Domain and Foreshores 4


Access: Parking is available at Cornelian Bay (turn off Brooker Avenue or Domain Highway and follow Queens Walk) or near the and Regatta Grounds (turn off close to the city). Cove settlement – today it’s the Walk Length: Cornelian Bay Point – location of the Royal Tasmanian 1.8 km (30 min return), Intercity Botanical Gardens. Cycleway – 6.6 km (1 hr 30 min return) The track passes beneath a span of the The Walk: – in 1975, two piers and Cornelian Bay and the foreshores their decking crashed into the river after of the Domain are rich in history the ore carrier ‘Lake Illawarra’ collided – the waterside walks in this area give with the bridge. interesting glimpses into various stages of the city’s history from the first days of Closer to the city along the Intercity European settlement. And much earlier, Cycleway you’ll pass working slipyards as well – the scatters of shells you’ll and the Regatta Grounds, the home of see on parts of the Cycleway cuttings the which dates are kitchen middens left by Tasmanian back to 1838. Aboriginal people of the Mouheneener band. The Cenotaph is a memorial to those who fell in the nation’s wars, adjoining In 1793, Lieutenant John Hayes was is the award winning VC Memorial and the first English navigator to explore the soundscape. Beneath its clipped lawns Derwent. He named his landing place are the remains of the Queens Battery, for the semi-precious cornelian stones built to defend Hobart from attack by sea. Intercity Cycleway the Soldiers Memorial Avenue (see walk 3) found on the beach. From Cornelian Bay, follow Queens and returning to the Cycleway via the Finding Your Way: Walk up to the rail crossing to meet Botanical Gardens. The Cornelian Bay Cemetery occupies Cornelian Bay Point the Intercity Cycleway. Follow it the site of the first Government Farm, Walk left along the shore to find the path around the foreshore to the Royal Mobility Notes which supplied fresh vegetables and to Cornelian Bay Point. Retrace your Tasmanian Botanical Gardens, under Intercity Cycleway accessible with other produce for the first residents of steps or spend time exploring the the Tasman Bridge and on to the assistance. Hobart Town. Another farm was carved old headstones in the Cornelian Bay Cenotaph. Return on the same route Toilets: Regatta Grounds - wheelchair 7 from bushland closer to the Sullivans Cemetery. or make a partial circuit by joining accessible.

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