Capital Punishment Study Set In SEE STORV PAGE Sunny, Pleasant Sunny and pleasant today, to- morrow and Wednesday. Be- FINAL coming fair and mild tonight. " EDITION 26PAGES « OIIHJV'N Outstanding Home VOL 94 NO. 79 RED BANK, NJ. MONDAY, OCTOBER 18,1971 TEN CENTS >•* • Pittsburgh Wild After Series Win PITTSBURGH (AP) - A nally sealed the downtown other police cruisers were came trapped in a crowd that massive World Series victory area in an attempt to relieve abandoned after crowds, shat- rocked his car and shattered celebration exploded Sunday the tieups, but it was four tered their windows. its windows. night into a rampage of de- hours before it had any effect. One man whose car was struction, looting and scx-in- ' At least two police cruisers 'demolished was John E. "They climbed on the car the-streets. were commandeered by riot- Demko Jr of Cleveland, Ohio; like a bunch of animals," Police reported a dozen ers during the outburst, and Demko, accompanied by his Demko said. "They tried to rapes-some of them in full police reported that a fire wife and two children — one 9 turn the car over—they view of hundreds who cheered truck was stripped. Several and the other 13 — said he be- wouldn't even let the kids out." the assailants — displays of public lovemaklng, nudity and drinking. "This isn't a riot, It's a god- damn orgy," a motorcycle po- liceman said during the dis- Register Stuff Photo turbance which left the down- CAMPUS TALK — Mrs. Kattierine K. Neuberger, Middletown, q member of the state Board of Higher town area in shambles. Education, delivered the main address as Brookdale Community College dedicated three new buildings More,than 100 persons were on the Lincroft campus at its'fourth annual Founders' Day ceremonies yesterday. With her/ from the injured and 309 others were • left, are Mai. Gen. Preston W. Corderman, chairman of the county college's board of trustees; Free- arrested in the melee, which h6lder Director Joseph C. Irwln, and Ralph A. Dungan/ state chancellor of higher education, who rep- erupted after an estimated resented Gov. William T.Cahill. ' , 100,000 poured into the down- town area. There was scattered shoot- ing, but only one reported, wounding. Hundreds of ex- plosions caused by fireworks EducationChancellor often were mistaken for gun- shots. At least 30 stores were looted and over 30 or 40 more were damaged. Mare than a dozen cars were overturned Hails Brodkdale Gain and in some cases burned. Newsmen counted another By DORIS KULMAN • Mrs. Neuberger said that stitution which today is lack- derman, chairman of the 20 autos with roofs that had Brookdale "in the short period ing" in many colleges. ' Brookdale trustees and also a been crushed by the destruc- LINCROFT - Citing the of its existence has demon- She noted that Brookdale, member of the state Board of tion-bent crowds. number and variety of pro- strated its innovative charac- third largest of the state's 15 Higher Education, pointed out The melee ended 10 hours' grams Brookdale Community ter of a new concept in educa- county colleges, has had the that the cost of constructing after it began when flying College offers credit and non- tion for not only those stu- highest percentage of growth Brookdale's three new build- wedges of riot-equipped po- credit students, N.J, Chan- dents who matriculate but to in the past year, while its cost ings is one of the lowest for cellor of Higher Education lice, some with dogs, the entire Monmouth County per student is one of the low- New Jersey community col- slammed head-on into the p Ralph A. Dungan said yes- community as well." est. leges. terday, vTMs college, of all crowds and drove them from ON THE RAMPAGE-OverzeaJous Pittsburgh Pirafes fans stand alop an 'To the People'. Asserting that "America Total cost of the new facil- the downtown section. overturned taxi in downtown Pittsburgh lost nighf as they turned the out county'colleges, in my Through its diversified ad- ities, including a central heat- opinion has in so many ways needs trained technicians, Full Blown Riot streets fnto a shambles celebrating their team's win pf the World Series. junct campuses throughout more in more areas every ing and cooling plant and re- The rampage was triggered demonstrated the things that novation of an existing build- arebest about community col- the county, Brookdale has day ..." Mrs. Neuberger' by the Pittsburgh Pirates' 2-1 "brought education to the warned against the tendency ing, was $28.62 per square victory Sunday over the Balti- people where they live, which to consider occupational ca- foot, compared to an average more Orioles in baseball's Chancellor Dungan'spoke at is an added incentive for them reer programs "second cost of $40 per square foot at seventh and deciding game of ceremonies marking Brook- to avail themselves of these class." New Jersey county colleges. Your Property Taxes: the World Series in Balti- dale's fourth annual found- educational opportunities," And , predicting that more Describing it as "very im- more. It began as a jubilant ers' Day and the dedication of she said. , , young people will interface portant to higher education,' but nonviolent celebration, the three new buildings which Praising the county college. work and learning and more Gen. Corderman urged pas- but quickly turned into a full- are the county college's first for focusing "more on learn- older persons will return to sage of the $155 million bond blown riot. 'all-new facilities. ing than on teaching," Mrs. college to upgrade or supple- issue for state college con- Are They Equitable? The wild celebration Mrs. Katherine K. Neuber- Neuberger said that because ment their skills, she said "we struction and expansion. The created the worst traffic jam Editor's note: Are you sad- And tax assessors — de- sion, itself, is difficult to as- ger, MMdletown, a member of of its emphasis on individ- must assure that the commu- bond issue goes to the voters in the city's history. At its scribed by a State Division of sess. the N.J. Board of Higher Edu- dled with unduly high proper- ualized-instruction Brookdale nity college serves all without on Nov. 2. height, cars were backed up ty taxes? New Jersey's cen- Local Property Taxation offi- Assessors can be elected or cation and the principal "has been able to engender any age, economic or scholas- Dr. Ervin L. Harlacher, for eight miles on one major cial as being everything, from appointed depending on the speaker, applauded Brook- tury old system of taxation is among its student body a tic barrier," Brookdale president, said the freeway into the city and for replete with inequities and "chefs to shipfitters" — do form of government in effect dale's "use ef the technique of' pride and loyalty to the in- Maj. Gen. Preston W. Cor- six miles on another. Police fi- the job under such diverse, cir- in a,community. They may community involvement as See Educator, Page 2 disparities. Carol Talley of the Daily Advance of Dover cumstances that the profes- . [ See Is Your, Page 2 .one of the most important ^Vv.v.'gyrWmi;?^;;^ new learning processes.1' focused on these in Morris and Sussex Counties, Her "The laboratories of the 1 humanities and the social sci- findings have familiar echoes ences are structured in the in every 'county in ,the state,: Helping Community at large where including Monmouth.' ' one can not only learn but ! In a three-part series for ; help in the development of a The Associated Press, she un- folds a chilling account of a A Special Report viable and meaningful so- ciety," she said. volatile issue. Helping people. By CAROL TALLEY That's the story of Mi's. Ann Alessandroni of Rumson. For.The Associated Press She has an outstanding record of volunteer service in Local property taxes rob many county social service organizations. Sattur's .Bid you of your right to fair tax- • And, years ago, when it came time to organize a Mon- ation, mouth County United Fund, Mrs. Alessandroni was in the fore- For Election The odds are stacked front of the activity. against the homeowner under Even though she runs her owns'successful business, she the New Jersey system in still—somehow or other—manages to find the time to continue Surprises which 567 municipalities have ' her volunteer effort. MATA WAN TOWNSHIP - a combined total of more than We thought you would like to know more about Mrs. Ales- Announcement by James J. 800 assessors sizing up the sandroni and her views on voluntarism. And that's why Staff Sattur, Sr. of Cliffwood Beach value of What you own. Reporter Marybeth Allen interviewed her and enmc up with that he is entering the race ah interesting special report that will uppeiir tomorrow. for election to the Matawan Grenade Found We'll also continue with Carol Talley's report on the tax Township Council asa write- assessment situation. And, on our women's pages, we'll again in candidate has brought reac- hi City House mention the Slim Gourmet recipe column that is now bringing tion of surprise from local. .LONG .BRANCH - A new in as many as 10 letters a day from interested readers. Democrats. city homeowner had a sur- We have another outstanding package ready for you to- "I am sure he has been mis- prise in store for him when he morrow. After all, we're Northern Momn'outh County's largest guided," said Frank Cle- inspected the house at 43 Lin- newspaper and Monmouth County's most interesting news- ments, Democratic municipal .pincoU Ave.
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