July 2016. The HeadStart Programme Manager explained that the programme was aimed at developing and testing new ways of supporting children and young people with emotional mental health and wellbeing. The HeadStart Programme Manager briefed the panel on the five strategic outcomes of the programme and the links to other national policies aimed at ensuring at improving the mental health and wellbeing of the children and young people. The HeadStart Programme Manager gave further details of the progress of funded commissioned programmes and projects in the target areas. The main findings of the evaluation have been summarised in Appendix 1 of the report. The HeadStart Programme Manager commented on the positive findings in table 5.1. which showed much higher levels of participation by young people than expected and the success of engaging a high number of professionals who have also benefitted from the programme. The HeadStart Programme Manager outlined the options being considered to sustain the work of programme when the funding ends. An implementation plan will be jointly developed with young people, parents and professionals to explore opportunities to sustain the programme after the funding from Big Lottery ends in July 2021. The plan will be drafted by January 2019. The panel discussed the methodology for assessing the number of young people who reported experiencing an emotional problem, who have been assessed has having benefited from the work of the programme. The HeadStart Programme Manager explained that the outcomes framework document details the methodology used to measure the success of the programme initiatives in meeting its strategic aims. The HeadStart programme provides support at four different intervention levels in the target area as detailed in the report. The HeadStart Programme Manager explained that no formal assessment is done of a young person’s mental health condition. The HeadStart Programme Manager added that the programme is aimed at testing new ways of delivering early interventions and prevention projects that can support young people. The HeadStart Programme Manager added that HeadStart it is not a targeted programme, whereby assessment will be made on young people who many need more specialist support. However, HeadStart may help young people navigate that pathway. The HeadStart programme is aimed at young people needing low level support. Page 4 Minutes [NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED] The local and national evaluation will use a Local Evaluation Measure to assess changes over time in a person’s level of resilience. In addition, the HeadStart Partnership Board agreed to collect data against the indicators, with information available from April 2018. The panel queried the membership of the HeadStart Partnership Board and the reporting and monitoring arrangements for the programme. The HeadStart Programme Manager explained that findings are reported to Children’s Trust Board and Health and Wellbeing Board. The Scrutiny Officer agreed to send details of the membership to panel members for information. The panel queried the impact of the reduced allocation funding over a period of years as shown in para 7.2 of the report. The HeadStart Programme Manager explained that Big Lottery expect successful bidders to look at developing sustaining the programme beyond the funding period and secure funding to continue the delivery of successful projects. The HeadStart Programme Manager explained that this will present a challenge to HeadStart Partnership Board about how this can be done at a time of increased budget pressures. The panel welcomed the progress made by the programme and agreed to receive a presentation on the sustainability plan presented to a future meeting of the panel. Resolved: 1. The HeadStart Programme Manager present the findings of the sustainability plan to a future meeting of the panel with details of the options being considered. 2. The Scrutiny Officer to send panel members details of the membership of the Health and Wellbeing Board and the Children’s Trust Board. 3. The panel congratulated the work of the HeadStart Wolverhampton in the positive progress made to meet the national five strategic outcomes and the impact locally on children and young people in target areas. Page 5 Minutes This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item No: 5 Children, Young People and Families Scrutiny Panel Draft Work Programme - 2018/19 The panel will have responsibility for scrutiny functions as they relate to: - Children in need/child protection, Looked after children, Early help 0-5, Early help 5-18, Youth offending, Children’s commissioning, School planning and resources and Standards and vulnerable pupils. Date of Item Description Lead Report Specific Questions Meeting Author for Scrutiny to consider 20.06.2018 Q4 Children’s Emma Improvement Plan and Bennett, the 18/19 plan Director for Children’s Services The Vision for School Emma Organisation in Bennett, Wolverhampton 2018- Director for 2020 Children’s Services 05.09.2018 Troubled Families Report Kate Lees - Strengthening Families Partnership Manager School exclusion action Emma plan – briefing update Bennett, Director for Children’s Services Elective Home Education Rachel King, • How effective - DfE consultation: Home Head of is local authority Education Service monitoring of provision made for children educated at home? Which current approaches by local authorities represent best practice? • If monitoring