Queering Black Urban Space During the Harlem Renaissance Samantha
Women-Loving Women: Queering Black Urban Space during the Harlem Renaissance Samantha Tenorio WS 197: Senior Seminar Dr. Lilith Mahmud 7 June 2010 Tenorio 1 Abstract:1 The experience of black “women-loving-women” during the Harlem Renaissance is directly influenced by what Kimberlé Crenshaw terms intersectional identity, or their positioning in the social hierarchies of race, gender, class, and sexual orientation that are simultaneously intertwined. Considering contemporary terms like lesbian and bisexual, it is difficult to define the sexual identity of many famous black women of the early 20th century, such as Gertrude “Ma” Rainey, Bessie Smith, and Bessie Jackson to name a few. However, their work both on and off the stage contributes to the construction of identities during the Harlem Renaissance that transgress both racial and sexual conventions. Although these social identities emerged from a long history of slavery and sexual oppression, they nonetheless produced a seemingly free space for the expression of lesbian sensibilities in the black community during the Harlem Renaissance. At a time of racial segregation in America, but also of ideologies of uplift within the black community, social spaces existed in Harlem where sexual “deviance” and race-mixing could be articulated and seen explicitly. Using song lyrics, literature, and scholarly work on social and cultural spaces of the time period between 1919 and 1939, this paper analyzes how certain forms and sites of cultural production, specifically the blues, the cabaret, and literature helped to construct these transgressive identities. Introduction During the Harlem Renaissance, women-loving women were located at the lowest position of almost all social hierarchies, including race, gender, sexual orientation, and usually class, due to the systemic impact of racism that produces wealth inequality.
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