Ials Mrs. Cars Ten Writes Letter Concerning Husband's Activities
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•'Tit-l*, V-^ft.4 «••#*.*•«•••'¥^ ^f^^r^^^Vft^f.tt^^r4J •-i^ .f*-t'i.i^ » llneonian Library East HnvQti, Conn PAOE EIGHT possible. Fortunately I am able to get New Englannd papers—though Glaring Flaws Serious Tasks only from New Han)pshlre.— and have a pretty good Idea of what Is THROW yOUR SCRAP THROW YOUR SCRAP Legal Notice EAST HAVEN Continued from page one going on. But to a correspondent Found In Vote the Important thing Is what Is going INTO THB FIGHT "Map of Palrlawn Terrace, East INTO THE FIGHT WHEREAS: THOMAS BOHAN, of SUMMER BANQUET i that way. You suggested that I: on under the surface. 06 SPRING STREET, NEW HAVEN, Haven, Connecticut, owned and de Whenever you talk from platforms veloped by the City and Surburban The Ladles of the Bradford Manor Rotary Picnics Of Absentee try to find the battery from'Bran- Cfje Pranfort Eebieto CONNECTICUT, has neglected to Auxiliary will hold their annual ford over here. I know where Is is. I wish you would emphasize the pay the taxes on the herein men Land Trust, surveyed by Alexander seriousness of the task ; that lies AND EAST HAVEN NEWS Cahn, Civil Engineer and Surveyor, summer banquet on August 10, at This Afternoon The Woman behind the man be but as of course you understand I tioned Ornnd Lists, I, JAMES C. the Annex Club, on Saltonstoll hind the gun" being the order of the ahead In the southwest Pacific. The OOILVIE, as TAX COLLECTOR, by June 1010", on flle In the East Ha cannot tell any more than I can tell naval victories are gratifying, but VOL. XV—NO. 15 Branford, Conncotioul, Thursday, July 30, 1042 ven Town Clerk's Office. Parkway. All planning to attend day, the Connecticut League of Wo PRICE FIVE CENTS thb authority given me by the Four new members have been ta men Voters Is determined to do Its you where I am. there .is a long hard pull ahead for IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have may make reservations by calling ken Into the East Haven Rotary us before we regain what others STATE OF CONNECTICUT do here the following members of the com part to make this slogan a reality. All I can say Is that we are many, by give notice that I will sell at hereunto set my hand this 16th Club, Joseph Wlrtz, David Miller, many miles apart. I mean to go and ourselves have lost. DAY OP JULY, 1042. mittee on arrangements: Mrs. Henry For the past few months the public auction on Sept. 10, 1942, Lou Rocheleau and Mr. Sanford, League's activities have centered sometime within the next two Please remember me to your wife Special Meeting Accident Sends JAMES C. OOILVIE, Kraemer, Mrs. Norman Hall or Mrs. President Frank Clancy presented Mrs. Cars ten Writes Benefit Nights A.D. at the hour of 10:00 A.M. at Margaret Mack . around arousing the public to the months to the place where I know and to Mrs. Richardson. If I could Aircraft Warning Post the TOWN HALL, EAST HAVEN, TAX COLLECTOR Rotary Arms, objects and lapel Importance of the coming elections. they are, and I shall certainly give have my way I should spend the Car Occupants CONNECTICUT, the property be East Haven, Connecticut buttons and Dr .Arthur Bishop In Facts of concern to every citizen your warmest good wishes, those of summer on Gay Head, but how that Called Tuesday Will Be Staged Miss Jean Moran of Bradley Ave. structed new members on the pur longing to said THOMAS BOHAN, Is visiting her grandparents In Gull- have been revealed In a Workshop your wife and the town of Bran- will work out remains to be seen, Letter Concerning lor taxes, Interest, Hen fees and ex WHEREAS; MARY BOHAN, of 560 pose of Rotary. on Absentee Voting sponsored by ford to them. Best wishes to you and thanks Into Hospita Volunteers To Receive HOWARD AVENUE, NEW HAVEN, ford. On Ambulance For USO Fund penses Incurred on the Grand Lists The annual picnic Is held today the League. Representatives of var. I I am glad to hear that Ruth and for writing. of 1035; 1030, 1937; 1038; 1930; CONNECTICUT has neglected to with assembly at noon and lobster lous women's organizations partlcl-1I Linus are standing by to repel the An autonioblle accident occurred pay the taxes on the herein men Charles Parsons of Cliff Street Is dinner served between 7 and 8. Ray Sincerely. Husband's Activities The Board of Selectmen, C. Ho- Monday and Tuesday, August 3rd 1040; 1041,Inclusive, visiting his grandparents In Wall- pated In the Workshop. Realizing' eneniy any time he raises his head George Weller barl Bage, oJhn S. Rogers, and at the Junction of Klrkham and Wing Service Insignia tioned Grand Lists, I, JAMES C. Perry Is picnic chairman. The sports the enormity of the absentee vo^e beyond Nantucket. A blackout on and 4th, at the Stony Creek Thea SAID PROPERTY IS BOUNDED Ingford . Frank R. Williams, have called a Main Street Sunday at 3:40 a. m. tre, will odor an opportimlty to OOILVIE, as TAX COLLECTOR, by program Includes horse-shoe pitch in the coming elections, due to the Gay Head ought to be a fairly In which the driver of the car, An AND DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: the authority given me by the ing, batmlnton, pinochle, bridge, EmiUo Vestutl, Hotchklss Grove Would Have Public Know Whole Truth, Not Half—Gov special town meeting for Tuesday,' generously combine pleasure with Lots No. lis, 110, 117, and 118 W. Foxon Community Center and the thousands of electors In the mili simple problem. I have seen nights Road is putting an addition on his August 4 at 8 P. M. in the Commun thony Pepe, 20, of Goodsell Road, American Legion Will Defray Coat of Purchaaing Pins STATE OF CONNECTICUT do here fresh water swimming and soft ball. tary service and those working in so black there In peace time that ernor Hurley's Decision On Cox Case Attracts Atten patriotic d\ily. The first two even Chm-ch Street, East Haven, Con- Foxon Fire Co. are giving a benefit dwelling. ity House, corner of South Main and was arrested on a charge of reck ing performances, on these dates, For Workcrn With 50 Houra to Their Credit—Some by give notice that I will sell at defense Industries out of state, the I couldn't find my way around. tion to Local Brothers. less driving, by Patrolman Ifkovlo nccllcul, bounded: Public Auction on Sept, 19, 1042, card party August 7 In Community Julius Cahn of Long Branch, N. A recent house guest of Miss Olive Monlowese Streets . An application, of "The Bishop Misbehaves", the Have Already Received Pins NORTHERLY—by Warner Avenue, League Is making a strenuous effort "The campaign here has relapsed signed by more than 20 inhabitants and Mullen. The driver was travel A.D. at the hour of 10:00 A. M. at Hall. J. was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. to help make the absentee vote more Pratt was Miss Lome Burrell of New hilarious comedy by Frederick as shown on said Map, 04 feet, 9 Into a waiting period, but all of us stale Highway Commissioner of the town, has been filed petition ing In nn easterly direction on Main Aircraft Warning Observers with the TOWN HALL, EAST HAVEN, Meyer Leshlne of Forbes Place for ellectlve and urges the citizens of are hoping for action as soon as Haven. William J. Cox is back al his desk. Jockson, starring Kevin Kemblo ' Inches, more or less; SOUTHERLY—by lot No. 201, on ing the town meeting for the pur street when he hit a public utilities and Kalhryn Cameron, will bo U. 50 hotui! or moi'c lo their credit as CONNECTICUT, the property be the week-end. the state to do likewise. In exonerating Cox, Governor Severe Penalty pose of mainly considering the ac.< pole. Ho received contusions of the Chief of Police EASTERLY—by Church Street,-as longing to said MARY BOHAN, for fiald Map, 04 feet, S. O. benefit, nights. Al this time, of midnight July 2(lth will soon re shown on said Map, 101 Feet, The flndlngs of the Workshop re Robert A. •Hurley declared that ceplance of an ambulance to bCi chest, and laceration of his Up and ceive Inslgnlas In the form of wings taxes. Interest and lien fees, and as shown on a* certain map en Miss Pearl Bass, daughter of Mr. charges against Cox which were the theatre will contribute part of more or less; vealed glaring weaknesses In Con Follows Rent purchased from popular subscrip removed to his homo. the proceeds to the Branford as token of their voluntary service. expenses Incurred on the Grand titled "Map of Falrlawn Terrace, and Mrs. Jacob Bass, 133 Gcrrlsh necticut's Absentee Voting Law. proven were for the most part "acts tion and to provide for the care Selects Captain SOUTHERLY—by Lot No. 119, as Ave., has passed the stale board Oilier occupants of the car who branch ol the United Service Or The pins are made available Lists of 1934, 1036, 1930, 1937, 1038,Eas t Haven, Connecticut, owned and First, Connecticut is the only state o{ subordinates." and custody and operation of such through the generosity of the Am .shown on said map, 103 feet, 9 1939, 1940, 1041 Inclusive. developed by the City and Subur tests as a dental hyglenlst. She was received Injuries were Miss Bever ganization.