Victorib Reginb. A.D
ANNO QUADRAGESIMO Q'UINTO ET QUADRAGESIMO SEXTO VICTORIB REGINB. A.D. 1882. ****f**********f****SI**CCI***~*d*****rk*f*~********C*** No. 278. An Act to amend '' The Constitution Act," "The Consti- tution Act Further Amendment Act, 1881," and an Act, No. 27 of 1872, and to define the Electoral Districts for the Election of Mcmbers to serve in the Parliament of South Australia, and for other purposes. [Reserved, Nove$&er 17th~1882.1 HEREAS it is expedient to amend "The Constitution Act," Preamble. W "The Constitution Act Further Amendment Act, 1881," and an Act, No. 27 of 1872, and to increase the number of members of thc Ilousc of Assembly of the Province of South Australia to fifty-two, and to define the Electoral Districts for the election of members to serve in the Parliament of' South Australia, and for other purposes-Be it therefore Enacted by the Governor of the Province of South Australia, with the advice and consent of thc Legislative Council and House of Assembly of the said province, in this present Parliament assembled, as follows : 1, This Act may be cited for all purposes as " The Constitution short titlu. Act Further Amendment Act, 1883." 2, Thk Act shall be incorporated with, and, so far as is consistent Incorporation. with the tenor thereof, shall be construed as one with The Consti- tution Act," and with any Acts amending the same. 3, This Act shall, subject t~ the provision of the ninth Commencement of section, come into operation from and after a day to be fixed by the 278 Governor 45' & 46' VICTOKIJE, No.
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