T- / /V ,'

> FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2S, 1966 jjPAGE THIRTY-SIX Average Daily Net P r ^ Run The W eather For the Week Ended Airman l.C. Douglas A. Clearing this aftenwXRirWill ^ Can* for Plewort.^ November 19, I960 .' About Town Bird, son o f Mr. and Mrs. R. L ChurQh^lans near 56; fair, cooler tobiglM;, Bird of 38 Harvard Rd., has TMok of Tho*, low near 30; increasing cloudi- ^ j, Francta Blaury^ and Edward recently returned home after Choridf Event ness toinorrow, high In dtolmore of FSall Rlv«r. Masa., completipg his second tour o f 15,131 Vre weokend guosta o f Mr. and duty with the U.S. Airforce in ParkbUI-Joyce Manch6»te^— A CUy of tillage Cham • David ^Imond, director of. mu- ' JMrs. Potar Plynn of 17 Roae- Viet Na3n. He served in the Air unary PI. Police on perimeter deitense at sic at Concordia Lutheran HANdHESTER, CONN. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1966 (OlaMtfled Advertitfng oU Fsge 11) .PRICE SEVEN CBNT9; ^ • Flower Shop VOL. LXHtVI, NO. 48 ( f o u r I ^ e n p a g e s —t v SECnON) Phan Rang. x oiu i^h , will conduct the Ooheor- Frank Oakeler; Ftoprietor __' I David C. Keiin, son o f Mr. dia Choir Sunday at 8 p.m. in a SOL MAIN ST., MANOHESim >nd Mrs. W. David Keith o f 66 Manchester lyorid War Bar­ choral vesper profram, “ Abend- (Neort to Hartford Nattonal niUcrest Rd., has made the sec- racks and Auxiliary will Install muslk IV ." The event is oneh to' Bank) Jond honor roll; and Robert A'. officers Sunday at 2 p.m. at the the public . A freewill offering a YBS-WB DBUVBB • Fhoneet *49-0791 — S40-144Si JWWtehead Jr., son of Mr. and VFW Home, Center St. wlH be received. , -Mrs. Robert Whitehead Sr. of A chamber ensemble consist­ >9 Richard S t, is on the third Three members of the Man­ ing of Miss Mary Welters, obo­ ^onor roll for the first mark­ chester American legion Aux­ ist; David Machell, flautist, and ing period at Wiibraham iliary will attend a Department Paul Nangeronl, rioUnlst, will ;(Mass.) Academy. Rehibilitation and Child W el­ accompany the"'cholr. fare Workshop Saturday at 10 Kiwanis Honors President The Vesper Office wtU be sutig Miss lioulse Oopping, com­ a.m. at the Legion Home, W eth­ Dr. R. Glenn Reed Jr. of Marietta, Ga., president of Klwanlk by all in a plalnsong setting mander of the DAV Auxiliary, ersfield. ' They are Mrs. Leon International, presents a silver tray to President Johnson adapted from an old German land Mrs. Gora Blow, Amerlcan- Bradley, child welfare chair­ commemorating the -fifth year of Kiwanis’ international ex­ monastic breviary. The chqir Other Areas Clearing David ABnoMI Jsm chairman, Tuesday present­ man; Mrs. Wilber Little, re- tension program. The inscription on the tray reads, in part, and ensemble will perform &e ed an A m erica flag to Girl haibilitation chairman, and Mrs. "This tray is presented in grateful appreciation to Lyndon cantata, "A Little Advent Mu- These , progr^s - are modeled at- Bcout Troop 98 of Maple St. Ruth Hickox, poppy chairman. B. Johnson, President of the , the leader Of s l c 'Jsy Hugo Dlstler, a 120t ter old Btfropean Lutheran Serv- S(dtool, Rockville. Susan Buz- that nation." Reed thanked the President for his support century composer. The Office s^^e to. the directs *ell accepted the flag for the Arm y Spec. 4 James A. and the support of the nation which, Reed said, made the CanUcle, ‘M agnificat,” will be troop. Twenty-one tlag etiquette Air Crash Baldwin, son of Mrs.' Maude L. program possible. The presentation took place at the White sung in plalnsong with'alternate Ibe ear by mews of fine State Alert )>rochure8 were distributed. Baldwin, 437 N. Main St. and House. versets in organ settings by church music, new and old." the late George A. Baldwin, is Samuel Scheldt. The ngxt program in the series In Saigon^ The Army and Navy Club serving as a paachinist with the ’The Psalmody o f the Office will be'presented Jan. 29. May Be Over AuxlUaiy and the V F Auxiliary Headquarters and Main Support Oandee Conway, daughter of VFW Post and Auxiliary will consist of a new abtting of have t ^ n invited to attend 2 7 K illed Co., Second Maintenance Bat­ Mr. and Mrs. Frknk J. Conway meet Tuesday at 5:45 p.m. at ..pgaim Twenty-five” by Al- Ja Joint installaUon of officers Later in Day talion, part of the First Logls- of 267 Hackmatack St., -won a the Post Home. They wUl visit mond. This is the premier per- W Worid War I Barracks and Hunter Championship at^ a re- the- Newington Veterans Hospl- formance of the work which is , SAIGON, South Viet Nam ’Auxiliary Sunday at 2 p.m. at Ucal Command in the Vung Tau LAROE lUNDlE '(AP) — A U.S. Air Force trEuis- NEW YORK (AP) — area, Viet Nam. cent JEM Stable Horae Show, -tal. written for four- to six-part a the VFW Home, Center St. East Hartford on her brother’s, ------cappeHa choir. poirt crashed and burned totvight Light overnight rain and Frank Conway Jr’s., horse. The Rev. George Smith, This is the fourth in the cur- MIXED 'n MATCH SALE! near Saigon’s busy' Tan Sbn an increase in wind move­ Pfc. William R. Lange, son FIREPLACE Manchester Cedarettea will Rocktown Kid. She also won pastor of The Presbyterian rent series of "AMndmuaik.’’ (Good Friday and Saturday Only) Nhut Ainpoct, killing all 27 per­ ment failed today to break meet Monday at 7 p m. at the of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Lainge three ribbons on her own horse. Church, will conduct a service . . ; . Red Vtf vet SwordS^ ea. 89c Scats ea. *1.29 sons aboard, U.S. miUUary offl- the smog cover that has Sr. of 15 Clearview Ter,, is WOOD dais said. ^ r k in g lot of the Connecticut Smokey, Sunday at 8:15 a.m. on radio ------^ ^ Black SaUdn Moll tea Kissing Gouramls ea.89o gripped the city for four^ Bank and Trust Co., N. Main serving as an imaige interpreter ___ WINF. The program is sponsor- Am AOm It was believed the ^ane, a with the 56th Military Intelli­ _ Oouramla ea. 89o twin-engine C47 Dakota, lost days. St. They will go to the home Charter Oak Color Slide As- ed by the Manchester Mlnlatef- Cft* AVG But for most of the smog- '« f Mrs. LWN Army hands at -the question of support for President Johnson came was no i^eatian iof ground fire air, getting dtftier all tfto'whU*, Mr., and Mrs. K. I. Bird Sr. of ■ mimeogTSf^’ machine added up, .Dirksen quipped “ have a crutch.” The senator HOLDS YOUR Ended by:lJ.S. when the C47 went d(nm;' ' clung over oommunHiM Stojtfl 38 Harvard Rd., has recently The ladlee Guild o f Uie MAHCMBSnR OKNTMR "Beat Navy" in English and The crash site was about 360 is recovering from recent surgery to repair a brok­ PARKINS been elected to the Babcock Church of the Assumption will CHOICE ON MasMcfauseHts’ to " ItoryiaOd? Vietnamese to the bottom of yards from the nearest road. en hip. (AP PhotofaX) Surgical Honor Society at Tern- have a business meeting Tuea- Hardest Mt w m mOtodgoUton LAYAWAY SAIGON South Viet ®^ SO-round mortar barrage Ited U.S. pilots to 29 bombing the daily news release on Air Force officers said it __ pie University School of Medl- day at pjn. at the -Aasump? areas with their industry 8 Nam (AP) — US troops on the tactical command post of missions Friday. military operations here. could not immediately be deter- -nT- _ ' ____A ______1 ___ cine, Philadelphia, Pa. tion School library. and transit. ,-T, W o r 7nru> C rallpH ati the division’s 2nd Brigade. Off the North Vietnamese Navy quickly conuterat- mined how many of tlioee O l | l f l r t l 8 flll A ,ppl3llS6 New Y o rk dty, Connecticut A fVio Kinnoaf Command said casu- coast, two U.S. destroyers re- tacked during the press aboard the flight were Ameri- * * * ^lUes were light in the 35- ported damaging or destroying and N'ew Jetoey were placed on MancliebteJi LUMBER^ end tc^ay to the biggest briefing. The final slide cans. The U.S. Air Force planes antipofltofion ale^rts. A veduntary operation of the Viet Nam minute shelling early today. five cargo barges during Opera- showed a warship crushing a at times carry Vlethameee or ban on use of oars was urged. ir ALUMINUM PRODUCTS ★ war with the Viet Cong Elsewhere, the U.S. command Bon ’Traffic Cop, the Navy’s tank and was emblazoned other allied personnel. lf«w Ttxrk Gov. Nelson A. still firing at one Ameri- reported no ground action and month-old campaign to halt sea- "Beat Army.” Budget Cutback Combination Windows ond Doors can command post. South Vietnamese headquarters borne infiltration of supplies. (See Page Six) Rockefeller ordered a first alert Just about tho time the 1st announced only three small. During the 43-day Operation against pollution for the New Door Canopies, BoU-up Awnings, Canvas Awnings Repaired, York City area. First alerts, Re-covered. Take Down Service and Storage. Boat Canvas ■r . . t , ■ J TT o scattered clashes in which 18 Attleboro, fought in the Jungle Infantry Division and other U.S. also in effect in New Jersey and Rei^red or Made New To Your Pattern. All Work Custom and brush coimtry of Tay Ninh Wins Approval Conneotl —. toeaa.. Ghriatmas___ other stamp demands being made” on the erection of a complete 16 years. He had never seen his still in China can Join him later, notable the huge amounts of lom tvwA ivAaf rm tio a 'a ___a_\ai______a,___a,____the government. 1963 and 1964, the Post Office's costs five cents — rattier than Asked whether he and Repub- home. Wo can help you with ON WOMEN'S daughter. "Sometimes some are permit- , . . Christmas stamps depicted send ttiem under a four-cent repairs, remodeling, or gen­ "I’m seeing heritor the first ted to leave, sometimes not,” he Pago Thirteen) nothing more reUgtous ttiaa rate. Holt Seen Winner “BLAZERS tone," he said, beaming at the gaid. "I keep u^ hope.” ' ______eral fix-up. See us and save ^dles wroatos and ChBtatmM Postmaster Gen. Law- MEN’S FALCON girl. trees. Last year’s s t ^ pic- y o ’B ritn is knqwn to Patrolman Halts yourself a lot of headaches. T e e ..had fteen with Chiang tured a winged angel with a roprasentatives of Kai-shek’s army headquarters In Australia Vote trvm pet. . , , seven influenUaJ Jewish sted on rooftops spotlight end red flqsher. spot on the United States immi­ Arthur A. Calwell said that If Rcfr Price SALE! grippetj Jerusalem and, mosLof and walls. The train stopped about 2,000 his party were elected he would gration list. the Holy Land of Jordan today All but one of the gates were feet short of a Pennsylvania Recjiikrly 24.K His wife was allowed to visit “■withdraw all conscripts in Viet \ after troops opened fire on jantl; dosed, penning the re sid e n ts ^Rollrodd crossing where^ James 2x3RrT34c ' ' • . v ’ . him Just before he left Hong Nam" and later bring home tite . ■ .t government demonstrators in inside. \ ' E.\ MaUmawV 26, ol Mingd J w c- Kong. She returned to Canton to remaining, trvxqss ‘‘after; consul* ■ • • » 'C-t, H • . ^ . Jerusalem’s walled city Friday, Reports from Amman, the tion, was trapped in the twisted Coifipflre At *30 : 17iS • be with her children and give tation with our alliM and so as 1 4 ^ killing two and seriously Jordanian capital, said newspa- wreckage of his car.— " '' birth to Margaret. not to endanger the .ltves of any 2x3l^ir8'39c '1' wounding six. '* pers there did not publish today, *^® said his car slid off Handijonw lh o p s a c k*sport ' Three years a ^ Yee returned Australian or allied trqcqte-” ■ /\„ ■: \ . :i' Jerusalem was placed imder any authorities gave no reason. **** highway backward, flew to Hong kong] to seek Red The Viet Nam issue sqparited a curfew kt sundown after a fu- newspapers are privately guardrai!, smashing; a Buy for yoursqff or, for gifts, coots ^inr ‘ plaids, checks, in Chinese permission for his wife xhe ^ number of isre-election demon* t X 12 Shelving 13V2cVt^ 2U 5 jperal procession for the two o^^nedl retaining wall and then caitio to and four chUdren to leave Can­ Strattons, witii young people ’'dead turned into andher anti- The northern towns of Nablus on^.the tracks. It en d ^ up Tkeso are all-weather c^ ts soft Tnu^bd colors.' Blazers In ton. The Chlneta consented tg turning put to Jeet‘ and cheer. government d e m o n sti^ n out- and Ramailah and the southern . . CASH and CAf^tY •1- ’ let the wife and |two children go. But political otwervers did not Chobise’frbrtiTifaiian or Pehriy Style Tn Mahog-^ that have spKjt sliguldei^, ^ 4?' A tlT Ptive solid shodes, Re.g- “ The two teen-age children Bide the walls of the old city. town of Hebron, scenes, of vlo- was reported in believe the anti-Viet Nam aenti* 4 3 6 -®® Arab Legion troops took over tent anUgovdnunent demonstra- ) » . ' ■ ’ : ' y'' : • > •'. . I i t -' * ■ had to stay,” Dale said. ‘‘Thp^ meat was strong enough 49 slash pockets. ; lri(Jiilcfnt plor«;3A) to^46, ‘shorts '36 to government won’t let teen-agers the city, patrolling its deserted tlons earlier this week, also f®^®y Valley Hospitd overturn Holt. any or • Cordovan. G^oniJine' jLeathor’ Uppers- streets and blocking all access were sealed off, with the towns- A hospital ^perviror said I out of the country." Some observers forecast that shades of oiivei natural, gray 42, longs ^ ; to,-f-40. Fully Larry was il when he left roads. *■ people barricaded Insidp, their ^ ^ ® r e d multiple Tm 6 4 ®® Telephone communications homes and troops posted out- cuts and a possible the Liberal-Country party coall* v|ith Long. Lasting: Soles!-.iSjjsns 10 in I (Jhlna. wUh Jhe outside world were cut giy,_ ■ ‘ . back injury. tion might lose a few'seate. Otb* ojr blackl Sizes: Regular 34- lined in rich ,r0yo|n. (^Slight Yee’s wife and i tvw> children en Sttid It would iiwrease its waited in fe n g Kong. “ He had ’ faff Friday evening. The llttie hilltop town of Beth- , Thanksgiving Day was just, the beginning for Guy The Hdy aty_was shut tight ■wb«rt - N arrow ancl Medium-^Widfhs*. 40, short 34-44, lon^ 3^ 46. alteration charge.). ■osss''. , to _get the citizenship papers seats and there Is one iade* MAMettmprmm ortm 7 2 ^ -Ve^-«M)er-rightr^ter-an It-year-separatioiq-he" -ffili infaStiiig. Ita^^^^ were a^d Jericho. Ifi miles* to thfa ^ ® I 1 before he broiSfil^lfiein bv«f emRty except for poUca patrols BUooesafiU effort tpjj stop the peitont. The new ParlUmcBl, bere," the brother said, was reunited Y^iifc nis wife, Yui, daughter, Marga­ HABOLD HOLT wil^erve for three yean. ret^ 11, and son, Larry, 14. (A ? Photofax) n, and truckloads of troope. (See Page Six) ..tfato- o i l papers came In late 1906. ' ' , ■ ■ 1 , \. ' r V ..MANCHESTEE EVENING .HERALD, MANCHESTEB, CONN„ SATURDAY, NOVEMSfeR 26, 1966 / PAGE THBsar ------PACX TWO If^CHESTEB EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN^ SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1966 ...... Movie Theater Bans Avoid tho Rush Sbeinwolfi on Bridge. Heralding Homes /ntCMP oPENDra l e a d Sootli dealer , „ Service Station Remodelins Buffs Bubble T|.„ tlEST AGAINST LOW BID North-South vulDunw NORTH STORY By DOBtS BELDlKG of toe houM opens onto a small the room from toe kitchen. Col- By ALFRED SHEINWOLD entrance way. A partial wall ora in a Japanese screen on a Zone Hearing Topic Dec. 5 At Bushnell ^ When an opening bid of one PHOTOS By REGINALD ' O DOWNHAM MARKET, Eng. “My only sohiUon to to bar 0 I754Z- separates the entrance from a front wail repeat toe purples ia paaaed to your partner and ♦ 9 8652^ PINTO 24 by 28 living-dining room, and blues ta the room. The fire­ Mrs. David Bates. Mra. Reed By HOWARD HOIXX>MB land (AP)—Thto Qorilo& town'a cWWren tootn Aowlnga V 4, The Zoning Board of Appeals be decides not to reopen toe furnished mainly in a contempo­ place of glazed yellow brick has Lncier, Mrs. Charles Latorc^ or The sweeping, ever changing wdll;bave 'a public bearing at P o u r-^ harmony, that dto- only movto housa h u banned Mddtag, he must have a week 1% . *^54 • rary decor intermingled with a a raised hearth which widens Mrs. Gerald Mills. hand or trump length. Your view from their living room is S pin. Dec. 6 in the Town Hall tdctive aouud that belongs only “B in g o Orphana"—children few traditional pieces. Uphol­ out ait toe side. Oh thyrear well 4-H’prs In Chicago best chance to defeat the con­ G AQ106 a constant Rouroe of pleasure to i^xt to toe fireplace there te a ' on R t SI to bear an appeal for ^ barb^chop Bing^. packed theav by gamUtog par- •■Otbwwtoe we have chaos In A AQ Mr, aind Mrs. Daniel Bursack of stered pieces and’atoessories ta Two local1 '« 4-H’ers xr are*1 n ^ Bushnell Memorial laed house. Some oC the tract la to open trumps in toe « Kf74 narrow statafed glass window a variance to the local coning SHOPPING DAYS hope that -your partner has SOUTH 98 Dale Rd. On clear nights toe room carry out a-;purple ^ a week at toe N ^nal A-H night--toe opailng evening ^ manager e top c ^ ^ a d ^ ^ ta uated almost at the top of a In purple and blue cotton bro­ on a chair and stool ta the fam­ ties." Second Congregational Church four years ago but has appear- about tola since leading any- ® ®^® J? To Visit Statbridge hill the winows of the living cade, and the curved' sectional ily room and a studio couch to Will hav? an all-day meeting, ed before barbershop entousl- I n l l a n n Zone Panel thing else would allow South to w ^ e ^ to lead top card room command an impressive sofa ta front of the window covered ta dull black and'has Ubrary aides at Coventry begiimtag at 10:30 a.m., Wednes- asts with great success since ruff with one of hte smaU ® view of the area. wall Is done In dull blue with red pillows. A large wood carv­ High School will take an all-day day. 'in the Church Community that time. About 20 people attended toe trumps. Dally Qnestloa flecks of purple. ing of fawns qt rest' te on a pan­ 2 The one-story home was de­ field trip to Sturbridge Village pubUc hearing of the planning West can defeat the c sweet' Adelines. Roundi^ out complete" grade, commission will now restudy band-knit sUppers, mittens, hats 8. Quaker Lane, West Hartford. the application for the zone •Tndiifi wlch teen-ager were killed Fri- the program, wbitti em^asiz- OongiegaUonal Clinrefa Notes Tonite— 1st Run plus 2 and other handmade articles. To qualify, applicants must change and announce their de­ Coffee wiU be aold. day night where they were hit the role of American coh)- T**® service of communion be at least 19 years old and cision within a few weeks. BOLTON NOTCH ( n S All 3 Hits in Color licedllne Wednesday Connecticut residents for 6 LWV Meets Monday months. They must have been The Andover League of by Wednesday for the Mother’s out of high school for a year Women Voters vVlll meet Mon­ ■uHlIHI nJMV 'Club {^ual Christmaa party at since the beginning of the hoU- ^ tm ^ e d female Keystone or more, and the classes with day night at 8 In the town of­ ^ 0 7 pjn. Dec. in the Nathan day weekend Wednesday night. which they, entered high school DSSSn BnSop 6 reported in the program and ^ev. Donald G. MiUer fice building. Mrs. D avid Ui ^ " Hale Commcnlty Center. They New .Haven poUce were still must have graduated. FHnchbaugh of the committee searohtagtag eaeai-irb^ay'for unexplained by Bill Gourd, who ^ ®P®^x “ > ’’Making a New Applications for the fe^ta are are to be made with Mrs. Day- doubled as master of ceremon- start at both services. on water resources win lead a ton H. Whipple m , chairman; driver ofthe car which hit Jo­ P U g i^ available from the State De­ discussion on possible ways to Texas JIGIIB seph Wilke^.es he was crossing les and as interlocutor for the T7»e FeUowship, win 88 opening minstrel show scene. meet at 7 p.m. tomorrow at partment of Education, Room encourage Industry to reduce 365, State Office Building, Hart­ ^^STLifthTSt-aSSi' car p^^criticism ^ water pollution. t H B R N B R . L __ -a___j ____ *1______the entire nroduction would be Ene connnnaao^ riass sched- ford, and must be submited at A consensus win be reached R£E PARKING at first slowed do^, then sped ^ toed for Monday h a S ^ W two weeks In advance of at the conclusion of the meet- off aft» bitting Wu^es. He was FO R EASY dead on arrival at^.'Yale-New staging and leave the jokes to c*led. The FoUow’-Up\Oommlt- the. examination, tag. Members have been asked someone else. Even to toe ad- tee of the Building C^mittee Hjere is a 83 fee for first ap- to refer, to facts and issues V Haven HospitaL XMAS SHOPPING mlttedly ’’h ^ e y " world of will meet to the churcb^house Pltaants. ’The fee for a retake Charles Brewer, , 16, was fa­ pamx>hlets which they have re­ toe minstrel, some of last Monday at 8 p.m. \ test is 82. No fee is required ceived on toe subject. ARTHUR DRUG tally Injured when he was hit A UNIVERSAL PICTUREl by a car while crossing Bps- night's comic endeavors fell School Lunches \ ®f veterans or- persons now in School hmebes at the M ea\ the service. weU Avenue In Norwich. Police Manchester' Evening Herald identified toe driver of toe car But toe singing —that was dowbrook School next week \ The tests will cover basics In Andover correspondent, Law­ aa Kenneth A. Gibson Jr., 17, something else. "Hiese will be are; Monday, sloppy Joe, potato ^kKlish, mathematics, science rence Moe, td . 742-6796. of Norwich. toe ’Good Old Days’ 20 years chips, buttered corn, peaches; an^socdal studies, ’TheJ.UC Brewertwcwoi boyuuy was woo ucou dead onw now,’’ wexitwent thetoe words to Tuesday, ravioU, teased salad, HELP FROM emUANS arrival at Backus Hospital, po- the liartamen’s finale but these v i« ^ b ^ Md butter, apple- HOPKINSVIUiB, Ky. (AP)— Uce reported. (yesterday and today) are oatmeal bar; Wednesday, bome- Y ^^tes Talk A Specdal Forces officer recent­ W«leoin« Here ‘Good New Days’ for fans of niade soup with crackers, toast- ly asked citizens around nearby barbershop .singing. cheese sandwich, carrot On D^orations ^ Campbell to help mate toe 'The final ^rformance te to- sticks, nutmeg fluff cake; W IL T O N 'S Bulgarians Top List Green Beret imit’s training in SHOWTIMESt night at 8. Thursday, hamburg gravy, Mrs. David R.' lurphy of 52 guerrilla warfare more realistic "Ann* G ift Shop WASHINGTON — Bulgar- masbed ixjtatoe, buttered peas, Bedton S t will by renting tnacitors or nxming Wed., Thura. and give Margret |964 Midn St., Manchester | ians rank flrst and Romanians celery, picl^ slice, pudding a demonstration on\Christmas me*oge8 for eitoer side. Fri., S a t Son. Irrigation Ancient cake; dSid Friday, tuna-rice cas- Open Dally 9 to 9! second in cereal consumption in Decorations for thV Home’’ ______. ■ ______“Texas" ... 8:16 7:48 seixde, buttered carrots, dixie Michae Eastern BJurope, the U.S. Dei PHOENIX, Ariz. — The Indi- Wednesday a t 12:30 pjm at a “Beau” partment of Agriculture re- ans called Hobokam, who lived biscuit, getatto dessert with RUtKS ...10:00 9:20 meeting of the Y-Wedn*day REE in-car HEATERS ‘’Bos'* .. ... 6:30 6:00 ports. Romanians eat more live- in the pre-C2iristian era, built hiiit and topping.» Dessert Series at the Coi^u- stock products and fats than and us^ irrigatioa canals to Hicks Memorial School; Mon- tUty Y, 79 N. Main S t The Earlier photographs of the owners of the house are hung over a king-size bed in the master bedroom Bulgarians and Yugoslavs, but Central Artaona 2,000 years ago. day, hot dog, masbed potato, event Is open to the public.. &EADOWS”?^' lag far behind other Blast Ehiro- Indians stin irrigated the re- cole slaw, olive, bread ai»4 but- The speaker will display a ' Dean Martin The Bursacks in their spacious living-dining room combination Joey Bishop peans In consumption of those gtao when White men arrived. ter, sliced peaches; Tuesday, variety of Christmas decora­ 'fliy commodities. ^ ^ ' ■ “TEXAS ACROSS tions. She is a graduate of THE Bm EB” FAIRWAY f: Brigham Y oung Uniyersity, — Color — THEATRE EAST Utah, and has lived in many Rock Hndson 5 H GOP Gains to Curb parts of toe country. She “STRANG^ MANCHESTER PARKADE • 649-5491 OPEN SUNDAYS her family came to Manchester Bl^FELLOWS" ) Both Fairways NOW ( ACRES AND ACRES OF FREE PARKING 2 years ago. She is also an —\Co!or — I OPEN EVERY NIGHT ( 8 A.M. — fr P.M. Tonh Tryon House Bank Probe? Instructor In flemish floral ar­ “GLOR^GUYS" ., TILL 9’ till Christmas ^ ranging. NOW—2nd EXemNG—SMASH WEEK!!! [fira<>D88i»B iw Country Kings ing business. tended were void. FBL * SAT. NIGHT ^ Patman, who succeeded to the Hie dissension within toe • PJ8. to ^ A3L ■ dudr^ituishlp four years ago, ooipn^ttee cut across party AO legal beverages served put 1 a^ investigative staff to Hnos. But with a 22-11 Demo- woHt oh preliminaries for two ®*»tlc predominance Patmah TICMMOOUM# SPOT RESTAURANT years an f Bien launched a ser- usually able to h such Uteiocratlc votes to, carry his Bock Hudson matters as bonk holding qompa- P^taita. . ., ititic ik 'kirk'k'k'k H nles. ,'y. i Hie situation wlU be quite dlf- ^glslatioi). ' glowing out of f®«nt in the new Oemgresa, cen­ to ^ hearings requires lome tentag Jan. 10. Oonunittee financial organisations to dflvest sources predict the party ratio themselves of some of their ta the committee will shift to 19 holdingB^over a period ot years. Democrats, 14 Republicans. De- MIMUNUSIEir^ Hearings were held also'on retirements and the ratio the practices of co m p iles fl- «ta»oge to. reflect' increased Re- LS NAAMMim BYMJlUXliA^^ nancing servicemen's purchases PUbHcan strength in the Rouse of automobiles.-The Pentagon mean nkmlng five new ULMBEUANV followed through with tightened Democrats and three new Hei regulations and a dievelopmenl {Aiblicans to toe oominlttee. of credit union facUtUea over- At lesst three Democrats who S M n w i f 8 S 10 NUS eeaa. freGUenUy differed with Patman The committee staft. onrently. Tetuming.^__AomrSingiy - te finishing an investigation of even if all toe newly appointed AOOIAJMBU FICTLIKB REUASE • the ownenhip of cominercial Democrats support the chalr- •: \ bimks ta toe United Statek Pat-\ man, he could find himsdf on KHdaa^—“Prafeasianalt” M at 8>00—Bra. 7H10 and UiOO man has said he wants to deter- some Issues on the ttxRt ftda et H e hillside residehce of Mr. and Mrs- Dwiel Bursaidc on Dale Rd. mine wfas^W criminal or other « 17-16 dlrision. 8aA» Ban^TSSaalonala* tri^dSuTiSranatoSr n 3 1 3


PAGE FXVi .1 - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1966 f* C B FOUR MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, OOHN.* SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1966 ■7T Tlie Two-Direetioned BoDct Events 4fonders of the Vnivener Miller-Forrest Area Churches Congregational Church St. Francis of Assisi .Vernon Assehibly of God Chunk Ihe best answer to the current Connecticut‘ Yankee . • r u r c h e s Union R ock ville .. 878 ElUngton R d., Northeast School Sontittg IfFralU flood cf pubUe unrest about the de­ pt. M arys Episcopal Church South Methodist Cho^X' ' Chureh « f )Sw Assumption . South Windsor .Intersection of.>;Rts. 80 and H tails of the assaselhatkm of President By AJI.O . in the The U.S. Congress / Church and Park Sts. jSev. Paul J. Bowman, Minister _____ STiMC. R ev. J. Manley Bhawi D.D. Adams St. u d Thompson Rd, Mrs. Amy C. Barnard, l^ v. Gordon B. Wadhams, jv-yeitB oo John F. Kennedy Is the patient and re- ^ ' ’ Rev. George F. Nostrand PaatoF ______Btraet The aggressive, muddy side hsd conducted. But not once Rev. Franois J. Mlholek Director of Religious Education P astor Rev. MicheUno M ed Jineheater. Copn. prated presentation a t established . W orld R ector Rev. Richard W. Dupee Pastor. tHOMAS F. I^mOUSON of toe Republican sUte cam­ during toe campaign dUt toe Rev. John E. RIkteraitis, Rev. John D. Hughes Assoclato Pastor WALTER R. FERGUSON facts, and of the reasoning behind Republican strata try to And Science Planning Rev. Ernest J. Ooppa 0 a.m., Church School, Grades Assistant Pastor 9:46 a.m., Sunday School, FnbUahira ^ paign wound up ooncentrmUng Spanish Vote Drive Rev. James W. Bottoms Bev. GaiqHI. Cornell XoMkAad Octobar t M » l various official surmises. make any. play on toe fact 5 through 12. i 11 a.m., Worghlp Service. on toe ,local 'real estate tax de- Rev. Rmald E. Haldeman Mlaasee at 7, 8, 9:16, 10:10 that investlgatlOB had deeply MADRID, Spain (AP) — Rep. Joseph El. Karto is the money so earmarked waa less Associate Pastor 10:30 a.m., Church School, Masses at 6:46, 7:46, 9,. 10:16 7 p.m., EvangeHatic Servtof. There are Indeed answers to many and 11:46 a.m. * Unquency, in toe matter of Involved the two top officers Spanish government agencies second ranking majority mem­ than one. per cent! Since Con­ Infants through Grade 4. and 11:30 a.m . * ^ • , —■ Wednesday, 7:30 p.m., P ra j# ’ pf the eensatlonalist points currently 7:30 a.m.. Holy Communion. 9 and 10:46 a.m.. Worship ' - OoHL. M SeooAd Clw K a U ^ not more than $16,000, cf to# of toe Demoermtio state party, have begun a national campaign ber at the House Committee on gress Is asked to appropriate 10:46 a.m.. Morning Worship emd Bible Study. ~ joeing emidiaalzed by the amateur 8:45 and 9:46 a.m.. Family Service. Reception of Mem- Democratic candidate for Ueo- producing an immediate re­ to bring out a large vote for the Science and Astronautics. He id these vast sums, oongres should St. Bartholomew’B Service. Sermon topic, “What St. Maurice Church, Bolton ■dbbcriftion r a t e s Euchariat. Kindergarten in the hers.' World Service Sunday: sleuths who are marketing tiieoriea tenant governor, and i n to e fund of a $10,000 commission Dec. 14 nattonal referendum on considered one of the meet be an active participant in Rev- Philip Hussey, Pa Has Happened to Advent?” The Bev. Robert W. Cronin A very St. PayAUa ta Adraace Children’s Chapel. Nursery and First Sunday in Advent. Dr. other than those finally adc^ted by tbs aliegriUon that pressure had by one of them, and leaving - the new organic laws proposed authoritative voices in Congress termlnlng how, where, m d 'un- Rev. Edward M. LaRose Rev. Mr. Bowman preaching. P astor Christian Reformed Chnroh £& v;/;;;.v;”v.v.^S Crib Class in the Williams Thomas Williams of Phlladel- Warren Commission Report Many of ^ been brought pn Conneefieut in perpetual lintoo, apparent­ last Tuesday by Gen. Fkanclsco der vdiat clreumstences the ex^ Aselstant Pastor 4 to 6 p.m.. Junior High and 661 A very St. IContba •••••••»•••••• on space matters and is also a Bullding. phia, Pa., preachingi SJ . L ot these answers are good, and end some truckers to . dratrlbute mors ly, toe tantalising question of F ranco. member of toe Subcommittees penditures shoidd be made. ^ Senior Pilgrim Fellowship com­ M asses at 7, 8:30, 10 and South Windsor 11 a.m., Morning Prayer with 9 and 10:46 a.m.. Church Masses at 6:46, 7:46, 9, 10:16 maiBBR OF „ particular line of speculation as soon generously^lo toe Democratle whether much larger sums The proposals Include plaits to on Space Sciences and Applica­ How do lawmakers propose bined meeting. 11 ;30 a.m . Rev. James A. Bonnema, sermon by the Rev. Mr. Nos- School for Grades 1 through *12. and 11:30 a.m. n s ASSOCIATEID PRESS . ^ state psmpaign. ought not somehow to be re­ set up a liberalized monarchy to exercise more fully their M inister TiM A atoSt^r^aaii Is ezclostTelr anttUeS as they are applied to it tions and NASA. trand. Nursery for babies. Pre-school ------—— r The tax delinquency charge turned to smnebddy by some­ when the 7$-year-old Franco prerogatives in tho dovekipment First Lutheran Church •a aw ssa at ramabtteaOon of all news dla- Mr. Karto represents Minne­ Wednesday, St. Andrew’s Day classes for two-to five-year- Saered Heart Church eisditad to n or not othenrlaa credl^ If, from such interchange of specula­ stlired some interest, and body else. This all was, while leaves office, a broadening of of science policy? There are St. Bridget’s Church R ockville 9:46 a.m., Sunday School ttK eeS^yapeper also Hm local naws puls- sota’s Fourth Oongreaslonal 10 a.m. and 6:30 p.m.. Holy olds. Bt. SO, Vernon tion and fact sensationalist assump­ , probably influenced as many it was in progress, the great­ elective posts at several levels B ev. J tion and realistic judgment there sUn votes as toe Democrats them­ est hrvestlgative event in Con­ of government and a program problem which make it impos­ Rev. Robert J. Keen P astor Rev. Patrick Sdlivan 11 a.m.. Worship Service. aatdMs b a ^ ara also laaerrad. selves fear it did, not so much Dally, 7 p.m.. Evening Pray- 10:16 a.m., Reception for emerges some circumstance or det^H necticut politics in torso for religious freedom in Spain. n y THE HON. JOSEPH E. sible, in a short article, to at­ Rev. Dennis' R. Hussey Assistant Pastor Nursery. ., /' because of toe actual signifi­ er. new members. Coffee social In which seems to defy common julhae, decades. The Ministry of Informafioa KABTH tempt a complete answer. Suf­ 9 a.m., Sunday School. 7:30 p.m.. Evening Service.ia BO flBaai^ reapcBsltolty' can ce a t toe delinquency itself Church is open dally for pray- Reception Hall. naaoal am as appoarioK to adTWtHraaenW then, and only then, would there sram But, in 1966, the 'very seme and Tourism is sending letters Member, House Of fice to say that there have been 7.' 8^:16, 10:30 a.m., Church Service. Masses at 7, 8, 9:16, 10:30 and Thunsday, 10 a.im., W om eo5l le S Ir rMtftag y»»***^ 1b n » Maachestar as because it focused attention er. 10:48 a.m., Senior High For­ the church. 9:16, wiSO-,apd 12:00 Bible study, nursery pro-vided^ Republican regime vtoidi had to all of toe nation’s nearly 20 Representattvee intensive studios in Congress 11:45 a.m. , ■itaK &otb1i& __ to be justification for any, official, re­ on toe something less than um. in the oudkortum conducted it campaigned as if million qualified voters with and elsewhere during toe past Unitarian Fellowship Flan aarrlea eliaat at W..E. A. Swrlea. tofc opening of the Investigation, for new heavyweight calibre of toe it had never happened. Science in America today haa North Methodist Church 6 p.m.. Junior High Metho­ model baUOto and information two yeaix from which we may Academy Junior High School St. Bernard’s Oniroh First Luthermi Church ; ..SSu-wr-JtoP^^ conclusiona by a new 'set of judges. pt^cular nominee. There had to be, one sup­ become big—along with “big 300 Parker St. dist Youth FeUowshlp. Study suppoiting Franco’s constitu­ expect a number of meaning­ St. James’ Church Glastonbury St. Bernard’s Ter., RockvlUe R ockville The charge about pressure poses, some special reasons business” and "big govern­ Bev. Earle R. Custer, unit on "Jonah and a Universe" We would guesi, from our skimming tional program. ful reforms. The recommenda­ Msgr. Edward J. Reardon, Bev. George F. X. Reilly Rev. Richard E. Bertram, MgiTBCT a u d it BUBBAU o f CIHCUIA* on truckers for more generous for this. The original Investi­ m ent.” P astor 6:15 p.m.. Crusade dinner PfMtor ■■■'Si acquaintance., ' with the oontroveray, The state-oyned television tions row under consideration, . "JiS 10:30 a.m., Sunday ^hool and P astor P astor news.______campaign contributions creat­ gation itself, of course, had Science is big in many im­ Terry B. Candee, for executive committee, spe­ Rev. Eugene F. Torpey that the olie final area of almost com­ and radio networks, and street in every case, have toe common Morning Meeting. Speaker;- Mrs. Itov. James H. Royle ed little stir, not even when been pursued only with the portant ways. Since 'World War Pastor-in-Tralning cial gifts committee, majors, Rev. John J. O’Brien S ervice- and highway posten are being goal of improving tho capabili­ Lorraine Roth, research asso­ Rev. Anthony Kuzdal 10:30 a.m., Church suwmsfW iS”' plete bafflemoit la likely to prove to toe very denials which wers bitter oj^iosltlon of some of H there has been a moat direct captains, workers, and general Rev. Vincent J. Flynn used in file cam pai^ ^ ty of Congress to assert its ciate, University of Connecticut. Holy Communion. 2 be that which concerns the path of the forthcoming were closer to ad­ toe Republicans who bad relationship between national 9 and 10:30 a.m., Worship conimlttees members. The government is expected Topic; “Viet Nam—A Studied Majstee at 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 Wor lliandBy — I p.^ Wdnotoja buUet which, in ^ Warren Commis­ missions than to denials, not security and the relative ad­ policymaking function in this Service. Sermon “Gi-ving With- P-m-, Senior High Methodist Mksses a|t 6, 7, 8, 9, 10:16 and themselves shared in toe in­ to declare a national holiday Assessment.” First Congregational Church e( sion theory, is believed to have passed even when toe state was af­ surance largesse, some of vancem ent a t science and tech- new field. out Gloating." Youth Fellowship. Second in 11:30 a.m . Dec. 14 to assure a big turnout Vernon ^toWfled daadUno: iO:SO ajD, eacb dap at forded toe picture of a state nology in the major nations In In the meantime, there have 9 a.m.. Church School. Nur­ series. "Mental Retardation.^ paMteatlow aaeept Saterday^^ a j b . through the body of the President and them under both Democratio Eastmlnster United * St. Matthew’s Church, Tolland Rev. John A. Lacey, Minister for the first national referen- been a few Instances where sery and Grades 4 through 8. Tuesday, 6 a.m., Men’s adult inflicted the wound on Governor Oon- commissioner acting as tos and Republican distribution toe world. There is no Zion Evangelical Presbyterian Fellowship Rev. J. Clifford Curtin, Pastor Rev. Betsy G. French,’^ Satnrdsy. NorenAer 28 dtun in Spain since 1947. 'Congressional committees have 10:30 a.m.. Church School. study class. The Rev. Mr. Cor­ clearing bouse /'and collection systems, and only In toe face doubt that America’s military Lutheran Church,-- George i^.'-Sly^^School Meeting Sundays in New Church Minister of Christian Educatio* n ally. asserted their autoCrlty in ways Nursery, Kindergarten and nell, leader. ag;ent for contributions from of behlnd-toe-ecenes pressure strength reflects the ■vitality of (Missouri Synod) Kingston Dr. off Oak^St. The troublesome assumption the Red Activity Low now open to them, and wo can Grades 1 through 8, ' 7 p.m.. Open House, Nursery What Was Once Indian Snnuner sectors of toe state’s business from toe insurance Industry it­ our scientific resources, hu­ Cooper and High Sts. East Hartford ^ Messes at 7:30, 8:30 and 10:30 9:30 and 11 a.m.. Morning TOICSro (AP) — Laotian Fi­ expect more of this type of ac­ 7:30 p.m.. North Methodist School at Jesse Lee House. Warren Commission has to make con­ with which his department has self, which regretted such pub­ man and otherwise. Thus, on The Rev. Paul O. Proko'py, Lorins photo Bev. Gordon 8. Bates, W orship. It is tiM tnftfnal diaraoteriatic of nance Minister Sisouk Na tivity in too foreseeable future. Cadre 1 visits Norwich Metho­ Wednesday, 10 a.m.. Adult sidering the course of this bullet is il­ a continual business relation- lic blemishes on its image. Iir' the International political front, P astor MRS. JUSTIN GERARD MILLER M inister 9:25 and 10:56 a.m.. O h u r^ 6 •ur a|ro that It aamehow manages to CSiampassak said today pro- One such Instance occurred dist Church. study class. The Rev. Mr. Du- lustrated, perhaps with unwitting dra­ ship. addition to such odd pressures, science haa ■virtually become toe School. Oommunist Pathet Lao military . during the current session of Monday, 8 p.m.. Women’s So- P®® leader. 'DilcottvilleUong^ational tu n arstwhOa pleasures and blessings ma, In the official statraaent which has That was about the limit of toe Republican campaign had equi-valent of power. 9 a.m., Church School. Miss Donna Rae Forrest of and Miss Kelhe Birch of Deep 10 a.m., Worship and Church 6 p.m., Jimlor Pilgrim Fello#- activity in his country has been Congress. Tho House Commit­ clety of Christian Service execu­ 7 p.m.. Teacher Training Church Into Tlrolent curses, and there can be toe effort of toe Republicans to face the additional fact Big science also influences 9:30 a.m., Adult Bible Ttoie. Manchester and Justin Gerard River, niece of the bridegroom. School. Sermon; "Whom do we ship. just come from FBI Director J. Edgar reduced to "small skirmishes” tee on Science and Astronau­ tive committee meeting. course. Rev. Robert K.' Shimodhi BO B K »a fitting, complete, or iBustrS' to play rough and tough. In that toe insurance company of our dally lives. For example, it 10 a m ., D ivine W orship. Miller of Glastonbuiy were They wore Hoover, denying the existence of any tics drtermlned that it would 7:30 p.m., Stewardship and E x p e ct?” M inister ■ -2-p-m., Senior Ptigrim FeHoW-, toe first instance, toe state re­ toe individual it itself had in the past two years because has had obvious effects upon the Tuesday, 6:30 a.m., Senior Text: Matthews. 26 : 31-36.46. . , __, „ X J full-length gold taffeta gowns, tiva aaample of this than the fact that conflict between FBI reports and the depart from toe tradition of finance committee. united in marriage Saturday, shii^^^-> , ' TK vealed some sensitivity to a nominated for governor had U.S. bombings have reduced content and emphasis of our ed­ youth study group. Theme: "The Verdlot cm the the spell df weather ^ Atlantic Sea> simply accepting or rejecting Friday, 7:30 p.m., Board o f Vernon Methodist Church 9:46 a.m., Sunday School, Tuesday 7 p.m., Youth Mei^- final verdicts of the Warren Commis­ question a t candidate calibre. enjoyed a rather genermu their flow of supplies. ucational system. First, it stim­ Wednesday, 6 a.m., Men’s Last Day, Judgement Day.” Oct. 29j^t St. James’ Church, cap sleeves, and full skirts with feoazd has just been experiencing is, in trustees. R t. SO Nursery. Classes for all ages. bership Meeting. •*, sion. In toe second instance, toe amount of state business at But be ruled out toe Vientiane toe program recommended by study group. Registration for Communion on Theoride is a daughter of_ velvet bow at the back of the I n y Wriwy b u t on e unfortu n ate aa- ulates the ^tnteresta of our youth Rev. Morton A. Magee 11 a.m.. Centennial anniver- 7:30 p.m.. Choir Rehearsal. ,, state seemed completely cal­ toe' discretion of the Demo­ government’s ability to close toe National Aeronautics and 7:30 p.m., North Methodist Sunday, Dec. 4, after this serv­ Mr. and 'Mrs. Robert C. For- waistlines. 'Tliey. wore head­ Ijirector Hoover, in the course of this along scientific patos; then it ------sary worship service. The Rev. Friday 7 p.m.. Senior Pilgrl^ peot, the once beautiful and blessed lous and indifferent to any cratic administration. toe Ho Chi Minh Trail on which Space Administration by grant­ Cadre H. Center Congregational Church ice. rest of 223 Spruce St. The bands of ^Id, white and bronze statonent, gives two descriptions of holds out toe promise of re­ . 9:30 a.m.. Worship service and Royal Gibson, Minister of State Fellowship, Biblical Hootenanny, Wiiwf eaiiOTi Indian Summer. possible moral quibbling toe Pathet Lao depend for their ing or withholding autoorlza- Thursday, 9:30 a.m., Women’s United CHnrcfa o f Christ 11 a .m ., Gabtesdienrt. bridegrroom is a son of Mr. miuns, ana'they carried baskets Perhaps toe Republican warding employment after com­ child care. Sermon by the pas- Missions of the United Church Fellowship Hall. An Tedlaw Summer waa a blessing the path of this bullet. about how a political party campaign, rather than re­ Bustenance "because we simply tibn of funds. Instead, toe Com­ study group. 11 Center St. Thursday, 6:30 p.m., AduK and Mrs. Justin J. Miller of of matching flowers. ^ o, ^ pletion of scientific education. Glastonbury. David A Miller of Glaston-. Sch^ for Nursery of Christ, will prrach on "What at natma, mixed out of its fullnesa of raises camjiaign funds. sponding to such sjiecial pres­ doh’t have toe military means." mittee redirected a relatively 7 p.m., Senior High Church Bev. Clifford 0. Simpson, Information Hour. First, he describes how’ the autopsy Big science also affects our lives Would Happen.” The pastor will Our Savior Lutheran Churclf Perhaps, in the end, toe sures, was merely following its Speaking at a Tokyo Foreign small portion of the budget re­ School classes. M inister Friday, 7:30 p.m.. Church The Bev. John J. O’Brien of bury was unable to serve as his , „ , , ___ uenourcee, and dispensed . to human surgeon discovered “a bullet hole in the b y ■virtue o f the la rge invest­ conduct the service, and 60-year 289 Graham R oad, Wapplng"'' truly spectacular thing about own appraisal of the Connecti­ Correspondents Club luncheon, quested by NASA, while • sub­ Friday, 9 a.m., Connecticut Rev. Kenneth W. Steere, Council. St. James’ Church performed brother’s best man, because of Schoo beings as a kind of pleasant half-way back below the shoulder.” ment which our nation current­ members will be honored. Rev. Walter L. Abel, PastoS toe Republican campaig;n was cut public attitude toward he said Laos’ national (right- stantially approving the' full Ministers Cadre. Associate Minister the double ring ceremony. Bou- injuries received in an auto ac- o^®*" ' house between feS end winter. ly makes in promoting scientific 2:30 p.m.. Centennial anniver­ Nexu Director Hoover describes the not the mud It tried to throw, questions of propriety, moral­ wing) army has 59,000 men, tho amount of the request. Saturday, 10 a.m ., to 2 p.m ., Miss Antoinette Bierce, Community Baptist Church quets of white, gold and bronze cident. Warren Birch of Deep ‘ p.m., Methodist ou Authentic Indian Summer, all the and engineering education. Gilt of a total of approxi­ sary social. ] 9 a.m., Early Wor^p- exammation of the clothing for evi­ but the mud it somehow ity, 8md ethics In the political neutralists 10,000 troops and the Christmas Fair. Director of Christian Education 88S E. Center St. mums were on the altar. River, brother-in-law of the "WShip. other adltorialiste In the country not­ Pathet Lao 18,000 soldiers. Some believe this Investment mately $664 million requested - 4 p.m ., 'Centennial Vesper Ser­ 9 a.m., and 10:30 a.m .,, SUHr dences of the same bullet. strangely refused to use. field. Perhaps it judged that Bev, Frederick B. Bruce, ITie bride was given in mar- bridegproam, was his profy. Ush- is made at the ex^nse of ed­ by NASA for the Office of Space vice. The Rev. James Bull of day School. withstanding, never does arrive unto This was toe first state elisc- toe people o f' Connecticut He said the Pathet Lao are The Presbyterian Church First Simday in Advent. ' Interim Minister riage by her father. 'She wore ers were Hariy Forrest of Mail- St- George’s Episcopal Qiurch ucation In other fields equally Science and Applications, toe Colorado, speaker. 10:30 a.m.. Late,, Worship. ^ Hovanfber, and, therefore, does not ap­ "This examination,” he says, “rw tion since tos once-f amous could hardly care less. We are under the control of the North 43 Spruce St. 8, 9:16 and 11 a.m .. W orship _____ a full-length peau de sole gown, Chester, brother of the bride; ®t. 44 A, Bolton vital to our ci-vilization, such as Committee re-directed a total 6 p.m.. Buffet dinner. pear at an in many yean. vealed a small hole in the back of his legislative probe of state in­ inclined to agree, even vtoile Vietnamese who maintain some Rev. George W. Smith Service. Holy Communion and 9 a.m., Fhmily Woenhip Serv- designed with scalloped neck- Jon Moorhouse of Deep River, Rev. Douglas E. Theuner, Vicar tlMf liberal arts' and the human­ of $42 million from vartoua Wednesday, 11 a.m.. Ladies Unitarian Meeting House But *wa, for the past few days, has coat and shirt and a silt characteristic surance commissions toe Pin- 16,000 troops in northern Laos to M inister reception at new members. The ice. Church School classes for line edged -with Alencon lace, bi-other-in-law of the bride- we deplore it, that that would ities. 'Whatever too merits of Missionary Society. SO Bloomfield Ave., HartfordT of an exit hole for a projectile in toe guard the Ho Chi Minh TraiL projects and activltlea into two Rev. David W. Emmons of-Bris­ children. Nursery through fitted bodice, long tapered groom; John Miller of Glaston-8 a.m., Holy Eucharist. bean tha right Und of weather at the ' ney Republican leadership be a realistic Judgment. this question may be, important Bev. Nathaniel D. Lauria.t specific projects for the un­ 9:30 a.m., Sunday School tol, guest preacher. Sermon: Grade 4 begdimlng their expand- sleeves, a panel of lace on the bui^'^ coustoi^of the ^ridegroom; 10:15 a.m.. Morning Prayer right time. front of toe shirt one Inch below toe public policy considerations are St. John’s Episcopal Church Pirate Station O ff manned exploration of Mars. classes for all ages from 2 years "The WilUngness of God." ed session tn the ChUdren’s A-Unr’sklrtr and a U u^tier^ Robert Sala of Glastonbury, and Church Sch^l. V Because of what we have succeeded collar button. A nick on toe left side beginning to take shape. This is a space science pro-"' 7 p.m.. Evening Prayer and Rt, 30 near Hillside Ave., 10:30 a.m., Worship Servicse, CANTERBint'S', E ngland upward. 9:15 and 11 a.m. Church Bvidldtng. Serm on: “ When M oth­ detachable train. Her elbow- Mrs. Forrest wore a gold and la doing to it, however, tt is no longer of toe tie knot, poesibly caused by toe The economic Impact of sci­ gram that has been given high Young People’s Fellowship. Vernon Nursery and Worship ChurOb (AP) — Radio Station 390, one 10:45 a.m.. Worship Service. School and Crib Room. er Wondered.” length veil of silk illusion was brocade dress and coat, caUed Bidian Summer. same projectile which passed torough Tales of Connecticut ence is equally powerful, as any priority by NASA and a ma­ Monday, 8 p.m.. Brotherhood Rev. James L. Grant, Rector School. . of Britain’s offshore pirate radio The Rev. Mr. Smith .preaching. 7 to 9 p.m. School of Pray­ 9:60'a.m.. Church School arranged from a petal head- g°M accessories. The The new title for it ia **rempenture the shirt, also was noted.” community knows whose cor­ jority of toe scientific commun­ Sermon: "After Thanksgiving er in the Federation Boom. The o f St. Andrew. N broadcasters, went off the air classes for Grade 6 to aduUs, piece, and she carried a colonial bridegroom’s mother wore a porations have had the good ity. This action by toe Com- Wednesday, 8 p.m.. Holy 7:46 a.m.. Holy Communion. First Congregational Churcli5 bvemlao,’’ and the title is a very flt- Friday night after being con­ What?” Nursery provided at all Rev. Mr. EmmonSj leader. Top- younger children continue nosegay of” swrath^ green lace suit with black ac- It is when we tie these two loca­ Riittee was taken after exten­ Eucharist. • — . - 9 a.m.,-Holy Communion, Ser­ United Church of Christ ting cBe, for tt haa a sound of mod- victed. ,'Of iUegaliy operating fortune to obtain contracts rep­ serv ices. ic: "When People Pray." their class session. The adutt and mums cesson______es. Both ------■wpre_ corsages tions, toe entruce in toe back “below Hebron’s Big Noise resenting a portion of the an­ sive expert testimony, aju4 hii« mon, Classes, baby-sitting. Andover a n ttj and ogUness about tt wbidh har­ without a license. R was the J 6 p.m.,*Jundor Hi Fellowship. Friday, 6:30 p.m.. Men’s Club class will meet in 'Fellowship of white sweetheart roses. toe shoulder'’ with toe exit in toe re­ been explained in' detail In the Miss Nancy Ann Forrest of RockvlUe Methodist Church 10:46 a.m.. Morning Prayer, Bev. Raymond H. Bradley Jr.. monises with what we are actually do- first, of several pirate radio nual $17 billion Investment by 7 p.m., Evening Worship Serv­ Oyster Stew Supper in Wood- Hall. -r A reception for 150 was held gion of toe collar button at the front Committee’s report. Manchester, sister of the bride, 142 G rove St. Sermon, and classes. P astor ■“ By Wesley Gryk Jr, ‘ cases to be tried. toe federal Government in re­ ice. Sermon: "The Mount Re- ruff Hall. The Rev. Gregory a-m., Second Wonriiip at the American Legion Home. hig to ourselvea. ' Of toe throat, and then remember that It was anticipated that of­ was maid o f honor. She wore a Rev. Willard E. .ConkUn, Pastor Tuesday, 8 p.m.. Adult Con­ A Kent magistrates court re­ search and development. ■visited.’ ’ Kondakjian ■will speak and .Service. For a motor trip through the Indian Summer was 'always, of King George HI 'of .England casing. Tho townspeople were, ficials of NASA would resist full-length gown, designed with firmation class. 9:45 a.m.. Church School. this bullet was supposedly being shot jected Station 390’s contenUoD And it la ’even bigger busi­ 8:15 p.m., RPYP meeting. Di­ show slides of his native Ai^en- Infant and Child Care at all south, Mrs. Miller wore a gold course, a temperature inversion, which- had special reason to be hdppy so confident hi their weapon this relatively small change in moss green velvet empire hod- 9:30 a.m., Church School, W ednesday, 10 , a .m ., - Holy 11 a.m.. Worship. Sermon Iff down from a high wlndoi^, that wa . that it was outside toe court’s ness for those communities ana Thomas discussion leader. tlnav ~ser\dora. ■- ' tweed suit with brown accessor­ means a weather happening by which that they hired a Colchester m- ice, elbow - length puffed Nursery through adults. Communion. the Rev. Mr. Bradley, ‘-‘Lose 0 the content of toeir program. oo(he up against what seems an im­ m 1758. Duning that year, the jurisdiction and convicted it at -whidi ha-ve developed a strong Monday, 7 p.m., Trustees 7 p.m.. Junior High aiid Sra- ies and a corsage of gold, -« sort of thermal dome is built over us 'ventor to sketch toe contraption These offlcials did not disap­ m eeting. sleeves, and a vanilla colored 10:45 a.m.. Morning Worship. 6:30 p.m., junior Choir Re­ Your Neighbor as Yourself.".jf possibility for ’ toe imagination. How French end Indian W ax bad broadcasting without a license capability In talent and facili­ Second Congregational Church lor High Youth Fellowships 'will bronze and or-ange mums. hi the atmosphere, giving us a doe^ and prepare patent jiapers for it. point. Their theory seema to be 'Tuesday, 7 p.m.. Battalion for crepe skirt. She wore a moss Nursery through Grade 4. hearsal. 7 p.m.. Pilgrim Fellowship. can a bullet shot down finish its taken a turn for the better; the ‘ on British territory from an ties, and are thereby in a po­ 385 N. M ain St. m eet. Mrs. Miller, a 1964 graduate The day for toe “flring-off” that while Congress may have boys 12 to 18. green velvet headbow, and she 6:00 p.m., Methodist Youth 7:30 p.m.. Prayer Group. Tuesday, 10 a .m ., M oth ers In shelter from the normally chill and British had captured French- abandoned fort in the Thames sition to imdertake large-s^ale Rev. Felix M. Da-vls, Minister of Manchester High School, is journey traveling upward? Or even ceremony finally arrived. Fes­ Wednesday, 7:30 p.m.. Prayer carried a colonial nosegay of Fellowship. Thursday, 9:30 to 11:30 a.m.. study group. wayward winds of November. held Louisburg at the mouth of Estuary. Edward AUbeury, a production contracts w hich the authority ,to disapprove a Bev. C. Ronald Wilson, Trinity Covenant Church employed as a medical typist travelUig forward in a straight, level tivities began early in toe morn­ m eeting. bronze and gold mums. Monday 7:15 p.m.. Prayer and. Bible class, baby-sitting. And so kmg as the smell and the toe Gulf of St Lawrence. From director of the station, said it grow out of research and de­ program recommended by toe Associate hjlhister Hackmatack St. near Keeney St. at Phoenix Mutual Life Insur­ line, assuming the President might ing, -with toe women preparing Thursday, 6:30 p.m.. Stockade Bridesmaids were Miss Vir- Discussion Time. Friday, 6:45 p.m.. Holy Com St. Peter’s Episcopal Churctf content of the air in this cosmic en- this strategic position, toe Red­ -would 'remain off the air pend­ velopment acti'vities. An e-ven Admfiiistration, or a portion Rev. K. Ejnar Rask, Pastor ance Oo., Hartford. Mr. Miller have been hunched forward, which evi­ bu£;e pumpkin plea phitefuls fo r boys 8 to 11. ginia Miller of Glastonbury, sis­ Wednesday 10:00, a.m.. Wo- mundon. Sand Hill Rd, * coats ’would be able to stop sup­ ing an appeal. more significant effect has been thereof, by declining to author­ 9 a.m.. Adult class. dosurs was sweet and smelled only of of fried donuts, and mounds a t Saturday, 8 p.m., Ftorum dis­ ter of the bridegroom: Miss ® 1^62 graduate of Glastonbury man’s Bible Study Orcle. 7 p.m.. Junior Bible class. W a itin g \ dence Indicates he was not? plies end reinforcements from a tendency toward toe geo­ ize toe needed funds. Congress 10 a .m ., W orship. Church 9:30 o.m., Sunday School. the earth and Its waten and Its foil- plump apple turrovera The cussion at the manse. Kathy Solomorescm, Miss Paula H*_Sh School, is em plo}^ as a Rev. James A. BirdsmI, vicaV reaching the interior of Canada.- graphical ooncentration of the does not fekve toe authority to School Nursery through Grades Glaases for Kindergaiten sgo and its wdd. It waa Just Indian The very phrasing of toe statement children of Hebron had their Aid for Viet Reds Huffield and Miss Sue Mitchell, clerk at"* Pratt “■ and ” 'Whitney, Bolton Congregational Church Wesleyan Methodist Church ------g Examining the reports a t the nation’s best scientific and engi­ make substantive changes, no 7. Sermon by the Rev. Mr. through Adult. Division of United Aircraft, V Summer, nothing more or less. in vdilch Director Hoover answers one ears packed with kunb’s wool, MOSCOW (AP) — A Viet The Salvation- Army all of Manchester. 'Hieir full- Bev. J. Stanton tlonover. Meets at Skinner ito. School 8 a.m.. Advent Corporate Com­ battle, toe king noticed that neering talent The' social and matter how minor, in toe con­ Da-vis, "Seeing But Not See- 10:46 a.m.. Morning Worship. of toe side issura raised by toe critics to prevent their eardrums from Cong woman leader in Moscow 661 Main St. ' length gowns of moss green vel- East Hartford. M inister Vernon munion for men and boys. •- What we have done, in the continu­ cokntial flghtors ftxxn Hebron economic implications of the tent of toe program. " Sermon:- "Behold, Yexa- King . . .. ^ bursting. has called for more aid from the Captain Ernest V. Payton Miss Jeanne Lefevre, , Rev. Hervey W. Taber, 10 a.m.. Morning Praygf. ally aaoalsting fury and fume of our of toe Warren Commission Report had played an important role in imequal geographic distribution It seems fair to predict that 7 p.m,. Mu Sigma Chi youth Cometh!" Nursery facilitira ^______rest of the world for toe Com­ Officer in Charge styled to match the honor at­ UNFIT REPORTS ASKED Student pirector of P astor Church School. Baby-sitting. manofocture, procMsing, heating, and serves, then, to suggest toe impossi­ the action. George, in one of his Just past noon, toe town of research and development Ctongress will reject this theory group. provided. ' leaders decided that toe tone munists in Viet Nam, Tass re­ tendants. They wore matching BOSTON (AP)—The. Maasa- Christian Education Wednesday, Feast of St. snergy-iiroductimi, and travd, is to bility of another Commission conclu­ more generous moments, order­ expenditures are now beginning as fundamentally opposed to Monday, 7:80 p.m.. Religious Wednesday, 7:30 p.m., Mid- had come. Seven yoke of oxen ports'^ 8 a m., Prayer Breakfast.- velvet headbows and carried chusetts Registry of Motor Ve- 10 a.m., Sunday School. drew. turn the air trapped inside this ther­ sion quite as graphically as any of toe ed that these soldiers be re­ to be understood. its Constitutional mandate. T%is Education Board. week Service. , 9:30 a.m ., Sunday School ■with colonial nosegays of gold and hides says it believes that 10 a.m.. Church School. Wor- Classes for all ages. 9:30 a.m., and 7:45 p.m., Hdfy argrunents presented by toe critics. w arded. H is g ift -was, to sa y toe were hooked onto the firing Nguyen Thi Binh, member of ■ The nature of science noliev particular case, however, may Tuesday, 7:30 p.m., Church 8:16 p.m., Choir Practice. mal encloBure into a three part mix­ the Presidium of the Central ' * o! S ' classes''for all ages. bronze mums. doctors should be required by ship Service. Sermon; "Advent: 11 a.m., Worship Service. Nur- Communion, least, unique: A brass cannon piece, and it was hauled wito tod ay S such that its inter­ not prove to ^ a vehicle by School Grades 8 through 12. Thursday, 7:30 p .m .. B oard o< ture of osone, fine-ground soot, and Committee of the National li­ 10:45 a.m.. Holiness meeting. Miss Patti O’Coln of South law to report persons physically God Within Us." eery. Monday through Friday, 7fl6 A theory in which a single bullet which was to stand on Hebron’s laborious slowness to toe top relationships with other as­ which Congress win assert Its 8 ;30 p.m.. Missions . commit- Christian Education, -Baadoas and sometimes almost nau­ beration E>ont,. made the plea 6:16 p.m., Open Air meeting. Windsor, cousin of the bride; unfit to drive. i; ^ p.m.. Pilgrim Fellowship. 6 p.m., Wealeyan Youth. p.m., Evening Prayer. »• proceeds in two directions in order to town green.’ of a nearby hilL A procession pects of our national life can no science policymaking preroga­ tee. Saturday, 9:46 a.m., Confir- seous gases. Friday at a meeting of women 6:30 p.m.. Prayer meeting. 6:30 p.m ., Blast and P rayer. wound two men is not going to have an 'When tlw townspeople of He­ of hundreds of qiectators fol­ longer be disregarded. For this tives. At this writing, the leg­ Friday, 8 p.m.. Deacons. matlon Class. in M osedw. 7 p.m.. Salvation meeting- 7 p.m., E-vening Service at the When the weather maintains the easy time defending itself. And there bron got woM of this special low ed. reason, toe United States Con­ islative process on toe NASA She said that American esca­ Tuiesday, 7 p.m.. Midweek home of George R. Cooke, 1 same encloeure over us ^or a prolong- bondr, they wera joyous. Imag­ 'The wooden cannon was Ued gress la taking a deeper In- Authorization Bill for fiscal First Church of Christ, may come a time when toe country lation of the war "should be Service. ' ' ' St. John’s Polish National Westview Ter., EUington. dS* period of time — say several days ine, a.gift from the king faim- tightly to a huge oak tree. Seth tereet in the formulation of year 1967 has not been com­ Scientist will want to have a new panel decide countered by growing assist­ Thursday, 6:46 p.m., Open Air datfaoUc Cliurch Wednesday, 7 p.m., Prayer thoot break or change—the propor- self! The ha'pptness lasted for Jordan, a former gunner on science policy, and not simply pleted, so the final result vriU 4417 N. Main'St. Genverse^Butler I KLH? whether such a theory can be defend­ ance to the Vietnamese people,” m eeting. Bev. Walter A. 'Hyszko meeting and Bible study at the several weeks; toen, K gave way toe Eagle, a New London pri­ because of the social and eco­ not be known for some weeks. P astor ina o f th e th ree-part m ixture begin to ed, or should be abandoned. Tass said. I parsonage on Cider Mill Rd. f to doubt, and eventually, dis- vateer, packed toe gim wito nomic effects upon our coun­ 11 a.m., Sunday Church Serv­ '^jary. The aoot obscures the sun and She stressed that the assist­ Yet, it seems inevitable that Miss Melva Joan Butler of Ellington. mey. The can&on never arrived, powder. The fateful moment try’s strength, vigor, and gen­ ice, Sunday School, and Nur­ NO... IT ISNT moon; the gas aasaUs the throat ance of toe Soviet Union toe principle of Congressional MSaases alt 8:90 and 10:30 a.m . Hartford and Lawrence Austin end ’word was sent that H -had had-arrived! Everything waa eral well-being. sery. W|iid hmga. We begin to be thankful other Communist countries waa policy formulation in toe field THE Wapping Community Church been kxit a t siea. deathly silent as the fuse was -The rapid growth in science subject of the Lesson-Ser­ ' Gospel Hall Converse HI of Bolton ex-, AN AIRLINE! R ^t the weather win eventuaUy "very important.” But ehe ad­ of science will be upheld in toe Congregational Visit To The Vet The Hebronttes were not to bo lit and onlookers scrambled for Sind technology during the past mon ia "Ancient and Modern 416 Center St. changed vows Wednesday at a dressed her appeal to "world not too distant future. BIBLE \Rev. Roy R. Huteheon, Minister 3kange, as it always has dianged. If daunted, however. They had cover. ' two decadra is illustrated by the Necromancy, alias Mesmerism S K K A M ) MKAK If you are feeling discouraged about public opinion," saying.it should On the basis that Congress cimdlelight service at Bolton Rev. Iheodore Bacheler, ^ were not to change our poisoned in- boon cdl set to rouse the Connec­ Then came the' explosion — fact that today almost 20 per and Hypnotism, Denounced"; 10 a.m.. Breaking bread. human nature and need to regain a render “more active h^p.” She makes the necessary resources SPEAKS Congregational Church. M inister TH K .M A 'l ■f^isign of Indiaii Summer would be the ticut oountryside with a boom­ such a fantastic event that it cent of the federal budget Is the Golden Text, from Proverbs 11:45 a.m ., Sunday School. little faith in the goodness .of your fel­ specifically called to r m edi­ available for our national space The bride Is a daughter of AMEtuol physical death of us, unless, of ing emmen. Now, they were not kept area residents gossiping allocated to research and de­ by 21:30; "There is no wisdom nor 7 p.m., (3«apel meeting, low-man,. try visiting a veterinary cines, tbb Soviet news agency program in the name of toe 8 a.m., Worship’ Service. Ser­ going to let this “minor” set­ for months. According to toe understanding nor counsel Mr. and Mrs. Melvin E. Butler Sfcuree, we managed to flee to the hills, office. If }Tou've come to the conclusion said. velopment or other matters American people, Congress be­ Eugene m iesday, 8 p.m.. Prayer mon by the Rev. Mr. Bacheler, NORMAN’S .'I back stand m their -way. In­ rumors spread about at that closely related to science and against'the Lord." meeitiing. of Wellsburg, W. Va. The bride­ ^ the least dangerous height inside the that we’re all a bunch of savages, cut­ lieves it should have a hand In Brewer "Advent tor Adults.” INC. stead, toe townspeople began at time, seven cows in MTndham Wednesday, 8 p.m., Testi­ Friday, 8 p.m., Bible reaxUng. ^J^^ibble, or were able to make our way ting each other's cturs off at traffic technology. 'This represents a the . allocation of those re­ groom is the son of Mr. and 9:30 and 11 a.m.. Worship Ser­ 'once to plan and build their own died of fright along with all toe Strike Threatened mony meeting. lights, crowding in ahead at the super­ dramatic change when one con­ sources. . “Religion by proxy” is wide­ Mrs. Lawrepce A. Converse Jr. vice. Sermon by the Rev. Mr. tl:'> IIAUTKOIM) lU ). jiis the edge of the bubble, and break cannon! woodchucks for miles around. ROM E (A P ) — T w o wUlltrm R eading R oom hours at 749 Emanuel Lutheran Church market line, backbiting on our fellows siders that shortly after World Next; Military Goals In Space spread and exceedingly harmful. Huteheon, Celebration of the MANrUKS'I'KK. C O N N ^Hraugh It cut into normal weatherful A town meeting was called, Passenger pigeons, aold, Italian farm woikera say they Church and Chestnut Sta. of 660 Bolton Center Rd. at shop or office, sit In the waiting it la War n the portion of federal By D. I M. Levlf^ People seek to be saved on the Main St., excepting legal hoU- Advent Season, Church School. ;j|{[eatlier. and toe participanta decided bypassed Hebron for many will strike Dec. 9 to protest tii» basis of the "conviersion” of days, Monday through Satur- Rev. C. Heniy Anderson, The Rev. J. Stanton Conover 2 room with people who have^ brought there is our infernal magic com­ that a bollowed-out tree’ trunk years. lack olothed. Tho used during raxte of the last They wore full-lengte gowns of in West , tee couple'will University of Connecticut and with anotow pSt-owner over toe ilia of efteottveneas of Goffs redewning the room are filled with tiny 187 l^ oodbridge St. I aiwnBlBB ahoaft as that we should be er id St Mary’s sdiool here to 19, ranging In age from 18 to derstanding the Bible.” two years. Illinois ranks second emerald green velvet, match- spend a monte 1^ Europe, They is attending th« University of his animal, ws’re not totally hard- giaoe be wU join tha a n h a o f plants grown by the master of > Bev. Robert L. Baker, Pastor awa wa daaarre to live charmed TO^ Years Ago ten identical tarlna Chris and 56, ‘were arrested on charges wite 2.1. mtillon tons. ing headpieces ' and carried will live at 210 Hebron Rd., Bol- HEu-tfOrd and Connecticut^ Of- Ii6art6da ttaoaa wjK> sing: "O Lord my Tina Qualantone ^lart. Ghrla the house. He retired three , ; hvasT of ttyspassing as they itood on CHURCH OF CHRIST 10 a.m. Sunday School. Nlne (Xher states use a mil- baskets of fall flowers. ton, after Jan. 5. ficer Candidatra School. He is Kaybe some day cor society win tat- The annual BUu Harvest God, X will give ttuuilqi unto broke a bone'hr her left arm years ago after owning and 1 a blbtt overlooking the beach. Lydall and Vernon Sta. . 11 a-m., WoreUp Service. lion or more tons annually: James P, Beckwith of Hebron, Mrs. Converse is a g^raduate the owner of tee L. A..Conve^se ROUTE 6. BOLTON — TEL. 649^332 But wa aooB turn from such ponder- crease in ci-vUixatlon until w* treat our Ball ia hdd at m State Ai- Three forever.” Fae. 80:12. > and bad toe member in a cast q^rating Bursack’s Market on Property owners In the urea had 7 p.m., EvangelMic Service. Norte Oarolino, liorlda, Gepr- brother-in-law of tee bride- of Wellsbuig High School, Painting and Decorating and Candy AJso Available For Fund Balslnf rt^lii. 10las M mi^it, at least, for ha^ feUdun with tte- same patienc^^.^and- naoty with about 2S0 ocopte ia SutaniMad .lqr ^ . But thsn Tina came to school Hartford R d. for 4Q years. . ' . Phone; 843-251T' oomplatawd of cut tenoes and WednqadBff, 7:60 pjm., P »y - glA Indiana, Texas, Iowa, Ohio, groom, served as best man. Wheeling (W.Va.) Business Col- manages tee Bolton Center OPEN DAH LY^ SUNDAY riU 8:00 PAL iRg mmm aanngh not to atait intort- klndnees that a lot of os do cur pets^ etUndaBbia ' “ BiBr.iWiirt ' 'irito h e r M t'a r m M^ a^^^ -’Tlihe doea aot hang -beavy mi . tran^ded vegeUtlQa earned by BlbM ClpMS, 9:45 iLin. pJn.‘ Ifflaaoiiil and.AlalMnna. .. Ushers were jeto Daly

Tl, V 'J t ■ ■ . PAGE SEVBH/ h ■ ' -f- \- - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1966 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN., sAlJ|tDAY, NOVEMBER 26, J966 P A C E S I X '■ -'n Tolland County Air Crash Christmas Starnp^ Out Obituary Thief Ge^ $500 in Bills Police Arrestsr In One pf 11 Town Breaks 'King to Visit John Lfc Stonebumer of Hart* In Saigi>n, Post edifice Braced STARTS MONDAY AT lO A IR ford, 28, alias Richard MoNal* . A total o f 11 breaks and Brass, the oUier at 43 Olcott OOVBNTRY—Basil Bams- ly, was issued a warrant yes­ 27 Killed bee, 43. o f Tulsa, Okla., former­ thefts took place in town dur- St. owned by RJB. Wadsworth, 3 Towns, Air ing' the past two days. Includ- N o t l % was terday charging him w ^ ob­ For Rush of Orders ly of Coveptry, died Thursday (Conttnned from Page One) BROAD STREET. MANCHESTER, CONN at Muskogee (O kla) Veterans taining money by false pre­ (Conttnued from Page One) ing on^ house break In which ^ Bids for Bills to sell them for WO million. The Hospital. He was the husband of tenses. Officers said tt would be Im- , — A N D — a thief netted $600 in bills. • entered the home through a a hypocrite it issuing a Ctorlst- average one-col«r r t^ p c o ^ 2 Mrs. Gladys Bamsbee. Stonebumer al- possible to move heavy rescue Police said a thief stqle the bathroofn window. At the other, State Rep. Robert D. Ring of . Police said oents per riiert' of 100, or about ■ Mr. B am sbee^w as bogn in worthless equipment to the crash site be- mas stamp. , SELF-SIRVICE DEPT STORE cash from the home of Roland a thief forced a rear door. the 4Mh Aeeembly. Dtotriot yee- legedly , passed a ^ ^___ “ He was not going to issus a $240,(wnor 1.2 bilUon. Co/entry, Sept, v , 1923, a son ^r, Marcoux of 210 High St while a thief escaped with $1 to terdav annoiineed a echedula o f oh*ck at W. T. Orant Oo. to the tore dayhgta. Christmas stamp Snd tdelih it Although no flguraa afo avatt- a v e n u e K A N E of Mrs. Snisabe'th Weldon t e r ^ a m ^ e d a e c l ^ ^ ParMde. The busy airport to the out- PROSPEC'T a n d STREET he and his wife were shopping change from a soft drink ma- WBS' divorced trap rsliglaa — abls, tha Post Office bellevea Bamsbee of lAkeland, Fla., and yesterday. chine at Bngtoeered Metals Inc. wtUiln the distrlcL which ** *** $1,000 front the true mesntag of tMs wlU be the moat poputar the late John Bamsbee, and The money was_____ taken from a __at 10 HHUard____ St. recenUy. _ _En- pending appearMce to l ^ - mMitary and d v i k y ^ There was no immediate word CShristmas. __ ^ Christmaa ^ stamp ever- R hss- a lived in Coventry unUl 1941.. bedrwm "dmsser drawer"^ M^^^ t r e ^ 'w i s made' by todudea ToHend, Blltogtcn and cheater a rcu lt Court 12 Dea loot on the destination of the orasited The-department has printed — He served to the Army in Window at the rear of the build­ Somers. 12. cOux told police they left at of-plane, but it went down ihortly 1.2 Mllfoit rge A. Baldwin of 437 N. Asked if names of the alleged Shirt and A spokesman for the New being used in Manchester in tel­ 1(X), described as thrill-seekers, them!" charter member of tain St. is serving as a mach- killers were in the letter, Drenk­ P ^rnta y ’li.-j N utm ^ couple of miles behind the Au York Air Pollution Control Cfom- ephone solicitation in the sale teen-agers, drunks and left- Police said the situation- was Forest, Tall Cedars of Lebanon,iCbanon, gustlnian Fathers Recollect. Headquarters and han said, "I'm not saying.’’ Sock Sets ^ ~ , , , , ______, Main Support Co., Second Main- mission said the index dropped o f light bulbs. overs from air estimated 150,OCX) under control about 1 :S0 a.m., axtd Hose Co. 2, Town Fire De The 14 and 16-year-old young; Sheet tenance ^ttalion, part of the I®-® ^ Robert Broifk, executive vice who watched the parade on the five hours after the dlsturbanca ^y*F/annel| fl/j | I SUflTC MtsHuee* portmemt. sters were heading in the wroi 4 » 7 IIYLOHS First Logistical Command in the I''’ ® Weather Bureau said a president of the Chamber, said eve of Canada’s Grey Cup began, ^AiAMAS I *Wrf( N Survivors, include his wife, direction, away from the semi­ Vung Tau area. Viet Nam. It s^ft was expected early the Chamber has received a Vennard Trial professional football champion------7 -— Mrs. Rena Luce Smith; two nary, but would eventually have was reported in error in yest- today with northwesterly winds number of complaints on this ship game between Ottawa and sons, S. Raymond Smith and R. found help along the road,/State erday’.s Herald that his father up to 10 m.p.h. sales approach. Persons calling To llesume in Saskatchewan. Foot-Deep in Flies Henry Smith, and a daughter, police said. was deceased. The smog was part of a mas­ say they are handicapped, and Several persons, fell through Mrs. Gladys Webb, all of Man­ The group had visltedyTiennis BOSTON — From April to sive Inversion Mocking the es­ Brock says a cheek has been Court T uesday ground-floor hotel windows into chester, five grandchildren and Hill State Park, about fixe miles August the descendants of one cape of fumes from the lower made and they are not affiliated the milling mass that filled the four greait-grandchildren. south of the seminary, Friday pair of houseflies, If all surviv­ atmosphere. with any agency associated with The murder trial of Dennis street from sidewalk to slde- Ftxneral services will be held and decided to l)ike back Rogers Delegate ed and reproduced normally, Connecticut Health Commis­ the handicapped. B. Vennard, 23, is scheduled to walk. Monday at 11 a.m. at St. Mary’s through the woods / instead of could total 197 qutotllHon.. That sioner Franklin M. Foote said Brock said the Chamber feels resume Tuesday at 10 a.m. in A flr.st-ald station was set up Eplsoopia Church. The Rev. along the road, ^4 seminary - To Area Parley a product .should stand on its Superior Court in Hartford. in the lobby of the Hotel Van­ Is enough to cover the entire Karinlh WUImiil « <,>/„• 0 John Hughes, senior assistant, that pollution in that state surface of the earth to & depth spokesman said. own merits, and phone solici- Tne corirt adjourned Wednes­ couver to treat head cuts and will officiate. Burial will be in The students Were expected A. Raymond Rogers, princl- reached four times higher than of more than a foot. THERMAL average. tors^.should not attempt to gain day afternoon for the Thanks­ other small Injuries. Bast Cemetery. back at 2:30 Fmday afternoon. pal of Manchester High School, giving holiday. long and Bo*Y Baltimore reported "mostly a syrhpathv to sell the product. One large store window was B la n k n t s Friends may call at the Fortunately, it was an unusu­ will be an official delegate to smoke-type smog.” According to a Hartford firm The trial began Tuesday af­ smashed. Police lined the area Cordigoa* Holmes F\ineral Home, 400 ally balmy night for this time ter men and two women were the Slst annual meeting of the Normally healthy citizens which uses the telephone for 10 to prevent looting. Main St., tomorrow from 2 to 4 of year. The/lwys built a fire chosen as jurors. Two other *3 were hacking and sputtering in sales purposes, his company 'Two men climbed an awning and 7 to 9 p.m. and probabl3i would have been New England Association of men are serving as alternate varying degrees as they went employs 14 persons to sell light in front of the Devonshire Hotel ** I-*. IS The family suggests toat found FridaV night, except that Colleges and Secondary Schools, jurcr.s. rsfviiB) about their business. bulbs. The employes are 100 and ripped a flag pole from t|ie those wishing to do So make fog prevented the fire from be­ to be held Friday in Boston. __ During Wednesday’s session, —^A Times Square traffic patrol­ per cent handicapped, he said, building, throwing it and a Unit- Pepperelt memorial contributions t o . a ing seen,/state police sa|d. haring either a physical or two Manchester policemen and ed States flag into the shouUng V Four writers and educators man summed up the complaints —J JT-vi. Book of Remembrance at St. A seiyinary spokesman said , of national prominence will ad- of many when he said he had emotional disability. He said a Berlin architect testified as crowd, 4. S2- •- Mary’s Church. state's 'wi'tnesses, Bkitered as .T" I ACRILAN* the bojr^ might have been able jress the meeting, which will "the worst sore throat I've had some are on crutches, and some M i l l M i j i , to find their way.back during attended by some 1,200 dele- come from Mansfield Training exhibits were seven photo- ’ ■ k in k n t s Mrs. Joseph W. Flood in years, and I don't smoke.’’ the raght, but decided to stop gates and guests from the re- School. graphs and the last two pages lasulnfed Drapes Mrs. Ethel May Keeney after/one of ^ m fell down in blic and Independent The product sold, he said, is of a Manchester police log boc^ R ich Velvet * 6 Flood, 83, of Hartford, former­ the darkness. They found a cave a light bulb guaranteed for five in which a Manchester police FU E L O IL "v'iX*. 4,97 secondary schools and colleges. oMtoMe IMH ly of Manchester, died early this and managed to get some sleep- State of Siege years. He said the bulb would dispatcher wrote entries in that lutdoue morning at her home. She was before setting out again after Also during the session, the be replaced if It bums out. day. A model of the floor plan organization’s three commis­ the widow of Joseph W. Flood. sunrise. In Jerusalem The company official did not of the Vermard housfe at 184 — 14.1 — For Toddler, and Tote, Ad Mrs. Flood was bom in Man­ , A hearty breakfast was served sions will recommend to the say If the sales persons are af­ Hollister St., dnawTi by the arch- chester, July 6, 1883, a daugh­ to the youngsters after their re­ delegates schools and colleges (Continued from Page One) filiated witli any federal or state iteot, al.so was entered as an 200 GAL. MIN. C.O.D. ter of Arthur and Urum Brown turn. which are considered qualified agency for the handicapped. exhibit 'Wednesday, ' 4 4 east, were the only towns on the Keeney, and lived in Manches­ They were identified by the for new or continued member­ . River Jordan’s west bank re­ R. B. REGIUS Our 3 ter most of her life. She at­ seminary as Patrick Budin, 15, ship. . *«• «*.*’!'j ported quiet with no curfew of Omaha, Neb.', <3arl Mendez, Membership ’ in the NEACSS 643-0577 tended Manchester schools and imposed. Two Suffer Cuts Hospital Notes was a member o f South. Metho­ 15, of Kansas City, Mo., Paul is limited to those 852 educa­ All roads leading to the two dist Church. She moved to Flood, 14, of Tappan, N.Y., and tional institutions in the six towns were blocked by troops. lu 1-Car Crash Visiting hours are S to 8 p.m. Hartford about seven years ago. DeHnis Speed, 14, of Chester, New Flngland states ^which have Gov. Anwar El Khatib told In all areas excepting mater­ Pa. met the organization’s academ- Two Manchester residents A GIFT THAT GROWS Survivors include a nephew. The Associated Press the cur­ nity where they are 2:30 to 4 CHRISTMAS Dr. Robert R. Keeney Jr., and The seminary is a boarding- ic, physical and financial stand- few was imposed as ’’a protec­ suffered head cuts and another p.m. and 7 to 8 p.m. and private school for high school students arts, - x ' ^ r a cousin, Mrs, John H. Darl­ tive measure to prevent further person was charged with evad- rooms where they are 10 a.m. COINS CARDS ing, both of Manchester. and young men studying for the Accreditation of schools and demonstrations" and would be ing responsibility in two sepa- to 8 p.m. Visitors are requeslied e One of the largest Inven­ tories in New England, 7 N # Fhineral services will be held Roman Catholic priesthood. It coUeges is the group’s primary lifted as soon as the situaUon rate car accidents investigated not to smoke to patients’ rooms. have arrived! is located on Route 44. yesterday by police. e Supplies and Acoessorles. Monday at 2 p.m. at the W at­ responsibility; it also re-evalu- permitted, No more thaui two vlsltora at Shop early this year kins-West Ftiheral Home, 142 ates iU member insUtuUons He confirmed that iight per- Injured were James E. Mc­ one time per patient. e Teletype Service. Milk Bin*""** E. Center St- Burial will be to evety six years. sons were seriously wounded, Veigh, 36, of 98 W. Center St., W ov»H n * Patiente Today: 241 CONNECTICUT VAIXEY fiift Swentw* *12 *ss East Cemetery. 5-Day Class Set Manchester High School has two fatally, in a shooting affray and Freda Pashalis of 6 An­ COIN CO. derson St. DEE'S .■.ItCUUDFriends may call 'at m the fu- _ meimet JN^liAUaNEACSS accredlbition in Jerusalem FViday. ADMITTED YESTERDAY: 97 Center S t, Mamdiester BURR CORNERS neral home tomorrow from 7 to Jf OF H O m e m a k e r S standards for many years. "Police and troops were im- Police sals' McVeigh drove Andrew Battaglia, 60 Wells 6 4 3 -em 9 p Jn. from the left to the right Ikne SHOPPING PLAZA der strict orders to avoid vio­ Rd., TalcottvUle; Mrs. Beatrice e Holiday Store Hours e Christmas Store! Shop King’s for Better Quality, Bigger Volue^ / on TV. Center St., lost control ------^------New trainees o f the Manches- lence, but a group of about 20, Bumore, WiUtoiantlc; Matthew NEAR CALDOR’S of his car, and crashed Into a Mon.-rrt — 9 A.M.-9 PJW. tor Homemaker Service,Inc., mostly young rowdies, charged Campbell, Hartford; Arthur Saturday — 9 AAL-6 PJH. Make King’s Your Jay Stager Buys telephone pole. MANCHESTER, CONN. F u n e r a ls I "'m attend k. five-day Home the Damascus gate after mid­ _ C a r p e r , 40 Olcott St.; Mery The woman was a passenger chlck. BUch Mountain Rd., Bol­ Health Training Coursc Starting Camp iu Maiue day prayers yesterday," he said. in his car. Both were admitted ten; Ceorge Clark, 'Bast Hart- Elbert F. Andrews Monday at Cedarcrest Hospital, Jay R. Stoger of 72 Pitkin "One of the youths, _ „grabbed ______Manchester a Memorial Hos- ,ford; Justyn Cyr, Trout Stream CXJVENTRY— Funeral serv­ Newington. Sten gun from one of the police- treated, and discharged. Dr., Vernon; Robert CzapUcki, iiw y St. has recently bought a sum- ices for Elbert F. Andrews of The course will toclude ses- men and, unfamiliar with its B. Schiiell, 21, of Hebron; Robert Denton, 34 Oak- Forest Hills, N.Y.,... formerly . , of sions on family life to health camp to Warfilngton. workings,' tripped the triggw Coventry was charged at 11:08 wood R’d.; (>vonl)o6 Nowak, • 2 9 Anniveraary Maas - gram. nist agents had inflltrat$d the Schnell is scheduled to appear Warehouse Point; William A one month anniversary Any mature woman Interest- Manchester Community Clol- , , , RET 2 NEW WHEELS FREE! in Manohester Circuit Court 12 Reynolds, 87 W. Franklin Park, Mass for Edward P. MeVey will hi becoming an aide may oon- lege, and has been a teartier the dem on^ators. - S ’Srtsi for a number of years. Seven of the ringleaders had Dec. 12. Rockville; James Shaw, 37 be celebrated Monday at, 7:45 tart Uie office of the Manches- been arrested, he added. — Edison Rd.; Nancy Slattery, *ad StnIrCornot ter Homemaker Service, o.m. at St. James’ Church. Inc., He spent three summers at 698 W. Middle Tpke.; William DOWN PAYMENT 237 E. C ^ te r St. Camp Miniwanca, a nadohal Area Weather Stephenson, 34 Reed S t, Rock­ . a u o -.a . Marx ilqadersMP training camp, sev­ DuplicAtc Bnd|irc i t * i i ville:, Paul Sw^tt Hebi iritor eral stunmers at the Woods 1 TypeW'f I Pe«omd N.H«. ' f » ■ ^ ' ' WINDSOR rxxacs '(a p ) , liam ..c .. Tull“ llSr, 12 Diane I>ri{ TRADE-IN NEEDED School (Tamp' for mentally and Reaults to a duplicate \bfidge TClean air is on Ita way to (Ton- thony Yaniisaukkaa, Newbrtry T.W —Sandra and Susan Duff, 18- emotionally distburted children game last night at the Italian neqticut today as a cold front Rd South Windsor, MUke Hiladtv** In Memoriam . year-old twins, are straight-A in Langhome,. Pa., and waa di- American Club are: North- dissipates the smog. BIRTHS YESTERDAY: A FINANCE CHARDE IB lav Inc memory of. our beloved .. . .. students „ . , at Washburn Hieh rector of a Oongregationally Sout^ Jon Mat^ and Charles The smog, caused by a stag- daughter 10'Mr. and Mto- Pht- Raiirtj Oprf«$1®^


IfUTake More ThoH a piece of Paper

T O T T T i ^ T C l t TD T?r*n*i^xys/' HOMEMAKERS—Alice »«• j liA iiu iw X w X v X son 187— 474, Ginger Yourkaa USINESS 'H JXV Iv / X L iiD 167-178-190 — 6&{S, June FiiUsr ’s Pro Headliner 179. • passer. IBs primary targets, Sauer, who leads the- lesigue Chloago with a pulled hamstring NEW YORK (AP) — COUNTRY CLUB — Harry muscle but Zeke Bratkowski Joe Namath faces a deck Otis Taylor and Chris Burford, with 49 receptions. Mathiason 136, Bundl T a rc« H IG H GRADE King George Scotch CAMPING stacked with aces Sunday are second and fourth hi receiv­ While the Chiefs seek their riddled the Bears with two TD 143—366, Bm Cbihett 146, Carl 6th, 80 P roof ^ CAR LEASING when the New York Jets ing. Rookie Mike Garrett Is ninth victory in 12 starts, the passes. Bolin 139 — 355, Fred Baker :r¥¥7 EQUIPMENT tackie^ powerful Kansas fourth ki rushing yEirdage while Green Bay Packers, buoyed by Boston is at Miami .and San 142—374, John Plodzik m — PRINTING On 1 or 2 tecunmates Bert Coen and Cur­ the return of quarterback Bart Diego at Denver In'Ctner AFL 354, Biirt Davis 377, Roy Schenley Whiskey City in a key AmericAif .J o b and Commercial Tents, Cots, Sleeping Bags tis MoClinton are sixth and Starr, will try to turn the tables games. In the NBL, Pittsburgh Thompson 351, Tom Oonraa Air Alattresses, Stoves YEAR PUN Football League game. on Minnesota and improve their irtiouji. While the Jets must count eighth, respectively. visits St. Louis, Los Angeles is 368, John Rieder 351, ChafU* Printing Lanterns lead in the National Football *10.99 First In Manchester. New on Namath’s passing to keep Defensively, Johnny Robinson at Baltimore, Atlanta at Chica­ Whelan 375. League’s Division. Prompt and Ejfficlent MANCHESTER cars, tuU maintenance, fully their Eastern Division title ahd Bobby Hunt o f the Chiefs go smd New York at Washing­ Printing Of All Kinds Insured to reduce your prob­ steiit hopes alive, the Chiefs; who lead sheu'e the lead in interceptions The Vikings upset Green Bay ton. K OI^C — Joe Lovett 261, Dallas topped ClevelEUid 26-14 SURPLUS SALES CO. lems arid worries. For full t the Western Division by 2% with nine apiece aard Jerrel WII-' 26-17 three weeks ago but have BYan Moriarty 266, Jim FarT YICHI'S 169 N. MAIN ST. and 'San Francisco ripped De­ Information call games, can counter with nine "son is the No. 2 punter. dropped two In a row since. The 222, Joe Childs 656, Gene GiraJ> Community Press at Depot Square troit 41-14 in Thursday’s NFL PACKAGE STORE players who rank among the The Jets, hobbled by the loss Packers have rebounded for an din 203, John Touchette 204. 9 East Middle Tpke. Open Dally ta 9:00 P.M. Paul Dodge Ponflae league's individual leaders. of fullback Matt Snell, will rely 8-2 mark and reclaim ed .the top g;ames and Buffalo drubbed 20 BISSELL ST. J. FARR — '64S-7III INC. spot in the West. Starr sat put Oakland 3i-l6 in an AFL holi­ Telephone 043-5727 Len Dawson, the Kansas City heavily on NamaUi’s pitching WIVES — Jeanine Martla 873 MAIN STREET and the catching of George last week’s 18-6 victory over day attraction. ' Phone 649-288X ■WSMS quarterbsick. Is (he AFL’s No, 1 200-176 —522. We Urge Yon To Support TURNPIKE MANCHESTER The Lntz Junior Mnseum Y LEAGUE — Fred McCUT- GLASS SSth Renewal of Intersectional Series Today Sports Viewing ry 144-137 —413, Tom Ruftol 148« * For Auto WlndsMeids TEXACO Personal Service at Holmes 141 —419, Andy Lamoureaux 140 * For Store Fronts and aH CUSTOM MADE SATURDAY —394, JolA Rieder 146-138 — sizes of windows Open 24 Hours A O by There Is no question alsout of death from our minds but it SEAFOOD CANYAS AWNINGS 12:45 ( 8 )'Army vs. Navy 391, Larry Bates 138-137 —394, s For Table Tops the fact that more and more is one that we must face some 3:66 (36) Art Johnson 366, Ed Bujauciua 2 Firestone Tires 136 —379, Jerry Smith 859, Tony OPEN 8 AJ«. to 5 PJVL people take vacations any time day. If we are totally unpre­ CHOICE YARIETY Exciting and Unpredictable 3:36 ( 8) Gadabout Gad­ Quality Line Products pared for it, decisions must be MartoelU 361, Carl Bolto 374,, SATURDAY 8 A.M.-NOON of the year, and winter Is now dis Cien. Repairers License made hurriedly and it would be Qualify 4:66 ( 8) Countdown to Don Carpenter 144 —369, Georga becoming just as much, and better to talk over things when K ick off Cochran 102 —387, Howie Hamp­ J. A. W HITE Corner Broad and perihaps a bittie more, of - a our minds are not clouded with Seafood Results for Irish-Trojans ( 8) Portrait of a ton 146 —370, Frank Clavo 137 Middle Tpke. West favored time to take trips. grief." Any member of the —873, Joe Twaronite 160 —885, G LA SS CO. LOS ANGBLEJS (AP) — mark In nine games — as they nine starts, end once-beaten Team—Baltimore This also can present a prob­ Holmes family will gladly an­ 43 OAK ST. C olts Dom Farr 166 —887, Charlla ?«1 Bissell St.—TeL 649-7822 Phone 643-2176 lem for those who are retired, Mighty Notre Dsune and Rose did today — and the national Georgia, rated fifth end seventh Varrick 136 —366, ,A1 Omelchuk swer questions as to the cost TEL. 649-9937 nationaiUy, collided for the 61st (SO) Bowling fbr the incidence of death away of modem funeral services, the Bawil-bound, Southern Cailifomia chiunpionahlp ell but tucked 376, Ed Kbvis 351. time while Virginia and North 8:00 ( S) Race of the from home is also on the in­ choice of a cemetery lot or any met today to the 3Sth renewal of away. 6 a fieice toitersectlonal s^ es ' The Iriah raced to a 17-6 hali­ Carolina continued a rivalry Make Decorations With Celluclay crease. other question you wish an­ SEE US FORl ( 8) Wide World of ROCKETTE8 — Patricia Co D - A J Upholstery t e has commanded national time lead before the Trojans re­ that started in 1992. Through its membersihlp in swered. There Is a consultation • Aluminum RoU Up Sporta fiell 134 —347, Peggy BeU 188 DON WILLIS r an d IV I ' Shop How would you like to make CUNLIFFE interest through the years. taUated. With (he Eicore 17-13 Southern Methoihst needtog a ened pieces can be painted and the Order of the Golden Rule, room apart from the rest of the Awnings 6:30 (SO) AFL—^Digest of -962, Betty Weir 126, Barb RE-UPHOLSTERING a Door Canopies Ever since 1926, when Knute Notre Dame end seconds re- vlotory to win the Southwest your own Christmas decora­ varnished ILdquitex Artists’ the Holmes F^uneral,. Home is Home, the entrance is on the Outstanding Games Dionne 128 —341, Jan Macl>u(( MOTOR SALES • Storm Doors R ooIo k ’s Fighting Iriah and the molning, Craig Fertig hit Rod Owiference title and hort berth GARAGE * Modem Furniture tions, necklaces, earrings and Colors which come in a brilliant able to offer personal sorvico street floor level on Bigelow St. 6:00 (SO) NFL—^Atlanta 353. EXPERT AUl'O BODY and • Combination Windows Trojans of Howard Jooee tan Sherman wtth the wtontog to the Cotton Bowl took on Tex­ pendants ? It is surprisingly range and dry quickly are rec­ to any l ^ l l y that requires The Holmes Funeral Home Is v% Giants 18 Main St., Tel. 649-4531 and Antiques FENDER REPAIRS Manchester Awning Co. gled for the flrat time, the rival­ touchdown strike. as Gbrlatien to an annual sea-. easy, and if you would like to ommended) or you can mix help when death does occur ^ spacious, the large chapel can 6:30 ( 8) Bridgebampton * store Stools and Booths 196 WEST CENTER ST. ry has produced exeWtag—and While Notre Dame risked its son-endtog brawl and Oemson, know more about this do stop dried pigment into the wet Cel­ far from home. There are mem­ handle the largest of services, ENAMEL and LACQUER Grand Prix Specializing In e Custom Furniture Telephone 649-3091 unipredtotaible — results. No. 1 raidcing against the 16th seeking to natl the Atlantic ’L’rinity Included in at The Sherwin Williams luclay. When hardened, the pa­ bers of the Order of the Gold­ with smaller chapels for smaller REFINISHmoS SUNDAY Slipcovers and Draperies EstabUshed 1949 The IrieSi wen that first meet­ ranked Trojans today, tradition- Coast Conference crown, tack- Made to Order Oo., 981 Main St. and ask the pier mache can be sawed, sand­ en Rule located in cities and services. Private family rooms, 12:00 ( 8) Football—Post SPIUiNGiFEELD, Mass. (A P) BRAKE SERVICE REASONABLE PRICES ing 13-12, but Southern Cal haa el season wlnd-upa — beadbd by led aroh-rivel South Carolina, Complete Selection of manager, Willard J. Marvin, or ed smooth, nailed through. towns all over the world. Lian- separate entrances, a flower Season ffighllghta X —Northeastern will meet TMnl' recouped more than once over the Army-Navy war at Phdladel- Other fixtures included Ml- Materials one of Ws staff about Celluclay. The base material, dry and guage and custom is no barri­ room for the proper care of RT. 83—VERNON, CONN. THE 1:00 (' 3) Time Out for ty to the opening game of tha Front End Alignment FREE ESTIMATES The current issue of House er to any member of the Or- End to Streak the ensutog yeera. pltoa — dotted the schedule. ami-Florida, Holy Oross-Boston finely ground, comes in a stor­ flowers, a room for the clergy When it's time to Sports second American Intomaiional Lower Level of the Parkade and Garden features a Christ­ dea- of the Golden Rule, and Just Above the Traffic Just two seasons ago, the Tro- The Cadets cund Middies College, Rice-Baylor, Miasis- able plastic bag. When mois­ plus complete fire protection, Circle PHILADELPHIA (AP)— (8 ) Yale Football HoUday Toumamenf General Repair Work 649-6324 mas tree gaily decorated with should death occur in a far jans stmined Notre beime 26-17 dashed for the 67th tiii»e in the etppi-MiaadBslppl State and Ten- tened and sealed in plastic, it air conditioning throughout ’k'EL. 643-0016 Herald Angle No matter what the result wder circumstances strikingly Interservice spectaoulaT, ■wit- nessee-VandorWlt. 1:16 ( 8) NFL-^lante vs. Dec. 27-26. ornaments made from Cellu­ will remain fresh in the re­ away place, in or out of the W ashington with a fine loud speaker sys­ of today's Army-Navy foot­ Tblrd-ianked Alaibama,mUAWAi, V.wy8-6, clay, the new instant papier- United States, all you have to similar to those surrounding nessed by 166,666 fans at John Other pairinga announced 9Vi- frigerator for weeks. Since it is tem make this a funeral home MOVE ball game is. It brings to an met Southern MisedssLppdsdppi ^ iito 3:45 ( S) Green Bay vs. today’s encounter. F. Kennedy Memorial Stadium day are: Vermont vs. Amherst, mache. nontoxic, it is safe for chil­ do' is to contact a member of that can serve any family for, By Minnesota Dube Tool Co. the Holmes family. TeU them Expert _ . end the 82-game streak ,o( It was Ara Paraeghian’s first and a national television au- next-to-last start end Su|V"Bowl- Springfield vs. Bowdoin, and COINS 41" The strong, hard, lightweight dren to use and in every way every need. EARL Y O ST 4:30 (30) AFL—^Boston Special Taps and Gages what orrangemenits you wish Harry Dietz. year at South Bend, end the Ir- dience. bound . Florida State entertained AIC vs. Middiebury. AK3 edged Stainless and Special Fasteners s One of the largest inven­ composition the Victorians used (including quick cleanup) it is At the rear of the Home, the • Moving Sporta Editor Patriots va. Miami made, the type of service you TOURAINE Dietz is a Marine cM>tobi ish went west with an unbeaten Georgie. Tech, ubbeaten to Maryland to other to^ games. Springfield for the champion* tories in New England. for their delightful decorative a fine means of giving themi Holmes family has provided am­ 11:15 (18) WreatUng Special Reamers want, and through their mem­ • Packing 643-6563 who has been Navy’s am­ ship last year. Decimal Sizes From * SuppUes and Accessories. ... fantasia is currently attracting an active part in the family’s ple parking for the large num­ • storage bassador to Army footbaD .036 thru J560 in Steps o f .061 • .Teletype Service. new interest as the plastic basis exciting preparation for the bership in this worldwide organ­ PAINTS Notes from the Little Black Book ization you are assured that ev­ ber of "people that must find a games the past three^ sea­ Meyer Steel Plug Gages for objects ranging from swing­ Christmas holidays. f" place to park their cars while Eyewitness to last Saturday’s football game of the sons and as such has seen In Steps o f .661 Connecticut Valley ing costume jewelry to serious ery detail will ^ handled just FOR BEST RESULTS MANCHESTERlaying fam ily, Tom Dwyer, coach says, "Y ou give the g^iys the Boston Celtics, who lost Fri­ VIC’S PIZZA SHOP bowl, nien you pack it with of the Golden Rule which is: parking area is brilliantly light­ was a standout center with seasbn record against an lain, but the skipper of the “with Gree^OTt, w it took day night to the Detroit Pistons LAFAYETTE, La. (AP)—“Golf is a selfish busi­ WATKINS-WEST passes the tiresome old-fashion­ with the tremendous speed a 153 W. Middle Turnpike your fingers or a palette knife “ Service measured not by gx>ld— ed. To (xmveniently enter the East Catholic High this faU. Army team that lost only to Philadelphia 76ers says charge,’’ said. “He 107-106. ness,’’ says Bert Yancey, a young Elondian who has ed process of shredding and glu­ chance-rand they’re gone . . .’’ Notre Dame and Tennessee Phone 649-3766 FUNERAL into a mold moistened with but by the (Mden Rule.” Home, all one needs to do. is to MORK RKOR1.K ; . . Hard luck continues to The Stilt does all right on knew wiu^______had to be______d

' ^

• ...I t L ■ ' 4 . i PAGE TEN Building—Contnetjlng 14 THERE OUGHTA^BE A LAW BY 'EAGALY and SHORTEN Help Wanted—Male 3« Hcflp Wented—Male St to ROUSON OUR BOARDING HOUSE with M ^OR HOOPLE. LITTLE SPORTS R.W.A. ROOFINO and Sheet- OIL BURNER SBRVICB mfir ^m E R FOR DBXivilRT IR Vegetables tor loca l fu e l oom peny. High retaU furniture .. wetrefaoUMh tWlTHDfe»yU.tl meital Oo. Roofflng, aheetmetol, G o t a weALL'^ g o o d , s o u p slue- ch ip SH O«/ HIM A Q E T -filO lr Q U ia ^ CLASSIFIED home Improvements, expert SIDCKf MS9UCKER ^ ' T TOUCH IT 1 X > G ------'nMMmRWRR-W-R-Rf and fringe bepefMs. Con- good pay msmy beneftto, Osll ACROSS 40SkfllAd w O rkm ansl^. D ays 628-0086, tact Kesden Fu^ Company, 840 Mr. Pettingttl, 646-OlU. BANK OF •miM IMF 4 viMii nf *- — 42 Chfitt b WITH A TEH-FOOT CH KK SO O K ^ STArer SWTBi IKtad of bMB 4ju ^ t oi evenings, 742-8649. taOTiTFROM MV 8AUDI> ARABIAH Tolland SL, Eaat Hartford. 289- ■ ■— COUDmiMMOdA SCAWesp.' SOUNDS 6431. ^,.,,.....^'bVsX\C£i’(V&WCK!\fyp POPeVER • 0 "*“ ^ ^ 4 5 iSSS!» ADVERTISING fORTERMexTPOOR aUMrmufUOHE ^ ^ .V O U 'R E ^ WILL eetH eV HEARS W AT 46WIn^keke part Roofliig and ChtmiMys 16*A PART-TTME DELJVERT man, 47Me4Itein 101HES1DCH MVeROKERIO HELP WANTT5D / FIRST PERSOM , HAPPENED WS MHofiunnwdin JJJi^********** CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT, HOURS 10 a.m.—2 or 3 p.m. OoUege YEARS BEHIND 1)46 TIMES/ I CONVICTED NIBS'LL HAVE ROOFfNO — Specializiiig re­ evcHAHGE!tCAP V (JRABMCACOUPIA rx im d souJd is WHATS 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. student preferred. Apply Med- I UNDER THE MORE TROUBLE pairing roofs of all kinds, new UPOM SAUDI* THOUQAKiP Furst Class Lathe Hand happenin' / I ( W IN THOSE /M A 30R '6 THAN A CROSS- leiiowest deck of l-cal Pharmacy, 844 Main St. twin PIPES 3USTTOAPD ■ roofs, gutter work, chimneys I ANTI-Istoise fiVEO SKI-aUMPER.*/ a waidilp 82 Conclusion COPY CLOSING TIME Ii*OR CLASSIFIED ADVT. FIZZ. AS t ROCKET AL0N6.' 17 Male afaeep MONDAI Thin FRIDAir 10:80 AJUL — SATURDAX tf AJM. sleaned, repaired. Aluminum I.D.-O.D. Grinder BUGGS BUNNY I o r d in a n c e / 53 Mariner’s SS Roman nrbaii 4ms in tJNPUUe ME AN 'tM 18 Take oat direction SHusbtnd of aiding. 80 years’ experience. STRICTiy FROM NOTHIN'/. 20 Deep hole 'Gudrun(mytb.) oBidala Free estimates. Call Howley LUMBER YARD Lappers - Cylindrical 21 Glut 54Dropi ol eye 7 Tumults 34DeducUoB . > TOSS 'EM HERE! l'L u \ Eati away fluid 8 Diamond- 36Ieg behind ^ PLEASE READ YOUR AD 643-5361, 644-8383. 22 55 Legal pofait ' TA L L Y M A N HOLD 'EM WHILST VA 24Diapatcher cutter’s cup 37 French feminine Oliuwtlled or **WBat Ada” are takoa over tibe phone aa a a Good Wages, Overtima 0 Pompous MOW name ROOFIN(3- REPAIR of roofs. JUMP! 28 Drink (ooH) DOWN oonvonionoe. ’The advorttiMr ahonJd read Ida ad the FIBST Permanent job opening in es­ A vailable 27AccompUihet 10 Puffs up 38Papal cape The best In gutters and con­ 1 Vegetable DAY IT APPEARS and REPORT ERRORS In ttme for the tablished wholesale lumber 28Tranapoaea n o n e who points39Ekpunge next ineertlon. Hie Herald la reaponalble for only f)NB tneor- ductors. Repair of chimneys, (ab.) gardener’s a gun 40 Change yard— A P P L Y IN 'SOCourteiy title fmplelnent lONew^per 41 Cultivates, SI a root or umltted Inaortlon for any advertlaoment and ttien only too. Call Coughlin, 648-7707. 2 Lubricators SlNonnaoiOx printings vegetable to the extent of a ”malco good” Inaortlon. Errors which do not a 40 hours per week guaranteed 32 great 3 ------21 Braggsrtssquash gsrdeir Iraaen the vaino of the odvmtiaeinant wU not bo oorreetod by STYGAlf GAGE CO. 33Love god 4 Blood money 23 Exit 44 Charles Lamb’s ‘‘make good” huertloab Heating and Ptnmbiiig 17 • Some overtime 1445 ToUand Tpke., MaachesftOT 35 Lampreys (Scot.) 25 Redacted pseudonym • Good starting pay 38 Seaport in 5 Musical 29 Eider (ab.) 47 Witticism B O rn PLXDMBING and heat- 48Art (Utin) e No experience necessary 30 Thus ing repairs, alterations, elec­ CRoekvflla. ToD Vreo) c Outdoor work 0 10 IT tric and gas hot water heat­ r " 2 " r r r • Pension plan 643-2711 875-3136 ers. can ,643-1496. • Medical plan Help Wanted— i F " 4> u " • Other benefits Male or Femah 37 - 1 ■'I Millinery, Dressmaking 19 CALL MANAGER needed m Pet De­ r e " n r r r partment. Apply King’s Pet Trouble Reaching Our Advertiser? DRAPERIES- —ciMtom made, L. REX LUMBER CO. Department, Green Manor Rd. r e ~ IT a r ST lined or imlined, your mea- BY V. T. HAMLIN \ ~ J m and Broad SL A L L Y OOP 24-Hour Answering Service suremente, also oornlcee. For further information call af­ 289-9379 — 8-5 s r ter 3 p.m ., 643-1913. 2 m Free to Herald Readert Hein Wanted— Female 33 Help Wanted— Male 36 ante$---Hale 86 2 T FULL-TIME MAN for carpet PART-TIME HELP Waat taformatlon on aoo of oar olaaaUtod ndvertwmeetaf CAREEHl opportunity with So. BRIIX^PORT anc* lathe hands, work room. Apply Mr. Tur- IE Mo answar o* Oo telephone Batadf simply otO the BEA’S alterations and sewing. Windsor public schools. Perm- full/ / ind part-time, benefits, 7-8, 8-11, RN or LPN , part-tim e. geon, W atkins B ros., 935 Main There Is an opportunity to 881 H artford R d., 649-5021..,. anent full-time custodial em- gpwp Insurance, paid holidays L aurel M anor, 649-4519. St. add to yoUr present to* CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER ployment, good working condi- M i vacation. Apply at H & ______E EDWARDS COUNTER GIRLS wanted, come. Rapidly growing r»* MoTinje— T m dan g— tions and excellent benefits/' B ’Tool & Englneer'ng Co., 12 DRIVERS—^For local fuel com- tall food chain has opeik* ______part-time, evening;s and week- Contact .Mr. Penna for, Inte*^ Prospect St., Manchester. ------‘ — ’ - ‘ ANSWERING SERVICE Storage 20 pany. Top wages. Apply at tags for men to work part- 33 37 ______ends, apply in person. Bess view, 644-1634. ------■ P _ 340 Tolland St, East Hart­ time, evenings or wehk* q iiBBI MANCHESTER Delivery. Light Baton Donut Shop, 160 Center ford, 289-6431. XT 64M500 - 875-2519 trucking and package delivery. St., Manchester. ends. Apply, parson, 5 T ^ leavn yoor meanago. ronV imar from our admrtlaer la to Hefrigerators, washers and MALE PRODUCTION ’TRIX3K DR IV ER S heipec, 18 Cumberland Fasms ^tore, 6 JIf time wttboM attending aO aronlng at the tele phene. . . 1.. WOMAN WANTED tor shirt ------DEAN 169 Center St, Manches­ 4 2 " 1 44 IT i yean or older. Apply Watkins m a c h in e p b 6d t ic t s WORKERS B ros., Shipping Dept. 935 Main ter, or caQ 649-8300. j Tracks— ^Tractors 5 St. ♦ 6 " ♦7 w ------New System Lak St., 649-6334. Bull-time Day and Night Shifts essary, will train. We offer Above average inooime, p u t- ■MM NMM —ipi mmm mmmmmJi pay rates ranging from fdime while leaning. Apply U 9t T W O J U M B O Fmr Your 875-8401. C A SH IE R — U A H ardinge Chucker $2.3 16 . to $3,092 per hour Main S t, East HsfttonL jCHOCOLATE , BY J. B. WILLIAMS er. ijoii aner 7 p.m. jospjpH p. Lewis custom paint- Th^tre, East 649-5491, Mr. Sr THING ABOUTJ TOO/“ TBS HERALD will act Business Services Fringe benefits Include 8 WORK AVAILABLE VOL) LESS MONEVJ DO A WHATS UNDER THE ALL disclose tbs tdssitlty of Offered 13 moved. Wallpaper books l THE MERCHANT PRIKJCE , twowm^.T^ m o* are exclusive agents tor 10 opening In its Circulation gvd- puppy- collar. Ver­ In swirl ceilhigs. Ask for Fred Special winter rates on ceil­ Chris, Deci’s Drive-in. 462 Oeq- tact John K ay, M anager, 464 outstanding new home commu­ D epartm ent West Main St., New Britain, THE WILLETS> BY WALT WETTERBERfi non D og W arden, 876-7934. o r John. 643-1453. ings. Average size ceUtag was ter St. No phone calls. nities and 4 more will be Qonn. OaU 225-3007. j $20 now $15. Tbp grade paint -IV . SALES AND Service on Arlens, ready to open early next year. NEWSPAPERBOY used. C all R ay B elliveau, 649- Hahn Eclipse, Jacobson lawn Our active re-sale department TOOL DESIGNERS r E V E R E TT W . ' l l i l ■••V/.V.'.V.V.VVWiV. 2U0. CXIUNSELOR PART-TIME DRIVER wanted Annooncements mowers. Also Homellte chain enables us to take existing for afternoons, hours 1-6. Apply Top rates and overtime, V A N D Y N E ELECTROLUX vacnom clean­ saws and International Cub homes in trade on' the pur- DUTIES Consist of working A lca r Auto P arts, 226 Spnice BY FRANK O’NEAL chase of new homes. Call Mr. with our newspaperboy organ- full benefits and profit BUn#DER SHORT RIBS ers, sales and service, bonded Cadet Tractors. Rental equip­ Floor nnishinc 24 St. V sharing. representative. Alfred Amell, ment and sharpening service Goodchild tor confidential in­ izatlon in the servicing of Planning a new home? Beau­ t HEAR 'ibU /O N A HOUPAY?\"''*^ on all makes. L & M Equip- covering, 78 terview. The Samuel M. Lav- present subscribers and the tifully wooded lota, some 110 Bryan Dr., Manchester. Birch St. Wall to wall carpet­ -rURKD/ CONNER WITH 644-8141 or 643-4913. m ent Oorp., R oute 83, Vernon, itt Agency, MLS Realtors at selling of our newspaper to MANCHESTER with view of HartforiL Good 875-7609 M anchester Exchange ing. linoleum. Free estimates. Vernon C ircle, 643-2168, 875- prospective subscribers In the INVITATION financing avallsdUe. Wm THE klNS fHANK5(5IYlN<5.' E xpert installation. CaU 643- TOOL & DESIGN ------—E nterprise 1945. 6297. Manchester area. trade your present home. 1218 or 649-2985. 130 Hartford Rd., Man<^estar TO BID PersonalB 8 s h a r p e n i n g Service T^aws, DENTAL assistant needed for APPUCSANT Must be qualified ^ , 649-5263 Phone 246-4781 FLOOR SANDING and refirlsh* ^ knives, axes, shears, skates, orthodontist office. Some ex- to work with youth, be a high ______Sealed bids wUl be received RIDE WANTED to Pratt & tag (specializing in older rotary blades, Quick service. perience preferred. Attractive school graduate with good FUEL OIL drivers for local at the office of the General Whitney, first shift, from vi­ floors), cleaning and waxing Capitol Equipment Co. 88 Main salary scale. 289-6160. driving record (automobile company, top wages. Apply at Manager, 41 Center Street, cin ity G reen Rd. Csill 649-2685. floors. Pataiing. Paperhang­ St., Manchester. Hours dally furnished). 340 Tolland St., East Hart- Manchester, Conn., until De- ing. No job itoo small. John 3-11 end 7-3, NURD'S aide, fUU- WANTED—RIDER from Man- 7-5. Thursday 7-9, Saturday 7- VerfaUle, 649-5760. ettester to comer of Broad and 4. 648-7968. part-time. Laurel Manor, wE OFFER Pleasant working J t H i 649-4519. Asylum St. • H ortfoid , 8-4:16. conditions (inside and outside ME3N — part-time tor janitorial work), paid vacations, pension work and floor waxing, open- Bid forms, plans and speel- MORTY MEEKLE BY DICK CAVALU OaU 643-9294. Household Services Bonds— Stocks-^ BABYSITTERS wanted fo r e-ve- Mortgages 27 niings and ell day Saturday. plan, annual salary increases tags available mornings and ficatlons are available at the BUZZ SAWYER BY ROY CRANE WANTED—RIDE TO Pratt & Offered 13-A V R ockledgc area, 643-2083. commensurate with ability. evenings. General Cleaning Purchasing Office, 41, Center t W A K frT O 6 tJEe—WHAT^ . W HOeAlO W hitney, first khdft, viottaty r e w e AVING of bums, moth SECOND MORTGAGE - Un. S ervice, 46 Oak St., 649-5334. Street, M anchester, C onnectl- DUSK; S n iL NO PLANES OR HELOS APPEAR E M T E C A /y H E P O ,. VAUDEVILLE MAYBE THEY THINK YOUR P £ T S H O W / Woodbridge and Middle Tpke holes. Zippers repaired. Win­ Umited funds available for sec­ ------c u t " MESSAGE WAS A NORTH DOO’ INVm Z 6IN(3? DANCE? W A $ £ ^ 4 D ? HARTFORD COURANT EHTER WOUR PET 648-6434, dow shades made to measure ond mortgages, payments to Help Wanted— Male 36 - Town of Manchester, VIET TRICK, e H o w . JUGGLE-? aU sizes Venetian bUnds. Keys sitit your budget. Expedient Mr. Hammond, Manager Connecticut POSSIBLE, IH OUR J 1- m ' aervlce J D Realtv 643-5120 FURNTTURB salesman full or INVITATION Robept B. Weiss, ALL WE CAN AatomobDes For Sale 4 made whUe you wait Tape re- ■«nnoe. j. u . K eaity, ______^ ______H O W f part-time. Apply M arlow ’ s, 808 Mata St, Manchester General Meuiager DO IS WAIT.- corders tor rent Marlow’s 8671» In c., 867 M ata St. TO BID - P R i z e f OAIjOPEL, NEED C A R ? Y our credit -turn­ M ain, 649-5221. 649-5251 Business Opportunity 28 Sealed bids will be re­ ed down? Short on down pay­ '' ------LATHE HANDS and gooeral ment? Bankrupt? Repossess- Building— Cnntraetltig 14 REJSTAURANT3 — large or machinists, *■ paid hoepltallza' ceived at the office of the sion? Don’t despair! See LI Hon- - T, Small. With or without liquor tlon, holidays and vacation ARE YOU LOOKING for a new ^ Center est Douglas. Inquire about low- QUALITY Carpentry - Rooms, I'cense. Phllbrick Agency, plan. Apply Metronics, Inc., job, there Is an opening ta heat est down, smaUest payments dormers, porches,. basements. Realtors, 649-8464. ,1 ^ Hilliard St treatinetreating department onon, the refinished, cabinets, huilt-ins, a.m. for 'Tires and Tubes. anywhere. No small loan or fl first shift. No experience nec- nance company plan. Douglas formica, aliuntaum, vinyl, AUTO AGENCY, new and Bid forms, plans and specl- 'V < essary. Apply in person. Klock available at the Don’t cry, b iiy.;. Motors, 338 Main. steel, ceramo siding. William used cars. For details caU DICK Bobbins Carpentry Service. Paul J. Correntl Agency, 643- t o T . 127= T o n „ d Tpke. M « .. J S S n T o S S A ? e . t o CAVALU e IM k, NU. be th Z (> NIGHT WATCHMAN 1900 FO RD — 2-door, Standard 649-3446. I 5363. • Street Manchester, Connectl- Sunoco Heating 09 trOnennisslon, good condition. OUSTQDIANS wanted sieconf «)ut. $300. 640-6809. CARPENTRY — Concrete work Light janitorial dutlea CAPTAIN EASY BY LESLIE TURNER Schools and Classes 33 Ideal for retired individual shift! 8-11 p;m. Write Board of Town of Msmehester, A quality heeling oH deliverad anything from cellar to roof, Connecticut m e t o FINN BY LANK LEONARD VOLVO — station w agon, 1983, Steady employment. Call E ducation, 1146 M ain St., Man­ ,automatlcallyl Burner n r v iM 24 inside and out, no substitute for CERAMICS AND mosaics chester. Attention D. E. Robert B. Weiss, MRBTURNIIMHIMTO FASTEN YDUR'S 122S, new brakes, two new quality, work, satisfaction guar­ for appointment hours a day! An tosy-payment V SA».' crafts instruction. Learn this P ierce. General Manager -at ^ S4 ABYLUMi THO HE‘5 SEAT BELT, MR. tires, $1660. 649-6944. anteed, rompetetive prices, no GUITE HARMIEBFI .'W THMCKMORTON. exciting hobby and make your plan! Get them an—Get Sunodi WE LAND IN A jo b too smOK. D & D Carpen­ BOY FOR HELP in restaurant poin THINK HE MieiinnL 1966 CHEVROLET IM PALA, Su- own gifts. CaU 872-0392 fo r in­ M EYER & I Heating OIL Let’s talk. -^TAKENAnANB? try ^ days 648-1904, evenings kitchen. Eventags after 4 p.m., I per Sport, 300 h.p., 4-speed, air- formation, anytime. MENDELSOHN DIV. conditioned, AM-FM stereo ra­ 649-8880. 649-6271. T' dio, $1,800. 647-0547. NEWTON H. SMITH fc SON — Help Wanted— ^Female 35 643-6426 . USED CARS 1064 CHEVROLET. Impala, V-s" '^m odeling, repairing, addl- SALESGIRL — fuU or part-time A COMPLETE 283, power steeirlng, power tions, rec WANTED brakes, adr-couditioned, ma- porches Md w tog. No Job hours can be arranged. Apply SELECTION Pligrim Mills, Hartfoid Rd., GAS STATION attendants, full roon, rad io and heater. A beau- too im a ll. CaU 649-8144. Full-Time Maixtoerter, 6-9 p.m. or part-time. See Mr. Sloan, ty , $1,696. tetil ow ner, 649-8692. a DDTITONS -remodeling, ga- Esso Service Center, Route 83, Maintenance Man BOURNE BUICK rages, rob rooms, REGISTERED profession- Vernon. "The Honse of 1900 CHEIVROLET—6 cylinder, For Aparfaneot House. HEATING OH. tiled, kitchens remodeled. CaB al nurse, 7 a.m.- 3 p.m., Sun- . ------. , Customer SatiMactlon” standard, good condition, $325. Permanent employtaent Leon Cleazynski, BuUder, 649- day differential and Friday. 285 MAIN ST. 649-6764. ______year ’round employment with Good salary. Apartment 4291. Progressive nursing hom e. furnished. benefits. Apply in person, MANCiE^TER W. G. GLENNEY CO. 1968 FO RD FAIRLAN E—pow er Refeiences, 875-912L Fogarty Bfothers, 319 Broad For Interview, oaD 246-5862 649-4571 836 N. MAIN ST. ^ e s atoering. winter- CARPENTRY-^2 TEL. 64G-S258 unmet* oa t>. rlenco, completo remodeling, S t V 648-9674 or ^-7188 MR. ABERNATHY BY RALSTON JONES and FRANK RIDGEWAY DAVY JONES BY LpFF and Mc^l/ILLIAMa ized. OaU 649-6668. additions, rec rooms, c62. 2629. O W eiT T D ? AROUND HERE, eventags, we wlU train you. - WILL POWER? JO POSITIVE..., T P A L .T H E G A r 9 j,o o a o a o worth: OARPENTRY — Alt^aiitlons Uniforms provided, free NEEDS h e l p ; PURS'a c c id e n t . - - - OFFICE CLERK 1964 oiEVROiLET station wag- and additions. Rec rooms, ga- Ufe insurance, free disabU- I ' 6n qu ick saie, $l,36a 643-8446. rages, ceilin gs. R oofin g , g u t- ity insurance, medical pay, Mole Preftrred FLYING A WANTS YOU! ___;------ters, siding, painting. Work- paid vacation. CaU 875- WANTED Some Typing HIGH VOLUME STATION FOR RENT IN •Q / , maiisbip guaranteed. A. A. 8951 or 643-6412. 1961 VOLK8WAGON — excel- 643-4860. [Holidays - Vacation | Ecperienced Pointers lent condition. 742-6700. ROCKVILLE. ^CELLENT FACIUTIK. PAH) Roofing-—aUhig 18 HOWARD JOHNSON’S (Please CdD Apply In. Person er Phone 649-0920 Route 30, Vernon, Conn. 742-6641 TRAJNUIO PROGRAM. ‘ 1950 BX>RD (Salaxle, iro n in g HOME im provem ent ,1 condition, $160. C all 640-2909. ^ —Roofing, siding altera------^ ^ ------or CALL ^29-8671 FOR INTERVIEW W IIUAM DICKSON and Son ■ ftions, additions and remodel- WOMAN TO DO bouse work, 742.7325 BEAR n « HAIN 8T.-MANCH8STEB . 1 tag o f a ll types. E xcellent one day a w eek. C all 649-6500 Read Herald Ads 'w orkm anship. 649-6496. days, eventag 648-818$. B M O H n n 3


MANCHESTEE EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER g6, 1966 PA(1E TiUHTEW VAGE TVtTELVlB 4 :1 MANCHESTER EVEN6JG HERAl^, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1966 Housto For Sok 72 nortoto—riBweri- 49 Roow WlOwt B rn M «• ApMtynto—Wato- UnrinoM Proper^ F o r R o l l 8 4 _ ^ f i r S a l e 7 0 87 PRINCETON 8T. — * tod- Houses For Sale 72 House* For Sale 72 HooMB F*r Sole 72 Suburban Fm*^ S s le 75 Sabarben For Sale 75 l a n auseI .CHRISTMAS Tbees! Tag now! d-EAN comfortsU* rooma, ______\ rooma,. fourth poasHile, 3 PRIVACY — Wooded custom BRICK RANCH — M o d e rn MANtHEBTEB — nearly neW VERNON — 7 room Cap^.targ# TOU.AND — Raised RanCh, * out later! Bring tbe family to ftoe pi dug. genUehMO. Can CRiBST DDF11SL ^ neighborhood. A s s u m a b le g Budget Cutback p oin tm en t Call 742-643S. open carpeted atair case, 3 divided if nacesaaiy. For in­ car garage, AA aooe, |tt,800. c y , M-OiRL large bedrooms, walk-in clos­ formation can Thaatar mana­ bas asked our brip tn sell- ' - custom built Immediate occu­ Phllbrick Agency, Realtors, mortgage $18,900. Phllbrick advertising Large seledtion of White pancy, mid 30’s. 649-4498. $16,900 — 6 room flreplaceid NEAR WADDELL SchooL "J ROOM wih kitchen prlvOeges. ets, aecoirf floor. Basement ger, 643-7333. • tag Ms property. It obnslsts 649-8464. Agency, Realtors, 649-8404. Spruce and Scotch Pine from MrsI Dorsey, 14 Arch S t of 4 apa)tmenU and a Ranch, extra large lot, i d e a l ______dean 6 room Cape, Hour room s A N D O V E R c l a s s i f i e d ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS $8. up. Alao oonee, evergreen storage and laundry. Heat NEW TWO family flat — 5-8, OFFICE SPACE available Jen- commercial enterprise on for chUdren. Call Irene Kwlat, MANCHESTER flnMied. Shadedded b«w lawn. OOVENTR'ir — a good emaU 4 Wins Approval 8 AJL to 5 PJL ' boughs, seasoned wood, fire­ range, refrigerator, diapoaal, Bowers schoci area, largo TheL uary 1. Excellent looetlan and one of Manchester’s busiest \ e i g h t r o o m r a n c h e40-557Z room bouM) heated porch, til­ l a u g e one chilA 649-3566, 649-4343. kitchen, 82’ living room, sep­ " ENJOY place and furnace lengths, $4. FRONT room, central- paridn g faciUtlea. 257 Eaat streets, inemne Is in excess ed bath, baseboard beat, I from Page One) per trunk full. arate furnaces, city utilities. ______QuaUty bunt ttora. bed- mOHT R(X)M Cape, 2 baths, i ly located, parking. 643-3 C enter S t 648-3168 o r 643-9627 of $7,500. annually. Owner $7,900. 742-7006. COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. Also older 2-famlly. Call Leon d u p l e x — 2 family, 6-6 built- romn, two bath, famUy shed dormer, recreation room, COUNTRY LIVINGT C ■ ______■JRT ■««“» to me we are movtag ** ^Utary DperatkM UNFURNISHED ROOM, bntedC ROOM duplex with heat, before 5 p.m: has expressed a wlUlngnens ClessynsM, Builder^ 849-439L in range, dishwasher, waU to rooih and recreation room, garage, trees, Urge lot Only BOL’TON — $13,900. Im m acu­ \\ P IV Q exactly in the right dlredOon.” “ "ttau® to U ^ ^NDAT Ikn raiDAT li:to AJt - 8ATUBOA* • AJI. Fad'and Feed 49-A ----- —- 3125 a m onth. 649-9906. to assist with the financ­ on bus line. Call Mrs. Harris, STORE — center Mandiester, wall carpeting, assumable 2 car garage, treed lot with $18,900. Hutchtae Agency, Finish off 4 rooms upstairs late 4-room Bwch, modern sen/te Dem^ratic Leader maintain ^ iiiitiattve. at ing: Please contact tMs FIRE PLA C E WOOD—slab, $18 Burtm i's In c. 649-6361. THREE ROOM apartment, newly remodeled atore, fm ^ MANCHESTER — new 10 room mortgage, price $28,60% FbU- city utlUties. You can own Realtors, 649-6824. to accommodate y o u r dream kitchen, la ^ land­ agency for more details. a loa d ; round $20 a load. De- l^lectTic range, refrigerator, all attd interior,' reasonabla rae^ Colonial In prestige neighbor­ b rick A gen cy, 649-8464. this for only $27,700. For growing family. 2 car ga­ scaped lot, lake privUeges. Bel endorsed Johnson’s efforts to­ The President gava himsdC MODIStN ROOM —private en­ MANCHESTER — 8 room, 7 cbusiderable . latitude whan DIAL 643-2711 Uvered. 289-2356. utilities, heat, hot water, elec- ala. B rokers Invited. S22-S11A hood, priced in the low 4Va. ai>p01ntment c a ll M r. rage and utility building, A ir R eal E state, 648-9882. ward reductions In nonessenUal trance, parking, referencea r OCKLEDOE — 7 room con- year old bouse with half acre asked how much extra mcnay PM lbrick A gen cy , 649-8464. Lewis, 649-6806. shade and fruit trees. Only expenditures. quired. 643-9696 . INDUSTRIAL« space - 4.006 JOHN H. LAPPEN, INC. temporary Spht Level Modem of lend. Keeney St area. $20,- BOL'TON — exceUent 'value. wlU be requested to meet war B A W $12,900 with 3 wooded Jackie Gleason Garden— Form—D oin’ MANCHESTER — 2-famlly 5-5, kitchen, large Uvtai; ro6m with 500. Xiafl 648-960L Transferred owners. Plenty of Johnson, since assuming the costs between next JaJkitary -and FURNISHED room, aB Im­ cated, phis maximum privacy, square feel, first fl^ The BARROWS and ______acres. OpEti— ed From PraesdiBQ Pogt Prodneto 50 649-5261 8 bedrooms, permanent siding, cathedral ceiling, one fuU and room inside and out Two MIAMI BEACH, FJa. (AP) — presidency, has met many July . He . said the sum would provements; private anlrance, PtaHbrick A gen cy, 649-1042. centrally located. Will mb- WALLACE Co. 1 divide. For particulars call aluminum irtorms and-screens, two half baths, family room, $UJXW BUYS TSOS exceUent 4- ‘Wooded acres. Recent 4-4, 2- Jackie Gleason is going into the times wlto the bipartisan lead- be____ between $5 bUUcn and $1S Dogfl—Birds— Pels 4 1 STRldliT fresh eggs for sale. hot water. Parking, KM. Cbeat- 164 E. Center St, Manchester H d? 79 anted— FIVE ROOMS, available De­ new bus line, excellent condi­ garage $28,000. Phllbrick Manchester Parkade family home, fireplaoe, hot wa- interior decorating business. He er^ p . But Friday’s conference Tomaszewski, Box 363, South nut S t Warren E. Howland, Realtor, SS: DMOOT BEAMY Male or Female 87 g r o o m i n g and boarding all cem b er 1. Aduka on ly. OsU 643- 850 Mata S t , 643-1108. tion, $16,900. Wolverton A ^ - Agen(^, 649-8464. Manchester 649-NOS ter heat. Upetalrs leased. At- has been hired as a oonsiUtant was the first sudi meeting at johns apartment second floor, mod- 649-1914. $158. m onthly. 649-7625. wall carjpeting throughout in­ Ifo area, nightclub, dining .room tin, 65 miles to the west. John- the tax discusslcm was ixirely f-nH sandwiches in pleasant sur­ 2-famiIy duplex. New tile baths SeUlng tor $18,900. CoU the R. income. OaU Mitten Agency, rental with option to buy. Pas- ranged easy financing On ftas Call 742-6369. A gency, 848-0181. cluding kitchen. Only $14,200. and coffee shop. son, who said he is feeling fine incidental, and that he didn^ roundings. Uniforms and gener­ nnimfhnlil nimila 51 kitchen and bath, working MANCHESTER—FINE location, EXECUTIVE 3-bedroor x)k)n- and siding. Recent furnaces, F . D lm ock C o., 640-5245. R ealtors, 643-6030. ek, R ealtors, 289-7475, 742-8243. 2 year old lovely 4 bedroom ttOOSenOHl uooai at No , .... . ______, , . _____ Wolverton Agency, Realtors, The comedian did not an- foUowlng his Nov: 16 operations believe theleaders expressed ous food allowance. POODLE PUPS Mmiature, ing couple preferred. No pets. newly decorated 5 room apart­ ial, IH baths, garag^, fire­ plumbing and roof. Good return MANCHESTER — Six room Co- Colonial in preferred high 649-2813. nounce his fee for the 'undertak- for a throat prtyp and repair of their views. 2 MANCHESTER — near Mata TWO FAMILY - 7-6 ta business SOUTH, WINDSOR — 6 room gray or black, AKC, shots. CLEAN, USED refilgeratrra, 643-7638 or 649-0463. m en t G arage. $100 m onthly. place, rec room, dishwasher, tor the investment minded. lonlal, 1% baths, modern neighborhood -with city w ater SHIFTS AVAILABLE: St. 4-famUy N>me. BhcceUent In- zone two, one block from Main Split, plus rec room, patio, ...... said Friday he hopes for an incisional hernia,^ wore a“There win be a lot of dlecus* 6^8400. ranges, automatic wasbc s, Hayes Agency, 646-0131. brand new. J. D. Real' Estate OnH now . $18,900. P aul W. kitchen with bullt-lns, stove, TEN ACRES, Stately 7-room end sewer. Built-in kitchen. 10 ajn. - 2 p Jn. (Mothers not THREE ROOM apartment, Uv- come producer. 4 rooms ta St, 2-car garage, lot 60x291. swimming pool. Assumable similar decorating Jobs at other light tan sports outfit trith a Wg slon about it,” Johnsco corn* with guarantees. See them at C o., 643-5129. Dougan, R ealtor, 649-4636. dishwasher and disposal. 8 bed­ stone 1840 Colonial, hot water expected to work during DACHSHUND PUPPIES, AKC, ing room, kitchen,, bedroom each apartment Owner wants ' .Immedlnto occupancy- CaU per cent mortgage. Bel Air presidential seal on it. mented. “But there won’t b« B. D . P earl’ s A ppliances, 849 FOUR ROOMS, riove and re­ room s, $19,900. Phllbrick heat, fireplace, exceUent con-; room , at­ school vacations.) ready to go, miniature and and bath, electric range, re­ COLUMBIA LAKHJ—year round MAN<3HESTER — 6 or 6 bed- fast sale. Hayjs Agency, 646- Lappen Agency, 649-5261. , Real Estate, 643-9332. Main S t C&O 643-217L frigerator, beat and hot water, A gen cy, 649-8484. dltion, long road frontage. tached garage. Vacant and The news conference was in any decision imUl the facts ora standard, champion blood frigerator, heat, not water, no $110. C all 649-3175. home. O>mbination living and room Oolortnl. Excellent loca- 0181. Rupert Thompson the refurbished ranch hangar ta and we have the figures upou 3 pjn.-7 pm. (Excdlent for' Hutchins A gen cy, 649-5iS24. MANCHESTER—6 room older ELLINGTON Spacious Older 4- m ust be sold ! A sking $28,600. lines. Also Weimaraners. WHY PAY 30-50 per cent more? pets. Available now. Call dining room, 2 bedrooms, bath, tkxi, near shopping, bus, which now has a tile floor, which decisions can be based, High Sdwol Juni<« and bom*, 1% batiis, new siding, bedroom (Joloniel on nicely The Samuel M. Lavltt Ag«icy, COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) — Aft­ Southington 1-628-6573. Our low overhead (no rent or M<;Kinney Bros., Inc., 843-2139. FIVE ROOM apartment, $130 kitchenette and screened porch. schools. City utilities. LqJ $18,200 —MANCHESTER 6 TWO FAMILY — Duplex, 4-4, sound insulation and air condl- .They oan’t be made In Novem* REDUCED large tot $14,500. Phllbrick landscaped acre in attractive MLS Realtors at Vernon Cir­ er 80''years, there finally is a Seniors.) em plo3res) means low discount per month, including heat. Call Lake privileges. Occupancy 97 X 130. $16,900. Owner-agent. room Ranch, basement, fire­ close to schools, shopping and tioners. her.” AKC GERMAN Shepherd, one- WE HAVE customers waiting Agency, Realtors, 649-8464. oountry neighborhood near cle . 643-2168, 875-6297. g;irl in the Thompson family. prices on quality new furniture. 649-5201, between 8-5. around January 1. Call after C all 643-6930, 643-2325. place, feunlly kitchen, near biu. Verplanck area. CaU ^Johnson began by teUtag Johnson yielded to Ford wben 7 pm.-lCdnight (Must be year-old female, spayed, all for the rental of your apart- Helen Palmer, Leonard Agen­ RockviUe-line. Entrance fojrer, Rupert Thompson’s wife gave 6 For savings, service, and satis­ 5:30 p .m ., 1-228-3608. Owner tran sferred — m ust bus, shopping, school. Hutch­ newsmen the dlsctissions with a newsman asked whether the at least 18 years old.) i shots, very good with rinktreo. nlent or home J D. Real 4% ROOM A P j ■ITMEa^T, cen- CONCORD RD. — beautiful N E W LISTIN G — 6 room fire - kitchen, dining room, living birth to a daughter Wednesday. faction, without Ugh pressure ins A gency, R ealtors, 649-6824. cy, Realtors, 646-0469 or 649- the leaders Included the mill- GOP House leader stUl feels, a* OaB 876-9648. E state, 843-5129. trally located. tlU utilities. Call. BOLTON — 4 room Ranch, with Ranch, large living team, for­ sell 3 bedroom Ranch, ex­ placed Cape, 4 bedroom possl- room, closed-in heated porch, The couple named her Dele Applications accepted Mtmday- salesmaiuhip, visit us today. 8877. tary and diplomatic situations he said ta a recent speech that 649-9404, 649- treed lot. Lake privileges, mal dining room, cabinet kitch­ tra large lot, rec room, un­ bttity, rec room, garage, beau- lavatory down. 4 bedrooms Elizabeth. Friday from 3-7 pm. Apply at LeBlanc Furniture Co., 195 LOOKING for anything in real GARRISON Colonial —2 years ta Viet Nam, the ecoiK>mic sit- an income tax tacrease in Janu- available im m ediately, $33. en, 2 bedrooms^, recreation usual expansion area. MANCHESTER — $16,900. Two ful private lot, many extras. and fuU bath up. Spacious -at­ employment trailw in front of South St., R ock ville. 875-2174. estate rentals - apartments, MANCHESTER^216 Union St., old, 7 rooms, one full and two Events w eekly. CaU 742-6736. room, landscaped ^yaud. Mar­ $17,500. family, 5-5 flat, convenient lo­ CaU Helen Palmer, Leonard tic storage, garage, aluminium taS !"m s fltl^w 2 o5?Tf Artides For Sale 45 Open 9-8, Saturday 9-S. homes, multiple dwellings, no 4 room, first flr apartmeiit' half baths, family room off abop. lon E. Robertaoi^, ,Realtor, cation on bus Une, all dty util­ Agency, Realtors, 646-0469, storms, city water and sewer. fees. Call J. D. Real Estate, in two family house. Spacious kitchen, tot iro x 2D0, garage ^ described the GOP "I tiitak my views are pretty FREE WHEELS — Buy two SINGE31 antomatlc zig - sag in MANCHESTER — six room 643-8963. ities. Bel Air Real Estate, 648- 649-3877. Walking distance to bus. VA, In Capital FRIENDLY 643-5129. I kitchen with appliances, large $26,6(X). PhUbrick A gency, male oousms. House leader as “my good much the same as they were,** new snow tires at regular cabinet, like new, does every- Cape, beautiful yard, conven­ J. D. REAL ESTATE 9332; FHA, or conventional financing ICE CREAM SHOP | living room, 2 bedrooms, spa­ MANCHBHTHR — 8 -bedroom 649-8464. MANCHESTER—6 room Cape ta Vnnoamn ttoAornno friend and associate.” Ford said. “Until we Iwive ea price, get: - two new Wheels thtag, originally over $300, tekn SEVEN ROOl ient location. Available Decem­ available. Only $17,600! The Union Shops Hit ROOM apartment with cious yard, $138 with heat. Ar- Colonial, dishwasher, bullt-lns, MANCHESTER — B o w e r s Bowers School area. 3 bed­ r anessa nvagra e Johnson said Budget Director opportunity to get the tafoimai* TViOaiid T pke., B u n 's C om er free. Cole'1 s Disccmnt, 451 Cen- • ^ mcmthly payments fireplace and garage, $150. per ber 1. $146. 646-3392 after 6. 643-5129 ■ MANCHESTER—5% room cus­ Samuel M. Lairitt Agency, chambault Builders, Inc. 643- disposal, 1% baths, alumfanun School, 7 room Cape, 4 bed­ rooms, dining rciom, eat ta WASHINGTON (AP) — The LONDON (AP) — Vanessa Charles L. Schultze, with whom tlon, there Is stUl no film deel> Sbopi^ng Center (next to Cal- ter, 643-5332. tom built Ranch, fireplace, oU MLS Realtors at Vernon Cir- of $9'each. Call 522-093L month. J. D. Real Estate, 643- SIX ROOM Ranch for rent 2 siding, storm windows, sewers, ______. rooms, flreplaced living room, kititaen, Uvtag room with open Redgrave, now filming the mu- he also conferred Friday ■wlU slon.” dor), Manchester. Wilbur Cross «r 1440, 568-9470. hot water heat, paneled reo National Rlght-to-Work ^Com­ EXCEU jENT, efficient and ec­ 6129. baths, garage, $176. per month. stairway, tree shaded yard, ______c d , 643-2158, 876-6297. PTVE PIECE dinette set, prac­ GLENDALE RD. — Open dally room, caU now. Hayes Agency. modem Idtdien, family room. mittee says it is mounting sical “Camelot” ta HoUywood, meet with Ciabtaet members Johnson dedUned any speeUIn* Highway, Route 15, Exit 93. onomical, that's Blue Lustre CARRIAGE HOUSE Apart­ OaU 649-2349. tically new, 22 yards new cin-- LAWTON GARDENS — 4’4 cy, Realtors.— iJ49-5324. and Sundays. * New 6-room 646-0131 Only $17,900. Hayes Agency, was voted television acixess of eariy next week to make further tton on the budget for the fiscal carpet and upholstery cleans. ments—2 bedroom luxurious SSSSra scenic states tor enact- the year by the Guild of Televl- recommendations for cutting year begtantag next July 1, tain material, white and gold. oom duplex, baths, dish- OOVE3JTRY — Lake St., 5 room Ranch with carport, unique 646-013L . Heanors, ata-JSia. area, like new, 6% room Ranch, THE OOVBHTRY Board of Ed- Rent e lectric sham pooer, $1. apartment complex. Air-condi­ MANCHESTER — Large 7 room $16,000 6 ROOM R anch, fire­ ______i - II* I « 1 , state laws banning un- Sion Producers and Directors back government programs. He clficaUy whether it would b* 649-0494. waisher, private patio and cel­ duplex, includes Electricity kitchen-family room arrange­ NEWER room Ranch, ’wide TWO-FAMILY, Porter-Autumn jST ^n shop contracts. Nineteen ncatton is seeking applicante Tbe Sherwin-Williams Co. tioned, all appliances, and heat Ranch, 2% oaths, modern 5 28 Friday night. said he woUld take prompt ac- bigger aita with a larger deficit la r. J. D. R eal Elstate Co-, 648- and stove, $95. A lso 3 room s, ment, 2 fuU baths, large bed­ place, ceramic bath, alumi­ tor a sifiMtitute teacher o f' ----- MAHOGANY bedroom set, four furnished, fiee parking. Adults kitchen, formal dining room, num -storm windows, attached for larger rooms, buUt-tas In- St. aiaa. Now under construe- states now have such laws. INEXPENSIVE to clean 6129. first floor, electricity and stove rooms, aluminum siding. As­ H ayes A gen cy, 646-0181. Miss Redgrave won the award tlon on them. than this year. typing and sfaorihaod for five IT’S poster bed, like new, $80. CaU only. Warren E. Howland, Re­ family room, 24x24 with fire­ gfarage, Manchester. Hutchins eluding disposal, Intercom, 80” ------i r r ------Ihe announcement ^ ^ y set ‘^rfci^iiMce ta"a British Asked his appraisal of the He said defense spending rugs and upherfstery with Blue $85. J. D. Real Elstate, 643- sumable mortgage and priced weeks, from December 5, 1966 a fter 5 p.m . 646-0128. THREE ROOMS for rent, $90. altor, 643-1108. . place, 2-car gardge, large lot A gency, R ealtors, 649-5324. attic fan , 100 am p circu it ^'w^evRaLihO^^ VERNON - 6 room Cape, fuU toe stage tor what could become Broadcasting Oorp. production mlUtary situation, Johnson said counts for half of toe budget. Lustre. Rent electric shampoo­ 6129. with fruit trees, $26,(K». PhU- to sell. Wesley R. SmltiL Con­ breakers, 2-zone heat, master caU Weeley R. Smith Construe- (farough January 13, 1967. In­ monthly, with heat CaU 648- shed dormer, modern kitchen, toe Uggest battle ta a decade of Ernest Hemingway’s RMich of the latest report on that and “until that is decided you er, $1. O lcott V ariety Store. MOVING — Admiral refrigera­ b rick A gency, 649-8464. struction C o., 643-1667. DUPLEX — 14 rooms, 5 ga­ control lighting, 2-car garage tlon C o., In c. 648-1567. terested applicants^ sbouid ocn- 9601 anytime. VERNON — 8 room apartment garage with breezeway. Large over state right-to-work laws Farewell to Arms.” is classified. can’t determine what toe whole tor, large freezer; Universal THREE ROOM apartment, all rages, office space, centraUy and rec room are only a few te o t M r. MHtoo A iWUde, Prin- newly redecorated, stove and TTWO NEW Retsed Ranttoes, 2^ treed lot, 82’ swimming pool, and a renewed fight ta Congress But he added: “The summary goal will be.” ele ctric stove. Both fo r $100. MANCHESTER — 3 ro o m utilities, parking. 646-0395. located, taumlnum siding, hot features. Below cost Wolver­ eipal, Coventry H i^ School at refrigerator, ^46-0311. baths, large modem kitchen, $19,900. P hllbrick A gen cy, 649- o v e r toe issue. PROFESSIONAL 643-7070. apartment first floor, ‘appli­ •water 2-zone heat, 4 bedroom s ton A gen cy, R ealtors, 649-2818. Carol Nugent .742-7346. formal dining room, sliding 8464- ^ The committee said this ances, heat and hot water in­ FGUR R(X>M apartment, heat, EAST HARTFORD — 4 rooms, each side. Phllbrick Agency, LGS ANGEJLEjS (AP) — AC- glesB doors onto a sundeck, turned toe POOL TABLES cluded, smaU quiet building. stove, refrigerator, and tights. heat and hot water, first floor, 649-8464. TWO FAM-^Y — 4-4, expand­ SOUTH WINDSOR - 5 room ® tress Carol Nugent has sued her Musical Instrom ents 53 olunlnum siding. 5^ per cent iSitnattons Wanted— Hayes Agency, 646-0131. $90. OaU Glastonbury, 633-7611. convenient location. Prestige able Ranch style, large wood­ Ranch, 3 bedrooms, large . . hnii husband, actor Nick Adams, tor Big Viet Operation FOR THE HOME mortgage may be asaumed, 2- F o n a k 88 KAY FOLK GUITAR with case, R eal Estate, 289-6827. FIVE BEDROOMS, 2 fuU baths, ed lot, convenient location. kitchen. Asking $16,900. Must divorce, charging he threatened NEtiV FTRST flo o r 3 room apart­ TRUCK modern kitchen with builMna, oar garages, rec rooms, 2 fire- -» i.i _____1 °.___ I______fought the right-to-work drive to ’ ” ^ very good condition, will sell BRAND NEW Leonard A gen cy , Realtors, be sold, foreclosure imminent N a virtual standstUl ta state leg- Now for the first time you fo r $46, original price $86. Call ment, private entrance, heat, MANCHEJSTBR — Bolton town 2 fireplaces, ‘walk-out base­ 646-0469. pilaoes, $29,500. PMlbrick Agen­ n u r s i n g -POSITION — taking ______Hayes Agency, 646-013L Islatures siiice 1958, but last Adams was ordered Friday by Ended by U.S. Units can own your own profes­ after 6, 649-6806. NO’W R ’JINTING hot water, electric range, re- tine. 3 room apartment, $115, ment, screened porch, garage, c y , 649-8464. care of children or handicapp­ L-RANCH, fireplace, 2-car gar sional ITALIAN SLATE PICTURESQUE ftigerator, disposal, garage. quiet neighborhood, la r g e handy location. Phllbrick Agen­ COLCHESTER Only 20 minutes Its fight ta Cemgress to ® Angeles Superior Court ed or eWeriy. 6 daya per week- rage, modem kitchen, large MANCHESTER—7 room bouse (CoBtlnaed trom Page One) AND FORMICA COV­ RBSIDENTTAL LOCATTON Adults only. N o pets. 643-4884. yard. References required. 643- c y , R ealtors, 649-8464. from P&W. East Hartford via " Cambodia’s chief at state **toe •484188. living ropm 'with dintag L, ‘With 372’ frontage on North ERED pool table for as lit­ BABY GRAND piano, gcod con­ 5983. TIRES scenic Route 2 and only 80 min- Section emborrasstag his ammunition, food and materiel stupid Khmer prince.” A Viet- Mata St. and 450’ on Tolland dition, reatonaU e. OaU 643-6563 One bedroom apartments, waU THREE ROOM apartmesit, SPLIT LEVEL — 6% rooms, 2 full baths, 8 laige bedrooms, utes from tbe shore. Beautiful ^e Taft-Hartley Act tle as $645., $50. down and Tpke. Excellent investment ^e’lSrS tai«» Th?y Ministry of Informa^ WILL CARE for child In my to wall carpeting, outside bal­ range and refrigerator, heat ROCKVILLiE — FIVE rooms, 8 bedrooms, modern kitchen $28,900. FUlbrl, Missoini, Dela- was sentenced Friday by a by Communist guerrillas using that tiie United States and SooHi by tbe Planning and Zoning company and are saving ings, furniture, clocks; ap­ ate occupancy, $125. monthly. 7.00x15, 6 Ply ...1 8 .9 0 range furnished, $106. per floor of new 2-family. 649- rage, fine neighborhood, beau­ living room with iMokcase rooms, up to VA bfitorooms, ware and Massachusetts. court ta her native Budapest tear gas feclflC8, said it would $200 for careless driving. A four- the Viet Cong. waters 28 times staoe Aiigoet D ecem ber 1, 1966 a t 8 p.m . in p ie ce professional cue MANAGEMENT CO. 6.50x16, 6 Ply ...1 7 .9 0 7.50x20, 10 Ply ...39.90 year old tri-level home for rooms wito 4th possible, nice tag, paneled family rooms, big push ta Congress for “federal month Jail term was suspended all, the Americans seized — ------the Hearing Room of the Mu­ sticks to toe first fifty peo­ Apartment Buildings some lucky buyer. like new yard, central tocaition. Belfiore Wearing Apparel— ^Purs 57 289-7395 Furnished Apartments 63-A' MANCHESTER — to settle es­ beautiful tree shaded lots, loire- laws to restrict compulsory un- tor three years. She allegedly more than 24,000 grenades of nicipal Building to consider the ple who purchase this For Sale 69 7.00x16, 6 Ply ,..1 9 .9 0 8.25x20, lOtPly ...42.90 tate. Six room Colonial, excel­ condition with bullt-tas, VA A gency, 648-5121. ly suburban neighborhoods with tonism. hit and injured a motorcyclist, various kinds, 614 claymore aa- Fasting Trio V following applications for zone table. FULL LENGTH mouton coat, lent tocatton. 2-car garage, one baths, 8 bedrooms, formal dl^ easy parkway commuting. Best FOUR ROOMS, with hot wa- ATTRACTIVE 3 room furnlsbe MANCHESTER—UNIQUE situ­ 9.00x20, 10 Ply ...59.90 MANCHESTER rp X IT/- -If tipersonnel mines, 762 banga- change; size 16-18; like new, w as $100. 7:50x16, 6 Ply ...2 6 .9 0 a cre lot. $15,9(X). M itten Agen­ ing room and a family room buys in Conn, at $15,900 to lore toh)edoes, 6,700 rounds Due in 'Court ter, $88. J . D. Real Estate, apartment. Larg;e closets. I*ri- ation. ’Two 2-fam lly hom es In Praft Call Down Toby Wing M em ll at JdIDDLB ’TURNPIKE EAST Showrooms are open seven best offer. 649-7602. for ^,900. Good value. Wol- OWNER NEEDS A SALE $23,900. The Sam uel M . L avltt 643-5129. town with two acres, on bus ...2 9 .9 0 1.000x20, 12 Piy ..74.90 c y , RealtorB, 643-6930, MIAMI, Fl.a (AP) — Former smtJl arms ammunition, and BOSTON (AP) — Two Vokm* —To change to Business Zone days a week. vate entrances. Adults. No 7.50x16, 8 Ply vertoh A gen cy, R ealtors, 649- So we are offering for im­ Agency, MLS Realtors at Ver­ WASHINGTON (AP) — The pets. EYirking. R eferences. 643- line with all utilities. Many movie actress Ttoby wing Mer- varying quantities of explosives, town. Conn., teenagers and • n, aU or part of an area now FIVE ROOM apartment, re­ MANCHESTER — 2 family, 5-5 2818. mediate sale, due to cir­ non C ircle, 643-2168, 8 7 5 -6 ^ . Pentagon has oimounced the Send for EYee Brochure Wanted— ^To Bujr 58 4860. posaibllities. OaU H ayes Agen­ 7.00x17, 8 Ply . . .29.90 1.000x22, 12 Ply . .79.90 rill and her aviator husband, mortar rounds, rockets, booby South End man who had bees ta Residence Zone A and Resi­ cently redecorate Appliances flat, 2-car garage. 2 heating cumstances, a 2 family January draft call la being cy , 646-0131. B RE N T R D . — rocm R anch. Capt. Henry (Dick) Merrill, traps and blasting caps. staging a “Thanksgiving fast for dence 21one C, described a s fo l- __ ^ WE BUY and seU antique and Include. $115 for mdhth. J. systems, excellent location. home at price far below VERNOR— 4 CUSTOM built trimmed from 27,600 to 16,600. 2H ROOM furnlshe apart­ 3 bedrooms, new walltex have suit for damages ta SuppUes captured included peace” cn land ta Poet Otttae lows: Starting at a point on the VALLEY DISTfjilBUTORS used furniture, china, glass Df Real Estate, M 3-5l^. Buy now, only $18,500. Hayes market value. High assum­ (non - develctament) homes. Secretary of Defense Robert ment, heat and horwater, cen­ Business Property torougbout, fuU basement, an automobile accident. tons of sheet metal, various Square are scheduled to appear south side of Middle Turnpike 99 John Downey Drive silver, picture frames, old DISCOUNT A gency, 646-0131. able nMrtgage. Call and Ranches and Raised Ranches. S. McNamara forecast toe 12,- Defendants______m the _ action__ amoimts of oil, 'ndtaat, tolMcoo, ta court today. SIX ROOM duplex, convenient tral. Reasonable. CaU 649- For Sale 70 walking distance to schools Blast and" west side of Fergu- New Britain, Connecticut coins, guns, pewter, scrap save thousands! J. Gordon, W e^ ^ y br^” ii"Vriday ta O r'^t 6 ^ peanuts, clothing and other The trio is diazged with re* Phone 225-8362 gold, wajtches, old jewelry, location. $116 monthly. Inquire 8404, 12 noon-6 pjn. and shoi^tog- Elva E. TYler, son Rd. the line runs southerly RCKIMING HOUSE, centraUy STATION 649-5306 baths, landscaped wooded lot. at a news bonference at Presl- are the Avis Rent-a-Car System, equipment. fusing to comply with the order ISC’: thence westerly 230’; Out-of-Town—Call Collect hobby collections, paintings, 186 C epter St., after 6 p.m . Realtor, 649-4469. Helen Cole, $20,0(X) - $22,000 with excellent dent Johnson’s T exas ranch. THREE ROOMS, furnished, located, annual income $5,304, W rap and Tie Skirt B & W mu n X ^ and the toiver of Ms car, The U.S. forces also reported of a poUoe officer on a putato thence northerly 10’; thence attic contents or whole estates. COLE’S 643-6666. ftaanctag available. ONE_ STORY 4-room apart- bath, all utilities, suitable tor expenses $1,205> Ifrlced at The BARROWS a n d __ Dlmock The Pentagon made it offldal Robert Bruer. destroying 280 enemy buildings rraervatioo and with ♦‘auOeriag westerly 100’ to Arnott Rd.; Flimiture Repair Service,-643- 451 WEST CENTER Jff. — 643-5332 R ealty, 649-9823, 649-5245. m ent, heat, stove, refrigera- one or two adulls. Piarking.' $22,900. Paul rJ. Oorrontl WAM*ACE 06.’ Friday, snytag the cutback“ re^ Each asked for more tbaa $6,- li24 tunnels and oaves and nine a certain bunitag sutwtanoe and toehoe northerly 140’ to Middle SHAPER complete % motor, 744E, suits from toe most recent re­ tor, laundry and janitor, on 272 M ain St. Agency, 643-5363. Manchester Parkade 000 in dam ages. base camps. pup tent” aa a public reaerm » Turnpike East; thence easterly antenna, rotor, bedroom set, Pet's Cosy Cover view at 'military force levels HOUSEHOLD lots, •mtlquM, bus line, near stores, adults. Manchester 649-5306 On toe political fremt, toe tioo. 830’ to point of beginning. Ap­ dinner set, china cups, miscel­ Legal Notices required tor 1967.” country’s 117-membar Oonstitu- Suzanne Williams, 13, and laneous item s. 649-7386. bric-a-brac, clocks, frames, CaU 649-5249, 649-7620. plicant: Charles Luce and CTj NO DOWN payment tor qual­ At toe Texas news conference, ent Assembly, meeting ta Sal- Charles L. Matthel, 18, both ai glassware. We buy estates. A. OllDKB OF NOTIGB i r, b tended by Planning ,^ d G E R T ’S A GAY giiri — ready Village Peddler, Auctioneer, CENTRALLY located 6 room TOWN OF MANCHESTER DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ified Veteran, 7 room (Jape, ______A uouAT OF FKOBATEi, McNamora also said D.S., Road Deaths gon, discussed the merits of a Voluntown, and Charles L. Mio« Commission. i tor a whirl after cleaning car­ 420 Lake St., Bolton, 649 3247. flat, garage, available Decem­ 4 bedrooms, large lot. Hut(*- Man-eater, within and tor taty needs are leveling off and . bicameral legislative system Kenna, 22, of the South End, (INTERIOR P A R C E L ) pets with Blue Lristre. Rent ber 1. CaU after 6, 643-6787. ilia AgU^, 649-5324. Zind'dw^ over-all manpower require- ttlfilTIOT. after receiving a report from its were arrested late Friday night, SOUTH OF TEMKOD RD.—To ANTTQUES — clocks, silver, PreBenL Hon. John J. waUett. m ents o f the arm ed fo rce s in drafting oommtitee favoring tbe Miss Williams and Mattiiel electric shampooer, $1. Paul’s THREE ROOM apartment, In- NOTICE OF LEAF PICKUP NO DOWN payment VA or $700 Judge, change .to Residence Zone A^A, pewter, lamps and all collect- MeVey lau about one-Oilril less ii faT ____ i two-chamber legislature. The .said they bad been fosttag sinoa Paint & Wallpaper Supply. ' eluding appliances and heat, down IHA. Five room Ranch, of Patrick E. all or part of an area now in ^Ible items. Any quantity. The of Uanchester, in said diatrict, de- than this year when about 900,- a C C i v O n U a t anaomWy is charged wito writ- Sunday, drinking only water. Rural Residence Zone, described 'J'lg INCH SELF propelled snow ” Bric-A-Brac Shoppe. 644-8962. $110. J. D. Real Estate, 643- The foUowinr atreete are schedul^ for street leaf coUectlon on the below Usted days. In the event of on any sohedoled $17,100. H utcU ns A gen cy, 649- rallectlon dav nlckup on remaining routes wUl be postponed one worktag day. Home owners, on the beldw listed streete who ani>UcaUon of Elale MeV.y, ^ men wsra taken in throu^ tag a new oonstitutitm by March The Volutaown girl said they • as follows: Starting at a point blow er, w ith 3% h-P- Clinton 5129. 6624. wish to have yard leaves coUected are requested to rake leaves In a windrow to the grass plot between the p^ement and praying that lettera ' " of...... adminutrC tbc draft ond vUtuntary enUst' n,, fifmnm-nrri w riisu i ta prepare for toe election of a were fasting to “remind peopla at the southwest corner of Lot engine. 643-8706. ^ Uon be panted on said estate, as ments. ^ civilian government late next that 10,000 perstuiB die of stqrvai- i Kooms Witbaat BoaiM 59 i m m e d i a t e occupancy; 4 waUi Where no grass plot exists leaves should bo raked ta a windrow to the.e^ge of the walk on the home owner’s side. MANCHEISTER — recent 4-bed- Nor 32 (Lookout Mountain Sub­ per appUcattonication -on.on file, U iais _ T h6 d6Qlth toU on th e CbcUioii'8 firmtion ssaAw each <«««*day all over------av tbs^ LOAM SALE! regular $15. ------room apartment. Can be seen This 'should be doM on the day prior to scheduled collection. Leaves wIU be CoUeofied at the same time that the street cleanup tocin CMcntal, large Idtichen, 2 ORDERS: That the foregoing loregoing The Pentagon aleoalso said lurmedmrmed . . . _ year. non each day ail over the ^ division) and southerly bound­ THE THOMPSON HU jUSE, appUcatlion be Otiier developments: world,, to support those who stone-free loam for $14. Fill, ' at 25 Irvin g St. is made. DO NOT RAKE LEAVES INTf) THE STREET. (Additional scheduled iPntes wUl be advertlsed^ext week weather flreptaoes, screened porch, im­ otaSfofU^ln'^^ forces strength Stood at 8,298,818 during the Thanks- ary of present Residence Zone Cottage ‘Street, centraUy lo­ mined at the Probate MtocQ R. Young, R- fuse to kai, and as an affinuop gravel, sand, stone and ma­ permitting). mediate occupancy, reduced cheater in said Oisl AA, toe line runs easterly 1925’, cated, large, • pleasantly, fur­ EXCELLENT 6 ' room apart­ r day of December, conferring with top tlon of 'world peace and laktav- nure. 643-9504. for foot sale. Hayes Agency, more or less; thence southwest- ______nished rooms, parking. Call ment, central location. Call Thursday, Dee. 1 eleven o'clock ' officials in Saigon, standing.” Monday, Npv. 28 Tuesday, Nov. 29 Wednesday, Nov. 30 646-0131. tha^ notice ba _ erly 1364‘, more or less; thence t AG SALE—SUNDAY, house- 1849-2358 for overnight and 643-S684. Interested In iajd esmte. of the 362, M arines’' 278,712 and ' A ir DonhoUday. T>eriod. said be believed closer checks She and M atth d w ere OKreat- westerly 1042’, more or less; permeinent guest rates. Routo 19 Route 20 Route 21 V Route 22 BOWERS SCHOOL area —im- pendency of said application and w ere necessary to prevent dl- ed on warrants issued ta mu- hold Items, banjo, decoys, oW TWO ROOM apartment, with the time and place of heartnz there- Fierce s oUi.eoZ. Traffibc deaths totaled 883, ta- ...... thence northerly 778’, morft or lamps, chairs, some antiques. ■ I - nMvculatie 7 room Cape,'. 2-car on. by publishing a oopyofthis or- whwUng gO ig ve^ of version at American aid Into the nlcipal court earlier ta ta e d a y . ROOM FOR RENT —gentleman heat, stove and refrigerator Middle Turnpike West Spring Street. less; thence westerly 386’, more 153 E dgerton St. Henderson Road Lydall Street gange. CaH Helen pataier, In som e newspaper having a dreu- J tw iM o / t Q n v W o l l y blade market Young is a mem- They offered no reslirtance. but or less; thence northerly 582’, ' oWy,. oemtral location, free furndshed. CaU 643-5118 be­ (HUUard to Broad St.) Proctor Road (Woodbridge to Veriion St.) (Gardner to HlgUand Bt.) lo o n a ix i A gen cy, Reoators, 646- lation In-said dUtrict, at least sevta ACCUSea^Spj ITeu age, since the start Of the count tween 8:30 —4:30 p.ni. more or less, to point of begin­ % HP GE motors 115-230 cap. parking. 643-2693, after 4 p.m . Adams street . Victoria Road Parker Street Glen Road 0466. 649-8877. WAmmOTOK (AP> _ ra. ^ type 19.95, 48V DC 4 amp fil­ for appointment. (Middle Turnpike West to ning. This is an irregular shaped iVt ROOMS, $1K, 21/4 TOoni Dougherty Street (Woodbridge to’ Mather St.) Wyllys Street . p » i i c « u d a a t » a w « » . tered regulated rack 49.95, Now State Rd.) i (Spring to Highland St) 7r Lota For Sale 78 parcel consisting of 44.47 acres, ATTRACTIVE ROOM for Work­ basement apartment, $70, heat,- McKee Street Westfield Street or befors November ^ 6 6 * by mir Kazan-Komarek, the Cam- ___ I * tary and economic support of loading Miss WilUams and the formerly owned by D. Jacobson, Air blowers 6.95 up, Electron­ Hilliard Street Highland Street * I certified mall, h ew y o f Uti^rder bridge, Maas., travel agent death ton ta last year’s effort In South Viet Matthel youth into the wagon, ing girl, private home. Phone hot water, stove, refrigferatar, Northfield Street BOL/rON— ACRES of wooded R. Dennison and W. Dennison. ics 10,000 items. Open 8:30- ' (New State Road Ann Street to Edward T. icvey. 74 .pou^e at. Thanksglvtag weekend was a ------. _ in room, board opHonal. Cen­ . xiaiicing. 16 Forest St., off Main to Main St.) ' Centerfield Street Candlewood Drive land, 800’ frontage, view from St, Manchester, Otam.’: ”ui£^^ l>etag held ta Czediotaovakia on ^ “ Nam. McKenna Jumped in and locked Applicant: Andrew Ansaldi. 5:30, 6 days. G. U. Reed Co., Moore Street SIZES rett. Box 926, ^on,_UqnUiiui; spy charges, “ app^tra weH and racord Mgn of 616, A recent sur- ^ Relations betweenSouth armswith Matthel. tral. 643-8746. SL, 646-0090, 043-6676. Eastfield Street Somerset Drive the rear, priced to sell. Paul NORTH MAIN] STREET—To 154 Main St., Middletown. 347- Woodland Street High.Street West Helen Connolly, 9 Terry Road, Blast tod not complata about his ® tour-day nonboUday Nam and Cambodia ap- When he nfiised to leave, he Tam Road •-20 INCHES W . Dougan, R ealtor, 649-4535- Hartford. Conn.: Elrie M. llcVey, 5638. (HUUard to Main St.) Mather Street change to Business Zone II, all Courlland Street , Timrod Road 39B Bluefield Drive, Manchester, treatment” , pcared to worsen with one was taken to the MUk Street or part of an area how In Resi­ Broad Street Coleman Road MANCHBBTERr-Lots, lots, lots. Conn., and return make to this Department press officer Call taalnc fotaliittes. newspaper quoting the Saigon Btation with the others and 24 VOLUME E ncyclopedia Brit- (Middle Turnpike West W est Food Street KMT Court. dence Zone B and Industrial SHAKON PARK — \EAST HARTPORD Clyde Road Cobb Hill Road Four A-Moe, two B-sone, two tanlca, $60; maple Boston rock- to HUUard St.) Com ^ Street By Order of the. Court, Barteh gave tfala taformattan ^ ta»kesman for the Nationel government as allegedly calling booked on the same totaigeo. Zone described as follows: Barry Road Duncan Road lutal. AH ta town, different lo­ MADEHJNE B. ZIBSARTH, Qetk after’ consular official at tha Safety Oouncil said that the ------;------eif, $18; White birch cheat of P a l m ^ e e t oc: Joseph A Oonti, Atty. . a Starting at a point on the south Loomis street drawers, $20; maple criib and 2-FAM ILY HOM ES Gi^^GES Lucian Street. Bonner Road cations. Call now. Bayea Agen- Prague ^basgy was allowed to .taaffta pattern during side of North Main Street, said 5 PLANS TO’ CHOOSE FROM Margaret Road ^ OBOES OF NOTICE visit Kasan-Korosrek ta Jito Thanksglvtag weekeod, as a spring, $10;.. m aple high chair, Dorothy Road Sm- ay. 6464>m. AT A COURT OF PROBAT8, a point being the west boundary Bilyn'e Road JBnsign Street $6; car (like new), $7; Fenwick Road 8105" held______at______Btancheeter,______within and__ for Friday. TUs was Ihe first toreot does not reach the higb of present Business Zone m , Griffin Road X)Tiess Street Sm pk HbUywood youth bed, box WiUardRoad |4''-32“ Siibiirbaii Fffr Sale 75 U.S.-c a d(ty. ^ w a . . . .V. .VAVV-VOOW. Regent Street Seahian Circle Friday, Dee: 2 y ^ a Itae of No, Main St. 236’. more ' ■ Transit Road •• „p«, u MW said Mtiue to this Oourt f^ a llo w - under w ay to provide le g a l 49,000, a record high. Diam ondT'^^utdiw-;- *} Chapel Street Hathaway Lane laxe lO-any p eck eaver-up. fine home. OldOut nf of etate state owner or less, to point of beginning. MAK&UP ch oice. thst the i«h day of counsel for toe tra.vto afent : The Associated Prese survey 'for BEST RESULTS, J e w d r y 4 8 w K .if ;-5 : Bonce Drive ' Quaker Road Pattern No. 5215 has knit di­ wants fast sale. Hayes Agen­ Applicants': Helen Jones (own­ » « « ■ V ■ N o. 8105 •with P att-O -R aip a December, 1986, at tour o'clock af- who the Czechoslovak newa dorirar the noifooltday period • Route 19A Elizabeth Drive rections for sizes 8, 10, 1^14, c y , 616:0181. er) . u d Larsen’s Hardware, WATCH AND JEWELRY re­ WaddeURoad Is in waist sizes, 24, 26, 26, 28, ternoon at the Probate Officem M in the agency —CfK •— said...... has oonfesaed was mode for oomperattve pur­ Constance Drive 16, 18 and 20 tachea ta Outek Municipal Buildinr tn Xnc. am extended by Planning pairing. Prompt service. Up to Tyler Circle , 80, 3 2 -lnches. Size 25 2% yards VERNON — 6X per ______ls ^ to having acted as a spy against poses and extended from 6 p.m. f OPEN HOUSE SAT. and SUN. 1-5 Keeneyl Street Conway Road length' inclusive. cheeter, be and the same and Zpntag Oommission to in- $20. on your old wat<^ In (B ush HUl Rd. Pioneer Circle . at 36-tach. signta for a Czechoslovakia. Wednesday, . Nov„ 9 to midnight LOW COST. TOO! — FEATURING — Milford Road To order, send. 85c in coins •lude property of n /f Helen trade. Closed Mondays, F. E. to Hackmata*^ St.) Bluefield Drive To order, send 60c to coins ______n s i » r » s * niiniuBS Sunday, Nov. 18. Of the 646 per-' to: Anne Cktbot, The.Manchee- 6 room Colonial with built-in Mtate, aocertahiment of ' Hayes and n /f NelUe Fay.. Bray. 737 Mata St, State • 7 Rooms (Per. side) a Sevven A Sidewalks , Sanford Road t o : Sue Burnett, Manbhes- M teben, paneled firephtoa w all hei™ and order i>f dtot^ tion^ o a r r a u . q u t m t o . killed, 81 iwere under 18 CASH RATES (15 WORDS) • Finished Rec Room Primer.Road House Drive ter Evening Herald, 1160 A'VB. An interested ’Arsons may Theatre BuUding. • HA Bktlia (Peralde) , Green Manor Rood a 2-Zone Heating (Per sMe) m 2 Furnaoee Leland Drive Case Drive ter Evening Herald, 1160 AVy. .iiswninaa Tamo v n iiK phis vraiktag dlrtance to pla^awigned *tor sail “Many thousands of fiis offi- years old. P m Day . . . 45c 3w Dayslewja ...'..$1.17 Attend this hearing. Maps of the Lym e Road OF AMEMOA8, NEW YORK, OF Ah^lO AS, NEW YORK, $18,990. Converse to Dupret hearlnr t e riven to all peiw>nii Western Btopps The all-time r««>nl Wgh.tnsf- m Fdrmal Dinlng Room '* 2 Oarages Linwood Drive McGuire Lane ^ 1^ NeYe 100 SOe Sjx Days . . . . .$1.98,: 10 Do^ ...'.f.$3.00 •teve proposed changes may be Crosby Road N.Y. 10036. Real Eriate^ Realtor, 648-2197, ^ be**hwd thereon by where toey are not needed fle death toil for any bbUday • S A 4 iBedrooms e Bus, Shopping, jS^oole Garden Grove Drive ^Jurver Lane ^ For Ist-ctass malltag add 10c •sen ta'the'Plannifg and Zon; Weaver Road j For Ist-class mailing add 10c 648-2604, 876-18U. . pubUshta* a < w . of thb orjer ta guouid b e sent to V iet Namt vras 720 during the th ra sfia y IMMEDUTE ACTION lag Commission’s Office and Erie Steeet ~ for cadh i^ttem. Print Name, PBSER PASEK ^ Lawttm Road i for each pattern. Print Name, ^ th Zin Code. Styta'wsirr nAWPBV>w.n,_ a famiiv ^m*hi*i!SS*DSirk5rat least sevon where they dre needed; or fiiey Christmas weekend in 1966, Call befora 10:30 weekdavs (9 AJtf. Saturdays). Y «« Alia notice la m HOME-MS-2518 ^ e exciting new fashions to tomui n ^ a ^ a m a .'R a lli^ T fr a cwy of'*hli'‘ Older to Alton Ni Young, D-CHiio, to oontondtag onces set r e c o ix lt o H o . ThOy oouMisaicai s the PtaL Md Winter 66 ^ tag sgtemR Belling In ui y r K„„ey 8f.. thera are too Inany u i T o ^ wew New Year’s 504, Memorial aianrlfratrr lEpmUtg l|rraUi DIRECTIONS: Easy to Beach « i Brewer St ARTHUR DRUfi mak» to tMi ______1 z __ .* s - rbfow K7U B. Inmenao, Chairman Beat HaitfoA be Telephone Co. FaSil^^our*® nek and generals based to Bu- Day 6«. Independence Vfsy 676 648-2711 OaaaiM Dept IW . WMH, fiaeratary paltem magazine. Only 60c a pattern magorina. O nir«»c a toR Ilia B J. Dtatack Co.. 649- taps. and Labor Day 636 i ' copy. ..BOSS. . MSSnUNB B. b i wnAiw-n. W n L

'J . ~ y '

■\:- ■ -

SATURDAY, N O V E ^E R 26, 1966

F ^ PAGE F o u r t e e n jianrhi^at^r lEuattittS litralh

BSWSi» About Town ^ ’’Vm s Thrm Manchester imdergrad- Ti ■''.. Business uates at the University at CJon-, necUcut will be initiated W <1'*^ « Wednesday, Dec. 7, as members of Phi Kappa Phi, , a national PROMOTED student at Bennet and Frost, Tibnorarw society for students Warren Thumauer of 24 Hill- 21, a student at the University ^■* '**■./>'%!•> '' ' i'M W' in all academic fields. 'Dtey are crest Rd. has recently been ap­ of Hartford. Miss Susan C. Cronin of 14 pointed vice president and gen­ Canteibury S t, Miss Cheryl A. eral manager with the Connecti­ VETERAN WORKERS Stanlunas of -74 .. Plymouth cut Filter Corp., Stafford HONORED Lane and Eidward S. Stephens Brings. Thumauer was formerly Richard J. Bell, of 34 W. Mid­ of 211 S. Main S t plant manager. dle Tpke. and Aime G. Duche- f>#fi-^;^'?|.r4C' Thumauer joined the corn- min of 43 McKinley -St. were yj ' ' 7>*-‘ ~ *’ ' Friendship Circle of the Sal­ honored recently by the H. P. vation Army will meet Monday Hood and Sons Co. for their at 7:45 p.m. at the church. years of service. They were There will be a service pro­ among several company em­ gram. Plans will be made for ployes who were presented serv­ a Christmas party. Hostesses ice pins by Ezra Merrill, presi­ will be Mrs. Ward Tcdford and dent of the company, and G.H. Mrs. Fhink Dimcan. Hood Jr., chairman of the exec­ utive committee of the board of directors. I w .Dcvx ff. Members of the American The awards were made during' a ; Legion Auxiliary have been in­ a service luncheon held at the vited to attend a Join installa­ firm’s Boston ice cream plant, tion of officers of World War I, site of several such luncheons Barracks and Auxiliary tomor­ held periodically to honor long­ row at 2 p.m. at the VFW time employes. Home. Boll and DOchemin, both fore­ men at the Hartford branch, re­ Robert E. Richardson Jr. of ceived gold service pins for their 67 Phelps Rduwill be guest of 20 years of service. honor tomorrow at 2 p.m. at a tea at the home of Mrs. Rus­ BURTON’S SIGNS LEASE sell Vennart, 70 Weaver Rd. Officials of Burton’s, a long- Mrs. Nora Addy Drake of Cov­ established Manchester ladies entry will serve as co-hostees. Warren Thumauer specialty shop, this week signed The event is being given to hon­ a lease to open a branch store or Richardson on the acceptance pany in 1951 os a time study en­ in the parkade. The company of his dissertatipn for his doc­ gineer, and became plant mana­ ger of Connecticut Filter Oorp. was founded in 1940 and has torate at Princeton University. been located on Main St. since in 1952. Friends and relatives of the its founding. The sEune sweet apple cider flows ftom this mill as has flown from it for nearly 50 g^est of honor are Invited to at­ Thumauer is a member of St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, Man­ Opening for the new branch Shown producing the cider are Morris Silverstein and Esther Sllversteln who mn ^ e mill, tend the tea. chester Lodge 73, Masons, a is scheduled for April, 1967. which is located on |7ew Bolton Rd. in Bolton. Mrs. Silverstein b^an member of the Mandiester Maurice Jackson, president of in 1919, and few changes have been made there. Apples from the Pero Orchards are u s ^ Sunset Rebekah Lodge will Coimtry Club and director of Burton’s said: "We are very and are squeezed for the juice. No additives or preservatives are put im and the sponsor a plastic demonstration the Manchester Coimtry Club enthusiastic about the .prospects juice is soid at the mill in gallon Jugs ns are shown on the left (Herald photo by Sa- Monday at 8 p.m. at OddTel- Swimming' Asaociation. of regional shopping 'in the temis.) , ______lows Hall. The event is open An alumnus of the Loomis greater Manchester area. Al­ to the public. Proceeds are for School in Windsor, Thumauer though we feel that downtown we cannot afford to discount the owns Mai Tool and the Klock man in the company’s building the benefit of the Coimectiout is married, and the Thumauer’s Manchester is still a major scope of service that regional Corp., Gulf and Wesrtern Indus­ department, is a native of Man­ Eye Bank and the Visual Re­ ha-ve two children. Beau, 14, a factor in the retail community. shopping centers offer to the tries, has ■withstood the recent chester. He is a member of the King Dairid Lodge, Mancbeater search Foundation. Refresh­ metropolitan area.” downturn on the market well ments will be served. and is climbing steadily, Stark- Lodge of Odd Fellows, and DIVIDEND DECLARED le said. Recently Gulf and West­ a former member of the Ooti- Miantonomah Tribe, lORM, The Colonial Board Co. yes­ ern purchased Paramount a necticut Fish and Game Assoc­ will meet Monday at 8 p.m. at terday voted to pay a special movie firm, in its expansion and iation. Tinker Hall. 15 cent per share diiddend on diversification which lends the its common stock Dec. 16 to company stability, Starkle said. Robert A. Mllikowski of Flow­ Pole Trees Line Main St, Manchester Assembly, Order stockholders of record on Dec. Another stock brokerage er Fashion Inc., 85 E. Center The Christmas spirit Is definitely on Main St., as shown by of Rainbow for Girls, will meet 5. oonipany, Merrill, Lynch and St., was recently elected to the these "Oiristmas trees” which line the street. Sho'wn high Monday at 7:30 p.m. for initia­ Colonial Board Oo., a stock Co. will hold a stock market board of doreotors of the Con­ al90ve the curb is a worker putting the finishing touches tion at the Masonic Temple. Of­ sold over-the-counter. Is pres- forum at the Manchester Coun­ necticut Florists Association, to the electrical system of a “tree.” Yesterday evening, for ficers are reminded to wear enUy selling in a range between try Club on Nov. 30. There Is •nie election was held at the theTtlrst time, the lights were turned on and the line of long white gowns'. Refreshments, $5^6.75 a share. no charge on the two-hour ses­ Park Plaza Hotel in New lights reflected splendidly the coming, of the season. T he will be Mrved. Also declared was a regular sion, in which will be discussed Haven, and Mllikowski was lights were contracted for display by the Chamber of Com­ dividend of 37^ cents on pre­ the basic trends of the economy elected to serve a term of two merce. (Herald photo by Qfiara.) ______The first of two sessions of a ferred stock of the company, and specific suggestions will be years. School of Prayer, sponsored by also payable Dec. 16 to stock­ gfiven on the stock market and Christopher Lompihere of 66 Mass. About 150 friends and Center Oongregaiional Church, holders of record Dec. 1------its trends. relatives attended the event. wdU be hdd tomorrow from 7 According to Donald Ross, Tickets for the forum are Clinton St. has been appointed Nelsons Feted, merchandise coordinator for ’They were married Nov. 15, to 9 p.m. in the Fedeiration treasurer of the company about a'vailable through an 8^ which Room of the church. The Rev. 1,000 persons in Connecticut ran in ’ITie Herald on Nov. 23. Simmons Shoes, which operates Wed 25 Years 1941 by the Rev. Otto Bergquist stores in Hartford and West at Immanuel”” Church, Gardner, Da'vid Emmons of Bristol ■will o'wn shares of Colonial common Some of the stocks of local Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Nel­ officlaite. "When People Pray" stock. Hartford. He has been in the and have two sons, Richard firms listed which are public­ shoe business in tWs area more son of 136 Lydall S t were feted is the theme of the session. T ^ ly ownqd include Pioneer, Co­ Nelson Jr. of Wapplng and than 30 years, and for many recently at a 25th wedding cele­ Mark Nelson of Manchester. event is open to the public. The NAMED SALES MANAGER lonial Board Co., Rogers Corp., bration at Legion Hall, Gardner, second in the series will bf held Ronald A. Haverl of 43 'Tum­ years was manager of the Sim­ Mrs. Nelson, the former Miss Mott’s Supermarkets, Stop and mons’ West Hartford store. Janet Ufbanski, is employed as Sunday, Dec. 4 at the same ble Brook Dr., Vernon, has Shop and First Hartford Realty, time and place. been named regional industrial a dental assistant at Wapping. Starkle said, and these firms Kenneth Morgester of 40 New, Easy Proven Course In control sales manager for Hon- Mr. Nelson is employed as a are generally experiencing the White St. has been named sales Blueprint Reading for the prbeess engineer at Pratt and President’s Day wdli be ob­ e3rwelTs Computer Control Di­ recent upswing in thi market. Machine Industry. Learn at ■Whitney, Division of United Air­ served ’Tuesday noon at a ineet- vision in its northeastern terri­ manager of the Landerman homb In your tq>are time. In­ craft, East Hartford. They at­ ing of the Kiwands Club at the tory. He will be headquartered Agency in Hartford. A veteran BRIEFS New England bandleader and formation Free! Technical tend St. Mary’s Episcopal Miancheater Country CJub. in New York City. Leroy M. Aspinwall of 44 musician, Morgester will sched­ Drawing Institute, P.O. Box Church, and are members of the George T. LaBonne Jr., club Haverl was formerly a com­ Woodbridge St. recently observ­ 449, Manchester, Conn. 06040 Manchester Square Dance Club. president, will apeak. puter specialist for HoneywelTs ed his 2Sth anniversary ■with the ule musical groups and per­ Industrial Products' Group, Connecticut Mutual Life Insur- formers throughout the north­ which transferred its industrial ance Oo. Aspinwall, chief fire- eastern states. control computer activities to the division in June. He has also served as a project engineer for United Aircraft Co. A graduate of Brown Univer- • sity, Haverl is a member of the OPEN LA D IES’ N ITE Institute of Electrical and Elec­ tronics Engineers. \ MESTOWN ALL DAY a t R E G A E ’S LOCAL STOCKS HEALTHY /■ ■ PHARMACY / 469 Hartford Rd. — 649-9948 WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER. 30th Robert Starkle of Breck, Mc- Neish and Nagle on Main St. SUNDAY says the stock market is on the 6:30 to 9:00 p. m ^ upswing, and many local firms which have stocks listed on the ALL MEDICINAL SERVICES AVAILABLE various:^ exchanges are doing quite well. .One picture is worth a thousand words, tind little more can The parent company ■which ond the store is yours.» be'said here, except that shown looking at/blueprints of the new'*restaurant pictured in the background are the builders: reserved iust for you...w om en. The only men you'll find Edward Jarvis, left, and Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Jarvisl. Be­ _ are pur Santas to help you with yoi^ shopping problems. hind the camera is Sylvian Ofiara. T h / new pancake house M ORTLOm DRIVING SCHOOL, 11)0. will open soon. It is located on Broad/SL ■ f llV . NOW LOCATED IN THE t food and fun...pn the hous ANDREWS BUILDING i ...... - -Report C at^ Thing of Past FAIRWAY 6 3 E. Cenijer St., Manchester delicious snacks & home ma4^ cookies, ho!' coffee* •• j TEL. 6 4 9 .7 3 9 8 all on the house* ^ For Catholic School Pupils Shop, sit back and listen to the ihusie * for CHRISTMAS ROCKVILLE OFFICE, 76 UNION ST.—875-4911 Conventional report cards are vidual abilities and learning ca­ COOKIE CUTlinS OUT CERTIFICA’rES AVAILABLE a thing of ,th,e past for pri­ pacities. Select The School With ’The Famous Name • gorgeous, glamorous, gift boxes...freei mary grade children in Man­ .A benefit of the ^rent-toch­ ' 1 5 c 6 0 . ' tn Driver Education! chester’s Oatliolic schools. , er conferences^ says Msg^:. Con­ • free...gift to each and every lady. •■^e pupils at St. James’ and/ nelly, is that “parents can ask St J: Bartholomew Schools In questions and, wherever need-., • plus.**free! . k Grades 1, 2 and 3 will no long­ ed, remedial action can be er have to carry home report planned on a mutual, coopera­ 1 on Early American Crystal Bowl with International cards. Instead, the time-hon­ tive basis. Individual and per­ ored—often dreaded—tradition sonal problems can be discuSsed. Silverplate Ladle with a $10.00 purchase or more* is being replaced this year with All this was not possible with THE WIGGERY parent-iteacher conferences. a report card.” / Enjoy your Christmas Shopping EkiCh parent'Will be given an BEAUTY SALON appointment to meOt with ’his for fun...f ree gifts child’s teacher to discuss in de- FREE GIFT 525 MAIN ST.—TEL.'643-2330 . t i l the pupil’s achievement, ef­ be sure you remember... ' fort, conduct, attitudes, co­ WRAlPPING operation with others and his XMAS GIFTS • t general reaction to the schpol Ever N ew #er Exciring situation. t ARTHUR DRUG LADIES NITE at REGALS WEDNESDAY. Nov 30th T^Tie inno'vation is all part of . V Presents • - ^ "^yely Louk" recent decision to hold ungrad­ \ special DRAWINGS at 7:30 / 8:00 / 8:30 / 9:00 ed primary classes throughout The Holiday Party Wave tjie'Archdiocese of Hartford, ac­ I ; FOR A SPECIAL GIFT FOR YpU* cording to the Very Rev. Msgr. KLH? James A. Connelly, supertatend- Lively Look . . . Especially ^or a beautiful you. Special chemical embina. ^ YOU MUST BE PRESENT AT DRAWING To 'wiN^A FINE end of sfehools. \ The ungraded primary pro- NO...IT ISN’T tioRS have been included for those who wish a firm curl or a body wave... GIFT FOR YOURSELF/• v gpram tegan in all diocesan Separate formulations have been made for each type. In addition* **Lively schools in, September. It allows AN AIRLINE! -eaich child .to advance at his Look^^ waye contains ikfinredients to help condition the hair and prevent 1 • ofwn. rate, based on his indi­ SKK \M ) IIKAK drying. ' i - ' I'M KM .1 \ i'” ‘4.' . , . '------FREE! $25.00 Service Con­ Make Your Holiday . r V ■ tract with evqry fine Treas­ NORMAN’S ure Shoppe Watch over $76.00. 4-Year Unconditional INC. Party Appointments^ Guarantee. j n.> II.Mn'KOKl) KM. -t b e a s u r e s h o p t e for/y—Co// Now^ !n s rtaap MWCIIKSIKK. C(.'JN. ilandiester Pairkada t *4 ' ' ' ik -ip e i m a in OT., aiANCHUSTBR—648-S47S ,■'1

TIN TV Shorn U ilir« D iC . 2

The Specials Oim b Airiong ■ TheTopTen

NBW TORK (AP) — NBC sprinted back to the lead in the national Nielsen ratings in the report released Monday. CBS dropped back into second place. ■' M Tlie averages for the two weeks t :' 50 years. ending Nov. 6 w e i« NBC, 19.4; Uie m ill, OBS, 18.3; and A B C , 18.7. . the m ill One Interesting aspect of the are used, MW list was the strong show­ lure appl6 ing of some special programs. o by Sa- BVwr made the top 10 and OBS^ h alf - hour Halloween apeolel, • « ’e the Great Pumpkin, It .*^’1. Lny’s building ObarUe Brown," a cartoon ative o i Man* show, actually tied NBC’s lember o£ the mighty "Bonansa” for top po­ sition. CBS’ "Liicy in London" 1, Manch®®**^ Fellows, and w as next, followed by the : o ( the Ooti* weekly Red- Skelton show on Gkune Assoc* the same network. Other programs in the top 10 were CBS's Lucy Show. NBC's Ice Follies, tied with CBS’ d of Flow* Jackie Gleason Show, CBS’ E. Center Green Acres, ABC's Alice rted to the Through the Looking Glass, f the Con* and CBS’ Andy Griffith Show. Lssociatlon. None of the new series this ^d at the season is listed among the top in New wsfcl was 90 riiows, although CBS’ "Fam­ am o f two ily Affair," a situation comedy, w as in the 32nd spot "Rat P a ^ l," the ABC action mphere o4 M series that hit the top 10 at the ieen appointed start of the season „and even orddnator for beat its competition, "The Lucy nrhach operates Show," dropped back 'to 28th, rd and West Two shows popular in other s been in the seasons are faring less well this ttus area more year. ABC's "The Fugitive" and fo r many wound up in the lower third of jer o f the Sim* the Nielsen list — probably be- tford store. ^m»> of tough competition fram NBC's movie reruns. "Gll- gester of 40 Hgmn’s Island,” which was a en named sales hit In a Thursday night time le ' Landerman period,, has dropi^ far down ord. A veteran the list since CBS moved it to )andleader and Monday nights. Neither “Bat­ man" nor "Peyton Place” is do- Ing im «e of the fUms overseas: from a sponsor and two mllUon ster will sched- ByBOBinOMAB uanr. ' Dups and per- hrig.as well.as last ssason. of the Unit ton, I’d 'say about from expected returns overseas, h o l S w o o o ^ a p ) - toto- ‘ff^ taut would do well In foreign we’d have lour milHon to make lout the north- ’ ^ ^wlAla . HHatsvIr earltaf 1HB SHAKESPEARKAN PBAMA dmy night giay On (he btots-of *Q first-runs theaters.. a movie with.- Think what ... obtdd make wiUi that kind of m CBS has arranged with the todil during the telovl- •‘The features are also helpful Royal Shahespeare Company of business. Thats when NW aM means the net- as pilpUi for . series. Our next budgeti't to present a series of Universal wlU ^^^^ ***^ works' need 180 features por ______tor^e iuro designed _ with that in Beys by Shake^Mwre. The first "w orld !? * * «1 * * ^ < ^ yoar. Ths oomWn«d studio# mind ‘I Love k Mystery’ with TiRAONKT BACK Biee productions'will be "Ring "Saturday Night st the Mov pertapo MO flrirt elad# i>s Crane, 'Ironside' with Ray- NfflW YORK (AP)-^NBO Lear,” “Macbeth" tod "A Mid­ (#••” • attractlona per year.. Many of mood Burr, and 'Optsidelr’ with obviously is very high on "Drag- summer,Night’s Dream." "World J* would^ be available to Darrin McGavin or Harry Q u m - nel," tlie...... series that . ' ■ so press agenty torm that iM ^ n “ first two win be shown next popular in .the Jack eeason, the third during the Ugged to part of a deal with MGM, ^ang said the nes^ features W ebb lias made a two-II ir film IfM-SB season.'The plays wlU lo f? ftrsUstoWring oo^CBS s ^ BompanDu^ w w» ^ called "Dragnet 60" sorit wM'O heTMmed in Bngland by the • . . Allill . « M ootoromor with w on M « future fUma------It —App4«* r - ^ produerwito thei these exOep- confused with the o seH ei domp^y and later distributed televisiw.television. AU ^are m namM'oid ■those piovles .ui-iiwwill-he released in o^ns: They won’t be speotocles guu ^ u n d on mnins. It also ’ to" theaters.' are oom- thCatofs flw t, then oh televiOkm. ^ t h mob scenes and huge sets; uas a new batch of the, serisO «ud new. ™ _ mie network reasons. that (he umis can't afiord inttllon-.m the woTks.It could replaos ~ ^ m movie publicity of a theatrical release stariLliKo F#ut Newman *t midseason one of two NBO ILABLE those ertUchare seen , canonly help the films’ ^peal ^ jiuie ^Andfews; nor can, ,^^68 reported to be in seriou* houses. for television viewers.riOwera. '»i.*vthey Mr*hire ton top directors directors likeBilly likeBilly rating trouble. irniiMe. Webb wlH agotoaesriR What is • #0 reirolutionanr Universal’s Jennings Lang Wilder or William Wyler. play Joe. Friday. about Saturday night’s "World explained the economics of the ,"On the other hand, I have premiere” ?. , features-for-television: It signals the beginning of a been talking to foreign direct

Irin q

1 cinnbina- y wave . , , >n, “Lively id prevent MANCHESTER E^NING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 196g PAGE THREE MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, NOVEMB PAGET0^O 1 PROGRAM Educational T U E S D A Y J(/ PR O G R AM Mornine Michael (Milan and Patricia S A T U R b A Y PR O G R AM „ ^ B aity. PM or is i^ven toe din- JO Nader Ffyllla Thaxter. - ‘'•••‘•« sf^ln L lf4 A ro ISl 5 S S S ^ agreeable task of finding a Guests TV F ree" •64- P a rt n . (C) (44) B aekleberry Hound tribute to Mc-band sound. ^ (18) l^ea Asked for It h * » (82) M nrshnl DUlen Broadway ,r4le for the un- Saturday, November B "Sundown" pearinc with their full orohee* (M) ItaUan Hour (84) FUm talented. daughter of a client 5:M (8) Baoo *1 % TV ^ . (WEDB,Ckmnd24) (88) At Heme wlto Kitty 4)44 (24) T arget B :00 (3) Inilghte , t ^ ,4uro I>ulw BDlngUm, I 5 * blonaphy.of DeSylva, Brown (Unoma and Mows , , <0 ) (14) M erv Oriffln Show (4-44) The Bounders ((to "Oallant Fox Handloim*’ (22) Reoky-aad His Friends DM (14) B o d i ^ r Fatoo) tiN (24-22-84) Tnesday Night at University of HaiWPd <8-44) Wide World o ^S p o ^ and L arry B a m ri, — and Henderson who wrote ionkM try to oubto^ (44) Ben Casey (44) Sea B a n t. (20-22-30) Top Ca.t <0) Martin, SanuairBW e, (Monday Friday) (84) SaM im na (44) Nows a t Six ■ _ _ the Mevtoa - some ol the great Sunday, N evem ber 87 1)84 (8) As the World TUms _ . "Blua Hawaii" Elvis Presley (8) Bum Ban» W) DeFranco condootlnc Olemt the 31ft. OordoB MadRae, » e - (44) M eBale's Navy (20-88-84) Let’s Moke • Veal 4)46 (8) Sports, News aad Weotti- (40) Miwk and ree North, Bmaat. Borgnlne, I (22) DentojM F.M. and oo-etarrlng Joan Black­ MOBNINO FROODAMS (C) mon and Angela Lanab~~~ , (40) Army-Na^ Ibolball An Invasion of rhinos' sen^ Dan Miey, tP) ' iST’iSSiSSEr # (4) The Narsee 8:14 («) Cheyenm . HluhllKhta of the F ast ^ o i- s o T W p p M (O) g)M <8) Sign , e a ^ P ray er Jli) AllSd Bl»M eh r r ^ t n t t 4)24 (22) Sports with BUI Basm ns- A tourist guideBide is assignedasslgne___ White Htmter to Kenya In 4:86 (8) Town C rto A young couple move into n 1)68 (24-82-14) News (O) a group of jmpieasionaDieJmpieaslonaDle.impressionable varvo- I (3) KTO 3 •The Ste^d^t^'Waihen** 4:84 (8) SomOWnABUVW m er Semuwg.aaiimww ester ,.m, » Borne with Kitty 8iM 4) 1 8)44 (8) Faeeword (O) Frank Atwood Wwtmn ) (!(£n-8« rieasa Doa*t Bat tk* iLKrIesItnroAn Farate (14) Baohelor F ath er new neighbortiood and tod (846864) Days et Oar Lives 0:26 m Special Bepert eauoni^e school girls. (O (20-22-30) The SmlthooulM (O) (M) Health l s .^1 (84) ■ young boy next door wants w Jennnle deeides to get to *'** H ^at*of %5^ember 84, *i00 IWtorfia oomme)A , ^ (4-44) The F roltts ol Boath- •■Conservation” ia today* top- (H> “wra. B ig h ts ) W**Wst«^^aad r eWesals '<0 ) • « « « > Memeate ^OemlSirt — Chlcago-Oreen Bajr..game of News \ • faU th em in ’T o C»‘<=h a But­ a new boyfriend whm (444) Newlywed OaaM 4)44 (4) Nowe wMh WaHor Oten- Ic. (MW*) LeVe Make • Seal terfly" with toi^ord Dlllroan becomes too Interemed in KjlJ^ 40d • MU U te (0 ) 4)44 W?*FottIeoat JenoU sa (O) (8) Amcrloaa Baadatea* November 80th. .. __ 4)45 (8) OonversatisM V _ ItopeAt of Noramber 2i, %M 1)14 (4) B ease F ta ty (0) (4) Love on a Booftop 4S4) VletNnm Weekly Hevfew 7)44 New* aad <01 and Diana Hyland. OiMSts; Marty iJlen, Steve (S) NSa[owe aad W eatom . (18) Fattem lor U vIuk (fi* NarsM (44) Addams Family tiM ?IESS4w'’BSlgor MUIer toow (M) Anwsteeae al Ww* (U> Sabeeriptton TV,, (24-22-84) Today. « ^ <0) liH £*&: Wriim ^ eg. . « Rosai. __ Be- "Chamber (H Horrora" i (8-40) NCAA (0) *,ean Brelia Is ani*ormim . (S> UtematloBal Sene \ . i (2M ^ ) 'Nows (O) (84) OaitooB Ontape (0 ) Boger's StMsts are singer RopeM of Kovembor X, 8*.I0 (2462-14) The D o e tm (2264) HanHey-Brlal^ Army-Navy __ ^ • (84-»54^orld^^ „ Fasswort (0) Nancy Amen aad novelty mu­ M rt (O 1#«44 <»> A ^eadt ) (3) Tom and d erm <0) • i 8« ' S)M (M) W hh^lrd* 10. _ — — (4-44) A Tim e for Os (20-83-34) A F t Im port <0) "Fame Is the Nome of the iS « .( » ,( » ' Sluest i : , _ (wlebritlm:______N ... aaoy (44) Denals the Menace sician Don SMtt. 6agUah) Fact aad Faaer 4)64 (44) W emaas News ,, (20-22-30) Animal Secret* <0) Game" first of aeriea o( mar Atom and Jack Caaat^ (242) B at F a M (O) (18) SubscrlpUon TV Filmed digest of outstanding 1)48 (8) Y ear O oiM jm ily 4)46 (22) M arshal DUlon English and Latin 4)4* (i) To Ten toe Tm» “ “ % 'lISSi n! ^ <«> ^ <®> games and plays of the AFL tlon pictures to ^ ** i)M (8) Captain H A i g l ^ < (24(B-M) D ays el O ar LIvi,* 4)M (12) M erv O rlfto Show 4)44 The O^n Mind ^ _ (246464) Another WoiM (C) •'Taraan ana the Valley of TV pKOr to theatrical rd e t^ (44) B a F ra a e* , \ (4-44) (24) Boa Hunt SSUfSS'TffKjfe IS{ A Conversation with Gimnar (4-48). O eneral Ho«ritnl Gold ' and Chapter 7 of Qun- and critical previews of up'- "FaSae"Fame u'U - the th* Name ol_ the flKhters of the Northweat coming games. . „ tl84 Bobby Lord Show, „ (dosa,U.UCO. Jill -St.------J< X Jack H ug- 7:44 Coaneetlenl Issue _ . "Tyrant of Lydia Agalnat the Guests: Kay Stevens and Mar­ g if t (8) H ap B tohards Shew (C> e r Bepeat of November 88, 9:00 *:** (4) p ic k V l^ D ik e M ow ------— ■ Don’t Say (O) ^x Reason. Checkmate _ Sonvof Herculea” Gordian, one Macready, Robert Duvall, Nir (44) W omaa’s. News "Kaletdosocm'* of the sons of Herculea, 4:00 (3> Weatber, Sports A News (24) FUm ^ ____ 4)24 (22) Sports with BtU Basmns- 8)44 Sirealer Bartferd , Fmum (U) Man OalM X saa behind Indians’ .resent­ wlto Peter Lorre. uclng a deadly virus which t ) l » (8) WaUy G ator (0) L. Putnam „ Repeat of November 81, 8:00 (20M64) Mateh OanM <0) Lmw”^stance Ciril" A amaU (2464) Tonight Show (C) (20) FUm _ a ) (8) Osamaoke g)l4 (8) Barry SuUlvan, as Ken Tbur^ I (6) Newt with Walter Oron- ment of white man, orders nn boy’s enthuslssm for n toy (22) Saturday Aftoraoon F e a ­ could be u^Q or.gero w ^ p.m. (8) M r. Ctoeber (0> 2 8 fare. It’s Drake's job to tod Guest: John Ireland (•) D^reo Ooart ton, code name "X , must klte (C) , „ ttOO-Net Flayheuae ^ m (U) HIrtway Patrol telephone turns to new trn»- M: # ( ) I V e i^ y S tm ^ h t , ture: Bonble Feature him In "D angerous Secoret" (24) FUm riidc life to save an enemy of (6) News and T ^her (0) iS S W n K w . R epeat of Novem ber IB, 8:00 A dupRcate armored tnipk edyVhenedy ------toe .chUd hml*t«J?e_ Sy escS^ frSS "Twenty Plus Two' Jeanne America. ■ sSh/VH C^," g. » - (M) Dooombor Brito (22-M) Hnntley-Brtaklry De­ p.m. lead!. to doublo troobto ibr ia talking with his dead grand­ help of man whose Crain and David Janssen. (44) Jaek Lalaane Show :26 port (O) » , o Highway Xfatrol. mother. . _ , NaUs w ith ,— . - "King of the WUd StalHons" I S * m (ii Sto? Van Dyke S l^ U:M (44-4*44-44) Nnw*, Sports and (82-84-44) Local News aad wife is helping I (8) After D ianer Movie (28) The D i r Knw* 7)14 (22) H U ^ h t s "Any Ntimter Can Flay’’ (30) Saturday M atin g dogs in our Uvea from M ^ (44) 44 Oeantoy and W eeterh 14:86 (84-88-84) Nows <0) (14) lep p M lliUjMM) lU ^t A.M. ” 1 S 5 S " •44. Five Tom Colton and guests "Abbott and Costello Mo« lEuilo (44) The NUSM -s . "Touch of BvU" '68- M ex lc^ Starring Johnny (Mrson 4)4* This Is Cejm _ (84) Sporto C am era^ cHaA Gable, Alexis Smith, flower crossing to spaM satel­ 14)84 (8) Homomakors* M ^ llco official and hla bride Social Bt)idies Oradea M young people discover ancient Successful gambler who prides Frankenstein" A whole pau lite ahots. LongUme dog own­ 14)45 (U) Whore the M m Are ■ (I4«M 4) Ooaeoatrallon (O) 4)M (2) ISaager Andy Shew (O) ve their honeymoon Interj BlbUoai scrolla on toe Enneli- (44) F etor Jeamlngs K e w „ of deadly m onsters ap p ew m U;44 (8«4M4) Now*. Speite and (24-B^» 4 4 ) ■■M • ^ ■ Oa------(O) K 4)66 * D Veetry 7:14 (24-2*64) G irl from V. N. O, himself on nls honesty-u told this hilariously funny aBd yet er and NDO ^OT star Lome (g-44> Dark Shadows mpted by nn accusation ofU iM *■ G rades 4-6 _ Jordanian border. Daliah tori. by his doctor to give up gamb- Greene, narrates. _ . W M ^ e r U )44 (t44»84)_Fat Boom> Show (O) (t) Mr. Ooeber (O) . murder. Charlton Heston. Jaa- t Gunther. ((^ L. B, (C) chillful mystery ^udlng (IS) The Rig News (t-44) Bwrtmiarket SwMP- (18) Highway F atiol (22) Twri|At Show (O) U)84 Bspleriag Oar Laagaaota Stefanie Powers and Noel Bai^__ liiur. Bela Lugosi, Gale Sonde (84) N FL Gam e e l the W ^ et Leli^ Orson Welles, Mar- 11 :M O rades 4-4 Ten Asked fw M, .Atlanta Falcons and MY Gl- U tl4 (8) FesttviU of BItos Doublo StftkM Dan Mathews must take to lene Inetrich. - log Johmur Camop H rison. Agents Dancer and U:84 (W Tonight Show (C) Lon Chaney and Vincent Chiller Foataro U)84 (2442-14) HoUywood 8«nai«* the air, to track down n des­ (44) Oonntry Mnsje Oaryga 14)64 Am erioaa Hiaterle Shrfaes Man from l^iw J alto t r ^ prevent n . trio of (18)l»> SubscriptionDUUBoriw*g«« TVaw anta. perate Wuer before he leaves (24) BnaUey-Brinkley Depart G rades 4 6 Thrush agents from using n ItiM (44) V. B. A ir Force (28) Baehy a ad His Friends ‘Tarzan anaId the Valley m (84) 8cherer-l*a«eir Deport (44) Satarday K U ttn Nows (444) Datfiig Oamo mate. glons Film W SIR Off W> 11)24 H a m a a it^ - (14) SapernuB "nudecular reorganlsor" that «»> „ __ Gold”______and- Chapter 7 u of-ww thew— Ui24 (8) Saturday Bpootaoalar (44) Sw abto Show (4) TwUlght Zone _ , , „ U:M (2) Now* and WeathM —Mj- H i ^ School frAAiBfArH peoplettaddIa f*Mniirom Diaoapimoo Us8D CM) ^ V* B* ^ Air ^ Foroo^ SttU" "A Penny for Your Thoughts 11)66 The M ayflewer Story (44) MeHales Navy 'Gunfighteni oi the North- (4)* Bridgehamploa Grand i (244844) _ % ir* (O) A timid hank employee sud- nsont m Msdltottoa — Oil 4 i « (l*> Baato 44 ______to Place. pl^___ . ------w est” j^*’s*^M ?^onlgbr ItM (24) One O’Claek Deport — F^r no reason, an epidemic (g-44) O oB^at (C) Nears had Weather —Mo­ F t o (C) (8) MIhe Denxiss Matinee Minimer deidy acquires ability to Si)26 USA) ArtUto ment of Meditation —Sign Off (SO) Boiler Derby (24) Championship BowUag Helen Gurley Brown, editor (44) Oenaa Deed •’hear" the unspoken words of of n rare dtaiease toreatene (IS) SubscriptiaB TV 1:30 (3) Gadabout Gaddis W ) of Oosmopditan magaslne and U:16 (8) New* (O) _____ and 111* family are peiyecut- ItM ?if*Toll Mo. Dr. BrothoM LA in "DtagnoBla Danger" >■ "Kaleidoscope" . 1(44 (M) One O’clock Report — "San Diego Albacore” %ddls (44) Bronco author o f the book "Sex and ed by father of a driinbuent. others. . . , Sign. Off 7:1 I (3) Lucy Show 18:84 (8) S e a ^ for Tsm orrew (2244-M) Local Dews and I t U (•) Nowo ^ w n t e of Con*. with Mlcba^ Porks and S:S4 (8) Bed Skelton Show (0) takes viewers to -San Diego, Lucy manages to disrupt pro­ ' the Single Girt" (2448-84) Sw iajia’ O o n t o <0) who was IcUled by the dergy- fort —Gaitopoata Charies McGraw. Guest stars: Janet Leigh and 1)16 (8) TeU Me, Dr. Brothers Calif at start of Albacore sea- U:28 <44) Featuro 44 ntmn in soif-defense. Geotge W eather ‘ ’“ S ! s r & » Dionne Warwick. 1)84 (4) News —Moments of Com- duction when she Is Invited to (44) F ath er Knows Dost 8)44 Exwriag Nature (24) IBte F letare watch John Wayne make a U:S4 (24-22) Tonight B ^ w (0) 12:46 (8) Onidtag Ught (44) The M onsters(14) T b e e Bteeges (24-28-84) Occasional Wile (C) fori —OaldepoSts (20) King of DlMOUds Starring Johnny Carson U :68 (24-1244) News (O) Natui^ Science Grades 4-4 (3) NFL — Countdown to Klefc- movie. . 12:64 (84) News a ad Slga Off 8)84 Ia-8cbool Fravlsw 4:00 (8) Buck Hound (^ Time Now for Muslo off < C ) . , (18) Subscription TV ‘'•••‘^elSS'o-tS^UW .ltachm td (8-40) P ortrait ol a Team "Kaleidoscope" „ _ 8:16 The Frieadly Giant About Baltimore Colts to Uw (24-22) Soherer-MaoNoU Bo- 4)64 WbnFs New closing crucial weeks of last 1 :1 5 TiSr* H. ddr”"Fsi^Reli­ 4:44 Oplalon ia the Owttel year’s NFt» season. M rt (0 ) gions FUm aad 8M 4)84 Rtoat's New W E D N E S D A Y PR O G R AM (30) ChampioBHhip Bowliair (8) Nows —Moment* of Oene- R epeat ot 6:80 p.m . JU 7:84 (8?* Jacklo Gleason Show (W 4:30 (20) VletNam Weekly Review fert —Gnldeposts „ 7:44 Travel Time Seven of country’s greyest F * A I 1 M T S •Two Weeks in Jonu 8:26 (I) Nowe (C) „ . I (8) Beverly HUlbiUles (Ol (C> musical aggiregatlons join In a Levs H ake • Deal 4:84 (8) ]Blg 8 Theatre (24-88-84) I Spy, (0) Sunday, November 27 "Gtinflghtets of the North­ (44) Dennis the Menaoa a.• «MOiyrAiKni s ^ s 5 s a 14)44 A rt and Man I "Meet Me at toe Fair" ’68- [.•so (SO) Life and TeacUnge Ol 4:M (14) Firing U ae (C) Pretty social worker helps w est" _ WUIlam W. Buckley Jr, l b (M l TiKsday, N evem ber 84 (S) The N urses medicine showman win cus­ ous Katis cartwngni ,iei Jesus , „ (20-22-34) M eet the P ress (O) Govnt WAlUt 1:86 (24-22-84) New*„ (0) that painting piesented to — 1:45 (8) Sacred Heart (44) Westover Presents (44) Outer U m lU IB-Seheel Fregrame 8:44 (8) Fnssw erd (C) tody of orphan who escaped 1:56 (3) Sira on and IJa y o r 7:44 (8) Lassie (C> . _ „ , CIIUMM from home run by crooked pol- Italian art museum is a fake I (3)-NFL Game Lyim. Hugh O’Brien. (C) masterple Ed SnlUvau Shew 111* Amerleaa Hislerle Shrlnaa "The Star Juror" with Dean (8) Faith for Today ^A Life of Service" Mrs. Bing tion to last great unejqplored and Wilder comedy act, oth­ 4:4* TVhaFs. New ers. 4)4* Travel Tlirie U :65 DBA: W riters (24) I Led Three U vee gleae<*•> FUm and Sign Of! (O) Crosby, guest. Xllttimarine uic pcfcicatAiooparadise In*** _»vWestern R ep^ of November 88, 7:00 (84) Sen Boat (SO) Adventure Theatre hem isphere between MexlciCh (8-44) The FB I (C> F.M. (8) TrtI Me, Dr. Brothers 8:84 (24-22-30) Hey Landlord (C) 18)25 Straggle ter Peace (44) Newe a t Six . _ (84) One O’Ctook B epert — (40) Oral Roberts mainland and‘Baja, Calif., and 0:8* tl^’s »ow_ J? 1)44 Stog ChUdrea Sing 4:46 (8) Sports —News aad Weath­ 8:45 (3) 'Yonr Communite. a visit to island .of Raza,..pne Will Hutchins and Sand^ TURNPIKE e r - ' of largest bird sanctuaries In on. Offended by "Woody's un­ Repeat ot-6:80 p.nL - i?i Grades K-3 R 1:46 (SpNews and W eater —)U^ 14:00 (3) Lamp Unto My F eet diplomatic remituler tliat he 7i*0 Book Beat I Fctole and U eir Werid ment ef Medjtatioa —Sign M (8) Dialogue _ world. - _ Paid HoUoy Boeial Studies Grades 67 R "Continuing Education" i^an 2:M (8) Opinionated Man is behind in his rent. Chuck (4) News —M em eate e f Cesa- haughtily moves. out 9)14 Ellist Nertea I The Maite ef Weide tort -^oHeposte Gooi-gcs May, dean of Ynl® Irene Kampen who created *iM DBA:. A r tM O rades X 6 R 4:25 (22) Special Report College and Prof. Arthuir Gaul- idea for "The Lucy Show” Open 24 Honrs A Day Jack Tworkow . I fa-Seheel Frovimr Editorial comment ston. Biology. Yale discusa • claims to have fallen down 4:84 Calerriar * Exploring Our LanruMT* and 4:8* (I) New* with Walter Cren- adult learning with Laurel every mountain of -conse- YWCA American Historic nwrines “*e (C) . „ viocit. ' " . uence, in America and Canm Fontaine.. . Firestone Tires 4:44 Oeaneotleat Issae i The Friendly Olaat (8) News aud W eater (22) Chalice of SaivaUoii a. She evaluated major ekl (24-22-a*) 'BoBausa- (0) ) TThaFs Now (84) Now Heriseas (40) The Christophers (O) aresorts foF host Roysce Smith. Lome Greene,. Dan Blocker Quality Line Prodnets Mi44 N et Je a ta id — « «« (22-84) HaaUey-Briakley Be- GARNER’S and Michael London. Boss Repaid of November 9R 9:09 I The Obeerring By* 14i:30 (3) Look Up aud Live (44) Linns the Lionhearted ' Gen. Repairers License p.m, .>•4 TThaVe Now , 'rt (C) (8) Vidteon (20-22-34) O-E CoUege Bowl tries to determine which of MAKE A DIFFERENCE WHERE YOU SAVE! ) F etor J e a n b in N e « two rowdy brothers la respon­ IT D O ES ' KepMt of 6:80 p . ^ S "Jim m y” Natui^ Science Grgdea 46 K way into we future. FREE (24-22-34) Andy W m U ^ » e w c/jif/ I v O A N 14:60 Greater. Hutford Feram (30) Sacrifice, ol the Mas* 8 :M (44) P eter Fetam us \ s s I ) < r \ T i o N , Friday. Decembm 8 (n-84-44) Local News aad (40) Bullwlnkle (0) Guests are singer BMriW B ^ 4 % mvldoBd prtd U i8t Hamaaltlea, W eather (24-22-30) F earl B arber (0) aey, actor. Roddy McDowall, . High School > InSehed Ftegrams Plek-Up E Delivery U :30 (3) College Campus News special showing what WHY from jtoy rt ^ ------U i 68 Nel Jenraal 7 :U (18) H ig j^ h ti "■ * Collog- U.- 8 . has done in past 36 Trumpeter A1 Hut and craa- f/l/M tfM jeif'M A V/M m» • jM tmaUw High SdesM T ooi^ton aad Ouarts (8-40), DlDiscovery scovrr years to prevent a recurrence edians Carl Reiner and Mel M iS The^Maxle rt Words (44) Sports Cam om _ - W E RESTORE Brooks. iBSttSSirr ShtBtt iniiniioinh tMTT»TtTtit (22) TheMmm Big—M Flcturo— .. — — _ of dlsasiter ol December 7 HONDA ' * ’** Stodtos Gm dea M . » G rades K6 R (44) F etor Jeauta4S.„,M4W* :45 (SO) Saored Heart Ftogram •4L- Program also reviews 14:M “f‘)’''w ii* t’* My (0) 7i4* (4) In 8p^ (0 ) CARPETING TO ITS [:44 (3) Ws Believe w hat has toppened to ()ur 14:46 (14) Alfred ^H lteh o ech F re- I6t7 Maim MANCHKSTEB • ROPTB M, OQYiSNTKT 1)86 H im m ifc i ^Sf^i^O n^'M K (t9-946*> The . Jewish .. „ enem ies and to our AUiea, Miita ^ High School B ^ Mil* Time Hew Jot Maeie Jam es D r ORIGINAL BEAUTY (8-40) E astern FootoaU (0) U)M (4A4) News, Sports, Weathsg 8t0* Explertag fHr t eagaaga since toe infamous Japanese. is Number One G tU e s * 6 B , O rades-8-4 and Dougoug MoClure. The Vtaw post Season HighligfaU sttsc k « _ • (22) The Big Newe U iM Conn ^ Issue disopvera that n 7VWW CALL (20) The C hrlsSorhw „ . U:U (18) Wreotling . 8)04 lalbheal F r^ w serving M • eennsr 4)48(8) NFL Game (C> (*> Movie Mneterpieoca • Honte’B M • -People and Their WotM 4 4 9 - 1 7 5 2 (22) King of the HOI G reenbay a t H*“®eaoU U)24 8 il 4 B daea^ and R ^ RtlafIsM t III IoB,Me^* Story For n"tobbory iiiw>, (30) Ring Around the w eiM H)M (4-44) News (C) BBtter of neord MANCHESTER Grades K-S R ,__ (464) Batira, (0 ) 6 4 ^ 7 4 7 !:15' (20) The Living WoiG Gooige Aompacm' 4)16 The Friendly Olartt III* Seienee ,to JMoetry (18) Sobseriptton TV 4i48 TThaVs New B m t 1 4 ^ : S T R E E T !:S4 (3) Face the Nation "The Eddie'SSmtotaBtoiy’' • Honda wls O m sta a d iu rd Grades 46 R "Othello",^ , _ _ tl 8> The Christophers %)*^Fw))y Fig « ) tor eraftnmanshlp -Itai D,Feote 4|44 (4) March et H A N < STEB (20) Bible Answers (O) (4i) Tiatd% (O) rone Power and Kim Nwak. Grades 46 B (44) The M oai*44 J(0) (34) Jew ish Lite Ut44 (*> Movie FesUvnI of Htta OLDSMOBILE R e p ^ of 6)*0 111* The Frieadly Otoa* 1-44 (3) Time Out for Sparta "The VUgin ^een" B ^ • Honda glvoo yna tto Snort 7:4* Fttoeh^ t t B ehayler dita RrhaFa New '•'■ 1 Davis, Richard Todd. Century 7)4* The Staande tor M m * (8> Yale FootbaM BigUighta Dolphins at Hion^. Foot- motorayrteo rt naaonabln "Your OMsmobHa Dodw^ Great Fowenrin Agthm •lilTaJ M i^ , AUTOM A’nO (18) Subscription TV bair Scoreboard Wtowlng England: Court intrigue ns i)*4 Rtoat’e Now ’ "Tarsan ana the Valley of Walter Raleigh wins favor of p r l M ■if* 7 ^ Flay. ef. th e Week Repeat of 6:80 p A eila n t io furnace o il DHUVKRT Bridgeport Thundeibirds ^een Hisabeth and toe prom­ Vripone „ __ 7)14 World Frees Review ise of imipB for expedition to 8KB 14:** News in Feis»eetta4 *:M (8) M o ^ ^ S SpectM pectacular. uIar 512 WEST CENTER ST. - MS-1511 24 HOUR CUSTOMER SERVICE-*49-3701 GIST toe New Worid. - ______*** ^ p e a t o f Novem ber 8Bi 9*99 "Wolves of toe Dew Horn [ (44) Featui* 44 . Tharsday, Deeem hir 1 SHOP Fmnk, Jean March &ry. WW BiSehaul Fragnmw p.m. WILTOtrS n. Men In submarine unaw » (84) Sign OH B epert —Sign 8 )8* DBA: Wttte,ie„ 51 BISSELL ST. oontlnusl lionibitrdniwR, t>^ MMOHESTER -A-M- International P. M Oott- 964 Main S t, Manchtoter )(*) New* Weather 4)44 A m erleaas AB „ . _ _ Phone 643-1129 lleve war is lost meat of Meditattsa —Sigh Off NEW or USED Social Studies OtadiS M LT. WOOD CO ages to stop mutiny but aub- SPORTE OENTER 14:44 TeU Me w Story inarine sinks In flnal snviso I (4) New* —Moment* oT Oem- •"S^ssws. Courtffsy fort —Qntdepest* tS4 Oantor S*i • StS^lTS battle. _ (44) V. 8 . Air nriJt Mailing Counlnr (18) The BIim D eer gieea Film aad SlgB Off (O) • «ji iH’vAAV'' (4*1 B tas* a «'.rs #-• ) t

p a g e f o u r .^ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALP, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, WfOVEMBfeR 26, 196« On ‘ F e lo n y Squad’ Cops THURSDAY W PROGRAM i|!i k\. liM Beit Seller ear ring In "Last Seen Wear­ firey and B«t Btinma. Are Emotionally Involved "ThThe Best■ Things in LUe Are ing Blue". Star. (C) • iM oUS»-M)"Tiw <0) (4#>(M> n— e ------Mnnstera_ KIchard Hulligan. Sam takes sreek “Felony Squad" featured The euocesa ot “Feiony , «) ^ther***^ l:M ___•— 6.^,1 8. Navy Film a pain bill for a sore amu lyWi shortly before appearing on a B etory abouLa vigilante group Squad" may have influenced^, Bea Cawy Whlrtyblrds TV talk show. , and cqmM (hot maintained an aawenal e< HHCTb decision to bring 1:M (W A i. the World Taiai <«#) Yegt Bear acroas drunk on screen. Shel- (te4S-Se> Let’s Hake • Deal C « (g| Manhal OlUea w n M for iMe against “ledt- “B ra«n et" hi JTanuary. 1«ie ( 0 > •:M (ill Herv Oritfla (Ml Dial M l oiganizaitionB. aiww w ill have Jack W ebb <8) The Nurses (IS) Snbsorlptlen TF 1:W (te-S»-Se> News (0) (M> Sea Bant "Wrong Box ’ Anottier segment of the ABC back as Sgt. Friday, of course, l:W <8> Password (Ml Newe at Sfac television sertes deals with a but he’ll have a new sidektok, Daya of Oar Uvea •sW (I) SporU —Nows and Weath- ip.pi (te-n-M) Doan Haste 1 1 ^ <8^> Newlraed Oame — Dean’s guests are Arthur God- Myohotlo who launches a snip- Hamy Morgan, skioe Ben Aleot- f:M , • jU (M) CheyeBue frey, Bddy Anudd, " Dom~ Dn- 1 ^ aMaok from atop a tower. ander is tiow employed In anotli- Guest; Pepe, a talking dog. i]M (i*rI) Ski Beports”■■■ Luua and Blaine Dunn. Hank (0> Does this soind as If “Felony er ahow-bli arm of the Ics An- News ^ ' aad Weather (0> t:M iS-t> To TeU the Truth •iM (I) Newe with Waller Oien- The Big News Hie beadUnes? BJxecuUve pro* ------—----- <4-Se-SS-M) Another WorM (O) kMe UtU (Ml TeplAt ShewJO) fkioer Walter Qrauman claims <8) News and Weather <0> BtasTing Johnny Canon \ SBX STUDY (M S) Geaeral Heapliat (Ml British Caleater femooence. In both oases, he ted* <1S> Balph Kaaaa “Sex In the Sixties,” a study »tU CM) News (IS-SI> Hnntley-Briakley Be- "Cry of the Clty’^ ’ll- Twa ^Mes, the shows were filmed Yea Den’t Say (0> a i ^- ' ’«nd — ■ the other< a killer. presented on “ABC Stage ftT* (S> Bnachell-Hahaney Shaw r(M) Lseal aad Begtonal News Victor Mature. Richard 'Cow (U ) Tapper TiM (S> Daktari _ tej teelley Wintera. of thing worrioe j*"- (4e> The Nnrsee HnnUey- Briakley Be- •6ait’’ ■M- - CIoo Mo Hugo pert (C> Baas. John Agar., Vtuet will be the authors of «:M (I) Baager Andy Shew (0> <81 Oreea Heraet (M-SCMl______^ The___ Hatch_____ Game (|) Movie Fesiivai oi ania S S Z ^ i f the W evW on « i d Local News and ‘^ e Great Sfamer” Gregory (11 Hr. Goober (C> P e ^ Ava Gardner. Brililant movie wars; he directed chap- **'**^*^ Hefner (IS) Btekway Patrol 7iU (»> Western Hast Highlights young writer (ails in love with ben of “The Untouchables” and Playboy. Dan Mathews, an insurance 'Tom Colton and Guests beautiful lady gambler and investigator, and an excbnvtct, (M> Sports Camera Is almost caught by the gamb­ •Vtaked aty” as wall as the — play a deadly waiting game (4#)J4- Peter- JeaBlags - ■ -News for a million dollars. ling fever before saving the aipv “Lady tai a Cage.” He won- Sot (M), Swabhy Show T:M (88-8844) Daalel Beeae (0) ' woman whom he loves. deni how many other "Felony „^gg playhouse” will open In 4lSS______(M-n-M> Ne ews (C> (8-4C) Batmaa (C) U:M (IS) Ski Beports «:M (S) The Big S Theatre (18) SabscriptioB TV U:88 (tS> Tsnlght Skew (0) Bqtiwl" pioto wiU aoMovo rcoh- p ^^^ry with “The Final War “ Lioma Doone” ‘51- Oppressed “ Fantastic Voyage" (18) Oheekmate'Bemoni Bnglish farmers plan to attack l; N (8) Hr. Beberts (0) A teen-ageA- ainglng Idol needs of OUy Winter," written by Ron­ ruthless Doones — until a (8-48) F Tr«>p (C) tiolphelp olof Checkmate______when one - - _ ‘Fbkmy squa4" — origlnBl S;W (I) Mv Three Spas (C) ot nis "fans” decides _to mur- ald Rlbman. The drama In- leader ot the farmers, falls in (M48-M) Jack Benay Shew mie: “Men Agnkiat HvU" yolves a Negro master sergelht love with a Doone girl. Rich­ der him, in “ Hetody for Hun- Bari ard Greene, Barbara Hale. Jack stars in a comedy spechu der” . With Anthony George, •p p e a n to be a nucoeos In a vlr- in Viet Nam. CJB8 plans to pre­ (18) Yea Asked for It with guests. Trlnl Lex, Miyi- Doug McClure, BehasUan Cab­ dail: bualty bUleea new season. At (M> Bangk BMers lis Diller 4md the Smothers ot and Jimmy Rogers. sent original plays on the new Bros. ' / (48) Oeantry Husle Caravan is S< least the Show has managed a (tt) Beckey •d Bit Prieads series. Rlbman has writteoi (S8> Snpemi (C) (S-M) The Dating Oame (C) U;M (48) H-8«a;rf_ Brie respeotable rating. It la one of 8;M (8) Thursday Night Movies 1:N (88) Oae O’Cleek Bepoi4 — two plays that were performed (48) HeHaleie’t Navy bbe three newcomers to land In 4:45 (tZ> Bonle 68 "Love Has Many Faces” Ijuia (48) V. 8 . Air Faroe Bell- off-Broadway. 5;M (8) Hike Doaglas Skew. Turner, CHIff Robertson and gteas FUm aad S t a Oft (0 ) the top 40. Others are “Rat Pat- (18) Alfred Bilckcoek Hugh O'Brian. Romantic dra­ ItM (8) Ten He. Dr. Brethere Hii" and "Family Affair." A young girl becomes object ma set in Acapulco, Hextoo, 1:88 (8) News —Memeals of Ceas- of an intense hunt by gang- about an heiress who uses her fert —Galdeposts Oredlt for the achievement Spy Series Back sters after she inadvertantly mllUons to win whatever she 8:48 (S> News sad WeaMier —He- meat of Meditatea —SIga Off goes to Grauman- "The Avengers,” Great Brit- becomes mixed up in a stolen wants. Ruth Roman, Virginia H “It’s a oops-and-robbers show. aln’s popular spy adventure lut with a difference. ’The police a^^es. will be- presented by have an emotional relationship starting Jan. 20. Patrick to each other and to the caae and Diana Rlgg are the ttwt they’re on. I wanted the FRroAY JU PROGRAM stars, A B C used the series as O M ^ befw^ (^^ late-season replacement last 1;M (8) Bert Seller kHe (O after his release from prison, (I) Nows aad Weather hires T. H. E. Cat (Or proteo- S. ifThe network said It had "The Beat Thinin In Life Are FVee” Part V (C) (N ) ladastry ea Parade, tkm. •lea received numeroiis requests to (M> FUm (M ^ ) HoBUey-BriBkley ( Be- 18-.M (8*-88-M) CHI one, Dennis Oole, who goon by ■ (88) At Home with Kitty pSit (O) (8-48) U O’aeck High (C) 4he book. He has been taught to back the show. (M> B a i l e r Father 8:48 (8) Peter Jeaatags News 18:M (18) Sebseriptlea TV recortJ (4#> Ben Casey (M> Leoal sad Becteaal News "The Spy Who CCame in from do so by his faither, played by ' ^ liN (8) As tUe World Tanw 1;N (8) Death Valley Bays the Cold" death Ben Alexander, who is an 'oUr glmmons In Dmmn- • (8*4844) Let’s Hake a Deal Denver Pyle stars as a manu- 11:M (8 8 88 88 48) Hows —SpertO 730 pi (C) tured western hero whose and Weather (C> btme cop,” Grauman said. j^^n Simmons will appear in (I) The Nurses spurious reputationeputa___ Is .put to (88) The Big News highw •Ttie show Is given a style of Mgoi^iep of Love,” an original aa unexpected teat during U :U (1*48) Taalgkt Show (O) 1:U (8A88-88) News (O) Starring Johnny Chtrsan the J hanh realism by using real jopome Ross which '8:M (8) Passweid (C) bank robbery. (M-88-M) Days at Oer Uvae (C) U iN (8> America’s Oieatert Msv- ing VI oahans aa mwA as possifoto. I jrarraNBCs «HaUmark"Hallmark HallHaU of Fame" (M) Haattey-BiinUoy Bapeit of It as en action show, <8-48) Newlywed OasM (O) “ Arch of Triumph” ‘48- Austri­ der 11 has scheduled tor April 26. In 8:M (8) Haase F a te (O) (8) Fraat Bew Friday Night an surgeon sM iridi^ (or n a ohaM, and I like to beep the 90-minuta drama. Miss Sim­ (}ueaU: Hr. and Mrs. Barney "(ireen Fire” Stewart Gran­ Gestapo agent in Paris, mMts bered cent of k in movemetk. I HIU of New Hampshire who ger, Grace Kelly. Romantic and (alls m love with a sing­ TMs mons wrtll play Lndy ICarl- adventurer heHaves he has er. Ingrid Bergman,' Charios at the wiMeca: Let us claim to have boon kidnapped day it borougta.. and held prisoner (or 8 hours (inaUy found the goal of hid­ Boyer, Oiarios Ia umUow. the obaracteni Is aboard a (lying saucer. den wealth in an emerald i’liv e Fast Die Young’’ Tray, (8A88-M) TheDeetere (O) aimo in ..Columbia. South ■hue, Mary Murphy. •oHon. (844) A Time ler Ve America. Later he decide* to (8) HsvU FssHval af HUs The Supreme nilinga on S:M (48) Womsm’ 0 Newe Mow up his beloved mounmin "Black Widow" Ginger Ro|r- S;N TO Ten the Truth. nunoins ratber than allow srsTvaa Heflin. Wife el em- Co ^peadwietk of _ [•84S4h Anether WeiU (O) ri he loVea to kao her plan- nesia victim plaiis to tonraer |iHit~ "Felongr Squad’*>'4wdaba H ig h lig h ts (8-4M General B u pltol 11lion. him. Bp methoda, aa k has ill) Han Gallod X S Local Nows UiS8 (jg> flU Beparia Or PYank Sitetra gad, ab^ey Threat of open hoatllitios la UsM foMoa depaptmeiika o' Balkaas, aends Kon Thutoton TiW (88) Weston Hass. BIghiighto '‘iMtead of banukitoging star in tha movia, OB a dangorous mission as Tom Colton and Guests (4*1 In Sunday pjn.... peacomakor, starring Barry (88) SMits Camsra poUce, I think tha ruUnga hava SulUvan. (48) rotor desnbigs Nows U iM H-Semri wemts them do more construe- Suxy Akkor, tbe.fturiiioa.pMidel, 8:U (S> Nowo (O) ItM (8) WUd, Wild West (0) 1:M (Mi Oae O’Ctoek NEP S:M (8) Disk Vaa Itoka Shew Robert Conrad and Ross Har- S in Off ijpvs wrark in investigaftoas, is (m NBb*i "Tarxan” Friday (Oi te. West and Artemus he- (il).... w, .. S. A|r Force 'BsH- case 0 Tt Tee also 7:S0-8:S0 p.nCv^.'. Ben Jonoon’a (8*48-m> You Dea’t f .O Num an opined. (I) WfaMheB-Haheasy eoms prisoners in a strangs . gism Film aSl Slgn-Ott. (01 iat clhi linde us Wotk'harder in de- olaario drama. (U> .Teppsr forbidding mansion. Hurb Hat­ 1:M (sT toB Me, Dr. RfsHtora . (48) The Nanes r field uid WUliam Tslman, 1:18 (8) Nsws —HOsMte sf Gone* death thikM pMn, and that to all io be teown on 4:M (8) Baager Aady Shew (0> guest star. tori —Guldepeeto . "^p)od. We oeh’t UB* the d d ” Wodhesday at 8 pan. ------(884848)-Match-Oaasa- (O) ---- (8*48)^ Taiwm (0 )------8iM-(8> News * J f M sathsr band 1 ^ m A_e e __ e . n _ as A ^ 6 — — eMweMSB dd iiWm W (SI Hr. Gasber (C> Roe Ely. "The Day of the men* ct Moditoten —Sign week. devioen of tUrd-de- "A Oonversatton with (IS) Highway Fatral ii | ' Golden Lion” Tarxan enters a «tor-B l^ Edward Brooke’ Dan Mathews' must figW prej- Jungle version of the Olympic Ctre bei televised Tuesday 10-10:80 udioe against motorcydijrt ta Games as a substitute (or an Toocaj GIFT solve death o(_paln>Imam' injured naUve friend. O w SPEEDY SpeetaitF pjm. on CBS . . Channel M -(48) Swadhy Shew (U ) SabseriptlsB TV TRULY D E U < Dec. 6 WILTOirS 8 H W 4:U (i*tt-M> News (0) "Othello" cotxim wlU present “A Oonversatton 4:M RYER his own romantic problems. Final palf of “ The Concrete m otemm 8Tv-*4s4H9 ^hinek (M) Faith fsr Toda; OvorcoatV Affair" ^ Thrush W IRING SERVICE (SM Baeky aad His Vrtoads agents ^umrnnd a Caribbean ELECTRONICS (O) laland wlth\an impentrable Service OhaLgee. Complete (48) Addains Farngy ; ; wall of . sound IA their plotlto .SH O Poad W M ag Installations in fMd 8:M (It) Fsr Your Isfsrmatisa turn North American and Eu­ LABORATORIES JN) Whlrtyblrds rope Into Icebergs/N, nnd New 'Homea aad Bml- (M ) DeSals tbs Meaaes t:M (3) Friday Night -Mbvfes SAVE 8:45 (U ) Manhal DUtoa Danny Kaye. ‘The Han (mm 8 :M (88) Miami Uadeieaver the Diners‘ cnub" ______WHERIlE K 2 7 7 BROAQ* Eleotrie Heat Installatioaa. - - (18) Merv GrtHIa Shaw ' ceming a mild-mannered of­ YOU SEE 5 (M) Sea Haal r fice woricer who becomes In­ (41) News at . Six volved with girls and gang­ THIS 8:M (8) Spans —News aad Weath- sters. C&n Williams. Martha Hyer< others, SIGN 8:18 (48) Haverioh (M8)\----- Miltos Berio Show (0) 8:M (88) Ski Bepstta 8:M (8I-8848) T. H. E. Cat (C) 8:88 (IS) Special Beport Robert Logg^ A vain, aging I Editorial comment ^ re s s who (ears th/it her ex- RADIOS 6:M (8) News with Walter Oiea- _____ husband plans to murds’r hsp PLBN’S TEXACO 881 MA1N8T. prr er of GORMAN BROS. died Don WILLIS Garage 770 MAIN ST. VIBRASONICS - ____ SPEOlAUSniN Che ti WILSON fto WHEEL AUONMENT AND Burvl‘ CALL A49-1124 ELECTRICAL COv BBAKB SBBVIOB WYMAN OIL CO., iM. .U The EeaMenHal-Oems.^nd.- GSNEBAi; AUTO REPAIR. M AIN ET. three TV-Badto. Side* C«MS17 - - •U -1S8F M9-45S1—IS MAIN 8T., MAMOmBSTEB the li o f tl -montl to M formt 'The ■, \ was ] “SI and 1 one 1 Roi and 1 ouiict ■ Th( Susai at 2; of 24 ond-l 2:16