PC (26) 70010 Myelography, Posterior Fossa, Radiological Supervision and Interpretation 336.45
Code Description Rate TC (27) PC (26) 70010 Myelography, posterior fossa, radiological supervision and 336.45 225.42 111.03 interpretation 70015 Cisternography, positive contrast, radiological supervision and 275.57 184.64 90.93 interpretation 70030 Radiologic examination, eye, for detection of foreign body 91.87 61.56 30.31 70100 Radiologic examination, mandible; partial, less than four views 68.36 45.80 22.56 70110 Radiologic examination, mandible; complete, minimum of four 116.42 78.00 38.42 views 70120 Radiologic examination, mastoids; less than three views per 68.36 45.80 22.56 side 70130 Radiologic examination, mastoids; complete, minimum of three 130.31 87.31 43.00 views per side 70134 Radiologic examination, internal auditory meati, complete 107.79 72.22 35.57 70140 Radiologic examination, facial bones; less than three views 99.33 66.55 32.78 70150 Radiologic examination, facial bones; complete, minimum of 110.25 73.87 36.38 three views 70160 Radiologic examination, nasal bones, complete, minimum of 76.90 51.53 25.37 three views 70170 Dacryocystography, nasolacrimal duct, radiological 118.82 79.61 39.21 supervision and interpretation 70190 Radiologic examination; optic foramina 86.97 58.27 28.70 70200 Radiologic examination; orbits, complete, minimum of four 113.94 76.33 37.61 views 70210 Radiologic examination, sinuses, paranasal, less than three 75.95 50.89 25.06 views 70220 Radiologic examination, sinuses, paranasal, complete, 111.47 74.68 36.79 minimum of three views 70240 Radiologic examination, sella turcica 80.83 54.16
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