Circular 771 JULY 2012

General Meeting/Club Night on Friday 5 July at 7.30 pm Geoff O’Hara will talk about his walks in Britain

Website: www.hobartwalkingclub.org.au Email: [email protected] Postal Address:GPO Box 753, TAS 7001 Facebook: hobart walking club

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Print Post 739016/0005 2 JULY 2012 Club Aims The Club encourages walking, skiing and similar outdoor activities, and promotes interest in the preservation of flora, fauna and natural scenery.

Joining the Club Persons aged 16 years and over can apply for prospective membership. To become a full member, three qualifying walks and an Essential Skills Day have to be completed within 12 months of joining. For further details visit the Club website or contact the Membership Officer, Geoff O’Hara (03 6272 1225 Risk The Club is a group of people who enjoy bushwalks and similar activities, with trips organised on a voluntary basis by and for Club members. Every trip coordinator is an unpaid volunteer who organises the walk for fellow Club members. They are not paid professionals with commensurate training and responsibility. Thus each trip member is responsible for their own safety, suitability of equipment and personal skills. Members and visitors take part in Club organised activities at their own risk. The Club does not offer qualified first aid. Club activities involve inherent risks and dangers. The published Walk Previews grade the level of difficulty and distance, and may indicate some risks. However, unanticipated and unavoidable hazards can occur which result in serious injury or property loss/damage. For example, weather can be unpredictable and change quickly, tracks become treacherous and accidents can happen.

Liability Members acknowledge and agree that in applying to become a member (of whatever grade) or renewing that membership of the Club that the nature of the activities carried out by the Club and by participating voluntarily, freely and at their own risk, are such that it would be unreasonable for the Club or any of its members acting on its behalf to be in any way responsible for any injury, or death, to members or to damage to their property and members hereby, to the full extent permitted by law, waive all of their legal rights of action against and fully release the Club for loss, damage or injury or death or loss or damage to property howsoever arising out of or in relation to member’s participation in the activities conducted by the Club including without limitation, liability for any negligent or tortuous Act or omission or breach of statutory duty on the part of the Club, its office bearers or agents.

Insurance and Legal Matters The Club insurance covers public liability, excluding member-to-member events, during Club activities. Members' vehicles are not covered. For further information write to the Secretary on constitutional or legal matters and the Treasurer on insurance matters.

Editorial Circular Editor: Ken Chilcott Walks Data Officer Chris Rathbone Front Cover: Britain’s Three Peaks

JULY 2012 3 Calendar and Forward walks-Full details Walks p.7, Cycling p. 23 Date Day Class Activity Coordinator 1 Jul Sun MR High Yellow Bluff Chris Rathbone 2 Jul Mon NQ Toddlers Toddle Dianne Martin 2 Jul Mon Executive Meeting. The Glebe 6.30 pm. 3 Jul Tue MM Leamans Knob Roger Hurd 3 Jul Tue CYC Dave’s suburban ride Dave Tucker 4 Jul Wed SM Bellettes Bay Rob Hill 4 Jul Wed MM Craigow Circuit John Cannon 5 Jul Thu MM Wellington Falls Circuit From Big Bend John Kerrison 5 Jul Thu CYC Intercity Cycleway Patsy Merhulik 5 Jul: Thu CYC Dunalley - Kellevie Brian Haas 5 Jul Thu General Meeting & Entertainment – Geoff O’Hara 5 Jul Thu August Walks Preview Closing 6 Jul Fri SCNQ White Water Creek Carmen Walker 7 Jul Sat ME Cape Queen Elizabeth Pam Powell 7 Jul Sat SE Middleton Brian Garland 8 Jul Sun MR Channel Peaks Paul Geeves 9 Jul Mon NQ Toddlers Toddle Wyn Manners 10 Jul Tue ME Sandford Area Norm Davie 10 Jul Tue CYC New Town Station Nursery start Dave Tucker 10 Jul Tue August Circular Closing 11 Jul Wed MM Plunkett Point/Lime Bay Marcia Solomon 12 Jul Thu MM Macgregor Peak Malcolm Sherlock 12 Jul Thu SE Buckland Ann Taylor 12 Jul Thu CYC Grove to Ranelagh Cecilia Eriksson 12 Jul Thu CYC Mangalore to Hunting Ground Brian Haas 12-15 Jul EXT MM The North West Rupert Manners 13 Jul Fri SCNQ Old Beach Foreshore Carol Wood 14 Jul Sat MM Hartz Peak Lee Douglas 15 Jul Sun SM Attila’s Place Rob Hill 15 Jul Sun MM Meehan Range From Risdon Vale Chris Rathbone 16 Jul Mon NQ Toddlers Toddle Helen Dalla-Fontana 17 Jul Tue MM South Hobart/Knocklofty Peter Schott 17 Jul Tue CYC Lark Distillery start Dave Tucker 18 Jul Wed SE Mount Wellington Duncan Hamilton 18 Jul Wed MM Kermandie Track Rupert Manners 19 Jul Thu MM Mt Wellington Alan Wilson 19 Jul Thu CYC South Arm Malcolm Barron 19 Jul Thu CYC Tinderbox Brian Haas 20 Jul Fri SCNQ Dave Burrows Walk, Margate Tony Judd 21 Jul Sat MM Shene To Mt Dismal John Cannon 21 Jul Sat SOC Mid Year Lunch – Buckingham Bowls Club 22 Jul Sun SE Lost Quarry David Leaman 4 JULY 2012 22 Jul Sun MM Mt Wellington Helen Daly 23 Jul Mon NQ Toddlers Toddle Rupert Manners 23 Jul Mon Executive Meeting. The Glebe 6.30 pm. 24 Jul Tue MM Orford Cathy Hutton 24 Jul Tue CYC Sorell start Dave Tucker 24 Jul Tue Circular Production Jim Anderson 25 Jul Wed SE Darwin's Walk David Leaman 25 Jul Wed MM Mt Nelson Tracks Bonnie Tilley 26 Jul Thu MM Knocklofty/Lower Slopes Mt Wellington/Sth Hobart Vicki Martin 26 Jul Thu CYC Richmond Cecilia Eriksson 26 Jul Thu CYC Sorell to Pawlena Dam Brian Haas 27 Jul Fri SCNQ Tolosa Reserve Hans Svennsen 28 Jul Sat SE New Town Falls Sylvia Ledger 28 Jul Sat MM Mt Wellington Waterfalls Patricia Colles 29 Jul Sun MM Mortimer Bay/Calverts Lagoon/Roaring Beach Jim Anderson 30 Jul Mon NQ Toddlers Toddle Wyn Manners 31 Jul Tue MM Wellington Wander Charles Rankin 31 Jul Tue CYC Broadmarsh start Dave Tucker 1 Aug Wed MM Mt Direction Barry Ford 2 Aug Thu SE Den Hill Josephine Petrov 2 Aug Thu MM Platform Peak Malcolm Sherlock 2 Aug Thu CYC Sorell to 5 Mile Beach Carol Nodder 2 Aug Thu CYC Rose Bay – Rokeby Brian Haas 3 Aug Fri SCNQ Tranmere/Howrah Phyl Wyatt 3 Aug Fri General Meeting & Entertainment – Gill Fitzgerald 4 Aug Sat SE Tangara Trail Carole Nodder 4 Aug Sat LM Mt Fortescue Circuit Chris Rathbone 5 Aug Sun MM Grass Tree Hill & Gunners Quoin David Chung 6 Aug Mon NQ Toddlers Toddle Alan Wilson 7 Aug Tue CYC North Hobart Dave Tucker 9 Aug Thu CYC Broadmarsh Jon Grey 16 Aug Thu CYC Cambridge to 7 Mile Beach Anneliese Ortmann 7 Sep Fri General Meeting & Entertainment – Chanchal Foxen 25-28 Oct EXT MM Du Cane Range Jim Gandy

President’s Report Membership Over the last few months we have had members who have forgotten to renew, renewing, past members rejoining and new prospectives coming in. The result is that we now have more members than we did last year – not by much – but more is more. Extra walks We have been looking at extra walks and during the summer we will start a “twilight series” – “Walk after Work”. Robyn Everist has kindly offered to be the coordinator of these walks. JULY 2012 5 Her contact details are email: [email protected] phone 6244 1540. The walks will range from faster to slower and hopefully to meet all standards. If you would like to lead a walk in this series contact Robyn. See p.8 for further details. Many thanks to Robyn for coordinating this. Allgoods is having a Bushwalkers trade evening at its Cambridge store on 7 August at 6.00 pm. See p.7 for further details, Website The website is now in the hands of the developer and graphic designer. We have been rewriting the content and hopefully it will all come together by August. Media I was interviewed by Michael Veitch of the ABC on his Statewide Evenings programme as part of Get Fit . Executive John Cannon has volunteered to be part of the executive whilst the Streets are away. Rupert Manners, President

Membership News New Members: The Executive wishes to congratulations to the following members elected as a full Club member on 21 May 2012: Leone Cripps, Catriona Fitzgerald, and Anne Pearce. Welcome to Prospective Members: On behalf of all Club members I welcome the following prospective members to the Club: Kim Harburg, David Rauenbusch, Judy Micklewright, H Smit, and Clare Tong Lee Please give them your full support. Annual Renewal of Membership Included in this copy of the Circular is a Renewal Form and an Options for Return of the Form and Payment instructions. Your early renewal would be appreciated. Geoff O'Hara, Membership Officer Secretary’s Report Annual Reports are due at the end of this month (July). I would prefer to receive the reports via email sent to [email protected] (as this will save me typing them in again which may result in unwanted typos!) I would like to place another order for long sleeved hi-visibility shirts ($35) - if you are interested in ordering one or one of the warm polar fleece jackets ($37.50) with the club logo embroidered onto them, please let me know on 6272 2477 Dawn Hendrick, Secretary

Search, Rescue and Training Before becoming a full member of the HWC, all prospective members have 12 months from joining the Club to complete three (3) qualifying walks and participate in an essential skills day to get to know the Club. Essential Skills Training Days for the remainder of the year will be as follows: 16 Sep Sun Sue Denman 0417 566 670 21 Oct Sun Malcolm Sherlock 6273 4179 18 Nov Sun Pam Powell 6223 5205 Please contact the coordinator listed should you be interested in attending a “Skills” Day. Call Stuart Whitney on 6234 7871 if you have difficulty contacting the relevant coordinator. Stuart Whitney, Essential Skills Coordinator 6 JULY 2012 Social Notes It is not too late to book in for the Mid Winter Lunch on Saturday 21 July at the Buckingham Bowls Club. However tables are filling fast and we do have a numbers limit, due to space If you are thinking about coming, see May or June circulars for the booking form or contact Trish Colles, Linda Cook, Gill Fitzgerald, Ruth Raward or Gill Mosmann. Gill Fitzgerald, Social Convenor

Circular Production Homes Volunteers are required to assist in preparation of circulars for mailing which is followed by a sociable cuppa with friends. Work starts at 7.30 pm and usually finishes about 9.00 pm. Please bring a small supper contribution. 24 Jul Tue Jim Anderson, 203 Warwick St, West Hobart. 28 Aug Tue Rosanne McDougall, 21 Crystal Downs Dr, Blackmans Bay. 25 Sep Tue Jenny & Barry Ford, 62 Begonia St, Lindsfarne. Jim Anderson, Circular Coordinator Ski & Hut Notes Downhill Skiing, Tow Duty & Social Weekends Winter is upon us and we're hoping for a good snow fall soon. HWC is one of the member clubs of the STSA which operates the tows. The clubs take rostered turns to run the tows on weekends during the ski season. Our duty dates are 7-8 July, 11-12 August & 15-16 September. Come along and help operate the skifield should there be skiable snow and enjoy sharing a sociable evening in our hut. Many hands make light work and can give you a chance to learn or brush up on your skiing. All welcome – non-skiers too.

Most of us spend a leisurely social weekend while helping the skifield to run, provided there is sufficient snow. If you help, the hut and tow use is free. Some of us go on the Friday evening. Contact me for further information.. ph 6225 4216. Fred Koolhof, Ski & Hut Coordinator Slide Show: The Himalayas Presented by long-term mountaineer, expeditioner and wilderness photographer Grant Dixon. Grant is an off-the-beaten track expeditioner and his slides are always a treat. To be held at the Stanley Burbury Lecture Theatre, University of Tasmania. Wed 29 August 7.30pm The evening will include refreshments. The event is a fundraiser for the Tasmanian National Parks Association, a not-for-profit organisation. For further information contact Catharine Errey on 0418 276 896

Wanted to Buy Cross country skis , poles and bindings (triple N). Please contact Frank Lawrence, tel. 6227 8012

For Sale Cross Country Skis 210cm. Shoes, lined. Mens size 9, Womens size 11. plus poles. All very good condition. $50. ph. 0400 630 932.

Give away A pair of XC ski boots, fit size 40 / 7 and a half (W) and ONE binding. Also a good pair of stocks. ph. 6234 4752

JULY 2012 7 Walks Secretary Report Remember that mentoring to coordinate a walk can be arranged if you want - contact Andrew Davey if interested. A few are interested in a walk to the Princess Range next summer. The likely 7 - 9 day walk may involve some difficult scrub, though most was bashed to the Nichols Range last summer. Anyone interested please contact Andrew ASAP to help organise mutually suitable timing and possible alternative routes. ALLGOODS WALKING EQUIPMENT NIGHT - CAMBRIDGE During the evening of 7 August the Cambridge store of Allgoods will run a good evening for bushwalkers and similar outdoor interested persons starting at 6 pm, ending around 8:30 pm. An evening ran in the North proved extremely popular and beneficial. There were prizes and large discounts. Like the Allgoods Launceston store, the one at Cambridge has plenty of bushwalker oriented stock. It would be good to get an idea of those attending as a courtesy to Allgoods. Please email h_a_davey@yahoo,com.au or contact me on 6239 6178. Andrew Davey, Walks Secretary


Emailing Preview If you are emailing Previews, please follow format shown in the sample Preview below. Following the format shown minimises the editing required at the data entry stage. Thank you. Please include the information as part of the email AND NOT as an attachment using no tabs. Send in Body Text (Normal)/Arial/9. 4803 21 Sep Tue Mt Wellington MM 13 km 370 m 5 hr Umberta Clagglesworth 62XX XXXX Mt Wellington Walks A circuit walk...... Email previews to [email protected] Important notes To be included in the Circular, all trips must be submitted by the due date. Unless stated otherwise, private transport is used. All maps are TASMAP 1:100 000, 1:25 000 Series or the Tasmanian Street Atlas. *A indicates additional walk *V indicates change of venue *D indicates change of date *L indicates change of coordinator Walks Classifications SCNQ Senior citizens, non-qualifying, (5 km or less) all ages welcome. Pace slow. 8 JULY 2012 NQ Non-qualifying (less than 8 km). Pace does not have to be slow, see review/coordinator for details. S Short (8-12 km). Pace see NQ. M Medium (13-20 km). Pace as per preview/coordinator. L Long (over 20 km). Pace as per preview/coordinator. EVERY 100 METRES CLIMBED COUNTS AS ONE EXTRA KILOMETRE. E Easy, on tracks and open paddocks. M Medium, may include some off-track walking. R Rough, off-track, could include scrub bashing, creek crossings, negotiation of rocks etc. All intending participants must satisfy themselves that the walk is likely to be within their abilities. Prospective Members and those bringing Visitors must contact relevant Walk Coordinators prior to each intended walk to gain a booking. Those who do not know the coordinator or are uncertain about any aspect of the walk should contact the coordinator before the day of the walk.

Some Walker Responsibilities Before each trip, check the Walk Preview to see if it is within your capability. If you have any questions, contact the coordinator before the day of the walk. You must notify them at the time of booking, at least the day before the trip, of any medical conditions (such as allergies or asthma) which may affect your walking ability. Leave details of the trip and a Search and Rescue Contact (see inside back page of the Circular) with a friend or relative. If the trip is overdue, they should first contact them, not the Police. If you see other people who need help, offer assistance. Everyone should help to make the trip safer and more enjoyable for all.

Facebook walks Remember to check out our Facebook page for last minute walks which are not in this programme. If you need help to set up your Facebook page contact Gill Mosmann. [email protected]

Visitors A full Club Member may take one visitor on a Club trip with the prior agreement of the trip coordinator. A visitor may attend a maximum of three Club trips.

Transport Private cars are pooled for trips unless otherwise stated. Cost is shared by car, with a recommended maximum of 10c per passenger per km.

Walk after Work Now that we are in the middle of winter it’s time to start organising what to do with all those extra daylight hours you’ll have after Sunday 7 October, when Daylight Saving starts again. Come for a walk after work! These walks will be in and around Hobart, generally meeting at 5.30pm and finishing by 8pm. There will be a range of walks for all interests, from brisk stroll to the arduous hike with terrains to match. These weekday walks will be scheduled to suit the walk leader. All offers to lead the walks will be met with my eternal gratitude. If you have some ideas of places to walk, please let me know by email. This does not oblige you to lead the walk, but that would be lovely. [email protected] JULY 2012 9 I anticipate that this walks series will go through until the end of Daylight Saving on 7 April 2013. Robyn Everist, Walk after Work coordinator

Program 28 Jun – Thu Kettering Point NQ ? km 20 m 2 hr David Leaman 6244 1233

28 Jun – Thu Plunkett Point/ Lime Bay MM 15 km 260 m 5.5 hr Marcia Solomon 6250 3516 Cremorne/Nugent

29 Jun – Fri Mortimer Bay SCNQ ? km 0 m 2 hr Maria Bucher 6229 2316

30 Jun – Sat Droughty’Kuynah Bushland SM 8-9 km 200 m 3-4 hr John Cannon 6247 6464 Hobart

30 Jun – Sat Trestle Mountain From Mountain River MM ? km m 5-6 hr Carolynne Smith 6229 3337 6214 5462

1 Jul Sun High Yellow Bluff MR 12 km 400 m 5-6.5 hr Chris Rathbone 6223 6757 Murdunna/Prosser e-mail [email protected] A walk on the Forestier Peninsula starting along Richardsons Road behind Murdunna. We will climb up the southern ridge and descend on the western side with a steep and bouldery section back to the Forestry roads. The route may be indistinct and have fallen trees. It has a couple of good views along the coast during the early climb. Bring water and wet weather gear. Pace medium. Depart Fitzroy Gardens 8.00 am or meet opposite Police Station in Sorell at 8.20 am. Approximate return driving distance 160 km.

2 Jul – Mon EXECUTIVE MEETING – The Glebe at 6.30 pm

2 Jul Mon Toddlers Toddle NQ 2 km 20 m 2 hr Dianne Martin 6225 3731 0428 545 450 Enterprise Rd to Mount Nelson Signal Station. From Churchill Ave Sandy Bay drive up to car park at the top of Enterprise Rd where we will meet for a toddle up the track to the Signal Station for a snack and then return down the track to our cars around 12 noon. 10 JULY 2012 3 Jul Tue Leamans Knob MM 14 km 400 m 5 hr Roger Hurd 6229 6922 0448 296 922 Collinsvale/Derwent Meet on the corner of Montrose Road and Pitcairn Streets at 9.15 am. The walk is mostly on good fire trails with the final climb through scrub and a short rock climb, uphill at start then undulating. Prospective members welcome but please ring leader in advance. Carry full foul weather gear and water.

4 Jul Wed Bellettes Bay SM 7 km 50 m 4 hr Rob Hill 6247 6537 Murdunna A short walk on private land and beaches. Some small off-track walking accounting for the ‘M’ but no rock hopping is necessary. What are thought to be Aboriginal fish traps and a ruined dairy are highlights of the walk. Parking is restricted at this venue so we will share transport from Sorell. Recommended for prospectives who must book. Full foul weather gear. Bring water. Pace medium/slow. Depart opposite Sorell Police Station at 10.00 am. Approximate return driving distance 80 km.

4 Jul Wed Craigow Circuit MM 17 km 600 m 5 hr John Cannon 6247 6464 Hobart The walk will include some solid ups and downs with some unusual views and pleasant vegetation. The circuit in the Meehan Range will include Rocky Tom and Eagles Hill. Depart Fitzroy Gardens at 8.00 am to meet the leader at the Mornington roundabout car park (northern side of Tasman Hwy) at 8.20 am.

5 Jul – Thu CLUB NIGHT/GENERAL MEETING The General Meeting will be held in the Philip Smith Theatre, 2 Edward Street, Glebe, starting at 7.30 pm. All agenda items should reach the Secretary 7.15 pm on the day of the meeting. Entertainment: Geoff O’Hara - Britain’s Three Peaks Geoff did some walking in England, Scotland and Wales last UK summer and climbed the three highest peaks in Britain; Ben Nevis, Scarfell Pike and Snowden; plus some other wonderful walking. Geoff has some images of the peaks and for those who have not been there, enjoy the story of wide paths and populated tracks, and for those who have visited, enjoy the memories and discuss alternative routes. Geoff also walked in Iceland and will talk for a few minutes on other adventures possible. Geoff is our Membership Officer and an indolent peak bagger who finally got to the summit of Federation Peak last February.

5 Jul Thu AUGUST WALKS PREVIEW CLOSING Walks previews must be in by this date. They can be posted to the Walks Data Officer, GPO Box 753, Hobart 7001, (post 3 days prior to due date) or email to [email protected] , or left in the HWC mailbox shared with the 50 & Better Centre, 108 Bathurst St, Hobart, by 12 noon today. JULY 2012 11

5 Jul Thu Wellington Falls Circuit From Big Bend MM 15 km 480 m 6 hr John Kerrison 6228 6427 Mt Wellington WalksDerwent Meet at Fitzroy Gardens at 8:00 am. We'll start at Big Bend and go over Thark Ridge to the falls for lunch, returning via the Milles track & South Wellingtons. Walk is weather dependant - we'll go somewhere lower if it's nasty on top. Pace medium - full foul weather gear required.

6 Jul Fri White Water Creek SCNQ 3 km m 2 hr Carmen Walker 6229 6566 Meet at Tom Walker’s house, 9 Willowbend Road, Kingston at 10.30 am. We will have morning tea first, then walk along Whitewater Creek Track. Lunch at the hotel. Please book with me by 2 July if you are having lunch at the hotel.

7 Jul Sat Woodbridge SE 9 km 100 m 3.5 hr Brian Garland 6225 4153 6221 0548 This walk circles behind the township of Woodbridge and features views of orchards, historic buildings and the Channel. The walk is mostly on country roads until we return along the foreshore to lunch at Silver Water Park, and then walk through the township. Pace considerate. Meet at 9.30 am at Margate Hall at the corner of Van Morey Road and Channel Highway.

7 Jul Sat Cape Queen Elizabeth ME 14 km 150 m 5.5 hr Pam Powell 6223 5205 D'entrecasteaux Bruny Island in the spring on a winter’s day. We will meet at 8:00 am to drive to Kettering to catch the 9:30 am ferry. Cars will be pooled to save emissions and to cut ferry costs. The walk is moderate with some elevation gain walking over the headland on reaching the coast and after another walk up the beach, up to Cape Queen Elizabeth to see the views. Bring water and wet weather gear, just in case. Participants will share the ferry ($28/car) as well as the petrol costs. Contact leader about meeting place for departure.

8 Jul Sun Channel Peaks MR 10 km 800 m 5-6 hr Paul Geeves 6231 5215 Cygnet, Lymington, Dover, D'entrecasteaux email: [email protected] This trip is to visit some small peaks in the Channel area. Peaks likely to be attempted include some of the following Mt Windsor, Mt Cygnet, Heeneys Bluff, Mt Grosse and Mt Royal. This will include some off track walking so be prepared for rock and scrub. PTO... 12 JULY 2012 Suitable for fit prospectives who must book. Full wet weather gear required. Bring water. Pace moderate. Contact leader for further details.

9 Jul Mon Toddlers Toddle NQ 2 km 20 m 2 hr Wyn Manners 6292 1310 0417 921 310 Meet at Berriedale Reserve on Alcorso St at 10.00 am for a walk along Lowestoft Bay and Connewarre Bay. Bring a picnic and appropriate clothing.Expect to be finished by 12 noon. Visitors welcome.

10 Jul – Tue AUGUST CIRCULAR CLOSING Circular items must be in by 1.00 pm on this date. They can be posted (3 days prior preferably) to the Circular Editor, Doug McLean, PO Box 522, Sandy Bay 7006 or emailed to [email protected] NOTE: non- members must correspond to the Secretary at the Club’s postal address.

10 Jul Tue Sandford Area ME 12 km 100 m 5 hr Norm Davie 6239 9079 0409 704 546 Cremorne Meet at the Lauderdale Tavern at 9.30 am for a 2km drive to Mortimer Bay. The Walk will be around the Sandford area depending upon weather conditions. Distance 12km with only a few gentle climbs. Recommended for prospectives who must book with the leader on 6239 9079. Bring water.

11 Jul Wed Plunkett Point/Lime Bay * D MM 15 km 260 m 5.5 hr Marcia Solomon 6250 3516 Cremorne/Nugent This circuit walk leads from the Coal Mines to Ironstone Bay for morning tea, Lime Bay for lunch and returns over Mt Stewart (122m) passing the Air Shaft and other features of the World Heritage Area. Arrange transport sharing at Fitzroy Gardens ready to leave by 8.00am and/or meet leader at Premaydena Store by 9.25 am. Travel distance 210km.

12 Jul Thu Buckland SE 4+ km m hr Ann Taylor 6257 1160 0409 199 596 Nugent/Prosser We will join with Spring Bay Walkers at Pulchella to walk along some of the old Bridle track. Park cars at The Bushland Garden car park at 10.00am. A car shuffle will transport walkers to the top end of Pulchella and we will walk back to the Nursery and garden for lunch. If the creek is flooded and cannot be crossed we will return to the start of the walk and drive to the gardens. There will then be an opportunity to walk around the Wallaby track circuit and browse in the native plant garden. Hobart walkers meet at Sorell opposite the Police Station in Somerville St at 9.30 am for car pooling. Pace medium/slow. Approximate driving distance from Hobart 60km. 120km return. (2hrs. return), from Sorell 32km. Return 64km. (1hr return) JULY 2012 13 12 Jul Thu Macgregor Peak MR 10 km 760 m 5-6 hr Malcolm Sherlock 6273 4179 0417 653 548 Murdunna/Prosser Starting from Lufra this walk follows the rock platforms and a coastal track to a beach for morning tea before climbing relatively steeply through rainforest to the summit of Macgregor Peak. A very scenic walk. A little time will be spent replacing the safety lines on the creek early in the walk. Relaxed pace. Meet at Fitzroy Gardens for an 8.00 am departure. Prospectives are welcome but must book with the coordinator.

12-15 Jul EXT The North West MM Rupert Manners 6292 1310 A base camping trip to climb some of the peaks in the area. The intended peaks include St Valentines Peak, Mt Tor, Mt Duncan and maybe others. I plan to book cabins at Penguin and to do day trips from there. Some of the walks will be on tracks, but there will be others which might involve a bit of off track walking.

13 Jul Fri Old Beach Foreshore SCNQ 5 km 10 m 2 hr Carol Wood 6273 3613 Hobart St Atlas Meet at the recreation ground adjacent to Lennox Park in Jetty Road, Old Beach at 10.30 am. We will walk along the foreshore track from the jetty to Cassidys Bay. Then depending on weather we will come back on track or cut up to the streets back to the recreation ground for lunch. Dress according to weather conditions. Pace slow.

14 Jul Sat Hartz Peak MM 10 km 560 m 5.5 hr Lee Douglas 6225 5361 (not after 8:45 pm) Hartz Nat Park Huon As it is mid winter and the weather fickle, the plan is to walk directly into Hartz Peak and return. However, if the weather is fine and the group inclined, we could extend the walk slightly and continue onto Mt Snowy. Expect undulating terrain and some boulder hopping. Full wet weather gear needed. Medium pace. Meet at Fitzroy Gardens at 8.00 am. Prospectives please book with leader.

15 Jul Sun Attila’s Place SM 7-8 km 200 m 4 hr Rob Hill 6247 6537 Wellington Park Rec/Taroona The walk commences by following the Pipeline Track to the Westringa Road Junction. We then descend to Browns River and Attila’s property. A climb of 200m takes us to the homestead and the walk is completed along Summerleas Road. Beware rocks on the Browns River ford and a strong possibility of leeches! Meet at 10.00 am from Quarry car park at Fern Tree. Recommended for prospectives who must book. Bring water and full foul weather gear. Pace medium/slow.

14 JULY 2012 15 Jul Sun Meehan Range from Risdon Vale MM 15 km 500 m 6 hr Chris Rathbone 6223 6757 Derwent e-mail [email protected] A circuit starting at Risdon Vale, up onto the Meehan Range and traversing south to Caves Hill then descending over Seegers Hill back through the streets to the cars. There are significant off-track steep hillsides up and down. Bring water and foul weather gear. Depart 9.00 am from Fitzroy Gardens or meet at the corner of Grasstree Hill Rd and Lantana Rd in Risdon Vale (just past the prison) at 9.15 am.

16 Jul Mon Toddlers Toddle NQ 2 km 20 m 2 hr Helen Dalla-Fontana 6228 3718 0408 622 320 Meet inside main top gate of the Botanical Gardens by 10.00 am. Bring morning tea and appropriate clothing. Visitors most welcome. Expect to be finished by 12 noon.

17 Jul Tue South Hobart/Knocklofty MM ? km m 4.5 hr Peter Schott 6234 1348 Hobart Atlas Meet at the Cascade Gardens car park at 9.00 am. The walk will be a circuit one and will include Knocklofty, The Slides and back to Cascade Gardens by various tracks. Recommended for prospectives who must book. Bring full foul weather gear and water. Pace medium.

18 Jul Wed Mount Wellington SE 8 km 150 m 4 hr Duncan Hamilton 6223 1659 Wellington Walks/Derwent An easy paced walk from the end of Poets Road to Knocklofty and Mount Stuart Lookout via a variety of tracks. Recommended for prospectives who must book. Meet at end of Poets Road for a 10.30 am start.

18 Jul Wed Kermandie Track MM 14 km 500 m 5 hr Rupert Manners 6292 1310 0417 921 310 Waterloo/Huon The Kermandie track is part of the historic route to Hartz Peak from Geeveston. It was put in by the Geeves brothers in 1890. The track has recently been cleared by Parks & HWC volunteers. We will start at Bennetts Rd and head to Lake Osborne and return the same way. The track is a bit wet but goes through beautiful rainforest. Recommended for prospectives who must book. Full foul weather gear. Meet at Fitzroy Gardens at 8.00am.

JULY 2012 15

19 Jul Thu Mt Wellington LM 18 km 750 m 6.5 hr Alan Wilson 6244 4467 Mt Wellington Walks/Derwent Meet at 8.00 am at the entrance to Waterworks Reserve for a walk on the lower slopes of Mt Wellington. The route will follow various tracks to and from the lunch spot, Lakins Lair. Contact leader by 9.00 pm on Wednesday evening if you require a lift from Fitzroy Gardens. Bring foul weather gear.

20 Jul Fri Dave Burrows Walk + SCNQ 3 km 20 m 3 hr Tony Judd 6229 7673 0419 471 322 Kingborough Tracks Meet at 10:30 am at the Margate Hall car park to be guided to the walk start. A short stroll through bushland will take us to the foreshore for morning tea. We will then follow the foreshore north along the Dave Burrows Track, stopping frequently to admire the exquisite coastal scenery and bird life. At Gemalla Rd the Dave Burrows walk ends. For the '+' part we will proceed down to the wharf to inspect the day's catch. As the scenery is so superb, we will spoil ourselves and retrace our steps, stopping at a delightful little point across the bay from the wharf for lunch and then continue on back to the cars.

21 Jul Sat Shene to Mt Dismal MM 16 km 420 m 5-6 hr John Cannon 6247 6464 Derwent An opportunity to walk on private property east from Mangalore, thanks to two landowners. The goal may not necessarily be reached but there will be some unusual views with a smidgeon of history. Bring your water needs. Also bring some dry shoes to change into, as fingers crossed, we might be able to have a look at a heritage property. Meet at Fitzroy Gardens at 8.30 am.

22 Jul Sun Lost Quarry SE David Leaman 6244 1233 Tas Towns/Hobart/Derwent Meet at the entrance to John Dogget Park at the corner of Browne and Hamilton Streets, North Hobart at 1.00 pm. We will examine some lost or forgotten history, houses and Quaker connections.

22 Jul Sun Mt Wellington MM 10 km 300 m 4-5 hr Helen Daly 6243 6738 0428 435 363 Mt Wellington Walks/Collinsvale/Derwent This mid-winter trip will commence at Myrtle Forest Track, Collinsvale and proceed to Collins Bonnet and return. Moderate pace. Wet weather gear essential. Steep uphill sections on Myrtle Forest Track and on fire trails. Meet at Fitzroy Gardens at 8.30 am. Prospectives need to book with the coordinator. 16 JULY 2012 23 Jul – Mon EXECUTIVE MEETING – The Glebe at 6.30 pm

23 Jul Mon Toddlers Toddle NQ 2 km 20 m 2 hr Rupert Manners 6292 1310 0417 921 310 Meet at Ferntree Quarry for a toddle up Ferntree glade and around to Silver Falls. So parents and grandparents bring your toddlers along and see how it goes. Bring a picnic. Visitors welcome. Meet at the Ferntree Quarry car park at 10.00 am. Expect to be finished by 12.00 noon.

24 Jul – Tue AUGUST CIRCULAR PRODUCTION This will be at the home of Jim Anderson, 203 Warwick St, West Hobart. Volunteers are required to assist in preparation of circulars for mailing which is followed by a sociable cuppa with friends. Work starts at 7.30 pm and usually finishes about 9.00 pm. Please bring a small supper contribution.

24 Jul Tue Orford MM 14 km m 4 hr Cathy Hutton 6243 8044 Beautiful coastal walk - views of Schouten and Maria Islands. Lunch at Stapleton Point. Meet opposite the Sorell Police Station to share cars at 9.00 am. Pace medium/slow.

25 Jul Wed Darwin's Walk SE 8 km 50+ m 4 hr David Leaman 6244 1233 Tas Towns/Hobart/Derwent Meet at Bellerive Ferry Jetty at 10.00 am for a ramble along some of Charles Darwin’s footsteps. Since we may bus back to the start carry your purse/wallet and concession card (if relevant).

25 Jul Wed Mt Nelson Tracks MM 15 km 340 m 5 hr Bonnie Tilley 6225 2302 0407 266 643 Hobart Street Atlas This will be a good winter leg stretch. Depart from coordinator’s home at 9 Acushla Court, Sandy Bay at 9.00am. Highest point on the walk will be Mt Nelson Signal Station. Lowest point will be the Derwent River foreshore. Expect plenty of ups and downs. No off-track walking. Medium pace. Afternoon tea at coordinator’s home at end of walk. Prospectives please phone coordinator.

26 Jul Thu Knocklofty/Lower Slopes Mt Wellington/Sth Hobart MM ? km 250 m 5-5.5 hr Vicki Martin 6228 3228 Hobart St Atlas This is one we have done before which took a good 5 - 5.5 hours. Meet at Knocklofty car park at the top of Forest Road at 8.00 am to proceed up and over to the northern side of McRobies, up the Breakneck Track visiting hut sites on the way to Junction Cabin for JULY 2012 17 lunch. Down Myrtle Gully, some small amount of street walking and along Rivulet track to just underneath the steep climb up through the old chook farm, or via steps under gums to Liverpool St and Thelma St to the car park. Bring water and foul weather gear. Recommended for prospectives who must book.

27 Jul Fri Tolosa Reserve SCNQ Hans Svennsen 6243 7833 Hobart St Atlas Meet inside Tolosa Park near the toilet block at 10.30 am for a short walk around the reserve. Others may want to join us for lunch at 12 noon. Be prepared for all weather conditions. Slow pace. Recommended for prospectives who must book.

28 Jul Sat New Town Falls SE 9 km 300 m 4 hr Sylvia Ledger 6228 0410 Mt Wellington Walks An easy paced return walk along the New Town Rivulet and up to the New Town Falls. Good track. Bring water. Prospectives welcome. Meet 10.30 am Lenah Valley Road near Lady Franklin Museum. Phone coordinator if travelling by bus, departs 10.23 am via route 6 from GPO stop 6.

28 Jul Sat Mt Wellington Waterfalls MM 17 km 980 m 6 hr Patricia Colles 6273 4179 0407 314 332 Wellington Walks A rambling walk along various tracks on the lower slopes of Mt Wellington. The intention is to visit the waterfalls on the east side of the mountain and should make an enjoyable winter stroll. Recommended for prospectives who must book. Medium pace. Depart Fitzroy Gardens at 8.30 am or arrange to meet leader at Strickland Falls car park.

29 Jul Sun Mortimer Bay/Calverts Lagoon/Roaring Beach MM 16 km 40 m 5 hr Jim Anderson 6234 7497 0418 347 868 Derwent/D’entrecasteau Meet in Sandford at the corner of South Arm and Rifle Range Roads at 9.00 am. A pleasant walk from Mortimer Bay over hill to Gellibrand Drive and then down to Calvert’s Lagoon and Calvert’s Beach. Home via Goat Beach and Roaring Beach. Recommended for prospectives who must book. Bring water. Pace medium. Approximate return driving distance 40 km.

30 Jul Mon Toddlers Toddle NQ 2 km 20 m 2 hr Wyn Manners 6292 1310 0417 921 310 Meet at the end of Forest Road Knocklofty Reserve at 10.00 am for a toddle around Knocklofty. Bring a picnic and appropriate clothing. Expect to be finished by 12 noon. Visitors welcome.

18 JULY 2012 31 Jul Tue Wellington Wander MM 13 km 300 m 5 hr Charles Rankin 6224 5155 0419 604 179 Mt Wellington Another "Old Faithful" walk. Meet at The Quarry, Ferntree at 9.30 am for a walk to Junction Cabin and back taking various tracks. The pace will be moderate to slow to suit the trip coordinator and others depending on everyone’s health and temper. Prospectives welcome but please phone leader and prepare him for your visitation. Please bring morning tea, lunch, water and full foul weather gear.

1 Aug Wed Mt Direction MM 6 km 500 m 4 hr Barry Ford 6243 8724 A fine winter walk on the eastern shore. After the summit we will follow the ridge line northwards and return along the power line track. Depart Fitzroy Gardens at 8.00 am to meet the coordinator at the Risdon Brook Dam car park by 8.30 am. Recommended for prospectives who must book. Bring full foul weather gear. Pace medium.

2 Aug Thu Den Hill SE 11 km 200 m 4.5 hr Josephine Petrov 6234 5215 0447 455 731 Blackmans Bay/Taroona A pleasant walk on farm land and along beaches follows coast line around South Arm. Pace slow to moderate. Bring lunch and water. Full foul weather gear. Prospectives are welcome and must book with leader. Meet at the Lauderdale Tavern at 9.30 am.

2 Aug Thu Platform Peak MM 15 km 600 m 6 hr Malcolm Sherlock 6273 4179 0417 653 548 Broadmarsh/Derwent This walk will start from Brazlins Road and follow unused fire-trails to go directly to Platform Peak. The return leg is via trails north of Big Marsh and Little Marsh. There is a very short but easy off-track section. Medium pace. Full foul weather gear is required. Meet at Fitzroy Gardens for an 8.00 am departure. Prospectives are welcome and must book with the coordinator.

3 Aug – Fri CLUB NIGHT/GENERAL MEETING The General Meeting will be held in the Philip Smith Theatre, 2 Edward Street, Glebe, starting at 7.30 pm. All agenda items should reach the Secretary 7.15 pm on the day of the meeting. Entertainment: Bhutan. Blane & Gill Fitzgerald visited the ‘Land of the Thunder Dragon’ recently. A Himalayan Kingdom where the aim of its people is Gross National Happiness and life goes on much as it has for centuries. Pictures will show some highlights of the culture, scenery, unique architecture and the people of this fascinating country.

JULY 2012 19 3 Aug Fri Tranmere/Howrah SCNQ 3 km 10 m 2 hr Phyl Wyatt 6247 8966 Hobart Street Atlas Meet at Wentworth Park (Correa Street) at 10.30 am for morning tea. We will do a car shuffle to Tranmere and walk back to Wentworth Park via the Clarence Foreshore Trail for lunch.

4 Aug Sat Tangara Trail SE 12 km m 5 hr Carole Nodder 6244 4293 Meet 10.00 am at the Foreshore Tavern Lauderdale for a ramble on tracks in the Lauderdale section of the Tangara Trail. Exact route will be decided on the day.

4 Aug Sat Mt Fortescue Circuit LM 19 km 730 m 7.5 hr Chris Rathbone 6223 6757 Hippolyte/Storm Bay e-mail [email protected] We will start along the Cape Pillar track and then turn left to climb Mt Fortescue for lunch. After lunch the views unfold as we traverse along the coastal edge high above the sea. Pace on the fast side of medium. Bring water and foul weather gear. Depart Fitzroy Gardens 7.30 am or be at Sorell opposite Police Station before 8.00 am or be at Fortescue Bay day car park approx 9.00 am. Parks passes required. Expect to be back in town late. Approx return driving distance 200km.

5 Aug Sun Grass Tree Hill & Gunners Quoin MM 13 km 720 m 5 hr David Chung 6278 3887 0428 114 188 Richmond We will depart at 9.40 am, or meet at Risdon Brook Park car park, for a 10.00 am departure. A pleasant winter walk with good views, mainly on trails and pads. Quite a bit of climbing until we are on top of Grass Tree Hill then a pleasant downhill stroll until the small rise to Gunners Quoin. Thereafter it's a longish walk back to the dam on fire trails. Bring water & foul weather gear. Pace will be medium (considerate uphill). Recommended for prospectives who must book.

6 Aug Mon Toddlers Toddle NQ 2 km 20 m 4 hr Alan Wilson 6244 4467 0407 320 766 Meet at 10.00 am at the entrance to Tranmere Foreshore (near bus stop 23 on Tranmere Rd) for a toddle along the foreshore and back. Bring a picnic and appropriate clothing. All welcome, finish around noon. (Parking in Cleve Court, adjacent to entry is suggested).

20 JULY 2012 Overnight & Extended Walks Program 11-18 September Cape Barren Island MR Rupert Manners 6292 1310 [email protected] Cape Barren Island is a large island off Flinders with two significant peaks, Mt Munro and Mt Kerford at opposite ends of the island. The plan is to fly into Flinders Island and then be dropped off by boat at the eastern end near Mt Kerford and to walk back over Kerford and Munro. It will be mostly off track walking and I have no idea how bad the scrub will be, so be prepared for anything. If the scrub is not too bad we will have a lovely time exploring beautiful bays and mountains. We will fly by regular passenger flights and charter a boat to take us to the eastern end. The total cost will be around $400 per person. The strict number limit is 9 (as that is all the plane will take) and payment will need to be received by 16 July. Full wet weather gear required. The baggage limit is 21kg for going over and 15kg for coming back. We will have to confirm portable fuel stove arrangements before hand as gas may not be available on the island

11-14 October West Coast MM Rupert Manners 6292 1310 [email protected] Base Camping at or near Queenstown and then doing day trips to some of the peaks in the area. These may include Mt Owen, Mt Jukes, Mt Huxley, Mt Dundas and Mt Agnew. If the weather is bad we will do some lower level walks. Suitable for fit prospectives. Full wet weather gear required. Portable fuel stoves required. Numbers limit . Book with the leader by 1 October.

25-28 October Du Cane Circuit MR Jim Gandy 0408 123 899 [email protected] Nive We will take the ferry to and from Narcissus and walk a circuit via Du Cane Gap, Falling Mountain, Mt Massif, Big Gun Pass, the Labyrinth, Pine Valley & back to Narcissus. It's a high exposed walk early in the season so good gear is essential.

2-5 November Introductory Walk Walls of Jerusalem MM Rupert Manners 6292 1310 [email protected] This walk is for prospectives, the slow and for those who want to learn about the joys of overnight camping. We will walk up from the main car park, past Trappers Hut to the campsite at Herods Gate. The next 2 days we will climb Mt Jerusalem, The Temple, Solomons Throne and King Davids Peak. These will be done as day trips from Herods Gate. The 4th day we will walk out. The pace will be medium/slow. King Davids Peak has a bit of boulder hopping, but we will have plenty of time to get there. We will have a pre trip meeting to go through the equipment needed and remember the Club has various things for hire. Full wet weather gear required. Portable fuel stoves required. Numbers limit. Book with the leader by 20 October.

28 Nov -2 Dec Central Plateau, Mt Oana and Layatinna Hill MR Rupert Manners 6292 1310 [email protected] I always like to have one wander on the Central Plateau and this year I plan to drive as far as we can towards Olive Lagoon and then to walk through to Layatinna Hill, Mt Oana and then through Chinamans Plains and back to Lake Ada. This will be off track walking and although the plateau is reasonably open we are likely to find bits of scrub here and there. It will require a car shuffle. Suitable for fit prospectives. Full wet weather gear required. Portable fuel stoves required. Numbers limit . Book with the leader by 15 November.

JULY 2012 21 13-16 December Cradle Area MM Rupert Manners 6292 1310 [email protected] A year ago a good friend of ours broke her ankle in her garden. She was told it would take a year to heal and this will be the test. We will base camp in cabins in the Cradle area at Waldheim Chalets or Cosy Cabins and do day trips from there. The walks will include Hansons Peak and Twisted Lakes, Hounslow Heath, Crater peak and others. These are all relatively short walks of 4-5 hours duration and the pace will be slow. Suitable for fit prospectives. Full wet weather gear required. Numbers limit . Book with the leader by 1 December

26 Jan - 3 Feb 2013 Port Davey Kayak Mt Hean Paul Geeves

Walks Reports

Chauncy Vale/ Flat Rock - April with Heather Hurd Twenty six walkers enjoyed a fine day in the Chauncy Vale area, morning tea at Govys Lagoon and lunch at Western Lookout, both delightful spots. A few visited the caves on the return trip to the cars.

Mt Mawson - April with Karl Renetzeder Despite rain being forecast for most of Tas, we had good weather with only a few light showers on Mawson Plateau in the afternoon. The view from Mt Mawson on this windless day was magnificent. To the delight of all, especially those who had a camera, there were some very unusual cloud formations out west. The climb up over boulders from Wombat Moor to Mt Mawson was a little slippery but all 7 participants handled it well and everyone enjoyed the day.

Mt Field circuit – April with Jim Baptist A bit of a squally day but good views were gained from Seagers Lookout. Fleeting views and strong wind on Mt Field East summit had us retreating to the Lake Nichols hut for lunch. Lovely fagus displays around Lake Fenton. 8 walkers enjoyed the 5 hour circuit walk.

Devils Throne – April with Jenny Ford A perfect day on the mountain. We walked on the new track from Big Bend car park towards Thark Saddle, then down to the fire trail for morning tea where we discovered two members missing. They did not recognize our stopping place. but they returned. On to Devils Throne for lunch. We were unsure of the route back up to Thark via Municipal Cairn, returned the same way then out along Thark Ridge to Montague Track turn off. A good trip.

Bluffs - May with Rupert Manners This was a bit of a peakbagging exercise with the plan to climb Liffey Bluff, Drys Bluff, Cathcart Bluff and Bradys Lookout. We camped at a great camping ground called Quamby Corner (www.quambycorner.com ) and climbed all of the peaks as day trips. The weather was good although pretty cold on the top. Drys Bluff is a big day with an ascent of around 1200m. All of the peaks had tapes or cairns guiding the way but we did meet a bit of scrub on the way to the true summit of Drys Buff. Saturday night we celebrated Andrew’s birthday at the Deloraine Hotel. 22 JULY 2012

East Meehan Range - May with Roger Hurd Parked cars at Mornington Roundabout and crossed to String Bark Gully. Climbed to Flagstaff Hill and lookout for lunch. Returned to Flagstaff Gully Road to complete a good circuit.

Steppes - May with S,R&T committee Another Steppes weekend is over. Overall I thought it was a success, perhaps we could have done some things better, but it seemed like most people had a good time. I had a good time despite the bung arm! Thanks to all of you for coming to help make the day a success. Special thanks to all of our presenters, especially Robin and Michael for their first aid session. Thanks to Malcolm and Stuart who went up the day ahead to put up the navigation course. Thanks to Dawn for keeping the fire going and looking after all of the waifs around the campfire. We were lucky with Saturday night being clear and calm. We were lucky to be there for a special full moon. It certainly was bright.

Split Rock from the Steppes - May with Chris Rathbone Middling weather saw 18 walkers, including one prospective and a few greyhounds push through mild scrub and up slippery damp rocks that slowed many down, and along all 3 peaks to the true summit. 9.30 am start and 3.00 pm return - 4.5 hours

Mt Wellington - May with Philip Le Grove A warm sunny day greeted 13 walkers heading across Snake Plains. As always with this track it was wet underfoot but not enough to detract from the views and conversation. Lunch was in the bush after the walk across the Plain and then it was a stroll back along the Pipeline Track to the cars in time to have a coffee at Fern Tree for those who could.

Lichen Hill - May with Malcolm Sherlock The fungi and lichens on the aptly named Lichen Hill were a delight on a beautiful late autumn day. Some pruning is needed above and below Cashs Lookout and some heavier attention to the early part of the Lichen Hill track but both areas are only minor distractions from a beautiful walk.

Cape Raoul - May with Helen Daly There was snow on Mt Wellington and westerly winds. The Tasman Peninsula seemed a good destination, however what started as occasional showers became storms, strong winds, hail - suffice to say we were very wet by the time we got back to the cars. However it was fine at lunch time and great photos taken of the Cape!

Gunners Quoin Circuit - May with Heather Hurd The perfect autumn day for this walk, no wind, nice and warm. Headed up eastern side of Risdon Brook Dam and approached Gunners Quoin from the north. Excellent clear view for lunch then left the Quoin using southern entrance and climbed over Madmans Hill and back using Saggy Flats track on western side of the lake.

Mt Montague via Thark Ridge - May with Catharine Errey We set out in drizzle, enjoying the new rerouted track that avoids the open moorland. Rain had stopped by the time we reached the end of Thark and we were in sunshine by the time we were on the summit of Montague. A great day on the Wellington Wild side.

JULY 2012 23 Kermandie Track Clearing - May with Rupert Manners The Kermandie track is part of the original historic track put in by the Geeves brothers in 1890. It had become overgrown and difficult to find. A group of us and three Park rangers spent two days clearing it of fallen trees and enclosing bush. We were joined by numerous Lyrebirds. The track goes through wonderful forests and is definitely worth a visit. Many thanks to all the helpers.

Tatnells Hill - May with Jenny Ford A lovely day on the Peninsula, we admired the view from all the lookouts along the cliffs to Waterfall Bay. Lunch on top of Tatnells Hill and Blowhole car park for afternoon tea.

Cape Raoul - May with Stacy Kirkby Lovely day. Plenty of seals but unfortunately no whales - although many whale jokes! More great fungi - it has been a great autumn for them this year.

Windermere - May with Linda Cook Once again we were very fortunate to have a warm sunny day and a cloudless sky. The troops enjoyed the casual pace following the contour of Beedhams, Bilton and Knights Bays and the coffee at a local nursery cafe rounded off a good day.


Tuesday Rides Rides commence at 10.00 am sharp unless otherwise stated. No need to book. Pace considerate. Ride at own risk. Terrain categories are: MODERATE Undulating, but rideable by most people. INTERMEDIATE Steeper in parts, but not excessively difficult. CHALLENGING Route contains long steep hills that may necessitate some riders walking SUITABLE BIKES Road (R), Mountain (M), Touring (T), All (A)

3 Jul: Meet at the Hobart . Route: Dave’s Suburban Ride. Moderate. Bikes All.

10 Jul: Meet at New Town Station Nursery and Coffee Shop, 65 Bellevue Pde, New Town. Route: Bike track, Bowen Bridge, Grasstree Hill, Richmond, Brinktop, Penna Rd junction, Midway Point, Causeway, Kennedy Drive, Cambridge, Tunnel Hill, Mornington, , Bike track, Cornelian Bay. 70km. Moderate. Bikes A.

17 Jul: Meet at behind Lark Distillery, Morrison St, Hobart. Route: Bowen Bridge, Old Beach Rd, Pontville. Return via Baskerville and Bowen Bridge. Approx 60km. Intermediate. Bikes A.

24 JULY 2012 24 Jul: Meet at Sorell (opposite Police Station). Route: Sorell, Pawleena, back roads north of Forcett returning to Sorell. 41km. Intermediate. Bikes M&T.

31 Jul: Meet at Cockatoo Gully Rd, 4kms north of Broadmarsh .Route:- Elderslie, Pelham Crossroads, Lyell Highway, (left to C181), Marked Tree Rd, Pelham Crossroads returning to Cockatoo Gully Rd. 65kms. Moderate. Bikes M&T.

7 Aug: Meet at Smith St Café, Cnr Argyle & Smith Sts, North Hobart. Dave’s Suburban Ramble. Moderate. Bikes All.

For more information or if weather doubtful please phone the leader. For general information re rides please phone Dave Tucker on 6268 6570 or 0448 102 307.

TUESDAY RIDES FOR AUGUST Date Day Class Meeting Place Leader 14/08 Tue CYC Brighton D Tucker 21/08 Tue CYC Richmond D Tucker 28/08 Tue CYC Bellerive D Tucker

Midweek Short Easy Bike Rides Rides catering for slow cyclists on Thursday each week. Commence at 10.00 am at a pre- arranged venue. Rides are at your own risk. For information phone Chris Schokman on 6225 2213.

Thursday Moderate Cycle Rides Meet at venue for 10.00 am start (ride at own risk). Enquiries to Brian Haas on 6228 4891.

5 Jul: – From Imlay St. carpark Dunalley, via Bay Rd to Marion Bay. Via Burnt Hill, Bream Creek, Kellevie to Copping. Rtn via Marion Bay and Bay Rds. Approx 43 km.

12Jul: - From Mangalore via Midlands Hwy to Dysart. Clifton Vale Rd to Hunting Ground. Rtn via Elderslie, Broadmarsh and Black Brush Rds. Approx 50km.

19 Jul: From Sherburd Park Blackmans Bay, via Brightwater & Algona Rds, Channel Hwy to Howden and Tinderbox. Rtn via Tinderbox Rd. Approx 36km

26 Jul: - From Sorell, via Causeway, Midway Point, Penna and Brinktop Rds, Tasman Hwy, East Orielton and Pawlena Rds to Pawlena Dam. Rtn via Shrub End and Nugent Rds. Approx 35km.

2 Aug: - From Esplanade Rose Bay (opp. Yolla St.) via cycleway to Howrah and Tranmere, Oceania Dve & cycleway to Rokeby. Rtn via cycle path Goodwins, Pass and Cambridge Rds, Bligh St, Gordons Hill Rd. Selby St, Fitness Track, Kaoota Rd and Ronnie St to Esplanade. Approx 40km.

Forward Moderate Cycle Rides for Aug 2012 9 Aug - Huonville - Judbury cct. 43km. 16 Aug - Lauderdale - Five mile Bch cct. 38km. 23 Aug - Brighton - Broadmarsh cct. 38km. JULY 2012 25 30 Aug - Margate - Kettering cct. 38km. 6 Sep - Richmond - Pontville cct. 45km.

Advance Notice 20-27 Oct Hawley/Port Sorell - Cycle Camp

Cycle Vietnam & Cambodia 16-27 March 2013 Last year I participated in the Diabetes Tasmania Sri Lanka first overseas cycle challenge. This was a wonderful way for me to explore this fascinating country. Twenty enthusiastic cyclists and I spent twelve days touring the land of misty highlands and tea plantations, dense jungles and national parks, where we saw a multitude of Buddhist and Hindu Monuments and colonial heritage buildings that characterise the country’s rich cultural history. Cycling gave us the perfect opportunity to explore the country at handle-bar level, allowing us an intimate and personal experience of life in Sri Lanka – the people, the food, the colours, the stories. The Sri Lanka Cycle challenge was so successful that the next cycle adventure planning is well underway for Vietnam Cambodia March 16-27 2013 which will be run by World Expeditions, organised by Diabetes Tasmania and I have volunteered to coordinate this event. Explore two fascinating countries on a bicycle while raising funds for two diabetes charities: Diabetes Tasmania and Life for a Child. This adventurous itinerary is an opportunity to combine cycling through untouched Vietnamese and Cambodian villages to the temple complex of Angkor Wat. Our journey begins in the fast paced city of Ho Chi Minh, which we leave behind for the quieter roads to the Mekong Delta. We explore the vibrant markets and small villages before heading North and crossing the border into Cambodia. We delight in the lush green countryside where the locals will amaze us with their warmth and hospitality. We make a visit to Rabbit Island a day to remember as we can snorkel, swim, trek or just relax on this enchanted beach paradise. We have time to absorb the exquisite palaces, pagodas and French inspired architecture of Phnom Penh, before we embark on an in-depth cycling exploration of the Khmer temples. The flat roads around the temple make exploration of the area ideal by bike. Diabetes Tasmania is a health charity that strives to improve and extend the lives of the 47,600 Tasmanians living with all types of diabetes. By joining the Diabetes Tasmania Vietnam and Cambodia Cycle Challenge, you will be making a $1,300 contribution directly to Diabetes Tasmania to deliver our important health services.

LIFE FOR A CHILD The International Diabetes Federation “Life for a Child” Programme was established in 2001 and is an innovative and sustainable support programme in which individuals, families and organisations contribute to help children with diabetes in developing countries. Contributions from donors go to supported diabetes centres enabling them to provide the ongoing clinical care and diabetes education children need to stay alive. The IDF “Life for a Child” Programme is now supporting 4,000 children with diabetes in 26 countries. 10% of funds raised will go directly to “Life for a child” Contact me at [email protected] or call 0408 348 524 for details or visit www.diabetestas.com.au/cvc2013 Caroline van Riet

26 JULY 2012 WHO’S WHO Executive Committee PRESIDENT Rupert Manners 6292 1310 VICE-PRESIDENT Midj Jones 6243 4192 VICE PRESIDENT John Street 6239 1690 SECRETARY Dawn Hendrick 6272 2477 ASSISTANT SECRETARY Chris Rathbone 6223 6757 TREASURER Philip Le Grove 6224 4280 WALKS SECRETARY Andrew Davey 6239 6178 SKI & HUT SECRETARY Fred Koolhof 6225 4216 MEMBERSHIP OFFICER Geoff O’Hara 6272 1225 COMMITTEE Gill Fitzgerald 6234 4752 Chanchal Foxen 6239 1262 Alison Street 6239 1690 Subcommittees WALKS Walks Secretary Andrew Davey 6239 6178 Walks Data Vicki Martin 6228 3228 Coordinators Overnight Paul Geeves 6231 5215 W/E SE+ Day Walks Jeanette Brown 6227 1828 W/E MM+ Day Walks Chris Rathbone 6223 6757 Tuesday Heather Hurd 6229 6922 Wednesday Jenny Ford 6243 8724 Thursday Alan Wilson 6244 4467 Midweek SE Felicity Walch 6229 5391 Midweek SCNQ Bob & Phyl Wyatt 6247 8966 Walk after Work Robyn Everist 6244 1540 SKI AND HUT Fred Koolhof (Secretary 6225 4216), J De Burgh, A Holding, L Koolhof, F Lawrence, V Linsell, I Picken, F Rader, R Rader, R Reed, A Davey. CIRCULAR If the Circular does not arrive, advise the Membership Officer in writing, GPO Box 753, Hobart 7001 or [email protected]. Coordinator: Jim Anderson (6234 7497). Editors: Doug McLean (6223 3541), Ken Chilcott (6228 1673), Stephanie Schulz (6223 2366), J Street (Exec Rep) EDITORIAL Helen Daly (Convener 6243 6738), C Errey, J Adams, K Marriott J Cannon, J Street (Exec Rep) ENVIRONMENT Paul Geeves (Convener 6231 5215), A Davey (Exec Rep), M Jones, D Jupe, P Watson. SEARCH RESCUE & TRAINING: Pam Powell Convener (6223 5205 H 6232 5216 W), S Denman, G Downer, G Kowalik, B Mulheran, C Rathbone (Exec Rep), M Sherlock and S Whitney. SOCIAL Gill Fitzgerald (6234 4752), Trish Colles, Linda Cook, Anne Elston, Gill Mosmann, Ruth Raward.

Search and Rescue Contacts In the event of overdue parties, phone Robyn Mounster (6234 6405 H) or Chris Rathbone (6223 6757 H) or Pam Powell (6223 5205 H or 6232 5216 W) or Stuart Whitney (6234 7871 H)

JULY 2012 27 HWC Email Addresses Walks Secretary: [email protected] Walks Data Officer: [email protected] Secretary: [email protected] Treasurer: [email protected] Membership Officer: [email protected] Circular Editors: [email protected] Publications [email protected]

Delegates and Custodians Bush Walking Tasmania Andrew Davey 6239 6178 Midj Jones and Rupert Manners (backup) Southern Tas. Ski Association: Fred Koolhof 6225 4216 A Davey 6239 6178 Liz Koolhof 6225 4216 Tasmanian Bicycle Council Inc Linda and Tony Cook 6228 4986 Clarence Tracks & Trails Committee Barry Ford 6243 8724 Bob Wyatt 6247 8966 Wellington Park Management Tracks C’ttee John Cannon Web Manager Chris Rathbone 6223 6757 Mail Officer Vicki Martin 6228 3228 Landowners Liaison Book Kevin Hogue 6244 4022 Adrian Jowett 6227 8318 Publications Sales Officer Malcolm Sherlock 6273 4179 Equipment Brian Haas 6228 4891 Club Librarian Keith Brown 6233 2271

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If undeliverable, please return to: Hobart Walking Club Inc. GPO Box 753 PRINT POSTAGE HOBART TAS 7001 PAID POST Hobart Walking Club Inc. Circular PP 739016/00059

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