
Our history

Ismayil Hajiyev Doctor of History, Professor, Academician


For many centuries, the have been trying to seize an integral part of Azerbaijan - Nakhchivan - and to annex these lands to the mythi- cal «Great ». To this end, they even falsify history, accord- ing to the «new» version of which this territory once belonged to the Armenians, and try to prove that the Armenians have been in the majority in the region since ancient times.

Administrative map of the Erivan , 1820 he fact that one of the websites raised the theme of Nakhchivan. And menian cemeteries, as the Armenians of the United Arab Emirates - the this phenomenon has its reasons. were resettled to the territory of Nakh- Tportal of the Middle East Arme- Having occupied a large chunk of chivan only in the last few centuries. nians entitled «Azad Hye» - has posted the territory of Azerbaijan - Nagorno- What sort of ancient Armenians an article about a book by the Arme- and seven surrounding dis- graveyards can exist in lands where nian writer from , Avo Katerjian, tricts, destroyed about 500 historical, they came historically very recently? entitled «Armenian Nakhichevan or architectural and cultural Regardless of ethnicity, all the histori- Distorted NAXCIVAN”, should be con- in these lands and ruined nearly 900 cal, archaeological, architectural, cul- sidered the result of this policy. The settlements, the Armenian chauvinists tural and religious monuments in the book shows that the “researcher-writ- are now claiming Nakhchivan, where Nakhchivan autonomy are protected er” provides the reader with distorted ancient Armenian cross-stones, khach- by the state. It is no accident that the historical facts relating to Nakhchivan, , are allegedly being destroyed. Un- head of the Supreme Council of the referring to it as a historical land of der the guise of looking after mythical Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic is- Armenia, Armenifies the names of an- monuments, the Armenians are trying sued a special order on 6 December cient Azerbaijani settlements and falsi- to hide their true intentions and dis- 2005 “On work to organize the protec- fies other place names. tract world attention from their main tion and certification of historical and Armenians, who have always had goal - territorial claims. In Nakhchivan, cultural monuments in the Nakhchivan their designs on our lands, have now there have never been any ancient Ar- Autonomous Republic”. The Armenians

58 www.irs-az.com Routes of Armenian resettlement from and to Azerbaijan in 1828-1831 are not autochthonous in the whole of the or in its parts - the current territory of Armenia, formerly West Azerbaijan, or Nakhchivan, be- cause they are incomers here.1 Back in 1913, this was written by the Armenian scholar B. Ishkhanyan: “The true home- land of the Armenians is an ancient his- torical called Great Armenia in Minor, that is outside of ... and they settled in the Caucasus only in the past few centuries.”2 And in Asia Minor itself, the Armenians are incomers as well. “The ancestors of the Armenians migrated to Asia Minor from Thrace in the 2nd-1st centuries BC.”3 The famous American scientist Samuel A. Weems wrote: “... In a period of more than three thousand years, the Armenians had no national territory, and now they claims ‘historical, nation- Stone and Iron Age found on the ter- others relating to the Oguz-Seljuks left al lands’ on the basis of false historical ritory of Nakhchivan, various images their traces. The Turkic tribes of Ustajli, inventions.”4 According to Armenian on the rocks of Gamigaya, the culture Didivarli, Gizilli, Amrkhanli, Arafsali, Ha- authors, Nakhchivan belonged to the of the professional production of color jili, Kechili, Kelfirli, Garakhanbayli, Gark- Armenians in the days of . It be- ceramic dishes and traces of the high hunlu, Alikhanli, Muganli and dozens longed to them at the beginning of culture of urban development - of others were aboriginal inhabitants our era. These claims also have no sci- gest that these lands were an ancient of the territory. On the territory of Na- entific basis, and they are pure fantasy Turkic region and one of the sources khchivan, there are still settlements as- by Armenian ‘scientists’. The results of civilization.”6 First of all, these were sociated with the name of these tribes. of archaeological, historical and geo- Turkic tribal unions of Kaspis, Kadusis All this proves once again that Nakh- graphical studies clearly show that Na- and Nakhchis. The very name of Na- chivan has been inhabited by Turkic khchivan has historically always been khchivan is associated with the name ethnic groups since ancient times. an integral part of Azerbaijan.”5 Histori- of the Nakhchi tribe that lived here in Along with this, there have been no cal sources and archaeological materi- ancient times.”7 At the beginning of settlements with Armenian names at als have convincingly demonstrated our era, tribes of Bulgars, Huns, Pech- any stage of history and to this day in that even in the 4th-2nd centuries BC, enegs, Kangars and Khazars came to Nakhchivan. large tribal unions in the territory the territory of Nakhchivan. Dozens of In different historical periods, Nakh- of Nakhchivan played an important branches of these tribes settled in the chivan was part of the successive an- role in the formation of the Azerbai- area. On the territory of Nakhchivan, cient states of Manna, , the Ach- jani ethnic group. Monuments of the the tribes of Bekdilli, Khalaj, Yayji and aemenid Empire, Atropatena, Parthia,

1 See. Verdiyev Kh., R. Huseynzadeh R. The “origin” of the Armenians and their migration to the Caucasus from the Balkans. , 2003 2 Ishkhanyan B. Peoples of the Caucasus. St. Petersburg, 1916, p. 44 3 The peoples of the Caucasus. V. 2. , 1962, p. 443 4 Samuel A. Weems. Armenia: Secrets of a “Christian” Terrorist State. The Armenian Great Deception Series. V. 1. (translated from English), Baku, 2004, p. 246 5 Abibullayev O. Eneolithic and Bronze Ages in the Territory of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic. Baku, 1982; Yaliyev V. The Azerbaijani Culture of Dyed Dishes in the . Baku, 1977; His work again – Ancient Nakhchivan. Baku, 1979; His work again - Nakhchivan is a Historical Region of Azerbaijan. Baku, 2002; Budagova H. Place names of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic. Baku, 1998; Historical of Azerbaijan. Baku, 1987; Meshadukhanum Nemat. The Corps of Epigraphic Monuments of Azerbaijan. V. 3. The Arab-Persian-Turkic Inscriptions of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic (12th century - early 20th century). – B., 2001; Piriyev V. Pages of Nakhchivan’s History. B., 2004; Valikhanli N. Nakhchivan – From Arabs to . B., 2005 and others 6 Nakhchivan international analytical-information journal. March (01) 2004, p. 42 7 K. Gann, Experience of interpreting Caucasian geographical names. SMOMRK. 40th edition, , 1909, p. 110; A. Dirr, The Current Names of Caucasian Tribes. SMOMRK. 40th edition, Tbilisi, 1909, p. 9; Armenian Geography of the 7th Century AD (Attributed to Moses of Khoren). St. Petersburg, 1877, p. 36-38; R. Mammadov, Historical Essays on the of Nakhchivan. Baku, 1977, p. 28 and others www.irs-az.com 59 Our history the Sassanid state and others and was Armenian authors use this fact in ac- to prove that the Iravan province is an always their most developed province. cordance with their objectives and Armenian land. In fact, the Armenians As part of various major states, Nakh- present Azerbaijani Nakhchivan as the are incomers in the territory, which is chivan was also an integral part of eth- venue for the massacre. Studies of I. called Armenia today. The work “The nic Azerbaijan. As for the Armenians, Orbeli12 and Z. Bunyadov13 proved that Review Notebook of Irevan Province”14 the Armenian state left the historical the church in which “Mohammed ibn provides sufficient evidence for that. scene in the 4th century, and in 387, it Marwan had burned the Armenian As can be seen from this source, in was divided between Iran and Byzan- princes” was in the city of Nakhcivan, 1590, this province consisted of two tium. In 428, the Armenian kingdom which was situated in the Kagizman sanjaks - Iravan and Nakhchivan. The within Iran was also liquidated.8 From district of the Kars vilayet. It should Nakhchivan sanjak covered the Nakh- that period to , there was also be noted that ruins of churches chivan and 16 townships no Armenian state or statehood. It is or other Armenian Christian buildings (Agjagala, Mevaziyi Khatun, Mulki-Ar- clear that Nakhchivan could not have have never been discovered in the ter- slanli, Garabag, Darasham, Darashah- been part of a non-existant Armenian ritory of Azerbaijani Nakhchivan. buz, Bazarchayi, , Zar, Zabil, Alin- state. However, in those days there Many medieval sources indicate ja, , Azadjiran, , Shorlut was some Cilician Armenian kingdom that Nakhchivan belongs to Azerbai- and Daranurgut).15 The “Notebook” from 1080 to 13759, but it was located jan: quotes such as “the capture of mentions the urban population of the in what is now Turkey and had nothing one of the Azerbaijani – Nakh- province, too. It reports that at the end to do with Azerbaijani Nakhchivan. chivan – by Abu Muslim” (10th century of the , the most populous In subsequent historical periods, Arab historian al-Kufi), “Nakhchivan is a city in the province was Nakhchivan. Armenian migration to the South city of Azerbaijan (12th -13th centuries, 4,208 lived here, 2,000 in Iravan, and Caucasus, including Azerbaijan, con- Yaqut al-Hamawi), “Shamsaddin Elden- 1,357 in Ordubad. tinued, and some Armenians settled iz – the lord of the city of Nakhchivan In his letter to Ismayil Kha- in the territory of Azerbaijan at the and the province of Nakhchivan” (12th- tai, the baylarbay of West Azerbaijan, time of the Arab Caliphate. In 654, Na- 13th centuries, Mkhitar Gosh), “the city Ravan , also says that the Arme- khchivan was captured by Arab Emir of Nakhchivan belongs to Azerbaijan, nians first appeared in the Erivan san- Habib ibn Maslama, and this territory it is great, its population is large, it is jak - West Azerbaijan - in the early 16th was incorporated into the first emir- located on a hill and is well fortified” century: ate of the Caliphate.10 Called Nasheva (13th century, the work “The Oddities “... In recent years, according to my by Arab authors, Nakhchivan was part of ”), “the population of Na- observations, the Armenians, relocat- of Azerbaijan. Another Nakhchivan, khchivan is Muslim and it is a beautiful ing from Beynannahreyn to the shores related to the third emirate, was part city of Azerbaijan” (13th-14th centuries, of and then as groups of five of the Kars region. Armenian “research- Hamdullah Qazvini), “Garabaglar is a or ten, to our lands in Kaf... instead of ers” deliberately substitute these two rich city. All of its population (50 thou- living off usury, petty trade, stone work Nakhchivans. They attribute the his- sand people – I. H.) is Muslim. There and carpentry, have begun to actively torical events that took place in Kars are no Armenians or Greeks here” (17th move around in my land, claiming an Nakhchivan to Azerbaijani Nakhchi- century, Evliya Celebi) also testify to it. extensive settled life. Armenian Cathol- van, which once again shows their It is an undeniable fact that after the icos II, who is now sitting in dishonest intentions. Mentioning the Arab invasion, Nakhchivan, as part of the village of Agkilsa (Echmiadzin), has quote “Mohammed ibn Marwan in Azerbaijan, was part of various succes- started getting in the way of our gov- 150 (according to the Armenian calen- sive Muslim states - Seljuks, Atabays of ernment in a manner uncharacteristic dar – I. H.; 702-703) brought 800 cap- Azerbaijan, Gara Goyunlu, Ag Goyunlu, of the canons of his church and with tive princes to Nakhchivan, put them Safavids, and others. his provocations. The catholicos, using in a church and burned them alive”11, Some Armenian authors are trying religious donations from the religious

8 Kocharli T. Nagshi-Jahan Nakhchivan. Baku, 1998, p. 262 9 Ibid 10 Bunyadov Z. Azerbaijan in the 7th-9th Centuries. Baku, 1965, p. 82; Historical Geography of Azerbaijan. Baku, 1987, p. 56 11 Kirokos G. History. B., 1946, p. 40; M. Kalankaytuklu. . B., 1990, p. 193 12 Orbeli I. Inscriptions on the Construction of a Church in Nakhchivan. p. 430-433 13 Bunyadov Z. On a historical misunderstanding. Reports of the Academy of Sciences of the Azerbaijan SSR. Edition 2, 1977, p. 67-69; His work again. What Nakhchivan? Ulduz journal, № 6, 1988, p. 61-63 14 Review notebook of the Iravan region (translation). Baku, 1996 15 Review notebook of the Iravan region (Study, translation, notes and additions by Z. Bunyadov, H. Mammadov). Baku, 1996, p. 9

60 www.irs-az.com fund, has begun to finance the settle- nahiyes (in the Ottoman ment of two or three Armenian families Empire, the smallest ter- on the outskirts of every Turkic village, ritorial administrative building small churches for them and unit was called a nahiye thus creating a long-standing idea – I. H.): the city of Na- that the Armenians have long lived in khchivan, Nakhchivan, the land of our Kaf, which will cause Alinja, Sair Mavasi, Da- difficulties and headache for our next rashahbuz, Mulki-Arslan, generations. It is now difficult to find Mevaziyi Khatun, Gara- a village in our region where there are bag, Gishlagat, Darash- no three foreign families. In contrast am, Azadjiran, Shorlut, to habits of chastity, Armenian girls Daranurgut, Sisian and are trying to thrust themselves upon Daralayaz.17 During the Turkic boys ... are trying to marry Oguz Safavid period, Otto- men, in other words, they are trying to mans handed over the take a share of our wealth and property districts of Zor, Zabil and are committing crimes, which are and Sharur to the Iravan called creeping capture in politics. I’m province. The Nakhchi- afraid of the growing number of mixed van sanjak included 315 marriages, my Shah. Give me power, settlements. It included and I will kick out part by part some the present territory of fifteen thousand incomers from our the Nakhchivan Autono- homeland. Your slave Ravan Khan.”16 mous Republic, the cur- During the Safavid state (1501- rent dis- 1736), Nakhchivan was mostly part trict of Armenia, half of region. The territory of the then Nakh- of it, but sometimes it found itself in the current district, most of the chivan khanate was much larger than Ottoman Turkey. In the Safavid state, current Sisian district, and a number of the present territory of the Nakhchivan the “Nakhchivan country” was first settlements, including . The Na- Autonomous Republic, covering most Armenian oblast Order of Russian Emperor Nicolas I on the establishment administered by the baylarbay- khchivan region, which was part of the of the lands of Daralayaz and Zanga- dom and was then handed over to Azerbaijan state for millennia, was part zur. The khanate included seven ma- representatives of the powerful Turkic of the at the end of hals (districts) - Alinja, Aylis, Ballav, Das- tribe – the Kangarli family the 16th century (1588-1603) and early ta, Daralayaz, Khok and Ordubad) and from the Ustajlar tribe. The leaders of 18th century (1724-1735), and there two cities - Nakhchivan and Ordubad. the Kangarli family handed over their was the Ottoman system of govern- On 21 March 1828, Tsar I power by inheritance until the , ment here.18 issued a decree artificially creating an and the residence of the Ustajlar tribe In 1725, like other lands of Azer- “Armenian region” in the territory of the was Nakhchivan. baijan, Nakhchivan was part of Nadir former Iravan and Nakhchivan vilayets. The Ottoman army entered the Afshar’s possession. In 1736, Nadir The decree stated: “Under the treaty South Caucasus in the spring of 1723, proclaims himself as Shah of Iran and concluded with Persia, the captured Nakhchivan and then the city unites the whole territory of Azerbai- annexed to Russia from Persia shall be of Ordubad in September 1724. Nakh- jan in a single region of Azerbaijan. In called Armenian in all cases and the chivan remained in the possession of 1747, after the collapse of Nadir Shah’s area shall be included in our title. De- the Ottoman Empire until 1735. In the empire, Nakhchivan actually becomes crees on the composition and method Ottoman administrative-territorial sys- an independent state – the Nakhchi- of government in the region will be tem, Nakhchivan is listed as “Nakhchi- van khanate. The head of that same submitted to the Senate in due time.”19 van sanjak”. From the “Detailed Note- Kangarli family, Heydargulu Khan, pro- The “Armenian region”, of which the book of the Nakhchivan Sanjak” (1727), claims himself as an independent ruler Nakhchivan region was part, had to be it is known that this sanjak included 15 of the then territory of the Nakhchivan governed by a Russian general from

16 7 Days, 19 December 1992 17 A detailed notebook of the Nakhchivan sanjak. Baku, 1997, p. 6-7 18 A detailed notebook of the Nakhchivan sanjak. Baku, 2001, p. 5 19 Aliyev F., Aliyev M. Nakhchivan Khanate. Baku, 1996, p. 48 www.irs-az.com 61 Our history

Yerevan. However, the rule of Ehsan 810 Armenian (16.4%) families in 1828. and lasted several centuries, and the Khan Kangarli as naib (ruler) of Nakh- Later, B. H. Behbudov was appoint- most massive migration occurred chivan lasted until 1840. In April 1840, ed head of the «Armenian region», and in the 19th and early 20th century. In the Russian monarch issued a decree in the period 1830-1838, he did a lot the end, after the conclusion of the on administrative reform in the Trans- for accommodating Armenians here, Treaties of Turkmanchay and Edirne, caucasia. Under a decree, which came improving their material conditions 119,500 Armenians were resettled into force on 1 January 1841, the rule and for the representation of Arme- to the lands of North Azerbaijan, of the commandant was abolished nians in the region’s administration. and this process continued later.24 In here and the common Russian admin- Accordingly, the Armenian popula- 1830, 2,511 Armenian families (12,555 istrative system was introduced. In line tion increased in the occupied lands, people) were resettled to Nakhchivan with this, the Nakhchivan district and and the Armenians seized the levers of and Ordubad. In 1828, there were only Ordubad county were incorporated government. 810 local Armenian families here. As a into the Georgian-Imereti province. In justifying their claims to Nakhchi- result, the number of Armenian fami- The territory of the Nakhchivan district van, the Armenians particularly strong- lies reached 3,321.25 According to the was 4,378 sq. km and the population - ly highlight their numerical superiority first nationwide population census in 86,878 people. The district consisted of in the population of these lands with- Russia, 55,398 Armenians and 115,711 the territory of Nakhchivan, Ordubad, out referring to any historical sources lived in Nakhchivan and Daralayaz, Julfa, Shahbuz, etc. and provide new figures every time. R. Sharur-Daralayaz districts in 1897. As Consistent with the geopoliti- Yengibaryan, K. Mikaelyan, Z. Balayan can be seen from this, despite tsarism’s cal goals of tsarist Russia, in 1849 the and others showed wonders of fantasy policy aimed at Armenifying Nakhchi- Nakhchivan district was annexed to on this issue. Let’s study the real popu- van, the number of Azerbaijanis here the province of Iravan located in West lation figures from historical sources. was still twice that of the Armenians Azerbaijan. Along with this, even as For the first time, information on the by the end of the century. part of the Iravan province, Nakhchi- ethnic composition of the popula- Taking advantage of the situation van retained its independent admin- tion of Nakhchivan in that period was in the early 20th century, the Arme- istration. The Sharur-Daralayaz district given in 1828 by Griboyedov in his let- nians started pogroms against Azer- was created from Sharur-Daralayaz ter to General Paskevich. It shows that baijanis in the territory of Nakhchivan and Ordubad county, the vast major- before the conclusion of the Treaty in an effort to expel them from those ity there were Azerbaijanis, and it was of Turkmanchay, 404 Armenian fami- lands and become masters here. As incorporated into the Iravan prov- lies (16.4%) lived in the Nakhchivan was the case in other parts of Azerbai- ince. The ancestral Azerbaijani lands province. According to I. Chopin22, the jan, Armenians committed genocide of Iravan, Nakhchivan, Goycha mahal, number of Armenian families was only against Azerbaijanis in 1905-1907 and Sharur-Daralayaz and Yeni Bayazid 14.4%, and according to Griboyedov, 1918-1920. As a result, the population became part of the province. In the as have already mentioned, 16.4%23 of Nakhchivan dramatically decreased “Armenian region”, there were 752 vil- - quite similar figures. by 38% in 1918-1920. lages, of which 521 were listed in the After the annexation of Nakh- As a result of Armenia’s previous at- Iravan province, 179 - in Nakhchivan chivan by Russia, there were serious tempts to occupy Nakhchivan, a very and 52 - in Ordubad county.20 Togeth- changes both in the number and tense political and military situation er with the abandoned villages, the ethnic composition of its population. developed here in 1918-1920, which is «Armenian region» had 1,111 villages It was the implementation of the in- why most Armenians started to leave with 81,749 and only 25,131 tentions of tsarism to Christianize, or Nakhchivan en masse, which was the Armenians.21 In Nakhchivan district, rather, Armenify Azerbaijani territories. natural result of the mass atrocities together with Ordubad county, there The arrival of Armenians in the South they had perpetrated. As a result, the were 4,149 Azerbaijani (83.6%) and Caucasus was a multistage process proportion of Armenians in Nakhchi-

20 Collection of acts relating to the review of the history of the Azerbaijani people. V. 1, Moscow, 1833, p. 178-179 21 Arzumanli V., Mustafa N. Black Pages of History. Deportation. Genocide. Refugees. Baku, 1998, p. 181-189 22 Mammadov I. Our history, land, fate. Baku, 2003, p. 39 23 I. Chopin. Historical of the State of the Armenian Region in the Era of its Annexation to the . St. Petersburg. 1852, p. 509-510 24 The first nationwide population census of the Russian Empire and Baku province, p. 52-53 25 Grigoryev B. Statistical Description of Nakhchivan Province. St. Petersburg, 1833, p. 125-127 26 Pages of Nakhchivan History (materials of the international symposium “Nakhchivan in International Sources”). Baku, 1996, p. 35

62 www.irs-az.com Western Azerbaijani khanates van’s population had fallen to 12 per cent by 1921. The culprit of the exodus of Armenians from Nakhchivan was precisely the Armenian government, which shamelessly made its fellow tribesmen hostages of its own annex- ationist policy. The first prime minister of Armenia, O. Kachaznuni, mentioning Nakhchi- van and Sharur as «Muslim Nakhchi- van and Sharur», wrote: «In the Muslim areas, we failed to restore order with administrative measures, and we had to take up arms, send troops, start destroying houses and massacre the population. And we achieved nothing. In such important places as Vedibasar, Sharur and Nakhchivan, we failed to establish our authority even by force of arms, suffered a defeat and were forced to retreat.»26 In 1918-1921, the Armenian govern- ment, supported by other countries, le- gally claimed Nakhchivan, but the pop- ulation of Nakhchivan rejected these the treaty, and respectively, this ap- ensure its implementation. They cre- claims. The Armenians also failed to do plied to possible attempts to breach ate such organizations and societies so militarily. At the beginning of 1921, the constitutional status of Nakhchi- as «Annex Nakhchivan to Armenia» a referendum was held in Nakhchivan. van. Nevertheless, in the subsequent established in the U.S. in 1987, the 90 per cent of the population voted in period, Armenia not only evaded «Nakhchivan Brothers» established in favor of keeping Nakhchivan as an au- implementing the treaty, but also at- in 1999, the «National Council tonomous republic of Azerbaijan.27 tempted to have it canceled. In viola- of Armenians of Nakhchivan», publish On 16 March 1921, Russia and Tur- tion of the treaty, the Armenian gov- in various media stories about claims key signed a treaty in Moscow. This ernment secured a decision by the to Nakhchivan, which are not based document confirmed the territorial Transcaucasian CEC on 18 February on any real facts. status of Nakhchivan its status as an 1929 to hand over to Armenia nine In the early 1990s, the Armenians autonomous region under the protec- Nakhchivan villages with a total area attempted an open military invasion tion of Azerbaijan.28 The terms of the of 657 sq. km – the villages of Khachik, of Nakhchivan, but received a worthy Moscow Treaty were confirmed on Horadiz, Gurdgulag (), rebuff. It is also necessary to deal a sci- 13 October 1921 by the Ogbin, Sultanbay, Agkhach, Almali, It- entific rebuff to new claims to Nakh- signed by Turkey, Azerbaijan, giran () and Karchevan chivan, using historical facts to prove and Armenia with the participation of ().30 the unfounded and delusional nature Russia. The borders and future status of Not content with this, the Arme- of Armenian attacks. We must preserve Nakhchivan were finally established29. nians and the Armenian government, the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan The treaty was indefinite, which was both throughout the 20th century and not only for ourselves but for our chil- particularly important for the whole now, have not abandoned this expan- dren. future fate of Nakhchivan. sionist idea and demand the repeal Armenia undertook not to violate of the Moscow and Kars treaties to

27 The Central State Archive of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, f. 1, list 3, case 13, V. 79; Musayev I. The political situation in Azerbaijan’s Nakhchivan and Zangazur regions and the policy of foreign states (1917-1921), Baku, 1996, p. 302 28 Documents of Foreign Policy. V. 3, Moscow, 1959, p. 598-599 29 Ibid. V. 4, Moscow, 1959, p. 342; Ismayil Soysal. Turkey’s Political Treaties. V. 1 (1920-1945). , 1989, p. 41-47 30 The Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic. Baku, 2003, p. 68. www.irs-az.com 63