RAPID BIOLOGICAL RESOURCE ASSESSMENT FOR THE SALINAS RIVER, MONTEREY COUNTY, CALIFORNIA Prepared By: Jodi McGraw, Ph.D. Population and Community Ecologist PO Box 883 Boulder Creek, CA 95006 (831) 338-1990
[email protected] With Assistance From: Christina Boldero Intern, The Nature Conservancy 201 Mission Street 4th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Submitted to: The Nature Conservancy 201 Mission Street 4th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 April 15, 2008 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page List of Tables iv List of Figures v Introduction 1 Section 1: The Physical Environment 4 1.1 Climate 4 1.2 Hydrology 4 1.2.1 Historic Hydrological Conditions 4 1.2.2 Hydrological Alterations 5 Dams 5 Levees 6 Groundwater pumping 6 Channel Alterations 7 Estuary and Lagoon Alterations 7 Other Hydrological Alterations 7 1.2.3 Current Hydrological Conditions 8 1.3 Water Quality 10 1.4 Land Use 10 1.4.1 Historic Land Use 11 1.4.2 Current Land Use 11 Agricultural Land 12 Urban Areas 13 1.4.3 Current Land Use Changes 13 Section 2: High Priority Species and Communities 13 2.1 Aquatic Communities 13 2.1.1 Coastal Wetlands 13 2.1.2 Freshwater Wetlands 13 2.2 Aquatic Species 14 2.2.1 Pinnacles Riffle Beetle 14 2.2.2 Pacific Lamprey 15 2.2.3 Monterey Roach 16 2.2.4 Sacramento Speckled Dace 16 2.2.5 Steelhead trout 16 2.2.6 California Red-Legged Frog 21 2.2.7 Foothill Yellow-Legged Frog 22 2.2.8 Southwestern pond turtle 22 Salinas River Biological Assessment ii Jodi M.