Capital Punishment Study Set In

SEE STORV PAGE Sunny, Pleasant Sunny and pleasant today, to- morrow and Wednesday. Be- FINAL coming fair and mild tonight. " EDITION 26PAGES « OIIHJV'N Outstanding Home VOL 94 NO. 79 RED BANK, NJ. MONDAY, OCTOBER 18,1971 TEN CENTS >•* • Wild After Series Win PITTSBURGH (AP) - A nally sealed the downtown other police cruisers were came trapped in a crowd that massive victory area in an attempt to relieve abandoned after crowds, shat- rocked his car and shattered celebration exploded Sunday the tieups, but it was four tered their windows. its windows. night into a rampage of de- hours before it had any effect. One man whose car was struction, looting and scx-in- ' At least two police cruisers 'demolished was John E. "They climbed on the car the-streets. were commandeered by riot- Demko Jr of Cleveland, Ohio; like a bunch of animals," Police reported a dozen ers during the outburst, and Demko, accompanied by his Demko said. "They tried to rapes-some of them in full police reported that a fire wife and two children — one 9 turn the car over—they view of hundreds who cheered truck was stripped. Several and the other 13 — said he be- wouldn't even let the kids out." the assailants — displays of public lovemaklng, nudity and drinking. "This isn't a riot, It's a god- damn orgy," a motorcycle po- liceman said during the dis- Register Stuff Photo turbance which left the down- CAMPUS TALK — Mrs. Kattierine K. Neuberger, Middletown, q member of the state Board of Higher town area in shambles. Education, delivered the main address as Brookdale Community College dedicated three new buildings More,than 100 persons were on the Lincroft campus at its'fourth annual Founders' Day ceremonies yesterday. With her/ from the injured and 309 others were • left, are Mai. Gen. Preston W. Corderman, chairman of the county college's board of trustees; Free- arrested in the melee, which h6lder Director Joseph C. Irwln, and Ralph A. Dungan/ state chancellor of higher education, who rep- erupted after an estimated resented Gov. William T.Cahill. ' , 100,000 poured into the down- town area. There was scattered shoot- ing, but only one reported, wounding. Hundreds of ex- plosions caused by fireworks EducationChancellor often were mistaken for gun- shots. At least 30 stores were looted and over 30 or 40 more were damaged. Mare than a dozen cars were overturned Hails Brodkdale Gain and in some cases burned. Newsmen counted another By DORIS KULMAN • Mrs. Neuberger said that stitution which today is lack- derman, chairman of the 20 autos with roofs that had Brookdale "in the short period ing" in many colleges. ' Brookdale trustees and also a been crushed by the destruc- LINCROFT - Citing the of its existence has demon- She noted that Brookdale, member of the state Board of tion-bent crowds. number and variety of pro- strated its innovative charac- third largest of the state's 15 Higher Education, pointed out The melee ended 10 hours' grams Brookdale Community ter of a new concept in educa- county colleges, has had the that the cost of constructing after it began when flying College offers credit and non- tion for not only those stu- highest percentage of growth Brookdale's three new build- wedges of riot-equipped po- credit students, N.J, Chan- dents who matriculate but to in the past year, while its cost ings is one of the lowest for cellor of Higher Education lice, some with dogs, the entire Monmouth County per student is one of the low- New Jersey community col- slammed head-on into the p Ralph A. Dungan said yes- community as well." est. leges. terday, vTMs college, of all crowds and drove them from ON THE RAMPAGE-OverzeaJous Pittsburgh Pirafes fans stand alop an 'To the People'. Asserting that "America Total cost of the new facil- the downtown section. overturned taxi in downtown Pittsburgh lost nighf as they turned the out county'colleges, in my Through its diversified ad- ities, including a central heat- opinion has in so many ways needs trained technicians, Full Blown Riot streets fnto a shambles celebrating their team's win pf the World Series. junct campuses throughout more in more areas every ing and cooling plant and re- The rampage was triggered demonstrated the things that novation of an existing build- arebest about community col- the county, Brookdale has day ..." Mrs. Neuberger' by the ' 2-1 "brought education to the warned against the tendency ing, was $28.62 per square victory Sunday over the Balti- people where they live, which to consider occupational ca- foot, compared to an average more Orioles in baseball's Chancellor Dungan'spoke at is an added incentive for them reer programs "second cost of $40 per square foot at seventh and deciding game of ceremonies marking Brook- to avail themselves of these class." New Jersey county colleges. Your Property Taxes: the World Series in Balti- dale's fourth annual found- educational opportunities," And , predicting that more Describing it as "very im- more. It began as a jubilant ers' Day and the dedication of she said. , , young people will interface portant to higher education,' but nonviolent celebration, the three new buildings which Praising the county college. work and learning and more Gen. Corderman urged pas- but quickly turned into a full- are the county college's first for focusing "more on learn- older persons will return to sage of the $155 million bond blown riot. 'all-new facilities. ing than on teaching," Mrs. college to upgrade or supple- issue for state college con- Are They Equitable? The wild celebration Mrs. Katherine K. Neuber- Neuberger said that because ment their skills, she said "we struction and expansion. The created the worst traffic jam Editor's note: Are you sad- And tax assessors — de- sion, itself, is difficult to as- ger, MMdletown, a member of of its emphasis on individ- must assure that the commu- bond issue goes to the voters in the city's history. At its scribed by a State Division of sess. the N.J. Board of Higher Edu- dled with unduly high proper- ualized-instruction Brookdale nity college serves all without on Nov. 2. height, cars were backed up ty taxes? New Jersey's cen- Local Property Taxation offi- Assessors can be elected or cation and the principal "has been able to engender any age, economic or scholas- Dr. Ervin L. Harlacher, for eight miles on one major cial as being everything, from appointed depending on the speaker, applauded Brook- tury old system of taxation is among its student body a tic barrier," Brookdale president, said the freeway into the city and for replete with inequities and "chefs to shipfitters" — do form of government in effect dale's "use ef the technique of' pride and loyalty to the in- Maj. Gen. Preston W. Cor- six miles on another. Police fi- the job under such diverse, cir- in a,community. They may community involvement as See Educator, Page 2 disparities. Carol Talley of the Daily Advance of Dover cumstances that the profes- . [ See Is Your, Page 2 .one of the most important ^Vv.v.'gyrWmi;?^;;^ new learning processes.1' focused on these in Morris and Sussex Counties, Her "The laboratories of the 1 humanities and the social sci- findings have familiar echoes ences are structured in the in every 'county in ,the state,: Helping Community at large where including Monmouth.' ' one can not only learn but ! In a three-part series for ; help in the development of a The Associated Press, she un- folds a chilling account of a A Special Report viable and meaningful so- ciety," she said. volatile issue. Helping people. By CAROL TALLEY That's the story of Mi's. Ann Alessandroni of Rumson. For.The Associated Press She has an outstanding record of volunteer service in Local property taxes rob many county social service organizations. Sattur's .Bid you of your right to fair tax- • And, years ago, when it came time to organize a Mon- ation, mouth County United Fund, Mrs. Alessandroni was in the fore- For Election The odds are stacked front of the activity. against the homeowner under Even though she runs her owns'successful business, she the New Jersey system in still—somehow or other—manages to find the time to continue Surprises which 567 municipalities have ' her volunteer effort. MATA WAN TOWNSHIP - a combined total of more than We thought you would like to know more about Mrs. Ales- Announcement by James J. 800 assessors sizing up the sandroni and her views on voluntarism. And that's why Staff Sattur, Sr. of Cliffwood Beach value of What you own. Reporter Marybeth Allen interviewed her and enmc up with that he is entering the race ah interesting special report that will uppeiir tomorrow. for election to the Matawan Grenade Found We'll also continue with Carol Talley's report on the tax Township Council asa write- assessment situation. And, on our women's pages, we'll again in candidate has brought reac- hi City House mention the Slim Gourmet recipe column that is now bringing tion of surprise from local. .LONG .BRANCH - A new in as many as 10 letters a day from interested readers. Democrats. city homeowner had a sur- We have another outstanding package ready for you to- "I am sure he has been mis- prise in store for him when he morrow. After all, we're Northern Momn'outh County's largest guided," said Frank Cle- inspected the house at 43 Lin- newspaper and Monmouth County's most interesting news- ments, Democratic municipal .pincoU Ave. yesterday. He paper leader. Remitter Stall Photo called police. Mr. Sattur said ho was en- READY TO SAIL--The Pirate Ship, a landmark at Cliffwood Beach-on Rt. 35 for many years, Is Anthony Vezos found an ob- tering the race because lie is ready to "sail" across the highway, not on water but on a flat-bed trailer. It will still remain a land- ject in the attic. He callo^Pa- convinced that the long-range mark for visitiors to the shore. The move was scheduled for this morning, trolman Richard H. Dangler, The Inside Slory interests of this community who called officials at Ft. Weekend weddings arc announced ..„ , !.;,Vune If) would be best served by his Monmouth. LocalyouiiK people become engaged ., .„„ Ptw W election in placo of Democrat- Mr. Vezos had found a hand Pittsburgh takes It nil, 2-1 Page 18 ic candidate Peter Uimia, ? grenade in the attic. (ilutits Jolteit; Davis sjmtks Jets Page IS Mr. Lumiu, on the otlicr Police last night declined to Hangers and Knlcks victorious ;. .Pajjft 18 liiind, said of Mr. Sattur's can- Pirate Ship Set to SaiF say whether the grenade was High selinol football's weekend,. ., Pages 1920 didacy, "I um not sure what capable of being activated, The reason for Hie move, scheduled for this morning, is ,r but said the weapon was DAILY HKGISTKR Iris motivation is." By 1I1I.1JY I-'ONTAINK Bridge Advice 12 PHONE NUMBERS 'Power Gran' lilt highway divider erected along lit. 35.• turned'over to Army ox-* Classified 21-25 plosives experts, after the at- Main Office 741-0010 Mr. Sattur maintains that , MADISON TOWNSHIP - The shore mny-nr may Tho ship, with Us bright colors, never really sailed. For Comics ,...,12 Classified Ads.,....,. 741-6900 Mr. Luniin has pushed aside not—havu Iwii the Itmint of pirates years HRO. ninny years it has served as the office for Paul T, Cahlll, real- tic was searched by police Crossword Puzzle 12 andsoldlers. Legal Adv. 741-OO1O his running mates, Philip A "piraln .ship," linwwnr, has lung liwn u nought-tor land- • tjirs and insurers, Editorials 6 Display Adv 741-dOIB (iuml)H. Andrew Ilalok and mnik at Cllffwood lU'acli im Ut. :i5. "No other weapons were re- Entertainment 1*1 Circulation Drnt 74I-M30 Michael isralnttz, to reach a. Visitors from tl)» noi'lh, coming down Hi the shore along- Local police anticipate tin problems during the move, and Financial 9. Sports Dept 741-0017 "private place of eminence," tiro highway, knew that when they «rriv«l nt "the pirate ship" plan to keep the highway open. Orientals, Now and Used. .She- Horoscope 12 Women's Nm 741-0010 See Saltur, Page,1 Hie ocuim WHS not far off. -. • Preparations to move tho ship have been underway for Movies it Accounts Payable 741-OOJ0 Hul now.the .ship is ROIIIK to "suir nwny-not fin1—only several days according to a spokesman from the insurance of- Hindi Hugs, Ht. 35, Shrews- bury. 741-1)272. (Adv.) Obituaries ;4 Accts. Receivable 741-SBIft Highway amiss I he lil(!hwiiy. so thnt it is on the rl^ht Imml side of lliof fice. -.... f vSports 18-20 MltWletown Bureau 671-225* on hut wi! ! upon, U«<' our highway for Kimlh-liiuind visitors, The ship was on Its flat-hi'd trailer over the weekend, llouscwarcs Sale — Oct. 11 Television 10 Freehold BMreuu.../.....452-ZtZl parktaH lot. Shchmll UURS, 50H II will r in In1 it Ini'iil Uimlnuirk. ruaily Inr Ihis morntne'h lourncy—Jusl across tho highway. Tlirift Shop, 70 Monmouth St. Women's News 16.17 '-onR Branch Bur<'uu...!!M>lll Broad St., Shrewsbury, (Adv.) • R.B. ' (Adv.) 2 TV Jlailv flpjUnT. IliM Bank - .MJ.lrflwriMi, .YJ., Simula*, (Ji-lultri I«. 1971 Siddletown Keansbiirg Firemen ore Looted Praised for Valor >LET0WN -Theft of releafcd on 15,000 bail each. KEANSBURG - Four vol- is still being investigated. York City. He was employed ted 910,000 to {13,009 Two more men, Robert The owner of the building, as a (rucKer's helper by Sheri- Smith of Beers St., Keyport, • umoer firemen will be recom- , se from the Two mended for valor awards for Thomas Blzzaco, his wife, son dan and Duncan Corp., New Giijji store, Kt. 35, here, 9a- an assistant manager in the and another tenant who had York, and was a member of store, and Richard Lockwood rescue attempts during a ho- : tw% resulted in six arrests. tel fire here early Saturday. occupied apartments in the Teamsters' Local 816, Detective U. WUliam 11*1- of Elizabeth St., Keyport, a hotel over the Flamingo Bar, He had lived in the borough ' U show n at this dedication of the Erifliishfown after reviewing the damage him in five or ten minutes," Aslo surviving are two mately 12,000 to $3,000 tn arrested 8alVat«r,e DiGr- Day Care Center, Harrison Ave. arid Mechanic Sf,, ore, left to right, he felt the fire started in the said the assistant chief, brothers, Raymond of Califor- ' goods, including- appliances, egorio, Morningside Road, James Flanagan* consultant and master of ceremonies; the Rev* John living room of the apartment Efforts fall nia, and Joseph of NfirVork; , Petrl, of St. Thomas More Church, Manalapan; Mayor Thomas Whaler) of occupied by Mr. deary. Efforts to revive Mr, Cleary two sisters, Mrs, Etta Bros! of garden equipment and tele- Port Monmouth, a part time 1 vision sets from the store. salesman at the store, and Maridlapan; Stanley R. f=rle"drriort, attorney, and Mayor Jack (Soldflne of Blaze Confined failed,'and he was pronounced Queens, N.Y., and Mrs. M*r- The three were charged charged him with embezzle- engllshtewn. Organized; by the ErtglfshidWfi'Mancllapa'ft Neighborhood While there was extensive dead on arrival at Uivcrview Ion Bert of West New York; with grand larceny add con- ment and conspiracy. He was CouncHWhe duy care ceiiter Is now open to all groups of citizens- damage to the apartment, the Hospital, lied Bank. Cause of and seven grandchildren. spiracy to defraud and em- being hold in lieu of $10,000 assistant chief said firemen death was apparently smoke The John J, Kyan Funeral bezzleifwo Guys, andvfrere all bail. managed to confine the blaze inhalation, Home is iii charge of sitwife- VA * T J Budget Austerity T to the second floor. The cause Mr. Cleary was bom In New ments, Jbducator Leader ° V Is Revitalizatipn Corps IPraises Brookdale Seen for Schools are cials have discouraged the wailed courtyard «rtry W thd MQtl (AP) - Less In a recent speech in Atlan- Talk on We. growth of graduate study at new sdmlnistratisn of/Ices, money is likely to be spent on tic City, Gdv. Wilflam T. Cah- tegrated segregationist programs in conjunction With colle«(#K, more students this year if the stato's six older state RED BANK'- Edward T. and tW part-time scheduled to move into wie of ill hinted that such 8 tuition "Ned" Coll, the 31-year-old beaches on tho Connecticut the National Association for budget expectations for New hike may be around the cor- schools. shore through direct con- the Advancement of Colored and St,W fft mow county the otiginal, renovated barns Jersey's schools gad colleges Now they may discourage it founder and national directoi* residents participating in its wMcrt houses classes now in ner. . •,.;•• of the Revjtatlzation corps, frontations with residents, People; volunteer work at thd «i» new building. eeflietrue. He said the time may not be out of existence, as funds are was named one of the nation's Monmouth Day Care Cetrtw; comfftttfty «erwe# programs "Wnget auf m«fdhing channeled into undergraduate will outline an action program anmfltffc tt 80 educational is- Among tlieae at the ceKfflft- distant when students at state local volunteers can imple- 10 outstanding young men this youth projects at imerfatth crdsfs to keep it down to last colleges will have to make 8 courses. House; volunteer work at the rtfts was State Sen. Alfred N, "This is hardly the time to ment to overcome community year by the U.S. Jaycees. Headteston, R-«enmoutu yWs levels/' said one budg- more realistic contribution to Mr. Coll, members of his Red Bank Community CeiJ* ( et mate, ..start cutting back," com- problems when he speaks H nance one-half the construc- discussed. The meeting, which is open Bank area can help solve ny's programs for improving, tion of a college commons catioti said recently he told He conceded the likelihood sasier for poor and middle in- to the public, is being spon- housing in Red Bank; Brid- tra, Sfeefcsafe Symphonic MU rates and Hutgers to come students to go to col- community problems. Band, U.J. State Orchestra, of the change in faculty-stu- sored by the Greater Red These include visitations geway House, to help in ttw Jive within last year's budget. dent ratio, which would result lege—not making it more dif- Bank Chapter of the Revitaii- rehabilitation df former Marl' the Jitter-Aid A&aey iw the The county freeholders, who ficult," he said, and vocational (rainjng for Hza&ettpp§4 uta me of the will pay the other SO per cent At the same time, enroll- in larger classes at the state zatlon Corf, jail inmates; Operation Sub- boro Hospital patients, and thre» eemttts iet the tU. ment is expected to go up 13 colleges and a virtual end to . As for secondary education, Mr. coll; who waged the Revitalizfltlon Corps. "will take it under advise^ percent. Education Commissioner Carl urbia in which children from council m EnnmmettH matt mi week," Celt. Cor* small seminar-type instruc- ahighly publicized summer the Newark ghetto are invited In a series of 15 summer The only answer, sme otii- L, Marburger said he ex- Edi«;«tio«( it is « cultural & tion, campaign in which he in- outings led by Mr, Coll, more date gay, Is to cut programs, pected have what he called a to suburtan homes; tutoring set. butctof Joseph In addition, he said, gradu-' than 1,000 black children from increase tfte number afpupils aft programs might be cut "minus" budget this r is as ecmomie Cfrwin also spoke, per teacher and rsi w tuition. Hartford were sponsored by Th# cefeffloaies W6fe fol- back. In the past, college offi- year. residents of Connecticut's gave $9«^» fast ve^f toloca l lowed by a tour of the coit«g«. Is Your Property posh communities at beaches , vcnd«ts; W tmm w tm Hie new buildliiss, of stone, tnere last summer. '; tractors, most of them from brick and hand-hewfi cedar, Qopitol Punishment Interestingly, the corps' "this cotinty; paid $4.2 million their ruggedness lightened by Red Sank chapter launched a in salaries to'MS 413 Staff tinted glass walls and lots of Tax Inequitable? beach visiting program two members, and provided opea space, carry out am- because he can't be paying his years ago, taking both young- $600,000 In financial aid front bience of infortnaiity mixed fair share In county taxes as sters from Red Bank and vis- outside sources to students, with serious purpose estab- Study Is Set irir-lf.'%work full or part-time depend' compared to the man in the iting children from the oper- Dr. Harlacher said. lished when two bams on the ing on the town's finances and ation Sufbia program to local ByCARLZEITZ New Jersey was a very next community- when the , And, citing the morfc thin 29 former Brookdale Farm were An aide to the governor said size. They serve alone or can measurement for assessing is beach clubs, Seres m nature trails, he said renovated' as the college's serious Question that deserves Cahill wanted administrative The R.e,d Bank chapter, TBENTON (AP) — Retired be members of assessing different. BroCKdale Is an environmen- first Dome, Thd architects are to be studied carefully. reform in the parole system to boards. which describes the Hevitall- state Supreme Court Justice Cahill said In his own mind The same goes for swim- tal asset. Shave and Co., Salina, Kan., give the state parole board Pay Scale Climbs ming pools. Some t6wns as1* zation corps as a "domestic Dr. Harlacher announced and the office of Bernard Kel- Vincent S. Haneman has there were probably dis- more flexibility in determin- Peace corps" was foundtd agreed to head an executive The pay scale starts at a sess for above ground pools, ihii several of the contractors lenyi, Red Bank. tinctions between violent ing who should &nd who low of $2,500 a year for one three years ago when Ut Coll commission to study the fu- crimes of passion and deliber- but others don't. Most of the should not be paroled. member of an assessing board communities tax ingrourtd' made several appearances ture of capital punishment in ate acts of violence, notably here. New Jersey. Cahill also announced that and soars- upward. But it's im- pools, but they don't use the the (tilling of law enforcement he will seek a major trans* possible to measure, fur one Its main activities this tit Area Police Seize Gov. William T. CaMM an- officers. same guidelines for determin- portatioii bond issue, in- assessor may get $12tfj()0 fof ing value. have been Operation Suburbia nouttced yesterday that tie Parole System dicating it might be sought the job, while anotfier gets the which has expanded so that 7S would formally name the bi- The governor also an- Byrani Township - A small next year. same amount a year as asses- community In Sussex County Newark children stayed at partisan panel and appoint a nounced he will seek reform the governor said the issue sor and building Inspector. Monmouth county homes this Couple and Drugs former justice to head it later in the state parole System and — has its own assessment Would be used to pay for high- Despite state regulations, plan. summer; the tutoring pro* tBig week. indicated his administration Way construction and mass gram, in cooperation with' • MATAWAN TOWNSHIP - Assisting them were Albert Cahtli made the announce- assessments are not levied It's a welcome new home- sees the need for a bond issue transit improvement, j with any uniformity. It's a the NAACP; a county jail via- A total of $1,409 W«rt& ol nar- Westerteit and Detective Clif- ment during a live television for highways and mass tran- owner tax under which almost cotics was seized by police ford Coyle of the New Jersey Me said the State Depart* hodge podge in which the every buyer 6t an existing itatlon and vocational training news program in New York, sit." ment of Transportation is cur- program, and assistance tft when they arrested a young State Police, Afterwards lie acknowledged homeowner can only count on house is greeted by an in- couple who wore- returning to Cahill said he believes the rently making a survey to de- one constant factor - the un- crease in his tax assessment. other community activities. that Justice 1 larieman, m, was state parole board should be termine how much money the The Red Bank Corps in se«k* this area from New York his choice. The governor then written law that says tho local The township has 4,38$ par- City. Tw<> Penalized expanded from its current administration should seek for assessor is king- ing to expand its volunteer ac- traveled to Essex and Sotn- membership of three. cels of property listed tn its Acting on information re- its transportation program. An investigation of thou- 1971 taxbooks, and 1,9^ w tivitios in its "war on In Drug Cases erstt Counties for a series of "Judged have to understand apathy." ceived, police stopped tHe «ar campaign stops on behalf of This year the voters ere sands of real estate tax as- these are single family in which the pair Were riding FREEHOLD — Monmouth they should not necessarily be being asked to approve two sessments in Morris and Sus- homes. Another 2,357 are va- Mrs. Arthur Schopp, Republican legislative candi- sending everyone who com- sex counties revealed gross and made the arrests early County Court Judge Alton V. dates. bond issues totaling $235 mil' cant lots o? parcels. Shrewsbury, is president of- Saturday morning. Evans has sentenced Jimmy mits a crime to prison," Cah- lion for higher education con- inequities that pit home- the Red Bank Chapter. Com* Thrflugh the years there ill said, He indicated his ov/n There only are 65 cow- Charged with possessing Williams, 462 Jolifte Ave., struction and the acquisition owners against each other be- menial, three Industrial and mittce chairmen include Mrs. have been numeraus studies feeling was that more empha- cause of: Robert Glader, Fair Haven; ' and being under the influence Long Branch, to an in- proposed regarding tHe death of recreational land. Cahill two apartment .complex ra- of heroin were Mclvin GUth- determinate reformatory sis should be placed on work has already announced he will -Unethical assessing prac- James Duncanson, llolmdel; penalty. The latest proposals tables listed, 1 ridge, 21, Of IS Biondi St., term. release programs and reltabl- seek a 1072 bond issue for tices, Frederic Messina , Atlantic come from the Legislature litallon without Imprisonment. Cliffwood, and Tammer A. A jury before Judge Evans prison construction, -Widely varying methods Houses Rated High Highlands; Robert Parnell,' Smith, 22, of 128 Broad St., which failed to act this year " The taxable values on New Shrewsbury, and Ned convicted Williams Sept. 21 of on a bill that would have of appraising property, Keyport. possession and distribution of -Favoritism in levying to homes this year is $26,7 mil- Gaunt, Red Bank, created a legislative commis- lion, which is only $4.7 million Mr. Guthridge is being held heroin April 11 in Long sion' to study capital punish- assessments, in 15,000 bail pending a Hear- Branch. Fear Heavy Loss —The Inability of county less than Byram's total real TONIGHTS ment. estate taxable value of $31,5 ing before Judge Lloyd I). El- Saivino Trlmigtei, 457 Appointed lit IMS boards of taxation to equalize DINNER SPECIAL gati Oct 28; Miss Smith was Westwood Ave., Long Branch, the individual homeowner's million, Haneman, who retired from In one ease, a man pur- released in Her own reedgriiz- drew a suspended thrce-to- the high court this year, was In Shore Erosion county tax burden when In- ROAST FRESH artec. five-year state prison term, WASHINGTON (AP) - A allowed to'cohtinue, the public equalities exist in and be- chased an average bi-level appointed in 1950. tween towns. house for $26,3(K>. The seven- lnvdived in making the ar- probation for two years and a The governor said, "I per- federal survey says lives and safety is likely to be endan rests wre Sgts. Joseph Book- $100 fine tut aiding and abet- gered within five years," the Widely Mirrored year-old property assessment HAM sonally question the validity millions of dollars In eroperty at the time of the sale was et and Ralph Mcdolla, Detec- ting In the sale of marijuana of capital punishment as a de- will be endangered unless ero- study said, As In so many other things, tive KOttneth Wickiuiicl, and in Long Branch July 23,1970. sion is reversed along thou- "Second priority should go what happens In one county in $14,650, including the house 25 Patrolnjen Robert Andrews Trimlgiozz) had pleaded guilty terrent." sands of miles of American and lot, He said the possible aboil' to 1,000 miles of shoreline New Jersey is mirrored ittti and Robert Mesar, to the charge. shoreline. where property or scarce What happens in Morris or A now valuation Is supposed ton of the death penalty in From Long inland Mound to wildlife habitat or important Sussex hag overtones In popu- to Mart to bring Byram values PETERSON'S the Outer Banks of North historial or natural landmarks lous Essex County or tiny up>to Sussex County's 100 per Carolina to the beaches and are likely to be endangered Cape May. cent true value standard. 741-7793 Weather:Sunny, Pleasant marshlands of Louisiana and within five years," It said. You can put aluminum sld-> Florida, lengthy stretches of The Engmeers said most of Mostly Santiy and pleasant damage. The oDier reported 'fhe weather was cold to the the coast are disappearing. the critical coastiand is along ]55n more leisure fiwe^pay your tills at home aoday, high M the mid to up- tornadoes did niinoMamage. rear of the Colorado storm Nearly half the shoreline, ex- the Northeast Atlantic Coast, ver, Denville and Koxbury pee m. Hit tonight, low 50 to A tornado watch was 6ut for over the Rockies and plateau cluding Alaska, is undergoing 1,000 miles, and the South At- without any worry that your 59. Tomorrow and Wednesday portions of (he south and cen- regions, while unseasonably a net loss. lantic Guif Coast region, 988 assessment will rise because mostly sunny anti continued tral high plains ahead of a mild weather occurred out The first comprehensive miles. of the Improvement. pleasant, mgti near 70. Central Rockies storm that ahead of the storm. The most heavily developed But In the neighboring mu- Be wise,,, open a Heavy snow warnings were look at America's diminishing had travelers warMrtgs irt ef- shoreline found houses per- commercial and recreation nicipalities of Wharton and out for the mountains and fect for the mountains ol Utah areas face tho greatest tevel Randolph, the same siding Checkmsster some lower areas of Wyom- ched on tho edge of dis- Southeast Montana, and appearing, seaside bluffs, of erosion damage, the study calls for a bigger tax bite. ing, Colorado, Arizona and northeast Arizona. TIDES concluded. The south side of While it is boing made at- account New Mexico early today after highways being undermined Storms Spread Sandy Hook and some Beaches v/tibte in a Long Island, N,V,, for ex- tractive for homeowners in a tornado ripped through The National Weathor Ser- TODAY - High 8;06 p.m. ample, suffers about $9 mil- three communities to rejuve- No minimum wray, Colo, causing injuries few years bathers will have a vice said a large, complex low and low 2; 12 p,m, hard time finding towel space. lion in shore damage each nate residences', the properly and damage arid smaller twis- pressure system was produc- tomorrow - High 8:50 a,m, year, ' holders in Wharton and Ran- ters toiidied down at Ogullala The Army Corps of Engi- ing thd cold, rainy and snowy and 8:42 p.m. and low 7:18 neers compiled "The National The study nptod that in dolph have to be app/ohonslvo and Paxlon.lNtfb. and Lub- weather from Nevada to New a.m.and 2:48 p,m, many areas whore beaches about fixing up buildings -bockr "titans. sfwreuria study," beginning li Mexico and North Dakota. For Rod Bank and Rumson \m at XU direction of Con arc publicly owned, It is pos- when they know Hie Improve- Authorities said the tornado Wind gusts of 40 to 50 miles bridge, add two hours; sea grtjss. sible to bring in new sand ments will bo mmesscd, and that swfipl down without per hour were associated with Bright, deduct id minutes; from deep-water areas or to they will get hit with higher warningon Wray In northeast thunderstorms from southeast Long Branch, deduct 15 mln- "ttrst priority should be. built) seawalls or revetments taxes. Colorado caused two injuries Colorado and northwest Texas ,utes; Highland* bridge, add # given to about 200 miles of to prevent further deteriora- The taxpayer gets short and an estimated $100,000 to western Nebraska. minutes. shoreline where, if erosion is tion, . shrift In 'the assessing game ' The Dally fUgi'iltr. Red Bank — MirWIeiown, N J., Mflmlay, Ortoner 18,1971 Top of the News WASHINGTON - The Nixon administration plaiu to move this week to activate its postfreezo machinery for controlling wages and prices while offering new proposals to strip away foreign barriers to U.S. trade. HOtMDEL - This town- along Laurel Ave., Mayor Da- to Mr. Cagliano in preparing rection" and offered to help the development where , He repeat* ftisrequwtil Domestically, the chief task remaining is naming mem- ship will object to the pro- vid Cohen announced at the his arguments. Mr. Bailey and Manzo Con- serious erosion and dope, the football i bers of the Pay Board and Prlco Commission. These newly posed Middletown Industrial Planning Board meeting that In an expected decision, the tracting Co., owner of the ad- stabilization problems have and lowered from lt» l 4 created boards will decide how much more Americans can get Park off Red Hill Road at the S. Thomas GagUano, township planning Board turned down jacent acreage, so that "they developed. He commended elevation, tft*t practtteei paid and how much businesses can charge after the freeze ex- open hearing Tuesday, Oct. 19 attorney, will be authorized to the major subdivision pro- could come in with a new sub- Mr. Rosengarten for his coop- and tennis courts be rejoc . , plres Nov. 13. * "in Middletown. appear for Holmdel at the posed by Theodore Bailey f or division map that would com- erative and helpful approach. to eliminate encroachment i Internationally, U.S. officials began a series of sensitive Citing a lack of suitable pro- hearing. his 3£acre property on Holm- ply with township ordi- The board also recopimend- the stream area, and that I talks with the nation's major trading partners in Paris, focus- tection for Holmdel residents Tlie Planning Board then del-Keyport Road because one nances." ed site plan approval for the drainage plan along the I ing on trade barriers, money-exchange rates and the 10-per- and inadequate buffer areas moved to offer its assistance lot has no frontage on an Im- Projett Pfished Bayshore Medical Center on of the school be changed, cent temporary import surcharge. proved or proposed public The board will recommend Beers St. owned by Leo Mas- speaking' publicly after the'*; sa, • . meeting, Mr, Smith instated £ Treasury Secretary John B. Connally said the US. delega- road... ' ;. • '.>. to the Township Committee fi- nal site plan approval for sec- Stream Plan Hit that If the School Board/; tion will unveil a series of specific requests that the trading Although a portion of this partners remove barriers to American exports. tions two and three of the Continuing his battle with "would move the tennis ? acreage is needed by the Crestview development on the Board of Education over courts a bit, they could ellml- • Shrewsbury Ave. township for the municipal Centervllle Road, recently ac- site plans for the new high nate the major part of the ! pool complex, Mayor, Cohen Soviets Pysh Diplomatic Drive 1 quired by Barry Eosen- school, Mr. Smith made public stream diversion and toast af« insisted that the board's de- feet the flood plain." He OTTAWA - The North American phase of the purrent nial of the subdivision will garten after the original de- a letter he has written to the global Soviet diplomatic offensive opens today as Premier Neglect Hit veloper went bankrupt school board in which he ap- stated that the Planning "have no effect on the sale of Larrabee M. Smith', vice proves the revision in grading Board would like to awfgt la; 1 Alexei N. Kosygin meets with Canada's top leaders against a RED BANK — Milton erished," he said. "Urban the property for the pool." backdrop of souring U.S. Canadian relations. chairman of the board, ex- along the stream adjacent to drawing up plant that would; Jones, independent candidate blight is a cancer that must ."protect natural growth as The Canadian government is treating Kosygln's week-long for Borough Council, has pro- be removed or it will spread Later, Planning Board plained that normal proce- Holland Road but takes ex- • visit as a most important diplomatic event, but it is stirring member John Wadlngton said dures were bypassed because ception to stream relocation much as possible and prevent posed three steps to Improve until its influence kills the en- unneeded erosion." Little interest among the public in this spacious capital. business development of the tire community." that the board has "given di- of conditions in section one of Westside. Agncw Has Greek Conferences Red Bank, Mr. Jones said, is too small a community to ATHENS-Vice President Splro T,, Agnew, reporting that have a prosperous Broad St. he has "solid assurances" that Greece will continue to per- at one end, and a neglected form effectively on the southern flank of the Atlantic alliance, Shrewsbury Ave. at the other. was conferring today with Premier George Papadopoulos and MIDDLETOWN'S "There are 11 vacant stores leaders of the Greek armed forces. on Shrewsbury Ave.," he said, ' • It was the final day of Agnew's official mission in Athens', "and their continuance in this - to be followed Tuesday by a sentimental journey to Garga- manner can only lead Red llanoi, the town his late father left for the United States 69 Bank down the disnial road yearsago. < : already experienced by the TAX FREEZE Agnew was receiving a briefing at the Armed Forces Com- Newarks, Plalnfields, Pater- mand Headquarters on the Greek role in NATO. Then he was sons, and Camdens of our All costs, .including taxes, have soared during the last six years-except that of munici- to confer privately for a second time with Papadopoulos. state." Mr. Jones proposes: pal government in Middletown. The actual percentage of the tax rate for municipal Israeli Cabinet Eyes Planes Immediate application by purposes in Middletown has dropped from 16 per cent in 1966to 12 per cent in 1971. , the Borough Council for feder- JERUSALEM-The Israeli Cabinet reviewed U.S.-Israeli al and state grants for busi- Long before President Nixon's wage-price freeze, Middletown instituted a local gov- relations yesterday amid growing optimism here over the pos- ness development. sible renewal of American warplane supplies. Formation by the council of ernment tax freeze. Since 1966, the municipal purpose rate has gone up only 11 A Cabinet spokesman said Premier Golda Meir voiced the a coordinating committee of cents-from 51 to 62 cents.* , hope Washington would resume selling Israel Phantom fight- Broad St. and Shrewsbury er-bombers, In view of: Ave. businessmen to attract By contrast, the school tax rate leaped $1.48-from $2.05 to $3.53. And the county '. 1 —The Soviet Egyptian communique on Egyptian President and hold new business for 'Anwar Sadat's visit last week to Moscow, in which the Krem- Shrewsbury Ave, rate went up 42 cents—from 56 cents to 98 cents. During those six years, Township lin promised to bolster Egyptian military might. And action by the council to Committeemen JOSEPH MALAVET and EDWARD MAKELY have played a vital role in • —Secretary of State William P. Rogers' promise Thursday aggressively seek out and at- 'to re-examine Israel's arms'requests, following the Soviet-. tract new business ventures to. holding down the local purpose rate while steadily increasing municipal services and Egyptian statement. the Westside Community, in- —A resolution by 78 U.S. senators calling on President cluding possible tax in- facilities. The local purpose tax is the only part of the rate controlled by trie Township NlXon to sell more warplanes to Israel. centives. Committee. "Those in Red Bank," Mr. H. Rap Brown Is Wounded Jones said, "who enjoy the 1966 1967 1968 '. prosperity, the variety, and , NEW YORK - H. Rap Brown, the black militant on the the very affluence of Broad School 2.05 School 2.22 FBI's "most wanted" list for 17 months, was reported in fair School 2.63 St. must be prepared to admit Municipal .51* condition yesterday after abdominal surgery following a shoot- the obligations of helping to Municipal .56* . Municipal .70* m\ with police during a bar room-crap game-holdup. establish Shrewsbury Ave. as County .56 County .66 County .73 • peld In $150,000 bail each for hearings today were Sam an equal partner in the Vet&SC .12 Vet&SC .11 Petty, 23, of St. Louis, reportedly Brown's bodyguard, and two prosperity of Red Bank rather Vet&SC .11 other men. - than the neglected and ig- "324 Brown's attorney, William Kunstler, refused to identify bis nored stepbrother." client, but police, who took his fingerprints, said: Mr. Jones said the failure to 1969 1970 , 1971 "We are going on the assumption that no two sets of fin- promote in the Westside com- gerprints are identical and, as far as we are concerned, this munity a sense of having a School 2.80 School 3.50 Sdrtool 3.53 man is H. Rap Brown." stake in the' future of the town, including a reduction of Municipal '.68*. ') Municipal .71* Municipal .62* Hoover Shuns Parley on FBI the present high unemploy- County .76 County , .81 County. .98 ment rate, was one of the PRINCETON — J. Edgar Hoover, deciding not to partici- causes of past civil disturb- Vet&SC .11 Vet&SC .11- Vet&SC .1.1 pate in a conference on the FBI, of which he is the director, ances. Bl3 has issued a rare defense of the agency in a letter to a Prince- 135- 5.24 ton University professor. "No community can exist MPT 4 £c Writing to Duane Lockard, chairman of the Princeton po- half affluent and half impov- litical science department and chairman of the "Inquiry into the Role of the FBI in American Life," Hoover said the FBI 440 would not participate in the study, finding itself in a defensive position before evidence was gathered, Sattur's Bid Hoover said he was "declining in view of our serious doubts any worthwhile purpose could be served by an FBI rep- For Election resentative attending an inquiry casting him in the role of de- fendant before even the first fact is brought out, and con- Surprises demned by the judges before trial begins." (Continued) Hoover's letter was" written in September. and Ire has called this action a 2.00 "blatant power grab." STOLport Site Study Begins The write-in candidate fur- • NEWARK - The New .York Port Authority is studying ther charges that Mr. Lumia three Hudson County tracts as possible sites for a $25 million is issuing, statements without STOLport to ease congestion at the New York metropolitan consulting other Democrats. Support Expected area airports. Two of the sites for the short take-off and landing facility "I think I will get quite a bit are in Jersey City and one is in Secaucus, an official of the of support from the others in the party," Mr. Sattur told the New Jersey Department of Transportation said. Daily Register last night. He The three sites were reportedly found by a consulting firm expects support from many making a $345,000 survey for the Port Authority and the Feder- people in the township's 13 al Aviation Administration, who would split the cost of the fa» districts, and spent the week- WM SCHOOL dlity. end working with committee per Tax Rate Landing strips for STOLports are about 2,200 feet long and people "from all the dis- the terminal under study would accommodate planes trav- tricts." •pSr! MUNICIPAL elling within about 250 miles to and from New York. "We are trying to do what the people want—for the May Trim School Bus Trips people," he said, adding, "We TRENTON — The state Motor Vehicle Dlvlsio'n,is studying want to open channels of com- the possibility of making regulations for school buses on long munication for everyone, not FOR CONTINUEDTAX STABILITY.. distance trips as stiff as those applied to commercial carriers. for the few or for special in- Presently, school buses are being used for long distance, terest groups." school-related trips, and some officials question the safety of Other Democrats, however, such use. • expressed strong party ties RE-ELECT "These buses are constructed for short haul trips at low and emphasized working as a apeeds," says William E. O2zard, state Public Utility Commis- team with the originally an- sioner. "They are not built with long highway travel in mind," nounced candidates. JOSEPH hesays. Team Praised "The four candidates make Freeze Violations Climbing a good team," said Mr. Cle- MALAVET ments, referring to Mr. NEWARK—More than 2,500 alleged violations of the two- Gumbs, Mr. Halek, Mr. month old wage-price freeze have been reported to the Office Brodiiltz and Mr. Lumia. "I and of Emergency Preparedness for the New York-New Jersey am supporting the Democrat- area. ic ticket all the way down the John V. Sullivan Jr., OEP regional director, said Sundaf line—especially Peter EDWARD P, that more than 70D complaints were received at the Internal Lumia," he added. Revenue • Service office in Newark, New York, Albany and "We're running as a team, Buffalo between Oct. 5 and 11, and 727 complaints were made and we're going to win ns a. MAKELY the week before.' ( team," said Mr. Lumia. Of theso 1,126 Involved alleged price hikes and the remain- Mr. Sattur, too, supports the ing 301 deal with rent Increases. candidacies of all except Mr. Lumia. "I urge their election to the Townshp Council," he Joseph M. Malavet Edward P. Makely MtiVMJ said, "at which table I expect to join them. MAIN OFFICE: The write-in candidate is CHESTNUT ST., RED BANK, H.J. OWI BRANCH OFFICES: county committeeman for the TO THE TOWNSHIP COMMITTEE III HT. 39, MIDDLBTOWN, NJ. JO BAST MAIN »T,, FREEHOLD, N.J. ', Third District. He teaches 1)9 BROADWAY, LONO BRANCH, f|.J. mathematics at Perth Amboy •itublKhnl In 1171 by John H. Coon and Hiitry Cloy ' High School, where he has been assistant football coach, IN MIDDLETOWN PUOUUHBD BY THE HER BANK REOISTER ifiwuwm «l II" Aiiocloloii PrtH—The Attaclotat Prtis I) entlllod sic assistant basketball coach JuMvffly f? 1H» u*ff tor popubllcuilon ol oil Iho local nows printed In lhl» n»w»po(>ir o» well oi ml A I' IIJIWI nitpalclwi..' and assistant track couch. He was graduated In 1051 ' Hcofid class pa»*au» l«'l^ at Red Banff, NJ/07M1 and at tifldlllonoLmoll. VOTE REPUBLICAN TUES. NOV. 2nd .trip Qlllcm. ftibiuhild dolly, Mbniktv Ilirouah Frlrta/i Mall siibtcrlplloni from Rutgers University with IMVObli in advano, ,i I Wotk I M6nlh J Monlhl t Monllu I Yenr a bachelor of science degree UO »3.50 W.iO H8.00 MS.CO and holds a permanent secon- dary school teachers certifi- POLLS OPEN 7 A.M. To 8 P.M. Homt PBllviry liy CttfrW • $) C«nl« n wqtk • SlntJln copy ol coi.nltr, Id Ctnli, cate, ' ' ^Obituaries Office?

Miss. Anna Bills Victim in Thero Is a way to «»v« on homo improvenwrti and wo ****»£• *jj HAZLET - A Hazlet patrol, could be sees Inside .the car, onto the dirt mad, where his us for « fraa 0Stlm»te on any kind of hom» Iroprovoment and saa for Succumbs at 90 man was credited Saturday Capt. Hilton said, tho patrol- car became- stuck. He added yourself. We moan what we say. man finally succeeded in that he collapsed and his foot RED BANK - Miss Anna with saving the life of a Cliff- got stuck on the accelerator Wouldn't you like W h«v« E. Bills, 90, of Linden Place wood Beach man, when he breaking into the vehicle. pulled him from a smoking On feeling around th*e racing the engine. The trans- a new room added to died Friday in River Crest mission was set on fire, ac your hou»e?lf your family Nursing Home, here. vehicle on Rt. 35. smoke filled interior, he felt a IMAGE ~William roan, identified as Dennis Kil- cording to police, filling the could uie an extra bed' Miss Bills was born at Lo- Capt. Roy HUton said Pa- car with smoke. room or family room, or . . « RL 538, a na- cust Point and had been a Red trolman Harold Donlin and ho masz of 220 Outlook Blvd., tt»Mt IM Sauak* died Satur- were on patrol early Saturday Cliffwood Beach, whom he whatever, call ue for a Bank resident most of her life. free estimate, You'll find . Fmxia Hospital, She was a retired sales- when they noticed a smoking pulled out. Draa Injuries suf- car parked on a dirt road off Mr. KUmaas was given oxy- POW Prayer our prices are the lowest woman for the farmer Spin- around and you are as- ... lamt&oicycle acei- ning Department Store, here, the highway. • gen from thopatrol cat's spe- ftflit Mt ftrfrom Ms homo and was a member of the Cen- According to Capt. Hilton, cial kit, until first aid men ar- Weekend sured of top notch work- tral Baptist Church of Atlan- Patrolman Donlin tried twice rived on the scene and gave manship. We've 24 hour i was bom In Red tic Highlands. to break into tiio smoking car, him further treatment. phono service, so coll i of Paul M. Smith but was forced back by the .. He told police he had made Requested right now. No obligation, Surviving are two cousins. a wrong turn off the highway of course! , K. Hauk Smith, Arrangements are under the acrid smoke. Although nobody RED BANK - A weekend an of the Ko- direction' of the Adams Me- of prayer for prisoners of war, , At the time of morial Home, Red Bank. those missing in action and af- he was employed fected families is requested ItlanUc Hold Corp. of Keansburg Woman Friday, Saturday and Sunday 1 Township. Mrs. Edith Yates bj* the Shore POW Action his parents, Mr. Committee. Is also-survived by a FREEHOLD — Mrs.' Edith" Koch Yates, 79, ot 37 Broad, Found Dead in Creek Letters have seen sent by T, Mrs. Gloria A. Mills of KEANSBURG - Ail au- Anthony Lopes were called to the committee to local, county El Paso, Tex.; and three St. died yesterday in the topsy was scheduled this the scene, and an operator of Wickatunk Nursing Home. and state officials requesting brothers, James P. Smith of. morning at Riverview Hospi- the rest home made positive proclamations for observance El Paso and Paul M. and Er- Mrs. Yates was born at tal on the body of a woman identification, of the body. Morehouseville.N.Y., a of the three days, and nest H. Smith, both at home. found yesterday afternoon In Miss Travesaro had Seen churches of all denominations Arrangements arc under the daughter of the late John and a creek at Kennedy Way and missing from the home since No Money Down - Terms Arranged on Any Improvement Carrie Wagar Koch, arid, had have been asked to partici- direction of the Peppier Fu- Creek Road.' •, Oct. 8. pate. neral Home, Allentown, Pa. lived here 60 years. ; The body of Miss Victoria The county Medical Exam- She was a member of St. . The Shore POW action Com- Travesaro, 52, of the Beach iner's Office, along with De- mittee was formed last May Miss Anna Heblow Peter's Episcopal: Church, View Rest Home, 82 Laurel tective James Beatty, is in- MONMOUTH CONSTRUCTION CO. here, and was a member of Ave., was seen floating in the for the purpose of obtaining SOUTH AMBOY - Miss vestigating the case. humane treatment for prison- the Molly Pitcher .Chapter, creek by a resident of Ken- , Miss Travesaro was a resi- HIGHWAY 35 AT HEDDONS CORNER,. MIDDLETOWN Anna Heblow, 49, ot 543 Main Order of the Eastern Star, ers of war under the Geneva SL died Friday in Perth Am- nedy Way who called police. dent of the shore area for the Convention. About 15 service 741-5060-776-6600 and of the Companions of the Patrolmen Charles Hoff and past two years, and had lived boy General Hospital. Forest, Court Pride, here. ; and civic organizations in at the rest home two weeks Monmouth and Ocean, coun- She waS born in Browntowp, .". She was the widow of before her disappearance. • daughter of the late Mr. and Thomas W. Yates Sr. • ' . , ties are affiliated with the Mis. Peter Heblow. Miss Heb- Joseph Catalano Sr. She is survived by a naif sis- group. Advertise in TheRegister Surviving are three sons, ter, Miss, Mary Mattera, also low had lived here three Milton Yates of Amsterdam, LONG BRANCH - Joseph years, having formerly re- Catalano Sr., 86, of 68 Ocean of Beach View Nursing Home. N.Y., Curtis K. and John The John J. Ryan Funeral sided in Middletown. / Yates of Freehold; five Ave. died Thursday in Mon- She is survived by three sis- mouth Medical Center. Home is in charge of arrange- grandchildren, and eeven • : ments. ' ' ters, Mrs. Florence Hbterts, great^randchilaren' . Born in Italy,,he had lived 39. He was a re-

Anderson of Keansburg, and a mortal Home, Rreenold.' Mr. Catalano was a commu- brother, George Heblow of nicant of Holy Trinity Catho- Ex-Fort Worker Lebanon, Pa. he Church. OCEAN TOWNSHIP - Har- Arrangements were under" old Ross, 55, of 401 Lawrence Edward Neumann Surviving are his widow, Ave., Oakhurst, died Friday in too directionof the Gundnun Mrs. Josephine LoCoco Cata- Monmouth Medical Center, Service, here. PONTE VERDA BEACH, lano; four sons, John Catei Fla. — Edward Neumann of Long Branch. lano of Islin, Joseph Catalano Bora in New York, Mr. Ross n* mi. "' n ' »' "this place, father, of Mrs. John Jr. of West Long Branch, Vito Mrs. Thomas Compton Rathman of Rurason, N.J., bad lived in this area 25 di d Catalano of Irvington, and years. He was a retired Ft. MIDDLETOWN - Mrs. ? Wednesday in Peter Serafino Catalano of Boston, Katterine R. Compton, 75, of Brent BrighamHospital, Bos- Monmouth electronics engi- Mass.; two daughters, Mrs. neer. 48 Apple Farm Road died Sat- • ton. Antoinette Strollo, Oceanport, unlay in Riverview Hospital, Mr. Neumann, a native of ' He was a member of and Mrs. Nellie Speciale, Temple Beth El, Asbury Red Bank. Newark and a resident of New Union; 12 grandchildren and Jersey for 60 years, had been nine great-grandchildren. Park, and a member of the Mrs. Compton was Horn senior vice.president and ac- Asbury Park Chapter of Bnai here and lived in.Keansburg tuary of Prudential Insurance The Damiano Funeral B'ritn. He was also a member 45 years before returning to Co. He retired in 1966. Home, here, is in charge of of the Institute of Radio and live here Seven ydars ago. He was a former trustee of arrangements. • • Electronics Engineers and of Rutgers University and a for- the 14th Air Force Associ- She Was a member of the mer president of the Rutgers ' JefireyPdreiti ation, having served with that First Presbyterian Church, Alumni Association. " KEANSBURG - Jeffrey unit in China during World Red Bank. In addition to Mrs. Rath- Poretti, 22, of 20 Belleview Warn. man, he is survived by his •Ave. died Sunday at Memorial Mr. Ross was a graduate of Surviving are her husband, Hospital, New York City. City College of New York. He Thomas K. Compton; two widow, Mrs. Ehn Neumann; a stepson, Geoffrey Tegnell of " 'Bom in Newark, he lived in' had been a Boy Scout leader daughters, Mrs. Neil W. Buie this area 14 years, during for several years. of Short Hills and Mrs. Lud Middletown, Conn.; a step* daughter, Sirs.- Robert Dluhy which lime he was.also a resi- Surviving are his widow, Tucker of Alexandria, Va.; a dent of Hadet Mr. Poretti Mrs. Matilda Ross; a son, Mi- brother, John A. Simpson, of Belmir, Mass.* and three grandchildren. was employed by the General chael Koss of , Md.; here; three sisters, Mrs. Su- Electric Credit Corp., High- a daughter, HoUy Ross, at san White of Leonardo, Mrs. Services are being ar- ranged. • land Park, N.J. home; Us mother, Mrs. Mary Grace Simpson, here, and Surviving are his widow, Eosenzweig, and a sister, Mrs. Charles A. Mitchell, Ea- Diane Miller Poretti; a daugh- Mrs. Phyllis Cantor, both of tontown; two grandchildren, ter, Diane; his mother, Mrs, Silver Springs, Md. and one great-grandchild. Mrs. Rebecca Collins Rita F. Smith and his step-fa- The Richard C. Hoidal Fu- Arrangements are under the KEYPORT—Mrs, Rebecca ther, Andrew H. Smith of Haz- neral Home, Oakhurst, was in direction of the Worden Fu- A. Collins, 94, of 20 Spring St. let; a maternal grandmother, charge of arrangements. neral Home, Red Bank. died Friday at Seabrook Hill Mrs. Florence Sterrata of Nursing Home. Middletown; a paternal Mrs. Ralph B. Morris , Mrs. Collins was bora in grandfather, William C. Smith Mrs. Georgianna Gitpm Holmdel and was a member Sr., of Secaucus; a brother, EATONTOWN — Mrs. Eth- KEYPORT — Mrs. Geor- of Calvary United Methodist William C. Smith, Jr., of Haz- el L. Morris, 82, of 21 Throck- Church. She was the widow of morton Ave., here, died Satur- gianna C. Gilpin, 85, of; 15 let; and a sister, Miss Deirise* day at the Eatontown Con- Eighth St. died Friday in Gar- HendrichH. Collins. : Poretti, Hazlet. She is survived by a neph- valescent Center. - den State Manor Nursing . The John J. Ryan Funeral Mrs. Morris was bora in Ea- Home, Holrhdel. ew, S. Wilbert Smith, with Home is in charge of arrange- whom she lived. tontown, and'bad been a life- A lifelong resident here, she ments. long resident of this commu- was a member of Freedom The Bedle Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements. nity. She was a charter mem- Council, Sons and Daughters Mrs. May Reisberg ber of tho Ladies Auxiliary of of America. the Eatontown Volunteer Am- /Mrs. Gilpin attended First Mrs. Ethel A. Cowles BRADLEY BEACH - Mrs. bulance Corps. Baptist Church. She was the May Reisberg, 68, of 707^ Surviving are her husband, widow of John M. Gilpin. HOLMDEL - Mrs. Ethel Fourth Ave., here, mother Ralph B. Morris; a daughter, She is survived by several Ackerson Cowles, 76, of 769 of Leo Reisberg of Highlands, Mrs.-Norma B. Sagurton of cousins and a nephew.- Holmdel Road died Thursday died Saturday at St. Barnabas Shrewsbury;' four grand- The Bedle Funeral Home is in the Holmdel Nursing and Hospital, Livingston! children and nine great grand- in charge of arrangements. Convalescent Center. '. Mrs. Reisberg was the wid- children. A lifelong resident here, she ow of Solomon Reisberg and Arrangements are under the was the daughter of the late was a native of New York direction of the Robert A. Donald E. Brown Jefferson and Melissa H.ayes City. IftBifMarH Braun Home for Funerals, Ackerson. She was the widow Besides her son, Mrs. Reis- Play a versatHa "L"spinat. And experience all the oxhuberancs of MARLBORO - Donald E. Eatontown. youthful, spirited fun. You'll enjoy tha creative excitement of Ham- berg is also survived by two 1 Brown, 59, of Ryan Road died of George Cowles, and a mond tonabars, as well as the scintillating, automatic rhythmic Saturday in Jersey Shore Me- member of the Keyport Re- daughters, Mrs. Molly Miller Mrs. J. Robert Barr beats of Rhythm (I. formed Church. of Amsterdam.'N.Y. and Mrs. dical Center, Neptune. Hammond's exclusive tonebar action plus 17 control tabs and -.r*O Mr. Brown was born in Surviving is a brother, John Ruth Gittlcman, here; two san Turner Barr, 48, of 305 sisters, Mrs. Adele Gelfer of built-in Rhythm II give you a wida range of effects available only rtCPril Philadelphia. Before moving T. Ackerson, here. Dock St., here, died Saturday In a Hammond Organ. At a finger's touch. . . from a full, rich . *>ff\ Iir I *•" here two months ago, he lived . Arrangements are under di- Brooklyn, N.Y. and Mrs. in Riverview Hospital, Red orchestra to an exciting rhythmic combo, make tho sounds of .aillTr\J ** . \l In Howell Township. rection of the Bedle Funeral Stella Weinstein of New.York Bank. woodwinds, strings, flutes, and reeds. Try any of tho fifteen excit- I I IWl | I ** n A11 Y He was a self-employed wel- Home, Keyport. City; and 12 grandchildren. Mrs. Barr was born in lt?g rhythmB from ths cool new/ sounds of Rock 'N Roll, Slow Rock, |,l' III"** der, and had never married. Arrangements are under the North Bergen and had lived in and Jazz to Waltz and other traditional favorites. Sevan throbbing " direction of the Daniel A. Latin rhythms complete tha automatic rhythm mode of this ver- Surviving are a brother and Erne'sl W. Spencer Hazletbefore moving here 11 satile splriet. Hammond's "I" series splnots combine Hammond a sister. ' Reilly Funeral Home, Bel- years ago. harmonic drawbars and delightful automatic rhythms with a "no • Arrangements are under the LONG BRANCH - Ernest mar. Surviving are her husband, tuning ever" feature for tho best In playing enjoyment. direction of the C.H.T. Clay- W. Spencer 79, of 182 Norwood J. Robert Barr; four sisters, ton and Son Funeral Home, Ave. died yesterday after a Mrs. James Kemp Mrs. Margaret Nocolleti of Come See-Come -Plenty-At This Factory Authorized Sale! Adelphia. ' long illness. NEW YORK - Mrs. Graco Toms River, Mrs. Ann Sidor Bom in Utica, N.Y., he was Kemp, 64, a former resident of Lyndhurst, Mrs. Juliana a former Newark resident. He of Matawan Township, N.J., Urso of Union City and Miss DEATH NOTICE had lived .here 10 years. Mary Turczer of Hoboken. OPEN HOUSE - TUESDAY, OCTOBER 19th - 7-10 PM - MARK LAUB CO'MPTON - Kottierlne R., use 75, of 48 and sister of James Watson of Melt Farm Rood, MMdlelown Township, Mr. Spencer was a World Arrangements are under the musl a ien 3 who ha9 a a 0( oS&turdoy. Oct. 11. IWI. Beloved wife of Red Bank, N.J., died Wednes- , D um? L W° ' l with Ffod Waring and other top binds—ployed Tfc&moj K.; tfivoled mother ol Mri. Nell War I Army veteran and was direction of the John W. Meh- Phlll| ls W. BMl« ond f/in. Lud Tucker: sister ot day at Green Point Hospital. "!?* P~i< composed, recordsd, looturad, taught, parformod concorteTand Is Mm A. Simpson, Mrs. Suion White, Mrs, a member of an American Le- lenbeck Funeral Home, Haz- rMns8 rs O| wos ol 6r oroco Simpson and Mrs. Charles A. MIL Mrs. Kemp was the wife of uh rhi J"m' plo y (h0 "arno musicra y

yesterday filed suit against routine motor vehicle viola- •<'. Without the Matawan Township Sew- tion on Rt. 34 near Broad St. erage Authority, alleging their property was damaged QUORUM LACKING when tfifc MTSA installed sew- even ers behind it. KEANSBURG - Lacking a 11, Mr. and Mrs. Hrabar, who quorum, the Zoning Boara of :> ty' claim their property was Adjustment was unable to caused to depreciate in value, conduct a business meeting seek compensatory and puni- ,Thursday night. tive damages. Consideration of two vari- They are represented by ance applications was post- David T. Whcaton of Perth poned, until the regular meet- Amboy. ing of Nov. 11. ATTENTION! 124 HOUR; Gunrantoed Interest Atlantic Highlands, on 2-Yoar Savings CERTIFICATES Highlands, Leonardo- Why we shrink...and unshrink...our paperwork. of DEPOSIT Handling tho medical and health records for our Accounts Insured to $20,000 {ANSWERING: Doctors, Lawyers, checked, the system locates it, unshrinks it to its full 3VJ million members could bury us in a mountain of size and produces a photo copy if required Ths dan- 3/.O/ SimiNG ANCHORI COCO// SPfCIASPfCIAtt CONVfNIENCCONVfNIENCIE SERVICE paperwork. But it doesn't. 1 ger ol misfillng is minimized sincp nothing evor has 5 Somo time ago we Installed a highly edeclive mi- /4 /O CtRTIfKATt l Ift ArcniiMi Residents: to be taken from the "tiles". r crolilm system. Each day it takes the nearly 12,000 ComD lo think of it, it holps us shrink a lot more C ]/ 0/ GOIDCN PASSBOOK 4 \l 0/ REGULAR PASSBOOK »»»»»»»»< We give you a personalized telephone ser- paid claims and forms that come in and shrinks than paperwork. Along with the other advanced J 74 /O ACCOUNT % 72 /o ACCOUNT thorn to 1 /25lh of their 8W x 11" size, Then it "files" equipment we use, it helps shiink our operating vice because we are local. 24 Hours a Day them on film and indexes them so they can be re- - overhead to under 6%. Which is several times lower Anchor Your Saving* to & "Wake Ups" trieved almost instantly. If a claim or record has to be than the other insurers. BAYSHORE ANSWERING SERVICE I NEW JERSEY BLUE CROSS AND BLUE SHIELD 183 1st Ave., Atlantic Highlands , Our only Interest is people «nd peoples good health For Information call- Hospital Service Plan ol New Jersey / Medical-Surgical Plan ol New Jersey it MIPOLETOWN I ATI,'HIGHLANDS LlNGROrT Marlon Brand or Pauline Rakowskl 2ti\- OtOO 842-4400 291-0326 671-3370 * Soviet's Bold on U.S. . A' • rial nes, too." : .identification factor would not apply be- services of an assessor, and the success of ber of years together before John remembers when drew closer, he saw the moth- bread was left, the mother GolretS'Seldom see beauty. cause there would be no need to change that%move should encourage other joint we married, but I'm still there were no coots. Then er and the baby fox lapping ate. The little ones, with full And never tragedy... the name. The township and borough al- ventures. For the Matawans, we hope the ready share sewerage, school and library subject is not dropped once the votes are facilities and the merger of the two munic- counted this Election Day, but that it is ipalities would eliminate many dupli- thoroughly explored. The outcome could On the Trail With Henry Who? cations. bring about a vastly different, and better, There are occasional recommenda- structure of local government throughout By JAMES J. KILPATRICK vation, of course, lies in the dents, long-haired, bare-foot- tions that adjoining municipalities, while the county. sharkuke fin of George, Corlcy ed and indifferent, gave him JACKSONVILLE, - Wallace, swimmingominously the same interest they might Sen. Henry M. Jackson of CONSERVATIVE just off the coast. No one have bestowed on fish for din- Washington, a presidential doubts that the Alabama goy- ner. The 59-year-old Jackson, Eatontown's Experiment hopeful who is getting more VIEW ernor could chew up the soft , speaking earnestly of a Soviet In what is believed to be a "first" in their pocketbooks. hopeful all the time, has been underbelly of Jackson's con- missile threat, strikes them as wandering around Florida la- servative support. Monmouth County, Eatontown's Mayor By opening up the budget preparation the ultimate, absolute cube. tely, testing the political wa- Jackson himself clearly rec- and Council has invited residents of that procedures, the council is, in effect, giving The prospect"'now, subject Jacksonville proved better. ters from Tampa on the west to one uneasy, reservation, is ognizes the threat, in. a fight- Monday evening, he found a borough to assist in preparing the 1972 mu- the voters something on the order of the coast to Jacksonville on the that Jackson will win handily ing speech Tuesday morning genuinely friendly reception KILI'ATHICK nicipal budget. veto — conditional though it w'll be — they east. He is finding the waters in the state's Democratic pri- to. Florida's AFL-CIO con- from the city's Democratic warm. Jackson has great assets in Asking for "constructive input" from so frequently exercise on Board of Educa- mary next March. That reser- vention, he begged the dele- Club. Congressman jCharlie the South. He is a fighter, and citizens, taxpayers and civic associations, tion budgets. gates not to "throw away Bennett had flown home to this is fightin' country. And your vote." provide a resounding public the council asks that recommendations be In getting a glimpse of what the esti- despite (ieorge Wallace on "If you hadn't thrown away endorsement. The crowd put in writing prior to a Nov. 10 meeting mated 1972 tax rate will be, residents will one flank and resurgent Re- your vote in 1968," he said, warmed to Jackson's cry that publicans on the other, it is so that the appropriate council com- be able to give their elected officials ideas "you would have had -Hubert "peace will be achieved by still Democratic country. mittees can act upon them; about what services they are willing to Humphrey instead of Richard strength, not by weakness." When Jackson bears down on Coming about a week after the gener- sacrifice in order to arrive at a tax bill Nixon. I hope we've learned They liked his defense of law "party unity in the progres- that lesson." and order; they loved his de- al election, it will be interesting to learn they consider reasonable. This is an inter- sive Democratic tradition," For the record, the 400 nunciation of Nixon's "Tinker esting experiment. If it proves worthwhile, he waves old flags. When he how many people will accept the opportu- union delegates whooped and Toy" price controls. evokes his own poor boyhood, nity to participate in their government, as we hope it will, other municipalities hollered, but part-of the ap- Once again, Jackson jabbed as the lianl-worklng son of particularly in an area that directly affects should follow suit. plause was no much hominy at Maine's Sen. Ed Muskie, Norwegian immigrants, ho grits. Later in the morning, without identifying the front- strikes a'responsive chord. they clapped for Oklahoma's cunner by name. Muskie had The South has been poor, too. Rumson's Dilemma Sen. Fred Harris, too. South- seized upon Attica as evi- His chief problem Is one of ern hospitality, like grits, gets dence of America's fallings. Voter recognition. He is still Caught between state regulations and available there is inadequate. thrown in free. Nevertheless, Jackson hit Mm with the old "Henry Who?" to most of tax-conscious voters, the Rumson Board Besides classrooms, the .school needs when Jackson told the con- one-two: "I am proud to be an Florida, and he lacks Fred of Education is faced with the unpleasant additional library, science and athletic fa- vention that "I speak as one American, Ours is a great Harris's Intuitive gift for get- of you," he wan speaking country. I do not believe there prospect of instituting split (double) ses- ting his picture In tho paporn, cilities if the quality of education is to be truth. He has a valid claim ,on is anything terribly wrong sions for its young students. maintained. But lie's plucking away, and labor support. with America, I do not believe he hud the dazzling assistance It is unbelievable that such a progres- Jackson spent most of Mon- we have failed." A proposal to buy a tract of land and on (his trip of IIIH beautiful sive borough should be in this dilemma. day on the Tampa side, The It was good stuff, but Jack- blonde wife, At a head table erect a school to house 400 seventh and The board and independent groups have day wag a bomb. His fledgling son was tired, Ho was striking hulking with lnltor leudors, eighth graders was rejected by the voters, campaign is suffering from tried valiantly to explain the problem, but damp matches. Nothing much slm comoB on like Snow White many of whom probably believed the over- the same ineptitudes that affl- ignited. Good advance work with the fiuvun (Iwarftf, Shn the voters have persistently refused to be crowding could be eased in a less ex- ict most campaigns at the would liavc papered Hit! hall IUIH it Kirsl>I,iuly limit, (tnil convinced. start —• too much time wanted pensive manner, perhaps through adding a with Jackson placards, arid who knows? I'lorlila luvw • Perhaps the appointment of a citizens' in profitless driving back and turned out six pretty girls In strmitf men rind beautiful wing on the Forrestdale School. forth,, too many engagements committee, representing the pros and cons six short skiffs. But we per- women. If it wnim'l. iw iho .before too few voters. He frit- lputctic drama critics, cnv* offshore uli/irk (Who tins H The -state Department of Education, — particularly the cons — of this serious tered away three hours in a erlng the quadi-emilM draw, beautiful lady of hlii (ivvn), tho however, has ruled that such construction issue, may provide the solution which is so. "Got To Throw Out A Few People Jong run to Florida Presby- should be patient. Thwstmw in- . .tuck™ unlry wuulrt look tin- Is not permissible because the acreage urgently needed. , To Keep Gaining Altitude" terian College, where 83 stu- Just now getting on the road. liciitublo hbt'K, . • ; •> ' _

'.Tfic Dully , H»'

Never before has carpet this thick, this luxurious, carpet made by a nationally famous mill, been priced to sell so low. Thank Mohawk's modern technology-and us-for bringing it to you. Random sheared, perfect quality- today's the day to save as never before.

WE SERVICE WHAT WE SELL WITH SHEHflDI • Rug Cleaning Route 35 (Broad St.) ROUTE 35 HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION GOING • Rug Repairing *v ON NEAR OUR SHREWSBURY STORE • Steamway Cleaning In your home or office SHREWSBURY741-6272 « SEAGIRT BUT WE ARE OPEN - USE . • Save 20% on Cash & Carry 1 Milt Soulfi of Downtown Red Bank 449«5900 OUR PARKING LOT. Rug Cleaning Both Stores Always pltnty of Mil parking KS« l(MI-7t •5 .* •||§§|iM»;Wf? $'P>Wr. I n. N.J.. M«i»Ia>. Orttilwr 18, 1971 t. 18 Routing Seen Ratable Loss Democratic Council candi- with the stipulation that It not SWS8URY - Borough sciousness, he explained, bage truck that was damaged tractor grades a portion of Council voted to extend its New Shrewsbury 90 days no- date bought a sail and sand be removed from tlte borough jll has learned the Kim Lane near Sycamore tice. "I've never conducted an auc- in the borough garage fire and some of the coil be do- lease of the New Shrewsbury spreader far $20 and the Sfrough stands to lose at, Ave and repaves a portion of Landfill area for two more Mayor Robert C. Lawrence tion before" but quickly got early this year. Mayor Law- nated to the borough for ball- Oakes brothers bought twu as $4.15 million in ra- th^treet, years at {5,000 a year, 3rd .briefly donned an auctio- Into the swing of the rence joked, "We'll almost field and school ground fill. other spreaders for a total of . s U the state Department Ifis also requesting that the Councilman Wolfgang Koe- neers hat at Thursday night's thing. The first and largest pay someone to tow It away." • -Voted to apply for $1,000 '•$ Transportation goes ahead contractor restore the banks nig explained that if the council meeting and auctioned item, a truck equipped with a Buyer Found , .•$20, in federal aid ta pay for ; >1rtth Its Rt. 18 plans of Parker's Creek where the borough chooses to use the off some borough Road De- street and catch basin cleaner There was no need. After a In other action: clean-up work needed after - / In » letter to the council. Conservation Commission re- new Monmouth Counly Land- partment equipment declared was bought by Francis and few minutes of bidding, It was -Council voted to allow ex- hurricane Doria swept Tax Assessor Bernard Marx ports, the banks are now erod- fill site ui the future, its con- surplus. Starting off slowly Thomas Oakes for $1,875 purchased by M h.sslg for ciiviitniK 19,000 cubic yaids of through the area. . reported the strip land the ing because of sewer work, tract requires that it give with a little self-con- Next came a 1951 Ford gar- (325 Ui[)M)l! fuiin the Maivulu tract state needs for the freeway is worth (2.6a million according .to the 1965 evaluation and will be worth more In the under way 1971 valuation. His letter goes on to say the freeway would cut down the center of property valued at $4.15 million on the 1965 as- sessment aAd Councilwoman Emilia Sicliano said the road might destroy the value of all that property. May Bar Development She contends that a road cutting through an industrial zone like that one, could so re- duce lot size as to make indus- trial development "nearly im- possible." The proposed alignment of the road runs between Shrewsbury Ave. and.the Cen- tral Railroad of New Jersey . railroad tracks, from New Shrewsbury to Red Sank. Mrs. Sicliano said the coun- cil and Planning Board asked for a meeting with state offi- cials to settle differences in the road alignment plan. A i date was set, she said, and the i borough officials showed up i but no state representative ' came. .'•• Trenton Silent * Councilman Sicliano com- plained that when the borough : asks for information about the . road alignment, it is met by Silence from Trenton. Council resolved to send Mr. Marx's findings to Monmouth,, County's state legislators and'| ask for their cooperation Council voted to withhold approval of Work done by D'Annunzio Brothers Inc., a sewer contractor. The North- east Monmouth County Re- gional Sewerage Authority can't pay the contractor with- out borough approval. Specifically, council is with- holding approval until the con- Sickle'Cell- Anemia Test Scheduled FT. MONMOUTH-A dis- cussion and screening pro- gram for sickle cell anemia is scheduled here Wednesday for all black servicemen and their dependents. ' The program on sickle cell anemia, a hereditary blood disease carried by 10 per cent of all blacks, is being spon- sored by Patterson Army Hos- pital here and will be from 2 to 4 p.m. in the main thea'ter. The program,: the first known test to be conducted at an Army installation for black servicemen and their depend- ents, is being offered to all military installations who are served by PattersonArmy Hospital. , Sickle cell anemia is a blood disease affecting more than one million black Americans. As its name implies, individ- . uals with this disease have sickle shaped red blood cells which are responsible for their symptoms. It is a painful illness requiring repeated hos- pltalizations. The life span of individuals with sickle cell anemia is usu- ally shortened to the late 20's or 30's. The importance of this disease is compounded by the fact that 10 per cent of all black Americans carry the in- heritance factor for sickle cell anemia. Injury Suit Is Filed By Father FREEHOLD - Ezekiel Arzi, 25 Deborah Lane, Mata- wan Township, has filed suit against the Matawan Region- al School District and two school teachers, claiming damages for injuries his son suffered in a playground acci- dent. . Mr. Arzi states that his son, David, 9, was injured when he was pushed and fell to the ground during a ball game at (he Strathmore Elementary School, Matawan Township. Come now to your He alleges that the teachers In charge of the recess pro- gram, Sumner K. Clark Jr. and Ronald Dennick, were negligent because they failed to call a halt to the game when it became "unnecessar- Chevy dealer, w" ily rough and dangerous." Mr. Arzi also seeks reim- BELMAR MOTORS, 800 F Street, Belmar CIRCLE CHEVROLET, 3^5 MapteAve,, Red Bank bursement for medical bills GEORGE CHEVROLET, Route U.S. No. 9, Freehold he allegedly had to pay for his KITSON CHEVROLET, Edtontown son. MATTHEWS CHEVROLET, South Main St., Farmingdale TOWNE CHEVROLET, $58 First Ave,, Atlantic Highland* Fred Freeman of Newark MULLER CHEVROLET, Route 34 Matawan . • .. , PARK CHEVROLET, 1001 Main St., Asbury Park represents Mr- Arzi, SURF CHEVROLET, 1506 Richmond Ave., Point Pleasant Beach. TRENERY BROTHERS, 12 Church St., Keansburg .. The Bjtilv Renoir. Rttl Bunk - SiiMUnmti, >" J,. Month?. fViolicrlfl. tf 7! V

job's In Union lleiich *f; ; tjNION BEACH - An addi- been granted |28,8BD unacr tn« mayor stated. held up pending revie#i>yiyv oltlMissouri i,to|ftl ,grunt of |32,37fl made iictjand will employ twn pa- "After 1 see the ceiliflca- state Division of Local Vlf HVpiaWe under the enacted trolmen, u laborer and a clerk lion we will go through the nance, By W^BB"te. SPEAR of the 4.7 per cent cash yield E#;geriey Employment Act typlM wllli Die funds;. formality of appointing him An ordinance vacating porv and 2 per cent stock dividend, will put an additional nine Police Chief Kldiard K. again," lie added. tlons of Wilson St. and Colum- Q — Some years ago I tj -- We hold shares in a persons to work, Mayor Al- Trembley will be'appointed t». Chief Trembley was ap- bia Aye, was adopted unani- bought 100 shares of Missouri Successful mutual fund. The fourth quai* fred T. llennessy ,Jr. has re- his present position per- pointed at council's reorgani- mously. There vVere no objec- Public Service at about its ter dividend Is due In Novem- ported. : manently at council's next zation meeting earlier this tors, present price. Company oper- Investing ber, We are .retired and de- Bjaypr UenncKsy said after M'sslon Mayor Henncssy year succeeding Chief Walter Hobert D. Fcrrlola Sr. and ates under a large burden of pend on these distributions to Thursday night's session of stated. indebtedness, borrowing at supplement our income. Will holders. Thus mcome divi- Hutton, who retired. (icorgo V. Klerman Jr., both dends apparently win not be Borough Council that three Not Certified Sewer Code Set of 110$ Harris Ave, were ap- high rates. Should 1 the President's freeze restrict ad||tlonat police patrolmen, sp)l?-D.B. add as much as 50 cents a this payment?—E.E. subject to the freeze. "What It boils down to is An ordinance appropriating proved as members of the share to earnings, were re- Capital gains distributions fQUr«^b^rer,S'and two dork that Chief Trembley is our ?3 million for sewer construc- Harris Gardens Fire Co. A — No. Interest expenses A — A mutual fund is a tyjj^;!#;.bejad,ded • to.the chief the way we appointed quested in Jmy. However, if regulated Investment com- arc not technically classified tion, heard publicly last Three parcels of borough for Missouri Public Service approved, increases would be him. but he hasn't been certi- month, was adopted without owned land were sold for a to- (NYSE) averaged a moderate pany and in order to retain Its as dividends and for that rea- tal of $1,250 after public auc- 5.J per cent on long-term debt delayed until the freeze is lift- tax-exempt status, the fund son do not come under the tion.l as of Juno 30, 1971. Although ed. Despite a small gain in must distribute at least 60 per aegis of the Cost of Living cent of earnings to share- Council. Entry Suspect of line with'operating reve- a share — most of the decline nues or net'property. In fact occurred in the first quarter. What's new, Rick? Held in Jail Commfercial development of a SHREWSBURY - James when taken as a per cent of these figures, debt is average $209 million international air- Curley, address unknown, has port in Missouri's service area been charged with a breaking for the industry. Rate increases, which could should spur growth. Earnings Everything's new at the Square — tha and entry at the Altex Plumb- should also benefit from a clothes and the "stage", A come-togettier ing' and Supply Co., Newman more efficient new 400,000 kw. idea at ths top of tfie Stairs. Even Ihs es- Springs Road, He was taken 4 generator. tablished man, today understands and ap- to the Monmouth County Jail, In the last decade a 1 per preciates this fresh experience. Freehold, in default of $1,000 cent stock dividend has been bail. With Theft distributed semi-annually, Police Chief Raymond Mass which would add 21 shares to says Mike Lisowski, manager Of. Perfume your 100, Retention of these 2 Broad Street of the business, notified head- shares is advised on the basis quarters at 7:15 p.m. Wednes- HOLDMEL — Four persons day that an alarm had have been arrested and \ sounded, signifying that some- charged with the theft of 16 one was in the building.' cases of perfume from Lan- This Kind of Man Deserves Your Support Patrolman James Hagan vin-Charlesof the Ritz, Rt. 35, and Special Officer James According to Police Sgt. Longo went to the scene and William Truex, in charge of searched the premises with the investigation, two sus- • Mr. Lisowski until Curley was pects were apprehended in found. Police say he had Keansburg at 12:15 p.m. while gained entrance by breaking the other two were taken into , Auprt 3,19 1 tbe window of an overhead custody on the job. • door. ••.. Sgt. Truex and Patrolman Dominick Cavallero arrested M.'cnacl A. Urbealis, 25, of 231 'Watch Out for the Storm, jm!' Wins Acquittal Creek Road, Apt, 45, Keans- In Entry Case burg, and Ivory Johnson, 55, of 201 Atkins Ave., Asbufy FREEHOLD -Larry King,' Park, at the plant and 91 Laurel St., Long Branch, charged them with larceny. WATERTIGHT AUTO GLASS won a judgment of acquittal Mr. Johnson is also charged on a forced entry charge. with carrying a concealed Monmouth County Court weapon. INSTALLATION SERVICE Judge Louis K. Aikins, who The two officers, along with tried King without a jury, Keansburg Detective Sgt. AUTHORIZED INSURANCE AUTO found him innocent of break- George W. Preston Jr.'and ing into the home of Frances Patrolmen Harry Schaefer GIA5S REPLACEMENT SERVICE E. Bailey, 10 Barbara Lane, and Charles Hoff, arrested Oakhurst, with intent to steal William 11. King, 26, of 231 July 11,1970. Creek Koaa, Apt. 46, and Wil- Assistant Prosecutor Fred liam Van Salisbury, 23, of 53 Kalma presented the state's Third St., Keansburg outside case and the public defender's a Carr Ave, tavern. office represented King. All four suspects face a pre- ATLANTI"dais and Mirrors in everCy she yo u GLASem break" S liminary hearing in Municipal KILLS COMMUNICATION Court tonight. DUBLIN, Ireland (AP>~ An BELMAR average of 90 public telephone Sgt. Truex said the per- RED BANK MATAWAN booths are destroyed every day fume, valued at $1,300, has 21 Maple Ave. Cor. 138 Hwy. 71 (South of in the Irish'Republic, according been recovered. White St. and Maple Lower Main St. 18th Ave.) to an official report. Young van- The investigation is contin- A., 747-2020 , 566-2838 681-1200 dals were blamed. :" uing. RBC Parent Night Set By PTA RED BANK - Red Bank Catholic High School PTA will sponsor a parents night at the school Wednesday, Oct. 27, at " 8 p.m. Parents will report to their child's homeroom and then will follow a shortened ver- sion of the child's daily sched- ule. In the homeroom, the parents will be addressed by Sister Percylee Hart, princi- pal, Mrs. Albert Kolarsick, president of the PTA, and Lance Kirk, president of the Student Council. In each class, the teacher will give a brief description of the re- quirements and the material Courage in. Middletown to be .covered in the course. Coffee' will be served by the Commitleeman Joseph M. Malavet time and talents to'serve the town- Student Council. of Middletown, who is seeking reelec- ship's interests. On Thursday, Oct. 28, in tion, should be commended for coura- It is never easy to recruit volun- keeping with the theme of American Education Week, geously staking his political future on teers for municipal service and this is an open house is scheduled the township's Industrial Development doubly true when their motives are un- from 8:45 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Task Force issue. fairly questioned and they are wrongly Parents may attend the ac- He's wholeheartedly supporting the accused of acting in secrecy. We know OTHER SIZE tual classes with their chil- of no group, in or out of government, dren and visit many other task force's recommendation to create GARAGES which has been as scrupulous as has YOUR OLD SIMILARLY areas of the school. an industrial park in the township's Red Hill section. "If I am wrong, there the task force in inviting public in- GARAGE T90II1 Display is a simple solution — vote me out of volvement in its deliberations and in so- liciting questions about its work. REMOVED office in November," be said. AtlLibrary The task force goal which Mr. Candidates for public office too of- AT OUR Malavet ehampions is to bring light RED BANK - The library ten duck controversies, but we're glad has a display on teeth in the manufacturing and office ami labora- to report that this isn't the case with COST!! children's department. Mrs. tory complexes to the township so that Mr. Malavet, He may lose some votes Janice Mottine, a registered the tax burden on property owners can dental hygienlst, prepared the for being so outspoken, but he'll cer- be relieved. exhibit, which highlights the tainly gain the admiration of township steps to good dental care. residents who sincerely want to know He doesn't want to see a repeat of Charts illustrate types of whore the candidates .stand on so im- what happened when the township re- teeth ami, the problems which zoned Lincroft land for commercial de- result from decay and shifting portant a question about Micklletnwn's or teeth. future. velopment. That was greeted by pro- longed litigation which resulted only in A dental set-up shows the. In commit!ing himself tn the indus- tools a dentist or hygienist a disenchantment of tlie major poten- uses to help care for teeth-and trial park, he also is sounding his con- tial tenant — llahne and Co. — to build other articles in the exhibit fidence in the Insk force members who in the township. give clues to caring for the have been i!se subjects of "sniping and Middletown faces an old problem. teeth at home, 1 carping' by residents wlio'a Everyone wants industrial ratables, but The exhibit will last through zoning change for the Red Hill area. 'JHB HOMESTEAD' the month. Library hours are no one wants industry close to their 9;3fl a.m. to 9 p.m. Mondays As a member of the governing backyards. Mr. Malavet has presented FINANCING ARRANGED FREE SHOP AT HOME SERVICE m and Wednesday and 9:30 a.m. body wliich created I lie Force the matter in a statesmanlike manner. D BOND OARAGES , »ftn in/In/isS ""• to 5:30 p.m. Tuesdays, and appointed its members,'Mi". .Mala- Those involved — all township resi- Thursdays, Fridays and Sat- .J. 08034 vet. \s statement should encourage resi- dents — have it In their power to come CallCQMCr fiffg I. I understand 1 am unttet na urdays. ; dents who are willitiij to offer their up with a solution. 842*7300 1 ^ • • • ' FIFIII BIRTHDAY He Needs Your Support in his , UNION HKACII -Miss .io- " www •ADDRESS nise l.aiiumn, dnuglitcr of Mr. Fight for the Industrial Park Proposal. cm ; STATE Z1P ;iri(l Mrs. Vincent Lnmnno of. HE DESERVES YOUR VOTE ON ELECTION DAY! PHONE,. M Bityvicw Ave;,'celebrated ' 249-5262 • - •• t J !«T llftli birthday at a party in Priki for \iy !ri(tefWn->; •>"'•* Ao. V KIM* -if" i''J • ' ••••••ir ijcr borne. ', Red Bank - Middletown, NJ.i Monty, Octofa-18,1971 Handicapped iy»ry Tuw., Swim Class Set ine Barrel RED BANK - A special twin daw for the mentally or yes as Home New York Channel»-2.4^,7,9,1 J,13 physlcMly retarded Is sched- PRIME 95 W - Can a towed. It is 20 feet long, 11 DATriME MOVIES be converted into feet high, 8 feet wide and 9:30 O "PeopltWillT.r v&swe&gBHae SJKSfirBAS 10:00 0 "Hold Thar tMdit" nondo Urnu. NJtlvw «( a» liland hlr. • man to aquatiq c director 8t the Com- weighs 8,500 pounds. The ItOO Q "Pattem" RIBS O NFL MONDAY NIGHT FOOTJALL (C) 3 murrtty YMCA, 168 Maple case you're interested, It staves are between 1% to 2ft 1:30 (D "Hunted Men" Hteelers vs. Chiefs Ave., said a few openings arc Monmbuth Shopping Cen- inches thick. If It were filled 4:30 O "Th« Rtcl" ID PERRY MASON O "What A Way To Go" 9:39 O THEE DORID S DAY SHOW< (CC) available in the class and spe- ; the Bavarian with wine, the baft-el would Doria prr«iuuk-a hi>r neighbor. Mr. Janls, to run cial education classes from EVENING •gulnal a corrupt city councilman. WINE BARREL hold 7,123 gallons, according (Willow Brook Inn) Exhibit on the 6:00 OOO NEWS (C) . public schools in the upper to its owner, Ian Izatt, who is 0 THE FUNTSTONES (C) (D BOOK BEAT (C) tomorrow through Satur- iiiest: Shirley Ann Gran, Au' "Thp Condor Monmouth county area are touring the country with his •The Rock Vcgaa Story" "" amPasst'a" welcome. Instruction is on a 6 P.M.'Til 10 P.M. famous display. 0 THE DICK VAN DYKE SHOW 10:00 O MY THREE SONS (C) Fair Haven barrel Is laid en its side ••Very Old Shoes, Very Old Rie«" K«Ue« trlplita, lift with a »IKiT, wander off and one to one basis. The class is 740 River Rd 741-2099 ».trailer bed so it can be O STAR TREK (C) rannot be found. )Th« Thollan Web" . . \ open to all age groups and' The interior of the barrel 0 (D TEN O'CLOCK NEWS (C) (B WHAT'S NEW? (C) tD THE SILENT YEARS (C) -teaches basic swimming has a living room,-sofas, "Pancho Villa" skills. 4:30 Q PETTICOAT JUNCTION (C) "intolerance" bunks, sinks, a toilet and all 1 "Joe Clrson, General Contractor * 10:30 ©ARNIE(C) FLUHR'S FUEL the essentials for living. The . O IT TAKES A THIEF (C) Ami* turns down his bos*' offer t> join his club, Film Benefit interior is handcrafted with *ma Uy of tho Land" but Hu srcon Is Wednesday 1 comes from all over the 7:00 0 CBS NEWS WITH WALTER CRONKITE (Cl O PRESENTS ONESAQLY GRIEVES . Q NBC NIGHTLY NEWS (C) . BUMSON - "A Man (or All world. All woods are in their 0 I LOVE LUCY "Golden Opportunity" SEE-THEFAUINiS- "Lucy Writes a Play", Q TWILIGHT ZONE Seasons," Academy Award Winter js a dreaded, normal natural coloring, with 1 'TV four nf V* Are DyinR" AUTUMN LEAVES" an extremely high finish. O A6C NEWS WITH SMITH. REASONER (C) ID CHANNEL II FILM FESTIVAL (C) .winning movie, will be shown season only if your ID I DREAM OF JEANNIE (C) "The Finplo Hoart" UDHI alnrrtng FVuley Gran- Wednesday at 8 p.m. in the Among the exotic woods used "The Mad' Home Wrecker" home is cold Make GUARANTEES" jrcr. Ciuu Andrews. A U.S. Air Form crew la (hot auditorium of Rumson-Fair are maples, walnut, cherry, fQ OUR STREET down, captured by tho Japanese and tried for mur- sure it is comfortably, to coiitinua your Auto oak, African mahogany, Hon- 7:30 0 STAND UP AND CHEER (C) Haven Regional High School. Guest: Delia Reese . 11:30 O'THE MERV GRIFFIN, SHOW (C> . heated with out eco- tmu'rance for five vaarsl duras mahogany, Philippine O DR. SIMON LOCKE (C) The public may purchase •If you qualify . • Q HOSAN'S HEROES (C) O THE TONIGHT SHOW (C) • nomical fuel oil. mahogany, Indian teak, Thai- B THE 11:30 MOVIE (C) tickets at the door. "QrJerotlon Briefcase" ' • 1 land teak, Redwood burl, cur- Q STORY THEATRE-(C) "Mr. 880" HMO) starring Burl Lancaster, Edmund Q WILD, WILD WEST (C) Onnn. Trio story of a counterfeiter who bedevils Proceeds will go to the Rev. ly grain redwood and rose-- trie secret Service fur a decade. 741-2400 •' "The Right of the Ready Mads Cerpw" Richard A. Behl of Nativity wood. (O I. DREAM OF JEANNIE (C) O THE LATE MOVIE OPEN DAILY 9 to 9 "All Me Young Men" 119601 starring Sidney Pol. "Uncle, a Go-Go" tier. Alan L&rtd. In the middle of a bloody engage- Catholic Chfirch, Fair Haven, •CB JAZZ ALLEY. ment during t^ic Koi-can War, a Negro sergeant Is for distribution to hospitals, SATURDAY 9 to 1 8:00 0 GUNSMOKE (C) (3^,741-6100 | The display is from 11 a.m. given conmnnd. orphanages and needy per- 437 BROAD ST., HVay 35 to 9 p.m. daily at the east end "TUe Legend." A moUier of two outlaw ten* tries IMS D NEWS (C) . SHREWSBURY to steer her youngest boy into t strijgat*f<>rwiro' IMS O THE ONE O'CLOCK MOVIE sons and institutions Father of the shopping center. life against great-odds, "Rome 1SB5" 118621 sinning Dcbrn Plgel. Dartolll Behl will visit on his mis- O ROWAN AND MARTIN'S LAUGH IN (C) Roced. : Guest: Richard Cwrtna. sionary trip next month to IS MARTIN AGRONSKY: EVENING EDITION 0 TRUTH OR CONSEQUENCES (C) 12:30 O) NIGHT FINAL (C) Taiwan, Korea and the Philip- FUEL OIL • BURNER SALES £ SERVICE Host: Bob Barker ! •-••.'• with Roy Whllflcld 8 NANNY AND THE PROFESSOR (C) 1:00 O O NEWS (C) pines. "Cholmomieloy FeaUicratonchaujh." A chlldhooi) 1:10 O THE LATE SHOW swe«tliDart comes to marry Nanny. "Summer and Smoho" (ICKi (tarring Geraldlu Women of Nativity parish ID BEAT THE CLOCK (6) Page. LaUTonn Harvey. Host: Jack Nan I.-1S O THE GREAT GREAT SHOW are sponsoring the benefit. Advertise in The Register C0 SPECIAL OF THE WEEK (C) "Los Taranios" 110(1)1 sUrrinc Cumni Amaya. "Full Circle: Cat Stevens and Leon Russell" Antonio Gades. 8:30 Q THE DAVID FROST SHOW (C) 1:17 0 SEA HUNT 8 IN THE 6AME (C) 1:30 Q THE JOE FRANKLIN SHOW (C) Q MILLION DOLLAR MOVIE 1:47 0 CALL TO PRAYER RELIABLE. EFFICIENT ECONOMICAL -Station Weit", Runny O'Hor* •.•JB; Bloody Moir Sltwor*«n7:»; 9:« Bimny O-Har* 7:00; 13:00; eiooiy 7:M; Velvet Vanplrt 10:34 CALL plre 10:35 Momos'flO.-VtlvefVampIrr—" TQMS RIVER Velvet Vomplrr7:00; 10:17; Bunny Public Invited ASBURYPARK O'Har*l:49 7:2S;.9:25 LYRIC- PERTH AMBOY Wednesday, Oct. 20,7:30 P.M. .7:25r; 9:25 ,• Frlendi 7:l NORTH OF RED BANK AMBOYS DRIVE-1N- 938-2727 The Berg Agency, New Jersey's Largest Residential Real Es- MAYFAIR- Bunny O'Hart 7:00; 10:14; Velvet Bunny O'Hare 2:00; «::0; Bloody Vampire 1:47 tate Broker invites you to attend a seminar on "How to Make Mama 7:00; 10:05 ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS MENLOPARK Real Estate Your Career" on Wednesday, October 20 at 7:30 SAVOY— ATLANTIC- CINEMA- . 364-3050 741-1455 A Wnran's UbHotlm 7:40; °.-a> McCo«iMr», Miner 7:DO; 9:M p.m. at The Kings Grant Inn, Route 70 & River Road, Point OCEAN TOWNSHIP Omega Man 3:00; 4:09; «;00; l:O0i Pleasant, N. J. The seminar, at no cost or obligation to the CIRCLE- MIDDLETOWN public. Is designed for the benefit of rnw-and-yromen. ex-' Shootoin 2:00; «:45; Winning 7:40 TOWN WEST- NNE perlanced or not in Real Estate, who have considered the re- NEPTUNE CITY— OmegaMen7:M;9.'30 wards and advantages of Real Estate as a career. How to Corns Together 7:09; 10:10; Lost Sum- become licensed in the profession where there are no layoffs >I"r"0 LAKEWOOD jams,. and Haggling to. your earnings, what'training we offer and COUNTRY- HAZLET On«a

Les Hite came to Chicago and formed a teen-aged band and gave Lionel bis first job; later, he joined Ecb Spike's Sharps and Flats in Los An- geles. One evening, Benny Goodman heard Lionel, then 15, and was so impressed that be asked Lionel to record with and join his trio consisting of Gene Krupa, Teddy Wilson and Benny. This was the start of the Benny Goodman quar- Tickets to tet which later recorded "Moonglow," "Exactly Like You" and "Dinah," all of which became smash hits. Li-' the weeks one! later joined the Benny Goodman band, an associ- ation which lasted four years itgame. until Benny disbanded the group- . World's best buy, too. When 500 can get you $50,000, that's a good deal. Although Hampton is one of Get your tickets today. They're on sale at your Lottery Agent. Winners the busiest band leaders and Every Week. Play the World's Most Successful and Rewarding Lottery. personalities in the music and theater business, he still finds time between his yearly ttpiing about safety.) Cheek your tickets carefully. See your Licensed Lottery Agent for com- jaunls to Europe and the Far plete Hat of weekly winning numbers. Ticket holders with the exact last two. East to maintain his own" dlfllt»,Of fhe weekly winning numbers for drawings held on September 23, 30, record company, Glad Hanip OOtObef 7, 14 end 21 are eligible for the "500 MILLIONAIRE" SEMI-FINALIST Records, two "music publish- DRAWING on October 28. Finalist drawing on November 17. ing companies and the Lionel Hampton Enterprises, all lo- cated in New York City. ";•• The Daily Register, Red Bank - Middfotom NJ, Monday, October 18, )9tl 11 Ed Sullivan Opens 4New Career Exhibit Set At Old Mill Gallery »y CYNTHIA tOWHY • vastly interesting. young singer, Barbra-Strei- It i» hard t» tell bow weU « NEW SHREWSBURY - Born In New York, he grad- American Academy Of Arts lftefe were appearances of sand, putting a lot of emotion succeeds, This pait Satur- The John Manshift one man uated with honors from Har- filter*? NEW YORK (AP) - Ed the Beatles, first in a 1964 Into an Indifferent song. The' day's hour was pegged to the show, is the second exhibition vard and then studied art In He is the son of the late Utvan started his new ca- Television show attended by a throng of emergence of Diana Boss as a word "Machine" and wo saw of the artist In the Old Mill France and Italy. He has one Paul ManshipVa noted sculp- r as host of television ape- sqiicaling youngsters and with solo star was traced in-vari- a number of them in oper- Gallery. He exhibited here In man shows' in Rome, Milan, tor ' ,1B by recalling some of the Comment the British stars themselves ous appearances on the show ation, but most of all wo saw the summer of 1066 and Venice, Munich, Dublin and The exhibit will be on through [Mights of tils 23 years as looking very young and differ- over the years, starting as one a rock music group called .gained a great public accept- Providence, In New York, he; October 30th, daily from It ist of a Weekly variety show. ent. Then there was the' ap- of "three young girls from "Machine." ance wltfinfs work. has exhibited at tho National a.m. to S p.m. ' - The Sullivan program on to the Molseyev Dancers, pearance of Elvis Presley. Af- Detroit"—The Supremcs In. Three bright teen-agers pre- Color and line of his pre- Academy of Design, the Na- BS was sole to tap an from Jackie Gleason to Joan ter a brief Bhot showing the their Sullivan show debut. side over the program, very, occupation,'the handling of tional Arts Club, the Water- ATLANTIC ormous storehouse of talent Sutherland. singer from head to foot, thb Many of the performers poised, very knowledgeable, light and shadow on stone is color jSociety and Hirschl & CINEMA-291-0148 a star-drenched 90 minutes Results Praised camera concentrated steadily seen are gone now—Bert They ad lib their way along, his special gift. Tim painter Adler. His work has been nday night. It was a remarkable Job of on his face and guitar, sev- Lahr, Sophie Tucker, Gary occasionally dropping antlpol- belongs to the group repre- bought by the Henry Ward he guest list, stretching assembling all the bits and eral years later, It was noted, Cooper, Clark Gable, Charles lutlon remarks senting "ECallsm in Mid-Cen- Ranger Fund of the National im 1948 ..witli, the Andrews plecesioj color and black and singer Tom Jones recieived ' Laughton, Janls Joplln and and—particularly two of tury American Painting." Academy of Design and the iters to the 1S70 Jackson white, from film, tape and much the same camera treat- Judy Garland among them., • them—punctuating most sen- Mr. Mamhip is best known Childe Hassom Fund of the ive, rangedlfroni former grainy kinescopes—into a pro> ment on'the show. ' Specials Emerge tences liberally with "you for his paintings of tfco monu- resident Lyndon B, Johnson gram that was, by and large, Each of the networks this know," which can become ir- ments and churches and year has a children's program ksome after a few minutes. streets of Italy and Spain as thatis something special, they It is mldly educational and tiiey lie in hot, bright sunlight tell us, in quality. CBS has certainly nonviolent. It ittay and contrasting shadow under . "You Are There"; ABC, "Cu- work out vei;y well for clear, blue skies. He also has riosity Shop," and NBC, NBC—there are not many en- just completed a series of Something New At! "Take a Giant Step." ticing alternatives at that paintings of New England vil- , The latter, like the rest on time of the day. lages. Saturdays, is ambitious, well- intentioned, and. an effort to ISRAELI DANCERS TOUR satisfy critics and, at the JERUSALEM (AP)~ An Is- The Walker Cup golf cony Steak & Brew same time, atttact the desired raeli dance troupe comprising petition is a scries of biennial audlence-the post-"Sesame 'Arab students from East Je- matches between American and The Greatest Eating & Drinking Public House Ever Street" and-pre-"Mod Squad" rusalem and Jewish soldiers British amateurs. crowd. from West Jerusalem has em-' barked on a six-week European MIDDLETOWN Unless you are one of them, •tour. 429 State Highway 35 (at Cbai>el HU1 Boad) RUM RUNNER RESTAURANT A WOMAN'S "River Front Dining on tho beautiful Shrewsbury" LIBERATION STEAKBURGER 2.50 816 OCEAN AVE. SEA BRIGHT NO ONE UNDER 21 f-Soups - Soups - Soups- DMITTE0 SLICED SIRLOIN STEAK 3.50 ' * RATED X ML THE SOUP $1 £C MUSIC MAKERS ROAST PRIME YOU CAN EAT I •{?*# THEATRES RIBS OF BEEF WW OUR DAILY UMCHEON MONDAY will be PATE NIGHT at all Oar regular cut of Donble -cnt of baefs K 9 K SPKM roast prime ribs of bs«f on the bone V*l9f Music Maker Theatres! Bring your date (wife, giri friend, mother, sister) ENJOY A SUMPTUOUS IUNCHEON and your date will be admitted FREE!! "OMEGA MAN" GREAT BONELESS IN FRONT OF OUR BLAZING FIREPLACE SIRLOIN STEAKS Now the best in entertainment is also Our Famous the best value!!!! 4.25 ..„. '5.25 Sunday Brunch "ADIOS SABATA MUSIC AIL THE SALAD YOU CAN MAKE CLOSED TUESDAYS MAKERS AIiSO FB^.TITKIN'O' '. THEATRES PLftZAHailet Filet Mipon or lobster Tails RTt,38ATMI8PLE»D, 264-4434 or Steak & Lobster Tail or Beei Brochette (HAMTONNESTON HALF PRICE FOR CHILDREN UNDER 12'(JUNIOR PORTIONS) "OMEGA MAN" BUY SEER BY THE PITCHER BE AN EARLY BIRD A complete selection of Stronger Spirits is available CINEMA 34 Matawan WHATDOYOUWEAB?ANYTmNG! RT.M.SU-Um Open 4i3b 3?. IMC. AND SAVE GKGORYPECK Mon. Oct. 18-Fri. Oct. 22 Steak &Brtu» BIG MONEY "SHOOT our' •'' • • IOSQ13I ., .:'"•>,• • . ROAST SIRLOIN WEST 0MK6E: 164 Eagle Rock to. « m 9 9 #.-•» ?SMm$: On Route 4 FORT LEE: 2133 leaoins &m OF BEEF EARIYBIRD PRKiS ACUITIES AVAILABLE FOR PRIVATE PARTIES 'I 1 • Rissole Potatoes JUST . pBisictnti nw tiwis. IHCDIIVE VICEHHIOINI ; i •! o Mixed Salad AT AIL WALTERREA.DE THEATRES ' • House Dressing #| JtiJf [ MONJHRUfRI. 6:30 To 7:15 P.M. )i • Coffee *'*< New low Prices 2. the luncheon's ON USl Otltn Townifin >/>WI9 M *LOVE HAPPYt ••SHOOTOUT" | APMISSION ONLY TO LATE SHOW auarlera. edrrr, Kerf Hank ~ tiuUUelam, N.J., Monday, October 18,1971 lifted the } Dennis the Menace kitt Puzzle & | [HOU MEAN DIAGRAM 15 Bill 45 Old . Byftwl C Downlw&J'. addendum. ' Testament ACROSS 48 Plural 1 Congrega- ending.. idSSW tional 50 Command, 51 — on; 22 On 49FrigUtcn». response. . B2 Rhats , 5 Nautical unending- 23 Pleased. 53 Stone chest, 65 Thin null. "spar. 24E«ypl)»bVd bnu 6(i The fnrmcr 10 Hcfliil 55 Snlinlc odd Miss ONcil. nickname. 57 Ashen. p 13 Auction. 581'ahanm, 57 Ache. for one, 2(!Onco more. 68 Let. 14 Pause. 27 Not In Ilie 15 Rajah's Bl I-'rolic, f>fl Be alcd. G2 Divide know. CO'lrial. •wife. 2OWingod. 63 Title for THATfe ANOTHER 10 From —, caunllv. WELL, I 65 Dill herb. 31 Heel? CMrip- HW MkW.FTHEftrs ONE THINS I WISH A MILLION TIMES DIDNT HEAR THINS/ occasionally. 32 Penetrate. 18 Preposition. 00 Assayed. mogno: ITIH. t OSULP &ETYO) TO STOP 0OIM5 ITS YOU 34 After 04 Cover, .; 19 MornlHBs- i7 Sd prlntcmps. mAUDs IN THE 20 Birthntono. (lower. KITCHEN SINK 211 KKiini (18 Family 23 Celt. member. 24 Resource. CO Meaning. „ 25 Dross. 70 Fender HawJI iiii 28»niiri. 30 Eat «way. DOWN 33 Allied. 1 Dog of 35 Mona —. fiction. 37 Chinese 2 Dlsflmire. IF I (Tsg VO1/R PHCWe? IWWA dynasty. 3 Shade trees, 38 Uttered. 4 Horn. 3!) Titillate. 5 Range. 41 Gasp. C Flower 42 Soft metal. parts. Children's Letters 43Man:coII(i(|. 7 Marsh hen, 44 l-'rom that 8 Doctrjpe. time. !) Abounds, BBUB 46Atlnsl:Fr. 10 At close ONE MORE INCIDENT HOW COULD LIKE. THAT AND VOU VOU BSL.5Q STUPID, M BIKV THEV WERE. 1 2 3 IT" 7 |a 11 LORJ HAS JUST CAN FIND ANOTHER COMMENTED ON 5Hlw2y?MR5.KANEl IM ALTERATIONS! mm* WILL NEVER C0ME_. .„,,,._,„, JOB!-NOto6ET8U5y 13 — HANK PUiDHTOKi C0VKIN<5 THE STOCK.! .BIT BACK.' — ,?^\ INSISTING- MHWa Mmmm tmmm CONSIDERATION FOR •aw jHSJ is" HKEWLOVEK IB WHEN SHE HEARS MM 75" H-ffjI 20 - X WM&ERATINSA TEARFUL $ALE56IM.~ BLJ___j •jl — mm • 23 •psr [ | |2 a, •Haul '" 31 126 26 57 [ jg 33 35 I" 17 MM MMMM 3S ma38 [to — M*M 1 i a |"?j The Wizard of Id 46 "1 H48i~F B60| ••' Itf AppKBaATlOH CP BO "feMSS OP 51 "a j ! "1 •••• •• 55 57 • L| 50 .59 60

•MM •WMH - MB pi

BBflB*^01' '"• L TTT UI ••••MJ Your Horoscope, Birthday MONDAY, OCTOBER 18 - Tuesday, October 19 they understand issues. failure. Use It well. Born today, you are one of AQUARIUS (Jan. 21>Feb. GEMINI (May 22-June 21) Nubbin LIBKA (Sept. 24-Oct. 23) - those persons whose emotions 19),— A day when an in- — Keep dear of arguments A favorable day for the Libra are very close to the surface fluential friend may well fa- regarding money. Financial who desires to expand career — so much so, in fact, that it vor you with a, good word, to rnatters should be kept secret possibilities. Talk to a partner isn't difficult for others, even those in authority. Ask for from outsiders, at least for about changes for real'suc- relative strangers, to read • more than you'll accept. now. cess; '. your true responses and reac- .PISCES (Feb. 20-March 21) CANCER (June 22-July 23) tions in your facial ex- SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) — Ffrmiiess in combination — Excellent conditions at pression, regardless of what — Personal desires stand an 'with diplomacy: in such lies home mean a peaceful ap- you may express verbally excellent chance of fulfillment today's success. Speak when proach to problems on the em- about them. You enjoy re- this afternoon. Morning hours spoken to—but loudly enough ployment scene. You: should sponding fully to everything in are for preparations. to be heard. ' feel exceptionally confident. life — though there are times SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23- ' AltlfiS (March 22-Aprjl 20) LEO (July 2f Aug. 23) - when y°u wfll naturally try to Dee. 22) — A day with little to — Magnetic Aries draws to Worry oyer the elderly may hide the fact — and it is such recommend it if action is hirn precisely those people' take its toll today. Don't he fullness of response that what you want. If you can be who can help him most; Know; surprised if you miss, out on makes life with you exciting satisfied with peace and quiet, an advantage wheri you see ati excellent opportunity -for for others. all is well. it! :•••••: -: gain. ; AndyCapp To find what is in store for CAPRICORN (Dec. 23-Jan.- ..TAURUS:(April 21-May 21) , VIKGD (Aug. 24-Sept. 23) you tomorrow, select your 20) — The cooperation of fam- — Not an exceptionally busy — Don't allow gruffness of su- ily and employers is sorely day — but one which may 'VERNE GOT A MB^tTION IN THE , , _, birthday and read the corre- periors to disturb your equili- needed at this time. Childt-en well tell the difference be- t. IT'S ABOUT *fOUR\CREAl-LV5> sponding paragraph. brium.- Go about yoiir own can be especially helpful if tween, ultimate success and business in your own way. PLAVIN* Sheinwold's Bridge Advice By ALFRED SIIEINWOLD overruff when East ruffed the one of probability. ' (A. Pocket Guide to Bridge second with the deuce of Since the opponent with is available. Get your copy by - Is an opponent's play nor- spades. only one diamond was. unli- sending 50 cents to Red Bank 17/1 mal, or is it a falsecard? In South next led the ace of kely to be short in trumps as Register, Box 3318, Grand the ordinary game you should trumps, on which East casu- well, Krauss decided to lead a Central Station, New York, r' U ally dropped the nine. Now llbil^Mif make the minimum number of low trump to dummy's ten. N.Y. 10017.) 1-11*1! tiyMrtKKtr assumptions. If the play is the slam and the" match de- He was right, and the slam normal, you make only one pended on whether or not came home. assumption. If it is a false- Krauss trusted this play. , * That's one reason why u. West dealer card., you assume that the op- Two Possibilities ' Krauss' team, rather than East-West vulnerable- Blondic ponent had the cards that, If East had started with Weichsel's, will be playing made the deception possible only two trumps, South could this weekend in the finals of, NORTH • 104 "<•• and also that he was crafty make the slam oiuy by ruffing the playoff. ' 9 I HAVEN'T STOPPEP A BUSY HOUSEWIPE enough to think of the false- a heart in dummy and then DAILY QUESTION card and alert enough to discarding a-heart and a club Partner opens with one dia- *AQ2 :>.<• make it without a telltale he- on good diamonds. But if East mond; and the next player WEST EAST sitation. In short, when in had started with three passes. You hold: S—A K Q J * 962 doubt, believe an opponent. trumps, the winning play was 8 7 H-K J 8 3 D-2 C-8 3. V A107 V Q6542 West opened the ace of to lead a trump to dummy's What do you say? • 0 8764 OQ hearts when today's hand was ten and then discard three los-. Answer: Bid one spade, us- 4. J 1096 +K7J4 played a few weeks ago in the ers on good diamonds. ing standard American bid- SOUTH semifinals of a playoff to pick The simple assumption was ding methods. The hand is not 4 AKQI87 the United States team for the that East had started with quite strong enough for a V KJ83 1972 Bridge Olympics. West only the nine-two of sapdes. jump response. Some expert 0 2 then shifted to the jack of But Krauss felt sure that Pe- partnerships believe in lighter • 83 clubs. ter Weichsel, the young New jump responses; and when West North East South Declarer, Los Angeles York expert who held the this hand was actually held, Pas3 1 O Pass 2 4 Pass Pass stockbroker Don Krauss, pru- East cards, was unquestion- Don Krauss jumped to two 3 O 4 $ Pass Pass 50 dently put up dummy's ace of • ably both alert and crafty spades opposite an opening Pass 4 NT clubs. He then tried to cash enough for the falsecard. The bid of one diamond by Lew: 6 ft All Pass two high diamonds but had to' only question, therefore, was Mathe. . Opening lead — Q? A imifv« t coo.0 Snuny Smith' - JU6HAID!! DowTeo RUNNIW* fcftfi OFF NOWHflRSTILLVE FILLUPTH'WOODBOX.

The Phantom


We WKOttSOOUSPHANTOH at me men... ThvDtlly Brjiirtrr.HnMJ»ii*-Mlilit|iiimn.NJ..MiH«l.i>.uia men any women, anes 6 istration or classification tion is that a young man or- to 3b, cati pursus art ftxtltiftg "We've had quite a change card, isn't important enough dered to appear tat a physical new ' aieer fiflhl here id fl«d for us to stop our normal exam i« close to being BH'' . ln( for nut having student classified as M, that by the Township Committee. chairman of Citizens for Envi- classified 1Y can be called by Planning Board members Center were built, and the re* a draft card in yout" posses- classification remains," Col. ronmental,-Protection, said then* local boards for re-ex- • fe61 that construction of the suit might be salt infusion, sion, Any number of Tocco emphasized, "These Vincent C, DoMaio of Mala- that while she is not against aminatlon but that isn't likely, > proposed 100,0fl0-squafe-foot Consult Experts wan, attorney for Super* development, definite plan* Col. TBcco explained "be- . home improvement center markets General, said experts ning is needed /or Hazlct. "Oft yw have any suggest cause We are Under strict 8261 flflh Al/«. N»» Yorfl ;• docs not conflict with the in- on traffic arid planning will be lions to offer?" Mn Greene budgetary limitations on call' 21-23 Bread Si, RED BANK <\ tents and purposes of the present at tfte hearing to an- If there is development, B)IO asked Hits, Vetter. ing TVs for physical reclasslf i- 842-7299 ' township's master plan, swer questions from trie pub- stated, it, "should be devcl- Her reply was to urge con- cation," But before any final approv- lic opmuit ilu't do "-n't nuiion- sultation with the U.S. Soil Conservation Service and the Conservation Commission. Aside, from the ecological SHOP,COMPARPNYWHERE! concerns, other residents are opposed to the new store Be- You '-Can't Baul Our low Price. cause ef increased traffic in the area. Retorting to previous hear- ings in which planning and ALUMINUM traffic experts were called on to testify, Mrs. Virginia O'Donflell of 85 Crescl Blvd. TION WINDOW said, "1 question the experts," noting that even experts are • TSfIf TIM • fUUY WlATHISSIRlfffO capable of making errors. • IS Kit PAIfJT GUARANTY « MffllMUM & Regardless of what the ex- perts have said, Mi's, O'fitoflnell stated, "I feel the NEW DIRECTOR AT CENYE& - Dr. Richard intersection is already hazard* Hciffcfn, left, assumes duties as clinical dlreder1 ef ous." the Children's Psychiatric Center, Eafontowri, ds« A IWSd slsted by Di". Gloria Chung/ right/ psychiatrist* IIVSTAUED "Bethany ftoad Is as its who resigned the post but will continue to work at name implies — a road," she center part-tfme. Dr. Hatton, eedrdfftator of clini- 6' 96 said, and declared there is cal activities at the center, is also on the staff of enough traffic there already, Mantrwuth Medical center, Lorig Branch. Wtidn Bayshore CdmffiUflity Neglltef Stulf Chafo Hospital goes into operatien mm AtUMM COMtiHMKfti WINDOWS NADER RAIDErt SPEAKS T© BAR - William f. WiGhrrtfliih, left, Man- there will be an even heavier N6vef tiavS you 6eGfi a fiCavy duly cerriBinalian wirido* lot mouth Bar Association president, dnd Philip 6, Auerbach/ program chair* flow of traffic than exists Season's Schedule such i lo* price. slftlWsr Bar. 4terdy screen (rains. iSiicsiJ man, discuss auto safety with Lowell Dodge, right, of Washington, O,C, a 214 3 dollars Hldli elsewhee ( now, she said. Nader Raider, at the Old orchard Inn, Eatontown, . Present site plans show the $ proposed store weuid Have its For Band Outlined only access from Bethany WEST LONG BBAtCH - A schedule for the coming 4i 72 Road. iNader Aide Urges Class This fact also coiicuriied The Greater Shoi*e Area Com- season was outlined by Of. munity Band held its first ex- llenty Molnik, founder-direc- ««O COMMISSIONS Lester r. Horner of 12 Lillian •iuai coiinl Ihri numEj'ff ol rtinflort.i yoj Wflril arid slop in far 8 Drive who is "interested in ccutivd committee meeting of tor of the band, l'ians for sev- freedemoiislralioiT and Gjlirria!** - Fiee m^sufing SCIVIC*. Action Suits for Consumer the safety and welfare of tile the season at the home of Mr. eral concerts were discussed. townspeople," and fetslg this find Mrs. Arthur CHerry, 564 ., Holiday concerts and those "plans show need of improve' Cedar Avo., here. given for civic and religious aiUffliNUM COMBINATION DOORS • AlUWINP GUTTERS EATQNTOWf( - speaking that there had bedn about 31 "We wilt never prevent all ment," particularly with re- • organizations are foremost oii A1UMINUM SIDING »ROOHNO» on Auto safety, a Nader Hai- defects for new cars. This is a accidents fromjhappening," gard to ingress and egress, the agenda, VeWI) 6a pleated with cur Nlglt BUM* ' der urged members of the sad commentary on the care a he said. But lie added that 75 Mr. Horner also feels that Short Front The band is open to all mu- Monmoutli Bar Association to car receives in the assembly per cent Of all auto deaths the developers neglected to d& sicians, adults and students il could be avoided if the cars (HMGEIT! • coi«ider"gorilla law suits - linoihesaid. an adequate job of marking Variances alike, and a wide variety- of class actions -in the fight to were cleaned up inside. off a fire zone. music from classic to contem- upgrade consumer goods. Speaking- on the safety of Mr. Dodge urged (He at* Doubly Concerned porary, symphonic-aftd swing automobiles, Mr. Dodge said Ate Granted Free Delivery ?4i- Lowell Dodge, who works torneys to consider the class Gilbert W. Bennett of 25 is played.,— all—- wlio would the annual death toll is 55,000 for-Ralph Nader, a consumer action suits for consumer Chestnut Drive expressed, NtiW SHREWSBURY - like to become members are persons a year, more than are 32 BROAD ST. ,i*m RED BANK advocate in Washington, D.C., goods. Few attorneys have concern over ecological as- Two short frontage variances urged to contact Mrs. Herry, killed in Vietnam. His organi- Cl»t «"< S«lulv 4-5:30 Hit. «M HI. 'ill I fm. is director of the Center of seized on these opportunities, pects as well as possible traf- on two separate lots, were 564 Cedar Avc. zation focuses on the vehicle Auto Safety Id Washington, he said. fic problems. granted by the Zoning Board D,C, and lias co-authored » rattier titan on the driver, he These law suits act as an ef- of Adjustment. said, explaining that there are Referring to the new K- book on what to do with a bad fective lever on the auto in- Befnliard Ohm, represent- 111 million licensed drivers Mart, which is across the car, an action manual for dustry, he said, and if enough ing Clifton developers, Clif- and only 20 manufacturers street from the proposed .lemon owners.' He outlined pressure is put Upon them, Rickel Home Center, he said, ton, was granted a variance and that it' was easier to ef- cars will be designed with ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL auto defects and what action to construct a dwelling at the fect design changes through "To have two ofltrunces to is being taken to correct fewer defects. intersection of Glenwood the manufacturers that) to ap- two large shopping cehters them. The association met at the Drive and Hancc Avc., on ii SYSTEMS MSIGN0 TO proach it through the drivers. facing each other is not good He was described by Philip OldOfcliardlnttJiere. planning.'1 lot with 122 feet of frontage, (». Auerbach, a lied Bank at- Concerning ecology, he where 200 afo required by or- torney, associate program said, "If we kocp black- dinance. chairman, as a foremost ex- topping, we will run out of Mr. Ohm was also granted a port on automobile!., Firemen Hurt, grass and anything that holds variance on square footage, The average 1071 new car water. Wo want fatablos, but being permitted 28.5D0 feet lias 25 defects, he said, adding at what cost? where the ordinance requires "It will cost In erosion and PtDAL KOI//? WAY Girl Safe in Fife flooding," he maintains. Kills Lewis of Newark was ''Shortsightedness will cost granted a vuriance for a TOHIAIW COLTS Nl'JCR - Two flra- Mrs. Tfaltfifi and one of her our town very dearly," ho dwelHng- un Hivci'dal» Ave.. "BICYCLE EXERCISER" meli were Injured and tin; sec- -young daughters was outside added. West, on ii lot with 1?7 foot of All! CONDITIONER ond story of tile home of Jo- when firemen arrived, Chief "We want to live in the fruntage, where 200 arc re- seph Tralian, Tulip I.anc, sus- Dowries said, but another town, not float In it," lie aaid. quired by Ordinance. . tained extensive heitt ami child was unaccounted for, smoko di'inuige when two mat- Firemen attempted to climb tresses In lilt' dwelling Ignited, tlie stairs but were driven I'aUNlng ft ypmii'al alarm. back by the intense heat, ho HONG KONG sitld. A search for tf'io child Flro Chief Ucorgo Duwnes wua uiutartukcn tliroughout 2 DttyB - October 18th & 19th 1 Ma id I In. alarm sounded at the smoKc-fillcd liimso and she Ask tor Mr. Wanl TEL: 871-3400 tl:d,l ji.iii. and 49 men from was eventually (mind un- HOWARD JOHNSON MOTOR IODGI Ml&DtfTOWN, NJ. Uotli t'ompnnlM) responded, , harmed outdoors, Don't miss IhU onfiOrluillly. Firemen Arthur Goodwin Select (mm over 7,800 worlti'i OCHUMIDUIER AIRCUANER Etljoy yoiii niumi fun finest lourlce. Slylad is your HEATING »NO OOOIINO and Charles Ilubcny were porsciitalMy. Oof moASufdd liMllhful 'i»nf«Mlip»H|t(«.li.,,.„... MS. '45.00 . Tnl FRH CST1MATES MAINHNANCI COpUCTS niD BANK, N.J. .sounded at 12:15 n.m. 11 Tin' T. Hc review preliminary site lies, $50,000 for plumbing, for land acquisition, $60,000 So far 536 families have ii)rS- Initiul membership is later tlian July 4, despite the tory subdivision plans aren I {3ans and layout of the pro- posed municipal pool com- plex. . A group of about 35 resi- dents expressed displeasure that preliminary plans call for only three or four tennis courts in the first phase of de- velopment, with a tentative maximum of 10 to 12 courts in (QUALITY! later years. Claiming to have petitions from 135 families willing to pay an extra $100 a year for an addition to the complex PLUS with 12 to 20 tennis courts, the group cited a lack of low cost, resilient surface tennis courts in the township. They sug- gested that their fees would SAVINGS^ more than cover additional WE GLADLY construction costs. REDEEM Pool Backers U.S.D.A, Other members of the au- Young Tender Deveined & Skinned dience expressed concern lest FOOD the tennis buffs' demands in- STAMPS terfere with the building ib. schedule for the pool complex, 5.STAR •'., BEEF LIVER which the township hopes to Swift's Premium Smoked have in operation for next MEATOEPT. - •V.Tv* summer's swimming season. Mayor David Cohen settled GUARANTEE ' Boneless the controversy to everyone's DAISIES apparent satisfaction when lie Fresh Bone-In stated, "There appears to be substantial interest in tennis Checkerboard Farms in the town. At the Township PORK BUTT Ib. fp^T Committee meeting (sched- THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL uled for tonight) I will recom- Fresh Meaty Regular Style mend that we appoint a com- c Sfainlos; Steel or Rock Cornish Golden Ware mittee to survey what the real Ib. interest in tennis is. Then we SPARERIBS can take it from there. In our Cut from young corn fed porke initial survey, only 15 families Quartered Pork Lpin reported interest, tonight Long Island there are petitions with 135 tr %JfKf\ Centt %oth names, and I have heard fig- GRADE A CHOPS ures as high as 300." GAME SeePlaBS APPETIZER SAVINGS Before the tennis con- DUCKS DELS DEPT. SAVINGS! troversy erupted, the au- t dience of about 50 viewed LIVERWURST »».«? slides and diagrams for the proposed 28 acre swimming BOLOGNA .JB pool site, to be on a section of HENS PelUeui Dark MOT) JE? PORK the former Theodore Pailey Turkey Roll **.%#> farm on Holmdel-Keyport (Hicilatlo only o> nan fnhiM) nuke Road. li dl) The preliminary plans for Froih Regular Style OKOI Maytr Phase) I of the project were SEAFOOD SAVINGS! Ib. vie. described by Dick Ward of All Meat FRANKS CHICKEN -**, Fresh 4* OsafNonr Planning Associates, Inc. of { Ib. vie ' West Hempstead, N.Y., con- LEGS *.49 COD-FILLET ±9 All Beef FRANKS pkj. ' sultants and designers of the Quof Moy« project. Frash Pan Ready _ e Initial plans call for four Freth Regular Style WHITING 5 SMOKIE LINKS J&79 pools, to be Separated by sun- b All M«oUi All tail . _ Frozen Delicious A ning decks and lawns, a ma- CHICKEN C sonry bathhouse, parking SHRIMP ROUS^k9 FOODTOWN FRANKS *Z 69 longoui Sliced • • , areas, the three or four tennis BREASTS- (ArailaUe «*I|ral il«u Ifiitirlgg unit* courts, a. sledding lull, an ac- dJd) c cess road from Holmdel Road, Assorted You Save More Overnight WHITE MEAT TURKEY Jt:;i49 picnic areas and fencing around the pools. CANNED HAM • 3c:*2" Tentative future plans call PAMPERS Horncl for the addition of an Olympic size pool, another seven or MAMNNAIM CANNED HAM 5£*4*. eight tennis courts, an ice DIAPERS award the purchase of any skating rink, basketball B-OJ. jor freeze Dried courts, additional parking and picnic areas, and a mUlti-use TASTER'S CHOICE court for such games as COFFEE shuffleboard, horseshoes and table tennis. Diving Boards The first four pools will in- TIDE Seneca Apple clude a 12-foot-deep diving tank, with three-meter and SOAP POWDER • one-meter diving boards; a 60 BARREL rd iho purchase ol 3 6-oi. cans by 75-foot swimming pool with a maximum depth of about 5 CONTADINA feet; a 30 by 50-foot training TOMATO PASTE disorldt Flavor! Foadiawvn , ._ losl WwdtOllET , _-, • , . . . pool, ranging in depth from 2 C C C to 3 feet, for four to six-year, FROZEN FOOD SAVINGS! BATHSM TISSUES olds; and a small "familiar- FRUIT DRINKS 6 ^ 49 BOWL CLEANER 129 4 t 45 ization" or wading pool for Foodlown • '• - *«orl«a w Wiiil* Dixie • . _, DAInKUUflfl I IdjUtD *T in pkg. nttf preschoolers.-. c C »THI odierlheiN ) OKPRETZELI rcdio >lo. WABSC ir a mam -. H:f49 BATHROOM REFILLS^ '?;49 ^ The cost of Phase I building C was estimated at $800,000 by DR. PEPPER SODA 8 •o $125 CHUX DIAPERS '£ 59 SAVE 18c James Halton, new chairman r Blue Boy 9.0I. of the pool committee. The Bowl Cleaner I"' „. . . , OREO CREAflES ' 45c AJAX DETERGENT *wiF"™"W™* - With Tim Coupon costs were broken down as (riotolatc Chipi A.hoy 01 fecan SfwitneaiJ RBR IB-18 Coupon joxi olonr Foodlown Supormo/k.t, 14-01. C Limit en« p«p adul NABISCO COOKIES c FOODTOWN FLOUR M39 ««<"* Coupon upim Sfilurday, Otto'v#r Keansburg ••^•Assorted' Flavor i";',;v.\: ;'"V •• • • • «lj.C|.n. : C Incept .fM? Variety ':%;;;';. CHEESE NIPS lc PANCAKE MIX • ff 29" £SFittP«SSING. '^49 Candidates C P 16-OI. PANCAKE SYRUP S 49 'ME CLEANER & 59' RBR10-18 KRISPY CRACKERS .pkg. SAVE 16c To Speak flulor, ll«ctro PttU, or C Sunshine (thotolote Nuggeli or PRODUCE DiPT. SAVINGS! Otip, CO^H .. KEANSBURG - Local resi- CHASE & can 69 dents will have a chance to FIG BARS With This Coupon FOO07OWN see and hear the five candi- -—. tovpon gpoA ot any FMwilaiwtSuMrmaflirt. |w dates seeking seats on PRETZEL RINGS ^Ik^ 1 Coupon aiplrii Solurita/, Octobar 33. ffl Borough Council as the Great- SWIFT er Keansburg Jaycees M»JAC CUP THIS COUPON J»jS2i2!!^ presents its annual candidates ICE CREAM BARS night tomorrow at 8 o'clock. DAIRY DEPT. SAVINGS! Frozen Apple, Apple Crumb, The forum, in the cafeto- Coconut Custard* Peach, rium of Keansburg High or Strawberry Rhubarb, School, will have as featured speakers incumbent Coun- cilman Robert Weston, Ray- Coupan good at onwrop*awf, Suptrmarh&l. Gourmet's Delight Umli ont p«f attuft fnmllw. mond Reancy, Alphonsus M. Coupon .iplr.i toiurdor, Ololxr 3 J. McGrath 3rd, Luke Shields Popular Bfond ^_ _ CLIP THIS COUPON and Carmine DeLucia. §NO~WHITE The five aspirants are seek- HALF & HALF SL 25 ing the unexpired term of the 4 il lM late Alphonsus M. McGralli, which runs through JVJay 1973. foodlown Colored Singlej «T rf1* DELICIOUS APPLES The candidates will be al- CAULIFLOWER lotted equal speaking time to AMERICAN SLICE;J9 iniro fancy Extra Fancy discuss local issues. n ^0J £CJ, 39* BOSC PEARS Red Ib. ORANGE ,<.„„„ 49' SWEET CIDER "JfiT 39 FloiMs Mian BW California SuitWlil falls to China Climb JUICE t-oi. m 20' TOKYO TOKYO (AP) - ORANGES Japan's International Tele- Prices effective through Saturday, October 23. Not responsible for typographical errors. Wo re&orvo tho right to limit quantities. Member Twin County Grocers. phone and Telegraph Co.—KDD-said the number of phone calls between Japan Mlddle'own, N.J. Toms River, N.J. Toms River, N.J. Wnnamassa, N.J. Farmlngdale, N,J. Engllshtown, NvJ. Port Mwmouth, N.J. Sunsot Avo. ,_ n . „, and Communist China in- Rt. 35 & Mt. Hill Road Route 37 Rshor Blvd. near Wickapccko Ave. 1 ° Bwk bUe<3 42 Main St. Hwv, 3T & Bray Avft, creased to 560 in September from a monthly average of 21)0 Malawan, N.J. Freehold, N.J. West End, Long Branch, N.J. Sea Bright, N.J. Jackson, N,J. Nepline, N.J, Red Bank, NJ, 126MainSt. " faik Ave, 8 tfwy. 33 • West End Court & Market Place 1160Oce-in Ave. ''BrookPlaza Route33 . 56NewrnariSprings Road Marlboro Treasurer Denies Wrongdoing MARLBORO — Township Treasurer Martin Rotheim cim, uddfng that the prosecutor did not even como Into the ' Concerning the prosecutor's statement that there are suf- position seems contrary to that of Judge Salvest's, noting that maintained yesterday he k not "flouting the wishes of his su- town'hhlp. ficient funds with which to pay Mr. Minogue, Mr. Itotheim the judge had ordered the council to follow the township?* ad- periors" and has not failed to comply with a council resolution "I don't bollevc that I'm flouting my superiors, I have no replied that the prosecutor showed a lack'of understanding of ministrative code concerning the payment of btlis.. ' , as suggested in a letter from county Prosecutor Vincent 1*. Intention of flouting the people, the elected officials." He said •municipal financing. "There is always money in this town. . He explained that when ho didn't sign Mr. Mlnogue'g vou- Keupcr. ....-• - that his actual superior was the township mayor. There never has been a question of money. This is one of the cher because of a question, council bypassed him and ap- Mr. Keupcr, in a letter to Superior Court Judge Andrew A. The township treasurer added that the prosecutor should richest towns In the state," he said, proved the bill for payment. Under the code, the treasurer. Is Salvcst, said his review of Marlboro financial records failed to have checked with the state Division of Local Finance to learn The question is whether there are unencumbered funds in 1 to approve a bin for payment and then council acts on it. disclose any indication of misconduct which would require ac- the accounting procedures or requirements of the position of the bond ordinance account, he said. This is the question be- Normal Procedure tion by him or by the county grand jury. Howeyer, lie said; ' municipal treasurer. ' fore Judge Salvest who last month suspended the court hear- The treasurer said his normal procedure on questionable "I do findevidence of obstinacy on the part of the Marl- 'Involved Ares' ing when Mr. Rotheim told the court he had found no author- bills is to return them to the appropriate municipal agency for boro Township treasurer In that he has failed to comply with ' Municipal finance Is a very involved area, he said, and ization for expenditures connected with a bond issue in min- review. He said he did this wjth Mr. Minogue's bill but that the termS of resolution 144-71 which was adopted by. the coun- there are very few people who know it, especially laymen. utes of council meetings. The judge directed the prosecutor to council has failed to answer his letter. cil of Marlboro Township June 17," "From what,I so far, the prosecutor said he look into the matter. The hearing is now scheduled, to resume 1 Mr. Keuper added that If Mr. Rotheim "continues to flout didn't make an Investigation, he just read the transcript (of Tuesday, Oct. 26, "It's beginning to look as if a person shouldn't make a fuss the wishes of his superiors, n charge of nonfeasanco may be the court hearing before Judge Salvest in which township at- No Answer Yet out of funds or ask for answers to questions but just pay bills." considered," torney James It. Minogue is suing the township for $7,507,13, Mr. Botheim, who is a certified public accountant, said he he said.. Shock Expressed his bill for legal work done on a 5700,000 bond ordinance). still does not have the answer to this question, lie said he had "As for the Minogue bill," he continued, "it looks like a "1 was shocked, completely shocked, tiiat. such a state- , "The prosecutor has not seen any person in the township's written to township council but has not received a reply. foregone conclusion that I'll be forced to give him a check. ment could be made without the prosecutor coming info my of- finance office. What financial records he checked is beyond Concerning Mr. Keuper's statement that he failed to fol- But at least the electorate will face the whole situation and I fice, speaking to me or to anyone on my staff," said Mr. Hoth- me. low the council resolution, Mr. Rothelm said the prosecutor's can't be held legally responsible.l've done my job." ,, Middletown Shop Center Burglary Try Thwarted MIBDLETOWN - Police Suchdolski, 32, of .5 Bayside Ave,, Long Branch, was dletown in lieu of $20,000 ball. They are assisted by Patrol- arrested a Newark man after Pkwy., East Keansburg, were charged, with conspiracy and Bail for Kenneth Suchdolski men Howard Collins and Den- pulling him out of a heating charged with' attempting to. attempting to break and en- was set at $10,000. nis Vaspory of Middletown, duct on the roof of the Middle- break and enter, possession of ter. Mr. Fitzsimmons was re- and an off-duty Highlands po- town Shopping Center, Rt. 3$, burglar's tools and conspiring Police action followed a tip leased in $10,000 bail for a lice officer, Daniel Gaughran. Saturday night. to commit a crime. An addi- on the attempted burglary court appearance Oct. 28. Old Village Independent The arrest of three other , tional charge of possessing a from a concerned citizen who Arresting, officers were Lt Fire Co., Belford, assisted by men followed. deadly weapon was brought had seen people on the roof of Elwood E. Seeley, Detective providing lights and ladders Richard Haag, Jr. 25, of against Mr. Suchdolski. Uiebuilding. Patrick McConnell, and Pa- at the scene of the arrests, • Newark was charged with The fourth man, Kenneth J. Mr. Haag and Ronald Such- trolmen John J. Kaiser and Lieutenant Seeley is in possession of burglar's tools, Suchdolski, 27, of 181 Edwards dolski.are being held at Mid- Robert Perkins. charge of the Investigation. attempting to break and en- ter, conspiring to commit,a crime, possessing a concealed deadly weapon, possession of • stolen property and assault of. police officers with a revolv- er. ' Bay shore Outfall Authority Two of the men, John P. Register Stall Photo Fitzsimmons, 26, of STAMPb AND JVOkL STAMPS — The 22d Annual stamp show of the Fed- Springfield, N.J., and Ronald erated Stamp Clubs of New Jersey, was held over the weekend at the Civ- Accepts $3.5 Million Grant ic Auditorium, Monmouth Shopping Center, Eatontown. Three local clubs, Monmouth Stamp Club of.Red Bank; the Molly Pitcher Stamp Club of TRENTON — The'state has approved a $3.5 million grant was created by the Monmouth Board of Freeholders In 1069 af- Freehold and the Shore area Stamp Club of Asbury Park acted as hosts Middletown for construction of a pipeline to be. built one mile into the At- ter two years of prior planning for the pipeline. for the show., Visitors to the show are seen viewing some of the ISO lantic Ocean to dispose of sewage that would otherwise be dis- The state grant was awarded out of the $271 million water frames of stamp exhibits and a bourse of 12 dealers Included In the show. charged in the Raritan and Sandy Hook Bays. . conservation bond issue of 19S9. Sewer Fees The state Department of Environmental Protection said The outfall pipeline will be built to handle 33 million gal- Friday the grant was made to the Monmouth County Bayshore lons of water daily to be discharged through regional plants Develop Suit Outfall Authority. The. grant was accepted,by the authority operated by the following; FREEHOLD — Superior along with a $4.2 million federal grant to pay for the rest of the The Middletown Township Sewerage Authority; the Atlan- THEDMLY Court Judge Francis X. project. tic Highlands-Highlands; Regional Sewerage Authority, and the Crahay is expected to decide Ultimately, the facility is planned to handle treated wastes Bayshore Regional Sewerage Authority. Thursday a motion seeking to from 12 municipalities served by regional sewerage treatment The municipalities to be served by the pipeline are Mata- dismiss a suit against the Mid- plants on the Monmouth County shore; wan, Matawan Township, Keyport, Hazlct, Union Beach, RED BANK, NJ. MONDAY, OCTOBER 18,1971 IS dletown Township Sewerage The Outfall Authority has awarded more than $7 million in /Holmdel, Middletown, Keansburg, Marlboro; Colts Neck, At- Authority concerning the au- contracts for the first phase of construction, The authority VJantic Highlands and Highlands. thority's connection fee and use rental fees for home- owners. Francis X. Journick of Perth Amboy, representing 21 Middletown property owners, 800,000 Grant X)kayed Asks Bill of Rights' maintained that the present system does not apportion the burden fairly, suggesting that a better system might be based on water consumption Of Middletown Court rates, and not a flat rate. For Project at Brookdale MIDDLETOWN - Con- -You have the right to be defendant may be assured of The motion to dismiss the suit was brought by William TRENTON - An $800,000 next September. had visited^ the college and offered in the state providing cerned about justice in the represented by an attorney. a speedy and just trial. grant, to help finance con- The spokesman said this is found the new degree pro- clinical training as well as township's Municipal Court, i -You have the right to ob- Application to the office of J. O'Hagan Jr. of AUenhurst, representing the authority. He struction of a Commons Boom the last addition to the Brook- gram to be satisfactory. academic education making it Arthur P. Vliet of 12 Cooper tain a postponement for good the administrative director of at Brookdale Community Col- dale Campus and marks the A Monmouth College possible for persons interested Blvd. has urged that a "bilj of cause, or to obtain legal coun- the Courts in Trenton by Mr. contended that the taxpayers want to substitute their judg- lege, Lincroft, was approved final phase of a $15,926,000 spokesman said that the pro- in the career, to become me- r rights" be made available to sel and prepare a proper de- Vliet brought a reply that the ' by the State Board of Higher building program, half of gram had already been of- dical technologists in four' defendants appearing before fense. • office is familiar with the ment for that of the authority. He maintained that the plain- Education, Friday. which is to be paid for by the fered this fall, pending state years. Municipal Court Judge Jerry —You have the right to tes- document issued by Judge state. -.* J. Massell. tiffs have not established that approval. A board spokesman He compared the Monmouth tify or not to testify in your Kennelly, which grew from The grant, representing 50 Program Approved commented that the limit of College program with that of To eliminate the possib- own defense. suggestions by members of the present system is arbi- trary, capricious and unrea- per cent of estimated con- The board also authorized a 16 students per class, would other institutions, which offer ility of litter if multiple copies —You have the right to call the N.J. Bar Association a struction costs, is the result of new program, leading to a number of years ago. sonable. make the program a costly the degree, but whose gradu- were put in the public's witnesses or to have them or- legislation sponsored by Sen. bachelor of science degree in one. ates must then attend another hands, Mr. Vliet suggests the dered to appear,by this court. The letter, Mr. Vliet said, Alfred N. Beadleston, R-Mon., medical technology for Mon- The same Monmouth Col- year's clinical training before document bo posted in a con- —You have the right to concluded with the advice providing for state payment mouth College, West Long spicuous place in the court- Mugging .Case lege spokesman added it is be- becoming licensed medical plead guilty or not guilty to that the office can' only sug- of the principle and interest Branch, after board officials lieved the program is the first technologists. room. any change against you. gest, not order, that Municipal on bonds issued by county col- Courts publish such "bills of Arrest Made Such a "bill of rights" was —You have the right to ap- RED BANK - James W. leges, with the money being complied by Francis X. Ken- peal if you are not satisfied rights" for the benefit of their paid over the life span of such defendants. Thomas, 112 Springdale Ave., nelly, former Municipal with the judgment of this New Shrewsbury, was ar- bond issues. Court judge in Red Bank. court. Asked about possible is- rested and charged with rob- Commissioner Kohl Salient are seven basic rights Other instructions and sug- suance of such a list of rights bery, Police Chief George H. The board, at the same of all defendants: gestions in Judge Kennelly's in the local court, Judge Mas- Clayton Jr. said. time, approved construction —You are presumed in- document are designed to am- sell said he would have no ob- plans for the project, thus nocent until proven guilty plify these basic rights and to jection if the administrative He said the suspect alle- preparing the way for recep- beyond a reasonable doubt. point out ways in which the director approves. gedly mugged Herbert Will- tion of bids. According to a Agrees to Meeting ett, 137 Ampere Ave., Oak- hurst, in the parking lot of the college spokesman these will be receivable on Oct. 28. MATAWAN -.Senate such discussion, 1 would be Gov. Cahill after they had railroad station here at 9:03 Democratic candidate Walter glad to come to some appro- hosted U.S. Sen. Henry M. p.m. Sept. 17 and took a mon- The same .college spokes- Gehricke says the state trans- priate place when a mutually Jackson Jr., D-Wash., chair- To Admit Females ey cllmp containing $28. man said that the building, portation commissioner, John convenient time can be ar- man of the Senate Interior Mr. Willett was treated and which will include dining fa- C. Kohl, has agreed to a meet- ranged. and Insular Affairs Com- released at Riverview Hospi- cilities, meeting rooms, some ing to discuss Democratic pro- "The question of Port Au- mittee, on a tour of Sandy tal. classrooms and a laboratory posals to meet upcoming traf- thority involvement in oper- Hook and parts of the sea- The suspect was appre- for a hotel management fic problems at Sandy Hook ating PATH service to the. shore and Bayshore nearby. hended by Detective Joseph course, is scheduled for use State Park. .•Sandy Hook area poses many They presented their ideas Marascio and Patrolman Ray- TRENTON - Sex barriers addicts, regardless of sex, In a letter to Mr. Gehricke, complexities that would need of anticipating the traffic mond Patterson and is in the commissioner said some to be resolved. jams that will paralyze the will fali Dec. 1 when female comes in the wake of a pro- Monmouth County jail, Free- drug addicts are admitted to test by feminist Mrs. Poppy County Jail of the ideas "pose many com- "Since the development of area when the Gateway is hold, in lieu of $10,000 bail plexities" but that one, that the National Gateway Park 1^ opened. The senator, author Discovery House, a federally Kennedy of Middletown. . pending arraignment in Mu- the former Bayshore railroad y still in the uncertain planning of the Gateway national legis- funded rehabilitation center A founder of the Monmouth nicipal Court today. Sex Hearing for detoxified drug addicts. chapter of the National Orga- spur to Sandy Hook should be stage, it is difficult to assess lation, recognized the advan- preserved, had his support. the potential service you sug- tage of rail service to the The currently all-male cen- nization of Women, she had Hook and promised to assure ter is situated on the grounds accused officials at the center Slated Today An early date Is being ar- gest. Certainly, though, the $95; Robbery ranged. Mr. Kohl wrote to Mr. right-of-way must be pre- that state and local officials of the Marlboro' Psychiatric of Discriminating against fe- FREEHOLD - A hearing will have a say In trans- Hospital. male addicts. Is Reported Gehricke on behalf of Gov. served for public use." was to be held here today for William T. Cahill, who had "We are grateful to the gov- portation development, The decision to open it to all Dr. Michael Simon, medical NEW SHREWSBURY - 14 prisoners at the Monmouth been asked for a meeting. director at Marlboro, said the ernor and to the commission- Police here continue their County Jail, accused of repea- On behalf of himself and er," said Mr. Gehricke, for- Under the Democratic pro- release of federal funds for search for two unidentified •tcd sexual assault upon an- posal, (he abandoned railroad Upset Probed operations at Discovery running mates William Himcl- mer township mayor here, men who reportedly robbed u other inmate during a five- man nnd Vincent Miller, Mr. right-of-way—much of which House for the next fiscal year day period last month. "for their obvious recognition is still undeveloped—would be Hod Bank man' of ?!)5 Satur- Gehricke had assured the gov- that this is a non-political sub- By Railroad was contingent unoji the ad- day. The complaint was brought recovered as part of the fed- mission of women. ernor that incumbent Mon- ject which involves the lives HOWELL TOWNSHIP - Patrolman Thomas L. by Charles I. Joanitis Jr. of mouth County members of the eral program and the The Central Railroad of New He disclosed that the hospi- and property rights of hun- Port of Authority be brought Burch, who investigated the Wall Township; who charged legislature, nil Republicans, dreds of thousands of people. Jersey .continues its In- tal's board of management fa- incident, said John Morris of he was forced to engage in so- would bo welcome. Mr. Kohl into the project by building vestigations into a derail- vorcd such admission. domous acts an unspecified "The Gateway National and operating mass rapid 24 Central Avc., Red Bank, said it was on that basis that Park will pose many problems ment, which spilled six gravel Tho house operates on a was reportedly held up while number of times between he would meet. transit. current grant of $145,300, of but they should not be viewed cars, Friday, near tho Maxim a passenger in a car on Sept. 15 and Sept. 19. Joanitis "Gov. Cahill has sent on to Road level crossing. which New Jersey state con- Mrs. Poppy Kennedy Shrewsbury Ave. near Syca- was awaiting grand jury ac- as insurmountable. The park The candidates have point- tributed 10 per'cont. ' ,. me your letter of Sept. 16 with will bring jobs to Monmouth ed out that the authority's Railroad officials said the drug abuse rehabilitation more Ave. tion on a breaking and enter- tho request that I arrange to 70'Car freight train .was bound I)r, Simon said plans for es- project that includes out cen- ing charge in Wall Township, County residents in some charter gives it authority to According to the police, the discuss the transportation measure in construction and from Lakowood to South

Dear Ann Landers: 1 an sick and tired of reading things about people who Miss Magulre Miss Bcllone MIssBosewltz Miss Sohl Mis* Fromm smoke dope when it .Is plain Ann Landers Dear P.C.S.: Gladly. that the person who is doing Thanks for helping me do so. I the writing has never tried hope the guy who wrote the, drugs and doesn't know a dar- makes you understand things ject, except art. My art teach- previous letter reads yours ned thing about it. If you had better. It does just the oppo- er gave me an A. I think he between smokes. It's hard to Engagements Announced made a few dope scenes your* site, which is why a lot of cats was smoking, too. I made up comprehend when you're self, Ann, you would not be smoke it. They don't want to my mind to stay straight dur- spaced out. printing such dumb letters as see things as they really are. ing the week and smoke on Dear Ann Landers: My. hufr ' Dunzello-Maguire Spratt-Sohl the one that appeared a few It's too rough. They want tho Friday and Saturday. It band has been dead six yean. days ago. Real heads don't scene clouded up — the rag- worked better that way. At I've worked hard to keep his MIDDI.ETOWN - The en- fiance arc alumni of Mater NEW/SHREWSBURY - ents are Mr/and Mrs. James image . The gagement of Miss Kathleen Dei High School, Class of 1967. Miss Patricia Mary Sohl and J. spratt St., 30 Willow St., call it a "" They say ged edges smoothed off. Dope least I passed. "weed party" or "hedd pop- can do It. The square who wrote said children believe he was,a Ann Maguirc to Michael Allan She was graduated also from Navy Petty Officer 3.c. Rob- Port Monmouth. saint. They are sure our mai> Dunzello, son of Mr. and Mrs, Newark Slate College, where ert Matthew Spratt plan to be Miss Sohl was graduated per." When I was doing pot every almost every pothead he knew It Isn't true that grass day, I was flunking every sub- went on to Something strong- riage was ideal. The truth Is Michael J, Dunzello, 12 Heath- fehe was president of Lambda married Dec. .18. Announce- from Red Bank Catholic High that he was rotten to the core. er Lane, New Monmouth, is Chi Rho sorority, and is a ment of their engagement is School and the Muhlenberg er. He's wrong about that. I know at least 100 heads and He started to cheat on me announced by her parents, third grade teacher in the made by the bride-elect's par- School of Nursing, Plainfield, during, our honeymoon. When Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Ma- New Monmouth School. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Car- Her fiance is a Middletown. Georgian Court about one-third of the group is satisfied to stay with pot—in- he died I was sharing him gulre, 9 Melrose Place, here. Mr. Punzello Is a senior ac- leton Sohl, Z25 Riveredgo Township High school with at least three women, i A June 24 wedding is planned. Road, here. Mr. Spratt's par- alumnus. cluding me. Tell it like if is, counting major at Monmouth I've started to see a very at- Miss Maguire and her College, West Long Branch. Alumnae to Meet will you please? — Ree-laxed ELBERON - The Mon- bury!, a member of the^Jar» Dear Ree: I try.but it isn't tractive man who is about 10 Gleason-Fromm mouth County Alumnae Chap- den Club of New Shjetfsbury- the same for everybody. years my junior,.twice,dU Reynolds-Bellone,. ENGLISHTOWN - Mr. and ship High School and Orange ter of Georgian Court College Lincroft, a charter member of According to you, one-third voiced, and a gambler by pro-. STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. — ated from.St. Joseph's Com- Mrs. Chester £• Fromm, Le- Memorial Hospital School of will meet Tuesday at 8 p.nt. In Floralia, and director of of the heads in your crowd are fession. My children dislike Mr, and Mrs, William C.Han- • mercial High School, Brook- Valley Drive, announce the Nursing. She is head nurse at the home of Mrs. Ronald De- 'I'horn Thistle, a group of satisfied to stay with pot. This him intensely. The oldest boy sen announce the engagement lyn, and Ss employed by Bride- engagement of their daughter, Orange Memorial Hospital. Maria, 19 Elinore Ave. Junior gardeners of the New means two-thirds are trying! said, "Dad would turn over in ! of her daughter, Miss Joan Franklin State Bank, Mon- Miss Mary Elizabeth Fromm, Mr. Gleason was graduated Plans will be formalized for Shrewsbury-Lincroft Garden for a bigger jolt. Thanks for his grave is he knew." Marie Bellone, 53 Canlield mouth Division, Matawan. to Lawrence G. Gleason, son from St. Mary's High School a garage sale in the homo of Club who have just recently the testimony. I'm tempted to haul the Lane, Matawan, to Michael of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Glea- and, attended Monmouth Col- Miss Beti Egli, 78 Clearvlew, held a standard flower show, Dear Ann Landers: Please skeleton out of the closet and Lynn-Reynolds, son of Mr. Mr. Reynolds is an alumnus son of Manasquan. An August lege, West Long Branch, fol- Drive, New Shrewsbury, Oct. plans to stress mechanics and make it clear in your column let the children know their and Mrs. Floyd Beynolds of of Columbia City Joint High wedding is planned. lowing U.S. Marine Corps ser- 23 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. simplicity in design. Her pro* that marijuana smokers who dad was a heel and that I'm Roanoke, Ind. The couple School in Indiana and is an- The bride-elect was gradu- vice. He Is completing studies Chairmen are Mrs. John J, • gram will feature garden get caught and are found entitled to whatever happi- plan to be married Nov. 20. accountant with C.C. & Boh- ated from Middletown Town- at Trenton Stale College. Iriske, 36 Woodbine Ave., flowers and foliage. A four*- guilty have criminal records ness I can get. Do I have the The bride-elect was gradu- rer, Fort Wayne, Ind. , Little Silver, and Mrs, page booklet will be dis- — regardless of the state right?-Other Life Thomas Sehweers, SO Hilltop tributed to the members. laws. Some people have the Dear O.L.: No. You are Ter., Red Bank. Donations to Membership reservations are notion that a misdemeanor is hoping to justify your choica Safarewitz-Rosewitz the sale are being accepted. available from Mrs. Stephen not a crime. I am told by per- by discrediting your deceased NEW MONMOUTH - Mrs. from Middletown Township Mrs. Peter Andreatcb, 68 Stumpf, Ardena, or Mrs. Ron* sonnel directors of employ- husband in the eyes of your High School and Douglass Col- Mary Rosewitz, 3 MacKenn Willslure Drive, New Shrews- aid DeMaria, Elberon. ment agencies that applicants •children. It won't work. For< Place, announces the engage- lege, New Brunswick. Her for jobs often claim they have. get it. It's a bummer. ,. . ment of her daughter, Miss fiance was awarded BS and What Is French kissing?, Is Anne Rosewitz, to David Safa- MS degrees from the Univer- Martha Chapter Sponsors Dance it wrong? Who should set the rewitz, son of Mr. and Mrs. sity of Connecticut and is em- ence. Tfien they get nailed for necking limits — the boy or B^ijamin Safarewitz, Milford, ployed by the Prudential Life RED BANK — The ways mons. Also on the committee and means committee of Mar- are Mrs. William Slater, wor- lying on the application. , , the girl? Can a shotgun weii-. Conn. Insurance Company of Amer- tha Chapter Order of Eastern thy matron; Mrs. James C, You, yourself, have been un-: ding succeed? Read Ann Miss Rosewitz, daughter ica. Star is sponsoring a dance Ellis, secretary; Mrs. Thetaia dear on this point and I trust Landers' booklet, "Teen-Age also of the lato Alexander - A December wedding is Oct. 23 from 9 p.m. to 2 a.m. Washington, hostesses; Mrs. you will set the record Sex - Ten Ways To Cool It." Rosewitz, was graduated planned. in the Terrace Gardens, Wick, Leon Glover ani Mrs. Ray straight. - P.C.S., Dixie Roto Send 50 cents in coin and a Miss Frendock Miss Llndquist long, self-addressed, stamped Miss Hitz apecko Drive, Wanamassa. • mond.McGuire. Editor, New Orleans Times- envelope. . ' Bartlett-Hitz General chairman is Mrs. ' Reservations are available Picayune FAIR HAVEN - Announce- she attended Waynesburg Manning-Frendock Mattie Daniels, and vice from Mrs., Daniels, .16$ River ©ELAINE POWERS FIGURE SALON, INC. 1371 ment is made by Mr. and Mrs. (Pa.) College and is an -MIDDLETOWN - Mr. and ated this year from Middle- chairman Mrs. William Sim- St. •. I Henry A. Hitz, 800 Kiver alumna of Tobe-Coburn Mrs. Charles Frendock, 52 town Township High School The Worlds Largest System, Road, of the engagement of School for Fashion Careers, Fairview Drive, announce the and is a dental assistant for their daughter, Miss Judith New York. She is an assistant engagement of their daughter,- Dr. Edward McKcnha, Red of Figure Control Salons ! Barbara Hitz, to Walter Lee buyer for Hahne and Com- Miss Linda Frendock, to Bank. It's a Date Bartlett, son of Mrs. Gertrude pany, Newark. Thomas J. Manning, son of Mr. Manning Is a 1969 grad- Bartlett of Harrisburg, Pa., Mr. Bartlett was graduated Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Man- uate of Mater Dei High and the late Walter Lee Bar- from the University of Bridge-, ning, 16 Stonehurst Ter., Haz- School. He is a steamfitter ap- PATHOLOGY PROGRESS BOOK FAIR Don't Count tlett. A Dec. 11 wedding is port, where he was a member let. ' . ' prentice Local 475, East Or- ,LONG BRANCH - Dr. E. RUMSON - The 12th an- planned. of Alpha Phi Omega frater- The bride-elect was gradu- ange. M. Sneff, director of Depart- nual Book Fair at Rumson The bride-elect was gradu- nity. He is plant engineering ment of Pathology at Jersey Country Day School begins ated from Rumson-Fair supervisor for the Olivetti Geisler-Lindquist Shore Medical Center, will today and continues through Colories Haven Regional High School. Corporation, Harrisburg. speak here Wednesday at an 8 Wednesday. The hours are WEST KEANSBURG - Mr/ Geisler, 36 Newman St. from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and Mrs. Kenneth Doll, 60 Miss .Llndquist and her p.m. meeting, in the Family and Children's Services build- daily plus 7 to 9 p.m. tomor- First St., announce the en- fiance are alumni of Raritan row and Wednesday. gageirientvof her daughter, High School. She is employed ing, of the American,Associ- Career Workshop Miss Patricia Ann Lindquist, by the Rush Laboratories, ation of Medical Assistants. CHINESE AUCTION to Clifford-Charles Geisler, Hed Bank, and Mr. Geisler is He will speak about patholog- PORT MONMOUTH - The &i>n of Mi- dinfTJrs. 'Charles employed in Keansburg ical advances and techniques. Ladles Auxiliary of the Fire Open to Women Company will have a Chinese LINCROFT - A Career are available now from the Auction tomorrow at 8 p.m. in Workshop for Women who are Community Education De- the firehouse. Tickets avail- thinking about entering the la- partment.' able at the door. bor market, a close look at The ancient art and philoso- DEBORAH MEETING the role of women in politics, phy of the Hindus will be the SHREWSBURY - The Red Lorraine Morgan and short courses on Hindu subject of Dr. John Brzos- Bank Chapter of Deborah art and philosophy, weaving, toski, professor at the New Hospital meets tomorrow at SIZE 14 TO A SIZE and wine are all being offered School for Social Research, 12:39 p.m. in the firehouse, IN 16 VISITS! byiropkdale Community Col- during an eight session short Broad St. The public is in- lege. course which begins tonight vited. Refreshments will be The college's Community from 7:30 to 9:00 p.m. served. Education Department has W.I.NiO.,. Well Informed SISTERHOOD MEETING designed the Career Work- Neophyte Oenophllist, is a re- MATAWAN TOWNSHIP - shop for the mature woman peat of the popular course The Sisterhood of Temple Who may be considering going dealing with the art of choos- Both Ahm will meet tomorrow tO'wbrk. The course will tie ing and serving wine. This at 8:30 p.m. in the Temple, taught by a Brookdale instruc- three-session offering will be Ayrmont Lane. Mrs. Henry tor, Mrs. Joan Parent (a taught again by James Bartel, Weiner, a native of Israel, and working mother), who will of- proprietor of "Le Vintage," Franciiie Rudoff and. Candy fer assistance with such bas- Thursdays from 8 to 11 p.m. Gordon, local girls who visited ics as evaluating skills, pre- beginning November 4, and Israel this year, will speak. A paring resumes, handling in- will be conducted at the new and used book sale will terviews, and dealing with the YMHA in Deal. The course is beheld. family relationships that be- co-sponsored by the Mon- come more complex when the mouth' YMHA.. • PLEDGE DINNER woman goes to work. RUMSON - The annual Warp and Weft'has six ses- pledge dinner of the Red Bank The course will be offered sions starting Thursday. The Chapter of Hadassah is to* on Tuesdays beginning tomor- instructors are Mark and Joy morrow at 6:30 p.m. in Con- Bohanan, local craftsmen. row, from 9 to 11 a.m. on the gregation B'nai Israel. HOURS: Brookdale campus and there .Each session will be from 7:30 CHINESE AUCTION p.m. to 9:30 on the campus. will be six sessions. ' NEW MONMOUTH - St. 9 AM to 9 PM Dr. Jennifer MacLeod, di- For registration information Mary's Rosary-Altar Society rector of the Center for Amer- for any of these or other short will sponsor a Chinese Auc- ican Women in Politics of Itu'U courses, contact the Division tion tomorrow at 8 p.m. in St. Coll Today 842-2451 gers University will speak of Community Services at Mary's Grade School cafe- tonight at.a session which will Brookdale. teria. Mrs. Robert Ross heads ForYourFREE Trial Visit & Figure Analysis review the feminine role in NEEDLEWORK CLASSES the refreshment committee. American political life and the HAZLET — The Recreation Tickets will be sold at the American woman's interest in ® IF YOU ARE A DRESS SIZE- Commission has reopened door. playing a larger role in that 14 — YOU CAN BE A SIZE 10 BY by Nov. 19 registration for Its girls' knitt- OPEN HOUSE (gpywrlght U - YOU CAN BE A SIZE II BY by Nor. 34 life. ing and crocheting class. Register Staff Photo OCEANPORT - The PTA Elcina Fowors Id — YOU CAN BE A SIZE 14 BY by NOV. 14 Figuro Salon Dr. MacLeod's appearance Young ladies interested in at- SPECIAL AWARD — In recognition for aid to the Save the Children Fed- will have an open house JO - YOU CAN BE A SIZE 14 BY by Dec.» int. isn » - YOU CAN BE A SIZE IS BY by DBC. ? is co-sponsored by the Mon- tending sessions each eration, a certificate of appreciation from -the organization which brings Wednesday. The program tie- ' RESULTS... If for iny niim r«i tall ID mouth County League of Tuesday afternoon in the rec- new hope to needy children Is presented by Mrs. Jack Art. Rosoff, left, gins at 7:15 p.m. in the Maple itcslvt Us nulls listed. Elilnt Poults Kill .Women Voters. Dr. Mac- reation office in Veterans Me- principal of Congregation B'nal Israel Sunday School, to Mrs. Edward Place School and continues (l«i)tuS MONTHS FREE Leod's talk will be given in morial Park, Onion Ave., are Straus, Little Silver, chairman of the congregation's board of education. with a visit to the Wolf Hill Barn A, forum 1, on the asked to contact the commis- Rabbi Rosoff looks on. The special award was given on behalf of the chil- School at 8:30 p.m. Refresh- Brookdale campus. Tickets sion. dren attending B'nal Israel school, who also are helping to support an ments will be served. CHURCH CAKD PARTY .American Indian child. 00 NURSING HOME HIGHLANDS - Tho Girls • Z 4-Hour C«ro Friendly Sponsors of St. An-, Drapery Factory Outlet Per Month ADVERTISEMENT ADVERTISEMENT • RManituiynlltimea drews Episcopal Church will 821 HIGHWAY 35 775-1894 PROGRAM To The First • Modicata Approved havo a card party Tuesday at WANAMASSA, NEW JERSEY NAVESINK HOUSE 8 p.m. in the church, Bay Ave; An uncommon recipe 45 To Call 44 RIVERSIDE AVE.riEDDANK Tickets' will be available at OVER 6QO0 PAIRS! 842-3400 from the uncommon salt UNLIMITED VISITS the door. . . SOMBSLiOHTLYiRREaULAR L Be sure to use Diamond Crystal It is a better te> himti-m torn/a rvmttw nitt tall-—uncommon because it's differently made to make food mste uncommonly good, Every grnln READY TO HANG lias dlamond-llko.'heels Hint cling where you ALL NEW 'thnko it fur even sailing; and in cooking, its crys- 60% off DRAPERIES FINNISH SAUNAS ASK ABOUT OUR Custom Carpet Cleaning tal purity really tells.' Cr.ysta' & SHOWERS TEENAGE PROGRAM REDUCED FOR CLEARANCE IW THE HOME >^ BAKED STEAK HOURS: FIBER GLASS DRAPES 9 A.M. Silttv WIO 3 Ibt. lean ttoak, 4 tbipi. VA tip. poppsr 2 Inciioi thick werceitordilrt Vi tip. piplH aB ELAINE POWERS fo Ulovt garlic 4 Ibtpi. catnip I xot. an 96"W x 63" - 84" - 90" L...... 6 , 9 P.M. <1tb:pi. allmoll 1 roundotl tip. Hit raoim, dr»|niit 88 Mate « marinade tit mlnwl • (Sdhs, oil, uts«p, silt, 144"W x 63" • 84". 90" I. 11 Charles F. Hanisch pippti »od WDinotterihlro. Pour ovtr >t»K >nd 1st ilsnd FIGURE SALON In shnliaw dlsli 2 to .1 hours In refrigerator. Sprinkle Sot. 9.4 with pjprlka, Oak 1V4 to 2 hourmt .ISO" until lender. Open Tu0i.8tWed, 1OA.M. to 8 P.M. . Monmouth & Broad St. (The Mall) 222-0956 Cover with mushrooms for lilt 15 minute* el biting.. Ttiun. & Fri. 10 A.M. to 8 P.M. - Sat. 10-5 Red Bank T

BALTIMORE (AP) - The Pittsburgh Pirates won their first Wftrfd Serie-. in if years yesterday, edging Baltimore, 2-1, in a tenbi! snenil game behind the four-hit pitching of Steve and iPdving President Nixon no elioice but to con- i uunagers. ^The phone call fiom the White House was channeled first Into the dressing room of winning Manager , Who accepted it with the same stoic manner lie had main- tained throughout the entire Series. , Baltimore Manager , who had joked prior to the Series that lie had never received a presidential call despite the Orioles' success, then found the call channeled into the losers' dressing room. "Mr, President," Weaver said, "you couldn't have called at a better time. It means so much more than it would at any other time." While Nixon helped Weaver forget, he joked with Mur- taugh about the calm manner in which he sat on the Pitts- burgh during the exciting game. "He told me he thought I was rather calm on the bench for a situation like this," said Murtaugh in relating Nixon's con- versation. "He also .said ho thought second baseman did a tremendous job defensively. "It's a tremendous boost when the President can take time out from his worldly duties for a baseball game." Weaver had said before the Series began that he was hop- v; •;**-; «S; ing for a phone call from the President but had never received one despite the fact that the Orioles had won the American J* » • S%* » t- *> *, League pennant three consecutive seasons. FLIPPED OUT — Pirates second baseman Dave Cash (30) way Blass Beats Them and Baltimore runner the other, but not before he was tagged Blass left him waiting yesterday — and Weaver fully rec- BUCCOS REJOICE — Pittsburgh Pirates' pitcher leaps high ognized it, in the air as his catcher Manny SanguMen raises his arms In victory after out at second base In the third inning of yesterday's World Series finale. "It was Blass that beat us," he" said in the Baltimore they defeated Baltimore, 2-1»to win the 1971 World Series yesterday. Buford was picked off first and was tagged out as he tried to go to sec- dressing room. "As gr^eat as (Roberto) Clemente was, this was Blass was the starting and winning hurler. ond. The Pirates won the World Series, 2-1. the guy who knocked us off in the Series. He couldn't have Now it was . He couldn't wait to get at the been better." l heated and unsettling protests by Baltimore Manger. Earl And how they howled when he tagged a 1-1 pitch down the Weaver about his stance on the mound. right field line, only to see it curve foul. Then one pitch later 29-year-old right-hander and swung at the first pitch. But it Blass' pitching brought the Pirates the victory and the ; was a short pop up to center field that shortstop Jackie Her-. Series four victories to three and placed them in the record as Then the Orioles marshalled their forces for their only ma- he tapped a high bouncer to second baseman Dave Cash, who jor threat as Ellie Hendricks and poked con- threw him out. ' nandez camped under without difficulty. > one of tho only six teams to come back from an 0-2 deficit and was next; the only man between Blass win baseball's most cherished prize. secutive singles with none out. Pinch-hitter Tom Shopay moved them up a base by sacrificing as and and victory, the only man who could give the Orioles life. But it was anything but easy in the stomach-churning 1 Blass came around with the right arm, and fired and plate game despite Blass' second strong performance, a'homo run began to warm up in the Pittsburgh bullpen. But it was Blass' show under the gloomy skies surrounding Umpire signalled strike and suddenly the Pitts- by Clemente that got the Pirates started and Jose Pagan's burgh voices in the crowd were drowning out the Orioles roo- run-producing double in the eighth inning. Memorial Stadium — and he put one on by retirinE Don Buford ters. Before Blass nailed it down for all the spunky Pirates and on a grounder to first, as Hendricks scored, and getting Dave Johnson on a grounder to short that ended the uprising. Then Blass reared back - pitch No. 108 - and Retten- the cigar-chewing Murtaugh, he had to pitch out of a tension- mund hit it up the middle. Hernandez ranged over behind sec- filled situation in the Orioles' half of the eighth inning when The Pirates threatened briefly in the ninth but failed to: ond, scooped it up, fired to at first and it was the defending champions broke through for their only run. ' score and Blass went back to work, facing the heat of the Bal- timore line-up as the Orioles came to bat with one" more all over. ' • Biass, who admits, "I get nervous before a big game," Totals nil Totals 59 1 4 Blass, a 15-game winner during the regular season, thus came into the decisive Seventh game having spun a three-hit- chance to win it and satisfy their dynastic aspirations. pimouroii..." ooo loo oio —; Baltimore. 000 000 010 -1 finished with a four-hitter, walking only two and striking out ter that began the Pirates on the road back in Game No. 3. "Charge" yelled the Baltimore-oriented crowd of 47,291 in 6- B.RobwUon. OP i- Pitts. 1. LOB - Pitts. 4. Bolt. 4.5B — Hmilrleks, Po- five as the Pirates became the only team in this Series to win And when he strode out to the mound to face the Orioles in unison, drowning out the few Pittsburgh fans on hand; as big oon HR — Clemente (2). S-Snopoy. a game away from home. their half of the eighth he had allowed just two hits, despite stepped to the plate to face Blass. Colts Coddle Giants; Neptune's Davis Revives Jets

byJONMFALK NEW YORK (AP) - There's nothing like a game NEW YOHK - Most of the ball to make a guy feel want- Baltimore Colts probably ed. Just ask Bob Davis of haven't seen a high school of- Neptune, N.J. fense in many years, so it A fifth-year pro out of the took them most of one quarter University of Virginia but to catch on to the New York only the third-string quarter- Giants yesterday. back for the , Once they did, it was the Davis made his first start Colts in a breeze, 31-7. since l%9 yesterday and The Giants continued to use fueled the crippled Jets to a their double and triple flan- 28-17 National Football kers, shifts and men-in-mo- League victory over the. win- tion. It worked long enough less Buffalo Bills. for the Giants to take a 7-0 It was four more points lead on their first possession. than the Jets had managed However, at times Frank while dropping three of four Tarkenton looked more Ukeva previous starts. traffic director than a quar- "I always felt I was part of terback as he had to point out this team," Davis said after positions'in the Giants' many completing seven of 12 passes sets. for 140 yards, including New Meanwhile, the Colts went York's first two touchdown to a man-to-man defense and passes of the season. "I want- came up with three key inter- ed to prove it a little more ceptions and a fumble recov- today. It's a great satisfaction . ery that killed the Giants' to get the game ball." best drive of the day. Davis got his chance when The- Colts scored 21 points in Al Woodall, who took over fol- the second period to take a 24- lowing Joe Namath's pre-sea- 7 halftime lead, and then sal- son knee hi jury, managed to - AP Wlrtptiolot ted the game away with a TD THAT'S ALL, BOBBY- New York Giant halfback Bobby Duhon (28) is put only 24 points on the in the third period. Giant cas- tackled by (85) of the Baltimore Colts on the 48-yard line In 'YOU'RE PULLING MY LEG' - New York Jets' Earlie Thomas tugs at 1he leg of Buffalo Bills' Haven Moses before bringing him down yesterday Scoreboard in four games, two toff flipped three the first quarter at Yankee Stadium yesterday. Giants' Doug Van Horn of them shutouts. touchdown passes, and John (63) makes a block on Colts' Mike Curtis (32). The Colts throttled the Gi- In the second quarter at Shea Stadium. Moving In at right is Jets' Al At- kinson. The Jets won, 28-17. But he finally had his day. Unitas came in during the ants, 31-7. The Jets struck for a pair of fourth period to make his They then went 80 yards in touchdowns less than two first appearance in Yankee on to th,e ball for nine min- six plays with Norm Bulaich utes, 15 seconds, but Bob minutes apart late in the first Stadium since the sudden going the last 34 yards over period and went on to take death game in 1958. Tucker fumbled on the three right guard and over half the and recovered. their home opener before a The Giants went 70 yards in Skins Make Cards Believe Giants' secondary. The Colts started their drive crowd of 61,948. 13 plays to take the lead with picked off, to the final TD and showed The Bills, 0-5, came within , Tarkenton sprinting around the first of his two inter- that they knew some high four points at 14-10 and 21-17 right end for the final seven. ceptions and returned it to the school plays, too, by getting a but each time the Jets pulled Key play in the drive was a Giants' 49. On third and eight big first down on a Statue of With Fifth Straight Victor away again,.thanks to scoring fourth down pass out of punt from the 27, Morrall hit Liberty play. The last nine drives of 70 and 56 yards be- formation from John Blan- Bulaich with a little fullback yards vyere covered on anoth- By The Associated Press opened up a two-game lead edged Cincinnati 27-24, Min- Cleveland, trailing 24-13, hind the passing of Davis and chard to Dick Kotite. The flare, and the big guy ran er Morrall to Perkins pass in over Dallas in the National nesota whipped Green Bay 24- came back to win when Bo the running of Emerson Boo- Conference's Eastern Divi- play was good for 24 yards, over again, leaving linebacker the comer, this time over a The undefeated Washington 13, Los Angeles took Atlanta Scott scored on a seven-yard zer and John Rigglns. but Kotite got knocked silly on Redskins won their fifth sion. 24-16, the New York Jets JuuFiles gasping. frustrated Bennie McRae, ' 'pass from Bill Nelson and The Jets scored the first the tackle. straight game, beating St. Delles Howell's 60-yard re- topped Buffalo 28-17,' San Hendricks' second inter- The Giant fans cheered ev- then ran four yards for a time they had the ball, cov- Louis 20-0, while Dallas was turn of a pass interception set Francisco stopped Chicago 13- The Colts stormed back on ception came with 48 seconds ery move at the beginning, touchdown with 39 seconds upset 24-14 by; New Orleans up a field goal and Al Dodd's 0, Denver nipped San Diego ering 51 yards in nine plays, passes to and Tom in the half, and it took the but by lialftlme, the only thing left. Scott also scored Cleve- all on the ground, plus three yesterday in'the National, 77-yard return of a missed 20-16, Baltimore ripped the land's other touchdown, on a Mitchell and an end-around by Colts 41 seconds to score. they cheered was the Virginia five-yard penalties, eating up Football League. field goal set up a touchdown New York Giants 31-7, Detroit three-yard run. Mitchell. Stalled on the .20, Morrall pitched 10 yards to State College marching band. five minutes en route. they got a field goal on Jim in the corner. Charley Harraway and Bill as New Orleans built a 17-0 drubbed Houston 31-7, Miami Two recovered fumbles and Midway in the fourth per- half-time lead over Dallas. mauled New England 41-3 and Boozer, who carried six O'Brien's 27-yard boot. The Giants drove to the Colt Kilmer scored on short runs, an interception set up three iod, the neighborhood bars, Larry Brown rushed for 150 Rookie quarter Archie Man- Oakland trounced Phila- tlhics for 32 yards, cracked 17 in the third period, holding souvenir shops and subway Minnesota touchdowns at the left side frotn two yards yards and Jack Pardee inter- ning scored for New Orleans delphia 34-10, Green Bay. All were scored stations were bloated with cepted three St. Louis passes on runs of 13 and 3 yards.- out for the touchdown, fans who left empty seats be- Pittsburgh plays at Kansas on Gary Cuozzo passes. High Interest as the surprising Redskins In other games, Cleveland City tonight. Three plays after tho en- GUNS hind them. suing klckoff, Buffalo's Den- and Flexibility nis Shaw was hit by Roger Pro Grid Finnic as he fired a pass. Paul AMMO Crane deflected the ball at the fGunpowder Rangers Go Wild Over Canadiens Bills' 44 and rookie Phil Wise NEW YORK (AP) - Vic Ratellc opened the New Bruce McGregor and Dave total over the 300-mark. Standings intercepted It nnd raced to the York scoring with a power- 11. Complete Hadfield, Jean Ratellc and Balon also scored for the Jacques Lemaire, Yvan AMSRICAN CONFERENCE play goal at 9:09 of the open- Rangers, who lead the East BoiKrn Division On the. next play, Rich Cas- Bill Fairbairn each scored Cournoyer, Claude Larosc W t T Gunsmith twice for New York yesterday ing period and completed the Division with a 3-1-1 record. and Frank Mahovlich tallied flolllnwri ...;....' 4 I 0 ter beat Robert James in the ' Mloffli 3 1 1 as the Rangers handed Mon- route with a goal at 18:14 of New York's Rod Gilbert had for the Canadiens, whose N«w eitfllond 1 3 0 right comer or the end zone < Facilities H»w York Jelt 3 3 0 treal's Stanley Cup champions the third period. (four assists, raising his career record dropped to 1-1-2. Buffalo » 5 0 and Davis hit him with the Cinlral Division Including their first setback of the Na- 4 Jets' first touchdown pass of tional Hockey League season, the season. Reblue/mj. beating the Canadiens, 8-4, in Shaw, who missed with nine All Repairs a wild, wide-open game. Knicks Capture First in Overtime of his first 10 passes, finally Made Hadfield, the Rangers' cap- CLEVELAND (AP) - Dave ond straight overtime game In Wesley bit an clytit-footer took the Bills 63 yards in sev- Immediately tain, tallied twice while New Deflusschcre scored,seven as many nights and needed a front the left baseline as the en plays and threw a 12-yard York had a one-man advan- points In overtime to lead 20-footer by DeBusschcre to buzzer sounded to send the scoring pass to Marlin Brlscoc tage at 6:49 of the second pe- ,0M' New York past the Cleveland break a II? 119 tie wl(h 25 sec- game Into' overtime, 108-108, Grant Guthrle's Si-yard A&R riod and at the 55-second Cavaliers, 121-120, for the onds left In overtime to clneh ,wo mark of the third period. field goal narrowed the mar- Repair 8 Supply Co. Knlcfcs' first National Basket- the verdict. The Knicks had four scorns iinlrol civilian ' Fairbairn, slowed all season gin even more in the third pe- fit. 36 at Falrlleld Avenue ball Association victory of the Walt Wesley scored 24 over 23. Willis Herd had Zt, Dllroll 4 I 0 riod but the Jels answered by mononucleosfs, scored ut season. points for the Cavaliers and Walt Frailer 21, Burnett 22 ctiitooo,..,',',',',',',1.'.1,'.'!!," i j o Heat to the Utrmtlil Diner OrMiifioy 3 3 0 right back, going 70 voids lii Leonardo Open Eye*,ft Sun. 11:36 of the opening period . The Knicks were never able Charlie Davis added 23. andDeBusschtre2I. Wiittrn Dltlilm MMRtcr rM«»t «tMir;i r and 16:08 of the secpnd peri- seven playH with Cliff Dtptut Inmrmci Cor to shake off (he pesky Cays Twelve of Davis' points came Bobby Smith bit 31 points McCloln diving over from tho. 4599 od. . . * • ' who were playing in fbelr sec- in the fourth quarter. for the Cavaliers, N(w JrlMni!!".""".'. i 3 i Ailonlu t 3 I one, t TV Ouilv Rrtfalrr. Red Bank - Miil(flc4t "ndcfeafednl detc . Thlle outcome of the «Z when (he Bishops failed to pick ufi a first down, Asliury was ™l* t?"1''!' T T ™" "g 'he Shore Confer forced to go to the air 27 limes, compleling only five for 3fi Pitts conversion run was slopped short and the score re- The Hues' final score came when the Bishops punted after f „ B, '"vision championship, Ocean Is 3-0 in "B" while yards, mained M until only seconds remained in llio first half. The the first series of downs of the fourth period. Arnold Hod Hunk has won bothof Its conference games, ' Bishops had ideas of tying or taking a lead before the inter- Yarborough, who excelled In the defensive secondary all after- Offensively, lied Bank oflen spultercd. The Rues'wrro mission, • , • • noon, fielded the punt on the fly at the Asbury 36 and brought able to rush for only Ufi yards nel. Mike Pitts, Monmoiiih Quarterback John Petillo dropped back to pass from the It all the way back. County's leading scorer, was contained for the first time this lied Bank 45 and fired into the flat. However, Hill intercepted Sub quarterback Jeff Gowan hit Burgess for the two-point season, the ball on the Bishops 43 and scampered 57 yards untouched. 1IC brl fl r r CCted 0 l!1St Veal S fi conversion. Jeter had accounted for the twofcr following the wlth'th ^ ? ", ° J °" " " WIW °» It was the linebacker's second TD of the season via that route second TI) in the third period. Pitts scored I ho Hues' first touchdown -? his'ninth of the wi h the .Spartans in which his boys overcame a 14-0 deficit and marked the Murth straight game in which the Bucs re- In all, lied Bank recovered three fumbles (Norflee, Hill witii a stunning three-touchdown performance within a 90-scc- year - on a two-yard plunge in the opening period, but he turned a pass pilferage for a TD, nianagcdjuHt 44/pards In 19 carries. He did dash 75 yards for and Greg (Hover) and intercepted three passes (Hill, om span In the final two and a half minutes of the game Taylor srwaked over for the conversion points and a more Yarborough and Burgess). 'liny (Ocean) haven't forgotten that," he said, an apparent second TIJ in the third period, but it was nullified comfortable^M-l) halftlme lead. bv a holding penally They're the mistakes to which Strangia referred, but he. Despite? the one-sided score, Strangia was somewhat dis- Their ruMilng game bottled up by a game Bishop line, lied doesn't expect Ocean to be as charitable live days hence. Wave Gils Caseys Eliminate Grid Machine Gain Tie By RICH NICOLETTI The Wave remained close to The game was one of con- the Flier end in the third peri- ByJONNIFALK Short's placement was per- . LONG BRANCH - It took fect, but Catholic was de- trasts. The Blue Devils, now od. Eisele's aerial antics 1-2-1, had trouble running and Long Branch the better part moved the Branchers to the RED BANK - For three tected holding and penalized picked up only 25 yards rush- of a full half to get its scoring Flier one, only to be held on straight, weeks, Red Bank back" to the 18. Bob Coleman's ing on the day, although De- machine back in order Satur- downs by the Neptune for- Catholic had been plagued by pass to Kingsberry day after last week's humili- ward wall. fumbles and other mistakes. complete. marec got 44, yards on 11 car- Saturday, they eliminated the ries. ation across the boarder In The Fliers had to punt away Shore came back doing the Levittown, Pa, fumbles and got a 6-6 tie with thing it docs The Caseys sacked Shirva- after four downs got them no- Shore Regional here. nian three times Jor 27 yards Once the Wave found it- where. Beekman's kick was. best—passing—but Brian self—Neptune was destined Even with the tie that broke Langan threw Bob Shirvanian with Bill Catalone, Leon Ma- returned by.Terry Rawls to zieki'en and Langan leading for its 13th straight loss. The the Neptune i7. the three-game losing streak, for a 12-yard loss, and the Branchers won, 27-8, but they Casey coach Jim McNamara Blue Devils had to punt. the charge. Ron Greene ran 10 yards off On the other hand, Shirva- did most of the damage in the tackle on the second play was not completely happy, Bruce Edwards, who must second half. and to his credit, he tried to be one of the best punters on nian completed 13 of 20 passes from scrimmage for the for 150 yards. After what looked like a score. win the game until the end. the Shore, got off a 41-yarder strong defensive showing by "We eliminated the fumble to the Casey 23, and a clipping The Caseys got nothingpas- Eisele provided two points sing in three attempts but ran Neptune in the first half (they on a run. and got the backfield togeth- penalty moved it back to the were only down, 6-0) Long er," he said, "but we're still 12. The Caseys lost three for 138 yards. Neptune, frustrated on the Shore drove to the Casey 15 Branch wasted no time pull- ground all day, went to the air not running the offense prop- yards and punted on third ing away. erly. And penalties hurt us on down. However, the kick trav- in the first period and the 12 for its only score at 9:36 in the near the end of the half. The Wave end Jerry Prather fourth period. the extra point and one eled only to the 29. second drive was touched off grabbed the openjng kickoff in Chuck Boake took a fourth- drive." Shirvanian hit Jim Delah- by a 39 yard Shirva-' the third period on his 35. He down pass from Beekman ' R«9l»l«r Stall Photo by SUvt Croft McNamara was right. Pe- anty for six on a look-in and nian—Sickler pass with Kevin didn't look as though he want- good for 23 yards. Roake had CASEY A-GO-GO - Walt Kingsberry (30), Red Bank Catholic halfback, nalties hurt both teams in this Frank Sickler for six more on ed it. Steve Schwartz was to go over his head for the picks up key yardage on the drive which led to u touchdown In the game which saw all the scor- a flare. Eric Demaree carried Davis making a saving tackle right behind him, and Prather ball. Casey's 6-6 tie with Shore Regional. Running mostly power plays off his ing come in the last seven twice to the 12, and then Shir- at the Casey 38. Three succes- own left side, Kingsberry led all rushers in the game with 67 yards. Too sive passes moved it to the 16, appeared ready to hand off Vidulich took andtheTr Beek- minutes, 11 seconds.. vanian flipped to split end late to stop Kingsberry are Shore's Greg Crisp (34) and Jerry Pascucci and then with time running until Schwartz moved away man aerial for the two-point Although both teams man- Brian O'Halleran on a short (40). out, the Blue Devils, for some . from him. conversion. . . . aged a few mild threats, the post for the tying TD. ' unaccountable reason, switch- With no recourse but to run, The Green Wave wasn't sat- game was scoreless for the John Annunziata blocked ed back to the ground. Prather found his motivation isfied with its 20-8 lead and first three periods. Then, the Edwards' kick after a high skills adequate. He burst just two minutes left in the Caseys stopped a Shore drive snap delayed it. Kingsberry was the top ball- down the sideline and was game. Eisele found the air to Lions End Point Famine, on their own 29 and launched carrier with 67 yards on 15 Only one minute, 23 seconds never touched as he pierced his liking and hit Schwartz for a 71-yard drive that was aided carries. English added 45, also' 32-yards worth on real estate by two Blue Devil panalties. remained in the game, and on 15 trips, the Flier line. the Caseys recovered the ob- With that score in the bag, to put the winners on the'Nep- Dennis Gunnell came off the Shore's Sickler hauled down But Linden Feasts, Too vious onsides kick at the 40. A four passes for 55 .yards, and there appeared no reason for ttne 16-ySrdJine. bench to carry for three times clip and a running loss moved Delahanty picked off three for worry] Quarterback Jimmy ' SchwartrAvent for six more : LINDEN - Middletown about. Along with his 30 points Charlie Martin which closed in the drive—his only three the ball back to the 14, but 38. Eisele, who never fails to im- on the ground, and Greene Township, which has won two in touchdowns, he kicked one the gap to 20-12, but Linden's carries of the day—and picked still the Caseys tried to win Co-captain Greg Crisp, a jiress with his poise and abili- took a pass for the last 10 games by two points and con- extra point and caught Lion Cieminicki countered by tak- up key yardage. with the long pass. Unfortuna- linebacker, and safely Ray ty to run or pass, began to hit yards with no one even near centrated mostly on defense quarterback Mark Monaghan ing a Beriont pass for a 37- With Gunnell, Bob English tely, they didn't complete a Gaston were outstanding for receivers for long gains. him. this season, finally broke in.the end zone for a safety. yard TD. and Walt Kingsberry doing pass all day, the Blue Devil defense. . The Branchers stayed on With nine seconds showing, loose and scored 28 points The Tigers opened their Middletown didn't give in. the running, the Caseys reeled the ground throughout the Kerry Penta made it one for against a strong Linden squad scoring attack .early in the The Lions completed a 63- off three first downs to the OPEN DAILY 10-10 first half. Steve Schwartz was three for a kicked conversion. here Saturday. first period, through a strong yard drive when Ken Jones Shore 37. The, the Blue De- 739-1218 MON., TUES., WED. the man who gave the Wave a Long Branch (3-1) will open However, the Lions appar- defensive effort. went over from 10 yards out. vils were slapped with offside touchdown in the second quar- its war on the Shore Confer- ently threw their defense to Kevin Talbert got past the Linden's relentless passing and personal foul penalties ter after partner in crime Bon ence "B" Division now after the wind and were bomb- Middletown line and blocked a attack proved too, much here. on successive plays to give Greene ran a punt back to the playing three of its first four arded, 49-28, through the air. Monaghan punt. John Riggi The Beriont-Cieminicki com- the Caseys first down at the Neptune 24. games out of the circuit. Linden put on an aerial fell on the ball at the Middle- bination clicked once again i6. Schwartz opened play from The Wave is 1-0 against "B" show as Ed Cieminickhscored town 12. Three plays later, for 47 yards to make the Kingsberry drove to the scrimmage by taking a pitch- ' foes. on passes good for 12, 37, 47, Talbort went over from the score, 33-20. ' three on a power play off left out and running down the and two for 42 yards. two. The safety followed, and the tackle, and English cracked sideline in dazzling Style. .Neptune (0-4) doesn't look Walter Beriont was the man Jerry Brazatis kicked his Tigers were just about home to the one over left guard.' As fof the Fliers, Mike Vi- like a team that hasn't won a with the golden arm until late first of three extra points. free. Gunnell hit the same hole for AUTO CENTER SPEC!ALS dulich was (he man counted game in a period covering in the fourth period when Jim With the Lions down, 20-0, and Two more Tiger scores fol- the touchdown to climax a on to pick up the big yardage. three years. The Flier offense Stampfle, an end, took over time running out in the first lowed — both were passes to drive that had taken five min- He led his team goalward is imaginative, the defense the quarterbacking chores half, Monaghan went to the Cieminicki, but one came utes, 12 pisys, and the two pe- fwice In the first half, but the can be lough, and Beekman and connected With Ciemi- air and found Jeff Johnson for from Stampfle for 12 yards. nalties. 20,000 MILE Long Branch line, led by Tony can find his receivers. The nicki for the final tally of the a two-yard pass in the end The Lions final score came Hankerchlef Files Ceravdlo, was determined to Fliers should be able to find game. zone. when Jones traveled 12 yards Then the red hankerchief keep the Fliers out of the end at least one Saturday of hap- For Cieminicki it was a day Monaghan opened the third after a 67-yard drive. struck the Caseys. Bob BRAKE OVERHAUL piness this season. zone. that a gridder only dreams period with a 37-yard pass to COMPACT CARS Our Reg. 39.96 It was'Ceravolo who single- handedly stopped the Fliers r Rumson^s Streak Chevy II, Corvoir on key plays to thwart drives. Folcoo, Comet, The Branchers went their STANDARD CARS Our Reg. 44.96 merry way in the second half after Prattler's score to open Hits 4 at Scott Ford, Chevy, the third period. <. Plymouth, Rambler , EAST ORANGE - Kumson- Molke putting the Bulldogs on 34" Fair Haven Regional over- the three after a holding pen- BIG CARS Our Reg. 49.96 Central Rolls came its own mistakes and alty had apparently stymied Pontiac, Buick, Olds, jM j% Self •adjusting brakes '4 rnor*. took advantage of some Clif- the drive. Riley again cracked 0 €9 Disc b>akes slightly higher To 4th Win Cadillac, Dodge. ford Scott errors to win, 21-8, over, and Davidson con- BERKELEY TOWNSHIP- here Saturday. verted, HERE'S WHAT WE DO: Central Regional continued to It was tho fourth win for the Rumson-Fair Haven got the • Replace lining on 4 wheels run roughshod over all opposi- undefeated Bulldogs, and the clincher early in the fourth • Machine 4 brake drums tion here Saturday by thump- third loss for the Scotties in period after Ililey had re- • Inspect wheel cylinders ing Trenton Central, 54-8, for four outings. turned a p:int to the Scottle • Inspect master cylinder its fourth straight lop-sided The Bulldogs got two touch- 27. Jon Loux barreled the last 'Repack wheel bearings victory. The visitors are 1-3. • ttlkttWNl \ININGi *1 NOtH*l&t, downs from senior halfback four yards, and Davidson • Check hydraulic lines i^nAu*ton con wnt it HO- Haflbacks Pete Bell and UND ON (HI HICCNuct o' OIJ*I. Harry Riley, who was Daily again kicked the point. • Bleed hydraulic system, rafill AHKiowmi MdUAitf mvna, Rich Breltenbach scored two Register "Offensive Back of The Bulldogs, one of the • Adjust brakes and road-tesi touchdowns each, while quar- the Week" last week. most heavily penalized teams terback Robbie Keyes passed The Scotties had the Bull- in the area, again showed for three six-pointers. dogs down, 8-7, until Rilcy their aggressiveness with 110 Trenton's only TD came on scored his second TD with one yards in penalties. They pick- an 87-yard kickoff return by second left to play In the first ed up 184 yards on the ground Mike Battle following Cen- half. and 41 more passing on six tral's first TD. Central scored Guard Pete Roy helped the ' Reglilcr Stofl Prtolo completions in nine tries. 22 points in the second period END OF THE LINE — Neptune fullback Mike Vidulich (with ball) is Bulldogs to an early lead Rumson-Fair Haven will at- for a 30-8 halftlmo bulge and about to be brought down by Long Branch's Grog Berger (32) after a when he intercepted a Scottic tempt to make it five straight added 24 points In the third short gain In Saturday's game In Long Branch. The Green Wave's' Tony pass on the losers' 21. Riley when it entertains Shore Re- stanza. There was no scoring Ceravolo (65) and Gerry Prather (behind Vidulich) move In to help in the scooted to the one on a sweep, gional at home Saturday. lii the final period. tackle. The Branchers won, 27-8. „ then piled over on third down. John Davidson booted the first of three successful con- version attempts. Shore Scores A Humson fumble paved SMORBCONFERENCE "A" Dlvlilon Marlboro Primed for Panthers Iho way for the Scotties to Molnwort Rf?o, 42, Torm River H. 7 lake the lead. Starling from Brick Twp. 73, lokcwood 0 48-MONTH JACKSON TOWNSHIP - Tlace-ycur-iiW Marlboro Hifili find cracked over from mw yard (nil and tlii'ii throw to Well "5" Dlvlilon HEAVY-W the 36, John Moore completed Bod Don* Rej. 34, Aiburv Park 0 .School is geared for tho most Important football game in Its Waulers [or ;i two-point chautt> i tlur charge by'.•scoring from the one. Runwti-PM dig. 21, cnttord Scatl t iiy'R conu'-frmn-lic'hliul triumph over the home team 1 down following the kickoff. St. Bernard'; «, Croydon Hall 0 was Impressive, Afler a scoreless opening pciind, Tin Miistnngs dominated the statistical bat lie. piling up Shore Reg. t, Red Bonk Cain. 4M« 1 Dave McCormlck led the Southern R>g. it, WHdwoori 0 CORNER OF ROUTE 35 & JnckHon imilK! (hi' scoring Icn on a 45-yimi drive following a 1115 yards wi the ground while a stingy defense hold tin losers Toms Diver S.

By ED WALSH third and 27 situation. two and sent Steve Santacroce back to punt, Raritan Quarterback Gene Smith, faced with long yard- was coming at the snap-there must have been six of \ NEW SHREWSBURY-"I think we were able to age, cooly dropped back and found fullback Bob them at least-and Kansky got the ball with his bod> bottle up their offense quite well," Monraouth Re- Heun all alone at the Falcon 25. Kevin Baker hit for as it left the kickers toe. gional High School coach Joe Provenzano was saying two yards on fourth down and Raritan had a first on The ball bounced erratically toward the goal line after his team dropped a 20-0 contest Saturday after- the Monmouth 23. , with Raritan in pursuit. Finally, Kevin Baker jug- nrmn, "But it was our mistakes that hurt us the In two plays they were at the six. Heun then bus- gled the ball into the end zone and fell on it for the most." , ted up- the center and Raritan was on the board. score. Kansky's kick for the point was wide left. ' It was mistakes indeed that helped {the Golden Smith tried to pass on the run for two but his floater Raritan put the final touchdown over in the Falcons drop their fourth game in as many deci- fell incomplete. fourth period and again it was a fourth down punting sions. However, credit Raritan with the ability to Monmouth came back with senior Carl Norman situation that set up the score. create and capitalize on these mistakes andnotch its and a gigantic sophomore with the unlikely name of Santacroce'got a bad snap and had to,hurry his third victory against a loss. ••--'. Pfunandre Redvict chewing up yardage with traps kick. It sailed off the side of his foot and was down "Of course, we're happy to win," Rocket mentor and sweeps. at the Monmouth 23. Joe Oxley said as he walked off the field. "But we Despite a holding penalty that put the ball back to were far from sensational. Monmouth Regional did a . Credit the stout Raritan defense led by Gary thi! 38—it was later offset by a Monmouth personal nice job out there today." Kansky with holding back the offensive, tide, With a foul—Raritan was able to bang away at the tired Re- 1 Raritan put six on the board the first time it han- third and three on the Raritan eight, the Rockets gional line and score. dled the ball, and Monmouth almost got the knotter blitzed their linebackers and caught Falcon halfback The tally came on a plunge by Mike Kilcen from right back but its efforts died on the six, and that Jim Shimazu seven yards behind the line. a yard out. Baker swept right end for the two extra was the only sustained drive the host club could mus- Falcon quarterback Bill Kahl-Winter hit half- points. ter. ,.-( back Dave Smith with a pass on fourth down but —Coach Oxley praised his one man gang Kansky Raritan halfback Bob Feelian found the Mon- Monmouth was three yards shy of the first, and the for (he job lie did. "He's a real good boy and knows mouth kick coverage porous at ths opening and was ball changed hands. " — BLOCKBUSTER -Raritan halfbackMike Killeen (15), taking a handoff his football.". TrorT able to return the klckoff 36 yards to his own 46. Raritan's defense put the second Rocket score -Coach Provenzano singled out his linebacker from quarterback Gene Smith (21), receives a solid blocK . : "^',n Raritan started to move but a 15 yard penalty over in the third quarter. Butc.•hh Brown for praisepraise. "He has to bo one of the mate on Monmouth Regional's Ken Eddleman (32) en route TO a suiia gam for holding put them back on their own 45 with a Monmouth was on its own 28 with a fourth and beit linebackers on the Shore," he stated. Saturday. Raritan won trie Shore Conference "B" Division contest, 20-0. Rizzo's Huskies Finally Lakewood Becomes 1st Victim String It All Together Of Brick's'Dragon Fire in'/V picked off' a Piner inter- MATAWAN - For three After that, it was a parade slender senior went eight By AL TOQZE ' mowicz, who behind some ex- . The entire big Dragon de- cellent blocking cut through fense did the job, but warrant- ception setting up a touch- straight weeks, Matawan of Huskies. They went 59 yards for his third touchdown 1 coach Barry Rizzo waited for yards behind the running of in the fourth period to top off 15KICK TOWNSHIP - The left tackle and scampered 18 ing special praise was to down and recovering a fumble his young team, to put it all to- Allen Smutko and Wood, and a 58-yard march. Creen Dragons of Brick yards untouched for the initial safetyman Hook, who alertly as well. gether. Saturday, they piled the passing of Delta, smutko The final score belonged to Township have begun to di- score. up over 400 yards total offense scored from the one. the bench as substitute tail- iect their fire toward retain-, on the way to a 42-7 rout of Deitz touched off another back Ernie Simmons flipped ing their Shore Conference Toms River North in a Shore Matawan drive with a 25-yard six yards to end Kurt Kirchcr. "A" Division title which they Spartans Spot Colonials 6 Conference "A" Division pass to Orian Johnson, and Matawan plays at Sayie- shared with Raritaii last year. clash. • Wood swept over from the 10. ville Saturday while Toms When the smoke or the fog The Huskies won their sec- In the third period, Wood River North plays its neigh- had cleared Saturday, Brick ond straight after dropping went over from the six at the bor, St. Joseph's, under the had registered an' easy 23-0 Before Unloading Big Guns the first two games. The Ma- end of a 67-yard drive. The lights Friday night. burning of Lakewood. FREEHOLD - Ocean Colonials with-45 yards in pe- Calvin Wood Taylor teamed up with end riners lost their third in a row The Dragon record is 3-0-1 Township made sure of Free- nalties during a 68-yard., Helmut Kinhofer for 51 -yards after opening with a win. overall and 1-0 in the confer- hold before it started to look march. to the Colonial four, and Tay- Tailback Skip Deitz was the ence. The Piners are 3-1 over- forward to its show-down with . The last nine yards of Free- lor, on fourth down went over key to the Matawan offense Keys^Homecoming Crowd all and 1-1 in conference play. Red Bank Regional Saturday. hold's scoring drive came .on on the sneak. Mike Vignola with his passing and also ran -The Dragons' green ma- Jack Tighe's undefeated a pass from Dave Mackey to ran for the two-pointer,- "and for one. TD.CaMn Wood, al- chine rolled on the ground at Spartans splintered Freehold, Steve Malschnee. A run for Ocean was off and running. ternating at wingback and will against the Piners, with 30-6, after watching the Colo- two was not good. Bill Serra's punt return to tailback in Rizzo's single Has Little to Cheer About their two star backs account- nials take an early lead. Ocean used its favorite tac- the Freehold 22 in the second wing, scored three touch- ing for 151-yard rushing. Mike In fact, the Spartans almost tic, tlie opening pass, to get stanza set up Vignola's sweep KEYP&RT — Imagine a touchdowns—all in the second rage of touchdowns in the downs. . > • Slater scored twice and Larry spotted the six points to the for the score on first down. small team minus its top quarter. Quarterback John first quarter on a sneak by right back in the game. Dave In all, the Huskies passed Sramowicz once, while the Taylor passed to Chuck Kasky quarterback goiflg out to play Valasa scored two more. Valasa good for six yards. for 208 yards and ran for 196 Brick defense saw to it that for the conversion. a game in front of its home- The Red Raider running at- Epstein completely stole the the Lakewood offense was ob- while showing their best of- Lancers Gamble in Air, Taylor's pass interception fense of the,year. They went coming crowd against an ex- tack, usually led by Charlie show in the second quarter solete. with his four TD's. He started gave the Spartans the ball on 80 yards for their first score perienced squad with a fine Carter, was nowhere in sight. The two units of Brick's signal-caller. things off with a 25-yard burst Come Out Second Best the Colonial 25 and again Vig- with Deitz mixing running and Carter, who specializes in football team lived up to their TOMS RIVER - When you If all that can be imag- punt returns, was contained. off left tackle, followed with the second quarter after tak- nola raced over. passing. He slashed the last nicknames. The offensive unit put the football into the air, ing possession via a partially ..Kasky rounded out the scor- seven for; the score, and ined—then imagine the Red an eight-yard run for another six points, romped for 16- called the "Roadrunners" did three things can happen. And blocked punt on the Lancer ing in the third period with a tackle Mike McClune kicked Raiders and how they felt af- Roselle Park led at the half, just that, opening up huge only one of them is good. 30-0. It must have been tough yards to pay dirt, and com- 22. Martenz gave the home 65-yard punt return, and Tay- the point. He kicked four for >ter receiving a 46-0 drubbing , holes in the Piners defensive- One of the bad outcomes — for the Keyport Homecoming pleted his domination of the team a 16-0 halftimc lead with lor passed to Vignola for two Uieday. here Saturday at the hands of line and ran all over the field. an interception — hit St. John audience to stay in a happy period with a four-yard run a three-yard plunge. more. • The Mariners tied the game Roselle Park. The defensive unit, the' Vianncy five timeshere, last mood with the home team after a handoff. The second half was all St. . Ocean rushed for 215 yards early in the second period as Keyport, a team with more "Headhunters," held the night and contributed heavily gaining only three first downs Valasa scored again in the John's, but it wasn't enough. as they were again dangerous quarterback Ken Slocum went than its share of injuries, just Lakewood offense to 59 total to the Lancers' 16-8 loss to St. in the game and losing two fourth period on a 40-yard The Lancers marched 65 on the.sweeps.. However, the over from the one to cap a 39- couldn't cope with a formi- yards, dropping the quarter- Joseph's. dable foe from Union County. fumbles. scamper down the sideline, yards to the Griffin five be- Spartans incurred 110 yards in yard drive. Joe Costy tied the back on four occasions. The setback left first-year : fore Heisler stopped the drive game with his kick. John Epstein ran for four Roselle Park opened its bar- and Jim Tumblety ended the penalties. Their pass defense, day's scoring with a five>yard In a span of three minutes varsity St. John's at 2-2 and with a pass theft. which turned in five inter- run after an intercepted pass. in the first half, the psyched- snapped a two-game winning The Lancers finally broke ceptions last week, got three " up Dragons scored two times streak. St. Joseph's extended into the scoring column late in Saturday. to sew up their victory, ad- Chargers Remain Unbeaten, Southern Romps its winning streak'to three the third period after Frank Ocean is 3-0 in the confer- ding another score in the sec- straight after an opening Cucchiara'pounced on a Grif- ence and hosts undefeated Over Wild-wood ond hah! for good measure. game loss to Mater Dei. MANAHAWKIN — Southern fin fumble at the home team's Red Bank Regional, 2-0 in Shut Out Fair Haven, 8-0. After playing a scoreless In addition to those five 37. A pair of passes from Mike "B", Saturday. Regional remained unde- first quarter, the Piners were lenback tackled a Fair Haven pass interceptions, the Lan- Kiley to Kevin Nunziante to- Freehold, which saw its The River Plaza Chargers- Manalapan, 24-0, in a "B" Di- feated in four games by forced to punt from their own runner in the end zone for a cers,fumbled the ball away taling 20 yards put Kiley into modest win streak stopped at upped their record to 6-0 yes- vision encounter, while As- blanking Wildwood (1-3) here six. The punt fell dead at the safety in the same quarter. once and it set up the Griffins' position to run four straight two, is now 1-1 in league play terday by defeating Fair bury Park shutout Wall Town- Saturday, 34-0. Dragon 33, giving- Brick ex- The Fair Haven.Pee Wees first touchdown in the.second times, including the last yard and 2-2 overall. The Colonials Haven's Tigers, 8-0, in a Jer- ship, 31-0. , John Conaway opened the cellent field position. On first jvon, 18-12, and the Shrews- period. for the TD. Kiley also ran for must play at Toms River sey Shore Pop Warner "C" ' Long Branch won its first scoring with a 64-yard touch- down quarterback Bob Ross Division game. game of the season in "A" by bury-New Shrewsbury taxi down run, and Rus's Asay Three plays after the bobble the conversion. South Saturday. squad beat River Plaza, 27-7. rifled one to end Don Ruther- was picked up by St. Joseph's ;In other "C" action, Keans- turning back Neptune, 24-6. booted a 33-yard field'goal to ford, good for 15 yards to the burg, drubbed Red Bank, 25-7. Parks Leads Way Greg Werner passed for two give the Rams an U-0 first pe- on the St. John's 19, Joe Heis- Lakewood 18. On the following ler scored from 10 yards out. New Shrewsbury blanked Kyle Parks put the Char- touchdowns and ran for anoth- riod lead which was never play, Ross handed-pff to Sra- The Griffins struck again in Atlantic Highlands, 13-0, and gers over the top when he er to lift Keansburg over Red • threatened. MR. ROBERT says: Rumson bombed West Long completed a 22-yard pass for Bank. Branch, 31-6. a touchdown to Ken LoPresti. Greg Werner sneaked over COME IN AND MEET Ocean Township downed John Trczza and Chris SJiel- from a yard out and passed to Notre DameHalts Andy Thomas for 29 yards and Joe Kinsella for 60. Joey Jimenez made a 17-yard run 9 to complete the winners' Seraphs Streak RON JOHNSON spree. Freehold Today Ked Bank's score came on a TRENTON - Mater Dei ,ever played. Mater pel's best RUNNING BACK Kill ries pass to Tom Burgess for 20 High School, which appeared record since has been 7-2 two yards. to be well on its way to the years ago in coach George NX GIANTS 1st -11300; poet; 1 m Adlos Dale N (Lohmeycr Jr) 8-1 best won-lost record in its Contl's first year at the helm. Uncle Ned (Pullcn) 3-1 Doctor Klldore (Splno) 10-1 Red Bank won the Pee Wee Whlrly Byrd A (Greene) 15-1 football history, ran into an Springfield Smith (Coord) M game, 35-7. Pleasant Ann (No Driver)... 4-1 Garrison Light (Parodli) 15-1 old nemesis here Friday Pink Velvel (Ooflllardl) 4-1 I C Poul (Frnco) 20-1 Rumson (3-1) was led by The Seraphs were out for WEDNESDAY RM Mae (Kachet) |.l night. their fourth straight Friday Urgent Sea (No Orlver) 1M em — U.M0; pace; 1 m Warren Masser and Steve Fit- Golo Tog IQunrtler) 15-1 New Jersey Sire Slakes zgerald. Masser got the call Notre Dame, which had lost night in their quest to better Buckeye Jim (Hubbard) 20-1 Fair Flirt (No Driver) J-l its first three games of the Malhlas Hanover (Smith) 20-1 J M Knloht (Lomb) .'. 7-2 for five and six-yard TD runs. that school mark this fall. OCT. 27th Su Wat !.n (Flllon) 5-1 campaign, knocked the Se- 8nd — (1300; pace; I m Key Enterprise (Pullen) 5-1 Fitzgerald ran for four and 43 Gay Logan (Gogllordl) 3-1 Te Klotere (Flllon) o-l yards to the end zone. raphs from the ranks of the Notre Dame's margin of Honorable (Flllon) 7-2 Stanley Pick (Thomas) 8-1 unbeaten, 17-14. 7 P.M. to 9 P.M. Molly Flnso (Paradll) 4-1 Chevy Rldae Brew (Stafford) Ml. West Long Branch's only victory was provided by Tom (Buning any unhreictm /n/ur/eiij Alton Chips (Mella) 5-1 Hubert (SWnner) 15-1 It was Notre Dame which llousman who kicked a 20 Malayan (Foster} ...,„....,....o-l TD came on a one-yard Ron Johnson will be here to meel you personally, answer My Tiny Jodl (Parodls) 6-1 rtti — JI7M; POM; 1 m plunge by Art Lutschaving. pinned a 48-0 defeat on the Se- yard field goal an the second Kev City (Dlerenboch) 8-1 Robert Charles (Flllon).... M raphs in the first game they period, as each team scored your football questions and give out autographs; We will Max Reed (U Cause) 12-1 R V Hayes (Skinner) 3-1 First Victory have available the...... Super Eagle (Vltelll) 15-1 Star Mercury (Olln) 41 Jeff Schullc two touchdowns. Tab Express (Fusee) 6-1 New Shrewsbury won its 3rd - i!300; puce; 1 m Irish Dream (Dobkowskl) 61 War Haven Pride (Goflllordl) ,,.5-2 Blytne Victor (5perenOI) 8-1 first game on a pair of touch- ThorrJe (Smllh Jr) ;-2 Tor FootMlml (Goallardl) 101 downs by Jeff Wclstead. Wel- The Irish scored first in the RON JOHNSON POSTER 2™ Might/ Terra (Polmlerl) 4-1 Obrlen D (Tele) 121 Titans' 28 in Fourth opening period when Tom CV Rhythm (Fleming) 5-1 Sir Eflwln ([Jo Orlver) 12-1 stead ran 80 yards and re- Doysler (Smith Jr) 4-1 Voyda raced 32 yards on the ConniooaTlllle INo Driver) (1 10th — JlM0;trol;lm turned an intercepted pass 35 Prince Yonder (Flllon).,..- 7-2 seventh play of the game. PIUS Joonns Dellcirit (Inarosslo) fl-1 yards. . Mltils Charm (Lohmeyer Jr) 10-1 Big Question (SpercndO— 5-2 Fall Short of Knights Housman converted. DRAWING FOR Avon Christie (No Driver) ...... 15-1 Brooks Me KUlop (Flllon) 4-1 Atlantic Highlands won the Flying Sandy (Mantegna) 15-1 Honey Suckle —0 ••0 • • Parol!w!(l (Lbo^f.(Lboney) ^. "'.!.::::."::::::::::::6^1 Pee wee game, 13-0, but New KEANSBUHG - Keansburg High Scliool pushed across 28 Mater Dei came back later 4lh-$iS00;froi;1m Ruraiymede Pensive (Allen) 6-1 Shrewsbury's taxi squad re- Killer Joe (Parker) 2-1 Clever Nloble (OelllSonll) u..8-1 points in the final period here Saturday, but even that was too in the quarter when Mike Sa- FREE PAIR«* Hes a Dlller (Daniels) 3-1 Flog Raiser (Rclgel) 8-1 mained undefeated by beating MIssTremont IDewlorlcl) 7.2 Hadleys Boy (McGee) 10-1 little too late. Wyll Township handed the Titans their third de- dowski recovered a fumbled Epono (Field) 5-1 Sun Duel (Clemtnl) M-l River Plaza, 27-6. feat in four games, 44-34. punt on the Irish seven, Kevin RDondout Volley (Kane) 12-1 Frank Hearn scored twice Scotch Pep (Cruise Jr) 151 Iltti — 11700; pan; 1 m Quarterback I'otc Pcltz and halfback Jeff Schulte were Doherty scored from there on ADIDAS SUPER STARS Joseppe (Flrctll) 15-1 Fly Bye Wick (Bonaccl) 5-2 as Middletown beat Hsizlct, Moshannon Holly (Sctimlgel) 20-1 M thy home team's standouts in this free-wheeling Shore Confer- the riext play. Register Now Thru Out, 27, You do nnt havtrlo be. M07or Btc?«cSo°?!.:::::::::::::::::::::4:f but a recovered fumble in the onci' "D" Division contest. Peltz unfurled three touchdown present to win. DRAWING ON GOT ?J by RON >m-HUH; pace; lm R Michael (Plntl) 4-1 end zone Was the game win- Slimy Del) (ParKen 5-5 Crown Blue (Inokol) »•) p.issre, i:i .YHIILS t» .Jack Mariiscto in the second period and Following Housman's field JOHNSON Release (King) , 7-2 DuUlty (Tullno) »-l ner. Gimmick (Monfegna) 4-1 Easter Knight (Mella) 10-1 seven yards to Joe Meinmolii and 20 to Bob Geibler in the final goal, which came after the Se- Pumpkin Pie (Ke'ly) «.] Julie Corel (Huebsch) 10-1 Hearn scored on a 35-yard period. .Schulte tallied two TD's on runs of three and seven raphs halted a Notre Dame Sumler Clilef (Puntollllo) 6-1 Ellleens Boy (Waosworlli) 12-1 pass from Glenn O'Hara and Hobo Wayne (Brutlomesco) s-l Potty Mm (Puntbllllo). 15-1 yards und ;idd«l a pair of two-point conversions drive at the three, the score Connies Precious (Gray) 8-1 a 40-yard return of an inter- Boy Blan (Manslleld) 12-1 Unfortunately far Keansburg, Wall Township took a M-fi remained 10-6 until the, final Gay Sheppood (No Driver) 15-1 ception. George Adam scored advantage into the wild final period in which the teams com- period. • • . • MR.ROBERrS BelUsa (Hiretach) 15-1 Selections 1. Springfield 5mllh, Pliosont Ann. for Middletown on a two-yard bined for VI points,. 41b - »),000; pac«; 1 m unclt Ned run, antTFrotl Lazzatti recov- Notre Dame upped the J M Win (Lamb) S-l 2. Aflon Chips, Honorable, Mtlly Flngo Following ii .scorelcs.i opening period, Wall tallied twice In 1. Wor Havens Prldo, Mightc Terra, ered a fumble in the end zone 'SHOES Mount Conk (Flllon) 5-2 the second period on a ;jfi-yard pass from Mike Hacked to Bob count to 17-6 on a 22-yard pass Undo Leo (Begin) 3-1 Scarlil Therp* for the clincher. ' P»t Croln (No Driver) ii(ibif r6r Travel — TronsportiaHon AutotjPor Sole BUND-Two*trutf going flitf, «iitn, »M>dln». »or "»i* MiTSTAHO -- Wri'ieVw.At'f V6 1H v&u'vc h«4fd ui Wt'll tie

i ol« r«« Iftlor r»fl4 o i^rcns Sooklna now tor Hoflda/ ; »4 _ BEST ot'rr, Coll i»i'««),' ivnti "Jam". Horlinwnt Wso* or« itnivi Ctfl )4) aw mil 1pm. ono ait Hnwti. C9II39I-0W. (jr Blolr IMJ FORO FA'RCAhC ••" V-S wlomgllc. lojr door *f(toi/ #rjite Four new tires for Less of Jiction is!" AUTOMOTIVE Lew mileoof &rjo(l :cn liflci InSitfi an!} IQ1T — Gold CFtfrm bfflcoief, vltlruty W. Autos For Sate out Priori* 761 29U al'rr & p rn J.Kk 51 , Ho(«-t. BmolO Travel—Troittporlo!lon_ p ON TFTAC 'gowiff vi'C Uf^nHT KITSON COM 1H 5149 1970 HORNET — American Motor:. 7i ccndmanlng. oaton'ollc trommMlon. SPEMD ML XT IVLfcKCHO ~ 1090 mll» Cj 19ft' f !(lG'0.-k>, l¥6S ton mpg. stick sliltl. Uier.rt/, |1<2S. rellmt cemdlHon. io«,rnll«O9«. B«l rf CUTLASS from wtisrt you spend thf rest of thevf'tihr, 1WJ ifrtwi ricVi! *• 1964 Co'wer! Call 142 1143 oflrr i-34 p m OSf OOO — fttr.v't Germm ***** Avfc obout our "Aufymrt Week- itlr Ail r^if po^rr Priced luti tinove rown u'id lilacfc. Answers fo ' C!ft Tl 5teWry 642 ^tiolcnl1 ^ will auepl 'rade Cofl 3?-* On; OV *-\i/i-VrniD e ^ CHEVROLET "I . ^^• pt'Tr vetriry iHavV17iew^(iSr STEVEN Peoirab'r 1<4 4!// il AaorrWlc. Powtr itwlnj, xcellent tondltlon. Must Mfl Ifll- Autos For Sale Autos For Sale , Autos For Sate >TD?lT» /kt/ifRii'f~i"iSor, <'i[ 4 11.87} P C F. ^ligriltv higrief viH, ':uloD0DG& VAN W axiwogon. 1969G.T.0. <»otlc. Alia SprilM, Wlrjwli, M&fl rond^ lernfer; bojy, I31 low) «p««. V'fl, conrarliblii •MID I J'PJ Ir.Tiv trrs — or A&OMOroRV At^urv r>7-tt\t misaion, powBHil(ieniiQ, radio, WDS Port. m-ZMt, DODGE CORONET - IMTiutomSlIc" More Legals TORONADO Full power, Enc*(l«rit condition. Must WAS$19« HOW*1699 sell. fokln^MS. Coll 711-WS! oiler 5 p m. on Next Page Autos For Sale Autos For Sale 1968CAMARO It's Hardtop, automatic; tmnsmiiisicm, OL'DS Getting W NOW* 1599 F-85 STEVEN Close to last call time on all 1968 FIREBIRD leftover 1971 Pontfacs V-8 convorlible, nutornalta trans- mission, powor steering, ladjo. Come in and buy one now mims NOW$1399 STEVEN while prices are down and the selection is still great! 1968 CHEVEUE DOWNES PONTIAC Malibu conveiiiblo, auto- CUSTOM CRUISER matic transmission, pow- 62 Lower Main St. \ I / Matawan" STEVEN Open Daily 'Jil 9 p.m. er steering, radio' WAS $1895 BUY FROM THE BIG ONE IN NEW JERSEY 566-2299^ Wed. , Tflip.m.

1967PLYMOUTH STEVEN BONNIE BUICK'S Fury III, 4-door sedan, automatic transmission, power stoerinfj, ra- dio, air conditioriod. $ WAS S1O9S MW 699 WELCOME WAGON! wovy Brand new 1971 Skylark 1967 CHEVROLET Get the picture? 2-door Sport Coupe G.S. Impala, 4-door hardtop, automatic transmission, power (flooring, ra- Now get some "Action" of dio. tl»A« look at these WAS $1295 NOW'899 "Get a 1967 MUSTANG piece of cars all unbelievably priced Convertible, automatic trans- the on mission, powefe^toering, radio, air 566-3600 *? " Conditioning, 110 MAIN STREET MATAWAN sTa 6 RT UNDER 15OO Stage ens option Equipped with • Hydromatic 1967 BUICK 1969 OPEL • Power steering • Fewer Brakes Station wagon, V8, aiilornatic, power steering, wilh Wagon. 4-speed, radio ' •Air conditioned • Chrome wheels wood grain sides. 5 •AM-fM • Really one of a kind $ 1395 CHEVROLET These used cars 1495 tins ell ether hilmy Installed ilanderi Impala Super Sport con- equipment ot no exlro tost. vertible, automatic trans- 1966 BUICK mission, powor steering, are guaranteed 100%* 1967 OLDSMOBILE Le Sabre. 4-door, V8, automatic, power steering ? DELIVERED radio. Delia 88. Automatic, power steering, V8. s 55OO SALE PHICE WAS 51595 S 1095 Amen. 1195 EVEN GRtATIR SAVINGS ON NOW$1199 71 BUKKS1 1967 BUICK 1966 BUICK MmM "The dealer guarantees 100% to repair or replace the iRMMWtf ttsmm 2-door liardlop, vinyl rool, power steering, auto- 4-door, V8, automatic, power steering, air. Brand New 1971 Estate Wagon engine, rear axle, front axle assemblies, brake sys- matic, air. $ Six passenger tem and electrical system for 30 days or 1000 miles, S 1195 L 1967 CHEVEUE whichever comes first. Only those cars that pass our 1495 Wagon, automatic transmission, radio. *-»- 16-point inspection get this guarantee. 1967 GTO 1966 BUICK WAS $1295 MW*999 4-speed, radio, power steering, extra clean. Skylark convertible, V8, automaile, red/whlla lop. $ s 1962 VOLKSWAGEN. 795 S1395 1095 1967CAMAR0 Sedan, turquoise, radio, healer. 1967 Le SABRE 1966 PONTIAC Hardtop, automatic transmission, 4-door, VB, automafc, power steering Gran.Pnx, power steering, Vfi, automatic $ Equipped with power steering, radio. >..An S S • Hydromofit WAS $1595 HOW* 139 V 1966 VOLKSWAGEN 1195 1295 895 •Radio •WhitewaH tires Sedan, blue, radio, heater. • Deluxe Steering wheel • Deluxe wheel toverj 1966 CHEVROLET $ •Power toil gate • Power Disc brakes Impala convertible, automatic 1966 VOLKSWAGEN 1495 f! Don't forget the •Power steering •Uggogerock transmission, powor steering, ra- 9 passenger bus. red/whlto. Radio, dealer. Plus all ether factory inshtki slondord equipment at no oxfra (Oil. WASJ1295 . NOW*999 Great Savings on all $ List Price $C 1 rtft DELIVERED ! 1967 VOLKSWAGEN 1295 Over J I UU SALE PRICE Sedan, blue, radio, heater. 1965 1.971 Leftovers! Only at... Those arc just 1 etempks of 40 other; MERCURY $ lo tftooss from at tompmahk cash ;ovings.' Colony Park wagon, 1968KARMANNGHIA. 1§95 automatic transmission, Coupe, blue, radio, heater. powoi steering, ra- dio. WAS $995 1969 VOLKSWAGEN J1795 Fastback, dark green, radio, hoator, automatic. BUICK-OPEL 1971 VOLKSWAGEN J3195 264-4000 1968 CHEVROLET Convertible, blue, radio! heator, radial tires, laclory air. V-8, Impala Custom coupo, auto- Hwy. 35 Keyport matic, transmission, powor steer- ing, radio, vinyl rool. 1965 CHEVROLET M095 WAS $1795 NOW Impala convertible, radio, heater, automatic, power steering, V-8.

1968 CHRYSLER 1966 CHEVROLET J1195 Newport, 4-door sodan, automatic Impala, 4-door, hardlop, radio, heater, automatic, power steeling, V-8 transmission, power steering, ra- NOW dio, air conditioned. $ w« $1595 w 1968OLDSMOBILE 1795 Cutlass "S", 2-door hardtop, radio, boater, automatic, power steering; V-8. GOING 1964 JAGUAR BKWUS Mark X, 4-door sodan. automatic transmission, powor sloorinfl, ra- 1969 CHEVROLET J2195 Help yourself and the economy ON Camaro, convertible, radio, healer, automatic, V-8. power steering. WAS$|295 NOW $999 You can help yourself save on a better car by buying $ now at Wall's low, pre-August prices... and you help 1971 FIAT... : .... 2995 the economy at the same time. If you're in the market '124" Converliblo; radio, heater, 4-speed, 17,000 mi. for a better car, now is the time to buy. 1964 CHEVROLET S449 1964 RAMBLER S 399 s 1971 CONTINENTAL 4-door, air conditioned, stereo, leather Interior, 6050 1965 OPEL S *399 1971 MERCURY Cougar, 2-door hardtop, low miles, air conditioned, vinyl top 3475 1963 DODGE s $389 1970 LINCOLN Continental, •1-door, air conditioned, full power, leather interior. 5050 S 1963 CADILLAC 1970 PONTIAC Executive wagon, air conditioned, power windows 3475 S 1970 COUGAR 2-door hardtop, air conditioned, vinyl top. 2975 SPECIAL OF THt WEEK WlTwilJLTAKE s 1970 VOLVO "144", 4-d00r sedan, automalic transmission 2500 YOUR TRADE AND 1971 FORD ••'FULLPRICE: Pinto, 2-door, green, radio, s ARRANGE 1969 MERCURY Colony Park Wagon, 9 passenger air conditioned.. 2900 h.oalor, 4-spood, cat No. FINANCING 015A, 9,791 miles S 1963 BUICK Sport Wagon, nir conditioned. 2725 S 1969 OLDSMOBILE KITSON "90" Luxury Sodan, air conditioned, storeo, till whsel 3200 SHREWSBURY S 1968 MERCURY Colony Park Wagon, 9 passenger •„ 1975 MOTORS, INC. Authcrixcd Volkswagen Dealer SHREWSBURY, H.L HKiHWAY36 Shrewsbury Ave. New Shrewsbury EATONTOWN WALL SHREWSBURY AVE, AT. SYCAMORE 747- JI400 642-1126 741-8500 •\ ;r The piflr Rej&tet, Red Bank - Snd$etow«; NJ., Monday, October 18,1971 If you're in the business of building your business...use Classified Ads often!

A»tw For Sale Autos For Sals Autos For Sale Autos For Sale Autos For Sale Autos (or sale Autos For Sale 1*5 CHEVROLET BEL AIR TWWICITEtECTHA - Air, ,'. vl. TOCTSTR !WVT0Y0T'A?0ROLi'» WAOON- HO. TwaOTcTOTRpcW? nyl top, stereo lope. Excellei 1969 TEMPEST Itlon. WASWNOTON'S AUTO SERVICE' dlo. hooter, new tires. A-l condition, Shrewsbury Ave. at Sycamore Two-door ;cyllhder an M7W. Ofllce number I34-X8U. 370 Brood St. M4I33S Keyport H1SO. Call S4JMS4. ShreysturftU or automSSo Jl»;cyllhderoomi r5ov power sttlWn«e « roomi TWINBROOK 1W CHEVROLET - Four-door 'ii< I9M CATALINA CONVERTIBLE - Very JEEP SALES AND SERVICE His UNCOLN"—ConveVl'ibiel Se'stVtler. howl AUTO WRECKING ii good. 1200, goaf conpMon. iroo, Coll days, M-uat, Twin Boro Motors, Inc. £Kcellertt condition. Four-door, — 471-3WJ 131 E. Newman Springs Rd. Red Bank Call 7I),3«6 HI Moln SI. . Asbury park, N.J. CALL NOW 7«0W0 774J5M MM! — Capri ET$TAR II - Paw- 61cijRycc>ronV Park stotlon WAN7iB - Choice used ?""•• wHh certl- on. Three sealer, air, powtr steering, ' RED BANK AUTO IMPORTS* lied mlleooe. Contact ed Slolw, CHEVR0L6T5 — BRAND NEW *». Call SMJ47?. Newman Springs Rd, \1U PONTIAC - Le Mom convertible. 156? NOVA — Two'door, six cylinder, Autofflatlc. Good ihope. KSO or best oiler. WO LEFTOVERS - Oemo's ond txtcu-, lives al greatly reduced prices. aulomotlc, chrome slots, air shocks. Very COUNTRY SQUIRE - 1«». U.oM miles 141 W. Era«i»LJ»eilB»nk clean. Coil 747-MS5 oiler S P.m. MUSTANG PASTBACK — 1961, iW cu. In, engine, 27,000 mll»l. By original owner, Power SS ¥r. I«M. C«H otter « p.m, Hi'ahest Hcts pold Tbr oil u«" *»'• •IWI TRIUMPH BONNEVILLE TOWNE CHEVROLET -• siK -• eoycr on premim hi Ave., Atlantic Highlands 39MI01 19*5 CADILLAC — Kull power. Air. Dart Power steering, power brakes, automatic OVTR WH LowLtnlleoae. Make oiler. blue. New Plreslono tires. Slow, Call af- floor shut In console. Wide track fires. ColMW-OUIorWOIJS. FtHMotors Inc. ter S:30 p.m., 74I-7OT. 19M CHAROER «n - J40 maitiur """'•TOWrJ&CO^NTJYDOOGB TCtlftWCLDSMOBIt-t- tv» convert- Authorized Dealers, pine, lour.SDiedtronsmlHlori, roeei 1 Dodao ond Dodge trucks J VOLKSWAGEN BUS - New paint, OLDSMOBILE OELTATT- I9S1. E« Brown cam, hooker headers, •*. hem. nt^gwd. »ldc. WSJ. Call 747-30M.«e- loll. Good condition . Idool town car. paneling. FM stereo. Excellent through- cellent condition. PulFullly equipped. A|r. ™Mfi sarMtp.nia )»47 DODGE CORONET — Two-door 7J1-624! after 5:30 p.m. Hwy 35 Eotontown. NJ. rear, Cragar S/S mqgs oil ffont. ver\ 1 out, saso. J9MM7 alter 5 p.m. ' M.WO milts, Exceptloptionao l at fftjo, Coll ?NJ^aTSCA^A urdtop. Radio, pawer steerlno, automat- 542-111! good condition. »I3M firm. Call iq-mo. INI ELTOIIAQO - UoaoM Priced lofl J 1964 FALCON — Station wagon, good con- ' * l»« OLOSMOBILE - Dynamic M« MOfORS, INC.. Hwy 3S - " — ---ldltloit. Need to loll, KITSON CHEVROLET CO. IMS MUSTANG - two-door hord- An *tiallial« Will ocupt trade. Call top,t oglomotictti T radio, whltewatisrrebiillll bilUt FIR68IR0 350 — ma, Tttreotpeail ll4 Hwy M Ealontown enalne, 84J-7M1 after » p.m. Hurst, power steering, AM-FM, gretn PtionfNi-WO NOLAN MOTORS - W. tell mor. whole 5«-1000 wim black Interior. A-l. 729-Wt- Mir Cadillacs than any ether dealer In MUSTANG 1967 - 31,000 miles. Four- l«o» MGS — Wire wheels, Aborlh e»- 1941 FALCON - Four-door. Automatli Auto ports - Repolr AUSTIN-HEALEY SPRITE - With com- Um Jersey. CaliaMlll. tpeed. Tape decK. Call after * p.m. LABRIOLA MOTOR5, INC. houst. Tape player, custom wheel. Best 1967 MUSTANG - Good condition. One owner. Good second car, Call ply rjfcjjlir IMS m>tor plutJJOO ntw 842-9075 l!0 E. Newman Sprlnos Rd,, Red Bank 7(77o75 1?32Pi.YMOufHCOU PE - ofler over DM0.741-3711 or 74M4S4. S1000. Best oftir. •», iMOO mllti. Four new radial tlr« 1971, OLDSMOBILES — Large selection, 741-3J& 7tT-9Si4 alltr 4 p.m. " "wi. Priced for quick «al«. UK. mmedlole delivery. STEVEN OLDSMO-. VOLKSWAGEN - \U1. Blue. Radio 19KBUICK WAOON - V-4, RellOB Phone 7«M7M VOLKSWAGEN 1M8 FASTSACK — Ra- Kroll Molars, Inc. tramporlotlon. Will accept reaionoblo ol BILE, UO MOID SI,; Mstawri, S66-3600. dio, Good condition. One owner, S132S, healer. Rear window defroster. FIAT - 1943, Good condition. Ideal train in Broodwoy Long Branch car. 1150. ler. m-6)Ji. • V0LKSWAG5N &*Q} IV/O CADILLAC ELDORADO — Fully HE FINEST SELECTION - OJ new ond Call J44-M1S or 717-1595. 2!!3400 872-1942 741-3U4 1941 VOLKSWAGEN Completely rebuilt. Guarariiwd, L KKIIpjwf Lowtad H«0 BAILLV BROS used cart n Monmoulri County. Over IO0 VROLET — VI. Three-speed. bulloters. «i.444«, El .air-conditioned new cars In slock. 0LD5M0BILE — Toronado, lull ,OOREMUSFORD 1250 .1?-,r" fonm Springs Rd., Red M lult lo ery 44iM0 lnt9o9 MUSTANG - Moch I. Automotlc !7REVEL-CRAFTi9eT.-il5h.?s(i»i!! power steerlnot disc broke). Reasonably lour, stondup htod, slove ond Iceboxi ster- I mi CADILUC CONVERTIBLE - Llko goad condition" SI SOD. 5(3-2291. eo, eruiomotlc bllje. «2SO0.5M-938S. • new. $29110 or Den otter. Call 1 UM2H OLDSMOBILE - 19U. Cutlass Supreme, 1 Hardtop, air^' conditioned;.jwweconditioned, oowerr sleerlnijeerln't S7 OWENS — Flybrldae, ihlp-to-ihore «• yL_L_C/ L . •. an O Best otter. UZSTCotl 471-5743 dlo, depth finder. Many, many extras- DODGE DART IMS — Madll V0, Two- Must sell. 291-1103. I door hardtop. Autoroalic. Power steering. I9t2 CHRYSLER 300 — Two-door hardtop, Raolo. vinyl roof. Low mlleac*. New ruo- Good running condition, with (now tire: 18' OLDTOWN BOAT - I ••gallon I LEFTOVER oer. Best otter over J1200.2J2-M1J. tank. 50 h.p. Johnson outboard. 5350. ( «W. Phone otter 3 p.m. «7l-29«. 717-2035. DODGE CORONET I9« - . And Triumph 1W3 VOLKSWAGEN - Good condition. TR-J. Coll otter 5:30. f.KNUi= — 15 loot Grumman Aluminum AND 1 Call otter 5:M 747-3JJ5 717-1091 with oars and cushions. $2CO.OO MI-5515 al- ter SOOPM • . • 19U TEMPEST STATION WAGON 55' SiLVTftTON'lW - Hardlop. J!S Straub for you in 72 Good second cor. S75, lours, all extras. Excellent condition. I4M6M Ph HJ6285 Nawf}500for Fall selling. 291-3427. LDSMOBILE 88 — 1914. Four-door ae- 2Oo2 on, power brakes and ileerlno, radio, Trucks For Sale ,«• MFG 1970 - 65 h.p. Mercury, l»71. °ooft« , -Utomalic drive. New Dynaaiass tfret. Very law hours. 11600/Call 739-07H be ^4^ °fls eoc^-**^ DEMO SALE tHIS. Call 542-9715. CHEVROLIT PJCk-UP TRUCK - Cus tween.9-5 p.m. torn 3S0 enolno. Heavy duty, Ext l«n J 1945 OLDSMOBILE H — Four-door. Pow- SUPER SHARK SAILBOAT condition. Low mlleoge. 87J-155S after Plus accessories. s!0O. Here's a list of our remaining 1971 I er stevrlnp;. Runnlrtd condition, Comt aee, p.m. ^ OfT/OAfs I Vto 6 tttn., 4 Lisa Ln., Port Monmoulh* Phone 171-5743 inventory of cars... and we're anx- (Tanglewood South). JIM. 1951 CHEVROLET-14 ton with side HOST OUR LEASE -* Musi sell stock of racks. Runs good. Body folr. Asking 1200. lulboord Boals, 14', 16', 17' ond II1, some WAGONS ious to move them out! 1*47 CORVETTE - Convertible. Two Call afltr 4:X p.m. niSitt topi. Full option), air. etc. Excellent con- >elow our cost. Boot & Ski Center, 75 dition, ill Si or best otter. 329-17M. Whitest., Red Bank. 741-1124. : 1*972 OPELS 12 Brand New 1971 pidsmobiles II CHRVSLER NEW YORKER Wtt — four- Motorcycles PYRAWA INFLATABLE CANOE door hardtop, air conditioned. Full power. 1970 YAMAHA 250 - Excellent condition. Scenic Car Salei, Hwy 34 & Scenic Or,, 6 Oldsmobile Demonstrators Asking S35O. Coll 842-1132 after 6 pm. MOO. Coll Highlands, B7J-0?i1. 19W VOLKSWAGEN BUS BOAT TRAILER - 27' heavy aufy, elec- 1 Cadillac Demonstrator Coll MONO A 50 —3 speed tric brakes. Pouelt Boats, 9 Washington M3^13 1150 St., Rumson. 142-1194. 7I7-4J3J % ^ I CADILLAC 1971 - Coupe de Villa. Show. room condition. 4500 miles. Original own- I'eTKAWASAKi — Low mlleoge. Good BUSINESS NOTICES "Ready for Immediate deliveryl" BUY TODAY AND GiT... [ er. Aiklno am. Coll 542-0383. . condition. 5450, Call 291-3411 1W1 CORVETTE, -Former show car, en" olne done by Ent. Performance. S2009 or 1971 YAAAAHA 340, beit otter. 842-9458. Excellent condition. LIN-MAR BUY FROM THE BIG ONE IN NEW JERSEY BIG CASH SAVINGS Phone 2W-3166. 1968 PONTIAC YAMAHA 1970 — 200. Excellent condition. BUlLDEftS Call 741-0098 after 7 p.m, Extras. MOO. call xperienced builders in Monmoutli Coun- See a "Russell Man" today! 'TRIUMPH TR-3 1962 — Excellent condl 747-U33 ty for over li years. We do additions, dor* tlon. Best offer. Call 1970 HONDA 750 - Low mlleoge. men, siding, roofing, moionry, kitchens, 7S7-213I Good condition, bqttirooms and new construction on vour Dl ICCCII OLDSMOBILE Call 741-8723 afttr 6.-30 p.m. IfUjeJELL CADILLAC CO. CADILLAC - 1967 Coupe de Vllle. Facto- j787:0816_,. ry olr, lull power. >240D.or best otter. Coll YAMAHA 19i5 - 55 cc. enjlne, llohl S&. otter 6 p.m., 493-2913. weight model, A-l show, *140. Terms or- ^ 100 Newman Springs Rd. Red Bank ranged, will hold tor Christmas. 739-2540 CHECK OUR PRICE . OLOSMOBILE STATION WAGON - otter 6 p.m. ELLARS. ATTICS, YARDS CLEANED, , 1979. Full equipped. Air. «,000 miles. Llko 1971 HONDA — CL 350 Scrambler. Ex- \OVING, HAULING, REFRIG- 741-0910 new. S3aSO. Coll 531-0505. RATORS, WASHERS MOVED. WIN- cellent condition. 1600 miles. (673. Call >OW WASHING AND TREES CUT. NO 291-1098. OB TOO BIG OR TOO SMALL. FREE BUICK-OPEL Autos For Sale ESTIMATES. 73WVM8. Mobile Homes OU5EPAINTINO - Inlpnnr Edenor EXCELLENT CONDITION — 10' X S5\ onoblo rotes Ffcc cstimot •. Crill 264-4000 Many extras. We have a inace for It to be 3 relocated en. Forlnformoflon, please coll otter «p.m. SM-5453. WINDOW WASHING Hwy. 35 Keyport BEST OFFER - 55', expanded llvln IOMES, APARTMENTS, OFFICES, room, bedroom. Excellent condition. Cal. TORES, For tree estimate, coll ,\AA MERCEDES - BENZ after 5 p.m. 264-2553. (II no answer, call Vlndow V/mhlna Service. 5(2-1130. o/l3o/ 1959 ELCDNA - Two bedrooms. (4200 or J. C. &SON •—•-"-- ---i stay on lot. "onellng- Cellars, Attics, Repairs. Smoll Call 717-1929. obs. Free estimates. /B7-8195. WE'RE BACK AGAIN! «O~S|LE HOME TRAILER — Reason- toot repairs, horns Improvements, We'ra oble. Must be relocated. Garden Pork of too big to take smoll jobs. Tnors Is Trailer Camp, 29 Bethany Rd., Lot 57, tfIt time fo winterize your home before• HAS YOUR Reliable fie cold, rainy months ahead. For free »- Imates coll after 5, 495-12M or 391-IB1S. Dependable Wanted Automotive CARS WANTED - WE CAY TOM IS FOR More Classified CLEAN USED CARS, CALL MR. VIN on Next Page Luxury Car Sales & Service CENT 542-5500. from Autos For Sale GONE UP IN SMOKE? Monmouth County's Oldest and most respected IT'S YOUR Mercedes-Benz dealership V5$,,.V MOVE LET MURPHY & DAVISON TO A BETTER USED CAR 462-5300' .. .and we've got the best! MiRCURYi.1972 1970 AUSTIN American two-door se- 1968 PLYMOUTH GIVE YOU THE LUXURY & QUALITY dan, outomatlc, tinted) Custom suburban; 3- glass. Brown, s#ot, V9, outomouc, YOU DESERVE... HIGHWAY9 Just North of Freehold Circle FREEHOLD $ power, air, Slue. 1525 $1895 FOR A LOT LESS! 1969 PLYMOUTH 1968 CHRYSLER V.I.P.2-door hardtop, i New Yorker* 4.door cylinder outamatvc hardtop, 4tt cu. In, VS, power steering, Drake power brakes, power and window!. Factor windows,automatic, ofr. Grey, power steering, air, flrecn. *2475 S2395 %sv Prices Start At^ 1969 PLYMOUTH MONTEGC G.T.X.^Convertib!*, 440 cu. In. engirt*. Aufomot- 1968 DODGE MX (c- from., power steer- in o, r«d. CHARGERWGER, ,Automatic. Power/er>. Bluo *3514 $ $ Prices Start At 2275 1950 COUGAR CONVERTIBLE Serving Monmouth 1969 MGB 1967 PLYMOUTH County since 1930. The 72's are moving and Convertible^ 4-speed, Sotellffe, 2-door horrf heot and radio. Red, top, gr«6n, V8, automat- The leading Pontlac we're loaded with extra clean ic, power, consols, dealership with the oldest $ bucketseali used car trade-ins! 2195 $ Prleat Start At reputation for the BEST 1350 PRICE • PRODUCT and EX- We have 29 Brand New 1969SIMCA PERIENCED SERVICE 4-doof sedan, automollc 1971 leftovers to choose from transmission. Econom- ical with rear loading 1967 RAMBLER area, Rebel 770 nlnc-nosiere per wcgon, VI, aillomol. 1970CATAUNA 1969 GTO 1967CATALINA $ Jc, powor, blue. 4-door. Hardlop. Vinyl top, factory Convertible, Loaded including air, Wagon. Hydromallc power steoM 1475 •Meat Start At ^4732 air, olc. Cloan Itiroughoul. hydromalic power winrJovVG/stQr- Ing, oto, Exlra special. '1275 COMET 2-DOOR co tapo, "mag" wheels, olc. $ 1968 CHRYSLER COLONY PARK WAGON '2395 1195 NEWPORT, 4-door ««. dan, Aufomat'c. p ower» 1967 PLYMOUTH air, preen. . aO M8 -rf th8 2295 fury III, J-door hard' A-l i°?J?" *mnM baste retail.,. 1969 MERCURY I969MACHI 1967 COUGAR S lop, VI, (wlornallc, pow- Come in today and get a Wall value price) Colony Park Warjon. Air conrjl /w lnnv 2-door vinyl top, Factory olr V-8 d/r Personnel Open dolly except MorioViy. Fridoyi until .(« our used orgon selection Including Cll WTOI or 9BJ «()S ment. 462-4700, ext; 287. «,SurxjayIS. • - . lote model Spinels, Chords, end CMtel"-- fREES — Did your owni Sonar Mapl«» "rlces start ot S450. All |r.»frument» tele) Dogwood, Plu. II per (I. Locull area. viith a guaranty. FOODARAMA SUPER MARKETS APPLEBROOK AGENCY Ptione 291-H2; ottir i p.m. Special sovlngl on KriBbei Sohmer( Ev»r> Mutt like dealing wllh nubile, Good tele. 303 West Main Street Phone: 671-2300 APPLES — Pick your own, bring your ell, MosonHomlln, Kowot-ondplo/ef pi- , phonrtichnla,ue, owiify toMk le! Wot own conlclritri, 11 a pasltil. Na cnlldrtn PAINTING level personnel In office anil Industry. Freehold, N.J. ollowM. TUBS, Ihraugh Sot. • t» 5, BuHorj. rlY%ufW,;.B Jorge typing ond record keeping. Locoti wood forms, RI, 550, Marlboro, I ml. 775-9300 %fWB " K«a Bank orea. call G42-4343 foi Business Opportuniiies Business Opportunities wnt ot 11, i ml. tail ol«. Ml-lMt. 300 Moln SI., Asbury Park call Dav« at mom ointment, TRACTOR ~ Boiens, mowsr. snowtilowar Open dolly 'til 1 59f, "I JiilE ar4 blade. Good Brfagi & stralfwi engine. HOUSEKEEPER - Rum7oVoreo7i¥r»e Orlv> shall netds repairing. Best oiler. oe5K5»tri; toftf >OR CHRISTMAS. And that can meoi doys weekly, 10 to 1 p.m. References. ' AUTOAAOTfLE choirs, adding machines, lyptwrltert Sl- big earnings far you. Be an Avon (tepre 671-2361 after S weekdays, all cay wiek- OwnIramportallon. mimor 741-0514. end*. ice equipment, tie. at bargain prlctsi senlaiive. There's a demand for Avor SALESMAN FOR LEASE «w or used. AAC DESK oTlTUT. HI. products. In your neighborhood rlgh 1 35, Ookhunt. 5I1-3WO. ^ 6WPLOYMINT * now. You can orolll from tftot demani Immediate opening ,for PUMPKINS - Pick your ownTiflc ond i^p, by selling Avon In your »pore lime. Col Also lomotoei, tf boskef, bnna your own. new: Mrs. Ward, 74I-4J4J. 442-3177, wi SALES : an energetic salesman NEW THREE-BAY SERVICE STATION EQOPlonts, $2 bushel, pick your own. Fi'REWOOD"' Help Wanted female Lourino Farm, Sycormore Ave., Hew willing to take advan- Shrewsbury. Woodchlps. Coll ?41-»l». Middle Road and Pine St., Hazlet OTILftY TRAILER - IW YPiST... ,. EDUCATIONAL tage of an "above av- wide, r deep. JJM. f YPVSt Liqljt »teno, . 4t»op. immediofe deliveries. Instant credit. Can This Is q career opportunity which offers 741-5180. Eves, until 9. MOVING - TV. sofa, two kllcrwn tobiej, ' iply In person, Loigl's Funipui Pin, ttC' you lifetime security and hlflh Income, Mr. Gran, 171-MI1. i ^ towt, olr EARN MONfY - AnddtveTop lasting.. You will t» paid on our exclusive advance olsnes, marble-lop coffee lobit. elr cotttfl- counts. Demonstrate non-pollutant prod- Help Wanted Help Wanted TVpEWRlfF«7A6pw1™VSnesrATi tloner, etc. »1-U*M. Moever vocwm willing and capable of assuming reaponi 1 blllty. Excellent references required, j MOTWl.,..,,JR'TS HELPER — Neot, depend WORK • With local landscape con Q.A, AAonaaar: Electro Mechanical . with otlachmenls, matieaan/ console) able. Good hours ond salary. Live fn o PORTER-HANDYMAN "perhr.* ' AHAGE DOOR OPENERS - Radio tone, two mirrors, Hotpolnt air cerol- dqy. 40-hour, week. Company benefit*. Ap- tractor. J2.7J per hr. to stort. Heavy electronics. Computer. Centrol .MEN, LADIES, STUDtNTS - Pull ond ply In person, Mon. thrauoh noon SOT., or out. Near Monmaulh College, Call J42 Phono N.J. To %nOX. FEE PAID. iontrolled. Soles, service/ Installation. flortcr for casemira, 741*471). 2933. Full-lime, good-pay In p# secure fob for a porf-tlme. Car necessary. Coll today, start -ill for home demonstration SH-92S9. call for appointment at Delicious O MECHANIC'S HELPER - Experienced. tomorrow, torn 13 per hour. 462.10/1 from OARAGE SALE - Infant's clcttiln chard!. Rf, 34, Coltt Neck. tijh family, man who enloys cleaning Must be BE Destantr: Power supply (or memory 3 la 5 p.m, MMHM. HAIRDRESSER — High salary plus com experienced, have N.J. driver's license Over age 2). Apply In person. WERNER'S ivjlemj. Ne«d two men. Central H.J. Ill* USED BRICK nlture, lody's Hike, end tablet, dot and picnic table. 12 Cnoncevllle PI mission. Also SHAMPOO GIRL for and have references. Call Mr, Huber, 747' AUTOMOTIVE, Hwy it, Belford. 113,000 or $15-»17,0O>. FEE PAID. OLDER COUPLE - Or ilngle person, to DELIVERED RN —Head nurse, to take full charge 01 Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays. Apply Mr. 1800. ELfcCTRONIC ENGINEER — Ex live In and maintain 10-room rouse in Call 352-5781. Evenings 3IS-2M7 Monmouth, «7MSm. long established small nursing home, Re- Roberts Beoulv farlor, Holmdel-Wypori perlenced In solid tlole UHF-VHP clrcul Designer: Memory care design engineer. Rd., Holmdel. 940-9147 or after 6,546-9M1. Rumson on three acres. Monthly salary ~ SERVICE STATION EOUIPMENT GARAOE SALE - Sot., tun., 10.4 r.m. sponilble, Excellent pay and benefits ROOTS-RED BANK aeaigdesign Toforr lanod rnooiimobile transceiver,. Musmu i central NJ, io»i>,ooo. FEE PAID. bo discussed. Call 2454521 from 10 a.m. Call, ask for Jim, Furniture, baby and modtrr. oetk. Ml*, Vicinity Holmdel. Call 747-2017. r_ .,..._... o|ecl from Inltlo 2p.m, EXPERIENCED CASHIER be capable of handling protect from Inltl m-M4 chest, etc. Crvital wore. Oood condition. design through production- , Includin' -"--writg wrl . •raftsman ElectrO'Machanlcol: Hedvy y> Olenwood dr.. New Shrewsbury, SALESLADY — Full time permanent po. — j. Apply Conodlon's Ing of Instruction books. B5EE preferre details. Start. Dept, Semiconductor ex- MANAGER-OPERATOR - experienced, SHELL CAMPER - «' body, oood 30 Brood St. Red Ban] r sltlon. Some selling experience desired. RESUMES PREPARED RXDIO MARiNE Cew,»5.Etc,741.|»55. MAIDS — Day ihlll. Apply I" person, Hi Keonsburg, EXPERIENCED TYPEWRITER - Royal electric efllce benefits. Send resume, or apply In person* 5-10 vrs. experience. To $32,000. FEE BABVSITTING — Weekday mornings. lidoy.lnn of Hoilet, " to U.S. Homo Corp., Rt,9, Freehold, N.J. mnnwuwMAHOGANn Yi -— Dropleawn. _t lool. e 115. 3M model, 15 veon old. «esf offer. . Hwy 35, Hazlet OAL FRIDAY — Diversified office work OIL BURNER Shrewsbury areg. My home. 3-5 years of ' "" " " ' i &d» 120,4< 6 windo: w typing, filing, client contact, light book age. Coll 747-306*. copier US, pair twin•«1i bed polis 120,4xo ownin6 windog IUw. JANITORIAL WORK,,— Fort Hancock with owninsT«l5, Hi • — WAITRIESS—FulI l time. Apply In person, keeping, payroll, billing. Challenging am Manufacturing Systems Mgr: Interface STORE FIXTURES - Chsck-ouf count- •etpoiulble position for capable person In MECHANIC area. Full and part-time. Good for elder' with purchoslRQ Q.C., Q.A. production SECRETARY - Katharine Clbbs grodu- IOW KNOT RESTAURANT person. Call 7t9-1977. ers, site I tried gondolas* viau shelving Red Bank growing company. Must be oaadwlth, de- Apply Fred D.wikoff Co. manager copatmliles. To SU.QOO. FEE ale ond former employe desires bart-tlme LIVING ROOM CHAIR — SIS. 2 ta- and brackets. aTsplsy counters. Cletfilftg rails. Interest In Interior decorating or ort PAID. secretarial work ot home, Including thesis pestrlesestrles, one IU, one 115. Two-tier table rack. Showcases. Hotpelnt electric route. background helpful. Must hove own trans 234 Mople Ave., Red Bonk, BUS OPERATORS - Full time position ond term papers. Call 74M&32. BOY5 — Circular delivery. Openings In open. Apply BORO BUSSES COMPANY 111188. RockeRk r S3.100 records SIC, 7t7-2»)t. portallon. Reply to Box E-1I9, The Doll Monmoulh and Ocean Counties. Weekends Prolect Enolneer: * Electronic experience 445 Shrewsbury Ave.r Shrewsbury. CAREER OPPORTUNITY - In Sale! Register, ReaSank. only Work right in your own neighbor- computer-systtms. To 119,000. FEE PAID EXPERIENCED SECRETARY - Desires BILT.RITE COACH CARRIAGE PIANO - Knobs upright. Net n4W, but .wllh young, but established Realtor Flrmi rtood, No selling or collecting. Must be at MAN— lo learn to do auto and genera! part-lime office position. Typing, (Had Like new. Call ofl«r i p.m. Coll Mr. McGowan or Mr. R^on for con- COMPANION WANTED - Elderly wom- least 12 years ot age. Call 899-B776 (or glass work. Fully paid pension plan, life Secretaries: Sitno, typing,' general duly steno). Afternoons. Coll Barbara, W-SS93 ni*iu fldentlal Interview, 747-3000. McGowon, an recovering from Illness requires com. more Informollon, Insurance. Blue Cross, Blue Shield. Voca- TO JI2O. FEE NEGOTIABLE. ofltr 1:30 p.m. panlon who can live In. Nursing ex- 'ET SUIT — Parkway, two-piece^ me- ir BAR — Formica top. Best olfer. Ryan Realtors, 334 River Rd., Red Bank, tion and Holidays. Apply Atlantic Glas MATURE WOMAN — Will twbyjlt In my dium, Excellent condition. Call lerlonco not required. No cooking or Co., 21 Maple Ave., Red Bank. Bookkeeper: Full charge. 4125. Phone lousekeeplng Involved. Driver preferred, home for worWra mother. Keyport-Haile 291-3418 «7IH1» loom, board, monthly salary provided, WORK IN AUTOMOTIVE PARTS DISTRIBUTOR - Secretary: Steno, typing. Two mon office oreo. Call 2M5lfi Sjnd letter staling situation to A.M., P.O AMPLIFIER - Guild Tliunderblrd. MEDICAL SECRETARY - Full time. Ex- Opportunity for delivery and stock control Be^nefUs. open salary. FEE NEGp DAY CARE — Children any oge, my Excellent condition. CONTENTS OF HOME SALE - Octi M, Box 311, Shrewsbury, N'.J. 07701. man. Benefits. Kindly apply at Atlontl 22, n, 10 o.m.-J p.m. 73 w«st Wosftlnjton perienced. Please send resume to Scorpel EUROPE home. Will provide transportation. Rum !7MW» Aye., Atlontlc HlgM«ws. qddt ond ends. • lino Medical A«»oc, 119 Maple Ave,, Red U.5. Army guarantees a 16-monih tour ot Highlands Naylor's. 291-1414. ton-Red Bonk-Mlddletown area. 291-3065. •RAVEL AGENT - Experienced. Ful Secretary: Mature, heavy steno and typ- COUCH — Three-piece sectional. fixtures, stove, refrigerator, some art- Bank. Ime, Also, outside solesperson, call 201' Europe after training In Ibis country on PLUMBERS — Experienced. New work tlques.etc, Wl-0177. hree years enlistment. New higher poy ing. Busy office. Be own boss. (120. FEE EXPERIENCED MOTHER - And baby Mediterranean. Gold. sido. 291-3333 .... / In Mlddletown area. Call PAID. Cgll223-B620 COUNTER GIRL WANTED - Paid ho- icoles, exceptional benefits. 741-59.10. 297-1994 nurse will ill In my home. Larae ploy ASSORTED — Full sized wooflen (tonMnt lidays, hospltalilatlon and vacalfon, Apply RN — 3 to It p.m., full time. Weekends area, Lunctt provided. Day, week and 1 INGLE BED — Includes moifrest ond storm wlreJows ond screens. U each. He- Top Hat Cleoners, Hwy 35. Mtddlelovtn. Iff, EMERY MANOR EXTENDED CARE PORCH ROOF — And some repair |obs hour. Reasonobli roles. M2-237e. ox spring. Clean. Good condition. 1)5. mlnoton,Noiseless typewriter, U>. 741. -ACILITY, Malowan, 544-6400. CAREER OPPORTUNITY — In Soles, If Interested In doing them, coll before 1 d/r Personnel 'hone J12-78U (719. EXPERIENCED WAITRESSES - For a.m. or after 7 p.m., 843-4569. WAITRESSES — Experienced, 21 one with youmj, rjul established Realtor Firm, luncheon dnd dinner, Full or port-time Coll Mr. McGowan or Mr. Ryan tor con- 1S7 Brooa St. Red Bank 842.3501 FINANCIAL WILL GIVE AWAY — To llrst comer, one WHITE POLAR BEAR RUG - excellent -schedules available. Apply In person only over. Apply In person, Ye Cottage inn, 149 MEN WITH CARS - Wanted to dellve condition, MM or best tMtr. Coil offer 4 W. Front St., Keyport. fidential interview, 747-3000. McGowon, irlght piano. As Is, where is. Coll 471 offer 12 rioon to One English Lone (for- Rvan Reajlors, 2M River Rd., Red BanK. morning 'andror Sundayjiapers In Ret Business Opportunities p.m., S«M7is. Bonx wen. Ho collec1lng.,7475u3. 'merly Paul's Edgewater), Wartarrtossa, -LEANING LADY - wed. or Thurs ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CLERK-NCR ex- TAXI BUSINESS FOR SALE -Middle NvJ. helpful. All benefits. S95.0O RUPP SCRAMBLER MINIBIKE MINI BIKE — 1.S h.p. engine. Frenr ami 12.50 per hour. References necessary. ASSISTANT MANAGER — Will train. Ap- town area, Forward all replies to P.O. reor shocks, oood trail bike. us. Term* AUTOMOBILE 5ALESMAM - Agares 1 Box M, Rumson, N.J. Proctically new, five months old. Call 2*4. fn person. Country Sudser Car Wosh, BOOKKEEPER F/C-Small congenial af. MM. - i orranced. Will lulu for Oirlstmdl. 7Jf- day or night. Apply fn person, The Rum Mve OldsmoUlle ogency expanding sales Hwy 35, Mlddletown. OAY WORKER - Every Thursday. flee. 35 noun. Ideal poslllon. Jl25.00 RN ADMINISTRATOR -For imall Nurs- 2540 otiere p.m. Runner, lie ieeon Ave.., Se' o Bright. force rJua ta Increased sales af our new 'LASTIC SLIPCOVERS — Custom filled, Own transportation. S15. and used cars. 515,000 per year potential MASON WANTED - Nan union. Will ing Home on shore bosls, to take lull TWO TWIN BBD FRAMES - »o« sprln» Phon« S42-S4M *lth our salary plus commission plan. STENCDtversitled duties, oil benefits, charge. Excellent opportunity. Vicinity eavvy duty, crystal cleor, includes ilpilp- HOUSEKEEPER - Child core, Hours 8 work through winter. Coll after 7 p.m. 747- ers, air venlvenlss , ond guarentguarentyy . Sofa or Iws and mgftreuu, O>nt of drowire, xvwel Company benefits Include no>cost hospl- modern office. $90.00 Molawan'-Holmdel-Mlddlelown. For Infor- rocker, electric dryer. Priced hi go. £41 lo 4:30 p.m. For working mother with OGRESSIVE i YOUNG CON airs, f 44.(5. Free esllmotei. ALL. thru year old child. Extra pay for driving tolliatlon tor entire family. Contact Mr. mation, call 747-2017. M2-M15. TRACTING/8UILDING COMPANY - Melartao ar Steven Oldsmoblle, Main St. MANAGER — For womens' shoe store. SECRETARV.Execullue dynam. ATEWIDE INTERIORS, W».J32«. back and forth to nursery school In a.m. Sfreks two key people on Us office staff. MAIL ORDER — Start your Own Mall Or- Marlboro orea. Coll Dr. Hoyes after 4:30 Matawon. SM-3400. Full and part-time sales positions als ICOfflce. FEE PAID. TO JIM.OO . ' DIEHL - Horllontol attic fon, |75, 24" FRAMfi VARSITY SCHWINH — 10- EXECUTIVE SECRETARY will report to available. THE PEDESTAL. 747-92J5. der Business as our Distributor with S1$O p.m, 944-1100. " esldeht.of building company. Must be Investment, Wrlle for FREE brochure to Commetclal Magic Chef stolnleu »!•• FULL-TIME HELP WANTED — Apply Hi TVP1ST5-Numerous openings In Mon> gos stove, six burners, two ovens, grill .oflclent In "all secretarial SKIHS. Pre- person, BEN'S CAR WASH, AIR CONDITIONING — Mechanics an, mouth County, TO JH.00 Audit Controls, Brcokslde Ave.,'Fair NIJI8r?rATBS~^-~Nlohr!iifll7''CaTi~HiM: /ious legal pr bullder/controciar ex Lawn, N J. 07410. mint condition, «500. Prefobrlceted doubll top Nursing Home, 6/1-0177 lor appoint- Mlddlelown helpers needed for immediate emplov- walk-In freezer. 1200.7/7-2131. GARAOE SALE - Sot. om) * >erlence helpful. Salary open. RECEP TEACHER-Put ediicollon to good use. Ex. ond It. 10 o.rfl. to 4 p,m^ Ev*i ment. ' ment. Sheet metal, air conditioning, worm THE SUB SHACK riONIST-BOOKKEEPER will report to _.. . — Experienced nn air heating. Jersey Central Heating & Air citing opportunity. TO S10K go, Winter ciolhn, ihoti ' rompany comptroller. Must have pleasant RED BANK EMLOCK, FIRTSPRUCE, PVRA- ATP n and Royal Zenith 29. Steady em- Conditioning Co., Inc. 5B3-3800 or M7-2816. PERSONNEL SERVICES CANTHANTHA - 3 ft. lo » ft.. «2. t» M. Musf town-New Monmoulti elepnone personality. Previous ex- 77 Brood St., Red Bank Fully equipped, all machinery Included. mouth. Three or four < s. Answering Service. ployment. Commercial Press, 169 W'. 741-J55S emove ffo r dll 2919t Call 741-4700. perience with accounts POY :ront SI., Red Bank. 747-3611. PERMANENTlMPLrjYMEfJT - For a Active business, rteor Red Bank High ible/recelvable ond payroll desired. 5ala School. Must sell. B42-W9O before 7 p.m. roofer ond carpenter's helper. SCORAS REAL ESTATE SALESPERSON — Ex 4300 8TU WHIRLPOOL RCA - Window More Classified Y open, Cohipony Seneflts availabre to 1Z2AAND SHORT ORDER COOK — CONSTRUCTION. Phone 264-4167. perlenced. licensed. One position open. COUNTER WOMAN — Experienced. %1 luolllled personnel. Please telephone Mr. DRY CLEANING ROUTE - Cross 1500. air conditioner, W5. Everett (Hammond) ~ i. Good poy. CoU for appoint- Drawing account available. Ask for Vick- tplnet orgem, A-l, 1300.671-5743. on Next Page per hour. Port-time. 8 a.m; to I p.m., or Sortley, 938-5065, otter 4;30 p.m.. MANAGEMENT OPPORTUNITY — For ie, m-fm. Your Income S2O0. Call full time. BETTY BRITE CLEANERS, 475 rnen serious about their future. Full com S66-W28 Hwy 35, Mlddletown. PART-TIME — Youngrottractlve olfl." SHEETROCKERS WANTED - Ex- pony training. Wan Income potenliol FULL CHARGE BOOKKEEPER - Choi Must be over 21. MaM sandwiches 12 perienced only. Must be reliable. Year TGW ASSOCIATES"2!9-595II. lertglng ond Interesting opportunity. Reply DRESS SHOP FOR SALE Business Opportunities Business Opportunities hours a week, five days. S2 per hour plus round work on development sites In Mon< to Box F-1B1, The Dally Register, Red In Red Bonk. Write Box E-lvl, The Dolly Autos For Sale Ips. Apply In person only, Old Village mouth and Ocean Counties. Top pay, all MECHANIC Bank. Register. Red Bonk. inn, 24 W. Front St., Red Sank. Ask for nneflfs. Prom e-S, 343-8035. Aflor t. 681 Apply In person, Rollo Transit Corp.. 275 SEPTIC TANK-BACKHOE BUSINESS Bob Martin. 5982 or 481-3142. Broadway, Keyport. REAL ESTATE SALESMAN Can you qualify? Old ond top volume Plus 25 acre property, large house ant BUILD YOUR FUTURE REDUCED THIS SALESLADIES — Full and part-time MATURE MAN — To do maintenance SALESMAN — Full time employment Monmouih County Real Estate Firm tia'. 30'x40' garage. $135,000. In Oxford, New Some experience preferred. Apply Gold- York, 25 miles from Blnghamton. coll WEEK ONLY Children's wear. Experience preferred work. Must have same experience In dpenlng_r. . ^s fo..: r quality SSalesmac _ n or-- Soles- evenlnjs, 544-7210. lo phone colls, YOUTH CENTER, 20 painting and carpenlry. coll after 4 p.m. In's MenS Shop, 25 Brood St., Red Sank woman. Incentive plan, high commission: rood St., Red Bank. 4I7S8f and expense account. Forr a conficonfidentiad l DRAFTSMAN Interview, please givi e resumerme,, ai t ex. URSES — RNs or LPNs. Full or port' JHORTORDER COOK -Orlll and sand- Coll „perlence * and write flo Real Estate :soles, INSTRUCTION WITH ESSO 741-M00 Ime, 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. shift. Call Mrs. wlch man. Alta DISHWASHER. Apply lm- P.O. Box 444, Red Bonk, N.J. 07701. ORGAN LESSONS — Any oge. Beginner Irfl, Westwood Hall, M-5277. medlotely< Holmdel Motor Inn, Hwy 35, and Inlermedlates. For Information, cal Holmdel. SECURITY AGENCY .. To work In local SALES MANAGEMENT TRAINEES — OFFEE SHOP WAITRESS - EX retail department store. Excellent storting Are you Interested Ina career with unlim- 717-0111 after 7 p.m. weekdays. perlenced. 7 a.m. to A p.m. shirt. Apply In ION PAINTER — Experienced wanted salary and Benefits offered to the quallllei ited earnings? Salary $12,000 per year. If wrson Shore Point Inn, 3060 Hwy 35, Hai- ar well established slan shop In growing applicant. Experience preferred but not qualified. Call 244-9127, ask for Miss 10 WK. GUITAR CLASSES SERVICE STATION 1W0CADIUAC ELDORADO area. Coll 462-3000 for Interview. essential, 48-hour work week required. Strand. Please call 739-2800 tor Interview Now forming with the most modern ap- Gold with fold leather ond black proach In leaching. ONLY 5 IN A CLASST roof, stereo. Driven only 25,611 ftOMAN (2) — This area. Are you ready EXPERIENCED ONLY — Hand grade MEN.AND WOMEN — Do you have the "Children" "Teens" "Adults" lor Management? Start at the top os Boss ond blacktop raker. COURT CLERK - with experience In foresight lo manage your own future? Are DEALERS milts. Coll now (or more Information .adyl Exciting position as Soles Super* Coll 787-32?i. bookkeeping and typing. Diversified office you with o real growth company? Would •Isor, 184 part-time. . . SI50 or more full duties. Must be Red Bonk resident.. Con- Roberts School of Music $5896 MAN WANTED — Floor waxing, window you like to be wllh one? I am looking tor Ime. We'll train you. Cor, phone re- tact John Bryan, 32 Monmouih St., Red several amblllcus individuals In this areo 60 While St. Red Sank til-iUH [Uirtd. Call (2151 FE 5-3250 ar write: cleaning. Driver's license and experience. Bonk, 747-52OO, capable of earning 120,000 to uo.000 per INDEPENDENCE AND THE OP- 1.0. Box 101S, Asbury Park, N.J. 07712. I64-701IT. year. No Investment.8««3M. MATE FOR PARTY FISHING BOAT PORTUNITY TO OPERATE YOUR ARCHITECTURAL DRAFTSMAN MERCHANDISE BOOKKEEPER — Full chprge,:gmaral Fulltime. • PERSONNEL TRAINEE Experienced. Phone G. Borba,. Architect Phone 291-0212 OWN RETAIL BUSINESS-WITH ' edoer, up lo trial balance. Part machine 747-1500 Executive placement office seeks quick _ForSale AMERICA'S LEADING ENERGY woWeplrlg system. Full time position, CLEAN CUT COLLEGE STUDENT - To thinking person to handle segment of pro. call for appointment, 741-0030. ANDER- V REPAIRMAN — Fully experienced fesslonal placement. Interviewing and ALCOA GUTTER .032 na COMPANY- PAID TRAINING only. Top salary If .qualified. Old Bridge. work In hardware store. Must drive. 1 to 6 client contact. Will train. Secretariat or ;ON BRO5T, INC.. 51-53 Mechanic Si- p.m. dally, all day Sat. Call 741-74(4. Is great out Ier/and especially defile ted Bank. business experience o plus. for do-it-yourselfer. Place your order AND FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE ROOFERS — Sub-contractor by Ihe PLACEMART 942-0«aO now, pick up tn o week. 16' whlto Alcoa AVAILABLE FOR QUALIFIED AP- rbMAN — For housework. 1 or 2 days BARTENDER - Experienced. Full time. 7W Shrewsbury Ave.. New Shrewsbury .033 oauof. 19.60 CO., 31' S12.A0 ea., 2A' •WKHEVROLErCAMARO -- ••-•"• Please call Mrs. E. Baynton Aly Mr. Roberson, Molly Pitcher Inn, square. SCORAS CONSTRUCTION. PLICANTS. FOR INFORMATION Phone 264-4107 115.60 ea., 33' $19.30 eo. You'll do It better 'Hardtop Sport Coupev V-8, Cold ' Bn ?-'5 p.m. . Bok YOUNG COUPLE - To operate eftl- than anyone wllh Alcoa. ANO APPOINTMENT CALL' wllh bslge vinyl Interior, air con- DRIVERS, CAR DETAILERS -- Full Or PARTS DEPARTMENT. - Molure. Must clency apartment house. Free rtnl plus MR, FLYNN. 486 7000. EXT. 223 ditioned 8,63? miles, Wanted Automotive have automotive mechanical experience. salary, New building. Must have some ex- RED BANK LUMBER porl-tlme. Apply Country Sudscr Car Apply in person. Werner's Automotive. MONDAY THROUGH r^iD»^ fl/ash. Mlddletown. perience. Wife runs office, while husband 9 Woll St. Red Bank 741-5500 man mt urn mi$2896 Hwyio, Bolford. lelps out with maintenance. Call morn- 8frW£ENfl AM .mil 6 P M JUITAR INSTRUCTOR — Experienced, Inas, 229-0200; NAUTICAL ANTIQUES lor music school. MANAGEMENT TRAINEE — Are you ANCIENT MARINER II, 74 Shrewsbury CASH PAID Call 747-O15 enthusiastic, self-motlvaied. ond like to HAIRDRESSER — Full or part-time. Ex- Ave., Hoot ol Monmouih St.) Red Bank. move ahead? Qualifications: Must be perlence necessary. Inquire East of Eden DATTiY^6^T^birrNSPE(ro alert, of basic Intelligence ond a H.S. Beauty Salon, 671-9745. GOUROS — Wholesale and Retail. WE NEED USED CARS graduate. We are a nationally known com- HUMBLE OILS REFINING CO. See our ad under Male-Female Cerllono's Greenhouses pany seeking tulure executives. Call Mr. REAL. ESTATE ~ Soles Representative -> Hwy 31.Holmdel P.O. SOX 66 LINDEN, N.J. WE WILL PAY ELECTRO-IMPULSE INC. Emery, 741-9020, or apply In person, Bene- wanted for Little Silver office. Member of ARPENTER — And Carpenter's Helper. ficial Finance, 23 Broad St., Red Bank. two IvU-S. Call Mr. Camaua, 741-6334. VACUUM CLEANER — Eureka Emprest TOP PRICES t least two years experience. Call Pei- 3U lip. All attachments. Asking 550. Col Help Wanted Cadillac-Olctomobllo lick Construction, 071-1800. PORTERS — Full-time positions avail- PART-TIME LOCAL REPRESENTA- oilers p.m. 741-6117. Help Wanted able. Day and evening shifts. Goad salary, TIVES — $100 to J500 pet month or more. TOM'S FORD_ You pick hours. Calf between 7-v p.m. Male or Female Male or Female BROADWAY AT 4TH SCHOOL CUSTODIAN - Steady lob. Pleasant working conditions and full CALIFORNIA WINE GRAPES Night shuts, 3 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. Call Mr, QAS.W1-4737. LONG BRANCH 222-1434 'rlnge benefits, Apply In parson, Person- And barrels. Jones, Rumson Board ot Education, 842. nel Office, Rlvervlew Hospital, between 9 Coll 787-W1S. RETAIL. Autos For Sale. 0354. a.m. and 4 p.m. An equal opportunity em1 DRIVERS NEEDED — For food Irucks plover M/F. on a lease basis. Excellent opportunity for CAHP6t~MECHANic"— Ex'pcrionccd, right person. Call 671.1290 after 6 p.m. tor PIANOS-ORGANS >leady work. Good salary. Call Uied spinels trom 11«. Unlimited renlols SALESMAN — Full or porl-tlme. Leads more Information. from V.iO for Yamorio-CDrm-Klmual! •I9S-05W furnished. S150 week and up. Phone 871- BANKER — BrlohMeader, oood at fla- Wuriltier-Chickering. FREEHOLD MII JERRY BARATTA'S *,IC CENTER. 13 Tluockmortorv St. 463 J. M. FIELDS WM lM k n r e 1 l 0 7m Help Wonted Male SERVICE STATION ATTENDANT ' p 'o R& N E L Svfc El J7J0. ______Part-time weekends. Coll 77-BrowJ St., Red Dank 741-3555 COMPARE BEFORrTYClUBuV — Solid Discount Dept. Stores 787-V7JB vinyl sldlno doesn't dent like obsolete BAYSHORE CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH WAITERS AND WAITRESSES — Posi- metal siding. Call lor free estimate. 0. w. DRIVER tions available for Breakfast, Lunch, and Barr Home Improvements. M3-30S3. Experienced on tondonp dump and/or Help Wanted Dinner shifts. Full time. Apply Mr. Rob- Our continuing expansion program has dump trailers* Year round work. erson, Molly Pitcher Inn, Red Bank. Overtime available, _Malej>r Female created a need for the following Key Depart- Liberal benefits.' SCHOOL. BUS DRIVERS — Port-time. IBM~TYPE W RI TERS~ Apply of Offfdo ~(^7sicXr?iTERA*pTsT Will train. Call Bennett Bros. Corp., 787- >olc%, rcntali, repairs. PortaDfes. LOW ment Managers at our Hazlet (Rt. 35) loca- 1971 EXECUTIVE Permanent position available in modern 3310. otcs. 873-0327 alter 6 p.m. tion. growing hospital. Excellent salary and good frlnoo benellts. Write or call tor an HelpWonted Help Wanted ia! Oppotumity k "nlervlew, Personnel Office. Rlvervlew CHRYSLERS & PLYMOUTHS Hospital, is union St., Red Hank. 74I-270O, Male or Female Male or Female LADIES SPORTSWEAR TRIM-A-TREE Ext. 22<, An equal opportunity employer M/F. DOMESTICS FRONT (Cashier) SUPV. AUTO SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS- Immediate openings. Parl-tlnie, steady, from 2 ta 7 DRAFTSMAN FACTORY JOBS "lours per day. Storl at $2,75 por hr. Aoply Jally, 9 to 5, Murphy Bui Service, 5SS Rt, Minimum ;i ynnts (linlllnrj ox- Wu Noocl Mnn And MECHANIC 35, Mlddlotown, (behind Slporsloln s). porloncii, filcctro-mnolianicnl. Women in sovornl The successful candidates will have specific 1970 PLYMOUTH SATEUITI 1968 OPEL KADItT ot our clororl- 0UACi'fV "CON t R*6"C •"- ~\"n" IK'nvy in ptlntod clioullf;. Somo knowledge as well as a proven record of ac- Paymr ituiirIno. mi torn at I c V-81 two- , Lootifld. ipeclor/Teslcr. to use haste mechanical liuckiiioiind In fflfimilooHulnfl ments. Will Un !<•• EXPERIENCED and electrical measuring devices. Apply tfiolmtquoK, produolion onjiln(f«r- nui'ml to WL^rk t> complishment in one of tho above mentioned W\ PLYMOUTH SEBRING 1969 BONNEVILIE ALL BENEFITS fn person, ELECTRO-IMPULSE INC., IIS IIHI, Loroy lotlorlng, tinfl prlntoci rlitys. Monday to areas. As a working supervisor these posi- Chestnut St., Red Bank. An equal opporiu-, Siinrliiy. R a.m. to v'lTauioniatl"power MooHnD, red. Convorlibl. V8, po«er>lt«lng. "ilty employer. ciltr.iill Iny-mil. MIJSI hn alilo Iu nc- 4:30 p.m. Good tions include directing and scheduling the ac- copl losponslbllily unit wiiik wllh 1971 DATSUN WAGON 1966 CAMARO $$ Apply CXPERTiNCG6OP¥RATORlullor inc.flnlivo (wy allcr tivities of a small stalf; taking inventories; re- porMlmtf, Leolher and sucflo cntltn, VIN- minimum ol eiuporvlsion. Apply in slioil tiniivir^i prri- Enlrd clean. 4-specili air coiirtliloncu. CENTS COAT SHOPPE, 134 Monllioullt ordering of merchandise; maintaining mer- CIRCLE St., Red Bank, 741-75U. 0(1. Hospit.ili^ilinM, pnitl holiil'iys aiul chandise and displays within department, YOUNO MARRIED COLIPLU •- To man- INTERNATtONAL CHEVROLET age and maintain onortmchl tflinplox..5u- othftr lionelits and other general administrative duties of a UP TO $350,000 WORTH pcrlntondent vjorks on part-Hint basis. COMPONENTS 325 MAPIE AVI., RED BANK Apartment plus small salary. Call he- b y v<\ A Bownn He), manager. • * HwyJ5 264-8000 Kpyport OF NEW 1971 AND 1972 ASK FOR ED DoFELICE t»m Ha.m..7p.m.,S22.?ll4, At;bury P.irk. N.J, Help Wanted ENJOY: S'/i-doy work week CHRYSURS ANpmMO^ •Male or Female Paid hospilaliiotion I life insurance VNEWCAR PRODUCTION EMPLOYEES DETAIL MAN PERSONNEL SERVICES We need men and women to work rotating shifts Paid sick leave ujvMlmei'inrW'Jurnti,. ,.TO*!2K ' Wo of/or: Paid holidays and vacations ExporlonCod only, If you tnko rWiMi'w TO $30K . Permanent positions close to homr prldo In your work and arc an MlOiinlOiiKn • Kxcollont waacs plus shift tllflerohllnl 0aynients t TOJI/K A convenient place to work export at car dotalllnrj, I want ....TO 116K • Heollh Program and Lift Insurance totulk with you. Gxcollont TO JlrSK • Disability qnd sick rjcncllts T K - Retirement plfin BAYSHORE worklno conditions infl tion- • Onporlunltlos for advancement * Apply In person to thfl Store Managar. Mon. through Sat., 10 a.m.«» otila. Sea Mr. UutjoiiB, Man- p.m, nt iij..-i. M(,,,„, ;,io«bK Apply at ager.' . • ' . iiwmwiiiwwfHt^M ...TO sr.K fUM^if^^OfitV*1^ MM,TO IISK 'MYSUR - PLYMOUTH fOiiHtAMfttiMsiwieHii,., ,..,,TO *ISK Daily r, Rril llunl. - MMillcKiwii, N.J., Mennlu>. •T8.1971 For Sole Pels and Livestock Ti/jer OERSTAM SHBPfTenb PUPPIEPUPPIESS - "if eiMis you NO LONGER" Blaitt and silver, 10 *«VsV . TTw o molle' onwie'iimblee lernoler. ShotsShall . Very'jonlleVer ll , growlaro#Mr' NE£D Q]MJ8E WILL. up *ltlt ctilloren. ft t t f . HOMES - 6n« col am mwtiofitd ond lutotantrafiy h flccorojin« with iht plant ointf ipccltlcotioni therefor Ihrce kittens. AH utter trolned. on Hit Vfo aWlc« of IN »or«uah Clirk MINI SCHNAUZERS - AKC rej|llter< ^rt^tXaKSfWwlnwwamou o( Champion tired. Puppy male, (100. Ci bonds or nolti to bo Uiued for said pur- after 4p.m. «I7M7. , QUICK ACTION P l LOW-COST .... HOUND - Two yeors ol °( cl Tho' etllmcted cot ot mid purpsis Mole, Beoulllul disposition. Well trained. '* SdSSn?/ The foitowlftfl oddlilonol V DAILY REGISTER Cail i71-3m t«rs. ore nnreby determined, declared, STX BEAUTIfUFKITTENSEAUTIFUL: KIT " Born Sept. 31. (S) ThVioffpurpoie dticrtbwl In U* FAAAILY AD Call»«-5M». tlpn 3 of this bond ordinance Ii not a cur- ICO -3 UAIO 3 LINES-5 DAYS PERSONALITY PLUS - Part SSIomeji kltteni, all block, > " • ' ' acquire or mokt o% a g»n«. _ . POR family fun. 431-JIM. proveroem. and no port of the cost thereof $2.00 has bMn or shall t» WMCIOUV cntiwd <"^ IRISH SETTER - 2ttyear old male pfopertvwtelaliybe»ed thereby, AvailablJUSe Tlor MMerchan ise For Sale onW. Show quality, AKC registered. 10-18 Artlett my*l originatoriginate from a household Call74}.0S<« •• (W TfttWloaof u«fulne» ol *ofd pur; «nd mamyy nott excjexcjed aa salle prici e of S5S500 tto w!» wShlfttltirumilatlow of wlj Local Hr article. Bond LQW< according to the rfotonapi* Price MUST be odvertlssd. Each addition- GOOO HOMtS I-UUNU K« 1)LUL Apartments Wanted to Rent Houses For Sale Houses For Sale me' thereof computedVom the do^.or the «l line it.eo No copy changes may be DOGS - Cash poid lor" pedigreed litters »td bonds cuthoriicd by this bond oral' All breed dog grooming. KAY.9 COL BRADLEY BEACH - Luxurious ene am SOCIAL SERVICE AGENCY - Seeklnn JUST REDUCED - Four .Bedroom Colo nanM lt40y«pri. ,„,„,_„»_. ShrwXr" uiSSr Ihe Subdivision trd • made ond aa discounts or rtttucns will bo RUMSON nlal with family room. Screened. Novi L i mmcJon bfnolf of me Esfolo ol Har y J. mode If ad II concoltd bifore expiration. LEOE.JjyMS. . wo-bedroom opartments and efficiencies rental units for clientele. If you hove The tron* theli (c) The supplomenfal debt sioiemeni r*- With elevators. Yearly rentals. Furnlshe iterreo owners offer $3.9,900. ELLEN S. HAZGLTON, Realtor, Hardy. Dectoiw), for minor subtllvtilpn To Place Yqur Dally Register OLDE ENGLISH SHEEPDOG - Puppies opartments or houses for rent, call Mrs. wel|.rT\Qlnlalnt(J, llyoar old name I. 11W. River Rd., Rumson, S42-3N0. aulred by said Low has bs»n duty mace or unfurnished. Ons block from beac Wilson ot 541-8000, Ent. 249. No commis- wooded yard, en a quiet sloe slrot. Ce;enn- and tiled In the office of the Borough owrovol for Lois «, 7. 8 ond ?. Block «. Rcody to ao In two weeks. Pick ot title 774-5719 or 77*8783. uihown on tfi« Ta« MOD of m Borowjf, FAMILY AO, CALL. . . now. Champion Bloodline. AKC, 244-5213. sion Involved. ter Hall. Living roam with fireplace, din Clerk and o complete executed'duplicate Ing room, eat-m kitchen, screened porch Lots and Acreage thereof ha> been Vl»«d In the office et the which such property It locoled In «i« vici- rREE TO GOOD HOME — One-year old. RED BANK — Attractive, nicely tui WANTED — Unfurnished house, 2 or tour oettroorm, 3V» baths, lamlly room piwtor of the D vision of toco) Finance nity o< Old Form Lone ond Corn Rood, Lobrador Retriever Malt. Gentle. All >lshed. Three rooms, bath. Good tocaiioi bedrooms. Adult family of .two. in rvon- expansion room for another bedroom an MIDDLETOWN - 103x195 building lol K fot Department of Community Affairs ThJourpoio of tho subdivision Is lo mtrat 741-6900 shop. Call 291-WS5. ^dvlts preferred. Also, one-room eft mouth or Ocean Counties. Have very good baCAiKIng 558,600. see It today I residential lone. Asking $1500. Call 741- of the 5*ate of Now Jeney, ond *uch ) ™fcir cSorewld lol» M° WUfa?}' 24-Hour Service aency suitable for gentleman, 741-8394. references. Long term lease. 741-2604. ROGER F. 5544 or 741-23.12 otter 5 p,m, itaiement shows that the gross AM o! the ou CM such lol lo consist of.tht oroa LABRADOR RETRIEVER PUPS - Borough oi detlnod In sold Law i« in- currwitly included wllhln Lois 1 aid »mi MATAWAN — One-bedroom cparlmen CINCROFT -Convenience plus? Cosy lo fhi, other to consist of Ihe orco currently FIREWOOD - OAK Black. AKC. Snots, wormed, weaned. Heat, gas, and hot water, $170 pius or criwsod by the oulhor I ration ol Ine bonds Champion bloodline. M2-2576. Furnished Rooms to build on, 175' frontage. Owner, and nq1« provided for in this bond ordl; Included within Lots a ond 1. . month's security. One year lease. Sultabl 7413456, nance by «,000,00O. and the Usuance of The Heorlnn on Ihe aforesaid Subdivi- WELSH COLT — Three years aid. Bro- tor couple. Call 5M-02S3 v 5 p.m. "SPEC'IALT COZENS the salcf obllgotlons oulhorjied by (his sion Application will be colled on Novcm-- AIR COMPRESSOR - 3-phase motor, ken. Selling cheop, CaN Agency-Realtor BUILDING LOT - Handy transportation, bond ordinance ts permitted by the ex- b«r 4, (971, ot at 15 p.m. shorp, of Iho K'.Y- and Newark buses at doorstep nd w switch, chcVinel Iron base. *1W. Coll 787- (Formerly Holl Bros.) ceptlon provided In paraoroph (c)olwc* Borouoh School. Brood V««';-! .. ,5K Commercial Rentals WINTER RATES 813 River Rd. li\llM Fair Havei 97x208. Reasonable. Call 767-6771. tion 40A:2-7 of said towio the tiebt limi- the colendar Is called Interested J»«r»onl By week or monttt. From J25 per week Mimber Multiple Listing tations prescribed bv said Law. may oppeor either In person or »{jrwi|J MESH PLAYPEN - II, bassinet with REAL ESTATE and up. Linen and maid service Included. OCEANPORT - 14 Walertront and Water their olforney to present any ob ectlons lo U skTrl, »15, ro_1J_-qwoy bids, J10 each. DISTINGUISHED ALPINE MANOR HOTEL. Highlands RUMSON View lots. No-brokers. Reply to Box 54?, (d) An aggregate amount not exceoalng FOR RENT Red Bonk. (424,000 for interesf on said obligations, Rearonllnaof luWlvlslon opproval. 8721773. In connecllon with the otoresuld appll- OFFICES TWO-ROOM EFFICIENCY - Apartmenl COLONIAL costs ol Issuing said obligations, engineer* HIDING MOWER — Needs good mechan- Apartments PRESTIGIOUS PRIVACY - Romson, Ing costs ond other Items of expense lilted totlon. the opp Iconl has tiled a jHekJ available. WlllJ or wflhout maid service CHARM Beautiful full acre lots odlacent to Rum- In ond permitted under section J0A:2 each. Four otf choirs, K5, large est, most scenic point on .the Atlantic Cat! (or appointment to Inspect For detail. ca.l Coll SV1-W71 purposes, and the principal amount of the mahogany chlfferobe, 133. Wooden ward- coastline adjoining a beautiful marina. 30 Ridge Rd. sold obligations authorized by this bond foptTlTo. Botltfoom shelves, «.• Eiectrli Includes olr conditioning, swimming 747-1100 ordinance Is not In. excess ot the neces- pool, parkinfl. All spacious, truly luxury 842-2760 Commercial Property roaster oven. *U, tope recorder, JJO, FURNISHED ROOM— Near bus and rail- iary amount os so determined; ond the BERGEfJ-EASTERN CORP, a New RlHWKIIW, VS. 747-tSSl. apartments. SPACE - New wall-to-wail cat road station. Red Bank. Call after 6 p.m. expenditure authorized by this bond ordl- Call oY visit superintendent, 291-0237, Mllng cm* paneling, first floor Brood 51 RED BANK-S.4,000 STORE — Hlphtonds. Five-room opar Jersey corporation, 741-0513 or 7414407 days, ment above. Sacrifice, Principals only ngnce and. every part thereof is necessary IHEM SET - Fl»e-plece, chrome. BrourteM-Kromer Management Co. *rlvare enlrance, Ample off-street park- USOdown payment to qualified FHA buy- to protect the public health and fa prevent « • i o 686-1800 in; on premises, Including at! utilities KEU bANK — Attractive, nicely fur- er, plus, good credit, might qualify you io' or suppress a present menace to the pub- S3 room ««t. US. Gluts-door secretary, available Sept. 1st. $200 per month. AL- nished bed-living room, Private light own this neat three-bedroom home with lic health of sufficient gravity fo (ustlfy glARyfuVzABETH CORCORAN: «8. Two complete metol beds. *I5 eo. cooklno. Gentleman preferred. 741-8394. nice rear yard, LONG BRANCH -, Worshouse. Three-slo- WOLtie OOWO; BERNAD6TTE AiRE-FARROW, Realtors, 294 Broac ry. 6,000 be tf. Elevator. Extra lol. Full the Incurrence of debt In excess of statu- four steel eloftm flostrt. «»to. Thrr- RED BANK 1., Red Bank. 741-34SO. HIGHLANOS-S24.900 tory limitations and no less expensive lorge trunks,»«.. etc. KM1«. • 24 HR. DOORMAN FREEHOLD — Furnished room. Private 5900 down payment. Owner might pay par rlce. J15,O0O._The Towne Agency, 100 Rt, method of preventing or suppressing such TofuVfKNOWN HEIRS, DEVI SEES Luxury til-rise apartments. Immediate oc ROFESSIONAL o^^lLt S^ALt — Ap entrance. One room with kitchen.' one effi- of closing costs. Chnrmlno three-bedroom E1, Keyport.S>jf-S713. menace exists, and the State Deportmen ANO PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES SIUT-RITE COACH - Excellent condl- cuponcy. Centrally olr conditioned. 1. 2 roKimate(y 4,000 sa. ti. ot prime ottlci ciency, Slwmionp, term. 461-1231. iVa-bath older home. Many extras. See I of Health of the State of New Jersey OF JOHN EDWARD DOWO AND DAN- Mn.rM^jgtt and 3 bedrooms. Spacious layouts. Swim ipace In protesslonar jrone of Red Bank Immediately. Real Estate Wanted heretofore, by order dated March A, 1763 IEL DOWO. DECEASED, AND HIS, pool, sauna, boot marlno, garages on EATONTOWNAREA LITTLE SILVER-Reduced • made a flndlno to this effect. THEIR OR ANY OF THEIR SUCCES- Immediate occupancy. Will decorate on SORS IN RIGHT TITLE OR INTEREST. KITCHEH TABLE - Formica. Four premises. jartltfon to suit. Attractive lorto-ierp CALL ' To 532*500. *15GQ down to qualities FHA chairs, 39" Hotpdnt Electric range. Oood Mse avolloble. Coll HOWARD B. OEX 922.1818 buyer. No down VA. Chance of a mort- Colts Neck-Holmdel Section 5. The funds.from time to time TAKE NOTICE Inot pursuan! to on Or- condlt on. «25 eoch. 7414041. RIVERVIEW TOWERS ER ASSOCS. 747-2701. gage assumption. This home has four bed- We have read/ qualified buyers, so foi received by the Borough on account o der enlerod on tho 4th day of October, . JS RIVERSIDE AV6. ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS — One effi- rooms ond Is within woiKIng olstcnce to (as* efttclent service, call J, O. ROCHE grant: referred to In Section 1 of this bond 197) In tlie above enlltled Civil Action PINING ROOM S8T - Mohooony table, PHONE 741-ttt2 FFICE SPACE - Matowon, Rt. 34, Ap ciency room ond bedroom. Reasonable railroad station. Terrific value. Realtor, Rt. 34, Colts Neck. 462-2741 ordinance shall be used for financing the wherein and whereby It was ordered ond sl» tr»lr», buffet.»». oximotely 750 sq. ft. immediate a< rates. 14 E. Hlohland Avenue, 391-059O. Member Multiple Listing Service, , improvement or purpose described In Sec- Odludoed thai you pav to the Plaintiff the Phone 747-5941. WINTER RENTAL - Bradley Deoch, '. Call 566-0936 for details. • I-DEAL REALTY tion 3 ot this bond ordinance by oppll sum hereinafter sot lorth on tile Certifi- Shore Club Apartments. Modern, fur- WE BUY HOUSES FOR TOP DOLLAR cation thereof either to direct payment o cate of Sale which l> the lublect matter or OFFH.K5UITE KEANSBURG — Nice room. Reasonable. Realtors Member MLS 741-525; 1 nished, oil utilities Included except elec- Ample parking. Coll offer 6, In any condition the costs of said Improvement or purpose this Civil Action, and the subsequent mu- trie. Loundryroam. Frie parking. Avail- \pprOKlmaleiy 700 sq. ft. Keyport. Mod Phone 257-7828 or is payment or reduction of the author- nlcloal liens, together wllh the taxed costs n, one slory bricK protesslonat byllding, 787-8363. OWNER MUST SELL of this suit cndfnlertJt thereon to the dote able-Sept. 10 to June l. Philip Giaumor This absolutely charming Colonial has notion of the obligations of the Borough Associates. Broker. 774-4956. After 5, 77i. Ir conditioned. Parking on premises, RUMSON — Private home. Near buses. LISTINGSOF BETTER HOMES- I outhorlied by this bond ordinance. Any of redemption ond that thereupon sold /olloble Immediately. Ideal tor business lust been reduced 13400. Paneled kitchen Kean5btjrg-Mlddletown-Hailet-Ho.mde!. plolntllf deliver up the possession ol (tie 4656. Ideal for young woman. Colt with beamed celling, beautiful yard, sun- such tunas so received moy. and alt such professional use. Coll 264-2117. 542-301S THE SWOlKO AGENCY.7870123. funds so received which ore not required lands ond premises set forth In sold Cer- KENMORE WASHING MACHINE POUR-ROOM — Apartment, with oarage, ken patio. Three bedrooms, living room, 'or direct payment of such casts shall, be tificate of Sole ond the said Certificate.of Perfect condition. 1st floor, one year lease> one montn secu- FFICE SUITE-RED BANK — 756 SQ. fl dining room, both.,Basement. Extras ga- PRIVATE PARTY - Interested In three- held ond aoplted by the Borough as funds sale duly endorsed for cancellation; that 741-9271 rity. Adults preferred. No pets. 1200 t excellent location. Desirable for on re. S31.50O, ledroom ranch, MldcMeiawn area, ml applicable only to the payment of obllgo- Ihe c direct, unlimited obligations ot trie Certificate of Sole mentioned ond de- —Old toys, dolls, trainss, dollhouses, art utilities. Short term lease available. MOVD tsslonol building. Lawyers, Doctors lave the time, here Is the home lor you. A In today. Sanrjpebble, 455 Ocean Blvd. :hormino two-bedroom home/ with room!, three tiled baths. 22x15 family Borough, and the. Borough shall be obli- scribed In the Complaint filed herein ond workk s decidindltin g 10loy] s etcetc. PleasPlease calcalll Ight Business. Hwy 3S, Hoilet. 264-356; room, two targe screened and carpeted ORDINANCE NO. 353 39-1700. • 233-5745. jcomed living room, fireplace, dining gated TO levy od valorem taxes upon all when ond where the defendonls shall pay Monmouth Museum, room, screened porch, water channel. Re- porches, flagstone polio with barbecue fa- BONO ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR he taxable property within the Borough fo the plotntlft the amounts required to re- LON5 BRANCH-On bos line. 3Vi lax in your own backyard. Privacy in the cilities. Two-car garage, basement, and THE CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY ar the payment of said obligations and In- deem, with Interest.from September !8, WANTED rooms, wo)t-to-wo)l carpeting, air condi- prestigious Rums on oreo. 543,800. garden shed. Unbelievably priced pt SEWERAGE COLLECTING SYSTEM terest thereon without limitation of rate Used Oriental Rugs tioned. Electric not Included. Coll Sup't, Houses for Rent 43,900. IN AND BY THE BOROUGH OF or amount. . . Chinese ond Persion J21-I97I. UNION BEACH, IN THE COUNTY OF S1J5 to J350 Per Month CHARMING THREE-BEDROOM RANCH Walker 8. Walker, Realtors MONMOUTH, NEW JERSEY, APPRO- Section 7. This bond ordinance shall It'was further ordered ond adludged Also Won Tapestries THE B"ERG AGENCY Set on a quiet street In Olde Shrewsbury. ake effect 30 doys after the first publica- tnot In default of the defendants paying to FRIEDMAN GALLERIES 774-3143 Hwy. 55 741-5212 Shrewsbury PRIATING U0O0.OO0 THEREFOR AND ON THE RIVER — Penthouse Apartment, 35 . Mlddletowi leoutliul trees and shrubs. Fireplace, din- AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF tion thereof after final adoption, as pro- the plaintiff the sum hcrelnabove set forth 'hree Bedrooms, two baths. Carpeting Wl-lOOO ing room* plus two-car aarcqe. Close to 53,000,000 BONDS OR NOTES OF THE Wed by said Local Bond Law. due on the Certificate ot Sole with Interest OLD FUWNITURE - Antlooes, china, ond parking Includtd. $450. Bodmon Arms ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS from September 28. 1971, and fhe sub- glassware, ort ablects and bric-a-brac, schools and transportation. Must see to BOROUGH FOR FINANCING SUCH Apartments. By appointment only, 741- DE SELECTION OF RENTALS - Fur- ippreclate. Call today! Three bedrooms, wall-to-wall carpeting, ADOPTED: August 12, 1P71 sequent municipal liens tooether with the Immediate cash for'onythlnaona every- shed and unfurnished, immediate accu- fircplaci . plaster walls. Good sized lof. APPROPRIATION. APPROVED: October 14,1W1 taxed costs of this suit at the time, and thing. Rusell'i, SS Host Fronrst. 74MW3. incy. SAMUEL TEICHER AGENCY, Garage. Principals only. S25.O0O. Coll 291- BE IT ORDAiNED BY THE BOROUGH ALFRED T.HENNESSY, JR. • plow oforesald, that the sold defendants JOSEPH G. Mayor LONG BRANCH - Modern, furnished :eanporf Ave., Oceanport. 542-3500. 05W. COUNCIL OF THE BOROUGH OF herein ond each of them do stand absolu- ANTIOU6 JEWELRY - Top cosh pold. JNION BEACH, IN THE COUNTY OF Attest: tely debarred and foreclosed of ond from LEX DEUX & OON PONS, 7» River Rd.. our rooms, oceonfront. Private beach. BE HEP -00 DE SALVO /iOHMOUTH, NEW JERSEY (not Jess Mory Sflblk oil right of equity and redemption of. In Winter rental. No pets. 3W-IS53, • ATAWAN — Beautiful three-bedroon Fair Hayen . Tu«».-Sot. (1-5. 741-433! 7 or lonlal with fireplace. Tree-shade than (wo-thirds of oil the members thereof Borough Clerk ond to the sola lands ond premises and ev- McGUE HAZLET, Split revel, nine rooms, four oHIrmatlvelx concurring*, AS FOLLOWS: ery part thereof, and that the plaintiff ttUKt FREEHOLD — FOrnlshed comlortable reel. Available now. S325. 566-5510 aftei STATEMENT opartment. Also one furnished efficiency. bedrooms, m baths, gas forced, air, car- Section 1. The improvement described The bond ordinance published herewith have on absolute and Indefeasible estate COLLECTOR — Will POV »*» lor Lionel Short or long term. 462-1390. 10 Ridge Rd. Rumson peting. Large lor! FHA appraised. J34.OM. a Section 3 of this bond ordinance is here has been finally adopted on October 4, of Inheritance In fee simple In said lands engine 311 ond cars 412 through 416, good IONMOUTH BEACH - Winter rentals, louse vacant. Make offer. Near every- >y authorized as o general fmprovemen 9/1, and the twenty-day period of limlta- ond premises. condition; 774-3710. ' 842-2760 thing. 4Vi,% mortgage assumption avail- o be made or acquired by the gorcuoh o RED 8ANK — Three-room opartment. ood selection of well-furnished homes llon wtinln which a suit, action or pro- Doted: October ,,, 7, Heat, hot water, gas supplied. Pay own vallable. For 3-8 months, from $150 to Jnlon Beach, New Jersey. Far the salt ceeding questioning the validity of such 1? • NAN JOHNSON Improvement or purpose stated in said BUYS AND BUYS electricity. 1155 per monm. Coll 747-S794. iM. HICKEY ASENCY - REALTORS ordinance can be commenced, os provided Attorney lor Plaintiff all 222-4087 any time, -. RUMSON COLONIAL HOLMDEL. Five ocres of trees, shrubs, Section 3, ttiere \i hereby appropriated the In the Local Bond Low, has begun to run Prom on entire houiehold to a single nmedlcte possession. Income property. sum of $3,000,000 said sum being Inclusive J13 Hudson Street Item. Antique furniture. |ew>lry. silver. THREE-ROOM FURNISHED aportment. and flowers surrounding a three-bedroom rom the date of the first publication of Hockemack, New Jersey 07601 UODLETOWN — Three-bedroom ronch. Beamed celling and fireplace In den. Mod- older home. Gorage and workshop. All of all appropriations heretofore made Immeololt cosh. Top "toiler. 741-5331. Highlands vicinity. Coll ofter 4 p.m. 2M- ern kitchen, four large bedrooms, beau- therefor, and including any monies re- V850 4003. nmoculote. One year lease. Security, itilttles. This Is a good investment. ,dulls preferred. Available Oct. \. 2M- tiful lot. Walk to schools and tennis. ceived or expected to be received by the Qorough Cltrk courts. Charmlnpj three-room fluest house lorougli from ihe United States of Amer- WINTER RENTALS - West End. Vh fur- 114. MARIO DE SALVO Oct. 18 "8.00 PETS AND LIVESTOCK nished rooms, olr conditioned, efficiency, Is separate building. S49f000. co or agencies thereof as a grant in aid or / REAL ESTATE financing said Improvement or purpose. MOVING — NNeefto finedroom Ranch. Large living room with Avenue to Soruce Street, Seventhlore Streei t APARTMENTS rooms, furnished. Free TV ond air condl. iPOLLO AGENCY INC., 73J-OI0O. Wddtetown. Unusual threfrbedroom, Vh- Formal dining roam. Large rec- rom Ook Street to end. Pine Street (rom tlonlng. No lease. Move In today. NAU -EONAROO — Four-room furnished bun- »ath spin. Alt the extras. Paneled den, lull eatlon room. V/a acres, beautifully land- ifghlh Street to Front Street, Ook Street TILUS APTS.. Sea Bright. Coll 842-0505 Ksement with washer/dryer, FA/VAM In- rom 5eventh Street fo Herbert Street, after 12 noon. lolow with heat. Coll 659-2619. between 1 scoped, t Holland Rd., Mlddlctown. tercom, vacuum system, olr conditioning/ U2,VOO. Owner, 471-5615. Spruce Street from Center Street to Pros- Efficiency ill carpets, shacteii curtains. Price -KO's. pect Avenue, portions of Brook Avenue KEANSBURG — Two-bedroom centered OLTS NECK — Two-bedroom nowl 3wncr, after 5 p.m., o71-910fi. :EAN5BURG — Spacious four-bedroom. vesterlv af Union Avenue. Brook Aveni ortment. Excellent condition. SI35 plus : One-bedroom ecorated ranch on 15 acres'of secluded ormal dining room, tile both. Walk to rom Union Avenue to end, portions utilities. Prefer young married couple. =AST KEANSBURG — Cute small home, 1 codiand bordering reservoir. Dish- ichoolsi buses, shopping. Full prlco, 'respect Avenue rrom Pine street to end, two-bedroom Reply D0K D159, The Dally Register, Red 'urnished. One oversize bedroom. Asking Shore Road from Prospect Avenue to rail- Bonk. asher, range, refrfaeralor, fireplace, Hl,500. Call atter 7 p.m., ^95-0328. i24,00O. VA no down. The Towne Agency, oroge with apartment. $350 per month. 100 Rt. 34, Keyport. 739-2713. rood right-of-way, portions of Lorltlord RED BANK ~- Unfurnished Greentrea •11671.5915. RUMSON — Holy Cross Parish. Walk to Avenue from Bay vl«w Avenue to the 99 Gr'eerigrove'AveT, Key- apartments. 239 Spring St. One ond two- seach, churches, bus. Entry, living room, BELFORD — Three-bedroom Ronch. Cen- East Creek. Bay view Avenue from Ed- dining room, kitchen, farqfiy room, bolh. ral olr conditioning; Convenient location munds Avenue to Spruce Street, portions port. Manager's Office. bedroom apartments available Immediat- IIDDLETOWN-LOCUST AREA — of Park Avenue from Poole Avenue to ely. Call for appointment. 741-3953. ntque ranch. Three bedrooms. Privacy, Upstairs four bedrooms, tj£th. Principals. for commuting. Many extras. Good bar- gain by owner, 132,500. 787-1536. Beach View Avenue, portions of Central Apartment 34. Coll 264- ease required. References. 1350. 291 Avenue from Poole Avenue to fhe East TWO FAMILY - In excellent areo ot Creek, Columbia Avenue from the Con- 1846. MATAWAN — Garden apartments. On« MCOME PROPERTY — Ranch house. ANASQUAN — Comfortable three-bed, Yiotowan Bora. Five rooms down, four jhunk Crcsk to Shore Road, Ocean Ave- ond two-bedroom. Coll Three apartments. Garaoe 22x28. On (our rooms up. A solid 15% return on your nue from Columbia Avenue to Boy View 774-5719 or 583-1330 torn home, attractively furnished. Llvln lots. Owner, 7BM314. Two blocks east Rt. 36 and 10m, dining roam, kitchen, enclose* money or live rent free. Principals only. Avonue, Jersey Avenue from the Con- $27,000. Must hove minimum of S3,000 oskunk Creek to Shore Road, Cambridge MiddJc Rd. ireh. Quiet. Lovoty grounds. To Ma HIGHLANDS HILLS — Charming three* cash. Write Box D-160, The Dally Register Avenue from the Conoskunk Creek to. Apartments Ih. SI90 monthly, plus utilities. Security. ledroom Ranch with more extras than Red Sank, Include phone number. Shore Road, Sydney Avenue from Sea II eves., 842-07SS. Hollywood and Vine, Living room, kitch- >ate Avenue fo Shore Rood, Morningslde en, balh-and-a-half, huge recreation room, .ARGE PRESTIGIOUS GEORGIAN CO- venue from Railroad right of way fo ALF OF DOUBLE HOUSE — Six rooms built-in bar, entertainment kitchen, work- rtd both, renovated. Security ond refer- .ONIAL — Former Manischewltz estole, Shore Rood, Clark Avenue from Ihe Con- shop, storage area, patio overlooking 0 rooms, five bedrooms, four boths, mod- oskunk Creek to Shore Rood, Aumacfe Av- nce. Apply to Mrs. Smith, 134 Mapl lovely garden. Hot water baseboard heaf, «., Red Bank. No phone colls. >rn Interior, on large landscaped grounds, enue from the ConaskuhK Creek to Shore \\\Jk IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY combination windows. Immaculate condi- 'wo fireplaces. Mcny extras. Principals oad/portlons ol Washington Avenue Travel everywhere in X-ROOM COTTAGE - Furnished or tion. Asking J32,5OO. 872-1756. inly. Sacrifice. 147,000. Call 542-3667. •om ine Conoskunk Creek fo'Shorc Road, rlumisned. Yearly rental. Long Branch, lignway 36 from Sea Gats Avonue to today's favorite INSTANT ovely grounds. Convenient to bus line, BELMAR AREA — Bl-level four-bedroom OAK HILL. RANCH - Threo bedrooms, Shore Road, Oc«an Avenue from Clark lent reasonable. 222-3491. lorne. Nice neighborhood. Convenient to two bams, large living room with fire- Avonue to Jersey Avenue, Sea Gate Ave- Poncho. , TWIN RIVERS ichoot a^d stores, »5,3OO. 10% down, 3C >laco, dining room, eat-in kitchen. Large nue from Sydney Avenue to Mornlngslde IAZLET -- Six-roam house, two baths, 'Car FHA. FTV* or"sTx, 2-3 bedroom W5,000. $42-4231, proxlmatefy (22(500, Includes all costs. of-way to Wilton Street, Wilson Street Call 609-448-9000 entol Homes, furnished or unfurnished From Sydney Avenue fo Mornlnasldo Ave- tern - add 25 cents for each .eonordo, MlMWown Twp. Colt 291-0548 iue, Sender Drive from Pool© Avenue to om U5 to U50 per month for incoming HAZLET — Three"-bBdroom ranch. Vh otter 6 p.m. ON-THE-GO freshness for pattern for first-class mailing rsonnel. THE BERG AGENCY, Rf. 3S baths, full basemen), garage, centrally afr Anderson Street, Dlbllna Street from iddielown. 671-1000. conditioned, will accept only conventional (UM5ON — Four bedrooms, living room, icholor Drive to Donnelly Street, portions girls in the fashion know! The and special handling. vSeiul'to 3r assumption ot 6% VA mortgage, Ask- lining room, eat-In kitchen, paneled den, sf Stone Road from Donnelly Street fo An- OTHER -~ With 1 child desires 2 bed- Ififl U0,MO. Coll 264-6046 (or further Infor- "h baths, screened porch, basement, tvvo- Serion Street, Donnelly Street from 5tone bold, squared-off collar looks Laura; Wheeler, 61 The Red TWIN RIVERS wm apartment In Eotontcwn-Rcd Ban mation. \at garage. Baseboard gas hot wafer iood to Scholar Drive, Heckclman Street eo. 74V1873. leaf. Ten years old. Almost Vi acre, con- •om Stone Road to Scholer Drive, Hauo great with or without the tie. Bank Register, Neetllccraft /enlent to schools, churches, shopping, lo- ijreel Worn Stone Road to Scholer Drive, WATAWAN BORO ~ Two bedroom*, ot bus line, beach. Quick possession. )ronge Avewa from railroad right-of-way Extra-easy — see diagram. Dept., Box 1(11, Old Chelsea IUIUC Aiiiucui uronad uuinbath. LivinLiving roomroom, dln0111-- rrj :-„„ ng room, enclosed porch, two-car goraje-i t",5"0. wner. Call 201-842-561; for op. Printed Pattern 0022: NEW Station, New York, NY Call oiler 7,566-7230! polntmentpolnlme . , • 0 Poole Avenue, portfoni of Johnson Avo- 10011, Print PATTKHN NUM- MmDTErfowrT^FoVr'-bidro^mTzv^ iue from Horrlsor* Avenue to Newark Av« Misses' Sizes 8, 10, 12, 14, 18, Houses Fbr Sale yeor-old Colonial. 2/i yards 45-inch. ZIP. !ranch Street from railroad rlghl-fO'way A HANDY GUIDE OF BUSINESS SERVICES TO SUIT YOUR FOR REAL SERVICE TAKE YOUH MICK Q Florence Avenue, Harrison Avenue NEW 1D72 Nci'dlccra-ft Cala' IW REAL ESTATE Three brand new homes now under con- 'am Stone Road fo-Orange Avenue, Ar- struction. Inoton Avenue from stone Road to Or* SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS log crammed with the most MANY NEEDS! COLONIAL — Three muter size bid- riger Avenue,'Newark Avenue trom Stono rooms, 1ft boths, formal dining room, toad to Orange Avenue/ Poolo Avenue for each pattern — add 25 fabulous fashions, acces- large kitchen ond wooded lot, $33,(00. RANCH — Three bedrooms, separate din- om Stone Rood to rail rood rlptit-ot-woyf cents for each pattern for Air sories, gifts., crochet, fled Bank Aro.i Ingroom, wooded lot, $35,000, 'cole Avenue from railroad rrphl'Of-woy .Adding Machines-Typewriters Oaragf Doors Bf-LEVEL — Sovon rooms, three bed- 1 Edmunds Avenue, Edmimot Avenue Mail and Special Handling. embroider. Free patterns. Painting and Decorating rooms, den. l'/i baths, double goraoe. rom Cove Street to Compbolt Sireet, MIS ml $37,500, ^ , ihingorora Street from Edmunds Avenue Send to Marian Martin, 420 Send 50c. ADDING MACHINES - Typewriter Electric Operators, Radio Controls, Pi CARL D. JONES •- Poltillrii) and wollpa o end, Henry Street from Edmunds Ave- idd. rented, repaired. 5erptco's.')Qi Arton 6er<]losi Doors. Soles and Service Coil Call today for your Inspection of these iufl tu end, Herbert Street (rom Edmunds Tho Red Bank Register, Pat- mouth St., Red Bonk, 747-0185, perinq Fully imurtd. For free cstimqles nd, Herbert Street from Edmunds New Instant Crochet Book NEO SICKCLS. INC. S4].6}1] COt! ?»O83B. outstanding values. lo Oak Street, Campbell StrcaF E.A. ARMSTRONG AGENCY. Realtor -' Avenue fo «nd. Ninth tern Dept,, 232 West 18th St,, ~ step-by-step pictures, .pat- KEANSBURG 555 Prospect Ave., l.lttlo Sliver. — .. - -- ->ncD Avenue (o Prospect New York, N.Y, 100.11 Print Clock and Watch Repairing PAPER HANGING 741-450O wenue, Tenth Street from Florence Ave- terns teach today's way. $I,(iOI General Conlraclors Wo job loo small NEW HOUSES iu» to end, Edmunds Avenue from Flor- NAME, ADDRESS with ZIP, Clocks, watches, fine lewdly expertly FRANK E. WHITING •nco Avenue to Bay View Avenus, Floyd Complete Instant Gift Book v Houses For sale «one Don Pens Jewelers, 7W «»ver fid. CARPENTRY - Remorjellno. ponelinri. BI-LEVELS Wenue from Edmunds Avenue to end, St. SIZE AND STYLE NUM- -more than 100 gifts. $1,00 Pair Haven 1*24757. closels. doors. Odd lobs. Reasonob e omes At/cnue 7rom Poolc Avenge lo end, rates. J47.4385. 3 or 5 bedrooms ay VWoflU* from Cpve Street to Ptorenco BER. Avenue, portions of Cove Street from Day Complote Afghan Book >- Pearl and Bead Ittstringlng on fiew ifreer all Moln }f. MIDDLETOWN Avenue h Edmundi Avence, Chlngarorci FREE FASHION OFFER! $1.00 Concrcle Work r. CARPENTEnBUILDER Owner sotting. Four bedroom Co- Street from Bay Avenue to Edmunds Ave- Comniefe home Imprnvements. altero- Expertly on broided nylor,. II.JO a strand. From $29,500 lonial Split. Paneled family and nuef Henry Street from Boy Avtnue to Choose one pattern from 150 "16 .liffy Rugs" Book. 50c TILE. CERAMICi.MOSAiCS - Pamlino, tlonv odflttlom, Rooting, sldino Slerlmo closes from 7S BCUSSILLE'S, 34 laundry room, Woll-lo-wall car- Edmunds Avenue, Herbert Slree! from nlptterflng. masonry, concrete, slucco. 78'6I«J A Gl Brood St.. Red Booh. call pot. Basement, Two-car garage. Boy AvenuB to Edmundi Avenue, Comp* styles In Now Fall-Wintor Hook of 12 Prize Afghans, OoryGulert fully insured, W74;s. Two tioihs. Sewer, '/a-acrc t»«ll Sfreet from Boy Avenue lo Edmur>ai Catalog. Send 50c for Catalog, 50C shrubbed. Most convenient and Avenue, Sf, JonnVAvenuo from Borough desirable location. Pi Iced al Boundary fo Horence Avenue, state INSTANT SEWING BOOK Diamonds Bought fir Rrstvlrd StrtflHramSt.Jchn* Avenut io end, Quilt Hook 1 - ic patturns. Roof jngvSiding & Insulation C/.RLO Comptrtll 6tr«f from 5t, jahm Avatwo to sew today, wear tomorrow, $42,000. Md/Vicforlo Ploce from Plorenc* Avenwe 50c! /. j^,et us buy the diamond voi; don't wear or LIGHT HAULING - Cellars, garaaes OU5ON CO. - ROOKING AND SlOlWG CONSTRUCTION CO. to P«olt Avf ftuflf Broadway (pom fl. INSTANT FASHION «t u& reitylo th«m tor you personally. cloned t/p. Free estfrnotcs, U]>7U9 offer installed ond guaranteed for to yeors, 775 W mtrtgttj* avallabl* Borough Boundavf ftuflr f oBro Floec yA pm Museum Quilt Book 2-50U 0/05-291-Q540. undary fo Florence Avo miff BOOK - Hundreds of fashion 787-2tmion*n ard s. Sweet, county traffic committed appointed by of the state Safety Council an- tent ftohwoy, Nfw Jtr.«y 0/065 engineer, reported yesterday Oct, 4,1I( II, M JIBOO to the Monmouth County Traf- MOTT1CH H OHDIMAM OVlDIWG f OR THE fic safety Committee, but (T OFJHE SANITARY it'WfMAbt SYSTEM OF THE these two were children, BOROUGH OF RUMSON, IN T COUNTY OP «0NM0UTH, NEW K.- To prevent other children SEY, APPROPRIATING THEREFOR ll,S7ft,0M AND AUTHORIZING THE IS' being killed or maimed Is UA E P S. 1S A9 WiM&to BONOS AND what Ihe committee, meeting NOTES OF THE BOROUGH TO Fl NANCE THE C05T THEREOF, for luncheon in the Holiday.' BE tT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE BOROUGH OF Inn, concerned itself with yes- HUViSON. IN TH£ COUNTY Of MON terday. MOUTH, NEW JERSEY (no! IfH their two-thirds of alt Ihe members thereof of- Firm Rules Set (irmotlMly conturrlnat. AS FOLLOWS: "I shootadyou, Billy I "You missed* me." Section I. The Improvement dt*crlb#<3 At present bicycle riders In Section 3 of this bond ordinance Is hire- C'mon—play dead." oy au.honitd os o germrat tiYiprovomertt are governed by provisions of to be mod* or Qcqulrcd by TM Borough ot Rumton, New jlrwy. For the »oltf im- Title 39, the stats motor ve- prctvtmoirt or Durooi« stated fn said 5*c- m ,, wi, 3. ther» Ij hereby appropriate I fie hicle statute, Title 39 provides - * turn of 11,379,000, *0(d sum Irtfnfl Inclusive that bicycles, like other ve- of OU oppreertatians h«r«tow* ma tie m«f«for ond including the sum of $60,000 hicles, must keep to the right, oi the down payment for sold improve- rtWnt or purpott (tod now avnftobie there' Births and travel In single file, It fOffl by virtue of proWHtjn fn o previously 1 adopted Budget or Budgsts af th« Boroueh bars "riding double" on v for ctown payment or for capital Improvs- ' mwt pt/rposei and fneluding «ty monsys Mr. and Mrs. .Radames J!o- • single-seated bikes and prohi- received by the Borough, pursuant lo bits bicyclists hitching rides oweenwtf or otherwise from the United Red Bank sario (neD Maria Kozarlo), 411 SfOlei of America or ih« Stot« of New on motor vehicles. Jersey, or aoencfet of elllw o* o ^ontrl . Mr. and Mrs. John Auer Sayres Ave., Long Branch, put!on fn old of financing, or as a relm Title 39 requires that bikes bwiemcnt witn respect to the cost of, sold (nco Shirley Allen), 522 River daughter, Oct. 9. Iftvprowment ©r purpose. Mr, and Mrs. Keith Lpnglois be equipped with bells or Section 3. For ffte pefmomnl flnopelng Itoad, Fair Haven, son, Oct. of tald fmprovemen? or purpose ond to 12. (nee Nancy Davlson), 433 Mo- horns, reflectors in the rear meet sold 11,570,000 appropriation, nooo- and lights front and rear, with flable bondj of the Borough aro hereby Mr. and Mrs. John havvk Drive, Brick Township, outhoriied to be'Issued In th* prlncipol the tail light visible for at omounf of U,570,000 pursuant to the Local Melianiel (nee Rose Marie son, Oct. 9. Bond Law of New Jersey. In anticipation least 500 feet at night. of (he Issuance of said bonds ond to tem- Zultak), Third St., .Union Mr. and Mrs. Robert I.arkjn porarily finance said Improvement or pur Bicyclists^re required to pose, negotlobie noies of the Borough in a Beach, daughter, Oct. 12. (nee Eva Feaster), 32 Brent- principal amount not exceeding IW57Q,QQQ obey all road and traffic Register Staff Pho!o - ... ore hereby authorized to be fssued pur- Mr. and Mr\ William Stc- wood Road, Batontown, suant to ond within the limitations pre fanski (nee Judith Parker), 43 daughter, Oct 9. signs, just as are drivers of AWARD — Thomas McCloskey, second from right, receives an award from Edgar N. Dlpkelspiel/ . scribedfey sai d Lew. motor vehicles. president of the Atlantic Fire Company, Long Branch, for his aid in the reconstruction of the company .Section 3. (a) The lmnr federal or stale govern- • as "the kind the people of this ments, or any oo«ncy of either of thorn, Democrats said, "refuse to jective, wo stand for a full- ers are not hound to vote , (a) The told purpose described In Sec stioll bt uled for financing the cost ol the Ocean Ave., Long Branch, community can afford and the tion 3 or Ihls bond ordlnonce Is not a cur Improvement or purpose described in Sec- daughter, Oct.!). present themselves when In- lime, single-house legislature straight tickets and they are rent expense ond Is a property or Im tion 3 of Ihls bond ordinance by appli- To Charges kind with which we must con- nravement which the Borouoh may low cation Ihereol either to direct payment of vited by nonpartlsan organiza- that can eliminate conflicts of entitled to see and hear those fully acquire or make as a general Im such <«ts, or to payment or reduction ol Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Mer- tinue. provirovemente , and no pprl of the'eost Ihercn the oulhomoilon ot Ihe obligations of Ihe tions for Inmnis or debates. interest among part timers as among whom they arc asked has "i«been or shall be specially assassessee ._d on illgol cado (neo Naomi Santiago), FREEHOLD - Richard VV. "At the same time," said property specially benelllcd thereby. Baraugtt authorlied by thlfihrtt lbond ordi- "And when they address is rampant in Ihe present sys- lo compare," nance. Any such tunds ao received may, 86• Frederick Avo, Farm- Smith of 3 Colonial Drive, the candidate, "there are Ib) The period of usefulness si salt) pur- and all such funds 30 received wbkh nre themselves to political top- pose, within the llmllntlnns of sold Locn not reoulred tor direct payment of such ingdule, daughter, Oct. 9. Long Branch, has admitted many people who cannot af- Bond Low and accordingg InIn the reoson- costs ftiDit, be held ond aflptted by the ics," the Democrat!! said, Ohihi o liflife ththereoff . Is fortfrty (40) ytar»years. Borough oi Ut\ti% opplicobit only lo the Mr. and Mrs. Guy Kru-that he stole articles valued at ford the sort nf progress that (c( Thfl sumilcniental tJrbibll sstaterneiit re- payment of obllaotlont of the BarouQh ou. "their views nre usually, rep- qulrequired tiy said Law hos* brobronn duldulyy modmodoe Inarlied by thliDond ordinance. kowski (nee Karen Pcdcrson), $5,350 from the home of Henry Plan Annual Show has been made over the last and filed In the office ol the Borough Section i. The lull folln and credit of the resented as parly dogma with Clerk and a complete executed duplicate Section t. The lull l d credit of the Old Tavern Uoad, Farm- Paternosto, ;&l Shadow [,,wn year, and they want no more theroof has boon fllcd-ln tho office of (he,---.,Borouo-h ar-..-..e hereb, y pledpM lo the. punc....- which they are identified with Director at the Division of Local Finance tual paymenpa/mentl of the pprincipal ooll anand interit - Ingdule, son, Oct, 14. Drive, Neptune, March H, of it." . In lh"• « Oeportmtn~ ' l' o'l Community AtAtlolrl s ett on Ids actld obllaatlons autharUtd by every Republican on the tick- of the stale of New Jersey, ond' sucs h Ihli bond ordinance. Sold obligations shall Superior Court Judge Wal- et."- *» Of Quartet Society Regarding individuals' in- statement sho*) Hiot thttve grosgro s debt oolf Ihe be direct, unlimited obligations of the I lti;i:iKii,i) AREA ter II, Conklin acccptud the volvement' in government, he Borough oi tiellnnf) iIn snlsolrogu\vi re- rci-'linu tidl,«w for Mnm? of expense per- tahe eflect twenty (20 Oayjalltr Ihe tint II. best be recognized with a ?.• James Young, David I'Mnns, m|M«0 un'q#r tactlon 40A;MO oi told Law ptibllcptlon thereof ofter final naiioji, as guilty to sale of heroin July present its annual show .at sults " ho* been Included In the foregoing «stt> provided by told tocal Bond Low. Mr. and Mrs. John Donahue .sign that Is about to become, Wall Township High School on Robert Stewart, Charles moled eott of told Impravemeni or pur- Adopted: October M, w\ 15, 1970; possession of heroin Ariproni): Ocloittf 14, \V\ (nee Diane Swlnscoc), 33 (H- evident. July' 7, 1070, and distribution Dec. 4 at 8 p.m. Buck. William Hurlry and («) Thli borkJ ordinance outtiprlies ntill- J(JHN 0. TEETER rud St., Marlboro, son, Oct. Charles Itein. l,emi Avakian notlorn Of the oofouoh lolely for o pur- Mayor of heroin March 28, all In "While our opponents re- The show, known as the 18th LONDON (AP) - Slnnr- ' B r)(M Mheil In subsection to ot tectlnn AH,,.; 12. will be master of ceremonies. JIJA : J-7,flr»ald Lnw, andi in tho «n- Albert A, Ktr . Jr. Long Brunch, main mute before public Annual Wave of Harmony, hengi', tin- mjMH-mii.s pre- pnndilur* ai;Mtnrlz<>mtiUaOtetld by tlil. «. • md fjorough Cf k Mr. mid Mrs. Mleliiicl Hal meetings," the candidates Musical director for Ihe group mjnc« Of$ tvery porirt thereoIliereof LIs nftcfls$or.ifftf- l y irATeMONT will feature tho Chorus of the hlsioric cmlc nf ,iltai-.|||{f to protect |n, « publi, c hcolin end toa prt . The bond ordlnonc* oubliihed herewilli pern (nee Arlono (illinsini), Mack 0. Joe of Regency said, "they will ho well repre- Atlantic and quartets Irom is Hubert Duck. oror nuppenunprpH* nnn prtiieiitnreleiit menacm#n( uratV' Ing t|u*tllonlnllonlnao / Iht voUtflfy of kucti spnlencwl Oct. 20, He pleaded lory OrtiHallBiHHll u iiniiii no itit, 9>ti«ntivt imld, sun. Oct. 121, nt public advertising that will won first prize in an inter- formed about. 2(1 yours ago, iiii-s •.,•!> the iiiKrci^nniiid llv ttwlltod ftt prevrnllrtg ot tutiarhHwy igeh wdliKirfet' eon ft «mni«fic«rf,'"o<'l'r?vlded guilty lo brcaKmg into the fniht Lowlionilaw, hos oijiJn to run Mr. and Mrn, .Slophnn. inundate ntm'spnpflr readers national contest also will ap- and performs regularly teiiing d(>*•(•(•* scnil nut' o ni«n«i «>|tti, unrnt«ctltm ot Ihs and radio listeners. pear, A Dixieland band and 1 Stfifo ttf New J«ri4y hai har«lt]tar«. imid« this '•fafntMM, . Guardino (nee Kathryn throughout the area for iilii t ins ,w hi>n«v t>r Minimi np- AI.OKr•' -*T*,Kt rRH( , JR. Hnckwcll Ave., Long Branch, a llntllng.ond Order to Ihli Dlltcl. ami II) Papp), Buckalow•Knad,*Frflc. "From our viewpoint," limy comedy routines will be part churches, civic groups and prnarlips (he fonccii-tiff Mtp Ih* prlnr.lnalamaiint ot obligation! au Hugh Clerk Aug. 2 with Intent to steal. ttiorliM by nils bond ordinance It nol In hold, daughter, Oct.'IS, said, "there is, an advantage nf tho show. oilier organizations. while It IK cliiwcl to visitors, - 26 . Hails I!c.) flank - MiNeptune, chief Tasty blanched Virginia Hlghlands^Red Bank, Nep- 4-ply. Non-allergenic. Ma- Either size in a bright, new j &, physical therapist, and Mrs. peanuts in a 12-oj.* jar. tune,'Neptune Junior High packaqe. Positive protec-1 \ Bessie Bobbins of Neptune, Great for entertaining and chine wash/dry. Choice of t School and Lakewood High tion with double deodar- r*i social service director. just plain eating. 25 lovely colors. 4-oz.* > School. "T.M. E.I. duPont ant Save at Kmart. Medical center personnel The programs will com- •DuPont Certification Murk •Not mi, taking part in the program mence at 9 a.m. in Ford Audi- are Miss Virginia Withington torium.

Little Silver OKs MEN'S CREWNECK COTTON/ACRYLIC Student Assistants SWEATSHIRT LITTLE SILVER - The teachers to the substitute tist: Board of Education has ac- Peter Bruguiere, Shrewsbury; cepted the resignation of one Mrs. Diane Lukacs, Long teacher, granted another Branch; James Lincoln Turn- teacher a leave of absence er, Sea Girt, and Miss Lynn and approved a program of Elizabeth Lucassen, West student assistants. Long Branch. The resignation of Mrs. On money matters, the Paulette Artherholt, first Board authorized payment of grade teacher at Markham bills totaling $147,660.61; in- Place School, will be effective cluding current expense For fall and winter com- Dec. 23, 1971, Mrs, Venetia ?82,583.41; capital outlay fort. Long-sleeved. In wide Joyce, a teacher for IS years $124.60; improvement account array of colors. San- in Little Silver, was granted, a $45,604.60 and debt service forized®. Sizes S-M-L-XL. STRETCH one year leave of absence $19,348.00. with stipend due to illness. The Board also approved The student, assisant pro- two change orders on the gram approved will involve Point Road School addition. NYLON students from Monmouth Col- One in the amount of $135.00 lege aand Brookdale Commu- to Little SUver Electric and nity College. The students will one of $1300.00 to Thomas H. ANKLETS assist teachers in the class- Barham Co., Inc. The Bar- room as part of their college ham Co. change order is con- experience. tingent upon approval from The board also added four Trenton. Reg. %'/Pkg. GIRLS' LATEST 2 Pkg. For Women Deny Sharing STYLE TOPS InGamblingOperation FREEHOLD - Two Mon- The Headden woman, who mouth County women accused pleaded* innocent to seven by a state grand jury of tak- counts ^n three indictments, ing part in a widespread gam- also denied bookmaking Nov. OIL RESISTANT OXFORD Women's and children's stretch bling operation last year have 20 in Hazlet and Dec. 3 in Our Regular 3.94 - Mon. - rues. Only nylon anklets in white or pastel pleaded innocent before Supe- Keyport, maintaining a gam- rior Court Judge Walter H. bling resort and bookmaking Men s oil resistant low ox- shades. Sizes 6-8V2, 9-11. Charge Conklin. in Madison Township and Sport tops, shirts, blouses and sweatshirts. ford with cushion in- it Both were released" in Hazlet between Nov. 20 and Many styles, in the newest fabrics. Stripes, nersoles and oil resistant their own recognizance to Dec. 18. solids, patterns. 4-14.Shop and save now! crepe soles. Available in Brown. Sizes 7-12 /Won. - lues. Only await trial. Gladys Thompson, 35, of 91 Emma Headden, 57, of 104 Parker St., Freehold, denied Stone Road, Hazlet, denied charges of bookmaking in conspiring with seven other Freehold last Dec. 18 and persons to conduct gambling working for a lottery and operations between Nov. 20 bookmaking in Madison and Dec. 18 in Hazlet, Marl- . Township and Hazlet between MEN'S THERMAL • boro, Matawan, Freehold, Nov. 20 and Dec. 18. Madison Township and Jersey COTTON KN8T City. She also denied working for Hazlet Pair UNDERWEAR a lottery in Madison Township and Hazlet, maintaining a ' gambling resort and book- For School making in Hazlet, Madison ' Township and Jersey City and Funding Plan bookmaking in Hazlet and Madison Township, all be- HAZLET - Full state fund- tween Nov. 20 and Dec. 18. ing of educational costs is ad- vocated by Frank O'Brien and Steven Filardi, Democratic 2 PIECE BATH SIT cut, Navy-type ras Sentencings Set candidates for Township Com- Our Reg. 2.66-2.83-Mon. Our Regular 4.66 - Won. - ft/ej. Only chel garments. Great mittee. protection against out- In Theft Case The present system of fund- Your choice! 7-pc. set, 6 Fluffy, 24"x36" bath mat, coffee mugs on expansion latex" backing. Matching door wintry blasts. S-XL. ' FREEHOLD - Two Asbury ing, they feel, is unfair to pu- Sporting Goods Dept. only pils, and places an "intoler- rack or on metal tree seat cover. Avocado, gold, Park men will be sentenced stand. Decorative, durable hot pink, blue and red Nov.* 5 for stealing purses in able burden on the property Ocean Township and Bradley taxpayer." Beach. , The candidates said this William Johnson, 903 Sum- town — as well as other com- merfield Avc, and William munities with limited ratables Burnam, Lincoln Village, both and large numbers of school children — is forced to pay a 1 Asbury Park, pleaded guilty I BuiB-in Burglar Alarm to stealing purses in Ocean "confiscatory property tax Township Sept. 23, 1970, from rate." Rosemary Sansone, 5 Bing- They pledge that if they are ham Hill Circle, Rumson, and elected they will "actively Arlene Davis, 10A Juniper participate in and vocally sup- ' Lane, Eatontown. port the cause of equal educa- Both men also admitted tional opportunities for our stealing a pockctbook from children, and tax relief for the Joy Matovsky, 79 Neil Ave., homeowner. Brick Township, in Bradley "We can do no less," they Beach Sept. 22,1970. say. Their guilty picas were ac- cepted by Monmouth County 52 CROCODILE EGGS District Court Judge Thomas COLOMBO. Ceylon (AP) - L. Yaccarino. A clutch of 52 crocodile eggs, helieveri to be the largest found BIG LEAGUE FIGURES in Ceylon, has been reported by GAR TAPE PLAYER MOTOR OIL he Ga : R GREAM COASTER ALBUM AND INSERT FABRIC PROTECTOR COFFEE JAKER SANTA FE. N.M. (AP) - l ,. ™ D f Sef of Ruhuno Sale Price • Mon. - Tues. Only Combination Mon.—Tues. Only Reg. 76.56 • Mon & lues. Only Reg. 52' • /Hon. £ lues. Only New Mexico's state govern- Na»<>n,al Parkv the sprawling Reg. 2.38 • Mon. - lues. Only flfig, 7.24* Mon.'TUBS. Only ment has moved into the finan- ,vTlId ''fc reserve in the south of cialbiE league. the island. ie Ilcs s a 54.44 4R • In his budget request for 1972- .. " ' ™ 21/2-foot ^^ „ ^ h mo (i of ] S sticl dr A»yHO20,HO30Slrai(jlnwts. 73. State Treasurer Jesse Kor- »£ ™ °R - «. y Pre-schooT Plastic seat. Build- 2.57 Stereo. A-, 8-track, 2 speakers. Pouring Spout .... .53tf Kee14p fabrics free 8from grease , 596 negay has asked for purchase of i^et, AHH grais. ing blocks, wood dowels, 11x9". for all instant • load B-to-g-cup, fully automatic. a new calculator. . Hie crocodile is not generally and 35fnm pictures. Save! FM Converter,,,.,. 29.96 water stains. 20-ot. net Polished aluminum. Komwy explained his of- h""tc(1.'" Ceylon, despite the flee needs a calculator to valueof te skin but authontics Corner of Route 35 & Bethariy RdPn Hazlet handle sums exceeding $1 bil- hfre bclifve ltls i10,1 muUl' jj0n •«••"••. plymgas fast as it might.