Chapter 13 Chipped Stone Bifaces as Cultural, Behavioural, and Temporal Indices on the Central Canadian Plateau Mike K. Rousseau Antiquus Archaeological Consultants Ltd., Maple Ridge B.C. V4R 0A8 • Email:
[email protected] Over the last three and a half decades, archaeo- to successfully extract and utilize resources within logical investigations on the Canadian Plateau have a wide range of local environmental niches, and to resulted in definition of several ubiquitous and cope with significant environmental and climatic distinctive chipped stone formed bifacial projectile changes spanning many millennia. Chipped stone point and knife types. Many have been successfully bifaces were an important and integral aspect of employed as temporal horizon markers for relative these cultural and technological systems, and with dating, others for interpreting and reconstructing the proper reconstruction and understanding of past human behaviour, and a few have been used for their role(s) and significance, a great deal of behav- developing models of cultural/ethnic group origins, ioral and ethnic information can be inferred from identity, and inter-regional group interaction. This them. chapter provides general and detailed descriptions The Early Prehistoric (pre-contact) Period from of recognized “diagnostic” biface types found on the ca. 11,000 to 7000 BP is still very poorly understood, central aspect of Canadian Plateau (Figure 1) over nevertheless, both solid and tenuous data have been the last 11,000 years. It also summarizes what is gathered. Rousseau (1993) and Stryd and Rousseau currently known about initial appearance and ter- (1996:179−185) have summarized what is currently mination dates for various bifacial implement forms known, and additional information is presented and their persistence through time; suspected and/or herein.