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ALTERATION For 'I J* f . V FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER SO. ISOOT FA<SE T W B N 'll iEanrli^ator jEo^nfng l|rntlb Public Health Affsociatian Seeks Your )ort During October AboutTown Crashes Involve ATcrase Daily Net Press Run The Westher Ttm Fellowship Men’s I^escue of: F«r tlw WMk Ended Foreeaet of D. 8. Weotber Bmme the SalTstlon A m y will men 8st^ Seven Vehicles 8«t. M. leee urday at 7:15 p.m. at the church. Sanog thil ofteraooB ood eool- After a btuiness meetipr, refresh­ 13,220 er thaiB yeeterdag. Clear and eoM- ments will be sreved.' There were no injuries or ar­ er tonlgkt with froot la the ae>'> rests resulting from three sepa­ Member • ( the A udit. mally cold Interior vaUeya. T o ­ UST DAY morrow moetly fair. T>inm^flve members attended rate accidents late yesterday af­ Betfean of Obeokuion ■ Manchester— City of rUlage Charm the first fall meeting and potluck ternoon and evening in which sev­ of Jayoee Wives Wednesday eve- .lUhg at Center Congregational en vehicles were Involved. (CUaellled Advertlsmg on Page 17) PRICE FIVE CENTS Church. Atty. Vlnoent Diana, Jay- Shortly before 5 p.m., a four-car VOL. LXXX, NO. 1 (FOURTEEN PAGES—TV SECTION) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1. 1960 oee jnesldent, asked the women to rear end collision occurred on help stimulate Interest In Jaycee Center St. weit of Olcott St. It in­ activities, and expressed appreda volved cars driven by Gerald N. tion for past services. Mrs. Eldred Cornier, 34, of Rose Lane, An­ Couch presented a demonstration dover: Elisabeth F. Hill of Colum­ Ike Heading of ribbon tying and gift wrapping. bia; Richard H. Groth. 30, of Nixon Tours Ohio, State News South Windham, and Elaine Mc- American Legion Auxiliary mem Cartan of 70 Grandview St. For Meeting bars have been Invited to attend Damage was light to all cars R o iin d u p Joint Installations' Tuesday at the except Groth's, which had to be Kennedy Ends Rest On UN Events Newington Legion Home, Willard tow ^ away. , Ava, Newington, at 8 p.m., and At 7:20 ] ^ . a Connecticut Co. Friday, O ct 7 at the Myrtle Ste­ bus. driven byNWlllis Linden, 44, Denver, Oct. 1 (4*)— ^Presi­ vens S^ool, Rocky Hill, at 8 pjn. ' Hyannis Port, Mass., Oct.Jl State to Honor of Hartford, sndNr car, driven by En Route with Nixon, Oct.' dent Eisenhower flies back to­ Oliver G, Cromwelix 67, of 50 ALTERATION (iF^/lSen. John F. Kennedy, "Washington at Work,’’ a po­ 1 (jip)— ^Vice President Rich­ Gov. TrumBull- day to Washinsrton and a Coolidge St„ s c r a p ^ together refreshed By a day of rest at litical film travelc^e, will be slightly at the Center, \ ard. M. Nixon moves his pres­ strategy meeting on achieving shown at a meeting of the Kiwanis idential campaign into hotly- home, returns to the cam­ western aims in the United Club o f Manchester next ’Tuesday A car driven by .Iose|>h^ D, Hartford, Oct. 1 (4*)— Gov­ For Red contested Ohio today, ac­ paign trail today in Illinois noon at the Manchester Countiy Caron Jr., 16, of 58 Hansen 'Dr,, ernor RiBicoff has p^Iaim ed Nations General. AssemBly dub. was badly damaged when 11 cusing his Democratic rival of and Minnesota. against Soviet taBle-thumping stnick a telephone pole on Vernon downgrading the United The Deniocratic presidential Oct. 12 as Governor’s Day in St., about 1.000 feet north of Ly- commemoration of the 250th opposition. Mr. and Mrs. Harry TVotter of States with false statements. nominee took off for Chicago in Eisenhower has an appointment dall St., at 7:55 n.m. his private plane at 8:40 a.m., anniversary of the birth of South Coventry and formerly of The GOP presidential • nominee at 9:30 a.m. tomorrow in the Reds Move Manchester have arrived in St. Caron told police a panel truck (iEaT) from Hyannls Airport. His former Connecticut governor White House with Prime Minister driven by Ernest Sass of 570 dr«w heavy crowds In a tour of wife, Jacquline and little daugh­ Petersburg, Fla., where they will Binghamton, Schenectady, ’Troy Jonathan Trumbull. Harold Macmillan of Great Brit­ spend the winter. Vernon St. approached him In the ter. Caroline, saw him off. ain and Robert G. Menziea of middle of the road, Caron said he and other points in upstate New In Chicago this afternoon Ken­ in an official statement, the Gov­ To Advance Tork yesterday, despite a con­ ernor noted that the friend and- Australia. The Men’s Fellowship of Com­ stepped on his brakes and skidded nedy addresses the American Pol­ For the President and Mrs. Into the pole, 64 ^ 9 . stant downpour o f rain that has ish Congress and thyn files on to counsellor . of General ^ Geo; munity Baptist Church will spon plagued his campaign trail all Eisenhower, it is a flight back to sor a bean supper tomorrow with Minneapolis for a campaign speech ■Washington was boi-n Oct. 1 Sass. police said, denied he was week. the work-a-day world aflei- a day servings from 5:30 to 7:.30 o’clock driving in the middle of .the road. at the annual bean feed sponsored In Lebanon and “ eaimfd''for him Arms TalK in Fellowship hall at the church His press secretary. Herbert G. by the Democratic-farm labor self a lasting plaM.-m the history of purely private grief and family Klein, called this—the third week of his state aml'nation.” talk, marked by funeral serrices party of Minnesota. for Mrs, Eisenhower’s mother, Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Smith GREEN of his Intensified drive against The candidate will' spend the ’Tile lawysrTlegislator. jurist and United Nations, N. Y ., Qet. 1 Sen. John F. Kennedy of Massa­ Mrs. Elivera Doud. will serve as host an>:; hostess night in Minneapolis snd resume state gov^or (for 15 years) took (4»)—Soviet Premier Khrush­ at Luts Junior Museum Sunday ■ \ chusetts— "the best week that his vote quest Sunday in three chief executive in 1769 Only about 40 invited guests, ■ from 2 to 5 p.m. we have had.” Minnesota cities->-St. Paul, . :^en the State was a Col­ close friends and neighbors, at­ chev interrupted his weekend RECORD Klein conceded that jSCennedy luth and Hibbiiig—before trjsv^I- ony, the Governor said, and when tended the simple Presbyterian rest from politics to attend an Major Walter Lamie of the Sal has drawn big crowds in Ohio, ing on to St. Ix>uis, Mo. he “insisted upon retiring” in services which began yesterday in extra U.N. General AssemBly aton houra: but said Nixon Is "co^ d eh t of the room in which the Eisenhow­ vatlcHi A m y will be in charge of open 8 days 9:80 ajn. to 6:45 p.m, Kennedy arrived JixC Hyannis 1784, "Con.njscticut was part of a today and the stage was set radio broadcasts, sponsored by the with all cash purchases winning that state.” Port about 4 a.i^.'-^'esterday after tfnd Independent United States, ers were married in 1916. It is part HOP open tfeuradaya 9:30 aJU. to 5:45 p.m. Nixon heads out today from for a Battle over the Manchester Ministerial Assn., Sun­ two days o^tdm ping. upper New I a nation whose struggle for Ul:erty of the plain brick house in an old- quickly day at 6:30 p.m. and dally next Trov. N. Y., to Albany, where he was gi-eatly assisted by Jonathan fashioned neighborhood where admission of Red China to , Tonight \ planned to take off by charter York, in^jr^id for the state'j '45 week at 7:15 p.m. over station electoriU votes, the nation’s' big- Tnimbull.” Mrs. Doud lived most of her 82 membership. WNIF. plane at 8 a.m. (EST) to keep a speaking engagement at 11:15 bloc. Govenior’a day is being desig­ At the same time the Russians and Saturday nated by the DAR (Daughters of ( Continued on Page Six) WAGNER a.m. (EST) at the Akron. 0 / ’The Massachusetts senator slept moved to speed up plensu-y aessioii The Zipser Club will sponsor a late and then took it easy the rest the Amei-ican Revolutlorrt, he-said. debate on disarmament through by­ setback party tomorrow at 8 p.m. Moieiiie Ttmpl* . CAhPETEER RUG SHAMPOO KIT . 5.88 University Hall. ’Then he wUlpro" ceed to Republican r^eS^ at Can­ of the day with /h is ^lyear-^ld and added: "The DAR is to be con­ passing committee action and plac­ at the BralnSrd PI. clubhouse. The 7:30 to 11:30 gratulated on this most w’orthwhlle ing the ticklish question directly public is invited. ton and Mansfield; Ohio, and -wife, Jacqueline^ and their daugh­ Blvanaville, lnfi./TO wind up a 10- ter Caroline, wfio is nearly three. observance. It will be a fitting oc­ Final Effort before the full assembly. reg. 8.95. contains easy glarriaer. easy to use. casion for our schools to take spe­ They did likewise with the Soviet A family bean supper will be state. S.OOjO-ififle swing. Mrs. Kennedy is expecting another just apply and let dry. most revolutionary carpet “We,.nfe closing this week very baby in Defcember. cial note of the life of Jonathan charge of "aggressive" actions served at diurch of Assumption Trumbull so that our young people On to Avert lodged against the United States on hall tomorrow from 6 to 7 p.m.
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