Garage and Ambulance Station, North Road, 13 Triangle Business Park, Stoke Mandeville, HP22 5BL Tel: 01296 739400 Email: [email protected]


Report Prepared By: Report Reviewed By:

James Edley James Skinner

Subadra Consulting Ltd. Registered in Report IN11836 CL 003 No. 4586038 Client: Silvertown Garage Ltd Date July 2020 Registered Office 13 Triangle Business Park, Stoke Mandeville, HP22 5BL Page 1 Silvertown Garage and Ambulance Station, Road, London 13 Triangle Business Park, Stoke Mandeville, HP22 5BL Tel: 01296 739400 Email: [email protected]

Contents 1 Introduction...... 4 1.1 The Purpose of This Assessment...... 4 1.2 The Scope of This Assessment...... 4 1.3 Previous Reports Relating to the Site...... 5 1.4 Proposed Development Plans...... 7 2 Desk Study Information...... 7 2.1 Site Description, Location and Setting...... 7 2.2 Geology, Hydrogeology and Hydrology...... 9 2.3 Site History...... 11 2.4 Additional Information...... 16 3 Site Walkover and Inspection...... 17 3.1 Filing Station Area...... 17 3.2 Ambulance Station Walkover...... 20 3.3 6-8 Boxley Street (Adjacent Terraced House)...... 21 4 Investigation Results...... 22 4.1 Details of Our Investigation...... 22 4.2 Rationale for Borehole Locations...... 23 4.3 Site Geology...... 24 4.4 Visual and Olfactory Signs of Contamination...... 25 4.5 Groundwater Monitoring Data...... 25 4.6 Hazardous Ground Gases Assessment...... 25 5 Chemical Analysis Results...... 27 5.1 Chemical Analysis Rationale...... 27 5.2 Soil Analysis Results...... 28 5.3 Groundwater Analysis Results...... 32 5.4 Drinking Water Supply Analysis Results...... 35 6 Conceptual Site Model...... 36 6.1 Summary of Investigation Findings...... 36 6.2 Conceptual Site Model...... 37 7 Generic Quantitative Risk Assessment...... 38 7.1 Summary of Viable Pollutant Linkages to be Assessed...... 38

Report IN11836 CL 003 Environmental Investigation Client: Silvertown Garage Ltd Date July 2020 Report Page 2 Silvertown Garage and Ambulance Station, North Woolwich Road, London 13 Triangle Business Park, Stoke Mandeville, HP22 5BL Tel: 01296 739400 Email: [email protected]

7.2 Generic Acceptance Criteria – Methodologies...... 39 7.3 Human Health Assessment...... 40 7.4 Generic Quantitative Risk Assessment - Environmental Receptors...... 42 7.5 Environmental Receptors Assessment...... 42 8 Environmental Assessment Conclusions...... 44 9 Recommendations Relating to Future Redevelopment Works...... 45 9.1 Recommendations for Future Environmental and Geotechnical Investigation Work...... 47

List of Attachments

Attachment One: Notice to Interested Parties Attachment Two: Site Plans and Borehole Logs Attachment Three: UXO Desk Study and Risk Assessment Attachment Four: Historical Maps Attachment Five: Public Utility Drawing Attachment Six: Chemical Analysis Certificates

Report IN11836 CL 003 Environmental Investigation Client: Silvertown Garage Ltd Date July 2020 Report Page 3 Silvertown Garage and Ambulance Station, North Woolwich Road, London 13 Triangle Business Park, Stoke Mandeville, HP22 5BL Tel: 01296 739400 Email: [email protected]

1 Introduction

1.1 The Purpose of This Assessment

The site is located on North Woolwich Road (A1020) in Silvertown, and comprises an operational petrol filling station, an ambulance station and an end-of-terrace residential property. We understand that Silvertown Garage Ltd proposes to sell the site freehold for future redevelopment. Although the exact nature of the development will be determined by the new owner, we understand it is likely to comprise a high density residential-led development, most likely comprising ground floor retail / commercial units and residential flats above. We have been commissioned by Silvertown Garage Ltd to carry out an environmental investigation of the site. The purpose of our investigation is to allow us to assess the quality of underlying soil and/or groundwater to determine whether any contaminants present might pose an unacceptable (long-term) risk to future site residents and/or any nearby environmental receptors. Our investigation is also designed to provide potential buyers with information relating to any adverse ground conditions and to address the likely requirements of conditions associated with future planning permission for the redevelopment. Our environmental assessment was undertaken in accordance with the guidelines presented in the Environment Agency, ‘Model Procedures for the Management of Land Contamination’1. and Environment Agency Guidance on Requirements for Land Contamination Reports2. Your attention is drawn to the Notice to Interested Parties included as Attachment One.

1.2 The Scope of This Assessment

Our assessment of the site was carried out in the following parts:  Desk study comprising a review of information that is readily available in the public domain;  A review of previous environmental reports;  The collection of public utility drawings for the sites locality to assist with locating public utilities that may be present and review of utilities drawings for the filling station area provided to us by our Client;  A walkover survey to identify visual signs of pollution or potentially polluting activities;  An intrusive site investigation comprising nine boreholes drilled using our GeoProbe direct-push drilling rig, with on-site unexploded ordnance (UXO) clearance completed prior to borehole construction across the eastern part of the site;  Logging of soil cores and the collection of soil samples;  A return visit to carry out groundwater monitoring and to obtain representative groundwater samples from the monitoring wells we installed at the site and from pre-existing wells installed by others;  Completion of preliminary screening of the monitoring wells installed for the presence of hazardous ground gases, including carbon dioxide and methane;  Chemical analysis of representative soil and groundwater samples;

1 DEFRA and Environment Agency (2004) “Model Procedures for the Management of Land Contamination” Report CLR 11 Environment Agency, Bristol. 2 Environment Agency (2005) “Guidance on Requirements for Land Contamination Reports” Version 1.

Report IN11836 CL 003 Environmental Investigation Client: Silvertown Garage Ltd Date July 2020 Report Page 4 Silvertown Garage and Ambulance Station, North Woolwich Road, London 13 Triangle Business Park, Stoke Mandeville, HP22 5BL Tel: 01296 739400 Email: [email protected]

 Collection of a drinking water sample from the site’s water supply for analysis;  Compilation of a conceptual site model and, if applicable, completion of a Generic Quantitative Risk Assessment, in order to assess whether the site is considered suitable for its intended future use;  Provision of this report, which details the results of our environmental assessment and conclusions, and also provides comment relating to the presence of any adverse ground conditions and how they might impact on future developments. All the activities comprising this assessment were carried out in accordance with the procedures set out in our Quality Manual.

1.3 Previous Reports Relating to the Site

As part of our environmental assessment we have reviewed the reports listed in the following table.

Prepared on Report Our Ref. Report Title Prepared By Date of Issue Behalf of Reference Ref.1 Environmental Assessment RSK ENSR, Feb 2005 21892-1 (00) Chevron Groundwater Monitoring RSK STATS Ref.2 Limited Mar 2011 1892/L1/gd Visit Geoconsult Ltd Groundwater Monitoring Subadra Silvertown In11836 CL Ref.3 Sept 2011 Investigation Consulting Ltd Garage Ltd 001 UXO Desk Study & Risk Subadra Assessment Ref.4 Zetica Ltd Consulting Jun 2020 P9759-20-R1 (included as Attachment Ltd Three) Our summary review of these documents is provided in Table Two below and we have used information from these documents, where relevant, in other sections of this report.

Table One: Previous Environmental Reports Relating to the Site

Our Ref. Summary of Results and Conclusions of Previous Works [Note: We have not been provided with a copy of this document. Reference is made to this earlier investigation within the 2011 RSK STATS Groundwater Monitoring Visit report (Ref. 2).

Ref.1 We understand that this site investigation was completed during 2005 and comprised the construction six boreholes, all completed as groundwater monitoring wells (MW1, MW2, MW3, MW4, BHA and BHB). No further information is available regarding the results of this investigation. Continued on the next page

Report IN11836 CL 003 Environmental Investigation Client: Silvertown Garage Ltd Date July 2020 Report Page 5 Silvertown Garage and Ambulance Station, North Woolwich Road, London 13 Triangle Business Park, Stoke Mandeville, HP22 5BL Tel: 01296 739400 Email: [email protected]

Continued from previous page This report details the results of groundwater monitoring of the existing wells at the site completed in 2011 by RSK STATS on behalf of Chevron UK Ltd. Although no details regarding the purpose of the monitoring was presented within the report, we understand the works were carried out in conjunction with the reversion of Chevron’s leasehold for the site. RSK STATS carried out a groundwater monitoring and collected groundwater samples from the Ref.2 previously installed wells (MW1, MW2, MW3, MW4, BHA and BHB). Samples were collected from all six wells and sent to a laboratory for chemical analysis for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH) and , , Ethyl-benzene and Xylenes (BTEX compounds). No detectable concentrations of TPH or BTEX compounds were reported in any of the groundwater samples collected. No conclusions or further recommendations were made within this report. This report details the results of a round of groundwater monitoring that we carried out at the site in September 2011. The purpose of our monitoring was to provide an update on groundwater quality and validate the results from earlier that same year. We collected groundwater samples from all six monitoring wells and submitted these to a UKAS Ref.3 accredited laboratory for analysis for TPH and the BTEX compounds. The results of our analysis were consistent with those from the RSK report; the concentrations of TPH and BTEX were all below the analysis method detection limits, indicating that underlying groundwater was not significantly impacted with petrol or diesel. This report details the results of a desk based study and risk assessment to determine the potential risks associated with possible unexploded ordnance (UXO) at the site that we commissioned as part of our site investigation works. The site is located in an area that historically experienced a high density of bombing during World War II. We therefore commissioned the assessment, prior to our intrusive borehole investigation (this report), in order to inform decision making regarding the requirement for any ordnance clearance during drilling (and any subsequent ground works during development). Ref.4 Records indicate that at least 1No. High (HE) bomb and 1No. Phosphorus Incendiary Bomb (PhIB) fell on the site during World War Two (WWII). A further 28No. HE bombs fell within approximately 0.1km of the Site. The bombing caused damage to the eastern and central parts of the site. The subsequent risk assessment identified that the western end of the site (the petrol forecourt) could be classified as ‘Low Risk’ (and no UXO clearance is required), but the eastern half of the site, currently occupied by the ambulance station, is classified as ‘Moderate Risk’ (UXO clearance was recommended).

Table Two: Review of Previous Environmental Works at the Site

Report IN11836 CL 003 Environmental Investigation Client: Silvertown Garage Ltd Date July 2020 Report Page 6 Silvertown Garage and Ambulance Station, North Woolwich Road, London 13 Triangle Business Park, Stoke Mandeville, HP22 5BL Tel: 01296 739400 Email: [email protected]

1.4 Proposed Development Plans

We understand that Silvertown Garage Ltd proposes to sell the site, most likely for future redevelopment. Although the exact nature of the development will be determined Proposed by the new owner, we understand it is likely to comprise a high density residential type Developments development, most likely comprising ground floor commercial or retail units with residential flats above. We have not identified any active planning applications associated with the site. Due to the site’s location and historical/current land-use, we would anticipate that the Planning local planning authority will include a requirement (usually by way of one or more Applications and Conditions specified within the Planning Permission document) to carry out an Conditions environmental assessment at the site, prior to the commencement of the relating to redevelopment. Contaminated Land Although our assessment has not been compiled to directly satisfy any specific planning conditions the information contained in this report may assist in satisfying any such requirements.

Table Three: Proposed Development Plans

2 Desk Study Information

2.1 Site Description, Location and Setting

The site is generally flat and comprises three distinct areas:  Silvertown Garage - the western part of the site comprises a petrol filling station (278-289 N. Woowich Rd / corner of Boxley St) with a combined petrol and diesel forecourt covered with an overhead canopy and small shop building.  Residential property - north of the filling station forecourt is an end-of-terrace Site Description residential property (6-8 Boxley Street). This is currently unoccupied.  Silvertown Ambulance Station - the central and eastern part of the site (291 N. Woolwich Road and 1 Fort Steet) comprises an ambulance station with a brick office, garage / workshop building and larger warehouse type structure to the rear/north. A more detailed description of accessible areas of the site is presented in Section Three. Grid Reference 540740 180120 Location: Located on the northern side of North Woolwich Road (A1020), approximately 0.9km to the west the Elevation ~2m AOD centre of Silvertown, in east London’s docklands Size (approx) ~0.25ha area.

Table Four: Site Location and Setting

Report IN11836 CL 003 Environmental Investigation Client: Silvertown Garage Ltd Date July 2020 Report Page 7 Silvertown Garage and Ambulance Station, North Woolwich Road, London 13 Triangle Business Park, Stoke Mandeville, HP22 5BL Tel: 01296 739400 Email: [email protected]

Site Location

Figure One: Site Location Map

Direction Details North Residential terraced housing with gardens (<5m) Former fire station (~15m) across Fort Street that has been demolished, presumably in East preparation for development. Beyond this is a row of residential properties with gardens (~65m) and then parkland. North Woolwich Road (<5m), then an elevated section of the Docklands Light Railway South (DLR) track. Mixture of commercial and residential flats beyond (>25m). West Residential terraced housing with gardens, across Boxley Street (~10m)

Table Five: Surrounding Land Use

Report IN11836 CL 003 Environmental Investigation Client: Silvertown Garage Ltd Date July 2020 Report Page 8 Silvertown Garage and Ambulance Station, North Woolwich Road, London 13 Triangle Business Park, Stoke Mandeville, HP22 5BL Tel: 01296 739400 Email: [email protected]

Residential Residential

6-8 Boxley Street

Ambulance Station Former Fire Station Petrol Station

DLR N Woolwich Road

Commercial Flats Commercial

Figure Two: Aerial Photograph Showing Site and Surrounding Area

2.2 Geology, Hydrogeology and Hydrology

Estimated Geological Unit Description Data Source Thickness Generally comprising layers of Drift Geology Alluvium clay, silt, sand and gravel, with <5m occasional peat.

Variable sequences mainly of British Lambeth Group clay, some silty or sandy, with ~15m Geological some sands and gravels Survey Solid Geology Pale yellow-brown, fine-grained (BGS) Thanet Formation ~15m sand; occasionally clayey Chalk with flints. With discrete Chalk >50m marl seams Continued on the next page

Report IN11836 CL 003 Environmental Investigation Client: Silvertown Garage Ltd Date July 2020 Report Page 9 Silvertown Garage and Ambulance Station, North Woolwich Road, London 13 Triangle Business Park, Stoke Mandeville, HP22 5BL Tel: 01296 739400 Email: [email protected]

Continued from previous page The BGS hold records for a borehole constructed ~25m to the south of the site (BGS ref. TQ48SW796). This records underlying geology to comprise Made Ground to 1.8m, over Alluvium (silty clay and peat) to 4.4m, overlying medium dense sand and gravels to 14m (clay layer from BGS 10.4 to 12m) and then a very stiff grey clay with shell fragments to 17m. In situ geotechnical testing (SPT tests) for the sand and gravel layer recorded N value of 17, increasing to 50 at the base of the borehole. Previous We have reviewed a borehole log contained within a ground Investigation investigation report (Key Geosolutions Ltd, May 2016. Ref. 16-142-R- Data 001) completed at the former fire station site to the immediate east. A borehole was constructed to 15.45m depth which recorded Made Local Ground to 1.5m, over Alluvium (comprising soft clays and peat) to Authority 5.15m, overlying medium dense sand and gravel to 13m and then a Planning dense grey silty fine sand with bands of stiff thinly laminated grey clay Portal (these last two strata being interpreted as the Lambeth Group). In situ geotechnical testing (SPT tests) recorded N values between 7 and 26 in the underlying Lambeth Group units.

Table Six: Regional Geology

Environment Agency Aquifer Geological Unit Data Source Classification Secondary Aquifer Drift Geology Alluvium (Undifferentiated)

Lambeth Group Environment Secondary Aquifer (Class A) Agency Solid Geology Thanet Formation

Chalk Formations Principal Aquifer

Groundwater strike was recorded at 4.4m in the the borehole ~25m to BGS Existing the south of the site (BGS Ref. TQ48SW796). Investigation Groundwater strike was noted at ~6m, with resting levels rising to ~5m Planning Data depth, in the underlying sand and gravel unit in the borehole constructed Portal to the immediate east.

Table Seven: Regional Hydrogeology

Description Distance Direction Data Source

Basin connected to Royal Albert Docks 160m East

Surface Water Royal Albert Docks 350m North Ordnance Features Survey , flowing in easterly 400m / 700m South / West direction

Table Eight: Regional Hydrology

Report IN11836 CL 003 Environmental Investigation Client: Silvertown Garage Ltd Date July 2020 Report Page 10 Silvertown Garage and Ambulance Station, North Woolwich Road, London 13 Triangle Business Park, Stoke Mandeville, HP22 5BL Tel: 01296 739400 Email: [email protected]

Surface Water Groundwater Abstraction Distance Direction Purpose Distance Direction Purpose Heat pump Mineral Nearest 725m NW 880m S supply Washing Nearest Public Water Supply None within 1km None within 1km Source Protection Zone The site does not lie within a groundwater Source Protection Zone

Site located in an Environment Agency defined Surface Water No ‘Drinking Water Safeguard Zone’ Groundwater No Data sourced from Environment Agency

Table Nine: Nearest Surface and Groundwater Abstractions

2.3 Site History

2.3.1 Review of Historical Ordnance Survey Maps

Review of Map – Description of Land Use at Site and Potentially Contaminative Land use Date in the Immediate Surrounding Area On-site Off-site The central and eastern parts of the site are shown undeveloped. Terraced houses are present in the south western end of the site, off North Woolwich Rd, and to the north-west, off Boxley Street. 1896 North Woolwich Road and a train line forms the None within (1:2,500 None identified southern boundary, with various factories and a 100m scale map) chemical works further to the south and east (~160m). and a series of warehouses are shown to the north (~250m), with the Victoria Graving Dock (series of moorings off a central basin) lies to the north east (~200m). No changes shown to the site. Further residential development is shown to the north 1920 and west, with terraced properties shown along (1:10,000 Boxley Street to the north. Further terraced residential None identified scale map buildings are shown to the north east (~50m). Chemical works Significant industrial developed is shown to the south to the south of the site (>100m), with the chemical works expanded (~100m) and numerous tanks shown. 1938/40 No significant changes. Streets are shown to the north (1:10,000 and east of the site, with some additional residential None identified scale map development shown. Continued on the next page

Report IN11836 CL 003 Environmental Investigation Client: Silvertown Garage Ltd Date July 2020 Report Page 11 Silvertown Garage and Ambulance Station, North Woolwich Road, London 13 Triangle Business Park, Stoke Mandeville, HP22 5BL Tel: 01296 739400 Email: [email protected]

Continued from previous page

Review of Map – Description of Land Use at Site and Potentially Contaminative Land use Date in the Immediate Surrounding Area On-site Off-site The residential properties are still shown present in the south-west and north-west corners of the site. A large building is shown in the central part of the site, extending behind the residential properties to the western end. There is also a square structure in the Depot to the north-east corner. There is no usage specified for north <5m) these structures, but anecdotal information suggests 1953 / 1960 Factories / that they are likely to represent a large water tower for Possible garage (1:2,500 works / chemical the adjacent Fire Station and a petrol station (2 to 4 / petrol station scale map) works to the Boxley Street). south and south The local area has been more extensively developed, east (>100m) with a fire station and terraced housing to the east, a Depot directly to the north, and a series of large Works to the south (exact use unspecified) and south- east (Chemical Works). The residential properties are still present in the south- west and north-west corners of the site. There is now a large ‘Works’ building shown present across the northern half of the site and extending towards North Majority of the 1963 Woolwich Road in the centre. The south eastern part site in use as a (1:2,500 of the site remains empty. ‘Works’. scale map) Possible garage No significant changes to the surrounding area. The / petrol station. depot remains to the north and the area south of North Depot to the Woolwich Road remains in use as a series of Works, north <5m) Depots, Warehouses and an Oil Depot. Factories / The residential properties in the south-west corner of works / chemical the site have been cleared and appear to comprise a works to the 1973 / 1991 petrol station, with small sales building and canopy south and south (1:2,500 shown. 6-8 Boxley Street remains present. The Majority of the east (>100m) scale maps) remaining site areas are shown as warehouses, with a site in use as new warehouse shown in the south eastern corner. warehouses. Garage / petrol No significant changes to the surrounding area. station at The majority of the site remains the same as western end. 1995 previously, apart from the petrol station in the south- (1:2,500 west, which has been redeveloped into its current scale map) layout. Copies of representative historical maps are included as Attachment Four

Table Ten: Historical Maps Review

Report IN11836 CL 003 Environmental Investigation Client: Silvertown Garage Ltd Date July 2020 Report Page 12 Silvertown Garage and Ambulance Station, North Woolwich Road, London 13 Triangle Business Park, Stoke Mandeville, HP22 5BL Tel: 01296 739400 Email: [email protected]

2.3.2 Review of Online Planning Records

Application Local Planning Authority – Planning Records Date Evidence of Development Number (from local planning authority website) Boxley Street, E16 (J. and J. Downey Ltd.). Continuation of use of station water tank as March 1951 51/4369/A Application permitted workshop, retention of roof over, and retention of extension to gantry building. November Boxley Street. Extension to gantry and 53/4369/C Application permitted 1953 erection of offices. Erection of petrol filling station with access Application permitted - first July 1962 62/10925 from Boxley Street and North Woolwich development of filling station Road. at the site. Site at the corner of North Woolwich Road Application permitted - August 1962 62/10936 and Fort Street. Erection of single storey workshop present (present workshop. day ambulance station) Indicates 6-8 Boxley Street Boxley Street, E16. (J. and J. Downey Ltd.). was in use as an office for a January Continuation of use of extension to gantry, 63/4369/E Garage repair business, with 1963 offices, static water tank as workshop and the rear of the property in retention of roof over. use as the garage. Erection of petrol filling station and formation Application Permitted October 63/10925 of access from Boxley Street and North (development not carried 1963 Woolwich Road. out?) Boxley Street, E16. (J. and J. Downey Ltd.). December Continuation of use of extension to gantry, 64/4369/F 1964 static water tank as workshop and retention Application permitted - of roof over. confirms this part of the site in use as a workshop 66/W/4369/ Arco Works, 6-8 Boxley Street, E16. The April 1966 713 retention of workshop. Land adjoining 6 and 8 Boxley Street, E16. Application permitted 67/10936/ Erection of garage workshop in connection (although note on March 1967 1319 with proposed petrol filling station documents indicates development. superceded) January 68/10936/ Application permitted - Erection of garage at 6-8 Boxley Street. 1968 1797 unknown if completed January Details of petrol filling station with ancillary Application permitted- filling 68/10925/A 1969 buildings and canopy over pump islands. station present Continued on the next page

Report IN11836 CL 003 Environmental Investigation Client: Silvertown Garage Ltd Date July 2020 Report Page 13 Silvertown Garage and Ambulance Station, North Woolwich Road, London 13 Triangle Business Park, Stoke Mandeville, HP22 5BL Tel: 01296 739400 Email: [email protected]

Continued from previous page Application Local Planning Authority – Planning Records Date Evidence of Development Number (from local planning authority website) Land fronting North Woolwich Road and November 69/10936/ Application permitted - Boxley Street, E16. Use for storage and 1969 3247 indicates workshop use incidental cutting of steel tube. Application permitted - 70/10925/ Retention of two unauthorised vehicular April 1970 associated drawings indicate 3566 accesses to Boxley Street. filling station present Application permitted - Associated drawings 70/4369/ Part of Arco Works, Fort Street, E16. July 1970 indicate 6-8 Boxley Street 3723 Use for warehousing and transport depot. was in use as office for the workshop. Demolition Of Existing Buildings And No Decision (existing December Erection Of A 3 Storey B1 Office Building; 91/1078 ambulance station office 1991 Formation Of New Vehicular Access And building?) Provision Of 42 parking Spaces. Application For Demolition Of Existing Building And Erection Of A 3 Storey B1 March 1997 97/0311 Pending Decision Office Building With New Vehicular Access And Parking. 291 North Woolwich Road, & 1 Fort Street. Application permitted Demolition Of Existing Buildings And May 2001 01/0625 (existing ambulance station Construction Of Three Storey B1 Office office building?) Buildings. Renewal Of Planning Permission No. June 2004 04/1042 Application permitted P/01/0625 1 Fort Street. Display of two non-illuminated August 2006 06/01462 Application permitted aluminium framed signs. 279 North Woolwich Road. Variation of July 2006 06/01314 Application permitted opening hours of petrol filling station Temporary change of use from light Application permitted - January 06/02247 industrial/storage use to an ambulance building currently in use as 2007 station with ancillary office (B1) use. an ambulance station 278 - 279 North Woolwich Road. May 2007 07/00942 Application permitted Sign to advertise cash point machine on site. Retention of a free standing automated teller April 2013 13/00513 Application permitted machine with x 5 security bollards

Table Eleven: Summary of Online Planning Records

Report IN11836 CL 003 Environmental Investigation Client: Silvertown Garage Ltd Date July 2020 Report Page 14 Silvertown Garage and Ambulance Station, North Woolwich Road, London 13 Triangle Business Park, Stoke Mandeville, HP22 5BL Tel: 01296 739400 Email: [email protected]

2.3.3 Anecdotal Information

We understand that our client has owned the site since ~1920s and has therefore been able to provide us with an account of the site’s various developments. This information is summarised in the table below.

Originally there was a petrol station located at 2-4 Boxley Street (property now demolished). Fuel was initially delivered to the site by 1920s horse and cart and sold in containers. The front of the site was used for terraced housing (which extended onto what is now North Woolwich Road). Two 500gallon below ground tanks were installed at the 2-4 Boxley 1940/50s Street petrol station. (Note: these were removed as part of the 1991 278 - 279 North forecourt redevelopment). Woolwich Road North Woolwich Road was widened, which enforced the demolition of the (current petrol terraced houses. station area) The petrol station was moved to its current location, with new tanks installed. Planning records include a proposed site plan dated 1968, that Mid-1960s shows 3 No. 6,000 gallon and 1No 2,000 gallon below ground tanks, in the approximate location of the current tank farm. (Note: the 1960s tanks were removed as part of the 1991 forecourt redevelopment). 1991 The forecourt was redeveloped into it’s current layout. 6 - 8 Boxley 1940s Was used as offices and/or residential property associated with the Street onwards workshops and filling station. 291 North 1920-40s Majority of the area comprised open land / field. Woolwich Road A machine shop (with lathes and other tooling) was built in what is now (current 1950s the car park in front of the offices. ambulance station area) 1960s The existing office block and warehouses was built. 1940s The workshop was initially located nearest Boxley Street. Workshop was extended, towards Fort Street, into its current 1950s 1 Fort Street configuration. 1960s Workshop turned into a warehouse. onwards Was used for a period for storing plywood (prior to sale).

Table Twelve: Anecdotal Historical Site Information

Report IN11836 CL 003 Environmental Investigation Client: Silvertown Garage Ltd Date July 2020 Report Page 15 Silvertown Garage and Ambulance Station, North Woolwich Road, London 13 Triangle Business Park, Stoke Mandeville, HP22 5BL Tel: 01296 739400 Email: [email protected]

2.4 Additional Information

Risk Description Data Source The site is located in an area where the National Radiological Protection Board have determined that 1 to 3% houses exceed the recommended Action Level for radon for existing homes in the UK of 200Bqm-3 Public Health Radon Risk (averaged over a year). This places the site in a low risk area and no England radon protective measures are likely to be necessary in the construction of new structures. The Environment Agency records show that there are no current or past Environment Nearest Landfill landfill sites within 250m of the site. Agency Degradable material within None recorded Site data Made Ground Peat and organic Borehole records indicate peat could be present beneath the site and matter within Site data local area. alluvial deposits Degradation of No significant concentrations of hydrocarbons were identified present in petroleum underlying soil and groundwater at the site (verified during groundwater Site data hydrocarbons monitoring completed during 2011). Natural deposits (e.g. No source identified. BGS measure strata). Organic rich silt formed in water None identified in close proximity to the site. OS Maps bodies We have identified only limited potential sources of hazardous ground gases associated with the site. Low potential risks could be posed by the degradation of peat / organic rich Conclusions alluvial deposits and/or any hydrocarbon impact to underlying soils and groundwater. Ground gas monitoring may be required to quantify potential risks and establish whether gas protection measures are required within new structures.

Table Thirteen: Hazardous Ground Gas Risk

Risk Description Data Source Risk of Coal The site is not located in an area considered to be at potential risk from coal Coal Mining mining. Authority The potential for dissolution stability hazards has been assessed by the British Geological Survey, who has classified the site’s location as ‘No Solution Hazard’. The BGS advise that no special ground investigation is required and BGS Feature Risk that increased construction costs or an increase in financial risk due to problems with soluble rocks is unlikely.

Table Fourteen: Other Geological Hazards

Report IN11836 CL 003 Environmental Investigation Client: Silvertown Garage Ltd Date July 2020 Report Page 16 Silvertown Garage and Ambulance Station, North Woolwich Road, London 13 Triangle Business Park, Stoke Mandeville, HP22 5BL Tel: 01296 739400 Email: [email protected]

Flood Risk Zone Flood Risk Data Source The site is located in a Flood Zone 3 that benefits from flood defences. Zone 3 - but in These are areas that are defined as having a high probability of area that flooding, either from rivers or the sea, if there were no flood defences. Environment benefits from A flood risk assessment is likely to be required as part of future planning Agency flood defences applications, guidance should be sought from the Local Planning Authority.

The site and much of the surrounding area was flooded in the 1920s. Anecdotal However, no flooding is reported to have occurred since the local flood Site owner defences have been constructed.

Table Fifteen: Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment

3 Site Walkover and Inspection

3.1 Filing Station Area

3.1.1 Filling Station - General Site Layout

The main shop building is located to the east of the dispensing forecourt, and comprises a single storey, brick-built structure with a flat roof and glass panels facing the forecourt. A BP branded canopy covered the central forecourt, with a stated clearance height of 4.6m. The canopy had with no obvious signs of damage. The central forecourt area is covered with brick paving, which appeared to be in good condition with some staining was present around the base of the pump islands. The remaining area of the forecourt site is paved with concrete, which was generally in good condition, however there was cracking noted around drainage gulleys/tank access chambers. A large concrete scar was present in the north west corner of the site. We were informed that this used to be a silt trap which was concrete filled ‘~15 years ago’.

Photograph One - Site shop (looking east) Photograph Two - Central forecourt (looking south)

Report IN11836 CL 003 Environmental Investigation Client: Silvertown Garage Ltd Date July 2020 Report Page 17 Silvertown Garage and Ambulance Station, North Woolwich Road, London 13 Triangle Business Park, Stoke Mandeville, HP22 5BL Tel: 01296 739400 Email: [email protected]

3.1.2 Review of Petroleum Installation

Site records: The Petroleum License was issued by London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority on 1st January 2015. We identified six underground storage tanks, located to the west of the dispensing forecourt. In summary: Tank Contents Capacity One Diesel 18,500 Litres Tank Inventory Two Diesel 18,500 Litres Three Super Plus Unleaded 18,500 Litres Four Diesel 18,500 Litres Five Unleaded 37,000 Litres Six Diesel 37,500 Litres Tank We understand that all six tanks were installed in 1991, and are constructed from single- Construction and skinned steel. We have not been provided with any information detailing when the tanks Testing were last integrity tested. Tank access chambers are constructed from concrete and were in average condition. At Tank Access the time of our site walkover, all tank access chambers were found to contain a small Chambers volume of pooled water. Tanks are filled via below ground, offset, fill points which are located to the north of the tank farm. We were informed that the offset fill points were reconfigured in 1997 to aid tanker deliveries. Based on the additional information we have collected, the offset fill point for Tank One was mislabelled, stating it containing Ultimate Diesel (no pumps on Tank Fills the forecourt supplied Ultimate Diesel), while the tank label states it contains diesel. The fill chambers were in good condition, but all fairly heavily silted. A visual inspection of the fuel supply lines present in the tank access chambers indicate the lines to be constructed from steel. There are three raised pump island present beneath the canopy with an additional pump island present on the northern site boundary. All pump islands were constructed from Pump Islands concrete with protective metal flashing and tiled tops. The pump islands were in fair condition, with some minor scrapes and staining noted. The following dispensers types are present at the site:  Three Gilbarco, dual facing, double nozzle dispensers;  Two Gilbarco, dual facing, triple nozzle dispensers; Dispensers  One Gilbarco, dual facing, single nozzle dispenser;  One Gilbarco, single facing, single nozzle dispenser. Where labels were present, the dispensers were noted to have been installed between 1993 - 2000. Some black staining was noted at the base of the dispensers. Continued on the following page

Report IN11836 CL 003 Environmental Investigation Client: Silvertown Garage Ltd Date July 2020 Report Page 18 Silvertown Garage and Ambulance Station, North Woolwich Road, London 13 Triangle Business Park, Stoke Mandeville, HP22 5BL Tel: 01296 739400 Email: [email protected]

Continued from the previous page The tank vents were located on a raised concrete island in the north west corner of the Vents site, attached to 6-8 Boxley Street. The vents were labelled and looked to be in good condition. Stage Ib vapour recovery has been installed at the site. The vapour recovery system Vapour Recovery was last tested during July 2019. Wet-stock Tank contents are monitored using a Veeder-Root TLS 350R system with wet-stock data Reconciliation monitored off-site by a third party wet-stock specialist. Reported The site manager advised us that that the site has no anomalous wet-stock readings Leaks/Losses within the last three to six months. Our historical review indicates that the site has been in use as a garage since at least Abandoned the 1920s. Although all below ground fuel tanks are reported to have been removed, it Tanks possible that additional abandoned tanks may remain decommissioned in-situ under the forecourt (or elsewhere across the site).

Table Sixteen: Review of Petroleum Infrastructure

3.1.3 Filling Station Drainage

Surface water run off from the petrol station forecourt is collected by a series of box Surface water gullies surrounding the central dispensing forecourt and below-ground offset fill points. drainage and Gullies were found in good condition generally. discharges Surface water discharges off-site to the west via the forecourt interceptor, to a combined sewer beneath Boxley Street. There is a three-stage, GPR, interceptor present at the site, located to the north of the tank farm. We inspected each chamber and made the following observations:  Chamber 1&2 – Dark water with thick oily sheen and large fuel globules on the Forecourt surface. Some rubbish was also present within the chambers. Interceptor  Chamber 3 - Dark black water, with a thick sheen on the surface; We were not provided with any site records detailing when the interceptor was last emptied and cleaned. The utilities survey shows the foul effluent discharging from the main site building, off Foul site to the south, under North Woolwich Road (A1020).

Table Seventeen: Site Drainage - Petrol Station

Report IN11836 CL 003 Environmental Investigation Client: Silvertown Garage Ltd Date July 2020 Report Page 19 Silvertown Garage and Ambulance Station, North Woolwich Road, London 13 Triangle Business Park, Stoke Mandeville, HP22 5BL Tel: 01296 739400 Email: [email protected]

Photograph Three - Box gulleys around below Photograph Four - Petrol station interceptor (outlet ground offset fill points. chamber)

3.2 Ambulance Station Walkover

The ambulance station is located to the east of the filling station. At the time of our site walkover, this part of the site was operational and being used to wash and clean ambulances and other medical vehicles.

3.2.1 Office Block

A three-storey, brick built office, with large glass windows overlooking North Woolwich Road, occupies the western portion of the ambulance station area. The ground floor contains a small canteen, toilet facilities and other general storage. We understand that the first and second floors of the building are used as general office and storage space, but we were unable to access this area. To the south of the office block, there is a small area of concrete hardstanding.

Photograph Five - Ambulance Station - Front of the office block, looking north

Report IN11836 CL 003 Environmental Investigation Client: Silvertown Garage Ltd Date July 2020 Report Page 20 Silvertown Garage and Ambulance Station, North Woolwich Road, London 13 Triangle Business Park, Stoke Mandeville, HP22 5BL Tel: 01296 739400 Email: [email protected]

3.2.2 Warehouse

Adjacent to the east of the office block, there was a large, brick-built warehouse, used to store and clean ambulances. Large folding doors were present on the eastern wall of the building to allow vehicular access. A large jet wash bay was present in the southern portion of the warehouse, adjacent to two temporary modular buildings used as additional storage space. An additional temporary modular building was present in the south eastern portion of the warehouse, being used as an office space. A box gulley ran from the jet- wash bay towards the folding doors to the west. It is unclear where this drain discharges to. The floor of the warehouse was paved with concrete hardstanding and was in good condition.

Photograph Seven - General view of the warehouse Photograph Six - Jet-wash bay in the warehouse. (looking east)

3.3 6-8 Boxley Street (Adjacent Terraced House)

Adjacent to the north of the filling station is a two-storey end-terrace house. Overgrown vegetation was present in the front garden of the property and a locked metal gate prevented access for a more detailed inspection of this part of the site.

Photograph Eight - Looking north from the forecourt Photograph Nine - Overgrown front garden of the towards the house. terrace house.

Report IN11836 CL 003 Environmental Investigation Client: Silvertown Garage Ltd Date July 2020 Report Page 21 Silvertown Garage and Ambulance Station, North Woolwich Road, London 13 Triangle Business Park, Stoke Mandeville, HP22 5BL Tel: 01296 739400 Email: [email protected]

4 Investigation Results

4.1 Details of Our Investigation

Activity Description of Works We have obtained and reviewed public utility drawings from the relevant Public Utility service provider. This provides information regarding major services that Drawings supply the site and neighbouring properties. Copies of these plans are included as Attachment Five. Service We have reviewed plans provided by the client relating to known services Clearance Underground beneath the petrol station site. The client attended site during our Utilities Survey investigation and verified locations as being service free, prior to drilling. Prior to drilling all boreholes locations underwent a final service check On-site using a Cable Avoidance Tool (CAT) scanner. Our site investigation was completed on 9th and 10th July 2020. We investigated the site by constructing nine boreholes to maximum depth of 4.8m using our GeoProbe (direct-push) Drilling drill rig. A site plan showing borehole locations is presented as Figure Three below and is included, along with our borehole logs, as Attachment Two. The UXO desk-based risk assessment (provided as Attachment Three) concluded that there was sufficiently high risk for unexploded bombs to be present below the ambulance station, that boreholes in this portion of the site should be completed under the supervision UXO of a suitably trained UXO engineer. UXO risk was assessed during the drilling on a metre- Clearance by-metre basis using a magnetometer to detect the presence of metallic objects (potentially unexploded bombs) in advance of the drill string. The engineer identified a metallic object at below ~1.2m depth in BH003; as a precautionary measure this borehole was abandoned. We identified five existing monitoring wells: MW1, MW2, MW3, MW4, Existing Wells BHA and BHB. The locations of these wells are shown on our borehole location plan. Monitoring We completed our boreholes BH004, BH008 and BH009 as groundwater Wells Groundwater monitoring wells, to supplement the existing monitoring well network. Boreholes BH001 and BH002 were completed as ground gas monitoring Gas wells. Representative soil samples were recovered from each borehole in Soil sealed liners and logged onsite by a suitably qualified technician. We returned to the site to complete groundwater monitoring on 16th July 2020. Prior to sampling, we recorded at-rest ground water levels in each Sampling well using an oil/water interface probe. Procedures Groundwater We then collected groundwater samples using low flow techniques (i.e. a peristaltic pump incorporating flow-through tubing, discharging via a multi- parameter cell which allows for the measurement of pH, conductivity, temperature, redox potential and dissolved oxygen). Continued on following page

Report IN11836 CL 003 Environmental Investigation Client: Silvertown Garage Ltd Date July 2020 Report Page 22 Silvertown Garage and Ambulance Station, North Woolwich Road, London 13 Triangle Business Park, Stoke Mandeville, HP22 5BL Tel: 01296 739400 Email: [email protected]

Continued from the previous page Activity Description of Works During our site visit on 16th July 2020 we carried out preliminary screening Screening for for hazardous ground gases using a GA5000 series landfill gas monitor, Hazardous designed to record concentrations of methane, carbon dioxide and Ground Gases oxygen (and flow readings). Sampling Procedures Drinking Water We collected a sample of tap water from the kitchen in the sales building Supply to verify the quality of the site’s drinking water supply. Sample Sub-samples were preserved in glass jars or bottles and stored in cool Preservation boxes during transportation to the laboratory for subsequent analysis.

Table Eighteen: Drilling and Sampling Methodologies

4.2 Rationale for Borehole Locations

Subadra Boreholes (2020) Target/Rationale For Specific Borehole Locations BH BH BH BH BH BH BH BH BH 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 Below-ground Tank Farm   Forecourt - Fuel Pumps/Lines  Forecourt Interceptor  Forecourt - Off-set Fill Points  Forecourt / general coverage   Historical Tanks (1940/50s)  Ambulance Station (general     coverage)

Former machine shop (1950s)  

Table Nineteen: Borehole Strategy (2020)

Target/Rationale For Specific Previously Installed Monitoring Wells Borehole Locations BHA BHB MW1 MW2 MW3 MW4 Below-ground Tank Farm     Forecourt - Fuel Pumps/Lines  Forecourt - Off-set Fill Points   Forecourt / general coverage  

Table Twenty: Existing Well Rationale

Report IN11836 CL 003 Environmental Investigation Client: Silvertown Garage Ltd Date July 2020 Report Page 23 Silvertown Garage and Ambulance Station, North Woolwich Road, London 13 Triangle Business Park, Stoke Mandeville, HP22 5BL Tel: 01296 739400 Email: [email protected]

Figure Three: Borehole Locations

4.3 Site Geology

Unit Description Layer I Made Ground Sandy gravel with red brick fragments, clayey in parts. Layer IIa Alluvium - Clay Soft grey green brown clay. Layer IIb Alluvium - Peat Dark brown peat, clayey and sandy in places Layer III Lambeth Group Grey brown sand and gravels Depth to Base of Layer BH001 BH002 BH003* BH004 BH005 Layer I 0.8m 1.2m >1.2m 0.8m 1.0m Layer IIa 2.6m 2.2m - 2.2m 3.9m Layer IIb >4.0m 3.6m - >4.0m - Layer III - >4.0m - - >4.0m All dimensions in metres below ground level / * - borehole terminated at 1.2m due to possible UXO risk Continued on the following page

Report IN11836 CL 003 Environmental Investigation Client: Silvertown Garage Ltd Date July 2020 Report Page 24 Silvertown Garage and Ambulance Station, North Woolwich Road, London 13 Triangle Business Park, Stoke Mandeville, HP22 5BL Tel: 01296 739400 Email: [email protected]

Continued from the previous page Depth to Base of Layer BH006 BH007 BH008 BH009 Layer I 1.0m 1.2m 1.2m 0.8m Layer IIa 3.8m 2.2m 2.4m 2.2m Layer IIb (Layer 3.0 to 3.4) 3.9m 3.9m 3.8m Layer III >4.0m >4.0m >4.0m >4.8m

All dimensions in metres below ground level

Table Twenty-one: Soil Lithology

4.4 Visual and Olfactory Signs of Contamination

We identified a slight hydrocarbon odour in soil (from 1.4m to 2.2m) and purge water from BH009 (north western corner of the filling station area). No visual or olfactory evidence of contamination was noted in any of the remaining soil or groundwater samples collected from the site.

4.5 Groundwater Monitoring Data

Monitoring well installation details and monitoring data are included in the following table.

BH001 BH002 BH004 BH008 BH009 Depth to Base of Well (m bgl) 2.0 2.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 Well Response Zone (m bgl) 1.0 to 2.0 1.0 to 2.0 1.0 to 4.0 1.0 to 4.0 1.0 to 4.0 Diameter of Well (mm) 50 50 35 35 35 Groundwater - At Rest (m bgl) Dry Dry 1.029 1.377 1.561

BHA BHB MW1 MW2 MW3 Depth to Base of Well (m bgl) 5.2 4.5 1.7 4.8 4.5 Well Response Zone (m bgl) Unknown, installed by others Diameter of Well (mm) 50 50 50 50 50 Groundwater - At Rest (m bgl) 1.879 1.566 1.697 1.511 1.586 Note: m bgl denotes metres below ground level Table Twenty-two: Groundwater Monitoring Data - 16th July 2020

4.6 Hazardous Ground Gases Assessment

4.6.1 Hazardous Ground Gases Monitoring Data

The result of our monitoring for hazardous ground gases are provided in the following table.

Report IN11836 CL 003 Environmental Investigation Client: Silvertown Garage Ltd Date July 2020 Report Page 25 Silvertown Garage and Ambulance Station, North Woolwich Road, London 13 Triangle Business Park, Stoke Mandeville, HP22 5BL Tel: 01296 739400 Email: [email protected]

BH001 BH002 BH004 BHA BHB MW1 MW2 MW3 Peak 0.5 0.1 0.3 0.4 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 CH4 (%) Stable 0.5 0.0 0.3 0.4 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 Peak 3.0 1.2 1.1 3.3 3.0 2.7 4.2 0.9 CO2 (%) Stable 3.0 0.6 1.1 3.3 3.0 2.1 4.0 0.9 Min 15.2 18.9 19.0 17.3 18.7 14.7 15.7 18.9 O2 (%) Stable 15.2 19.7 19.0 17.3 18.7 15.6 15.7 18.9 Peak 1.7 2.4 0.1 2.1 0.7 0.2 0.0 0.0 Flow (L/hr) Stable 1.7 2.0 0.0 2.1 0.7 0.2 0.0 0.0 Time to Stabilise (mins) 7 9 5 9 5 6 5 6 Atmospheric Pressure (hPa) 1021 Weather Overcast

Table Twenty-three: Ground Gas Monitoring Data

4.6.2 Gas Screening Assessment To establish whether the concentrations of methane and carbon dioxide are present at potentially hazardous concentrations in shallow soils in the vicinity of the shop building, we have calculated Gas Screening Values (GSV) using our monitoring data. These were calculated using gas concentrations and flow rates, in accordance with the methodologies and guidance presented within BS8485 (2015). In order to assure conservatism within our assessment we have used maximum gas concentrations and flow rates recorded at each location when calculating GSVs.

BH001 BH002 BH004 BHA BHB MW1 MW2 MW3

Gas Screening CH4 0.0085 0.0240 0.0003 0.0084 0.0007 0.0002 0.0001 0.0001 Value CO2 0.0510 0.0288 0.0011 0.0693 0.0210 0.0054 0.0042 0.0009 Risk Classification Very Low Risk Characteristic Situation CS-1

Table Twenty-four: Gas Screening Value for Carbon Dioxide and Methane

The results of our preliminary screening for ground gases has identified low concentrations of methane and low to moderate concentrations of carbon dioxide. Flow rates were generally low across the site. Our screening data indicates the site can be characterised as Characteristic Situation One (CS-1) - Very Low Risk. However, our investigation has identified peat deposits beneath the site, which has the potential to generate ground gas. Further monitoring, during a broader range of atmospheric conditions, will be required to verify our initial screening data and fully assess the risk posed to any future development.

Report IN11836 CL 003 Environmental Investigation Client: Silvertown Garage Ltd Date July 2020 Report Page 26 Silvertown Garage and Ambulance Station, North Woolwich Road, London 13 Triangle Business Park, Stoke Mandeville, HP22 5BL Tel: 01296 739400 Email: [email protected]

5 Chemical Analysis Results

5.1 Chemical Analysis Rationale

Number of Samples Analysis Rationale Soil Water Representative of compounds present in Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons petrol, diesel and lube oils but with 12 8 (TPH) -reported by carbon range additional information regarding (speciated) (banded) composition of contaminant source Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene Representative of compounds present in 12 9 and Xylenes (BTEX) and MTBE petrol Representative of compounds present in Volatile Organic Compounds petrol, solvents and other automotive 0 1 products Representative of compounds present in Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons 8 8 diesel and lube oil Representative of compounds commonly 8 Metals and Asbestos Screen 8 encountered in imported Made Ground (metals) Total Organic Carbon (TOC)/ Site-specific data used within risk 8 - Fraction Organic Carbon (FOC) assessment process To assist with characterisation of waste Waste classification analysis soil produced during future development 1 - works To identify hazardous ground conditions Sulphates and/or pH with respect to future concrete 8 9 foundations Drinking Water Screen - analysis 1 of tap water sample for TPH and To verify quality of water supply - (from tap) BTEX The results of our analysis are summarised below. Certificates for all chemical analysis are included in Attachment Six.

Table Twenty-five: Schedule of Analysis

Report IN11836 CL 003 Environmental Investigation Client: Silvertown Garage Ltd Date July 2020 Report Page 27 Silvertown Garage and Ambulance Station, North Woolwich Road, London 13 Triangle Business Park, Stoke Mandeville, HP22 5BL Tel: 01296 739400 Email: [email protected]

5.2 Soil Analysis Results

Sample Details and Concentration (mg/kg) Analyte BH001 BH002 BH004 BH005 BH005 BH006 2.0m 2.2m 1.2m 2.2m 4.0m 2.6m

>C8-10 Aliphatic TPH <2.5 <2.5 <2.5 <2.5 <2.5 <2.5

>C10-12 Aliphatic TPH <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5

>C12-16 Aliphatic TPH <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5

>C16-21 Aliphatic TPH <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5

>C21-35 Aliphatic TPH 32.1 94.2 <20 <20 <20 45

>C8-10 Aromatic TPH <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1

>C10-12 Aromatic TPH <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5

>C12-16 Aromatic TPH <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5

>C16-21 Aromatic TPH <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5

>C21-35 Aromatic TPH 33.5 79.6 <20 <20 <20 33.2

Sample Details and Concentration (mg/kg) Analyte BH007 BH008 BH008 BH009 BH009 BH009 2.8m 1.4m 2.4m 1.4m 3.0m 4.8m

>C8-10 Aliphatic TPH <2.5 <2.5 <2.5 6.14 <2.5 <2.5

>C10-12 Aliphatic TPH <5 <5 <5 35 <5 <5

>C12-16 Aliphatic TPH <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5

>C16-21 Aliphatic TPH <5 <5 <5 <5 21.1 <5

>C21-35 Aliphatic TPH 84.1 <20 48.9 <20 202 <20

>C8-10 Aromatic TPH <1 <1 <1 5.66 <1 <1

>C10-12 Aromatic TPH <5 <5 <5 38.4 <5 <5

>C12-16 Aromatic TPH <5 <5 <5 5.6 <5 <5

>C16-21 Aromatic TPH <5 <5 <5 43 <5 <5

>C21-35 Aromatic TPH 58.3 <20 41.5 <20 126 <20

Table Twenty-six: Speciated TPH Analysis Results – Soil

Report IN11836 CL 003 Environmental Investigation Client: Silvertown Garage Ltd Date July 2020 Report Page 28 Silvertown Garage and Ambulance Station, North Woolwich Road, London 13 Triangle Business Park, Stoke Mandeville, HP22 5BL Tel: 01296 739400 Email: [email protected]

Sample Details and Concentration (mg/kg) Analyte BH001 BH002 BH004 BH005 BH005 BH006 2.0m 2.2m 1.2m 2.2m 4.0m 2.6m MTBE <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 Benzene <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 Toluene <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 Ethylbenzene <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 p+m Xylene <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 o Xylene <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1

Sample Details and Concentration (mg/kg) Analyte BH007 BH007 BH008 BH009 BH009 BH009 2.8m 3.4m 1.4m 1.4m 3.0m 4.8m MTBE <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 0.722 <0.5 <0.5 Benzene <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 Toluene <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.27 <0.1 <0.1 Ethylbenzene <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.259 <0.1 <0.1 p+m Xylene <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.653 0.114 <0.1 o Xylene <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.49 <0.1 <0.1

Table Twenty-seven: BTEX and MTBE Analysis Results – Soil

Sample Details and Concentration (mg/kg) Analyte BH001 BH002 BH003 BH004 BH005 BH006 BH007 BH008 0.5m 0.5m 0.6m 0.5m 0.4m 0.5m 0.5m 0.6m 0.69 0.66 <0.1 1.46 0.84 <0.1 0.41 0.57 Acenaphthylene <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.11 <0.1 Acenaphthene <0.1 0.18 <0.1 <0.1 0.54 <0.1 0.94 0.12 Fluorene <0.1 0.22 <0.1 <0.1 0.38 <0.1 1.03 <0.1 Phenanthrene 1.02 2.67 <0.1 0.63 4.04 <0.1 24.7 1.2 Anthracene <0.1 0.6 <0.1 <0.1 0.45 <0.1 3.41 0.15 Fluoranthene 1.7 5.54 <0.1 0.36 3.7 <0.1 29.5 1.34 Continued on the following page

Report IN11836 CL 003 Environmental Investigation Client: Silvertown Garage Ltd Date July 2020 Report Page 29 Silvertown Garage and Ambulance Station, North Woolwich Road, London 13 Triangle Business Park, Stoke Mandeville, HP22 5BL Tel: 01296 739400 Email: [email protected]

Continued from the previous page Sample Details and Concentration (mg/kg) Analyte BH001 BH002 BH003 BH004 BH005 BH006 BH007 BH008 0.5m 0.5m 0.6m 0.5m 0.4m 0.5m 0.5m 0.6m Pyrene 1.46 4.9 <0.1 0.34 3.13 <0.1 23.3 1.16 Benzo(a)anthracene 0.58 3.92 <0.1 0.14 1.27 <0.1 10.9 0.56 Chrysene 0.71 3.6 <0.1 0.2 1.5 <0.1 7.59 0.67 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 0.58 3.75 <0.1 0.15 1.14 <0.1 8.03 0.56 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 0.19 1.37 <0.1 <0.1 0.38 <0.1 3.22 0.19 Benzo(a)pyrene 0.34 2.67 <0.1 <0.1 0.79 <0.1 6.39 0.34 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 0.17 1.08 <0.1 <0.1 0.36 <0.1 2.25 0.17 Dibenzo(ah)anthracene <0.1 0.33 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.53 <0.1 Benzo(ghi)perylene 0.16 0.91 <0.1 <0.1 0.33 <0.1 1.82 0.14

Table Twenty-eight: PAH Analysis Results – Soil

Sample Details and Concentration (mg/kg) Analyte BH001 BH002 BH003 BH004 BH005 BH006 BH007 BH008 0.5m 0.5m 0.6m 0.5m 0.4m 0.5m 0.5m 0.6m Arsenic 87 348 50 187 197 9 126 92 Barium 268 452 378 731 195 28 222 155 Beryllium 3.7 4 4.4 10.4 1.5 <1 1.6 1.6 Boron (Water Soluble) <1 14.1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 Cadmium 1.5 3.8 0.7 2.6 3.1 <0.2 1.4 1 Chromium 20 32 22 28 34 54 21 31 Chromium (Hexavalent) <2 <2 <2 <2 <2 <2 <2 <2 Copper 169 251 172 196 127 14 202 95 Lead 402 1,170 191 346 979 11 574 362 Mercury 1.5 1.9 <1 <1 2.6 <1 1.3 4.6 Nickel 53 52 35 75 27 15 31 25 Selenium <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 Vanadium 77 66 59 115 56 16 48 45 Zinc 546 419 111 250 482 18 371 164

Table Twenty-nine: Metals Analysis Results – Soil

Report IN11836 CL 003 Environmental Investigation Client: Silvertown Garage Ltd Date July 2020 Report Page 30 Silvertown Garage and Ambulance Station, North Woolwich Road, London 13 Triangle Business Park, Stoke Mandeville, HP22 5BL Tel: 01296 739400 Email: [email protected]

Sample Details Analyte BH001 BH002 BH005 BH006 BH007 BH008 BH009 BH009 3.6m 3.8m 3.2m 3.2m 1.6m 2.0m 1.8m 2.2m Total Organic Carbon (TOC) - % 10.6 0.6 2.3 12.1 2 2.2 1.4 3.5 Soil Organic Matter (SOM) - % 18.2 1.0 4.0 20.8 3.4 3.8 2.4 6.0 * - SOM = Soil Organic Matter. Assumed to comprise 58% TOC - calculated as (TOC) x 1.72 Table Thirty: TOC Analysis Results - Soil

Sample Details Analyte BH001 BH002 BH003 BH004 0.5m 0.5m 0.6m 0.5m Asbestos Screen Detected Detected Not detected Detected Bundle of Bundle of Bundle of Asbestos Matrix - Chrysoltile fibres Chrysoltile fibres Chrysoltile fibres Asbestos Type Chrysotile Chrysotile - Chrysotile

Sample Details Analyte BH005 BH006 BH007 BH008 0.4m 0.5m 0.5m 0.6m Asbestos Screen Detected Not detected Not detected Detected Bundle of Amosite Bundle of Asbestos Matrix - - fibres Chrysoltile fibres Asbestos Type Amosite - - Chrysotile

Table Thirty-one: Asbestos Screening and Speciation Results - Soil

Sample Details Analyte BH001 BH002 BH002 BH004 BH005 BH005 BH006 BH009 1.4m 1.0m 1.4m 1.8m 0.8m 1.4m 1.0m 1.2m W/S Sulphate (2:1)(mg/l) 127 3,310 234 57 470 76 791 1,700 pH (pH units) 4.85 6.54 6.78 6.81 7.38 7.48 6.3 7.99

Table Thirty-two: pH and Sulphates Analysis Results – Soil

Report IN11836 CL 003 Environmental Investigation Client: Silvertown Garage Ltd Date July 2020 Report Page 31 Silvertown Garage and Ambulance Station, North Woolwich Road, London 13 Triangle Business Park, Stoke Mandeville, HP22 5BL Tel: 01296 739400 Email: [email protected]

5.3 Groundwater Analysis Results

Sample Details and concentration (ug/l) Analyte BH004 BH008 BHA BHB MW1 MW2 MW3

C6-8 TPH Band <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50

>C8-10 TPH Band <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 98.1

>C10-12 TPH Band <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10

>C12-16 TPH Band <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10

>C16-21 TPH Band <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10

>C21-35 TPH Band <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10

Table Thirty-three: TPH Analysis Results - Groundwater

Sample Details Analyte BH009

C6-8 Aliphatic TPH 1,880

>C8-10 Aliphatic TPH 290

>C10-12 Aliphatic TPH <50

>C12-16 Aliphatic TPH <50

>C16-21 Aliphatic TPH <50

>C21-35 Aliphatic TPH <50

C6-8 Aromatic TPH 56.7

>C8-10 Aromatic TPH 276

>C10-12 Aromatic TPH 67.7

>C12-16 Aromatic TPH <50

>C16-21 Aromatic TPH <50

>C21-35 Aromatic TPH <50

Table Thirty-four: Speciated TPH Analysis Results - Groundwater

Report IN11836 CL 003 Environmental Investigation Client: Silvertown Garage Ltd Date July 2020 Report Page 32 Silvertown Garage and Ambulance Station, North Woolwich Road, London 13 Triangle Business Park, Stoke Mandeville, HP22 5BL Tel: 01296 739400 Email: [email protected]

Sample Details Analyte Unit BH001 BH004 BH008 BH009 BHA BHB MW1 MW2 MW3 MTBE ug/l <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 128 Benzene ug/l <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 Toluene ug/l <10 <10 <10 56.7 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 Ethylbenzene ug/l <10 <10 <10 22.8 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 p+m Xylene ug/l <10 <10 <10 27.3 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 o Xylene ug/l <10 <10 <10 13 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10

Table Thirty-five: BTEX and MTBE Analysis Results - Groundwater

Sample Details Analyte Unit BH004 BH008 BH009 BHA BHB MW1 MW2 MW3 Naphthalene ug/l <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 Acenaphthylene ug/l <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 Acenaphthene ug/l <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 Fluorene ug/l <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 Phenanthrene ug/l <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 Anthracene ug/l <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 Fluoranthene ug/l <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 Pyrene ug/l <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 Benzo(a)anthracene ug/l <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 Chrysene ug/l <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 Benzo(b)fluoranthene ug/l <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 Benzo(k)fluoranthene ug/l <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 Benzo(a)pyrene ug/l <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene ug/l <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 Dibenzo(ah)anthracene ug/l <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 Benzo(ghi)perylene ug/l <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 Total PAHs (EPA16) ug/l <0.16 <0.16 <0.16 <0.16 <0.16 <0.16 <0.16 <0.16

Table Thirty-six: PAH Analysis Results – Groundwater

Report IN11836 CL 003 Environmental Investigation Client: Silvertown Garage Ltd Date July 2020 Report Page 33 Silvertown Garage and Ambulance Station, North Woolwich Road, London 13 Triangle Business Park, Stoke Mandeville, HP22 5BL Tel: 01296 739400 Email: [email protected]

Sample Details Analyte Unit BH004 BH008 BH009 BHA BHB MW1 MW2 MW3 1.0m 1.4m 1.6m 1.9m 1.6m 1.7m 1.5m 1.6m Arsenic ug/l 61.3 14.4 67.2 8.46 7.39 5.32 108 487 Cadmium ug/l <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 Copper ug/l 1.3 2 8.4 2.3 3.5 2.8 1.3 2.2 Lead ug/l 1.3 0.6 4.1 0.2 0.2 0 0 0 Nickel ug/l 6.3 2.5 4.7 3 1.4 6.2 2.7 11 Selenium ug/l 0.9 1.7 1.8 1.8 1.5 1.5 2.1 2.1 Zinc ug/l 6 17 2.8 8.2 1 9.5 2.6 5.8 Chromium ug/l <0.2 2.8 1 0.7 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 0.8 Barium ug/l 70 89 49 37 17 50 25 43 Beryllium ug/l <0.4 <0.4 <0.4 <0.4 <0.4 <0.4 <0.4 <0.4 Boron (Water Soluble) ug/l 540 490 290 490 120 390 460 380 Chromium (Hexavalent) ug/l <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 Vanadium ug/l 1.9 8.4 5.2 3.4 3.1 0.3 1.3 2.1 Mercury ug/l <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05

Table Thirty-seven: Metals Analysis Results – Groundwater

Sample Details Analyte Unit BH009 Isopropylbenzene ug/l 14 N-Propylbenzene ug/l 22

Table Thirty-eight: Detectable VOC Analysis Results - Groundwater

Report IN11836 CL 003 Environmental Investigation Client: Silvertown Garage Ltd Date July 2020 Report Page 34 Silvertown Garage and Ambulance Station, North Woolwich Road, London 13 Triangle Business Park, Stoke Mandeville, HP22 5BL Tel: 01296 739400 Email: [email protected]

5.4 Drinking Water Supply Analysis Results

Sample Details Analyte Unit Tap

C6-8 TPH Band ug/l <50

>C8-10 TPH Band ug/l <50

>C10-12 TPH Band ug/l <10

>C12-16 TPH Band ug/l <10

>C16-21 TPH Band ug/l <10

>C21-35 TPH Band ug/l <10

Table Thirty-nine: TPH Analysis Results – Tap Sample

Sample Details Analyte Unit Tap Benzene ug/l < 1 Toluene ug/l < 5 Ethylbenzene ug/l < 5 p+m Xylene ug/l < 10 o Xylene ug/l < 5 MTBE ug/l < 10

Table Forty: BTEX Analysis Results – Tap Sample

Report IN11836 CL 003 Environmental Investigation Client: Silvertown Garage Ltd Date July 2020 Report Page 35 Silvertown Garage and Ambulance Station, North Woolwich Road, London 13 Triangle Business Park, Stoke Mandeville, HP22 5BL Tel: 01296 739400 Email: [email protected]

6 Conceptual Site Model

6.1 Summary of Investigation Findings

Items Details We proved underlying geology to be relatively consistent across the entire plot. We encountered a layer of shallow Made Ground, generally comprising sandy gravel with red brick fragments and clayey in parts, to ~1.0m depth. We then recorded Alluvial deposits to Geology ~3.8m depths, comprising two layers; initially soft grey or green brown clay overlying a layer of peat. Beneath the peat layer we encountered sand and gravels to a maximum depth of 4.8m (BH009), which we interpret as the upper surface of the Lambeth Group. Groundwater strikes were observed at various depths during borehole construction, with Hydrogeology resting levels recorded between 1.0m and 1.9m depths. Surface Water As anticipated. None in the immediate vicinity. ~300m north / 250m north Features east. River Thames ~450m south. Site Users and Residential properties to the north and west. Flats and industrial buildings to the south. Neighbours The former fire station, located to the east of site, has been demolished. We have identified low concentrations of hydrocarbons consistent with petrol range fuels in soil samples recovered from BH009, located to the north west of the current petroleum installation. Low concentrations of hydrocarbons consistent with lube / waste oils were identified in soil samples from across the site. Soil Concentrations of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) and metals (especially arsenic, lead and zinc) were identified in several of the samples of shallow Made Ground we analysed. We also identified asbestos fibres in Made Ground samples screened from across both parts of the site. We have identified elevated concentrations of petrol range hydrocarbons Identified in the groundwater sample collected from BH009. Concentrations of Contaminants MTBE have also been recorded in groundwater from MW3 (southern end Groundwater of the petrol forecourt). Elevated concentrations of dissolved metals have been identified in groundwater samples taken from across the site. The results of our preliminary screening for ground gases has identified Hazardous low concentrations of methane and low to moderate concentrations of Ground carbon dioxide in the installed wells. Flow rates were generally low Gases across the site. Our screening data indicates ground-gas is characterised as a Characteristic Situation One (CS-1) - Very Low Risk. Drinking No detectable concentrations of hydrocarbons were recorded in the Water drinking water samples collected from the filling station kitchen tap.

Table Forty-one: Summary of Investigation Findings

Report IN11836 CL 003 Environmental Investigation Client: Silvertown Garage Ltd Date July 2020 Report Page 36 Silvertown Garage and Ambulance Station, North Woolwich Road, London 13 Triangle Business Park, Stoke Mandeville, HP22 5BL Tel: 01296 739400 Email: [email protected]

6.2 Conceptual Site Model

We have used the information obtained during the course of our site inspection and ground investigation to compile a conceptual model of the site and it’s environs. Our model and resulting pollutant linkages are summarised in the following table.

Contaminant Pathway Receptor Viable Pollutant Linkage Unlikely - high density redevelopment Ingestion and dermal scheme proposed. Only very limited The site has contact areas of landscaping likely and so no been used as a exposure pathway. petrol station, Future site repair garage Permeation of volatile occupants - No - no significant shallow impact and commercial contaminants into assumed to be identified. No detectable hydrocarbons depot since at drinking water supply either high density identified in drinking water. least the 1950s. service pipes residential or mixed commercial Current petrol Volatilisation of volatile / high density station contaminants to residential Unlikely - only low hydrocarbon installation indoor/outdoor air concentrations detected in soil and dates from (either direct from soils groundwater. Risk easily mitigated with 1991. Previous or dissolved in simple engineering controls. tanks reported groundwater) to have been Off-site migration of removed as Unlikely - only low hydrocarbon contaminants: part of this concentrations detected in groundwater. volatilisation to Residential redevelopment. Underlying clay will inhibit migration of indoor/outdoor air properties to the shallow perched water, inhibit leaching Only limited / (vapours from on-site north and west of of contaminants from Made Ground and isolated soils or via lateral the site inhibit migration of vapours from hydrocarbon migration of dissolved underlying groundwater. impact of soil compounds) and groundwater Yes - limited hydrocarbon impact of identified. underlying shallow groundwater Downward migration of Alluvium / Lambeth identified. Elevated dissolved metal Shallow Made contaminants to Group (Secondary concentrations also recorded. However, Ground groundwater Aquifers) shallow groundwater unlikely to be contains viable aquifer resource due to long elevated industrial history of surrounding area. concentrations of PAH and Docks (260m E / Possible, subject to groundwater flow metals. Off-site migration of 350m N) / River direction (not yet confirmed) Asbestos fibres contaminants dissolved Thames (400m S) identified in in groundwater leading Made Ground to direct impact of No water No - identified abstractions not in environmental receptors abstraction within continuity due to the distance from the 500m of the site. site. Continued on the following page

Report IN11836 CL 003 Environmental Investigation Client: Silvertown Garage Ltd Date July 2020 Report Page 37 Silvertown Garage and Ambulance Station, North Woolwich Road, London 13 Triangle Business Park, Stoke Mandeville, HP22 5BL Tel: 01296 739400 Email: [email protected]

Continued from the previous page Contaminant Pathway Receptor Viable Pollutant Linkage Ground gas - peat deposits Unlikely - initial screening and indicates the site is hydrocarbon Characteristic Situation 1 impact could (CS-1) - Very Low Risk. result in ground Migration into future [Additional monitoring Future site occupants gas generation. buildings would be required to Low validate this conclusion]. concentrations Risk easily mitigated with of methane and simple engineering carbon dioxide controls. identified

Table Forty-two: Possible Pollutant Linkages

Our qualitative assessment has confirmed that viable pollutant linkage(s) exist at the site. We have therefore carried out a Generic Quantitative Risk Assessment to confirm whether the concentrations of contaminants identified during our investigation pose an unacceptable risk to the long-term health (chronic) of future site users and/or environmental receptors. The results of our quantitative risk assessment are provided in the section below.

Table Forty-three: Results of Qualitative Risk Assessment

7 Generic Quantitative Risk Assessment

7.1 Summary of Viable Pollutant Linkages to be Assessed

Receptor Viable Pollutant Linkages Requiring Further Assessment

Potential risks posed to future workers in ground floor retail / commercial units from volatilisation of vapours to indoor air. Commercial No dermal contact or ingestion pathways are considered viable Human Health as the high density development scheme will not include gardens / landscaping. No - high density residential scheme proposed. No exposure Residential pathways. Surface Water Feature Yes Environmental Groundwater Resource Yes

Table Forty-four: Summary of Viable Pollutant Linkages

Report IN11836 CL 003 Environmental Investigation Client: Silvertown Garage Ltd Date July 2020 Report Page 38 Silvertown Garage and Ambulance Station, North Woolwich Road, London 13 Triangle Business Park, Stoke Mandeville, HP22 5BL Tel: 01296 739400 Email: [email protected]

7.2 Generic Acceptance Criteria – Methodologies

Receptor Generic Risk Assessment Methodology: Human Health Generic Acceptance Criteria (GAC) for contaminants in soil have been produced by a number of organisations. We have selected GACs from the following sources in order of preference:  The Environment Agency, in the form of Soil Guideline Values (SGV);  Land Quality Management Ltd, in conjunction with the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health, in the form of Suitable 4 Use Levels (S4UL)1 ;  Contaminated Land: Applications in Real Environments (CL:AIRE) (in conjunction with the Association of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Specialists (AGS) and Environmental Industries Commission (EIC);  Defra (research project SP1010) Category 4 Screening Levels (C4SLs).

GACs have been produced for a range of standard land uses. For the purpose of this Soil assessment we have used GACs for commercial land-use as the residential element being proposed comprises flats above ground floor commercial units. As the site will be covered in hard standing we have excluded from our assessment contaminants where the vapour inhalation pathway contributed less than 1% of total exposure (see LQM/CIEH report) as we consider there to be no significant risk from the pathway. Excluded contaminants include metals and some PAHs. We note that GACs are screening values intended to identify sites at which potential risk is considered to be sufficiently low that no further assessment is required. The GACs are not intended to be used as remedial targets and the presence of concentrations exceeding the GACs does not necessarily indicate a risk to identified receptors. [1Nathanail et al, 2017. The LQM/CIEH S4ULs for Human Health Risk Assessment’. Copyright Land Quality Management Ltd reproduced with permission; Publication Number S4UL3461. All rights reserved]. There are currently no formally published UK GACs for the assessment of vapour risk from volatile contaminants in groundwater. The Society of Brownfield Risk Assessment (SoBRA) has produced groundwater vapour GAC (GACgwvap) in line with UK risk assessment guidance (SoBRA, 2017). These GACgwvap can be used as part of the Generic Quantitative Risk Assessment process for comparison with measured concentrations in groundwater to screen out contaminants unlikely to present an unacceptable risk to humans living or working above the groundwater plume. Groundwater These GACgwvap are intended to be used as a conservative screening tool for the assessment of long-term (chronic) risks to human health from inhalation of vapours arising from groundwater and are not intended as remediation criteria. For the purposes of this risk assessment we have assessed the risk for commercial site users. [SoBRA, 2017. Development of Generic Risk Assessment Criteria for Assessing Vapour Risks to Human Health from Volatile Contaminants in Groundwater. Version 1.0]

Table Forty-five: GACs: Methodology: Human Health Receptors

Report IN11836 CL 003 Environmental Investigation Client: Silvertown Garage Ltd Date July 2020 Report Page 39 Silvertown Garage and Ambulance Station, North Woolwich Road, London 13 Triangle Business Park, Stoke Mandeville, HP22 5BL Tel: 01296 739400 Email: [email protected]

In carrying out our risk assessment we have adhered to the following assumptions:  Contaminants of concern for our risk assessment for soil and/or groundwater are limited to those listed in the tables below.  The results of the chemical analyses carried out on soil and groundwater samples have been used to determine concentrations of these contaminants at the site.  The GAC for our assessment of xylene in soil is the lowest of those published for o-xylene, m-xylene and p-xylene.  Unless otherwise stated, criteria for hydrocarbons are based on a scenario with a Soil Organic Matter of 1% to ensure a conservative assessment. Criteria for metals, if assessed, are based on a scenario with a Soil Organic Matter of 6%, as these are the only published values.

Table Forty-six: Generic Acceptance Criteria: Assumptions

7.3 Human Health Assessment

7.3.1 Soil

GAC (mg/kg) - Source of Does Maximum Maximum Concentration Contaminant Commercial end Assessment Concentration Recorded in Soil (mg/kg) use Criteria Exceed GAC? Benzene <0.1 27 No Toluene 0.27 56,000** No S4UL Ethylbenzene 0.259 5,700** No Xylene 1.14 5,900* No MTBE 0.722 7,900 CL:AIRE No

TPH Aliphatic C8-10 6.14 2,000* No

TPH Aliphatic C10-12 35 9,700* No

TPH Aliphatic C12-16 <5 59,000* No

TPH Aliphatic C16-35 223 1,600,000 No

TPH Aromatic C8-10 5.66 3,500** No S4UL TPH Aromatic C10-12 38.4 16,000* No

TPH Aromatic C12-16 5.6 36,000* No

TPH Aromatic C16-21 43 28,000 No

TPH Aromatic C21-35 126 28,000 No Acenaphthene 0.94 84,000* No Continued on the following page

Report IN11836 CL 003 Environmental Investigation Client: Silvertown Garage Ltd Date July 2020 Report Page 40 Silvertown Garage and Ambulance Station, North Woolwich Road, London 13 Triangle Business Park, Stoke Mandeville, HP22 5BL Tel: 01296 739400 Email: [email protected]

Continued from the previous page GAC (mg/kg) - Source of Does Maximum Maximum Concentration Contaminant Commercial end Assessment Concentration Recorded in Soil (mg/kg) use Criteria Exceed GAC? Acenaphthylene 0.11 83,000* No Anthracene 5.54 520,000 No Fluorene 1.03 63,000* S4UL No Naphthalene 1.46 190* No Phenanthrene 24.7 22,000 No Note: * GAC exceeds solubility saturation limit **GAC exceeds vapour saturation limit

Table Forty-seven: Generic Risk Assessment - Human Health/Soil

Generic Acceptance Does Maximum Maximum Concentration Contaminant Criteria (μg/l) Concentration Exceed GAC? Recorded (μg/l) Commercial end use Commercial end use Benzene <10 20,000 No Toluene 56.7 21,000,000 (Sol) No Ethylbenzene 22.8 960,000 (Sol) No Xylene 40.3 940,000 (Sol) No

TPH Aliphatic C6-8 1,880 (BH009) 150,000 (Sol) No

TPH Aliphatic C8-10 290 (BH009) 5,700 (Sol) No

TPH Aliphatic C10-12 <50 3,600 (Sol) No

TPH Aliphatic C12-16 <50 ND No

TPH Aliphatic C16-35 <100 ND No

TPH Aromatic C7-8 56.7 (BH009) 21,000,000 (Sol) No

TPH Aromatic C8-10 276 (BH009) 190,000 (Sol) No

TPH Aromatic C10-12 67.7 (BH009) 660,000 (Sol) No

TPH Aromatic C12-16 <50 3,700,000 (Sol) No

TPH Aromatic C16-21 <50 ND No

TPH Aromatic C21-35 <50 ND No Note: ND denotes GAC not derived by SoBRA due to contaminant being insufficiently volatile or soluble Sol indicates the GAC exceeds the theoretical limit of solubility 1 GAC for benzene used, as per SoBRA guidance to ensure genotoxic mutagenic effects are assessed

Table Forty-eight: Generic Risk Assessment: Human Health – Groundwater

Report IN11836 CL 003 Environmental Investigation Client: Silvertown Garage Ltd Date July 2020 Report Page 41 Silvertown Garage and Ambulance Station, North Woolwich Road, London 13 Triangle Business Park, Stoke Mandeville, HP22 5BL Tel: 01296 739400 Email: [email protected]

7.4 Generic Quantitative Risk Assessment - Environmental Receptors

Receptor Generic Risk Assessment Methodology: Environmental Receptors Direct comparison against AA-EQS:  Benzene, toluene, xylenes, anthracene, benzo(a)pyrene, benzo(b)fluoranthene, benzo(k)fluoranthene, benzo(g,h,i)perylene, ideno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene, fluoranthene, naphthalene, arsenic, boron, cadmium, chromium III, chromium VI, copper, lead, nickel and zinc: Annual-average EQS. Value for xylenes is an ‘operational’ target only.  Ethylbenzene: World Health Organisation Guidelines for Drinking Water, 2017. Surface Water  MTBE: World Health Organisation Taste and Odour Threshold. Features and  Total petroleum hydrocarbons and selenium: World Health Organization, 2008. Secondary Petroleum Products in Drinking Water. Aquifers  Mercury: MAC-EQS (  Selenium: Dangerous Substances Directive.  Vanadium: Dangerous Substances Directive (List II Substances) Note: We have identified Isopropylbenzene and N-Propylbenzene, albeit at concentrations only marginally exceeding the method detection limits. No assessment criteria are currently available for Isopropylbenzene and N-Propylbenzene and we have used the BTEX compounds as the key contaminants for petrol range impact.

Table Forty-nine: GACs: Methodology: Environmental Receptors

7.5 Environmental Receptors Assessment

Maximum Concentration Generic Acceptance Criteria Does Maximum Contaminant Recorded in Groundwater (μg/l) - Surface Water and Concentration (μg/l) Secondary Aquifers Exceed GAC? Benzene <10 10 No Toluene 56.7 74 No Ethylbenzene 22.8 300 No Xylene 40.3 30 Yes MTBE 128 15 Yes Aliphatic 1,880 15,000 No TPH C6-C8 Aromatic 56.7 700 No Aliphatic 290 300 No TPH C8-10 Aromatic 276 300 No Continued on the following page

Report IN11836 CL 003 Environmental Investigation Client: Silvertown Garage Ltd Date July 2020 Report Page 42 Silvertown Garage and Ambulance Station, North Woolwich Road, London 13 Triangle Business Park, Stoke Mandeville, HP22 5BL Tel: 01296 739400 Email: [email protected]

Continued from the previous page Generic Acceptance Criteria Does Maximum Maximum Concentration Contaminant (μg/l) - Surface Water and Concentration Recorded in Groundwater (μg/l) Secondary Aquifers Exceed GAC?

Aliphatic <50 300 No TPH C10-12 Aromatic 67.7 90 No Aliphatic <50 300 No TPH C12-16 Aromatic <50 90 No

TPH C16-35 Aliphatic <100 300 No

TPH C16-21 Aromatic <50 90 No

TPH C21-35 Aromatic <50 90 No

Benzo(a)pyrene <0.01 No Benzo(b)fluoranthene <0.01 No 0.00017 2 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene <0.01 No Benzo(k)fluoranthene <0.01 No Naphthalene <0.01 2.0 No Arsenic 487 50 Yes Boron 490 2,000 No Cadmium <0.02 0.08-0.254 No Chromium (III) 2.8 4.7 No Chromium (VI) <5 3.4 No Copper 8.4 3 Yes Lead 4.1 1.2 Yes Mercury <0.05 0.07 No Nickel 11 4.0 Yes Selenium 2.1 10 No Zinc 17 20-604 No Notes: 1 Combined concentration for aliphatic and aromatic fraction used for both individual fractions. 2 Benzo(a)pyrene can be considered a marker for other PAHs. Only benzo(a)pyrene needs to be monitored (CL:AIRE, 2017). 3 Sum of four compounds 4 EQS depends on water hardness, lowest value used as no hardness data available.

Table Fifty: Generic Risk Assessment: Environmental Receptor

Report IN11836 CL 003 Environmental Investigation Client: Silvertown Garage Ltd Date July 2020 Report Page 43 Silvertown Garage and Ambulance Station, North Woolwich Road, London 13 Triangle Business Park, Stoke Mandeville, HP22 5BL Tel: 01296 739400 Email: [email protected]

8 Environmental Assessment Conclusions

The results of our environmental assessment indicate the following:  The site is located in an area of low to moderate environmental sensitivity with respect to controlled water receptors. Underlying geology is shown to comprise Alluvium overlying units of the Lambeth Group; both classified by the Environment Agency as Secondary Aquifers. The nearest surface water comprises docks and the River Thames, >250m from the site.  The site has been used as a petrol station / garage and depot since around the 1950s. The petrol station was last redeveloped in 1991 and no hydrocarbon impact of underlying soils or groundwater has been previously identified (2011). The surrounding area to the south has had a long industrial history, with docks located to the north from at least the 1800s.  We proved underlying geology to be relatively consistent. We encountered a layer of shallow Made Ground, generally comprising sandy gravel with red brick fragments and clayey in parts, to ~1.0m depth. We then recorded Alluvial deposits to ~3.8m depths, comprising two layers; initially soft grey or green brown clay overlying a layer of peat. Beneath the peat layer we encountered sand and gravels to a maximum depth of 4.8m (BH009), which we interpret as the upper surface of the Lambeth Group.  Groundwater strikes were observed at various depths during borehole construction, with resting levels recorded between 1.0m and 1.9m depths.  We have not identified any significant evidence of widespread contamination issues at the site. We identified low concentrations of hydrocarbons, consistent with petrol range fuels, in soil and groundwater samples recovered from BH009, located to the north west of the current petroleum installation. Low concentrations of hydrocarbons consistent with lube / waste oils were identified in various soil samples from across the site. Concentrations of PAHs and metals (especially arsenic, lead and zinc) were identified in several of the samples of shallow Made Ground we analysed. We also identified asbestos fibres in Made Ground samples screened from across both parts of the site.  Elevated concentrations of dissolved metals have been identified in shallow groundwater samples taken from across the site. It is likely that these relate to historical industrial land uses of the surrounding area and are unlikely to be specific to the site.  The results of our preliminary screening for ground gases has identified low concentrations of methane and low to moderate concentrations of carbon dioxide. Our screening data indicates the site can be characterised as Characteristic Situation One (CS-1) - Very Low Risk. However, further monitoring, during a broader range of atmospheric conditions, will be required to verify our initial screening data and fully assess the risk posed to any future development.  We understand that the likely future development scheme for the site will comprise a high density development with commercial / retail units on the ground floor and residential flats above. Based on our conceptual site model, investigation data and results of our generic quantitative risk assessment assuming, effectively, a commercial end use, we consider the site is likely to be suitable for the proposed high density redevelopment.  Further verification of site conditions and more detailed risk assessment is likely to be required at the site, but this should be completed once site buildings demolished and the petroleum installation decommissioned. [Note: Our assessment is based on our current understanding of the outline future development plans as described. Should the proposed development plans change, then our assessment is likely to require revision to ensure its suitability]

Table Fifty-one: Conclusions

Report IN11836 CL 003 Environmental Investigation Client: Silvertown Garage Ltd Date July 2020 Report Page 44 Silvertown Garage and Ambulance Station, North Woolwich Road, London 13 Triangle Business Park, Stoke Mandeville, HP22 5BL Tel: 01296 739400 Email: [email protected]

9 Recommendations Relating to Future Redevelopment Works

Item Details The site is located in a Flood Zone 3 that benefits from flood defences. These are areas that are defined as having a high probability of flooding, either from rivers or the sea, if Flood Risk there were no flood defences. A flood risk assessment is likely to be required as part of future planning applications.

Our investigation has confirmed that shallow soils comprise Made Ground to ~1.2m over Alluvium to ~4.0m depths. The Alluvial deposits comprise soft clays over peat, which will be highly compressible and have a relatively low bearing capacity. The Alluvium is therefore not considered to be a suitable load bearing strata. Beneath the Alluvium we encountered a layer of sand and gravels, proven to 4.8m depths, which we have interpreted as the Lambeth Group. Although no geotechnical testing was carried out on this layer, records from nearby boreholes indicates it has a Foundations relatively high load bearing potential compared to the Alluvium and is likely to be more suitable for foundations (subject to information about future building loadings and further investigation works to verify the thickness and strength of this material). Due to the depth of the sand and gravel, traditional shallow strip or pad footings are not likely to be suitable for future buildings. A piled foundation solution is therefore most likely. Piling techniques will need to take account of the risks of piling through contaminated ground and the potential risk posed by UXO at the site location. An assessment of the nature of existing foundations were not within the remit of our current investigation. Our historical review indicates that the site has been in use as a garage since at least Existing the 1920s. Although all former below ground fuel tanks are reported to have been Foundations and removed, it possible that additional abandoned tanks may remain decommissioned in- Below Ground situ under the forecourt (or elsewhere across the site). Structures The site owner has also informed us that the foundations for the former water tank that was located at the eastern end of the site (beneath the warehouse structure at 1 Fort Street) remain in-situ. We understand that the extent of these foundations can be characterised as they extend slightly higher than the rest of the warehouse floor. The majority of the site is covered with hardstanding and we did not observe any trees Trees at the site that might impact on the choice of future foundation design. Chemical analysis results indicate that any excavated Made Ground soils that are sent to landfill are likely to be classified as non-hazardous, due to the presence of various potential pollutants, including various metals (in leachate) and asbestos fibres. Waste classification As with any brownfield site areas of soil with greater concentrations of potential contaminants may be encountered during redevelopment works and lead to a higher classification. Similarly, the results of our chemical analysis on soil samples collected from the underlying Alluvium suggest these soils may be classified as ‘inert’. Continued on the following page

Report IN11836 CL 003 Environmental Investigation Client: Silvertown Garage Ltd Date July 2020 Report Page 45 Silvertown Garage and Ambulance Station, North Woolwich Road, London 13 Triangle Business Park, Stoke Mandeville, HP22 5BL Tel: 01296 739400 Email: [email protected]

Continued from the previous page Item Details Our preliminary investigation data indicates that shallow geology at the site comprises Made Ground over Alluvium. The Alluvium comprises soft clays, which are likely to have Use of a relatively low permeability. Additionally, groundwater is present at relatively shallow Soakaways depths, with resting levels recorded at depths of between 1.0 and 2.0m. Soakaways are therefore not likely to be suitable to receive surface water run-off from future site buildings. The results of the UXO Desk Study and Risk Assessment that we commissioned as part of our investigation identified that the western end of the site (the petrol forecourt) could be classified as ‘Low risk’ (and no UXO clearance is required), but the eastern half of the site - currently occupied by the ambulance station - was classified as ‘Moderate Risk’ (UXO clearance is recommended). A copy of this report is included as Attachment UXO Risk Three. We terminated our BH003, located towards the far eastern end of the site, at a depth of 1.2m in response to the possible presence of a UXO (metallic object identified by the UXO clearance specialist). The requirement for ordnance clearance during any future ground works during development should be considered. The sulphate concentrations and pH values indicate that the site falls within ‘Class DS4 AC-4s’ with respect to buried concrete (BRE Digest 1:2005). Protection of Buried Concrete This indicates that the concentrations of sulphates in the underlying soils will have an adverse affect on buried concrete. The ground beneath the site is classified as aggressive and we consider that Ordinary Portland Cement is not suitable for use. The results of our investigation indicate that shallow soils and groundwater have not been extensively impacted with the various pollutants we have assessed. Limited further investigation, risk assessment and possibly some localised remedial Contamination works may be required to mitigate risk from the various potential contaminants we have Risks and identified; depending the final nature of the proposed redevelopment. The nature and Liability extent of the compounds we identified are inline with what could reasonably be expected for a site with an extended history of commercial/industrial use, and we we do not foresee them being an impediment to the site’s redevelopment, provided risks are carefully managed. The results of our preliminary screening for ground gases has identified low concentrations of methane and low to moderate concentrations of carbon dioxide. Our Prevention of screening data indicates the site can be characterised as Characteristic Situation One Gas Infiltration to (CS-1) - Very Low Risk. However, further monitoring, during a broader range of Buildings atmospheric conditions, will be required to verify our initial screening data and fully assess the risk posed to any future development.

Table Fifty-two: Recommendations Relating to Future Redevelopment Works

Report IN11836 CL 003 Environmental Investigation Client: Silvertown Garage Ltd Date July 2020 Report Page 46 Silvertown Garage and Ambulance Station, North Woolwich Road, London 13 Triangle Business Park, Stoke Mandeville, HP22 5BL Tel: 01296 739400 Email: [email protected]

9.1 Recommendations for Future Environmental and Geotechnical Investigation Work

We recommend an asbestos survey of all site buildings be undertaken prior to demolition Pre-demolition in order to determine whether asbestos containing materials are present and, if so, to Asbestos determine a suitable strategy for their removal. We recommend that surveying and any removal/remediation is completed by a suitably qualified contractor. A flood risk assessment is likely to be required by the Environment Agency / Local Planning Authority prior to the development of the site. Additional groundwater monitoring Flood Risk visits may be required to support the flood risk assessment, in order to establish whether levels are affected by seasonal changes in weather, The site is likely to require a piled foundation solution. Obtaining data to enable the design of piled foundations was outside the remit of our investigation. An additional borehole Geotechnical investigation should be carried out to verify the bearing capacities of the underlying Data deeper geological units. The investigation specification (i.e. Number and depth of boreholes) should be determined in liaison with the project’s structural engineer, once the nature of the proposed development has been finalised. Our investigation has not identified any particularly severe contamination issues at the site. However, due to the size of the site, further investigation is likely to be required prior to development to allow the assessment of ground conditions in areas we have not been able to investigate due to the presence of existing structures (e.g. Beneath the current petroleum infrastructure and buildings). We recommend that additional verification monitoring be completed to confirm our Environmental investigation findings and confirm the hydrocarbon impact recorded in BH009. Delineation Investigation of this impact may be required, although we consider it most likely that the and Risk decommissioning of the existing petroleum installation will result in rapid improvements in Assessment underlying groundwater quality. Further detailed risk assessment will be required in order to determine whether the concentrations of dissolved metals that we have identified pose a potential risk to underlying environmental receptors. We do not consider the underlying shallow groundwater encountered to represent a viable aquifer resource and is most likely perched above the underlying Alluvium. Further assessment of the underlying sand and gravel aquifer unit (and risks posed to deeper aquifers) will be required. Ground Gas Further ground-gas monitoring should be completed in order to verify the requirement for Monitoring gas protection measures with new buildings. We undertook asbestos screening of the Made Ground samples, which identified asbestos Asbestos in fibres at several locations. We recommend that further testing be carried out to delineate Made Ground this area of impact, and quantification analysis be carried out to assist with the classification of waste soils to be disposed off-site. Once any additional investigation works have been completed, we recommend that a Remedial Remedial Strategy be completed that will determine what remedial actions and/or Strategy engineering controls will be required to mitigate the risk of impact to future site users and controlled water receptors.

Table Fifty-three: Recommendations for Further Investigation Works

Report IN11836 CL 003 Environmental Investigation Client: Silvertown Garage Ltd Date July 2020 Report Page 47 Silvertown Garage, London


Report IN11836 CL 003

Client: Silvertown Garage Ltd Date August 2020

Page Attachment One - 1 Silvertown Garage, London


The purpose of our work is to provide general information on the environmental and/or geotechnical conditions existing at the site and related to soil and/or groundwater. The Client or others specified the scope of the investigation and the validity of our conclusions is limited by the scope of work specified. We are not responsible for any such limitations or omissions.

Where stated in this report, we have used information supplied by third parties. While we have evaluated as far as possible the validity of this information, we cannot guarantee its accuracy in any way whatsoever.

No investigation technique is capable of completely identifying all of the contaminants that might be present in the soil or groundwater under a site. Where specified in our report, we have examined the ground by constructing a number of boreholes and/or trial pits. We recovered samples of soil and/or groundwater from available exposures.

The depth and spacing of our Sampling locations were selected to ensure with a reasonable probability that they would be representative of the actual conditions across the whole site. However, safety considerations relating to existing site infrastructure may have restricted our ability to investigate all potential contaminant sources. Specifically, we were unable to investigate the soil and groundwater condition immediately adjacent to the underground structures and/or buried services. These limitations must be borne in mind when considering the conclusions reached in this report.

Soil is intrinsically variable and the spread of contaminants within the soil is therefore subject to a degree of non-uniformity. For these reasons no sampling technique can completely eliminate the possibility of obtaining samples that are not representative of the actual conditions. Our sampling techniques are intended to reduce the possibility to an acceptable level, within the limits imposed by the scope of the investigation.

Groundwater levels and soil vapour levels that we report were accurate at the time of the investigation. Groundwater and soil vapour levels are variable. Long term monitoring may be required to ensure that the levels recorded during our investigation are representative of long term and possible ‘worst case’ conditions. In accepting our recommendations and/or conclusions the Client acknowledges that further, more detailed investigation would allow a more accurate assessment of site conditions to be made and that this would reduce any consequential risk to the Client.

Our investigation was carried out to assess the significance of contamination resulting from use of the site as identified in this report. Unless we have indicated otherwise, no assessment of the potential impact of any other previous uses has been made. No investigation was carried out to determine whether or not any deleterious or hazardous materials (such as asbestos) have been used in the construction of the buildings present on the site. Unless otherwise stated no investigation or assessment has been made of the presence or otherwise of invasive plant species including but not limited to Japanese Knotweed.

Unless specifically stated otherwise, we have not assessed the effect of any proposed future construction activities on existing structures on or near to the site. Nor, unless stated otherwise, have we assessed the likely effect of trees on existing or proposed structures on or near the site.

We do not accept any responsibility for the cost of remedial works or other costs incurred in whatever way whatsoever as a result of any omissions, errors or other shortcomings in this report unless we have been given reasonable opportunity to verify ourselves that such faults exist and we have been given a reasonable opportunity to carry out works to remedy such faults ourselves using the most practicable means available to us. We do not accept liability for any consequential losses incurred by you while either we or others carry out any remedial works we deem necessary.

This report has been prepared for the Client, as specified on the cover page of this report. In accepting our recommendations and/or conclusions the Client accepts that the terms of our appointment were as detailed in the Proposal, or Proposals, that we provided to the Client before being appointed and that these terms supersede any other terms and/or conditions set out in any contracts agreed between ourselves and the Client, regardless of when such terms and/or conditions were agreed to by us and/or signed by us.

Use of, and reliance on, this report by other third parties will be at such third parties own risk, and we do not accept any liability or responsibility to them.

Neither the whole nor any part of this report, or any reference to it, may be included in any published document circular or statement or published in any way without our prior written approval.

This report and its contents, together with any supporting correspondence or other documentation, remain the property of Subadra Consulting Limited until paid for in full. The copyright to this report remains vested in Subadra Consulting Ltd at all times.

Report IN11836 CL 003

Client: Silvertown Garage Ltd Date August 2020

Page Attachment One - 2 Silvertown Garage, London


Report IN11836 CL 003

Client: Silvertown Garage Ltd Date August 2020

Page Attachment Two - 1 0m 20m Borehole Log BH001

Project Name IN11836 Silvertown Garage Coordinates 540740 180120 NGR

Date 9th July 2020 Ground Level

Site Engineer Sam King Drilling Method Geoprobe

(m) Laboratory Headspace SPT 'N' or Well Water Level Log Sample Description Analysis (ppm) Su (kPa) Depth

0.00m - 0.30m Made Ground Concrete.

S1/0.50 Asb/ 0.30m - 0.80m Made Ground CLEA&Cr(VI)/ Brown sandy gravel with brick PAH fragments. 1 Su = 50 0.80m - 2.60m Alluvium SOFT TO FIRM green grey mottled orange CLAY. S2/1.40 pH/ SO4 Su = 25

2 At-Rest 2.05m S3/2.00 BTEX&M/ TPH CWG

2.60m - 4.00m Alluvium Su = 37.5 Dark brown PEAT. Slightly sandy and 3 clayey in parts, with frequent organic matter. Gravels towards base of layer. No obvious groundwater strike Su = 50 observed. S4/3.60 TOC

4 Borehole terminated at 4.00m







Well Diameter 50mm Depth of Borehole 4.00m

Well Casing Length 1.00m Depth to Groundwater 2.05m

Well Screen Length 1.00m Page One of One Borehole Log BH002

Project Name IN11836 Silvertown Garage Coordinates 540740 180120 NGR

Date 9th July 2020 Ground Level

Site Engineer Sam King Drilling Method Geoprobe

(m) Laboratory Headspace SPT 'N' or Well Water Level Log Sample Description Analysis (ppm) Su (kPa) Depth

0.00m - 0.30m Made Ground Concrete.

S1/0.50 Asb/ 0.30m - 1.20m Made Ground CLEA&Cr(VI)/ Black brown sandy gravel with brick PAH fragments, clayey below 1.0m. 1 S2/1.00 pH/ SO4 Su = 37.5 1.20m - 2.20m Alluvium S3/1.40 pH/ SO4 SOFT green grey mottled brown CLAY.

2 Su = 25 Strike 2.20m S4/2.20 BTEX&M/ TPH 2.20m - 3.60m Alluvium CWG Dark brown PEAT. Clayey in parts, with frequent organic matter.

3 S5/3.00 Su = 37.5

3.60m - 4.00m Lambeth Group S6/3.80 TOC MEDIUM DENSE grey green 4 GRAVEL. Borehole terminated at 4.00m







Well Diameter 50mm Depth of Borehole 4.00m

Well Casing Length 1.00m Depth to Groundwater

Well Screen Length 1.00m Page One of One Borehole Log BH003

Project Name IN11836 Silvertown Garage Coordinates 540740 180120 NGR

Date 9th July 2020 Ground Level

Site Engineer Sam King Drilling Method Geoprobe

(m) Laboratory Headspace SPT 'N' or Well Water Level Log Sample Description Analysis (ppm) Su (kPa) Depth

0.00m - 0.30m Made Ground Concrete. 0.30m - 1.20m Made Ground S1/0.60 Asb/ Dark brown black sandy clayey gravel CLEA&Cr(VI)/ with brick fragments. Borehole 1 PAH terminated due to possible UXO (UXO clearance by 1st Line Defense). S2/1.20 Borehole terminated at 1.20m










Well Diameter Depth of Borehole 1.20m

Well Casing Length Depth to Groundwater

Well Screen Length Page One of One Borehole Log BH004

Project Name IN11836 Silvertown Garage Coordinates 540740 180120 NGR

Date 9th July 2020 Ground Level

Site Engineer Sam King Drilling Method Geoprobe

(m) Laboratory Headspace SPT 'N' or Well Water Level Log Sample Description Analysis (ppm) Su (kPa) Depth

0.00m - 0.30m Made Ground Concrete.

S1/0.50 Asb/ 0.30m - 0.80m Made Ground CLEA&Cr(VI)/ Dark brown sandy slightly clayey PAH gravel with brick fragments. 1 At-Rest 1.03m 0.80m - 2.20m Alluvium S2/1.20 BTEX&M/ TPH SOFT green grey CLAY. CWG

S3/1.80 pH/ SO4 2

Strike 2.20m S4/2.20 2.20m - 4.00m Alluvium Dark brown PEAT. Slightly sandy and clayey in parts, with frequent organic matter. 3


4 Borehole terminated at 4.00m







Well Diameter 34mm Depth of Borehole 4.00m

Well Casing Length 1.00m Depth to Groundwater 1.03m

Well Screen Length 3.00m Page One of One Borehole Log BH005

Project Name IN11836 Silvertown Garage Coordinates 540740 180120 NGR

Date 9th July 2020 Ground Level

Site Engineer Sam King Drilling Method Geoprobe

(m) Laboratory Headspace SPT 'N' or Well Water Level Log Sample Description Analysis (ppm) Su (kPa) Depth

0.00m - 0.30m Made Ground Concrete. S1/0.40 Asb/ 0.30m - 1.00m Made Ground CLEA&Cr(VI)/ Dark brown sandy gravel with brick PAH S2/0.80 Su = 50 fragments, becoming dark brown clay 1 pH/ SO4 with brick fragments below 0.6m. 1.00m - 3.20m Alluvium SOFT TO FIRM green grey CLAY. S3/1.40 pH/ SO4 Su = 25 Layer of gravels at 3.2m.

2 Su = 50 S4/2.20 BTEX&M/ TPH CWG

3 Su = 37.5 S5/3.20 TOC 3.20m - 3.90m Alluvium SOFT dark brown CLAY. Some organic matter present. Strike 3.80m 4 S6/4.00 BTEX&M/ TPH 3.90m - 4.00m Lambeth Group CWG MEDIUM DENSE grey green very sandy slightly clayey GRAVEL. Borehole terminated at 4.00m







Well Diameter Depth of Borehole 4.00m

Well Casing Length Depth to Groundwater

Well Screen Length Page One of One Borehole Log BH006

Project Name IN11836 Silvertown Garage Coordinates 540740 180120 NGR

Date 9th July 2020 Ground Level

Site Engineer Sam King Drilling Method Geoprobe

(m) Laboratory Headspace SPT 'N' or Well Water Level Log Sample Description Analysis (ppm) Su (kPa) Depth

0.00m - 0.30m Made Ground Concrete.

S1/0.50 Asb/ 0.30m - 1.00m Made Ground CLEA&Cr(VI)/ Light brown sandy gravel becoming PAH Su = 25 reworked brown clay with brick 1 fragments below 0.8m. S2/1.00 pH/ SO4 1.00m - 3.80m Alluvium SOFT dark brown CLAY. Sandy with gravels from 2.4m. Layer of peat 3.0 to 3.4m.


S3/2.60 BTEX&M/ TPH Su = 37.5 CWG 3

S4/3.20 TOC Su = 25

S5/3.80 3.80m - 4.00m Lambeth Group 4 MEDIUM DENSE brown grey GRAVEL. No groundwater strike observed. Borehole terminated at 4.00m







Well Diameter Depth of Borehole 4.00m

Well Casing Length Depth to Groundwater

Well Screen Length Page One of One Borehole Log BH007

Project Name IN11836 Silvertown Garage Coordinates 540740 180120 NGR

Date 9th July 2020 Ground Level

Site Engineer Sam King Drilling Method Geoprobe

(m) Laboratory Headspace SPT 'N' or Well Water Level Log Sample Description Analysis (ppm) Su (kPa) Depth

0.00m - 0.30m Made Ground Concrete.

S1/0.50 Asb/ 0.30m - 1.20m Made Ground CLEA&Cr(VI)/ Light brown sandy gravel with brick PAH fragments. 1

Su = 25 1.20m - 2.20m Alluvium SOFT grey green CLAY. S2/1.60 TOC

2 Su = 37.5 2.20m - 3.90m Alluvium Dark brown PEAT. Clayey and slightly sandy in parts, with frequent organic matter. S3/2.80 BTEX&M/ TPH Su = 37.5 3 CWG Su = 50

S4/3.40 BTEX&M

Strike 3.80m 4 S5/4.00 Su = 37.5 3.90m - 4.00m Lambeth Group MEDIUM DENSE dark brown GRAVEL. Borehole terminated at 4.00m







Well Diameter Depth of Borehole 4.00m

Well Casing Length Depth to Groundwater

Well Screen Length Page One of One Borehole Log BH008

Project Name IN11836 Silvertown Garage Coordinates 540740 180120 NGR

Date 9th July 2020 Ground Level

Site Engineer Sam King Drilling Method Geoprobe

(m) Laboratory Headspace SPT 'N' or Well Water Level Log Sample Description Analysis (ppm) Su (kPa) Depth

0.00m - 0.30m Made Ground Concrete. 0.30m - 1.20m Made Ground S1/0.60 Asb/ Dark brown sandy gravel with brick CLEA&Cr(VI)/ fragments, clayey from 0.8m. 1 PAH

1.20m - 2.40m Alluvium At-Rest 1.38m S2/1.40 BTEX&M/ TPH SOFT grey green CLAY. CWG

2 S3/2.00 TOC

Strike 2.40m S4/2.40 TPH CWG 2.40m - 3.90m Alluvium Dark brown PEAT. Clay lens at 3.3m, with frequent organic matter. 3 S5/3.00


4 3.90m - 4.00m Lambeth Group MEDIUM DENSE dark brown GRAVEL. Borehole terminated at 4.00m







Well Diameter 34mm Depth of Borehole 4.00m

Well Casing Length 1.00m Depth to Groundwater 1.38m

Well Screen Length 3.00m Page One of One Borehole Log BH009

Project Name IN11836 Silvertown Garage Coordinates 540740 180120 NGR

Date 9th July 2020 Ground Level

Site Engineer Sam King Drilling Method Geoprobe

(m) Laboratory Headspace SPT 'N' or Well Water Level Log Sample Description Analysis (ppm) Su (kPa) Depth

0.00m - 0.30m Made Ground Concrete. 0.30m - 0.80m Made Ground Brown reworked clay with gravels and S1/0.80 WAC/ WCSS brick fragments. 1 0.80m - 2.20m Alluvium S2/1.20 pH/ SO4 VERY SOFT grey dark brown CLAY. Hydrocarbon odour from 1.4m. S3/1.40 BTEX&M/ TPH At-Rest 1.56m CWG S4/1.80 TOC 2

Strike 2.20m S5/2.20 TOC 2.20m - 3.80m Alluvium Dark brown PEAT. Clayey with frequent organic matter.

3 S6/3.00 BTEX&M/ TPH CWG

S7/3.60 3.80m - 4.80m Lambeth Group 4 MEDIUM DENSE dark brown GRAVEL.

S8/4.80 BTEX&M/ TPH Borehole terminated at 4.80m 5 CWG






Well Diameter 23mm Depth of Borehole 4.80m

Well Casing Length 1.00m Depth to Groundwater 1.56m

Well Screen Length 3.80m Page One of One Silvertown Garage, London


Report IN11836 CL 003

Client: Silvertown Garage Ltd Date August 2020

Page Attachment Three - 1

West Silvertown Place - UXO Desk Study & Risk Assessment

Drafted by Maciej Wencel Checked by Sven Leman Authorised by Stefan Lang

West Silvertown Place UXO Desk Study

Document Title UXO Desk Study & Risk Assessment Document Ref. P9759-20-R1 Revision A Project Location West Silvertown Place Client Subadra Date 18th June 2020

This report has been prepared in relation to the specific requirement of the contract or commission. The report should not be used by third parties without prior consultation with Zetica Ltd. The copyright for this report remains with Zetica Ltd. No part of this report may be reproduced, published or amended without prior written consent from Zetica Ltd. The report refers to the conditions of the Site at the time of investigation/ reporting. Zetica Ltd cannot accept liability for subsequent changes of Site conditions. Zetica Ltd may have relied on externally provided information. Zetica Ltd cannot be held responsible for the accuracy of such information or data supplied. The report has been written utilising relevant guidance and legislation in use at the time of report compilation. Subsequent improvement in techniques, changes in legislation or in site conditions may render parts of this report obsolete. If the report is utilised after such changes have occurred or at a time in excess of 1 year of the issue date, it would be prudent to contact Zetica Ltd to reassess the report under a new contract.

P9759-20-R1-A 1

West Silvertown Place UXO Desk Study

UXO DESK STUDY & RISK ASSESSMENT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Key findings: Potential hazard from Unexploded Bombs (UXB) on the central and eastern parts of the Site. Key actions: Explosive Ordnance Clearance (EOC) engineer supervision is required for excavations and deep UXB detection is required to clear borehole or pile locations. UXO Hazard Assessment Records have been found indicating that at least 1No. High Explosive (HE) bomb and 1No. Phosphorus Incendiary Bomb (PhIB) fell on the Site during World War Two (WWII). A further 28No. HE bombs fell within approximately 0.1km of the Site. The bombing caused damage to the eastern and central parts of the Site, which may have masked the impact of a UXB. Given this, it is considered prudent to assign these parts of the Site a moderate UXO hazard level. No evidence of significant bombing or other military activity has been identified on the western part of the Site, which is assigned a low UXO hazard level. It is considered that the UXO hazard level on the Site can be zoned from low to moderate, as shown in the figure below, reproduced as Figure 5 in the main report. The UXO hazard zone plan of the Site is also given in the accompanying P9759-20-R1-MAP01-A.

Figure UXO hazard zone plan of the Site

Source: OpenStreetMap Not to Scale Very Low Low Moderate Legend High Very High Site boundary

Note that the UXO hazard will have been mitigated within the depth and extents of any post- WWII intrusive works.

P9759-20-R1-A 2

West Silvertown Place UXO Desk Study

The main findings of the report are summarised below.

• On the 19th January 1917, a large explosion took place at an factory within approximately 0.1km southeast of the Site.

• No records of bombing on the Site during World War One (WWI) have been found.

• During WWII the main strategic targets in the vicinity of the Site included the London Docks, industries along the River Thames, major transport infrastructure, chemical and engineering works.

• Records have been found indicating that 1No. HE bomb and 1No. PhIB fell on the Site during WWII. At least 28No. further HE bombs fell within approximately 0.1km of the Site. 4No. of these were recorded as a UXB.

• Estimated average maximum bomb penetration depths on the Site range from 4.0m to 10.0m depending on the weight of the bomb.

• No records of military activity on the Site post-WWII have been found. Data Confidence Level The findings of this report were based on good corroborative evidence of the military activity and bombing on the Site. Proposed Works It is understood that works on the Site may include intrusive ground investigations, excavations and piling associated with a residential development. Risk Assessment The Table below, reproduced as Table 4 in the main report, provides a UXO risk assessment for the proposed works on the Site. Further details on the methodology for the risk assessment are provided in Section 7.2 of the main report.

Table UXO risk assessment for the Site

Potential PE

Hazard Zone Anticipated Works PD UXO Risk UXO Hazard kelihood Severity Li P = PE x PD P = PE x Rating Risk

Shallow Excavations 3 2 6 3 5 15 Moderate UXB Deep Excavations 3 2 6 3 5 15 Moderate Boreholes/Piling 2 3 6 3 4 12 Moderate Moderate Shallow Excavations 1 1 1 1 4 4 Low Other UXO Deep Excavations 1 1 1 1 4 4 Low Boreholes/Piling 1 1 1 1 3 3 Low Shallow Excavations 1 1 1 1 5 5 Low UXB Deep Excavations 1 1 1 1 5 5 Low Boreholes/Piling 1 1 1 1 4 4 Low Low Shallow Excavations 1 1 1 1 4 4 Low Other UXO Deep Excavations 1 1 1 1 4 4 Low Boreholes/Piling 1 1 1 1 3 3 Low PE (Probability of Encounter), PD (Probability of Detonation), P (Overall Probability) Shallow Excavations defined as <1.0m bgl.

P9759-20-R1-A 3

West Silvertown Place UXO Desk Study

Risk Mitigation Plan The Figure below, reproduced as Figure 6 in the main report, provides a risk mitigation plan to ensure that the UXO risk for the proposed works is reduced to As Low As Reasonably Practicable (ALARP).

Figure Recommended risk mitigation plan for the Site

Further details on the recommended risk mitigation techniques are given in Section 8.2 of this report. The Table below, reproduced as Table 5 in the main report, summarises the UXO risk for proposed works on the Site and recommended techniques to mitigate the risk.

P9759-20-R1-A 4

West Silvertown Place UXO Desk Study

Table Summary of UXO risk and mitigation recommendations

Proposed Works UXO Risk Recommended Mitigation

Proceed with works – if additional comfort is required to address the residual UXO hazard, Excavations a formal UXO awareness briefing can be provided.

Boreholes/Piling Proceed with works

EOC Engineer Supervision – to ensure safety and minimise delays, Explosive Ordnance Excavations Clearance (EOC) Engineer supervision is recommended.

Deep UXB detection – to clear borehole and pile locations of potential UXB, an intrusive Boreholes/Piling magnetometer survey should be undertaken until either the maximum bomb penetration or maximum drilling/piling depth is reached.

In summary, it is recommended that the excavations proposed within the moderate risk areas are supervised by an EOC engineer. As part of borehole or pile construction, we recommend that deep UXB detection is undertaken to ensure the safety of those working in the area. What Do I Do Next? If you wish to proceed with UXO risk mitigation, Zetica would be happy to assist. Just contact us via phone (01993 886682) or email ([email protected]) and we can provide a proposal with options and prices. If you have requirements to identify other buried hazards (such as mapping utilities or obstructions) we can provide these surveys. If proposed works on the Site change, or additional works are planned, contact Zetica for a re- assessment of the UXO risk and the risk mitigation requirements.

P9759-20-R1-A 5

West Silvertown Place UXO Desk Study

CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ABBREVIATIONS 8 1 INTRODUCTION 9 1.1 Project Outline 9 1.2 Sources of Information 9 1.3 Data Confidence Level 10 2 THE SITE 11 2.1 Site Location 11 3 MILITARY ACTIVITY 13 3.1 Defences 13 3.2 Military Airfields 13 3.3 Aircraft Crashes 14 3.4 Explosives Factories, Munitions Depots and Disposal Areas 14 3.5 Firing Ranges and Military Training Areas 16 3.6 Other Military Establishments 17 4 BOMBING 18 4.1 WWI Bombing 18 4.2 WWII Bombing 18 5 EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE CLEARANCE ACTIVITIES 27 5.1 Abandoned Bombs 27 5.2 EOC Tasks 27 6 UXO HAZARD ASSESSMENT 28 6.1 UXO Hazard Level 28 7 UXO RISK ASSESSMENT 30 7.1 Proposed Works 30 7.2 Risk Assessment Methodology 30 7.3 UXO Risk Level 31 8 RISK MITIGATION PLAN 32 8.1 UXO Risk Summary 32 8.2 Risk Mitigation Techniques 33 8.3 What Do I Do Next? 34 APPENDICES 35 Appendix 1 Anticipated Ordnance Types 35 Appendix 2 Sources of UXO Hazard 41 Appendix 3 Recent UXO Finds 48 Appendix 4 Glossary and Definitions 50

P9759-20-R1-A 6

West Silvertown Place UXO Desk Study

Appendix 5 WWII Bombing Incident List 53 Appendix 6 Bibliography 59

Figures, Plates, Tables & Drawings Figure 1 Site location map Figure 2 Plan showing detonation areas at the TNT plant at the Brunner, Mond & Co works Figure 3 Compiled bomb impact map for the vicinity of the Site Figure 4 Potential burial setting of UXB on the Site Figure 5 UXO hazard zone plan of the Site

Plate 1 Recent aerial photograph of the Site Plate 2 Photograph of blast damage on Fort Street, 1917 Plate 3 Luftwaffe target photograph of Royal Victoria Docks, 4th June 1939 Plate 4 Aerial photograph, 7th September 1940 Plate 5 Aerial photograph, 7th August 1944 Plate 6 Aerial photograph, 26th August 1945

Table 1 Luftwaffe target photograph of Royal Victoria Docks, 4th June 1939 Table 2 Bombing statistics Table 3 Estimated average maximum bomb penetration depths Table 4 UXO risk assessment for the Site Table 5 Summary of UXO risk and mitigation recommendations

Accompanying GIS Data P9759-20-R1-MAP01-A (UXO Desk Study)

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ABBREVIATIONS AA Anti-Aircraft ALARP As Low As Reasonably Practicable ARP Air Raid Precaution AXO Abandoned Explosive Ordnance BD Bomb Disposal BDO Bomb Disposal Officer BDU Bomb Disposal Unit CMD Conventional Munitions Disposal DAB Delayed Action Bomb DCLG Department of Communities and Local Government EO Explosive Ordnance EOC Explosive Ordnance Clearance EOR Explosive Ordnance Reconnaissance ERW Explosive Remnants of War ESA Explosive Substances and Articles FFE Free From Explosives GBC Greenwich Borough Council GILC Greenwich Inlaid Linoleum Company HAA Heavy Anti-Aircraft HE High Explosive HSE Health and Safety Executive IB Incendiary Bomb IED Improvised Explosive Device IEDD Improvised Explosive Device Disposal JSEODOC Joint Services EOD Operations Centre LAA Light Anti-Aircraft MoD Ministry of Defence OB Oil Bomb PhIB Phosphorus Incendiary Bomb PM Parachute Mine PUCA Pick Up and Carry Away RAF Royal Air Force RFC Royal Flying Corps TEP Time Expired Pyrotechnics TNT Trinitrotoluene UXAA Unexploded Anti-Aircraft UXB Unexploded Bomb UXIB Unexploded Incendiary Bomb UXPhIB Unexploded Phosphorus Bomb UXPM Unexploded Parachute Mine UXO Unexploded Ordnance WWI World War One WWII World War Two

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Please read: Zetica has colour coded each paragraph. Paragraphs with black text on a white background are paragraphs that provide site-specific information or information specifically researched as part of this project.

Boxed paragraphs in a dark green text with a green background are paragraphs providing general information and, where appropriate, links to online resources giving further detail. These are all available at If you cannot gain access to these resources, Zetica can forward them on request.

1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Project Outline Zetica Ltd was commissioned by Subadra to carry out an Unexploded Ordnance (UXO) Desk Study and Risk Assessment for an area of approximately 0.3 hectares (ha) off North Woolwich Road in Silvertown, (‘the Site’). The aim of this report is to gain a fair and representative view of the UXO hazard for the Site and its immediate surrounding area in accordance with the Construction Industry Research and Information Association (CIRIA) C681 ‘Unexploded Ordnance (UXO), a Guide for the Construction Industry’. Where appropriate, this hazard assessment includes:

• Likelihood of ordnance being present. • Type of ordnance (size, filling, fuze mechanisms). • Quantity of ordnance. • Potential for live ordnance. • Probable location. • Ordnance condition. It should be noted that some military activity providing a source of UXO hazard may not be recorded and therefore there cannot be any guarantee that all UXO hazards affecting the Site have been identified in this report. 1.2 Sources of Information Zetica Ltd researched the military history of the Site and its surrounding area using a range of information sources. The main sources of information are detailed in the following sections and referenced at the end of this report. 1.2.1 Zetica Ltd Defence Related Site Records Zetica Ltd’s in-house records were consulted, including reference books and archived materials from past work in the region. Relevant documents have been cited within the bibliography of this report. 1.2.2 Zetica Ltd Bombing Density Records and Maps Reference has been made to the Zetica Ltd bomb risk maps located on Zetica’s website (

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1.2.3 Ministry of Defence and Government Records Government departments and units within the Ministry of Defence (MoD) were approached for information of past and present military activity in the area. These included the Department of Communities and Local Government (DCLG) records of abandoned bombs. 1.2.4 Other Historical Records, Maps and Drawings Numerous reference documents including historical maps, aerial photographs and drawings have been consulted from sources such as the National Archives, the US National Archives & Records Administration (NARA), the Imperial War Museum (IWM), Historic England and the Defence of Britain Project. The British Geological Survey (BGS) was consulted for borehole information. 1.2.5 Local Authority Records Information was obtained from the London Borough of Newham Council. 1.2.6 Local Record Offices and Libraries Information has been retrieved from the Newham Archives and Local Studies Library, the Record Office, and the Authority Archives. 1.2.7 Local Historical and Other Groups Local history groups and archaeological societies were consulted. 1.3 Data Confidence Level In general, there is a high level of confidence in the researched information sources used for this report. Exceptions to this are specifically detailed in the text of the report.

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2 THE SITE 2.1 Site Location The Site is centred on Ordnance Survey National Grid Reference (OSNGR) TQ 407801. It is located north of North Woolwich Street, approximately 10.8km east of London city centre. The Site comprises residential properties, an ambulance station, and a petrol station. It is bounded to the north by gardens and residential properties on Boxley Street and Fort Street, to the east by Fort Street, to the south by North Woolwich Road, and to the west by Boxley Street. Figure 1 is a Site location map and Plate 1 is a recent aerial photograph of the Site.

Figure 1 Site location map

Source: © Crown Copyright 2020. Reproduced by permission of Ordnance Survey Not to Scale Legend Site boundary

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Plate 1 Recent aerial photograph of the Site

Source: Google Earth Not to Scale Legend Site boundary

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3 MILITARY ACTIVITY The following sections outline the recorded military activity in the vicinity of the Site. The potential UXO hazard from WWI and WWII bombing is detailed in Section 4. Each sub-section provides hyperlinks to further information on potential sources of UXO hazard. These are also available at If you cannot gain access to these resources, Zetica can forward them on request. 3.1 Defences

For further information on military defences, and the potential UXO hazards associated with them, follow the links below: • Anti-Aircraft Guns • Anti-Invasion Defences • Barrage Balloons • Bombing Decoys • Home Guard • Mined Locations • Mortar & Gun Emplacements • Pillboxes

No military defences have been identified on the Site. The nearest are described below. 3.1.1 Anti-Aircraft Guns Records indicate that there were at least 25No. Anti-Aircraft (AA) gun batteries within 10km of the Site during WWI. The nearest was located in Blackwall (TQ 388807), approximately 2.0km northwest of the Site. It was armed with 1No. 3-inch (“) gun. During WWII records indicate that there were at least 33No. Heavy AA (HAA) and ZAA rocket batteries within 10km of the Site. The nearest was located at (TQ 417815), approximately 1.7km northwest of the Site. Its armaments are unknown. Potential UXO Hazard Given the number of HAA gun batteries in the surrounding area during WWII, the potential for a UXAA shell to have fallen on the Site unnoticed cannot be totally discounted. 3.2 Military Airfields

For further information on military airfields, and the potential UXO hazards associated with them, follow the links below: • Military Airfields

No records of any military airfields on or in close proximity to the Site have been found. During WWI the nearest recorded airfield was Royal Flying Corps (RFC) Kidbrooke (TQ 406759), approximately 4.4km south of the Site. It was used primarily as a storage depot. During WWII, the airfield was renamed to Royal Air Force (RAF) Kidbrooke and operated as a training airfield and barrage balloon depot. RAF Kidbrooke continued to serve as a depot and training facility until its closure in 1967.

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Military airfields are not considered to provide a source of UXO hazard to the Site. 3.3 Aircraft Crashes

For further information on military aircraft crashes, and the potential UXO hazards associated with them, follow the links below: • Aircraft Crashes

No records of any aircraft crashes on or in close proximity to the Site have been found. 3.4 Explosives Factories, Munitions Depots and Disposal Areas

For further information on explosives factories, munitions depots and disposal areas, and the potential UXO hazards associated with them, follow the links below: • Explosives Factories • Munitions Depots • Munitions Disposal Areas

No records of any explosives factories, munitions depots or munitions disposal areas on the Site have been found. During WWI the Brunner, Mond & Co Chemical works, within approximately 0.1km southeast of the Site, were involved in the production of trinitrotoluene (TNT). 3.4.1 The Brunner, Mond & Co. (Crescent Wharf) Chemical Work The Brunner, Mond & Co works, located within approximately 0.1km southeast of the Site, was requisitioned by the Government in 1914 and the chemical plant was adapted to produce high- grade TNT. By September 1915 the plant was producing 9 tons of TNT per day using the Freeth vacuum process. On the 19th January 1917 a fire broke out in the TNT melt-pot room, approximately 130m southeast of the Site. The fire quickly spread and detonated approximately 83 tons of TNT, much of it sitting in railway wagons awaiting transport, some within approximately 50m of the Site. Figure 2 shows the plan of the explosives plant with marked the detonation areas.

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Figure 2 Plan showing detonation areas at the TNT plant at the Brunner, Mond & Co works

Source: Ramsey Not to Scale Legend Detonation areas

The large explosion which occurred in the Brunner, Mond & Co works affected much of the surrounding Silvertown area and started many fires in the area surrounding the Site. More than 900No. homes were destroyed or badly damaged. Between 60,000No. and 70,000No. properties were damaged to some degree. Plate 2 is a photograph of the damage on Fort Street, in close proximity of the Site.

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Plate 2 Photograph of blast damage on Fort Street, 1917

Source: Portcities Because of the political sensitivity surrounding the explosion and the production of TNT in such a densely populated area, the government funded most of the rebuilding in the area surrounding the Site but withheld information concerning the event until after the 1960s. It was estimated that the explosion was caused by the detonation of 53 tons of TNT, with another 30 tons being burnt during the ensuing conflagration. Only 5 tons of intact TNT was recovered from the site. Potential UXO Hazard Due to the long term chemical stability of TNT in both the terrestrial and aqueous environment, it is considered that there is a possibility, albeit very slight, of small amounts of explosive residues remaining in the area surrounding the seat of the explosions. This is unlikely to provide a source of hazard to the Site. 3.5 Firing Ranges and Military Training Areas

For further information on firing ranges and military training areas, and the potential UXO hazards associated with them, follow the links below: • Artillery Ranges • Bombing Ranges • Military Training Areas • Small Arms Ranges

No records of any firing ranges or military training areas on the Site have been found. The nearest is described below.

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3.5.1 Silvertown Street Fighting Training Area The 1st Division Street Fighting Wing of Eastern Command requisitioned several roads in Silvertown, within approximately 1km north of the Site, during 1942. Training here included the use of grenades, anti-tank rifles, machine guns, mortars, anti-tank mines, booby traps using explosives, gun cotton slabs and light artillery. This training is not considered to provide a source of UXO hazard to the Site. 3.6 Other Military Establishments No other military establishments have been identified on the Site. The nearest example is described below. 3.6.1 Operation “Overlord” Camps The Royal Docks, within approximately 0.3km northeast of the Site, were an Embarkation Area (EA) for troops preparing for Operation “Overlord”, the Allied invasion of Nazi-occupied Europe. Troops were billeted in temporary camps at Silvertown and . Areas of bomb-damaged ruins in the vicinity of the Site were cordoned off and used for military training by these troops during April and May 1944, prior to D-Day. These camps are not considered to provide a source of UXO hazard to the Site.

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4 BOMBING 4.1 WWI Bombing

For further information on WWI bombing in the UK, and the potential UXO hazard associated with it, see Appendix 2.1. Alternatively, use the following link. • WWI Bombing

No records have been found indicating that the Site was bombed during WWI. The nearest recorded incidents are described below. 30th September 1917 1No. Incendiary Bomb (IB) fell on Victoria Dock Road, approximately 0.9km northwest of the Site. 6th December 1917 1No. IB fell on North Woolwich Road, approximately 0.9km east of the Site. WWII bombing is not considered to provide a source of UXO hazard to the Site. 4.2 WWII Bombing

For further information on WWII bombing in the UK, and the potential UXO hazard associated with it, see Appendix 2.2. Alternatively, use the following link. • WWII Bombing

Records indicate that parts of the Site were bombed during WWII. Further details on bombing in the vicinity of the Site are given in the following sections. 4.2.1 Bombing in East London and West Ham The first bombs fell on the County Borough (CB) of West Ham on 24th August 1940. By 8th May 1945 the borough had seen 1,227No. air raid alerts, 1,286No. reported High Explosive (HE) bomb explosions, 207No. HE bombs reported as Unexploded Bombs (UXB) and 1,130No. IBs causing conflagrations or large fires. Many more IBs went unrecorded as they caused little or no damage. In addition, 32No. Parachute Mines (PMs, 4No. unexploded), 65No. Oil Bombs (OBs, 16No. unexploded), 16No. Phosphorus IBs (PhIBs) (15No. unignited) and 201No. AA shells (95No. UXAA shells) fell on the borough. The first air raid of the London Blitz took place on 7th September 1940 when a large German force bombed the docks and surrounding areas in West Ham, Stepney and Poplar. From mid-September until the end of that year, London was raided on all but 3No. nights. The raids continued through the early months of 1941 becoming less frequent, although often more intense. Heavier bombs, including PMs and OBs, were now used and major incendiary raids on the 29th December 1940 and 10th May 1941 caused widespread fire damage across the city. From July 1941 the bombing campaign against London entered a period of relative inactivity. Raids still took place but tended to be relatively minor in severity. Manned bomber raids returned to London in the first four months of 1944 and, after a brief respite, were followed by the start of the Pilotless Aircraft (V1) offensive against the capital in June 1944.

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These weapons arrived at any time of day and caused massive blast damage (although little fire damage). The V1 offensive on London was all but over by September 1944, although some V1s continued to fall on the capital until March 1945. A total of 68 No. V1s fell in West Ham CB. In September 1944 the Long Range Rocket (V2) offensive on London began. Falling from a height of some 50 miles (80km) above the city, these ballistic missiles caused larger craters and greater damage to underground utilities than the V1’s, although their surface blast effect was generally less. A total of 33 No. V2s fell in West Ham CB. 4.2.2 Strategic Targets During WWII the Site comprised residential premises as well as buildings and open yards of a grain mill. The surrounding area contained numerous strategic targets, including major dockyards and transport infrastructure, chemical and engineering works, and other industries engaged in the war effort. Plate 3 is a Luftwaffe target photograph of the Royal Victoria Docks, dating the 4th June 1939. Several targets are identified, as summarised in Table 1.

Table 1 Luftwaffe targets in the vicinity of the Site

Target No. Target A Royal Victoria Dock B, C Grain Silos D Grain mills E Silvertown Lubricants Works

Plate 3 Luftwaffe target photograph of Royal Victoria Docks, 4th June 1939

Source: NARA Not to Scale Legend Site boundary

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4.2.3 Bombing Densities and Incidents

Table 2 gives details of the overall bombing statistics recorded for the Local Authority Districts of the Site and surrounding districts. These were categorised as Rural Districts (RD), Urban Districts (UD), Municipal or Metropolitan Boroughs (MB) and County Boroughs (CB). WWII bomb density levels are defined below: <5 bombs per 405ha is a Very Low regional bombing density. 5-15 bombs per 405ha is Low. 15-50 bombs per 405ha is Moderate. 50-250 bombs per 405ha is High. >250 bombs per 405ha is Very High.

Table 2 Bombing statistics Bombs Recorded

Area High Parachute Bombs per 405ha Other Total Explosive Mines (1000 acres)

West Ham CB 1,498 45 23 1,566 334.0 Poplar MB 755 20 11 786 337.2 Greenwich MB 929 19 21 969 251.2 CB 753 36 29 818 246.1 Hackney MB 613 16 12 641 195.0 Woolwich MB 1,509 19 46 1,574 190.1 Leyton MB 419 12 28 459 176.9 Note that Table 2 excludes the figures for IBs. Discrepancies between this list and other records, such as bomb clearance records, demonstrate that this data is likely to under- represent actual bombing. Details of the bombing incidents on or adjacent to the Site are given in the following section. Appendix 5 provides further details of recorded bombing incidents in the immediate vicinity of the Site. 7th September 1940 On the day known as ‘Black Saturday’ the East End, the London Docks and the City of Westminster were heavily raided by approximately 340No. Luftwaffe bomber aircraft with many escorting fighter aircraft. The nearest incidents are described below. 1No. HE bomb fell on Silvertown Fire Station, approximately 50m east of the Site. This was recorded as UXB. 2No. HE bombs fell on the roadway south of Pontoon Dock, approximately 0.2km east of the Site. 1No. HE bomb fell on Westwood Road, approximately 0.2km northwest of the Site. 2No. HE bombs fell on silos on Royal Victoria Dock, approximately 0.2km northeast of the Site. 2No. HE bombs fell on Evelyn Road, approximately 0.2km northeast of the Site. Plate 4 is an aerial photograph of Silvertown following a heavy raid on the 7th September 1940. It shows extensive damage to the Royal Victoria Dock and industrial premises in the vicinity of the Site.

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Plate 4 Aerial photograph, 7th September 1940

Source: Ramsey Not to Scale Legend Site boundary

15th October 1940 1No. HE bomb fell north of North Woolwich Road, on the Site. 12th January 1941 Several IBs fell on North Woolwich Road, adjacent to the southern boundary of the Site. 19th March 1941 7No. HE bombs fell on North Woolwich Road, between 0.1km west and 0.2km east of the Site. 1No. of these fell adjacent to the southern boundary of the Site and was recorded as UXB. 22nd February 1944 1No. PhIB fell on the premises of Ranks Flour Mill, on the Site. 23rd February 1944 1No. PhIB fell on 279 North Woolwich Road, adjacent to the southern boundary of the Site. This was recorded as an Unexploded PhIB (UXPhIB). Plate 5 is an aerial photograph of the Site, dated the 7th August 1944. Possible bomb damage has been identified on the eastern part of the Site and in the surrounding area.

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Plate 5 Aerial photograph, 7th August 1944

Source: Ramsey Not to Scale Legend Site boundary Possible bomb damage

It should be noted that during WWII, many UXB were mapped and subsequently removed as and when conditions and demands on Bomb Disposal teams allowed. Their removal was not always accurately recorded and sometimes records were later destroyed. In practice, most UXB were probably removed and only a much smaller number were actually registered as officially abandoned bombs. Figure 3 is a map showing the approximate location of recorded bomb impacts in the immediate vicinity of the Site. IBs shown are indicative of larger numbers of similar devices that fell within the given area. The map has been compiled from a number of different sources, including air raid incident reports, historical aerial photographs and bomb census maps. The bomb map is also given in the accompanying P9759-20-R1-MAP01-A.

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Figure 3 Compiled bomb impact map for the vicinity of the Site

Source: OpenStreetMap Not to Scale Legend Site boundary HE bomb UXB IBs V1

Plate 6 is an aerial photograph dated the 26th August 1945. There is evidence of significant bomb damage on the central and eastern parts of the Site. Pre- war buildings on the western part of the Site appear undamaged.

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Plate 6 Aerial photograph, 26th August 1945

Source: Historic England Not to Scale Legend Site boundary Possible bomb damage

Potential UXO Hazard Records have been found indicating that at least 1No. HE bomb and 1No. PhIB fell on the Site. A further 28No. HE bombs fell within approximately 0.1km of the Site, reflecting a very high localised bombing density. Historical aerial photographs show that 1No. building on the eastern part of the Site was damaged and the resulting rubble may have masked the impact of UXBs. UXBs falling on the unoccupied yard on the central part of the Site during heavy raids may have gone unnoticed. No evidence of significant bomb damage has been identified on the western part of the Site, with the pre-war housing appearing intact on aerial photography. WWII bombing is considered to provide a possible source of UXO hazard to the central and eastern parts of the Site. 4.2.4 Geology and Bomb Penetration Depths It is important to consider the geological materials present at the time that a bomb was dropped in order to establish its maximum penetration depth. At the time of writing, no Site-specific ground investigation data was available. British Geological Survey BGS 1:50,000 Sheet 257 Romford (Bedrock and Superficial) and BGS borehole records from on and near the Site were consulted to get an indicative overview of the Site geology. The geology of the Site is understood to consist of Made Ground, over Alluvium, over Thames overlying sands and clays of the Lambeth Group.

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Table 3 provides an estimate of average maximum bomb penetration depths during WWII assuming WWII ground conditions of 2m of Made Ground (modelled as gravel), over 4m of firm to stiff clay, overlying more than 20m of dense sands and gravel.

Table 3 Estimated average maximum bomb penetration depths

Estimated average bomb penetration depths for anticipated geology 50kg 4.0m Bomb 250kg 9.0m Weight 500kg 10.0m These calculations can be refined on receipt of Site-specific information.

The estimated bomb penetration depths given in Table 3 are from the WWII ground level and are based on the following assumptions: a) High level release of the bomb resulting in an impact velocity of 260m/s (>5,000m altitude). b) A strike angle of 10 to 15 degrees to the vertical. c) That the bomb is stable, both in flight and on penetration. d) That no retarding units are fitted to the bomb. e) That the soil type is homogenous. A high altitude release of a bomb will result in ground entry at between 10o and 15o to the vertical with the bomb travelling on this trajectory until momentum is nearly lost. The bomb will then turn abruptly to the horizontal before coming to rest. The distance between the centre of the entry hole and the centre of the bomb at rest is known as the ‘offset’. A marked lateral movement from the original line of entry is common. Low-level attacks may have an impact angle of 45 or more, which will frequently lead to a much greater amount of offset movement during soil penetration. The average offset is one third of the penetration depth, i.e. an offset of 2m may be expected for a 50kg bomb in dry silts and clays. If hard standings or Made Ground were present during WWII, bomb penetration depths would have been significantly reduced but offset distances may have been up to four times greater.

Figure 4 demonstrates the potential burial setting for a UXB in the moderate hazard zones of the Site, based on the anticipated ground conditions and average maximum bomb penetration depth.

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Figure 4 Potential burial setting of UXB on the Site

Source: Zetica Not to Scale

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Official UK bombing statistics have been compiled from both British and German sources. There were differences in the way the figures were originally reported and collated which has led to discrepancies in the summary data. Based on data from 1939 to 1945, War Office statistics indicate that 200,195No. HE bombs exploded within Great Britain. Additionally, 25,195No. HE bombs (representing 11%) were recorded as UXBs. However, records from the Royal Engineers who were responsible for bomb disposal at the time indicate that as of 27th February 1946 upwards of 45,000No. UXBs were disposed of. On average 8.5% of UXBs later self-exploded. In some cases the bombs had delayed action fuzes or were never intended to explode, their purpose being to cause inconvenience and fear. Given the discrepancy in records and the fact that UXBs are still being found unexpectedly, it is clear that the original figures are understated and provide only an approximation of the number of potential UXBs in the UK. War Office statistics also show that between October 1940 and May 1941 most of the UXBs (93%) were either 50kg or 250kg. It should be noted that details of the recovery and the size of the UXB were not always accurately reported. The larger WWII UXBs are often difficult to recover due to both penetration depths and the presence of two or more fuzes, combined with more sensitive fillings of explosive mixtures including Amatol and Trialen.

5.1 Abandoned Bombs

For further information on abandoned bombs, and the potential UXO hazard associated with them, follow the link below: • Abandoned Bombs

No records have been found indicating that any officially abandoned bombs are located on the Site. 5.2 EOC Tasks Records held by Zetica Ltd show that the following post-WWII EOC tasks have taken place in the vicinity of the Site. 20th September 1956 1No. 50kg UXIB was found at East Greenwich Police Station, approximately 2.9km southwest of the Site. 30th January 1976 1No. 250kg UXB was found at , approximately 2.8km northeast of the Site. 23rd August 2017 1No. UXAA shell was found near Charlton shopping park, approximately 1.1km south of the Site. 11th February 2018 1No. UXB was recovered from King George V Dock, approximately 2.9km east of the Site.

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6 UXO HAZARD ASSESSMENT 6.1 UXO Hazard Level The definitions for the levels of UXO hazard are provided below.

Definitions of UXO Hazard Level for a Site

Hazard Level Definition There is positive evidence that UXO is not present, e.g. through physical Very Low constraints or removal. There is no positive evidence that UXO is present, but its occurrence cannot Low be totally discounted. There is positive evidence that ordnance was present or that other uncharted Moderate ordnance may be present as UXO. High There is positive evidence that UXO is present. As high but requires immediate or special attention due to the potential Very High hazard. Records have been found indicating that at least 1No. HE bomb and 1No. PhIB fell on the Site during WWII. A further 28No. HE bombs fell within approximately 0.1km of the Site. The bombing caused damage to the eastern and central parts of the Site, which may have masked the impact of a UXB. Given this, it is considered prudent to assign these parts of the Site a moderate UXO hazard level. No evidence of significant bombing or other military activity has been identified on the western part of the Site, which is assigned a low UXO hazard level. It is considered that the UXO hazard level on the Site can be zoned from low to moderate, as shown in Figure 5. The UXO hazard zone plan of the Site is also given in the accompanying P9759-20-R1-MAP01-A.

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Figure 5 UXO hazard zone plan of the Site

Source: OpenStreetMap Not to Scale Very Low Low Moderate Legend High Very High Site boundary

Note that the UXO hazard will have been mitigated within the depth and extents of any post- WWII intrusive works.

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7 UXO RISK ASSESSMENT 7.1 Proposed Works It is understood that works on the Site may include intrusive ground investigations, excavations and piling associated with a residential development. 7.2 Risk Assessment Methodology A UXO risk assessment has been undertaken for the proposed works, taking into consideration the identified UXO hazard. Firstly, the probability of encountering UXO (PE) has been considered and rated for the different construction techniques, as detailed below. Probability of Encounter (PE) Rating Frequent, highly likely, almost certain. 5 Probable, more likely to happen than not. 4 Occasional, increased chance or probability. 3 Remote, unlikely to happen but could. 2 Improbable, highly unlikely. 1 Impossible 0 Secondly, the probability of detonating a UXO (PD) has been considered and rated for the different construction techniques, as detailed below. Probability of Detonation (PD) Rating Frequent, highly likely, almost certain. 5 Probable, more likely to happen than not. 4 Occasional, increased chance or probability. 3 Remote, unlikely to happen but could. 2 Improbable, highly unlikely. 1 Impossible 0 Next, the probability of encountering and detonating the UXO (PE x PD) have been used to generate an overall likelihood rating (P). P = PE x PD LIKELIHOOD of Encounter and Detonation Rating 21 to 25 Frequent, highly likely, almost certain. 5 16 to 20 Probable, more likely to happen than not. 4 6 to 15 Occasional, increased chance or probability. 3 2 to 5 Remote, unlikely to happen but could. 2 1 Improbable, highly unlikely. 1 0 Impossible 0 P ranges from 25, a certainty of UXO being encountered and detonated on the Site by engineering activity, to 0, a certainty that UXO does not occur on the Site and will not be detonated by engineering activity.

The likelihood of encountering and detonating UXO during site works is multiplied by the severity of such an event occurring (P x S), in order to provide a risk level using the following matrix.

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Severity (S) Rating Multiple fatalities 5 Major injury, long term health issues, single fatality. 4 Minor injury, short term health issues, no fatalities. 3 First aid case but no lost time or ill health. 2 Minor injuries, no first aid. 1 No injuries. 0

UXO Risk Matrix SEVERITY (S)

5 4 3 2 1 0 5 25 20 15 10 5 0

D (P) D 4 20 16 12 8 4 0 3 15 12 9 6 3 0 2 10 8 6 4 2 0 1 5 4 3 2 1 0 LIKELIHOO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7.3 UXO Risk Level The UXO risk assessment for proposed works on the Site is given in Table 4.

Table 4 UXO risk assessment for the Site

Potential rity lihood Hazard Zone Anticipated Works PE UXO Risk UXO Hazard PD Seve Like P = PE x PD P = PE x Rating Risk

Shallow Excavations 3 2 6 3 5 15 Moderate UXB Deep Excavations 3 2 6 3 5 15 Moderate Boreholes/Piling 2 3 6 3 4 12 Moderate Moderate Shallow Excavations 1 1 1 1 4 4 Low Other UXO Deep Excavations 1 1 1 1 4 4 Low Boreholes/Piling 1 1 1 1 3 3 Low Shallow Excavations 1 1 1 1 5 5 Low UXB Deep Excavations 1 1 1 1 5 5 Low Boreholes/Piling 1 1 1 1 4 4 Low Low Shallow Excavations 1 1 1 1 4 4 Low Other UXO Deep Excavations 1 1 1 1 4 4 Low Boreholes/Piling 1 1 1 1 3 3 Low PE (Probability of Encounter), PD (Probability of Detonation), P (Overall Probability) Shallow Excavations defined as <1.0m bgl.

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8 RISK MITIGATION PLAN Key findings: Potential hazard from UXB on the central and eastern parts of the Site. Key actions: EOC engineer supervision is required for excavations and deep UXB detection is required to clear borehole or pile locations. Figure 6 outlines the recommended steps to reduce the UXO risk to ALARP.

Figure 6 Recommended risk mitigation plan for the Site

8.1 UXO Risk Summary Table 5 summarises the most appropriate risk mitigation recommendations for the proposed works on the Site.

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Table 5 Summary of UXO risk and mitigation recommendations

Proposed Works UXO Risk Recommended Mitigation

Proceed with works – if additional comfort is required to address the residual UXO hazard, Excavations a formal UXO awareness briefing can be provided.

Boreholes/Piling Proceed with works

EOC Engineer Supervision – to ensure safety and minimise delays, Explosive Ordnance Excavations Clearance (EOC) Engineer supervision is recommended.

Deep UXB detection – to clear borehole and pile locations of potential UXB, an intrusive Boreholes/Piling magnetometer survey should be undertaken until either the maximum bomb penetration or maximum drilling/piling depth is reached.

In summary, it is recommended that the excavations proposed within the moderate risk areas are supervised by an EOC engineer. As part of borehole or pile construction, we recommend that deep UXB detection is undertaken to ensure the safety of those working in the area. 8.2 Risk Mitigation Techniques The section below provides further details of the recommended techniques for mitigating the UXO risk on the Site. 8.2.1 EOC Engineer Supervision Given the amount of Made Ground on the Site, the effectiveness of a non-intrusive UXO detection survey is likely to be reduced. It is considered more practical for an EOC engineer to attend site and supervise during excavation works if required. The EOC engineer will carry out a visual assessment on any suspect items uncovered during the excavation works and classify them as potential UXO or other material. If an item of UXO is uncovered, the EOC engineer will liaise with the authorities and arrange for its disposal as appropriate. 8.2.2 Deep UXB Detection To clear borehole or pile positions of potential UXB, an intrusive magnetometer survey should be undertaken. The survey should be carried out to either the maximum bomb penetration depth or maximum drilling/piling depth, whichever is shallower. There are two main systems available:-

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MagDrill (Boreholes) – this is a system that is suitable for working with ground investigation drillers. It allows a magnetometer to be lowered into the borehole to ensure the route is clear of potential UXB. MagCone (Piles) – this is a CPT-based system that facilitates the pushing of a magnetometer into the ground at the proposed location of a pile. MagCone is suitable for cohesive/loose soils and has a much higher speed of operation compared to MagDrill. It should be noted that where dense soils or buried obstructions are encountered, MagCone is unlikely to be able to penetrate to the required depth. Detection - Typical radius of detection should be assumed as approximately 1.0m for a 50kg UXB until site conditions are confirmed. Assuming no objects comparable to the UXB detection range are identified, then the borehole or pile position can be considered clear of UXB. If any ferrous anomalies are identified at the borehole or pile position, then it may need to be relocated or the anomaly investigated. It should be noted that in Made Ground or close to buried/adjacent structures, effective UXB detection is compromised due to geophysical noise. A clearance report should be issued on completion of the site works. 8.2.3 UXO Awareness Briefing Typically ~1hour in duration, these briefings will be expected to provide site workers with:- • Background to the potential UXO hazards that could be encountered. • Awareness of how the UXO hazard could present a risk. • Knowledge of what to do in the event that a suspect item is encountered. The briefing is to be provided along with back-up materials such as UXO awareness posters, emergency contact numbers and other background information to assist site workers in becoming familiar with what potential UXO can look like. The materials can also be used by key staff to pass on the relevant points of the induction to others who visit or work on the Site. By providing the UXO awareness briefing, it ensures that in the unlikely event that UXO is encountered:- • All site staff take appropriate action. • A support mechanism and points of contact are established. • The likelihood of harm to people or property is reduced. • Significant delays to site work are prevented. 8.3 What Do I Do Next? If you wish to proceed with UXO risk mitigation, Zetica would be happy to assist. Just contact us via phone (01993 886682) or email ([email protected]) and we can provide a proposal with options and prices. If you have requirements to identify other buried hazards (such as mapping utilities or obstructions) we can provide these surveys. If proposed works on the Site change, or additional works are planned, contact Zetica for a re- assessment of the UXO risk and the risk mitigation requirements.

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APPENDICES Appendix 1 Anticipated Ordnance Types

The most likely ordnance types to be encountered on the Site are detailed below. For a more comprehensive set of ordnance data sheets, see and-resources/ordnance-data-sheets/.

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Appendix 2 Sources of UXO Hazard

The sections below provide background information on the most likely sources of UXO hazard affecting the Site. For a more comprehensive set of UXO information sheets, see

Appendix 2.1 WWI Bombing

It is not generally realised that during World War One (WWI) significant bombing took place across some areas of the UK. An estimated 9,000No. German bombs were dropped on Britain during the course of 51No. airship and 52No. aircraft raids. It was the first time that strategic aerial bombardment had been used. More than 1,400No. people were killed during these raids. Most air raids were carried out on London and Southeast England. Areas along the East Coast were also targeted regularly due to their proximity to the European continent. Bombing raids further inland were rare and West England and Wales were out of reach for German aircraft of the time. Aerial bombing during WWI initially relied on visual aiming, with bombsights not developed until later in the war. The inaccuracy inherent in this method meant that bombs often fell some way from their intended targets. The first recorded raid against England occurred on the 21st December 1914 when 2No. high explosive bombs fell near the Admiralty Pier at Dover. Zeppelin raids intensified during 1915 and 1916, with aircraft raids becoming more frequent after 1917. The last raid of WWI took place on the 19th May 1918, when 38 Gotha and 3 Giant aircraft bombed London and surrounding districts, dropping a total of more than 2,500lbs of bombs.

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The potential of coming across an Unexploded Bomb (UXB) from WWI is far less likely than a WWII UXB given the lower bombing densities during raids in the Great War. Some areas which were subjected to sustained bombing raids, such as parts of London and coastal towns, recorded a higher number of UXB. In these areas, where there has been no significant development for the last century, the potential of a UXB remaining from WWI cannot be totally discounted.

Appendix 2.2 WWII Bombing

Bombing raids began in the summer of 1940 and continued until the end of WWII. Bombing densities generally increased towards major cities or strategic targets such as docks, harbours, industrial premises, power stations and airfields. In addition to London, industrial cities and ports, including Birmingham, Coventry, Southampton, Liverpool, Hull and Glasgow, were heavily targeted, as well as seaside towns such as Eastbourne and cathedral cities such as Canterbury. The German bombing campaign saw the extensive use of both High Explosive (HE) bombs and Incendiary Bombs (IBs). The most common HE bombs were the 50kg and 250kg bombs, although 500kg were also used to a lesser extent. More rarely 1,000kg, 1,400kg and 1,800kg bombs were dropped. The HE bombs tended to contain about half of their weight in explosives and were fitted with one or sometimes two fuzes. Not all HE bombs were intended to explode on impact. Some contained timing mechanisms where detonation could occur more than 70 hours after impact. Incendiary devices ranged from small 1kg thermite filled, magnesium bodied Incendiary Bombs (IBs) to a 250kg ‘Oil Bomb’ (OB) and a 500kg ‘C300’ IB. In some cases the IBs were fitted with a bursting charge. This exploded after the bomb had been alight for a few minutes causing burning debris to be scattered over a greater area. The C300 bombs were similar in appearance to 500kg HE bombs, although their design was sufficiently different to warrant a specially trained unit of the Royal Engineers to deal with their disposal.

Anti-Personnel (AP) bombs and Parachute Mines (PMs) were also deployed. 2No. types of anti-personnel bombs were in common use, the 2kg and the 12kg bomb. The 2kg bomb could inflict injury across an area up to 150m away from the impact. PMs (which were up to 4m in length) could be detonated either magnetically or by noise/vibration.

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Anti-shipping parachute mines were commonly dropped over navigable rivers, dockland areas and coastlines. The Royal Navy was responsible for ensuring that the bombs were made safe. Removal and disposal was still the responsibility of the Bomb Disposal Unit of the Royal Engineers. In 1944, the Germans introduced new weapons; the V1, a ‘flying bomb’ and guided missile, and the V2, a ballistic missile rocket that travelled at such speed that no one could see or hear its approach. London was the main target for these attacks. WWII bomb targeting was inaccurate, especially in the first year of the war. A typical bomb load of 50kg HE bombs mixed with IBs which was aimed at a specific location might not just miss the intended target but fall some considerable distance away.

It is understood that the local Civil Defence authorities in urban areas had a comprehensive system for reporting bomb incidents and dealing with any Unexploded Bombs (UXB) or other UXO. In more rural areas, fewer bombing raids occurred. It is known that Air Raid Precaution (ARP) records under-represent the number and frequency of bombs falling in rural and coastal areas. Bombs were either released over targets or as part of ‘tip and run’ raids where bomber crews would drop their bombs to avoid anti-aircraft fire or Allied fighter aircraft on the route to and from other strategic targets. Bombs dropped as a result of poor targeting or ‘tip and run’ raids on rural and coastal areas often went unrecorded or entered as ‘fell in open country’ or ‘fell in the sea’. The Luftwaffe are thought to have dropped approximately 75,000 tons of bombs on Britain throughout the Second World War and an estimated 11% of all bombs dropped during the war failed to detonate. The potential for a UXB hazard to exist on a site depends on a variety of factors. Were there strategic targets in the surrounding area? Was the site bombed? Could a UXB impact have been missed? Even in rural areas, the potential for UXB cannot be totally discounted and therefore it is essential that detailed local bombing records are obtained when assessing the UXB hazard on any site.

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Appendix 2.3 Anti-Aircraft Guns

As aerial bombardment first began during WWI, Anti-Aircraft (AA) gun batteries were established were gradually established throughout much of England to counter German bombing raids. By June 1916, there were approximately 271No. AA guns and 258No. searchlight installations defending London alone. Common AA defences during WWI included 3-inch, 75 millimetre, 6-pounder and 1-pounder guns. Many of these guns were mobile, being mounted on lorry chassis. They were driven about following the course of an airship and fired from any area of open land. During WWI, Unexploded AA (UXAA) shells, could land up to 13km from the firing point, although more typically fell within 10km.

AA gun batteries were used extensively during WWII to counter the threat posed by enemy aircraft. In many instances, AA shells caused damage to Allied territory and in some areas caused significant numbers of civilian fatalities. During WWII, AA shells could land up to 27km from the firing point, although more typically fell within 15km. These could be distributed over a wide area.

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3No. types of AA batteries existed: • Heavy Anti-Aircraft (HAA) batteries of large guns (typically 3.7”, 4.5” and 5.25” calibre) designed to engage high flying bomber aircraft. These tended to be relatively permanent gun emplacements. • Light Anti-Aircraft (LAA) weaponry, designed to counter low flying aircraft. These were often mobile and were moved periodically to new locations around strategic targets such as airfields. They typically fired 40mm shells and machine gun ammunition. • Rocket batteries (ZAA) firing 3” or 3.7” AA rockets with a maximum altitude of 5,800m and a ground range of 9km were typically permanent emplacements. Unexploded AA (UXAA) shells were a common occurrence during WWII. As the figure below demonstrates, shells were unlikely to fall in the immediate vicinity of a gun battery but in the surrounding area. This would be dependent upon the angle of fire and the flight height of the attacking aircraft.

AA batteries were deliberately targeted by the Luftwaffe and therefore areas surrounding a gun battery may have a greater risk of UXB being present. Munitions stores were also established around AA batteries. These stored the shells for the batteries and small arms ammunition for troops manning the position. Such stores were typically removed at the end of WWII, although some disposal may have occurred in the immediate vicinity of the gun battery.

Appendix 2.4 Explosive Factories

There has always been a requirement for explosives and ordnance manufacture in the UK. Gunpowder mills were established as early as the 16th century and developed over time to manufacture a range of other munitions and explosive products.

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The Royal Gunpowder Factory at Waltham Abbey was established in the 1780s and by the beginning of the 19th century the government began to take control of most of the country’s ordnance works to standardise production. Production of commercial explosives products also began in the 19th century. This included the manufacture of nitroglycerine, nitrocellulose, TNT and tetryl. In WWI, when the demand for ordnance manufacture increased dramatically, National Explosives Factories and National Filling Factories were established across the UK. Provisions were also made for the manufacture of chemical munitions, such as phosgene and mustard gas. Safety procedures were still fairly primitive during WWI and many explosives factories were located in heavily-urbanised areas. This made them vulnerable to enemy bombing and also increased the chances of fatal explosions and the dispersal of explosives residues. In WWII, 44No. Royal Ordnance Factories (ROFs) were constructed in more remote areas to prevent a repeat of the factory disasters of WWI and to protect them against attack by raiding German aircraft. The ROFs manufactured a wide range of weapons and explosives, including developmental explosives such as RDX and HMX which had been invented in the 1930s. In addition, a number of commercial facilities were converted to become government ‘agency factories’ during WWII. Chemical manufacturers, such as ICI, produced explosives products at several of their factories during WWII. Approximately 2,000No. such premises were licensed to store or manufacture small amounts of explosives by 1945.

Post-WWII, several of the ROFs remained operational and eventually passed into private ownership. The majority of the ‘agency factories’ returned to commercial production, whilst some purpose-built explosives factories have been demolished and redeveloped. Standard procedures of explosive/ordnance disposal through burial or burning means that explosive contamination and UXO hazards will be present in some areas of these establishments.

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The potential hazard remaining at a former explosives factory depends on the type of historic production and the amount of subsequent remediation that has taken place at the site. The table below provides an overview of the range of contaminants that may be present at former explosives factories. Ground investigations are always advisable at former explosives factories to determine whether any significant concentrations of residue remain that may contaminate the ground. Typically, such contamination is not an explosives hazard but it may provide a toxic hazard to humans. A UXB hazard may also exist in the vicinity of former explosives factories, which were targeted by enemy aircraft during WWI and WWII.

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Appendix 3 Recent UXO Finds

UXO finds in the UK are a regular occurrence, although they almost never result in an accidental detonation. It is still important to note that explosives rarely lose effectiveness with age. In some instances, mechanisms such as fuzes and gaines can become more sensitive and more prone to detonation, regardless of whether the device has been submersed in water or embedded in silt, clay or similar materials. The effects of an accidental UXO detonation are usually extremely fast, often catastrophic and invariably traumatic to any personnel involved. Such occurrences are largely restricted to current theatres of war and overseas minefields, with occasional events in mainland Europe. The sections below provide a brief summary of recent significant UXO finds in the UK. To keep up to date with the latest UXO finds, visit On the 4th September 2017, 1No. 50kg UXB was found in a ragstone quarry at Kings Hill near West Malling in . It was destroyed in situ in a controlled explosion by an EOD team. On the 11th February 2018, 1No. 500kg UXB was found in King George V Dock in London, resulting in the temporary closure of the adjacent . The UXB was freed from a silt bed and towed along the River Thames to Shoeburyness where it was destroyed in a controlled explosion. On the 26th February 2018, an EOD team destroyed numerous items of ordnance including shells and 20mm ammunition which had been exposed by storms on Selsey beach. A similar operation was required after more UXO finds on the beach in April 2018. On the 31st March 2018, 2No. 870lb British PMs were found in waters off Guernsey. They were destroyed in controlled explosions. On the 20th May 2018, a 1,000kg German sea mine washed ashore at Elmer beach near Bognor Regis, West Sussex. A 1 mile exclusion zone was enforced before an EOD team towed the device out to sea for a controlled explosion. On the 24th May 2018, numerous ordnance-related items were found on a proposed residential development in Burntwood, Staffordshire. On the 10th July 2018, a suspected 1,000kg German UXB was found by scuba divers near Teignmouth Pier in Devon. The UXB was towed out into open sea by a RN EOD team for a controlled explosion. On the 30th August 2018, a 2,000lb German PM was trawled up by a fishing vessel off Mersea in Essex. The PM was moved to an area of open sea where it was destroyed in a controlled explosion by a RN EOD team. On the 29th November 2018 a large naval projectile was found at Wembury Point, Plymouth. It was destroyed in a controlled explosion. During January and February 2019 a military EOD was called out to deal with several items of UXO washed up at Medmerry Beach in Selsey. The site of a former gunnery range, it followed on from several similar incidents in 2018. On the 21st January 2019 a suspected 1,000lb torpedo was brought into Brixham Harbour by a fishing trawler. It was towed back out to sea and destroyed by a Naval EOD team.

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On the 6th February 2019 3No. WWII projectiles were found on Chalkwell Beach near Southend-on-Sea, Essex. They were destroyed in a controlled explosion. On the 19th February 2019 6No. projectiles were found on the beach at Lilstock, Somerset. On the 14th March 2019 an unexploded pipe mine was found at the former RAF Manston airfield near Ramsgate, Kent. It was destroyed in a controlled explosion. On the 21st March 2019 2No. unexploded shells were found on a building site in Brighton. They were removed by an EOD team. On the 25th March 2019 an unexploded shell was found in Stechford, Birmingham. It was removed to a field and destroyed in a controlled explosion. On the 22nd May 2019 70No. Self-Igniting Phosphorus (SIP) grenades were found during development works at Tongland Dam in Dumfries & Galloway, Scotland. They were destroyed in a controlled explosion. On the 23rd May 2019 a 250kg German UXB was found by workers on a building site at Kingston University in London (see plate below). The UXB could not be safely removed and was consequently destroyed in situ by an EOD team.

On the 27th May 2019 24No. SIP grenades were found in a field near Sibton in Suffolk. An EOD team constructed a 2ft deep trench into which the grenades were placed before being destroyed in a controlled explosion. On the 7th June 2019 a 50kg German fragmentation UXB was found at a building site in Kings Hill at the former RAF West Malling airfield. It was destroyed in a controlled explosion by an EOD team the following day. On the 26th September 2019 another 50kg German UXB was found at Kings Hill and was destroyed in a controlled explosion the next day. On the 20th September 2019 a suspected 250kg German UXB was found on a construction site in Bordon, Hampshire. It was destroyed in a controlled explosion by an EOD team. In September 2019 a German PM was found by divers off Southend-on-Sea, Essex. It was towed out to open water off Shoeburyness by a Royal Navy EOD team and destroyed in a controlled explosion. On the 3rd February 2020, a 500kg German UXB was found on a building site in Soho, London. It was removed by an EOD team.

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Appendix 4 Glossary and Definitions

Abandoned Abandoned Explosive Ordnance is explosive ordnance that has not Explosive been used during an armed conflict, that has been left behind or Ordnance disposed of by a party to an armed conflict, and which is no longer (AXO) under control of that party. Abandoned explosive ordnance may or may not have been primed, fuzed, armed or otherwise prepared for use.

Close Combat Items of ordnance thrown, propelled or placed during land warfare, to Munitions include grenades, mortars, projectiles, rockets and land mines.

Demil Derived from the term ‘Demilitarisation’, it refers to the break down and the recycling or disposal of ordnance components.

Detonation The high-speed chemical breakdown of an energetic material producing heat, pressure, flame and a shock wave.

Device This term is used for any component, sub-assembly or completed ordnance, which may or may not have an explosive risk. It can apply to detonators, primers, gaines, fuzes, shells or bombs.

Explosive The term explosive refers to compounds forming energetic materials that under certain conditions chemically react, rapidly producing gas,

heat and pressure. Obviously, these are extremely dangerous and should only be handled by qualified professionals.

Explosive Explosive Ordnance is all munitions containing explosives, nuclear Ordnance (EO) fission or fusion materials and biological and chemical agents. This includes bombs and warheads, guided and ballistic missiles, artillery, mortar, rocket, small arms ammunition, mines, torpedoes, depth charges, pyrotechnics, cluster bombs & dispensers, cartridge & propellant actuated devices, electro-explosive devices, clandestine & improvised explosive devices, and all similar or related items or components explosive in nature.

Explosive Explosive Ordnance Clearance is a term used to describe the operation Ordnance of ordnance detection, investigation, identification and removal, with Clearance (EOC) EOD being a separate operation.

Explosive Explosive Ordnance Disposal is the detection, identification, on-site Ordnance evaluation, rendering safe, recovery and final disposal of unexploded Disposal (EOD) explosive ordnance.

Explosive Explosive Ordnance Reconnaissance is the detection, identification and Ordnance on-site evaluation of unexploded explosive ordnance before Explosive Reconnaissance Ordnance Disposal. (EOR)

Explosive Explosive Remnants of War are Unexploded Ordnance (UXO) and Remnants of Abandoned Explosive Ordnance (AXO), excluding landmines. War (ERW)

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Explosive Explosive substances are solid or liquid substances (or a mixture of Substances and substances), which are either: Articles (ESA) • capable by chemical reaction in itself of producing gas at such a temperature and pressure and at such a speed as to cause damage to the surroundings. • designed to produce an effect by heat, light, sound, gas or smoke, or a combination of these as a result of a non-detonative, self- sustaining, exothermic reaction. Explosive article is an article containing one or more explosive substances.

Fuze A fuze is the part of an explosive device that initiates the main explosive charge to function. In common usage, the word fuze is used indiscriminately, but when being specific (and in particular in a military context), fuze is used to mean a more complicated device, such as a device within military ordnance.

Gaine Small explosive charge that is sometimes placed between the detonator and the main charge to ensure ignition.

Geophysical A geophysical survey is essentially a range of methods that can be used survey to detect objects or identify ground conditions without the need for intrusive methods (such as excavation or drilling). This is particularly

suited to ordnance as disturbance of ordnance items is to be avoided where ever possible.

Gold line This is the estimated limit of blast damage from an explosive storage magazine. It usually means that development within this zone is restricted.

High Explosive Secondary explosives (commonly known as High Explosives (HE)) make up the main charge or filling of an ordnance device. They are usually less sensitive than primary explosives. Examples of secondary explosives are: Nitro glycerine (NG), Trinitrotoluene (TNT), AMATOL ( nitrate + TNT), Gunpowder (GP), and Cyclotrimethylenetrinitramine (RDX).

Munition Munition is the complete device charged with explosives, propellants, pyrotechnics, initiating composition, or nuclear, biological or chemical material for use in military operations, including demolitions. This includes those munitions that have been suitably modified for use in training, ceremonial or non-operational purposes. These fall into three distinct categories:- • inert - contain no explosives whatsoever. • live - contain explosives and have not been fired. • blind - have fired but failed to function as intended.

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Primary Primary explosives are usually extremely sensitive to friction, heat, and Explosive pressure. These are used to initiate less sensitive explosives. Examples of primary explosives are: Lead Azide, Lead Styphnate, and Mercury Fulminate. Primary explosive are commonly found in detonators. Propellants Propellants provide ordnance with the ability to travel in a controlled manner and deliver the ordnance to a predetermined target.

Propellants burn rapidly producing gas, pressure and flame. Although usually in solid form they can be produced in liquid form. Examples of propellants are: Ballistite often found in a flake form and Cordite used in small arms ammunition.

Pyrotechnic A pyrotechnic is an explosive article or substance designed to produce an effect by heat, light, sound, gas or smoke, or a combination of any

of these, as a result of non-detonative, self-sustaining, exothermic chemical reactions.

Small Arms SAA includes projectiles around 12mm or less in calibre and no longer Ammunition than approximately 100mm. They are fired from a variety of weapons, (SAA) including rifles, pistols, shotguns and machine guns.

Unexploded UXAA shells are army ordnance commonly containing HE, though they Anti-Aircraft can also contain pyrotechnic compounds that produce smoke. (UXAA) Shell Most commonly, these were 3.7” and 4.5” HE shells, although they ranged from 2” to 5.25” calibre.

Unexploded UXB is a common term for unexploded air-dropped munitions. Bomb (UXB)

Unexploded UXO is explosive ordnance that has been either primed, fuzed, armed Ordnance or prepared for use and has been subsequently fired, dropped, (UXO) launched, projected or placed in such a manner as to present a hazard to operations, persons or objects and remains unexploded either by

malfunction or design.

V1 The Vergeltungswaffe-1, V-1, also designated Fieseler Fi 103/FZG-76, known colloquially in English as the Flying Bomb, Buzz Bomb or Doodlebug, was the first guided missile used in WWII and the forerunner of today's cruise missile.

V2 The Vergeltungswaffe 2 (V-2) (‘Reprisal Weapon 2’) was the first ballistic missile. It was used by the German Army primarily against Belgian and British targets during the later stages of WWII. The V-2 was the first man-made object launched into space, during test flights that reached an altitude of 189km (117 miles) in 1944.

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Appendix 5 WWII Bombing Incident List 7th September 1940 On the day known as ‘Black Saturday’ the East End, the London Docks and the City of Westminster were heavily raided by approximately 340No. Luftwaffe bomber aircraft with many escorting fighter aircraft. The nearest incidents are described below. 1No. HE bomb fell on Silvertown Fire Station, approximately 50m east of the Site. This was recorded as UXB. 2No. HE bombs fell on the roadway south of Pontoon Dock, approximately 0.2km east of the Site. 1No. HE bomb fell on Westwood Road, approximately 0.2km northwest of the Site. 2No. HE bombs fell on silos on Royal Victoria Dock, approximately 0.2km northeast of the Site. 2No. HE bombs fell on Evelyn Road, approximately 0.2km northeast of the Site. Several HE bombs fell on Royal Victoria Dock warehouses, approximately 0.3km north of the Site. Several IBs fell on Royal Victoria Dock warehouses, approximately 0.3km north of the Site. 1No. HE bomb fell on Silcocks Factory, approximately 0.3km southeast of the Site. 1No. HE bomb fell on Lyle Park, approximately 0.3km southwest of the Site. This was recorded as UXB. Several HE bombs and IBs fell on the Premier, Empire, and , approximately 0.3km northeast of the Site. Several IBs fell on silos on Royal Victoria Dock, approximately 0.3km east of the Site. 8th September 1940 1No. HE bomb fell opposite Brunner Mond factory, approximately 0.1km southeast of the Site. This was recorded as UXB. 2No. HE bombs fell on Westwood Road, approximately 0.1km northwest of the Site. 1No. HE bomb fell on Evelyn Road, between Cranbrook Road and Eastwood Road, approximately 0.2km northwest of the Site. 9th September 1940 1No. HE bomb fell on Mill Road, approximately 50m east of the Site. Several IBs fell on North Woolwich Road, approximately 0.3km east of the Site. 10th September 1940 1No. HE bomb fell on Knight Hemp Works, approximately 0.2km west of the Site. 1No. HE bomb fell on Brafield Road, approximately 0.2km southwest of the Site. 11th September 1940 Several IBs fell on Vanestas Plywood Works, approximately 0.1km southeast of the Site. 1No. HE bomb fell on Bradfield Road, approximately 0.1km southwest of the Site. 12th September 1940 1No. HE bomb fell on Silcocks factory, approximately 0.3km southeast of the Site.

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1No. HE bomb fell on Clyde Road, approximately 0.3km northwest of the Site. 15th September 1940 Several IBs fell on Area Office, Royal Victoria Dock, approximately 0.2km north of the Site. Several IBs fell on Empire Mills, approximately 0.3km northeast of the Site. Several IBs fell on Royal Victoria Dock warehouses, approximately 0.3km north of the Site. 17th September 1940 2No. HE bombs fell on railway tracks in Royal Victoria Dock, approximately 0.3km east of the Site. 18th September 1940 1No. HE bomb fell on Evelyn Road, between Cranbrook Road and Eastwood Road, approximately 0.2km northwest of the Site. HE bombs fell on Lyle Park, approximately 0.3km southwest of the Site. 21st September 1940 1No. HE bomb fell on Boxley Street between North Woolwich Road and Evelyn Road, approximately 50m north of the Site. 23rd September 1940 1No. HE bomb fell on Bradfield Road, approximately 0.2km southwest of the Site. 24th September 1940 1No. HE bomb fell on Bradfield Road, approximately 0.3km southwest of the Site. 27th September 1940 Several IBs fell on Bradfield Road, approximately 0.1km southwest of the Site. Several IBs fell on Knights Hemp Works, approximately 0.2km southwest of the Site. Several IBs fell on Manhattan Wharf, approximately 0.3km southwest of the Site. 29th September 1940 1No. HE bomb fell on Mill Road between Pirie Street and North Woolwich Road, approximately 50m east of the Site. 1No. HE bomb fell on Boxley Street between North Woolwich Road and Evelyn Road, approximately 50m north of the Site. 6th October 1940 2No. HE bombs fell on Silvertown Lubricants Works, approximately 50m south of the Site. 2No. HE bombs fell on Boxley Street, approximately 50m north of the Site. 4No. HE bombs fell between Westwood Road and Cranbrook Road, approximately 50m northwest of the Site. 1No. HE bomb fell on Pontoon Dock, approximately 0.1km east of the Site. 1No. HE bomb fell on North Woolwich Street, between Fort Street and Mill Street, approximately 0.1km east of the Site. 1No. HE bomb fell on Mill Road, approximately 0.1km east of the Site. 1No. HE bomb fell on Bradfield Road, approximately 0.2km southwest of the Site.

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1No. Delayed Action Bomb (DAB) fell on Shell Mex Oil Depot, approximately 0.3km southwest of the Site. Several HE bombs and IBs fell on Victoria Docks warehouses, approximately 0.3km north of the Site. 1No. HE bomb fell on Vanestas Plywood Works, approximately 0.3km south of the Site. 7th October 1940 1No. HE bomb fell near the junction of Boxley Street and Evelyn Road, approximately 0.1km north of the Site. 1No. HE bomb fell on Westwood Road, approximately 0.1km west of the Site. 1No. HE bomb fell on Evelyn Road, approximately 0.2km north of the Site. 1No. HE bomb fell on North Woolwich Road, approximately 0.2km west of the Site. 9th October 1940 1No. HE bomb fell on North Woolwich Road, opposite Silcocks factory, approximately 0.3km east of the Site. 10th October 1940 1No. HE bomb fell on North Woolwich Road, near Mill Road, approximately 0.1km east of the Site. 2No. HE bombs fell on Silcocks Factory, approximately 0.2km southeast of the Site. 1No. HE bomb fell on Burt, Boulton & Haywood timber merchants, approximately 0.2km southeast of the Site. This was recorded as UXB. 2No. HE bombs fell on Silcocks Factory, approximately 0.2km southeast of the Site. 15th October 1940 1No. HE bomb fell north of North Woolwich Road, on the Site. 1No. HE bomb fell on Mill Road, approximately 0.1km northeast of the Site. 1No. HE bomb fell on Silvertown Lubricants Works, approximately 0.1km south of the Site. Several IBs fell on North Woolwich Road, approximately 0.1km west of the Site. 1No. HE bomb fell on Bradfield Road, approximately 0.1km southwest of the Site. This was recorded as UXB. 1No. HE bomb and several IBs fell on Silvertown Lubricants Works, approximately 0.2km southeast of the Site. Several IBs fell on Vanestas Plywood Works, approximately 0.2km south of the Site. 1No. HE bomb fell on Knights Works, approximately 0.2km southwest of the Site. 1No. HE bomb and 1No. Oil Bomb (OB) fell on main road in Royal Victoria Docks, approximately 0.2km north of the Site. 1No. HE bomb fell on Burt, Boulton & Haywood timber merchants, approximately 0.3km southeast of the Site. 1No. HE bomb fell on Silcocks factory, approximately 0.3km south of the Site. 1No. HE bomb fell on Clyde Road, near Ellesmere Road, approximately 0.3km northwest of the Site.

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West Silvertown Place UXO Desk Study

16th October 1940 Several HE bombs fell on Vanestas Plywood Works, approximately 0.2km south of the Site. Several HE bombs fell on Silvertown Lubricants Works, approximately 0.2km southeast of the Site. 1No. HE bomb fell on Silcocks factory, approximately 0.3km east of the Site. This was recorded as UXB. 20th October 1940 Several HE bombs fell on the flour mills at Royal Victoria Dock, approximately 0.3km northeast of the Site. 25th October 1940 Several IBs fell on Silvertown Lubricants Works, approximately 0.1km southeast of the Site. Several IBs fell on Bradfield Road, approximately 0.2km southwest of the Site. Several IBs fell on North Woolwich Road, approximately 0.3km east of the Site. 1No. HE bomb fell on shed in Royal Victoria Dock, approximately 0.3km northeast of the Site. 6th - 7th October 1940 4No. HE bombs fell between Westwood Road and Cranbrook Road, approximately 50m northwest of the Site. 6th - 7th November 1940 Several IBs fell on North Woolwich Road, approximately 0.1km west of the Site. 8th November 1940 1No. HE bomb fell on North Woolwich Road, between Cranbrook Road and Westwood Road, approximately 0.2km west of the Site. 1No. HE bomb fell on Lyle Park, approximately 0.2km southwest of the Site. 11th November 1940 1No. HE bomb fell on Vanestas Plywood Works, approximately 0.1km south of the Site. 1No. HE bomb fell on Bradfield Rad, approximately 0.2km west-southwest of the Site. 15th November 1940 1No. HE bomb fell on Bradfield Road, approximately 0.3km southwest of the Site. 12th January 1941 Several IBs fell on North Woolwich Road, adjacent to the southern boundary of the Site. 2No. HE bomb fell on Silvertown Lubricants, approximately 0.2km southeast of the Site. Several IBs fell on Burt, Boulton & Haywood timber merchants and Silcocks factory, approximately 0.3km southeast of the Site. 21st January 1941 2No. HE bombs fell on Silvertown Lubricants, approximately 0.1km southeast of the Site. 9th March 1941 1No. HE bomb fell on North Woolwich Road, near railway station, approximately 0.3km west of the Site.

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West Silvertown Place UXO Desk Study

19th March 1941 7No. HE bombs fell on North Woolwich Road, between 0.1km west and 0.2km east of the Site. 1No. of these fell adjacent to the southern boundary of the Site and was recorded as UXB. 1No. HE bomb fell on Mill Road, opposite the dock gate, approximately 0.2km northeast of the Site. 1No. HE bomb fell on Bradfield Road, approximately 0.2km southwest of the Site. 1No. OB and several IBs fell on Empire Mills, Royal Victoria Dock, approximately 0.2km north of the Site. 1No. PM fell on Knights Hemp Works, approximately 0.3km southwest of the Site. This was recorded as UXPM. 20th March 1941 1No. HE bomb fell on Knights Road, approximately 0.2km southwest of the Site. 2No. HE bombs fell on flour mills at Royal Victoria Dock, approximately 0.3km northeast of the Site. 1No. HE bomb fell on North Woolwich Road, approximately 0.3km east of the Site. 1No. PM fell on Lyle Park, approximately 0.3km southwest of the Site. 21st March 1941 1No. HE bomb fell on North Woolwich Road, approximately 20m south of the Site. 20th April 1941 Several IBs fell on North Woolwich Road, approximately 0.1km east of the Site. 1No. HE bomb fell on Vanestas Plywood Works, approximately 0.1km south of the Site. 21st April 1941 2No. HE bombs fell on North Woolwich Road, near Mill Road, approximately 0.1km east of the Site. Several IBs fell on Burt, Boulton & Haywood timber merchants, approximately 0.3km southeast of the Site. 11th May 1941 1No. HE bomb fell on Burt, Boulton & Haywood timber merchants, approximately 0.3km southeast of the Site. 18th May 1943 1No. HE bomb fell on Silvertown Lubricants Works, approximately 0.3km south of the Site. 11th February 1944 1No. PhIB fell on Silvertown Lubricants Works, approximately 0.1km south-southeast of the Site. 22nd February 1944 1No. PhIB fell on the premises of Ranks Flour Mill, on the Site. 1No. HE bomb fell on Ranks Garage, Fort Street, approximately 0.1km north of the Site. 2No. HE bombs fell on Evelyn Road, between Fort Street and Boxley Street, approximately 0.1km north of the Site. These were recorded as UXBs.

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West Silvertown Place UXO Desk Study

1No. HE bomb and several IBs fell on Vanestas Plywood Works, approximately 0.2km south of the Site. Several IBs fell on Evelyn Road, between Boxley Road and Westwood Road, approximately 0.2km north of the Site. 1No. HE bomb fell on Bradfield Road, approximately 0.2km southwest of the Site. This was recorded as UXB. 2No. HE bombs fell on Victoria Docks, approximately 0.2km northeast of the Site. 23rd February 1944 1No. PhIB fell on 279 North Woolwich Road, adjacent to the southern boundary of the Site. This was recorded as UXPhIB. 21st June 1944 1No. V1 fell on the south side of Royal Victoria Dock, approximately 0.3km north of the Site. 6th July 1944 1No. V1 fell on North Woolwich Road, opposite Silcocks factory, approximately 0.3km east of the Site. 11th July 1944 1No. V1 fell on Mill Road, approximately 0.1km northwest of the Site. 28th July 1944 1No. V1 fell on Clyde Road entrance to Victoria Dock, approximately 0.3km northwest of the Site.

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West Silvertown Place UXO Desk Study

Appendix 6 Bibliography Brooksbank B W L, London Main Line War Damage, 2007 Bulloch G, Steeds J E , Green K, Sainsbury M G, Brockwell J S & Slade N J, Land Contamination: Technical Guidance on Special Sites: MoD Land Bulloch G, Steeds J E, Green K, Sainsbury M G, Brockwell J S, & Slade N J, R&D Technical Report P5-042/TR/03, Land Contamination: Technical Guidance on Special Sites: Explosives Manufacturing & Processing Sites CIRIA, Unexploded Ordnance (UXO), a Guide for the Construction Industry, 2009 Clarke N J, Luftwaffe Target Reconnaissance, German aerial Photography 1939-1942, 1996 Clarke N J, Adolf’s British Holiday Snaps: Luftwaffe Aerial Reconnaissance Photographs of England, Scotland and Wales, 2012 Cocroft W D, Dangerous Energy, 2000 Cocroft W D, Thomas R J, Cold War, 2003 Department of the Environment, Sampling Strategies for Contaminated Land, Department of the Environment: Contaminated Land Research Report, CLR Report No. 4, 1994. Dobinson C S, Twentieth Century Fortifications in England, Volume I 1, Anti-aircraft artillery, England’s air defence gun sites. 1914 – 46. Council for British Archaeology, 1996 Dobinson C S, Twentieth Century Fortifications in England, Volume I 2, Anti-aircraft artillery, Site gazetteer, WWI. Council for British Archaeology, 1996 Dobinson C S, Twentieth Century Fortifications in England, Volume I. 3. Anti-aircraft artillery, 1914-46, Site gazetteer, WWII HAA & ZAA. Council for British Archaeology, 1996 Dobinson C S, Twentieth Century Fortifications in England, Volume I 4, Anti-aircraft artillery, Site gazetteer, WWII LAA. Council for British Archaeology, 1996 Dobinson C S, Twentieth Century Fortifications in England, Volume I 5, Anti-aircraft artillery, Sources. Council for British Archaeology, 1996 Dobinson C S, Twentieth Century Fortifications in England, Volume II, Anti-invasion defences of WWII. Council for British Archaeology, 1996 Dobinson C S, Twentieth Century Fortifications in England, Volume III, Bombing decoys of WWII, England’s passive air defence 1939-45. Council for British Archaeology, 1996 Dobinson C S, Twentieth Century Fortifications in England, Volume VIII, Civil defence in WWII, Protecting England’s Civil Population. Council for British Archaeology, 1996 Dobinson C S, Twentieth Century Fortifications in England, Supporting paper AA/1 Searchlight sites in WWII. Council for British Archaeology, 1996 Dobinson C S, Fields of Deception, Britain’s Bombing Decoys of World War II, 2000 Dobinson C S, AA Command, 2001 Fegan T, The Baby Killers, 2002 Hill G, Bloch H, The , London 1917, 2003 Hill M, The London Blitz, 1990 Manchester Evening News, Our Blitz, 1945 Morris J, German Air Raids on Britain 1914-1918, 1993

P9759-20-R1-A 59

West Silvertown Place UXO Desk Study

Price A, Blitz on Britain 1939-45, 2000 Ramsey W, The East End Then and Now, 2001 Ramsey W, Then and Now, Vol 1, 1987 Ramsey W, The Blitz Then and Now, Vol 2, 1988 Ramsey W, The Blitz Then and Now, Vol 3, 1990 Wyatt J R, Unexploded Bombs (UXB) in the Thames Marshes, 2000 Zetica, ZeticaUXO Handbook: a guide to dealing with UXO during construction, 2018

P9759-20-R1-A 60

West Silvertown Place UXO Desk Study

Established for over 29 years, Zetica’s services include

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Silvertown Garage, London


Report IN11836 CL 003

Client: Silvertown Garage Ltd Date August 2020

Page Attachment Four - 1 Historical Mapping Legends

Ordnance Survey County Series and Ordnance Survey Plan, Additional SIMs and Large-Scale National Grid Data 1:2,500 and Ordnance Survey Plan 1:2,500 Supply of Unpublished Survey Information 1:1,250 1:2,500 and 1:1,250 Historical Mapping & Photography included:

Mapping Type Scale Date Pg London 1:2,500 1869 2 London 1:2,500 1896 3 Ordnance Survey Plan 1:1,250 1952 - 1959 4 Ordnance Survey Plan 1:2,500 1953 - 1960 5 Additional SIMs 1:2,500 1960 6 Ordnance Survey Plan 1:1,250 1963 - 1971 7 Ordnance Survey Plan 1:2,500 1968 8 Ordnance Survey Plan 1:1,250 1973 9 Additional SIMs 1:1,250 1982 10 Large-Scale National Grid Data 1:1,250 1991 11 Large-Scale National Grid Data 1:1,250 1994 - 1995 12 Large-Scale National Grid Data 1:1,250 1996 13 Large-Scale National Grid Data 1:1,250 1996 14 Large-Scale National Grid Data 1:1,250 1996 15

Historical Map - Segment A13

Order Details Order Number: 250008992_1_1 Customer Ref: IN11836 CL 003 National Grid Reference: 540740, 180120 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 0.26 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details PFS and Ambulance Station, Tower Hamlets Ambulance Station, 291 North Woolwich Road, London, E16 2BB

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v50.0 28-Jul-2020 Page 1 of 15 London Published 1869 Source map scale - 1:2,500 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas and by 1896 it covered the whole of what were considered to be the cultivated parts of Great Britain. The published date given below is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A13

Order Details Order Number: 250008992_1_1 Customer Ref: IN11836 CL 003 National Grid Reference: 540740, 180120 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 0.26 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details PFS and Ambulance Station, Tower Hamlets Ambulance Station, 291 North Woolwich Road, London, E16 2BB

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v50.0 28-Jul-2020 Page 2 of 15 London Published 1896 Source map scale - 1:2,500 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas and by 1896 it covered the whole of what were considered to be the cultivated parts of Great Britain. The published date given below is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A13

Order Details Order Number: 250008992_1_1 Customer Ref: IN11836 CL 003 National Grid Reference: 540740, 180120 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 0.26 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details PFS and Ambulance Station, Tower Hamlets Ambulance Station, 291 North Woolwich Road, London, E16 2BB

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v50.0 28-Jul-2020 Page 3 of 15 Ordnance Survey Plan Published 1952 - 1959 Source map scale - 1:1,250 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas and by 1896 it covered the whole of what were considered to be the cultivated parts of Great Britain. The published date given below is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A13

Order Details Order Number: 250008992_1_1 Customer Ref: IN11836 CL 003 National Grid Reference: 540740, 180120 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 0.26 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details PFS and Ambulance Station, Tower Hamlets Ambulance Station, 291 North Woolwich Road, London, E16 2BB

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v50.0 28-Jul-2020 Page 4 of 15 Ordnance Survey Plan Published 1953 - 1960 Source map scale - 1:2,500 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas and by 1896 it covered the whole of what were considered to be the cultivated parts of Great Britain. The published date given below is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A13

Order Details Order Number: 250008992_1_1 Customer Ref: IN11836 CL 003 National Grid Reference: 540740, 180120 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 0.26 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details PFS and Ambulance Station, Tower Hamlets Ambulance Station, 291 North Woolwich Road, London, E16 2BB

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v50.0 28-Jul-2020 Page 5 of 15 Additional SIMs Published 1960 Source map scale - 1:2,500 The SIM cards (Ordnance Survey's `Survey of Information on Microfilm') are further, minor editions of mapping which were produced and published in between the main editions as an area was updated. They date from 1947 to 1994, and contain detailed information on buildings, roads and land-use. These maps were produced at both 1:2,500 and 1:1,250 scales.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A13

Order Details Order Number: 250008992_1_1 Customer Ref: IN11836 CL 003 National Grid Reference: 540740, 180120 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 0.26 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details PFS and Ambulance Station, Tower Hamlets Ambulance Station, 291 North Woolwich Road, London, E16 2BB

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v50.0 28-Jul-2020 Page 6 of 15 Ordnance Survey Plan Published 1963 - 1971 Source map scale - 1:1,250 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas and by 1896 it covered the whole of what were considered to be the cultivated parts of Great Britain. The published date given below is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A13

Order Details Order Number: 250008992_1_1 Customer Ref: IN11836 CL 003 National Grid Reference: 540740, 180120 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 0.26 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details PFS and Ambulance Station, Tower Hamlets Ambulance Station, 291 North Woolwich Road, London, E16 2BB

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v50.0 28-Jul-2020 Page 7 of 15 Ordnance Survey Plan Published 1968 Source map scale - 1:2,500 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas and by 1896 it covered the whole of what were considered to be the cultivated parts of Great Britain. The published date given below is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A13

Order Details Order Number: 250008992_1_1 Customer Ref: IN11836 CL 003 National Grid Reference: 540740, 180120 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 0.26 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details PFS and Ambulance Station, Tower Hamlets Ambulance Station, 291 North Woolwich Road, London, E16 2BB

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v50.0 28-Jul-2020 Page 8 of 15 Ordnance Survey Plan Published 1973 Source map scale - 1:1,250 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas and by 1896 it covered the whole of what were considered to be the cultivated parts of Great Britain. The published date given below is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A13

Order Details Order Number: 250008992_1_1 Customer Ref: IN11836 CL 003 National Grid Reference: 540740, 180120 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 0.26 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details PFS and Ambulance Station, Tower Hamlets Ambulance Station, 291 North Woolwich Road, London, E16 2BB

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v50.0 28-Jul-2020 Page 9 of 15 Additional SIMs Published 1982 Source map scale - 1:1,250 The SIM cards (Ordnance Survey's `Survey of Information on Microfilm') are further, minor editions of mapping which were produced and published in between the main editions as an area was updated. They date from 1947 to 1994, and contain detailed information on buildings, roads and land-use. These maps were produced at both 1:2,500 and 1:1,250 scales.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A13

Order Details Order Number: 250008992_1_1 Customer Ref: IN11836 CL 003 National Grid Reference: 540740, 180120 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 0.26 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details PFS and Ambulance Station, Tower Hamlets Ambulance Station, 291 North Woolwich Road, London, E16 2BB

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v50.0 28-Jul-2020 Page 10 of 15 Large-Scale National Grid Data Published 1991 Source map scale - 1:1,250 'Large Scale National Grid Data' superseded SIM cards (Ordnance Survey's 'Survey of Information on Microfilm') in 1992, and continued to be produced until 1999. These maps were the fore-runners of digital mapping and so provide detailed information on houses and roads, but tend to show less topographic features such as vegetation. These maps were produced at both 1:2,500 and 1:1,250 scales.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A13

Order Details Order Number: 250008992_1_1 Customer Ref: IN11836 CL 003 National Grid Reference: 540740, 180120 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 0.26 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details PFS and Ambulance Station, Tower Hamlets Ambulance Station, 291 North Woolwich Road, London, E16 2BB

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v50.0 28-Jul-2020 Page 11 of 15 Large-Scale National Grid Data Published 1994 - 1995 Source map scale - 1:1,250 'Large Scale National Grid Data' superseded SIM cards (Ordnance Survey's 'Survey of Information on Microfilm') in 1992, and continued to be produced until 1999. These maps were the fore-runners of digital mapping and so provide detailed information on houses and roads, but tend to show less topographic features such as vegetation. These maps were produced at both 1:2,500 and 1:1,250 scales.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A13

Order Details Order Number: 250008992_1_1 Customer Ref: IN11836 CL 003 National Grid Reference: 540740, 180120 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 0.26 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details PFS and Ambulance Station, Tower Hamlets Ambulance Station, 291 North Woolwich Road, London, E16 2BB

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v50.0 28-Jul-2020 Page 12 of 15 Large-Scale National Grid Data Published 1996 Source map scale - 1:1,250 'Large Scale National Grid Data' superseded SIM cards (Ordnance Survey's 'Survey of Information on Microfilm') in 1992, and continued to be produced until 1999. These maps were the fore-runners of digital mapping and so provide detailed information on houses and roads, but tend to show less topographic features such as vegetation. These maps were produced at both 1:2,500 and 1:1,250 scales.

dummy Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A13

Order Details Order Number: 250008992_1_1 Customer Ref: IN11836 CL 003 National Grid Reference: 540740, 180120 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 0.26 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details PFS and Ambulance Station, Tower Hamlets Ambulance Station, 291 North Woolwich Road, London, E16 2BB

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v50.0 28-Jul-2020 Page 13 of 15 Large-Scale National Grid Data Published 1996 Source map scale - 1:1,250 'Large Scale National Grid Data' superseded SIM cards (Ordnance Survey's 'Survey of Information on Microfilm') in 1992, and continued to be produced until 1999. These maps were the fore-runners of digital mapping and so provide detailed information on houses and roads, but tend to show less topographic features such as vegetation. These maps were produced at both 1:2,500 and 1:1,250 scales.

dummy Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A13

Order Details Order Number: 250008992_1_1 Customer Ref: IN11836 CL 003 National Grid Reference: 540740, 180120 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 0.26 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details PFS and Ambulance Station, Tower Hamlets Ambulance Station, 291 North Woolwich Road, London, E16 2BB

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v50.0 28-Jul-2020 Page 14 of 15 Large-Scale National Grid Data Published 1996 Source map scale - 1:1,250 'Large Scale National Grid Data' superseded SIM cards (Ordnance Survey's 'Survey of Information on Microfilm') in 1992, and continued to be produced until 1999. These maps were the fore-runners of digital mapping and so provide detailed information on houses and roads, but tend to show less topographic features such as vegetation. These maps were produced at both 1:2,500 and 1:1,250 scales.

dummy Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A13

Order Details Order Number: 250008992_1_1 Customer Ref: IN11836 CL 003 National Grid Reference: 540740, 180120 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 0.26 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details PFS and Ambulance Station, Tower Hamlets Ambulance Station, 291 North Woolwich Road, London, E16 2BB

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v50.0 28-Jul-2020 Page 15 of 15 Silvertown Garage, London


Report IN11836 CL 003

Client: Silvertown Garage Ltd Date August 2020

Page Attachment Five - 1

Plant Protection Cadent Block 1; Floor 1 Brick Kiln Street Hinckley LE10 0NA E-mail: [email protected] Telephone: +44 (0)800 688588 Gillian Cameron Subadra Consulting Ltd National Gas Emergency Number: Unit 13 0800 111 999*

Triangle Business Park National Grid Electricity Emergency Number: Wendover Road 0800 40 40 90* Stoke Mandeville * Available 24 hours, 7 days/week. Calls may be recorded and monitored. Bucks HP22 5BL

Date: 01/07/2020 Our Ref: NL_GE4A_3SWX_692388 Your Ref:

RE: Proposed Works, Silvertown Garage

Thank you for your enquiry which was received on 01/07/2020. Please note this response and any attached map(s) are valid for 28 days.

An assessment has been carried out with respect to Cadent Gas Limited, National Grid Electricity Transmission plc's and National Grid Gas Transmission plc's apparatus. Please note it does not cover the items listed in the section "Your Responsibilities and Obligations", including gas service pipes and related apparatus. For details of Network areas please see the Cadent website ( you-dig ) or the enclosed documentation.

As your works are at a "proposed" stage, any maps and guidance provided are for information purposes only. This is not approval to commence work. You must submit a "Scheduled Works" enquiry at the earliest opportunity and failure to do this may lead to disruption to your plans and works. Plant Protection will endeavour to provide an initial assessment within 14 days of receipt of a Scheduled Works enquiry and dependent on the outcome of this, further consultation may be required.

In any event, for safety and legal reasons, works must not be carried out until a Scheduled

Works enquiry has been completed and final response received.

Cadent is a trading name for: Cadent Gas Limited National Grid is a trading name for: National Grid is a trading name for: Registered Office: Ashbrook Court, Prologis Park, National Grid Electricity Transmission plc National Grid Gas Transmission plc Central Boulevard, Coventry CV7 8PE Registered Office: 1-3 Strand, London WC2N 5EH Registered Office: 1-3 Strand, London WC2N 5EH Registered in England and Wales, No 10080864 Registered in England and Wales, No 2366977 Registered in England and Wales, No 2006000

Your Responsibilities and Obligations

The "Assessment" Section below outlines the detailed requirements that must be followed when planning or undertaking your scheduled activities at this location.

It is your responsibility to ensure that the information you have submitted is accurate and that all relevant documents including links are provided to all persons (either direct labour or contractors) working for you near Cadent and/or National Grid's apparatus, e.g. as contained within the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations.

This assessment solely relates to Cadent Gas Limited, National Grid Electricity Transmission plc (NGET) and National Grid Gas Transmission plc (NGGT) and apparatus. This assessment does NOT include:

Š Cadent and/or National Grid's legal interest (easements or wayleaves) in the land which restricts activity in proximity to Cadent and/or National Grid's assets in private land. You must obtain details of any such restrictions from the landowner in the first instance and if in doubt contact Plant Protection. Š Gas service pipes and related apparatus Š Recently installed apparatus Š Apparatus owned by other organisations, e.g. other gas distribution operators, local electricity companies, other utilities, etc.

It is YOUR responsibility to take into account whether the items listed above may be present and if they could be affected by your proposed activities. Further "Essential Guidance" in respect of these items can be found on either the National Grid or Cadent website.

This communication does not constitute any formal agreement or consent for any proposed development work; either generally or with regard to Cadent and/or National Grid's easements or wayleaves nor any planning or building regulations applications.

Cadent Gas Limited, NGGT and NGET or their agents, servants or contractors do not accept any liability for any losses arising under or in connection with this information. This limit on liability applies to all and any claims in contract, tort (including negligence), misrepresentation (excluding fraudulent misrepresentation), breach of statutory duty or otherwise. This limit on liability does not exclude or restrict liability where prohibited by the law nor does it supersede the express terms of any related agreements.

If you require further assistance please contact the Plant Protection team via e-mail (click here) or via the contact details at the top of this response.

Yours faithfully

Plant Protection Team

Page 2 of 6 ASSESSMENT

Affected Apparatus The apparatus that has been identified as being in the vicinity of your proposed works is:

Š Low or Medium pressure (below 2 bar) gas pipes and associated equipment. (As a result it is highly likely that there are gas services and associated apparatus in the vicinity)


BEFORE carrying out any work you must:

Š Carefully read these requirements including the attached guidance documents and maps showing the location of apparatus. Š Contact the landowner and ensure any proposed works in private land do not infringe Cadent and/or National Grid's legal rights (i.e. easements or wayleaves). If the works are in the road or footpath the relevant local authority should be contacted. Š Ensure that all persons, including direct labour and contractors, working for you on or near Cadent and/or National Grid's apparatus follow the requirements of the HSE Guidance Notes HSG47 - 'Avoiding Danger from Underground Services' and GS6 – 'Avoidance of danger from overhead electric power lines'. This guidance can be downloaded free of charge at Š In line with the above guidance, verify and establish the actual position of mains, pipes, cables, services and other apparatus on site before any activities are undertaken.

Page 3 of 6 GUIDANCE

Excavating Safely - Avoiding injury when working near gas pipes: 18361C6E0B0D/25249/Digsafe_leaflet3e2finalamends061207.pdf

Standard Guidance

Essential Guidance document:

General Guidance document:

Excavating Safely in the vicinity of gas pipes guidance (Credit card): E89949052829/44257/ExcavatingSafelyCreditCard.pdf

Excavating Safely in the vicinity of electricity cables guidance (Credit card): D607D05A25C2/44858/ExcavatingSafelyCreditCardelectricitycables.pdf

Copies of all the Guidance Documents can also be downloaded from the National Grid and Cadent websites.

Page 4 of 6


Received Date 01/07/2020

Location Centre Point: 540729, 180125 X Extent: 103 Y Extent: 54 Postcode: E16 2BB Location Description: Silvertown Garage

Map Options Paper Size: A4 Orientation: LANDSCAPE Requested Scale: 500 Actual Scale: 1:1250 (GAS) Real World Extents: 361m x 196m (GAS)

Recipients [email protected]

Enquirer Details Organisation Name: Subadra Consulting Ltd Contact Name: Gillian Cameron Email Address: [email protected] Telephone: 01296 739400 Address: Unit 13, Triangle Business Park, Wendover Road, Stoke Mandeville, Bucks, HP22 5BL

Description of Works Environmental Investigation

Enquiry Type Proposed Works

Activity Type Development Project

Work Types Work Type: Piling / Vertical Boring / Drilling (non-Vibration)

Page 6 of 6

Warning: PDF designed for A4 colour print only with no page scaling

The quality and accuracy of any print will depend on your printer, your computer and its print 0 50m : settings. Measurements scaled from this plan may not match measurements between the same lsbud-gtt-logo-260x90Dig Site s Area Line: points on the ground.

Date Requested: 02/07/2020 The information on this document is proprietary and shall not be used, copied, reproduced or disclosed in Job Reference: 19268661 Site Location: 540664 180071 whole or in part without written consent of GTT. The location of GTT’s apparatus is indicated on the plan for Requested by: general guidance but the exact location may vary from that shown. GTT cannot guarantee the accuracy of this Southport Business Park Ms Gillian Cameron Wight Moss Way Your Scheme/Reference: document and Safe Digging Practices should always be used to identify the exact location of any utility’s plant. Southport, PR8 4HQ Silvertown Garage GTT accept no liability for any errors or omissions. +44 (0) 7970 775 310 [email protected] GTT Route In Emergency Call: +3531 (0) 8673 600 Option 1 [email protected] Scale: 1:1250 (When plotted at A4) The material contained on this plot has been reproduced from an Ordnance Survey map with permission of the controller of H.M.S.O. Crown Copyright and database right 2020 Warning: PDF designed for colour print only with no page scaling. This Information is given as a guide only and its accuracy cannot be guaranteed (Page 1) Plans generated by DigSAFE Pro™ software provided by LinesearchbeforeUdig.

Overview map of worksite

1 2

Warning: PDF designed for A4 colour print only with no page scaling

Dig Sites Area : Line:

Date Requested: 02/07/2020 LP Main Valve Clos ed Reducer Job Reference: 19268661 LP Service Valve Open Ducting Site Location: 540701 180155 MP Main CSEP Gas Supply Point Indigo Pipelines Ltd. Requested by: Ms Gillian Cameron Registered Office: MP Service Pressure Reduction Station Loddon Reach, Your Scheme/Reference: Silvertown IP Main ] End Closure Reading Road, Garage IMPORTANT NOTICES  This information is given as a guide only and its accuracy cannot be guaranteed Arborfield,  The plan only shows pipes owned by SSE Utility Solutions Limited, Indigo Pipelines Limited  Service pipes etc. may not be shown but their presence should be anticipated Reading,  You must use safe digging practices in accordance with HS(G)47 to establish the actual position of mains, services and other apparatus before any mechanical excavation is used Bearkshire, RG2 9HU  It is your responsibility to ensure this information is provided to all persons working near our plant Scale: 1:1025 (When plotted at A4)  If in doubt call the SSE Enterprise Dial Before You Dig team on 0345 070 7386. Please note : If you have overlaps or misalignments between base maps that make it difficult to understand please contact [email protected] or call 0345 070 7386

Crown Copyright © - Reproduced by permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of HMSO. and database right 2019. All rights reserved. Ordnance Survey Licence number 100030994 (ESRI) and 100048660 (direct).Plans generated by DigSAFE Pro™ software provided by L inesearchbeforeUdig .


Warning: PDF designed for A4 colour print only with no page scaling

0 20m Dig Sites Area : Line:

Date Requested: 02/07/2020 LP Main Valve Clos ed Reducer Job Reference: 19268661 LP Service Valve Open Ducting Site Location: 540701 180155 MP Main CSEP Gas Supply Point Indigo Pipelines Ltd. Requested by: Ms Gillian Cameron Registered Office: MP Service Pressure Reduction Station Loddon Reach, Your Scheme/Reference: Silvertown IP Main ] End Closure Reading Road, Garage IMPORTANT NOTICES  This information is given as a guide only and its accuracy cannot be guaranteed Arborfield,  The plan only shows pipes owned by SSE Utility Solutions Limited, Indigo Pipelines Limited  Service pipes etc. may not be shown but their presence should be anticipated Reading,  You must use safe digging practices in accordance with HS(G)47 to establish the actual position of mains, services and other apparatus before any mechanical excavation is used Bearkshire, RG2 9HU  It is your responsibility to ensure this information is provided to all persons working near our plant Scale: 1:500 (When plotted at A4)  If in doubt call the SSE Enterprise Dial Before You Dig team on 0345 070 7386. Please note : If you have overlaps or misalignments between base maps that make it difficult to understand please contact [email protected] or call 0345 070 7386

Crown Copyright © - Reproduced by permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of HMSO. and database right 2019. All rights reserved. Ordnance Survey Licence number 100030994 (ESRI) and 100048660 (direct).Plans generated by DigSAFE Pro™ software provided by L inesearchbeforeUdig .


Warning: PDF designed for A4 colour print only with no page scaling

0 20m Dig Sites Area : Line:

Date Requested: 02/07/2020 LP Main Valve Clos ed Reducer Job Reference: 19268661 LP Service Valve Open Ducting Site Location: 540701 180155 MP Main CSEP Gas Supply Point Indigo Pipelines Ltd. Requested by: Ms Gillian Cameron Registered Office: MP Service Pressure Reduction Station Loddon Reach, Your Scheme/Reference: Silvertown IP Main ] End Closure Reading Road, Garage IMPORTANT NOTICES  This information is given as a guide only and its accuracy cannot be guaranteed Arborfield,  The plan only shows pipes owned by SSE Utility Solutions Limited, Indigo Pipelines Limited  Service pipes etc. may not be shown but their presence should be anticipated Reading,  You must use safe digging practices in accordance with HS(G)47 to establish the actual position of mains, services and other apparatus before any mechanical excavation is used Bearkshire, RG2 9HU  It is your responsibility to ensure this information is provided to all persons working near our plant Scale: 1:500 (When plotted at A4)  If in doubt call the SSE Enterprise Dial Before You Dig team on 0345 070 7386. Please note : If you have overlaps or misalignments between base maps that make it difficult to understand please contact [email protected] or call 0345 070 7386

Crown Copyright © - Reproduced by permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of HMSO. and database right 2019. All rights reserved. Ordnance Survey Licence number 100030994 (ESRI) and 100048660 (direct).Plans generated by DigSAFE Pro™ software provided by L inesearchbeforeUdig . Enquiry Confirmation Date of enquiry: 01/07/2020 LSBUD Ref: 19268661 Time of enquiry: 12:30


Name Ms Gillian Cameron Phone 01296 739400 Company Subadra Consulting Ltd Mobile Not Supplied Address Unit 13 Triangle Business Park Wendover Road Stoke Mandeville Buckinghamshire HP22 5BL

Email [email protected]

Enquiry Details

Scheme/Reference Silvertown Garage

Enquiry type Initial Enquiry Work category Development Projects

Start date 06/07/2020 Work type Commercial/industrial

End date 06/07/2020 Site size 0 metres square

Searched location XY= 540730, 180123 Work type buffer* 25 metres

Confirmed location 540701 180155

Site Contact Name Not Supplied Site Phone No Not Supplied

Description of Works

* The WORK TYPE BUFFER is a distance added to your search area based on the Work type you have chosen. Site Map

V3.3.6 Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2018 Page 1 of 5 Enquiry Confirmation Date of enquiry: 01/07/2020 LSBUD Ref: 19268661 Time of enquiry: 12:30

Asset Owners Terms and Conditions. Please note that this enquiry is subject always to our standard terms and conditions available at ("Terms of Use") and the disclaimer at the end of this document. Please note that in the event of any conflict or ambiguity between the terms of this Enquiry Confirmation and the Terms of Use, the Terms of Use shall take precedence.

Notes. Please ensure your contact details are correct and up to date on the system in case the LSBUD Members need to contact you.

Validity and search criteria. The results of this enquiry are based on the confirmed information you entered and are valid only as at the date of the enquiry. It is your responsibility to ensure that the Enquiry Details are correct, and LinesearchbeforeUdig accepts no responsibility for any errors or omissions in the Enquiry Details or any consequences thereof. LSBUD Members update their asset information on a regular basis so you are advised to consider this when undertaking any works. It is your responsibility to choose the period of time after which you need to resubmit any enquiry but the maximum time (after which your enquiry will no longer be dealt with by the LSBUD Helpdesk and LSBUD Members) is 28 days. If any details of the enquiry change, particularly including, but not limited to, the location of the work, then a further enquiry must be made.

Asset Owners & Responses. Please note the enquiry results include the following: 1. "LSBUD Members" who are asset owners who have registered their assets on the LSBUD service. 2. "Non LSBUD Members" are asset owners who have not registered their assets on the LSBUD service but LSBUD is aware of their existence. Please note that there could be other asset owners within your search area. Below are three lists of asset owners: 1. LSBUD Members who have assets registered within your search area. (“Affected”) a.These LSBUD Members will either: i. Ask for further information (“Email Additional Info” noted in status). The additional information includes: Site contact name and number, Location plan, Detailed plan (minimum scale 1:2500), Cross sectional drawings (if available), Work Specification.

ii. Respond directly to you (“Await Response”). In this response they may either send plans directly to you or ask for further information before being able to do so, particularly if any payments or authorisations are required.

2. LSBUD Members who do not have assets registered within your search area. (“Not Affected”)

3. Non LSBUD Members who may have assets within your search area. Please note that this list is not exhaustive and all details are provided as a guide only. It is your responsibility to identify and consult with all asset owners before proceeding.

National Grid. Please note that the LSBUD service only contains information on National Grid's Gas above 7 bar asset, all National Grid Electricity Transmission assets and National Grid's Gas Distribution Limited above 2 bar asset.

For National Grid Gas Distribution Ltd below 2 bar asset information please go to

Page 2 of 5 Enquiry Confirmation Date of enquiry: 01/07/2020 LSBUD Ref: 19268661 Time of enquiry: 12:30

LSBUD Members who have assets registered on the LSBUD service within the vicinity of your search area.

List of affected LSBUD members Asset Owner Phone/Email Emergency Only Status ESP Utilities Group 01372227560 01372227560 Await response Gtt 07970775310 02070259650 Await response SSE Enterprise Telecoms 03453053337 03453053337 Await response Gas 0800111999 Enterprise Water SSE Utility Solutions Limited 03450707386 Await response and Electric 0345 078 3268 UK Power Networks 08000565866 08000565866 Await response

LSBUD Members who do not have assets registered on the LSBUD service within the vicinity of your search area. Please be aware that LSBUD Members make regular changes to their assets and this list may vary for new enquiries in the same area.

List of not affected LSBUD members

AWE Pipeline Balfour Beatty Investments Limited BOC Limited (A Member of the Linde Group)

BP Exploration Operating Company Limited BPA Carrington Gas Pipeline

CATS Pipeline c/o Wood Group PSN Cemex Centrica Storage Ltd

Chrysaor Production (UK) Limited CLH Pipeline System Ltd CNG Services Ltd

Concept Solutions People Ltd ConocoPhillips (UK) Teesside Operator Ltd Diamond Transmission Corporation

DIO (MOD Abandoned Pipelines) Drax Group E.ON UK CHP Limited

EirGrid Electricity North West Limited ENI & Himor c/o Penspen Ltd

EnQuest NNS Limited EP Langage Limited ESSAR

Esso Petroleum Company Limited Fulcrum Pipelines Limited Gamma

Gateshead Energy Company Gigaclear Ltd Heathrow Airport LTD

Humbly Grove Energy IGas Energy INEOS FPS Pipelines

INEOS Manufacturing (Scotland and TSEP) INOVYN Enterprises Limited Intergen (Coryton Energy or Spalding Energy)

Jurassic Fibre Ltd Mainline Pipelines Limited Manchester Jetline Limited

Manx Cable Company Marchwood Power Ltd (Gas Pipeline) Melbourn Solar Limited

National Grid Gas (Above 7 bar), National Grid Murphy Utility Assets Gas Distribution Limited (Above 2 bar) and Northumbrian Water Group National Grid Electricity Transmission

NPower CHP Pipelines Oikos Storage Limited Ørsted

Perenco UK Limited (Purbeck Southampton Petroineos Phillips 66 Pipeline)

Portsmouth Water Premier Transmission Ltd (SNIP) Redundant Pipelines - LPDA

RWE - Great Yarmouth Pipeline (Bacton to Great RWEnpower (Little Barford and South Haven) SABIC UK Petrochemicals Yarmouth )

Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks Scottish Power Generation Seabank Power Ltd

SES Water SGN Shell

Tata Communications (c/o JSM Construction Shell NOP SSE (Peterhead Power Station) Ltd)

Page 3 of 5 Total (Colnbrook & Colwick Pipelines) Total Finaline Pipelines Transmission Capital

Uniper UK Ltd Vattenfall Veolia ES SELCHP Limited

Veolia ES Sheffield Ltd Wales and West Utilities West of Duddon Sands Transmission Ltd

Western Power Distribution Westminster City Council Zayo Group UK Ltd c/o JSM Group Ltd

Page 4 of 5 Enquiry Confirmation Date of enquiry: 01/07/2020 LSBUD Ref: 19268661 Time of enquiry: 12:30

The following Non-LSBUD Members may have assets in your search area. It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to contact them before proceeding. Please be aware this list is not exhaustive and it is your responsibility to identify and contact all asset owners within your search area.

Non-LSBUD members (Asset owners not registered on LSBUD) Asset Owner Preferred contact method Phone Status BT 08009173993 Not Notified Cadent Gas [email protected] 0800688588 Not Notified CenturyLink Communications UK Limited [email protected] 02087314613 Not Notified CityFibre [email protected] 033 3150 7282 Not Notified Colt [email protected] 01227768427 Not Notified [email protected] 02030239100 Not Notified Energetics Electricity [email protected] 01698404646 Not Notified ENGIE [email protected] 01293 549944 Not Notified GTC 01359240363 Not Notified KPN (c/-Instalcom) [email protected] n/a Not Notified Mobile Broadband Network Limited [email protected] 01212 621 100 Not Notified Sky UK Limited [email protected] 02070323234 Not Notified Sota [email protected] Not Notified Teliasonera [email protected] 0800526015 Not Notified Thames Water 08450709145 Not Notified Utility assets Ltd [email protected] Not Notified Verizon Business [email protected] 01293611736 Not Notified Virgin Media 08708883116 Not Notified Vodafone [email protected] 01454662881 Not Notified

Disclaimer Please refer to LinesearchbeforeUdig's Terms of Use for full terms of use available at The results of this Enquiry are personal to the Enquirer and shall not be shared with or relied upon by any other party. The asset information on which the Enquiry results are based has been provided by LSBUD Members, therefore LinesearchbeforeUdig will provide no guarantee that such information is accurate or reliable nor does it monitor such asset information for accuracy and reliability going forward. There may also be asset owners which do not participate in the enquiry service operated by LinesearchbeforeUdig, including but not exclusively those set out above. Therefore, LinesearchbeforeUdig cannot make any representation or give any guarantee or warranty as to the completeness of the information contained in the enquiry results or accept any responsibility for the accuracy of the mapping images used. LinesearchbeforeUdig and its employees, agents and consultants accept no liability (save that nothing in this Enquiry Confirmation excludes or limits our liability for death or personal injury arising from our negligence, or our fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation, or any other liability that cannot be excluded or limited by English law) arising in respect thereof or in any other way for errors or omissions including responsibility to any person by reason of negligence.

Page 5 of 5


The quality and accuracy of any print will depend on your 50m Dig Sites Area : Line: printer, your computer and its print settings. 0 Measurements scaled from this plan may not match measurements between the same points on the ground. Date Requested: 01/07/2020 The information on this document is proprietary and shall not be used, copied, Job Reference: 19268661 reproduced or disclosed in whole or in part without written consent of SSE Enterprise Site Location: 540701 180155 Telecoms. Approximate location only is shown. To determine exact location a trial hole SSE Enterprise Telecoms is a trading name of must be dug with a SSE Enterprise Telecoms Supervisor present. SSE Enterprise Telecoms SSE Telecommunications Limited which is a part of Requested by: Ms Gillian Cameron accept no liability for errors or omissions. the SSE Group .

Your Scheme/Reference: Silvertown Registered Office: Garage Inveralmond House, SSE Telecoms Underground Route Emergency Number: 0345 305 3337 200 Dunkeld Road, Perth, PH1 3AQ Scale: 1:1250 (When plotted at A4) Some of the material on this plot has been reproduced from an Ordnance Survey map with permission of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office, © Crown Copyright. Licence No. 0100048661 Warning: PDF designed for colour print only with no page scaling. This Information is given as a guide only and its accuracy cannot be guaranteed Plans generated by DigSAFE Pro™ software provided by LinesearchbeforeUdig.

Subadra Consulting Ltd Unit 13Triangle Business Park STOKE MANDEVILLE AYLESBURY HP22 5BL

Search address supplied E16 2BB

Your reference Silvertown Garage

Our reference ALS/ALS Standard/2020_4206652

Search date 1 July 2020

Knowledge of features below the surface is essential for every development

The benefits of this knowledge not only include ensuring due diligence and avoiding risk, but also being able to ascertain the feasibility of any development.

Did you know that Thames Water Property Searches can also provide a variety of utility searches including a more comprehensive

view of utility providers’ assets (across up to 35-45 different providers), as well as more focused searches relating to specif ic major utility companies such as National Grid (gas and electric).

Contact us to find out more.

Thames Water Utilities Ltd Property Searches, PO Box 3189, Slough SL1 4WW DX 151280 Slough 13

[email protected]

0845 070 9148

Search address supplied: E16 2BB

Dear Sir / Madam

An Asset Location Search is recommended when undertaking a site development.It is essential to obtain information on the size and location of clean water and sewerage assets to safeguard against expensive damage and allow cost-effective service design.

The following records were searched in compiling this report: - the map of public sewers & the map of waterworks. Thames Water Utilities Ltd (TWUL) holds all of these.

This searchprovides maps showing the position, size of Thames Water assets close to the proposed development and also manhole cover and invert levels, where available.

Please note that none of the charges made for this report relate to the provision of Ordnance Survey mapping information. The replies contained in this letter are given following inspection of the public service records available to this company. No responsibility can be accepted for any error or omission in the replies.

You should be aware that the information contained on these plans is current only on the day that the plans are issued. The plans should only be used for the duration of the work that is being carried out at the present time. Under no circumstances should this data be copied or transmitted to parties other than those for whom the current work is being carried out.

Thames Water do update these service plans on a regular basis and failure to observe the above conditions could lead to damage arising to new or diverted services at a later date.

Contact Us

If you have any further queries regarding this enquiry please feel free to contact a member of the team on 0845 070 9148, or use the address below:

Thames Water Utilities Ltd Property Searches PO Box 3189 Slough SL1 4WW

Email: [email protected] Web:

Thames Water Utilities Ltd, Property Searches, PO Box 3189, Slough SL1 4WW, DX 151280 Slough 13 Page 2 of 11 T 0845 070 9148 E [email protected] I

Waste Water Services

Please provide a copy extract from the public sewer map.

Enclosed is a map showing the approximate lines of our sewers. Our plans do not show sewer connections from individual properties or any sewers not owned by Thames Water unless specifically annotated otherwise. Records such as "private" pipework are in some cases available from the Building Control Department of the relevant Local Authority.

Where the Local Authority does not hold such plans it might be advisable to consult the property deeds for the site or contact neighbouring landowners.

This report relates only to sewerage apparatus of Thames Water Utilities Ltd, it does not disclose details of cables and or communications equipment that may be running through or around such apparatus.

The sewer level information contained in this response represents all of the level data available in our existing records. Should you require any further Information, please refer to the relevant section within the 'Further Contacts' page found later in this document.

For your guidance: • The Company is not generally responsible for rivers, watercourses, ponds, culverts or highway drains. If any of these are shown on the copy extract they are shown for information only. • Any private sewers or lateral drains which are indicated on the extract of the public sewer map as being subject to an agreement under Section 104 of the Water Industry Act 1991 are not an ‘as constructed’ record. It is recommended these details be checked with the developer.

Clean Water Services

Please provide a copy extract from the public water main map.

Enclosed is a map showing the approximate positions of our water mains and associated apparatus. Please note that records are not kept of the positions of individual domestic supplies.

For your information, there will be a pressure of at least 10m head at the outside stop valve. If you would like to know the static pressure, please contact our Customer Centre on 0800 316 9800. The Customer Centre can also arrange for a full flow and pressure test to be carried out for a fee.

Thames Water Utilities Ltd, Property Searches, PO Box 3189, Slough SL1 4WW, DX 151280 Slough 13 Page 3 of 11 T 0845 070 9148 E [email protected] I

For your guidance: • Assets other than vested water mains may be shown on the plan, for information only. • If an extract of the public water main record is enclosed, this will show known public water mains in the vicinity of the property. It should be possible to estimate the likely length and route of any private water supply pipe connecting the property to the public water network.

Payment for this Search

A charge will be added to your suppliers account.

Thames Water Utilities Ltd, Property Searches, PO Box 3189, Slough SL1 4WW, DX 151280 Slough 13 Page 4 of 11 T 0845 070 9148 E [email protected] I

Further contacts:

Waste Water queries

Should you require verification of the invert levels of public sewers, by site measurement, you will need to approach the relevant Thames Water Area Network Office for permission to lift the appropriate covers. This permission will usually involve you completing a TWOSA form. For further information please contact our Customer Centre on Tel: 0845 920 0800. Alternatively, a survey can be arranged, for a fee, through our Customer Centre on the above number.

If you have any questions regarding sewer connections, budget estimates, diversions, building over issues or any other questions regarding operational issues please direct them to our service desk. Which can be contacted by writing to:

Developer Services (Waste Water) Thames Water Clearwater Court Vastern Road Reading RG1 8DB

Tel: 0800 009 3921 Email: [email protected]

Clean Water queries

Should you require any advice concerning clean water operational issues or clean water connections, please contact:

Developer Services (Clean Water) Thames Water Clearwater Court Vastern Road Reading RG1 8DB

Tel: 0800 009 3921 Email: [email protected]

Thames Water Utilities Ltd, Property Searches, PO Box 3189, Slough SL1 4WW, DX 151280 Slough 13 Page 5 of 11 T 0845 070 9148 E [email protected] I

Asset Location Search Sewer Map - ALS/ALS Standard/2020_4206652

72041 ! 50

T T 721A

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9 E 17


3 R

R T 6204 T S

S Y 4

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2 621A E 25 !

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D !701A OA R LD E % The width of the displayed area is 200 m and the centre of the map is located at OS coordinates 540711,180131 The position of the apparatus shown on this plan is given without obligation and warranty, and the accuracy cannot be guaranteed. Service pipes are not shown but their presence should be anticipated. No liability of any kind whatsoever is accepted by Thames Water for any error or omission. The actual position of mains and services must be verified and established on site before any works are undertaken.

Based on the Ordnance Survey Map with the Sanction of the controller of H.M. Stationery Office, License no. 100019345 Crown Copyright Reserved.

Thames Water Utilities Ltd, Property Searches, PO Box 3189, Slough SL1 4W, DX 151280 Slough 13 Page 6 of 11 T 0845 070 9148 E [email protected] I

NB. Levels quoted in metres Ordnance Newlyn Datum. The value -9999.00 indicates that no survey information is available

Manhole Reference Manhole Cover Level Manhole Invert Level 611B n/a n/a 621A n/a n/a 721A n/a n/a 7204 1.9 .28 611A n/a n/a 711E n/a n/a 711G n/a n/a 711A n/a n/a 711B n/a n/a 7001 1.55 -.8 7003 1.5 -.39 7004 1.51 -.87 711D n/a n/a 711F n/a n/a 701B n/a n/a 7101 1.69 .13 7005 1.61 .3 701C n/a n/a 7103 1.76 .25 701A n/a n/a 8001 1.64 -.88 6104 1.93 .64 6103 1.93 .42 6102 1.94 .66 6204 1.75 .52 6001 1.75 .05 601A n/a n/a 6002 1.69 -.83 6109 1.57 -.36 6106 2.53 .16 6105 1.61 .29

The position of the apparatus shown on this plan is given without obligation and warranty, and the accuracy cannot be guaranteed. Service pipes are not shown but their presence should be anticipated. No liability of any kind whatsoever is accepted by Thames Water for any error or omission. The actual position of mains and services must be verified and established on site before any works are undertaken.

Thames Water Utilities Ltd, Property Searches, PO Box 3189, Slough SL1 4W, DX 151280 Slough 13 Page 7 of 11 T 0845 070 9148 E [email protected] I

ALS Sewer Map Key

Public Sewer Types (Operated & Maintained by Thames Water) Sewer Fittings Other Symbols A feature in a sewer that does not affect the flow in the pipe. Example: a vent Symbols used on maps which do not fall under other general categories is a fitting as the function of a vent is to release excess gas. Foul: A sewer designed to convey waste water from domestic and Public/Private Pumping Station industrial sources to a treatment works. / Air Valve Change of characteristic indicator (C.O.C.I.) Surface Water: A sewer designed to convey surface water (e.g. rain Dam Chase water from roofs, yards and car parks) to rivers or watercourses. Invert Level Fitting Summit Combined: A sewer designed to convey both waste water and surface M Meter water from domestic and industrial sources to a treatment works. Areas Vent Column Lines denoting areas of underground surveys, etc. Trunk Surface Water Trunk Foul Operational Controls Agreement A feature in a sewer that changes or diverts the flow in the sewer. Example: A hydrobrake limits the flow passing downstream. Operational Site Storm Relief Trunk Combined Control Valve Chamber PPVent Pipe Bio-solids (Sludge) Drop Pipe Tunnel Ancillary

Proposed Thames Surface Proposed Thames Water Weir Conduit Bridge Water Sewer Foul Sewer

Gallery Foul Rising Main End Items Other Sewer Types (Not Operated or Maintained by Thames Water) End symbols appear at the start or end of a sewer pipe. Examples: an Undefined End at the start of a sewer indicates that Thames Water has no Foul Sewer Surface Water Sewer Surface Water Rising Combined Rising Main knowledge of the position of the sewer upstream of that symbol, Outfall on a Main surface water sewer indicates that the pipe discharges into a stream or river. Combined Sewer Gulley Proposed Thames Water Sludge Rising Main Outfall Rising Main W Culverted Watercourse Proposed

Vacuum Undefined End Abandoned Sewer Inlet

Notes: 1) All levels associated with the plans are to Ordnance Datum Newlyn. 6) The text appearing alongside a sewer line indicates the internal diameter of the pipe in milimetres. Text next to a manhole indicates the manhole 2) All measurements on the plans are metric. reference number and should not be taken as a measurement. If you are 3) Arrows (on gravity fed sewers) or flecks (on rising mains) indicate direction of unsure about any text or symbology present on the plan, please contact a flow. member of Property Insight on 0845 070 9148. 4) Most private pipes are not shown on our plans, as in the past, this information has not been recorded. 5) ‘na’ or ‘0’ on a manhole level indicates that data is unavailable.

Thames Water Utilities Ltd, Property Searches, PO Box 3189, Slough SL1 4W, DX 151280 Slough 13 Page 8 of 11 T 0845 070 9148 E [email protected] I

Asset Location Search Water Map - ALS/ALS Standard/2020_4206652 90mm ¤(



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The width of the displayed area is 200 m and the centre of the map is located at OS coordinates 540711, 180131. The position of the apparatus shown on this plan is given without obligation and warranty, and the accuracy cannot be guaranteed. Service pipes are not shown but their presence should be anticipated. No liability of any kind whatsoever is accepted by Thames Water for any error or omission. The actual position of mains and services must be verified and established on site before any works are undertaken.

Based on the Ordnance Survey Map with the Sanction of the controller of H.M. Stationery Office, License no. 100019345 Crown Copyright Reserved.

Thames Water Utilities Ltd, Property Searches, PO Box 3189, Slough SL1 4W, DX 151280 Slough 13 Page 9 of 11 T 0845 070 9148 E [email protected] I

ALS Water Map Key

Water Pipes(Operated & Maintained by Thames Water) Valves Operational Sites

General PurposeValve 4” DistributionMain:The most common pipe shown on water maps. Booster Station With few exceptions, domestic connections are only made to distribution mains. Air Valve Other

Pressure ControlValve Other (Proposed) 16” Trunk Main:A main carrying water from a source of supply to a treatmentplant or reservoir, or from one treatmentplant or reservoir CustomerValve Pumping Station to another. Also a main transferring water in bulk to smaller water mains used for supplying individual customers. Service Reservoir Hydrants Shaft Inspection 3” SUPPLY Supply Main:A supply main indicates that the water main is used Single Hydrant as a supply for a single property or group of properties. Treatment Works

Meters Unknown 3” FIRE Fire Main:Where a pipe is used as a fire supply, the word FIRE will be displayed along the pipe. Meter Water Tower

3” METERED Metered Pipe:A metered main indicates that the pipe in question End Items supplies water for a single property or group of properties and that quantity of water passing through the pipe is metered even though Symbol indicating what happens at the end of Other Symbols there may be no meter symbol shown. a water main. L Data Logger Blank Flange

Transmission Tunnel:A very large diameter water pipe. Most Capped End tunnels are buried very deep underground. These pipes are not Emptying Pit expected to affect the structural integrity of buildingsshown on the map provided.

? Undefined End

ProposedMain:A main that is still in the planningstages or in the Manifold process of being laid. More details of the proposed main and its Customer Supply

reference number are generally included near the main. C Fire Supply F

Other Water Pipes (Not Operated or Maintained by Thames Water)

Other Water Company Main:Occasionally other water company PIPE DIAMETER DEPTH BELOW GROUND water pipes may overlap the border of our clean water coverage area. These mains are denoted in purple and in most cases have Up to 300mm (12”) 900mm (3’) the owner of the pipe displayed along them. 1100mm (3’ 8”) 300mm - 600mm (12” - 24”) Private Main:Indiates that the water main in question is not owned by Thames Water. These mains normally have text associated with 600mm and bigger (24” plus) 1200mm (4’) them indicating the diameter and owner of the pipe.

Thames Water Utilities Ltd, Property Searches, PO Box 3189, Slough SL1 4W, DX 151280 Slough 13 Page 10 of 11 T 0845 070 9148 E [email protected] I

Terms and Conditions

All sales are made in accordance with Thames Water Utilities Limited (TWUL) standard terms and conditions unless previously agreed in writing.

1. All goods remain in the property of Thames Water Utilities Ltd until full payment is received. 2. Provision of service will be in accordance with all legal requirements and published TWUL policies. 3. All invoices are strictly due for payment 14 days from due date of the invoice. Any other terms must be accepted/agreed in writing prior to provision of goods or service, or will be held to be invalid. 4. Thames Water does not accept post-dated cheques-any cheques received will be processed for payment on date of receipt. 5. In case of dispute TWUL`s terms and conditions shall apply. 6. Penalty interest may be invoked by TWUL in the event of unjustifiable payment delay. Interest charges will be in line with UK Statute Law ‘The Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998’. 7. Interest will be charged in line with current Court Interest Charges, if legal action is taken. 8. A charge may be made at the discretion of the company for increased administration costs.

A copy of Thames Water’s standard terms and conditions are available from the Commercial Billing Team ([email protected]).

We publish several Codes of Practice including a guaranteed standards scheme. You can obtain copies of these leaflets by calling us on 0800 316 9800

If you are unhappy with our service you can speak to your original goods or customer service provider. If you are not satisfied with the response, your complaint will be reviewed by the Customer Services Director. You can write to her at: Thames Water Utilities Ltd. PO Box 492, Swindon, SN38 8TU.

If the Goods or Services covered by this invoice falls under the regulation of the 1991 Water Industry Act, and you remain dissatisfied you can refer your complaint to Consumer Council for Water on 0121 345 1000 or write to them at Consumer Council for Water, 1st Floor, Victoria Square House, Victoria Square, Birmingham, B2 4AJ.

Ways to pay your bill

Credit Card BACS Payment Telephone Banking Cheque

Call 0845 070 9148 Account number By calling your bank and Made payable to ‘Thames quoting your invoice 90478703 quoting: Water Utilities Ltd’ number starting CBA or Sort code 60-00-01 Account number Write your Thames Water ADS / OSS A remittance advice must 90478703 account number on the be sent to: Sort code 60-00-01 back. Thames Water Utilities and your invoice number Send to: Ltd., PO Box 3189, Thames Water Utilities Slough SL1 4WW. Ltd., PO Box 3189, or email Slough SL1 4WW ps.billing@thameswater. or by DX to 151280 Slough 13

Thames Water Utilities Ltd Registered in England & Wales No. 2366661 Registered Office Clearwater Court, Vastern Rd, Reading, Berks, RG1 8DB.

Thames Water Utilities Ltd, Property Searches, PO Box 3189, Slough SL1 4W, DX 151280 Slough 13 Page 11 of 11 T 0845 070 9148 E [email protected] I



The quality and accuracy of any print will depend on your printer, your computer and its print Dig Site s Area Line: settings. Measurements scaled from this plan may not match measurements between the same : points on the ground.

This plan must be used with the 1. The position of the apparatus shown on this drawing is believed to be correct but the original 1. UK Power Networks does not warrant that the information provided to you is correct. You rely upon it at your own landmarks may have been altered since the apparatus was installed. risk. attached ‘Symbols’ document. 2. The exact position of the apparatus should be verified – use approved cable avoidance tools prior 2. UK Power Networks does not exclude or limit its liability if it causes the death of any persons or causes personal injury to excavation using suitable hand tools. to a person. 3. It is essential that trial holes are carefully made avoiding the use of mechanical tools or picks 3. Subject to paragraph 2 UK Power Networks has no liability to you in contract, in tort (including negligence), for breach Date Requested: 01/07/2020 until the exact location of all the cables have been determined. of statutory duty or otherwise for any loss, damage, cost, claims, demands, or expenses that you or any third party may IF IN DOUBT – ASK! PHONE ALWAYS LOOK UP Job Reference: 19268661 4. It must be assumed that there is a service cable into each property, lamp column and street sign, suffer or incur as a result of using the information provided whether for physical damage to property or for any economic 0800 056 5866 BEFORE etc. loss (including without limitation loss of profit, loss of opportunity, loss of savings, loss of goodwill, loss of business, loss EMERGENCY – If you damage a YOU START WORK Site Location: 540664 180071 5. All cables must be treated as being live unless proved otherwise by UK Power Networks. of use) or any special or consequential loss or damage whatsoever. cable or line Refer to HSE Guidance 6. The information proved must be given to all people working near UK Power Networks plant and 4. This plan has been provided to you on the basis of the terms of use set out in the covering letter that accompanies Phone 0800 783 8838 (24hrs) note GS6 Requested by: equipment. Do not use plans more than 3 months after the issue date for excavation purposes. this plan. If you do not accept and/or do not understand the terms of use set out in the covering letter you must not use 7. Please be aware that electric cables/lines belonging to other owners of licensed electricity the plan and must return it to the sender of the letter. URGENTLY Ms Gillian Cameron distribution systems may be present and it is your responsibility to identify their location. 5. You are responsible for the security of the information provided to you. It must not be given, sold or made available Your Scheme/Reference: 8. Please be aware the Low Voltage Overhead power lines are not currently displayed for the Eastern upon payment of a fee to a third party. Maps produced at 1:2500 scale are Geo -Schematics which show LV mains cables and overhead Region via this service, if you require records on the location of these please contact our Plan 6. Please Note: The Overview map does not display UK Power Networks electricity network and should not be used for lines (in some cases all voltages). Prior to carrying out excavations you must refer to the 1:500 Silvertown Garage Provision team directly via [email protected]. the location of UK Power Networks assets. For detail of the electricity network please view the relevant page as records to determine the location of all known underground plant and equipment. Scale: 1:1025 (When plotted at A4) highlighted in the Overview map.

Reproduced by permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of HMSO. © Crown copyright and database rights 20 20 . All rights reserved. Ordnance Survey Licence numbers 100019626, 100019826 and 100019450. Data has been added to the Ordnanc e Survey base map; all pro prietary rights in such additional data are and shall remain the exclusive property of © London Power Networks plc or Eastern Power Networks plc or South Eastern Power Networks plc each being a distribution licensee under section 6(1)(c) of the Electricity Act 1989 for the relevant distribution services area as that term is defined in such licensee’s distribution licence. All rights in such data reserved. Plans generated by DigSAFE Pro™ software provided by LinesearchbeforeUdig.


0 1 2 .5 2 5 The quality and accuracy of any print will depend on your printer, your computer and its print Dig Site s Area : Line: settings. Measurements scaled from this plan may not match measurements between the same me tre s points on the ground.

This plan must be used with the 1. The position of the apparatus shown on this drawing is believed to be correct but the original 1. UK Power Networks does not warrant that the information provided to you is correct. You rely upon it at your own landmarks may have been altered since the apparatus was installed. risk. attached ‘Symbols’ document. 2. The exact position of the apparatus should be verified – use approved cable avoidance tools prior 2. UK Power Networks does not exclude or limit its liability if it causes the death of any persons or causes personal injury to excavation using suitable hand tools. to a person. 3. It is essential that trial holes are carefully made avoiding the use of mechanical tools or picks 3. Subject to paragraph 2 UK Power Networks has no liability to you in contract, in tort (including negligence), for breach Date Requested: 01/07/2020 until the exact location of all the cables have been determined. of statutory duty or otherwise for any loss, damage, cost, claims, demands, or expenses that you or any third party may IF IN DOUBT – ASK! PHONE ALWAYS LOOK UP Job Reference: 19268661 4. It must be assumed that there is a service cable into each property, lamp column and street sign, suffer or incur as a result of using the information provided whether for physical damage to property or for any economic 0800 056 5866 BEFORE etc. loss (including without limitation loss of profit, loss of opportunity, loss of savings, loss of goodwill, loss of business, loss EMERGENCY – If you damage a YOU START WORK Site Location: 540664 180071 5. All cables must be treated as being live unless proved otherwise by UK Power Networks. of use) or any special or consequential loss or damage whatsoever. cable or line Refer to HSE Guidance 6. The information proved must be given to all people working near UK Power Networks plant and 4. This plan has been provided to you on the basis of the terms of use set out in the covering letter that accompanies Phone 0800 783 8838 (24hrs) note GS6 Requested by: Ms Gillian Cameron equipment. Do not use plans more than 3 months after the issue date for excavation purposes. this plan. If you do not accept and/or do not understand the terms of use set out in the covering letter you must not use 7. Please be aware that electric cables/lines belonging to other owners of licensed electricity the plan and must return it to the sender of the letter. URGENTLY distribution systems may be present and it is your responsibility to identify their location. 5. You are responsible for the security of the information provided to you. It must not be given, sold or made available Your Scheme/Reference: 8. Please be aware the Low Voltage Overhead power lines are not currently displayed for the Eastern upon payment of a fee to a third party. Maps produced at 1:2500 scale are Geo -Schematics which show LV mains cables and overhead Region via this service, if you require records on the location of these please contact our Plan 6. Please Note: The Overview map does not display UK Power Networks electricity network and should not be used for lines (in some cases all voltages). Prior to carrying out excavations you must refer to the 1:500 Silvertown Garage Provision team directly via [email protected]. the location of UK Power Networks assets. For detail of the electricity network please view the relevant page as records to determine the location of all known underground plant and equipment. Scale: 1:500 (When plotted at A4) highlighted in the Overview map.

Reproduced by permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of HMSO. © Crown copyright and database rights 20 20 . All rights reserved. Ordnance Survey Licence numbers 100019626, 100019826 and 100019450. Data has been added to the Ordnanc e Survey base map; all pro prietary rights in such additional data are and shall remain the exclusive property of © London Power Networks plc or Eastern Power Networks plc or South Eastern Power Networks plc each being a distribution licensee under section 6(1)(c) of the Electricity Act 1989 for the relevant distribution services area as that term is defined in such licensee’s distribution licence. All rights in such data reserved. Plans generated by DigSAFE Pro™ software provided by LinesearchbeforeUdig.


0 1 2 .5 2 5 The quality and accuracy of any print will depend on your printer, your computer and its print Dig Site s Area : Line: settings. Measurements scaled from this plan may not match measurements between the same me tre s points on the ground.

This plan must be used with the 1. The position of the apparatus shown on this drawing is believed to be correct but the original 1. UK Power Networks does not warrant that the information provided to you is correct. You rely upon it at your own landmarks may have been altered since the apparatus was installed. risk. attached ‘Symbols’ document. 2. The exact position of the apparatus should be verified – use approved cable avoidance tools prior 2. UK Power Networks does not exclude or limit its liability if it causes the death of any persons or causes personal injury to excavation using suitable hand tools. to a person. 3. It is essential that trial holes are carefully made avoiding the use of mechanical tools or picks 3. Subject to paragraph 2 UK Power Networks has no liability to you in contract, in tort (including negligence), for breach Date Requested: 01/07/2020 until the exact location of all the cables have been determined. of statutory duty or otherwise for any loss, damage, cost, claims, demands, or expenses that you or any third party may IF IN DOUBT – ASK! PHONE ALWAYS LOOK UP Job Reference: 19268661 4. It must be assumed that there is a service cable into each property, lamp column and street sign, suffer or incur as a result of using the information provided whether for physical damage to property or for any economic 0800 056 5866 BEFORE etc. loss (including without limitation loss of profit, loss of opportunity, loss of savings, loss of goodwill, loss of business, loss EMERGENCY – If you damage a YOU START WORK Site Location: 540664 180071 5. All cables must be treated as being live unless proved otherwise by UK Power Networks. of use) or any special or consequential loss or damage whatsoever. cable or line Refer to HSE Guidance 6. The information proved must be given to all people working near UK Power Networks plant and 4. This plan has been provided to you on the basis of the terms of use set out in the covering letter that accompanies Phone 0800 783 8838 (24hrs) note GS6 Requested by: Ms Gillian Cameron equipment. Do not use plans more than 3 months after the issue date for excavation purposes. this plan. If you do not accept and/or do not understand the terms of use set out in the covering letter you must not use 7. Please be aware that electric cables/lines belonging to other owners of licensed electricity the plan and must return it to the sender of the letter. URGENTLY distribution systems may be present and it is your responsibility to identify their location. 5. You are responsible for the security of the information provided to you. It must not be given, sold or made available Your Scheme/Reference: 8. Please be aware the Low Voltage Overhead power lines are not currently displayed for the Eastern upon payment of a fee to a third party. Maps produced at 1:2500 scale are Geo -Schematics which show LV mains cables and overhead Region via this service, if you require records on the location of these please contact our Plan 6. Please Note: The Overview map does not display UK Power Networks electricity network and should not be used for lines (in some cases all voltages). Prior to carrying out excavations you must refer to the 1:500 Silvertown Garage Provision team directly via [email protected]. the location of UK Power Networks assets. For detail of the electricity network please view the relevant page as records to determine the location of all known underground plant and equipment. Scale: 1:500 (When plotted at A4) highlighted in the Overview map.

Reproduced by permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of HMSO. © Crown copyright and database rights 20 20 . All rights reserved. Ordnance Survey Licence numbers 100019626, 100019826 and 100019450. Data has been added to the Ordnanc e Survey base map; all pro prietary rights in such additional data are and shall remain the exclusive property of © London Power Networks plc or Eastern Power Networks plc or South Eastern Power Networks plc each being a distribution licensee under section 6(1)(c) of the Electricity Act 1989 for the relevant distribution services area as that term is defined in such licensee’s distribution licence. All rights in such data reserved. Plans generated by DigSAFE Pro™ software provided by LinesearchbeforeUdig.

Cross Section:6410946

Cross Section:6410948

Cross Section:1108146

Cross Section:6410951

Cross Section:1123469

Cross Section:1123453

Cross Section:2044461

Cross Section:6247772

Cross Section:6247773

Cross Section:6247774

Cross Section:1120480

Cross Section:6410950 Silvertown Garage, London


Report IN11836 CL 003

Client: Silvertown Garage Ltd Date August 2020

Page Attachment Six - 1 Report No 09081

Project IN11836 Silvertown Garage Sampled 9th July 2020 Client Subadra Consulting Ltd Report Approved By Sample Type Soil Duty Reporting Manager

Soil - BTEX and MTBE - 9th July 2020

Sample Details

Limit BH001 BH002 BH004 BH005 BH005 BH006 BH007 BH007 BH008 BH009 Analyte Unit S3 S4 S2 S4 S6 S3 S3 S4 S2 S3 Method

Detection 2.00m 2.20m 1.20m 2.20m 4.00m 2.60m 2.80m 3.40m 1.40m 1.40m

MTBE 2 mg/kg 0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 0.722

Benzene 1 mg/kg 0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1

Toluene 1 mg/kg 0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.27

Ethylbenzene 1 mg/kg 0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.259 p+m Xylene 1 mg/kg 0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.653 o Xylene 1 mg/kg 0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.49

Method: Analysis is carried out on samples as submited. Results are reported on a dry weight basis. IH QM:E9.4 based on US EPA 5021 by HS-GC-FID. Results have been corrected for the recovery of the surrogate (Bromobenzene).; The results reported relate only to the material supplied to the laboratory. Soil dried at 110oC. Moisture content calculated as dry weight of sample. Method based 1. MCerts 2. UKAS 17025

Chain of Custody 21218 Analysed KC 15/07/20 Received KC 14/07/20 Reported KC 16/07/20

Prepared KC 16/07/20 Page One of Two Report No 09081

Project IN11836 Silvertown Garage Sampled 9th July 2020 Client Subadra Consulting Ltd Report Approved By Sample Type Soil Duty Reporting Manager

Soil - BTEX and MTBE - 9th July 2020

Sample Details

Limit BH009 BH009 Analyte Unit S6 S8 Method

Detection 3.00m 4.80m

MTBE 2 mg/kg 0.5 <0.5 <0.5

Benzene 1 mg/kg 0.1 <0.1 <0.1

Toluene 1 mg/kg 0.1 <0.1 <0.1

Ethylbenzene 1 mg/kg 0.1 <0.1 <0.1

p+m Xylene 1 mg/kg 0.1 0.114 <0.1

o Xylene 1 mg/kg 0.1 <0.1 <0.1

Method: Analysis is carried out on samples as submited. Results are reported on a dry weight basis. IH QM:E9.4 based on US EPA 5021 by HS-GC-FID. Results have been corrected for the recovery of the surrogate (Bromobenzene).; The results reported relate only to the material supplied to the laboratory. Soil dried at 110oC. Moisture content calculated as dry weight of sample. Method based 1. MCerts 2. UKAS 17025

Chain of Custody 21218 Analysed KC 15/07/20 Received KC 14/07/20 Reported KC 16/07/20

Prepared KC 16/07/20 Page Two of Two Report No 09085

Project IN11836 Silvertown Garage Sampled 9th July 2020 Client Subadra Consulting Ltd Report Approved By Sample Type Soil Duty Reporting Manager

Soil - pH - 9th July 2020

Sample Details

Limit BH001 BH002 BH002 BH004 BH005 BH005 BH006 BH009 Analyte Unit S2 S2 S3 S3 S2 S3 S2 S2 Method

Detection 1.40m 1.00m 1.40m 1.80m 0.80m 1.40m 1.00m 1.20m

pH 3 pH units 0 4.85 6.54 6.78 6.81 7.38 7.48 6.3 7.99

Method: Determination of pH by addition of water followed by measurement with an electronic pH probe

3. Subcontracted

Chain of Custody 21220 Analysed KC 17/07/20 Received KC 14/07/20 Reported KC 17/07/20

Prepared KC 15/07/20 Page One of One Report No 09095

Project IN11836 Silvertown Garage Sampled 9th July 2020 Client Subadra Consulting Ltd Report Approved By Sample Type Soil Duty Reporting Manager

Soil - Water Soluble Sulphate and pH - 9th July 2020

Sample Details

Limit BH001 BH002 BH002 BH004 BH005 BH005 BH006 BH009 Analyte Unit S2 S2 S3 S3 S2 S3 S2 S2 Method

Detection 1.40m 1.00m 1.40m 1.80m 0.80m 1.40m 1.00m 1.20m

W/S Sulphate as SO4 (2:1) 3 mg/l 10 127 3130 234 57 470 76 791 1700

pH 3 pH units 0 4.85 6.54 6.78 6.81 7.38 7.48 6.3 7.99

Method: Determination of pH by addition of water followed by measurement with an electronic pH probe; Determination of water soluble sulphate by extraction with water and analysed by ICP-OES

3. Subcontracted

Chain of Custody 21223 Analysed KC 17/07/20 Received KC 14/07/20 Reported KC 22/07/20

Prepared KC 15/07/20 Page One of One Report No 09108

Project IN11836 Silvertown Garage Sampled 9th July 2020 Client Subadra Consulting Ltd Report Approved By Sample Type Soil Duty Reporting Manager

Soil - Asbestos Screen - 9th July 2020

Sample Details

Limit BH001 BH002 BH003 BH004 BH005 Analyte Unit S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 Method

Detection 0.50m 0.50m 0.60m 0.50m 0.40m

Asbestos Screen 3 NA 0 Detected Detected Not detected Detected Detected

Bundle of Bundle of Bundle of Bundle of Amosite Asbestos Matrix 3 NA 0 Chrysoltile fibres Chrysoltile fibres Chrysoltile fibres fibres

Asbestos Type 3 NA 0 Chrysotile Chrysotile Chrysotile Amosite

Method: Samples are screened by optical microscopy. Identification is performed using dispersion staining and polarised light microscopy.

3. Subcontracted

Chain of Custody 21214 Analysed Received KC 14/07/20 Reported KC 27/07/20

Prepared Page One of Two Report No 09108

Project IN11836 Silvertown Garage Sampled 9th July 2020 Client Subadra Consulting Ltd Report Approved By Sample Type Soil Duty Reporting Manager

Soil - Asbestos Screen - 9th July 2020

Sample Details

Limit BH006 BH007 BH008 Analyte Unit S1 S1 S1 Method

Detection 0.50m 0.50m 0.60m

Asbestos Screen 3 NA 0 Not detected Not detected Detected

Bundle of Asbestos Matrix 3 NA 0 Chrysoltile fibres

Asbestos Type 3 NA 0 Chrysotile

Method: Samples are screened by optical microscopy. Identification is performed using dispersion staining and polarised light microscopy.

3. Subcontracted

Chain of Custody 21214 Analysed Received KC 14/07/20 Reported KC 27/07/20

Prepared Page Two of Two Report No 09109

Project IN11836 Silvertown Garage Sampled 9th July 2020 Client Subadra Consulting Ltd Report Approved By Sample Type Soil Duty Reporting Manager

Soil - CLEA metals plus Chromium VI - 9th July 2020

Sample Details

Limit BH001 BH002 BH003 BH004 BH005 BH006 BH007 BH008 Analyte Unit S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 Method

Detection 0.50m 0.50m 0.60m 0.50m 0.40m 0.50m 0.50m 0.60m

Arsenic 3 mg/kg 2 87 348 50 187 197 9 126 92

Barium 3 mg/kg 5 268 452 378 731 195 28 222 155

Beryllium 3 mg/kg 1 3.7 4 4.4 10.4 1.5 <1 1.6 1.6

Boron (Water Soluble) 3 mg/kg 1 <1 14.1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1

Cadmium 3 mg/kg 0.2 1.5 3.8 0.7 2.6 3.1 <0.2 1.4 1

Chromium 3 mg/kg 2 20 32 22 28 34 54 21 31

Chromium (Hexavalent) 3 mg/kg 2 <2 <2 <2 <2 <2 <2 <2 <2

Copper 3 mg/kg 4 169 251 172 196 127 14 202 95

Lead 3 mg/kg 3 402 1170 191 346 979 11 574 362

Mercury 3 mg/kg 1 1.5 1.9 <1 <1 2.6 <1 1.3 4.6

Nickel 3 mg/kg 3 53 52 35 75 27 15 31 25

Selenium 3 mg/kg 3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Vanadium 3 mg/kg 2 77 66 59 115 56 16 48 45

Zinc 3 mg/kg 3 546 419 111 250 482 18 371 164

Method: Determination of metals by aqua-regia digestion followed by ICP-OES.

3. Subcontracted

Chain of Custody 21215 Analysed Received KC 14/07/20 Reported KC 27/07/20

Prepared Page One of One Report No 09110

Project IN11836 Silvertown Garage Sampled 9th July 2020 Client Subadra Consulting Ltd Report Approved By Sample Type Soil Duty Reporting Manager

Soil - PAHs (EPA16) - 9th July 2020

Sample Details

Limit BH001 BH002 BH003 BH004 BH005 BH006 BH007 BH008 Analyte Unit S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 Method

Detection 0.50m 0.50m 0.60m 0.50m 0.40m 0.50m 0.50m 0.60m

Naphthalene 3 mg/kg 0.1 0.69 0.66 <0.1 1.46 0.84 <0.1 0.41 0.57

Acenaphthylene 3 mg/kg 0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.11 <0.1

Acenaphthene 3 mg/kg 0.1 <0.1 0.18 <0.1 <0.1 0.54 <0.1 0.94 0.12

Fluorene 3 mg/kg 0.1 <0.1 0.22 <0.1 <0.1 0.38 <0.1 1.03 <0.1

Phenanthrene 3 mg/kg 0.1 1.02 2.67 <0.1 0.63 4.04 <0.1 24.7 1.2

Anthracene 3 mg/kg 0.1 <0.1 0.6 <0.1 <0.1 0.45 <0.1 3.41 0.15

Fluoranthene 3 mg/kg 0.1 1.7 5.54 <0.1 0.36 3.7 <0.1 29.5 1.34

Pyrene 3 mg/kg 0.1 1.46 4.9 <0.1 0.34 3.13 <0.1 23.3 1.16

Benzo(a)anthracene 3 mg/kg 0.1 0.58 3.92 <0.1 0.14 1.27 <0.1 10.9 0.56

Chrysene 3 mg/kg 0.1 0.71 3.6 <0.1 0.2 1.5 <0.1 7.59 0.67

Benzo(b)fluoranthene 3 mg/kg 0.1 0.58 3.75 <0.1 0.15 1.14 <0.1 8.03 0.56

Benzo(k)fluoranthene 3 mg/kg 0.1 0.19 1.37 <0.1 <0.1 0.38 <0.1 3.22 0.19

Benzo(a)pyrene 3 mg/kg 0.1 0.34 2.67 <0.1 <0.1 0.79 <0.1 6.39 0.34

Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 3 mg/kg 0.1 0.17 1.08 <0.1 <0.1 0.36 <0.1 2.25 0.17

Dibenzo(ah)anthracene 3 mg/kg 0.1 <0.1 0.33 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.53 <0.1

Benzo(ghi)perylene 3 mg/kg 0.1 0.16 0.91 <0.1 <0.1 0.33 <0.1 1.82 0.14

Total PAHs (EPA16) 3 mg/kg 1.6 7.6 32.4 <1.6 3.3 18.9 <1.6 124 7.2

Method: The results reported herein relate only to the material supplied to the laboratory Determination of PAH compounds by extration in acetone and hexane followed by GC-MS

3. Subcontracted

Chain of Custody 21216 Analysed Received KC 14/07/20 Reported KC 27/07/20

Prepared Page One of One Report No 09111

Project IN11836 Silvertown Garage Sampled 9th July 2020 Client Subadra Consulting Ltd Report Approved By Sample Type Soil Duty Reporting Manager

Soil - TOC - 9th July 2020

Sample Details

Limit BH001 BH002 BH005 BH006 BH007 BH008 BH009 BH009 Analyte Unit S4 S6 S5 S4 S2 S3 S4 S5 Method

Detection 3.60m 3.80m 3.20m 3.20m 1.60m 2.00m 1.80m 2.20m

TOC 3 % 0.1 10.6 0.6 2.3 12.1 2 2.2 1.4 3.5

Method: Determination of organic matter by oxidising with potassium dichromate followed by titration with iron (II) sulphate

3. Subcontracted

Chain of Custody 21219 Analysed Received KC 14/07/20 Reported KC 27/07/20

Prepared Page One of One Report No 09112

Project IN11836 Silvertown Garage Sampled 9th July 2020 Client Subadra Consulting Ltd Report Approved By Sample Type Soil Duty Reporting Manager

Soil - Waste Characterisation Solid Suite - 9th July 2020

Sample Details

Limit BH009 Analyte Unit S1 Method

Detection 0.80m

Benzene 3 mg/kg 0.1 <0.1

Toluene 3 mg/kg 0.1 <0.1

Ethylbenzene 3 mg/kg 0.1 <0.1

p+m Xylene 3 mg/kg 0.1 <0.1

o Xylene 3 mg/kg 0.1 <0.1

C6-C8 TPH Band 3 mg/kg 2.5 <2.5

>C8-C10 TPH Band 3 mg/kg 2.5 <2.5

>C10-12 TPH Band 3 mg/kg 5 <5

>C12-16 TPH Band 3 mg/kg 10 <10

>C16-21 TPH Band 3 mg/kg 10 <10

>C21-35 TPH Band 3 mg/kg 50 <50

Naphthalene 3 mg/kg 0.1 0.42

Acenaphthylene 3 mg/kg 0.1 <0.1

Acenaphthene 3 mg/kg 0.1 0.24

Fluorene 3 mg/kg 0.1 0.19

Phenanthrene 3 mg/kg 0.1 3.38

Anthracene 3 mg/kg 0.1 0.43

Method: Analysis is carried out on samples as submited. Results are reported on a dry weight basis. IH QM:E9.4 based on US EPA 5021 by HS-GC-FID. Results have been corrected for the recovery of the surrogate (Bromobenzene).; Determination of metals by aqua-regia digestion followed by ICP-OES; Determination of organic matter by oxidising with potassium dichromate followed by titration with iron (II) sulphate; Determination of pH by addition of water followed by measurement with an electronic pH probe; 3. Subcontracted

Chain of Custody 21222 Analysed KC 17/07/20 Received KC 14/07/20 Reported KC 27/07/20

Prepared KC 16/07/20 Page One of Three Report No 09112

Project IN11836 Silvertown Garage Sampled 9th July 2020 Client Subadra Consulting Ltd Report Approved By Sample Type Soil Duty Reporting Manager

Soil - Waste Characterisation Solid Suite - 9th July 2020

Sample Details

Limit BH009 Analyte Unit S1 Method

Detection 0.80m

Fluoranthene 3 mg/kg 0.1 5.26

Pyrene 3 mg/kg 0.1 4.48

Benzo(a)anthracene 3 mg/kg 0.1 2.21

Chrysene 3 mg/kg 0.1 2.27

Benzo(b)fluoranthene 3 mg/kg 0.1 2.25

Benzo(k)fluoranthene 3 mg/kg 0.1 0.73

Benzo(a)pyrene 3 mg/kg 0.1 1.60

Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 3 mg/kg 0.1 0.75

Dibenzo(ah)anthracene 3 mg/kg 0.1 0.18

Benzo(ghi)perylene 3 mg/kg 0.1 0.66

Arsenic 3 mg/kg 2 245

Cadmium 3 mg/kg 0.2 2.9

Copper 3 mg/kg 4 273

Lead 3 mg/kg 3 2050

Nickel 3 mg/kg 3 46

Selenium 3 mg/kg 3 <3

Zinc 3 mg/kg 3 320

Method: Analysis is carried out on samples as submited. Results are reported on a dry weight basis. IH QM:E9.4 based on US EPA 5021 by HS-GC-FID. Results have been corrected for the recovery of the surrogate (Bromobenzene).; Determination of metals by aqua-regia digestion followed by ICP-OES; Determination of organic matter by oxidising with potassium dichromate followed by titration with iron (II) sulphate; Determination of pH by addition of water followed by measurement with an electronic pH probe; 3. Subcontracted

Chain of Custody 21222 Analysed KC 17/07/20 Received KC 14/07/20 Reported KC 27/07/20

Prepared KC 16/07/20 Page Two of Three Report No 09112

Project IN11836 Silvertown Garage Sampled 9th July 2020 Client Subadra Consulting Ltd Report Approved By Sample Type Soil Duty Reporting Manager

Soil - Waste Characterisation Solid Suite - 9th July 2020

Sample Details

Limit BH009 Analyte Unit S1 Method

Detection 0.80m

Chromium 3 mg/kg 2 30

Barium 3 mg/kg 5 253

Chromium (Hexavalent) 3 mg/kg 2 <2

Tin 3 mg/kg 10 40

Mercury 3 mg/kg 1 6

Antimony 3 mg/kg 1 37.3

Manganese 3 mg/kg 5 506

Molybdenum 3 mg/kg 1 4.8

W/S Sulphate as SO4 (2:1) 3 mg/l 10 92

pH 3 pH units 0 8.4

TOC 3 % 0.1 2

Moisture Content 3 % 0.1 28.3

Asbestos Screen 3 NA 0 Detected

Bundle of Amosite Asbestos Matrix 3 NA 0 fibres

Asbestos Type 3 NA 0 Amosite

Method: Analysis is carried out on samples as submited. Results are reported on a dry weight basis. IH QM:E9.4 based on US EPA 5021 by HS-GC-FID. Results have been corrected for the recovery of the surrogate (Bromobenzene).; Determination of metals by aqua-regia digestion followed by ICP-OES; Determination of organic matter by oxidising with potassium dichromate followed by titration with iron (II) sulphate; Determination of pH by addition of water followed by measurement with an electronic pH probe; 3. Subcontracted

Chain of Custody 21222 Analysed KC 17/07/20 Received KC 14/07/20 Reported KC 27/07/20

Prepared KC 16/07/20 Page Three of Three Waste Acceptance Criteria Analytical Certificate - BS EN 12457/2 Report No: 9113 Client Subadra Consulting Landflll Waste Acceptance Criteria Contact Details [email protected] Limits Site Reference: Silvertown Garage, London Project / Job Ref: IN11836 Stable Non- TP / BH No: BH009 Depth (m) 0.80 reactive Hazardous Sample No: S1 Inert Waste HAZARDOUS Waste Landfill waste in non- Date Sampled: 09/07/2020 Reporting Date: 27/07/2020 Landfill hazardous Landfill Determinand Unit MDL

TOCs % < 0.1 2 3% 5% 6% Loss on IgnitionS % <0.01 7.80 -- -- 10% S BTEX mg/kg <0.05 < 0.05 6 -- -- Sum of PCBsS mg/kg <0.1 < 0.1 1 -- -- Mineral Oil (C10-C40)S mg/kg <10 < 10 500 -- -- Total PAHS mg/kg <1.7 25.4 100 -- -- pHS pH Units + / - 0.1 8.4 -- >6 -- Acid Neutralisation To be To be mol/kg (+/-) <1 < 1 -- CapacityS evaluated evaluated Converted 10:1 Limit values for compliance leaching Eluate Analysis 10:1 test using BS EN 12457-2 at L/S 10 l/kg mg/l mg/kg (mg/kg) ArsenicS 0.10 1 0.5 2 25 BariumS < 0.02 < 0.2 20 100 300 CadmiumS < 0.0005 < 0.005 0.04 1 5 ChromiumS < 0.005 < 0.05 0.5 10 70 CopperS 0.02 0.2 2 50 100 MercuryS 0.0007 0.007 0.01 0.2 2 S Molybdenum 0.011 0.11 0.5 10 30 NickelS < 0.007 < 0.07 0.4 10 40 LeadS 0.015 0.15 0.5 10 50 AntimonyS 0.026 0.26 0.06 0.7 5 S Selenium 0.005 0.05 0.1 0.5 7 ZincS 0.011 0.11 4 50 200 ChlorideS 6.5 65 800 15000 25000 FluorideS 1.1 11 10 150 500 SulphateS 10.7 107 1000 20000 50000 TDSS 84 840 4000 60000 100000 IndexS < 0.01 < 0.1 1 - - DOCS 12.8 128 500 800 1000

Leach Test Information Sample Mass (kg) 0.11 Dry Matter (%) 78.3 Moisture (%) 27.8

Results are expressed on a dry weight basis, after correction for moisture content where applicable. Stated limits are for guidance only and Fast Analysis cannot be held responsible for any discrepencies with current legislation U denotes UKAS accredited test, S denotes subcontracted test

Opinions and interpretations are outside the laboratory's scope of ISO 17025 accreditation. This certificate is issued in accordance with the accreditation requirements of the United Kingdom Accreditation Service. The results reported herein relate only to the material supplied to the laboratory. This certificate shall not be reproduced except in full, without the prior written approval of the laboratory.

Kate Clark Released By Duty Reporting Manager

Page 1 of 2 Soil Analysis Certificate - Methodology & Miscellaneous Information

Report No: 9113

Client Subadra Consulting

Contact Details [email protected] Site Reference: Silvertown Garage, London Project / Job Ref: IN11836 Recieved Date: 14/07/2020

Analysis performed between 14/07/2020 and 27/07/2020

Reporting Date: 27/07/2020

Matrix Analysed Determinand Brief Method Description On

Determination by oxidising with potassium dichromate followed by titration with iron Soil D Total Organic Carbon (TOC) (II) sulphate

Soil D Loss on Ignition @ 450oC Determination by gravimetrically with the sample being ignited in a muffle furnace

Soil AR BTEX Determination by headspace GC-MS Soil AR PCB - 7 Congeners Determination by extraction with acetone and hexane followed by GC-MS Determination of hexane/acetone extractable hydrocarbons by GC-FID Soil AR Mineral Oil (C10 - C40) fractionating with SPE cartridge

Determination by extraction in acetone and hexane followed by GC-MS with the Soil AR PAH - Speciated (EPA 16) use of surrogate and internal standards Soil AR pH Determination by addition of water followed by electrometric measurement Soil AR Leachate Preparation Based on BS EN 12457 Pt1, 2, 3 Leachate F Metals Determination by filtration followed by ICP-MS Leachate F Chloride Determination by filtration & analysed by ion chromatography Leachate F Fluoride Determination by filtration & analysed by ion chromatography Leachate F Sulphate Determination by filtration & analysed by ion chromatography Leachate F Total disolved solids Determined by filtration and gravimetrically calculated Leachate UF Monohydric Phenol Determination by distillation followed by colorimetry Dissolved Organic Content Determination by filtration followed by low heat with persulphate addition followed Leachate F (DOC) by IR detection Soil AR Moisture Content Moisture content; determined gravimetrically

No deviations or additions to the methods were performed Key AR: As received D: Air Dried F: Filtered UF: Unfiltered

Uncertainity Uncertainity Parameter Matrix Type Suite Reference Unit Parameter Matrix Type Suite Reference Unit Measurement Measurement TOC Soil BS EN 12457 7 % Mercury Leachate BS EN 12457 12 % LOI Soil BS EN 12457 17 % Molybdenum Leachate BS EN 12457 9 % BTEX Soil BS EN 12457 14 % Nickel Leachate BS EN 12457 10 % Sum of PCBs Soil BS EN 12457 23 % Lead Leachate BS EN 12457 5 % Mineral Oil Soil BS EN 12457 9 % Antimony Leachate BS EN 12457 9 % Total PAH Soil BS EN 12457 20 % Selenium Leachate BS EN 12457 10 % pH Soil BS EN 12457 0.23 Units Zinc Leachate BS EN 12457 7 % ANC Soil BS EN 12457 18 % Chloride Leachate BS EN 12457 8 % Arsenic Leachate BS EN 12457 10 % Fluoride Leachate BS EN 12457 9 %

Barium Leachate BS EN 12457 10 % Sulphate Leachate BS EN 12457 9 % Cadmium Leachate BS EN 12457 7 % TDS Leachate BS EN 12457 12 % Chromium Leachate BS EN 12457 7 % Phenol Index Leachate BS EN 12457 14 % Copper Leachate BS EN 12457 12 % DOC Leachate BS EN 12457 10 %

Page 2 of 2 Report No 09120

Project IN11836 Silvertown Garage Sampled 9th July 2020 Client Subadra Consulting Ltd Report Approved By Sample Type Soil Duty Reporting Manager

Soil - TPH CWG - 9th July 2020

Sample Details

Limit BH001 BH002 BH004 BH005 BH005 BH006 BH007 BH008 BH008 BH009 Analyte Unit S3 S4 S2 S4 S6 S3 S3 S2 S4 S3 Method

Detection 2.00m 2.20m 1.20m 2.20m 4.00m 2.60m 2.80m 1.40m 2.40m 1.40m

C6-8 Aliphatic TPH 2 mg/kg 2.5 <2.5 <2.5 <2.5 <2.5 <2.5 <2.5 <2.5 <2.5 <2.5 10.9

>C8-10 Aliphatic TPH 2 mg/kg 2.5 <2.5 <2.5 <2.5 <2.5 <2.5 <2.5 <2.5 <2.5 <2.5 6.14

>C10-12 Aliphatic TPH mg/kg 5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 35

>C12-16 Aliphatic TPH mg/kg 5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5

>C16-21 Aliphatic TPH mg/kg 5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5

>C21-35 Aliphatic TPH mg/kg 20 32.1 94.2 <20 <20 <20 45 84.1 <20 48.9 <20

C6-8 Aromatic TPH 2 mg/kg 1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1

>C8-10 Aromatic TPH 2 mg/kg 1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 5.66

>C10-12 Aromatic TPH mg/kg 5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 38.4

>C12-16 Aromatic TPH mg/kg 5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 5.6

>C16-21 Aromatic TPH mg/kg 5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 43

>C21-35 Aromatic TPH mg/kg 20 33.5 79.6 <20 <20 <20 33.2 58.3 <20 41.5 <20

Method: Analysis is carried out on samples as submited. Results are reported on a dry weight basis. IH QM:E9.4 based on US EPA 5021 by HS-GC-FID. Results have been corrected for the recovery of the surrogate (Bromobenzene).; IH: QM E9.6 based on TNRCC 1006 analysed by HS-GC-FID and hexane/acetone extracction followed by GCxGC; The results reported relate only to the material supplied to the laboratory. Soil dried at 110oC. 2. UKAS 17025

Chain of Custody 21217 Analysed KC 17/07/20 Received KC 14/07/20 Reported KC 28/07/20

Prepared KC 16/07/20 Page One of Two Report No 09120

Project IN11836 Silvertown Garage Sampled 9th July 2020 Client Subadra Consulting Ltd Report Approved By Sample Type Soil Duty Reporting Manager

Soil - TPH CWG - 9th July 2020

Sample Details

Limit BH009 BH009 Analyte Unit S6 S8 Method

Detection 3.00m 4.80m

C6-8 Aliphatic TPH 2 mg/kg 2.5 <2.5 <2.5

>C8-10 Aliphatic TPH 2 mg/kg 2.5 <2.5 <2.5

>C10-12 Aliphatic TPH mg/kg 5 <5 <5

>C12-16 Aliphatic TPH mg/kg 5 <5 <5

>C16-21 Aliphatic TPH mg/kg 5 21.1 <5

>C21-35 Aliphatic TPH mg/kg 20 202 <20

C6-8 Aromatic TPH 2 mg/kg 1 <1 <1

>C8-10 Aromatic TPH 2 mg/kg 1 <1 <1

>C10-12 Aromatic TPH mg/kg 5 <5 <5

>C12-16 Aromatic TPH mg/kg 5 <5 <5

>C16-21 Aromatic TPH mg/kg 5 <5 <5

>C21-35 Aromatic TPH mg/kg 20 126 <20

Method: Analysis is carried out on samples as submited. Results are reported on a dry weight basis. IH QM:E9.4 based on US EPA 5021 by HS-GC-FID. Results have been corrected for the recovery of the surrogate (Bromobenzene).; IH: QM E9.6 based on TNRCC 1006 analysed by HS-GC-FID and hexane/acetone extracction followed by GCxGC; The results reported relate only to the material supplied to the laboratory. Soil dried at 110oC. 2. UKAS 17025

Chain of Custody 21217 Analysed KC 17/07/20 Received KC 14/07/20 Reported KC 28/07/20

Prepared KC 16/07/20 Page Two of Two Report No 09127

Project IN11836 Silvertown Garage Sampled 16th July 2020 Client Subadra Consulting Ltd Report Approved By Sample Type Water Duty Reporting Manager

Water - CLEA metals plus Chromium VI - 16th July 2020

Sample Details

Limit BH004 BH008 BH009 BHA BHB MW1 MW2 MW3 Analyte Unit Method

Detection 1.03m 1.38m 1.56m 1.88m 1.57m 1.70m 1.51m 1.59m

Arsenic 3 ug/l 0.15 61.3 14.4 67.2 8.46 7.39 5.32 108 487

Cadmium 3 ug/l 0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02

Copper 3 ug/l 0.5 1.3 2.0 8.4 2.3 3.5 2.8 1.3 2.2

Lead 3 ug/l 0 1.3 0.6 4.1 0.2 0.2 0 0 0

Nickel 3 ug/l 0.5 6.3 2.5 4.7 3 1.4 6.2 2.7 11

Selenium 3 ug/l 0.6 0.9 1.7 1.8 1.8 1.5 1.5 2.1 2.1

Zinc 3 ug/l 0.5 6 17 2.8 8.2 1 9.5 2.6 5.8

Chromium 3 ug/l 0.2 <0.2 2.8 1 0.7 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 0.8

Barium 3 ug/l 0.06 70 89 49 37 17 50 25 43

Beryllium 3 ug/l 0.4 <0.4 <0.4 <0.4 <0.4 <0.4 <0.4 <0.4 <0.4

Boron (Water Soluble) 3 ug/l 40 540 490 290 490 120 390 460 380

Chromium (Hexavalent) 3 ug/l 5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5

Vanadium 3 ug/l 0 1.9 8.4 5.2 3.4 3.1 0.3 1.3 2.1

Mercury 3 ug/l 0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05

Method: Determination by colorimetry; Determination of metals by ICP-OES

3. Subcontracted

Chain of Custody 21235 Analysed KC 28/07/20 Received KC 22/07/20 Reported KC 31/07/20

Prepared KC 23/07/20 Page One of One Report No 09121

Project IN11836 Silvertown Garage Sampled 16th July 2020 Client Subadra Consulting Ltd Report Approved By Sample Type Water Duty Reporting Manager

Water - TPH CWG - 16th July 2020

Sample Details

Limit BH009 Analyte Unit Method

Detection 1.56m

C6-8 Aliphatic TPH 3 ug/l 50 1880

>C8-10 Aliphatic TPH 3 ug/l 50 290

>C10-12 Aliphatic TPH 3 ug/l 50 <50

>C12-16 Aliphatic TPH 3 ug/l 50 <50

>C16-21 Aliphatic TPH 3 ug/l 50 <50

>C21-35 Aliphatic TPH 3 ug/l 50 <50

C6-8 Aromatic TPH 3 ug/l 50 56.7

>C8-10 Aromatic TPH 3 ug/l 50 276

>C10-12 Aromatic TPH 3 ug/l 50 67.7

>C12-16 Aromatic TPH 3 ug/l 50 <50

>C16-21 Aromatic TPH 3 ug/l 50 <50

>C21-35 Aromatic TPH 3 ug/l 50 <50

Method: IH: QM E9.6 based on TNRCC 1006 analysed by HS-GC-FID and SPE fractionation of pentane extract analysed by GC-FID; The results reported relate only to the material supplied to the laboratory IH QM:E9.4 based on US EPA 5021 by HS-GC-FID

3. Subcontracted

Chain of Custody 21255 Analysed KC 28/07/20 Received Reported KC 28/07/20

Prepared Page One of One Report No 09122

Project IN11836 Silvertown Garage Sampled 16th July 2020 Client Subadra Consulting Ltd Report Approved By Sample Type Water Duty Reporting Manager

Water - PAHs (EPA16) - 16th July 2020

Sample Details

Limit BH004 BH008 BH009 BHA BHB MW1 MW2 MW3 Analyte Unit Method

Detection 1.03m 1.38m 1.56m 1.88m 1.57m 1.70m 1.51m 1.59m

Naphthalene 3 ug/l 0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01

Acenaphthylene 3 ug/l 0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01

Acenaphthene 3 ug/l 0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01

Fluorene 3 ug/l 0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01

Phenanthrene 3 ug/l 0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01

Anthracene 3 ug/l 0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01

Fluoranthene 3 ug/l 0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01

Pyrene 3 ug/l 0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01

Benzo(a)anthracene 3 ug/l 0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01

Chrysene 3 ug/l 0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01

Benzo(b)fluoranthene 3 ug/l 0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01

Benzo(k)fluoranthene 3 ug/l 0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01

Benzo(a)pyrene 3 ug/l 0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01

Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 3 ug/l 0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01

Dibenzo(ah)anthracene 3 ug/l 0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01

Benzo(ghi)perylene 3 ug/l 0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01

Total PAHs (EPA16) 3 ug/l 0.16 <0.16 <0.16 <0.16 <0.16 <0.16 <0.16 <0.16 <0.16

Method: Determination of PAHs in water by extraction in DCM followed by GC-MS with the use of surrogate and internal standards based on US EPA 8270

3. Subcontracted

Chain of Custody 21236 Analysed KC 28/07/20 Received KC 22/07/20 Reported KC 29/07/20

Prepared KC 23/07/20 Page One of One Report No 09119

Project IN11836 Silvertown Garage Sampled 16th July 2020 Client Subadra Consulting Ltd Report Approved By Sample Type Water Duty Reporting Manager

Water - pH - 16th July 2020

Sample Details

Limit BH001 BH004 BH008 BH009 BHA BHB MW1 MW2 MW3 Analyte Unit Method

Detection 2.05m 1.03m 1.38m 1.56m 1.88m 1.57m 1.70m 1.51m 1.59m

pH pH units 0 6.93 6.93 6.92 7.04 7.07 7.28 7.02 7.21 7.33

Method: Determination of pH by measurement with an electronic pH probe

Chain of Custody 21238 Analysed KC 28/07/20 Received KC 22/07/20 Reported KC 28/07/20

Prepared KC 23/07/20 Page One of One Report No 09118

Project IN11836 Silvertown Garage Sampled 16th July 2020 Client Subadra Consulting Ltd Report Approved By Sample Type Water Duty Reporting Manager

Water - Sulphate - 16th July 2020

Sample Details

Limit BH001 BH004 BH008 BH009 BHA BHB MW1 MW2 MW3 Analyte Unit Method

Detection 2.05m 1.03m 1.38m 1.56m 1.88m 1.57m 1.70m 1.51m 1.59m

Sulphate mg/L 40 72.7 <40 <40 <40 <40 <40 87.9 <40 177

Method: Determination by colorimetry

Chain of Custody 21239 Analysed KC 28/07/20 Received KC 22/07/20 Reported KC 28/07/20

Prepared KC 23/07/20 Page One of One Report No 09107

Project IN11836 Silvertown Garage Sampled 16th July 2020 Client Subadra Consulting Ltd Report Approved By Sample Type Water Duty Reporting Manager

Water - TPH Banded - 16th July 2020

Sample Details

Limit BH004 BH008 BH009 BHA BHB MW1 MW2 MW3 Analyte Unit Method

Detection 1.03m 1.38m 1.56m 1.88m 1.57m 1.70m 1.51m 1.59m

C6-C8 TPH Band 3 ug/l 50 <50 <50 1940 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50

>C8-C10 TPH Band 3 ug/l 50 <50 <50 566 <50 <50 <50 <50 98.1

>C10-12 TPH Band 3 ug/l 10 <10 <10 90.8 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10

>C12-16 TPH Band 3 ug/l 10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10

>C16-21 TPH Band 3 ug/l 10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10

>C21-35 TPH Band 3 ug/l 10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10

Method: IH QM:E9.5 based on TNRCC 1005 by GC-FID; The results reported relate only to the material supplied to the laboratory IH QM:E9.4 based on US EPA 5021 by HS-GC-FID

3. Subcontracted

Chain of Custody 21237 Analysed KC 28/07/20 Received KC 22/07/20 Reported KC 31/07/20

Prepared KC 23/07/20 Page One of One Report No 09105

Project IN11836 Silvertown Garage Sampled 16th July 2020 Client Subadra Consulting Ltd Report Approved By Sample Type Water Duty Reporting Manager

Water - BTEX and MTBE - 16th July 2020

Sample Details

Limit BH001 BH004 BH008 BH009 BHA BHB MW1 MW2 MW3 Analyte Unit Method

Detection 2.05m 1.03m 1.38m 1.56m 1.88m 1.57m 1.70m 1.51m 1.59m

MTBE 2 ug/l 50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 128

Benzene 2 ug/l 10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10

Toluene 2 ug/l 10 <10 <10 <10 56.7 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10

Ethylbenzene 2 ug/l 10 <10 <10 <10 22.8 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 p+m Xylene 2 ug/l 10 <10 <10 <10 27.3 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 o Xylene 2 ug/l 10 <10 <10 <10 13 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10

Method: The results reported relate only to the material supplied to the laboratory IH QM:E9.4 based on US EPA 5021 by HS-GC-FID

2. UKAS 17025

Chain of Custody 21234 Analysed KC 23/07/20 Received KC 22/07/20 Reported KC 24/07/20

Prepared KC 23/07/20 Page One of One Report No 09098

Project IN11836 Silvertown Garage Sampled 9th July 2020 Client Subadra Consulting Ltd Report Approved By Sample Type Water Duty Reporting Manager

Water - TPH Banded - 9th July 2020

Sample Details

Limit Tap Analyte Unit Method

Detection 0.00m

C6-C8 TPH Band 3 ug/l 50 <50

>C8-C10 TPH Band 3 ug/l 50 <50

>C10-12 TPH Band 3 ug/l 10 <10

>C12-16 TPH Band 3 ug/l 10 <10

>C16-21 TPH Band 3 ug/l 10 <10

>C21-35 TPH Band 3 ug/l 10 <10

Method: IH QM:E9.5 based on TNRCC 1005 by GC-FID; The results reported relate only to the material supplied to the laboratory IH QM:E9.4 based on US EPA 5021 by HS-GC-FID

3. Subcontracted

Chain of Custody 21212 Analysed KC 16/07/20 Received KC 14/07/20 Reported KC 23/07/20

Prepared KC 16/07/20 Page One of One Report No 09094

Project IN11836 Silvertown Garage Sampled 9th July 2020 Client Subadra Consulting Ltd Report Approved By Sample Type Water Duty Reporting Manager

Water - DW BTEX and MTBE - 9th July 2020

Sample Details

Limit Tap Analyte Unit Method

Detection 0.00m

Benzene 3 ug/l 1 < 1

Toluene 3 ug/l 5 < 5

Ethylbenzene 3 ug/l 5 < 5

p+m Xylene 3 ug/l 10 < 10

o Xylene 3 ug/l 5 < 5

MTBE 3 ug/l 10 < 10

Method: Determinations of VOCs in water by HS-GC-MS based on US EPA 624

3. Subcontracted

Chain of Custody 21213 Analysed KC 16/07/20 Received KC 14/07/20 Reported KC 22/07/20

Prepared KC 16/07/20 Page One of One