civil engineering 2012




LO STAFF / STAFF ...... 8











LAVORI SPECIALI / SPECIAL WORKS ...... 64 Realizzazione grafica:

Via Marco Polo, 1 10129 Torino tel. 011/5817227 fax 011/503119 [email protected]


TIPOLITOGRAFIA Via Saluzzo, 64/d 10125 Torino tel. / fax 011 650 72 97 [email protected] PROFILO SOCIETARIO

L'Ing. Giovanni Corona, dopo la laurea nel 1953 ed un periodo di permanenza al Politecnico di Torino come assistente del Prof. Levi, si è dedicato alla libera professione associandosi dopo pochi anni con l'Ing. Renzo Perazzone. Fin dal 1962 è iniziata la collaborazione professionale con gli attuali Ingg. Seniores G. Graffi, P.A. Genovesio e G. Mottino nel campo della progettazione generale e strutturale di grandi opere dell'ingegneria civile.

Nel 1973 costituisce con l'Ing. Perazzone la Società S.I.C. - STUDIO DI INGEGNERIA CIVILE - per meglio coordinare e sviluppare l'attività svolta sempre mantenendo unito il gruppo di progettisti originari.

Nel 1993 nasce l'associazione professionale denominata STUDIO CORO- NA, ne fanno parte gli Ingg. G. Corona, G. Graffi, P.A. Genovesio e G. Mottino e alcuni Ingg. Juniores già da tempo operanti nello Studio e che avevano ormai acquisito una buona esperienza di progettazione.

Con la costituzione dello Studio Corona la Società S.I.C. ha quindi assunto la funzione di fornire allo Studio il necessario supporto tecnico di personale e attrezzature indispensabili allo sviluppo degli incarichi professionali.

Nel 2004 lo Studio Corona snc e la Società S.I.C. convergono nello Studio Corona S.r.l. Civil Engineering che mantiene inalterate sia le caratteristiche tecniche che lo staff di progettisti e disegnatori garantendone così la conti- nuità della professionalità che ha distinto la struttura tecnica sin dal 1973.

Non trascurando la progettazione generale di opere per vari committenti ed amministrazioni pubbliche, caratteristica peculiare e preponderante dello Studio è sempre stata quella di redigere i definitivi progetti strutturali costrut- tivi per la effettiva realizzazione delle opere su incarico delle Imprese appal- tatrici dei lavori. Anche al di fuori di veri e propri incarichi di Direzione dei Lavori, lo Studio assicura ai propri committenti un'assidua assistenza ai cantieri, sia per una corretta interpretazione degli elaborati progettuali sia per gli eventuali adattamenti che possono sorgere in conseguenza della complessità delle opere e da specifiche situazioni locali.

A partire dai primi anni del secolo lo Studio Corona ha anche aperto delle filiali in Senegal, Nigeria, Algeria, Sudan, Kazakistan e Romania dove tutt’ora opera sempre nella progettazione di grandi infrastrutture. STUDIO CORONA



In 1953, after graduating in Engineering at the “Politecnico of Torino”, Giovanni Corona started his working career as assistant of Prof. Levi at the same university and after an experience as a free-lance, he teamed up with Renzo Perazzone. He has worked in general engineering and civil engineer- ing structural projects with G. Graffi, P.A. Genovesio and G. Mottino since 1962 .

In 1973 Renzo Perazzone founded Società S.I.C. - STUDIO OF INGEGNERIA CIVILE, with the aim of better coordinating and developing the activities carried out as well as keeping together the original team of expert engi- neers.

In 1993, G. Corona, G. Graffi, P.A. Genovesio and G. Mottino together with some junior engineers, who had acquired expertise over the years, founded a professional association called STUDIO CORONA.

In 2004, Studio Corona snc and Società S.I.C. merged in Studio Corona S.r.l. Civil Engineering, keeping unaltered both the technical characteristics and the engi- neering and designing staff, thus guaran- teeing continuity in the professionalism that has always characterized the organ- ization right from its origin in 1973.

Without neglecting the general engineer- ing for various contractors and public administrations, a distinctive feature of the Company has always been that of drawing up final construction structural projects on behalf of the contractors. Over and above project management tasks, the Company guarantees to constant assistance in the building sites to achieve to correct interpretation of project details and of any possible modifications that might be necessary due to the complexity of the work or specific local situations.

At the beginning of this century, Studio Corona opened some branches in Senegal, Nigeria, Algeria, Sudan, Kazakhstan and Romania working in the engi- neering and design of important infrastructures.




Managing Director Ing. Pietro Corona 1987

Technical Manager Ing. Giuseppe Graffi 1962

Project Manager Ing. Pierantonio Genovesio 1967

Project Manager Ing.Giorgio Mottino 1968

R.&D. Manager Ing. Antonio Segreto 1976

Civil Engineer Ing. Paola Varello 1977

Civil Engineer Ing. Claudio Astrua 1979

Geotechnichal Engineer Ing. Renato Vaira 1981

Quality Manager . Luisa Corona 1986

Geotechnical Engineer Ing. Gianfranco Sodero 1986

Safety Manager Ing. Eugenio Marro 1987

Hydraulical Engineer Ing. Luca Perazzone 1987


Ing. Michele Motta 1990

Ing. Guido Mottino 1999

Ing. Francesco Fumarola 2000

Ing. Ivan Collino 2000





ATTREZZATURE HARDWARE • Rete Ethernet 100/1000 Mbit/sec (circa 30 utenti) connessa a INTERNET tramite router ADSL; • 1 Ethernet Disk LaCie Gigabit, 1TB; • 1 File Server INTERCOMP IDAS 2000 con sistema operativo Windows 2003 Server, archivio RAID/5 da 4500 GB; • 8 Workstations HP con sistema operativo Windows XP e Windows 7, video da 19”/24” per progettazione CAD e stradale; • 4 Personal Computer HP con sistema operativo Windows XP, video da 17”/19” per progettazione strutturale, geotecnica, cantieristica, software; • 5 Personal computer HP con sistema operativo Windows XP, video da 17” per Office Automation e contabilità aziendale; • 10 Calcolatori portatili HP/ACER/TOSHIBA, video da 15.4”/17” con sistema operativo Windows XP; • Plotter laser A0 Ocè PlotWave 300; • Plotter A0 a getto d’inchiostro a colori Ocè TCS 500; • 2 Copiatrici multifunzione (copiatrice/stampante/scanner) Infotec a colori, formato A4/A3; • 2 Stampanti laser HP, formato A4; • 1 Stampanti a getto d’inchiostro HP a colori, formato A4/A3; • Fotocamera digitale Nikon Coolpix 995; • 1 Gruppi di continuità da 10 KW Merlin-Gerin.

ATTREZZATURE SOFTWARE a) CAD (Computer Aided Design) • AUTOCAD (Autodesk): programma di grafica interattiva 2D/3D (3 licenze AutoCAD Full, 14 licenze AutoCAD LT). • ALLPLAN (Nemetschek): programma di grafica interattiva 2D/3D specialmente orientato verso la progettazione civile, con moduli aggiuntivi per la disegnazione automatica e il computo delle armature in c.a. (3 licenze).

b) Progettazione stradale • CIVIL DESIGN (DigiCorp Ingegneria): programma per la progettazione interattiva di strade, ferrovie e acquedotti/fognature: consente l’acquisizione e gestione di dati topografici e immagini raster, la gestione contemporanea di più assi e relativi solidi, stradali e non; la realizzazione automatica interattiva di planimetrie, profili longitudinali, sezioni trasversali, computi, prospettive in rendering, segnaletica stradale, inserimenti ambientali (2 licenze).

10 HARDWARE EQUIPMENT • Ethernet 10/100 Mbit/sec (about 30 users) connected to Internet through ADSL Router • 1 Ethernet Disk LaCie Gigabit, 1TB • 1 INTERCOMP IDAS 2000 File Server with Windows 2003 Server operating system, 4500 GB RAID/5 archive • 8 HP workstations with Windows XP and Windows 7 operating system, 19”/24” screen for CAD and road design • 4 HP PCs with Windows XP operating system, 17”/19” screens for structural, geotechnical and field design software • 5 HP PCs with Windows XP operating system, 17” screens for Office Automation and company accounting • 10 HP/ACER/TOSHIBA laptops with 15,4”/17” screens • A0 Ocè PlotWave 300 laser plotter • Ocè TCS 500 color ink-jet A0 plotter • 2 Infotec A4/A3 color multi-function copiers (copier/printer/scanner)

• 2 HP laser printers, A4 format • 1 A4/A3 color HP ink-jet printer • Nikon Coolpix 995 digital camera • 1 10 KW Merlin - Gerin UPS

SOFTWARE EQUIPMENT a) CAD (Computer Aided Design)

• AutoCAD (Autodesk): 2D/3D design software (3 full AutoCAD licences, 14 LT AutoCAD licences).

• ALLPLAN FT (Nemetschek): interactive architectural software for building design and drawing process with modules for automatic design of concrete reinforcements (3 licences).

b) Road Design

• CIVIL DESIGN (DigiCorp Engineering): software for interactive design of roads, railways, aqueducts, sewerages. It allows to operate and, at the same time, to retrieve topographical data, raster images, axes and solids. Moreover, it allows to get interactive automatic execution of layouts, longitudinal profiles, computing, projections in rendering, streets signs, environmental settings (2 licences).



c) Progettazione strutturale • MIDAS/Civil: programma di calcolo ad elementi finiti per l’analisi bi-tridimensionale in campo statico e dinamico, lineare e non lineare. Funzionalità avanzate per i ponti a più campate: analisi per fasi costruttive, generazione automatica carichi mobili, ponti in c.a.p. e acciaio, ponti strallati, ponti sospesi. Modelli ad elementi finiti di tipo solid, truss, beam, shell. Leggi costitutive per qualsiasi materiale (metalli, terreno/rocce, c.a., plastiche). Soluzione di problemi buckling, di contatto, pushover a fibre, elasto-plastici, viscosi, analisi spettrale e vibrazionale nel tempo. Provvisto di pre-post processore per l’input/output grafico interattivo (1 licenza). • MIDAS/Gen: programma di calcolo ad elementi finiti per l’analisi bi-tridimensionale in campo statico e dinamico, lineare e non lineare. Analisi per fasi costruttive, generazione automatica carichi mobili. Modelli ad elementi finiti di tipo solid, truss, beam, shell. Leggi costitutive per qualsiasi materiale (metalli, terreno/rocce, c.a., plastiche). Soluzione di problemi buckling, di contatto, pushover a fibre, elasto-plastici, viscosi, analisi spettrale e vibrazionale nel tempo. Provvisto di pre-post processore per l’input/output grafico interattivo (1 licenza). • XFINEST (Ce.A.S.): programma di calcolo ad elementi finiti per l’analisi bi-tridimensionale in campo statico e dinamico. Modelli ad elementi finiti di tipo solid da 8 a 27 nodi, truss, beam, shell. Provvisto di pre-post processore per l’input/output grafico interattivo (2 licenze). • MODEST (TecniSoft): pre-post processore di programmi ad elementi finiti (XFINEST) orientato alla progettazione civile. Disegno automatico di carpenterie ed armature in c.a.. Verifica di strutture metalliche e dei relativi nodi di congiunzione con il modulo PNAR (1 licenza). • TRAVILOG (Logical Soft): progetto e verifica sezioni in c.a. e miste, T.A./S.L.E./S.L.U.; verifica al fuoco. • Impalcati (Studio CORONA): programma per il calcolo e le verifiche di ponti in c.a.p. in opera, a travi o prefabbricati a conci, anche continui a più luci e con vincoli o sezione variabile qualsiasi. • Muri di sostegno (Studio CORONA): programma per la verifica di muri in c.a. e a gravità, in opera o prefabbricati, di sostegno o sottoscarpa/controripa, con fondazione diretta o su pali. • Gallerie (Studio CORONA): programma per la verifica di gallerie naturali o artificiali. • Pozzi (Studio CORONA): programma per la verifica di pozzi di fondazione immersi in un mezzo elastoplastico, anche intirantati. • Tombini (Studio CORONA): programma per la verifica di tombini scatolari. • Vari programmi, realizzati dallo Studio CORONA, per il calcolo e la verifica di: strutture intelaiate, travi continue e su suolo elastico, pile e spalle da ponte, ponti a travi in c.a.p., palificate di fondazione, pressoflessione deviata di sezioni qualsiasi. d) Progettazione geotecnica-strutturale • FLAC 2D (Itasca): programma di calcolo alle differenze finite con orientamento geotecnico; permette di schematizzare e risolvere praticamente qualsiasi problema geotecnico bidimensionale, ad esempio: stabilità di pendii, gallerie naturali e artificiali, calcolo di cedimenti, problemi di filtrazione, problemi dinamici e di contatto. I materiali possono avere qualsiasi legge costitutiva elastica o elastoplastica e qualsiasi criterio di rottura. Si possono schematizzare strutture in elementi truss, beam, pile (pali) e cable (tiranti o cavi), tenendo conto delle non linearità di materiali e dei fenomeni di 2° ordine (1 licenza). • PARATIE Plus (Ce.A.S.): programma di calcolo elastoplastico ad elementi finiti volto alla verifica di paratie multitirantate. Qualsiasi numero di tiranti e strati terreno; possono essere analizzate paratie isolate o doppie, collegate da puntoni o solette. Possibilità di variazione delle caratteristiche del terreno nelle fasi successive di realizzazione. Opzioni di nascita/rimozione degli elementi costruttivi (tiranti, puntoni, solette, paratie). Carichi nastriformi, di superficie, interrati oppure curve di carico dirette sul diaframma. Modello costitutivo del terreno estremamente avanzato: è in grado di tener conto della “storia” di carico, differente in fase di carico vergine o ricarico successivo e del comporta- mento a rottura. Simulazione di effetti di filtrazione stazionaria in mezzo non omogeneo (2 licenze).

e) Contabilità, computi metrici • PriMus Unico (ACCA software) f) Office automation • 15 licenze Microsoft Office Professional: suite di programmi per l’editing di testi (WORD), la stesura di tabelle (EXCEL), la presentazione (POWERPOINT) e la gestione di data-base (ACCESS). • 1 licenza CorelDRAW: suite di programmi per la grafica vettoriale (CorelDRAW), la gestione di immagini (PhotoPAINT), l’acquisizione di testi o disegni da scanner (CorelTRACE), l’animazione (R.A.V.E.). • 8 licenze ADOBE ACROBAT: creazione e gestione documenti interscambiabili tra varie piattaforme. • 1 licenza Microsoft Project: gestione cronoprogrammi. Fanno anche parte del materiale utilizzato per la prestazione del servizio i seguenti documenti: • documentazione generale (composta da libri, cataloghi, estratti da pubblicazioni, esempi di progetti o di tecnologie, materiale didattico acquisito durante la frequentazione di corsi o congressi); • riviste specialistiche e normativa.

In merito alle misure adottate per garantire la qualità, come da indicazioni di cui all’art. 14 c. 1 let. e del D.Lgs. 157/95, si dettaglia che tutta questa documentazione viene selezionata dai rispettivi responsabili di funzione che sono professionisti di provata esperienza e capacità, registrata, archiviata, aggiornata e distribuita dai rispettivi responsabili di archivio sui database e negli appositi archivi. Le procedure che garantiscono la qualità di attrezzature e strumenti sono quelle che riguardano: • l’approvvigionamento con il controllo e l’aggiornamento degli acquisti ed la verifica sul prodotto interno eseguendo test sui software; • l’addestramento all’uso di tutta la le attrezzature e strumenti in possesso dallo studio tramite pianificazione ed attuazione di corsi interni ed esterni di formazione; • la salvaguardia dei dati (back up), del software (antivirus), dell’hardware (assistenza) e il costante controllo della documentazione di riferimento (normativa, regolamenti, e documentazione tecnica). 12 c) Structural Design • MIDAS/Civil: finite elements software for three-dimensional analyses, statics and dynamics, linear and non. Advanced features for spans: analysis for constructive phases, automatic generation of mobile loads, c.a.p. and iron bridges, cable-stayed and suspension bridges. Solid, truss, beam and shell finite elements type models. Constitutive models for any materials (metal, soil/rock, ca, plastic). Solution of: buckling contacts, fibre pushover, elastic-plastic, viscose, spectral and vibration analyses. Equipped with pre-post processor for interactive graphic input/output (1 licence). • MIDAS/Gen: finite elements software for three-dimensional analyses, static and dynamic, linear and non. Analysis for constructive phases, automatic generation of mobile loads. Finite solid elements, truss, beam, pipe, shell. Constitutive models for any materials (metal, soil/rock, ca, plastic). Solution of: buckling contacts, fibre pushover, elastic-plastic, viscose, spectral and vibration analyses. Equipped with pre-post processor for interactive graphic input/output (1 licence). • XFINEST (Ce.A.S.): Finite elements software for two/three-dimensional analyses, statics and dynamics. Finite solid elements 8 to 27 nodes, truss, beam, pipe, shell. Equipped with pre-post processor for interactive graphic input/output (2 licenses). • MODEST (TecniSoft): Pre - post processor for finite elements software (XFINEST) for Civil Design. Automatic drawing of framing and concrete reinforcements. Analysis of metallic structures and relevant nodes of junction with PNAR module (1 licence). • TRAVILOG (Logical Soft): design and analysis of sections in c.a. and mixed, T.A./S.L.E./S.L.U; fire analysis. • Deck (Studio CORONA): software for designing and checking reinforced concrete bridges, slab, precast segmental PSC bridges continuous span also or with variable section. • Retaining walls (Studio CORONA): Software for checking concrete and gravity walls in situ or precast, retaining, scarp wall, with direct foundation or on pile foundation. • Galleries (Studio CORONA): software for checking natural or artificial galleries. • Drilled piers (Studio CORONA): software for checking drilled piers sunk in elasto-plastic material, even if anchored. • Culverts (Studio CORONA): software for checking of culverts. • Various software programs designed by Studio Corona to analyse and calculate: frame structures, continuous and elastic ground beam, pier, abutments walls, underpinning foundations, deviated eccentric axial force on any sections. d) Geotechnical and structural Design • FLAC 2D (Itasca): finite difference software with geotechnical orientation; it allows to schematize and solve every geotechnical two-dimensional problem, such as: fall stability, natural and artificial galleries, sagging calculus, filtering problems, dynamics and contacts problems. Materials can have any elastic or elasto-plastic constitutive law and yielding criteria. It is possible to schematize: truss, beam, pier and cable, considering no-linearity of the materials and 2nd order phenomenon (1 licence). • Sheet - pile walls: Finite elements elasto-plastic calculation software to verify multi- anchored sheet - pile walls, anchors, single or double sheet - pile walls, connected with truss or slabs. During successive phases, it is possible to change ground features. Options of creation/removal of constructive elements (anchors, truss, slabs, sheet - pile walls). Line load, of area, filled. Extreme advanced constitutive model ground: able to understand the differences between phases of virgin load to phases of ultimate reload, and of cracking behaviour. Simulation of ground water flow effects, in to nohomogeneous material (2 licences). e) Accounting, metric calculation • PriMus Unico (ACCA software) f) Office automation • 15 Microsoft Office Professional licenses: text editor (WORD), table drafting (EXCEL), presentations (POWERPOINT), database management (ACCESS). • 1 CORELDRAW license: vectorial graphics software (CorelDRAW), image man agement (PHOTOPAINT), text or drawing acquisition from scanner (COREL TRACE), animation R.A.V.E. • 8 ADOBE ACROBAT licenses: creation and management of interchangeable documents among different platforms. • 1 Microsoft Project license: chrono-plan management The following documents are also part of the equipment used: • General documentation (made up of books, catalogues, publication extracts, examples of projects or technologies, didactic materials acquired during courses or congresses). • Journals and legislation. To ensure that quality measures are fulfilled, pursuant to Article 14 c. 1 let. and to Legislative Decree 157/95, all documentation is selected by professionals with adequate expertise and capability and it is recorded, filed, updated and distributed on databases and in appropriate archives by persons with specific responsibility. To ensure the quality of equipment and tools the following procedures are carried out: • Control and updates of purchases and of internal products by carrying out tests on software • Planning and execution of internal and external training on equipment and tools owned by the company • Safeguarding of data (back-up), software (anti-virus) and hardware (assistance). Constant control of reference STUDIO CORONA documentation (legislation, regulations and technical documentation 13 BROCHURE

VIADOTTO MALPERTUGIO Autostrada Messina-Palermo

SCHEMA STATICO: due travi continue indipendenti affiancate


LUCE MASSIMA: 100 m campate principali 61 m campate terminali




GENERALITA' L'impalcato è sopportato da pile scatolari, a sezione variabile. La sezione corrente del viadotto è di tipo scatolare monocellulare ad anime verticali con altezza variabile, completata da sbalzi laterali di spessore variabile. Sono presenti telai di irrigidimento con funzione diaframmante solo in corrispondenza delle pile.

SOLUZIONE STRUTTURALE La soluzione strutturale è quella di trave continua vincolata, in direzione longitudinale, solo in corrispondenza delle due spalle. Gli appoggi intermedi provvisori della trave continua sono stati sdoppiati permettendo, prima della solidarizzazione degli appoggi definitivi, una regolazione planoaltimetrica della struttura.

MODALITA' COSTRUTTIVE Il viadotto è stato costruito col procedimento costruttivo a sbalzo dalle pile con l'impiego dei conci prefabbricati congiunti di lunghezza variabile da 3,05 m. a 2,50 m. Il montaggio è stato realizzato con l'ausilio di un carro varo. I conci sono stati precompressi temporaneamente con barre Dywidag, previa interposizione di resina epossidica tra le facce coniugate dei giunti. La precompressione definitiva è stata realizzata con cavi infilati tramite spingitrefolo dopo la precompressione temporanea. Le stampelle sono state collegate, dopo la regolazione planoaltimetrica, tramite il getto di un concio di chiave e le successiva messa in tensione dei cavi inferiori di precompressione. La disposizione dei cavi di precompressione superiore e l'ordine di montaggio sono stati studiati in modo da consentire la messa in opera con le barre temporanee anche di due conci a sbalzo, in modo da ottimizzare i tempi di costruzione. A regime la costruzione di una stampella completa ha richiesto 10 giorni lavorativi.

14 MALPERTUGIO VIADUCT Messina-Palermo motorway

STATIC SCHEME: 2 indipendent continuous beams


LENGHT OF SPANS: centre spans 110 m approach spans 61 m




DESCRIPTION The deck is borne on box piers of variable sections. The viaduct typical section is a variable-depth single-cell vertical-wall box and side over- hangs are of variable thickness. The crosspieces are stiffening frames placed only at the piers.

STRUCTURAL SOLUTION The structural system is a continuous beam, constrained longitudinally only at the two abutments. The intermediate provisional continuous beam is constrained longitudinally only at the two abutments. The intermediate provisional continuous beam supports were split. In this way it was possible to adjust the structure in line and grade before the definitive bearings were solidly joined to it.

CONSTRUCTION SYSTEM The viaduct was built by the cantilevered assembly both ways from the piers using match cast joint precast segments 3,05 m to 2,50 m long. A launching girder was used for the assembly. The segments were temporarily pre-stressed using Dywidag bears, after the wed faces had been spread with epax resin. Their final pre-stressing came from cables threaded through afterwards by strand pushers. The tees were tied, together, after adjustments in line and grade, by to pour of concrete at the crown and by tensioning the lower pre-stressing cables. The upper pre-stressing cables arrangement and the assembly sequence were worked out to permit placement of as many as two cantilever segments (held in place by the temporary bars) at to time, so as to optimize scheduling. In full operation, the construction of a complete tier took 10 working days.



VIADOTTO CUPONEDDI S.S.V. n. 131 S.Simone - S. Teodoro (Sardegna)

SCHEMA STATICO: in struttura mista acciaio-calcestruzzo


LUCE MASSIMA: 70 m campate principali; 40 m campate terminali

ALTEZZA DELL'IMPALCATO: altezza costante di 2,60 m.

GENERALITA' Il viadotto a 2 corsie separate, è realizzato in sistema misto acciaio-calcestruzzo con schema statico di trave continua a 10 luci: la corsia di discesa ha 8 campate intermedie di 70 m. di luce più due laterali, di luci 28 m. e 35 m.; le carreggiate di salita a 8 campate intermedie di 70 m. di luce e due laterali di 40 m. e 35 m. Gli sviluppi complessivi sono di m. 623 e 635.

SOLUZIONE STRUTTURALE Sistema misto acciaio-calcestruzzo con schema statico di trave continua. Travate metalliche affiancate realizzate con schema a traliccio con controventi orizzontali e diaframmi verticali (cassone torsiorigido alla Bredt).

La soletta è resa collaborante con la struttura metallica sottostante mediante connettori tipo Nelson elettrosaldati sulle briglie superiori dei tralicci.

Le briglie sono costituite da elementi modulari di m. 6 di lunghezza prefabbricati a conci di lunghezza multipla e assembalti in opera mediante giunti bullonati AR ad attrito. I collegamenti delle aste di parete sono realizzati mediante bulloni 10.9 a taglio, così come i controventi orizzontali e i diaframmi.

La soletta in cemento armato è gettata in opera utilizzando coppelle prefabbricate autoportanti in c.a. conteneti l’armatura inferiore trasversale definitiva. Dopo il varo delle coppelle si è provveduto alla posa in opera dell’armatura longitudinale di ripartizione e di quella trasversale superiore integrativa e quindi al getto a spessore definitivo.

16 CUPONEDDI VIADUCT S.S.V. n. 131 S.Simone - S. Teodoro (Sardegna)

STATIC SCHEME: mixed construction in steel and reinforced concrete


MAXIMUM OPENING SIIZE: main spans 70m; end spans: 40m

HEIGHT OF STRUCTURE: constant height of 2.60m

DESCRIPTION The viaduct has two separate lanes; it is realised in a mixed system of steel/reinforced concrete with a static uninterrupted of beams spanning 10m: the descending lane has 8 intermediate spans of 70m archway, plus two lateral ones of 28m and 35m; the ascent lane has 8 intermediate spans of 70m archway and two lateral ones of 40m and 35m. The overall lengths are 623m and 635m.

STRUCTURAL SOLUTION It is a mixed system of steel/reinforced concrete with a static uninterrupted pattern of beams. The side by side metal beams are realised with a trestle-work pattern and horizontal bracing and vertical diaphragms (Bredt torsion-rigid boxes).

The slab is made to work together with the underlying metal structure through the medium of Nelson-type connectors arc-welded on the upper bridle of the trestle-work.

The bridles are constituted of modular elements 6m in length, prefabricated to conch forms of variable lengths assembled on site through the use of AR bolted friction joints. The connections of the wall bars are realised by means of 10.9 shear bolts, as with the horizontal bracing and diaphragms.

The slab is made of reinforced concrete on site using prefabricated self-supporting pans in reinforced concrete, containing the defini- tive lower transversal mesh. After proceeding with the pans, the longitudinal mesh of separation and that of the upper complemen- tary transversal are placed on site, followed by the pouring of con- crete to the final thickness.



CASERMA MANFREDINI - Cremona interventi di conservazione, recupero e adeguamento funzionale

LE RAGIONI DEL PROGETTO All'inizio degli anni '80, la Caserma Manfredini presentava, specie nel nucleo antico dell'impianto monastico, dissesti statici di varia natura ed entità e mancava dei requisiti richiesti per l'accasermamento di reparti militari. L'insieme delle circostanze ha reso necessario uno studio preliminare sulle condizioni generali degli edifici e sulle loro potenzialità, al fine di verificare la loro attitudine, una volta risanati, a realizzare gli standards abitativi previsti per gli accasermamenti.

ADEGUAMENTO FUNZIONALE L'intero progetto si sviluppa sulla base di tre ipotesi preliminari: rispetto assoluto delle valenze architettoniche e spaziali del complesso; valorizzazione e recupero tecnologicamente avanzato delle strutture portanti; ridistribuzione ottimale delle funzioni interne. Questo modo di procedere alla stesura del progetto costituisce la caratteristica peculiare di questo intervento. L'impostazione generale del lavoro ha portato a un programma di interventi per lotti successivi tale da assicurare, in modo continuativo, la funzionalità dei Reparti accasermati.

ANALISI DEI DISSESTI E SOLUZIONI ADOTTATE Dai primi saggi, effettuati sulle principali murature portanti, si era accertato che le fondazioni non presentavano cedimenti o assestamenti vistosi tali da compromettere la stabilità degli edifici. La circostanza è insolita, in quanto gli edifici insistono su un terreno che per parecchi metri presenta caratteristiche geomeccaniche molto scadenti. Con buone probabilità, la causa deriva dal fatto che nel XV secolo, per edificare gli attuali edifici, furono rase al suolo le vecchie costruzioni, appoggiando le nuove fondazioni su quelle preesistenti. Ne conseguì che le nuove costruzioni subirono assestamenti molto modesti. Fanno eccezione il portico del chiostro maggiore e il muro prospiciente la via De Stauris, che nel corso del tempo hanno subito sensibili movimenti ed assestamenti tali da richie- dere importanti opere di rinforzo.

Il dissesto ha avuto origine anche dal dislivello di circa 1 metro esistente tra il piano di calpestio interno e la sede stradale, aggravato dalle vibrazioni dovute al traffico e alla presenza di un canale fognario adiacente al muro che ha compromesso le caratteristiche meccaniche del terreno.

In prossimità del piano di campagna, a causa dell'umidità diffusa, tutte le murature del complesso, e in particolare quelle perimetrali, presentavano uno stato di degrado molto avanzato, con una sensibile diminuzione del margine di sicurezza delle murature stesse.

Le strutture murarie superiori, inoltre a causa di numerosi interventi per la realizzazione di cunicoli, canalizzazioni e per la foratura dei muri al fine di inserire impianti, risultavano notevolmente indebolite in numerosi punti.

18 MANFREDINI BARRACKS - Cremona restoration, recovery and functional adaptation

THE AIM OF THE PROJECT At the beginning of the 1980s the Manfredini Barracks presented varying degrees of static instability due to a variety of factors, especially in the ancient nucleus which had been a monastery. It did not fulfill the legal and practical requirements provided for by the law for the accomodations of military detachments. A preliminary study therefore had to be carried out on the buildings so as to assess their general condition and to evaluate whether restoration work would be able to satisfy the accomodation require- ments and living standards suitable for military accomodation.

FUNCTIONAL ADAPTATION The project is based on three preliminary hypoteses: absolute respect for the architectural and spatial values of the complex; the exploitation and advanced technological recovery of the load-bearing structures; the optimal redistribution of the functions of the rooms. This approach to the drawing up of the project is the particular characteristic of this operation. The work was planned in successive work allotments so that the military detachments could continue to use the barracks during the restoration.

ANALYSIS OF THE INSTABILITY AND SOLUTIONS ADOPTED The first test, carried out on the main load-bearing walls, revealed that the subsdence or visible setlement of the foundations was not severe enough to compromise the stability of the buildings. This is unusual, as the buildings are standing on land with very poor geomechanical characteristics for several meters in depth. It is likely, therefore, that in the fifteenth century the previous constructions were razed to the ground and the foundations of the new buildings rested on the previous ones. As a result the settlement of the new buildings was very slight. Exceptions to this, there were the portico of the main cloister and the wall facing Via De Stauris, which in the course of time were subjected to such considerable movements and settlements as to require important reinforcement works.

This settlements was also due to the difference of level of about 1 metre between the inside floor of the barracks and the roadway. The settlement was further aggravated by traffic vibrations and the presence of a sewer channel running adjacent to the wall which compromised the mechanical characteristics of the land.

Near ground level all the walls of the complex, and in particular those of the perimeter, were in a very advanced state of deterioration due to the widespread damp and the safety margin of the walls themselves was severely reduced.

Moreover, the upper wall structures were considerably weakened in several points because of numerous works undertaken in the past for the building of underground passages, canalizations and the drilling of holes for the insertion of wiring, plumbing and other systems.



Per il risanamento del muro esterno lungo la via De Stauris si è proceduto:

- al ripristino dei tiranti esistenti ed alla messa in opera di nuove catene sia sulla volta posta a copertura del piano terreno sia sul sottotetto, in corrispondenza dei muri trasversali, in modo da garantire una efficace legatura della scatola muraria;

- alla creazione di un cordolo in calcestruzzo armato sulla sommità della muratura esistente, in modo da legare tutte le strutture nelle parti alte;

- alla esecuzione di micropali di sottofondazione incrociati a cavalletto.

Per il consolidamento del porticato del chiostro maggiore si è proceduto inizialmente alla cucitura del basamento delle colonne ed al successivo collegamento di questi ultimi con le parti restanti di muro, mediante barre di acciaio. Contro il fenomeno dell'umidità ascendente si è provveduto a tagliare orizzontalmente il muro, inserendo un foglio di materiale rigido con successiva sigillata a pressione

SUPERFICI INTERNE Alla rimozione degli intonaci e dei materiali di rivestimento, i muri interni presentavano molti guasti, profonde tracce di vecchi passaggi verticali e orizzontali, fratture e altre discontinuità. In particolare l'ala Nord del chiostro grande, all'inizio dell'800, era stata oggetto di una consistente ristrutturazione. Le originarie volte a crociera furono demolite e sostituite con un'unica volta a botte a tutto sesto, in modo da realizzare un ambiente unico di m. 8x40, probabilmente destinato a scuderia. Al piano superiore furono demolite le volte che coprivano un corpo triplo e sostituite con travi in legno ed arelle, realizzando un vasto locale destinato a camerate. L'intregrità statica è stata ripristinata mediante la realizzazione di una soletta in calcestruzzo armato sul- l'estradosso, ancorata ai muri perimetrali; inoltre il materiale sciolto di rinfianco è stato sostituito con calcestruzzo leggero ed argilla espansa, mentre le lesioni sono state sigillate con malta reoplastica.

20 The following procedure was used for the restoration of the outside wall along Via De Stauris:

- the existing braces were exploited and new chains were placed both on the vault covering the ground floor and on the attic in correspondence with the cross walls, so as to effectively bind the wall "box"

- a girder was made in reinforced concrete along the top of the existing walls, so as to bind the upper parts of all the structures

- crossed trestle underpinning micropiles were built.

The bases of the main cloister portico columns were stapled and these were then connected to the remaining parts of the wall with steel bars to consolidate the structure. The cloister wall was cut horizontally and a sheet of rigid material was inserted and then pressure sealed for protection against the rising damp.

INTERIOR SURFACES When the plaster and the other wall coverings were removed, the inside walls were seen to be very damaged. There were deep traces, of old vertical and horizontal passages, fractures and other discontinuances. In particular the north wing of the main cloister had undergone substantial restoration at the beginning of the 1800s. The original cross vaults had been demolished and substituted with a round barrel vault producing a single 8x40 m. room which was probably used as stables. On the upper floor the vaults covering the triple core of the building had been demolished and they had been replaced with wooden beams, producing a vast room for dormitories. The static integrity was restored by placing a reinforced concrete slab on the extrados, anchoring it to the perimeter walls. Light concrete and bloated clay replaced the loose material of the buttress, and the cracks were sealed with rheoplastic mortar. STUDIO CORONA


XX GIOCHI OLIMPICI INVERNALI TORINO 2006 - R14 "TREBIALS" Scheda illustrativa dell'impianto di risalita R14 "Trebials" - seggiovia quadriposto ad ammorsamento automatico


L'impianto di risalita R14 "Trebials", seggiovia quadriposto ad ammorsamento automatico, è ubicato nel Comune di Sestriere; la stazione di valle dell'impianto è situata nel piazzale di partenza degli impianti di risalita in Borgata Sestriere (1853 mslm), la stazione di monte è situata in adiacenza alla strada sterrata che costeggia il campo da golf di Sestriere (2124 mslm).

Nel suo insieme l'opera è costituita da un magazzino, da una stazione di valle (motrice-tenditrice), da una stazione di monte (rinvio), con un dislivello tra gli ingressi delle stazioni di circa 265,50 m e dalla linea costituita da 2 sostegni di ritenuta, 2 sostegni a doppio effetto e 12 di appoggio per un totale di 16 sostegni distribuiti su una lunghezza sviluppata totale di circa 1507,48 m.

La seggiovia è ad ammorsamento automatico con seggiole quadriposto con potenzialità di trasporto di 2400 P/h alla velocità di 4.50 m/s.

Il magazzino per il ricovero di tutte le seggiole è posto a fianco della stazione di valle, inserito nello spazio esistente tra la stazione stessa e la vicina seggiovia "Poggi - Capret" e risulta interamente interrato con una sola parete libera, quella adiacente alla linea dell'impianto, e quindi correttamente inserito nell'ambiente alpino circostante.


ubicazione della stazione motrice e tenditrice + magazzino a valle ubicazione stazione di rinvio a monte senso di marcia antiorario

lunghezza fra gli ingressi di stazione m 1477.50 dislivello fra gli ingressi di stazione m 265.50 lunghezza sviluppata della linea m 1507.48 pendenza media fra le stazioni % 18.00 pendenza massima della fune % 46.50

capienza di ciascun veicolo n° 4 intervallo nella partenze s 6.0 potenzialità massima di trasporto P/h 2400 velocità massima di esercizio m/s 4.50 equidistanza fra i veicoli in linea m 27.00 tempo di percorrenza fra gli ingressi stazione 5' 35" numero max veicoli in linea per ramo n° 56 numero totale dei veicoli n° 119

intervia in linea e nelle stazioni m 5.20 numero complessivo dei sostegni n° 16 numero dei sostegni di appoggio n° 12 numero dei sostegni a doppio effetto n° 2 numero dei sostegni di ritenuta n° 2 numero complessivo dei rulli, (134+108) n° 242

22 XX OLYMPIC WINTER GAMES TURIN 2006 - R14 "TREBIALS" R14 "Trebials"4-passengers detachable chairlift fact sheet


The 4-passengers detachable chairlift is located in Sestriere. Its bottom station is in the square at the start centre of all lifts in Borgata Sestriere (1853 m), while its uphill station is next to the road, which skirts Sestriere's golf field (2124 m).

The installation consists of a garaging system, a drive tensioning bottom station and a return top station. The vertical rise between both stations entries is approx. 265.50 m and the line is equipped with 2 compression towers, 2 double action towers and 12 support towers, that means 16 towers along a line of 1507.48 m.

The installation is of a detachable type with 4-passengers chairs for a capacity of 2400 P/h with a speed of 4.50 m/s.

The garaging system for the chairs is located on the side of the bottom station, in the area between this station and the nearby chairlift "Poggi-Capret". It is underground, except for just one free wall next to the installation line, and therefore perfectly integrated with the alpine surrounding.


Location of the drive station bottom Location of the return station top Rotation anticlockwise

Horizontal length m 1477.50 Vertical rise m 265.50 Bent length m 1507.48 Average slope of the track % 18 Maximun slope on the track % 46.5

Chair capacity n° 4 Waiting time s 6 Max capacity p/h 2400 Max speed m/s 4.5 Distance between chairs m 27 Travel time 5' 35" Number of chairs on a branch n° 56 Total chairs n° 119

Gauge m 5.2 Total towers n° 16 Support towers n° 12 Compression towers n° 2 Double action towers n° 2 Total number of sheaves n° 242 STUDIO CORONA


GALLERIA SANTA CATERINA S.S.V. Licodia Eubea A19 Palermo Catania


La galleria Santa Caterina è inserita nei lavori di costruzione della Strada a Scorrimento Veloce Licodia Eubea - A19 Palermo Catania nel tronco compreso tra lo svincolo Regalsemi e l'innesto della Strada Statale n° 117 bis. La tipologia della galleria è a singola canna, a doppio senso di marcia con una piattaforma stradale di m 10,50 con due corsie di 3,75 m e banchine laterali da m 1,50 protette lateralmente da due profili ridirettivi in calcestruzzo.

Le Formazioni geologiche interessanti il tracciato stradale sono riconducibili alla Formazione delle Argille grigio-azzurre sormontata da Formazioni sedimentarie con preponderanza di Sabbie gialle con sottili livelli calcarenitici. Nelle zone in sabbia i preconsolidamenti al contorno del cavo e sul fronte sono affidati alle colonne consolidate, tecnologia appropriata per lo scavo della galleria data la presenza di materiale granulare pronto a franare e la contemporanea vicinanza, in particolar modo nelle zone prospicienti gli imbocchi a bassa copertura, di manufatti ed edifici, e con la conseguente necessità di limitare al minimo i cedimenti superficiali. Le colonne estese al contorno del cavo, sul fronte di scavo e al piede delle centine sono eseguite mediante il sistema monofluido che consiste nella fratturazione del terreno mediante getti di miscela di cemento ad alta pressione con contemporanea miscelazione in posto. Per la stabilità del cavo è quindi prevista una coronella di colonne consolidate O 600 mm di diversa lunghezza eseguite dal fronte, un consolidamento del fronte con tratto di perforazione a vuoto di diversa lunghezza per eseguire le colonne in sicurezza lontano dal fronte, dove si provoca necessariamente la disgregazione del terreno con il getto di miscela di cemento ad alta pressione ed infine per migliorare la capacità portante al piede di appoggio delle centine è prevista l'esecuzione di colonne consolidate suborizzontali di diversa lunghezza ed iniettate a vuoto sino al piano di scavo.

Nelle zone a maggior preponderanza argillosa i preconsolidamenti al contorno, nel fronte di scavo saranno invece utilizzate delle barre in vetroresina opportunamente iniettate a bassa ed alta pressione con miscele cementizie binarie. Il preconsolidamento è esteso anche al di sopra della calotta per poter assicurare una fascia di terreno di migliorate caratteristiche meccaniche ed elastiche per limitare l'estensione, durante la fase dello scavo, delle superfici di subsistenza.

Entrambe le soluzioni di progetto hanno permesso di ottenere una deformazione controllata in superficie e limitare gli spostamenti e rotazioni sugli edifici esistenti per la decompressione del terreno innescata durante l'avanzamento della galleria.

24 SAINT CATHERINE'S TUNNEL S.S.V. Licodia Eubea A19 Palermo Catania


The Santa Caterina tunnel is included in the construction works for the rapid traffic flow Licodia Eubea - A19 Palermo Catania roadway in the section included between the Regalsemi interchange the junction of the State Roadway No. 117 bis. The tunnel typology is of a single, two-way traffic tube with a roadway of 10.5m including two lanes of 3.75m and verges of 1.5m protected by guardrails in concrete.

The geological makeup of the section of road is ascribable to the formation of blue - grey clay overlaid by sedimentary formations with a preponderance of yellow sands having thin layers of calcarenite. In the sandy areas, the pre-consolidations around the cavity and on the front, lies upon consolidated columns, this being appropriate technology for the excavation of the tunnel due to the presence of granular material ready to subside and the simultaneous proximity, especially in areas facing the entrances with little coverage, to simple structures and buildings, and the consequent need to minimise surface subsidence. The columns positioned around the cavity, on the front of the excavation and at the foot of the centring, are executed following the MONOfluido system that consists in soil fragmentation through jets of a cement mixture at high pressure with contemporaneous mixing on site. For the stability of the cavity, a crowning of consolidated columns, O 600mm of various lengths, is therefore planned, executed from the front, and a consolidation of the front with a section of holes of different depths for the execution of the columns in safety away from the front, where break-up of the earth is necessarily provoked through the high pressure jets of cement mixture, and finally, to improve the bearing capacity of the supporting foot of the centring, the execution of consolidated sub-horizontal columns of different lengths is planned, poured up to the level of the excavation. For the zones with a preponderance of clay, for the pre-consolidations of the surroundings in front of the excavation, instead, bars of fibreglass opportunely injected at low and high pressure with a binary cement mixture will be effected. Pre-consolidation is also extended over the vault in order to assure a strip of land with improved mechanical and elastic characteristics to limit extension, during the excavation phase, of surface subsidence.

Both solutions for the project make it possible to obtain controlled deformation on the surface and limit shifting of and rotational effects on the existing buildings caused by decompression of the earth triggered during the advance of work on the tunnel. STUDIO CORONA



Trafori motorway, Torino-Milano junction, MATTIODA 1983 lot 30 bis

State road 36 " Como lake and Spluga", MATTIODA 1983 State road from Lecco to Trivio of Fuentes, lot 9 bis

Palermo-Catania motorway, variant TECNOFIELD 1983 Fichera viaduct

Genova, Serravalle motorway SPEA 1983 Brasile Tunnel restructuring work

Punta Raisi-Mazara del Vallo Motorway, SAGECO 1983 Rainwater disposal, lot 24

Bridge on S.S. 32 POSCIO 1984

Motorway itinerary completion I.B.C. 1984 Roma-L’Aquila-Villa Vomano-Teramo

Messina-Palermo motorway, CONSORZIO 1984 Capo Calavà AUT. ME-PA

Motorway itinerary completion DI GIUSEPPE 1985 Roma-L'Aquila-Teramo, section: Cadarola-Villa Vomano, Bresciano-Villa Vomano junction

Trafori motorway, section: LAURO 1986 S.S. 32 - Gravellona Toce, section: Gattico Carpugnino, lot 2

26 Trafori motorway MATTIODA 1986

Patti-Rocca di Caprileone CONSORZIO 1987 Area C section, inverted arch AUT. ME-PA in "Petraro" tunnel between 2+058,77 and 2+118,77

Road connection between Frejus tunnel ROZZI 1987 and Torino, lot 1°, Borgone junction - S.S. 25 connection to S.S. 24

III° section: Deveys-Susa (Autoporto) LUNGARINI 1987 section: Ramat Est-Susa (Autoporto) Passeggeri viaduct, lot 5 and Venaus viaduct, lot 4

III° section: Deveys-Susa (Autoporto) CAF 1987 section: Ramat Est-Susa (Autoporto) Brunetta viaduct - lot 6

Motorway Mestre-Vittorio Veneto-Pian IMI TUNNEL 1987 di Vedoia - section: Vittorio Veneto-Pian di Vedoia - lot 5

Connection between Bardonecchia and MATTIODA 1988 Rivoli - Mompantero tunnel- lot 8

Connection between Bardonecchia and F.A.R. 1988 Rivoli section: III Deveys-Susa (Autoporto) section: Ramat Est-Susa (Autoporto) Dora-Autoporto, lot 9

Road connection between the Frejus COGEI 1988 Tunnel and Torino (Ring road Nord) section: Deveys-Susa - lot 16




Connection between Bardonecchia and I.B.C. 1988 Rivoli, section VI Avigliana-Rivoli from Km. 23+426,26 to Km. 27+097,19 - lot 28

Messina-Palermo Motorway - lot 23 bis ICLA 1988

Monte Bianco-Aosta Motorway - lots 6-7 S.C.A.V. 1988

Messina-Palermo Motorway viaduct I.R.A. 1988 Malpertugio

Messina-Palermo Motorway viaduct COGEI 1988 Inganno

Messina-Palermo Motorway - lot 23 FEDERICI 1988

Aosta Ring road FOLLIOLEY 1988

Torino-Savona Motorway – additional lane DI CORATO 1989 works (II carriageway), section: Priero - Altare section: Priero-Rivere - lot 12

28 Aosta ring road system BERTINO 1989 section: Aosta Est-Border (Suaz bridge)

Connection between Bardonecchia COGEFA 1989 and Rivoli - Susa (Autoporto)-Rivoli section VI: Avigliana-Rivoli lot 29

Connection between Bardonecchia and ITINERA 1989 Rivoli - Susa (Autoporto)-Rivoli section VI: Avigliana-Rivoli lot 31

Motorway Livorno-Civitavecchia I.B.C. 1989 First section Livorno-Cecina, lot 4

Aosta-Monte Bianco Motorway DELLA MORTE 1989 Section: Sarre-Morgex, lot 10

Aosta-Monte Bianco Motorway FOLLIOLEY 1989 Section: Morgex-Sarre

Trafori Motorway ITINERA 1989 Section: S.S. 32-Gravellona Toce Section: Carpugnino-Feriolo lot 11



Trafori Motorway - section: S.S. 32- ITINERA 1989 Gravellona Toce - section: Gattico-Carpugnino

Connection between Bardonecchia and CAF 1990 Rivoli - Susa (Autoporto) - Rivoli section VI: Avigliana-Rivoli lot 27

Connection between Bardonecchia and INC 1990 Rivoli - Susa (Autoporto) - Rivoli section VI: Avigliana-Rivoli lot 30

Connection between Bardonecchia and RECCHI 1990 Rivoli - Susa (Autoporto) - Rivoli - 5° section section between Condove and S.Ambrogio-Torre del Colle - 1° extract

Motorway A7 Milano-Serravalle CODELFA 1991 enlargment to 3 lane-road of motorway platform connection A21-A26

Alcamo Junction at Fagotto CO.MA.PRE. 1991 at Km 51+240 of A29 Palermo-Mazara del Vallo

Connection between Bardonecchia CIS 1991 and Rivoli - Susa (Autoporto) - Rivoli - fifth section Section between Condove and S.Ambrogio-Torre del Colle - II° extract

Connection between Bardonecchia and ROTUNNO 1992 Rivoli - Susa (Autoporto)-Rivoli- section IV: Susa (Autoporto)-Bussoleno- lot 22

Torino ring road system B&V 1992 Drosso-Orbassano branch II° section

Torino-Bardonecchia Motorway - section ITINERA - B&V - 1992 IV: Susa (Autoporto)-Bussoleno - lot 21 IRCES

Valle d'Aosta branch, DI PENTA 1992 Monte Bianco-Aosta motorway, section: tunnel Monte Bianco-Morgex, lot 5

Connection between Bardonecchia and LOMBARDINI 1992 Rivoli-Susa (Autoporto)-Rivoli, section IV: Susa (Autoporto)-Bussoleno, section between Km. 0+000 and Km. 5+508,19 for change in course

Connection between Bardonecchia and Rivoli INC 1993 section IV: Susa (Autoporto) -Bussoleno section between Km. 0+000 and Km. 5+508,19 for change in course lot 20

Connection between Bardonecchia and LOMBARDINI 1993 Rivoli - Susa (Autoporto) - Rivoli, section VI: Susa (Autoporto)-Bussoleno, section between Km. 0+000 and Km. 5+508,19 for change in course

Trafori Motorway – Working drawings COOPCOSTRUTTORI 1993 Section S.S.32 - Gravellona Toce Section Gattico - Carpugnino from Km.0+00 to Km.18+550 - Viaduct Colorio (Work included in lot n°5) – ramification

Torino-Ivrea-Quincinetto - Ivrea-Santhià ATIVA S.P.A. 1993 Turin ring road system works Torino – Ivrea Motorway

Messina-Palermo Motorway, extension ITINERA 1994 Patti-Buonfornello, 2° section: S.Stefano di Camastra-S.Agata di Militello section: S.Agata di Militello-Caronia-"Pizzo Turda", lot 24 bis

Messina-Palermo Motorway, Patti-Buonfornello GITTO 1995 extension, 2nd section: S.Agata di Militello- Caronia-"Piano Bandiera", lot 23 ter

Messina-Palermo Motorway, Patti- FONDEDILE - 1995 Buonfornello extension, 2nd section: ICLA S.Agata di Militello-S.Stefano di Camastra- "Periano, lot 24 30 Torino-Ivrea-Quincinetto - Ivrea-Santhià ATIVA S.P.A. 1994 Torino Ring road motorway works - Orbassano-Pineralo Motorway junctions - 2nd branch

Torino-Ivrea-Quincinetto - Ivrea-Santhià ATIVA S.P.A. 1994 Torino ring road motorway system Ivrea – Santhià Motorway

Messina-Palermo Motorway Patti-Buonfernello ITINERA 1994 extension - 2nd branch: S. Stefano di Camastra - S.Agata di Militello Section: S.Agata di Militello - Caronia Lot 24 bis "Pizzo Turda"

Torino-Ivrea-Quincinetto - Ivrea-Santhià ATIVA S.P.A. 1995 Torino ring road motorway system Torino-Quincinetto - Ivrea-Santhià - Rio Ribes City of Pavone Canavese

Messina-Palermo Motorway - Patti- C.E.C 1995 Buonfernello Extension - 2nd branch: S.Agata di Militello-S. Stefano di Camastra Section: S.Agata of Militello - Caronia Lot 23 ter "Piano Bandiera" - II Extract

Autostrada dei Fiori S.p.A. - Sanremo VIALIT 1995 variant to S.S. n°1 "Aurelia" Section: Arma di Taggia - Ospedaletti Working project

Torino-Savona Motorway – Working project HERA S.P.A. 1995 for additional lane – branch Carmagnola- Piero Lot 8 and 8 bis – from Km.73+122 to Km.82+690

Interference with Rio Acque Rosse in the ATIVA S.P.A. 1995 Lessolo and Salerano area and crossing items

Pedestrail walkway on the variant ATIVA S.P.A. 1995 on s.s.n°20 in the "Sabbioni" area

Messina-Palermo Motorway - Caronia 1 GITTO 1996 tunnel - Lot 25 - 1° Extract

Messina-Palermo Motorway - Extension P&P S.C.A.R.L. 1997 Patti-Buonfornello - Working project (C.E.C.) 2° branch: S.Stefano of Camastra-S.Agata of Militello - Section: Caronia-S. Stefano of Camastra Lot 25bis "Pagliarotto"

Messina-Palermo Motorway - Extension P&P S.C.A.R.L. 1997 Patti-Buonfornello - Working project (C.E.C.) 2nd Branch: S.Stefano di Camastra-S. Agata di Militello - Section: Caronia- S.Stefano di Camastra - Lot 26 "Portale"

Torino-Ivrea-Quincinetto - Ivrea-Santhià ATIVA S.P.A. 1997 Torino ring road motorway system Motorway branch Orbassano-Pinerolo func- tional branch completion for Colombiadi coll NP1365

Messina-Palermo Motorway - 2° branch TE.DI.G. 1997 S.Stefano di Camastra-S.Agata di Militello S.C.A.R.L. Section Caronia-S.Stefano di Camastra Lot 26bis "Canneto"

Messina-Palermo Motorway - 2° branch TECNOFIN 1997 S.Stefano di Camastra-S.Agata di Militello Section Caronia-S.Stefano di Camastra Lot 27 "S.Stefano" 1° Extract

Interference with Orco river and relative ATIVA S.P.A. 1998 riverside plans

Messina-Palermo Motorway TORREMUZZA 1998 Extension Patti-Buonfornello S.C.A.R.L. (C.E.C.) 1° Branch Buonfornello - S. Stefano di Camastra - Section: S. Stefano di Camastra - Tusa - Lot: 27 ter "Torremuzza"

Salerno-Reggio Calabria Motorway Branch COOPCOSTRUTTORI 1999 2° - Section 4° - Lot 2° from Km. n213 +500 to Km. 222+000 (Altomonte exit - Serra dell'Ospedale tunnel) - Work to comply with 1° category STUDIO CORONA of the C.N.R. norms - Working project 31 LOTTI AUTOSTRADALI / MOTORWAY LOTS

Messina-Palermo Motorway - Extension POLLINA S.C.A.R.L. 1999 Patti-Buonfornello - 1° branch: Buonfornello- (C.E.C.) S. Stefano di Camastra - Section: Tusa- Castelbuono Lot 30 - 1° Extract "POLLINA"

Messina-Palermo Motorway - Extension POLLINA S.C.A.R.L. 1999 Patti-Buonfornello - 1° branch: Buonfornello- (C.E.C.) S. Stefano di Camastra - Section: Tusa- Castelbuono - Lot 30 bis "TORRE FINALE"

Salerno-Reggio Calabria Motorway C.I.R. 2000 Modernisation and adaptation works (COOPCOSTRUTTORI) branch 1 - Section 6 - Lot 3 (DG 68/97) from Km 88+657 to Km. 103+840

Siracusa-Gela Motorway 1° branch: BALDASSINI 2000 Siracusa-Rosolini TOGNOZZI Lot: 4 "Noto" - Cozzo Inferno Tunnel

Siracusa-Gela Motorway - 1° branch: BALDASSINI 2000 Siracusa-Rosolini - Lot: 5 "Rosolini" TOGNOZZI

Messina-Palermo Motorway PIANO PARADISO Extension Patti-Buonfornello S.C.A R.L. (C.E.C.) 2000 Lot 29 quater "Piano Paradiso"

Messina-Palermo Motorway - Extension POLLINA S.C.A.R.L. 2000 Patti-Buonfornello - Working project (C.E.C.) 1° Branch: Buonfornello - S. Stefano of Camastra - Section: Tusa-Castelbuono - Lot 30ter " Cozzo Minneria Tunnel " - 1° Extract

Salerno-Reggio Calabria Motorway BALDASSINI 2003 Branch 3° - Lot 4° from Km. 383+000 to TOGNOZZI Km. 393+500

Ring road Nord of Torino – widening of 4th ATIVA S.P.A. 2003 lane - Preliminary project

Construction design for adaptation of the CO.GE.FA. 2004 Bruere interchange of the Torino Motorway ring road system

Motorway (A1): Milano-Napoli - EDILFOR S.p.A. 2006 Apennine Crossing section adaptation between Sasso Marconi and Barberino of Mugello - Lots 9-10-11 - VS010/VS018 Minor works of art

DG 48/04 - Macrolot n. 2: Motorway SA SIS S.p.A. 2007 - RE – Modernisation and adaptation work to type 1/to of norms CNR/80 - branch 1°, section 7°, Lot 1°, Lot 2°, Lot 3°, Lot 4°, Lot 5°, from Km. 107+000 to Km. 139+000

Completion project of the motorway collec- COMUNE 2007 tor and of Annunziata Junction DI MESSINA

32 ASR 47/04 - Salerno - Reggio Calabria CARENA S.p.A. 2008 Motorway - Stretch 2° - Section 4° - Lot 3° from Km. 221+443 to Km. 225+800 – Modernisation works to comply with Category 1A of the C.N.R./80 norms

(A1) Milano-Napoli Motorway EDILFOR S.p.A. 2008 Works on Apennine crossing section between Sasso Marconi and Barberino di Mugello - Lots 6 and 7 - Itinerary VS6 - Requalification existing S.C.

Asti-Cuneo Motorway connection- MARIETTA S.r.l. 2009 Section: A6 (Massimini)-Cuneo – Lot 4-3: Cuneo-Castelletto Stura-Consovero

Asti-Cuneo Motorway connection - ITINERA S.p.A. 2009 Traffic barriers – Provincial road variants - Hydraulic testing

A51 – Milano East ring road- Segrate Lambrate 2009 Restructuring of Lambrate Exit and viabi- S.c.a.r.l. lity access to the City of Segrate

Salerno-Reggio Calabria Motorway - ALEANDRI S.p.A. 2009 Modernisation works to comply with Category 1A of the C.N.R./80 - Stretch 1° - Section 6° - Lot 3° (DG 68/97) from Km. 88+657

Pedemontana Piemontese – Creation of ATIVA S.p.A 2010 the A4 – A26 - Biella Motorway system Plano-altimetric project

Asti-Cuneo motorway connection - ITINERA S.p.A. 2010 Section 1 Massimini (A6) - Cuneo - Lot 5 - Cuneo S.S. 231 from km. 0+000 to km. 2+382 – Phase 2 – main works - Ronchi artificial tunnel

Orastie-Sibiu motorway working drawings SETRACO S.p.A. 2011 Lot 2




St.Vincent variant to progr. 76+000 FOLLIOLEY 1984 in the City of Chatillon

Work between Km. 41+600 and Km. VIALIT 1984 46+000 in the Barricate area - Lot 2

Work on Varese Ring road ITALVIE 1984

Dorsale Appenninica-Isernia ICORI 1985

Raccordo Anulare between Via della NATALUCCI 1985 Magliana and S.S. I "Aurelia" junction

Superstrada Gravellona Toce-Sempione, lot 2 ITINERA 1985

Superstrada Gravellona Toce-Sempione, lot 5 LAURO 1985

S.S. 445 (of Garfagnana) SALGET 1985

Superstrada Gravellona Toce-Sempione, lot 1 POSCIO 1985

Superstrada Gravellona Toce-Sempione, lot 3 SARDAVIE 1985

Rationalization of Ittiri-Usini-Tissi EDISTRA 1985 connection with S.S. 131

S.S. 340 "Regina", Variant in the tunnel CIR 1985 in Brienno built-up area

Slip road between S.S. 76-Motorway A14 MAGGIONI 1985 Ancona Falconara airport and Falconara Ovest-S.S. 16 junction

S.V. Caltanissetta-Gela, lot 5 CIR 1985

S.S. 26, section: Pont St. Martin-Verres FOLLIOLEY 1985

Carrara, Strada del Marmo EDILTIRRENA 1985

S.V. "Bradanica" Road, province of Potenza GI.CO 1986

34 S.S. 77 "Val di Chienti", section: Muccia- MAGGIONI 1986 Caccamo, MAGGIONI (Ascoli Piceno) - lot 2

S.S. 107 "Silana Crotonese" branch: DELPRATO 1986 Paola-Cosenza, Tunnel Crocetta

S.S. 1 "Aurelia", section from Follonica Nord EDILSTRADE 1987 and S.Vincenzo Nord, lot 10

S.S. 16 "Adriatica", branch: Ponte Molino-Ponte LUNGARINI 1987 Saccione, Variant out of Termoli’s built-up area

Completion 1° lot of the "Strada delle Terme" EDISTRA 1987 and construction of variant to S.S. 18 out of the built-up area of Guardia Piemontese Marina

S.S. 583 "Lariana", branch: Como-Bellagio SI.GE.CO. 1987 second Extract

Catania-Ragusa itinerary completion, PORTO TORRE 1987 1° Extract from Km. 11+150 to Km. 13+493 - S.S. 194

S.S. 36 Ring road of Lecco, I° Extract FERROCEMENTO 1987 from Via Fiandra to Corso Matteotti, lot 2

S.S. 36 Ring road of Lecco(ring-road), II° PONTELLO 1987 Extract from Corso Matteotti to Vallone S.Martino, lot 2

Catania-Ragusa itinerary completion, II° ICORI 1987 Extract section between S.S. 194 and S.S. 224

S.S. 340 DIR "Regina", branch: Menaggio- ELSE 1987 S.S. 36 entry

Junction of Bruere, widening of lane Milano- ATIVA 1987 Piacenza

Completion I° and II° branch of "Strada EDISTRA 1987 delle Terme" and construction of variant to S.S. 18 out of the built-up area of Guardia Piemontese Marina



Overall work on the section between CROSETTO 1987 Km.63+750 and 83+900, Completion 5° lot

III° lot bis of Ostigliano junction to the DAMONTE 1987 FS Station of Vallo della Lucania

Work on S.S. "Mar Piccolo"- Taranto SACIC 1987

S.S. 347 of Passo Cereda and Passo Duran, TECNOSVILUPPO 1988 adaptation and modernization work in some sections between la "Valle" and "Passo Duran"

S.S. 226 of Valle Scrivia, branch: EDILFORESTE 1988 Laccio-Busalla

S.S. 27 of Gran S.Bernardo, branch: EDILPRO 1988 Aosta-Swiss border-Gignod

S.S. 163 "Amalfitana" EDISTRA 1988

S.V. road of Val di Sangro, Colledimezzo COOPCOSTRUTTORI 1988 junction construction

S.S. 387 "dei Gerrei", work on section ROMANA SCAVI 1988 between Km. 63+750 and 83+900, lot 5

Chiaravalle work completion MAGGIONI 1988

Engineering of the urban area servicing ICORI 1989 the Industrial and Port areas of the tourist area of Porto Empedocle

S.S. 481 " Valle del Ferro", variant for the COOPCOSTRUTTORI 1989 connection of Jonio to Lucania Merid. - Chiaravalle work completion

Variant to S.S. I "Aurelia" in the built-up PROVINCIA 1989 areas of Finale Ligure and Albenga di Savona

S.S. 180 "dei due mari", Completion con- SACIS 1989 nection between motorway access and S.S. 280/racc., lot I

S.S. 388 "Mongrando", branch: Biella IBC 1989 Access to S.S. 228

S.S. 299 of Alagna, branch: S.S. 142 access LAURO 1989

S.P. "Biella-Valsesia", branch: Crocemosso- LAURO 1989 Pray biellese

36 FI-PI-LI High way road, section: Firenze- COSNA 1989 Pontedera

S.S. 80 "Gran Sasso d'Italia", branch: DI CORATO 1989 Ortolano-Teramo

S.S. 131 "Carlo Felice" High way road, PONTELLO 1989 branch: S.Simone-S.Teodoro II° Extract, lot I bis

S.S. 336 Malpensa Airport LUNGARINI 1989

S.S. 2 "Cassia", branch: bridge Elvella- BOGLIOLO 1989 Siena-Tunnel "le Chiavi"

S.S. 336 Malpensa Airport INES 1989

S.S. 89 "Garganica", High way road from LALLI 1989 toll gate of Poggio Imperiale A14 to Vieste, branch: Rodi Garganico-Vico del Gargano,lot I

Creation of II° Extract, section of S.S. 566 ITINERA 1989

S.S. 27 Gran S.Bernardo, branch: Aosta- ROSSI 1989 City of Stato

S.S. 16, S.S. 16 "Adriatica" road junction PROVINCIA di 1989 and S.P. Standina Ravenna

S.S. 28 Ring road of Mondovì SACIC 1990 with connection to 28 DIR.-564 and to A6 toll gate, lot I

Nuoro-Lanusei high way road, branch: ASTALDI 1990 Piraonni-Villanova, lot I

S.S. 86 "Istoria", branch: Belmonte of SENTE 1990 Sannio-Castiglione M. Marino

S.S. 117 "Centrale Sicula", itin. Nord-Sud, ITALSTRADE- 1990 lot 4 COSIAC

S.S. 30 "Valle Bormida", branch: Acqui RECCHI 1990 Terme-Compartimental border

S.S. 232, branch: Cascina Donna- FABIANI 1990 Bocchetto Sessera

Junction of S.S. 189 in Bivio Borgo ITALCOSTRUZIONI 1990 Pasquale (Tumarrano) as service of S.P. 26, 1° Extract

S.S. 77 "Val di Chienti", section: MAGGIONI 1990 Muccia-Caccamo

S.S. 583 "Lariana", branch: Bellagio-Lecco I.B.C. 1990

S.S. 28 "Colle del Nava", branch: of Nava DAMONTE 1990 Imperia, modernization

S.G.C. Sassari, Truncu Reale-Porto Torres, CROSETTO 1990 S.S. 131 variant

Road to S.V. Caltanissetta-Gela, RIZZANI DE 1990 preliminary project of section between ECCHER "Maddamesi" and "Carruba", lot 6

Road to S.V. Nuoro- Lanusei, branch: FERRARI 1990 Piraonni-Villanova, lot 2

S.S. 20 "Colle di Tenda", Variant on hairpin MORINO 1990 curve to Km. 104+700

S.G.C. Sassari, Truncu Reale-Porto Torres, ROSSI 1990 variant S.S. 131

S.S. 16 "Adriatica", branch: Ponte Molino- LUNGARINI 1990 Ponte Saccione, construction of a second carriageway in the section included from S.P. Termoli-Guglionesi to S.S. 87 "Sannitica"

S.S. 229-323-41-11-211, branches: MARCOLI 1990 various, connection to built-up area of Novara, lot 3 STUDIO CORONA


S.S. 45 bis "Gardesana Occidentale", IMPRESEM 1990 variant Treponti-Tormini

S.S. 10 "Padana Inferiore"- S.S. 35 "dei ITINERA 1990 Giovi"-S.S. 461 "del Penice"- Voghera Ring road, lot 1

Work on S.S. 1 "Aurelia", section: FEDERICI 1990 Follonica-Cecina, lot VI B

S.S. 118 "Corleonese Agrigentina", RAMBELLI 1990 work on section between Corleone and Agrigento

Connecting road of Salerno-R. Calabria CHIEMENTIN 1990 motorway to S.S. 585 and with built-up area of Lauria, section: S.S. 585-Lauria

S.S. 659 " Valle Antigonio and Valle LAURO 1990 Formazza", branch: from Km. 0+000 to State border

S.S. 481 " Valle Ferro" EDILCONSOL 1990

S.S. 494 "Vigevanese", branch: Confine PORTALUPI 1990 Pavese-Alessandria, Valenza ring road completion

S.S. 10 "Padana Inferiore"- S.S. 35 "dei ITINERA 1990 Giovi"- S.S. 461 " Pendice"- Casteggio ANDANTI and Voghera ring roads, lot 3

S.S. 456 "of Turchino", branch: Asti-Acqui, SOLAZZI 1991 construction of variant out of the built-up area of Nizza Monferrato, lot 2A

Strada to S.V. Nuoro-Lanusei, branch: GITTO 1991 Piraonni-Villanova, lot 4

S.S. 280 "dei due mari", Completion of con- SACIC 1991 nection between the motorway access and the S.S. 280 junction area of Germaneto, lot 2

S.S. 455 "of Pontestura", branch: Vercelli-Pontestura, VERARDI 1991 construction of variant in built-up area of Desana

Road to S.V. "Bradanica", 7 branch from GI.CO. 1991 Piani di Scaccia to junction Leonessa

S.S. 415 "Paullese", branch: Castellone- Cremona CO.MA.PRE 1991

Gardesana Occidentale, variant from EDILSTRADE 1991 Treponti to Tormini, lot 3

Road to S.V. Caltanissetta-Gela, junction ASTALDI 1991 exits for Caltanissetta and Pietraperzia

Road to S.V. Caltanissetta-Gela, construc- SARDAVIE 1991 tion of section between "Carruba" and junction for Licata, 2° Extract lot 6

S.S. 64 "Porrettana", modernisation work ASTALDI 1991 of section between Marano and Carbona, 1° Extract "Riola Ring road"

S.S. 33 "Sempione", branch: Gravellona- LAURO 1991 Toce-Iselle

S.S. 113 "Settentrionale Sicula", branch: I.C.R. 1991 from Km. 106+500 to Km. 150+000, construction of variant in Furiano

S.S. 280 "dei due mari" SACIC 1991

S.S. 659 "Valle Antigorio and Formazza" ITINERA 1991

E45 Orte-Ravenna high way road, lot 5 C.M.C. 1991

S.S. 11 "Padana Superiore", variant to the SI.GE.CO. 1991 built up areas from Urago d'Oglio (S.S. 469) to Brescia (Ring road), lot 3

S.S. 170 "Diramazione", branch: Andria-Barletta LALLI 1991

S.S. 43 "Val di Non", ringroad of the built- EDILGEMA 1991 up area of Taio, section: Mollaro-Taio

S.S. 340 "Regina", work from Cima di CARRIERO E 1991 Porlezza to State Border BALDI

38 S.S. 236 "Goitese", modernisation in sec- COOPCOSTRUTTORI 1991 tions Montechiari-Modena

National viability slip road to the new CARIBONI 1991 Provincial Road from Lecco to Ballabio, lot 0

Variant out of the built up area of Gavi ITINERA 1992 between S.P. 161 "Crenna" and S.V. 160 of Val Lemme

S.S. 256 "Muccese", Camerino variant MAGGIONI 1992

S.S. 42 External variant to the built up areas of COSIAC 1992 Capo di Ponte-Sellero-Codegolo, lots 5 and 6

S.S. 231 "Santa Vittoria", branch: Ing. FRANCO 1992 Fossano-Cuneo Fossano Ring road, lot 1

S.S. 16 "Adriatica", Variant out of the SACIC 1992 Savio built-up area

S.S. 142 "Biellese"- S.S. 229 "of Lago I.N.C. 1992 d'Orta", construction of variant in the built up areas of Cureggio-Borgomanero, lot 2

S.S. n.232 "Panoramica Zegna" - Branch: CONSORZIO 1993 cascina Donna-Bocchetto Sessera – COMUNI BIELLESI Section Cossato-Valle Mosso - Construction work project of access variant S.S. 142 "Biellese in comune of Cossato alla località Volpe - conn NP1437

Province of Cuneo – Variant west of Bra I.N.C. 1994 from S.S. 661 to S.S. 662 with connection to S.S. 231

S.S. n.38 "dello Stelvio" - Branch: Tirano- LAURO 1994 Bormio – Urgent work for the reconstruc- tion of the variant of section "Grosio- Sondalo- Bormio" (prov. of Sondrio) (progr. Km. 80+000 - 100+000) - I lot

Province of Novara - S.S. n.142 "Biellese" I.N.C. 1994 and S.S. n.229 "of lago d'Orta" - work for the reconstruction of the variant to the built up areas of Curreggio and Borgomanero II lot - ex 1442

Concession work for the construction of a I.N.C. 1994 new connection road between Via E.Brizio and the West Ring road - 2° Extract Ex 1443

S.S. n°340 "Regina" - Branch: Menaggio – CARRIERI & 1994 State border - Work from Cima di Porlezza BALDI Km. 46+200 to State border

S.S. n°469 – Urgent work project neces- ITINERA 1994 sary for the restoration of interrupted traf- fic due to removal of road section between Km. 14+500 and 14+600

S.S. n°23 "of Colle del Sestriere" requali- ATIVA S.P.A. 1994 fication of variants from Km. 31+834 (Riva of Pinerolo) to km. 56+500 (Perosa Argentina)

S.S. n°142 "Biellese" – reconstruction CIMOLAI 1994 work on 3 viaduct spans on the river Cervo

S.S. n°590 "of Val Cerrina" - Branch: LICIS 1995 Torino-Casale Monferrato – Urgent work on the variant to the S.S. n°590 - conn NPA199

S.S. n°458 "of Casal Borgone" – UNIARCAS/UNIECO 1995 Urgent work project for the reconstruction of the bridge on the river Po in the area of Chivasso to Km.0+700 - ex SNP12 conn 1455

S.S. n°106 "Jonica" - Branch: Reggio CUTRUPI 1995 Calabria-Monasterace M. Modernisation work of section between i Km. 42+000 and 48+000 - Completion work on the access to S.S: n°106

City of Campobasso – Connection road to TRE ELLE 1995 new hospital (PALLANTE) STUDIO CORONA


S.S. n°12 dell'Abetone and Brennero SACIC 1995 Construction work on variant to Isola di Scala - II Extract of progr. 3770 of progr. 6107 - Working project

Bridge on Po collapsed in Chivasso. Work COGEFA 1995 for alternative and provisional connection between Verolengo and S.Sebastiano Po through partial use of S.P. n°94 "S.Sebastiano"

S.S. n°76 "Val d'Esino" - construction ITINERA 1995 work for variant to the city of Fabriano between progr. Km.12,050 and Km. 26,380 OF Km. 12.845 - 3° lot Working project

S.S. n°105 "Of Castrovillari" – GRIMOLI 1995 Construction of Variant out of the built-up area of S.Agata d'Esaro between Km. 22+685 and Km. 23+765 Landslide recovery work

S.S. n°113 "Settentrionale Sicula" – VI.CO. Immob. e 1995 Urgent work for the Completion of s.u. VIRGA bridge consolidation on the river "Mela" to Km. 41+060 with structural recovery of the masonry-work and carriageway adaptation

S.S. N°16 "Adriatica" - Branch: Ponte LUNGARINI 1995 Molino-Ponte Saccione – Urgent work for the restructuring of piers n°6 and 7 of the Petrara viaduct to Km. 542+300, seriously damaged

Via Boschetto underpass to Cremona SI.GE.CO. 1995

S.S. n°28 of “Colle di Nava" - Branch: DAMONTE 1995 Gressio-Compartimental boundary

Completion work on the Modena ring road SACIC 1995 system – Junction with S.S. n°255 to Km. 2+383 Working project

S.S. n°4 "Salara" - Branch: Rieti-Tufo ROMANA SCAVI 1995 Urgent work for the plano-altimetric correction of S.S. n°4 "Salaria" between progr. 127+000 and 127+400

City of Cosenza - Sector LL.PP. – Public MERLO 1995 procurements tender for the engineering and construction of a bridge over the river Cratiche

S.S. n°339 "of Cengio" - Branch: LAURO 1995 Cortemilia- Compartimental border - Province of Cuneo - Urgent work on the road between Km. 14+000 and Km. 14+850

S.S. n°1 Aurelia – Work on the section COLASANTE 1995 Follonica – Cecina Completion - Lot VIB

S.S. n°388 "Mongrando" - Branch: Biella- COOPCOSTRUTTORI 1996 Access S.S:n°228 – Working project for construction of variant between Biella and Mongrando

S.S. n°647 - centre n°2 - Nucleus 5° TRE ELLE 1996 Urgent work project for the reconstruction of the span and static recovery of the ele- ments of the viaduct "grotta del Mulino"

Access to 1997 Ski Championships SACIC 1996 Val di Susa - viability Oulx - Cesana (S.S. n°24 ) - 1° Extract – Section between Oulx (Moretta) and Cesana Torinese - Conn NP1506

S.S. n°9 "Via Emilia" - Variant out SACIC 1996 of the built-up area of Anzola between Km. 122+250 and Km.126+430

Reconstruction work on bridge over the INTERSTRADE 1996 river Ellero along the road connecting Noreo and Baracco

40 S.S. n°29 "of Colle of Cadibona" Project IBC 1996 for construction work of the variant out of the built-up area of Montà at Km. 40+100 to Km. 45+400

S.S. n°339 "Of Cengio" - Branch: CAVEBI 1996 Cortemilia-Compartment border Urgent work for the reconstruction and work on the road between Km. 1+800 and 3 +000

S.S. n°24 "of Monginevro" - RUSCALLA 1996 Branch: Oulx- Stato border- Construction on the Variant to S.S.n°24 of Monginevro in the area of Cesana. 1° Extract functional working project

S.S. n°460 "of Ceresole R." - Branch: MATTIODA 1996 Cuorgnè-Ceresole Reale - Urgent work for a variant to eliminate the landslide and avalanche danger between Km. 74+400 and Km. 78+250 - II Lot

S.S. n°28 "of Colle di Nava" -Province of CONICOS/SACIC 1996 Cuneo - Mondovì ring road project with connection to 28DIR - 564 and to A6 toll gate - 2° Lot: between S.S. 564 and S.P. Villanova-Mondovì

S.S. n°28 dir - Branch: Mondovì-Carrù- CONICOS 1996 Bastia - Province of Cuneo – Nov. 1994 flood damage – Final recovery : bridge reconstruction project over the river Tanaro to Km. 8+800

Aosta ring road system - East Aosta LICIS 1996 Branch - Border (Pont Suaz) East Aosta junction sliproad variant within the requali- fication project of the Truck terminal area of Aosta - Working project

S.S. n°117 "Centrale Sicula" – Itinerary ANAS - PALERMO 1996 North-South- Variant branch 7 access Strada Comunale Paravola - ex SNP26 delivered as NP1285

S.P. "Ghislarengo" – border with province LAURO 1996 of Novara - reconstruction work on Sesia river bridge - Tender

S.S. n°12 dell'Abetone and of Brennero SACIC 1996 Construction work for variant of Isola di Scala I Extract from progr. 0 to progr. 3770 - Working project

S.S. N°453 "of Valle Arroscia" GRASSETTO 1996 Neva river bridge restructuring between Km. 21+775 and Km. 22+970 at Bastia - conn 1470

East-West connection of the built-up GARBOLI-CONICOS 1996 area of Cuneo and interconnection of suburban viability (S.S. n° 20 and 22) as variant

S.S. n°117 "Centrale Sicula" - Branch: ANAS - PALERMO 1996 from Km. 0+000 to Km. 35+000 - Province of Messina – Work on section between i Km.10+000 and 10+300 - conn NP A522

State Road n°117 "Centrale Sicula" ANAS - PALERMO 1997 Itinerary North-South - Lot B5 – Project for work between km. 38+700 and Km. 42+600 at the junction with S.S. 120 and the Nicosia junction - conn NP1479

Interconnection between state roads n°9 - GRASSETTO 1997 n°235 - n°472 – Lodi East ring road

S.S.33 "del Sempione" - Branch: LAURO 1997 Gravellona Toce-Iselle - Province of Novara – Work on section between Km. 131+750 and state border Lot 1° conn NP1486 STUDIO CORONA


Province of Novara - S.S. n° 229-32-341- MARCOLI 1997 11 and 211 - Working project on connec- tion out of the built-up area of Novara – Lot 4: between S.S. 211 (Km. 47+150) and S.S. 11 (Km. 90+400) - conn NP1487

MINISTERO DEI LAVORI PUBBLICI CONEROSOCIETA' 1997 (Ministry of Public Works)- General CONSORTILE Direction of State construction and special services TECHNICAL DEPARTMENT City of ANCONA Reconstruction project - Law 12/08/1993 N.317 Working project to complete overpass and variant to S.S. 16

Comune of Messina – Project for the GITTO 1997 construction of the Giostra motorway junction, north motorway collector from Giostra to Annunziata junction , Annunziata motorway junction 3° Lot – North collector - Junction Annunziata

Substitute road network infrastructure C.I.R. 1998 project of S.S. 125 "Orientale Sarda" COSTRUZIONI Branch: Priamo-Capo Boi – Working (COOPCOSTRUTTORI) project - Lot 1

S.S. n.20 “Colle di Tenda” - Branch: UNIECO PREVE 1998 Cuneo-State border - Province of CN Variant project in the Cuneo section ( Monviso) - Vernante (bridge Siro) with exits on S.S. 21 and on the provincial road netwiork Lot 2° - Sliproads in Roccavione and in Robilante

S.P. n.126 "Bubbio-Madonna of neve" - ALPE STRADE 1998 Project for the construction of a new brid- ge on the river Bormida to Km.0+300 in Bubbio

Highway road between Licata (S.S. 123) COOPCOSTRUTTORI 1998 and Braemi river (access S.V. Caltanissetta-Gela) - Lot n. 8 - First Extract – Construction work for section between Callara and Cipolla at Km. 3+839.32

S.S. 117 "Centrale Sicula" – Viability reco- ANAS - PALERMO 1998 very in the section interrupted by a land- slide between Km. 23+200 and 25+000

Grande raccordo anulare motorway. Work GLEISMAC 1998 on the 3 carriegeways for each direction - ITALIANA Lot 18b - from Km. 41+165 to Km. 43+280 - ex APP7 conn NPA110

S.S. 131 "Carlo Felice" – Work on State COOPCOSTRUTTORI 1998 road and to eliminate on-grade intersec- tions - Exits of Mogoro

Borgosesia - New bridge on Sesia river to C.I.S. 1998 to S.S. 299 at Km. 42+200 in "Curva di Suora"

Highway road between Licata (S.S. 123) HERA S.P.A. 1998 and Braemi river (access S.V. Caltanissetta-Gela) – Working project for the construction of section between Cipolla and Caltanissetta-Gela at Km. 2+675,05 - Lot 8 - 2° Extract

S.S.V. Licata - River Braemi - Section ANAS - PALERMO 1998 between the S. Antonio and Tallarita viaducts

S.S. 120 “dell'Etna e delle Madonie” ANAS - PALERMO 1998 Province of Enna – Final and working project for urgent work needed to avoid the section with a landslide between 131+650 and 132+200 (172) conn NP1472

S.S. n° 184 "Delle Gambarie" – COOPCOSTRUTTORI 1999 Construction work of S.S.V. "Gallico - Gambarie" - Lot 1° (Section A3 - Prov. 42 Pettogallico) S.S. n. 106 "Jonica" - Branch: Km. COOPCOSTRUTTORI 1999 123+300 Km. 162+860 – Work for the construction of new bridge on the river Ancinale as prosecution to the Variant of Soverato and the junction with the "Trasversale delle Serre"

Working project - S.P. N°67 of Lovernatico LAURO 1999 Correction and widening work between Km. 8.800+900 as well as masonry

Anas - Cagliari - Working project New SS S.C.A. 1999 125 Orientale Sarda – Branch Tertenia- Tortolì - 2° Lot - 2° Extract

Variant of S.S. n. 14 (Venezia Giulia) to COOPCOSTRUTTORI 1999 the South of the city of San Donà del Piave - II° lot from S.P. n. 47 – Passarella area to S.P. n. 54 - Z.I. San Donà del Piave - Working project

Autonomous Province of Trento – P.A.T.494 1999 Appointment of E. Marro as ocoordinator of work and update o the project of the Taio section ringroad: Segno-Taio on S.S. 43

Working project for construction work on ANAS - 1999 highway road S. Simone - S. Teodoro CAGLIARI (Stazzareddu) - Lot 4 - Conn A452

Working project for construction work on ANAS - 1999 highway road S. Simone - S. Teodoro CAGLIARI (Stazzareddu) - Lot 5 - Conn A453

S.S. 231 "Santa Vittoria" - Branch: GRASSETTO 1999 Cuneo- Bra - construction work on Fossano ring road - I° lot – Load testing

State Road n. 24 of Monginevro 1997 SEAS 1999 World Ski Championships – Work to access the section between Oulx-Cesana Torinese - I° Extract section between Oulx “Frazione Moretta” and Cesana Torinese - Intervention of 1° phase - Completion work between the sections 1 and 62 - Working project - conn A110

Connection road project between the inter- CIR 1999 nal areas Mussomeli, S.Giovanni Gemini and COSTRUZIONI Agrigento-Palermo highway road (SS. 189) (DI VINCENZO)

State road N. 229 "Lago d'Orta" - Branch: LAURO 2000 Novara-Gravellona Toce - Omegna ringroad- Province of V.C.O. - Urgent work for the reconstruction of Bridge on Rio Inferno

Preliminary project of South-West Asti Ring SITRACI S.P.A. 2000 road Sud-Ovest with connection between A21 "Torino - Piacenza" to toll gate of Asti Ovest and South Asti Ring road (S.S. N. 231) to cross Tanaro river through a viaduct and access on lot 2.1 of Asti-Cuneo in construction

Province of Torino viability sector II S.P. n° PAVIMENTAZIONE 2000 1 “direttissima delle Valli di Lanzo” variant MODERNA at Chialambertetto di Balme - Bridge (ARTUSO) "Balme" on Stura river

Working project on type III CNR of 7° lot GLEISMAC 2000 of S.S. 106 "Jonica"

S.S. 260 "Picente" - Branch: Access S.S. ROMANA SCAVI 2000 80-Province of Rieti border- Project for the construction of variant to Pizzoli up to the fork for Cagnano Amiterno - II° Lot

Torino - Piacenza motorway crossings ATIVA S.P.A. 2000 and complementary works for protection and for meteoric water runoffs in Volvera 1° branch 2° lot

Azienda Acque Metropolitane – Scalenghe A.A.M. 2000 Aqueduct- Urgent work to support and STUDIO CORONA restructure the aqueduct bridge on the Sangone river in Beinasco 43 LOTTI STRADALI / ROAD LOTS

Professional assignment to draw up a PROVINCIA 2001 preliminary project for a new connection di Asti between Nizza-Canelli in substitution of S.S. n. 592- conn 1201

S.S. 24 Monginevro – Work to access the MONGINEVRO scrl 2001 section between Oulx-Cesana Torinese I° Extract – 2nd phase Completion works between the sections 62 and 204

Working project of construction work on FE.IRA 2001 highway road S. Simone-S. Teodoro (FERRARI) (Stazzareddu) - Lot 4 - Conn A320

Working project of construction work on IRCES 2001 highway road S. Simone-S. Teodoro (Stazzareddu)- Lot 5 - Conn A321

Estimated metric calculation of work for TOROC 2001 the construction of variant in the built-up area of Porte at S.S. 23 "Colle di Sestriere" – Final project

Final and working engineering project on the ATIVA S.P.A. 2001 Torino ring road motorway system Bruere interchange with relative Safety plan APP97

Widening of 4th lane in North ring road – ATIVA S.P.A. 2002 Preliminary project - conn NP A523

New S.S. 125 "Orientale Sarda" - Branch: ROMANA SCAVI 2002 Tertenia-S. Priamo - 3° Lot - 2° Extract: Murtas-Muravera – Detail project

Working project - New S.S. 125 Orientale BALDASSINI- 2002 Sarda Branch: Tertenia-Tortolì - 2° lot - 3° TOGNOZZI Extract

Variant to built-up area of Porte S.S. 23 AGENZIA 2002 Sestriere - APP 13 TORINO 2006

S. S. n° 117 "Centrale Sicula" Work on ANAS - PALERMO 2003 section between Km. 10+000 and 10+300

Requalification work along S. P. n° 236 PROVINCIA 2003 "Crevacuore-Sostegno" DI BIELLA

ARES Piemonte - Ring road slip road sec- ARES PIEMONTE 2003 tion of connection between S. R. n° 11 and S. R. n° 590 Gassino bridge

Connection out of the built-up area of MARCOLI 2004 Novara between S. S. n° 299-229-32 - Lot 0 - Lot 1 - Preliminary project

S. S. n° 33 "Sempione" variant between ANAS - TORINO 2004 Varzo and State border

S. S. n° 655 "Bradanica" - 1° branch 3° ALEANDRI 2004 lot "S. Maria d'Irsi" - Working project

S. S. n° 460 "Ceresole" - Branch: Caselle- PIANO LAGO 2004 Ceresole - Construction work of an artifi- CALCESTRUZZI cial rock fall tunnel and work on hydraulic embankment

Province of Reggio Calabria – Road section S.T.I. 2004 project of Bovalino-Bagnara

Hydraulic embankment and environmental COGEIS 2004 work at the Ivrea river junction - 4° lot

S. S. n° 16 "Adriatica" - Branch: Cerignola ALEANDRI 2004 variant - Modernisation work

Variant Cossato-Vallemosso-Trivero and LAURO 2004 Variant Canton-Colombo-Mottalciata and Mottalciata roundabout

Autonomous Province of Trento – Variants PROVINCIA 2004 and work on S.S. 43 "Valle id Non" and AUTONOMA DI Taio ringroad TRENTO

S.S. 655 "Bradanica" - 1° branch - 3° lot ALEANDRI S.p.A. 2004 "S. Maria d'Irsi"

Feasibility project o for the connection SITRACI 2004 between the Fossano Variant (San Sebastiano) and the Asti-Cuneo motorway toll gate 44 S.S.131 "Carlo Felice" Highway road – ALEANDRI S.p.A. 2004 Work on state road and to eliminate on-grade intersections in the built-up area of Sanluri

Province of Imperia - Pieve di Teco - S.S. LAURO 2004 28 "Colle di Nava" – Work on variant in the built-up area of Pieve di Teco

Work on sect. III C.N.R./80 from Km. ALEANDRI S.p.A. 2005 10+150 of S.S. 99 to the access with S.S. 7 near Matera - 3° branch Altamura-Matera

Province of Imperia - Chiusavecchia - CARENA S.p.A. 2005 S.S. 28 "Colle di Nava" - Branch: Ponte di Nava - Imperia – Working project of Chiusavecchia variant

S.S. 7 "Appia" – Road work to the type ALEANDRI S.p.A. 2005 III° section of the CNR norms - Grottaglie- Brindisi Section - Lot VI° - from km. 719+220 to km.

ARES PIEMONTE - Poirino variant COGEFA S.p.A. 2005 at S.R. 29

Construction work of variant to the built CERUTTI 2005 up areas of of Cureggio and Borgomanero LORENZO S.r.l. - Lot 2 Work for the completion of the section between ex S.S. 32 dir and ex S.S. 142.

S.S. n. 106 "Jonica" - Branch: EUROPEA 2005 km. 123+300 *km.162+860 92 S.p.A. Work for the construction of new bridge on the river Ancinale

S.S. 45bis "Gardesana Occidentale" - GARDESANA 2005 Branch: Salò - Compartment border - S.C.A.R.L. Urgent work project for the construction of "Punta Forbisicle" tunnel from progr. Km 92+586 to progr. Km 93+432

Working project to build the ring road in CARENA S.p.A. 2008 the built-up area of Chiusole on S.P. n. 90 Right Adige

Province of Ancona - S.S. n° 76 ALEANDRI S.p.A. 2008 "Val d'Esino" - Junction for the connection of the intermodal centre of Jesi

S.S. n° 39 "Passo di Aprica" - Branch: CIR S.p.A. 2009 Tresenda-Edolo – Project for road work and carriageway widening

Urban road from Via Lungomare Canepa to ATI: 2009 Piazza Savio, sliproad with ANAS viability CARENA S.p.A. on right bak on the Polcevera river and CODELFA S.p.A. civil works OMBA

S.S. n° 17 Ter "Dell'Appennino Abruzzese LIS S.p.A. 2009 and Appulo-Sannitico" - Branch: Antrodoco - Navelli - Variant South of the built-up area of L'Aquila – Slip road between Mausonia consortium and S.S. 17 ter - 2° lot

Variant to the built-up area of the City CITTA' DI ALBA 2010 of Alba for the connection between the regional road for Cortemilia-Savona and the Asti-Cuneo-Torino ring road "3° Bridge"

Construction work on the conduct from SALVATORE 2010 Monte Ciminiello turret to the fence of the MATARRESE S.p.A new tank of San Paolo, including the inter- SIMEONE Nicola & connection chambers with the existing Figlio S.r.l. scheme at the Monte Ciminiello turret and the Monte Maialino turret and all the works relating to loading and vent – Sinni Aqueduct – 1° Lot

Construction work of South-East variant LAURO S.p.A. 2011 in the built-up area of Romagnano Sesia along the S.P. n° 299 "of Valsesia" New link road connecting the new ICG2 S.p.A. 2011 STUDIO CORONA Carmagnola Sud toll gate on the Torino-Savona A6 motorway with Ex S.S. 20 and Ex S.S. 661 45 GALLERIE TUNNELLINGS


S.S. 340 "Regina", branch: Menaggio- CARRIERO & 1991 State border. Works from Cima di Porlezza BALDI Km. 46+200 to State border Km. 52+300 - 1° lot from S. Mamete to State border of progr. 50+690 to progr. Km. 52+300

Morish-Jerusalem Development Company GITTO 1992 Ltd - Route 4 "Mai Naftoach Tunnel"

Motorway Messina-Palermo, Extension ITINERA 1992 Patti-Buonfornello, 2° branch: S.Stefano di Camastra-S.Agata di Militello, section: S.Agata di Militello-Caronia, lot 24 bis "Pizzo Turda" GITTO 1992 Messina-Palermo motorway, extension Patti-Buonfornello, 2° extract: S. Agata di Militello-Caronia "Piano Bandiera", lot 23 ter TODINI 1992 Access to 1997 World Ski Champioships , Val di Susa-Oulx ringroad, access from Sauze d'Oulx to connection to A32, lot 1

Modernisation work of S.S. from Darfo to COSIAC 1992 Edolo, variant in the built-up areas of Capo di Ponte , Sellero and Cedegolo 5°-6° lot from Km. 25+751.82 to Km. 34+355,68

Motorway Torino-Bardonecchia-Susa I.N.C. 1992 (Autoporto/truck terminal)-Rivoli, branch IV: Susa (Autoporto/truck terminal)- Bussoleno, new working project of section between Km. 0+000 and Km. 5+508.19 for variation of new layout

S.S. 859 of Valle Antigorlo-Formazza, ITINERA 1992 variant between Km 27,400 to Km 29.570 to eliminate series of hairpin curves in "le Casse"

S.S. 280 "dei due mari", work to confer SACIC 1992 motorway characteristics to the branch from Km. 18+200 to Km. 25+800

S.S. 33 "of Sempione" - S.S. 859 LAURO 1992 "Valle Antigorio a Formazza", Completion work with the construction of "Pontemaglio" tunnel

S.S. 1 Aurelia, work on Follonica-Cecina FEDERICI 1992 section , lot VI B

S.S. 47 of Valsugana, province of Trento, SALGET 1992 project for additional lane work for Ponte Alto-Rio Farinella section

S.S. 89 Garganica, high way road itinerary LALLI 1992 from Poggio Imperiale A14 toll gate to Visate, branch: Rodi Garganico-Vico of Gargano, lot 1 Extract B

Connection between Bardonecchia and ITINERA 1992 Rivoli- Susa (Autoporto/truck terminal)- Rivoli, branch IV: Avigliana-Rivoli, lot 31: from Km. 32+206.64 to Km. 34+602.00

Variant out of the built-up area of Gavi ITINERA 1992 Ligure for connection between S.P. 161 "Cranna" and S.P. 180 "Val Lemme"

S.S. 36, Construction work project of con- CARIBONI 1992 necting road between thoroughfare of Lecco and Valsassina S.S. 27 of Gran S.Bernardo, branch: Aosta-Swiss border, Construction work project for the variant of Gignod between Km. 8+175 and Km. 7+783

Messina-Palermo motorway, Extension ITINERA 1993 Patti-Buonfornello 2° Extract: S.Agata di Militello-Caronia, lot 25 "Tunnel Caronia"

S.S. n°25 "of Valtrebbia" - Work from Km. GITTO 1996 40+300 to Km. 40+900 – Serra tunnel

S.S. n°45 "Val Trebbia" - Work from Km. DI PENTA 1994 40+300 to Km. 40+900 – Serra tunnel

Urgent work on the flyover floor at Km. 184+ MONTEBRUNO 1994 870 and lowering of the carriageway between the progressive 184+920 and 184+600 46 STUDIO CORONA


S.S. n°28 "Colle di Nava" - Urgent work CICUTIN 1995 for the construction of a rockfall tunnel between Km. 57+650 and Km. 57-820 for the construction of the road hit by a landslide ex SNP14 conn NP457

S.S.n°459 "Valle Antigorio e Formazza" EDILCONSOL 1995 Consolidation work out of a crater on the vertical of a tunnel at progr. 0+659 at the south entrance for the construction work variant between Km.27+400 and Km.29+570 to eliminate a series of hairpin curves in the area of "Le Casse"

S.S.n°339 "Cengio" - Branch: Cortemilia PORTALUPI 1995 Compartment border - Urgent work for the construction of rockfall tunnel at Km.20+400

Messina-Palermo Motorway - Tunnel of GITTO 1996 Caronia 1 - Lot 25 - 1° Extract

Urgent work to consolidate a section of the LICIS 1996 tunnel in Gavi Ligure (connection SSPP 160-161) damaged by a calamitous event in Nov. 1994

S.S. n°142 "Biellese" - Branch: Biella- MATTIODA S.p.A. 1996 Rolino Construction work of Variant between Biella and Rolino - 3° Lot of S.P. of Castellato Cervo to S.P. of Buronzo – Overall working project

Messina-Palermo Motorway – Extension P & P S.C.A.R.L. 1997 Patti-Buonfornello - Working project 2° (C.E.C.) branch: S.Stefano di Camastra-S.Agata di Militello - Section: Caronia-S. Stefano di Camastra - Lot 25bis "Pagliarotto"

Messina-Palermo Motorway – Extension P & P S.C.A.R.L. 1997 Patti-Buonfornello - Working project 2° (C.E.C.) Branch: S.Stefano di Camastra- S. Agata di Militello - Section: Caronia- S.Stefano di Camastra - Lot 26 "Portale"

Torino-Ivrea-Quincinetto - Ivrea-Santhià ATIVA S.P.A. 1997 Torino ring road motorway system Motorway ramification Orbassano - Pinerolo Completion branch functional for the Colombiadi conn. NP1365

S.S. 418 "Of Serra" - Project for functional BETTI - BERTINO 1997 recovery work of Serra tunnel facing

Motor-and-truckway of Cisa S.p.TO. – GRASSETTO 1997 Parma Modernisation work of S.S: n°308 and n°523 between Ghiere and Berceto and the Bertorella crossroads under ANAS (interconnection with Cisa A15 motorway) Construction project 2° section from Roccamurata to Ostiaparmense

S.S. n°301 "of Foscagno" - Branch: Passo LAURO S.p.A. 1997 Foscagno - Livigno – Survey on urgent work to eliminate danger of landslide through an artificial tunnel between pro- gressive Km. 25+200 and Km. 25+700

Motorway Brennero - Trento – work on OBEROSLER 1997 recovery on cardano tunnel

Motorway ME-PA - 2° branch - S.Stefano di TE.DI.G. scarl 1997 Camastra - S.Agata di Militello Section Caronia - S.Stefano di Camastra Lot 26bis "Canneto"

48 Railway line F.S. Torino-Ceres - Satti - CFT 2000 1998 Torino Verification project. Station bay piazzali of tratta alta

S.S. 112 "d'Aspromonte" - Project for work COOPCOSTRUTTORI 1998 needed to eliminate danger between Km. 61+000 and Km. 62+100 Tunnel "C"

S. S. n° 21 "Colle della Maddalena" Final ANAS - TORINO 2003 project for pilot hole

Automatic subway in Torino Engineering TEC S.r.l. 2003 line, test of prefab segments

Work on S.S. 24 of Monginevro in the Cesana Torinese - Claviere section MATTIODA S.p.A. 2004 including the crossing in the built-up area of Claviere

Creation of variant S.S. 589 dei Laghi di SITALFA S.p.A. 2004 Avigliana in Avigliana and Trana - Lot 2

Province of Imperia - Pieve di Teco - LAURO S.p.A. 2004 S.S. 28 "Colle di Nava" – Work and modernisation of Variant in the built-up area of Pieve di Teco

Province of Imperia - Chiusavecchia - CARENA S.p.A. 2005 S.S. 28 "Colle di Nava" - Branch: Ponte di Nava - Imperia – Working project of Chiusavecchia variant

Automatic subway in Torino - COGEFA S.p.A. 2005 Line 1 South Extension - LAURO S.p.A. Section Porta Nuova – Marconi

S.S. 45bis "Gardesana Occidentale" - GARDESANA 2005 Branch: Salò - Compartiment border - S.C.A.R.L. Project for urgent work for the construction of "Punta Forbisicle" tunnel from Km 92+586 to Km 93+432

Modernization and implementation of MATTIODA S.p.A. 2006 safety measures on S.S. 23 of Sestriere from Perosa Argentina to Cesana Torinese. Fenestrelle tunnel

Sicilian Region - Favara di Burgio aqueduct FABUR Soc. 2007 restructuring – Santa Rosalia Ribera tunnel Cons. a R.L.

Completion project of motorway collector COMUNE 2007 and of the Annunziata junction DI MESSINA

Work to speed up the Palermo - Agrigento CARIBONI STRADE 2007 railway line - I° Extract E GALLERIE S.p.A.

Working project to create a ring road in CARENA S.p.A. 2008 the built-up area of Chiusole on S.P. n. 90 Right Adige

ASR 47/04 - Salerno – Reggio Calabria CARENA S.p.A. 2008 motorway - Branch 2° - Section 4° - Lot 3° from Km. 221+443 to Km. 225+800 – Modernisation work and compliance with category 1A of the C.N.R./80 norms

New mechanised system of transport to COMUNE DI 2010 connect c "Via Cantore - Villa Scassi" GENOVA




Cuneo-Ventimiglia line, area of Ventimiglia S.C.A. 1973 and viaduct Scarassoui in France

Torino-Milano line, flyover to Saluggia S.C.A. 1975

Torino-Genova line, flyover to Villanova VIALIT 1974

Railway flyover in Via O. Vigliani to Torino VIALIT 1979

Torino-Trofarello line, quadruplication VIALIT 1980

Asti-Ovada line, flyover to Mongardino LICIS 1974

Bra-Alba line, artificial tunnel SANTINI 1975

Santhià-Arona line, bridge on Cervo SICOS 1975

S. Paolo of Torino rail to road interchange CAROLA 1976

S. Giuseppe-Acqui line, railway flyover ALPE STRADE 1977 Km. 29+170 and Km. 28+417

Firenze-Bologna line, recovery GEOTHEM 1977 and widening works

Railway offices extention in Porta Nuova VITTORIA 1977 in Torino

Torino-Lanzo line, railway flyover to VITTORIA 1977 Venaria

Genova-Ventimiglia line, Imperia station DAMONTE 1977 supporting walls

Milano-Venezia line to Verona, repair work CAVE STRADE 1977

50 Cantalupo-Cavallermaggiore Line, MARCARINO 1977 artificial tunnel

Torino-Genova Line, Torino-Trofarello qua- CARENA 1978 druplication

Cuneo-Ventimiglia line, avalanche shelter CARENA 1979 Km. 32+534

Torino-Modane line, Exilles rockfall station ASFALTI SINTEX 1979

South Ring road underpass, CIS 1979 Orbassano switch-yard

Mores-Chilivani line , EDISTRA 1979 flyover Strada Provinciale

Genova-Savona line, BERTOLO 1979 railway flyover to Voltri

Asti-Monferrato line, iron bridges RUSCALLA 1979

Torino-Modane railway, Rivo Combassa CIS 1979 bridge protection and construction of two artificial tunnel sections

Chilivani railway line EDISTRA 1980

Novara station suspended tank LICIS 1983

Vercelli - Project works to recover LAURO 1994 the Belvedere railway flyover

Concession for the work necessary ITINERA 1996 to modernize and potentiate the railway Torino-Ceres S.S.E. Germagnano – railway flyover S. Maurizio – Caselle undersground station



PA-ME railway line – Creation of double I.R.A. 2000 track in section Pace di Mela Rometta from Km. 1+411.66 to Km. 4+858.46

U.O. Tunnel - Working project – Palermo- S.C.A. 2000 Messina railway line – Messina-Patti doubling up - Section : Rometta-Pace di Mela from Km. 4+326.56 to Km. 5+072.56

Torino-Ceres railway- Recovery of flood SATTI 2000 damages on 13/10 to the bridge at 7+995 in Stura di Venaria

SATTI S.p.TO. Turin automatic subway - GRASSETTO 2001 Line 1 Section Fermi-Pozzo Strada Lot 3° Yard project consulting services

Ferrovie dello Stato - Line: Milano-Napoli Ing. RODRIQUEZ 2001 Section: Roma-Napoli – Test

Turin automatic subway – Line 1 Section: ITER 2001 Deposit-Fermi

PA-ME railway line - Creation of double FE.IRA 2002 track in section Pace di Mela Rometta from (FERRARI) Km. 0+000,00 to Km. 1+411,66

CAV. TO. MI. - Junction of Settimo Torinese CAVSETTIMO 2003 on A4 – Supporting walls

Palermo-Messina railway line Creation FE. IRA 2003 of civil works for Rometta station from Km. 8+386,43 to Km. 9+410,23 - New underpass of Rometta

Railway line speed-up Palermo -Agrigento CARIBONI STRADE 2007 - I° Extract E GALLERIE S.p.A.

Plano-altimetric project and construction of MUNICIPALITA' 2008 1st subway line of Almaty in Kazakhstan DI ALMATY (KAZAKHISTAN)




Port of Monaco pier Ing. IORI 1970

Punta Arenas Pier in Argentina IMPRESIT 1970

Monaco hospital landslide Ing. IORI 1970

Hotel Bristol, Monaco Principality Ing. IORI 1971

Condominium "Bel Air", Monaco Principality Ing. IORI 1971

Immeuble "H", Monaco Principality Ing. IORI 1971

Condominium "Les Caravelles" to Monaco Ing. IORI 1971 Principality

Basketball stadium covering, Monaco Ing. IORI 1971 Principality

Prisco port in Perù, general markets IMPRESIT 1971

Aluar plant of Puerto Madryn, Argentina - Chubut IMPRESIT 1972

Residential area in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia GENGHINI 1972

Tank in Annata, Algeria COSTRA 1972

Tiarret plant in Algeria FIAT ENGINEERING 1972

Depuration plants in Frejus, France Ing. IORI 1973

Sewage system of Tripoli, Libya Ing. PIA 1973

Gaz de France, methane pipeline in France INCISA 1973

Italian Embassy in Kabul-Afghanistan, Arch. BRUNO 1984 structural engineering design

State of Israel, Ministry of Construction GITTO 1992 & Housing, Public Works Department, Road n. 60 Har Gilo Tunnel

Moriah, Jerusalem Development Company GITTO 1994 Ltd, Route 4, "Mai Naftoach Tunnel"

Tunisia – Societè Nationale des Cherrins ITINERA 1994 de Fer Tunisien – Work on mountain range Oued Siliana crossing of line 6 pk 105:821

Tender - river Agueda viaduct SACIC 1994

Moriah - Jerusalem Developement Company GITTO 1994 Ltd - Route 4 - "Mai Naftoach Tunnel"

Hoce - Arja Vas Motorway – Slovenske ITINERA 1995 Konjice subsection

Singapore light subway DEAL 1995

Construction of wharf caissons in Mikonos port LUNGARINI 1996

54 Construction of due bridges and parallel work ITINERA 1996 in the section Gournes-Penisola of the north- ern road axis of Southern Crete – Bridges over the river Aposelmi

Wadi Haddada Tunnel, Amman GITTO 1996

Taiwan Area National Expressway Engineering I.N.C. 1997 Bureau - Ministry of Trasportation and Communications Repubblic of China Second Freeway extention project

The Hoshemin Kingdam of Jordan - Ministry GITTO 1997 of work and irrigation, water authority of Jourdan Improvement of the Anman-Alsmara - Waste water project construction of Macka tunnel

Motorway Koper-Lendava Tender consultancy GRASSETTO 1998 services

Crinikal viaduct design ITINERA 1998

Wadi - Mudiq - Gillay tunnel C.E.C. 1998

AC Koper-Lendava with adjoining arms GRASSETTO 1999 Section: 7 Blagovica-Šentjakob - SubSection: 7/2 Lukovica-Šentjakob from 0.000 km - 11.660 km - Consulenza per offerta of gara

Autoroute Est-Ovest - Troncon Lakadara - C.E.C. 2000 Uaison RN5 - Lot "Tunnel"

Bridge on Orashi river GITTO 2000

Rieka-Zagabria Motorway - Lot 1° (Tender) COOPCOSTRUTTORI 2001

State of Israel - Kikar Zahal Tunnel in Jerusalem C.E.C. 2001

Project Bodo Bonny Road in Nigeria Final, C.E.C. 2003 working and yard project

Federal Ministry of Works Mabushi – Abuja C.E.C. 2003 Project Itidigi Bridge and Approaach Roads Abba Omega - Itidigi Ediba - Ugep Road Route 44 (F113), in cross river state



Preliminary study of a road tunnel near C.E.C. PLT 2004 Makeni

Intercomunal collector of Algeri–Geotechnic- GI.CO. S.p.A. 2004 structural consutancy services assignment

Preliminary study for Benin City overpass C.E.C. PLT 2004

Shopping Centre C.E.C. PLT 2004

United Republic of Tanzania - The board of C.E.C. PLT 2005 trustees of the national social security fund Tender no. 009 of 2003/04 - Proposal technical for the Kigamboni Bridge Project Dar Es Salaam

Engineering for bridge on the Highway C.E.C. PLT 2005 Freetown - Conakry - Sierra Leone

Mbiama - Warri Road C.E.C. PLT 2006

Gitto Abuja Tower CORONA NIGERIA 2007

Romania - Directia Regionala Craiova COMPANIA NATIONALA 2007 Lot 6 - DN 67 Km. 39+076 DE AUTOSTRAZI SI Work on bridges DRUMURI NATIONALE S.A

Romania - Directia Regionala Craiova COMPANIA NATIONALA 2007 Lot 17 - DN 67B Km. 137+481 DE AUTOSTRAZI SI Work on bridges DRUMURI NATIONALE S.A

Plano-altimetric project and construction MUNICIPALITA' 2008 of 1st subway line of Almaty DI ALMATY in Kazakhstan (KAZAKHISTAN)

Dakar Tower CORONA SENEGAL 2009

Consultancy services to European community COMUNITA' 2010 Contract Lot 2 - Transportation and Infrastructures EUROPEA

Bangalore Metro Rail Project - Consultancy GEODATA S.p.A. 2010 for City Market - Chickpet stations tender

Chennai Metro Rail - Phase 1 Consultancy for GEODATA S.p.A. 2010 Lot 1 tender

Cile-Argentina railway line- Study of alterna- SEA 2010 tive plano-altimetric layout CONSULTING Srl

Working project Orastie-Sibiu motorway STRACO S.p.A. 2011 Lot 2

Nembe-Brass Road and Ugbo-Ughoye MORENO PLT 2011 Road Works of art design



Nuclear power station of Trino Vercellese ENEL (Milano) 1984 Seismic requalification and new office building. Engineering of guarantee and quality regime

"E. Fermi" power station- Trino Vercellese RECCHI (Torino) 1985 Controlled Area Entrance restructuring Auxiliary building, electric plant project and thermo-ventilation service of the plant

Provisional information centre RECCHI (Torino) 1985 Trino Vercellese

Sezione longitudinale - edificio del reattore nucleare Longitudinal section - building for nuclear reactor STUDIO CORONA


DESCRIPTION CONTRACTOR YEAR Lingotto restructuring, works on II° phase SOC. LINGOTTO 1992 Project: Renzo Piano Building Workshop works amount: 256 billion, General and structural supervision

Structural supervision LEVI 1994

General Supervision consortium (and structural) D.L. IIIa FASE 1999 + mis. and contabil. + daily assist., Work to complete 3rd phase Lingotto

Stream intervention for Ceronda bridge recon- SATTI 1999 struction in Venaria – Supervision and engineer- ing and execution safety coordination

General supervision Lingotto ground level park- LINGOTTO 2000 ing lot (60,000 mq) area to the right of the rail- way with connected viability

A6-A21 Connection (Asti-Cuneo) Branch 1 - Lot SATAP 2000 1 – Assignment to Giovanni Corona as Works Director

A6-A21 Connection (Asti-Cuneo) Branch 1 - Lot SATAP 2000 1 - Assignment to Giovanni Corona as Works Manager

General Supervision consortium (and structural) D.L. IIIa FASE 2000 + mis. and contabil. + daily assist., Work to complete 3rd phase Lingotto

Autonomous Province of Trento – P.A.T.494 2001 Assignment to E. Marro as coordinator during work and update of exec. project of Taio ring road - Section: Segno-Taio on S.S. 43

Province - S.P. n. 27 "Castello d'Annone Nizza PROVINCIA DI 2001 Monferrato" – Widening of bridge on Tanaro ASTI river in Rocchetta Tanaro Sebastopoli underpass COMUNE DI TORINO 2001

Torino-Alessandria-Piacenza Motorway Work on SINA 2001 Tanaro river viaduct foundation for the safety di the Alessandria built-up area

Widening di bridge on Po river in Casale CITTA' DI CASALE 2001 Monferrato MONFERRATO

A6-A21 ASTI-CUNEO Connection - ITINERA 2001 Branch 1 Lot 1 – Static testing assistance

Erice cablweway - Consultancy services for PROVINCIA DI 2001 project validation TRAPANI

Autonomous Province di Trento - variants and P.A.T. 2002 work on S.S. n°43 "Valle di Non" - Branch: Mollaro-Taio and Taio ring road

Ski-lifts - New Garnel (lot 3) Fraiteve 3 (lot 4) - AGENZIA 2002 Fraiteve 3 - SUPERVISION New Garnel – TORINO 2006 Supervision

58 Turin Subway – Plant to produce prefab T.E.C. 2002 ashlars

General – Assistance supervision assignment CONSORZIO 2002 PROG. LINGOTTO Colle Bercia ski-lifts(lot 5) – La Sellette (lot 6) AGENZIA 2002 - La Sellette supervision - La Coche supervision TORINO 2006 Palasport - Oval Lingotto Design and general AGENZIA 2002 supervision HOK groupleader supervision TORINO 2006 Plano-altimetric survey assignment, AGENZIA 2003 measurement and accounting supervision, TORINO 2006 execution phase coordinator for work ex D.Lgs. 494/96 s.m.i. Sky Lodge La Sellette ski-lifts

Plano-altimetric survey assignment, AGENZIA 2003 measurement and accounting supervision, TORINO 2006 execution phase coordinator for work ex D.Lgs. 494/96 La Coche-Serra Granet-Colle Bercia ski-lifts

Plano-altimetric survey assignment, AGENZIA 2003 measurement and accounting supervision, TORINO 2006 execution phase coordinator for work ex D.Lgs. 494/96 R02 Fraiteve 3 ski-lifts

Plano-altimetric survey assignment, meas- AGENZIA 2003 urement and accounting supervision, execu- TORINO 2006 tion phase coordinator for work ex D.Lgs. 494/96 R04 New Garnel ski-lifts

Plano-altimetric survey assignment, AGENZIA 2003 measurement and accounting supervision, TORINO 2006 execution phase coordinator for work ex D.Lgs. 494/96 R14 Trebials ski-lifts

Bridge widening on Tanaro river in Rocchetta PROVINCIA 2003 Tanaro DI ASTI Trapani-Erice cablecar PROVINCIA REG. 2003 DI TRAPANI Engineering for the completion of the section BONATTI 2003 Catania-Siracusa motorway – Tender consulting services City of Casale Monferrato - Extension work COMUNE 2004 on road bridge river Po Supervision DI CASALE Variants and work on S.S. n° 43 “di Valle di PROV. AUTONOMA 2004 Non” - Supervision DI TRENTO Final and working engineering. 494/96 Safety COMUNE DI 2004 coordination, supervision and assistance to CASALE carry out the necessary maintenance tests to consolidate the old bridge on the River Po against eroding agents Two-chair fixed attachment lift Limonetto - COMUNE DI 2004 Pernante LIMONE PIEMONTE Work connected to final engineering of 4-seat COMUNE DI 2004 chairlift with automatic attachment LIMONE PIEMONTE "Cabanaira" in Limone Piemonte Scope Spina 3 - Z.U.T. 4.13 – ROSSO GEOM. 2005 Comprensorio Savigliano S.N.O.S. S.p.TO. – FRANCESCO & Spaces for new Development Opportunities – FIGLI S.p.A. Requalification of ex-Officine Savigliano to create high technological content businesses - Lot UMI I-C S.R. 10 bis External ring road connection S.C.R. PIEMONTE - 2008 to Turin conurbation (East ring road ) - S.P.A. Connection section between S.S. 11 and S.S. 590 Ponte Gassino Top station - Monte Bianco cable car - SOCIETA' FUNIVIE 2011 Helbronner - Nuovo rifugio Torino MONTE BIANCO




FIAT Mirafiori, warehouse GUERRINI 1970

FIAT Mirafiori, ampliamento meccanica GUERRINI 1970

INCA plant in Volpiano CARRA' 1970

FATES plant in Occhieppo CANTONE E MAGGIA 1970

Alberto Bracco plant, Cossato CANTONE E MAGGIA 1970

Nova Tant plant in Masazza CANTONE E MAGGIA 1970

Chopont plant in Pont St. Martin - Bertand CANTONE E MAGGIA 1970 plant in Masazza

T.I.F.T. plant in Masazza CANTONE E MAGGIA 1970

Bona and Zumaglia forniture factory CANTONE E MAGGIA 1970

Sozzi body shop, Biella CANTONE E MAGGIA 1970

Industrial plant to Villanova d'Asti VIALIT 1970

Cement plant of Nuraminis, Cagliari VIBROCEMENTO SARDA 1971

FIAT, aircraft plant enlargement CARRA' 1971

FIAT Ferriere iron foundry, Bonafous department CARRA' 1971

Roncagliene plant in Nichelino BORRIONE 1971

FIAT, Rivalta plant MARCORA 1971

SILCA, Cassini, tine accumulation BELOIT ITALIA 1971

FIAT, iron foundry plant enlargement in Turin CARRA' 1971

Moncalieri power plant A.E.M. 1971

Soc. Naz. Cogne-Aosta, rolling mill VIBRANDO E PIGNATARO 1971

Materials test laboratory enlargement POLITECNICO 1971

Compressed light cement shed CEMENTERIA PRESA 1972

Plant in Chivasso, painting LANCIA 1972

Plant in Chivasso, press production unit LANCIA 1972

Plant in Chivasso, thermal power plant LANCIA 1972

Branch in Torino LANCIA 1972

Branch in Palermo LANCIA 1972

Branch in Verona LANCIA 1972

Branch in Bologna LANCIA 1972

Branch in Padova LANCIA 1972

Branch in Bari LANCIA 1972

S. Pietro neighbourhood in Biella MAGGIA 1973

Sassone plant in Ronco Biellese MAGGIA 1973

Apartment block in Parco MAGGIA 1973

Low building Olimpic 2 MAGGIA 1973

Swimming pool in Prè St. Didier FOLLIOLEY 1973

MTM plant, Masazza EDIL 2000 1973

Giasmina plant, Masazza EDIL 2000 1973

Warehouses in S. Benigno Canavese GARETTO 1973

Sports forum in Vado Ligure GARETTO 1973

Frassati gym in Pollone DELSIGNORE 1973

Building complex Cielo Alto in Cervinia DELSIGNORE 1973

Ceramic tiles plant in Pisa DELSIGNORE 1973

New remand prison in Torino NAVONE 1973

Industrial buildings in Nichelino NAVONE 1973

Fiber technic plant in Robbio BARATTO 1973

Shed enlargement in Robbio BARATTO 1973

Shed enlargement, 1974 BARATTO 1973

60 IPAI building in Vercelli BARATTO 1973

'78 plant and warehouse in Robbio BARATTO 1973

Bank of Italy, branch in Firenze DESSI' 1973

Sole Motorway, Piacenza Sud station DESSI' 1973

Eridania company, storage in Melzo DESSI' 1973

New remand prison in Aosta DESSI' 1976

Silos from 20.000 mc., plant in Russi, Eridania DESSI' 1973

Silos from 26.000, S.Pietro Casale DESSI' 1973 for Eridania

Magnolia apartment block in Moncalieri BALLOR E VOGLIOTTI 1973

Industrial plant and offices in Leinì VITTORIA 1973

Rumiana Sud plant in Cagliari VIBROCEMENTO SARDA 1973

Steel mill in Susa ASSA 1973

Steel mill Tirreno in Milazzo RECCHI 1974

Parking lot for Imperia Hospital BERTOLO 1975

Warehouses renovation in Sanremo BERTOLO 1975

Prefabricated shed in Saluzzo COGIBIT 1977

Warehouses renovation in Imperia AGNESI 1976

Taormina parking lot, Messina-Catania SI.GE.CO 1977 motorway

Vertek plant in Condove C.I.S. 1978

Fiat aircrafts hangars in Caselle C.I.S. 1978

Agricultural products shed in Modica, ALLIBRIO 1979 Sicilia

Nursery in Torino in Corso Emilia BORINI 1979

Textiles Study Centre, Biella BORINI 1980

Nursery in Torino in Via Lanzo BORINI 1981

Junior high school in Settimo Torinese BORINI 1981

New Agency in Vercelli IST. BANC. S.PAOLO 1979

Service center in Via Lugaro in Torino IST. BANC. S.PAOLO 1975

New Agency in Ivrea IST. BANC. S.PAOLO 1980

New Agency in Ovada IST. BANC. S.PAOLO 1978

New Agency in Avigliana IST. BANC. S.PAOLO 1978

New Agency in Rivoli IST. BANC. S.PAOLO 1982

Building in Via S.Teresa in Torino BANCA COMIT 1981

Federal German School in Roma B.B.D. 1980

German Embassy at Vaticano B.B.D. 1980

Villa Benedicenti in Chieri HUTTER 1979

Sport hall in Cremona R.D.B. 1978

Cairo Montenotte Nursery LOMBARDINI 1978

Warehouse in Torino EDILVICTOR 1974

Technical-Industrial Institute in Biella ZERBOLA 1980

Underground parking lot in Torino BORINI 1982

Missile shed in La Spezia SI.GE.CO 1981

Floriculture Marketing Center, Sanremo BETONFER 1983

Subalpina Bank, Torino headquarters and ABRATE 1985 central branch

Giaione farmhouse in Via Guido Reni, Torino MENARDI 1985

Nuova Italsider, Bagnoli (Napoli), production SACCO 1986 units moving 02-325 t/g

S.S. 36, construction of operation center SI.GE.CO 1988 Higway 36 (C.O.S)

Architectural arrangement of Monte Bianco FOLLIOLEY 1990 tunnel entrance STUDIO CORONA


Cuorgnè Municipality- Highschool complex COOPERATIVA 1993 "Jervis" enlargement for new premises of SABAZIA Professional Trade Institute and adjustment for Trade and Surveyors Institute "XXV Aprile"

Construction of new headquarters of Regional FARESINA 1993 Inspectorate of Fire Brigade in Piemonte and Valle d’Aosta

Electric substations in Martenitto and Borgaro A.E.M. 1994 – South-west substation plant in Moncalieri

Castrovillari Municipality(CS) – Urban rede- SI.GE.CO 1994 volpment with of the historical centre

Connection between Bardonecchia and Rivoli I.N.C. 1994 Section III: Deveys-Susa – Ventilation plant n. 2 – Building for the air intake at the top of the chimney

Enlargement of road of corso Duca degli TEKNE 1995 Abruzzi in the area near ex O.G.R. - connec- tion to to exisitng premises

Renovation and conversion of the airport area LAURO 1995 in Aosta

Locana Municipality – Hydroelectric plant of MATTIODA 1995 San Lorenzo, Torino province, structural working project

Industrial building superelevation, SOC. S. DAMIANO 1996 offices area

Sanremo Municipality - Imperia province, VIALIT 1996 project for interior transformation of the existing building, aimed to apply a different use of the inside locations

Liguria Region - Imperia Province, Taggia VIALIT 1996 Municipality – Building for tertiary residential purposes with 2 levels of garage to be real- ized in Arma di Taggia, in the area BR 15 of Arch. Paolo Portoghesi S.U.T.O

Industrial complex in Viale di Ghisallo 16 RHIAG S.P.A. 1997 Milano - Property RHIFIM S.p.TO. Milano Renter RHIAG S.p.TO. Milano

Unieco depuration plant - Azienda Po UNIECO 1997 Sangone – Final filtration system of water treatmement plant

Working project plant in Favara (AG) for pre- IPE 1997 fabricated elements production

Court of Torino technical verification quote LINGOTTO 1998 n°67/98 - Causa Lingotto Srl/ Of-Favero Spa/Maltauro Spa

Consulting service Mr. Mottino to Mr. Neirotti ING. NEIROTTI 1998 for Lingotto project Fiat centenary

Piemonte Region - Vercelli Province, Vercelli ARCIDIOCESI OF 1999 Municipality- Archdiocese of Vercelli develop- VERCELLI ment through conservative renovation of the Vercelli Episcopio destined as Museo of Tesoro of Duomo and Archivio Capitolare e Biblioteca – Integrated working project of 2° lot

Official survey for structural work on the ATC - TO 1999 Piazza Italia 3/5 Vinovo garages, including static testing at projeect end

62 Consulting service for Lingotto track LINGOTTO 1999 restoration

Technical consulting service regarding build- ATC 1999 ing facades in Nichelino, Via Parri and Via TORINO 3 CASE Cacciatori, and in Moncalieri, Via Tetti Piatti

Project for contract work of a SSE in S. ALSTOM 1999 Benigno and Cabina TE in Settimo Torinese Architectural Project – struttural metric cal- culation (excluding reiforcements)

Lingotto Multifunctional Centre – 3rd phase LINGOTTO 2000 works - Pathè-Lingotto court – Assistance to CINEMA E structural testing for works in Lingotto S.p.A. SVILUPPO S.P.A. and supervision, assistance to testing, works, architectural and finishing liquidation.

Cable car Taormina-Letoianni, conclusive ING. SASCARO 2000 project civil works

Torino Underground plant precast production T.E.C. 2002 facilities

Biella Hospital Working project changes DE LIETO 2002

Creation of multi-purpose hall and parking COMUNITA’ MONTANA 2003 lot in Bielmonte “VALLE DI MOSSO”

Volvera Municipality – Construction of three ABRATE S.r.l. 2006 new premises for industrial and/or commer- cial purpose

Top station- Monte Bianco cableway in SOCIETA' FUNIVIE 2006 Helbronner – Nuovo Rifugio Torino MONTE BIANCO

Construction work Sports Hall COMUNE OF VILLA- 2007 1° lot FRANCA PIEMONTE

Gitto Abuja Tower CORONA NIGERIA 2007

Exterior fitting of "COCEA" warehouses PROVINCE AUTONOMA 2009 in Taio OF TRENTO

Dakar Tower CORONA SENEGAL 2009




S.S. n. 337 "in Val Vigezzo" - Branch: Unico ITINERA 1993 Novara province – Urgent works for collapsed road reconstruction at Km. 9+850

S.S. n. 142 "Biellese" – Urgent works for ABRATE 1993 foundation structures reconstruction of two viaduct piers on river Cervo

S.S. n. 36 "Lago of Como e Spluga" Appraisal I.B.C. 1994 of urgent works for the static recovery of Monte Piazzo tunnel, between Km. 84+428 and Km. 84+451

Beams testing C.P.C. - Pian di Molo Porto C.P.C. 1994 Empedocle Viaduct (AG)

S.S. n. 299 "Alagna" - Branch: Km. 40+000 LAURO 1994 Alagna - Novara Province – Urgent works for the construction of road surface works for protection from falling rocks at Km. 83+000

S.S. n. 113 "Settentrionale sicula" –Messina VINCENZO VIRGA 1994 Province - Urgent works of extraordinary maintenance for the recovery and consolida- tion of the "Oliveri" bridge at Km. 61+900

S.S. n. 631 "of Val Cannobina" - Branch: LAURO 1994 Unico – Urgent works for damage repair of state higway Km. 13+520 after floods of October 1992

Torino-Alessandria-Piacenza Motorway , con- LICIS 1994 crete restoration works and protection of Andona viaduct Km. 27+202 from pier n. 11 to n. 14

S.S. n. 334 "of Sassello" – Urgent works road ALPE STRADE 1994 restoration at Km. 50+520

S.S. n. 190 "delle Solfare” - Riesi II Viaduct ANAS PALERMO 1994 pier foundation restoration, subject to land- slides – Practical integration 241/76

Artificial tunnel COGEFA 1994

S.S. n. 24 "of Monginevro" – Damaged over- COGEFA 1994 pass restoration at Km. 49+100

S.S. n. 334 "of Sassello" - Branch: Acqui- IVALDI 1994 Savona province border - Alessandria province – Urgent works for collapsed road restoration at Km. 50+200 execution of works by strenghtening and support

S.S. n. 142 "Biellese" - Urgent works for TREVI 1994 foundations of two pier structures consolida- tion of viaduct on river Cervo

Novara province - S.P. “Riceno” – Landslide LAURO 1994 restoration works at 0+900

S.S. n. 23 "Colle del Sestriere" - Branch: ABRATE 1994 Stupinigi - Cesana -Torino Province Damage appraisal for urgent works on col- lapsed road at Km. 74+560 after floods in November 1994

64 S.P. n. 4 "Baldissero" - Reconstruction of ABRATE 1994 road between Km. 1+600: 1+800 - b) S.P. n. 117 "Cordova" Reconstruction of road between Km. 1+500 : 1+600 Ivrea-Santhià Motorway – Completion of ATIVA S.P.A. 1995 right wall consolidation from 14+461 to 14+900 S.S. n. 9 "Via Emilia" - Lodi-Piacenza Branch SICOP 1995 Urgent work for consolidetaion and static recov- ery of pier n. 1-2 on Po river to Piacenza Torino-Piacenza Motorway - Lot: Goria- ITERSTRADE 1995 Baldichieri - via Cavour underpass Structural intervention work S.S. n. 458 "Casalborgone" – Bridge recovery SALGET 1995 work at Km. 6+900 damaged during the November 1994 floods S.S. n. 113 "Settentrionale Sicula" – Working VERSACI 1995 project for urgent work for the recovery of a bridge seriously damaged, located in progr. Km. 89+450 S.S. n. 190 "delle Solfare – Urgent extraordi- S. NICOLA 1995 nary maintenance work for the consolidation of the a landslide between piers n. 23 and n. 25 of viaduct Riesi II at Km. 33,700 S.S. n. 92 "dell'Appennino Meridionale" ROMANA SCAVI 1995 Urgent work project to reopen to traffic inter- rupted for a landslide between Km. 7+800 and 11+000 S.S. n. 23 "of Colle of Sestriere" – Stupinigi- ABRATE 1995 Cesana Torinese Branch – Urgent work for the consolidation of a road with landslide at Km.74+630 Urgent work for the reconstruction of a road LAURO 1995 after the Belbo river floods between Km. 23+320 and Km. 23+510 S.S. n. 23 "Colle del Sestriere" - : Stupinigi- ABRATE 1995 Cesana Branch- Province of Torino Urgent work for the consolidation of a road with landslide at Km. 74+630 S.S. n. 596 Dir. "dei Cairoli" - Urgent work SALGET 1996 project for the reconstruction of a bridge on the Roggia Stura in Terranova of Casale Monf. Collapsed after the November 1994 floods S.S. n. 142 "Biellese" – Consolidation work LAURO 1996 for piers 6-7-8 of viaduct on Cervo river S.S. n. 28 Dir. - Branch: Mondovì-Carrù- PREVE 1996 Bastia, Cuneo province - Urgent work for COSTRUZIONI reconstruction of road safeguarding and strengthening works of bridge on river Tanaro to Km. 15+800 in Bastia Municipality S.S. n. 23 "Colle del Sestriere" - Branch: COGIBIT 1996 Stupinigi-Cesana Torinese - Urgent work of restoration and strengthening of road in frana to Km.73+900 and 75+000 Province of Imperia S.S. n. 28 "Colle di VIALIT 1997 Nava" - Branch: Ponte di Nava – Imperia Urgent work of plumbing system placement near of Valico pre-bored hole S.S. n. 24 "Of Monginevro" - Landslide at CONICOS 1997 Km.85+100 - Berlinese and counterscarp wall S.S. n. 23 “Colle del Sestriere" – Branch COGEFA 1998 Stupinigi-Cesana Torinese -Torino Province Perizia of Urgent work of rocky slopes strengthening and protection works against avalanches between Km. 100+400 and Km. 100+800



Project to create plinths for plant Piobesi COGIBIT S.p.A. 2004

S.P. 12 "Fondovalle Tanaro" - Branch: INTERSTRADE 2004 Bastia-Lesegno - Works of road safety S.p.A. "Fondovalle Tanaro"

Tunnel Pierremenaud – Partila coating SITAF S.p.A. 2004 detachment in tunnel

Definitive and executive planning, 494/96 COMUNE 2004 safety coordination , Construction manage- DI CASALE ment and assistance to maintenance ope- ration tests needed for floor strengthening of old bridge on River Po against erosion

S.S. n° 28 "Colle di Nava" – Technical ser- ANAS TORINO 2004 vices for the study of stresses and defor- mation of Ceva bridge , designed to verify the acceptability of the item

Strada Provinciale n. 210 - Branch: PROVINCE 2005 Bernezzo-Caraglio – Bridge on Grana, OF CUNEO Study of external floor prestressing

Consulting service for the census of road ANAS MILANO 2005 bridges on S.S. 45 bis "Gardesana Occidentale"

S.P. 29 – Preliminary design works of PROVINCE 2005 restoration of bridge on River Po near OF CUNEO built-up area of Cardè

Works of completion II Lot Variant in FRANCO S.p.A. 2005 Borgomanero - Viaduct on S.S. 32 Dir.: from SP1 to SP2

Ex S.S. 30 "Valle Bormida" Restoration PROVINCIA 2005 span of bridge on River Bormida, oro- DI ALESSANDRIA graphic left, to Km. 38+610 circa, in Terzo Municipality (TO)

Via Po parking lot – Realization of under- ABRATE S.r.l. 2006 ground garages in courtyard area in Via Sant'ottavio n° 5 - Torino

Realization of pedestrian and cycle bridge COMUNE 2007 crossing on river Dora Baltea along area DI IVREA ex Montefibre – Historical City - Ivrea

Completion of protection and strenghte- SASCARO ING. 2007 ning works built-up area side and infra- structure in Taormina Municipality

S.S. 337 "Valle Vigezzo" – Upgrading ANAS TORINO 2008 works by strengthening intervention and restoration of Ribellasca Bridge - Lot III

Novara Province - Romagnano Sesia LIS S.p.A. 2008 Municipality - S.R. n. 142 "Biellese" Extraordinary maintenance works on brid- ge on River Sesia

Strada Provinciale n° 29. Bridge on River PROVINCE 2009 Po at Cardè. Restoration works on bridge OF CUNEO on river Po at built-up area in Cardè

Renovation works on mountain pass side MUSINET S.p.A. 2009 exit Ramat and Cels tunnels (Bardonecchia side) – Feasibility study and definitive project for exchange of carriageway hypothesis(Cels tunnel - Deveys viaduct)

Project and consultancy for enlargement MUSINET S.p.A. 2010 section of air intake for tunnel ventilation

Project of structural works for the execu- tion and of partial reconstruction and ARCAS S.p.A. 2010 extraordinary maintenance of "Dardanelli" viaduct in Saint Rhémy-en- Bosses Municipality (Aosta). Dardanelli Viaduct

Interconnection Italy-France Connection MUSINET S.p.A. 2010 HVDC 1000 MW – Terna

S.S. 626 "Valle of Salso" - Reconstruction IMPRESA 2011 and strengthening works of Geremia II GENERALE viaduct placed at Km. 48+080 of S.S. 626 COSTRUZIONI S.r.l.

STUDIO CORONA civil engineering

STUDIO CORONA S.r.l. Corso Re umberto, 23 - Torino - Italia Tel.: +39 011 5627586 - Fax: +39 011 545739 e-mail: [email protected]