Bibliography of the Prehistory and the Early Dynastic Period of Egypt and Northern Sudan

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Bibliography of the Prehistory and the Early Dynastic Period of Egypt and Northern Sudan Bibliography of the Prehistory and the Early Dynastic Period of Egypt and Northern Sudan. 2007-2008 Addition Stan Hendrickx, Provinciale Hogeschool Limburg (Hasselt, Belgium) 11996 • ARNOLD, D., The serekh palace revis- The present bibliographical list is a continuation of HENDRICKX, S., Analytical ited. [in:] CZERNY, E.; HEIN, I.; HUNGER, H.; Bibliography of the Prehistory and the Early Dynastic Period of Egypt and North- MELMAN, D. & SCHWAB, A. (eds.), Timelines. ern Sudan. Egyptian Prehistory Monographs 1, Leuven, 1995. Previous additions Studies in honour of Manfred Bietak. Vol. I: have been published in Archéo-Nil 6 (1996): 85-121; 7 (1997): 151-168; 8 (1998): 37-45. Leuven - Paris - Dudley. 2006. 129-147; 9 (1999): 165-183; 10 (2000): 127-152; 11 (2001): 177-200; 12 (2002): 139-152; 13 (2003): 153-169; 14 (2004): 101-125; 15 (2005): 103-126; 16 (2006): 11997 • ATALLAH, M., Im Bereich der süd- 95-107. The numbering is continued from the original volume and the previous lichen Sperrdüne: Wadi Bakht 82/10. [in:] additions. Encyclopaedic works and small notes relating to recent archaeological LINSTÄDTER, J. & TEGTMEIER, U. (eds.), Wadi activities have been treated as separate entries, which of course enlarges the cor- Bakht. Landschaftsarchäologie einer Sied- pus considerably, but proved to be useful with regard to the site register. lungskammer im Gilf Kebir. Africa Praehis- torica 18: 67-82. Köln. 2005. Off-prints, lists of publications or other bibliographical information were kindly put at our disposal by: Alain Anselin, Barbara Barich, Marek Chlodnicki, Krzysztof 11998 • BABA, M., Okey-dokey ! Big pots Ciałowicz, Günter Dreyer, Victor M. Fernández, Renée Friedman, Maria Gatto, and more kilns at HK11C. Nekhen News, 19 Gwenola Graff, Ulrich Hartung, Dirk Huyge, Karin Kindermann, Rudolph Kuper, (2007): 26-27. Veerle Linseele, Fabienne Loyens, Béatrix Midant-Reynes, Heiko Riemer, Noriyuki 11999 • BAGH, T., ‘Tributes’ and the earliest Shirai, Alice Stevenson, Yann Tristant, Edwin van den Brink, Jaap Van Dijk, Wim pictorial representations of foreign oil and Van Neer, Pierre Vermeersch. Furthermore, I would like to thank Wouter Claes wine vessels. [in:] CZERNY, E.; HEIN, I.; HUN- (libarian at the Royal Museums for Art and History, Brussels) for bringing many GER, H.; MELMAN, D. & SCHWAB, A. (eds.), publications to my attention. Timelines. Studies in honour of Manfred Bietak. Additions to this bibliography will continue to be published yearly in Archéo- Vol. II: 9-24. Leuven - Paris - Dudley. 2006. Nil. Therefore, it would be most useful if scholars would send their publication 12000 • BAINES, J., Definiciones tempranas lists, off-prints and additions or corrections to the author: del mundo egipcio y sus alrededores. Stan Hendrickx : Sint-Jansstraat 44 – B-3118 Werchter (Belgium) RIHAO, 12-13 (2005-2006). [not seen] e-mail: [email protected] 12001 • BAINES, J., Visual and written culture in ancient Egypt. Oxford. 2007. 12002 • BAQUÉ-MANZANO, L., State for- 2002-2007 Middle Kingdom. [in:] ANDREWS, C.A.R. mation in ancient Egypt after the read- & VAN DIJK, J., Objects for eternity. Egyptian 11988 • AKSAMIT, J., A new list of vases with antiquities from the W. Arnold Meijer ing of Ibn Khaldûn’s Muqaddimah. ‘cult-signs’. [in:] KROEPER, K.; CHLODNICKI, collection: 11-70. Mainz. 2006. [in:] KROEPER, K.; CHLODNICKI, M. & M. & KOBUSIEWICZ, M. (eds.), Archaeology KOBUSIEWICZ, M. (eds.), Archaeology of of early northeastern Africa. In memory of 11992 • ANSELIN, A., Les mots de la bière early northeastern Africa. In memory of Lech Krzyzaniak: 557-592. Poznan. 2006. en égyptien ancien. Cahiers Caribéens Lech Krzyzaniak: 611-622. Poznan. 2006. d’Egyptologie, 9 (2006): 21-39. 11989 • ANDELKOVIC, B., Models of state 12003 • BARD, K.A., Some Predynastic and formation in Predynastic Egypt. [in:] 11993 • ANSELIN, A., Iconographie des Early Dynastic representations of the dog. KROEPER, K.; CHLODNICKI, M. & KO- rupestres sahariens et écriture hiéroglyphi- JSSEA, 32 (2005): 67-70. BUSIEWICZ, M. (eds.), Archaeology of early que : signes et sens. Hic sunt leones. Mélan- 12004 • BARICH, B.E., Culture Sahariane. northeastern Africa. In memory of Lech ges sahariens en l’honneur d’Alfred Muzzo- [in:] Enciclopedia Archeologica - Africa: Krzyzaniak: 593-609. Poznan. 2006. lini. Cahiers de l’AARS, 10 (2006): 13-28. 24-27. Roma. 2005. [not seen] 11990 • ANDERSON, D., Zoomorphic figurines 11994 • ANSELIN, A., L’avaleuse des morts. 12005 • BARICH, B.E., The most recent re- from the Predynastic settlement at el-Mahâ- Archéologie linguistique de la Vallée des search at Farafra, Egypt: Plant exploitation sna, Egypt. [in:] HAWASS, Z.A. & RICHARDS, Images. Cahiers Caribéens d’Egyptologie, in the Eastern Sahara. [in:] DE MARET, P.; J. (eds.), The archaeology and art of ancient 10 (2007): 59-97. CORNELISSEN, E. & RIBOT, I. (eds.), Acts of the Egypt. Essays in honor of David B. O’Connor. 11995 • ANSELIN, A., Aegyptio-Graphica XIVth UISPP Congress, University of Liège, CASAE 36, Vol. I: 33-54. Cairo. 2007. IX. Libelle des iconographiques nagadéens Belgium, 2-8 September 2001, Section 15: 11991 • ANDREWS, C.A.R. & VAN DIJK, J., et pluriel archaïque hiéroglyphique. GM, African prehistory. BAR Int. ser. 1522: 79-83. Predynastic periods, Old Kingdom and 213 (2007): 9-13. Oxford. 2006. 184 ARCHÉO-NIL ● n°18 - mars 2008 Annual Bibliography 2007-2008 12006 • BARICH, B.E. & GALLINARO, M., use potential in arid regions. Geoarchaeol- 12027 • BURN, L.; ASHTON, S.-A. & Farafra, Oasi di. [in:] Enciclopedia Archeo- ogy, 212 (2006): 751-762. STRUDWICK, H., Stone mace heads. Faience logica - Africa: 64-65. Roma. 2005. and limestone figurines, stone palette and 12017 • BONHAMS., An Egyptian Pre- jar. [in:] SCRASE, D.; MUNRO, J.; HARTLEY, C. 12007 • BERGER, F., A petroglyph site on the Dynastic terracotta black-top jar. An bank of the Lower Wadi Howar, Sudan. Egyptian Pre-Dynastic pottery jar. A large a.o., Treasures of the Fitzwilliam Museum: Hic sunt leones. Mélanges sahariens en Egyptian alabaster shallow dish. An Egyp- 178-179. London. 2005. l’honneur d’Alfred Muzzolini. Cahiers de tian grein-veined serpentine bowl. An 12028 • BURNET, A., Les gravures de Qurta. l’AARS, 10 (2006): 37-40. Egyptian ovoid red and cream breccia vase. Un Lascaux sur le Nil ? Archéologia, 448 An Egyptian red and cream breccia dish. An (2007): 56-59. 12008 • BERGER, U. & BERGER, F., Stones Egyptian red and cream breccia vase. [in:] with grooves. Sahara, 18 (2007): 183-184. 12029 • CAHN AUKTIONEN AG., Schnu- BONHAMS., Antiquities and tribal art. rösengefäss met Schiffsdartstellung. 12009 • BESTOCK, L.D., Finding the First Thursday 26 April 2007. Sale 15215: n° 133- Flache Schale. [in:] CAHN AUKTIONEN AG., Dynasty royal family. [in:] HAWASS, Z.A. & 139. London. 2007. Auktion 2. Kunstwerke der Antike. 21. Sep- RICHARDS, J. (eds.), The archaeology and art of ancient Egypt. Essays in honor of David B. 12018 • BONHAMS., A large Egyptian tember 2007: n° 147, 149 Basel. 2007. Predynastic pottery bowl. An Egyptian O’Connor. CASAE 36, Vol. I: 99-108. Cairo. 12030 • CAHN, J.D., Schminkpalette in Predynastic buff pottery wavy-handled 2007. Gestalt eines Fisches. [in:] CAHN, J.D., Tiere jar. An Egyptian Predynastic black-top und Mischwesen VI. Katalog 18: n° 3. Basel. 12010 • BICKEL, S., Sorge um die Verstor- jar. Two Egyptian Predynastic black- 2006. benen. Versorgung auf Dauer. Steingefässe topped pottery vessels. An Egyptian und Steinutensilien. [in:] BICKEL, S. (ed.), Predynastic pottery vessel. A small Egyptian 12031 • CAMPAGNO, M., El mundo anti- In ägyptischer Gesellschaft. Aegyptiaca der Predynastic pottery jar. An Egyptian green guo: El pasado, el mito, la historia. RIHAO, Sammlungen BIBEL+ORIENT an der marble dish. An Egyptian green mar- 12-13 (2005-2006). [not seen] Universität Freiburg Schweiz: 85-89. ble vase. An Egyptian veined serpentine 12032 • CANEVA, I., La compplessità delle Freiburg. 2004. vessel. Five Egyptian Predynastic pottery società non complesse: il Mesolitico del 12011 • BIRRELL, M., Operation two. [in:] vessels. [in:] BONHAMS., Antiquities. Friday Sudan centrale. Hic sunt leones. Mélanges KÖHLER, E.C., Helwan I. Excavations in the 26 October 2007. Sale 15216: n° 1-6, 9-11, 323. sahariens en l’honneur d’Alfred Muzzolini. Early Dynastic cemetery. Season 1997/98. London. 2007. Cahiers de l’AARS, 10 (2006): 41-48. SAGA 24: 31-44. Heidelberg. 2005. 12019 • BOWER, B., Ancient rains made 12033 • CARAMELLI, D., The origins of 12012 • BOBROWSKI, P. & JORDECZKA, M., Sahara livable. Science News, 170,6 (2006): domesticated cattle. Human Evolution, 21 A survey in the Wadi Awatib near Naga. 93. [not seen] (2006): 107-122. [in:] KROEPER, K.; CHLODNICKI, M. & 12020 • BRAND, C., Echt antik ? “Alte” Funde 12034 • CASEY, I., Helwan - Ezbet el-Walda KOBUSIEWICZ, M. (eds.), Archaeology of aus Achmim. Kemet, 16,3 (2007): 68-72. regional settlement and geomorphologi- early northeastern Africa. In memory of Lech cal project: Interim report 1997-98. [in:] Krzyzaniak: 7-23. Poznan. 2006. 12021 • BRANDL, H., Das Nationalmuseum von Sharkeya in Herriat Raznah. Kemet, KÖHLER, E.C., Helwan I. Excavations in the 12013 • BOBROWSKI, P.; SCHILD, R. & 16,1 (2007): 47-52. Early Dynastic cemetery. Season 1997/98. CALDERONII, G., Late Neolithic settlements SAGA 24: 5-16. Heidelberg. 2005. (E-01-2 “CAMP”) from the Gebel Ramlah 12022 • BRASS, M., Reconsidering the emer- 12035 • CASEY, J., Holocene occupations of Playa basin, south-western desert of Egypt gence of social complexity in early Saharan pastoral societies. Sahara, 18 (2007): 7-22. the forest and savanna. [in:] STAHL, A.B., (Preliminary report). [in:] KROEPER, K.; African archaeology: A critical introduction: CHLODNICKI, M. & KOBUSIEWICZ, M. (eds.), 12023 • BROVARSKI, E., Recurrent themes 225-248. Cambridge. 2005. [not seen] Archaeology of early northeastern Africa. in the art of the Predynastic period. [in:] In memory of Lech Krzyzaniak: 213-222. DAOUD, K.; BEDIER, S. & ABD EL-FATAH, 12036 • CASTILLOS, J.J., La estratificacion Poznan. 2006. S. (eds.), Studies in honor of Ali Radwan. social en los origenes de Egipto. Cahiers Suppl. ASAE 34.1: 213-240.
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