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Scangate Document liASSDOC HESSiECH IKFORi-feTIOK SERIES - ^ s|<jjcsje; * I GOA, DA MAI:: &. DIU; I A prelimii’Ary list ; 5j: j}:5tc ?!e 5i< sje 5|c 5j< ijcsjc s!< 5};-Jir* s!« 4 : * 5}c :tc>!c ;<c * * NIEPA DC 303339 1986 NATIOKAL SOCIAL SCIEICE DCCOTIEI'ITATION CEUTRE IKDIAK COUNCIAL OF SOCIAL SGIEN3E RESEARCH 35, FEROZSHAH ROAD NEW DELHI - 110001 Tel : 381^353 , 3815?1 Telex : 316I083-ISSR-IN Cable ! ICSORES FOR RESTBICTED CIRCUON (C) N/iSSDOC - ICSSR, I986 >)<>}£ >!<:>!<* sit* >!<*>{<* >|cs}c ^ >[cs|< I Goa, Daman & Diu; a preliminary | ^ list. New Delhi, National Social | t Science Documentation Centre % I 1986. 83p. ( N/.SSDOC Research | I Information Series ed. by $ S.P. Agrawal | I 016.915^799 3|cslc :i|csicsK5ic5te5{<s»e >!<)(< 5 } c * sjc >!«:<< sjc 5>c;j!c3{|c :{c :3 {c jJ:s lc :< « ♦ $fatV?^aT' Systems U b H. j, •>■ : ^i-iUQOlS £ . J KASSDOC SERIALS 1. iicquisition Update (^fonthly) 2. Bibliographic Reprirts (Irregular) 3. Bibliographies on Tap (Irregular) Conference iU.ert (Quarterly) 5. Paging Periodicals (Bi-Monthly) 6, Samajik Vigyan Samachar (Monthly) (In Hindi) 7* Social Science News (Monthly) 8. Social Science Research Index (Irregular) Introduction The main aim of this area study bibliography is to provide a selective listing of publications in English language available in major libraries of Goa, Daman, and liu. This work is a part of a larger pro­ ject designed to help scholars in locating social science literature, on Indian Union’ s constituent states and territories. A bibliography on the Andaman and Nicobar Islands has already been issued. This bibliography includes 95 monographes, in ­ cluding government publications and special issues of periodicals devoted to this area. In the main part, entries, mostly with full contents/annotations, have been arranged by authors. Subject and title indices have also been provided. VAiile this work is the culmination of collective effort, Special mention needs to be made Dr. V.T.Gune, who bears the responsibility of collecting bibliogra­ phical data and providing contents/annotations, and locations. Chocking of cards and assigning subject descriptors and editing work have been done by the staff of NASSDOC. It is hoped that the publication will serve the needs of scholars interested in the history, culture, and development efforts of the region on the country’ s west coast. Comments and suggestions may be addressed to the Director, NASSDOC (IGSSR), 35 Ferozshah Road, New Delhi - 110001. So P. AGRAWAL Abbreviations of Libraries ADP Reference Library, Goa io'chives Department, Panaji BIP Menezes Braganza Institute, Panaji BUP Bombay University, Centre of Post Graduate Instruc­ tions and Research, Panaji CLP Central Library, Panaji CMG Central Museum, Goa GAP Reference Library of Goa Gazetteer Department, Junta ^ouSG, Panaji GDP Gazetteers Department, Panaji GPC Dr. V.T. Gune Personal Collection, 'h/^o Sector 21, Yamunanag ar , Nig ad i, Pune-M+ ME/». Ministry of External Affairs, New Delhi MIC Maharashtra Information Centre, Panaji NAA Dadra and Nagar Haveli Administration Library, Goa SAB State Archives, Bombay GOA, DAMA.N & DIU A pre-liminary List Alden, Dauril ed, Assays concerning the socio-economic history of Brazil and Portuguese India/Ed, (by) Dauril Alden and Warren Dean. Gainesville, University of I^orida, 1977- 15+ 2^7p. Contents : Preface p.6; Glossary p.13; The people and politics of Portuguese India during the sixteenth and early seventeenth centurirfs “* M.N. Pearson p.1; The Portuguese tobacco trade and tobacco growers of Bahia in the late colonial period - Catherine Lugar p,26; The Brazilian recruit during the first empire: Slave of soldier - Michael C, McBeth p .71; Women and work in Brazil, 1850-1920 : A preliminary investigat­ ion - June E, Hahner p .87; Lighting the city ; A case study of public service problems in Sao Paulo, 1885-1913 - Gerald Michael Greenfield p .1l8; Immigra­ tion and abolition : The transition from slave to free labour in the Sao Paulo coffee zone - Thomas H, Holloway p.l50; The immigrant and the Brazilian la'hour movement, 1890-1920 - Sheldon L. Maram p.1?B; The nation in arms 5 Obligatory military service during the old rep­ ublic - Prank D, McCann p.211; Index p.2^5 BUP Birch, Walter de Gray The commentarier of the Great Afonso Dalboquerque second Viceroy of India/tr. from the Portuguese edition of 177^ with notes and an introduction/Walter De Gray Birchp F .R .S .L ., Vol.3 . ~ London printed for the Hakli^t Society, I 880. -^9+265p., map, Portraits, Pedigree ill. Contents ; Portrait of_Dom Vasco da Gama, sixth Viceroy of India from Ms. Sloan^T97 p.lB; Introduction p.1; Chronology of part 3 P*^3; Title to the edition of 177^ part 3 p«^7; Titles of the Chapters contained in the third part p .^9; Commentaries of Afonso Dalboqu- erque-part ^ p«1; Letter which the great Afonso Dalboquerque wrote to the Hindalcao as soon as Goa had been taken p.2o5; Speech of the Great Afonso Dalboqu­ erque before the second storming of Malaca p .1l5; Instructions to the Portuguese Ambassador setting out to Siam p ,l5 6 ; Oration of Camillo Portio to Leo X, Birch, Walter de Gray Cont^., upon the conquect of Malaca p .172: Letter of the Great Afonso Dalboquerque to the king of'Portugal concerning the maintenance of Portuguese power in Goa p,258; Art­ icles which the king sent to Afonso Dalboquerque con­ cerning Goa p . 263 CLP Boxer, C.R. The Dutch seaborne empire/G.R. Boxer. - Nev7 York, Alfred, A. Knopf, 196^0 - 326p ., i l l , maps. Contents : The eighty years war and the evolution of a nation p .1 ; Burgher-oligarchs and merchant-advent­ urers p .3 1 ; Sedentary workers and seafaring folk p ,5^; Mare-liberum and mare clausum p .8^f; Gain and godliness (a) at home (b) abroad p .113; Pallas and mercury p .1 ? 5 “, -^ort and factory p .l 87; Assimilation and apartheid p.215; The tavern of two soas p.2^-2; The ’ Golden Century’ and cao x^eriod’ p .268; Appendices : I - Chronology 1568-1795 pc295; II - Some salary scales of seafaring and overseas personnel 1645-1700 p .300; I I I - A note on the principal coins, weights and measures mentioned in the text p.30^; Select bibliography p.307; Index p.3l5 BUP Boxer, C.R. Four centuries of Portuguese expansion, 1^l5-1o25 : A succinct survey/C.R, Boxer, - Johannesburg, Witwater- srand U niversiV Press, I96I. - I02p., ill, map, pits. (Publication of the Ernest Oppenheimer Institute of Portuguese Studies, Witwatersrand, Johannesburg) Contents ; From the Maghreb to the Moluccas, 1U-15-1521 p , 1 ; The clash of colour, caste, and creed in the six­ teenth century p.23; The struggle for spices,^ sugar, slaves and souls 'in the seventeenth ccntury p.^5; The golden age of Brazil in the eighteenth century p.71; Bibliographical note p.9^; Index p.97 DAP - 2 - Boxer, C.R, A glimpse of Goa Arc hive s/C. R. Boxer. - BSOAS, 195"2. - 32fp. ( Article on information of historical records in the Goa Archives, Panaji (Goa). CLP Boxer, C.R. The Portuguese seaborne empire/1V15-1825/C,R. Boxer. - London, Hutchinson of London, I969. - 26-4f06p., i l l , maps. Contents : Preface p.11; Introduction by J.H. Plumb p .13; Prologue - The western rim of Christendom p .1 ; Part I : Vicissitudes of Snpiro - Guinea gold and pre- ster John (l^lj-99) p.l5; Shipping and spices in Asian seas (1500-1600) p.39j Converts and clergy in monsoon Asia (1500-1600) p.o5; Slaves and sugar in the South Atlantic (1500-1600) Th^ global str­ uggle with the Dutch (I600--63) p.'iQb; Stagnation and contraction in the East (1663-1750) p*128; Revival and expansion in the West (l663-175o) p.l50; The Pombaline dictatorship and its aftermath (1755“1825) p. 177; Part II : Characteristics of Empire - The India fleets and the Brazil fleets p.205; The crown patro­ nage and the Catholic missions p.228; ’Purity of blood* and ’contaminated races’ p.2^9; Town counci­ llors and brothers of charity p.273* Soldiers, sett­ lers, and vagabonds p .296; I'ferchabits, monopolists and smugglers p .318 ; The ’Kaffirs of Europe’ , the renaissance, and the enlightenment p.3^0; Sebasti- anism, messianism, and nationalism p .3 67; Appendices - Outward-bond Portuguese East Indianmen, 150I-I800 p.379; Monarchs of Portugal, 1385-1826 p.38l; Imports of Brazilian gold and diamonds and of English goods into Portugal, 1711-50 p .382; Ships trading between Bahia and West Africa, I68I-I7 IO p .383; Slave exports from Angola and Bengaela, 1710-^8 p .3^8; Values of Portu­ guese manufactures exported to the colonies, 1795-1820 p.385; Glossary p.386; Bibliography p.392; Index p A l 5 CLP - 3 - Boxer, C.R, Portuguese society in the tropics : The Municipal Coun­ cils of Goa, Macao, Bahia, and Luanda, 1510-I800/C Boxer. - Madison, University of Wisconsin Press, 196?* 16+2^0p . Contents : Foreword; Preface; Introduction p .3? The Municipal Council of Goa p .12; The Municipal Council of Macao p .^2; The Municipal Council of Bahia p.72; The Municipal Council of Luanda p.110; Conclu­ sion p,lM; Appendix p.l53; Bibliography p.219; Index p .232 BUP Boxer, C.R. The tragic history of the sea, 1 5 5 9 - 1 (Translation- of original Portuguese)/C.R, Boxer. - Cambridge Uni­ versity Press, 1968. -I65p., ills., maps. (Published for the Hakluyt Society). Contents ; Preface p .5; /iCknowlcdgoiTicnts p .6; Illustrations and maps p.8; Abbreviations p.lO; Introduction - A, Diogo do Couto and the loss of the Aguia and Garca p .1 ; B, Henrique DLas and the loss of the Sao Paulo p .^ ; C.
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