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Bitstream 29467.Pdf ANTHROPOL L RESEARCH IN SOUTH EAST EUROPE PROSPECTS FOR OGICA - Moscow, Russia N. N. Miklouho-Maklay Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology Russian Academy of Sciences, and , Belgra e, Serbia Institute of Ethnography Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts d Prospects for Anthropological Research in South-East Europe Editors Marina Martynova N. N. Miklouho-Maklay Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology IvanaRussian Baši Academyć of Sciences, Moscow, Russia Institute of Ethnography, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Belgrade, Serbia MOSCOW – BELGRADE 2019 UDK 39 BBK 63.52 47Querl Editorial board: Dragana Radojičić (Institute of Ethnography SASA), Srđan Radović (Institute of Ethnography SASA), Natalia Belova (Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology RAS), Marina MartynovaThe reviewers (Institute: Marina of Ethnology Simić and Anthropologyty of Pol RAS) Sceince, University of Belgrade), lena Filip ova ( Moscow, Russia)(Facul itical E p Institute of Ethnology and anthropology RAS, PROSPECTS FOR ANTHROPOLOGICAL RESEARCH IN SOUTH-EAST EUROPE / Ed. Marina Martynova & Ivana Bašić. – Мoscow: IEA RAS & Belgrade: EI SASA, 2019. – 238 pp. ISBN 978-542-110-238 0 The book marks a new phase in the fruitful collaboration between the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology Russian Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Ethnography Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts. It is an important publication for any future research on the development of ethnology and anthropology in Southeast Europe. The papers presented here, the topics they raise and the methods they employ, comprise an overview of the issues, concepts, phenomena and research methodologies anthropology in this has been dealing with in the early 21st century. Positions of the discipline itself, transformations of traditional culture and various phenomena of contemporary culture in Southeastern Europe are subjected to a theoretical scrutiny in the papers of this volume. © Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia, 2019 ISBN 978-542-110-238 0 © Institute of Ethnography, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Belgrade, Serbia, 2019 CONTENTS NTRODUCTION I AND IDEN ITY CONTEMPORARY ETH OLOGICAL7 –AND12 L I. “NETWORKING” T – N ANTHROPOLOGICA Delivery(SELF of) REFLECTIONEthnographic Material. The 15 25 Work of Eth ologists in e Conditions f ‘Project Ines Prica, n th o – Interdisciplinarity’ ultidimensional Identity and National Tradition under the Condition of Pan- 27 39 Petko Hristov, MoM Is y of a Un ted Europe Possible? s – European bility. Ethnolog i HE EW C THES OF II. T N LO nthropologicalTRADITIONS Interpretatio of 43 65 Popular Cos ology: Research Pers ives. Milan Tomašević, A n – inship some Calendar m pect 67 88 brations. A Case tudy f the bration of VesnaEpiphanyPetreska, in MacedoniaRitual K in Cele S o Cele – ubarac Matić, Fr Serbian Epics to The Hague Thematic C rcle and 69 113 ĐorđinaBack:Tr Decasyl abic Singing omas a theLinguistiClassical Register Seen from the Functional Perspi – l c Katerina P Kuzma , A ective 115 131 ch of t e Role of R Processions in Folk Traditionetrovska nova spects of the Resear h usalian – 5 DERN GAMES AND RITUALS III. (POST)MO J a he Celebration of Childre 's Aleksandar Krel, adrank Đorđević Birthdays in Belgrade and Consumer Society 135 152 Crnobrnja, T n – itics on the Fo ll Fie d. An Overview of the Relationship between Id ology Ivan Đorđević, Pol otba l and Sport in erbia 153 177 e – S MMORPGs and 179 206 Ljiljana Gavrilović, me Ba ic Fa torsNationalism of – Pilgrimage in Contemporary Serbia Biljana Anđelković, So s c 207–229 6 UDK 39+327+347.514.3 DOI: 10.33876/978-542-110-238-0/153–177 Ivan Đo rđević POLITICS ON THE FOOTBALL FIELD. AN OVERVIEW OF THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN IDEOLOGY AND SPORT IN SERBIA p f c o interrelation in bia. ly, it uses n period Thiseen aperhe nd ocuses WWII ond the endhistorical he 1980s,ontext lf asthe f of sportsts n and ideology Serf First foc nd o thelist betw n t e of ndly,an the of t s as weln onch the rolell fanso spora sumedi thethe activitiesle f the o theers ofcommunist a sociay in ideology i l Yugoslavia. Seco nalit demonstrate f the waysh i whi y. Thefootba ird s hero o er carrirings nationalisticocus he ideolog o the politica occurrences t n mof the fi wdecade a o thet wtwentiet centur 1990s, th lsegment n of t pap ba s intot f t activities “ nf football fans ein he ewi p illenniumn n hen, fteringhe arsy.of thee Serbia, ntat eastf ominally,r became o the tateicallyhat internalizesed Europeag ofvalues“, alland nsnsured t, tss ositioa p,of a llEU-acced ld countr of nTh centralt politicalargume actor.o the papehey refers t uslyhistor ct s subjectscondition f the positionin footb o fa tha a p grou stia kho the role t “ a importan s which c n be letT ou simultaneof the b le again,a if anda when neeo ed. neo-liberal politics f the European eriphery nd eepers of he national pirit“, aKeywords: t o rbia, ottformer dtball, alism, p Se Yugoslavia, foo ideology, soci ostsocialism e f a i r t c societal ss in ern urope and Serbia as ecome prominentSport, speciallych ubjectootball, f merousnd ts isciplineselation to n he omplex s. proce Southeast o Ea a p h b a resear t s o tnu o ud i recent year at A significant a volume d f books, t r rticles, nd ublications havec developmentsapproached his surroundinsubject from the dissolutheir wnon niqueof position,. aiming disclosing nd etermining he ole sport played in the histori g i Yugoslavia 153 Ivan orđević ------------------------------------------------------ Đ Indeed, football had a ificant symbolic ole in he t d a t f i t sign p r t t c processt of ofthe he“brotherhoodisintegration ndof SFRY.nity” ofIt wasugoslavused peopless a peculiar to ypeualo catalyst nn the shift of bhe ideological d n thearadigm pillarsfrom thehe oncep n the late 1980s,a u ll fansY cross the territory individ f ethnicaviaationalisms, mbraced reakingistow a i of post-WWII r unimaginablestate. I essages footba thnic a rance into he ublicof ormer, Yugosl s e ere nationalsed weekideology eeknd ntroducedt the stadiums.thus fahe culmination ofm his processof e wasintole reached on tay p13, 1990spa ceat message thats w expres after t w m a b D T eb and Red Start Belgrade l clash betweenM heir fa gr andMaksimir the policetadium. ccurredNamely, aheadn of 3;he orđevićatch etween2012). inamo andZagr Serbian fans, ineda argeo ce lt with n oupsl violence, confrontedo he (Brenti 201hich Đroved powerless Croatianin r entdeterm is scalation.t repla ssentially,verba the scenariophysica t s t police, i w p c s thei attemptpointed toto theprev denouementth ofe the culminatingE Yugoslav crisis, w unfolding at i he p tadium n t the 1 Croatian i apital ymbolically a H E t ahich would reach ts eak during l t he r 990s a n the armed a conflictsived in Croatia S and Bosnia nd erzegovina.c ven though he t rmed“ conflictswhen thestarted wa began”a year (Mihailovićater, he 1997iots t Maksimir re perce in both erbian and Croatian ollective consciousness as he day r r h o i ). c i t r b f t ent onward,The footballMaksimir becameiots ad ne mportanty contaminatedonsequence y n termsic of he elation(s) etween f ootball t t and r politics. From hat mom 1o i permanentl p f d tb nationalist l fromideology , andtic”football apital,ans of heatedwo yespective their countriesipationassumed in the theeventsrole of thef an latemportant 1980s andolitical early, rawing heir egitimacy “patrio c formul b partic t i o i o w f f n Hoberman,However, “sport heaynvolvement erve any ...)f theiven footbally”fans Hobermann the dissolution f Yugoslavia as ar rom accidental. As oted by m s ( g ideolog ( N i v i s d socialism 1(Zec 2015), but biquitous s it c l 1980s and earlationalistic 1990s. deology was also isible n Yugoslav port uring without u presence a was the ase in ate 154 y on ------------------------------------------------------ Politics the Football Field 1993: 16). This s clearly e in he ignificant mpact vel of socialist ideology n ing the framework of ports development in i visiblII t ia.s This eedbacki le ion between rts andi determineology ften alls the contradictions f thepost-WW ist system,Yugoslav in hich f ball relatd as playgroundspo or e idcietal ndo conomicdemonstrated eriments of system. onally,o sociale game f football wwas oftenfoot usedserve s a a of omogenizationf divers of ugoslavso aentitye Zec andexp Paunovic the lly,Additi the th l o s occurring n thea factormer Yugoslaviah Y n footballid and,( n turn, the 2015). t Logica o ideologica i transformation s a ip for t were i mirrored m i p i a omnigame had hece cruciallyrole f a nfluencedsymbolically the mportantated ocietalationsegment, sses,henomenon r l madethat themhrough visible.ts ass character, opularity, nd -presen i st transform proce o at east The main oal of his paper is point out the historical context in hich he ntertwining f diverse ideologies nd tball occurred n Serbiag and trmer toia), nd hich d the specificw ole tof i his sport ino y erbiana foo . i e ysis( f fo Yus goslav n a istw and determineocialist times, ill rattemptt to tcontemporar i S t societytal phenomenonThrough th anal n e o football’ role irocessessocial of erbianpost-s with pecialI w ttention givenhighlig to htontemporaryhe mportance rrencesof his socie– o i th transformation t c p t c S “ society, , throughs its positiona s a c the pitalistoccu from i socialistthe role society,f football o thein he reationon f theof henationalisticommunist new man” and c heroes.a messengThrougher theseof ca , footballrelations fansn a into t creati alo ctors, nd n the “avant-garde”y contextpatrioti of erbian society they re erceivedstages as he keepers f nationaltransformed rests.”relevant his societ a on a eterminedi contempor ootball ar S S t a as pcific supra-ideologicalt “ o an u inte Tle na transformatilistic a d f in contemporary erbia hrough pe prism, with nquestionabt f s tionao genda.
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