Er Aw Dr a H Yt Ef As Yr Omemaw Dr a H Ro

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Er Aw Dr a H Yt Ef As Yr Omemaw Dr a H Ro ecneicS retupmoC fo tnemtrapeD tnemtrapeD fo fo retupmoC retupmoC ecneicS ecneicS - o- t o t l aA l aA DD DD 8/ 8/ HHardware-assistedardware-assisted 0202 0202 mmemoryemory safetysafety dna r dna r t se t j se j l l i L i LsnaH snaH HHansans Liljestrand Liljestrand ytefasytefas yromemyromem detsissa-erawdraHdetsissa-erawdraH BUSINESSBUSINESS + + ECONOMYECONOMY NSI I NBS NBS 879 879 - - 259 259 - - 06 06 - - 3198 3198 - 3 - 3 ( p ( p r i r n i n t t de de ) ) ARTART + + NSI I NBS NBS 879 879 - - 259 259 - - 06 06 - - 4198 4198 - 0 - 0 ( ( dp dp f ) f ) DESIGNDESIGN + + NSI I NSS NSS 9971 9971 - - 4394 4394 ( p ( p r i r n i n t t de de ) ) ARCHITECTUREARCHITECTURE NSI I NSS NSS 9971 9971 - - 2494 2494 ( ( dp dp f ) f ) SCIENCESCIENCE + + TECHNOLOGYTECHNOLOGY tirvn tlaA ot laA ot isrevinU isrevinU yt yt CROSSOVERCROSSOVER ceic fo oohcS oohcS l l o o f f cS i cS i ecne ecne DOCTORALDOCTORAL ecneicS retupmoC fo tnemtrapeD tnemtrapeD fo fo retupmoC retupmoC ecneicS ecneicS DOCTORALDOCTORAL DISSERTATIONSDISSERTATIONS +ddbjia*GMFTSH9 +ddbjia*GMFTSH9 fi.otlaa.www www . a . a a l t o l t o . fi . fi DISSERTATIONSDISSERTATIONS ot laA ot laA yt isrevinU yt isrevinU 0202 0202 seires noitacilbup ytisrevinU otlaA ytisrevinU noitacilbup seires SNOI TATRESS I D LAROTCOD D I TATRESS SNOI 8/ 0202 yea yoe esissa-erawdraH i dets yromem ytefas dna r t se j l i L snaH L i l j se t r dna fo rotcoD fo eerged eht rof detelpmoc noi tat ressid larotcod A larotcod ressid tat noi detelpmoc rof eht eerged fo rotcoD fo ht n sire e htiw,ddefe e ot g ncT( ceicS i ecne ( onhceT l ygo ) t o eb ed f dedne , w i t h t eh ep imr ss i no o f t eh ade o aiaec bpat eniSf ohSy seiUo laA ot isrevinU yt loohcS fo ,ecneicS ta a lbup ci tanimaxe noi dleh ta .0 1 00 yranJ 2 o oc e fo S lla erutc e t eh l ce t u r e ah l l 1SA o f t eh oohcs l no 02 aunaJ r y 0202 a t 21 : 00 . ytisrevinU otlaA ytisrevinU en S loohcS l o f cS i ecne en S po tnm apeD r nemt t o f upmoC t e r cS i ecne puorG smetsyS eruceS smetsyS puorG 4VQFSWJTJOHQSPGFTTPS 1SPGFTTPS/"TPLBO "BMUP6OJWFSTJUZ 'JOMBOE 5IFTJTBEWJTPS "EKVODU1SPGFTTPS+BO&SJL&LCFSH "BMUP6OJWFSTJUZ 'JOMBOE 1SFMJNJOBSZFYBNJOFST 1SPGFTTPS"VSÀMJFO'SBODJMMPO &63&$0. 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morf riqr ecopaeet u eaga ea-rmmo suihe gimropeisnefed evi gnimmargorp seuqinhcet ot efas-yromem segaugnal . tuB eseht sehcaorppa iuqer er tsum ew ,esu daerps-ediw eveihca oT .edoc gnitsixe fo gnitrop yltsoc dna esitrepxe-ytiruces dna yltsoc gnitrop fo gnitsixe .edoc oT eveihca daerps-ediw ,esu ew tsum laminim ht iw enod eb tsum s iht , revoeroM . segaugnal dna s loot gnits ixe otni yt i ruces etargetni ruces i yt otni ixe gnits loot s dna segaugnal . revoeroM , iht s tsum eb enod iw ht laminim tiomc i u e o gibea euaf tircs e to teyle n carfrep ecnamrof dna tnemyolped stsoc . weN ruces i yt serutaef era gnieb lor del tuo ni idommoc yt siht nI .ylevitceffe esu ot laivirt-non era tub ,ytiruces fo esimorp eht dloh yehT .erawdrah yehT dloh eht esimorp fo ,ytiruces tub era laivirt-non ot esu .ylevitceffe nI siht nmorprf rwrhhu s a nitteutn ei e po o osI nittesid tatress ,noi I wohs woh ipmoc -el emit tatnemurtsni noi nac esu hcus erawdrah rof tnamrofrep .snoitulos omem r y - s a f e t y s o l u t i o n s . stroppus AP .snoisnetxe XPM letnI dna AP A-3.8vMRA decudortni yltnecer eht erolpxe eW erolpxe eht yltnecer decudortni A-3.8vMRA AP dna letnI XPM .snoisnetxe AP stroppus ni sessenkaew sserdda ew od ylno toN . sretniop fo noi tacfii rev dna gningi s detarelecca-erawdrah s gningi dna rev tacfii noi fo sretniop . toN ylno od ew sserdda sessenkaew ni w,rlc a I tfs rmmrf nitls vnteepo a wtb,ssee ea-Prirp roi desab-AP sesnefed , tub ew la os tneserp evon l tulos snoi rof yromem ytefas . nI rap t raluci , ew ,noitcetorp sserdda nruter esicerp ,gnikcehc epyt emit-nur rof desu eb nac AP woh etartsnomed woh AP nac eb desu rof emit-nur epyt ,gnikcehc esicerp nruter sserdda ,noitcetorp atadatem yromem-ni sesu dna nwonk- l lew si noi tatnemurtsni -XPM ecapsresU .ytefas kcats dna kcats .ytefas ecapsresU -XPM tatnemurtsni noi si lew l nwonk- dna sesu yromem-ni atadatem gni su tub , yt i ruces rof tnuomarap s i l enrek ehT . sessecca yromem fo gnikcehc sdnuob edivorp ot edivorp sdnuob gnikcehc fo yromem sessecca . ehT enrek l i s tnuomarap rof ruces i yt , tub su gni XPM eht ,yromem nwo sti eganam tsum lenrek eht esuaceB .drawrofthgiarts ton si tcetorp ot XPM ot tcetorp si ton .drawrofthgiarts esuaceB eht lenrek tsum eganam sti nwo ,yromem eht XPM XPM cfiiceps-lenrek gnisu eussi siht diova ot woh wohs eW .esu ot elbisaef ton si atadatem si ton elbisaef ot .esu eW wohs woh ot diova siht eussi gnisu cfiiceps-lenrek XPM W.elaelve sti a—G tI h s hu—rwrhy ue tB.o anmrtsni t tatnemur .noi tuB ruces i yt hcus—erawdrah sa eht etnI l nac—XGS i t es l f eb lbarenluv e . eW t eue a nitteu si m e po whwh da enh-d XSltI tg tsevni etagi letnI XGS s lennahc-edi s , dna wohs woh ipmoc -el t emi tsni tatnemur noi nac eb desu ot .G okat nwdh-cabaeaitim t etagi a gniwodahs-hcnarb kcatta no .XGS n uy derv carfrplmnmeeic th smhs tircs nsr o a esi ihT s id ress tat noi tneserp s ruces i yt semehcs taht ihca eve laminim rep ecnamrof sdaehrevo yb su gni otni serutaef eseht setargetni noi tatnemur t sni emit -e l ipmoc ruO . erawdrah f l ehs-eht - f fo ni serutaef ni fo f - ehs-eht l f erawdrah . ruO ipmoc l -e emit sni t tatnemur noi setargetni eseht serutaef otni mt-limc n casisaeada etgT.o nven rplvdtoti dc n sixe ts gni edoc , iw tuoht repoleved tnevretni .noi rehtegoT , ssa-erawdrah i ecnats dna ipmoc -el emit fo smret ni sffo-edart lamitpo reffo taht snoitulos ytiruces sdrawot yaw eht sevap noitatnemurtsni sevap eht yaw sdrawot ytiruces snoitulos taht reffo lamitpo sffo-edart ni smret fo rweuu deasar nmea rh ,tY.ssc carfrpdateyle tnempoleved , tnemyolped dna rep ecnamrof stsoc . teY , ereht era ynam sdaor .daeha erutuF krow gnimmargorp nommoc nehw ,ecnatsni rof , sesab-edoc laer ht iw yt i l ibi tapmoc erolpxe dluohs erolpxe tapmoc ibi l i yt iw ht laer sesab-edoc , rof ,ecnatsni nehw nommoc gnimmargorp eaga rhoda + t ente bo a los rpu ovhbdnen oye srttap snret yler no denfiednu roivaheb . troppuS dluohs la os eb dednetxe ot ++C dna rehto segaugnal ; .sepyt cihpromylop dna snoitpecxe sa hcus stcurtsnoc egaugnal wen rof troppus seriuqer siht seriuqer troppus rof wen egaugnal stcurtsnoc hcus sa snoitpecxe dna cihpromylop .sepyt b,entsi o ,y ue dtsisaeada of finbo duc eaga efs-yromeM fas e segaugnal dluoc a l os tfieneb morf ssa-erawdrah i s det ruces i yt , rof sni ecnat , yb snoi tcer id eseht , rehtegoT .
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