ССовременныеовременные ппроблемыроблемы ссоциальнойоциальной работыработы


Vol. 1. No. 4 2015

MOSCOW CCONTEMPORARYONTEMPORARY PROBLEMSPROBLEMS CONTENTS OOFF SOCIALSOCI AL WWORKORK Pochinok N.B. VVolumeolume 1,1, No.No. 4,4, 20152015 Report on the Round Table Carried Out by Blagosostoyanie Pension Fund in , ISSN 2412-5466 , December 1, 2015 ...... 4

JURISPRUDENCE The journal is included into the system of Russian science citation index and is Belyakov A.V. available on the website: Anent Investigation of Operation Disorganization of Institutions Providing Isolation From Society ...... 9 Golovkin R.B. DOI 10.17922/2412-5466-2015-1-4 Some Aspects of Penal Law Theory ...... 13 Markosyan A.V., Chinaryan E.O. Legal Aspects of the Detection and Prevention of Socially Significant Diseases in Families, Among Children and Youth ...... 20

CHIEF EDITOR EDUCATION Maloletko A.N. Dr. Econ.Sciences, associate Professor, acting Emelyanov S.N., Erin D.A. Vice-rector on scientific work of RSSU Specific Features of Initial Training of the Penal and Interior Systems Staff in the Russian Empire and the RSFSR DEPUTY EDITOR (late 19th – first quarter of the Kaurova O.V. 20th centuries) ...... 27 Dr. Econ.Sciences, associate Professor, Dean of the faculty of training of scientific and Girenok G.A., Titova O.Z., Ozernaya E.Р. scientific - pedagogical personnel of RSSU Revisited the Question of Communicative Competence Formation at the Departmental Institute of the Federal Service for the Execution EDITORIAL BOARD of Punishments of Russia ...... 34 Baksansky O.E. Konovalova N.A., Trifanova S.S. Budanov V.G. Revisiting the Development of Media Culture Gurevich P.S. among Cadets of an Agency-Level Higher Gutnik B.I. Educational Institution ...... 42 Konson G.R. Oschepkova O.V., Piyukova S.S., Tarasova S.A. Kryukova E.M. Modern Technologies of Psychological and Miklina N.N. Pedagogic Disciplines Teaching of Students Morozova E.A. of Higher Educational Institution of the Penal System ...... 46 Pilipenko A.I. Pilipenko O.I. Zarubina V.S., Morozova O.Yu. Electronic Multimedia Tutorial Pavlenok P.D. As One of Modern Methods Rizhov B.N. of Training...... 52 Rizhov V.P. Sizikova V.V. SOCIOLOGY Simonova S.A. Matveenko V.E., Aleyevskaya A.O., Zotkina T.A. Spirova E.M. Social Support of Condemned Preparing Stepanov M.S. For Release From Imprisonment Places ...... 60 Hulle M.M. Van Rostovskaya T.K., Tarasova A.E. EXECUTIVE SECRETARY Probation Services for Children in the General Vishnyakova V.A. Mechanism of Realization and Protection of Cand. Econ. Sciences,head of Department Minors: The Social and Legal Aspects (The Experience scientific and technical information RSSU of Russian and International Standards)...... 68 WORKED POLITOLOGY Contenting Kolpakova M.G., Nikiporets-Takigawa G.Yu. Povetkin S.A. Archetypal Patterns of Youth in Russia in the Continuum of Socio-Political Formations ...... 76 Chief editor of quick printing Bagrova N.V.

ECONOMY Typesetting and design Karavaev A.N. Probilova T.A. Insurance Issues in Russia: Development Prospects...... 81 Decorating Probilova T.A. Maloletko A.N. A New Approach to Independent Evaluation of the Quality of Social Service Organizations ...... 89 Shpilina T.M. Assessing the Impact of Inefficient Institutes of the Russian Labor Market on Economic Our address: Activity of the Population ...... 97 129226, Moscow, Vilhelm Pik street, 4, building 2, room 410, 412

PSYCHOLOGY Contact phone: Rybakova A.I., Tsvetkova N.A. (495) 255-67-67 The Main Trends of the Relationship Between (ext. 17-63, 17-71, 17-80). Social Psychology and Social Work ...... 108 publishing/magazine/ INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY E-mail: [email protected] Menkov G.B., Sirotskiy A.A. Design of the Modes of the Automated Assessment of Payback of ERP Systems...... 116 The materials are published in author’s edition. Authors of published materials Requirements for English-language manuscript are responsible for the selection and the provided in scientific journals “Contemporary Problems accuracy of facts, quotations, proper names, of Social Work” («Modern problems of social work”), statistics and other information. Editorial “Scientific notes of Russian State Social University,” opinion may not coincide with the opinion of the authors of the articles. Reprint “Social Policy and Sociology”, “Bulletin of educational of materials and use them in any form, and methodical association of universities including electronic media, possible only Russia on education in social work “...... 122 with written permission of editorial office.

Age limit: 16+


Pochinok N.B., doctor of economics, Rector of Russian State Social University, Moscow.

Report on the Round Table Carried Out by Blagosostoyanie Pension Fund in Moscow, Russia, December 1, 2015

Complex social research was conducted by Russian State Social University on request of the non-state pension fund “BLAGOSOSTOYANIE” in August – September, 2015. The main objective of the research is the assessment of the situation in the system of non- state pension provision in the Russian Federation and prospects of its development. One of the key points of the research was detection of the awareness about non-state pension provision (NSPP) among employees and employers, determination of the extent of NSPP support among the population, employees and employers, readiness of employees to participate, and employers to create the NSPP system and conditions of its introduction, and also identification of social expectations of employees as far as NSPP is concerned. Collection of primary sociological information included a poll of representatives of three target groups. Firstly, carrying out a mass poll of the population of the Russian Federation. The main objective is to estimate the appeal of participation in corporate programs of NSPP. In total 1500 people were interviewed. The respondents are able-bodied population of the Russian Federation aged from 18. The survey was conducted in 45 regions of the Russian Federation representing all main federal districts with the help of a representative multistage stratified pro rata sampling with the elements of random and quote sampling at different levels. The structure of sampling at different levels displayed the main economic zones of Russia, structure of the economy and employment of the population in accordance with ownership and types of economic activity, gender and age structure of the population. The survey was conducted with the use of combined methods depending on questioning conditions. Internal interviewing and a telephone survey of respondents from the remote areas were the main methods of the poll. Secondly, carrying out a selective poll of the executives of the companies and organizations where there are staff-members having the right to early retirement pension provision. The main objective is to estimate prospects of development of early-retirement non-state pension provision from the position of readiness and interest of business entities management in

4 VOLUME 1, No. 4, 2015 implementation of corporate programs. In total 250 people were polled. The survey was conducted in 45 regions of the Russian Federation using the method of purposeful selection, method of personal interview according to a semi-formalized document. The interviewed executives represented key companies and organizations of regional economies where there are staff-members having the right to early retirement pension provision. Thirdly, carrying out a selective poll of employees having the right for NSPP. The poll purpose is to estimate prospects of development of early NSPP from the point of view of readiness and interest of employees of the companies to participate in corporate pension programs. The survey was conducted using a method of internal interviewing at work place. The number of the polled employees made up 600 people selected by a quote selection taking into account gender, age, work experience, occupation. Among the set of factors and conditions, which determine the population attitude to corporate provision of pensions, the key role belongs to social ideas of the essence of pension payments, of responsibility distribution between the worker, the employer and the state for ensuring a worthy level of pension, of vital strategy and behavior models for providing the additional income on reaching the retirement age. All these factors dictate to the person a certain line of conduct, which is expressed in social preferences and orientations to social participation in different types and forms of non-state pension provision. During the sociological poll of the population a rather high extent of polarization of the respondents’ representations concerning a number of key principles of reforming the pension system have came to light. To trace the dynamics of the respondents’ representations change on these points we compared them with the results of a similar survey on the NSPP development conducted by the Russian Public Opinion Research Center (VCIOM) last year. The attitude of respondents towards the principle of mutual responsibility of the state, the employer and the employee in the system of pension provision in 2015 practically has not changed a lot in comparison with 2014. As well as in the previous year, equal shares of participants of the research consider the state and all mentioned participants (44%) responsible for providing a worthy level of pension. All this demonstrates the growth of mutual partner participation of all parties – the state, the employer, the employee in providing a worthy level of pension. The conducted survey testifies to a low awareness of the population about corporate pension provision. Answering the questionnaire, only 6% of respondents pointed to their high awareness. Comparison of these data with the results of the last-year research showed that in general the awareness on corporate provision of pensions has increased by 10.0%? the fact that can prove the increase of public interest in the problems of pension provision in general. The sociological research showed that despite a low awareness of the population about the system of corporate pension provision, after receiving a detailed explanation of the principles of corporate pension provision implementation, a vast majority of respondents (67%) support the idea of developing the corporate pension provision in Russia. Dynamics of recent year changes shows that the percentage of people supporting the idea of the corporate pension provision (CPP) has decreased (-2.8%) a little, however, the share of firm supporters of corporate pension provision has increased by 11%. High percentage of support by the population drawn during the research and readiness for voluntary participation in the corporate pension provision at a much lower level of awareness can reveal the fact that image and reputation of corporate pension provision is at a rather high level. It is connected with a positive connotation of the concept “corporate”, which is perceived as something carried out at the expense of the company, at the expense of the employer, some kind of pension “from the company”. The answers of respondents about the questionnaire testify to it. 60.7% of respondents are ready to join the corporate pension provision (CPP). It offers good prospects for mass participation of the population in corporate pension programs and creates necessary

5 CONTEMPORARY PROBLEMS OF SOCIAL WORK prerequisites for involvement of workers in the system of the corporate pension provision (CPP) at their enterprises when it starts working. Further answers of respondents show that even if they are included in the corporate program without their consent and will, the majority will remain, and will not leave the program. Comparison of the results of the past and current year research shows preservation of public moods on the matter. There is an insignificant decrease in the share of those, who precisely remains in the program (-6,4%), and a corresponding growth of the share of those, who expressed the opinion of leaving the program. In general, the trend is rather positive and testifies to prospects of the CPP development. Distribution of the respondents’ answers to the question of what percent they are ready to transfer into their own savings account monthly also testifies to it. In 2014 the average percentage was 5%, in the current year the average value is 7.4%. Thus, it is possible to tell that citizens in general are ready to participate in programs of corporate pension provision not only by word of mouth, but also transfer considerable percentage in practice. The conducted research demonstrated rather a big gap between quite positive attitude of respondents to corporate pension provision and a low public awareness about these programs and their roles in a correct life model of economic behavior and strategy of the future pension provision. In our opinion, the reason is a low level of real participation of working-age Russians in corporate pension programs. The provided data of the previous and current year’s research show that for most of the respondents real ongoing efforts for providing the additional income to pensions are characterized by realization of traditional and rather conservative strategy of economic behavior. They vary from lack of any real actions to personal savings and investments into real estate. More modern models of economic behavior connected with participation in corporate pension programs with the individual pension plan in a non-state pension fund has not been widespread yet. We may draw a conclusion that practice of implementation of corporate programs considerably lags behind real readiness and requirement of the Russian society to participate in these pension programs. Respondents’ main ideas of pension corporate provision concern the time of retirement age and the sources of income, which will make the main part of their subsistence after retirement. As the analysis of the poll results showed, the main part of respondents (40.9%) considers that their pension will be the main source of existence and the income on achieving the retirement age. 38.1% of respondents assume that for them earnings on pension remain the main sources of the income after retirement. Also citizens mentioned income gained from renting out their apartments and other real estate objects, interests on deposits, help from children. The revealed social ideas of Russians of the future income on achieving the retirement age are coordinated and correlate with their life strategy and models of economic behavior concerning the pension provision. As answers to the questionnaire show, attitude to participation in the corporate pension program has not been shown yet obviously in comparison with other types of personal life models of pension provision. During the poll of the population high interest of employees in corporate pension program has been revealed. Thus, 64% of respondents think that the employer is obliged or obliged most probably to provide employees with the corporate pension program. 65.1% of respondents support or support most probably the idea of introduction in Russia the obligatory corporate pension provision of the employees when at their first employment a personal retirement account in a non-state pension fund is opened to which all the next employers pay for him/her. The answers of respondents also show quite a high degree of appeal to able-bodied population of corporate pensions (pensions from “company”). This conclusion is confirmed by the high social request for corporate pension provision, revealed during the poll. There are prevailing requirements to employers from considerable part of the population (58.4%) to provide the employees with corporate pension without any fail.

6 VOLUME 1, No. 4, 2015

There are citizens considering that the corporate pension needs to be provided to “all workers without exception” (23.4%). Approximately the same quantity answered that “only those who co-finance the future pension” (21.3%). This fact confirms readiness of the population to participate in corporate pension programs and to account mutually for the future pension rate. As the results of the executives’ poll showed, despite rather extensive discussion in mass media and in other information sources of the new legislation entering the possibility of creating an early non-state pension provision system at non-state pension funds, which comes into force since January 1, 2017, most of respondents are still badly informed on it (68% are generally not informed, 32% – are informed). This fact testifies to the insufficient activity of executives and their interest and readiness to use new approaches in pension provision. As for the workers having the right for early-retirement pension provision, the research shows that most of respondents have rather vague ideas of the changes that are expected on the issue of practical implementation of this right pretty soon. As the results of the poll show, despite a low level of employees’ awareness of the new system of early-retirement pension provision, many respondents expressed readiness to join it. More than a half of the questioned employees expressed readiness to participate in the system of early-retirement pension provision if that is implemented by the employer at the enterprise. Concerning readiness of employers to create a system of early-retirement non-state pension provision for the workers on the terms stipulated by the current legislation, the poll revealed an extremely cautious attitude of employers to the creation of such system. The research demonstrated the unwillingness of enterprises’ executives with workers employed in specific working conditions and have a right for early-retirement to create system of non-state pension provision regardless of the conditions of its implementation. In our opinion, it is explained by unwillingness of a part of employers to take the responsibility for early-retirement workers and improvement of their working conditions and desire to leave the issue of their pension provision to the state. At the same time, we can see employers’ awareness about risks and unwillingness to reduce the level of workers’ pension provision. As well as any new undertaking, implementing of the new system of early non-state pension provision causes both new expectations and hopes, and certain fears and alarm. Among potential pluses and advantages of the offered non-state pension provision there is confidence in the future pension as the system is funded, and the state will not be able to change the rule of calculation of pension significantly. It was mentioned by 44.8% of respondents, who support the planned changes. Respondents called the new system more fair as the rate of pension provision would depend on the duration of a special pensionable service and also more clear and transparent as pension rates are on an individual retirement account, and the saved-up money is inherited. In the same time, among disadvantages of the new system and concerns connected with it, people noted its low comprehensibility and low ability to increase pension significantly. About 20% of respondents noted that they do not want to pay their own money as contributions, even on condition that the state co-finances early-retirement pensions. Such results allow confirming the conclusions drawn earlier about weak awareness of citizens not only about the coming changes, but also about the current systems of pension provision and functioning of non-state pension provision funds. As the results of the poll show, such attitude toward the new system of non-state pension provision in many respects determines readiness of employees to join its conditions. Among important factors and conditions connected with the attitude of employees working in specific conditions towards early-retirement pension provision, during the research two key issues were considered. First, level of their support of an independent choice of options for formation of the rights for early-retirement pension. Secondly, degree of their readiness to

7 CONTEMPORARY PROBLEMS OF SOCIAL WORK switch from the state system into non-state system provided that the early pension formed within the second system will be less than within the first one. As the conducted survey shows, the overwhelming majority of workers (63.3%) support the offer on granting an alternative choice of early pension rights’ formation to the workers employed in specific working conditions. At the same time, a certain part of workers (36.7%) treat this idea extremely carefully and circumspectly. The analysis of results of the poll also revealed high degree of readiness of employees to agree to transition from the state to non-state system, even in case the early pension formed within non-state system is less than the one formed within the state system (42.0%). Though, of course, in general the number of opponents of such transition is certainly more, than of its supporters. As a whole, if we compare the attitude of employees and employers toward the new system of early retirement in the non-state pension system, it is possible to draw a conclusion that support of the on-going transformations and innovations from the employees is shown much more obviously than from the employers. Employees are informed better than employers of the plans of implementing early non-state pension provision (28.0% against 18.8%), express greater approval and support of innovations (41.4% against 33.6%), show apparent willingness to participate in the new system (52.0% of workers are ready to participate in it against 19.6% of employers ready to create this system on the conditions provided by new legislation). As a result, it is possible to formulate the main objectives of a new stage of development of corporate pension provision: • Development of mechanisms of the state support and stimulation of the sector of corporate pension provision; • Development of standard and legislative base and institutional environment for the development of corporate pension provision; • Creation of favorable economic conditions and necessary tax incentives for developing the system of corporate pension provision at the enterprises; • Increase of availability of corporate programs of non-state pension provision for all probable participants; • Increase of awareness and literacy of the population about the issues of non-state pension provision. Let me thank the customer of the research – the Non-state pension fund “BLAGOSOSTOYANIE” and also researchers and educational specialists of Russian State Social University who took part in the research “Carrying Out Complex All-Russian Research of Prospects of Development of Non-state Pension Provision” [1].

References 1. Maloletko A.N., Vinogradova M.V., Kaurova O.V., Babakaev S.V., Bashkirova E.I., Bataev V.V. Report on Scientific Research «Carrying Out Complex All-Russian Research of Prospects of Development of Non-State Pension Provision». – 5 November, 2015. Reg. № 115110550025.


Belyakov A.V., associate professor, deputy head of the Department of criminal and penitentiary law, Samara Law Institute of the Federal Service of Executing Punishments of Russia. E-mail: [email protected] UDC 34 DOI 10.17922/2412-5466-2015-1-4-9-12

Anent Investigation of Operation Disorganization of Institutions Providing Isolation From Society

Receiving date: Preprint date: Taking to print date: 24.08.2015 09.11.2015 10.12.2015

Annotation: The study considers some issues of investigation of disorganization of operation of institutions providing isolation from society. Particularly, there are considered legal and organizational issues of certain investigative proceedings. Key words: disorganization of operation of institutions providing isolation from society, view of accident place, examination, interrogation, witnesses.

Problems of combating crimes in correctional facilities are the subject of study of many experts. Procedural aspects explored Aleksandrova O.P. [1], Birmamitova S.A. [3], Krymov A.A. [5], Pudakov E.R.[11], Rodicheva T.P. [12], Problems as to criminal maintenance of investigation of crimes in penitentiary system addressed in his works, Valeev A.T. [15], Larin S.B. [7], Lutynski A.M. [8], Nuzhdin A.A.[10], Shurunov N.G. [14]. The most specific of them disorganization of operation of institutions providing isolation from society and jailbreak. The last investigation is dedicated to the work Gryazeva N.V. [4], Morozova R.M. [9] and other authors, of the crime envisaged by article 321 of the criminal code are almost without attention. The level of their execution is at a high level, which determines the need for further research. Problems of investigation of disorganization of operation of institutions providing isolation from society are very pressing issues. It is prescribed by aims and purposes of Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia and existing dynamics of considered crimes commission. Those negative developments are mostly implemented in conditions of obviousness, which in conjunction with high concentration of persons within correctional institution (CI) provides the presence of a great number of ideal traces of a crime. In such circumstances, the significance of crime material traces grows sharply, which is determined by minimal subjective impact on them.


Meanwhile study of criminal cases on disorganization of operation of institutions providing isolation from society founded out that the accident place view was carried out only in each fourth-fifth case (23.4%) [2]. For reference, in cases of damage to the health this investigative action was carried out for 55.3% accidents [13]. The reason for the current situation is a mistaken opinion of some officers carrying out the investigation that there are no traces at the scene of the accident (41% of the examined CI officers), for taking a decision on case there is enough information from other sources (as a rule, this information contain protocols of interrogation of injured, witness, suspected (accused) (57.8% of the examined CI officers) [2]. However the mentioned circumstances by no means are the reasons for refusal from conducting of the considered investigative action. Firstly, the accident place view gives an opportunity for unbiased determination of crime event (see item 1 part 1 article 73 of Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation). Secondly, the persons giving testimony in the course of preliminary inquiry, not necessarily confirm their testimony at court. Thirdly, at the scene of the accident even under disadvantaged circumstances can stay the traces of a crime [6]. The vast majority of studied protocols of inspection (86.2%) were prepared by CI officers, which is not a surprise in our opinion and imposed by urgency of the considered investigative action and impossibility of timely coming of the investigator to the scene of the accident [2]. However, such practice has some disadvantages, among which can be mentioned delayed and low quality inspection of accident place. According to survey results, 35.8% of the examined CI field officers do not possess sufficient competence for carrying out of accident place inspection. 40% defined wrong or didn’t define the aim of the inspection [2]. The above mentioned leads to the conclusion about the low level of judiciary and criminalistical training of CI officers and their negligent attitude to preparation stage of the considered investigative action. The solving of the indicated problem can be in further training of penal system officers based on respective educational institutions. Such a training (retraining) has to be passed first of all by the CI field officers, since they implement the authority of investigative agency according to the common practice. The training (retraining) program should contain the following topics: legal basis of the CI officers’ activities implementing the authority of investigative agency, procedure of criminal case initiation, jurisdictional and tactical (criminalistical) basis of certain investigative actions. At the present time the issue of involving witnesses for investigative actions in CI has not been solved yet. Without giving specifics of the discussion we offer our opinion on this issue. In CI, there is no problem with the absence of persons that could be involved as witnesses. The Law does not contain any special provisions limiting possibility to involve as witnesses when conducting inspection of accident place within the territory of CI among convicted or CI officers without a right to carry out investigative activities. As a prime factor determining the problem of selection of witnesses among convicted there should be admitted a tactical reasonability which, as a rule, is conditioned by the need of safeguarding of inspection results. A pressing issue is an interest of the convicted in the outcome of certain cases. Such interest can be determined by: participation in crime; membership in criminal organization, the members of which had committed the crime; moral solidarity with criminals dictated by the norms of subculture; pressure from convicted; pressure from CI officers, procedural status of criminal proceeding party. Among reasons for interest of CI officers in criminal case outcome there can be defined: commission of a crime in relation to CI officer, and as a result moral solidarity and wish to punish guilty person by any and all means; commission of a crime by a convicted, who has positive or negative relationships with CI officer; pressure from the higher CI officials. There are some problems when carrying out of inspections like examination.

10 VOLUME 1, No. 4, 2015

It should be pointed out that under the conditions of shortage of material traces of the considered crimes the bodies conducting inquiry and preliminary investigation neglect the opportunity of examination. Such a practice results in determining the fact of force application by court either based on information provided by the parties of the criminal proceedings, or based on information from the medical examination acts. In a certain degree the problem can be resolved by amendments in the procedural law intended to determination of subjects, which have right to carry out examination as well as permission for this investigative action even in cases of obligatory carrying out of examination. For this purpose the following measures should be taken: From the part 1 article 179 of Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation should be excluded the phrase: “if for it there is not needed forensic investigation” and shall be revised to read: “For finding out body marks, traces of crime, bodily injuries, detecting of drunkenness or other characteristics and evidences relevant to criminal proceeding, there can be carried out an examination of suspected, accused, injured, witness with the person’s consent, excluding cases when examination is needed for confidence estimation of the person’s testimony. For pressing cases, examination can be carried out prior to criminal case initiation”; From the parts 2,3,4 article 179 of Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation the word “investigator” should be excluded. They should be amended as follows: “2. A decree should be issued on carrying out of examination, which is obligatory for the examined person. 3. If necessary, a doctor or other specialist can be drawn for examination. 4. When carrying out examination of person of opposite sex with denudation of this person the examination is to be carried out by a doctor”. For the purposes of determination of reasons of occurrence of injuries on the body of suspected (accused) by the CI officers, using violence in relation to the detained, in the report there must be indicated the injuries of the detained in the course of detaining. Specific of interrogations for the considered category of cases is determined by: nature of a crime, specific investigative situation; specific nature of the persons being interrogated; specific nature of the circumstances, which are to be determined, specific atmosphere in CI. The indicated specific nature determines the necessity of classification of interrogatees on cases on disorganization of operation of institutions providing isolation from society on the below mentioned grounds: relating to correctional facility depending on procedural status of interrogatee, depending on chosen course of actions of suspected (accused); depending on information from witnesses, depending on relation of the parties to the criminal procedure. With reference to specific features of investigation of considered crimes there is recommended to conduct interrogation of the parties of criminal procedure in the below sequence: 1) injured, 2) eye-witnesses among convicted, 3) suspected, 4) eye-witnesses among CI officers. The offered sequence can be changed depending on real investigative situation. The offered qualifications, sequence of interrogations, list of circumstances subject to detecting in the considered cases category allow to draw up an interrogations program of different parties of criminal proceeding. There are some problems when execution of searches within investigation of considered crimes. Lack of procedural searches practice in investigation of the considered crimes is determined by a possibility of conduction of secure searches and examinations under a simplified procedure. Under inadmissibility of substitution of procedural searches with secure ones in practice there nevertheless arise situations when conduction of secure searches can have positive impact on investigation of disorganization of operation of institutions providing isolation from society. In such a case, the choice between secure and investigative action is determined by tactical practicability.


Dispute on existing within CI rooms with dwelling status in our opinion is to be decided for its absence within CI. Finally, it should be mentioned that research of problems connected to investigation of disorganization of operation of institutions providing isolation from society allowed to find out multitude of problems, which are unpossible to mention within this work. This work presents only some of them, which drew author’s attention. Solving proposals for indicated problems should have positive impact on effectiveness of investigation.

References 1. Aleksandrova O.P. Production by the Investigative Bodies of the Criminal Executive System of Urgent Investigative Actions: Dis. ... candidate. the faculty of law. Sciences. – M., 2006. 210 P. 2. Belyakov A.V. A Methodology for the Investigation of Disorganization of Operation of Institutions Providing Isolation From Society: Dis. ... candidate. the faculty of law. Sciences. – Pskov, 2010. 215 P. 3. Birmamitova S.A. The Proof at the Pre-Trial Stages of Criminal Proceedings in Cases of Crimes Committed by Convicts in Correctional Colonies: Dis. ... candidate. the faculty of law. Sciences. – M., 2007. 201 P. 4. Gryazeva N.V. A Methodology for the Investigation of Jailbreak: author. Diss. ... candidate. the faculty of law. Sciences. – M., 2014. 27 P. 5. Krymov A.A. The Criminal Procedure Activity of Bodies and Establishments of Criminally- Executive System of Russia: author. dis. ... Doc. the faculty of law. Sciences. – M., 2015. 59 P. 6. Kulagin N.Y. Organization and Tactics of the Preliminary Investigation in Places of Deprivation of Liberty. Proc. allowance. Volgograd – 1977. P. 40. 7. Larin S. B. Peculiarities of Preliminary Investigation of Crimes Committed by Leaders and Members of Organized Criminal Groups in Places of Deprivation of Liberty: a monograph / S. B. Larin. – M.: Yurlitinform, 2015. 168 P. 8. Lutynski A. M. Tactics of Interrogation of Participants in Criminal Proceedings From Among the Persons Sentenced to Deprivation of Liberty: Dis. ... candidate. the faculty of law. Sciences. – Vladimir, 2006. 198 P. 9. Morozov R. M. Features of the Initial Stage of the Investigation of Jailbreak / R.M. Morozov: author. dis. ... candidate. the faculty of law. Sciences. – Vladimir, 2012. 22 P. 10. Nuzhdin A. A., Investigation of Fraud Committed by Prisoners in the Penitentiary System With the Use of Cellular Mobile Communication Systems: author. dis. ... candidate. the faculty of law. Sciences. – M., 2013. 25 P. 11. Pudakov E. R. Criminal Procedure Activity of Bodies and Establishments of Criminally- Executive System of Russia: author. diss. ... candidate. the faculty of law. Sciences. – Vladimir, 2008. 21 P. 12. Rodicheva T.P. The Use of Results of Operatively-Search Activity the Detection and Investigation of Crimes Related to Trafficking in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances: author. Diss. ... candidate. the faculty of law. Sciences. – M., 2006. 23 P. 13. Sakharova E. G. Investigation of Damage to Health / ed. by V. P. Lavrov. M.: Publishing House “Yurlitinform”, 2007. P. 81. 14. Shurunov N. G. Investigation and Prevention of Crimes Committed by Prisoners in Corrective Labour Institutions: Dis. ... d-r Jurid. Sciences. – M., 1991. 475 P. 15. Valeev A. T. The Tactic of Search and Seizure in the Production of Investigation of Crimes Committed on the Territory of the Penitentiary System (The Scientific and Legal Basis): Dis. ... candidate. the faculty of law. Sciences. – M., 2006. – 227 P.

REFERENCE TO ARTICLE Belyakov, A.V. (2015) Anent Investigation of Operation Disorganization of Institutions Providing Isolation From Society, Contemporary Problems of Social Work. Vol. 1. No. 4. P. 9–12. DOI: 10.17922/2412-5466-2015-1-4-9-12 (International bibliographic description).

12 VOLUME 1, No. 4, 2015

Golovkin R.B., doctor of law, professor, deputy head of Vladimir Law Institute Federal Penal Service of Russia. E-mail: [email protected] UDC 34 DOI 10.17922/2412-5466-2015-1-4-13-19

Some Aspects of Penal Law Theory

Receiving date: Preprint date: Taking to print date: 26.08.2015 09.11.2015 10.12.2015

Annotation: The article is devoted to the study of specific effect of penal law on public relations, to theory and practice of these processes. Key words: penal law, law, relations within penal law, a penal officer, a convict, an inmate, effect of penal law.

Law is a means of providing functioning of the society organized as a state in all spheres of its life and activity. In other words law is an instrument of regulating public relations. Variety of public relations determines group specialization in their regulation. These groups denominate the subsystem of legal norms which regulate relations within the given group. The regularity of the effect of law on public relations and the reverse effect of relations on law fully concern the area of penal law. Penal law is a system of legal norms regulating penal relations. There are other more detailed definitions of this term, for example «penal law is a regulating and enforcing system combining legal norms which state/confirm the rules of possible, obligatory behavior of the subjects of penal relations (penal legal norms), determine mechanisms of their realization and responsibility for offenders» [4]. It is obvious that legal regulation includes two stages: law-making and application of law. However, the practice shows that penal norms do not always adequately effect relations within penal law and not all penal relations are covered by penal norms. The Conception of Development of Penal System of the Russian Federation till 2020” proves this: «In spite of considerable changes the country has undergone lately the penal system mostly preserved features of previous penal system which was oriented on a different society. It does not take into consideration current economic situation, integration of the Russian Federation into international legal field, international standards of treatment of inmates and development of civil society» [11]. I think this situation is conditioned by a complex of different causes and circumstances. It is clear that contradictions in legal regulation and its basis – theory of legal regulation and application of law – cause the problem. It often happens that the effect of regulation (including penal regulation) does not always coincide with the idea of a law-maker, the purpose of regulatory effect. This results in a question about correlation of regulation including penal regulation and application of penal law. Studying this issue it is necessary to take into account the following circumstances. First, in public practice penal regulation is often identified with the effect of penal law because it implies the result – to regulate penal relations with the help of penal law wherein the stage of penal law-making is not considered.


Second, the necessity to study the effect of law which is viewed as the real effect of law on specific public relations is more and more underlined in law books [5, 2, 12]. The term «еthe effect of law» characterizes the final sage of penal regulation – realization of penal law, wherein the effect of penal law is not confined by its observing, enforcing and applying. On the contrary, it displays the variety of reflections of penal law in penal relations including those precepts of law which have not been implied by the legislator. The analysis of literature shows that there are traditionally two points of view on correlation between legal regulation and effect of law in the contemporary theory of law. The first view supports a wider interpretation of the term “legal regulation” according to which all kinds of the effect of law on conscience and behaviour of people must be included into legal regulation. The second view according to which ideology and upbringing are out of legal regulation opposes the first one. To sum it up, the first view defines legal regulation as effect of law, that is the whole set of different kinds and forms of the influence of law on public relations, conscience and behaviour of people. I believe the second view according to which effect of law and legal regulation present close but not identical concepts is more substantial. Thus, penal regulation should not be confused with a wider concept of penal law effect (legal effect) on penal relations on the one hand. On the other hand, effect of penal law is a part of the second stage of penal regulation – realization of penal law. This conclusion is confirmed by the problem of shadow or unofficial law which has become acute recently [2]. According to V. M. Baranov, shadow legal regulation includes a set of opinions, rituals, written guidelines etc. Yu. A. Tikhomirov defines attributes and effect of unofficial law which include: – dominants of private, group and corporate interest over acknowledged public interest; – self-regulation using non-leagl social norm; – creating alternative ways of solving issues; – quasi-legal behaviour in case of using authorized institutions (quasi-legal seizure of property by the so-called raiders); – unlawful behaviour. The author is absolutely right that shadow law either weakens positive law, or generates useful social regulators or facilitates formation of new legal regulators [12]. This conclusion confirms the necessity of widening of the concept not only of law itself, but also the effect it has on public relations. It is set forth that the term “effect of law” as well “effect of penal law” can be applied to such widening. There is no doubt that effect of penal law is a wider process than its realization, that is why it is partly wider than penal regulation. Moreover, it characterizes processes of integration of law and identity of convicts, inmates and penal officers. In the opinion of a well-known domestic legal scholar M.I. Bajtin such theoretical and practical situation is conditioned by the following circumstances: first, legal regulation is the effect of law on relations between people through specific means (legal norms, sources of law, legal capacity, active capacity, acts of application of law and other legal facts, legal relations, subjective rights and responsibilities of the parties, legal liability etc.); second, the effect of law comprises social, moral, cultural, educational etc. influence inherent to morality, science, art, and any other superstructural phenomenon including law (legal conscience, legal culture, legal education etc.). According to this conception legal regulation is a basic vital part of legal influence on public relations [1]. This position correlates with the concept of shadow or unofficial law. However, it does not fully answers the question about the essence and ways of complex effect of penal law, that is why arguments which ground a wide effect of law may be complemented.

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Third, law as well as penal law effects public relations not only from the position of morality, it takes into consideration all social norms (including «laws of the underworld»). The effect of penal law depends on the stage of its realization and the subject (a penal officer, a convict, an inmate) who perceives and interprets the effect of penal law. In practice it means that the individual who takes part in law-making or law enforcement coordinates these procedures and their results with his/her legal conscience which takes in the whole complex of social norms and other regulatory factors. This conclusion is sustained by the results of sociological studies of prosecutors, judges and penal officers taking retraining courses in Vladimir Law Institute, FPS Russia carried out in the period from April to October 2013. The study was carried out under the guidance of R.B. Golovkin with assistance of A.V. Kolomina, Yu.P. Borulenkov, M.V. Sorokin, M.V. Novikov at Vladimir Regional Court, at the Prosecutor’s Office of Vladimir city and the faculty of professional advanced training of Vladimir Law Institute, FPS Russia. Vast majority of respondents (over 86% in average) pointed to the fact that in their professional activity they are guided not only by law, but also morality, customs and other social norms. Fourth, effect of penal law covers regulatory (normative) as well as non-regulatory means which depend on the stage of regulating (individual acts), the subject (situational value regulator), and environment (natural forces). This fact was pointed to by the respondents (68% in average). Fifth, the effect of penal law is exercised not only on the relations in places of confinement, but also on the interaction between people outside penal facilities, for example, on family relations. Sixth, the effect of penal law characterizes interaction of law and penal relations in the realized form of inner convergence of penal law. This happens because multiple realization (as well as forced one) of penal law generates habitual form of behaviour of a penal officer, a convict, an inmate which finally influences convergence of penal law and behaviour of its addressees. Thus, the effect of penal law is considered as influence of the norms of penal law on the participants of penal relations which are expressed in the reflection of penal precepts in life, in behaviour of the participants of penal relations based on integration processes of regulating character of penal law and other regulatory and non-regulatory factors, on interaction between people in confinement. The effect of penal law is a complex multi-level and many-sided phenomenon involving different elements and processes aimed at the major purpose of penal law – regulation of relations between people in the sphere of execution of punishment. Externally the effect of penal law is expressed in different phenomena. Phenomena were given a special place in the works of such ancient authors as Aristotle, Democritus, Plato, Kant and others [3, 8, 13]. Summarizing on the main ideas of philosophical, psychological, pedagogical and sociological literature it may be stated that most phenomena are perceived by an individual consciously and may have subjective and objective nature. A law-maker gives no legal definition of a phenomenon, a legal phenomenon, or a phenomenon in law, neither does the contemporary legal science. The term “penal phenomenon” has not been elaborated yet. Taking into account the theoretical and practical analysis of law books, legislature and penal law enforcement we can bring to light the most significant characteristics of penal phenomena which specify the effect of penal law. First of all, it should be noted that penal law is a part of the legal phenomena and phenomena in general, but some way or another they are connected with the penal law, legal regulation of penal relations. Consequently, penal and legal phenomena have the same properties of phenomena in general, such as: the outward expression of phenomena; the presence of the subject of a phenomenon perception; the perception of the phenomenon by human senses;


awareness and conscious reflection of the individual’s ideal image of the phenomenon; subjective understanding of phenomena; the impact of events on the assessment and modeling of the behavior, as well as on actual behavior Secondly, the heterogeneity of expression and perception of the penal-legal phenomena is responsible for their diversity, hence the classification. Penal and legal phenomena can be differentiated as follows. According to the sources phenomena can be divided into objective, relatively objective, subjective and subjective-objective. Objective penal-legal phenomena – the expression of processes generally unrelated to the human influence and their results (e.g., geographic and climatic events affecting the specificity of the detention regime and convicted prisoners). Relatively objective phenomena are the expression of processes and their outcomes associated with the works of man (e.g., fencing of penal institutions). Subjective phenomena – the expression of processes and their outcomes associated with the will and human behavior (e.g., employee and convict relations); subjective-objective phenomena – the psychophysical expression of human state or behavior, expressed as a conscious and relatively controlled psychosomatic reactions of the organism (e.g., sex, mental illness, etc.). Penal and legal phenomena should be distinguished from the phenomena in the penal law. Penal and legal phenomena are the expression of various circumstances and processes that affect the action of penal law and legal behavior of employees, convicts, prisoners, the behavior of which, as a rule, is linked with the establishment, modification and termination of legal relationships (e.g., psychophysical phenomena of fear, anger and etc. causing the initiation of a particular type of behavior). Phenomena in penal law express and link the processes characterizing the very penal law and its properties (for example, penal regulations). In addition, we can assume some manifestations of emotions and feelings (such as fear) to act as a factor of the effect of penal law and penal-legal phenomenon in two ways. On the one hand, this emotion “pushes” the person to some actions or prevents from them. On the other hand, a feeling or an emotion, such as fear (deterrence) is one of the objectives of penal and legal regulations of the past and present in terms of special and general prevention of violations and enforcement, first of all, criminal penalties. Penal and legal phenomena pass through the consciousness of individuals in the form of a complex regulatory factors, processes and properties coming from the state. In this sense, sometimes even an oral appeal of correctional facility managers, in one form or another, creates in the mind of the individual specific a legal construction containing a direct or indirect (“disguised”) form a certain setting of permissions, prohibitions, positive duties, encouragings, and etc. In other words, the words or actions of heads of the institutions can act as a phenomenon caused by the action of the penal law and has certain validity. According to the oral instruction of the head of jail-3 GUFSIN Russia Novosibirsk region accused S. was transferred to another cell without filing the appropriate documents [7]. Thus, the penal-legal phenomenon is the outward expression of a variety of objective and subjective circumstances, factors that affect the legal consciousness and behavior of relations, as well as the outward expression of the establishment, modification and termination of legal relations. Based on the features of the penal-law phenomena, their properties and definitions it is “seen” that the prison legal phenomena that mediate the action of penal law are characterized by the outer side of the process. The inner side to warrant the action of penal law is a set of specific circumstances (factors) having objective or subjective properties. According the Encyclopedic Dictionary, a factor (from Latin «factor» – making – producing) is the reason, the driving force of any process, phenomenon, which determines its character or some of its features [4]. In the Dahl dictionary a factor is considered as a time of significant circumstance in any process, phenomenon [9].

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To clarify the scope and type of circumstances (factors) affecting the validity of the penal law, the author conducted a case study. Taking into account the principle of comprehensive and objective of the scientific analysis, employees of FPS Russia from more than twenty regions of Russia studying at the Faculty of retraining and advanced training of Vladimir Law Institute FPS Russia were interviewed, as well as the students of the Law Institute of Vladimir State University. A.G and N.G Stoletovs. Objectives of the study: 1. To identify the factors that affect the action of penal law and the behavior of the prison relations 2. To identify the characteristics of individual factors influencing the effect of penal law and the behavior of the prison relations. 3. To identify the features of the relationship and hierarchy of the factors contributing to the effect of penal law and relations regulated by them. 4. Identify the ways to improve the action of penal law. The time of study: October 2013. Sample: 38 profiles of the staff of the University; survey of 100 students of State University. Methodology: author’s profile. Forms and checklists for both categories of persons consisted of 4 sets of questions: one personal-biographical question and three questions relating to the problem under investigation. The questions on the subject of the research can be divided into three groups: 1) questions aimed at identifying the main factors influencing the action of penal law and the resulting behavior of the people; 2) matters relating to the volume of sources and types of hierarchy, the factors contributing to the action of penal law; 3) questions relating to the improvement of current penal law. In essence of the study: Polls suggest the hypothesis that in practice penal law doesn’t always work in the way, planned by the legislator. This situation is due to the following reasons. 1. Due to the strong tradition of nihilistic attitude to the law prevailing in our society. 2. High level of «congestion» information in the media concerning the corruption in public authorities, local governments, law enforcement agencies. 3. High importance of «thieves’ law» to the convicts. 4. Low level legal culture of both penal staff and prisoners and convicts. The main factors influencing the action of penal law and the behavior regulated by it. According to the overwhelming majority of the respondents (around 96%), natural factors – geographical, physical, climatic, et al., – influence the behavior of the staff and convicts and the action of penal law. As relatively independent of the penal legal participants’ will factors that determine the action of penal law the following ones were identified: economic factors – 98% of the staff and 84% of the students; political – 86% of the staff and 90% of the students. Relatively- independent physiological factors as the essential facts when considering the behavior and actions of penal law were noted by 75% of the staff and 85% of the students. Mental factors (fear, pursuit of pleasure, mental disorders and addictions), determining the action of penal law, were noted by 88% of the staff and 92% of the students. Available and understandable rules of penal law, as a factor that influences its action and the resulting behavior, were noted by 42% of the staff and 78% of the students. Information about the corruption in public authorities local governments, as well as in law enforcement as a negative factor of the action of penal law was noted by 64% of the staff and 52% of the students. Conflict of penal law with “thieves’ law” as a factor can minimizing the effectiveness of the penal law.


Information about the inevitability of the legal responsibility of offenders as a positive factor was noted by 88% of the staff and 72% of the students. “Bad” heredity and mental disabilities as a factor preventing the adequacy of existing penal law were noted 86% of the staff and 68% of the students. This is also evidenced by materials review «The shortcomings in the organization and supervision regime in detention centers and of the penal system» [7]. Unauthorized access of external information (e.g., mobile phones) as an obstacle to the action of penal law was noted by 84% of the staff and 78% of the students. Forms of expression, types and hierarchy of the factors determining the action penal law. Legal forms (as the main and only) manifestation of factors influencing the effect of penal law were noted by 66% of the staff and 68% of students, non-legal (as principal) forms, respectively, were mentioned by 34% of the staff and 18% of the students. The unity of the legal and non-legal forms were noted by 92% of the staff and 90% of students. Most often as the factors determining the action of the penal law, the respondents named the following circumstances: material security of institutions (92%); penal policy (84%); prison regime (96%); family education (78%); national traditions and the requirements of other social norms, including the norms of “thieves’ law” (88%); equity and quality of legal norms (82%); physical and mental health (72%). The following factors as principal or representative were named: prison regime, prison policy, legal technique (quality of requirements), and education. The ways of improving the action of penal law To make law more appropriate to the needs and aspirations of not only the prisoners but also of penal staff were offered by 78% of the staff and 9% of the students. To create the right economic situation, especially a decent level of the staff salaries, was noted by 67% of the staff and 29% of the students. To increase exactingness to the officials responsible for the administration and law-making was offered 56% of the staff and 72% of the students. To make penal law clearer and more consistent to those it’s designated for was offered 56% of the staff and 86% of the students. To consider more the principle of justice in the implementation of penal law was offered 74% of the staff and 76% of the students. To tighten the requirements of penal law in relation to the convicts was offered by92% of the staff and 8% of the students. In general, the evaluation results of the survey research showed that the hypothesis was confirmed. The action of penal law is not always implemented in accordance with penal policy and its implementation plan. In consideration of the sociological research and general theoretical analysis of law it’s possible to note the following circumstances. First, the effect of penal law is a manifestation of the impact of penal law regulations on the penal participants’ relations expressed in the reflection of the penal legal requirements for life, real behavior of penal participants’ relations, based on the integration processes regulating the exposure of penal law and other regulatory and non-regulatory factors, for the relationship of people in the state isolation. Second, factors, actions of penal law are comprehensive description of the circumstances causing the compliance, performance, use, application of penal and legal regulations, as well as other results of the impact of penal law on people’s behavior. Third, a high level of information about the corruption in public authorities, local governments, law enforcement does not contribute to the penal law, but rather on the contrary, prevents it.

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Fourth, effective penal law prevents the low level of legal culture, both of convicts and many employees (some – because of the ignorance of the law, while others – due to the lack of belief in the necessity of its action, as it is planned by the legislator). Fifth, high efficiency of “thieves’ law” leads to a decrease in the effectiveness of the penal law. Sixth, “landslide” law-making in recent years (excluding system rules) reduces the effectiveness of the penal law and the quality of legal technique in the field of enforcement.

References 1. Bajtin M. I. The Essence of Law. M., 2005. 2. Baranov V. M. Shadow law. N. Novgorod, 2002. 3. Bogdanov Ju. A. The Essence and the Phenomenon. Kirov, 1962. 4. Encyclopedic Dictionary. URL: http: // Date of circulation to the resource: 01.11.2014. 5. Golovkin R. B., Anisimova A. M. Legal Effect on Relations Between Close People. Vladimir, 2006. 6. Kant I. The Critique of Pure Reason. M., Jeksmo, 2007. 7. Letter FSIN of Russia “On the Shortcomings in the Organization and Supervision Regime in Detention Centers and Prisons of Penal System.” From 04.05.2013. Ex No. 08-10006. P.10. 8. Nikitchenko B.C. Correlation of Categories S. and I. in Marx-Lenin Philosophy. Tashkent, 1966. 9. Ozhegov Dictionary. URL: http: // (Date of circulation to the resource: 01.11.2014). 10. Romashov R.A. Penal Law // Encyclopedia for Penal Law. – Samara, Samara Law Institute of the Federal Service of Executing Punishments of Russia, 2013. 11. The Conception of Development of Penal System of the Russian Federation till 2020/ The order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated October 14, 2010. No. 1772-r. 12. Tikhomirov Ju. A. The Official and Unofficial Law // The Journal of Russian Law. 2005. No. 5. P. 80–87. 13. Vakhtomin N. K. On the Role of Categories S. and I. in Epistemology. M., 1963.

REFERENCE TO ARTICLE Golovkin, R.B. (2015) Some Aspects of Penal Law Theory, Contemporary Problems of Social Work. Vol. 1. No. 4. P. 13–19. DOI: 10.17922/2412-5466-2015-1-4-13-19 (International bibliographic description).


Markosyan A.V., candidate juridical sciences, assistant professor, Department of family and law, Russian State Social University. E-mail: [email protected] Chinaryan E.O., candidate juridical sciences, assistant professor, Department of family and law, Russian State Social University. E-mail: [email protected] UDC 34 DOI 10.17922/2412-5466-2015-1-4-20-26

Legal Aspects of the Detection and Prevention of Socially Significant Diseases in Families, Among Children and Youth

Receiving date: Preprint date: Taking to print date: 07.09.2015 09.11.2015 10.12.2015

Annotation: The article deals with the questions concerning the detection and prevention of social diseases from a legal point of view, to examine the legal base. At the same time we are talking about socially significant diseases among children and youth. Key words: minor, illness, a federal law. One of the key principles of the National Strategy of Action for Children for 2012-2017, approved by Presidential Decree [12], is protecting the health of every child. In the Russian Federation, measures have been undertaken aimed at the formation of the family and at children’s need for healthy lifestyles, general early prevention of disease, the introduction of health-technologies in all spheres of life, and the provision of ubiquitous qualified medical assistance. In this respect, mention should be made of Art. 10 of the Legal Code on basic guarantees of the rights of the child in the Russian Federation [15], according to which in order to ensure children’s rights to healthcare, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, state and municipal health care institutions are taking steps to provide children with free medical care, such as disease prevention, medical diagnosis, treatment and health work, including follow-up, medical rehabilitation of disabled children and children with chronic diseases, and physical therapy for children. It should be noted that the development and implementation of measures to prevent the emergence and spread of diseases, including socially significant diseases, includes the activities of multiple state and municipal bodies (institutions). We should not forget about the importance of institutions of preschool, secondary, vocational and higher education, as well as extension schools. For example, in accordance with the City Charter “On the prevention of the spread in the city of Moscow, the disease caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)” [6] authorized by the Government of Moscow executive authority of Moscow in the field of education, various state educational institutions of Moscow in charge of implementing

20 VOLUME 1, No. 4, 2015 educational programs ensure the implementation of programs and techniques aimed at developing students’ social safety behaviors. Moscow regional component of the state educational standard contains information block modules of interdisciplinary special lessons on HIV prevention. The guidelines on the interdisciplinary special lessons dedicated to HIV prevention are developed by a special executive Moscow-based executive organ in the healthcare sector, which is part of the Moscow Municipal Government; this organ has the mandate of the Government of Moscow executive authority of Moscow in the field of education and urban specialized agency in the field of HIV prevention. The executive organ may further involve research and educational institutions in the creation of its methodology. The content of educational programs is appropriate for the age of the students and is aimed at strengthening the family institution, the revival and preservation of spiritual and moral traditions of the family, promotion of healthy lifestyles, including the exclusion of high-risk sexual behavior, as well as the development of tolerance in relation to HIV-infected persons. The principle of priority of preventive measures in the health involves the transition from the healthcare system, which is aimed primarily at the treatment of various diseases, to a new health care system aimed at prioritizing a healthy lifestyle, at improving the functionality of the body, and at disease prevention. This principle is already part of the existing Fundamentals of Legislation of the Russian Federation on health care, and has been generally known in medicine for a long time, but it is difficult to overestimate its importance in our country, where the number of smokers and alcoholics per capita is much higher than elsewhere. This principle is covered in more detail in Art. 12 of the Legal Code, which is dedicated to the fundamentals of health protection, according to which the prioritizing of prevention in health care is guaranteed in the following ways: 1) development and implementation of a healthy lifestyle, including a program of reducing consumption of alcohol and tobacco, prevention and control of non-medical use of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances; 2) implementation of sanitation and epidemic-prevention measures; 3) implementation of measures for prevention and early detection of diseases, including prevention of socially significant diseases and control; 4) preventive and other medical examinations, clinical examination, clinical supervision, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation; 5) the implementation of measures to preserve the life and health of citizens in the process of study and work in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. «Socially significant diseases» commonly refer to those diseases, the rise and spread of which strongly correlate to socio-economic conditions. The danger of such diseases is that they cause significant damage to society and the state as a whole. Article 43 of the Federal Law “On the basis of the health of citizens in the Russian Federation” stipulates that citizens who suffer from socially significant diseases are entitled to medical assistance and follow-ups in relevant medical institutions. However, the legislation provides no definition of “socially significant diseases.” As for the list of socially significant diseases, it is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation on the basis of a high level of primary disability and mortality as well as the lower life expectancy of patients. In accordance with a decree of the Government of the Russian Federation [2] socially significant diseases include tuberculosis, sexually transmitted diseases, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, HIV, cancer, diabetes, mental and behavioral disorders, and diseases characterized by high blood pressure.


In patients suffering from socially significant diseases, the need for medical care increases proportionally to the deterioration of their condition and the emergence of complications. Their treatment requires the use of additional resources and the strengthening of the financial and technical base of health care institutions. However, a significant part in service of medical equipment currently in use is dated and cannot be guaranteed to provide high quality medication examinations and treatment of patients. There remains a high incidence of life-threatening complications from diabetes, including disabling vascular complications, such as diabetic retinopathy, diabetic nephropathy and other cardiovascular complications. Not all groups of the population covered by preventive medical examinations conducted with a view to the early detection of tuberculosis. The number of registered HIV-positive people continues to rise. The indicators for disability and mortality due to undetected malignant tumors continue to be high. The number of cases of sexually transmitted diseases among adolescents continues to go up. The number of cases of neurosyphilis is growing. Every year there is an increase in the incidence of both chronic forms of viral hepatitis B and C as well as the acute forms of viral hepatitis C. New cases of diphtheria, measles and whooping cough, as well as mumps outbreaks are constantly being recorded. There is an observable growth in the incidence of mental and behavioral disorders among the population. Annually, 60,000 people, including children, commit suicide [9]. A feature of these diseases is that some are infectious in nature (such as hepatitis, HIV), and others, while not contagious, pose a serious threat. In accordance with Article 30 of the Federal Law “On the basis of the health of citizens in the Russian Federation” prevention of infectious diseases rests with the public authorities (Ministry of Health of Russia, The Russian Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing, and other state executive bodies that protect the well- being of subjects of the Russian Federation), local government (represented by the district administrations and administration of city districts), employers, health organizations (state, municipal and private) and public associations created specifically in order to protect citizens’ rights in health care. Currently under discussion is the draft federal law “On state youth policy in the Russian Federation”, which provides for the establishment of institutions Youth Affairs. According to the creators’ design, it is these institutions that must shoulder the responsibility for the prevention of socially negative events and socially significant diseases among the young population. To date, the implementation of preventive measures has been going through several stages: - Development of programs and plans of action for the prevention of infectious diseases; - The financing of the approved programs and plans; - Implementation of measures to prevent the introduction, spread and early detection of infectious diseases; - Analysis of the implementation of measures and assessment of their effectiveness for consideration in the further prevention. At the state level, the primary emphasis of prevention of infectious diseases lies on immunoprophylaxis: the fortification of the immune response in humans through natural and synthetic means. Immunoprophylaxis of infectious diseases is the system of measures implemented to prevent, limit and eliminate the spread of infectious diseases through preventive vaccination (art. 1 of the Federal Law “On immunoprophylaxis of infectious diseases”) [16]. Preventive innoculation (vaccination) is aimed at combating infectious diseases and is based on the use of vaccines and toxoids for the protection of the population susceptible to infection.

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Vaccinations carried out to citizens in the state, municipal and private health care organizations or citizens engaged in private medical practice, with a license for medical activities (Art. 11 of the Federal Law “On immunoprophylaxis of infectious diseases”). Vaccinations carried out in public maternity hospitals and offices, health facilities in the community, health units, rural health areas, health centers, advisory centers for specific prevention and other organizations regardless of their organizational and legal form, and, in exceptional cases, at home. For immunization using registered domestic and foreign medical immunobiological preparations. The annual plan for preventive vaccination is formed in accordance with the national immunization schedule, vaccination schedule on epidemic indications, based on full consideration of children and adults conducted earlier preventive vaccination, the availability of information about long-term medical exemption, on infectious diseases, as well as the projected number of births. National Calendar of preventive vaccinations and preventive vaccination calendar on epidemic indications approved by the Order of Ministry of Health of Russia from March 21, 2014 N 125n “On approval of the National Immunization Schedule and Calendar of preventive vaccinations on epidemic indications.” [10] However, we must not forget that, in accordance with the federal law “On immunoprophylaxis of infectious diseases” citizens have the right to refuse vaccinations. Prevention of non- communicable diseases is carried out at the population, group and individual levels of public authorities, local governments, employers, health organizations, educational institutions and sports organizations, public associations by developing and implementing a system of legal, economic and social measures aimed at preventing the occurrence , Distribution and early detection of diseases, as well as reducing the risk of developing, prevent or eliminate the negative impact on the health of factors internal and external environment, promoting a healthy lifestyle. In order to combat certain types of socially significant diseases in the territory of the Russian Federation adopted a variety of laws, both at the federal and regional levels. An example is the following: Federal Law of June 18, 2001 N 77-FL “On the prevention of the spread of tuberculosis in the Russian Federation” [17]; The federal law from 30.03.1999 N 52-FL “On the sanitary-epidemiological welfare of population” [18]; The federal law from 30.03.1995 N 38-FL “On Prevention of Spread of the disease caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)” [19]; Law of the Russian Federation of 02.07.1992 N 3185-1 “On psychiatric care and guarantees of citizens’ rights in its provision [7]. The Federal Law “On protection of the health of citizens in the Russian Federation”, along with common diseases also covers the so-called “orphan” (rare) diseases. Orphan diseases are diseases that affect a small portion of the population. They occur with some frequency, are either life threatening or chronically progressive, and in the absence of treatment they can lead to the death or disability of the patient. In accordance with Article 44 of the aforementioned federal law, rare (orphan) diseases are diseases that have a prevalence of no more than 10 cases per 100,000. Note that in the world there is no single approach to classify a particular disease as rare. For example, in the US Act on rare diseases (Rare Disease Act) of 2002, rare disease is defined as “a disease or condition affecting fewer than 200,000 people in the United States,” or about 1 person in 1500. In Japan, rare diseases are defined as diseases affecting fewer than 50000 patients, or about 1 in 2500. The European Commission on Public Health defines rare diseases as life-threatening or chronic serious illnesses that have such low prevalence rates in the population that to study

23 CONTEMPORARY PROBLEMS OF SOCIAL WORK them and deal with them requires special effort overall. Low prevalence rates in the population usually correspond to less than 1 case in 2000. In the medical literature, a similar definition is adopted, with the prevalence rates ranging from 1 in 1,000 to 1 in 200,000. The list of rare (orphan) diseases in Russia is generated by the authorized federal executive body on the basis of statistical data and is posted on its official website on the Internet. Today, such a list is published on the official website of the Ministry of Health [3] and it includes 216 different disease categories. However, the RF Government Decree of April 26, 2012 № 403 delineates the procedure for the treatment of finance from the budget of the subjects of the Russian Federation for 24 rare diseases. According to the report of the Ombudsman for 2014, which was published in May 2015 in Russia, there are about 13 thousand patients with orphan diseases; nearly half of them are children [4]. As of March 2015 in the Federal Register of persons suffering from life-threatening and chronic progressive rare (orphan) diseases, data were available for 7038 children [14]. As in many areas of health care, and in the case of orphan diseases in particular, there are a number of difficulties that need to be addressed [13]. Among these difficulties, the first one to note is the diagnosis of these diseases. This is due to the fact that in our country there are no special schools for the training of medical specialists in the field. Secondly, there are no teaching materials for the treatment of rare diseases. There are cases where medical institutions in the regions of Russia refused to treat patients with orphan diseases because of the lack of standards in health care, referring to part 1 of article 37 of Law on Health. In accordance with this article, medical care is organized and carried out in accordance with the orders of medical care, binding on the territory of the Russian Federation by all medical organizations, as well as standards-based care. However, the Russian Ministry of Health gave an explanation on this issue, stating that the absence of standards of care for individual diseases (conditions) is not a ground for refusal of medical care [8]. Finally, the most important issue in the field of diagnosis of rare diseases is the lack of a network of medical and diagnostic centers for orphan diseases. Unfortunately, as of today, such centers only exist in Moscow. With regard to serious problems such as medication supply and financing of the treatment of orphan diseases, the situation is even more complicated [11]. At the end of July 2015, a new version of the Federal law “On Circulation of Medicinal Products” came into force [1]. This Act is first to introduce the concept of “orphan drugs”, which are defined as medicinal products intended exclusively for the diagnosis or treatment of rare diseases. Thus the organization of examination of medicinal products, ethical review of the possibility of a clinical trial of the drug for medical use, as well as the examination of the documents submitted to determine whether to consider the drug for medical use in the state registration as orphan medicinal product, are granted to the federal executive authorities. In June of 2015 the Ministry of Health put up for public discussion a draft departmental order “On approval of the volume of the information necessary for the formation of the section of clinical documents for state registration of orphan drug.” In order to obtain the state registration for orphan medicinal product for the formation of the section of clinical documentation, reports on the results of clinical studies on bioavailability studies, the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic studies as well as clinical efficacy and safety studies and post-registration experience (if available) must be submitted. In planning and conducting clinical trials of an orphan drug for the purpose of implementation of the program of clinical studies, an abbreviated program, consisting of one clinical trial of the efficacy and safety after the initial study of drug safety, must be undertaken. Today already expedited examinations of the orphan drugs are permitted [20]. However, despite all these measures, for the vast majority of patients with orphan diseases, the purchase of medicinal products is a luxury. Therefore, the only opportunity for them to

24 VOLUME 1, No. 4, 2015 obtain these products is through the assistance of the state. A.10 Part 1 of Article 16 of the Law on Health among the powers of state power of subjects of the Russian Federation in the field of public health specifices organizations providing citizens with drugs and specialized clinical nutrition products for the treatment of diseases included in the list of life-threatening and chronic progressive rare (orphan) diseases that can shorten the duration of life of the citizen, or lead to disability. In accordance with the report of the Commissioner for Human Rights in 2014, the need for financing the treatment of rare diseases amounted to about 26 billion rubles. Thus the total costs for the Russian Federation, according to various estimates, come to 9 billion rubles. It is an enormous burden for the budgets of many subjects. The cost of drugs for rare disease patients exceeds the cost of funding the entire population of patients with more common diseases such as cancer. For this reason, many patients with orphan diseases go untreated. The situation is particularly dire in the North-Western, Volga and Far Eastern Federal Districts, in Vladimir, Moscow, Yaroslavl and Ivanovo regions. Annually in Russia, as a result of delayed receipt of medical assistance hundreds of children with rare diseases die. These data again point to the need for urgent reform of the current legislation in the field of orphan diseases. This particularly applied to the so-called “Seven diseases program.” In 2008, the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation № 2053-P approved a “list of centrally procured drugs for the treatment of patients with malignant neoplasms of lymphoid, haematopoietic and related tissue, hemophilia, cystic fibrosis, pituitary dwarfism, Gaucher disease, multiple sclerosis, as well as treatment following organ and/or tissue transplantation, to be covered by the federal budget.” For all other disease, it was decided by the of the Russian Federation in 2014, that the function of drug provision program “7 Diseases” will be transferred from the federal to the regional level only in 2018 (instead of 1 January 2015, as originally provided for in Article 101 Federal Law “On the basis of health protection in the Russian Federation.”) This decision was justified by the fact that the decentralization of public procurement will lead to inefficient use of budgetary funds. According to the experts, the number of trades is increased to not less than 83 times. Accordingly, it would be greatly increased volumes of overhead in the form of labor and time costs. The experts also felt that the transfer of the “7 Diseases” to the regional funding has meant that pharmaceutical manufacturers have not been able to participate in such an amount of trades. Instead, this would be done by numerous intermediaries, which in turn would lead to a substantial increase in the price of the already expensive drugs. Thus, by changing the terms of the transfer of the program from the federal to regional funding, lawmakers had hoped that during this time they will be able to resolve all of the questions and check the solutions in the course of pilot projects in selected regions of Russia [5]. Today in Russia, both the registered number of diagnosed diseases and treatment costs are significantly higher than those specified in the “7 Diseases” program. That is why in the recent years, more and more officials take the initiative on the financing of the treatment of patients with rare diseases out of the federal budget. In 2013, at the State Duma of the Russian Federation, it was proposed to review and amend the law on health care. In particular: 1. In Article 14, which lists the powers of the federal authorities in the field of health, to introduce a new authorization for the organization to ensure that the citizens have access to medicinal and health products for the treatment of orphan diseases. 2. In Article 16, listing the powers of the bodies of state power of subjects of the Russian Federation in the field of health, to exclude similar powers. 3. In Article 83, which discloses the source of financial support to citizens providing medical and rehabilitation care, add a clause that entrusts the budget of the Russian Federation to finance the needs of citizens for registered drugs for the treatment of diseases included in the list of life-threatening and rare chronic progressive (orphan) diseases.


In July 2014 the Government of the Russian Federation has addressed the Human Rights Ombudsman of the Russian Federation with a request to instruct the relevant federal executive authorities to resolve the issue of the change of legal regulation of relations pertinent to the provision of necessary medical care, including the provision of medicines for people suffering from orphan diseases. However, we note with regret that the deputies rejected the all-still above the bill.

References 1. «Federal Law of 12.04.2010 N 61-FL» On Circulation of Medicines «(rev. And ext., Joined. In force from 07.24.2015). 2. Government Decree of 01.12.2004 No. 715 (ed. by 13.07.2012) “On Approving the List of Socially Significant Diseases, and the List of Diseases That Pose a Danger to Others”. 3. 4. 5. goda 6. Law of Moscow of 26.05.2010 No. 21 (ed. by 07.16.2014) “On the Prevention of the Spread in the City of Moscow, the Disease Caused by the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)”. 7. Law of the Russian Federation of 02.07.1992 No. 3185-1 (ed. by 10.14.2014) “On Psychiatric Care and Guarantees of Citizens’ Rights in its Provision”. 8. Letter From the Ministry of Health of Russia 19.02.2014 No. 12-6 / 432 Vyksa City Court of Nizhny Novgorod Region in the Civil Case No. 2-349.2014. 9. Order of the RF Government of 11.12.2006 No. 1706-p/The Concept of the Federal Target Program “Prevention and Control of Social Diseases (2007 – 2011 years)” 10. Order of the Russian Ministry of Health from 21.03.2014 No. 125n “On Approval of the National Immunization Schedule and Calendar of Preventive Vaccinations on Epidemic Indications” (Registered in the Ministry of Justice of Russia 25.04.2014 N 32115). 11. Podvyaznikova M.V. Drug Provision of Persons Suffering From Rare (Orphan) Diseases.Russian Law Journal. 2014. No. 3 (96). P. 174–185. 12. Presidential Decree of 01.06.2012 No. 761 “On the National Strategy of Action for Children for 2012–2017” 13. Romanovsky G.B. Legal Basis Medical Assistance for Citizens Suffering From Rare (Orphan) Diseases Manager of Health. 2013. No. 7. P. 21–27 14. Sokolovа M.G. Modern Look at Orphan Diseases in Children. Modern Medicine: topical issues. 2013. No. 23. P. 62–67. 15. The Federal Law From 24.07.1998 No. 124-FL (ed. by 07.13.2015) “On Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation” 16. The Federal Law From 17.09.1998 No. 157-FL (ed. BY 31.12.2014, as amended. On 04.06.2015) “On Immunization” 17. The Federal Law From 18.06.2001 No. 77-FL (ed. by 02.05.2015) “On the Prevention of the Spread of Tuberculosis in the Russian” 18. The Federal Law From 30.03.1999 No. 52-FL (ed. by 13.07.2015) “On the Sanitary- Epidemiological Welfare of Population” (rev. and ext., joined. In force from 07.24.2015) 19. The Federal Law From 30.03.1995 No. 38-FL (ed. by 31.12.2014, as amended. On 03.12.2015) “On Prevention of Spread of the Disease Caused by the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)” 20. Tyurina I.V, Baryshev P.M, Zhikhareva L.V. The Issue of Rare Diseases and Federal Law on Orphan Drugs. Clinical Gerontology. 2010. Vol. 16. No. 9–10. P. 94.

REFERENCE TO ARTICLE Markosyan, A. V. & Chinaryan, E. O. (2015) Legal Aspects of the Detection and Prevention of Socially Significant Diseases in Families, Among Children and Youth, Contemporary Problems of Social Work. Vol. 1. No. 4. P. 20–26. DOI: 10.17922/2412-5466-2015-1-4-20-26 (International bibliographic description).


Emelyanov S.N., candidate of pedagogical sciences, assistant professor, chief of Vladimir Law Institute, Federal Penal Service of Russia. E-mail: [email protected] Erin D.A., assistant professor, Department of state and law studies , candidate of law sci- ences, assistant professor, Vladimir Law Institute, Federal Penal Service of Russia. E-mail: [email protected] UDC 37 DOI 10.17922/2412-5466-2015-1-4-27-33

Specific Features of Initial Training of the Penal and Interior Systems Staff in the Russian Empire and the RSFSR (late 19th – first quarter of the 20th centuries)

Receiving date: Preprint date: Taking to print date: 27.08.2015 09.11.2015 10.12.2015

Annotation: The paper considers specific features of the prison and militia staff training in a historic retrospective. Key words: penal system, prison staff, the Interior system staff, initial training. Initial training has always been a major element in the system of personnel training for the agencies responsible for the execution of criminal sanctions, peace-keeping operations, and fighting crime in any state irrespective of the forms of government, political regime, or other factors. Since the time of their establishment up to date, domestic militia and penal agencies have been facing the problem of recruitment of low- and middle-rank personnel. Lack of personnel with at least a minimum initial training who were capable of performing duties of executing sentences and keeping law and order has been a critical issue. As a result of operation of the Russian law-enforcement bodies (the police and the prison system) during the pre-revolutionary period, especially after the abolition of serfdom and transition to bourgeois and capitalist relationships and development of legislature, complete inability of low-rank police and prison personnel to perform their duties in conformity with the 27 CONTEMPORARY PROBLEMS OF SOCIAL WORK law was revealed. This situation was intolerable not only for the common citizens, but for the Internal Affairs leadership. The latter set the task to ensure initial training of low-rank policemen (constables, police officers, and guards), prison servicemen, as well as mid-level executives. The first training unit for initial -level police officers was set up in 1867 at the Police Department of Saint-Petersburg and was called «Police Reserve». Under its supervision, there was a school of city and village constables. The former were trained during two weeks with an emphasis on law and their duties; the latter got a month-long training, focusing on the laws of the Russian Empire, Interior Ministry and local government acts which regulated the rights and responsibilities of the police. Upon the completion of the course, a final exam was taken. Those who did not pass it had to take the training course again or were expelled from the school with no right to apply to the metropolitan police [13]. Since that time up till late 1920s, similar initial training centers in the Russian and later – in the Soviet – state were called «reserves». By the end of the 19th century – early 20th century the network of initial police training institutions (schools, courses, reserves) for low- and middle-rank personnel gradually increased. However, unlike metropolitan and big provincial cities, police officers` training was mainly concentrated at the county-level police personnel of village constables and guards, while city constables were enrolled only if there were vacancies. It is worth mentioning that, as a rule, local governors initiated the establishment of such training institutions: with the approval of the Ministry of Internal Affairs they began to open schools for the training of police constables [2]. The first school of police constables was opened in Perm in 1880. These schools were subordinated to the Police Department chief of a provincial city and the city governor. The training period varied from one to four months; the curriculum was designed at the local level and changed depending on the proficiency of the students and local specific features of the province and even county. Police constables attended the course of lectures on crime detection, techniques of interrogation of suspects and the accused, methods of criminals` apprehension, convoying of the arrestees. They were also taught searching and surveillance methods and investigation of such crimes as murder, theft and burglary, arson, horse stealing and poisoning [10]. To be able to provide first aid to victims of accidents, the students studied the course of primary medical care. In 1913 the Ministry of Internal Affairs approved of the consolidated curriculum for training police constables. General and legal education of this category of servicemen was considerably improved. Police constables were to study the Special part of the Criminal and Penal Codes, articles and sections of various statutes, the Code of Laws of the Russian Empire, which determined administrative and criminal procedures of the police personnel, as well as the Interior Ministry` s regulations and decisions of governors [2]. Such schools were supposed to enhance professional development of police constables and to strengthen police forces of the Russian Empire in general. Taking into account the tasks of the current research, «A Concise Course of Crime detection» is worth mentioning. The course was designed and taught at Ufa School of police constables by Ufa county chief constable M.D. Nesterov. In the Preface to his Course, M.D. Nesterov contends that «the need for such a guide is felt both by the teachers of this subject and by the School students. Presentation of the basic concepts of Crime Detection and of the latest scientific methods of investigation was made by me briefly: the assimilation of these elementary rules of crime detection and investigation during the three-month training period of schooling will be beneficial for those students who will not serve as detectives, but only as constables. Moreover, such more sophisticated methods and techniques as anthropometric measurements, fingerprint images, photographs will be shown to them clearly at the Investigation unit» [11].

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In many schools, the training course ended with field exercises. For instance, at Voronezh School of constables, upon the completion of the course of studies, a comprehensive exercise simulating the capture of a gang of robbers was held. As a rule, schools of police constables enrolled a limited number of applicants; they were mainly those people who had been hired by and served in police agencies. The small number of those who studied in provincial police schools was due to limited resources to keep them. For example, Vladimir school of police constables did not have its own facilities and was housed in the rented from the local government offices of Vladimir [14]. By the time the First World War started in 1914, there was a network of various schools and courses organized for initial training of low-rank policemen – county and city police constables, as well as guards. In contrast to initial police training, a system of educational establishments for high rank police officials in Russia was not created, though all the attempts in this area were fruitless or were supported by some regional police authorities. Unlike police training, training of prison staff in the Russian Empire did not meet the requirements of the time. By the late 19th – early 20th centuries professional training of the prison staff was only starting and was presented by some courses in the metropolitan cities of Saint-Petersburg and Moscow [12]. For instance, in March 1899 a specialized school for female wardens was established in Moscow. It operated for 11 years (from 1899 to 1910) and graduated approximately 58 female wardens, who served in various provincial prisons. The school was closed in connection with the termination of funding [14]. The training program included the Lord’s law, and history, geography of Russia, law, prison studies, mathematics, as well as medical care for the sick and handicrafts. In 1909 the Directorate General of Prisons developed the draft laws on the establishment of specialized prison courses and a training school for senior prison officers in St. Petersburg. The main task of the prison courses was to ensure initial training of first recruited middle-level prison officers and retraining of officials already serving in prison facilities. The training school of senior prison officers enrolled also law-rank prison wardens, had remained in service for at least two years. The course of studies lasted for four months. The first graduation ceremony of the highest prison courses was held on July 10, 1912, and the school of senior prison officers graduated its first class on December 18, 1913. At the same time, the number of schools and trained professionals accordingly did not meet the needs of the penitentiary system of the Russian Empire. There was no specialized professional training for low-rank prison officers, those prison officers who directly supervised the inmates. In general, low-rank prison guards were trained in provincial schools of police constables or guards, etc. The number of prison guards in such schools was insignificant and the course of studies wasn’t aimed at training exactly prison personnel that actually did not meet the requirements of the prison service. The Directorate General of Prisons, of course, didn’t have a concern in training specialists for the prison system, but unlike the police, they failed to establish the system of professional training for prison staff of different levels from prison wardens to mid-level officers throughout the pre-revolutionary period. After the victory in the and at the beginning of the construction of a new state system the government of the Soviet state once again faced the same problem – recruitment of qualified personnel for the police and the penal system both ordinary policemen and prison guards, and middle and senior command staff responsible for police personnel management in peace-keeping activities and the direction of penal institutions of Soviet Russia. The actually continued the initiative of pre-revolutionary Ministry of Internal Affairs to establish and improve the training system for law enforcement agencies in the New


Russia. At the same time, the Soviet state represented by the People’s Commissariat of Internal Affairs of the RSFSR faced the same problems as predecessors. It is worth mentioning that, as well as in the pre-revolutionary period, the intention to establish such institutions, was mostly initiated by the leaders of the provincial and regional police departments, concerned with the recruitment of qualified or at least initially trained personnel. At that period of time all schools and courses organized were led by an appointed director (head) and were subordinated directly to the chief of the provincial police department, who notified the staff of all the orders of the central government on the organization of training, requirements for the content of training programs and curriculum, etc. The first police courses and schools appeared in Russia in the second half of 1918. In October 1918 the Moscow School of police command staff graduated its first cadets, but in 1919 it was transformed into the All-Russia school of police instructors. On October 14, 1918 Petrograd school of voluntary police forces started its classes according to the pre-arranged plan. In December 1918 Petrograd training courses of policemen graduated their first group [9]. On January 12, 1919 a one-week course for police chiefs was organized at the Department of Justice of the Executive Committee in Vladimir. «One cannot but welcome such an initiative ... it is highly desirable to start similar courses in other regions» [14]. The program of the training course in Vladimir included the Soviet Constitution and Soviet legislature classes, lectures on fundamentals of criminal and civil law, the basics of the police service. Moreover, due to the pre-revolutionary tradition, the teaching staff consisted exclusively of court practitioners, prosecutors and other authorities, supported by the Soviet police. Nevertheless, we must accept that due to objective reasons there was no unified system of initial training of police officers during the revolution and civil war periods because the organization of initial police training, due to objective and subjective reasons, varied greatly in each province or region. One cannot but agree with A. Bulyzhkin, who states that «... a spontaneous and unsystematic organization of various educational institutions (schools and courses) without any interference of the Police Directorate in their activities. The content of educational activities of police schools and courses of the given period shows that the training of police personnel in these organizational forms didn’t correspond to the names of these courses» [5]. However, by the end of the Civil War and the transition to the peaceful establishment of the state and the government apparatus the system of initial training of police officers (police officers and senior police officers) started to develop in the country. A special place in the system of initial training was given to police schools and reserves, whose organization and activities were regulated by the relevant official (department-level) acts. On November 23, 1921 the appropriate Provision (Regulation) was accepted. The first stage of the Soviet police training constituted reserves of the provincial police departments, «... they were to constitute the primary level for the training of average and junior police officers. Main tasks and responsibilities of the reserves were to raise the level of political competence and culture of police officers, to eliminate their political and health literacy, to teach them the basic laws of the RSFSR, the eliminate public illiteracy, «... but equally to improve the police service and professional training». «All the serving police personnel, as well as new recruits» [9] were to be gradually put through the reserves. However, in practice, the centralized initial training of average police officers was not provided, focusing mostly on the training of junior and mid-level officers. Provincial police school didn’t exist for a long time. They were initially opened, but finally ceased to exist as a result of lack of funding and the reduction of the police staff. For instance, in 1922 a training police school was established in Samara, but it operated for a year and was closed [7].

30 VOLUME 1, No. 4, 2015

However, the experience of particular provincial police schools is of special interest. For instance, on May 5, 1921 the Orel City Police Department proceeded to organize a specialized training course for police commanders at the Inspectorate of Provincial Police Departments and training schools for inspectors and county policemen, subordinated to local police departments of Orel province. The program provided professional training of the police command staff, covering academic disciplines, lecture hours, and curriculum based on the traditions and interest of the Orel City Police Department. The program include the following required disciplines: Political Science (History of the European labor movement); History of the Communist Party of the ; Program and tactics of the Communist Party; General Theory of Law; Administrative law; Civil law; Criminal Law and Procedure; Structure of the Provincial Police Force; Criminal investigation police; Forensic medicine; Suits; Military Science within the basic knowledge of company and platoon commanders. At the end of the course of studies the students were admitted to the examination board exams [5]. On June 17, 1922 a training school for the command staff (mostly senior police officers) was set up in Vladimir. The initial training course required 6 months to complete it. Among the required disciplines were: Fundamentals of Policing, Law Study, Administrative Bodies of the Republic, Forms of the Soviet Court System, Police Role in Fighting Gang Violence, Suits. The students were to study the Soviet Constitution, Political literacy, Mathematics, the Russian language, Geography, General Military Charters (disciplinary, internal service, garrison and field regulations), Military topography, Marching drill, as well as Foundations of Fortification and Shooting. At the end of the course of studies the students were to take their final exams: Suits and Criminal procedure, the Russian language, Administrative bodies, the Soviet Constitution, the Soviet legislation and Political literacy [3]. By comparing training programs in similar institutions of Tsarist Russia (schools of police constables), we can conclude about the almost complete identity of their curricula and training areas with a view to replace religious education by political studies. It was assumed that such police reserves would be organized at each provincial (regional) police department, but due to the lack of funding for the Soviet police, and their subsequent transfer to the dependence on local budgets, reserves and their activities were depended entirely not so much on intentions of regional police officials, but rather on the financial support of the local Soviet authorities. In 1922, as all schools and training courses for police authorities were transferred to local budgets, they were liquidated or merged with provincial militia reserves, with a corresponding increase in the time of training. The period of training increased to 16 weeks. During the first 8 weeks they were instructed to study general, political and special subjects. During this period two-thirds of training time was devoted to general and political subjects the rest of the time -- to special subjects. In the next 8 weeks two-thirds of training time was devoted to special subjects, the rest -- to general and political subjects. For example, in the period from June 1 to July 1, 1924 Marching Drill Practice and the Study of the Disciplinary Regulations, Study of Job Descriptions, Weapons Handling, Legal Literacy, and Study Guides for Local Policeman were included in the training of reserve of Vladimir county-municipal government which focused primarily on the training of district policemen [14]. According to V.A. Ivanov in August, 1922 in Mari Autonomous Republic the school reserve was opened and first 15 people were enrolled by the decision of the special commission. The training program included special training (Foundations of the Soviet Constitution, Police Studies, the Criminal Code, Forensic Medicine), general subjects (Russian language, Mathematics, Political Education, Geography, Hygiene, etc.), Marching Drill Practice and Weapons Handling. However, with the transfer to the local budget police school became maintained at the expense of the local budget. By decision of the Presidium of the Executive


Committee a police school in Mari Autonomous Region was closed because of the budget deficit [6]. In general, for the period from September 1, 1922 to September 1, 1923 the country network of provincial schools decreased by 70%; from January 1, 1924 to October 1, 1924 it decreased by more than 15% [1]. The provision of both, provincial and reserve schools became impossible for local budgets. By the NKVD RSFSR circular letter, dated February 23, 1924, it was instructed «… if it is not possible to provide both the provincial police schools and provincial reserve schools it is necessary to move systematic work with younger commanders to provincial school reserves in which the entire chain of non-commissioned officers (NCO’s) should be trained. Classes should be conducted according to the curriculum and programs elaborated by the police department of the Central Administration of the NKVD RSFSR» [4]. This merging of the two elements of the system of training the militia naturally led to a reduction in the number of police officers enrolled in the program of initial training. As a result this led to the extremely low rates of the rank and file police officers in the mid-1920s. In contrast to training for the Soviet militia, during the first years of the Soviet rule, training for the prison system has not been practically focused on. The exceptions were short-time prison courses in Moscow functioning in the period from1918 to 1919. On the ground, all the training of prison staff for penal institutions tend to manage directly by the institution authorities or prison officers were trained in various police training courses and schools reserves. But such training was not systematic. In fact, the system of training for the Soviet penal system began to emerge only in the second half of the 1920s after a meeting of workers of the Directorate of Custodies of RSFSR dated January 6, 1925, where it was decided to organize three-month training courses for custodies authorities under the Directorate of Custodies. In general, analyzing the trends in the development of pre-revolutionary and post- revolutionary militia (police) education and taking as a basis the terms of functioning of the training courses (schools) as well as the number and content of the subjects taught we can say that the training of the lower and mid-level national police (militia) officers was mainly aimed at a popular explanation of operating in a huge number regulations of the Russian Empire and the Soviet state as well as the explanations and assimilation of departmental acts on the rights and responsibilities of police (militia) officers on the execution of the outer guard service. For example, there were a number of collections of statutes and ordinances for police of the Russian Empire and the operating instructions for the Soviet police containing a huge number of acts of both national and institutional nature, which established the duties of the police and the Soviet militia. During the course of studies the staff carrying out direct service to maintain law and order could get the original materials adapted to their level. In fact, in less than ten years the Bolsheviks underwent a similar way of formation and development of training of personnel for the police which took more than fifty years in pre- revolutionary Russia. Unlike the militia (police) training local prison authorities had not received their system of training courses. Professional training for the prison authorities emerged in the pre-revolutionary period, but during the tsarist Russia, in the Soviet State and by the mid-1920s it was in its infancy. However, it should be noted that the leadership of the NKVD RSFSR, largely perceived the experience of the initial training of police and prison officers of the tsarist Russia police and prison authorities and throughout the period of construction of the Soviet state they used the pre-revolutionary forms and methods of training of police and prison authorities of different categories.

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This suggests that the experience of the construction of the Soviet state, in terms of organization and functioning of the police and prison systems, in many ways, was based not only on the prior development of the national law enforcement system but continued the tradition of training staff for public safety and fighting crime.

References 1. Administrative Newsletter No. 2. 1925. 2. Borisov A.V., Dugin A.N., Malygin A.J. and others. The Police and Militia in Russia: Pages of History. M., 1995. 3. Bubnova J.G. Organizational and Legal Bases of Formation and Functioning of the Police of Vladimir province (1917-1929). Vladimir, 2006. 4. Bulanova S.V. Formation and Legal Support of Novgorod Police in 1917–1934: dis. cand. hist. science. Velikij Novgorod. 2004. 5. Bulyzhkin A.V. Organizational and Legal Bases of Formation and Development of the Police of Orel Province in 1917–1928 (Historical and Legal Research): Thesis of the Candidate of Law. M., 2001. 6. Gusev O. V. Historical and Pedagogical Analysis of the Formation of the Training of the Penitentiary System of Russia // History of State and Law. – No. 5, 2012. P. 33–38. 7. Ivanov V.A. Police in the Mari Region in 1917–1941: The Problems of Organization and Activities: Thesis of Doctor of Law. N. Novgorod, 2005. 8. Karpov I.E. Organizational and Legal Bases of Formation and Activities of the Police of Samara province (1917-1925): Thesis of Candidate of Law. Saratov, 1998. 9. Kozhevina M.A. Police Education in Soviet Russia: Organization and Regulation (1918-1991): Thesis of Doctor of Law. M., 2005. 10. Lectures of the Constable Police School of Province. Minsk, 1914. 11. Nesterov M.D. Manual of Detective Work, Taught at Police Constable School in Ufa. Ufa, 1914. 12. State Archive of the Vladimir region. F. 308. Op. 1. D. 122. L. 63. 13. The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Encyclopedia. M., 2002. 14. Volskiy, M. V. Herald of the Voronezh Institute of the Russian Interior Ministry. No. 4. 2012. P. 194–196.

REFERENCE TO ARTICLE Emelyanov, S.N. & Erin, D.A. (2015) Specific Features of Initial Training of the Penal and Interior Systems Staff in the Russian Empire and the RSFSR (late 19th – first quarter of the 20th centuries), Contemporary Problems of Social Work. Vol. 1. No. 4. P. 27–33. DOI: 10.17922/2412-5466-2015-1-4-27-33 (International bibliographic description).


Girenok G.A., candidate of pedagogy, senior teacher of the Department philosophy and humanities, Samara Law Institute of the Federal Service for the Execution of Punishments of Russia. E-mail: [email protected] Titova O.Z., candidate of pedagogy, associate professor of the Department philosophy and humanities, Samara Law Institute of the Federal Service for the Execution of Punishments of Russia. E-mail: [email protected] Ozernaya E.Р., candidate of pedagogy, head of the Department philosophy and humanities, Samara Law Institute of the Federal Service for the Execution of Punishments of Russia. E-mail: [email protected] UDC 37 DOI 10.17922/2412-5466-2015-1-4-34-41

Revisited the Question of Communicative Competence Formation at the Departmental Institute of the Federal Service for the Execution of Punishments of Russia

Receiving date: Preprint date: Taking to print date: 25.08.2015 09.11.2015 10.12.2015

Annotation: this article deals with role and place of the competence-based approach as well as with its influence upon those transformations which take place in the modern higher education in Russia. The conditions necessary for successful formation and development of the communicative competence among the cadets of the departmental institutes of the Federal Service for the Execution of Punishments of Russia are analyzed. Key words: competence-based approach, independent cognitive activity, communicative competence, active methods of teaching, specialists training, feedback.

The competence-based approach has the lead in the modern educational process, as it meets the requirements necessary for the institute graduates and among them for the graduates of the departmental institutes of the Federal Service for the Execution of Punishments of Russia. Modern graduates should be ready apart from the scientific component required to their future profession to work in the context of the quick changing and complicated world. Sometimes we have no idea what challenges we will face in the future. To be able to respond decently on these challenges we must be deeply versed in our future profession, experts with practically encyclopedic knowledge, in other words we must be competent in our profession. By this is meant a new quality of the higher education, which under the competitive climate on the educational market becomes the main indicator of competitiveness of any university or institute. That’s why the goals, tasks and directions of this approach are dictated by the

34 VOLUME 1, No. 4, 2015 market conditions and connected to the situations of adaptability under the conditions of work activities. In the process of the competence-based approach realization much attention is concentrated on the educational result which is examined as capacity and readiness of a person to act under the conditions of the given professional task. Under the competence-based approach background knowledge on a definite subject is no longer as important and essential as it used to be. The capacity to find this knowledge is more essential and it is expected that a student can do this with the help of modern electronic search engines. Also it is important to use this knowledge in the work activities or in some stimulating tasks. Doctor of Psychology, Professor Yuri Gromyko says that under the competence-based approach a person assimilates not so called ‘ready-made knowledge’ which someone offers to learn but he deduces the origin of this knowledge [7]. Not only are the conceptions of learning changed together with the educational paradigms shift but the psychological mechanism of knowledge formation as well. It happens so because common knowledge is designed for retention, reproduction or, at best, for another knowledge which can be received logically or empirically. Sometimes scope of knowledge may be so large that someone can answer if it is necessary to overcharge one’s memory with the knowledge ‘in store’. Nowadays it evolving computer-aided technologies this necessity is not currently central. Instead of this another problem appears. It is connected with abilities to use these technologies. Our higher school teachers’ long experience shows that practically all cadets and students have abilities to use different computer programs. They have well-developed search engine technologies. Priority is given to skills and abilities of independent Internet experience. It is more necessary to be able to generalize and find desired information from the huge communications flow, to apply this information for solving some specific educational or professional problems. Victor A. Bolotov, the vice-president of the Russian Academy of Education and Professor Vladislav V. Serikov in their article “The Competence-based model: from the concept to the educational program” stress the idea that any graduate can become competent all by himself. In this regard it is necessary for him to find and test different models of behavior in a given subject area, choose among them the ones which are foremost good for his style, claims, aesthetic sense and moral compass. In this way competence is a complex synthesis of cognitive, thematic, practical and personal experience [1]. It is widely thought that modern higher professional education should give the knowledge of different ways of social interaction and prepare graduates to meaningful and constructive professional communication [15]. At Samara Law Institute of the Federal Service for the Execution of Punishments of Russia the realization of the competence-based approach fundamental principles has led to personalization of learning, involving the cadets in independent cognitive activity, growth of responsibilities for the results of this activities, raising self-rating and finally to formation skills and abilities necessary for professional development. In the context of the competence-based approach any cadet or student of our institute is in the center of the latest solutions and innovations. It is extremely important for this moment when our Penal System is being reforming. We believe that the future of our system is connected with intelligent and competent employees who are able to solve different tasks all by themselves, who are able for achieving these aims to use their entire personal “armory” in which second-language skills hold a prominent place and are due in no small part to. The goal of foreign languages teaching formulated in the competence-based approach terms has significant influence on the principles of field-specific education in our institutes and universities. This education should be: – aimed at the development of our cadets and students, their professional skills and abilities formation;


– of an active and effective nature; – aimed at both human and the employment market needs. Effective realization of the competence-based approach strategy in the course of language training with our cadets is provided in the framework of communicative competence formation. Foreign languages training system for departmental institutes of the Federal Service for the Execution of Punishments of Russia includes two aspects: General language and Language for Specific Purposes. They differ from each other in topics and vocabulary of their texts, priority of different kinds of speech activity, skills and abilities necessary for a corresponding speech register. But at the same time they are connected to each other by common grammar rules and the necessity of mastering similar syntactic phenomena and basic language skills. The main tasks of the general phase: to develop communication skills and abilities which are based on the material of general subject speech as well as of cultural and cross-cultural nature. The main tasks of the professional phase: to develop the public speech skills and abilities, develop skills and abilities necessary for oral and written professional communication as well as abilities to work with professional books, make reports on given topics, take part in different discussions devoted to the problems of professional life [5]. Foreign languages studying at Samara Law Institute is an important component of the Penal System employees training because at present competence of our employees includes both a good command of some specialist disciplines and English as well. Furthermore the employees should be able to use a foreign language in some specific situations which may be connected with scientific researches or practice. It is also necessary to be able to speak any foreign language for establishing contacts and international dialog. Academic program is specially designed for the graduates to achieve appropriate level of communicative competence. Moreover it helps our graduates to use any foreign language in practice. The program is results-oriented and specially designed for using General language and Language for Specific Purposes simultaneously. We believe that mastering English both from the point of view of profession communication and everyday life vocabulary is very important and useful for our cadets. In the process of development of the academic program of the discipline ‘Foreign Languages’ for the cadets of Samara Law Institute of the Federal Service for the Execution of Punishments of Russia we take into consideration the main aims of the Penal System Development Concept till 2020. One of them is connected with the improvement of the effectiveness of the correctional facilities as well as bodies up to the European Standards for the treatment of prisoners and public demand [2]. To achieve this goal our system needs competent employees with a good command of English as well as German and French who are able to communicate with representatives of foreign Penal systems without interpreters. Besides we pay much attention to Section 8 of the Penal System Development Concept till 2020. This section is devoted to the problems of development of international cooperation with Penal systems of foreign countries, international bodies and non-governmental organizations [2]. In this context we should speak about international cooperation development, studying and extension the experience in the field of execution of punishments and custody, collective training of the Penal System employees of different countries, making scientific researches on the basis of international projects realization. We believe that a good command of any foreign language helps the graduates of the departmental institutes of the Federal Service for the Execution of Punishments of Russia to become more competent and mobile, to take part in different international research-to-practice conferences, meetings devoted to the problems of penal practice, to introduce the international standards for the treatment of prisoners and persons in custody into the Penal system activity. As we have already mentioned a good level of English proficiency means that a person can speak fluently on different topics which may vary from everyday life events till solving

36 VOLUME 1, No. 4, 2015 professional tasks. It also means that a person has a lasting motivation for his professional development. He is ready to study and analyze the latest research literature in the language it is written. He is ready to obtain essential information necessary for carrying out his professional duties from different sources including the Internet. Finally it will have a positive impact on his occupational mobility and career as well. In this particular case one of the criteria for assessment of the English proficiency level will be ability to use the most common linguistic means and speech patterns in all types of speech: speaking, listening, reading and writing. This ability is a part of communicative competence which is formed in the process of language learning. Taking into account the specific character of teaching such discipline as ‘Foreign Languages’ in the departmental institutes of the Federal Service for the Execution of Punishments of Russia, skills profile and area of specialization ‘Law enforcement activities and security within the Penal system’ we can define communicative competence as ability of a cadet to foreign speech with the help of all linguistic means and readiness to use his skills and abilities in foreign speech for self-directed work as well as for his career growth and mobility [5]. Communicative competence cannot be formed per saltum. It is formed in the process of language learning as well as during his further professional life. We can say that it is a system open for correcting and analysis with its own rules, goals, tasks and problems, methods and ways of assessment which is in constant development. To assess the communicative competence level we distinguish the following components:  linguistic;  pragmatic;  sociocultural;  information;  personal. The linguistic component of the communicative competence includes knowledge about the language system, skills and abilities to use language means of communication (lexical, grammar, phonetic). The linguistic component of the communicative competence includes 3 parts: speech, discourse and rhetorical. The first one includes knowledge of ways of forming and formulating thoughts with the help of the language, providing an opportunity to organize and fulfill a communicative intention. The second part deals with discourse (French discourse – speech). It is necessary for our cadets to know different types of it because he should be able to use certain strategies for text interpretation and designing. The concept of discourse means textual superphrasal unity, produced in the process of communication [13]. To develop the communicative competence one should know some specific features belonging to different types of discourse as they play an important role in formation of language skills and communicative abilities in all types of speech: speaking, listening, reading, writing and translation. Discourse component is supposed to be of great interest for our cadets as it helps to develop and improve the occupational mobility of the employees of the Penal system of Russia. To take an active part in different types of discourse, in our opinion, is the keystone of effective and successful communication. In the process of the communicative competence formation in the departmental institute we must consider the influence of discourse upon our cadets’ communication [3]. We can distinguish the following most common types of discourse used at the English lessons in Samara Law Institute: report, project, questioning and others. It is obvious that discourse is closely associated with rhetoric which also plays a major role in the process of foreign language teaching. The second component of the communicative competence – pragmatic – is represented by knowledge, skills and abilities which help to understand and produce foreign utterances

37 CONTEMPORARY PROBLEMS OF SOCIAL WORK according to the specific situation and communicative intention. We consider a conversational task as an impetus, a motive for communication. It stands to reason that communication at the English lessons is examined through the ability to produce foreign utterances corresponding to a definite communicative intention. In the educational process we simulate a communicative intention with the help of conversational task. Social and cultural component is presented by knowledge, skills and abilities that carry out verbal and nonverbal interaction with native speakers taking into account the national and cultural peculiarities of foreign linguistic community. It is an accomplished fact that the ability of the cadets to participate in different communicative situations increases as he studies the cultural heritage of the country the language he is learning [6]. In the context of development of social and cultural component as well as communicative competence primary focus is on independent work. Due to lack of study time teachers don’t have the opportunity to explain topics related to the cultural heritage of the country of learning language in a proper way. Well-organized self-study with using of interactive teaching methods, using the educational resources and developed reflection will improve both the level of social and cultural component in particular as well as communicative competence in general [8]. Information component is considered as a complex of abilities, readiness and necessity to work with modern information resources in professional and general areas as well as a complex of skills: 1) independently find necessary information using a variety of educational resources, including advanced multimedia technologies and examine received information; 2) to analyze received information according to the situation and given tasks and along with this respect the rules of copyright and intellectual property law; 3) to archive and keep information using audio and video as well as the script (the exact text content); 4) to use received, saved and analyzed information for a wide range of professional and educational tasks. It should be pointed out that the information component at this stage of technological development faces the biggest change which requires, by the way, constant development of skills and abilities to work with different resources of information and training tools. The basis of information skills which is necessary for future professional activity of the cadets is the ability to reflect the situation of communication when the obtaining of professional and required information takes place and its correlation with subject specification. The personal component is determined by the ability and readiness to active cognitive activity and independence, pursuit of professional growth and mobility. Readiness in this context should be referred to the primary fundamental condition for the successful implementation of any activity [10]. The level of communicative competence development can be considered through the evaluation of the level of its components development. We can not speak about the formation of communicative competence if some of its components is not developed enough. The linguistic component of communicative competence requires further improvement and development as well as searching for new forms and methods of teaching if learners do not have enough speaking practice to describe their actions according to the professional task or if there is lack of basic grammar rules. In the same way other components can be introduced. Poor standards of knowledge and skills that students demonstrate in the framework of one of the components will mean the lowering of the level of communicative competence development of students in general. Therefore, during the process of teaching English in Samara Law Institute of the Federal Service for the Execution of Punishments of Russia great attention is paid to the development and improvement of knowledge and skills in all areas to the relevant proposed components. It is

38 VOLUME 1, No. 4, 2015 completely coherent with the goals and objectives for training competitive graduates, their professional mobility and readiness for a change in the labor market. The practice of teaching English in the departmental institute of the Federal Service for the Execution of Punishments of Russia shows that more development and improvement are focused on linguistic and pragmatic components. Taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standards and the profile of the Institute course schedules and educational programs have been changed [14]. Great changes have affected the lexical aspect of learning English. Such topics as “The Penal System of the Russian Federation”, “Alternatives to imprisonment” and “Professional life of a penal officer” were added in the course schedule. These topics concern the changes that have affected the Penal System of the Russian Federation and answer the goals and objectives of the Penal System Development Concept of the Russian Federation till 2020 [2]. As we can see the process of communicative competence formation and development in departmental universities and colleges of the Federal Service for the Execution of Punishments of Russia involves both changes in goals and objectives of education, formation of professionally oriented language and also the ways of development, consolidation and automation of learned professionally oriented language. That is why a lot of attention in the process of teaching English is paid to active methods of teaching. We consider that these methods are necessary to activate learning activities of students and make the process of learning English more interesting and memorable. These methods are not new as they have been used for a long in educational process. But their multipurpose makes teaching English more effective and intensive that helps to reduce tension as well as linguistic divide. In works of researchers active methods of teaching are presented as «a way of educational process organization when necessary, evaluating and controlled by the teacher activity of students occurs and it compares with the teacher’s activity» [11]. In our opinion, active methods of teaching increase the cognitive activity of the cadets during the process of learning English. We consider cognitive activity as an attempt to find a non-standard approach to solve the task (the problem), the desire to have their own knowledge; develop a critical approach to the judgment of others and their own independent judgments. Motivated cognitive activity of students is connected with their ambition to self-studying, the desire to study a large amount of useful information in difficult conditions of modern science and technology development, with the desire to acquire the knowledge and methods of operations for the optimal time, with the necessity to mobilize moral and willful efforts to achieve cognitive goal. From our point of view, cognitive activity is a basic attribute of the student’s individuality which demonstrates his readiness and pursuance of independent, purposeful and motivated activity aimed not only at learning social experience, professional knowledge and skills, but also a creative search for the answers to the challenges and problems. Active methods of teaching suggest using of dialogue, cooperation and interaction of all educational process subjects and promote further development of cognitive activity during the process of teaching English in departmental institutes of the Federal Service for the Execution of Punishments of Russia [4]. Let’s try to understand what is the efficiency and universality of active methods of teaching? Analysis of academic literature revealed that training can be effective and has higher results if: – students and cadets are ready for learning and are actively involved in relationships and cooperation with other participants of educational process; – students and cadets get the opportunities to analyze their activity and realization of their own capacity; – students and cadets can try what they will face in the near future both in life and in professional activity;


– students and cadets can be what they are and not to afraid to express their emotions and opinions, make mistakes under conditions they are not criticized for something wrong and do not get bad marks. A great advantage of using active methods during the process of teaching English is their orientation on the development of students’ independent creative thinking and the ability to solve professional tasks efficiently. Conditions for active learning involves obligatory feedback from the cadets, paying attention to their questions about the content, methods of joint cognitive activity and the nature of atmosphere interaction. A large arsenal of feedback techniques in training of speaking practice has recently been collected. The notion «feedback» presents a product of analysis, reflection and observation obtained from the teacher himself and partners in the joint activity. Feedback is a form of personal interaction, our behavioral and emotional reactions [9]. The results of feedback are used by the learners themselves to analyze work of the group and given results. The better the teacher and students are able to correct their behavior and speech, using feedback, the better results will be in studying interactions. In this case, the relevance and importance of feedback determines the goal and peculiarities of activity process: whether the tasks are implemented including work in the right direction and effective learning of the material [12]. There are different forms and methods of feedback: an oral discussion, written questionnaires, graphics, role playing of transformation happening inside the man (the level of understanding activity meanings, self-realization or repetitive activity according to a given example, personal activity or passivity). The feedback develops effective communication: it can be possible to explain success – it is lack of success of any action revealing the reasons of the conflict, realizing clich s which blocking understanding, mechanisms of involvement in active communication. The feedback helps precisely to realize one’s personality, priorities and values that is especially important in the process of teaching English at the departmental institutes. We want to pay attention to positive and negative aspects of using active methods in the process of language teaching at the departmental institutes of the Federal Service for the Execution of Punishments of Russia. The positive aspects are: high motivation, emotional intension during the process of teaching language; training for professional activity, exercising of professionally oriented thesaurus, using feedback. The negative aspects are: high labor intensity of the teacher who organizes and gives language classes, high labor intensity of the cadets during the preparation and attendance language classes – all that are necessary for clear understanding roles of the cadets as well as teachers and have a good command of language; great tension for the teacher is to focus on continuous creative search, to have acting ability; unreadiness of the cadets to learn language under the conditions of the given game situation. The experience of conducting English lessons with active methods of teaching brings us to the conclusion that such methods increase time of speech practice for each student or cadet greatly; help to learn the language material by all the participants of the platoon, to reduce psychological stress and linguistic divide. The teacher in this form of learning foreign languages becomes a training provider of self-organized, educational and cognitive, communicative, creative activity of students and cadets.

References 1. Bolotov, V.A., Serikov, V.V. Competence Model: From the Concept to the Educational Program. Moscow: Scientific-Theoretical Journal “Pedagogy”, 2003. No. 10. P. 8–14.

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2. Development Concept of the Penal System of the Russian Federation Until 2020. [Electronic resource]. URL: (accessed date: 3.03. 2015). 3. Elukhina, N.V. Discourse Competence and Its Role in Mastering Professional Communication in Foreign Languages // Professional Communication As the Goal of Learning a Foreign Language in Nonlinguistic Higher Schools: edition 454. – Moscow: Moscow State Linguistic University, 2000. 4. Girenok, G.A. The Use of Active Methods of Teaching at the Foreign Language Lessons in a Law Institute. – Moscow: academic journal “Law and Education”, 2009. No. 8. P. 61–65. 5. Girenok, G.A. Special Aspects of the Communicative Competence Formation Among the Students of Samara Law Institute of the Fps of Russia. – Samara: academic journal “Proceedings of Samara Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences”, 2012. Vol. 14. No. 2. P. 305–308. 6. Girenok, G.A. The Communicative Competence Formation at the English Lessons. – Penza: Modern Technologies in the Russian Education System: proceedings of the IX all-Russian research-to-practice conference, 2011. P. 70–73. 7. Gromyko, Yu.V. The Concept and the Project in V.V. Davydov’s Theory of Developmental Teaching. – Moscow: Proceedings of the Russian Academy of Education, 2000. P. 36–43. 8. Guseva, A.V. The Sociocultural Competence Formation in the Process of Teaching to Verbal Foreign Communication (specialist language school, the French language): Ph.D. thesis in Pedagogical Science. Moscow, 2002. 235 P. 9. Kasatkin, S.F. The Feedback Technique in the Audience. Moscow: journal “New Knowledge”, 2002. No. 4. P. 6–9. 10. Khutorskoy, A.V. The Place of the Student in the System of Teaching. – Moscow: scientific- theoretical journal “Pedagogy”, 2005. No. 4. P. 11. 11. Mukhina, S.A. Non-Traditional Educational Technology in Teaching. – Rostov-on-Don, 2004. P. 11. 12. Panina, T.S., Vavilova, L.N. Modern Methods of Training Activization: textbook. – Moscow: Publishing center “Academy”, 2006. 153 P. 13. Skehan, P. A Cognitive Approach to Language Learning. – / P. Skehan. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008. 14. The Third-Generation Federal State Educational Standards of the Higher Professional Education [Electronic resource]. URL: (accessed date: 02.03.2015). 15. Zamolotskikh, E.G., Durneva, E.E. Experience in Developing Graduate Model Based on Context- Competence Approach. Moscow: research and educational journal “Higher education in Russia”, 2011. No. 6. P. 56.

REFERENCE TO ARTICLE Girenok, G. A., Titova, O.Z., & Ozernaya, E.P. (2015) Revisited the Question of Communicative Competence Formation at the Departmental Institute of the Federal Service for the Execution of Punishments of Russia, Contemporary Problems of Social Work. Vol. 1. No. 4. P. 34–41. DOI: 10.17922/2412-5466-2015-1-4-34-41 (International bibliographic description).


Konovalova N.A., assistant professor, Department of psychology service organization in the crimi- nal executive system, Vologda Institute of Law and Economics of the Russian Federal Penal Service. E-mail:[email protected] Trifanova S.S., lecturer, Department of Russian and foreign languages, Vologda Institute of Law and Economics of the Russian Federal Penal Service. E-mail: [email protected] UDC 378 DOI 10.17922/2412-5466-2015-1-4-42-45

Revisiting the Development of Media Culture among Cadets of an Agency-Level Higher Educational Institution

Receiving date: Preprint date: Taking to print date: 03.09.2015 09.11.2015 10.12.2015

Annotation: the paper discloses the content of media culture among cadets; its development trends in the process of education at an agency-level higher educational institution are suggested. Key words: information society, media culture, media education, technology of media culture development.

Any individual of the modern information-oriented society, especially a graduate of an agency-level higher educational establishment, has obviously a need for being ready to act in unstable, dynamic environment, when he is required to have the ability to think, evaluate his own or other people’s doings, analyze their possible effects, process and estimate a great deal of information, etc. The effectiveness of a person’s functioning in such conditions depends on his mastering media culture. Media culture is regarded here as a dialogue method intending an individual’s interaction with the information-oriented society and including axiological, technological, personal- creative components, and resulting in changes in the subjects of cooperation. Dialogic interaction appears to be one of the basic characteristics of media culture and reflects media cultural dynamic aspect as far as it implies feedback, mutual understanding, reciprocal changing and development of the subjects, namely an individual managing media culture and the informational environment. The structure of media culture embraces three major constituents: the axiological one, the technological one and the personal-creative one. The elements rate according to their significance: the axiological item plays a dominant role and determines the character and total content of media culture. The axiological component is represented by cadets’ knowledge and values defining individual aims and attitudes and serving as the basis for the assessment of social realm, professional environment and orientation in it. Except the values common to humanity the information-

42 VOLUME 1, No. 4, 2015

oriented society puts forward new ones: the possibility of dialogue, spirituality, information security, information interoperability, information, personal cogitative functions, permanent self-education and others. The technological component of media culture includes the skills and knowledge necessary for vital functions of cadets in the information-oriented society and in constantly changing, developing and improving professional activity. This integrant is composed of educational skills and knowledge (intellectual, informational, organizational, communicative ones). Furthermore, it consists of special abilities connected with searching, storing, transferring, processing information, interacting with mass media (for example, the ability to take an active position during cooperation with communication media), interpreting and appraising the media text, binding it with a person’s and other people’s experience, transforming video data into verbal sign system, understanding the aims of reciprocity and the direction of the data flow, converting information in terms of the purposes of cooperation and features of the audience and the possibility of working with technological device, etc. The personal-creative component of media culture exposes the mechanism of mastering, conversing and interpreting media cultural values, contains the experience of creative, exploring, research and reformatory activities of a cadet within the context of the information-oriented society. The development of media culture takes place during the process of media training aimed at cadets’ preparing to the sterling active life in modern informational conditions, that is to protect themselves against the risk of mass media, give knowledge of them, familiarize with mass communication media through personal analysis, contribute to the activation of interacting with them, develop the communicative competence and ability to define oneself and one’s own position. It is essential that media culture serves as a part of the content of schooling in an educational establishment and is represented at the level of special courses such as “Media culture of a person in the information-oriented society”, and integrated into separate academic subject areas. Special courses should promote the systematization of uncoordinated media educational impacts of the learning process and the enhancement of integration capacities of media education tasks with the objectives of different academic subjects on the basis of any facts as far as the competence formed during the course of study will let the cadets to exhibit activity in this area. Within the framework of the special course “Media culture of a person in the information- oriented society” we suggest studying the following themes: “The modern information-oriented community: main trends of development”; “Personal Media Culture”; “Mass Media: nature and special features of their functioning in the modern society”; “Major theories of Media Studies”; “Informational Interaction: the issue of active and passive consumption of media production”; “Perception and Analysis of the media text”. The stated list of themes can be expanded in respect of the fields and directions of training concerned with pedagogics, psychology, social work. In addition some subjects aimed at cadets’ direct learning in implementation of media education among different types of clients in the context of the future professional activities may be introduced, such as “The issues of education in native and foreign pedagogics”, “Media education of children in various age groups”; “Media training of adults”; “Media education in a social worker’s (an educator’s, a chief’s of the group of convicts, a psychologist’s) activity”. The personality-activity approach to the organization of cadets’ cognitive work should be assumed as a basis of the special course of study. It can be fulfilled by means of the technology of media culture development implying providing dialogue forms of educational process organization and dialogue coordination of its subjects. The system of intercommunication of a cadet and a tutor and the learning outcome are described in Table 1.


Active and interactive forms of education (lectures with elements of discussion, debates, supplementary reports at the lectures, management games and others) should be given priority during the process of realization of the technology of media culture development. They permit to increase the effectiveness of training activity due to time saving, labour expenditures, financial resources, solve the issue of information shortage, teach the techniques of self-education to the cadets, develop a rather stable motivation, help the cadets look at themselves and the situation through the eyes of their associate, make sure that none knowledge is solid, that only the process of its search ensures reliability.

Table 1 The Technology of Media Culture Development among Cadets The The content of interaction between a tutor The learning outcome stage and a cadet Reflex- 1) study of one’s own level of media education; 1) detection of one’s own media cultural ive-an- 2) analysis and introspection of one’s own ex- type; alytical perience and competence; 2) generation of information on other cadets’ 3) problem statement on changing the media subjectival experience; cultural level; 3) determination of the educational context; 4) determination of the level of necessary 4) coordination of the subjectival experience knowledge and skills with the purposes of the educational process Project- 1) elaboration and making a decision on the 1) construction of one’s own future type of ing change of media cultural level; media culture and elaboration of individual 2) planning activities and determination of programmes for its achievement; content of future actions; 2) setting precise objectives and defining 3) forecasting results and consequences of the major directions for their attainment; made decisions; 3) determination of effective facilities and 4) establishment of criteria of the effectiveness techniques for tasks solution and sequence of activities implementation; of their application; 5) collection and processing of additional in- 4) coordination of the plan on the future formation work with the development of self-images Organi- 1) consecutive implementation of optimal 1) achieving the future type of media culture; zational variants for achievement of the future type of 2) achieving high degree of mastering of media culture; subjectival functions; 2) analysis of one’s own participation in prob- 3) one’s own comparison with oneself and lem solving other people at different stages of work; 4) comprehension of methods, techniques and means for problems solving; 5) perfection of self-administration skills Reflex- 1) analysis of the results of problem solving on 1) detection of one’s own new media cul- ive-an- the changing of media cultural level; tural type; alytical 2) evaluation of one’s own activity; 2) acquiring subjectival functions; 3) determination of factors contributory to 3) development of the ability to evaluative positive tasks solution; actions and self-reflection; 4) analysis of the causes of difficulties; 4) removing the causes of the discovered 5) searching for the methods of disadvantages shortcomings removal; 6) introduction of alterations into the contents, means, forms and methods of problems solving; 7) establishment of necessary links, their regu- lation; 8) removal of disadvantages; 9) analysis of one’s own activities

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The wholeness and effectiveness of the process of media culture development would be broken without the integration of media educational tasks into the further educational process. The realization of the present stage is possible without additional time and efforts during the whole training process. We determine the following ways of its practical embodiment: – applying tasks incentive the enhancement of different skills of information processing (analysis, synthesis, systematization, summarization, annotation, reviewing, comparison, etc.); – applying mass media and media products in the learning process; – stimulating self-study among cadets (especially creative and research work); – applying productive, active, interactive and dialogue educational forms; – using the idea of making-up profiles of one’s own professional culture while practicing and writing reflexive reports; – actualization of cadets’ existing knowledge and skills composing the basis of their media culture. The cadets of agency-level higher educational establishments should be particularly sensitive to the influence of time and needs of the information-oriented society, mobile in perception and achievement of its requirements. Mastering media culture allows them to maintain their competitiveness, adequateness of social realm perception and their own reformatory activities in its context. In order to achieve the stated objective one should provide the process of media training among cadets at an agency-level institution, and media culture should act as an element of the content of education.

References 1. Abulhanova-Slavskaya K.A. The Strategy of Life / Abulhanova-Slavskaya K.A. M.: Progress, 1991. 2. Atayan A.M. Didactic Bases of Information Culture Development in Conditions of Community Informatization / A.M. Atayan. – Vladikavkaz, VSU, 2001. 3. Ball G.A. Theory of Teaching Objectives. – M.: High School, 1990. 4. Isayev I.F. Theory and Practice of an Academician’s Professional and Pedagogical Culture Development / I.F. Isayev. – M.; Belgorod: BSPU, 1993. 5. Konovalova N.A. Personal Media Culture in Information Society: Methodological Recommendations for Employees of the Criminal-Executive System / N.A. Konovalova. – Vologda: VILE RFPS, 2012. 6. Konovalova N.A. The Development of Media Culture Among Students of a Pedagogical University: Thesis of a Candidate of pedagogic sciences/ N.A. Konovalova. – Vologda, 2004. 7. Media Education and Media Competence. The Sourcebook of Educational Programmes for Higher Educational Establishments / Ed. by A.V. Fedorov. – Taganrog: TSPI, 2009. 8. Shamova T.I. Management of the Educational Process at an Adaptive School / T.I. Shamova, T.M. Davydenko. – M.: “Pedagogical Search”, 2001. 9. Technological Reference Book on Penitentiary Social Work: Practical Consultations / Editor- in-chief O.Y. Kurenkova, Z. Shilling. – Vologda, VILE RFPS, 2013. 10. The Issues of Media Education (the scientific school under the guidance of A.V. Fedorov). Monograph / A.V. Fedorov, I.V. Chelysheva, A.A. Novikova. – Taganrog: TSPI, 2007.

REFERENCE TO ARTICLE Konovalova, N. A., & Trifanova, S. S. (2015) Revisiting the Development of Media Culture among Cadets of an Agency-Level Higher Educational Institution, Contemporary Problems of Social Work. Vol. 1. No. 4. P. 42–45. DOI: 10.17922/2412-5466-2015-1-4-42-45 (International bibliographic description).


Oschepkova O.V., candidate of pedagogical science, professor, professor of the Department of penitentiary psychology and pedagogy, Samara Law Institute of the Federal Service of Executing Punishments of Russia. E-mail: [email protected] Piyukova S.S., candidate of pedagogical science, deputy head of the Department of peniten- tiary psychology and pedagogy, Samara Law Institute of the Federal Service of Executing Punishments of Russia. E-mail: [email protected] Tarasova S.A., candidate of pedagogical science, docent, docent of the Department of peniten- tiary psychology and pedagogy, Samara Law Institute of the Federal Service of Executing Punishments of Russia. E-mail: [email protected] UDC 37 DOI 10.17922/2412-5466-2015-1-4-46-51

Modern Technologies of Psychological and Pedagogic Disciplines Teaching of Students of Higher Educational Institution of the Penal System

Receiving date: Preprint date: Taking to print date: 09.09.2015 09.11.2015 10.12.2015

Annotation: The present article is concerned with teaching aspects of implementation of modern educational technologies when teaching students of higher educational institution of the penal system disciplines of psychological and pedagogic course. Key words: modern educational technologies, interactive educational forms, professional ability.

Education is a communicative environment, which takes part in construction of identity for implementing of social mandate for preparation of creative and competent specialists having not only body of knowledge and skills in the chosen field of activity, but developed professional ability. One of the most important abilities for penal officers is ability to work with people: make the required contacts with colleagues and prisoners, understand them and prepossess, to build trust-based relations, impact on surrounding people by means of suggestion and persuasion, personal charm, conflictological competence. That is why the educational process should be developed with primary focus on using of active and interactive technologies, which promote to the fullest extent the formation of the mentioned graduates’ qualities [7]. Interactive education creates favorable emotional and psychological situation, which sustains involvement of students in cognitive process, experience of positive emotions. It allows to make the educational process effective, creates situation of heuristic search [2].

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There are a lot of possibilities of interactive education. Among them are: round table, training, case study, brainstorming and others. Let us consider the most effective interactive technologies in teaching students of the penal system higher educational institution of psychological and pedagogic disciplines, to which should be rightly referred: problem situations, lectures-press conference, lecture with planned mistakes, debate, discussions, role playing games [11]. The basis of many modern educational technologies is problem situation: it’s a correlation of circumstances and conditions involving contradiction and having not a unique solution in which the activity of an individual or a group is organized [14]. The necessity of search for the correct solution of the problem promotes students’ ideation, increases the level of their motivation, creates a positive emotional background at the lessons and provides an opportunity to the development of their creative abilities. It’s possible to use problem situations for studying training material both at the lectures and seminars. At the lectures the main teaching goal is development of partitive thinking of the students and good acquisition of knowledge [1]. To achieve this goal it’s necessary to develop problem questions correctly. On the one hand they should rely on a priori information on the other – stimulate students’ mental activity for new knowledge search and invite them to the dialogue with a teacher. Such ways of conducting a lecture suppose not only a direct dialogue with the audience but they also mean lecturer’s soul searching where the main contradictions of scientific knowledge are revealed. This method helps to involve the audience in the process of getting knowledge through the identification with the personality of a lecturer. In the course of teaching “Psychology” problem lectures are used when studying such topics as “The origin and formation of psychology as a discipline” and “The main theories of personality”. The students and cadets evince great interest in the lectures organized in the forms of press conference [8]. At the beginning of the lesson the lecturer asks the audience to develop some questions to the point under study which they consider to be interesting and give them to the lecturer. Then during 3 or 5 minutes the lecturer arranges the questions in proper order in accordance with their meaning and starts the lecture. The lecture may be conducted in the form of response to the questions or as a textual unity where answers should be given. Promotion of attention, mental activity and cadets’ motivation at the lessons is achieved by means of waiting on the part of the cadets the address response to their questions. With the help of a lecture-press conference the lecturer can draw the cadets’ attention to the main problems of subject matter, appraise the ability of cadets and evaluate their knowledge level of the subject. We use that method during teaching “Psychology”, “Legal psychology”, “Professional ethic”. For example, cadets ask many questions on topics concerning mental cognitive processes (attention, memory, imagination, thinking) during teaching psychology. Another type of lectures providing cognitive activity of cadets is lectures with planned mistakes. The essence of this educational technology is the following: at the beginning of the lesson after the topic is made the lecturer all of a sudden tells the cadets that in the lecture definite number of mistakes planned by the lecturer will be made. The task of the audience is to find them and write down. Then at the seminars these mistakes are analyzed, different ways of their correction are offered. This technology containing an element of a game causes “knowledge-based enthusiasm” on the part of the cadets, and in a sense place on equal footing the lecturer and the cadets. The necessity to evaluate all aspects of lecturer’s activity promotes analytical activity of the cadets, keeps up strong interest to the subject matter. An effective way of organizing educational work of the cadets which aim is training the skill and abilities in their individual work with literature and different sources as well as practicing

47 CONTEMPORARY PROBLEMS OF SOCIAL WORK skills in discussion and defending their points of view taking into consideration the fact that opposing opinion has the right to exist is debate [6]. Within the framework of this educational technology formal information sharing is carried out. It reflects opposite points of view on the same problems. The aim is to deepen one’s knowledge or get new one, to develop analytical, synthetical and communicative skills as well as the culture of conducting a group dialogue [3]. Debate is very interesting for our cadets because they have the opportunity to discuss the same phenomenon or facts from the different points of view, analyze the arguments which are quite unobjectionable exteriorly and call them in question, then create their own independent life philosophy. Information sharing formality which is a part of debate gives the possibility for all cadets to be brought into the dialogue; concentrate their attention on the topic of discussion; avoid the spontaneity in the process of discussion, departure from the main problem to the secondary one; exclude unnecessary emotions which are inevitable when using active forms of work with students. At the seminars of academic discipline “Penal Pedagogy” we use the following debate elements: 1. Topic. In debate the topic is enunciated in the form of statement (for example, ‘Imprisonment promotes inmates’ rehabilitation’). 2. Confirm (prove) part. In debate the speakers of the confirm part try to prove the judges that the main thesis of the topic is right (that is, imprisonment is a truly effective way for prisoners’ rehabilitation). 3. Controvert part. The speakers of the controvert part try to prove the judges that the position of the confirm part is not right or there are some gaps or deficiencies in the topic interpretation and argumentation (for example, ‘Imprisonment doesn’t mean the rehabilitation of the inmates’ or ‘Sometimes imprisonment promotes the real rehabilitation of the inmates’). 4. Arguments. With the help of the argumentation the cadets try to prove the judges that their position is the best. The arguments may be weak or strong. 5. Support and proof. Together with the arguments the parts of the debate should present evidence to the judge (quotations, some facts in favour of their position). 6. Cross questions. Each participator has the opportunity to answer the questions of the speaker-opponent. Round of questions on the part of the speaker of one team and answers of the speaker of another team may be called as “cross questions”. 7. Judges’ decision. As soon as both parts present their arguments the judges fill in the records with their decision about the best team in accordance with the results of the debate (arguments and the way of proving were more convincing). Discussion is a form of communication allowing constructively master the topic from different points of view. This interactive education form allows to mobilize practical and theoretical knowledges of the trainees despite different points of view and evaluations of reality Class arrangement demands compliance from participants with clear rules and limits of interaction. Otherwise, it can turn into idle discussion, and as a result receding from the topic. Discussion presupposes teamwork from 2 to 15 people, information and ideas sharing for the purpose of solving of some sort of problem or better understanding of specific task or situation. Free and open communication, goal orientation, studying of facts, deep study of the discussed topic is typical for discussion. Within teaching of educational discipline “Character building of convicted” discussion is used when teaching the topic “Organizing of character building of underage convicted”. When studying pedagogic technologies of work with this category of convicted, the students are forced to apply problem questions like presence of accentuated character features of teenagers,

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high degree of their pedagogic manginess, negative behavioral stereotypes, opposition to pedagogic influence; issues of fairness and adequacy of penalty. It is presupposed that a complex of character building measures for delinquency prevention, methods of counteraction of influence of negative part of special contingent to the main part of convicted will be offered by the trainees in the course of discussion. It is widely accepted that discussion arises, because people involved into education process think different. But it should be remembered that the main aim of the educational discussion is consciously mastering of educational material. As a summary, there should be emphasized the following specific features of optimal conducted educational discussion: 1. High level of competence of the teacher, who as a rule already has sufficient experience in conducting of similar learning sessions, 2. High professional experience of teacher’s forecasting of typical problem situations solution. This is achieved by expert methodical organization and forethought of lessons, i.e. implementing of the following formula: “Low improvisation level of the teacher and simultaneously high improvisation level of trainees”. At penitentiary psychology practical exercises different role-playing games (stagings) are often used as a form of interactive education. Role-playing game is one of the most effective forms of educational process, developing free possession of theoretical and applicative knowledge, experience. Role-playing game ensures education through action: students are more involved into educational process, and their feelings are remembered lively and are kept during a long time. This educational form leads to creation of favorable psychological environment at the lesson, increasing of speaking and intellectual activity of the trainees, increase their interest, self confidence, reduce uneasiness. In a playing form, students acquire the skill to solve difficult problems, which sometimes do not have principally only one solving. That is why the students have to actively use adequate psychological means, show optimism and realistic look at the offered situations. The remarkable thing is that if the material is given in lectures, students as a rule take in not more than 20 % of information, while in a role-playing game – up to 90 %. We widely use role-playing games at penitentiary psychology practical exercises when studying topics “Progression of professional communication skills”, “Manipulative behavior of convicted” and others. For example, role-playing games devoted to the topic of “Progression of professional communication skills” are aimed at considering of mistakes of CI officers in professional communication. We offered students to play communicative situations in diads “Commander- Follower”, in which the “Follower” approaches the “Commander” with a professional problem. “Commanders” students had to demonstrate communication mistakes like disregard of conversation partner, interjection, rudeness and so on. Other trainees had to analyze the situation, describe the communication style of “Commander” and indicate communicative mistakes. After that, we offered the students to play communicative situation in diad “Correctional institution officer (hereinafter CI officer)-Convicted” in which the “CI officer” had to conduct conversation with the “Convicted” for the purposes of preparation of characteristics for attestation commission to prepare documents for conditional – early discharge. Students of “Observers” group had an assignment: to analyze the situation of professional communication of the officer and the convicted according to certain criteria of sequence activities (meeting moment, titling of convicted, character of questions, end of conversation). In the course of lesson there was analyzed the skill of students to enter into contact, ask questions, conduct “little conversation”, hear and understand the intention of communication partner. Special attention was paid to non-verbal information (adequate space placement of conversation participants, pose, gesture, facial gesture of CI officer in the course of conversation).


Next block of rolling-played games was offered when learning the topic “Manipulative behavior of convicted”. At the lesson, there were played situations, which allow acquiring ways of protection against manipulations. [13] For example, in one of such games, the student playing the role of “CI officer” had an assignment: “The convicted asks you to handover a letter to his mother out of prison (this is prohibited!). You have to deny the illegal request of the convicted. Show the ways of protection against manipulation, which you know” [2]. Role-playing games in the course of education make educational process “alive”, because almost all students of the training group take part in them and are able to approve themselves in the conditions of real cooperation. At the same time, our experience shows, that the game always contains risk and gives results only when the group is ready to participate in it. Much turns on the teacher’s possibility to set up the students in respective way, give them possibility to “come out of shell”, to show artistic skills. Autocratic communication style in this case is out of place, because it will block the activity and creative self-expression of trainees. Finally, it is important to note that the list of interactive technologies in the present article is not exhaustive. Implementing of interactive educational forms in the course of teaching the students of penal system higher educational institution of psychological and pedagogic disciplines adds to the development of intellectual, communicative, will and creative personal qualities and is one of the required conditions for development of professional competence of future CI officers.

References 1. Academic Studies in the Higher School: Theory, Practice, Modern Technology: Method Book / Astashina E.E., Elchaninova O.Yu., Ivanaevskaya E.A., Khokhlova L.L. – Samara: Samara Law Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, 2006. 80 P. 2. Active and Interactive Educational Technologies (Forms of Conducting Lessons) in Higher School: textbook / Comp. T.G. Mukhina. – Nizhniy Novgorod: NNGASU, 2013. 97 P. 3. Debate: Teaching Materials. – Moscow: Bonfi, 2001. 295 P. 4. Demidova E.T. The Methodology of the Seminars Conducting on the Subject “Criminal Procedure Law”: Special Aspects and Problems // The jubilee 6th reading marking the 120th anniversary of A.S. Makarenko’ birth (8, February, 2008): collection of scientific papers. – Samara: Samara Law Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, 2008. P. 188–192. 5. Khutorskoy A.V. Educational Innovation Theory: Textbook. – Moscow: Publishing center “Academiya”, 2008. 256 P. 6. Kolechenko A.K. Encyclopedia of Educational Technology: manual for teachers. – Saint Petersburg: KARO, 2005. 368 P. 7. Oshchepkova O.V. Characteristics of the Main Professionally Significant Qualities of the Penitentiary System Employees // Bulletin of Samara Law Institute: research and practice journal. No. 3 (11) / 2013. P.123–127. 8. Oshchepkova O.V. The Methodology of the Lecture – Press Conferences and Lecture With the Mistakes Planned Beforehand // Bulletin of Samara Law Institute: research and practice journal. No. 3 (14) / 2014. P.99–102. 9. Panina T.S., Vavilova L.N. Modern Methods of Training Activization: textbook. – Moscow: Publishing center “Academiya”, 2008. 176 P. 10. Pedagogy: textbook / L.P. Krivshenko, M.E. Vayndorf–Sysoeva and others. Edited by L.P. Krivshenko. – Moscow: TC Welbi, Publishing House Prospect, 2004. 432 P. 11. Psychology and Pedagogy: Textbook / S.I. Samygin, L.D. Stolyarenko. – Moscow: KNOPUS, 2012. 480 P. 12. Selevko G.K. Educational Technology. – Moscow: Research Institute of School Technology, 2005. 320 P. 13. Tarasova S.A. Formation at the Future Security Unit Officers (Regime) of a Correctional Facility the Ability to Recognize Lies When Dealing With the Convicted // Bulletin of Samara Law Institute: research and practice journal. No. 1 (9) / 2013. P. 67–74. 14. Verbitsky A.A. Active Learning in Higher School: The Contextual Approach. – Moscow: Vysshaya shkola, 1991. 207 P.

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15. Zagvyazinsky V.I. The Higher School Didactics: the text of lectures. – Chelyabinsk: Chelyabinsk Polytechnical Institute, 1990. 95 P.

REFERENCE TO ARTICLE Oschepkova, O.V., Piyukova S.S., &Tarasova S.A. (2015) Modern Technologies of Psychological and Pedagogic Disciplines Teaching of Students of Higher Educational Institution of the Penal System, Contemporary Problems of Social Work. Vol. 1. No. 4. P. 46–51. DOI: 10.17922/2412- 5466-2015-1-4-46-51 (International bibliographic description).


Zarubina V.S., senior engineer, Department of training and distance learning of the center of development of information technologies, Federal State Institution “Research Institute of Information Technologies of Federal Penitentiary Service”. E-mail: [email protected] Morozova O.Yu., chief specialist, Department of training and distance learning of the center of development of information technologies, Federal State Institution “Research Institute of Information Technologies of Federal Penitentiary Service”. E-mail: [email protected] UDC 37 DOI 10.17922/2412-5466-2015-1-4-52-59

Electronic Multimedia Tutorial As One of Modern Methods of Training

Receiving date: Preprint date: Taking to print date: 28.08.2015 09.11.2015 10.12.2015

Annotation: At the time of development of information technologies new methods of training are even more often used in educational process, interest in electronic textbooks increases. It’s not an electronic textbook as an electronic analog of the printed edition, but an electronic multimedia tutorial on use of a software tool is described in this article. The reasons why there was a need for creation of an electronic multimedia tutorial are specified, its advantages in comparison with the printed educational editions and video manuals are analyzed. The approximate cycle of creating an electronic multimedia tutorial is given and the programs used at its creation are listed. Questions for future researches in this direction are raised. Key words: Electronic multimedia tutorial, electronic textbook, distance learning, hypertext, multimedia.

Introduction: In the education system work on combination of means of information technologies with means of classical pedagogical school has recently been widely carried out. One of the most effective methods of self-education is the use of multimedia learning tool which brings system of open education to qualitatively new level. The most widespread approach to realization of self-directed learning are electronic multimedia textbooks, the automated training systems, etc. Relevance of creation and application of electronic multimedia textbooks is caused by need for development of new approaches and for improvement of the existing information and methodical foundations for improving the quality of education. First of all, electronic textbooks are in demand and are used in distance learning. But beyond that, they significantly enrich traditional forms of education as they allow to include a huge amount of training and evident materials and contribute to the development of qualitatively new techniques of teaching. As for the concept of “electronic textbook”, researchers define it basically almost the same. For example, K.S. Akhmetov, A.G. Fedorov [1] define electronic textbooks as a set of theoretical,

52 VOLUME 1, No. 4, 2015 reference, practical material and tasks for training, monitoring and assessment of the quality of knowledge assimilation. S.A. Khristochevsky believes that the electronic textbook is the program and methodical complex providing an opportunity for self-directed or with the assistance of the teacher development of a training course or its big section by means of the computer [8]. E. Azimov defines the electronic textbook as a new teaching tool on the computer disk storing and representing audio-, video, text and graphic information, a tutorial which is designed for a student working with a computer in interactive mode, and the pupil can get acquainted with educational information in that form, sequence, pace and with the depth that suits him [3]. It is also possible to mark out some types of electronic textbooks. 1. According to the method of distribution: • network electronic textbooks – which are fully or partially represented on servers on the Internet/Intranet; • local electronic textbooks – which are usually written on compact disks or other removable data carriers and either can be used directly from the carrier, or can be installed on a personal computer. 2. According to the representation of educational material: • the electronic textbooks which for the most part repeat printing manuals (more often – scanned texts) and used for independent work of students in combination with traditional forms of education (lectures, seminars, tests and examinations); • the electronic textbooks including some interactive components along with texts and presentation and used not only as a tutorial for full-time study, but also as an element of self- directed studying of a course; • the electronic multimedia textbooks for distance learning which are almost completely designed for self-directed studying of a course and virtual communication with the teacher. Due to the increasing public interest in electronic textbooks teachers, library and information and other spheres experts began active work on research of methods and techniques of application of electronic textbooks, the establishment of the main requirements to their creation, the conditions of use in full-time studying and in distance learning. In recent years the number of articles and tutorials on this subject considerably increased. S.A. Khristochevsky, B.E. Alginin, B.G. Kiselyov and others in the early nineties raised the issue of “informatization of education “, thus considering the application of electronic textbooks in traditional forms of education. E.S. Polat mentions electronic textbooks, referring to the problem of creating educational and material support of distance learning [10]. Methodical aspects of designing electronic textbook are defined in the principles of development of new information technologies (Zimina O. V., Zaynutdinova L.Kh., E.S. Polat and many others) and some other works on methodology and technology of creating electronic methodical system in the conditions of informatization of education. Our foreign colleagues also bring up the informatization of education question and therefore they study advantages and disadvantages of electronic textbooks. Matthew K. McGowan with coauthors studied students’ perception of electronic textbooks and how this perception may affect the development and application of electronic manuals in practical training [6]. Comparing a group of students preferring printing editions and a group of students giving preference to electronic textbooks, researchers found out that in general students are attracted by discounts at acquisition of one or another sort of textbook. In this regard electronic textbooks have a certain advantage over the printed counterpart, however this advantage alone will not lead to substantial increase of a consumer demand for electronic textbooks. In this connection researchers should pay attention to another format of electronic textbooks which will use means of presentation of material that should be directed to the

53 CONTEMPORARY PROBLEMS OF SOCIAL WORK profound assimilation of information and would be able to increase students’ interest in this product. M.K. Murray and H. Perez in their paper “E-textbooks are coming: are we ready?” [7] compare printing textbooks and electronic tutorials, but they also didn’t find significant differences in students’ perception of them and therefore researchers come to the conclusion that until electronic textbook format and features are standardized and considerable reduction of price is reached it will be impossible to consider electronic textbook as a competitive alternative to printing editions. Though scientists see the future of electronic textbooks in their compatibility with modern digital devices (e-book readers, iPhones, iPads) and in use of the integrated media means, hyperlinks to additional materials and means of maintenance the intertext links. An issue of expansion of reproduction opportunities of electronic tutorials was also raised by Russian scientists. Bosova L.L., Zubchenok N. E. in their work explored options of reproduction of electronic content on mobile electronic devices, specified concept of “electronic textbook”, determined its main opportunities [4]. The basic structural components of the electronic textbook were characterized, the requirements to multimedia and interactive content of the electronic textbook were submitted. Gasov V.M. and Tsyganenko A.M. explore methods and means of preparation of electronic editions, describe in detail the main components of electronic editions, discus modern language design tools of HTML-documents, scripts, applets, questions of practical implementation of modern electronic editions in relation to Web-publications. In spite of the fact that this manual was published in 2001, it still has not lost its relevance to this day and it is recommended for review before creation of electronic tutorials [5]. The most part of modern researches is aimed at identifying the principles of the structural organization of the electronic textbook, the representation of material in the form of hypertext and the participation of multimedia means in the presentation of the material. Therefore in articles and reviews on the subject often we are talking about electronic textbooks or video textbooks which represent the electronic version of the printing edition, collection of the digitized texts with elements of animation and audio-and video records, or video recording of a class teacher. We, on the other hand, will consider relevance and the principles of creation of the electronic multimedia textbooks intended for the study of software. At the time of prompt development of information technologies, in a century of scientific and technical progress there is a continuous increase in the number of software products, continuous updating of the existing programs, processes on many activities are automated. In this regard there is a constant need for the development of the products which appeared in the market of software. Our institute is engaged not only in the development, but also in the implementation of programs (both developed by our employees, and purchased), while implantation usually occurs in all subjects of federation at once when large volume of information is required to be transferred to very extensive audience. Therefore creation of electronic multimedia textbooks on the put into operation programs is a vital, urgent necessity. Our experience in creating electronic multimedia tutorial: In modern educational institutions a lot of attention is paid to computer maintenance of professional activity. Different training and testing programs for various disciplines are used in educational process. With informatization of educational process interest in electronic multimedia textbooks also increased. First of all, we find it very important to stress that we are going to use the term “electronic multimedia tutorial” instead of “electronic multimedia textbook” because “textbook” usually imply the existence of a text component while we intend to explore completely different kind of a textbook – a tutorial, a guide with a another set of opportunities. In that kind of a tutorial text is only supportive element but not a dominant one.

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The basis of constructing and presenting information in the electronic multimedia textbook are hypertext and multimedia. The hypertext structure is widely used, generally in information and library systems in various fields of knowledge. Hypertext is the information array where links between the selected elements are set and automatically supported. In this case, you can use a quick search of information on various criteria. Usually the hypertext is understood as a set of texts with properties of the interface which contain transition knots between certain fragments that allows to choose readable data or sequence of reading. For example, the hypertext is any story, the dictionary or the encyclopedia where there are links to other parts of the text, usually associated with the term. Nowadays multimedia systems more and more gain ground. Multimedia (English «multimedia» from Lat. «multum» is a lot of and «media», «medium» is a center; means), the electronic medium of information including several of its types (text, image, animation and so forth). The multimedia in modern understanding means the computer technology using not only text for presenting the information, but also graphics, color, sound, animation, video materials in any combinations. Respectively the electronic multimedia textbook is a textbook by creating which the computer technology of multimedia, that is technologies of the combined transfer of color, sound, graphics, etc. is used. Mutual coordination of music, voice of the teacher, sound effects with visual are capable to provide nearby figurative perception of educational material, emotional impact on the student that promotes not only to deep assimilation of knowledge, but it is interfaced to much less strain on the eyes of students. Therefore the principle of the hypertext and hypermedia is displayed in a known Russian proverb “It is better to see once than to hear a hundred times” or in an English proverb “A picture is worth a thousand words”. Speaking about personal experience of creating the electronic multimedia tutorial, we will start with why there was a need to develop an electronic manual. The department of training and distance learning more and more actively uses remote methods of training of employees, such as: - organization and conducting webinars; - organization and conducting videoconferences; - creation and use of electronic aids. One of the main work’s objectives of the staff of department of training and distance learning is distribution in all possible ways of practically relevant information on optimum methods of use of the software products developed by the Institute or acquired for its usage in the Penitentiary System. Therefore, there was a necessity to develop the available and visual aid during the implementation of a software for simplification of work with a software of employees on places. During the application of a program it is impossible to be limited only by instructions and the manuals with illustrations and tables, it is absolutely necessary to demonstrate the direct work with the program, functions of certain buttons. The electronic tutorial represents the educational electronic edition created at a high scientific and methodical and technological level, allowing to present for exploration theoretical material, to organize testing and self-directed work, allowing to estimate the level of knowledge on a certain subject, and also containing necessary reference information for studying. The electronic multimedia tutorial is suitable for use in both traditional system of training, and in distance learning. At lectures and practical lessons the electronic tutorial allows the teacher to give classes in the form of self-directed work on the computers, while acting as a director and a consultant; allows the teacher quickly and effectively monitor students’ knowledge by means of the computer, to set the contents and level of complexity of control measures; allows to use in the classroom the most essential material, leaving the rest of educational information for independent work with the electronic tutorial.


In the system of remote education the electronic multimedia tutorial is not a supportive application, but it is one of the main methods of training. Therefore it has to include detailed methodical recommendations, control questions for testing, situational tasks and tasks for creative activity. How did we begin our work on creation of the electronic multimedia tutorial? We started with the method of trial and error because at that time nobody in our field of work created anything similar. We began with conducting monitoring software tools for audio recording, editing electronic aids, and we also studied the electronic multimedia tutorials created in other various organizations. The first electronic manual was created by employees of our department in 2009 by means of Course Lab software: it had no general menu and represented the folder in which the separate files named by theme were collected. Our first experience was inefficient both from the practical point of view (to move from topic to topic it was necessary to close one file and open another), and from the aesthetic point of view. Creating the electronic multimedia tutorial focused on studying of a new software tool you are required to use the program allowing to make a screen capture and to display the actions performed on the computer while recording comments and explanations of the performed actions. In this case visualization is extremely creation of electronic multimedia tutorial on work with computer program Subsequently in our work we began to use possibilities of Adobe Captivate, which allowed us to achieve obvious progress on development of electronic tutorials. Today 16 electronic tutorials are developed, and work on their creation continues. But it is necessary to remember that in electronic multimedia tutorials of this sort the attention concentrates on the studied program, and the identity of the teacher, although not completely, but for the most part is reduced. Naturally, nobody will be able to replace completely real teacher, but we also don’t aspire to it. Though modern technologies of distance learning make it possible to replace this communication with implementation of multimedia interactive elements of management and, thus, to provide an effect of the environment which will organize transfer of knowledge to the trainee in the best way. To facilitate the work of those who plan to create their electronic multimedia tutorials in the future, we developed an approximate cycle of preparation and creation of electronic tutorials, based on personal experience. The cycle includes the main stages involved in that work. Process of developing of the electronic multimedia tutorial on working with a software tool consists of several stages: 1. Studying of functions, opportunities and features of the program, and also studying of the standard and legal base regulating work with this software. 2. Scheduling of the electronic multimedia tutorial: distribution of educational material according to sections and chapters. Separate sections can be corrected and added in the course of training. Updating of a training material, release of the corrected and updated versions do not involve significant expenses on republication unlike the way it happens with the printed textbooks. 3. Making HTML menu corresponding to the plan of the electronic multimedia tutorial: implementation of convenient and understandable navigation on chapters of the electronic multimedia tutorial. The HTML format is the primary Internet format that allows to use the electronic tutorial and its separate sections to be placed on the server of educational institution, and also to apply it in distance learning system. 4. Writing down the texts to chapters of the electronic multimedia tutorial, preparing additional materials for recording of the chapters when combination of all opportunities offered by modern computer equipment is used: hypertext, graphics, video records, audio records and animation.

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5. Recording audiovisual materials by means of Adobe Captivate software. Implementation of screen capture and demonstration of work in the program with parallel commenting workflow. 6. Editing recorded chapters, adding graphic and animation materials. 7. Publication of the recorded chapters and attaching them to the electronic multimedia tutorial. To record video and audio we used Adobe Captivate. This program allows to record the actions made on the screen and a voice of the teacher who comments on it simultaneously. Thus the project is created, record divides into slides which then can be edited and supplemented. But besides the opportunities given by Adobe Captivate we also used another software. Processing of images was performed by means of Adobe Photoshop, CorelDRAW and in some cases by Fast Stone Image Viewer. More often processing of images includes control of a tone curve, color correction, increase of sharpness of the image, suppression of noise and correction of distortions. Processing of an audio recording can be performed directly in Adobe Captivate, or it is possible to process a sound by means of another software, for example, by Adobe Premiere Pro, and then to load it into prepared Adobe Captivate project. In our opinion, if it is required to impose sound filters, to suppress noise or to add reverberation then it is better to use Adobe Premiere Pro. It is also easy to load the presentations created in Microsoft Office Power Point into the Adobe Captivate project. We tried to make each chapter of our tutorial not only informative, understandable, but also colourful and interesting. Creation of the menu of a tutorial also requires knowledge of bases of the HTML language to prepare a homepage of the tutorial. Thus, we create electronic multimedia tutorial by using software tools, such as: Adobe Captivate, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Reader and other software of a line of Adobe, as well as HTML technologies of contemporary level. As a result the tutorial for self-training of employees adapted for training of various groups of users both on preparation level, and on the nature of activity is created. By means of electronic aids students receive not only the factual information provided with illustrative material. This kind of tutorial demonstrate various processes which can not be actually shown and completely understood when using printed textbook. It is obvious that creating electronic multimedia tutorial the set of software tools and opportunities are used, and that is exactly what allows us to create the new, colorful, relevant and competitive tutorial in the market of textbooks. Results and significance of the question posed: The problem of making and using electronic textbooks in educational process has been being discussed for a long time now. Both Russian, and foreign researchers quite often turn to this topic and offer their own approaches to the creation of electronic textbook, derive advantages and disadvantages of its use in the learning process. However, not enough attention is paid to electronic multimedia tutorials which are more and more widespread in recent years. Most often electronic textbooks are considered in comparison with printed textbooks which is quite understandable and explainable. But in this comparison electronic manuals on educational disciplines with obvious prevalence of textual material in them are taken into account. The problem of making electronic multimedia tutorial on work with a software tool remains poorly understood and insufficiently studied to this day. At the same time there are many new tools for creating electronic multimedia tutorials, and consumer interest in such type of a product increases. We сan sort advantages of the electronic multimedia tutorial in comparison with traditional printing editions. Firstly, it is possible to mark out obvious compactness of storage of huge amounts of information. Not just a few volumes of the encyclopedia, but even the library of the school student can fit in on one CD-ROM disk.


Secondly, the undoubted advantage of the electronic textbook is its accessibility. A teacher has an opportunity to place the textbook on the server of educational institution or on a web page in the Internet for simultaneous access to it for multiple users. Also the possibility of filling the manual with powerful visual aids should be noted. The electronic textbook is performed in the format that allows hyperlinks, graphics, animation, various active elements like registration forms, test interactive tasks and other multimedia opportunities. Unlike the printing textbook, edition and addition of which takes several years, the updating of electronic textbook is much faster and easier. Besides, it is easy to use: the electronic menu allows to pass quickly from one subject to another, to exercise free navigation according to sections. Creation and design of the textbook, in principle, doesn’t include special expenses, except the availability of necessary programs and time for creation of a textbook. And of course, it is necessary to mention the fact that the electronic textbook created in a digital format is almost eternal, isn’t afraid of wear and aging. However if we are talking about a text component of the electronic textbook then the inconvenience of reading texts from the monitor screen should be considered as its shortcoming although in this case it rather goes for the digitized printing edition, but not the electronic textbook in its modern understanding. Now let’s compare the electronic multimedia tutorial to the video manual which represents a collection of video tutorials on a particular discipline. The video manual is based on an audiovisual component while it is also possible to add to the electronic multimedia tutorial text inserts, presentations and additional materials of other types. Also one of features of the video tutorials is direct participation of the teacher in presenting information, that is training by means of such tutorial is most likely approached to perception of information on traditional lectures. And in this case the identity of the teacher, his impact on students, methods of transferring of educational material are very important. In the electronic multimedia textbook extent of participation of the teacher can vary. Having a necessity to create electronic multimedia tutorial you should consider some recommendations: • The electronic tutorial has to make the process of training convenient and comfortable to contribute to more efficient assimilation of the material in a self-directed training. • The training material has to be well structured and provides complete course fragments. • Since we discuss not just an electronic textbook, but the multimedia tutorial describing the application of a specific program, it is necessary to emphasize predominant use of video records and audiocomments. • The text part whenever possible has to be followed by cross references for reduction of time for search of required information. Informatization of education is the main part of global process of informatization of society, thus, the electronic tutorial is another step to improve work skills in the computer environment, stimulation of ability to education and self-education. Conclusion and glance to the future: Researchers see the increasing role of electronic editions of educational nature in possibility of their rapid modification in accordance with the change of the achieved level of knowledge. Nowadays electronic textbook or electronic tutorial is being transformed to constantly developing training and monitoring the level of knowledge specialized information tool. Educational editions of a new generation are urged to ensure unity of educational process and modern scientific researches, to provide expediency of using new information technologies in educational process and, in particular, various kinds of so- called “electronic textbooks”. The effect from application of means of the computer technology in education can be achieved only when the expert on a subject isn’t limited in means of presenting the information and in ways of using databases and knowledge.

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Modern technologies develop promptly; the period of moral obsolescence of technical innovations takes often two-three years. Under these circumstances the expert has to continue training continuously, without interruption from main activity. For this purpose it is necessary to create computer systems for distance learning and their content – in the form of electronic tutorials and lectures. Development of the effective learning tools that rationally use all possibilities of computer technologies – is a very difficult challenge requiring a long, continuous and laborious work. Now there is no uniform concept on creation of electronic tutorials, and only the first steps in its creation are taken. Researchers, in our opinion, have to pay attention to a new format of electronic textbooks – multimedia interactive tutorials. They can be used both at school, and in the highest educational institutions when studying various disciplines, and also at advanced training courses. Opportunities and methods of application in practice of such tutorial aren’t completely studied and aren’t appreciated by everyone. Besides, it is necessary to understand extent of assimilation of a training material by students when using an electronic multimedia tutorial. It is our deep belief that an electronic multimedia tutorial is an irreplaceable assistant when training to work with a new software. We have already stated all its advantages earlier. We hope that our work will bring the contribution or can become a basis for creation of the similar concept of the electronic multimedia tutorial.

References 1. Akhmetov K.S., Fedorov А.G. Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 for all. — M.: Computer Press, 1997. 336 P. 2. Alginin B.E., Kiselev B.G. and others. Conception of Informatization of Education // Informatics and education. – 1990, No. 1. 3. Azimov E.G. The Methodology of Distance Learning Russian As a Foreign Language. Guide. — M.: Russian language, 2006. 152 P. 4. Bosova L.L., Zubchenok N.E. (2013) Electronic Textbook: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow// Educational Technology and Society. Vol. 16. No. 3. 5. Gasov V.M., Cyganenko A.M. Methods and Tools of Preparation of Electronic Publications: Training manual. – M.: MGUP, 2001. 735 P. 6. Matthew K. McGowan, Paul R. Stephens, Charles West (2009) Student Perceptions of Electronic Textbooks // Issues in information systems. Vol. 10. No. 2. 7. Meg Coffin Murray, Jorge Perez (2001) E-Textbooks Are Coming: Are We Ready? // Issues in informing science and information technology. Vol. 8. 8. Khristochevskij S.A. (2000) Electronic Multimedia Textbooks and Encyclopedias // Informatics and Education. No. 2. P. 70–77. 9. Krasnova G.A., Beljaev M.I. Technology of Building Electronic Learning Tools. – M.: MGIU, 2006. 304 P. 10. Polat E.S. Distance Learning: Study Guide. – M.: Humanit. publ. centre VLADOS, 1998.– 192 P. 11. Zajnutdinova L.H. The Creation and Application of Electronic Textbooks (On the Example of General Technical Disciplines). – Astrahan: Publishing house: CNJEP, 1999. – 364P. 12. Zimina O.V. Printed and Electronic Educational Publications in Contemporary Higher Education: Theory, Methodology, Practice. – M.: Publishing house: MJeI, 2003.

REFERENCE TO ARTICLE Zarubina, V.S. & Morozova, O.Yu. (2015) Electronic Multimedia Tutorial As One of Modern Methods of Training, Contemporary Problems of Social Work. Vol. 1. No. 4. P. 52–59. DOI: 10.17922/2412-5466-2015-1-4-52-59 (International bibliographic description).


Matveenko V.E., PhD in pedagogics, associate professor, chief of the Sub-department of the so- cial psychology and social work, Academy of Law and Management of the Federal Penal Service of Russia, Ryazan. E-mail: [email protected] Aleyevskaya A.O., lecturer of the Sub-department of the foreign languages, Academy of Law and Management of the Federal Penal Service of Russia, Ryazan. E-mail: [email protected] Zotkina T.A., lecturer of the Sub-department of the foreign languages, Academy of Law and Management of the Federal Penal Service of Russia, Ryazan. E-mail: [email protected] UDC 31 DOI 10.17922/2412-5466-2015-1-4-60-67 Social Support of Condemned Preparing For Release From Imprisonment Places

Receiving date: Preprint date: Taking to print date: 08.09.2015 09.11.2015 10.12.2015

Annotation: Re-socialization of condemned as social and legal category is acute for social, economic, political aspects of life of modern Russian society, it provides realization of principles of social justice, humanity, legality, differentiation and an individualization of punishment, correction of condemned. After release the person returns to society which has strongly changed lately, he/she has no work or accommodation (in the majority of cases) and is actually lonely. Facing problems difficult to solve, he/she often doesn’t find anything better, than to commit a crime again. The purpose of social workers is to foresee possible difficulties and to prepare the released for them, to involve in guardianship over him/her public and state services. This article is urged to help the interested experts with the organization of process of social support of condemned preparing for release from imprisonment places. The material of the article takes into account the positive penitentiary practice in the field of the considered scientific researches. Key words: re-socialization, social adaptation, condemned, punishment, support, humanity, legality.

Need for social and psychological support of various aspects of the personality development is noted nowadays, as a complex of recommendations in various legal and conceptual documents, both on the state level, and at the regional and municipal ones [8].

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The term “support” is also used for designation of nondirective form of rendering social and psychological assistance to healthy people [19], and for designation of the system of organizational, diagnostic, training and developing actions directed on creation of optimal conditions for personal development [5] and for designation of the technology of social and psychological assistance to the family and the personality – as one of the types of social patronage. N. Osukhova [14] and other representatives of humanistic psychology consider support as safe conditions creation for reconstruction of client relations with the community. It is important to look for inner resources of the person, for an individual approach and for lack of planning of a concrete result. Support is identified with the concept of “co-existence” [18]. Sinyushkina T. A. and Glebova L. M. [17] include correctional components in support and consider psychological support more likely as the help in a difficult life situation. G. Bardiyer [6], M. Bityanova [7] consider psychological and social support as one of the types of social patronage and make an emphasis on the social help. The activity practice of native penal establishments for ensuring re-socialization of the persons who served their sentence in the form of imprisonment testifies that the considerable part of the released condemned needs social support. Serving their sentence in imprisonment places for condemned isn’t only a simple punishment, but also being in the social environment promoting their correction and re-socialization. The main task of the penal system is to return of the persons that serve criminal sentence to society as law-abiding citizens. It means that such an activity with condemned as social support is urgent in correctional facilities [9]. Moreover, re-socialization of the persons who have served their sentence became an integral part of the prevention of recidivism [15]. Re-socialization is one of social concepts and is widely used in criminology, sociology, psychology and other humanities [1]. Structurally the process of re-socialization of condemned consists of a number of consecutive stages or levels: the establishment of affiliation of condemned to the specified social group, from the point of view of public safety; the formation of the circumstances for the breaking of condemned with socially dangerous group to which they belong; the correction of condemned i.e. their union to the system of the universal values shared by the law-abiding part of the society; the preparation of adaptation of condemned to the existing living conditions of the society; the social adaptation of the released [16]. The considerable part of the persons serving their sentence in the form of imprisonment has no resources for the solution of the problems connected with the social arrangement after release. The released persons often show the lack of readiness for the organization of the activity, and also the low level of inner motivation for the solution of the problems with the aim of social restoration (the necessary measures are not taken for accommodation: the registration of their ownership, registration, receiving necessary documents). They do not make attempts to acquire the legal sources of existence, lead a parasitic life style, go on committing crimes and frequently return to imprisonment places in a small period after the release [3]. The sociality of the condemned is treated as the result of their social support process representing the formed integrative quality of the personality combining: 1. Personal resource of formation (psychological readiness for social support; social knowledge, skills; educational level; professional standard); 2. Adaptive resource of formation (existence of social communications; existence of the identification documents, the status reached in the society, certain social guarantees of the state; available accommodation after release; possibility of employment that is the possession of a required profession) [20]. Social support of released from a correctional facility is the complex activity of the penal personnel preparing condemned for law-abiding life after release, presupposing the system of

61 CONTEMPORARY PROBLEMS OF SOCIAL WORK special occupations, individual influences, the solution of the issues connected with ensuring of sources of existence, the definition of the place of residence and the restoration of socially useful communications. Social support in this case can be considered as a special type of prolonged relationship of the client i.e. condemned with penal personnel (as a rule, with a social worker or a psychologist). This opportunity helps the person either he/she is nearby or at a certain distance. Working practice with unstable groups, in particular with the people serving their sentence testifies that positive results in their behavior aren’t always caused only by training and providing necessary resources. As a rule, representatives of this target group have not single problem, but complex ones of accommodation, medical, legal and psychological character. The program of social support presupposes that the client remains in contact with the expert until solutions of problems with which the person addressed to the social worker are defined. The main objectives of social maintenance are: 1. Identification among condemned those who need social, psychological, medical and other assistance and support; 2. Forecasting of problems which the concrete condemned can face after release [10]; 3. An assessment of opportunities that condemned can solve their problems independently after release; 4. Definition of a range of services which need to be offered to condemned after release for the solution of their problems; 5. Identification among the persons finishing their sentence those who for various reasons don’t intend to undertake constructive measures for the social adaptation; 6. Carrying out social and preventive actions for the purpose of prevention of recidivism among the persons finishing their sentence in a correctional facility and preparing for release. Functions of social support include analytical, training and educational ones, social prevention, social help, usage of external resources to assist condemned. Social support is recommended to be applied to the following categories of the persons who are in imprisonment, first of all to: 1) Pensioners having limited opportunities in movement and organization of their activity; 2) Disabled people that partially or completely lost their ability of self-service and need nursing help and support; 3) Condemned having obstinate and incurable diseases; 4) Condemned having steady experience of a vagabond way of life, mental deviation that can make it difficult to organize their life independently, and also those who have no useful social communications; 5) Condemned that spent a long time in the imprisonment places under the influence of criminal subculture and lost the skills to organize their life independently; 6) Condemned being exposed to physical and mental violence (); 7) Young condemned transferred from educational colonies; 8) Women having children under 3 years; 9) Condemned suffering (that suffered) alcoholic or drug addiction. Subjects of social support of condemned preparing for release from a correctional facility are (among external resources): 1) Passport and visa departments of the Federal Migration Service, law-enforcement bodies (documenting, labor and accommodation arrangement, registration in a residence, support). The staff of migration service can be invited for carrying out information and explanatory actions in correctional facilities where condemned, being foreign citizens, serve their sentence; besides conversations they can hold consultations, carry out the arrangement of information and reference materials;

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2) Bodies of an employment service (employment, professional training and registration on acquisition of the status of the unemployed for receiving a living grant). Representatives of an employment service participate in ensuring normal activity of electronic terminals of informing condemned about workplaces, carry out employment fairs, provide distribution of reference materials about labor situation, keep preliminary accounting of the persons which are subject to professional retraining, carry out individual consultation of condemned within the framework of creating consulting centers, etc.; 3) Bodies of the state guardianship (the issues that are solved previously include: the creation of appropriate conditions of accommodation and development of juveniles for the period after release from an educational colony; the protection of property rights and interests of the minors who are orphans and turned out to be without parents care, and also of those who have restricted abilities) [12]; 4) Commissions on affairs of minors and protection of their rights at regional authorities and local government (organization of preventive activity, solution of various problems and issues of the minors connected with training, need for labor and accommodation in case they can’t be solved in any other manner); 5) Medical departments and establishments of health care (concerning the organization of treatment of the persons having obstinate and incurable diseases); 6) Education departments and establishments (concerning the need for further education or involvement in training); 7) Bodies and establishments of social protection of the population (concerning social service in a residence or arrangement in boarding houses of the persons having reasons for this); 8) Departments and their structural divisions of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (concerning prescription and implementation of social support of condemned possessing the corresponding social and legal status); 9) Boards of trustees, public and religious organizations (associations) (concerning participation in all forms of social work with condemned during their staying in a correctional facility, assistance at release, re-socialization and social adaptation of released) [2]. Representatives of public and religious organizations (associations) can take part in realization of technologies of social support in the following individual and group forms: – social diagnostics, social rehabilitation, social security, social protection; social help, social support; social patronage, social mediation, pedagogics of experience; technology of social skills formation, etc.; – participation in the solution of labor, accommodation, medical care and social security issues; – participation in arrangement of condemned to imprisonment in case they need to be placed in medical or social service establishments or they need support; – participation in providing their freedom of worship and religion; – assistance in receiving by condemned to imprisonment education, professional training, initial professional, professional and higher education; – assistance in leisure organization of condemned to imprisonment (organization of concerts, exhibitions, lectures, film and video demonstration, other cultural and educational actions), in carrying out actions for legal education of condemned; –assistance in providing condemned to imprisonment with books, organization of their newspaper and magazine subscription, equipment of sports places in penal establishments, providing them with sports equipment and inventory; – participation in acquainting of condemned to imprisonment with the methods of prevention dangerous infectious diseases;


– participation in carrying out actions for promotion law-abiding behavior, a healthy lifestyle, maintenance and strengthening of socially useful communications of condemned; – assistance in maintenance and strengthening of ties between condemned to imprisonment and their families, establishment of contacts with the persons and organizations which are outside of imprisonment places. 10) The centers of social rehabilitation belonging to the government and non-government bodies (concerning assistance in social rehabilitation to certain categories of condemned after their release); 11) Family, close relatives. The recommended forms of interaction of the social worker of a correctional facility with a family of condemned at the organization and implementation of their social support are: – writing and addressing the letter in which the revealed problems of condemned are stated in order to receive information about the family plans for solving the situation connected with correction and re-socialization of condemned, invitation to participation in collaboration [11]; – organization of meetings and conversations during the relatives arrival (the family members of condemned) for long or short-term appointments; It is reasonable to consider that the most important forms of social support at creation and realization of the individual program of condemned who are released from a correctional facility are the following: 1. Assistance in knowledge and skills acquiring necessary for the social organization in connection with the changes which took place during the absence from free society. 2. Assistance in finding the acceptable living conditions after release. 3. Organization and ensuring of social protection for needing condemned. 4. Help to condemned in their searching social interest (work, a family, art, etc.), and also motivation on acquisition of a healthy lifestyle. 5. Training socially acceptable modes of behavior and help in solution of possible conflict situations for the condemned inclined to recidivism. 6. Help in social development of condemned, in promotion of their social self-control. 7. Assistance to condemned in receiving the help of various specialists (medical staff, psychologists, social workers, etc.). 8. Assistance in creation such relations for condemned during their sentence completion that could successfully prevent the development of negative factors that influence their personality. 9. Assistance in acquiring by condemned the social status of the person and the citizen. 10. Assistance in maintaining and strengthening of socially useful communications of condemned. 11. Preparation for completion of the sentence serving and the actions aimed at successful re-socialization and social adaptation. It is possible to apply the following forms of social impact on condemned for the purpose of formation of their own resources and inner motivation: 1) individual conversations on moral, social and legal issues within the program of social support; 2) special social and legal activities with condemned in groups according to the certain program; 3) group informative, social and legal activities within the obligatory preventive program (lectures, conversations, reports); 4) social dialogues and discussions; 5) demonstration of documentary and special educational movies on a social problem with the discussion afterwards; 6) social and legal informing and consulting according to the current law and its changes;

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7) informative and explanatory actions of penal and social workers, who were invited to classes of social and legal training with some groups of condemned; 8) consulting the personnel of courts, prosecutor’s office, advocacy, public safety police; 9) conducting classes in special social and legal issues with condemned in connection with the further sentence completion within the work of the department concerning preparation for release; 10) work with written requests, offers and complaints of condemned; 11) reports and individual conversations with condemned carried out by ombudsmen. There exist the following programs of social support of condemned preparing for release from imprisonment places: 1. Programs of social support having psychological specialization – they represent specially organized activity of social workers, psychologists, tutors and condemned directed on the solution of the following psychosocial problems of condemned: alcoholic and drug addiction; HIV infection; family breakdown and problems of adaptation; negative features of the personality of condemned: anger, aggression, cruelty, uneasiness, emotional instability; wrong living world view; unwillingness to correct, absence of life plans; stress conditions; communication problems in conflict solutions, difficulties of interpersonal communication; behavioral problems; discrepancy of a self-assessment and self-knowledge; and they represent the first stage of process of social support in imprisonment places and prepare the basis for participation of condemned in social programs; 2. Programs of social support having social specialization (aimed at the solution of social, social security and social insurance, religious, entertaining problems) help condemned to adopt socio-cultural practice, to prevent degradation of the personality of condemned and to know themselves, to learn social communication and interaction with other people, to reduce manifestations of racial and national prejudices; and these programs are the following stage of the process of social support of condemned, allowing them to prepare for educational programs; 3. Programs of social support having educational specialization: providing with general knowledge, professional, higher and additional education – promote the general development of the personality of condemned (moral development, induce them to creative activity and constant moral self-improvement), their professional readiness, strengthening of their social status in society and social adaptation and these programs put an end to the preparation for their receiving special professional programs; 4. Programs of social support having professional specialization – on specialty receiving, production programs, programs for supporting an establishment – promote the employment after release, the becoming of law-abiding citizens and influence considerably the increase of sociality level of condemned [9]. Elaborating the program of social support of the persons preparing for release from a correctional facility it is reasonable to consider the above-mentioned factors and the following ones. The penal personnel should make a number of the consecutive actions directed on preparation of condemned to release according to the established requirements of the current legislation 6 months prior to the completion of sentence in the following order: – to provide attendance of special trainings at “Department on preparation for release” by everyone releasing condemned (frequency – once a week within 6 months); – to lead discussion with condemned about the further release, plans, intentions for the future. Individual discussions are recommended to be led before release every month, and more often in case of opportunity; it can be carried out by the staff of departments and services of a correctional facility and by representatives of the cooperative organizations; – to receive from condemned preparing for release the written request of rendering assistance in labor and accommodation arrangement;


– to consider the application of condemned and to make the relevant decision on rendering assistance in the labor and household device; –to send inquiries and letters with the notice 6 months to the completion of imprisonment (at release on other reasons it should be done within 10 working days after release) about their release to local governments, bodies of a federal employment service about their employment opportunities, providing registration and accommodation on the basis of the written statement of condemned about the residence after release from imprisonment places and of the desire to find a job; the preliminary results received at correspondence are led up to the condemned; – to send an inquiry to law-enforcement body in the residence chosen for the request of accommodation in the specified address; – to make the decisions connected with accession to the petition of condemned (having the motivated official report addressed to the head of the correctional institution) about providing a short-term departure during 7 days, apart from time necessary for journey there and back, for the preliminary solution of questions of the labor and accommodation arrangement after release; – to send the letter to law-enforcement bodies 30 days prior to the completion of the sentence and at release on other reasons within 10 working days after release; – to file to a personal record of condemned all materials (the other copies of letters) of official correspondence according to the preliminary solution of questions of the labor and accommodation arrangement. It is possible to carry out “the ritual of the release of condemned”– a special festive event with orders and instructions on maintaining a law-abiding way of life in society after release, depending on opportunities of a correctional facility and its functioning conditions. The social worker and the chief of group must try to solve the following issues just before the release of condemned: – to explain the necessity of observance of requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation, inadmissibility of committing new crimes, the duty to arrive to the chosen residence and come in a law-enforcement body for registration within three days and also in local governments and an employment service for in time employment or study; – to explain an order and to assist everyone in order to receive the things of his/her property, means on personal account, personal papers and also documents on release and work in a correctional facility; – to provide the release of condemned from a correctional facility in their personal seasonal clothes or in those given in a correctional facility; to take the written statement from the condemned for the clothes necessary for release; – to check the following providing in the day of release: free pass (money for the road) to a residence, delivery of food or money for journey time, and also delivery of a subsidy; – to prepare (if it is possible) a special instruction for released from a correctional facility which they can be given against signature. The instruction may contain the following sections: the rights and duties of the released citizens, pieces of advice of a psychologist, reference information (addresses, phones) of job centers for the chosen residence (in the area), addresses, phones of boarding houses, half- way houses, dosshouses, social dining rooms and the territorial centers of social service of the population, rehabilitation centers, ambulance, police, hospitals. Thus, social support of released from a correctional facility, their post-penitentiary adaptation are considered especially important periods and the directions of re-socialization and social adaptation of condemned [4, 13]. The organization of subject work concerning re-socialization of this category of persons is so important that the accounting of the specified directions as factors of this activity can predetermine the final positive results.

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References 1. Avramenko V. Y. Resocialization of the Prisoner As the Social and Pedagogical Purpose of Work with it in Correctional Facility//VGPU News. 2010. No. 1 (45). P. 82. 2. Aksenov A.A., Kukhtin A.A., Molostvov A.V. Organization of Communications of Criminal and Executive System With the Public: Ucheb.Posobiye. Ryazan, 2012. 3. Ananyev O. G., Matveenko V. E. Resocialization and Social Adaptation Condemned, Serving Sentence in the Form of Imprisonment in Educational Colonies (the educational centers): Practical Recommendation. Ryazan: Academy of FSIN of Russia, 2014. 4. Andreyeva Y.V. Post-Penitentiary Adaptation of the Persons Condemned to Imprisonment. Krasnoyarsk, 2008. 5. Afanasyeva N. V. Complex Escort of Children in Establishments of Education//Management of Education. 2006. No. 11. P. 28–36. 6. Bardiyer G., Romazan I., Cherednikova T.A. Psychological Maintenance of Natural Development of Small Children. SPb., 1996. 91 P. 7. Bityanova M.R. Organization of Psychological Work at School. – M.: „Genesis“. – 2000. 8. Vasilyeva N. L., Ivanova V. Y. Use of Ecological Model in Psychological and Social Maintenance//Letters in Issue. Offline: electronic scientific magazine. 2009. No. 1. 9. Vinogradov V. V. Psychology and Pedagogical Components of Social Maintenance Condemned in Correctional Facility//The Bulletin of the Vladimir Legal Institute. 2012. No. 1. P. 16–20. 10. Voronin R. M., Daty A.V. Medico-Social Work With the Disabled Male Containing in Corrective Colonies of Ordinary Regime//The Personality in the Changing World: Health, Adaptation, Development. 2014. No. 1 (4). P. 67–74. 11. Zagaynov A.A. Council of the Relatives Condemned As the Instrument of Increase of Overall Performance of the Establishments Executing Punishments in the Form of Imprisonment// Business, Management and the Right. 2013. No. 2(28). P. 87–89. 12. Kuznetsov M. I., Luzgin S. A. Order of the Organization of Interaction of Correctional Facilities With Local Governments, the Enterprises, the Organizations, Labor Collectives, Law-Enforcement Bodies, Relatives Condemned by Preparation Them to Release: Methodical Recommendations. – Ryazan: Academy of FSIN of Russia, 2011. 13. Makhmudov Z.S. Post-Penitentiary Adaptation: to a Question of Concept//Criminal and Executive Right. 2011. No. 1. P. 39–42. 14. Osukhova N. Psychological Maintenance of a Family and the Personality in a Crisis Situation// The School Psychologist. 2005. No. 9. P. 2–16. 15. Rakhmayev E.S. Resocialization of the Persons Who Served Sentence in System of the Prevention of Recurrent Crime//The Criminal and Executive Right. 2010. No. 2. P. 63. 16. Resocialization and Social Adaptation of the Persons Released From Corrective Establishment: Practical Recommendations / O. G. Ananyev [etc.]. – Ryazan, 2014. 17. Sinyushkina T. A., Glebova L. M. Work of the Psychologist in the Mode of Psychology and Pedagogical Escort of the Child in the Conditions Of Educational Institution. – M, 2004. 18. Slobodchikov V. I. Fundamentals of Psychological Anthropology. Psychology of development of the person. – M.: „The school press“, 2000. 19. Slyusarev Y.V. Psychological maintenance as Factor of Activization of Self-Development of the Personality: autoref. Yew. Edging. Psychological sciences. SPb, 1992. 20. Social Work in the Penal System: Educational Grant / S. A. Luzgin, M. I. Kuznetsov, V. N. Kazantsev, etc.; under a general edition of Y.I. Kalinin. – 2nd prod.,– Ryazan, 2006.

REFERENCE TO ARTICLE Matveenko, V. E., Aleyevskaya, A.O., & Zotkina, T. A. (2015) Social Support of Condemned Preparing For Release From Imprisonment Places, Contemporary Problems of Social Work. Vol. 1. No. 4. P. 60–67. DOI: 10.17922/2412-5466-2015-1-4-60-67 (International bibliographic description).


Rostovskaya T.K., professor, doctor of sociological sciences, professor of the Department of the family, gender policy and youth studies, Russian State Social University, Moscow. E-mail: [email protected] Tarasova A.E., associate professor of the civil and enterprise law, candidate of jurisprudence, South Russian Institute of the Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration. E-mail: [email protected] UDC 31 DOI 10.17922/2412-5466-2015-1-4-68-75

Probation Services for Children in the General Mechanism of Realization and Protection of Minors: The Social and Legal Aspects (The Experience of Russian and International Standards)

Receiving date: Preprint date: Taking to print date: 10.09.2015 09.11.2015 10.12.2015

Annotation: In article the institute of a probation of minors in legal systems of the Russian Federation and other states is considered, the combination of institute of a probation to other elements of the general mechanism of realization and protection of the rights of minors including private subjects (lawful representatives of children is analyzed: parents, trustees/trustees, adoptive parents, the organizations for orphan children and children without parental support); state subjects (agencies of guardianship and guardianship, bodies of prosecutor’s office, other authorized specialized bodies, for example, social protection, health care, bodies of execution of punishments) and public institutes (organizations of public control, commission on affairs of minors, etc.). Key words: protection of minors, children in the general mechanism of realization, social and legal aspects.

In each law and order there are features of creation of system of maintenance, guardianship and socialization of the minors which appeared in a difficult life situation, children without parental support, minors which became offenders or involved in criminal activity. The specified groups of children demand special approach in realization and protection of their rights, maintenance, control and social adaptation in society. In article the author’s look concerning forming of system of social escort of the minors who appeared in a difficult life situation, committed crimes and other offenses taking into account the general mechanism of realization and protection of the rights of children, historical features of institute of escort of minors offenders and experience of world practice existing in the Russian Federation is offered.

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Now in Russia the direction of a humanization of criminal law is realized. In our opinion, such humanization isn’t settled by reforming of system of punishments (sanctions) for illegal acts, change of approaches to criminal and executive system (actually models of execution, organizational forms of execution of punishments) both improvement of post-penitentiary control and introduction of forms of post-penitentiary adaptation. This problem is much wider and is directly connected with the solution of social and economic problems, elimination of the reasons of commission of crimes, application of equal approaches to action of the criminal legislation, with fair justice irrespective of the social status of citizens, with the attitude towards the person as to the necessary social subject. Without change of approaches to the called aspects all attempts of a humanization of criminal law will be vain. The humanization of criminal and legal sanctions on softer, not connected with imprisonment, doesn’t give the effect if the offender remains in the same social conditions and the same social environment which served commission of crime, has no opportunity will find a job, socially isn’t demanded, and the measures applied to it come to an end only with execution of criminal penalty. Without resocialization humanity – an empty phrase. Contradiction of idea of a humanization of the criminal legislation to those conditions in which it is embodied today, and to those means by means of which the humanization is carried out, shown, for example, in the idea of decrease of age of criminal liability discussed some years in Russia till 12 years on heavy and especially serious crimes, till 14 years on crimes the age of criminal liability on which is established in 16 years now. The idea of decrease of age of criminal liability of minors is caused by growth of children’s crime, distribution of involvement of minors to commission of crimes by adult citizens, increase of degree of cruelty and cynicism of the crimes committed by children. Attempt to lower age of criminal liability is a confirmation of lack of the created system of application of the appropriate measures of impact on children offenders, except the existing general system of criminal penalties. Obviously and that decrease of age of criminal liability won’t turn out to influence the adult citizens involving children in criminal activity for the purpose of suppression of such involvement, such step is ineffective, in our opinion. There has to be a complex of other decisions which are in the plane not only standards of the criminal and criminal and executive legislation but also civil, housing, family, labor, social. So, in the report of the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Russian Federation for 2014 it is noted that among the measures planned for 2015 have to become: inadmissibility of eviction of families with minor children from the only housing; practice of identification, the account, rehabilitation of the minors and parents taking alcoholic drinks, toxic, narcotic and psychoactive agents; measures for identification and accountability of the adult persons allowing sale by the minor of alcoholic products, involving them in commission of crimes, alcoholism and declining to the use of drugs; practice of confiscation of children at direct threat of their life and to health, restriction and deprivation of the parental rights and improvement of work on preservation of a blood family; measures for execution of judgments on collecting the alimony on the maintenance of minor children, about confiscation of the child, about provision of housing to orphan children and without parental support; measures for prevention of offenses by the minors brought to criminal and administrative liability, and also who made public and dangerous acts before achievement of age of criminal liability and some other. Now the separate regulations having the uniform direction of impact on children’s crime work. These acts demand reduction in uniform system and creation of the mechanism of control of offenses, friendly in relation to children, prevention of offenses, justice concerning minors, execution of punishments and post-penitentiary maintenance. This mechanism has to be coordinated in system of standards of the family, housing, labor, social, criminal, criminal procedure and executive legislation, and also has to lean on system of authorized bodies of the power with the accurate mechanism of interaction.


In practice in the Russian Federation separately the commissions on affairs of minors, agencies of guardianship and guardianship, law enforcement agencies, social services, suppliers of social services, courts from each other function (in single territorial subjects of the Russian Federation courts apply technologies of justice, friendly in relation to children), bodies of execution of punishments, the organizations to children of orphans, etc. The federal law of 24.06.1999 No. 120-FL “About bases of system of prevention of neglect and offenses of minors” conflicts to the Federal law of 28.12.2013 No. 442-FL “About bases of social service of citizens in the Russian Federation”. As, for example, it is noted in the report of the Representative, the standard and legal base regulating activity of the commissions on affairs of minors is considerably obsolete now and doesn’t correspond to the tasks facing the commissions at the present stage. At the same time it is difficult to call the tendency of the solution of problems of such regulation which was outlined in recent years by means of modification of the Law No. 120-FZ purposeful, system and effective. Moreover, explanations of new norms Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation in the Resolution on jurisprudence of application of the legislation regulating features of criminal liability and punishment of minors don’t clear up of 01.02.2011 this question. Interaction of subjects of prevention is also not regulated that conducts to their not coordinated activity, separation, duplication of each other and as a result to dysfunction of system, unreasonable increase in states, irrational use of budgetary funds, reduces productivity of work, is emphasized in the report. The serious reorganization of system of execution of punishments concerning minors answering to the direction of a humanization was offered in the Concept of development of criminal and executive system of the Russian Federation till 2020. In January, 2015 insolvency of transformation of educational colonies for minors in the educational centers as one of the main directions of the Concept is recognized by Audit Chamber of the Russian Federation which established that this work was carried out without development of criteria of its assessment and indicators of achievement of the objectives; without objective assessment of expediency of creation of the educational centers and the accounting of domestic specifics of execution of punishments concerning minors; transformations in establishments of Federal system of execution of punishments of Russia were begun without the corresponding legislative providing; on separate establishments the actual expenses on transformation of colonies exceeded settlement requirements almost by 19 times. Besides, experts note need of development and adoption of the new Criminal and executive code of the Russian Federation. By sight authors, carrying out system reform of the mechanism of realization and protection of the minors and youth which appeared in a difficult life situation is necessary. Reform has to cover all links of the specified mechanism with strengthening of those elements which purposefully provide completion of gaps of socialization, are directed on the prevention of commission by children of offenses, and also maintenance and protection of the rights of minors offenders and their resocialization during execution concerning them of punishments and after that for full inclusion of such persons in public life. Separate system of guardianship concerning children offenders in Russia it isn’t created, thus, as that service of a probation concerning minors isn’t entered. It is supposed that concerning minor criminals their lawful representatives have to execute functions of guardianship/guardianship, and control observance and protection of the rights of such children – agencies of guardianship and guardianship. However special regulations at the legislative level on such functions of lawful representatives of children and agencies of guardianship and guardianship in Russia are absent. Besides, children without parental support, when serving punishment get from system of the organizations for orphan children, or from the replacing families under control to agencies of guardianship and guardianship, to the

70 VOLUME 1, No. 4, 2015 organizations executing the punishments which are under authority and the sphere of control of bodies of an execution of the punishment. As a rule, serving of punishment can come to an end when offenders reach age of majority and don’t come back in maintaining agencies of guardianship and guardianship. For such subjects there is a situation of their loss from the sphere of special control and the help in social adaptation which has to consider their status and commission of offenses by them at minor age. The bill prepared by the Ministry of Justice in 2014 offers only introduction in the Russian legal system of some elements of a probation concerning minors. The bill for strengthening of guarantees of observance of the rights and legitimate interests of the child makes changes in Federal Law “About the Main Guarantees of the Rights of the Child”. In particular, is established that at the solution of a question of purpose of punishment to the minor the assessment of his social and psychophysiological and other characteristics is considered. And in case of release from criminal liability or from punishment with application of coercive measures of educational influence court, making the decision on application of the specified measures, has the right to recognize necessary carrying out actions for social adaptation and social rehabilitation of the minor. Also it is offered to introduce in the Criminal and executive code of the Russian Federation the amendments providing the translation 18 years which are negatively characterized condemned, reached and also condemned reached 19 years from an educational colony in the isolated site of an educational colony functioning as corrective colony of ordinary regime, before the termination of term of punishment. A number of changes of a positive orientation for ensuring socialization of the children who appeared in a difficult life situation is entered into the Russian Federation by the new provision on the organizations for orphan children, children without parental support since September 1, 2015. The resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of 24.05.2014 which provides possibility of accommodation in the organizations for orphan children of graduates of such organizations aged till 23 years that persons from among orphans before providing them housing weren’t on street. New situation provides acceptance by the organizations for orphan children of measures for a vocational education and employment of orphan children, persons from their number, to their full inclusion in the external social environment. The Federal law of 28.12.2013 N 442-FL “About bases of social service of citizens in the Russian Federation” by which free providing social services by the minor and providing urgent social services, in particular providing with free hot meals or sets of products is provided is adopted; providing with clothes, footwear and other necessities; assistance in receiving temporary premises; assistance in receiving a legal aid for protection of the rights and legitimate interests of recipients of social services; assistance in receiving the emergency psychological assistance with attraction to this work of psychologists and priests; other urgent social services. However by sight authors which is confirmed by the analysis of indicators of negative social activity of youth presented in article, of the existing gaps in system of the bodies and services working with children, the taken and planned measures have no system character. It is necessary complex state support of the youth which appeared in a difficult life situation. Real difficulties in the course of socialization are met practically by all young people, irrespective of age, sex, a social status and the place of residence. However the greatest number of social problems, essential limiting opportunities for effective socialization are available for the young people who are in a difficult life situation. Citizens have to have the right for measures of the state help and support (including young) who for some reason experience difficulties, problems, are subject to factors of social risk or are in a difficult life situation. At assistance and supports of youth in these situations or conditions it is important to consider that the young man can’t independently cope with difficulty and needs social services of experts (social psychology and pedagogical services, legal services, advisory and so forth).


The special category of the youth which is in a difficult life situation is made by the young people who appeared in jails or left them. The increasing concern is caused by an involvement of youth and children into criminal activity. According to the Federal Drug Control Service for 2009 in Russia 2-2,5 million people use drugs and psychoactive agents. Generally it is young people from 19 to 24 years. According to data of the UN, the percent of the Russian population involved in abuse of opiates by 5 – 8 times exceeds an indicator of EU countries. Annually in Russia there are not less than 80 thousand new addicts. Remain widespread among young people and social destructive tendencies. On the account in law-enforcement bodies 302 youth informal movements with a total number more than 10 thousand people consist. Law enforcement authorities consider a half of them “inclined to aggressive actions”. Thus it is only about the revealed associations. By estimates of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, today in Russia about 50-70 thousand skinheads and over 15 thousand young radical extremists. 98 thousand teenagers, are included “into groups of antisocial, extremist and other character”. In the country there is steady a tendency to growth of crimes of an extremist orientation. The conducted sociological researches and the analysis of the factors influencing extremism problems in modern Russia show that cases of international and interfaith aversions and the conflicts are provoked not by believers, and, as a rule, national and extremist courses of marginal character within this or that religion, and also the certain political forces using religious symbolics and rhetoric in the purposes. Thus the highest level of intolerance is observed in age group of 16-17 years. It in a bigger measure is subject to aggression, emotional flashes and spontaneous actions. The analysis of regional experience with the youth which is in a difficult life situation (DLS) allows to draw some conclusions and the conclusions. All subjects understand the importance of the organization of work with the youth which is in DLS and undertake measures, realize actions for the purpose of overcoming of difficulties which accompany vital or social trouble of youth. Nevertheless, it should be noted that the system understanding of all complexity of a problem of social integration of the youth which is in DLS didn’t develop yet. As offers it is possible to speak about need: 1) definitions of categories of youth relating to target group in connection with stay in DLS and ex-articulations of the main social problems which accompany young people in case of approach of a situation; 2) obligation of maintaining a databank on the young people who are in DLS; 3) formation of institute of a coaching over the youth which is in DLS (within volunteering and professional work of experts); 4) development of measures and actions for early identification of the youth which appeared in a crisis situation on the basis of interdepartmental interaction with the relevant organizations and services; 5) priority of measures of prevention over correction and rehabilitation as the directions of social activity; 6) close interaction with the public organizations, government institutions working with youth within the competences; 7) transfer of measures, actions with regional on municipal level for the purpose of the fullest coverage of the youth which is in DLS; 8) introduction of remote forms of work with youth as aspects of consulting and preventive activity of establishments of bodies for affairs of youth. 9) attraction of the youth which is in DLS to development and implementation of the social projects intended for the solution of the available problems and difficulties.

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According to experts of Public council at Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, the released 20% condemned young age already during the first half of the year make recurrence and come back. Thus, it is necessary to develop programs of social and professional rehabilitation of the youth which got to imprisonment places at the federal and regional levels. Rehabilitation of the young people who got to imprisonment places is the important mechanism of decrease in criminality in society. It is important to provide completing of educational colonies with necessary number of profile experts – psychologists, social teachers, medical employees. Process of social rehabilitation has to be successive, and rehabilitation in a jail has to be continued by rehabilitation of the former prisoners in a residence. Creation of uniform rehabilitation system, on the one hand, and work on change of the attitude of society towards the former prisoners, with another, will promote integration into society of the former prisoners, decrease in a share of recurrence. Improvement of conditions of keeping and medical care of prisoners in colonies can play an important role, including, prevention of diseases. Many prisoners have alcoholic and drug addiction, other diseases. In this regard it is expedient to expand coverage of the psychiatric diseases concluded by programs of treatment, drug addiction and alcoholism, and also programs of rehabilitation. The key mechanism of prevention of repeated involvement of the released prisoners in criminal activity is assistance of their employment. It is necessary to strengthen seriously measures for coverage of prisoners educational programs, programs of vocational guidance for the most demanded working professions and the subsequent social and labor adaptation. For social and professional rehabilitation of the youth which got to places of imprisonment it is necessary: • to carry out a vocational education in establishments of system of execution of punishments on the basis of the state, municipal and commercial order; • to develop system of additional education (including remote interactive educational blocks, using modern telecommunication technologies) and employment of the condemned; • to develop system of leisure (involvement of the condemned educational and corrective labor colonies in positive welfare practices); • to provide labor employment on productions in establishments of system of execution of punishments; • to adopt at the regional level acts for quoting of workplaces for minors and the youth which came back from establishments of system of execution of punishments about introduction of institute of public tutors from among heads of the enterprises of various forms of ownership; • to organize specialized institutions for the services released from imprisonment places with a full complex (half-way house, the social dining room, legal support, medical care, temporary and continuous employment); • creation of the rehabilitation centers for carrying out the occupations aimed at social adaptation condemned, including the rehabilitation centers behind territories of educational colonies. The task which isn’t solved so far there is a creation of system of social adaptation of graduates of special teaching and educational and other residential establishments, and also the youth released from educational colonies. Meanwhile similar system has to promote preservation and development of the rehabilitation potential acquired by the young man during stay in establishment and also to provide prevention of recurrent offenses which are often made because of vital disorder and lack of necessary social, psychological, legal support. The Russian criminal and executive legislation (Art. 180, 181, 182 the Criminal and executive code of the Russian Federation) affirms the rights released condemned on the labor and household device and other types of the social help, and also an obligation of administration of

73 CONTEMPORARY PROBLEMS OF SOCIAL WORK establishments on rendering by it in it assistance. At the same time, the existing Criminal and executive code of the Russian Federation doesn’t carry to a subject of the criminal and executive legislation of the relation in the sphere of the social help released, the relation of the state and the released person after end of an execution of the punishment and isn’t defined by an order of rendering the social help, and contains the referential norms defining the labor and household device and receiving other types of the social help according to the federal legislation. Noting a special role of bodies for affairs of youth and establishments of bodies for affairs of youth in socialization of youth, it is necessary to define the following main criteria of efficiency in the organization of their work on primary prevention: – first, mass character (coverage of the youth living in this subject); – secondly, differentiation, i.e. an orientation on the solution of priority regional social problems (on the basis of regional monitoring of a condition of the youth environment) and concrete groups of teenagers and youth “group of risk”; – thirdly, complexity and variability of the undertaken measures, conditionality of their contents specifics of the solved problem; – and at last, systemacity of the undertaken measures, – the simultaneous accounting of influence of legal, organizational, administrative, technological factors. We consider these criteria as the establishments of bodies for affairs of youth defining in the analysis of regional experience of practice of work for prevention of offenses and crimes in the youth environment.

References 1. Abramov I.V. Legal Status of the Child // Modern law. 2005. No. 9. P. 12–18. 2. Actual Problems of Protection of Property of Minors Rights (Material and Procedural Aspects). Collection of Scientific and Practical Articles / Under the General editorship of A. E. Tarasova. Moscow. 2015. Ser. Scientific thought. M. Publishing house INFRA-M. 3. Andreev Yu.N. About How Civil-Legal Protection // Civil Law. 2012. No. 4. 4. Astakhov P.A. The Rights of the Child. The Newest Legal Guide. – M.: Eksmo, 2010. 176 P. 5. Butnev V.V. The Concept of the Mechanism of Protection of Subjective Civil Rights // The Mechanism of Protection of Subjective Civil Rights: Sat. scientific. works. – Yaroslavl, – 1990. 262 P. 6. Human Rights and Legal Social State in Russia / OTV. ed. by E.A. Lukasheva. M.: Norma, INFRA-M, 2011. 400 P. 7. Human Rights and Legal Social State in Russia / OTV. ed. by E.A. Lukasheva. M.: Norma, INFRA-M, 2011. 400 P. 8. Human Rights: Textbook / Ed. ed. by E.A. Lukasheva. – 2-e Izd., Rev. – M.: Norma, 2009. 400 P. 9. Kalashnikov S.V. Application of Generally Recognized Principles and Norms in the Sphere of Protection of Human Rights in Russia: theory and practice / ed. by D.S. Veliyeva. – M.: DMK Press, 2010. 162 P. 10. Osipova I.I. The System of Prevention of Child Abandonment and Juvenile Delinquency: Scientific-Methodical Manual /Under the editorship of E.A. Manukian. M: Poligrafservis, 2005. 320 P. 11. Rostovskaya T.K. Legislative Aspects of Regulation of the State Youth Policy at the Present Stage. The Yearbook of the Russian Educational Legislation. 2014. Vol.9. P. 239–251. 12. Rostovskaya, I.V. (2013) International and Foreign Legislation, Regulating Civil-Law Protection of Property Rights of Minors // International Public and Private Law. No. 3. P. 45–48. 13. Rostovskaya, I.V. The Legal Status of Juveniles in Russia: Constitutional and Legal Aspect. in: , TGTU, 2013. 84 P. 14. Shershen T.V. Theoretical and Practical Problems of Ensuring the Rights of the Child in Modern Russia // Russian Judge. 2009. No. 10. P. 20. 15. State Report “The Situation of Youth and the Realization of the State Youth Policy in the Russian Federation (2002-2006)” // Published With the Financial Support of the Ministry of Education and Science. M., MATI, 2008. 254 P.

74 VOLUME 1, No. 4, 2015

16. The Activities of Agencies and Organizations in the Sphere of Protection of the Rights of Minors. Rostovskaya I. V., Tarasova A. E. North Caucasian legal Bulletin.2015. No. 1. P. 57– 64. 17. The Commentary to the Federal Law “On basic Guarantees of Child Rights in the Russian Federation, Narutto, S. V. M., 2011. P .117. 18. The Formation of the System of Protection of the Rights of Adolescents and Youth As a Tool of Prevention Delinquentes Behavior of Adolescents and Youth. Deviation. Edition 2013 /Part 1 and Part 2 . edited by Lymar A. B. – M., “MATI-Impact”- “HALLEY-PRINT”, 2013. 472 P. 19. The Report “The Youth of Russia 2000-2025: Development of Human Capital”, M., 2013. 187 P. 20. The Three Pillars of the Management of the State Youth Policy in Modern Russia: Monograph in Three Volumes. Vol. 1. Regulatory Support of the State Youth Policy in Modern Russia. Rostovskaya, T. K. – M.: CHP, 2014. 192 P.

REFERENCE TO ARTICLE Rostovskaya, T.K. & Tarasova, A.E. (2015) Probation Services for Children in the General Mechanism of Realization and Protection of Minors: the Social and Legal Aspects (The Experience of Russian and International Standards), Contemporary Problems of Social Work. Vol. 1. No. 4. P. 68–75. DOI: 10.17922/2412-5466-2015-1-4-68-75 (International bibliographic description).


Kolpakova M.G., 2 year MA student (International relations), Department of political science and social policy, Russian State Social University. E-mail: [email protected] Nikiporets-Takigawa G.Yu., PhD, lecturer at Department of slavonic studies of the faculty of modern and medieval, university, Cambridge, head of Department of political science and social policy, Russian State Social University. E-mail: [email protected] UDC 32 DOI 10.17922/2412-5466-2015-1-4-76-80

Archetypal Patterns of Youth in Russia in the Continuum of Socio-Political Formations

Receiving date: Preprint date: Taking to print date: 02.09.2015 09.11.2015 10.12.2015

Annotation: This paper discusses the relation of the individual values and archetypical patterns in Jungian psychology. The comparative analysis of the archetypical patterns of Soviet youth is compared to those of Post-Soviet youth in Russia. The paper draws a conclusion that regardless of the political reform and challenges, Russian youth preserves traditional values as the core components of the identity which have no significant change. Nevertheless, the hierarchy of the values have changed: the individualistic values prevail over the collectivist. Despite the fact that nowadays the changes concern the hierarchy more than the archetypes themselves, the second is influenced by the first and requires a special attention in development of a national youth policy strategy. Key words: archetypes, values, identity, Russian youth, soviet youth, post-soviet youth, youth politics.

In the aggravated international environment and complicated geopolitical situation, the focus on enhanced consolidation among young people is the Government’s key task to ensure national security. In order to accomplish this task, the value awareness of the youth should be investigated, the value orientations and their change over time should be studied, and the typical trends in the youth structure variation should be identified. Currently, the “archetypical” is of interest not only for psychology, where this concept initially emerged, but for philosophy, culturology, sociology, political science and other

76 VOLUME 1, No. 4, 2015 social and research and humanitarian sciences as well. Carl Jung, the author of this concept, interpreted it within the framework of analytical psychology as an innate psychic structure, constituting the contents of the collective unconscious, and manifested in images and motives of dreams, and in myths, beliefs, literature and other works of art1. Jung affirmed that archetypes are the foundation of a human personality, and that a set of basic archetypes can be identified and described as a combination of the types of the surrounding world perception and attitudes. Every person can have several basic archetypes, but their hierarchy is individual for everyone. The basic archetypes proper are encountered in the entire cultural heritage of the humanity – in fairy tales, legends, religions (for instance, in Roman and Greek mythology, divine characters embody archetypes) 2. A person’s traits and behavior depend on the archetype the most pronounced in his/her character. In addition, the archetype affects formation of particular values and preferences in individuals. The concept of “archetype” is so far used in the spirit close to Jung, but by extension: involving both the foretype of an individual personality, basis and kernel, around which other personality traits are formed, and an individual’s value orientations3. Based on this understanding, to solve the research task of the Russian youth’s archetypes description through mass media representations, we focused on identifying the value orientations and typical trends of their change over time. According to social research of 1971-1982, young people considered mainly private values – interesting work, family happiness – to be the key values; the next step in the hierarchy was occupied by material well-being and widening the horizons. However, about a half of the young population in 1970-ies adhered to the pro-social life philosophy, displaying interest to community service and seeing in it a way to achieve their personal spiritual and material well-being. This orientation manifested in versatile types of social activities, also, there was a close interdependence between the diversity of activity types and the level of social activity. Therefore, the center of the value system, the method of self-realization and the way of self- development for young people was the community service, the pursuit of realizing the benefit of their activity for the society and recognition on the part of the society, “a sense of duty towards the society” (40%), and the major motivation for carrying out social activities was the awareness of its usefulness. At that, the material remuneration was shifted to the periphery of attention in job selection. Such hierarchical order was also influenced by a small and even by no difference in the labor remuneration, wage-leveling, typical for the Soviet economic order, making moral dividends of labor more significant than the financial ones4. The collapse of the Soviet Union resulted in the shift in this value complex. The post- youth of the late 80-ies encountered the fast growth of the educational system bureaucratization, the reduced access to quality free education, limited opportunity of realization in career, underemployment among a considerable part of a large segment of young people with higher and specialized secondary education. Also, a significant and visible gap in methods and the level of labor remuneration emerged, as well as new types of employment, mainly in the sphere far from the socially useful one, but aimed at quick personal enrichment. All these primarily economic causes and consequences resulted in the loss of motivation to community service, discredited such moral qualities of the work as usefulness, respect and

1 Zelenskiy V. Dictionary of Analytical Psychology. М.: Cogito-Center, 2008. 420 p. 2 Jung C. G. Archetype and Symbol. //Transl. V. V. Zelenskiy. М.: Renaissance, 1991. Jung C. Soul and Myth. Six Archetypes. : Ukrainan State Library for Youth, 1996. 384 p. Jung C. Consciousness and Unconscious. М.: Academic Project, 2009. 188 p. 3 Carl Gustav Jung and Jungists. URL: (access date 18.10.2015). Diligenskiy G.G. Where Russia Goes?.. The Common and Special in the Modern Development. М. 1997. Diligenskiy G.G. Culture and Social Dynamics of Modern Russia // Social Sciences and Modern Age. 2001. No. 5. P. 48–55. 4 See the data of social polls and Expert Judgements in Sokolov V.М. Sociology of Moral Development of a Personality. М.: Politizdat, 1986. P. 92–95.; Yevtyukhin Yu. On Difference between the Young and Senior Generations // Nezavisimaya Gazeta. 2012. No. 15. URL: (access date: 01.11.2015); Diuk Nadia M. The next generation in Russia, , and Azerbaijan: youth, politics, identity, and change. 2012. Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, p. 17-32. Yurchak Alexei. Everything was forever until it was no more. 2005. Princeton University Press. 77 CONTEMPORARY PROBLEMS OF SOCIAL WORK recognition of the community service, making to look for the most favorable job (in conditions of the developed labor market in capitals), or any job (in conditions of the deficient supply on the labor market in regions). At the same time, the very concept of “prestige” of a type of activity varied. If in Soviet time working for government and political structure caused public recognition and guaranteed the personal moral and material well-being, in the early-perestroika time, such activity was considered a useless distraction from the opportunity to earn money. In the meantime, this epoch is characterized by the reduced number of mainstream youth organizations, on the one side, and by openness, an intense public discussion, attempts to educate tolerance to an opposite point of view and pluralism, on the other side. Consequently, diverse ideological youth movements emerged, including extremist movements, the sprouts of pluralism in political views appeared, and the palette of youth political associations expanded, the pro-civil society and pro-ethnic self-determination movements grew in strength. At the same time, the poll results showed that love and family happiness hold the first place in the hierarchy of values, followed by health, favorite occupation and ...fashion1, i.e., family and “interesting work – favorite occupation” remained as permanent priorities, but, on the other side, such notions as the social benefit of the activity and public recognition of its results disappeared. These conclusions are indicative of an individual’s values re-orientation from the society to the closest circles. The importance of the material well-being, self-support, and independence increased. Criminalization of life caused the growth in the number of young people with asocial orientation, and, at this background, the health care, not mentioned among the values of the Soviet youth, and personal safety, which was not a concern of Soviet young people as well, became the key priorities. This process was further developed at the new millennium onset. Researchers noted at once that young people of the early 2000-ies were pragmatic and mainly self-dependent, 56% of young people think diligence to be the first personal trait, followed by the ability to earn money. A sensation of fear of the future, a sense of uncertainty are inherent to almost every tenth young man. The number of young people with an active lifestyle grows, but it is aimed not at the benefit of the benefit of the society, but at achievement of the individual well-being. A new system of values is formed, among which health, personal professional and creative self- realization, family well-being, material stability are the priorities. A strong influence of the ethics on every-day behavior is recognized by 43,7% of young people, parental authority — by 63,3%, but one in ten (10,6%) young people think moral standards to be non-binding2. The methods of achieving well-being vary, young people are tolerant to violations of law, corrupt schemes, bribery and dishonest methods of competition on the way to achievement of the individual financial well-being. At that, essential weakening of interpersonal relations is reported (the trust in people among young people is almost down by half), as well as the growing social inactivity3. According to the data of the study of 2012, the Russian youth thinks the following to be the fundamental values: family – 64%, love – 61%, friends – 51%, money – 50%. They are followed by communication with friends, the importance of which pointed out by 33% of young men and 42% young women, creative work and realization of capabilities – 25 and 32%, independence and freedom – 30 and 23%, education and professionalism – 26 and 32%, followed by “enjoyment”, “personal safety”, “prestige”, “fame”, “power”4.

1 Richard J., Margareth М. Browngart. Soviet and American Youth: a Comparative Look // Police (Policy Studies). No. 4. 1991. P. 160–167. 2 Shangina L. Two Generations under a Carpet // Zerkalo Nedeli. Ukraine. No. 17. 2003. 3 Tsvetka R. Extinction due to Lack of Activity Awaits Us // Nezavisimaya Gazeta. 2007. No. 9. URL: politics/2007-09-18/9_vymiranie.html (access date: 30.10.2015). 4 Chernykh V. Yu. Sociologic Analysis of Changes in the Value Orientations of Young People // Sociologic sciences. No. 32. 2013. С.81-86. They are Definitely not Going to Carry on War // The New Times. 2015. № 27 (376) URL: detail/101311 (access date: 30.10.2015). 78 VOLUME 1, No. 4, 2015

Despite of all the significant, at first sight, difference, recognition of traditional family values is common for Russian youth of both Soviet and post-Soviet periods. However, the value consciousness is transformed on the way from more collective to more individualistic, which is centered around the pursuit of the personal material stability, professional and creative self-realization. Such growing absolutization of individual values carries certain risks for the family institution, which is a small collective in fact. Being aware of these risks1, and seeing the “destructive information influence on the youth, which, in the conditions of social stratification, as the experience in other countries suggest, may result in increased aggression among young people, national and religious intolerance, and social tension in the society”2, the government uses the consistent efforts and develops the fundamentals of the youth policy, implemented in versatile activities and programmes, e.g., the Government Programme of Patriotic Education of Citizens of the Russian Federation3, both the one in force till 2015, and the one developed for 2016-2020, and others. Since the developers of such programmes tries to anticipate all the possible threats to the value complex for five-ten years into the future, they gathered quite a complete list. The most alarming tone relates to the family institution, the need in which can be placed in doubt by young people. To prevent the doubt, the Government is going to form “the family culture values” and “the image of a successful young family”, provides for ”education of a positive attitude to family and marriage among young people; formation of the image of a successful young Russian family, living in a registered marriage, oriented at bearing and bringing up of several children, engaged in their education and development based on the system of values traditional for Russia”, to create conditions for “family-type settings”, to support young families in solving housing and utilities problems, using the system of benefits, and on the way to getting education and career advancement. The next step is envisaged: involvement of youth in collective community activities, so that “young people displayed the high level of social activity, while developing their individual properties” and were involved in the country’s social and economic life in a broader way. Mentioned separately was the task of “development of creative interethnic relationship among young people”, strengthening morals, especially with a view to prevent extremism, promote healthy lifestyle. Such complex of planned activities was formed on the basis of numerous expert assessments and social survey results, and using the prediction scenario methods. Despite of the fact that the data cited in this paper present the youth archetypes more secured in terms of recognition of traditional family values, nobody can argue with the prediction estimates, taken into account when elaborating the fundamental programme for the youth policy. Apparently, the guess about the major trends was correct, like the fact that, should no consolidated efforts of the information and education policies be used, aimed at strengthening and popularization of the core traditional archetypical values and adjustment of those being an adverse effect of political reforms, the traditional archetypical values will gradually get loose, influenced by both internal and external factors, not all of which can be predicted in advance.

References 1. Chernykh U.V. Sociological Analysis of Changes in Valuable Orientations of Youth // Social Science. No. 32. 2013. P.81–86. 2. Definitely They Are Not Going To Be at War// The New Times. 2015. No. 27 (376). URL: http:// (accessed 30 October 2015) (In Russian).

1 “There is a tendency for the growing negative impact of a number of internal and external factors, increasing the risks of the rising value, public and social and economic threats” / Fundamentals of the State Youth Policy for the Period of up to 2025. No.2403-р. P. 1–16. URL: (access date 08.12.2015). P. 4. 2 Ibid. 3 Government Programme of Patriotic Education of Citizens of the Russian Federation URL: http://www.gospatriotprogramma. ru/the-program-of-the-russian-pvgrf-for-the-years-2011-2015/on-the-state-program-of-patriotic-education-for-the-years-2011-2015. php (access date 08.12.2015). 79 CONTEMPORARY PROBLEMS OF SOCIAL WORK

3. Diligensky G.G. Culture and Social Dynamics in Modern Russia// Social Sciences and Modernity. 2001. No. 5. P. 48–55. URL: QZYK-KULXTURA.pdf (accessed 23 November 2015). 4. Diligensky G.G. Where Is Russia Going? Moscow, 1997. 5. Diuk Nadia M. The Next Generation in Russia, Ukraine, and Azerbaijan: Youth, Politics, Identity, and Change. 2012. Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, P.17–32. 6. Evtuykhin U. The Difference Between Younger and Older Generations // The Independent Newspaper. 2012. No. 15. URL: html (accessed 01 November 2015). 7. Fundamentals of State Youth Policy for the Period Till 2025. No. 2403-р. P. 1–16. URL: (accessed 10 December 2015). 8. Karl Gustav Yung and Jungists. URL: jung-mhs-17.php/ (accessed 08 October 2015). 9. Richard D., Margaret M., Braungart. American and Soviet Youth: A Comparative View // Polis (Political research). No. 4. 1991. P.160–167. 10. Shangina L. Two Generations Under the Carpet // The Mirror of the Week. Ukraine. No.17. 2003. 11. Sokolov V.M. Sociology of Moral Development. Moscow: Poliisdat, 1986. P.92–95. 12. Tsvetka R. We Will Die From Inactivity// The Independent Newspaper. 2007. No. 9. URL: (accessed 30 October 2015). 13. The State Program of Patriotic Education for the Citizens of the Russian Federation. URL: years-2011-2015/on-the-state-program-of-patriotic-education-for-the-years-2011-2015. php. 14. Yung K. Archetype and Character. Moscow: М: Renaissance, 1991. 304 P. 15. Yung K. Consciousness and the Unconscious. Moscow: Academic project, 2009. 188 P. 16. Yung K. Soul and Myth. Six Archetypes. State Library. Kiev. Ukraine for youth. 1996. 384 p. 17. Yurchak Alexei. Everything Was Forever Until it Was No More. 2005. Princeton University Press. 18. Zelenskiy B. Antique Dictionary of Psychology. Moscow: Kogito-CENTR, 2008, 420 P.

REFERENCE TO ARTICLE Kolpakova, M.G. & Nikiporets-Takigawa, G.Yu. (2015) Archetypal Patterns of Youth in Russia in the Continuum of Socio-Political Formations, Contemporary Problems of Social Work. Vol. 1. No. 4. P. 76–80. DOI: 10.17922/2412-5466-2015-1-4-76-80 (International bibliographic description).


Karavaev A.N., associate professor, professor, Department of civil legal disciplines, Samara Law Institute of the Federal Service of Executing Punishments of Russia. E-mail: [email protected] UDC 33 DOI 10.17922/2412-5466-2015-1-4-81-88

Insurance Issues in Russia: Development Prospects

Receiving date: Preprint date: Taking to print date: 01.09.2015 09.11.2015 10.12.2015

Annotation: In the third millennium in Russia, as in other Western countries, one of the most important sectors of the economy, such as insurance, continues to develop. Modern insurance market to date has its own problems. Some components are not yet properly formed. The difficulties overcame by overseas insurance markets in their development – for Russian insurance companies are still obstacles for the formation of high-quality insurance market. The insurance market will have some prospects of development only while increasing the well-being of our population and economic growth. Key words: insurance, insurance market, authorized capital, forms of holdings, insurance market’s participants, financial guarantees, types of risk, state of taxation.

Insurance is one of the oldest economic categories of public relations, which gradually developed in different economic formations. It belongs to the oldest and most stable forms of security of economic life with its roots stretching far into the past. The transition to the market economy, the movement of our country to the market place has identified insurance among the most important levers of market relations. The diverse issues on nature of insurance are becoming more and more important especially in the twenty-first century. The most complete insurance in the economy can be realized with market relations. Here it is a major source of concentrated enormous savings of citizens, legal persons and the state, which disposes them in effective ways. Government regulation is an essential element and the principle of organization of insurance business in any country [19]. Insurance in our country at the moment is one of the parts of the financial relations system in Russian society. It is closely connected directly with the insurance money funds of the country, which generates and uses them. The insurance market is a certain scope existing along with the trade market which is its kind and develops under general laws.


This market is also a part of the financial and credit system of the country, and therefore is subject to state regulation and control in order to ensure its stability. Thus, we can say that Russian regulation of insurance activities is carried out by the influence of the State to the participants of insurance relations through a specific set of measures and actions. The insurance is based on the concept of risk as an event leading to damage. Risk as a loss probability distribution can be transferred between entities. Thus, we can say that insurance is one of the main institutions for the prevention of risks. The insurance industry unites types of insurance activities on the principle of uniformity of insurable risks, which can be used by a policyholder. In addition to the types of insurance available for widespread use, in some cases, individual insurance terms and conditions for the particular subject or policyholder can be developed [7]. The basic concept in the organization of any form of insurance is the insurance market. The insurance market is a special system of organization of insurance relations, at which the insurance services are purchased and sold as a commodity, and supply and demand on them are formed [4]. This market expresses the specific relationship between the policyholders offering specific services and providing insurance coverage to individuals and legal entities. It expresses the relationship between different insurance companies offering these services. In our country, as in other countries, the insurance market has its own system of complex development. Just like any other market, it has a number of problems, the resolution of which affects its stability not only today, but also the existence of a prosperous tomorrow. The insurance market as a part of the financial and credit sphere, as we noted earlier, is subject to government regulation and control. This regulation is carried out by a special tax policy, the adoption of modern legislation for certain types of business reflecting the order of the conclusion of insurance contracts and resolving conflict disputes. The State also sets the compulsory insurance with regard to the interests of the whole society [20]. To date, one of the biggest problems of the insurance market regarding the reluctance of the State to accept insurance as the main aspect of the economy remains unresolved. They cannot refer to the fact that modern people have no insurance culture. It looks unconvincing. Rather, the reason is the lack of economic interest to the insurance, having a rather blurred legal framework governing economic circulation [2]. For the emerging market, it later produces negative effects, in particular, tax pressure, formed distrust to reliability of insurance companies, as a result of which the policyholders’ services lose their former attraction, and sometimes become unprofitable. The problem lies in the fact that Russian citizens are not prone to long-term distribution and account of their income and expenditure, as well as planning of the costs for protection against extreme events, like citizens of Western countries. We need urgent legislative changes for introduction of unit- linked classical investment life insurance in Russia [12]. Here, a combination of endowment life insurance and large investment opportunities in national investment funds reveals itself. High return on investment and reliability of insurance companies is the formula for success of these products. But in our country there are no such investment proposals yet, since the internal legislation does not allow creating complete “products”. As a rule, finance of the insurance company consists of two parts: the equity and debt capital. The debt capital largely predominates over the equity. The main thing for the insurer in this case is to allocate the insurance reserve as a part of the debt capital. Currently, the question of how to accommodate these insurance reserves has become a real problem for insurers. Insurance reserves shall be placed in an orderly fashion regulated by the State, and departure from the present regulations can cost insurance companies loss of license. However, when establishing specific rules, the State is not liable if execution of the same leads to negative consequences.

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The insurance market, as a rule, consists of basic units: insurance company or corporation. Only they are characterized by technical and organizational unity and economic isolation of their resources, and independent full turn interweaving personal, group and collective interests. In addition, other subjects also operate in the insurance market: reinsurance companies, insurer’s brokers, insurance agents and brokers, various associations of insurers: insurance pools, alliances, etc. [1]. The main objective of the national insurance system today is the creation of insurance protection of property interests of citizens and legal entities, which would provide real compensation for their losses caused by random events, allow effective using the investment resources for economic development. Particularly important areas for further development of the national insurance market shall become:  improvement of the legislation on taxes and fees;  formation of a flexible health insurance system;  creation of effective reinsurance institutions, etc. All subjects of the insurance market are exposed to various commercial risks arising due to:  changes in the price of goods after signing the contract;  misuse or deterioration of foreign currency;  insolvency of the buyer or customer, etc. To accept the increasing amount of risk, insurance companies shall significantly increase the size of own deduction due to the increase of own funds [11]. In order to increase the requirements of the Federal Service of Insurance Supervision of the activities of reporting entities and other market participants, the specific steps shall be taken as follows:  improving the quality of security by establishing uniform requirements;  providing the transparent financial statements;  establishing the requirements for relevant education and professional experience for the insurance’s participants allowing to carry out their duties [14]. At the beginning of the XXI century, the insurance market has experienced a number of mergers and acquisitions. The global economic crisis affecting Russian insurance market forced to look for other ways to enhance and strengthen the position among market participants. The situation was such that only united participants of the insurance market could provide high quality development of both the market and the economy of our country, with the provision of reliable financial security to policyholders. Successful development of the domestic insurance market is impossible without integration into the global insurance system. Only successful development of the economy of the country will allow us to draw on foreign investors to the insurance market and create additional conditions for the expansion of this type of market in the Russian Federation. Expanding the range of types of insurance carried, studying features of insurance business organization in the country (including foreign countries) are one of the most important achievements of Russian insurers in terms of levels of insurance development. Looking at the prospects for unification of the insurance market of the Russian Federation, we can determine its development towards the association coupled with the change in legal status. The associations of this type are intended to increase the authorized capital through merger or acquisition. The associations of insurers are usually in the form of alliances and associations to coordinate the activities of its members, protect their interests, and implement joint programs. This unifying process is in the Russian market since January 1, 1999. The process of consolidation in the national insurance industry is an objective law of development of the Russian insurance market. State of the insurance market indicates certain phenomena:


 absence of major markets;  outflow of some private insurers carrying money in dollars;  reduction in the capacity of Russian investors (banking crisis), including insurers [16]. Over the past 15 years, the insurance market is relatively stabilized. During this period, any increase or reduction of market insurers has not been observed. Such stability of the Russian market shows a certain attractiveness of this sector. Voluntary insurance shall become the basis of the Russian insurance market. The principles of existing types of compulsory insurance should be reconsidered in favor of market mechanisms. Today, a significant part of the national insurance market consists of contributions for compulsory insurance [6]. The introduction of compulsory insurance in the country shall ensure financial protection to citizens and act in accordance with the law. Nevertheless, sometimes it turns out that the law is based on regulations, and any delay in development and approval of the same impacts the quality of the law in force and creates favorable conditions for corruption. The compulsory insurance shall reflect the nationwide need for insurance. To achieve these objectives, our country, on the basis of law, establishes compulsory insurance. From the above it follows that this type of insurance is a kind of a rescue platform to support Russian insurance in general. Just think, for example, voluntary property insurance increases due to the annual increase in the number of motorists who prefer to voluntarily insure their cars, than housing. But this increase, as we have noted, is mainly due to the increase in the cost of insurance policies, rather than the amount of their sales. Other types of voluntary insurance, particularly health insurance, mainly increase due to conclusion of contracts by organizations in favor of their employees (Corporate Insurance), and the citizens virtually have no voluntary medical insurance. As the insurance contract for voluntary health insurance does not include insurance risk as such, the inclusion of this type of insurance to the factors of increase in insurance market is quite doubtful. It would be better to consider it as a separate independent sphere of insurance. The same can be said for compulsory health insurance. To create the insurance market meeting the realities of today, responsibility of the insurance entities’ for the violation of this type of legislation shall be increased to a higher level. Improper behavior of some insurance companies in the market can create a negative attitude to insurance in the society. Sale of goods via the Internet has become the everyday reality. This process involves insurance more and more. Russia, although lagging behind in the use of the Internet for the purposes of the global insurance practice, however, is trying to keep up with the times. This type of insurance is most developed in the Moscow Region, St. Petersburg and other major cities. The prospect of the new type of insurance is surely obvious. More than 50 million among the Russians are Internet users. Upon the economic growth in the country, the role of Internet insurance will only grow. The insurers will reduce a lot of costs making their product more cheapening. In the meantime, development of Internet insurance in Russia requires additional protection mechanisms both for policyholders and insurers, as well as financial capacity of consumers, and access to the Internet resources [9]. Further, it should be noted that one of the most important stages in development of the insurance industry in Russia shall be a legislative division of the endowment and risk insurance. In Western countries, this division exists for a long time. This division may lead to an increase in transparency in the insurance operations, as well as the strengthening of insurers in the insurance market. Based on the above, it should be noted that the primary task of development of the Russian insurance market is to increase the country’s GDP, profits in the corporate sector and income of citizens. So far, the corporate sector remains the main driving force in development of insurance in the Russian Federation, but in terms of strategy there is already a focus on individuals, which is most advantageous. The strategy of insurance companies is a general program of action of

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the insurer. But it can become a reality only with a long lifespan, because the corporate sector is not yet covered by the whole insurance services. According to statistics, in Russia, not more than 1/4 of all the risks is constantly insured, which is a very small part in comparison with European countries. Nevertheless, the main conditions for development of the insurance market in Russia are: effective demand for insurance services, legal framework, introduction of international financial reporting standards, as well as encouraging development of quantitative and qualitative customer base [15]. The insurance brokerage business has a great importance for development of domestic insurance. In today’s insurance market, where the leading place is taken by voluntary insurance, insurance brokers will play a leading role. Development of this market mechanism requires the competition. The basis for the functioning of the market is the combination of the interests of consumers and insurance providers. The activities of insurance brokers in the market mainly of “voluntary” type shall be subordinated to realization of this goal. It shall be complied with the form and regulation, and promotion of their activities [10]. In the depths of the domestic insurance market there is a negative practice, where insurance companies arrogate to themselves the results of the activities of insurance brokers, which exist as the customer database. Here, the insurer uses the results of the mediator’s work identifying the most important needs of policyholders. When solvency of consumers in the insurance market is unstable, then the activities of insurance brokers are feverish too. The market is developing more slowly, and the income is received unevenly. Uneven income producing here is one of the most important features of this type of business. Therefore, foreign practice stipulates special delays in the payment of insurance premiums up to 6 months provided by insurers to the insurance brokers. In Russia, despite the unevenness of income of the insurance brokers in addition to a number of features due to certain problems related to the solvency of the population is imposed. In this situation, brokers paying taxes in advance are often deprived of the means for its further development as a consequence of economic uncertainty. Brokerage services in the field of insurance are a critical element in the developed insurance market. Activities of insurance brokers are subject to the implementation of two main functions – to promote insurance services and consulting support for consumer. Legislative support of broker age services shall correspond to the realities of today in solving the most important tasks for development of insurance and their implementation. The analysis shows that the insurance market needs professional insurance brokers, who represent only insurers, as well as those who may represent both insurers and policyholders in insurance transactions: 1) the insurance broker (agent) providing insurance protection for the interests of consumers of insurance services; 2) the independent insurance broker acting in the interests of insurers and / or other persons carrying out development of risks coverage programs, selection of providers and consumers of insurance services, conclusion, performance, termination, and renewal of the corresponding contracts between them [18]. In general, the implementation of measures to develop the infrastructure of the modern insurance market in our country, encouragement of healthy competition between providers of insurance services, protection of the interests of policyholders and national insurance capital allow creating the conditions for the implementation of the specific interests of the market consumers launching the mechanisms of insurance inclusion in the necessary processes of economic recovery in Russia. Implementation of the interests of insurance services consumers in the market system will help overcome negative trends emerging in development of domestic insurance, complement measures to rid the market of quasi-insurance operations, and contribute


to the true development of the country’s real risk insurance for the benefit of both consumers and providers of insurance services, and the State [8]. Development of insurance, as noted earlier, is closely linked to development of our economy. In the Russian Federation, there has been a slowdown in economic growth, and this affects the insurance market. If investment activity slows down, the welfare is slightly increased, and the desire to obtain loans from banks is reduced. All this leads to a drop in activity of insurance consumers. Today we can identify some basic trends in development of the insurance market in Russia. Credit insurance is slowing due to increased cost of credit resources provided to borrowers by Russian banks. A slowdown in almost all areas of the insurance market is also noted. It affected the Comprehensive Cover (KASKO), Compulsory Motor Liability Insurance (OSAGO), Corporate Insurance, and voluntary liability insurance [3]. At the same time, we should not underestimate the possibility of using alternative methods to regulate the insurance market, including using the mechanism of self-regulation through development of professional standards for quality, provision of insurance services, and responsiveness to new needs of policyholders. In addition to the existing internal problems in Russia, the insurance market is affected by global events. Therefore, the insurance market shall be able to adapt to them. Some changes in this case can be expected, the others – arise unexpectedly and sometimes make negative points in the insurance market. For example, in response to recent events in Ukraine, OJSIC “Ingosstrakh” has reduced the operation of its Ukrainian subsidiary insurance company “INGO Ukraine” due to the unstable political situation in the country. If earlier the company insured civil unrest and terrorism risks, at the present time, the company does not insure the same. Another example is the economic sanctions from the US and some EU countries with regard to our country. Their consequences are unfavorable for insurers. In the US, for example, as in other Western countries, the insurance system is highly developed. Insurance there is carried out by various insurance companies, with quite a variety of types of insurance services. The insurance business in the United States is very large and has a strong lead in the global insurance market. In America, there are approximately 9 thousand companies related to property insurance and about 2 thousand companies engaged in life and health insurance. In the insurance market of the United States there are two types of companies: joint stock companies and mutual insurance companies. The State does not create its own insurance companies. Shares of joint-stock companies may be acquired both by citizens and organizations. Insurance companies usually cover three types of insurance: 1) commercial; 2) private; 3) bekifits. Major US companies can afford a lot: through subsidiaries, in addition to insurance business, they are engaged in provision of loans and credits, and checks services to their customers. The US insurance is divided into two parts. The first part concerns life insurance, the second one – other types of insurance. They use electronic databank of all insurance companies, widely and for a long time. Properly using the investment policy, insurance companies in the United States take under their control multibillion-dollar funds, while ensuring the safety and growth of these funds. Insurance companies charge a commission of 0.1% for their services, which brings them enormous profits. Business in the insurance market does not go as fast as we would like to. Therefore, in this situation, western reinsurance brokers and reinsurers are afraid to work with the Russian insurance market due to the nature of local risks, primarily related to the public sector. Today

86 VOLUME 1, No. 4, 2015 there is a trend of the use of certain sanctions in circumvention of international law, and it makes the situation even more acute. Nevertheless, there are positive aspects. As a result of the situation in Ukraine, Crimea has become a part of the Russian Federation. According to insurers, this annexation has added 1% of growth of insurance market in Russia in 2014 [13]. Many changes will be faced by insurance market in connection with Russia’s entry into the WTO in 2012. Currently, the world is on the verge of a global insurance space. The subjects of the insurance market shall have the opportunity to interact directly with the consumers of insurance services bypassing agreements with domestic insurers. But at the first stage of penetration into the Russian sphere, international insurers will have to interact with domestic market participants. Today the share of foreign insurers in the Russian insurance market is about 22%. This is a clear presence, but it is not dominant. Over time, this presence will expand and the Russian insurance market will have to adapt to new conditions. The external environment of the insurance market is a system of interacting forces surrounding the internal market system and having some impact on it. The insurer plans and carries out its work in external environment; the latter in turn consists of the controlled variables which may be affected by the insurer, and unmanaged components beyond the control of the insurer’s influence [5]. The elements of the external environment which may be partially controlled by the insurer include:  competition;  market demand;  infrastructure of the insurer. In today’s world, in particular in Russia, it is impossible to further develop the insurance market without public discussion and solving its problems, without making any special elements for long-term development. We cannot continue to build this market downplaying its role in the economic activities; without adequate representation of professionals to make important decisions about insurance. This is the main task of the State and the insurance market participants to make the insurance market the most important element of the economy. Therefore, in our opinion, it is a little too early to talk about the growth of the Russian insurance market in general. Firstly, we need to put the insurance legislation in order, which at the moment has many “gaps”, as civilized insurance market is not possible without effective insurance legislation. The lack of proper legal provision is related to a number of other negative factors. Many of the Russian insurance companies find the “loop-holes” in the legislation and evade their obligations adversely affecting not only the reputation of these organizations, but also the insurance market as a whole [17]. The Russian law primarily focuses the insurers on compensation of already occurred damage, while the activities of foreign insurance companies are aimed at preventing insured loss. These companies have no difficulties in allocation of funds for preventive measures. The probability of the insured loss is lower, and hence the payments are much smaller. Therefore, another trend in the insurance market of Russia could be called adaptation of Russian insurers to opening of the market to foreign insurance companies. So, if we want the Russian insurance companies to compete with foreign companies, it is necessary to get rid of the shortcomings existing in the insurance market today. ... However, all the problems of insurance cannot be solved only at the legislative level; they need to be solved through the economy, and in a very competent way. And, when all the necessary instruments of the country’s economy are adjusted, only then there will be extra money, interest in investment insurance and confidence in the reputation of insurers, only then the insurance will become a full-fledged mechanism of “smoothing the negative effects of the economy”.


References 1. Akhvlediani Yu.T. Development of the Russian Insurance Market [in Russian] // Finance 2012. No.11. 2. Belykh V.C., Krivosheev I.V. Insurance Law [in Russian]. M., 2011. P. 75. 3. Evdokimova Y.V. The Main Trends in Development of Insurance in the Russian Federation [in Russian] // Modern Scientific Research and Innovations, 2013. No.10. 4. Economic Dictionary [in Russian] / E.G. Bagudina. – M.: TKVelbi, Prospekt Publishing House, 2006. P. 624. 5. Fedorova T.A. Insurance [in Russian]. – M.: Economist – 2010. P.875. 6. Fedorova T.A. Insurance [in Russian]. – M.: Economist – 2011. P.143. 7. Galaganov V.P. Insurance Business [in Russian]. 2ndedition. Publishing House: Academia, 2012. P.134. 8. Galaganov V.P. Insurance Business [in Russian]. 1st edition. Publishing House: Academia, 2010. P.120. 9. Himicheva N.I. Financial Law [in Russian]. M., 2010. P.152. 10. Interview with A.P. Koval, Head of Rosstrakhnadzor [in Russian] // Finance Journal, No.3 (334), 2010. 11. Khudyakov A.I. The Theory of Insurance [in Russian]. M.: Statute, 2010. P. 142. 12. Life Insurance in the Russian Federation in 2012-2013 [in Russian]. Annual Report Internet Resources: – (reference date 26.04.2015). 13. Metelitsa E. Insurers Are Prepared to Develop the Crimea [in Russian]. Daily business newspaper RBC Daily / Internet Resources (reference date 26.04.2015). 14. Shakhov V.V., Grigoriev V.N. & Arkhipov A.P. Insurance Law [in Russian]. Ed. 2. Infra-M, 2012. P. 256. 15. ShakhovV.V. Insurance [in Russian]. M., 2010. P.176. 16. Shekhovtseva S.Y. Strategy of Reinsurer – How to Ensure Peaceful and Progressive Development [in Russian] / Internet Resources: – (reference date 04.05.2015). 17. Sillaste G. Insurance Industry and its Consumer [in Russian] // Finance. – 1997. –No.10, P.36. 18. Smirnova M.B. Insurance Law [in Russian]. M., 2009. P.211 19. State Regulation Measures for Insurance Activities [in Russian] / Internet Resources: –Страхование (reference date 04.05.2014). 20. Suyunova M.M. Russian Insurance Market and Its State Regulation in the Conditions of Transformed Economy [in Russian]: Annot. Dis. Ph.D. M, 2001. P.13.

REFERENCE TO ARTICLE Karavaev, A.N. (2015) Insurance Issues in Russia: Development Prospects, Contemporary Problems of Social Work. Vol. 1. No. 4. P. 81–88. DOI: 10.17922/2412-5466-2015-1-4-81-88 (International bibliographic description).

88 VOLUME 1, No. 4, 2015

Maloletko A.N., doctor of economic sciences, associate professor, professor of the Department social insurance, economics and business management, Russian State Social University, Moscow. E-mail: [email protected] UDC 33 DOI 10.17922/2412-5466-2015-1-4-89-96

A New Approach to Independent Evaluation of the Quality of Social Service Organizations

Receiving date: Preprint date: Taking to print date: 04.09.2015 09.11.2015 10.12.2015

Annotation: the article discusses the results of an analysis of the independent evaluation of the quality of services of social service organizations. The article investigates approaches to constructing of rating. The article critically evaluates indicators of quality of social services, approved by the Ministry of Labor of Russia. The author supplements a system of indicators. The article substantiates the comparability of the use of the proposed indicators. The author analyzed the currently used methods for constructing rating of organizations. The author proposed method of construction of the rankings. The article outlined the main problems associated with the construction of the rating of organizations providing social services. Key words: quality assessment, social services, rating, indicators, scores, recipients of social services, the rights of recipients of social services.

In order to implement the Federal Law of July 21, 2014 No. 256-FL “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation on an independent assessment of the quality of service delivery organizations in the sphere of culture, social services, health and education” (hereinafter – the Law) Russian Ministry of Labor reported that in were 2015 adopted 6 regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and adopted 13 regulatory acts of ministries on this issue. 1 According to monitoring data, the percentage of organizations covered in 2015 amounted to 55.9% (Table 1). At the same time, the share of social service organizations covered by the independent evaluation has exceeded 73%. The problems of the rating analysis of organizations were considered by such Russian scientists as A.D. Sheremet, [15] G.V. Savitskaya [12], A.G. Babkov [1], R.Y. Simonov [14], and others. There are a number of works devoted to the rating assessment of health facilities. Among them is the work by T.A. Siburina A.A. Knyazev, L.K. Lokhtina, Y.V. Miroshnikova [13], G.A. Bushuyeva, E.V. Polzikov, Y.A. Tyukov [3], V.I. Korablev [5], I.V. Koretsky [6], D.C. Korobkova [7, 8], D.R. Medvedskaya, E.V. Polzikov, S.A. Nikiforov, V.S. Kazantsev [10], Korolyova A.Y, Lobanov P.A. [9], Kaurova O.V., Saak A.A., Revyakina T.U. [4]. However, the number of works devoted to the ratings of organizations of social services is not enough. R.Y. Smirnov rightly points that most authors understand rating as a complex generalized assessments of organizations, which were determined by their place in the market [4]. We

1 Report on the results of an independent evaluation of the quality of service delivery organizations in the sphere of culture, social services, health, education (2015). M.: Russian Ministry of Labor. URL: 89 CONTEMPORARY PROBLEMS OF SOCIAL WORK

Table 1 The Results of Coverage of Organizations for Independent Assessment of the Quality of Services As at 1 January 2015, The Russian Federation As a Whole No. Name of the field of The total The number of organi- The number of organi- social services to the number of zations, which has an zations covered by the population institutions, official website independent evalua- units tion of the quality Number of Share, Number of Share, units % units % 1 Health care 7995 6712 83,95 5394 67,47 2 Education 87244 83175 95,34 51262 58,76 3 Culture 29408 7077 24,06 12136 41,27 4 Sport 2400 1394 58,08 1203 50,13 5 Social service of the popu- 5593 3896 69,66 4123 73,72 lation Total: 132640 102254 77,09 74118 55,88

Source: Ministry of Labour of Russia [electronic resource] nsok/13. agree with the M.I. Bakanova, M.V. Miller, A.D. Sheremet [2] that the rating is defined as a numerical indicator of an individual assessment of the organization, which allows to evaluate the effectiveness of its social, industrial, economic activity among other similar organizations. A rating allows to determine the position of the organization in the general classification of a single system, including tiered hierarchy of their activities. It is known that the ranking may be based on a system of absolute and relative indices. The correctness of the choice of indicators, methods of their determination, information support of calculations, the very method of determining the ranking are essential. Therefore, we have concentrated on the scorecard. We drew attention to the fact that the debate is conducted in relation to the system of indicators, and quantifying their importance in the rankings. A methodology of ranking is little studied. Therefore, we paid attention to the methodology of the rankings. The key problem is the answer to the question “Who needs ratings?”. Therefore, the problem is treated from the standpoint of the future users of the rating. We have identified five groups of users rating (Table 2).

Table 2 Main Results of the Rating Group of Users of Social Service Organizations Users Interests Federal authorities in the field of social creation of conditions for the organization of an independent services assessment of the quality of service delivery of social service Authorities of the regions of Russian organizations Federation in the field of social services Recipients of social services signals about providers of social services Providers of social services confirmation of the service provider’s ability and willingness to qualitatively perform their duties Social organizations the opportunity to provide feedback

After determining the interests of potential users of the rating, we took the following steps:

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selection of indicators; assessment of the comparability of the indicators; choice of methodology of comparative assessments; experimental verification of the adequacy of estimates of reality; development of proposals. The choice of indicators. Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia of December 8, 2014 No. 995n approved indicators that characterize the general criteria for assessing the quality of service delivery of social service organizations1. The indicators are combined in the following 5 groups of indicators: the indicators characterizing the openness and accessibility of information about the organization of social services; the indicators characterizing the comfortable environment of social services and the availability of their production; the indicators characterizing the latency of social services; the indicators characterizing kindness, courtesy, competence of employees of social services; the indicators characterizing the satisfaction with the quality of service delivery. Maximum scores on indicators that are needed to characterize transparency of information accounts 15 scores; 8 scores accounts on indicators characterizing the comfortable environment; 2 scores accounts on indicators describing the waiting time; 3 scores accounts on indicators characterizing the staff; 5 scores accounts on indicators characterizing the satisfaction with the quality of maximum. The maximum possible score is 33. The question arises: why not 100 scores? Apparently, the developers of the system of assessment had some reasons. It seems that the system of indicators should be reviewed. We have added a system of indicators (Table 3). The proposed system of indicators was constructed from the standpoint of the rights of recipients. To do this, we used the list of rights of recipients of social services specified in Art. 9 of the Federal Law of 28.12.2013 No. 442-FZ «On the basis of social services for citizens in the Russian Federation» and compared them with a list of indicators, approved by Russian Ministry of Labor.

Table 3 Scorecard Ranking of Organizations Providing Social Services No. Indicators Approved Suggested 1 The ratio of staff to service recipients + + 2 The accessibility and transparency of information + + 3 The timeout + + 4 The satisfaction with quality of service recipients + + 5 The ability to select a service provider - + 6 The proportion of refusals by the recipients of service - + 7 The number of cases forced to protect their rights - + 8 The possibility of individual planning - + 9 The conditions of stay in the organization + + 10 The providing free visits of beneficiaries - +

As can be seen from Table 3 the indicators that characterize the implementation of the legitimate rights of recipients of services, did not approved by Russian Ministry of Labor in the list of indicators. We fixed it.

1 Federal Low «On approval of the indicators characterizing the general criteria for assessing the quality of service delivery of social service organizations» No. 995, dated to 08.12.2014. 91 CONTEMPORARY PROBLEMS OF SOCIAL WORK

Assessment of the comparability of indicators. How to evaluate respectful attitude of the staff to the recipients of services and expertise? Russian Ministry of Labor offers to receive data characterizing kindness, courtesy and competence of the employees through a survey of service recipients. Each of the three results obtained Russian Ministry of Labor recommends to divide by 100, and leads to a value between 0 and 1 scores. We agreed that this indicator can be obtained through a poll. We have developed a program of public opinion research and left it by the scope of this article. We noted that this indicator is a determining factor in assessing the quality of services. Therefore, it should be dynamic and it to be displayed in real time. We assumed that this indicator is a measure of the satisfaction with the quality of services too. As with the first indicator for the study of public opinion, we have developed a research program. As in the first case, we have excluded the expert assessment and we offered to take the right to assess the quality of service by recipients and their legal representatives. Other indicators can be assessed by an expert. The assessment may be given to using the entire arsenal of methods and means of peer review. For example, the availability and transparency of information can be assessed by the monitoring of the organization’s website and direct examination of information stands, placed in organizations providing social services. As a result, we concluded that our proposed indicators meet the criteria of comparability. The selecting of a method of comparative assessments. We analyzed the use of different methods for calculating the rating. Considered the possibility of using the method amounts (1) to calculate the locations of each j-th organization providing social services. n b xij R  , (1) j  f i1 xij

where Rj – ranking organization providing social services; f x ij – the value of the i-th index j-th actual organization; b x ij – the value of the i-th index j-th basic organization.

Table 4 Rating of Organizations Providing Social Services by Indicator “The Waiting Time” of the Service “Provision of Vouchers for Sanatorium-and-Spa Treatment”, The Basic Scores Are 30 Days After Appeal No. Organizations The actual waiting, days Rating 1 Organization A 29 1,034 2 Organization B 31 0,968 3 Organization C 42 0,714

Proposed in Table 4 timing services are fictitious. Since the exact timing of the provision of social services has not yet been established. So, the portal «The Russian public initiative» posted initiative № 14952 on establishing the exact timing of the delivery of social services, and the introduction of compensation for breach of these terms. The vote on the initiative finished 03.10.2015. The authors of the initiative, which was supported by 1887 people, noted that «... Only the pension is a social services provided regularly in time today in Russia. Means of rehabilitation one has to wait for months (diapers, wheelchairs). One can certainly buy them at their own expense and submit to the payment, but one will return less than a half of the money spent, and this amount will be deducted ... Also bad things with providing disabled vouchers to the spa treatment. One has to wait vouchers for years, and in fact often is the only way to get the necessary treatment ...

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The same applies to the sphere of housing and communal services in part of the installation of handrails, ramps and other services»[11]. We have analyzed the possibility of using the method of number of places (2), which provides a preliminary ranking of organizations providing social services on i-th indicator. n Rasjijij  . (2) i1

On the basis of the scores table Sij specific value is calculated

where sij – scores table;

aij – a table of initial data.

Table of source data is represented as a matrix (аij), where the number of lines recorded performance (i = 1,2,3, ... ..n), and columns – number of the organization (j = 1,2,3, ... , m).

Table 5 Table Source Organizations Providing Social Services No. Organizations Significance of Significance of … Significance indicator № 1, indicator №2, of indicator № % % 10, % 1 Organization A 78 24 45 2 Organization B 65 48 34 3 Organization C 89 85 76

We offered the option of table scores (Tab. 6). The construction of this table has caused the greatest difficulty, because the value of indicators is subjective and it requires further research.

Table 6 Table of Scores No. Indicators Scores less than 40 41 tо 60 61 tо 80 81 tо 100 1 Indicator 1 2 6 8 10 2 Indicator 2 7 8 9 10 …… 10 Indicator 10 0 3 6 10

Using the formula (2) was set up a table showing the ranking of organizations that provide social services (Table. 7).

Table 7 Ranking of Organizations Providing Social Services

R1 R2 …R10 Σ R Place Organization A 624 168 135 927 3 Organization B 585 384 0 969 2 Organization C 890 850 456 2196 1

Thus, we have considered the possibility of ranking of organizations providing social services on the basis of available and used methods. Discusses. The ranking while developing revealed a number of problems. The first problem lies in the establishment of the list of indicators. The list of indicators, according to the author, 93 CONTEMPORARY PROBLEMS OF SOCIAL WORK

Table 8 Scorecard of Organization Providing Social Services SCORECARD OF ORGANIZATION Organization


Status federal V regional municipal private

Applied forms of service stationary V semi-stationary outwork

Types of social services social and household services V social and health services social and psychological services social and labor services social and legal services improving communicative potential emergency social services

Indicators Indicators m-4 m-3 m-2 m-1 m The ratio of staff to service recipients The accessibility and transparency of information The timeout The satisfaction with quality of service recipients The ability to select a service provider The proportion of refusals by the recipients of service The number of cases forced to protect their rights The possibility of individual planning The conditions of stay in the organization The providing free visits of beneficiaries

Reports Report on the quality of social services in the Russian Federation in the m-1 year Report on the quality of social services in the Russian Federation in the m-2 year Report on the quality of social services in the Russian Federation in the m-3 year Report on the quality of social services in the Russian Federation in the m-4 year

94 VOLUME 1, No. 4, 2015 must comply with the rights of recipients of social services. The value of indicators should describe not only the quality of social services. The value of indicators must reflect complete realization of the rights of recipients of social services. The second problem is determining how to collect the data on the quality of social services. The combined method is in our opinion the most efficient. We need an interactive portal, which in the online mode will assess the quality of services by registered users. The assessment of organizations will give some experts registered in the portal. The author objected to the assessment on any date, or within a limited period of a calendar year. The data must be dynamic. The only way this project could be potential users of the monitoring demand. The third problem, which we discovered is the problem of determining the weights for the performance or score is assigned the value indicators. It is a subjective character. It may be worthwhile initially assign to each value of 1 score. The data obtained will not distort the results. Subsequently, on the basis of the survey the weights or scores can be adjusted. In any case, every organization providing social services should be wound up Card (Tab. 8). However, all this does not eliminate the need for the fastest establishment of an interactive portal for independent evaluation of quality of services provided by social service organizations. In addition, the required annual publication of the report on the quality of services provided by the social services. In addition to the publication of an annual report will require a broad discussion in the professional and scientific community, as well as public organizations will be requireed. It requires the involvement of international experts. Such a discussion could take place annually as part of the Social Congress in RSSU.

References 1. Babkov A.G. The Rating of the Activity of Enterprises // Economic Analysis. (2004) No. 14 (29). 2. Bakanov M.I., Melnik M.V., Sheremet A.D. Theory of Economic Analysis. Textbook. / Ed. M.I. Bakanova. 5th ed., Rev. and add. M .: Finance and Statistics/ – 2005. 3. Bushueva G.A., Polzik E.V., Tyukov Y.A. Some Approaches to Evaluating the Effectiveness of the Economic Activities of Medical Institutions // Economics of Health. 2000. No. 2 (42). P. 39–41. 4. Kaurova O.V., Saak A.A., Revyakina T.U. (2015) Small Business in Tourism Industry As a Functional Element Region’s Tax Capacity // Contemporary Problems of Social Work. Vol. 1. No. 1. P. 61–66. 5. Korablev V.I. The Content of the Economic Analysis in Health Care // Health Economics. – 2002. No. 4. P. 5–8. 6. Koretsky A.V. Integral Assessment of the Potential Public Health and Basic Health Care Resources: Diss. ... cand. sciences. Moscow. 2004. 7. Korobkova O.K. Rate of Economic Activity and Curative Health Care Facilities. M .: Printing and Publishing Center. 2002. No. 1. 8. Korobkova O.K. Service Management of Health Care Institutions on the Basis of Their Rating Activities. / Textbook for schools. M .: MEGALION. 2003. 9. Korolyova A.Y, Lobanov P.A. (2015) Public-Private Partnership in the System of Social and Economic Relations of Modern Russia // Contemporary Problems of Social Work. Vol. 1. No. 1. P. 67–73. 10. Medvedskaya D.R, Polzik E.V., Nikiforov S.A., Kazantsev V.S. On The Problem Of Determining The Ranking Of Municipal Health Systems // Health Economics. 2010. No. 8. P. 27–32. 11. Portal of the Russian Public Initiative. The initiative No. 14952. [electronic resource] URL: 12. Savitskaya G.V. Methods of Complex Analysis of Economic Activities. – M .: Infra-M, 2013. 13. Siburina T.A., Knyazev A.A., Lokhtina L.K., Miroshnikov Y.V. Basic Methodology and Practice in Healthcare Ratings // The Social Aspects of Health. – 2012. No. 5 (27). [electronic resource],ru. 14. Simonov R.Y. The Rating of the Building Organizations: Problems and Methodology // Audit and Financial Analysis. – 2007. No. 1.


15. Sheremet A.D., Negashev E.V. Methods of Financial Analysis of Commercial Organizations. – M .: Infra-M. – 2005.

REFERENCE TO ARTICLE Maloletko, A.N. (2015) A New Approach to Independent Evaluation of the Quality of Social Service Organizations, Contemporary Problems of Social Work. Vol. 1. No. 4. P. 89–96. DOI: 10.17922/2412-5466-2015-1-4-89-96 (International bibliographic description).

96 VOLUME 1, No. 4, 2015

Shpilina T.M., candidate of economic sciences, assistant professor of the academic Department of the political economy and international economic relations, Russian State Social University, Moscow. E-mail: [email protected] UDC 330 DOI 10.17922/2412-5466-2015-1-4-97-107

Assessing the Impact of Inefficient Institutes of the Russian Labor Market on Economic Activity of the Population

Receiving date: Preprint date: Taking to print date: 15.09.2015 09.11.2015 10.12.2015

Annotation: in the article, employment protection legislation is seen as an anti-Institute of the Russian labor market. Structural elements of this inefficient institute are analyzed, from the rules and regulations to the mechanism of their enforcement. The gaps in the Russian labor legislation on the regulation of activities in the field of network marketing, the establishment of the minimum wage, as well as the formation of the legal environment between the worker and the employer in such a remote form of employment as a “home-based” labor are considered as rules. In work, labor enforcement is seen as an enforcement mechanism. As a result of the analysis carried out, the impact of inefficient institutes on the economically activity of the population in our country is assessed. Key words: employment protection legislation, informal employment, labor enforcement, rigidity of employment indices, institutional traps.

For the past 15 years, economists all over the world have been actively studying how formal labor market institutes affect its direct functioning. Interest in these issues was boosted by sustainably high unemployment in many countries and a slowdown in the creation of jobs, even against the backdrop of significant economic growth. These issues are not ignored in Russia as well, but our country was characterized by a somewhat different situation. The domestic labor market is characterized by relatively small fluctuations in employment and the low level of registered unemployment, while the gap between the total and registered part of unemployment has been and remains quite significant.

Figure 1. 1 Population Dynamics of “Extravagant” and Registered Unemployed in Russia, 2000-2009, %

1 Calculated by the author based on the data [17]. 97 CONTEMPORARY PROBLEMS OF SOCIAL WORK

One reason for this phenomenon is non-standard forms of employment widespread in our country, one of special cases of which is informal employment1.

Table 1 The Number of Able-Bodied Population of the Russian Federation Relating to the Informal Employment in 2000-2009,%2 Year Unreg- Undeclared unemployment Unde- The total istered Over 176 hours No paid leave No paid sick clared un- number of unemploy- worked within provided, % leave provided, employ- informally ment, % 30 days, % % ment, % employed, % 2000 3.7 24.5 5.8 8.6 30.4 34.1 2001 – – – – – – 2002 3.5 32.6 6.8 8.4 37.0 40.5 2003 4.9 31.0 7.3 8.9 35.5 40.4 2004 5.5 30.3 8.1 10.4 36.2 41.7 2005 6.2 28.8 7.0 9.2 33.6 39.8 2006 7.6 33.3 5.6 8.5 37.3 44.9 2007 6.1 37.5 4.5 7.1 40.4 46.5 2008 5.7 39.4 5.7 7.5 43.2 48.9 2009 7.8 31.8 4.7 6.8 35.1 42.9

The data in the table show that non-contract hiring in the period from 2000 to 2006 was increasing steadily, during 2007 and 2008 the number of workers without employment agreements has decreased by 25% and 33%, respectively, relative to the base period (2006), but in 2009 compared with the previous period increased by 37% to a record value for the 10 years studied. But on the basis of our proposed definition of informal employment, the second part of it is undeclared employment. Analysing the RLMS data, we assigned to undeclared employment those working citizens whose actual conditions of employment differ from the formal ones in the following three provisions: 1) The working week is over 40 hours; 2) No paid leave is provided; 3) No sick leave is paid. Of course, another obligatory criterion is payment of hidden wages, but such data are absent in Monitoring, but it is clear that when they are taken into account, the undeclared employment level will increase significantly. Such situation on the Russian labor market is largely due to the influence of inaction or inefficiency of employment protection legislation (EPL). The employment protection legislation refers to a fundamental institute of the labor market, covering rules and regulations relating to hiring and firing workers, and well as standards set not only by law but also in the framework of collective agreements and contracts, judicial precedents and common practice. Thus, structurally EPL is labor laws and labor enforcement. Russian labor laws include3:  labor protection legislation;  Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

1 Informal employment is a system of institutional relations arising between the economic entities on the harmonisation of formal participation in the labor process on the basis of shared rules and regulations. 2 Calculated by the author on the basis of the data of the “Russian monitoring of the economic situation and public health RLMS- HSE”, conducted by the National Research University – Higher School of Economics and Demoscope CJSC with the participation of the Center for Population of the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill, and Institute of Sociology of RAS. (RLMS-HSE survey sites: http:// и”. 3 See Art. 5 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. 98 VOLUME 1, No. 4, 2015

 other federal laws;  decrees of the President of the Russian Federation;  resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation and regulatory legal acts of federal executive bodies.  constitutions (charters), laws and other regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;  acts of local governments and local regulatory acts containing norms of labor law. To determine the degree of regulation of labor laws, there are specific indicators. Evaluation of flexibility of national systems of labor laws is a fairly complex methodological problem. International organisations are on the path of building scores, which offer the opportunity for cross-country comparisons. Indices of rigidity/flexibility of labor laws, which are developed and published by various international organisations with regard to Russia, come to mixed results. I. Rigidity of employment index, calculated according to the methodology of the World Bank [8].

Diagram 1. Rigidity of Employment Index, Calculated According to the Methodology of the World Bank

According to the rigidity scale of employment protection legislation, proposed by the World Bank, in 2007, Russia had 44 points, compared with an average for developed countries of 30.8 points. II. ОECD index of employment protection1. As can be seen from the diagram, Russia according to the OECD index is not the country with the most rigid labor legislation, it takes the 10th place with an index of 1.80 out of 40 states, 30 OECD countries and 10 countries outside this organisation. The spread of this index ranges from 0.85 to 3.46 when using a scale from 0 (minimum limit) to 6 (maximum limit). We believe that the OECD evaluation of the rigidity/ flexibility for Russia is the most plausible for two reasons. The first is that the content of many labor laws allows for significant variation in complying with them. The second is that the Russian EPL has several significant “gaps” that hamper the development of “healthy” labor relations. In our work we highlight two of these shortcomings. It is they that greatly contribute to attributing a large number of workers to such part of the informal labor relations as the unregistered employment:


Diagram 2. Protection of Employment in the OECD Countries and a Number of Non-OECD Countries, 2008

1. The labor legislation does not mention regulations for the employment contracts between individuals. Work from home as well as other remote forms of employment, not associated with the presence of a permanent workplace in industrial areas, such as freelance, exists in reality, but such forms of relationship between the employee and the employer are not reflected in the Labour Code of the Russian Federation. In our opinion, the main reason for this omission lies in the fact that there has always been a certain time lag between the legal execution and real current economic relations. It is this time lag that creates the conditions for the functioning of economic relations, which will serve as informal until formally recorded in legal documents. 2. Another very significant “gap” in our EPL is the lack of legal rules governing the activities of citizens in the field of network marketing. The definition of “network” means that for the sale of products in this case the networks of suppliers – distributors of goods – are used. Thus, it turns out that any network based on the nature of the work performed consists of two levels: the first – legal entities and entrepreneurs engaged in wholesale trade and receiving basic income (legislation in this area is quite well developed). The second is the distributors, the main working part of the network engaged in the retail trade and movement of goods through distribution channels (the interests of this segment of the population is not protected by the Russian labor legislation). As can be seen from the diagram, the number of employed in the period from 2005 to 2007 practically remained at the same level and amounted to about 3.4% of the total employed population in the economy. In 2008, this figure rose almost 2 times and amounted to 6.2% of the total employed1. Of course, it’s safe to say that for the most part of those working in network marketing this is a secondary occupation, but what this percentage is, it is hard to say, because there are no such data.

1 Calculated by the author based on the data [17]. 100 VOLUME 1, No. 4, 2015

Diagram 31. The Number of Distributors in Russia in 2005–2008, mln people

It follows that the use of not businesses or other legal entities, but individual employees – physical persons – as links is a characteristic feature of the network marketing. Consequently, the vast majority of the costs in it is attributed to the wages of the distributors. Then it turns out that firms operating in the field of network marketing should also carry significant costs for the payment of tax deductions for social security funds, since the scope of their activities and the range of application expand every year. But in practice this is not happening. These funds do not receive a penny, as there is no employment agreement between the employer (in this case, a network firm) and the employee (network dealer) and, consequently, the employment relationship exists only in the form of a verbal agreement. All of this suggests that activity in the field of network marketing in our country is in the form of informal employment (or rather unregistered employment). It turns out that networking companies (entrepreneurs) are in a very comfortable situation, developing a profitable business through the distribution of its products through a network of vendor employees to whom they aren’t liable in any way under the current Russian legislation. Network business offers certain advantages to specific groups of the population and its development in our country is possible, but only under the condition that the working majority of its members – citizens of our country – are not in the firing line of our own legislation. 3. The third “gap” is a tiny value of the minimum wage in the country. De facto, the minimum wage in Russia is absent at all. There is a “minimum wage”, which regulates the smallest payments that an employer can pay to employees. Now in Russia, the minimum wage is 5,965 rubles per month. When comparing these indicators in Russia, in and the US, it is clear that in Russia and other post-Soviet countries the minimum wage rate is significantly understated. Thus, labor productivity in the USA is 4 times higher than in Russia, however, the minimum salary in the US is 8-fold higher than in our country. So, in such economic situation, the minimum wage in Russia should be 2 times higher. Now let consider the European countries. Leaders in the labor productivity here are Ireland,

1 URL: (Official website of World Federation of Direct Selling Associations (WFDSA)). 101 CONTEMPORARY PROBLEMS OF SOCIAL WORK

Luxembourg and Belgium. Luxembourg has the highest minimum wage among the countries of the European Union. In the Netherlands and Belgium, the labor productivity is 3.6 times higher than in Russia, and the rate of the minimum wage is 12.5 times higher. The difference between these two figures is 3.5 times. Compared with Luxembourg, in Russia the situation is even more depressing, labor productivity is also 3.6 times lower, and the minimum wage is 15.2 times lower. Thus, it turns out that the minimum wage in Russia is 4.2 times understated compared to Luxembourg [3]. Based on the given method of calculation of fair wages in Russia, it is safe to say that in our country it is necessary to increase the minimum wage at least 2-fold, i.e., up to 12 thousand rubles a month. Due to low wages we observe the orientation of workers to additional jobs. It is associated with sustainable overload of the body, the risk of ill health and impairment of accumulated qualification capacity in cases where additional work does not correspond by occupation to the basic one or is well below the skill level. All together, this leads to wide spread occurrence in Russia of such a destructive informal institute as industrial injuries, therefore very often a factor of satisfaction with the working conditions in determining the form of hiring does not play a significant role. According to the International Social Security Association, about 125 million industrial accidents occur annually in the world, which results in death of up to 220 thousand people. In the EU, up to 8 thousand employees die, almost 10 million become victims of accidents and get occupational diseases. Russia is one of the first in the world by the level of occupational injuries. At the same time the damage caused by it exceeds almost 1 billion dollars [25]. This is due to the fact that the safety management system does not meet modern economic and labor relations. This way many Russian employers are trying to “save” funds that provide safe working conditions for employees, and as a result endanger their health and lives. Data on industrial injuries in the country vary greatly. According to the information provided by the trade unions, more than 2 million people die in the production every year, of which about 600 thousand are at the working age [18]. When reviewing the information on occupational injuries submitted by Rosstat, a clear positive trend is visible. However, experts note low degree of reliability of the statistical information on occupational accidents and diseases. Even the statistics of occupational injuries with lethal and severe outcome is significantly different from the data obtained during the inspections, carried out by the Federal Labour Inspectorate. The main problem here is the concealment of accidents. Many employers today are interested in this, in particular, to get a discount on the insurance rate. Therefore the officials deliberately violate the law, thereby distorting the statistics. In 2005, the State Inspectorate of Labour has identified and investigated in accordance with established procedure 2,861 hidden accidents at work (more than 13% of the total number of accidents investigated in 2005), including 79 group accidents and 268 accidents with fatalities, 2,171 severe accident [18]. However, in Russia there is a minor penalty for concealment by employers of accidents, the fines is up to 1,000 rubles, while in the European Union the enforcement measures for such actions are many times greater than in Russia, up to criminal liability, so this negative phenomenon has an identity character, and injury statistics is more transparent [18]. In the overall structure of causes of industrial accidents with serious consequences, occurred in Russia in 2005, more than 23% are institutional reasons, 10.2% of the cases occurred as a result of a traffic offense, 6.7% – violation of the process, 6.42% – shortcomings in the organisation and conduct of labor protection training. [25] Due to poor maintenance and disadvantages of workplace organisation, the use of the old production equipment 6.41% of the accidents occurred.

102 VOLUME 1, No. 4, 2015

Source: [1] Figure 2. Average Age of the Production Equipment in Russia, years

If in 1990, the average age of the equipment only slightly (by modern standards) exceeded the level of 1970 (by 2.4 years), from the 1990s of the last century, the growth of the average age of the equipment received not only a constant, but some irreversible character. In 2005, it reached a record (or more precisely, an anti-record) value in the history of the country of 21.5 years. In 2007 – the “year of great change”: the average age of the production equipment for the first time started to decline not only in the post-Soviet, but also in the Soviet history. Reduction in the average age of fixed assets is an encouraging trend. However, the absolute value of this age can not be encouraging. Indeed, in 2008 the average age of Russian machinery and equipment amounted to 14.5 years (without buildings), but, for example, in the US – 6.6 years1. Use of the equipment at least twice as old than in developed economies already ensures a higher level of harm to the health of workers in the production process. Elimination of the above shortcomings of the labor legislation will significantly reduce the unregistrable part of informal employment in Russia. However, not only the content, but also the degree of rigidity determine the employment protection legislation. Its second component is labor enforcement, which refers to control over the execution in practice of the formal requirements of the labor legislation. It is the degree of efficiency of the labor enforcement that largely determines the undeclared part of informal employment. The interaction between the system of enforcement and the labor market is a complex scientific problem, which in recent years has been attracting increasing attention of economists. For countries with economies in transition, taking into account of enforcement is a must. Indeed, it is difficult to expect a strong impact on the functioning of the labor market legislation which, in practice, for the most part is ignored. All this fully applies to Russia. The assumption of the existence of a significant gap between the formal requirements of the law and the labor enforcement is supported by numerous survey data. Index of “actual” rigidity” calculated by International Institute for Management Development based on surveys of employers shows that Russia is a country where employers have a certain freedom in the conduct of policy in relation to personnel (the results of these surveys are published in the World Competitiveness Yearbook). In this rating Russia occupies 15th place out of 49, indicating

1 BEA. National Economic Accounts. Fixed Asset Table. 2009. Table 3. 9E. 103 CONTEMPORARY PROBLEMS OF SOCIAL WORK a rather high “actual” labor market flexibility [21]. Thus identified gap indicates the weakness of existing mechanisms for enforcement. Moreover, representatives of the State Labour Inspectorate themselves, as well as of employment services, trade unions, and heads of courts in the Russian regions – almost all are convinced that the labor laws are poorly observed and it is a serious problem (see Table 2) [5].

Table 2 To What Extent Are the Following Rules Observed? (full compliance = 7 points) Judges State Employ- Employers Federation of Inde- Labour In- ment ser- pendent Trade Unions spectorate vices of Russia 1. conclusion and implemen- 4.5 4.7 4.1 4.6 4.3 tation of collective agree- ments 2. hiring of employees, 3.9 3.6 3.9 4.3 3.7 execution of employment agreements 3. dismissal of employees, 3.8 4.0 3.9 4.2 3.7 termination of employment agreements 4. use of fixed-term employ- 4.3 4.0 3.9 4.1 3.7 ment agreements 5. working hours and over- 4.0 3.7 3.9 3.5 3.9 time 6. remuneration 4.0 3.4 3.7 4.2 3.6 7. timeliness of salary pay- 4.2 4.5 4.3 4.4 4.3 ment 8. social guarantees and 4.1 4.4 3.8 4.1 4.0 benefits 9. establishing rights and 4.4, 4.9 4.1 4.5 4.4, guarantees of activity of trade unions

Objective statistics of the activities of the State Labour Inspectorate and court statistics show a considerable inter-regional variation of any applicable values here. This means that the feature of EPL enforcement in Russia is that the enforcement of labor laws may vary significantly within our country, turning uniform federal regulations into local law enforcement practices. It is the latter that affect the functioning of markets. In the period from 2008 to 2009 in our country the control was strengthened only in one direction – the payment of salaries, the prevention of debt on it. For a number of other indicators the inspections in general haven’t decreased much: both together with the prosecutor’s office, and with the trade unions (see Table 3). In 2009, the percentage compared with 2008 of the number of identified violations and prescriptions decreased (71% and 74%, respectively). In general, less materials for criminal prosecution of those responsible were sent to the prosecutor’s office. Orders for wrongful dismissal by force were abolished about in the same amount as in 2008, but the number of execution of employment agreements according to the requirements of state inspectors has decreased about by half.

104 VOLUME 1, No. 4, 2015

Table 3 Control Over the Implementation of the Labor Legislation in 2008-20091 2008 2009 % Conducted inspections, total 228429 217878 95% together with the prosecutor’s office 23171 19759 85% together with trade unions 10134 7233 71% Revealed violations of the labor legislation, total 1822772 1348664 74% Issued orders to eliminate violations, total 201273 172887 86% Materials for criminal prosecution of those responsible sent to 14757 13625 92% the prosecutor’s office including for violation of the salary payment regulations 924 1908 206% for them: initiated criminal proceedings 23 67 291% persons convicted by court under Art. 145.1 of the Criminal Code 815188% of the Russian Federation Imposed administrative fines 115113 124868 108% Total amount of fines imposed, thousand rubles 463602 568135 123% Cancelled illegal orders for dismissal of employees 1903 1933 102% Executed employment agreements with employees at the request 61886 31085 50% of state labor inspectors People received during personal reception of citizens 299209 420384 140% Number of clarification to employers and workers 219965 377903 172% Legal assistance to citizens during preparation of claims for la- 3346 8025 240% bor affairs to court

Now let’s consider the role of trade unions in the enforcement of Russian labor laws. Trade unions are collective organisations uniting employees to improve their conditions of employment, represent and protect their interests. Trade unions may be industry ones, including representatives of various professions working in the industry, and workshops ones, uniting workers of the same profession. Under the new circumstances, which began with the reforms in the ‘90s, the trade unions received, it would seem, the ability to act independently. Russian trade unions were to begin implementation of their main functions – to ensure the most favorable conditions of employment of workers in the labor market. In practice, the unions had to fight for its survival. A significant part of the new owners and the administration saw them as a threat to their interests. Attempts to destroy the trade union organisations from the inside in the private sector are not unique. Therefore, in modern Russia the role of the union as an institution of in-house conflict resolution, unfortunately, is not high. In the field of small and medium enterprises there are almost no trade unions. In the public sector in the 90s of the XX century, their importance has declined sharply: the number of union members has decreased by 1.5-2 times [14]. According to the majority of workers, social support is rendered not by them, but by the enterprise management. Overall results of the survey paint a portrait of inefficient trade unions that are not able either to unite employees or organise their joint action to protect their rights. The desire to leave the union was shown by 65% of those surveyed, and only 8% reported that the union provides them with the opportunity to participate in recreational activities, relax in the tourist centers and recreation centers at reduced prices, etc. [20]. Private companies and joint ventures instead of collective agreements frequently use forms of employment on the basis of oral agreements and individual fixed-term contracts, which are

1 [12]. 105 CONTEMPORARY PROBLEMS OF SOCIAL WORK governed by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. In such cases labor laws are often not respected, there is no accounting of social security of workers. Taken together, these trends translate into informal employment. Moreover, Russian trade unions do no have strike funds like in the West. Lack of funds and dependence on the administration severely limit their opportunities. Local trade unions are also not able to monitor the effectiveness of the central organs of the trade union administration. Having examined the employment protection legislation in our country, it can be determined that the Russian labor market model is characterised by moderate rigidity of the regulatory system with extremely ineffective enforcement mechanisms. This in turn leads to an increase in unregistered and undeclared components of informal employment, therefore, the employment protection legislation in the form in which it is now, acts as anti-institute, largely contributing to the development of “unhealthy” labor relations.

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REFERENCE TO ARTICLE Shpilina, T.M. (2015) Assessing the Impact of Inefficient Institutes of the Russian Labor Market on Economic Activity of the Population, Contemporary Problems of Social Work. Vol. 1. No. 4. P. 97–107. DOI: 10.17922/2412-5466-2015-1-4-97-107 (International bibliographic description).


Rybakova A.I., candidate of psychological sciences, associate professor, dean of the Faculty additional professional education, Russian State Social University. E-mail: [email protected] Tsvetkova N.A., doctor of psychological sciences, professor of the Department of social and general psychology, Russian State Social University. E-mail: [email protected] UDC 159.9 DOI 10.17922/2412-5466-2015-1-4-108-115

The Main Trends of the Relationship Between Social Psychology and Social Work

Receiving date: Preprint date: Taking to print date: 11.09.2015 09.11.2015 10.12.2015

Annotation: The purpose of this study is to attempt to consider the modern state of social protection in the Russian Federation, identifying trends in the relationship of social work and social psychology in Russia. Also in their study, the author defines the role of scientists of the Department of social and General psychology RSSU in a scientific and technological ensuring the social protection of the population, and argues for their contribution to the applied field direction «psychology social work». Key words: psychology of social work, social welfare, department of social and general psychology RSSU, the psychology of the person in a difficult situation, socio-psychological technologies, trends in the relationship of social psychology and social work.

Over the past 20 years of social work in Russia there was a number of trends in the relationship of social psychology and social work. Denote those which characterize the state of the art and show perspectives of development of psychology of social work as a new direction of psychological science and applied areas of activity of social psychologists. Trend 1. Obvious changes appeared in Russian psychology influenced social work and strengthening the relationship between social psychology and social work. This trend is continuing as a result of what psychological science has paid the attention on the person in a difficult situation, began to explore the social psychology of marginalized groups (unemployed women, orphans, prisoners, refugees and displaced persons, families of risk

108 VOLUME 1, No. 4, 2015 group, etc.), socio-psychological processes, the scientific explanation is of vital importance for the development of the system of social protection of population of the Russian Federation (especially socialization and, in particular, socio-psychological (des)adaptation of various groups of the Russian population, gender aspects of social development of personality, etc.). However, as noted in 2004 Professor S. A. Belicheva – the pioneer organization of psychosocial work in Russia, this trend has given rise to one of the contradictions between academic psychology and the rapidly developing socio-psychological coy practice that relies on little accomplishments academic psychology [2]. Teachers are forced to focus on the academic standards of psychology and at the same time responding real practice of socio-psychological care of clients and groups. For this reason, social psychologists was raised and studied the problem of mismatch between the need to provide effective psychosocial support to vulnerable categories of the population (and therefore have a high level of socio-psychological competence) and level of educational training specialists in social work, not giving necessary knowledge for the development of their socio-psychological competence (E.A. Petrova and A.I. Rybakova., 2003-2008, Suslova T.F. and I. A. Bazhenov, etc.). Today we see how the relationship between social psychology and social work is becoming increasingly close. As noted by N. Rose [18], psychological science has developed in parallel with concepts such as “social activities”, “welfare”, “social work”, “social services” and other Modern social psychologists are interested in the regularities, mechanisms and factors of socialization, individual development, social personality, desocialisation, social maladjustment, addictive behavior, social crisisology, socio-psychological prevention, re-socialization, rehabilitation, reintegration, social therapy. In other words, social psychology of the XXI century has greatly expanded the boundaries of his problematic fields. Trend 2. Strengthening the relationship between social psychology and social work in applied, practice-oriented character. Both Sciences have a common object of study – people and similar aim of the interaction with them – implementation of the concept of self-help in the process of “helping relationship” that means creating the conditions for the existence of the client’s own personal potential, their own social subjectivity. In the encyclopedia of social work States: “the Purpose of social work is to install or restore mutually beneficial interaction between individuals and society, in order to improve the quality of life for all” [7]. Because social work is characterized by diversity, then the social worker can act as a social Manager, organizer, social worker, social therapist, lawyer, sociologist, psychologist. There are many ways and means to assist in the establishment and restoration of socio-psychological balance between the individual and the environment. American psychologist A. E. Ivey believes that there are more than 250, but using any of them implies knowledge of theory and methodology as well as owning the technology and techniques of socio-psychological work [12]. In this respect, for the practice of social work are important psychodiagnostics, psychological counseling, and the use of techniques, methods and techniques of psychological interaction with the client. Trend 3. Changing theoretical preferences in a scientific and psychological justification for social work. Analysis of foreign practice of social work, and publications of scientists of the Department of social psychology RSSU indicates that in the formation of the psychological foundations of social work initially occupied an important place in the theory, based on a psychoanalytical approach, – various psychodynamic theories and concepts; followed by the most popular began to use the theory based on the ideas of behaviorism and cognitive psychology. Humanistic direction – “third force” among the diverse approaches of the “psychological origin” – in the present research and practical developments in the field of orthobionic, theory and methodology which at the time was described by I. I. Mechnikov in “Studies of human nature,” and “Etudes


of optimism”. The object of orthobiotech technology is samozbierajace people physical, mental, moral health and filling them with optimism. The mission of antobiotic is to offer people at every age stage information, ideas and special techniques for pre-emption of unwanted processes in the physical, mental and moral health. I.e. ortobiotic – the science of socio-preventive character. It synthesizes a vast range of different scientific bio-socio-psycho-technological knowledge is theoretical and applied basis of human studies and anthropological basis of a number of theoretical and technological disciplines, is closely connected with the science of image. The last is developing intensively under the guidance of Professor E. A. Petrova. Trend 4. Recognition of non-prescriptive practical social psychology. In the process of development of domestic psychology social work as an applied area of activity of social psychologists have identified many of the shortcomings of the traditional prescriptive approach to working with people in difficult situations that led to the recognition of non-prescriptive practical social psychology with the technologies and techniques of individual and group work. It became apparent the need for an internal penetration in the mental world of the person, creation of conditions for its improvement. And psychologists, and social workers to address the social, cultural, regional and other factors in work with clients. Changed perception of the role and place of the client in the process of the helping relationship: currently human perception of a difficult situation is seen as less wrong, more often – both are excellent, and it is the preferred methods of active socially-psychological training, gently guide “your way”. In this regard, note that the passive-receptive role the client plays in psychoanalysis, in following approaches, he becomes an accomplice helping process, and in the humanistically- oriented theories and active approach becomes the subject of his own life. Therefore, in the implementation of the principles and techniques of non-prescriptive practical social psychology in individual and group work with people valuable research of socio-psychological observation as a professionally important quality practical clovekove (M. A. Aksenova, Lee Won Ho, A. A. Rodionova and others). Trend 5. Strengthen the relationship between psychology and social work as scientific and academic disciplines. In the preparation of professional social workers there is a “core” of fundamental disciplines, the study of which is aimed at forming theoretical, methodological and technological positions of future specialists. Psychology occupies in it one of leading places. The need to achieve a high level of socio-psychological competence of the social worker due to the fact that it must: 1) cooperate with professional psychologists, psychotherapists and find mutual understanding with them; 2) to distinguish cases where the “mask” of social problems lies the psychological problem, and direct customers to the appropriate specialist; 3) be able to provide basic psychological support for seeking help; 4) to master the ways and techniques of the psychologically correct communicate with marginal personalities, emotionally and mentally weakened people, balancing on the verge of norm and pathology. In accordance with these requirements to the personality and activity of psychological training of social workers includes study of both the General trends of psychic manifestations, and special, which is manifested depending on the age, sex, occupation, social status, developmental defects, etc. As a scientific and psychological bases of the social work advocates psychological theory of individualization and differentiation. Individual approach is necessary in any activity – playing, educational, labor, creative, etc. In social work, he is both a principle and a condition for the effectiveness of social work. An individual approach implies taking into account the peculiarities of temperament, character, cognitive, language, perceptual qualities, attitudes, social attitudes and other aspects of the client’s identity. Differentiation of social work is based on stratification and psychological signs that allow you to select the category (or group) clients – children and adults, young and old, healthy and sick, cultured and uncultured, educated and uneducated, and low skilled, gifted and talented, etc.

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for Example, in recent years, researchers have paid attention to this category of the population, as people close to retirement age [1]. Other scientific and psychological basis of social work is a psychology of social adaptation and disadaptation personality. Trend 6. The establishment of closer connection between social work and socio-psychological counseling. In 1951, foreign psychological practice coined the term “counseling psychology”. He was used to delineate psychological assistance for the mentally healthy person and treatment of mental disorders of sick people when it is appropriate to use theories and methods “clinical psychology”. “Counseling psychology” originally included in its methodological foundations of psychology of individual differences, psychometric and psychological data measurements, which greatly enhanced its effectiveness. Because over time there were many helping professions, there arose the need to protect consumers – customers from low-quality psychosocial services. The licensing Commission of the Association of employees and managers, the U.S. issuing permission to private practice, proposed the following definition: “Counseling is a set of procedures to help the person in resolving problems and making decisions regarding career, marriage, family, personality development and interpersonal relationships” [4]. Modern Russian social psychologist V. G. Krysko gives such a definition of counseling: “counseling is a special relationship between two people in which one person helps another to help himself. It allows the other person to explore their feelings, thoughts and behavior to come to a clearer understanding of itself, including in mutual relations with other people, and then to discover their strengths, relying on internal resources to better manage their lives...” [4]. This definition is consistent with the humanistic paradigm of social work. As noted by A. N. Elizarov, by the end of the twentieth century psychological counseling has become a separate kind of psychological help. Intensively developing abroad and in Russia, it gave the opportunity for the national psychologists to create a whole new range of models that differ significantly from existing within the psychological and psychotherapeutic schools in the West [5]. Trend 7. The emergence of quality problems of socio-psychological services provided to different categories of population of the Russian Federation. The development of social work in Russia has led to the need to solve their quality, including through the standardization of social services. Since 2004, the system of social protection began the implementation of the National standards for social services. The purpose of these standards is improvement of quality of social services, including social and psychological. From 1 July 2004 enacted the national standard of the Russian Federation “Social service of the population. The quality of social services”. GOST R 52142-2003, approved by the Decree of of Russia dated 24 November 2003, No. 326-article It is a sample of the various parties of activity of social services on social services to citizens in difficult life situations, and contains General provisions, basic social services, the terms and definitions, quality control of social services, quality system of social service institutions, classification of institutions of social service. Social service is defined as activity of social services aimed at the provision of social services, the social rehabilitation and adaptation of people in difficult life situations. The social service – the citizen in a difficult life situation, which in that regard provide social services. In the national standard of social services for the population of the Russian Federation “the Main types of social services. GOST R 52143-2003”, also enacted in 2004, included the following socio-psychological services and defines their purpose: 1. Psychological counseling should provide clients with skilled assistance on the establishment of interpersonal relations to prevent and overcome family conflicts, issues of parent-child, marital and other significant relationships. Socio-psychological counselling needs

111 CONTEMPORARY PROBLEMS OF SOCIAL WORK based on customer information and discussions with arising socio-psychological problems to help him to reveal and mobilize internal resources to solve these problems. 2. Psychodiagnostics and personality tests should the results of detection and analysis of the mental state and individual peculiarities of the personality of the client, influencing deviations in his behavior and relationships with others, to give the necessary information to forecast and develop recommendations for corrective measures. 3. Psychocorrection, as an active psychological impact, should ensure the overcoming or weakening of the developmental, emotional state and behavior of customers (inadequate forms of emotional response and behavior patterns, conflict relationships between parents and children, communication disorders in children or distortions in their mental development, etc.) that will bring these indicators in line with age-related norms and requirements of the social environment. 4. The psychotherapeutic aid should contribute to the effective decision of the customers of such underlying life’s difficulties and personal conflicts of problems to overcome in the family of acute or traumatic stress, adversely affecting the health and psyche of children, inappropriate behaviour of parents, social adaptation to changing socio-economic conditions of life, etc. 5. Socio-psychological care needs on the basis of systematic monitoring of clients to ensure timely identification of situations of psychological discomfort, personal (intrapersonal) or interpersonal conflict and other situations that can exacerbate a difficult situation of clients, and provide them with necessary currently the social-psychological assistance. 6. Psycho and psychological work need to contribute to the client’s needs in psychological knowledge and willingness to use them to work on themselves and their problems, to create conditions for full psychological development of the personality at each age stage, the timely prevention of possible violations in the formation and development of the personality of the client. 7. Psychological training, as an active psychological impact should be assessed on their efficiency in the removal of consequences of psycho-traumatic situations, mental tension, inculcation of socially valuable norms of behavior people overcoming antisocial forms of life, shaping the personality of the prerequisites to adapt to changing conditions. 8. Attracting clients to participate in mutual support groups, communication clubs should provide assistance in leaving the state of discomfort (if any), the maintenance and promotion of mental health, increase stress tolerance, level of psychological culture, primarily in the sphere of interpersonal relations and communication. 9. Emergency (by phone) psychological and medico-psychological assistance should provide: immediate counselling clients, assisting in the mobilization of their physical, spiritual, personal, intellectual resources to exit the crisis, expanding their range of acceptable funds to solve problems and overcome difficulties, strengthen confidence. 10. Conversation, communication, listening, encouragement, motivation, activity, psychological support vitality needs to strengthen mental health clients, increasing their stress tolerance and mental security. At present, besides the mentioned, there are following National standards of social services for the population of the Russian Federation: – Terms and definitions. GOST R 52495-2005 – Quality control of social services. GOST R 52496-2005 – Quality system of social service institutions. GOST R 52497-2005 – Classification of social service agencies. GOST R 52498-2005 – Types of social service institutions for elderly citizens and the disabled. GOST R 52880-2007 – Types of social service institutions for families and children, GOST R 52881-2007 – Special technical equipment of the social service agencies. GOST R 52882-2007 – Requirements to the personnel of social service institutions. GOST R 52883-2007

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– The procedure and conditions of providing social services to elderly citizens and the disabled. GOST R 52884-2007 – Social services family. GOST R 52885-2007 – Social services to women. GOST R 52886-2007 – Services to children in establishments of rest and recuperation. GOST R 52887-2007 – Social services for children. GOST R 52888 – 2007 – Social services to elderly citizens. GOST R 53058 – 2008 – Social services to people with disabilities. GOST R 53059 – 2008 – Documentation of social service agencies. GOST R 53060-2008 – Quality control of social services to children. GOST R 53061 – 2008 – Quality control of social services to women. GOST R 53062 – 2008 – Quality control of social services for the family. GOST R 53063 – 2008 – Types of social service institutions and social services to persons without a certain residence and occupations. GOST R 53064 – 2008. Trend 8. The revitalization of the psychologists of Russia in the development and implementation of “small programmes” social and psychological assistance to different categories of population. Overseas research on the effectiveness of socio-psychological assistance has shown that more effective “small program”, i.e. interference in the life of an individual or small social groups, rather than large-scale social projects, and that the results of a targeted social impacts are difficult to predict [19]. Trend 9. The emergence and development of psychosocial work. Socio-psychological orientation of “personality – society”, developing throughout the entire history of social work of the twentieth century, led to the emergence of psychosocial approach (its creators abroad – M. Richmond, F. Hollis, Z. Freud, J. Bowlby, S. A. Belicheva – in Russia). In the Russian methodology and a social practice installation on a synthesis of psychological and social can be traced in the wording of the goals and objectives of social work, social services and social protection in the qualification requirements and the responsibilities of social workers, new state educational standards of professional training of social work. “In studies on the psychosocial approach, the necessity to understand the identity of the client in its relationship with the world that surrounds him... we should Not separate the concepts such as internal world and external reality, to understand the wholeness of the person in the situation, i.e. psicosociales” – write in the Preface to his book, M. V. Firsov, and B. Y. Shapiro [8]. Trend 10. The coexistence and development of two approaches – socio-psychological and psychosocial – in the sphere of domestic social work. As noted by L. A. Petrovskaya, development psychology is in many respects a peculiar dialogue of a socio-centered and learner-centered trends. It includes traditional social psychology (including domestic tradition), and modern humanistic psychology, received in the second half of the twentieth century, the development in the West and explored today by a number of native researchers. The significance of this dialogue is increasing in connection with what is happening in the country social change, actualizing the problem of “asserting individuality” (A. G. Asmolov), which is among the top priorities for humanistic psychology. Her experience can be used in the provision of psychological assistance to a person in a situation of radical social transformation vany, as it allows you to focus not so much on the need to adapt to the difficulties, but on the ability to cope with them, which requires considerable personal effort [16]. Domestic psychology and social work adhere to the first (social-centered) tendencies, when the emphasis is on correction and development of socio-psychological characteristics of clients with the aim of raising the level of socialservices in the process of coping with a difficult life

113 CONTEMPORARY PROBLEMS OF SOCIAL WORK situation. In the National standards of the Russian Federation “Social service” activities of the social workers called social-psychological work. Abroad is illuminated brighter than the second personal-oriented trend, according to which preference is given to the development of the individuality of clients and group identity, reinforce their independence and self-worth. Psychosocial work is more developed in countries with high living standards in Sweden, USA, Germany, etc. Socio-psychological work is an integral part of a modern system of domestic social services, which, in turn, constitutes one of the directions of social protection of population of the Russian Federation, includes an extensive network of state and non-state institutions implementing state social policy and activities aimed at support and protection of vulnerable groups. The basic principles of social care defined by the Federal Law “About bases of social service of the population of the Russian Federation” (1995) is targeting, accessibility, voluntary service, humanity, confidentiality, preventive orientation. However, in practice psycho-social and socio-psychological approaches are combined into a joint strategy for assistance to the client-In-situation, as they allow you to become an individual with a sufficient level of socialservices. Difficult life situation is used as a task that the client needs to solve to continue with the socialization of individual and social development. I.e. both approaches strategically maneuvers reminiscent of left-Bank and right- Bank fishermen, suggesting that on the other side of the fish more. At the same time, we note that the psychosocial approach is more conformable in working with “weak and/or downtrodden” person, but with a developed moral consciousness, because it (the approach) comes “from real” is that real “here and now”, does not require compliance with specified standards, and promotes development, but does not limit, and liberates the natural forces of man, so that he can realize their individuality and defend it in various social situations; provides the environment in which individuality may appear brighter. The psychosocial approach is based on choosing the best option individual for social development. And besides it takes into account the channel factors in the assessment of behavior in the situation [19]. Socio-psychological approach comes from “proper”, i.e., that must be the man that society accepted it. It commits to be “appropriate” to follow the standard, look for the path of the location to other people, groups and systems to overcome their marginality and to strengthen the sense of belonging, to develop appropriate socio-psychological qualities. This approach is more applicable in working with clients with antisocial behaviour, as well as to address the problems of socio-psychological to the heterogeneous Russian society.

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REFERENCE TO ARTICLE Rybakova, A.I., & Tsvetkova, N.A. (2015) The Main Trends of the Relationship Between Social Psychology and Social Work, Contemporary Problems of Social Work. Vol. 1. No. 4. P. 108–115. DOI: 10.17922/2412-5466-2015-1-4-108-115 (International bibliographic description).


Menkov G.B., candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, senior lecturer, executive director of Ansoft Development group of companies, Russian State Social University. E-mail: [email protected] Sirotskiy A.A., candidate of technical sciences, senior lecturer of the Department of the infor- mation system, web and security, Russian State Social University. E-mail: [email protected] UDC 004 DOI 10.17922/2412-5466-2015-1-4-116-121

Design of the Modes of the Automated Assessment of Payback of ERP Systems

Receiving date: Preprint date: Taking to print date: 14.09.2015 09.11.2015 10.12.2015

Annotation: In article the principles of development of the program modes of an assessment of payback of ERP systems are offered. Such modes will allow heads of the enterprises to make more weighed decisions at the ERP systems choice. Key words: information system, ERP system, automation of the enterprises, payback, design of systems.

Now any competitive enterprise [10, 11] can’t do without systems of automation among which the important place is taken ERP systems (ERP – Enterprise Resource Planning). Existing ERP systems have the developed functionality with a large number of settings that creates possibility of use of the various program modes. Process of introduction of ERP systems can take months and years. It complicates the solution of a question of payback, and there is a burning issue of a quantitative assessment of payback of ERP systems for the concrete enterprise [9]. In the market there is the whole range of ERP systems from famous producers: SAP, Microsoft, Oracle, AVARDA [3], etc. There is an isolated direction of creation of the cloudy distributed [13, 14] ERP systems [5, 7, 8, 16]. When before the management of the enterprise there is a problem of a choice of ERP systems, it appears that the assessment of payback and economic efficiency is difficult, labor-consuming, for it there are no ready tools [15]. Therefore the decision on acquisition of ERP systems is often made for reasons of prestige, popularity of

116 VOLUME 1, No. 4, 2015 system, completeness of the functionality declared by the producer, and check of payback and economic efficiency is postponed. Licenses for the software and services in its introduction cost much. Introduction can demand long completions for the accounting of specifics of the enterprise and be tightened for years. It can appear later that the report of the management of the enterprise before shareholders about the spent means doesn’t give direct confirmation of payback of the spent means and time. Therefore development of tools of the automated assessment of payback of ERP systems represents very actual task [4]. It is necessary for development of tools of the automated assessment of payback of ERP systems:  to formulate the principles of an assessment of payback of ERP systems;  to define, what data are necessary for realization of these principles, at what stage data on the concrete enterprise will become available;  to estimate as these data can change during introduction and operation of ERP systems;  to develop algorithms and the program modes of automation of an assessment of payback of ERP systems. The purpose of work is the formulation of the principles of an assessment of payback of ERP systems and definition of the general directions for development of concrete indicators of payback and economic efficiency of introduction of ERP systems. We will formulate the principles of an assessment of payback of ERP systems after its acquisition and introduction. Principle 1. We will consider payback of ERP systems in a broad sense this concept, that is to consider both a financial component, and social aspects of introduction. Any ERP systems in the basis has the multiuser database to which thousands of employees address. The personnel of the enterprise influences success of introduction and payback of ERP system by the motivation, qualification and other factors, and maintenance costs of the personnel make a considerable share of the general expenses of the enterprise. Principle 2. At an assessment of payback of ERP systems it is necessary to consider introduction procedure duration. Often the management of the enterprise seeks to combine with the beginning of operation of ERP systems and other changes: commissioning of new objects, revision of organizational and regular structure, an innovation in business processes, change of number and specialization of the personnel, etc. Therefore, first, this, necessary for calculation of indicators of payback cannot exist and not make sense to a certain stage of introduction of ERP systems. Secondly, financial performance has to be measured in comparable time intervals. Principle 3. Applicability of the developed program modes to the data obtained from various ERP systems. It is necessary for application of the automated payback assessment to all ERP systems considered by the management of the enterprise in the course of a choice. As a rule, each of systems has the own development tools not compatible to other systems allowing the producer and the customer of system to develop its functionality according to circumstances. The program modes of an assessment of payback developed for concrete ERP systems can’t be easily transferred to other ERP systems. Therefore it is necessary to concentrate on compatibility with other systems at the level of data: to have the ready program modes of import and comparison of data from other ERP systems. Principle 4. At creation of the program modes of an assessment of payback it is necessary, along with the general consolidated indicators, to provide to the user access to specification of the received sizes that the persons making the decision on purchase, introduction and continuation of operation of ERP systems had opportunity to see an overall picture of which there are consolidated indicators, and trusted the received sizes. The regular means of ERP systems on a documentary basis confirming settlement data help with achievement of such trust.


Principle 5. Indicators of payback unite in an overall picture on the basis of weight coefficients. We will consider financial aspect of payback of ERP systems. The increase in the income and reduction of expenses of the enterprise will become straight lines and obvious advantages of introduction of ERP systems. Also it is necessary to consider factors which, on the contrary, will lower the income and will increase expenses. And expenses of the enterprise influence the income the following factors:  increase in sales volume;  increase in turnover of financial means;  increase in turnover of assets, including warehouse stocks;  increase in efficiency of use of warehouse spaces;  decrease in standards of obligatory warehouse stocks;  decrease in expenses on penalties;  decrease in losses from business partners;  decrease in equipment downtimes and manpower;  labor productivity increase;  decrease in losses from contingencies;  improvement of financial conditions of purchase of goods and materials;  increase of loyalty of buyers [6];  observance of a trade secret of the enterprise;  decrease in risks;  possibility of an exit in new, more difficult spheres of activity of the enterprise;  opportunity to fulfill requirements of the government and international financial institutions. The increase in sales volume is measured in ERP systems by means of its regular means, among which – a large number of analytical reports. The analysis of sales as one of key types of the analysis for competitive trade enterprise, is carried out in details, on a set of factors. These data in the analysis can be consolidated, grouped and sorted, looked through in the form of cross-tables. To increase in sales volume conducts also reduction of terms of shipment and delivery of goods that it is also fixed by regular means of ERP systems [2, 3, 5]. The increase in sales volume is considered as one of independent indicators of payback of ERP systems. As for reduction of terms of shipment and delivery of goods, we consider this indicator as additional as it isn’t expressed directly in terms of the income or profit, but leads to their increase. Besides, loyalty of clients of the enterprise improves and there is some other positive effects: improvement of turnover of means, increase in financial receipts and even possible simplification of accounting policies due to relative constancy of the prices and exchange rates on the short period. One more important consequence of introduction of ERP systems – increase in turnover of financial means, first of all – receivables. In ERP systems the binding of commodity documents to payment documents with relational communication like (M:N) is registered. If payments for services or goods happen to a delay, with introduction of ERP systems there is an opportunity to control a delay on the sums and dates and to take measures for its reduction. Indicators of control of receivables include:  turnover of receivables – the relation of sales proceeds to average receivables increased by number of days of the reporting period;  coefficient of overdue receivables – the relation of the sum of overdue receivables to the total value of receivables;  share of outstanding receivables of realization of this month.

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The enterprise analyzes these indicators for the comparable temporary periods and seeks for their reduction that means growth of activity of payment of accounts by clients, that is growth of solvency of the enterprise. The coefficient of turnover of assets, including warehouse stocks, is equal to the relation of proceeds from sales of production to the total cost of assets of the enterprise (intangible assets, fixed assets, incomplete construction, investments, stocks, raw materials, money and receivables). It shows the quantity of monetary units of the sold goods relating on unit of assets. The enterprise aspires to increase in this indicator. Additional information is given by degree of profitability of material assets of the company – work of coefficient of turnover of assets on coefficient of net profit. The increase in efficiency of use of warehouse spaces is measured by growth of revenue per unit area of a warehouse. The indicator is calculated for the comparable reporting periods and estimated in dynamics. With ERP systems introduction the indicator improves at the expense of new opportunities of management of commodity stocks owing to improvement of forecasts of realization of goods and better control of the carried-out warehouse operations. Decrease in standards of obligatory warehouse stocks is an indicative consequence of introduction of ERP systems and is estimated in the sums of the warehouse stocks counted on the chosen dates – borders of the comparable periods. Decrease in expenses on penalties, decrease in losses from misconduct by partners, decrease in losses from contingencies are estimated by the corresponding sums according to the financial documents entered into ERP systems. Usually financial policy of the enterprise carries these expenses on separate sub-accounts and/or financial articles for the subsequent summation. Improvement of the considered indicators turns out to be consequence of improvement of planning and control of operations which are provided by ERP systems. Decrease in equipment downtimes and manpower, increase of labor productivity are estimated as the relation of the corresponding expenses to revenue of the enterprise for the analyzed periods. One of the direct totally estimated indicators – improvement of financial conditions of purchase of goods and materials. It is provided with use of analytical opportunities of ERP systems, and also improvement of control over observance by suppliers of contractual obligations. Introduction of ERP systems leads to great opportunities for increase in loyalty of buyers. This intensively developing direction of improvement of work of the enterprise. For the enterprise quantitative indices of an assessment of increase of loyalty represent a great interest [6]. Treat them:  a loyalty index – a ratio between the total number of clients and number of the clients showing loyalty, for example, through repeated purchases;  the volume of purchases according to recommendations of clients;  number of regular customers: regular customers are in most cases loyal and form, so-called, a kernel of clients;  a share of sales on old clients;  the cost of the loyal client – the relation of total amount of the expenses made within loyalty program to total number of new loyal clients, or the old clients who increased loyalty.  time from the first contact to the transaction;  number of transactions for the period;  receivables;  number of refusals of the transaction. Observance of a trade secret of the enterprise [12] becomes an additional benefit of introduction of ERP systems. So, moving of separate user data to a uniform database prevents casual loss of information, and also allows to keep it in case of dismissal of the employee.


Decrease in risks of the enterprise is carried out at the expense of their more exact assessment by means of obtaining the detailed information provided by ERP systems [1, 2]. The quantitative assessment of economic effect of decrease in risks represents separate interesting area of the analysis. Operation of ERP systems gives also the chance of development and an exit in new, more difficult spheres of activity of the enterprise which, owing to the labor input, in principle are impossible without automation. For example, opening of new hypermarkets with a large number of at the same time served buyers, is impossible without the corresponding control and exchange of information with head office of the enterprise. The quantitative assessment of payback of ERP systems in this case is expressed through the consolidated economic indicators which are already considered general. Opportunity to fulfill requirements of the government and international financial institutions for an entry into the new markets and IPO is a specific consequence of introduction of known ERP systems. Not the last role in the matter is played by popularity and prestigiousness of ERP systems. We will note, however, that payback of introduction of system of automation in this case isn’t always transparent, and even successful introduction of prestigious systems leads to performance of the necessary, but not sufficient conditions shown to the enterprise. It is important to mean that only full introduction of ERP systems results in its payback and achievement of the described advantages. If because of high cost of ERP systems and high cost of services in its introduction operation of important modules is postponed indefinitely, completeness of the reached control raises big doubts. For an assessment of financial aspect of payback of ERP systems it is necessary to consider expenses on its acquisition and introduction. Degree of readiness of functionality of system before its introduction, including the accounting of specifics of the enterprise because the cost of services in introduction directly depends on it becomes a key factor. Also it isn’t necessary to lose sight of the cost of possession of system: whether the database management system (DBMS), what cost of the DBMS demands separate paid subscriber services it, whether the system is open for independent modification by the qualified staff of the enterprise, how much is their training. The cost of possession of known prestigious ERP systems often is unforeseen and makes the considerable sums. From the point of view of social manifestations, operation of ERP systems can lead to change of quantity of workplaces, change of nature of work on workplaces and to other consequences. Stability of work and development of the enterprise depends on orderliness and extent of automation of business processes that in social aspect is reflected in dependence of the enterprise on a human factor. The assessment of influence of the personnel of the enterprise on efficiency of introduction and operation of ERP systems is based on the concepts «employee» and «user». As it is about the same workers, data of these reference books are connected among themselves, but it is usually convenient to have various reference books for the concepts «employee» and «user». The characteristics of the employee considered by ERP systems belong to his production activity: belonging to territorial division and to an organizational established post, size of awards and bonuses for successfully perfect transactions, etc. Characteristics of the user in ERP systems describe activity of the employee in aspect of access to functions of system: login, the password, the rights for performance of operations in system. Some employees can carry out duties in several adjacent divisions, and it is convenient to compare to one employee some various records of users. Thus, not all employees are users of ERP systems – there is a support personnel (drivers, forwarding agents) – but also they too participate in the general process and make the contribution to effective use of ERP systems. The considered principles and indicators of payback of ERP systems can be developed further taking into account branch specifics of the enterprises, the analysis of modules of ERP systems,

120 VOLUME 1, No. 4, 2015 indirect advantages of introduction, the analysis of problems of the centralized business management in combination with autonomous work of remote divisions, compliance of the introduced system and ideology of work of the enterprise. Conclusions: 1. The principles of development of the program modes of an assessment of payback of ERP systems are offered. 2. Need of acquisition and introduction of ERP systems for many enterprises doesn’t raise doubts and demands existence of the automated means of an assessment of payback of the acquired system. 3. The assessment of payback will allow heads of the enterprises at the ERP systems choice from the products which are available in the market to make more weighed decision, on the basis of quantitative estimates.

References 1. 2015 Global Engineering Information Management Solutions Competitive Strategy Innovation and Leadership Award. AVEVA-Award-Frost-Sullivan.aspx. 2. Business Management. management.html. 3. Documentation on AVARDA System. 4. Enterprise Resource Planning system AVARDA. 5. Huber T., Alt R., Österle H. Templates – Instruments for Standardizing ERP Systems. In Sprague, R. H. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 33rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), pp.1 – 18. Los Alamitos (CA): IEEE, 2000. 6. Loyalty of Clients. 7. Olifer V., Olifer N. Computer Networks. Principles, Technologies, Protocols. The textbook for higher education institutions / Piter, 2007. 8. Practical Web-Based ERP Software. 9. Richard Linda. Information Technology & Its Uses in Business Management. http:// html. 10. Sattarov B. Foundations of Effective Management of Investment Activity in the Enterprise // The Advanced Science Journal. Vol. 2015. No. 2. P. 35–37. 11. Sirotskiy A.A. (2011) About Innovative Approaches, Means and Methods of Effective Management of the Enterprise.// The Human Capital. No. 11. P. 64–66. 12. Sirotskiy A.A. Information Security of Personality and Protection of Personal Information in the Modern Communicative Environment.// The Technologies of Technosphere Safety. Scientific Internet magazine, 2013. No.4 13. Tanenbaum E., Van Steen M. The Distributed Systems. Principles and Paradigms / Piter, 2003. 14. The Distributed Systems Group. 15. Thompson Scott. The Key Components of the Scientific Method of Business Research / http:// html. 16. Top-10: Online ERP system.

REFERENCE TO ARTICLE Menkov, G.B. & Sirotskiy, A.A. (2015) Design of the Modes of the Automated Assessment of Payback of ERP Systems, Contemporary Problems of Social Work. Vol. 1. No. 4. P. 116–121. DOI: 10.17922/2412-5466-2015-1-4-116-121 (International bibliographic description).



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