Vol. 5 January 25, 2010 Season’s Greetings from the International Center : Director Mike Matsuno ~~~Once in a Lifetime Home Visit Experience ~~~ We need your help! Be part of an exchange of “world cultures”! OGU’s i Everyone! The remainder of the fall semester was increased number of international students have completely filled our We have had an excellent fall filled with a variety of sports events held current host family homes. If you or H semester! Remarkably, 51 inter- for both the international and Japanese anyone would be willing to open your students. There was: basketball, soccer, homes to international students whom national students from 13 countries and are currently living in an apartment or 23 universities arrived in early Septem- golf, ping-pong, and even “Salsa Danc- dormitory for a “short-term home stay” ber. Their first semester came to a close ing” led by Oliver Hamacher from Fontys experience please contact the Interna- University in the Netherlands! Other so- tional Center. How about helping us on January 10th. The fall semester was give students a taste of traditional full of interactive activities and events cial events included a huge karaoke family life in Japan! For more details, hosted by the ISST* volunteer OGU stu- competition featuring the students vs. please contact the International Center dent group, international students, the teachers/staff at the Big Echo, Christmas at Osaka Gakuin University. four International Center Shoin Senseis, caroling, I-Chat events for Halloween, Tel: 06-6381-8434 E-mail:
[email protected] and the International Center staff. Thanksgiving, and Christmas parties.