F. S9 5 Jpublth&Efc B$ ^Utfjortt^
®umb> 13498. f. s9 5 jPubltH&efc b$ ^utfjortt^. From CllCCDag January 29, to ^atlitBag February 2j 1793. A DM IRALT Y-OFFICE, February i, 1793, T^HIS Day, in pursuance ofthe King's Pleasure, the following Flag Officers of His Majesty's Fle££ •*• were promoted, viz. Right Hon. Molyneux Lord Shuldham, 1 } Sir Hugh Palliser, Bart; J.Admirals of tbe Blue, £ To be Admirals of ths Wfi/te. Mkthew Barton, Esq; j 3 Mariot Arbuthnot,. Esq; Robert Roddarrij Esq; sTfXaW^hS: Knight of th, Bath, }«**«** • * A* f. i. ***** O. J** John Evjms, Esq; Mark Milbanke, Esq; Nicholas Vincent, Esq; Sir Edward Vernon, Knt* Richard Edwards,. Efqj Thomas Graves, Esq; Robert Digby, Esq; )-To le Admirals of JU Rfii Benjamin Marlow, Esq; Sir Alexander Hood, Knight ofthe Bath, Sir Chaloner Ogle, Knt. > Vice-Admirals of the Blue, • Right Hon* Samuel Lord Hood, Sir Richard Hughes, Barfe. John Elliot, Esq.; William Hotham, Esq; V Vice-Admirals of the Blue; Joseph Peyton, Esq; John Carter Allen, Esq; yTo be Vice-Ad/nimfc of jhe White* Sir Charles Middleton, Bart* Sir John Laforey, Barti "Rear-Admirals of the Red, John Dalrymple, Esq; Herbert Sawyer, Esq; Sir Richard King, Bart. • Rear-Adiiiirals ofthe Red, Jonathan Faulknor, Esq; Philip Affleck, Esq;> Sir John Jervis, Knight of the Bath, >Tobe tice-Admimh of tH Bfati Adam Duncan, Esq; 'Rear-Admirals of the White,. Richard Brathwaite, Esq; Phillips Cosby, Esq; j Thomas Fitzherbert, Esq; Samuel Cornish, Esq; John Brisbane, Esq; Charles Wolseley, Esq; Samuel Granston Goodall, Esq; • Rear-Admirals if the Mine, >To be R'cejr-Admiral -of ibe Reet.
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