APRIL 1, 2018 ST. GEORGE GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH OF THE DESERT 74-109 Larrea Street Palm Desert, California 92260 Website: www.go-stgeorge.org Email:
[email protected] The Ladder PALM SUNDAY Mailing Address: TODAY’S “APOLYTIKION” P.O. Box 4755 to this hymn: 1) the reference to the Palm Desert, CA.92261 The main hymn for this Sunday (the raising of Lazarus from the dead, Tel: (760) 568-9901 “Apolytikion”) is the same one that was and, 2) the welcome of our Savior up- or: (760) 880-5869 used in our worship yesterday in com- on entering Jerusalem. In this way, email: the Church is telling us that the rais-
[email protected] memoration of the raising from the dead —Fr. Theodore Pantels, of Lazarus: “To confirm the general resur- ing of Lazarus and the entrance into Proistamenos (Pastor) rection before Your Passion, You resurrected Jerusalem are connected as one event —Deacon Euthym Kontaxis, Lazarus from the dead, O Christ our God. that leads to the salvation of all of hu- M.D. Therefore imitating the children, carrying manity. the symbols of victory, we cry out to You the Within any discussion about the rais- Holy Communion Order Victor over death: ‘Hosanna in the highest! ing of Lazarus, there are two points 1. Please remain standing Blessed are You, the One, who comes in the to ponder: 1) that Jesus wept; 2) that while following the name of the Lord.’” Lazarus was raised after four days in directions of our ush- All the hymns of the Church are like a ers.