[email protected] STRIPESJAPAN.COM FACEBOOK.COM/STRIPESPACIFIC FREE INSIDE INFO File photo HALLOWEEN PHOTO CONTEST WINNERS PAGE 2 Gunma Falling for autumn and hunting for the season’s colors Pages 8-10 CAMP ZAMA CHAPLAIN BLESSES COMMUNITY’S PETS PAGE 4 ENJOY FISHY FOOT BATH, COFFEE POOL IN HAKONE PAGE 11 Mt. Asama Magma Stone Park DODEA program eases new students’ anxiety 16 SHOCKING THINGS ABOUT JAPANESE BY SETH ROBSON, BATHROOMS STARS AND STRIPES PAGES 12-13 Published: November 6, 2020 TOKYO — Lunch breaks, field trips and football games are events where students make friends when they arrive at a new school, some- thing the children of service members do often. The coronavirus pandemic means those things have been canceled LIKE US ON or happen online or with masks and social distancing, making it more FACEBOOK challenging for kids to make new friends. But a pilot program at six overseas military schools in the Pacific aims to help. “Normally, kids go to the teen center or meet at sports events,” said Pamela Tucker, who coordinates the Pacific Students Tran- sition Program at Edgren Middle/High School on Misawa Air Base in northeast Japan. “Normally you meet somebody at the football game, but we’re not having football games this year.” Students in the program take a personality test and are matched with local students with similar likes, she said in a telephone interview Nov. 3. The program also introduces new arrivals to local culture, Tucker said. Jasmine Vina, left, helps Haley Black, a new student at Edgren Middle/ High School on Misawa Air Base, adjust to life in Japan through the Pacific FACEBOOK.COM/STRIPESPACIFIC SEE PROGRAM ON PAGE 5 Students Transition Program.