Parking Tickets at SJSU Aren't City's Problem
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In etc. ... In Sports... 'lake an Spartan IF insider's volleyball player '4 It e litt -a. look at DX11E-fly Erin Ginney one of the spikes and digs qf ANEF.1;111114.441 (amplest her way shows to the top. 41111. IA * alkk 48.11IF 411)-40 around. Check out this week's etc. for the latest stuff. See the story on page 6. Puhlislicd for San Jow State 1..tiiersit since 1934 Volume 101, Number 8 Thursday, September 9, 1993 Parking tickets Mail problems at SJSU aren't city's problem By lane N14 Ott's citations will then be put to collection agen- cies and deferred to the Department of SJSU students will no longer have to go Motor Vehicles. to court for parking violations because of a Along with this new system, the depart- new policy that makes violations a civil ment in charge of traffic violations will also offense. be using ARMS (automated records man- 'Through the new system, courts do not agement system), which will keep accurate have any jurisdiction over the parking viola- records of all violations issued. tions," said Lt. Bruce Lowe of the Universi- The system, which uses handheld com- ty Police Department puters, was originally designed for law "All violators will have enforcement agencies. to go through the According to Staley, the school traffic system handheld computers can which will serve as 'There will be no access information on all stu- judge if hearings are dents and employees with valid needed." holds put on parking permits. With the former student records The information will con- system, parking cita- tain the purchaser's personal tions were municipal because of and vehicle details. Penal codes offenses. and parking fines are also According to parking violations. accessible through the com- Richard Staley, man- It will be kept puter. ager of Traffic and The handheld computer Parking Operations, a completely will replace the large paper substantial amount of separate from citation forms with a red money was spent by receipt placed in a bright the municipal courts school records..' canary yellow envelope. attending to parking Richard Staley "The handhelds are easier citations. manager of Traffic and parking operations to use but slower than hand- The new system of written tickets," Staley said. citations makes it a civil matter and puts it At the end of the day, the information into the hands of SJSU's Department of stored in the handheld computer is down- Public Safety. loaded into a file server to process the cita- If students are not pleased with the tions. The memory of the handheld is then results after a chit hearing, they can appeal updated with current violators and infor- to a municipal court, which will then take mation. charge of the case. Any records regarding Traffic and Oper- Although this will increase the workload ation citations will not interfere with the stu- for Traffic and Parking, the new system dents' personal records. 'There will be no MONIQUE 1.4 1-10ENFELDSPAR IAN 'AILY lessens the burden on municipal courts. holds put on student records because of Alice Standish, right, and Mailing Supervisor Dan about 6,000 pieces of mail a day including inter The municipal courts can then use the parking violations," Staley said. "It will be Soriano son through the Tuesday morning mail in campus letters. About 3,000 pieces of mail are sent money they used to spend on traffic hear- kept completely separate from school the university mail room. The room deals with out from the room every day. ings for something else. Unpaid parking records." Physician gets CSU must clear air on smoking ban le Preston Register authorities. any part of the buildings except "We're all working towards Islaz( Daily Stall-Writer campus housing The ban would have altered for the students' rooms. Then, it the same goal," Redding said. Executive Order 599, a CSU the contracts the students is only with the approval of the "It just may be a timing issue position after all system-wide smoking ban, could signed when they moved into roommate in the shared rooms. that's the problem. take the university into the the buildings. Any changes in "We contract those rooms if we have to ban smoking in BY Pamela Cornelison the students," Najjar said. the dorms, we may have to do it sitanan Daily Stall-Writer Graham believes the offer courtroom over the students' the contracts could be legally out to came as a direct result of stu- right to smoke in the residence challenged by the students, "I don't think we can legally in a phased-in manner. If it (the Gary Graham, the SJSU dent protest and his story going hall rooms they've leased from paving the way for possible law- change the contract during the ban) hasn't been allowed for in physician who recently protest- public. the campus. suits. term. I think that there will be a the contracts, we may have to ed the selection of an outsider Robert Latta, interim direc- The order, from the office of Fred Najjar, director of Stu- legal precedent set over this." slowly phase it into effect. That for a permanent position he tor of SJSU Health Service, said CSU Chancellor Barry Munitz, dent Housing, said that while Najjar cited that 5 to 7 per- is one of the president's felt he had, has accepted an extending the offer to Graham provided for a ban on smoking there is already a very strict cent of students in the campus options." offer of an 80 percent full-time- was his decision, and he did so from all university buildings, smoking policy in those build- housing facilities listed them- Redding said while education equivalent position for the because Graham was in a diffi- including the residence halls, by ings, the chancellor's order selves as smokers on their appli- about the hazards of smoking semester. cult employment position. Dec. 31. might not legally cover them cations. has reduced the problem here Graham said the offer of a "Our main concern now is There has been some ques- because the buildings are not "I think it would be an on campus, it is still up to the consulting position in Health funding the position," Latta tion about whether any smoking state-owned. extremely difficult policy to president of the univei sitv to Service came just before fund- said. ban would cover student hous- "They (the campus housing enforce," Najjar said. make the decision regarding its ing for his current position Graham's position had been ing. facilities) are on state property, "I don't know how to enforce prohibition. would have expired at the end funded 50 percent by a phar- A recently proposed universi- but they are not owned by the it without having to be fairly Colleen Bentley-Adler, man- of September. maceutical grant. ty-wide smoking ban, titled S93- state," Najjar said. "They are intrusive into the students' pri- ager of media relations for the "Because I was assured I had Naz Motayar, advisor to the 11, initially received SJSU Presi- operated as auxiliary buildings vacy." Chancellor's Office, said she a permanent job here. I hadn't Student Health Advisory Com- dent J. Handel Evans' signature. from the state's genet al fund. Janet Redding, director of would have to contact the chan- been looking for another," he It was later rescinded because of They are not covered by the Advancement at SJSU, said on cellor's legal department for an said. See GRAHAM. page 8 the legality of changing the con- chancellor's order." behalf of Evans that the prob- terpretat III regarding smok- tracts students have with the Smoking is not permitted in It oi is one of timing. iO 42, iii th.,* Condom co-op makes protection easier By Kristin Lomax tion of condoms, and the conse- if stAttaihr U.iJ i ilted wan tktily WI Writer quences of not using them. diseases, safer sex, and ofco,irw . con- Room 209 in SJSU's Health Build- The coop staff, as part of the Peer doms. ing has something for sale that might \1 193 buyer's guide helps inter- just save your life. ested sh, ,ppet s hoose the tYpe of It fits in any wallet and can be used 'Many people don't condom that w ould best fit their in the most intimate situations. It need. With over a doicil c ondotils to comes in a variety of sizes, shapes. tex- realize that popular chose from, counselors such as tures, flavors and colors. And if you're brands such as Trojan liawasaki often offer their advi«. having sex without one you could end "Many people don't realim that up dead. are not really the best. popular brands such as Trojan are Condoms arc for sale, and for All the condoms we not really the best," Kawasaki said. much less than any grocery or «mve- "All the condoms we sell are safe, but nience store. The SJSU Condom Co- sell are safe, but Trojans are thit k. smell and taste bad op has been established to otter stu- as well. There are so many better con- dents a place to buy condoms at a di* Trojans are thick, doms to purchase." counted price and a convenient loca- smell and taste bad as When used properly, the latex con- tion. dom can prevent most STDs and 'We are here to serve iind protect," well.' pregnancy. The problem, said said Tomi Kawasaki, a peer educator Totta Kawasaki Kawasaki, is that people don't know at the co-op.