QUOTES of the MONTH: まかぬはえぬmakanutanewahaenu (Seeds That Aren’T Sown Can’T Grow.) Japanese Proverb “What You Think, You Become.” Gautama Buddha, Founder of Buddhism
MAY 2012 ALMANAC This almanac, a compilation of 33 calendars Chase’s Calendar of Events for updating isby Susan Curnow Breedlove c)2012 This is the month of the Budding Moon or Flower Moon, WabigoniGisiss in Ojibwe, Wuyue in Chinese, (皐月), Gogatsu(早苗) in Japanese Mai in French, Mayo in Spanish, Lab TsibHlisNtuj in Hmong The flowers of the month are the Lilly of the Valley and Hawthorne. The birthstone of the month is Emerald (Happiness) MAY IS AMERICAN INDIAN MONTH, ASIAN PACIFIC AMERICAN MONTH, RESPECT OUR ELDERS MONTH & NATIONAL FAMILY MONTH QUOTES OF THE MONTH: まかぬはえぬMakanutanewahaenu (Seeds that aren’t sown can’t grow.) Japanese proverb “What you think, you become.” Gautama Buddha, Founder of Buddhism “It does not require many words to speak the truth.” Chief Seattle, a prominent leader of the Suquamish Native American tribes in the 1800’s in what is now Washington state Tuesday, May 1.MAY DAY activities will be carried out throughout the world as this INTERNATIONAL WORKER'S DAY (LABOR DAY). BELTANE, one of the "Greater Sabbats" in the Wiccan year, observed, celebrating the fertility of spring and the greening of earth as it is each May 1st. The U.S. also observes LAW DAY with the theme this year “NO Courts, NO Justice, NO Freedom.” Today is LEI DAY in Hawaii, and SCHOOL PRINCIPAL'S DAY. HAITIAN HERITAGE MONTH honors General TouissaintLouverture ("The Black Napoleon") and the Haitian consensus reached in 1803 to fight Napoleon's forces for independence. The NEW ORLEANS JAZZ & HERITAGE FESTIVAL continues through May 6th. 1762-African American physician James Durham, born.
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