QJLFQJRUT\JWRJSY F\F^TZYTKUT[JWY^ IJHJRGJWmNXXZJ legal empowerment - a way out of poverty Legal Empowerment - a Way out of Poverty Published by: The Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, December 2006 P.O. Box 8114 Dep. NO-0032 Oslo E-mail:
[email protected] Editors: Mona Elisabeth Brøther and Jon-Andreas Solberg Adviser: Erik Berg Design/prepress: Arild Eugen Johansen Printing: Oslo Forlagstrykkeri Public institutions can order more copies of this publication from Government Administration Services: Statens forvaltningstjeneste Kopi- og distribusjonsservice P.O. Box 8169 Dep. NO-0034 Oslo www.publikasjoner.dep.no E-mail:
[email protected] Telefax: +47 22 24 27 86 E-813 ISBN 82-7177-056-X legal empowerment - a way out of poverty december 2006 – issue 2 editors: Mona Elisabeth Brøther and Jon-Andreas Solberg adviser: Erik Berg The views expressed in this anthology are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Dear reader Now, more than a decade since the end of the Cold War, we still have a long way to go before we can declare the end of the war against poverty. Social and economic disparities are increasing rather than diminishing. We must raise awareness of the respon- sibility of all countries to fight unjust systems, and we must attack poverty bottom-up. People should be their own entrepreneurs and enjoy the protection afforded by the rule of law. Most of the world’s poor are outside the formal economy. Unless they find ways of inclusion and formalised participation in their own coun- try’s economy, billions of people will still be excluded from participating in global economic growth.