An Historical Perspective on the Kissimmee River Restoration Project
ing of 14 km of river channel, and removal of two water An Historical control structures and associated levees. Restoration of the Kissimmee River ecosystem will result in the reestablish ment of 104 km2 of river-floodplain ecosystem, including Perspective on the 70 km of river channel and 11,000 ha of wetland habitat, which is expected to benefit over 320 species of fish and Kissimmee River wildlife. Restoration Project Background he Kissimmee River basin is located in central Florida Tbetween the city of Orlando and lake Okeechobee Joseph W. Koebel, Jr.1 within the Coastal Lowlands physiographic province. It con sists of a 4229-km2 upper basin, which includes Lake Kis Abstract simmee and 18 smaller lakes ranging in size from a few hec tares to 144 km2, and a 1,963-km2 lower basin, which This paper reviews the events leading to the channeliza includes the tributary watersheds (excluding Lake Istok tion of the Kissimmee River, the physical, hydrologic, and poga) of the Kissimmee River between lake Kissimmee and biological effects of channelization, and the restoration lake Okeechobee. The physiography of the region includes movement. Between 1962 and 1971, in order to provide the Osceola and Okeechobee Plains and the Lake Wales flood control for central and southern florida, the 166 ridge of the Wicomico shore (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers km-Iong meandering Kissimmee River was transformed 1992). into a 90 km-Iong, 10 meter-deep, 100 meter-wide canal. Prior to channelization, the Kissimmee River meandered Channelization and transformation of the Kissimmee River approximately 166 km within a 1.5-3-km-wide floodplain.
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