A Symposium in Honor of James E. Zimmerman
NISTIR 5095 SQUIDs Past, Present, and Future A Symposium in Honor of James E. Zimmerman R.L. Kautz, Editor 1901-2001 nr NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology 100 Technology Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce .056 N0.5095 2000 . • .r, : lie- •i , J' ®!.' ,. |VjL • !i! ,. • # - ii? '* s - ,^1. f' j!=:..»_ j. •S" K'/ yi. ; :• v r - ‘f:" *' ' :- -ii c :'':.<^-.:-r.;:s.. 'i ;*' >* . 'F ..'S?',; r>;v ''''?! V/i-.'S,)' V NISTIR 5095 SQUIDs Past, Present, and Future A Symposium in Honor of James E. Zimmerman R.L. Kautz, Editor Electromagnetic Technology Division Electronics and Electrical Engineering Laboraatory October 2000 U.S. Department of Commerce Norman Y. Mineta, Secretary Technology Administration Dr. Cheryl L. Shavers, Under Secretary ofCommerce for Technology National Institute of Standards and Technology Raymond G. Kammer, Director Preface The symposium on “SQUIDs Past, Present, and Future” was held at the National Institute of Standards and Technology in Boulder, Colorado on November 15, 1997 to cel- ebrate the career of James E. Zimmerman. As a member of a team at the Ford Scientific Laboratory more than thirty years ago, Jim Zimmerman became coinventor of the radio- frequency Superconducting QUantum Interference Device and coined the name “SQUID.” A highly sensitive detector of magnetic fields, the SQUID is limited only by fundamental quantum uncertainties, and its potential was immediately recognized. Later, at the Na- tional Bureau of Standards (now NIST), Zimmerman pioneered many applications of the SQUID, from measurement science to geomagnetism and magnetoencephalography. As a tribute to Zimmerman’s long and productive career, the symposium presented talks by prominent researchers reviewing the SQUID’s origin and the present state of the art.
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