Curriculum Vitae Rovshan KARIMOV Institute of Geography of Azerbaijan

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Curriculum Vitae Rovshan KARIMOV Institute of Geography of Azerbaijan Curriculum Vitae Rovshan KARIMOV Institute of Geography of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences Address: 115 H.Javid Ave., Az 1143, Baku, Republic of Azerbaijan Phone: +994504886420 (cell), +994505382900 (office) E-mail: [email protected] PERSONAL DATA Date of birth _ 25.01.1977 Place of birth _ Baku city Nationality _ Republic of Azerbaijan Family status _ Married, one child EDUCATION 2001-2003: Postgraduate School, Institute of Geography of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences. 1997-1999: Magistracy of Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University after N.Tusi. Diploma MNA No. 002055 given by Ministry of Education of Republic of Azerbaijan. Decision dated to 29.06.1999. 1993-1997: Faculty of Geography of Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University after N.Tusi. Diploma A of Bachelor No. 011658 given by Ministry of Education of Republic of Azerbaijan. Decision dated to 07.07.1997. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 2016-2017 (up to present): Lecturer at the “Geography and Environment” Department of Khazar University. 2004-2017 (up to present): Leading Researcher at “Demography and Geography of Population” Department of Institute of Geography, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences. 2011-2017 (up to present): Part-time Senior Lecturer (teaching also in English and Russian) at Faculty of Geography of Baku State University. Subjects: “Basics of tourism” (in English), “Economic and social geography”, “World economy”, “International geographical distribution of labor and economic integration” (also in Russian), etc. 2009-2016: Senior Lecturer (including in English and Russian) at Department of BBA and Faculty of Economy and Management of Azerbaijan University. Subjects: “Human geography” (in English), “Environmental economics” (also in Russian), “Management of regional economy”, etc. Example: 2008: Translator (by English) in ‘Regional Development Center in Azerbaijan’ NGO. Baku. 2005-2006: Teacher of geography, Physics-Mathematics and Information Lyceum under Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction. 2005-2006: Teacher of geography, Baku Anadolu Lyceum. 2000-2003: Teacher of geography at Secondary School No. 95, Baku, Azerbaijan. CERTIFICATES AND AWARDS * Co-Winner of “Grant Competition on development in education and innovations” of the Ministry of Education of Azerbaijan. The title of the awarded Project: "Application of Geographical Information Systems in teaching geography in general education schools”. October, 2017. * Certificate of Attendance from Kastamonu University (Turkey) within the framework of Erasmus+ Programme. 7- 13th May, 2017. * Certificate for active participation at ERRA Regional Workshop. Programme “Prevention, Preparedness and Response to Natural and Man-made Disasters in the EaP Countries – PPRD East 2” funded by the EU. Kyiv, Ukraine. June 14-15, 2016. EuropeAid/135314/C/SER/MULTI Contact No. 2014/352-249. * Certificate for input with topic “Effective water management, capacity building and increase of awareness for mitigation of impact of floods in Azerbaijan” at the 3rd International Scientific-Practical Conference “Natural-scientific researches and economy”. August 31, 2015. Voronezh, Russia. * Certificate for presentation scientific work “Production of Solar and Wind Energy in Azerbaijan: tendencies, recent changes and relevant environmental effects” at the 10th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environmental Systems – SDEWES”, held from September 27 – October 2, 2015. Dubrovnik, Croatia. * Certificate of Centre for Development of Scientific Cooperation for the report “Geographical problems of sustainable demographic development in the Republic of Azerbaijan” at 24th International Scientific-Practical Conference “Modern trends in economics and management: new views”. February 17, 2014. Novosibirsk, Russia. * Certificate for presenting work “Development of non-oil sector in the regions of Azerbaijan: tendencies and prospects” at 14th Conference of Eurasia Business and Economics Society. October 23-25, 2014. Barcelona. * Winner award of the “Mobility 5” Grant Competition funded by Science Development Foundation under the President of Azerbaijan. October 9, 2014. Contract: EİF-Mob-5-2014-2(17)-14/05/2-M-06. * Certificate of the International Scientific and Practical Conference ‘Nauka dzis: theory, methodology, practice’. September 28-30, 2013. Wroclaw, Poland. * Certificate of International Academy of Science and Higher Education for the participation at the International Scientific Analytical Project “Technologies of globalization of the XXI century: evolution or setback?”, held in London (UK) with study work ‘Evaluation of demographic sustainability in Azerbaijan’. March 28 - April 2, 2013. * Certificate for successful on-line participation in the Summer Course “Green Industry: Moving Towards the Industry of the Future”, organized by UNIDO Institute for Capacity Development in cooperation with Central European University. March 26 – April 23, 2012. * Certificate of Azerbaijan Tourism Institute for delivering presentation in the Third Republican Scientific and Practical Conference "Tourism and recreation: problems and perspectives". December 19, 2009. Baku. * June, 2010: Certificate of Achievement for Successful Completion of Teaching Workshop organized by J.Mack Robinson College of Business of Georgia State University (USA) and Azerbaijan University. Baku. * 28.11.2006: Diploma of Candidate of Geographical Sciences (PhD in Geography) given by the Higher Attestation Commission under the President of Azerbaijan Republic. Diploma EN No. 04264. PROJECTS AND PROGRAMMES 2015-2017 (up to present): National Contact Point from Azerbaijan on ‘Climate action, Resource efficiency and Raw materials’ from Azerbaijan at EU’s Horison-2020 Programme. 01.06.2015-31.05.2017 (up to present): Focal Point from Azerbaijan in the SCOPES-IP Project “Sustainable Caucasus” implemented with the participation of Geneva University and Institute of Geography of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, funded by Swiss National Science Foundation. 2016: Expert; Author of the published books and Key Editor in the Project “Strengthening environmental governance by building the capacity of non-governmental organizations”. UNDP. 2013: Key Expert in the Project ‘Eco-migration processes in Azerbaijan due to floods in the rivers of Kura and Aras in 2010’ funded by European Union; with the participation of ‘Ruzgar’ NGO (Azerbaijan) and Caucasus Environmental Network NGO (Georgia). 2012: Editor and Presenter in the Project “Enhancing local capacity and regional cooperation for climate change adaptation and biodiversity conservation in South Caucasus” funded by EU; with the participation of ‘Ruzgar’ NGO (Azerbaijan), Caucasus Environmental NGO Network and Mercy Corps NGO (Georgia). MEMBERSHIP 2012-2017 (up to present): Expert at “Ruzgar” Ecological Society, NGO, accredited by UNEP and registered by the Ministry of Justice of Republic of Azerbaijan. 2004-2017 (up to present): Expert at Azerbaijan Geographical Society, registered by the Ministry of Justice of Republic of Azerbaijan. 2016-2017 (up to present): Member of Editorial Board of the Journal “Transactions of Young Scholars” of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences. LANGUAGES Azerbaijani (native), Russian (fluent) English (fluent) Turkish (proficient in speaking) Arabic (writing/reading) COMPUTER SKILLS Windows XP: MS Word, Excel, Power Point, Paint, LEAP MOST IMPORTANT PRESENTATIONS * July 11, 2017: Assessment of mitigation potential through improving public transport in Greater Baku area, Azerbaijan. 11th Cooperative Green Growth Modeling Forum. Greenhouse Gas Inventory & Research Center of Korea. 11-12nd July. Seoul. * May 5, 2017. Horizon2020: Opportunities for Azerbaijani researchers. Seminar organized within the framework of Horizon2020 Research and Innovation Programme. 5th May, 2017. Baku. * April 18, 2017: Transport sector of Azerbaijan: current situation and future outlook. 11th Cooperative Green Growth Modeling Forum. Greenhouse Gas Inventory & Research Center of Korea. 18-19th April. Kajang (Malaysia). * November 28, 2016: Changes in distribution of population and settlements of Azerbaijan by altitude belts. First Caucasus Mountain Forum. 28th November – 1st December, 2016. Tbilisi. * November 28, 2016: Challenges and perspectives of researches and socioeconomic activities in mountains areas of Azerbaijan. First Caucasus Mountain Forum. 28th November – 1st December, 2016. Tbilisi. * October 11, 2016: Transport sector of Azerbaijan: recent development and greenhouse gas emission. 10th Cooperative Green Growth Modeling Forum. Greenhouse Gas Inventory & Research Center of Korea. 11-12th October. Seoul. * October, 6, 2016: Problems in the reduction of wastes forming greenhouse effect in Azerbaijan. New Turkey Strategic Research Center. International Conference on Science and Technology. 3-6th October. Ankara. * June 1, 2016: Environmental and socioeconomic impacts of climate change in Azerbaijan. “2nd Info Day on Horizon 2020: Climate Change, Energy, Health” held with support of IncoNet EaP project. Qafqaz University; Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences. 1-2 June, 2016. Baku. * September 29, 2015. Production of Solar and Wind Energy in Azerbaijan: tendencies, recent changes and relevant environmental effects” at the 10th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environmental Systems – SDEWES”, held from September 27 – October 2, 2015. Dubrovnik. * September 18, 2015. Study of rural settlement and formation of rural areals
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