ISHMAEL BERNAL, filmmaker, was hailed as “the genius of Philippine cinema". As a director par excellence, he was also accorded the rare honor of being called a true maestro as he paved the way for succeeding directors and a new breed of film artists to perfect their craft.

Twenty five years and 45 films after his first film Pagdating Sa Dulo (1971), he elucidated the Filipino life's complex profundities, confronting verities like death and love as exemplified in cinematic masterpieces, namely, (1976), City After Dark (1980), (1981), Relasyon (1982) Broken Marriage (1983), Hinugot sa Langit (1986) and Wating (1994).

A fastidious worker, Bernal rose above the commercial orientation of local filmmaking through the innovativeness of his daring experimentations. His films have multi-level yet clear-sighted messages, unmasking lucidly the figurative resonances of dramatic actions as possibilities to expound fresh insights even to trite plots and conflicts.

While aware of his high level of artistry and distinct cinematic language, he broadened his directorial vision to explore the question of Filipino-ness by unfolding the layered psyche of the Filipinoin the movies that dealt mostly with urban realities and marginalized characters. In such themes, he expressed vivid visual statements to assert the inherent dignity of the human personality amid various forms of degradation and struggles for survival.

An actor's director who was also known for his subdued yet precise technical perspective, Bernal extended his craft beyond aesthetic aims. He also maintained a manifest fortitude to fight the censors, free the artists, seek justice for the oppressed, and enlighten the audience.

Pursuant to Proclamation No. 33, dated 20th of April 2001, and in recognition for his acclaimed filmography wode insightful realties on the Filipino psyche shaped new emblems of cinematic irony, and of his creative audacity to redefine directions on the conten and form of Philippine Cinema,


is conferred this 11 June 2001 the award of


Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo President Republic of the