WOOL^. PINGREE PUSH POLITICIANS. tlons, principally commendatory of /WlCHICANrTENTgjT. LOCAL AND GENERAL UBV/S. the national administration, but not Attention! Parties holding wool may do well to one word on state all'airs. These were " Tha Magara Falls Route,''~ address letter or card to Chaulks L, adopted. He then read a resolution, Walt. Rogers calls tlie attention of Posfmasfers and Census Enumerators flOUTlIlVAUO, all who desire iKirtralls of ciiiidldiite Mbhkitt, Manufacturer's Agt,, Mtison which had tbe sanction of a majority Mason . I0:05H, IU. l;3(ip. m.OtliOp. m, Care L. 0, Webb, of tbe committee, recommending that Jackson, . lltlKI ma 1U:6U nn cotton, ciinipaign banners made Routed Foot, Horse and Dragoons. Take Notice. and lettered, or Fourth of July sign .See notice of Chester White boar, Henry R, Pattenglll of Lansing be Detroit . 6:S0p.ia. 6;a0p.ni.7;I&a.in. for booths. Call and see bIm, llrst given the unanimous support of the AU will want to coine to Mason and door east of Leverett's Grocery. *1 IsCRAPPy REPUBLICAN COUNTV Ingliam county delegation and moved Ohicago.,,..,. , 0:30 p. III. s i.Vi p. 111. C ;30 a. m. celebrate the J<"uurtb, its adoption, A motion by Elmer CONVENTION-STEARNS AND All who intend sOuTiiwAnu. Barn to rent. Mrs. il. L. Cliapin. Ji'ancy books and booklets at Kim- Wood of Bunkerhlll to lay resolution PATTENGILU WIN OUT. upon the table was voted upon viva to purchase Mason.,.. . 7t4Sa, hi, 12:01 p, m.S;33p,m. Eaton county is to have a grand jur,v mel's Department Store, .8:12 laA-ip, in,fl;00 voce and the chair was unable to tell Bicycles cleaned and enameled at Fancy china and art goods for grad from the noise made by each side Owoiiso , O:l»0 7!l5 Hisses, Cat Calls and "Rats" Were which prevailed,' The roll by town , 1U:;)3 2:!12 8;lll i Kaymond's hardware. ]4*tf uatlng gifts at iCimmel's Dept. Store. Saginaw , Very Frequent. ships was called and the luotloii was , 11:10 3:'.'5 !1;20 Liiwton T. Ilemans delivers the Rev, n, Newberry of Rives will lost by a vote of 97 to 90. The reso• Mackinaw , T-ATi p. III, 7:110 a, m, 7;U0 a, m. Fourth of July oration at Onondaga. preach at the Baptist cliurcb next lution was then adopted and Patten .Sunday. 0, W, KtinoLKS, V. F. Young (if Jackson will soon go The republican county convention gill was endorsed by tbe convention, V. D, STANTON, (len, I'asa, & Ticket Agtto. Ji'itcliburg to open a general store The Choicest line of gradu.ating pres• to elect delegates to the state nomi iiuring the roll call the vote of Delhi Tlekut AKeiit, Mason, ChlcaKO ents In the City at Kiramel's Depiijt- uatlng and congressional conventions, township was challenged by G. W, This spring, bear iniiiind that John George J, i^'osterof Lansing has been held in this city last Thursday, was Bement and the delegates polled, ment Store. Dunsback, successor to the Mason BUSINESS DIRECTORY. granted an Increase of pension to $10 one in which many delegates wereou R, A, Montgomery was then elected per niontli. James Merrick has moved from Ban fur gore. It was a scrap all through Furniture Co., is in the market nister, Gratiot county, to Alba, An• delegate-at-large to the state con von X)332TTIS'r Sylvanus R. Cole nf ii'itchburf,' has between the i^ingree push and the tion. There was eonsldei'able opposi• trim county, federal push, In which the postmasters tion to Ills election and one earnest with E, inWI)lCU,SON,l), I),H, OllleeoverIlrown been granted an Increase of pension and census enumerators had to be C , Iji'os,'shot)store,,Mason, siiyl to$S per inontli. Elliott 13, KIniis of Wllliamston has republican said he hoped to see men been granted an original pension of content wltli second money. Jt was a elected to tliese positions who had Lower Prices For Cash PI-I'2-SlCl.6.a>TS ~ John \V. Wiirtle of Dansvllle hns $(i per month. very noisy and boisterous conventlun belonged to tbe party more than one been granted an increase of pension in which lihsslng, cats calls, cries of day. We saw several republicans rillAH. (i, ,IK.\KINH, IloniO!0|)ath I'hyslelan to $12 per month. • Mason has an Interesting program "rats," etc, were freiiuently indulged shake their heads when the chair an• For first-class goods than any other Kj and SnrKeon, Hpedal iitleniloii given lo Kye, for the i^'ntirtli. Don't fail to be here In, We wish the rank and llle of the Kar, Nnsi! ami Thi-oat Diseases, Diseases of George R. Wlilttmore, dead, of Liin nounced ;'I tliink the ayes have it, house in Ingham county. Wonioii ami lleelal lllseases, Olllcu In Near ind witness it, g, o, p, could have been present to sec the ayes do have it," lilock, Ilotira-i to ,1 and 7 lo 9, sing has been granted an original pen lublican got a bow their delegates behaved. Strong James Wheaton of Leslie moved to slon of $0 per month, The Leslie Local-Re Iileas were made all through the prO' vn, OKltTUuTlK 0, CAMPIIULL. Physician phonetic spell on its v ce presideut's divide into representative districts Yours Truly, / aud ,Siir(,'"on, Olllee over ,MeCi-osseirs Drug A fresli carload uf Potoskey stone ceeding for harmony and fair play. STore, Olllce lionrs, 8 to ii a, iii„ 2 tn .| ami 7 to 8 name liist week. and select dolegtites to tbe state and p, m, Couiitiyand town calls promptly attended, lime just received at Ilartwick & At 11 o'clock Chairman Collingwood congressional conventions, to be rati MIckcLson's lumber yard, *tf The ladles of the W, C, T, U, will of the county committee called tlie lied by the convention, Hon, John K, IfRANIC K, THOMAS, I'hyslclan and Stir- meet with Mrs, Lincoln on Friday, JOHN DUNSBACK. Mr, A''olney Palmer and Miss Nettle convention to order at the court house. IJolbrookof Lansing moved as a sub geon, Olllce over Wehh fi Whitman's sinio; June 29, at3;30 o'clock, Postmaster Mayerof Holt linmediute stltute that the chair appoint a com• residence at cornur It ami Oak streets. Mason, .Staats of Aurelius were married by I (iOODS DiJLIVlCIilJi) l'Rii:K'*\E3 Hev, A, .S, Zimmerman on the 23d, .Tustlce-elect Lyon, when ho goes ly moved that the convention adjourn mittee of tliree from each represontit H, KUIilKI.ANli.M, D„ I'hyslelan and Sur- to oiiice July 4, will occupy the rooms to the opera house, which prevailed, tlve district to select delegates. This O , geon, llotii's—8 10 !l a, in., 1 to 3, 7 to 8 p. Olllcu In Ijiwroncu lilock. Wm, F, Frost of Wheatlleld Is serl to be vacated b* Justice Stiulers, Tiie boodleof the three lead ng guber- stirred up the animals in great shape, in. ously 111 from the etfccts of a stroke of ' natorial candidates brought out a James Wheaton made a plea for fair paralysis received about twoyears ago, Lost, last Thursday night, a silver large crowd, the opera house being treatment, and said if tho federalists gold-lined cream pitdier. Finder will n, W. Lawrence is putting down a lllled below and a good many wore In were treated fairly thoy would meet ll, TAYLOH, Alloniey at Law. al Ahstracl return to D. E. Watts and receive re the gallery. Collingwood read the the Pingree-Stearnlteshalfway, "Bil• Pure Paris Green . Ofllco, ,'\Iason, Mich, cement gutter on tbe west side of his ward. * D block, Andrew Farren Is doin^ the call and ahso a irotcst against seating ly" McJCalc of Lansing jumped onto K, SANDKltS, Attorney at Law, Mason, the contesting delegation from Locke. Postmaster Brown of this city, claim G , Mich, Money to I.oitn, work. Ash street's business has suffered a Is necessaiy for the killing of po- loss, Robert Rlcks has moved his bar Ee urged harmony, as Ingliam county ng that while the latter was nota|.„, , „„,i .-^ •„ u A, l!I'.U(iMAN, Attorney at Law. Onice Eemonibcr, tliere Is not a more must be kept in line and the republi• over Loii|,'y(!itr llros,, Ma.son, Mleh, ber shop onto Main street just this delegate he was taking part In the h^to bugs and doing it in the prop- A. pleasant place In Ingbam county to side of Johii Penbertby's. can party is greater than any candi• 71UKI) A, Af.l.HN, Attorney aad Counselor at I celebrate the Fourth of July than date or candidates. convention. Chairman CalilU told er style. We have a fresh biir ; Law, Mason, al Ooiniiy Clerk's olllce, Mason. Lost, last Friday, between the Ag Chairman Collingwood called Chas. Billy" to throw him out if he didn't I ricultural College and the DuBols quit, Acliargewasmadethatan oul-l ^ot and it is only ]l, MoAUTIlUlt, Attorney and Counselor al There will be a song service at the W. Clark, the Ingham census enumer- , Law, ClreiiltCoiirlCoiiiinlsslonur, ('" school house, a lady's shoe. The find- crator, to preside as temporary chair• sider was acting with the Delhi dele• Lover yarniers' Hank, .Masnii, Presbyterian church ne.vt Sabbath r Is requested to leave at this olllce. gation and the chair requested the 25c Per Pound. evening. An oll'erlng will be taken man of the convention and right here the animals began to mix. Thomas outsider to get a move on, Elmer T T, liUMANS, Attni-ney and Counselor at for the India sull'crers. The L, 0. T. M. aro requested to Wood worked off the aged chestnut Ju. l-aw, Olllce In the new Liiwi'enee nlook. meet at their hall Sunday, July 1, at McEwlngof Lansing attempted to get Mason, Mleh, Money 10 loan on good security. S, B. PIkc put np 185 rods ot Page recognition from Collingwood, but was about "Jiunkcrhlll democrats and 10 a, m. to accompany the Sir Knights unsuccessful. Clark thanked the con• marsh hay," Charley Clark made an wire fence upon the farm of 11. M, to morning services at the M, E, Williams in Vevay last Friday, and It vention and attempted to make a "mpassloned attack upon John Uol- Longyear Brothers. cliurcli, brook, remembering how Ilolbrook 1£0, A, UAUI.K, DKAI.EU IN HEAVY AND rained a part of the day at that. speech, but a large nuiuber of the Druggists^ G Shelf Hardware, Maple Street, Mason, Dr, S, n, Cnlver's team indulged In delegates wanted none of lilm. Post• bad rode over tbom four years ago and Col. Fred Sliubel of Lansing has little run last Monday forenoon, master Mayer moved that the chair said the county would bo hoard from I Drugs at right prices. been appointed a.ssistant sergeant-at- Thoy were stopiied by Jay C, Field in appoint a committee on credentials, in November If not given fair treat• iirins of the national democratic con• ment here today. lie said Pingrce L,OASTKltLIN,Loan,Oollectinn, Insurance front of the high school building with• permanent organization and resolu• vention to bc held at ivansas City, tions, The convention would not was the most expensive piece of fur-i, ^ , , , ^ C. and ileal Ustate Hrokur, Olllce In Lttw July-1 til. out doing any damage, renco lllk,. Mason, Mich, have It that way and became almost a iture the state ever had, but it ^beS^iS ZEli^oSI^^SJ Mr, and Mrs, J, N, Smitfi and Mr, bedlam, McEwIng would not recog• dollars to apples tbat Charley voted ' IlTS13-R,A.3SrC33 ~~ Tliirty-one thousand dollars, receiv• for him two and four years ago. Post• took bis view of the matter and put; and Mrs, W, G, Grow arc entertaining nize Clark as chairman and addressed Dr. Marvin's motion, but was unable ed from the chancery sale of the Ellis friends at the home of the latter master Barnes of Okenios denied the A.IlAUNKS.Loan, Insiiraiiceand Collection csttite at Wllliamstun, was depusited liimself to Collingwood, He wanted cliai-ge tliat he ever told any ono Pat- to decide, as oacli side made as mucbt , Anent, Olllceatrosldeneo,Mason. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday noise as possible. The motion to ad• J with County Clerk Woodwortli last evenings of this week. Judge Edward Calilll of Lansing to tengill was not a "delegate," moaning T^AUMICUS' MUTUAL I'lUK INSUKAKCK Monday. preside tempor"arll y was bound to have eandldiilie . Clarence Bement of Lan• journ then prevailed and the most; J: Ooinpaiiyof InKhanieouiily. Safest,cheap• Ingham Grange, No. 830, will meet llim. Dr, J, A, Marvin of Lansing sing rubbed It into the federalists lurbulentconvciitlon ever held in this est and nest. For Inforiiiiitlon write to .1. H. George W, Collins and Mrs, Louise City was at an end. Sliater, secretary. Miisou. I'raiik Seely, presi• Davis, both of Vevtvy, were married at iDansvllIc, Thursday evening, July wanted Cahlll because ho was a Patten good and bard. He said it was time dent, Mason, Olllce opiioslle court siiuaro. at the Presbyterian parsunage on •"), the following program will be given: gill man and scored Collingwood be to talk "turkey" and was roundly Tliursdiiy last, Rev, Ziinmermiin olll Miislo. cause ho supported .Sam, Smith instead hissed. He said the federalists had R. A. Mnntgoiiiery must liave dating. I'aiiiolioQtiolatlohs. of tin Ingham county man. After threatened the unit rule If thcy con thought that he made a mistake and Visit Mills' half price sale of shirt Heading Mrs. Clias, Willliinis wrangling for an hour, in which varl trolled the convention, but now its got into a democratic gathering. waists. See ad, Our sales on wall paper are still Ueeluiuon Mr, ,Jas, K, Cavender ous persons including Illcliard the Had Collingwood selected some rep- Vocal Duet Mr, and Mrs, Hurt Austin Uioy wore the under dog in the light F. H,.Williams started last week booming. Low prices and styles are (Jnesllon IJox, Third of Lansing took a hand, the they must take their medicine. Aft'erl''^''Ontalive and conservative republi• to work for the McCormick Co, what suit the peu :ile. Three cents Mtisic, convention proceeded lo vote for torn Ilolbrook and several others liad thoir can like James Wheaton for tempor• per roll and up, at . Cimmel's Depart Miss Rose Lelghton and Jas, A, porary chairman, Tho Plngree push say a vote was taken and tbe substi• ary chairman, instead of trying to rub Fresliour & ,Snn arc again prnpriC' ment Store, Dana, both of Williamston, wero mar• voted for Cabill and the federalists tute prevailed by 100 to87. Another It into the Pingreeiles, be would not tors of the Maple street meat market, ried at the home of tbe bride last for Clark, The contesting delegation round for the Pingreeiles, have received such adecldod set-back., Mcsdames R, Young, R, Raymond from Locke was not allowed to vote Clark lost his temper the first ihinR Enos StclTy of this city has been Smith and Sibley will have charge of Thursday by Rev, J, W, Fenn, They Chairman Cabill appointed the fol• took the afternoon train for Detroit, The .secretary of the county committee and liad he been allowed lo continue Rrantcd an Increase of pension to $30 tho dinner hour at tbe li'armers' Club lowing committees, two in eticb dis• he would have lloundered around like per month, where tbey will remain for a fe.w called the roll, James Wheaton of Los. trict boing Pingreeiles, giving them meeting tomorrow atSunnyslde, Let lie and A, A, Piatt of Lansing acting a "mad bull in a cbina sliop," there be a full attendance. weeks before returning to William the balance of power: First district Frances A. WItniore of Lansing has ston. as tellers. The vole showed 102 for —Paul Dunham and Dr, D, M. Not• been granted a widow's pension of $8 Cahlll and 85 for Clark, In the mean• Important. Miss Nina Bristol left Monday for The May term of the circuit court tingham of Lansing, W. E. Wilcox, per month. Detroit, where she joins a party for a time Clark had taken his place on the postmaster at Onondaga, Second dis- Have you taken out a policy in the trip to the Paris exposition and a tour Closed last Friday in all except chan lloor among the Ingham delegation Micliigan Mutual Tornado, Cyclone Andrew Farran lias built a cement eery business, Judge WIcstdischarged irlct—Dr. F, W. Shumwayof Willlam• through Europe, Tbey will sail from Collingwood appointed Postmaster ston, V, II. Grout of Leslie, Lafayette and Wind Storm Insurance Co,? It walk in front of the residenct? of 0. the jury that day. A jury gave Mayer and Enumei-ator Clark to es• not, attend to il at once, W. Halstead. , July 3d, on tbe steamer Saale. King of Wheatfield, The committees Robert E. Young a verdict of $175.74 cort Judge Cahlll to tbe stage. First L, li, Ives, Agent. against Charles C. Rolfe. Frank repali'cd to the Donnelly House to per• Willlamston bigli school graduated The Leslie Local-Kepubllcan thinlra round for the Pingreeiles. form their work and were gone so long Marriaete Licenses. a class of 18 this year, 12 young ladies Mason's interest in ber street fair is Smith, who stole R. G. Coy & Go's, that tbe chair sent another commit• wool, was sentenced to live years at Judge Cahlll came up smiling and The following licenses have beea and six young men. at a low ebb. Nix, brother; come said he never saw any storm so nearly tee, headed by James Wheaton, to granted since our last report: over tlie first week in October and we Jackson. Rev. Andrew S. Zimmerman will resembling a squall pass off so pleas• hurry them up. The committees re• Name and residence. Age will convince you that we have the A big reduction shoe sale for 30 days. antly. He counseled harmony and ported tbe following delettates and preach at the ITawley scliool bouse at principal as well as tbo interest. Gen, W, Collins, Vevay,,,, ,...39 3;30 p. ra. next Sabbath. Having decided' lo reduce our stock promised fairness to all, tliey were ratified by the convention: Louise Davis, Vevay 33i one-third, we will sell all tan shoes at Andrew StolTer of WheatQeld was Hem S, Chllds. Vevay Geo. S. Wilson of Alaledon knows The date for laying the corner stone cost and many other lines below cost, STATU CONVENTION, Maiido.I. Miller, Vevay 28 of the new Presbyterian church is sot chosen temporary secretary. Voltiey I'alnior, Aurellns. a tbe DuMOCitAT likes strawberries and as we need the money and must re• Chairman Cahill appointed the fol• Dclegate-at-large — R, A. Mont• NeUlu Staats, Aurelius .IS left a bo.x of line ones last Saturday. for July 0, A number ot speakers will duce our stock. Come all who need 0,15, Fert'iison. Willlamston ,, zs be present, Tbe ladies ot the church lowing committees: gomery, Myrtle K. Splnks, Locke,,,, ,...ia Webb & Edgar have moved their footwear. See our big line of tennis Oredentlals—Dr. F. W. Sliumway of Lansing township — Edward H, Uerl I'lper, Liinsliiy 23 and congregation will serve a special and outing goods, Buown Buos, stock of boots and shoes into their dinner In the court bouse square on Willlamston, John A. Barnes of Au Hume, .rennle A, bower, Lansing' .2L new location In the Lawrence block. that day, rellus, A. H. Philli is of Alaledon, G. Onondaga—Ilolden Albro. Edwin S. Bates, a well-known ollicer Willis Bement and Dr.D. M. Nottlng Delhi-Russell Everett, Baptist Church. Stephen Dorman of Brlnton, Isa^ Tbe Baptist Young People's Union of Lansing, at one lime republiciin ham of Lansing. Lansing city—First ward, Wm. A, Arthur F. White, pastor. bella county, formerly of tbis city, has will have an experience social Friday nominee for sheriff, is under arrest Permanent ofenizatlon and order Price; second ward, Truman 0. Pratt; Thursday—3:45 p. m., Junior Union? been granted an increase of pension evening, June 21), in the parlors of the charged with embezzling $00 from a of business—0. E. Bement of Lansing, third ward, Alfred Rutter; fourth 7:30 p. m., prayer meeting. Sunday— lo $17 per month. church. No charge for social. Ice man in Greenville. It Is alleged he Geo, J. Hume of Meridian, Lafayette ward, C, E, Bement; fifth ward, W, C, 10:30 a. m., morning services; 12 m., Win, 0, Pope of Lakcview, Mont cream and cake will also be served for collected the $C0 on a chattel mort• King of Wheatlleld, E. H. Hume of Nesen; sixth ward, B. F, Simons, Jr. Sunday school; C:30p. m., B. Y. P. U.; calm county, was in the city last 10 cents. All come and enjoy a good gage and kept the money. His exam• Lansing township, E. A. Gilkey of Wheatfield—Lafayette King. 7:30 p, m., evening service. Tuesday. Mr, Pope Is well pleased social time. ination Is set for July Gib. Bates Lansing. Locke—Geo. DunckeL pleaded not guilty tind says he can Wllliamston—F. W, Sbumway. Methodist Church. with Ills new home up north. Below is the menu to be served by Resolutions—Prof. P. J. Wilson ot W. J. Wilson, pastor. make a satisfactory explanation. Willlamston, B. M. Gould of Leslie, Leslie—Chas, M. Woodland. The republican county convention tbe ladles'.aid society of tbe Presby• Meridian—Frank Hewitt. Thursday—Prayer meeting at 7:30 last Thursday was pretty much a light terian church on the day of laying the Thi-ee city olllclals with their wives Frank Hewitt ot Meridian, R, A. p. m. Sunday—Morning .services at Montgomery and Dr. J, A, Marvin of Stockbridge-F. W. Nichols. between Lansing and the county, in corner stone of church; Roast beef, went toShurgor's Pai'k last Sunday,,^ Alaledon—Charles Underwood. 10:30: evening services, 7:30; Sunday wbicb the city fellows out-generaled roast pork, new potatoes, green peas, before returning they found the water M-''"'*'"K'-^, , .,, Mason—John N. Smith. School at 11:45. D. E. Watts, Supt, their country cousins. pork and beans, pickled beets, onions, in Grand rivei' very wet. The sixL Convention then adjourned until Ingham—Fred Miller. started out for a boat ride and soonp^\o,,°'''°^'^- ... „ , ^ Preabyterian Church. Last Thursday D, Erwln of this city I Sim'assSed" STi'ind^cSlTee" had the boat anchored on a rock. Two When the conyeritlon was called to CONGKISSSIONAI. CONVENTION. Andrews. Zimmerman pastor. sold bihis pacer, MarMary Orr 2:20i, to P, r^'^'""' ^'^•^ ''0"ce, Thursday—4:00 p. m,. Junior En• of the ladies gathered up their skirts order at two o'clock there was a long Delegate-at-large—Prot. P. J. Wil Monaglianof Minneapolis" , Minn." , shIp• • ' Judge Wiest has ordered Prosecu• and waded to the shore, the water w^iit for tm report of the committee deavor; 7:30 p.m., prayer meetingj son, Willlamston. ping her the following day. Mary Orr ting Attorney Tuttle to make com• being about knee deep, the third one o" credentials. ^ E, B, Gansser ot this r',.,l;!i'ni'^t"^uI'nPi;in nnrictinn Tfron 18=^0 P- tciicbers' meeting, Sunday is by Greenbacks and tis good a race plaint against Carrie Wygant, the emitted a few screams and insisted o^t^i^wasappolntetl asslstantsecretary, Lansing township-Christian Kren- I^Qig^^ p;.gjjg,j,^g g^j^^j^g. .^3 gun' mare iis ever left Michigan. young Wllliamston girl who was the upon her husband carrying her to theP'', Marvin called upon R. A. Mont- A'„n„ii„= ArtvineP wiisnn fliiy scliool; 0:30, Christian Endeavor} complaining witness in the recent bink. He acquiesced and started, Romery to address the convention, George W., son ot Mr. and Mivs. Willlamston rape cases, for being a Aurelius—Arthur tr, Wilson. 7,^n npn-iphlnrf snrvifo AVIlllam Barton, was born August 12, when a few steps frolu tbe shore he The latter was loaded with a type Onondaga-Levi Slaght, , 7.30, preaching service, juvenile disorderly. She will proba• stepped upon some day, slipped and written speech in^whidi he explained 1898, died June 24, 1900. Funeral ser• bly be sent to the "industrial school Lansing city-First ward, Paul ;E, a Wealth of Beauty vices were held at the residence on both went Under. Of ctitirse, he V^'^ was out of bai-iiiony with the for girls at Adrian. sworn them all to secrecy and that is democrat c party.. It was liighly Dunham; second ward,-John Robson ; ig often bidden by unsightly plm-- Main street and the remains laid ut third ward, ^Tudge Edward Cabill; p]eg gcijen^a^ tetter, erysipelas, salt rest in Maple Grove cemetery. the reason we know all about it. amusing lo bear old-time republicans H, S. Osgood, formerly a resident of fourth ward, C,K, Essler; fifth waivd.Liiemn, etc. Bucklen's Arnica Salve Lansing, accldently shot and killed , Cheer "Dick." when he read of the will glorify the face by curing all skla 'All members K. 0. T. M. are re• himself last Monday while at a target Jay Kirk, an exemplary young man good qualities of Grover Dr. J, A, Marvin; sixth ward, Dr. D,' eruptions- -' ,• als• o -cuts, bruises, burns, / quested to meet at hall at 9:30 next shoot at Byron, 111. The remains ot Alaiedon township, aged 18 or 19 and Don M. Dickinson. ."Dick's" M. Nottingham. boilSi felons, ulcers, and worst forms, Sunday .morning, July 1, for the pur•"I were shipped to Lansing, the burial years, met his deati in a peculiar speech pleased, tbe delegates for a Leslie—Chas, Brunck. of piles. Only 25c a box. Cure guar- : pose of attending tbe anniversary ser• will take place at Claremont, N. H,, manner last Thursday afternoon be- time, but soon became so monotonous Bunkerhlll—John A. Curtis. anteed. Sold by Longyear Bros., Ma'-; vice at the M. E. church. Sir ICnlgbt tbe old home. The family of the de• tween the hours of two and five that even Charlie Clark was compelled Vevay—.7. C. Mclntyre. . son, and F, H, Field, Dansville. W. J, Wilson will deliver the sermon. ceased lived at Lansing and consisted o'clock. He was working, for Samuel to yawn and consult his v^atch. Wheatfleld-A. J. Stoller. . Chas, Hurst, proprietor of tbe Union of a wife and live children. Mr, Os' Rathbone and was cultivating corn Dr. Shumwav for the oommlttee'on Leroy.—Jiimes Little. BUSINESS LOCALS. hotel, at Dansville, is under arrest good engaged in the fire Insurance with a horse. He was seen in the field credentials reported contests from Mason-H. M. Williams. early in the afternoon, but not coming Locke, Leroy and the sixth ward of White Oak-C.F. Pulling. , ClioHtbr Wliitu Boiir for Servloe.\ .Vf charged with violating tbe liquor law, business at Lansing, but closed out Purehnaed of 1", K. PatierBon of ColambUkV The alleged offense took place last | and left there .June 15th, upto supperalittle boy was sent to Lansing, but the committee had de Locke—Wm. Price. . ' call hlra. The boy returned, not be- elded against contestants in every in county.Penn, Can be found at my place twoc'" Fourth ot July, Sheriff Porter made Stockbridge—W. B. Glldart. inlles north of Dansvlllo. , ' • v: : Michael Bowerman, who for the past ing able to find him. Further search stance. He read list of delegates and W. W. Weeks of Aurelius protested 80Wlp • FkAMK MAMHI the complaint. Seems as thougli jus• was made and he was found dead lying report was adopteti. tice is a trifle slow in this instance. 25 years has been prominently identi• that the delegate to the congressional New Bloyclp Eopuir SIioii. ;; , ' 1 : fied with Willliimston and vicinity, lartlally under the horse, the horse k Chairman Bement for the committee convention from their township was All kinds of lilcyole reiialrlnR.: Bieycio wik George W. Peek and Orvllla Peek, died last Thursday afternoon at his being cast in a small gulley that the on permanent organization and order not the naraesent in by their delega• dries.ot all 'kinds kept:on hand. Cnamellni?.- through their attorney, Chas. F. Ham• country residence about four miles water had washed in the fleld. Dr. of business reported as follows: Ee- tion. Ot course not. brazing, etc,i done on abort notice. Shop nrifc.,; Park of Okemos was summoned and port ot committee on credentials, door north otFeuberthy'a harness shop. mond, have filed in the circuit court a west of Wllliamston. His death was Dr. Marvla moved that the dele• ,25W2P'. :.'.:>-.'>- i^',^•v -FllAWK'BKAK«»5;i|J! demurrer to the bill of complaint ot not wholly unexpected,'a8 he bad been made.an examination. He found temporary organization be made per- gates to the congressional convention Mrs..-Minnie P. Hemans, who com' sick for several weeks. He was Icnown Kirk's neck broken, one rib over his manent, report of committee on reso- je Instructed to vote for Hon.^H. E. Vilvo ou Till). menced suit Involving property of her as one of the wealthiest men in this heart broken find several bruises about lutions, election of delegates to state Pattenglll; ..Before the chair had an 3.InchTlle:.;..i'^.':y;^;v^;vSvIi;5^»i().^ his head. The remains were taken and 'Congressional conventions. Ee- 'i-lnoh Tlio;.. i... .v. ifi^.oo per .mother's ostate worth about $1,500. section of the county. Helcavesa opportunit_y to put the motion . A. L. .wnoliTllo 20,00 per i.ono It is claimed that, tbe complainant widow, son and daughter., Inpolitical to the home of his parents near the port was adopted and Chairman Oahlll Pere Marquette depot. Funeral ser- again returned his thanks, SomRosee -ooff thMasoe delegaten moves dclaime to adjournd a mo-. o-inciixne KSSJi'SS I, 'haliasnorigns no righti to reiiereliefi in ua court orf i auiiiationafllllatlonss nhe was a democrat,. iIn rere- Pere Marquette depot. Funeral ser-1 again returned his thanks. • tion to adjourn was always in order,. i^:}n«}!^{|g;;;;:::;;;:::;;;:;::::::.: ir'^n ;; •':• wooMriSSg^^ m ,- . -v 'Al equiCy.—Luasing Journal, June 25. j llgloua behalf a Baptist. vices were held Monday. i Prof. Wilson then read the resolu I equity.-Laaalng Journal, June 25. | Ugious behalf a Baptist. vices were held Monday. I Prof. Wilson then read the resolu- John Holbrook claimed that a motion lI june-omojune-K(in6.'"iJuLM. BullskK mtoa.mm,, NortNortUAunsUuik^b AureUiuhT"'v' .••i<|3 REPUBLICAN CANDIDATES. WHEAT mm BOOM. Ill GralF DiiDiicrat. s ADVANCE OF I 6 CENIS A BUSHEU IN TWO WEEKS. MASON, MICHIGAN, McKinley and Roosevelt Q. 0. P. lleavy J)(.-iiiaitd for llieCereal liy Shorts Standard-Bearers. .and Kiieciilatiirb-.Niirlliwest licpurts 1900. JUNE. 1900. Coiitiiiin: Ilad-l'redicdoiiii tl'»t tlio Su Mo Tu We Th Fr J'rice Will Kcach $1. CHOSEN BY ACCLAJ3L e © 0 1 2 Wheat udvuiieed with jiiant strides ut. the Kiaiii exeliaiiKcs of tlie eoniury Wed• 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 nesday. On the L'liicago lionrd of Trade- 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 prices udvauci'd nearly -1 ceius, and the Vote of tlie Convention Unanimously July delivery, loueheil the liifc'li point at. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Cast for Bolh Candiilales. tlie close, S\% cents, and lai.'r sold up to. 24 25 26 27 28 29 3D Cents. The close showed a jump of Id' ® © ® © S) © © cents in two weeks. At Minneapolis prices ndvaiu'iMl -la;! cents, 'I'liere was Q only S'Ji cents heiweeii prii'cs in Chicii),'0. v 5t)L vgy iith. ll ]!i tu. I'Cth. roraker VrcacnU tlic .Nniiie nf llie and in Liverpiad, while ilu' cost of sliip- I'lfHideiit to Succeed lliiiiHcIf, iiiid piiif; and selliiii,' is Ki ceiiis. Frantic ef• l.ufc yoiinii of Jown NoiiiinateH Gov• forts on the part of those vvlm were short CIRCLING THE &IOBE ernor Koohcvelt —J*liiladcl|)lilii Ah- lo piireliase i!ie iiilvnncing eereal and a. heiiililaKre Coiiiplctcrt 1th Work .-Viiikl min'ked inerease in the itniiib'n- of bii.viiig orders received from ilie I'oiiiitry were Grcut Dciiioiiiitriilioii'*. phases of Board of 'Trade deilliilKS, CONCISE HISTORY OF SEVEN Tliere has been no such exciieiiient oir DAYS' DOINGS. I'hlliuhdphln corrospondeace: tlie Board of 'J'riide in ten years, says a .MclCiiiloy nnd iJ.joscvcil is the IJopnbli- dispatcli. Till? pit was tin.' si'eiii? of n striiRKliiig mass of slioiitinj,' hiininnity Intolllcence h} IJlcctrlt Wire from cun ticket us nuiiied by tbe natiuiial con• vention Tlini-Kday. Tiic noiiiinatioiis were yesterday, so crowded tluu it was dillli'iilt JJvery Qiinrtcr of the Clrlllited to ttei in. It beciime so larse a market World, ISiiilirneiii;,' Korelcn Affalm uiiuninious. Tlie olllcial luinoiiuccinents that Indlvidiinl operations cm no ligiir* •11(1 Home lfopi>uniiiUM. ' of Chairniuu Loii^'c wore followed by a and Ihe Wk Irnders were lo.st sijihl of, .scene ncldoni witnessed, ami in point of riot, dry weather in th^' N'ortliwcst, cutliiLsinsin never .sin'pa.ssisl by any na- ieiiiperatiiiTS in some |ibii'"s I'rfiiig report• Vellow I'evcT in I'revaloiit, tioniil Katlieriof,' of llie party. ,Tiie dem• ed nl, 10(1, is seriously ufrectiiin llie spring Havana speeial: Tho iiniistially heavy wheal crop in tlie I")al;ntns and Miniio- rnlii.s that liavo boon fiillui); tliruu;,'liout onstrations bore uUtlio details of stam• Rotn, and well-posted men, who two Cuba have (•••tiLsed yollnw fever to ii|>|ioar pedes, with wivviii); .slundiirds of Slates weeks njio estimliled the yield ot tho In places wlieru It had been iiiilfiunvii for and a procession of ileU'Kates, whicli three .Suites nl 100,IKHl,nnO iinsheis, now BQVi'fitI years. Knrliinalely, cxcojit at: were repeated In all tlicir e.xeitiiiK ilts ill llie liislory of Khode and Minnesota showed llial llio coiidi- wife of the Inlii .Major Krank JJ. JCdiiiunds, lions were worse even than forinor biillo- is cotivalt'.si'i'Ml. .Shu has not, yel, been told I'jvory road led toward tlio M.vpusi- .•Vt yrl.T o'clock the conveiilion ad- president, secoildeil file iioiiiitliilioit in uu fsland, , • tion huildliiK. In street cars, carriuKes jonriieil until 10 o'clock Tliursdiiy inorn- ornrorical idTort. whicli cMptured the con- tiiis liiid reported. Correspondents in of lier Im.sbatiil'.s dcatli. Havana lias do- !•;LA 1 to UA'l'I.; I) UCO U.VT 1 ()NS. tlvose rcKions snid thai instead of halt a velojiod only ilia>e cases tints far, in spilo and afoot the iicoplo streamed 'tliillier. iiit;. 'J'his net ion was taken wlieii tlie vcntiiin, Si.'iiator Kifl'uker was also fol• • TlicrD are thirty entrances to tin- bull, iirdi'r of business readied was tho call of lowed by .Tohn W, Verkes of iCentucky. crop there wns a strong probability that of llie Hlooniy iircdiciiuns of tlio ilanKcrs of Greater DiMphiy of Hiiiitiin; than Seen tlie rainy sciiHon. mere kcyholea into the va.st iiinpliiilien- Stules for noiniiiiilioiis for President, Geopfjo KiiiKht of Culifiiriiia und Oov, tlie yield wniild bo less than one-third, tcr, and lliroiiKli llirse liny a|)erliires llie i'bttis of Ihe lenders wnt) cliiinged almost Mount of Iiidiaiiii. 'I'lieii the dele^'ates Four Ycai-H .Vi;o. li'loiir felt tlip inflnence of tiie ndvnnco TIiirl.v-Kivc roHKCiiitcrrt Killed. popiilnco llowcd iince.'i.siiiKly, gradually lit tiie last inoinent. The piiitrorm and beciinie restive and ri.'spoiidiiiK to the vo• Pliiladelphin put lier best foot forward in wheat nnd snlil In Cliicnpo at l?l.-10 a A passonj,'or triiiii on ilio .Macon liriuich spreading over nnd blottiiif,' out tifj ;.'reitt Ilu? reports of tlui credentials und rules ciferous demands Selialor i.odno ordered (iiid A'Ot on her linesl clothes, wilh tlie to- liiirrel. Conservative men who hnvo of the .Siiiitlicrii iiiiiiway ran iiilo a wasli- waste of iiniiainlcil iiine cliiiirs. coiiiinittees, however, bud been adopted. liie roll-cnll, which resulted in cyory vole suit Unit slio not only sliowed as iiiticli siiidied Iho crop liullotins carefully did decorulion as any convention city ever oul Olio and it half ifiiles iiorlli of .Mcllon- The I'liiironii. beiii),' cast for McKiiil(\v. not liesitiito to sny that they would not oukIi, (la., and was coiii)ilotely wrecked. As on Tiiesdiiy, tho delegates were slow showed, but it was decoration of tlie pret• he suriirised to soon see dollar wheat. Tbe wreck c;iii;,'lit firo iinii ttio ti'ain, witli in iirriviiiK, Init the (listliiKiilshcd kiu'sIs Tlio plulforin decliires iiKiiiiist improper flov. KoOMCVOIt Naiiiod. tiest kind. Cliesliitit slroet and Itroad were on iiand suinewliiit earlier. .Shortly trusts, liut coiJiiiieiids comliiiiiitioiis of Then cniiio llio call for nomination for street were mnsst^s of colors from tho tho oxcnplion oriheslee|icr,\viis dosli-oyod. NOTICE OF AMNESTY, Kvery jicrson on llic train o.vccpt Iho ocon- (iftor 11 o'clock tlio hi^' miinicipitl IimiiiI cii))ilal whicli result in tlie cNlension ot Vice-rresiilent atul Col. Lal'e yoiiHK ot sidewalks to the roofs of llie biiildin^js. raiil.s of Ibc I'lillinan i3.nr jicn'slied. Not a of Pliiladpipliia took Its place in tbe khI- hnsiiiess. Tlie inuiiitcimiice of liie Kold Iowa advanced to the platform. lie The ilispliiy of electric li),'ht (iecorutions lory opposite tho stage und a few iiiitiiiies standard is insisted upon. A plunk witlidrow tlio name of Dtdiiver aud in a was even Krwtter, it is claimocl, tlian the I'ilipinoH' Have Ninety Da.vn lo Accept nicinboroniio train crow ceea|iod. Thirty- tliiiteil SlatcH Sovcreisinty. five iioopio in ail were killed, later tlie strains of one of .Soiizit's slir- plednes the purly, to kIvo tho people .of rinfiint; speech , iiliieed Gov. Koosevclt's display tliat ChicuKo kuvc the Democraliii riuK inarches crasliod out. tlie Philippines and Porto Kico us lart'e ilanie before llie convention. Tha sc'eiios convention in ISDl! or St. Louis tlie Ue- 'I'he ^V||r Dciiiirtmeiit has made public Some of tho -woinon of the national Icr- a meiisnre of solf-t'overniiieiit as tlie cir- altondinK' the renoniination of Pi'esid/.'iit piiblicau coiivonlion in the saino year. tlu.' notice of iiiiiiiesty whicli wns issued Next AVar To Ite Naval. by Gen. .Miic-Vrlbiir nt Manila. By di• Beiiin sjicciai: A sensation lias been rection of the I'resideiit, .Militnry Gov• caused bya lioclaralioii of IIoit-Mcrtol, a OPENING OF THE REPUBLICAN NATIONAL CONVENTION IN . ernor .MiicArthur iiiiiiounees, amnesty, nicniher of the Kciolisliif,' and odiior-in- wilh comidete immimily I'or the piist and oliief (if llic Jlenlscliu'ra;,'i;s Zciltiii},', flic iihsoliitc liberty of action for the future, nKrariiin orKnii, who in tlic course of a po• 10 nil persons wlio are now or at aay time litical speocb atHbenilnirK, said; "Onr since Feb. .1, ISDO, have been in iiisur- next war will bo naval anil against En• reclion ngninsl the Unitctl States In cith• gland, or this we have boon quietly as• er a military or a civil enimciiy aad who sured liy the (iovcrniiiont, and it was he- slmll witliiii a period of ninety days I'or^ oainio of tlii.s ussnranco Unit tlio agrariiuis inally rcnoiince nil ciiniii,.cliim with siicii voted for Ilu; naval bill," liisiirreclloii and siiliscril.ie to a dccliira- lion itcknowl.'ilging nnd accepting Iho- Fiiids U. If. lOolierlH GniU.v. sovereignly and niilhorily ot rite TJiiiU^d B. If. lioherls, llio Ulitli Congressman Stnles ill mikI over the l.'hiliripiiie rsliiiids. who was ousted liy the Honso of Popro- The privilege is extended lo nil cuiicorn- BCnlativcs, wns, III isalt l.uko City, b'tali, found guilty of iiiilawriil coliabltiition 011 witlioiil liny ivserviitioii whati.'ver, cx- Willi l.)r, .MargariM. Curtis Sbijip lioborls I'epling Hint persons who Iiavo violiited 011 an agreed slatoinontof fads Ihat llio the rules of i\-;ir iliiriiig Ihe period of ac- defendant bad married ber several years llvc lioslilities arc not eiiiliraced witliin opo, ami at liiuos lived at hor liouso while the si'Ojie of the iininesly. lie bud a legal wife living at Coiilcrville, Utah, Tho jury was out bill; iifteeii min• utes. Cable T/iiid to .Mackinac, rSt. Ignaoc (Midi.) spooiiii; A cable was snooossfnliy laid between Uiis ]ioiiit and Maoklnao Island by the Michigan Telo- pliono Company and siioakini; coinnuini- oation established with tho island for tlio flrst Umo. Yarious ciUiis oast and west ipokon with. Several of tho company's offlolals are hero nnd cdcbralcd the event TTlth a dinner at the Grand Hotel. Kjiig Olto is dying. lie is totally piir- alyzod; No Passes to Kniisns City Convention. The exeonUve ollicers ot all the linos All English company is forming a cor• rnnning to Kansas City have decided that ner in ciimpiior. no free transportation shall bo i.ssued to or A joint note demands ot China the sup- , from ICansas City on account of Uic ])em- liression of tho Boxers. ,, ooratio national convention, ,]uly •!, This A holy war has been proclaimed lit is imperative, and uo exception will ho .Morocco and Algeria. made under any ciroumstanoes. The rail• ways feel that very liberal concessions The Czar is constructing an arsenal at: liavc already been made. the Coreuii port .Mnsampho. The Liverpool School of TropicaP Di.s- Passenger Train Wrecked eases is .studying typhoid fever, Passenger train ffo. .17, west hound on London scientists have discovered tweu- . tlie Big l^ur, was wreoked tlirco miles Islatlvc lengue of tho womtin surfrnsists cnmstancea justify, apd the party reitor- ^^cIvinley wore re-enacted with equal en• Noariy all of tho main streets of the city ty-three now'lights in the aurora. west of Covinglnu, Lid., the entire train were busily engaged while the delegates except, tlio engine leaving tlie track. A ales tho pledge iiiiido by Congress to give thusiasm. Gov. Roosovolt announced that sliowed tastettii decoratiqiis lu great Queen Wilhelmina is engaged to Prince-^':, wore assembling, distributing appeals for Cuba independence as soon as possible. tho nomination was so .siiontaneous ho volume. Bernhard Henry of Snxe-Weimar. day coach and a sleeper turned over. Four a declaration by the convention favorable Ou the oxpan.sioii aufstion the conduct by could not decline, and lie in a brief state• The resulv of the recent French elec• people were injured, among them H. 11. to woman suffrage. the administration of the recent war with BUSY WITH TilK CAMKKA. Gould and wife, of Peoria, and Cliarles S. ment accepted tlio nomination tor Vice- tions wns in favor of tlio Republicans. At 12:80 o'clock, whon Ute convention Spain is praised, and attention called to President, Miller Of Indianapolis. Tho tracks were was called to order by Temporary Chair• tho fact that as a result of tliat war the PliotORrapliers Fixed Uvery Detail of Emperor William has offered a pi-iite- ^ wonkeucd by heavy rains. President .McKinley received the entire the Convention. man Wolcott, the band played "The Stjir- country finds itself with rospoiifiibiiities 020 votes, wliilo Koosevelt lacked only ot ,$2(1,000 for the best war motcJr car. Spaugled Bamier" and the crowd arose to which did not exist before, It is stated Every aspect of the convention and tho Switzerland dllzens make about-§2.3,- Earthqunko Wrecks n Glacier. ono of that number and that because ho assemblage has botjn preserved if tho join in the song. During the prayer by that those rosponsibiiiXies must be met, himself refused te have his ballot record• 000,000 a year from tho entortaiuiiicnt Adispatoli from Seatitle, Wash., says: llev. Chas. M. Boswell seven delegates and commends the connso which Presi• cameras have not failed. Ewry move• of tourists. ed. Committees were appointed to notify ment of Chairman Hnnna'was registered Capt. llockinaii of tho steamship Queen, who had been at the birth of tho Kepub• dent McKinley iins so far pursued in tiio tile nominees, and at 2:15 o'clock the con- Justin from Alaska, says that Uie earth• lican party in 1S5U marched to the chair• matter. Porto Kico is grouped with tho on the delicate pintes. Whon the venerii- Ex-Qneen Natalia has written her son quake in Alaska last October corapletely man's platform waving a faded flag, bear Philippines in tho general statement that vonliou ot 1000 adjourned sine die. bie chaplain, in the robes of liis ciuirch, that she will never be reconciled with. destroyed (ho sea end of tlie Mnir glacier. ing tho dnto IS.'iU ou n streamer attached the Kepublican party is iu favor of giv USK3) A BKONZK GAVKI,. arose, to pfonomico the Invocation, the Milan or'witli him. Tho Queen sailed through fragments and to Old Glory. Behind tho standard bear• ing both countries the largest measure of man. behind the ciimera liad liis mnchine Russia's great'war debt has been ex-. , icebergs for five miles, but failed to see er was aa octogonariau carrying the ban• self-government tlmt it is demonstrated Rliodo . Island Delegation's Surprise trnincd upon bim like a g^iii. During tho pungcd ill loss thau eight years. It was-. anyUiingof tlie old formation. ner of tho Fremont Association. Senators the inhabitimts aro capable,of receiving. for Lodtrc. delivery of Temporary Ciutirman Wol- 1X1-1,000,000 rubles. Hanna aud Cullom mot the distinguished Tho proposed canal to connect the Atlan• AVhen tho permanent chairman of the cott's speech there were eamei'as direct• Tho expenditures of the British Got- - LijjUtnius; Causes Fatality. veterans of Ropubllcauism, and, leadin tic and Pacific oceans is called the isth• convention, Sciiator Henry Cabot Lodge ed nt tho delegates and across the conven• them forward to Chairman W.olcott's mian canal,'ill order to avoid binding tlie emment at present arc exceeding the rev- :, During a severe timuderstoriu at Gill- of Masschusott's, ascended tho platform tion hall at the people in tlio galleries. enne hy nhoiit !ii7,000,000 a week. ,: ingbain, ^\''is., lightning struek tlie,United side, waved their arms ns a signal tor ap• party to either tho Nicaragua or Pana• a surprise was in store tor, him, prepared Three cameras did business during every Brotlireii Churcli during a service. Lewis plause. The convention cheered, dele• ma route, and advocates the building ot hour of tho opening session of the conven• New periodicals to tho number of 276. •: Pookliam was instantly killed, Julian gates arose and waved their hats and the such a canal when tho route is determin• tion. When the ensemble of the hall wns were started in Groat Britain last year. ,' Hart and S. Foley rendered unconscious faded Qag was kept in sight'of the doui- ed by the , said canal to taken from every viewpoint the lenses In London at present there are,';2,2*10- and Uie entire congregation received a oastrative spectators while the band plac• bo "operated, owned, coijtrollod and pro• wore turned upon individual groups in the newspaiiers and miscellaneous pHbhca-,-':', shock. The building was destroyed. ed "America." This was the signal for tected" by this Government. The plank delegation and shifted altornateiv upon tions renewed enthusiasm. The banner bore on the labor question advocates such leg• coteries of spectators in the gallerles- Over 100 .fainilles of Finnish • peopie-.i;.,; Big BIn- business blocks of Pittsburgh, Pa., caused This incident over, the chairman recog• and favors some plan of arbitration on labor di.sinitos. Convict labor is denounc• Finns carried to Canada by onOj steam—::>•> & loss of $250,000, involving eight buildiugs nized Keprosoutntive Sorcno E. Payne of DelcKntes Stand "While "The Star-Spari- ship line ^^Ithln ten months. containing many ollioe tenants. New York, chairman of the committee ed. A plank is also incorporated lavor- ing legislation winch would tend to an ex• «:le(lHaniicr"J»:l'liiyc(l. , Policemen on, the streets of--Hamborff^«-<5 on credentials, who mounted the platform Just before the convention was Called Death iii a Fire, nnd read the exhaustive report of the tension of tho morcliiiiit imirine interests Germany, have been instructed to, wa,tch;,.:5S; of the United States. Sympathy is ex• to order the band broke into the stirring street cars sharply, nnd if conductors ure-i-v;',j William Sherman, a farm hand, lost his committee. The settlement of the Dela• strains of tiie '•Star-Spangied Banner." life in a fire that destroyed the residence ware contest in favor of "Ga,s" Adicks, pressed . for the Boers, and the present, found carrying more passengers, than the-sv announced by tho chairman, was greeted situation IU Cliina is referred to in a par• Gov. Boo.sovelt-was the, first on his foot law allows a line of 72 cents is imposed;.,?? of John Eiley, near Cadiz,.Henry Couuty, agraph suggesting it to bo the duty of the III response to tho national nntliem. His Indiana. with cousidorablo applause from 'the •• The Swiss .Chamber of Deputies::has,;4:/?ii. friends ot tho Delaware crowd. In be• United States to protect the interests of rough rider hat came ofl; and he stood, mado insurance against,sickness and,:ao^,s-5g.: Eatlihoiio to bc Arrested half of the majority of the delegates from Its Citizens whorovor they may bo. With head uncovered. Instantly the whole cidont compulsoiy. A| . H.-/viinaspooml; It is prob.iblo that Now York Mr. Payne asked the previous convention rose en !masse. Ten thou• An application for ofllcial recognitioiifc^ijja Esies G. Italhbono, tho suspended director question and the motion prevailed. Chair• TnUKSDAY'S SUSSTON. sand people stood while.the stirring air of a legate from the Pope has been mad&:„:).:yj? Of posts, will be arrested witlim Uio next man Wolcott put the motion for adoption It was nearly forty minutes atter tho was played and applauded it with n cheer to the Chinese Goveinment few days. Tho postal inspectors assert of the rpport. This was passed without scheduled time for beginning, whon Sen• by tho Rhode Island delegation. Hereto• as they took their seats.: , a dissenting voice. The convention, which ator Lodge asked for. quiet while Arch• fore the gavels used at Republican con• Twenty-five of the nobility and :,ultrn-;;|!5&., atDepere, Wi?. lilRlit'persons wero.killed, port. This report was .also .put through State yielded to Ohio, and Senator Fora- from Hiawatha's calumet.,,Or they have but, onee before.. That was in 185C, •when the dinner cost .?8,000.;..Sousn's,fulIi^band;j|5f' one -is missing, and fifty-three were in«. with a whirl. Henry Cabot Lodge,^Unit• ker placed Mr. McKinlcy's name before been of the nobler metals, of silverin sev• he came toattend a fConvention ,:o£ tlift • played... lined. ed States Senator from Maseachusettit. the convention in,a speocJi which was one eral instances.: Thistime the Rhode Isl- lAmencan party. kit 0W7 requisite to sny that she deem• closely scanned' by the stern oflJ(>er, Too Muol) Faith Jn a Dof. ed tbe grraugemeut but a temporary ont. YHE BOOraG CANNON Calling up one of the prisoners, Mosby It Is not always safe to put too much Luke at once endeavored to reopen bi» said: "Sir, what is your name?" trust la a dog. An Ellsworth man had mmm correspondence' with Agues Muir, ani "Biechley," replied the soldier, a highly pri/ed dog, and when a neigh• even uo>v in hopes that Weeras RECITALS OF CAMP AND BAT- would succeed in Unding her in South "Where are you from?" bor presenled u bill for two hens wiilch Africa. TLE INCIDENT& "Ilarrlsou City, M'estmoreland Coun• ho claimed had been killed hy tho bruto Mary did not suspect the nature of ibis ty, Pa.," was the response, tbe dog owner was grieved ami posi• conteuiphited treachery as yel. but Ibut "The next soldier called to the front tively refused to believe the charge or SnrvlTor. of tUe Rebellion Relate something was meditated ngaiast the rec• WIIS Allen. The same quostious were pay for the bens, .V few days later ognition of ber rights as Luke's wife she Many Amniilne ond 8tartline Incl- asked. Finally tlie dashing colonel the Ellsworth mnn was driving by the eould not have any doubts, in view of bis denta of .Marchea, Cnmp Life, Fornj;' said: farm where the Ipmis hail lieen killed. repeated propositions that i^be should sep• Inir KxperlcnceH and Hattie Scenen. The dog was with hiin In the eariiago. arate herself from him, in consideration " 'IJldn't I know you in Pennsyl• vania'/' ' He drove Into tJie farmer's yard to of such income as be should provide for prove to him that bis dog was not In his papi'r of remlnlscenoes 'of " •! think so,' ropllf-d Allen, 'for I lialf- her, aud betake herself to a secluded ex• guilty. "Lei out .vour bens," bo snid, "Shernmn's .March to the Sen," read soU^l .\-oiir shoes wjiou you roomed at istence in somo distant part of tbe realm. "and I'll call tho dog out of the car• Such were the euioiioual complications before Wls<-oiisln Ctminiandery, Mili• (-iipt. Fhinoglu's hotel.' tary Order of the Loj'nl i-egion. Judge riage to prove that he will not kill of Sir Luke Dalziel's antecedents, aad " -To what eoinmand do you Iwlong?' F. II. Putney lold some gooil storll's of hens." It was done. Before the doff sucb was tbe position in which Mary " 'Capi. Flnnegln's,' replied the sol• 'Jraeme found herself al the time when tlmt noted sirateglc moveiiiont In wJilcli could bo slopjied ho had killed four. dier. Sir Luke gloomily sought her presence several Wisconsin regiments were en- 'The owner of tb? dog, who never lils- after bia momentous interview with gnge<1, says the .Mlhvaukeo .Sentinel. "•AH the members of Capt Flane- bonors a just bill, imllod out his wallet Chelmsford and Weems, Tho fnct thnt he was omihled to protect gln's command will .s-tep asldo,' said nnd settled for six bens,—Bangor Com• Bj^NATNAM). URNEE, temiioriu-ily tlio library of William Oil- Jioshy. Some fifteen men responded. mercial. CHAI'THlt IV. more Slmms from destruction Is an In• Tlie.so were taken by nn olllcer to tbe It was a very pretty and secluded little World to Hnd ThlH Year. teresting one, nithongb the library sub- picket line and permitted to return to cottage, this iu which Mary Graeme their command, bearing from Col. Mos• This Ik the recent decision of one of the 'Coiiyrl;:lil, l.'^^l, liy Ituhert liiilinor'ti Sons. charity of rehilives somewhat better off swiiiently shared tho fiito of other ven- dwelt alone. She was loitering in the lit• by tills iiiossage: 'Plea.se give niy com- societies of tbe world, and while there are . CIlAI"i'J':it Il.-(Contlnneil.) thun benselt; but, at the time of ber tle garden at the time that her husband orahlu and historic South Carolinian fe%v peojiiii who believe this prediclion, ' . •""Wlinf M'as the total cost, outside of forming Luke's acquailitanee, she wns an homes "tlmt bad sliehoi-od Greene, or plhuents to Capt. Flaiiogln. and say there aro Uiousnnds ot others who not was seen apiiroaebiug it, but she at once only believe, but know thnt Hosteller's tho fr('ii,'ht;ige, ihe dyniiiliite nnii other orphan and very poor, having Just then retired into the collage, as though desir• Cornwnllls, or Tiirleton." .Tiidgo Put• that I shall be jileasod to have a visit received ber lirst situation as governess. froni llim, not as nn olllcer, but as an Stoinneh Bitter.s will cure dyspepsia, iu- ihingsV" aslifd Sir IaiUo. ous ot avoiding his presence in the augrj ney wns a lieutenant In the Twelfth digesiion, constipation or liver and kid• "Two limlilrod pounds. We_ taUc an Agnes Muir had a good Scotch wit, as mood that she divined was in possession old friend.' ney troubles. A trial will certainly eon- well, as a good Scotch heart. Though llat- '\^nsconsIn Infantry during Shorinnn's 'abstract, lililnaliitarinn view ot it," philo- of bim. He followed her without cere• "Siiell iiels of kindness and inngnan- Tinte. ' uophically (discrvcd Wcoms, witli n grin. icred not a Utile by the knowledge of march. Ho.says: mony, and as she quietly seated hersell linliy are ploasnnt features in a war "But th'cn, doesn't tho asjiect hecoine her lover's high taiuily connections, she "I was riding on nlienii of tho column Dogs tn Gorman Army. iu tho best room, he confronted ber with that had much Ill-feeling, suffering nnd , just a leetle niiu'c ntilitarilln, Sir Luhe, nt tho same time lenrned suillclent of his lowering looks. with another staff offlcor, as our custom For ten years evei-y military com• personal antecedents lo obtain a pretty destruction of property, and serve an when yotl inlllgilii! your eider brotlier— "So, Mnry!" he exchiimed. "Weenii wns, for the purpose of getting to the pany in Germany has Included its pack ihoroiigh insight inio the instability ot Jinporiant piirimse In cementing the the righlful bjiroiiel. you hnow—on board informs me ibal yon still refuse to enter enniping ground before nightfall, so as of dogs, which are in charge of a jicity thnt Sitiiie diioliied shili'.'" his character, and sensibly declined to ties of frloiidshlp ami patxlotlsni bo- tain my proposition," lo look It over by daylight and bo able oflicer, who is excused from all duties ' "'i'es. thill would illituraily render the marry llim while he hail nothing to live tweeii the boys in blue nnill;e, lieaving a sigh. compact, but the man did not. Agnes fliid hini. He added that liO was sure had disappeared but a short time before hoiiesly and right feeling are concerned, cided to render the votoiun a service Of Coiir«e. "By way of ellange, W'eems, silppo.se you that I know!" said.Mary. "Why, bav« any goiioral wouhi pi-oteooks and buildings him," said Sir Luke. misery, during M'hicli her Ilnsbaiid had Mary, I will settle the place upon you, and ever slnco tlie war I have looked "You'll liever regret taking my word in been indolent, brutal and drunken oven and let you havo a hundred a year be. would escape unscathed, ,a.iul so when nil over the United Stntos for you." judgment on liorse or man. Sir Luke," beyond his wont', Mary Graeme disap• sides." somo years after the war I rend that Convinced .at hist, the long-lcst broUi- no REMOY EQUALS PERUNA, snid AVeeiils, rising. "Well, everything's peared with hor child, and witii n cer• they wore all burned I was not sur• oi-s, locked In each other's embrace, arranged plcasalllly now, and notliing The mingled liittornoss nnd anguish in tain fixed, desperate rosoiiiliou Btitfening the glance that sho fixed upon him would prised, but I wns sliigiilai'ly grlovod stood and wept like children. Tliey 80 THE WOMEN ALL SflY. more need be said till I meet you on over her while flico, such as it had never that thoy were so unfortunate as to be board ship at Soufhampton to-morrow, have melted his heart had it been otbei wont to a room In tile hotel, and doubt• worn before. She returned nt nightfall, than stone. In the pa tlnvay of tho war," ch?" but without her child, and with the less talkotl fill night. All next day they "I will think of it," said Mary, after i wore seen, walking arm In arm, with "All is arranged," said the lawyer. traces ot horrible, agonizing heart-break long pause. written indelibly in form and feature. "But wait. Here is tli« second mortgage (To be continued.) Ucmcnibcred His Friend. glowing faces, and rebating to 0V017 deed that Sir I^ukc has promised to exe• "What have you done with tlie bairn, ,L Fralse Richard, of this city, says one tho fact of Hielr coming together cute in your fnvor, AVeems," Mary'?" cried her startled husband. 'Will Go Uack: to tho li'arni. tho Washington Post, lolls an Interest• after such a long sepai-atlon.—Nash• "Well thought ot!" said Wooms, ns the "It's gone, Luke—gone forever from the M. Loubet, Hie President ot France, ville Banner. . . old lawyer produced a stamped document. hunger hml wretchedness that was In ing story, showing the magnanimity of is ll sou of the soil. lie still ret.ilna Col. John S. Mosby, the famous cavalry It was a second' mortgage deed In large store for it Iiore!" she replied, with a his agricultural (.istes and longs to go Mndeof the Riuht StnlT. amount, which Sir Luke had promised in hollow solemnity of voice. loader. He says: "About 1857-u8, F. back to the simple, life of tlio riir.al Satnl always comma-ads respect and consideration ot ready money lenf to him "Heavens ami earth! you haven't de• 0. Flaijcgin was the proprietor of a consideration from those who nre by Weems, who was quite as much stroyed it'.'" gasiied Luke. . district. • . hotel at Harrison City, AA'estmoreland A foi-eign note si.ates that at an .agri- themselves brave men. Captain Jones, money lender as ho was horse brolter. "Not so, but I have saved it!" she said, County, Pa. One of his guests was a •\i'Jio was In commn.nd of tho Ii1o:-lda "By the way, Sir Luke," snid Weems, in the same lioilow tone. "1 have done ciiltur.al show reccntl.v, the French young man of Industrious habits iind with our bairn to-day what I've been troops when tliey took the Uultod in H coniidenlinl tone, ns the two were President fell in with some Diinphln« studious disposition, of the name of seeking llle street in each other's com• slowly resolving to do for n long, long farmers, .and wns the same old "Mon• States arsenal at Apalachicola, alwa.ys .Tohn Singleton. He bnd come to the pany, "a friendly word in your ear. Lose time, Luke. It's in llle keeping ot my sieur Emile" Avhoni they liiid known .it dellghtefl In telling fills IncM^cn.t; town to spend his vacation'in replen• no time in putting ont ot sight,and mind second cousin, Sandy. He will fake it to Moutellmar. "I suppose," ."said one ol "ComiiM.nd'er Poivell was In charge ishing his finances in order that he your wife, Mrs. Grnenie, ns she still con• his sister in tlie Highlands, and between them, "you .ire now fixed for life in of t'ho arsenal," roln'tcd tho cai>taln. sents to stylo herself,, thank fortune! i them they're to take care ot it ns of their might complete his logiU studios in Vir• Paris?" "Not if I live more th.an seven "He Oiad licen in the service for twen• "My wife!" growled tho j-oungcr man. own. This was sworn to mc, Luke, on years, should I remain President so ginia. He was the proprietor of somo ty yeins and he m.avidcly known as Col. John S. Mosby, od over my dead body. You see, I haVfe DU hn.i no eqnal In «!! of the Irregularities 'man's life wns a peculiarly sad one, so strong, must likewise hate'perished of Napoleon oven attempted to guide the tlie leader, of an independent ca\'ah-y biit three mon. .'If they'wpi'e soldiers and emergencies peculiar to woman caused far as the two women innocently entnii- the rough Highland airs to which be had plow himself.,' But ttae oxen refused to command in the mountains of Virginia, instead of common laborers, we would by pelvic catarrh. , , ,glcd in it wore concerned. been borne nwny so Suddenly. It was obey him, overturned the plow, and Flanoffin left bis hotel to other mana• be flghting yet. I now.conslder myself Addresla Dr. Hartmnn, Columbus, O.j for a ' Seven or eight years before the opening in ihis condition that Chclnistord's in• spoiled tho furrow.'Tbe Inscription runs quiries found 'them out a few- months a prisonei' of war. Tak© my sword, free liooi for women only. ' - - : ',,; -,'0t our story Luke Dalziel was a fugitive thus: ''Napoleon the Groat, passln'g by gers and, having formed a company of from thoconsoquences of many indlscro- prior to the opening of our story, when cavalry, was sent for dutytcAlrginla. Cai>t'iin Jones.' , • , , • this place, took iu the neighboring fleld nPftPS5Y«EW DISCOVERY; givei -'tions, not to say actual crimps, nnd in Luke had suddenly been called on to re- "Now, it occurred in the winter of "Idld take it mechanic-ally and tm- B-* V I; O • . (juickrelioritcurosworat" this miscrnble plight, chiefly through his snmo his name, and tako the title nnd a plo\r"rrom the hands of a peasant, 1SG4-G5 that some of Capt. Planegln's casns. Book of testimonials and 10 D.VTS* treatuoaf •elderbrotber's assistance, obtained a de- estate supposed to have boon vacated. and himself tried to plo - but the,oxen, der the spell of Ills outburst,,but lm-; rUHE. Ur. U. II. Uraun'a bona, Jias a. Atluiiti.. 4ia. •ceut hut humble employment lu the city Mary bnd been persnnded to occupy the rebellious to those handsAvhlch yet had men, scouting through the. regions of mediately rotnrnod it aad .told'him he: ,'Of, Abcrdeeji. Hero ho tell in love with Rose Cottage under the name of Grnemo, guided Europe, headlong fled from tli6 Loudoun County, A'lrglnia, passed bo^ was too br.avo a nin.n to dlsai-m. • Sixvur' nnd sHccoedod in winning the heart of a while Luke took possession of tho Toivors furrows." yond tbe proper picket limits and were taneonsly the entire comrn'ond gave; beautiful and estimable gitd named Agjies alone. It is unnecessary to cons'ider the captured by Mosby'a: comm.and. throe cheers for Powell and theiH} was Mnir. : She had received a good educa- promises nnd arguments by which she A man can't .wear his heart on hla Brought Into tho presence of the ubiq• not oine< of, ns who did not feel proud iMou , through the reluctiiutly: bestowed bud been persuaded to couseut to this. sleeve and put It Into his work, too. uitous colonel, these . captiTOs: wcro Ubat Ue 'V\'as an American citizen." Real Estate Transfers. MASON MARKETS. The following transfers have been recorded in the olllce of the Register Oorreoted every Tbnrsdtt;^ mornlnf of Deeds for Ingham county, for the week ending Juno 25th, 1900, where WnEAT,Ued,No.8,perbu6liel , Q so WHEAT, Willie. No. 1, per bushel.... tH 60 consideration is$300 or over: KYK..., O 60 Wllllain G. WItlirow toChas. E. fxiekwood, OAT.S, per bushel.... "iM 25 OVAL colli t rds e from se cor blk ui, e 7f ft, a COKN. shelled, per hundred © 85 Powder 12 rds, w 75 ft, s 12 rds, VVlllianision f3M Attend our Opening Day, Saturday, June 30th, 1900, in the CLOVEU SEED, per bnshej 3 ooai oo Chas. IC. Lockwo/.o f nw >i, sec 25, and e is of ne M and We will also close out the remainder of the CATTLE, Iter 100 pounds • 3 fioffit 00 bill? Is it not a stale cost? Ann Ihat |it uf uw '4 uf ne 'A, lying o of ruinl, HEElf,dressed,per 100pmmdB... B fiO©? 00 -by- see3». Inghain. 2000 IIOOS, per 100 iionnd* St 75 was it not a state ollicer tliiit was nn Kilwln U. .Shaw to lieiscy S. ,Shaw, 5 ao on WILLIAM L. CLARK, I'OltK,dressed, per 100pounds (26 00 trial? Why should Jngliam county sw li. sec2S, l.*slli« COO Rosecrance Stock at 25 per cent. Discount HAMS, per pnuuil.,..,.,. © 7 MASON, MICH. be called on to pay for the trial of n Chas, \V. Poster, a elri'illl court coillliils- 8IIOULDE]tK,peri)0und ® 6 state onicer indicteil by the grand Sl'KINti omCKK.S'.S, dressed, per lb & 10 PRICES: jury? It is tlio duty of tlie state of CfllOKENS.llve,perpouiid...... © 7 TUHKK VB. live. iw pound B OWBYKAB 9\.00 Michigan to pay those bills, and It' TURKKVS.dresseri,per pound © 9 Hix Months..,. 50c money well Invested, too. llring to Samuel H. Wiley to City of Lausing, a'/i o f loi n. hlk 132, Lansing SOO From 3 to 5 p, m. nuiUllXO MATKKIAI,. Thbkk .Momtiis 25c trial those parties indicted by the Amy \', i'eriy to City of Lansing, lot '21, I Tffl MMy. From S to 10p.m. WATER LI.ME.nerharrel Qi 00 grand jury; call another grand jury Itaiiiiey's sub nf blk 211, Ijtasitig law OALCINEl) l'LASTER,perb«rrel..., ©175 I'LASTEUINO IIAIK, per bushel.... 0 25 immediately and sift things to the Washington (J. Wiley aud wife, ct al., to Entered al the rostolllct!, .Mason, .Midi., as Ciiy ot Lansing, ii ot lot B, blk 132, SlIl.NfU.ES.pBrihnimnd... i 25©! 00 bottom and let the taxpayers of Micli seeund-elass aistter. Lansing 600 LI ME, good, per barrel 0 90 igan pay the bills. The ideaof a.slting I'reenioiit .\. (iolicen and wife to .L liar- LATH,per .M feel ©8 00 Make our new store your headuuarters the Fourth, Toilet Ingham county to pay for the trial of moil Vanlliiren, e 20 ae of s M ac of sw \4 ot see'2,1, Aurelius tilXI republican state olllce holder.^. This Jennie S. Jeroiiie to James S. Caldwell, lots and'waiting room for Ladies. Drain Sjiivlal Assesfiinent District," will bo sub• THURSDAY, JUNE 28,1900.is just what tiie ropiiblicaiis want. 11 and s, hlk ti, (ireen Uak add, Lansing.., ject to review. Thoy want the taxpayers of rnglmm .lames Caldwell and wife lo K'aiu li. .Mack, TliofoUowltig Is a description of the several lol 8, hlk 11, llreen Uak add, Lansing..... HUO tracts or parcels of land eonsiltutlng the speulnl county to rebel against further trials David IL liurgi'ss aud wife to Margaret assessiiieiil district of said drain, viz; Democratic County Convention. of these Indicted men until after elec• O'.Neil, s l.i ol si) >i and s 20^^ ac ot uw 'I'lio uw Si of lie Hi, tho no y of nw \i and tho tion, lint are the people fouls? No. of sii'4 an d n ol sw'4 ot se H, see •iii, WEBB & EDGAR. nw J/^ of nw Hi, all (HI sec till the 110 U of sec 11; lO'Kl The taxpayers of Michigan should pay While Oak....: ..... the s y of so 4„ tlioe !4of no y of se U, the w'M Ai'ouiitycnnventloiMvlllliolKiId al the cottrt Clias. 11. I'oner and wllelo Alva it. lllcli- of lie of so '.i and tho iiw 4 of sw 4, all 011 sec liouse 111 Ihe eliy Mason, on Batiirday, ,Iuly 21. this expense.—Llving.stoii Deiiiocriit. moiid and wife, lot-20, hlk 3, liiish, llutler J; the sw y of nw frl 4, tho wof sw 4, the s Ifloo, at 11 o'clook a. iii., for the piirimso of eleel- it .Sparrow's aud, Lansing 7IKI 4 of no y, of sw y„ the so 4 of sw f.i and tho sw 4 of so l/i, nil on sec 3, nnd ihe township of liiiii- Ing I!i di'li'nalL's to attend Iho stalo coiivi'iUlon Common Council ProoeeoinRB. FiiANK A. Lksticu, Register. kerhlll III large. All of said lands heliig In town 10 lie held In Ihe city of Delrolt, on Wednesdtiy, Mason, Micil, June 25,1900. ono north, range one east, meridian of .Michigan. .Inly '.'.1. Iimi; also, to ek-et ill diileuiiles to attend No Mlsslner Link. Dated this •25tlulay of .liiiie, A. D. lOdO. Council met and was called to order thu connressloiial convention liercafter called, Rockford, Mlcli.-Mr. A. IT. Clark 1''. II. I'llll.LII'.S, by Mayor Pioed. Coiiiily Drain (•oiiiinlsslouer of tho County of and clecllaK inie deh'Katu Iroiii each towiislilp a well-known merchant of this place fresnnt. Aid. Hement,Call, llandall, liigliaiii. find ward to tlie senatorial ooiiventloiial here, furnishes the evidence lacking In mos Smith nnd Smith after called. All are Invited who favor the prin• remedies, to prove that Dr. A. W Minutes of last meeting read and .Idinliilslnitor's Sale, ciples of lite Chleah'o platffliia adoiitod In iSM, Chase's Oliitnieiit cures piles. 11 apjiroved. liy virtue of a license, lo ino graiilcd on Uifl and who are averse to till! Iiiipeihi) nr Colonial says: "After sulTering for over 20 ISth dayof May, I000,byllon, V. S, I'orler, Jiiilgo i'olley of the piesent adnilnlstralloti, and oppos• years with Itching liles and llnrtliig nf probate for ilio county nf liigliaiii, slalu of UKrOHT OV COMM iri'KK. Michigan, I sliall sell at piibllo 011 Iho Ilttlo relief in any cnowii remedy, I hiii'IIoii, ed to trusts Of coinhliiallons, excessive laNiillun The llnancc committee report tlic Mill ilnv i>r ,liily, A. I). 1000, at one o'clock In found a perfect cure in one box of Dr and the present nial-adinliilslratloii of alValrs followlngclaimsandrecommend tlieir tliu afleriiooii, at Uie front door of llio court which lias, and still exist In this state, and llioso A. \y, Chase's Ointment. I would liouso In the city of Mason, In said county, all Iho allowance: rlghl, lltloaiid hiioreslof whicli Kraiik A. Drew, who object to llie Blianieful use nf ninney In de. not take $10 a box for it if I could not 1!. A. Tyler, \york as soxinn. $11 W late of the lownslilii of Alaledon, eoiinty of liig- bauchliiK, pidliiutnp and packing cnnventlons, II. 0. Ward, lawn iiiower ,'1 00 obtain more. liain, .Mich., died, seized. In and lo llui following not only In this but other counties of llio .state. A. >I, Tallniau, work la ceinetcry 7 ii2 Tliuu.sands of people who have suf• land, lo wit: licglimlng at a point In tbo cealer Nicholas Templar, 21 iiliilits as watcliiiian 'X 2.'i of Iho highway (caUed the Doxtor road) loaillng The iieoplo aru called upon lo express tliolr Arthur .lewcti, iilants for narks 7 iki fered from piles, eczema or the many easterly Iroiii the vlllago nf stocklirldgo, eleven SS, .Stcariia 2011, O.sborii 27, iindScci'etafy Connor isconlldent that of Bunkerhill's most highly esteemed tle and adjust all claims against .said estate, do NiiMcK! of IM'iilii Lelliiig. tho e y. of w y.afmy,, liercliy give notice thai thoy will meet for that O'Doniicll 2.'i, Oamiibell Hi, It will be one of the greatest of tlic residents, has cast a glooni over the iierciiy give 1101,100 tiiiu iiioy will meet for 1 Notice Is liore«>y given, Unit 1, hMl, IMilUlps, IhowKof so '4. successes with which thcgrand circuit entire community. We will sadly till) 0.1 ac of sw 4, jmriioso at tbo residence of n. ,). liond. IInn th e county drain coiunilssloiior of tho county ot lug village nf lloll, Mich., on tho WTlli duy i>r,Jull y lias been formally opened. inlss the warm welcome which he a. ham, stalo of Michigan, will, on llio lioglnning .1 rds w of no cor of sw y, of sec i,' thenco s lou rds, w 20 rds, ti ;i7 rds, w 6 rds I ft, ii and on Saturday, Niivemijoi- it,. luno,a. att one AViLLiAM McKiNLUY and Gov, ways had for all. Mr. Clark was Kob only will the races be unusual i6th day of July, A. D. igoo, 1'23 rds, o;il rds and d ft to hugliiiilng, 30 ac; also o'clock In the alturnoon of .said days. Sl.'c Roosevelt of New York were iinani- man of strong and earnest convic• liOL'liiiiliig at sw oor of .sec 15, tliuiioc o l.'io rds inonllis fmu) the 17II1 day of May, A.I). lOOfl, Is in Quantity, hut present indications at the roslilenco of Nicholas MoCaiiii, on the o ]4 the tnno limited for the prosonlatlmi of claims. tions, but lie never let his opinions n 37 i'ds, w 130 rds, s 37 rds to hegliiiiliig, 30 l-lh inously nominated for president nnd iire tlint the average of time will bc of the no M of see 15. In tho hiwiislilp of liunkor- acres I fi. W. WATUOUS, cheek the love and respect he felt for hill, at iiliio o'clock In the forenoon of that day, H. ,f, nONI), vice president by tlie republicans at the best ever recorded In Michigan. the 0 H of no Ui, his friends and neighbors. A noble imiceed to recolvo bids for tliu conslrnotlon of a lliu w '/j of no 4, Dated May 2,5,1000, 23w4 Commissioners, Despite n Inte spring horses arc step cortalii drain known and deslgnatod as "Clinton Plilladelpliia last Tliiir.sday afternoon. man has gone from our midst and ou the 0 y of su y, of inv y, ping to their mark in Inrger numbers Drain," located and ostidillslied In tho towiisliii) tears mingle with those of the sorrow thu w 'A of so y, of nw J4, I'nilmlo Ordoi'. than on occasions when the weather of nimkorlilll aforesaid, and described as fol• tlio 110)4'of iiwlr .(illy, next, at ten unlock In the forenoon, sec 22 n 83^° w71 Iks, tlioncuii .li'r w 2'J.ld rectum, Directum Kelly and others of 30 30-100 rds 11 and s out of the uw cor tlioroof; al the probate olllco in said county, as tbo tliiiu four years ago these same men Rave chs, thenco n .l.l.;i2 olis to soc Uuo, tlionoo ou sees tho 0 K of sw 4, of lioarliig thereon. the train, will long be remembered. The Cause of Exhausted Nerves 15 anil 1011 w 52,30 ehs, tlionoo ii o 10.03 Dated ,luiio 15, lOOfl. $2,'),000 to the dciiiocrnts. Mark ITiin- ]4° .Vi'A' tho w U of sw 4, ICelly has looked high and low for a chs, thenco li 23!4°e o.io clis.tlionco ii«>^''o 12.;iu tho no y, loss parcol of 2K ac (being IS rds n F. S. PORTEli, .Tiidge of I'robate. and Ail the Ills of a Weak• na .says this story is manufactured chnmpion since the speedy Directum chs, tliotico u 10° 0.1,5(1 chs. tlioiico it o 7.0.'i olis, and s hy 22 rils 0 and w) out of tho swcortliureof; 0. L. I'lccii, I'robiite Kegister. 26w.'! thenco ti (WA" o 20.11 chs, tlioncu a m'A' w-1.1)3 clisth, o lie y of nw out of wliole cldtli. broke down and in tiie speedy going ened Body. thenco n 13° w 11.01 chs, tliotico ii ill" w '28.00 chs 4. tho 0 y of so y of nw y. and I'i'dIiiiIu Ordisr. Canadian stallion, Larabie the Great, to north lino otsecUoii 10, tlionoo s my w on the w of so 4 of nw y, lie thinks he has one. section 11110 11.61 chs, thenco upon sec 3 n 22° w all on soo 10; Sbileof Miclilgan, County of Tiighain, ss. At .Sam. Smith is it. The postmiisterfs, 7.58 chs, tlioncu 11 3y,{° 0 23.51) olis, tlionco ii S" o the so 4,^ a session of llie prohato court for said county, Another that will bid fair for cham• Dr. A. W. Chase's 3.35 chs, tlioiice n 05° \y 13.00 olis, tlionoo s 77° w the so of sw held at the probate olllce, in llie city of Mason, l.M chs, lliDiice s .|.5° w 5.00 oils, llienco s 7Si^° w 4 y, census cniimerators nnd other olllce pionship honors is tlie black trotter the no 4 of sw 4,, on the 20lh day of ,Jiino, lOOO. Nervs and Blood Pills '2..13 chs to Uio iimior otnl of siild drain at a loliit Present, K. S. I'ortor, .liidgo of I'rohato. holders had sweet revenue on the Piti- Dure Devil, a member of the Villnge on the north anil south qiiartor lino of said soc tho w)^ of nw frl 14, tho 0 ^of nw frl In Uio niattor of tho eslatu ot Aionzo 1). lleers, fnrmstringand driven by Ed. F. Goers, u, 7.03 chs south of thu liilorloi' (piartor iiost ot 4, . decoased. ' • Krccites at ITowcll last Tuesday, ;ald soon lu said towiisliliiof Hnnkorlilll. the w y. of no frl 4 and who clniius he is faster tlinn The Ab- MAKE RICH, RED. HEALTHY BLOOD tho 0 of no frl On lUiiig the Iietltlon, duly verllled, of Mildred Smith was renominated for con^'ress- Tho total luiigth of said drain Is 3.11.75 chs. 'A 4, llcors, widow of said deceased, praying tliat ad- l3ott, the present king-pin of race The ahovu described lino Is to' bo tl)0 contor all on sec a; AND STEADY NERVES. Iho township of liiuikcrlilll at largo; iiilnlstralloii of said cslato may hu granted lo man, his bciu!,' the only name pre• horses. Tliese are but two of the lliieofsalddniliiaiid tho oxoavatlons therefor Coorgo r. lialloy or some oilier siiitahlo pofson. iiro to 1)0 made In eijiial widths along each slilo All of tho above desofiliod lands lioliig In town sented to the convention and lie re• many that will take part in the meet• ono iioi'tli, raiigu one oast, tnorhllaiiof iMIclilgaii. ft is ordered, that the laui iluy of .liilv, of said centor Uuo. .Siilil contor lino Is luarkod nexl, at ten o'clock In the forenoon, "al said pro• ing where numerous heats promise to Let the blood get thin, weak and by stakus at the hoglniiliig at each two chains Datod tills 2,'-,lli day nf .liuio, A. 1). loflii. • ceived every vote e.vccpt 10 from Lan- i'\ li. I'lllLl.ir.S, bate olllce, ho assigned for the hearing of said be better than 2:10. watery, anij every part of the body is tliorefroiii, at oacli angle and at tho end tlioruof. petition. sinK, who did not vote for any one. Uradosnikosnnd witness sUikos aro set to ono County Drain Coiniiilssloiior of tlm County exhausted for want of proper nourish• of Ingham. Il Is fnrtiior ordered, that a coby of this order The regular delegations from both sldo of said contor lliio at each two.tdutius, o.x- bo iiubllshed In tho Inoiiam CouN'rv Dhmo- EAST ALAIEDON. ment. The digestive system fails to do oopt stake 171, which Is only 1,7.1 chs from stako its duty, aud there is indigestion aud GHA'r for throe successive weeks. LlviuKston and Wayne counties were Children's :Day exercises at the 170, for Its oiitlro length. Said wltnoss stakes Nolico of J)riilii Lotting. F. S.rOllTEK, dyspepsia; the liver and kidneys become aro regularly iiiiiiiborod from tho lower otid of (A true copy.) .ludge of I'robate, seated. German church were well attended laid drain on and to the u|)por end thereof. Notico is horoby givon, that I, K. li. I'iillllps, (J. L, rECU, I'robato Register. 26W"~ 3 " Sunday evening. clogged aud inactive; there are pains in Tho avorago depth of said drain Is to he .1.50 cniinty drain comiiilssloiior of llio.ooiinty of lug- the back, sides and limbs; headache liaiu, statu of Michigan, will, on tlio Miss Birdie Dean of Lansing spent feet. .Sahl (Iralii Is to liavo a bottom width ot J'rohato Ordor. three foot from stako 0 to stako -10, a hottom That Uncle Sam is yet to have a Sunday at .John Snyder's. and neuralgia; the nerves become ex• lOMi day ofJuly, A. D. JilOO, hausted, and tliere is nervousne-ss, sleep• width of two foot front stake .10 to stako oo, a State of Michigan, Comity of Ingliam, ss I'ro- hard time in his war in the Philip• J. T. Green and' family visited at hottom width of ono and oiio-lialf foot from stako at Uio rosldoiicQ of Nicholas McCann, 011 the 0 y, bate court for said county. St. ,lniins Inst week. lessness and irritability, female com• no to stako 1,50 and a hotlnni width ,ot ono foot of no K oj S0C15. Ill tliotowiishlpof liiiiikorliUl.at Kstalo of l.ucrutia 1). Meddlck. deceased. pines is evidenced by a disinterested plaints, lassitude nnd deapoudeucy. from stako 160 to stako 171, Tho liaiiks of .said nliio o'clock In tho forenoon of that day, iirocoed Notico Is hereby given, Uiat James Wheaton, Bruce Winnie of .lackson visited drain aro to slope outward ono and ono-half foot admlnlslralor, with Iho will annexed, of the es• English olllcer stationed there in n To rid the system of these distressing to recolvo bids for tho construction ot a certain here Sundiiy. Mrs. Winnie and little touacli foot in tho rlso tlioroof. drain known and doslgiiatod. as "Cavcndor tate ot said deceased, has lllod bis llnal account, letter to the London .Daily Mall, in daugliters, who have been visiting her ills, caused by weak and impure blood, liranch of Clinton Drain," locatod amlostahllsli- and that I liavo tippohited tlio lutli diiy of nido from stako o to stako 10 Is .08 ft to 8 rds July, next, at leu o'clock In the loronoon, at mother, Mrs. Chandler, accompanied there is no preparation so effective as (irado from stako 10 to stako 90 Is .07 ft to 8 rds ed In the township of Biuikurlilll, and doserlbod which he says: as follows, to wit; tho probate olllco in said county, as tho tinio ot hira home Monday. Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve and Blood tirade from stalto 90 lo stako lOO Is .30 ft to 8 rds lioaruig tliorooii, and for the assignment and dis-. "Two years liiivc passed since the Grade from stako lOO to stalto no Is .-H ft to 8 rds Coniinencing In tho Clinton Drain on tho lino A number from here attended rally Pills, the prescription of America's hotwooii sections 3 and 10, hi said township of tribiitlon of said eslato. stars and stripes were planted in the rado from stako no to stako IDA Is .08 ft to 8 rds Dated Juno 20, ifloo, day at the M. A. C. last Friday. greatest physician. Dr. A. W. Chase. fade from stake 1.55 to stako 171 Is .20 ft to s rds Biuikorhill, at a point 13.08 chs oast of tho (piar• Philippines, yet it has not become ac• Said |oh will bo lot hy sootlon.s. Tho sootloii tor jiost on said lino and running thoiieo west on K S, ]'01lTEll,,Tiidgoof Probate, Dewey, the infant child, ot Mr. and Dr, A. W. Chase's Nerve and Blood G, L, I'lccic, Probate Kegister. 25w3 climated. It is still exotic nnd the Pills increase the number of corpuscles at tho outlet of tlio drain will bo lot llrst, tuul saldllno8.00 cli.s', thoiico ou sue;in50°w7.30chs, Mrs. Herman Eifert, died last Mon• tho romalnlng soetloiis In tliolr order upstroam, tlionco s 82y° w 0.-I4 chs, thenco 11 874° \v 23.00 soil continues to prove unfriendly to Coiiiiulshlonors' Niitloe. day, aged six months and 2S days. in the blood, and so nourish aud in•lu aoeordiuicu with tlio diagram now oa lUo witli chs, tlionco s 1° w .l..l(! chs to section lino, tlionco its growth. Every Filipino isa rebel tho otlior paiiors jiortalnlng to snid drain, in tho on soctloii 10 s r ^y 10 Iks, tlionco s 80° \v 1.3.1 ehs Tbo undersigned, having been appointed by Funeral services were held at the vigorate the whole system. They gently and the town of Manila lives in con• olllco of tho oouiity drain coinmlsslonor, to which to section lino, tlionco on .see 0 s S9» w 4.10 chs to tho probate court for tbu county of liigbain, German church Saturday a. ni., con• regulate the bowels, make the kidneys oommissionors on tho estate ot Isaac Drew, late tinual dread of a native risinfr against roforencumay.bohadby all parties Intorostod, tho uppor ond ot said drain''at a point .Lio chs ducted by Rev. Skinner. Tiie re• and liver active, tone the stomach and luid bids Willie mado and rocolvod accordingly. west and 12 Iks south of tho iiortlioast corner of ot the cllyof Mason, Mich., deceased lo. settle , the native population. The opinion said soc 0. and adjust all claims against said estate, do. mains were liiid to rest in the Leek digestive system, aud give new energy Contracts will bo mado with tho lowest rosiionst is current in Manila and is generally llio bidder giving adetpiato soourity for tho iior Tho total longtli of said dridn Is 02.00 chains, hereby give notice that thoy will meet for that cemetery. The parents have the nnd vitality to every organ of the body. purjiosoat tho olllce ot Geo. \V. Bristol, in tlie believed that Aguinalclo has been i'orinauco of tlio work, in a siiin thou and thoro 'I'lio abovo described lino Is to ho tbo contor sympathy of the community. Eminent physicians who have pre- to bo llxed by mo, resorving to tnysoif tho right linootsalddralnand tho excavations therefor city ot Mason, Inghain county, Mich., on the 2Cth making extensive preparations for an Bcribed Dr. A.' W. Chase's Nerve and to I'oloct any and all iilds. Tho date for tho coiiv aro to bo mado In oiiiialwldtlis along each sldo day of ,Inly and on tho 2.ltli day ot Deconibor, A. Christopher Connigan, father of active cnrapaign as soon as the rainy Blood Pills pronounce them the greatest pletloii of such contract, and,the torins of paj'- ot said contor lino. Said contor lino Is marked D. 1000, at 10 o'clock in tho forenoon of said 1 seiLson begins in August. His stores Mrs. Frank Warner of WheatHekl, moiit tliorofor, sli.tll bo annoiincod at tho tluio by stakes at tho bogliinlng.at oaoli two clialns days. Six months from tho 23d day of June, A. of restoratives for weak and impure tliorofrom, at each angle tuid at tho end Uiorijof. D. 1000, is tho time llniitetlfor the presontaUon of arms and ammunition have been died at the home of his daughter last and place of lotting, lilddors nuist bo prepared blood; so cents a box, at all dealers, or to give bonds on tho day of sale. Grade stakes and wltnoss stakes,aro sot to ono Saturday, aged 91 years. Funeral of claims. W. HitlSTOL, fully replenished and common report by mail on receipt of price, by Dr. A. 3?otlcb Is fiirtlior liorohy givon, that at the sldo of said contor lino at each two clialns for Its J. G. KIDEK, services were held at the German states that all wealthy Filipinos liiive W. Chase Medicine Company, Buffalo,, tlnio and place ot said lotting, or at snoli otlior ontiro longtli. Said witness stakes aro regularly Comiiiissionei, church Monday afternoon, conducted numborud from the lower end of said drain on Dated Juno 25tb,.1000. liberally subscribed to his war funds." N. Y., On every box of the genuine time nnd place tlioreaftor to which I, tho drain 2fiW4 by Eev. Gorsline. commissioner aforesaid, may adjourn tho same, and to the ui)por end tlioroof. will be found portrait and fac-simile the assessment for benonts and tho lands com• Tho avorago dopth of said drain Is to bo •1.35 I'robato Ordor. prised within the "Clinton Drain Special Assess- foot. Said drain Is to have a bottom width ot lignature of Dr. A. W. Choae. State of Michigan, county of Ingham, ss, WEST COUNTY LINE. You may as well expect to run .. noiit District," will bo subject to review. ono and one-half foot, with banks oacli sloping Pro- ; bate steam engine without water as to find The following Is a dosoriptlon of.tlio sovoral outward at an angle of '16° from tbo' bottom ot court for said county. ; • , M. D. Hllliard and 0. W. Dorr visit• said drain to the surface tlioroof. • .... Estate of Irving Clark, minor. an active, energetic raan.with a torpid tracts or jiarcols of hind constituting tbo special ed friends at Bay City over Sunday. assessment district of said drain, viz: Griulo from stake 0 to stake 6 is .10 ft per 8 rods Notice Is hereby given, that Charles L. Hulott, liver and you may know that his liver The o'/4 of sw Vi, G rado from stiiko 5 to stako 31 is .10 ft iior 8 rod s guardian of said minar, 1ms filed his final ac- A son of Bert Gilbert's is very sick ount, aud that I have appolnto dthe llUh duy is torpid when he does not relish his theswKotswM, Said job will ho lot. by sections. Tho •section with brain fever. at tiio outlet of the drain will bo lot llrst, and the orjulyiuoxt.at 10 o'clock In the forenoon, at food, or feels dull and languid after the nw V ot sw , . - Henry Tiiorapson expects to move Subscribe tho sw 4 of nw y, romalnlng sections In tliolr ordor up stream. In the probate olllco lu said county, as tUo time oi eating, often has headache and some• thu nw M of nw'4, ticcordance with the diagram now on llio with hearing thoreon, Lis family soon onto tlie Mrs. Clarlc Dated Juuo 20,1000, ' times dizziness. A few doses of Cham• all on soo 23; , the other papers pertaining to said drain. In tlio farm. ' olllco of tho county drain coriiinlsslonor towhieli : ; F.S. PORTEIJ, Judge ot Probate.. berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets tho s 5i of 0 u; of so Vi, G. I.. Piiore, Probate Roglstor. >2BW3 F. E. HilUard has coine home to do the n M of 0 !4of sey, , rotorenco may bo had by all iiartlos Intorostod, his haying, after that is done he will will restore his liver to its normal tho wKs of suK, , and bids will ue made and received accordingly, functions, renew his vitality, improve for tho no W of sw M, Contracts will bo made with the lowest responsi• return to his work near M. A. 0. ble bidder giving adonuato security for the per- his digestion and make him feel like thosl/ofoMofiKsK,, ,/ • Mr. and Mrs. C.W. Dorr will attend tlies«ofn«ofoJ<^of-noM> foriiiiiace of tbo work, lu a sum then and tliore the wedding of the latter's niece at a new man. Price, 25 cents. Samples thonMofo^iofnoK, to be llxed by mo, rosorvlng to, inyself the right free at Longyear Bros.'drug store. tlioswkofno M. to rejoct any and all bids.r Tho date for the coiii- Charlotte this week. tho nw yoino4 and 1 nlotlon ot such Contract, and tlio terms of pay- Mrs. Amos Erink will entertain the • Fourth of July Excursions. Uwayotimy, ' . aent tliorofor, shall bo announced at the timo L. A. S.Thursday. the alien see22; , and place of lotting.; Bidders must bo prepared Excursion ticlcets will be sold as to give bonds on dny ot sale., ; ; : ; Robbie'Alton ot Bay City is visiting tlioswKof swM., above to points on the Michigan Cen• tho nw M ot sw )4, Notice Is further, horoby glvenj. that nt tlio at M. D. Hllliard's. tral R. li. at one flrst-class limited the sw y of nw ki and tliiio and ])liico of said lotting, .or at siicli otlier ' Quite a large number of Grovenberg- thenwKof uw !4, ' time and place tlioreaftor to which I, the drain rate for the round trip. Dates of sale, coniiulsslonor aforesaid, may adjourn the same, Ites attenclecl the rally at the M. A. C. all on see M; ; July 3d and 4th. Return limit, July the sej/fot soKr tho assessment tor bonellts and tho. lauds coin- •xiacl all report a good time. 5tli. , DEMOCEAT. the ne y of so y. pibod within the "Ciivondor Branch of- Cllntou li'or Sale by iKiugyoai Bros,, Maaou, Mich. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ' ' '' ( ' ' - ,im*i3?»^>^,P:^^,w-;7^


Matches, per dnz, boxes loc SHIRT WAISTS, HALF PRICE, Hcroendour hinges l«c Strap hlnites 5,10 aud I'.'e l'adl(.cks 5,10 and 150 ENTIRE LINE OP SUnilER SAMPLES BOUGHT AT flood Imiiiiner ,-• io« 0 tiood lialcliei , lOo Copper nh'kh' plaleii lea keltiB lisc lJ-c Genis' handkerchiefs ."io Your Folks and Our Folks. Ladles' luiiidkerchlets r,c ilox ot hair pins .ic K. Culver was In LaiisliiK last Tuesilay. Flao(piallty toilet paiier (ic VXKlloolh picks ,'ic K, It. riillllps was 111 LansliiK Inst Tiiesilay. KIMMEL'S DEP'T STORE, ifieCollireiriHsfiiifi ,1, N. ThorUiirn was In Laiislni,' hist Tlinrsday. V, PURE ITALIAN METHODMETHOD.. f,1 U, A, Calkins was In Wehliorvllle last Tticstlay. ^ HUGH R. ROBERTS, .Miss Adda I'orrln was In LaiislMU lust Thnrs- KIMMEL'S BIG SALE OF :ercises ot St, being crowded, Dewey Post, G, A, R,, HOYT & SON, ,fohiis' Aoadeiny. ilor sisler. Miss Gortrndo ot Leslie attended in a body and mem• Wood, was a inemlier of llio gradnating class. Phone 36. Maple St., W. bers of that order acted as bearers. Miss Carrie Fenn of Wllllainston and Miss The remains were interred in Felts For Sale hy Loiijjyear Jiros.. Miisoii, ftllch. Mlinilo VatiZolenbergof I'etoslcey wero guests of Miss Maiido Harbor Tuesday and Wednesday. cemetery, wiiicli held the remains of Tho latter has just returned from a four nionlhs' his father and mother, tour ot Europe. John L, Clark was born in Eollin SMITH & WELSH, FARMERS' BANK. Mr. and Mrs. ,Ias, II, Dart, Mr, and Mrs, B, C, Daft and Dr, Gortriide Oampholl loavo next Sat- township, Lenawee county, August 4, nnlay for an extended visit aud trip, Mr, and 1S08, and moved to Bunkerhlll, Ing• A MERCHAI^T TAILORS, Or.DUST AND STitONGEST STATJil Mrs, ,L K, Dart go to New York stale and the ham county, in March, 1843, settling Thonsanil Islands, Mr, and Mrs, K. C, Dart and ers on the old liomestead which has been mm 'AND SAVINGS BANICIN TIIKCITY IDr. Canijibell go to lirndtord, t'a. Dr, Campbell goes on to i3oston and Now York. bis home for over 57 years. At the breaking out of tlic rebellion ho on- You Can Buy This Week. ^JtaM,.at,ets(otggyy|,^(} ^f^^^^^^^ Capital, $50,000. Don't be bulldozed by our envious isted in Co, A, First Michigan Caval• competitor into believing tbat it re• ry, serving three years, We sell the standard makes, such, as the Domestic, New Home, quires a special dye for wool and a M. D. OitATTEii'roN-.,.s rresldent Nov. 13,18C8, ho was united in mar• special dye i'or cotton. Tbey want to L. C. Weiii! Vice I'rosidont riage to Olive E. Potter of that town• Household and Wheeler & Wilson No. 9. i-otaiy motion and ball bear• sell you two packages when one would A. ,T. Hall Cashier ship and IS survived by iier, two do, that is if tbat one was Putnam ings, the lightest running machine in the world. K. 0. DAiiT Assistant Cashier daughters and a son. He also leaves 11 bars Economy Soap, 2SC Fadeless Dyes. Ten cents per pack• a brother, Wm. H. Clark of Mason, See our Di-op Head at ,$18.00, Warranted for ten years. . AlONiJY TO LOAN, age. Sold by F. H. Field, Dansville, and two sisters, Mrs. Wra. J. Marshall 3 cans Corn, 2SC COME AND B1515 US, of Ithaca and Mrs. E. L, Cooper of 3 cans Peas, 25c Yours for trade, Grass Lake, ' Dlroctors-E, A„ Barnes, Harper Reed, J", K, 3 cans Tomatoes, 2SC Klnier, Geo, W. Urlstol, M. D, Olialterton, L, C. Mr, Clark was a public-spirited man and until bis health failed blm took SMITH & WELSH, Opposite Postoffice. AVehh, Goo. M. lloyt, A. .1. Uitll, B. C. Dart. 3 cans Pumpin, 2SC an active Interest in the affairs of bis township. He was a genial man and 3 cans Succotash, 25c assucb made many friends. Kind in 2 tall cans Fine Salmon, 250 WE ARE ALONE AGAIN. bis family, be will be sadly missed by Chase & Sanborn's Cbem, I. pint bottle Ketchup, IOC le Urn M MA It seems good. It gives us a 3 lbs. Large.Fat Prunes, 2SC . Mr, W.S, Whedon, cashier of tbe chance to better serve our custo• First National Bank of Winterset, Tea Siftings, per pound, , 250 mers and display our goods, which Teas and Iowa, In a recent letter gives some ex• have been packed away owing to perience with a carpenter in bis em• ploy that will be of value to other our want of room. We have all mechanics. He .says; "1 had a car• Fresh fruits and vegetables arriv• due respect for the shoe business ...Coffees penter working for me wbo was oblig• THORBUIiN& SEVERANCE. A Young Girl's Experience. ing daily. Try our Teas and Cof• and the shoe men with whom we ed to sbpp work for several days on ac• Are tlic Finest Qrown. My danghter's" nerves wore terribly out of count of being troubled wlthdlarrhcca, fees, we excel in quality and under• have been associated , in the past, order, 8bo wastblu and weak; tho least nolSl^ I mentioned to blm tbat I bad been but we have been too crowded. AFulUlneof choice startled Iter, and slio was wakofu! nt, nlgtit, sell in price. Highest prices paid Boforosho bad lal:ououo paolatgoof Colory similarly troubled and tbat Chamber• Remeipber our store the-Fourth King tbo change In her was so great that Nho lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrbcea for Butter and Eggs. couUl hardly be takon for tbo same girl. Sho of July. Sold Only by is rapidly growing well nnd strong, bor com- Eemedy bad cured me,: He bought a ploxlon is porfoot, and sho sleeps woU every bottle of it from tbe druggist here '""111 Yours truly, I night.—Mrs, Luoy MoNutt, Urusb VuUoy, Po, and informed me that one dose cured W. M. McCROSSEN, Dmst, Eemember our prices are alvyays rlgbt Celery King for tho NarvcSi Stomaob, Liver J. F. GREVE, and Kidneys is sold In 26c, and £0c. pacltages him, and he is again at worlc." For Casbror Hides and Pelts. by druggists and dealers, i sale by Longyear Bros., Mason, Phone No. 22." W. C. WALTER. Phone No. 32. Mason, Mich. Phone 70. THE GROCER.. .IpI

I a roUml to liave tlie testimony print• tN THE OLDEN TIME. READY TO'CELEBRATE HIS BIRTHDAY. TO HANNA'S BAEREL. bined capital as a inonster evil that ed, the preSumpilon is a strong one must bo wiped oHf the face otUie laud thill the facts ilo not warrant tlieir re- by summary proeossos. 'J'he currency pon, law of the hist Coiijfress, layiug the ALL GOVERNIV1ENT EMPLOYES CELEBRATION OF INDEPEND. 'J'lie Deinocralic wiiiuriiy of liii? eoiii- foundation for a uaUonal money trust, ENCE DAY LONG AGO. MUST CONTRIBUTE uiittee !U'eoiii]iauied their report with a is deiioiuieed as It should he, li trusts reeoiiiineiidatlon Uiat 10,0uti eujiles of are wrongful, will not this he tho worst Qiiiidreiiiiiul MoIUnp by Heiiulilk-uii BTMsiitii niiiid FiiriiUhed the Mnsic the tesiiiiioiiy lie prltiied for general of the linioii? , CuiupuJmi .Vjjeiitii—Wubliijiijtoii ICui- disirihiilion, Tlu' ivfnsai to do this lias It looks now as though liiese three lor the First Oflipial Jollification— ployes Are Aahud for iji-IO.OOO-l'eopleIMi l the Ui'piililiciins in ii had iisht, anil great issues would eoniniand the at- Niiiise ill the IJarly ])iiy« Was Uivcii ,\rt: l.ookini: to llciiioeriiey for Hclicf. already ojie very large Jind liiilueiilial leiitioii of the jieojile during tlie eani- P»;foiii)ury I'liicc on IVotfriimiiie, mule union lias pledged it.:ielf to vote jiaign tills year, and iissiiredly iliey nro Wnsuliiiitoii correspondence: ngainst aii adiiiliilstrniion that I'livor.s of great and 'grave iiiiporiiiiiee.—Chi• N' oldi-n time they ool- •V caiiiinilgii fuiid is now Ihe real the "jierjiiii" system. The very efforts cago fieiiioerat. clifiiti-'U • "inili'piMiili'iin' of tlie Jteiiiildiciliis to suppress the liay" ami not llii> llllng with the Keimlilieiin uuiungers, wiinle iiijiiier have iimde it a national .Nol "For the People." •'J''oni-ili of July." The Nu .solirec of revenue is'liegleetcil. The Ignited .Slates .ludge 'I'owii.send has fhaiiiii' of niinit' fsnif latest vieiiiiis—iiinviiliiig oiie,s, um—are issue with wage workers, ninl their with tho chaiu,'!' in the the L'iliiilol eiiijiloyi's. The lute Itejiuh- votes will largely deteriiiiiie tlie result. decided that I'orto Uleo is a forelKU j'tvJ.^ tir.!;|, nianniT of i-eli.'hraiin;,' llciiu ('ol)gress ;ielierollsly voti'il Iheui As the tiiiie of the Deinoeratle na• country. Some stupid iiiipopter of ci• if )'r-''/'|'il?/ anniversary of llic nil Mil e.Mi'ii iiimitli'.s jiiiy just liel'oiv lloiial cuiiveiiiloii draws near liie Imli- gars ihoiigiii it was 11 iiart of this one, W>: \ sijiniiiK of tlie (leclara- adjuuriiiuciii. 'J'lii.'< uieaut ,

'I'liiiiier-Ciillont Fi«li(: I'or Spfiils. Illinois Deiiiiicrats sliould not I'.-iil to proUt to the iltinost from this lieprly coiitliiiiniice of llie Taiiner-Ciilioiii war. it is a merry war for Uie lleniocrnls. M'iieii tile liiigles sing Iriicu nt the closo of election day in Novenilier the eiisu- "•\A'liiit linve yon got those fnnny clothes ou for,, pnpa'.'." iiig coiiiit of votes should liuil victory "I'm getting ready tO' pose as tiio Workingmnu's fi'riend dnring the campaign,. perching on tlie DeniocpnUc stniuhird. Willie."—New York .Touriinl. AVIiicli fosiilt would iloiilitless grenUy tickle thu people of Illinois, wearieil to postiuastors of the country.. The of popular SGiitlmeut Is toward the tieatli of a, faetlounl fend for spoils lu "league" has the blessing iiiid lioarty Democratic partyns the party of safe• •wliicli Uio public Interest received no support of tlio Ropublican National ty and law and order. It Is an iiidiciiUon coiislderatiou whatever.,—St., ,Li>uis Ko- Coiiimittoo, Nobody avIio cau iwssibly of how sta'oiig must bo tho seiiUniont lu publie bo levied upou is to oscapo, otlior parts of Hie country. '.Plio admiti- Jfark Hanna is not exactly popuhar i,straUon is tiioroughiy frigiitonod, but No Need of ii Cold 'riclcct. in^ Washington even among tho mom-, still tries to soothe itself by iLssiii'ing The talk of noiiiiiiatiiig a "gold Demo• bors Of his owti'party. Ho is too bru- tho poopio that it win do bol;tor If it Is crat" rresideiitial tlelcef thi.s-ye.ir tiil and coarse in ills iiictliods. There only glveu anoUior tfial.. siiould and most probably will end iii has been au unusual amount of griim- talk, '.t'hcve is no Occasion I'or such a bllng about his. methods lately, but Natloniil Imsuoh. ticket. Four years ago free silver w.is Hanna only chuckles aud serves uoUco In 1S90 Hanna hiado np Ills mind that the douilnauf issue la the campaign. that he has spent Uio last four years the t'lriil' must bo the groat Issue of Uie Thi.s year, though it may be talked AN OLD-TIME INDEPENDENCE DAY CELEBIIATION constructing a m.achliie which nobody campaigu, aud the Kepublican presses about iu certain sections. It: will not bo can operate but himsolf .ind his hench- wore kept busy turning out "education• im l.ssue at all, because the money Alexandria, Va., "with a largo conipiiny dence day were hold In the hub's cradle puff of smoke in my face, and I felt nion. His "campaign of education" al" tracts ou Uie tarill' for use during question Is settled for- at least four of civil nnd military people oC Fairfax of liberty, Fnneuil Hall. Edward Everett sonietliing hot against my leg, aud then— consists in tho liberal use of iiioiioy ,to tiio political fight. ,I?.ut the people didn't years to come by an uiichangeiible. Ho- County." Hale tolls of one ot the earliest Fourth of jiop! snap! bang! crack, fizz, whizz! cracli- consider the tariff its chief issue by publlcan majority lu the Senate-No^v Things wore not particularly bright Cor July ceiebraUons of Ijis remoinbrnuco. lety-bang! the crackers began to go off buy anybody who can ho bought or tho colonial armies on the first anniver- It was that of the year 1S33, and on tlmt in iny pocket! brited and tho concealment or uilsrcp- any moans, and the literatufe oa that York World. ' Bary of the declaration o£ independence. subject liad to bc cast aside and a now' dny for the first time a groat chorus of Everybody was yelling, and just Cor reseutiitiou of the facts to these who The .soldiers at Morristowu heights, how- scliool. children sang "My Country, 'Tis Oeiiiocnitic I'artr nnd 'I rusts. a minute I didn't know what to do. I want to know how the government has line of "cdiicatiou" had to^ be. taken up over, under Washington's eoinniani] each ot Thee." The trust organs of Hie eoii'ntry are ran, but the crackers ran with mo, nnd boon managed, Hanna will stay right on thSr money auestlou. received an extra gill of mm with his eongr.atuhitiug themselves that Demo• Clmructcr of Celebration CIirinffCM. Ihe faster I wont the harder they popped. with Uie party. It caiuiot get rid of This year Hanna wants- the money ration in recognition of Uic day. The Then all at once I saw what to do, and Its Old Man of the Sea. cratic opposiUon to trusts will bo crip-, third anniversary of tho signing of the It was just about this time tbat the f^uestlon to be the cliief issuo because r pulled off my jncket and threw it on pled by Uic ice trust corruption in Now declaration was made uieniorahlo by" the character of tho celohraUon of the anni• 'The w.age workers in the^ big Indus- hi2 knows that that question has been versary of the birtiiday of American iu- the gr.aas. Luckily it was my jacket, and York City.. Fortunately tlio New York issuing of. an order hy the comuinndor- trial centers are iueliued tO' be very P!;aclicaUy settled by Congress for the. in-chief that nil military prisoncws under doiiendence began to change. Parados not iny trousers .pocket! ice trust cuts litUe ice with Uio Doino- suspicious over the-refusal of thclte- next four years aud lie waats to direct the sentence o'C death should he pardoned. were held as usual, but noise began to Billy took it up and shook out the atl;cnUon from imperialism, trusts atid cr.atie partj-, except to make it more take the place ot speeches and In the piibllcans to print 10,000 copies of the Perhaps the most eiithnsiastic and crackers, and then ho turned out the mJlitarisiu. But it looks as thougii tletermined to suppress those evils. 'I'ho Inrgor towns of tho reading ot the declar• pocket, but there wasn't much left to tostimony in tlic Coour iTAlcue investi• hcnrtfielt celebrations of Independence HanniM would again be disappointed. DemocraUc party has its scoundrels, • day did not tnke place on the day itself. ation of independence, which had always turn. It was just a black rag, and it gation. TIio Itopubllcilus ovorlookod While the mouoy question is impprtaut, but it does not defend llicni, and it does News traveled slowly ia the year 177G, boon a feature ot the celebration. The dropped into little pieces. Then there the fact that working men, whether the people aro tliiukiiig' more to-day not propose to lot them control It in re-,' and it was some days heforo New York opening ot trade with China brought in wns a big piece that looked as if it had members of iiulons or not. were luteuso- gard to trusts.—Indianapolis Seutiuel.: knew that the country had been declared the sniail firecrackers and American fac• once been white, and tliat, they said, was ly iirterested intho rumors that they about the new Issues which' have been tories soon found the means of making free. When the pleasing information did my hn'ndkcrchief, but I should never have hoard from Idalio during the year th.at forced upon them by tho corruption and big ones. Noise assumed tho scepter aud How JliHtoiy Will View 'lliciii. reach there, lii^wevor, the town wont known it. martial law was in operation. Thoy the crliuinal ambition of the McKinley has. reigned ever since. There is a strong 'i'ho distinguished llepubliean states• wild. The king's statue was pulled down Well, of course they all laughed at mo administration.' . ... desire on tho part ot many people to-day looked to the Con.gi.'esslonal invesUga- man, Mv. Boutoil, expresses the opinion,: nnd melted up into bullets tor the Ameri• a good deal, but I didn't mind much, for to change the character of the celehra• tioh to ostabbsli Uio facts. ,. EeceuUy the Democratic State con- that Uie fair-miiidod historian will bo can armies. Two or three days after it really was very funny, I suppose; but tion of Independence day and to malco it vciitlou Of Ohio placed that State In lino .able to fr.amo a hotter dofousc for Pros-,- New York had given vent to its ontliusi- my advice to other boys is, don't carry The net result of the Investigation liico unto that which it once wns. All with -Now. York ;aud Peunsylvauia in ; astic feelings Boston colohrated, A Brit• crackers In your pocicet, and it you do, are twd^coniuiitteo reports. 'The Kepub• idout •Johnson than tho liistorinu,, oiv sorts ot plnns have been suggested Cor a doclfVi'liig that the eomlug fight shall be ish army ofllcer who was a prisoner in don't put'a lighted slow-match in with lican niajority iipprove^ the applica• tlio casuist,oven, will be able to pffof, more orderly and solemnly impressivj? made on. the issues of 1000 aad not oh, tlie liuh at the time \yrole nn account of them!—L.aura 13. liicliards. tion of martial law, and records itself in behalf of President lIcKlnloy,., Con-., celebration ot the republic's natal day. ^ the rejoicings of tlie "dehiiled people." Hiose chosen by: Mark H.anii.a..„ Ko- sidorlug the bitterness of the Kepubhc- Tho effort to change the methods ot the iii.favor Of forcing free men to beg for :He was escorted by a' hand ot patrio,ts .alHrmiug adherence to .the Chicago plat• .011 fooling against President Johnson,,: day's recognition are being exerted in a Good Koason. military "permits" iu order, to got;, an 'to see the "goings on" aud confesses that form ol'lSOC, it is'declared "now, and this isvery strong oxprossion.—St:- vinlc way, and it mny he that tlio pres• Parson Goodmnu—Little boya, do you opportunity fo look for employmout. he enjoyed the occasion as a break in a grave Issues, have arisen,. Ihreatouing Louis ,Post-iDispateli.: •: •,,;;..'••':- ent geuorntiori will live to find something know just why it is. that you are shoott The Denioeratle minority of tho.com- : rather monotonous lite of captivity. The the safety of free government Itsolf, crowd'Of Bostonians tore down tho lion more in the Fourth of July than a picnic, ing off that cannon aud those giant crack• mitteo severely cpnsuresthe couduct bf whlclisliquld comm.iud at- this tlmo ,t)je and,the .unicorn from the old hcadquai^- the explosion ot a pack ot crackers under ers?- ' the TJuitod. States.^,troops, nnd , do- ReturiiiiiK to the Fold. il tin pan or the rush of a rocket which, raost^ serious .atteutiou. of ally patriotic' .^ters'of the British Government, aftor- Boy—Sure! Tlio old slob wot livca in nbuncos the:Instifutiou of tho ."permit": , ./riio actlouibf many;prbniiuout,"gold',::;, like too many Independence day celebra• .citizens.'' Th'osoTssups are,briefly,-aiid .,ward the old JIassachusctts state house. that, house hates hoys and can't stand system as a dfiiigerous InfHagementlon" .Democrats'' ;tlirbughout:thb.couni;rj^^^ tions, ends in a "stick." , It was not until after tho signing of noise and won't let us play hail in his thoxonstiUiUonai I'lglitsof ciUzenshipj, forcibly^ st.atod;,to;.be'=j^ '.atteudiri'g tlip;regijlar Democrat the treaty Of peace with Groat Britain lot!-Puelc.: Up tothis timo.the y.orkingmen of.the hotmced iu^lie. dootrluc tho' constitu- 'veutlou.TJicl allowingilio: Chicago , that cclobraUons . of Independence day An Eplsodn of thu Fourth. . large cities have not made the matter, 'tiou does not apply to uowly acquired form to bo. reafhrmod • wiUiout a; dis- >' were hcW pogularly in all places.,l^inncrs Oh, yes, avc had a glorious tune, of Foui'th of July Wight. a';partlsnir.ono.v They, haA'o-.ddslred to iter'rltbrles,. and,which, q seuting vote makes it plalu Itliat: iiibst-i;;?; ;'Were favorite features of the diiy.^ Ev- course.' We always do. Wo didn'fbogin Mr. •Mulcahoy—Picgob. an' thim Ho- know\the facts iu ordertha1;,they^inlglit- rectly to niilitarism; trusts, come" sec• of those who lett the party tour yeara ' i • ;-,bpybody nvas invited and .it wns seen to firing till 7 o'clock, partly because it 'mans nioosht liov loved escoiteinent nU iudge for thoiuselves. But when Oie ond, as arbitrarily controlling produc- ago will bo vlth It ag.»in lu the uaUoiial;/ that there was enough tor all. The citl- wttkos people up, and partly because it la tiioy used thim things Cercandleal—Now > UoBUbUcaus back uu tlieir report with tlott and prices iu the interest of coin- election this year.—Miuueapolls Tiaieifc, ^ ten sat down at the outdoor table with- so fiiU? to oae up all ;our crackers be- York Journal. ot the uncoufirroeiJ rumors about coniJt' THE REPORT OF A MAN OF EX- 6e» Sttpll MisNioii in Knelanil. Medical Ilooli Free. "Know Thy»elf," » Jiook for Men Only, A aft tioua nt tlte Chinese capital, said: "Pelcin One of the unique ehaj'ncters of Eng• tral ^ A .A PERIENCt. Free, jiostjiaid, aealed, lo any render wu' has dropiioJ out ot tight as comiiletely m&ie land Is that which flourishes only dur• tiouiug Ibis paiM-r. (Sc for pojlage. 'the .Science SEi 11 TROOPS, as if it had never oxisloil, Tlutt the What He KomiiJ in Western Canada to ing tbo BUinmer—the .'^ini Shell mission. cf Life, or Self-I'rea.'rvation, the best Medical So many fiovernnient has not had a word n! deii- luilucu Hiui to Helfle, It is under the patronage of a very dis• Hook of this or miy age, 370 J'p., with encf-'iV' nito ni'ws fruit that place for mere than Sault St«. ilarle. Mich., Vob. 20, 1000. in^'S and prwripliona. Only Ho paper cover*. persons tinguished folk, roytiliy Itself being lu- u week in these diiys of profifoss and To whom it uiny conceru, esiieela)ly Library IMiiion, full gilt. CI.OO. Addreit 'flie have hair lerostod, although It is the English chil• I'eabQdy Medii:ttl Institute, No. i Uulfiocb Street, Foreign Po\\ers Rushing a Big telejjrdiihy, is more than ivinarUalile, I to those who are desirous of obtaining Iloston. -Mass., the oldest and best In this country. eaniiol recall in all my experience sueh liealib ami wealth for themselves ntuj dren wlio oiirry it along. All through that is AVfile to-day for Iheae books; lieyt to biaiiji uai Army Info China. au extraordinary state of thing's," families, I wish to' sttite a few facts in ihe season the little folk may be seen stubborn vigor. 'i'lie Kiliuitioa Keviewert, rogant to the Canadiuu Nuribwest. with tlieir bags or jiails or baskets, and dull. Chief centers of interest in tin- trou• wheit' 1 went, leaving .Sauli Ste. Marie picking up the troiisures of the lieach— ,\inoug lOO.Oou Germans there are bles iu China are l^eUin, the oapitali oil iliiy IS'J',1, for the imrpose of seek• It won't shells, moss, pretty stoiii's and various twenty-one suleldes every year, most 'i'ien-Tsiii, its port on the fei-llo, and ing a belter home for my fainlly.iu the BATTLE AT TIEN-TSIN. liet curios, wlileli they carefully return of thein nged bet ween '20 and 30. r 0 w . Ttihn, the outer future, 1 got a siieoial rate ticket for to town lieadtiuarlers, wlienco they are port, at 'the mouth Fi. .Mcl.eod, Alberta, 'J'hiougli .Mani• hat's distribuieil among the clilldreu of the of Ihiit river. In toba and pan of Asslnibola the farm• the reason? Hair many otitl.yinj; ers wero busily oMiployed iiloughlng lioor. ' City AKacked by Chinese Regulars In• towns, however, aud seeding. 1 fouml the furniers very needs help just as Try Oraiii-O! Try Grairi'OI stead of the Bo.xers. uear I'ekin and kind nnd friendly, willing to talk and anything else does at olsewlioro in the assist In giving nio the particulars of Ask your Ciroeer to-djy to show you a einiiin^ disorders the country. At ilcLeod 1 siiout n few ttckage of GK.VlN-tJ, tlie new food times. The roots re• ilrink thai lakes I'.iu place of colfee. The haveniiiltiplied imd diiys looking over some riineheiii'stock, children may drink it without injury as quire feeding. When inurders havo boon which 1 was surprised to seo looking ,\iiierica» CoiiHtiiale, Alonu uitii 'J'liOhe well iis llie adult. All who try it liko It. liair stops growing it reinirted, AV li e n so well; they wore In better condition of Otlior I'liroiu'ii I'liwerw, lIiiH Jtecii (lltAlN-O ha.'! thnt rich seal brown of the lii'si si^'iial ot than any stock 1 ever saw In .MlchigJin, loses• .M Delia aud .lava, but It is made of pure Jjestro.vcd — Heiir Adiiitrul ivouililV even those that had been slableil, and The one (Mng that quail" grains, and the most delicate utonuicli re• CiiliIcK from Tiilcn for Jlore War Vch- most of these had never seen the Insldo its lus• CAI T, >1 CALI.A, ^ . ^.^^j.^jj ceives it witliout distress. U tho price of ties a person to give aa" hcls mill Liiinl KorcL'H—."MucArlliiir Or- of n sliiMl or recolvt'd any feed from ter. It with reliin ceased, the fiireiKii colony in colfee. lf)u and 'Jio j)er pauli«Be. Sold by vice on any subject is dercMl ti) Hurry Troiiiw frojii ."Maiiilii the IniJids of man. I5iit'as 1 was look• nil grocers. looks till' capital consisted of tlioso eoniu>ctod ing for iiilxeil farm hind, 1 found Mo- experience — oxperlenco with tiio le^alioiis and the niission stii- lA'od no place for me; It Is only tit for dead. All Jlavu Rniilc, creates /tnowledge. In u ili.spiiten received hy the .N'avy tion.s, western oomineree hi'iiifr lint little ranching jniriioscs. represeiiii'd there. It was learned ihat The milltiiry iiionmod police of Eng- Deinirtnient Thiir.'iJay, Hear Admiral Ketracliig my way back to Wlnnliiog, No other person has so the legations were throiiteneil, protected hiiiil Is the only corjis that has no prl- Keinpff, at Takn, ealled Cor re-enforee- I stoppei! otr at Lothbrlilge, wliere 1 as they were only by a few marines; thnt vai'e.", (ivery member being of noii-coiu- wide an experience witfy iiienLs of shiiis and nieii to protect .Xiner- tho chancellor of the ,Ta|iaiiose lejtalion found some of the greaiesi horse missioned rank, so that Uie striking of female ills nor such a lean iiitorests in China, lie khIiI that was killed, and I hen tho lelej;raii|i wires rnnchos I ever had the pleasure of look• acts almost instantly ing at; it Is a Iliio, level eountry and "it rod ciiii," as each nu'inbor is called. ho wti.s in nri,'ent need of them. Instnio- were cut and coiiiiniiiiicalii)ii ci'nscd. record of success aa lots of water nml good gra/.liig. At Is nil the greater offi-iiso in the eyes ot on such hair. It tions Were aeeordiiifiiy sent hy the Navy While tlie world was dein'iveil of iii'W.s Mrs, PInkham has had. from Pekin, aiariiiiiiji; rumors Hew, the .Medicine Hat, which Is locateil In a val• rogliiiontal law Ihiiii wero the iitiaclcod awaliens new life in De|iannient lo Uear .Vdininil Keiiiey, nt most serious lieiiiK the re|)Oftod iiiiirder ley, there wero lots of »hoo]), callle andno t a wearer of I ho chevrons. Over a hundred thoU" the hair bulbs. The .M;inila, to .send l\eni|)ll' tho re-enl'oree- of the Oi'riii;ia iiiinisli'r and the ili'slriii'- horses In the snrroniiilliig ooiintry nnd all looking well, sand cases come beforo nients ho wiinis. The departnient's in- lion of till! foreign legations, l-'roni ilie Wliat Shnll We Have for DesHerfr effect is astonishing. Ou July 14 I wont on to Iteglmi, her each year. Some per" slrllinions to Iteiiiey show how seriously Hoot of warsliips of several naliens as- This qui'sllon arises In thn family everyilay. Your hair grows, be• There I began to sec nil-\ed fiirmlng Let. us iins»-i;r li to-diiy. Try .lell-il, ii doll- Ilie ti'uvi'rtinient rej,'iirils the siliiatioil in sonally, others by mail. lands lu abnndanco, and Iho ero|)s look• clmis and lii'iilllitiil di'sserl.. I'li^piireil In two comes thicker, and all Cliina, .More .\iiiefiean soldiers nro to inliiiite.4. No tvilliiigl no tial.'ing' simply add And this has been going ing reninrknldy well, iind as long as a lltilo hot. water and .set to cool. l''lavors;— dandruff is removed. lie .sent also. ,.\nillery is ileeiiieil neoes- daylight last(»d I saw tho same all i.eiiioii, OrnngiS Knspheri'y and ,Str;iwberry. on for 20 years, day after At your grocers, ill cts. .sary Cor a sneeessftd iiiitreh to I'ohin, along the lino, and on the I5tli day of And the original day and day after day. and it is iiiidersliHiil that some batlerics ,lnly 1 ari'lved In Wliinliiog, just In thne color of early life' is for the exhibllloii, 'i'heri^ 1 met with Not 'Vl'lllioiit Sfenace. will 1)0 sent to 'i'al;n liy lien, .Mao.Artlinr. Twenty years of coO" one of the most beHUliflll pictures of "What do you think of this new odu- restored to faded or stant success — think of 'J'ho (lovofninent has iioeoiiie salislied tlio worlil's records, for as soon as I cHtlonal iilaii of allowing pets lu tho gray hair..:-This is tliat tho Jto.vor troubles will not blow enioi'od the grounds my eyos met with selioolrooni?" the knowledge thus all kinds of nnielilnory, all In niotlini, always the case. over easily, tiiid is jirepiired to f,'o lu e.K- "Eiluc-atlonal? Well, If our .Ilininy gained! Surely woman ami liio cattle, grain and jiroiliiee of ti'oiiies to proUret tlio lives and property fakes Ills lillly goat'to school there $l,OOnliotllc. All ilriiifelats. the country was fnr beyomi my ox- are wise in seeking ad" of ..VniorioiinH in tiie enipiro, won't bo any school." " I have ufi^il AyiT's It.ilr VIpor, Iiocliitloii, in fact It was boyoiiil any vice from a woman with und am leally nsi'nilshed At the A sjioeiiii from .Shiiiiijliai I''riday ),'avo liiduslrial oxhlbltion or ngrlciiUiiriil coinl it Ila.^ (luno iu kL-iMilui; my tlio report frnin ,IapaiH'se sources that such an experience, eS" niiir from cuinirif ont. It i.s the fair I ever vislleil, aiul I have seen a 1)0 Vonr Keel Aelic niid Kiirn? ijf.st tonii'. 1 havo tried, and I 1,1)00 t'oreifjiioi's liad been inassacred at good many. Shake into your shoes Allen's l.'"oot- pecially when it is free. liliall cuniinuo to recommend it to 'rieii-'l\sin. An olliciiil dispaioli received U, .S. COXSULATE Wll lOlI WAS DESTIIOVI'.D From Ui'glna to Prince Albert, a dis• Rase, a powder for the feet. It makes ijiy frlciids." in Wiishinglon ffoni liejtr Ailiniral light or new shoes I'eel easy. Cures ILlTTII! IIoi.T, sonililod at Takti a force of marinos was tance of '.'50 miles. It Is all good for If you are ill get a bottio .Sejit. til, ISSS. JiorliiiKtOH, N. C. ICenipff, coiiinianditi!,' the .•\inerican liiiiilod under the direction of the Urilish tJonis, Hiiiiions, Swollen, Hot nnd Sweat• mixed I'arniliig, and well sotiled, with ing Feet, At all druggists nnd shoe of lydia E, Pinkham's siinatlron at Taicu was ititerprotoii by Admiral .Seyinoiir, ranking' ollicer |)ros- some thriving little towns. In.some stores, U5c, Satiipio sent ii'ltl'jl'.. Ad• If yon t\fi not rililaln all tha benrnts ollli;iitls to moan that tht! Chinese'Gov• Vegetable Compound ai eiil. and commanih-il by fJaplniii McCiiI- liliicos Iho grain. Just coming Into heail, dress Allen ,S, OInisleil, Leiioy, N. Y. vou oxpet'ti'd from the use uf Miu lluir eriiinont had cotniiiilled a Imslilo not VlKor, wrlie the iioetor about U. la of the Dniled .Stales navy, to relieve would lako a man to the waist, ami once—then write Mrs» whicli Ih pniolieiiily a deehiration of w;tr Dll. ,1. C, AVJ'.lt, Lowell, Mass. , the legations in t'ekin, .After several the wild fruit iiloiig tlio lino w,is gouil, Pinkham, Lynn, Mass, ll^'ainst the rjiiited Slates and oilier nti- days of slow progress alnnx ilie lino of rich anil In groat iiuniillllos. l''roiii Sas• neal irrinlHli!)). T T tions, Admiral Keinpfl' says the Ainori- the railway, virtually li^diliii;,' thoir way, katoon ou tile south bi'iinch of Iho Sas- iJolly—"M'liilt au awi'iil, nwftil time oaii consulate al 'rien-'J.'sin has boon de• surrounded by iiiolis and threatened with katchowiui river, lo Prince Allierl on the pioneers.must havo had!" stroyed hy a iionibai'diiii'iil nnd this is death from wells of poisoned water, this the norlli liraiicli of llio Saskatcliowan j'olly—"Vos, .Tust think, the poor taken to inettii that tho Cliineso iinporiitl All Alioiit ft SiKtintiiPO. follovitif,' force reached Ihe capital, it was rlvor, Is Olio of the host farniliig dis• things didn't hare clmdng dishes." artillory condncted Ihe sheiDliii;,', as Bo.v- Tellers iinil cU'i'lts of tsnviiiKS-bnnks rojiorted, to lind that llio iettations wero tricts, without any doubt, that over have a rnrc (>|ii»n'ttinity lo study lin^ laid fiico to the sun; ami everything lo Ijiiiic'n Faiiiily Medicine in.'in n;i(iii'i'. ,\ll sort.s of iieoiile, with bo found thoro ihtit is necessary to Movea the bowels eucJi day. lu order ninny strntit;i! noilons of the niothnds make life comfort able, all tliat is r&- tn be healthy this is necesHury. Acta nnd pi!r|ii)si's of biinUs, coniu boforu (inlrod is labor. There Is lots of wood, gently on the liver and kidneys. Cures good water nnd abuiidnnt hay land, (hem. ..V (cllor of jt lio.slon S!ivinf,'s- sick headache. I'riee 2f> nnd 50e. and tlic climate Is excellent, bnnk senils lo the Coiiiiinninn a true I'rinco Albert Is a llonrlshlng little story of a ;;(iiiil li'isliwomtiij. who caiuo place, situated on the nortli Saskatche• As a rule it is a groiit deal saf(;r to To Western Points. to the lijinlc lo oiicn nn .'a'connt, wan river, haTiiig a popnlalion of trust the man who wants lo borrow JULY 3 AND 17, "I'li'asu wi'ile .VDiir ntiine on thnt about 1,S(X1, with good streets and side• than the fellow who Is ittixious lo AUG. 7 AND 21, lino," stihl till' oiliciiil, pushing townrd walks and churches of nearly every ili>- mako you presents. 1900. tho \voii);in ;i Lool; ;ind a jicn. iioniiniiiion, tliree scliool houses nml On tliealiovo dales llio WAItAPIl will .•ioll another one to be built at once, also ;i I am sure Piso's Cur* for Consumiition frinii lis iirliii'liial stiilloiis l';nst,;of (hlriiaiiniid ''Ho yoz w.tnt mo lirst iiniiie?" slio Tolniio. III., LOW |;A'I'K IIOMK .SKICK hifS' nshcd, laUiii.u' Uio pen in hei' litind. brewery and cr.?aiuory. Here I stayed saved my life throe years ago.—.Mrs. IC.XCIJltHlD.N 'I'lcUels to polnis West, for about four inouths, working nt my South mill tSoiit II wchI, grniiting n liliural "Vo.s, yonr full jinim.', '.'ud i/iiddlo Thos. Itoiiiiins, Maple street, .Norwich, trade of brick laying, and mol wlth« rciiirii limit. A postal ciiivradilrcshod to nor Initial if yon iitivt.' any," N. V„ Feb, 17, lUOO. \Vttliiisli 'I'Ictkct Ageiil. or 10 elilioi-of Ilie lol- fiirniers and r,\nehers, with wlioni I .lowliig Passenger Kk.prcseiiinllves will lirlng "Do ,vi>ii wnnt iiie liiislinnd's nnniu?" mndo It my spoi.'ial business to talk In you prompt, ami e.vpllcll. Inl'oriiiiilloii regard• It Is iiredlotiul that our whole remain• ing I'ates, rf)ii I i\s, Ilme of t.raliis, tliioiigh ear "Ves, Ills hist iiniue, but yonr own rogai'd to the iirosiaK-ts. I also vl.slted ing area of ^vliilc iiiiio forests will bo service, eoudltlon of t,li;kct.s, etc, etc. first naiiie." several farmers for some distance out priietically denuded within live year.g. "Oil. 1110 nniiin before I wns iiinrrlod'y" in th'o eotmlry while crops wore in full "Xo—vonr yiveu nniiic—lOllon or TJIK .^IhrniODbS't' .MJS^loy and DXIVKKSITV a'j; J'J:;KLN-. bloom, and I may say that I tiover saw Brid^'ot " Thu Largest .Mi.s.sioM fwlionl in Cliina, Suliiiusod U) lliivi; liei!ii liiirno.l hy tlio Umera. bqtlor crops in all iny travels tlia.u I Ifnlt's Cntarrli Cure ThoWAilASil Islhooiily lino oast or Chlcv saw along tho Viilloy towiirds Stonoy go and St. bonis givlng its pa trans seitrs with• "Siii'c, then, ino name la nnylhor o' Is taken internally. Price 75 cents. out e.vtra cliarge. In HI.KGA.N'T HEULININO crook ami Carrot river. In the luarkot Ihoin!" ers are supposed lo be without liig guns, still intact and tlic foi'eigiiers safe, Sim- CIIAIlt OAKS running tiirough lo St. Loiilj garden there Is lifrown currants, both and ICaiisas City witluitil; cliaiigu. or if they have them llioy tire not capable iiltiiiiooiisly, it was announced, tlio Itus- "Well, what is It, then?" rc'd and black, nnd as fine a sample of A man's iimusonioiiis are the most re• This Is your cliaiico to go 'West, cheap. Com• ot using tiicm. Clieetoo advices roiiortod siaii relieving coliiiiin also oiitorod the municate with ns. "Sure, it's .Mary." rootM and ve.got!ibles as ever went on a liable iiide.K to his cliaraoior. tliat the iioiiibiti'dment of 'rieii-'i'siii ro- city, 'Thoso forces iiiiido a total of 11,500 1'. 12, DOMiuirnit, P. ,t T- A, "Very well. Tliore are others waltlii;; market, 'I'he .soil In and around thla Toledo, Olilo. siiited ill llle foreign concessions being mon, including 100 ..\nioricitiis. for yon, ,so ploaso Inirry aiul write yonr district Ciiniiot be beaten Cor anything The best Rail Rhie is Rod Cross brand. R, G, Thompson, P. .t. T, A., nearly all hiinicd and the Amoriean cc At Takn au engagement took place be• KoiM, Waviio. Ind. yon may wish to grow, and besides tho Large package 5 ctn, Refusie imitations. uiinio." siiialo riized to the ground, 'J'he Itl tween the,allied Hoots and the forts, tho A. F. WOl.ESCII I.AIiEit.l". .«t T, A, season is long, giving lime for every• Dolrolt, .Midi. ".Ml, sin-e, do ye/, want tbo '.Mrs,'?" siiiiis wiM'i,' ropoited to ho occiii)ylng the land fortillcations opening lire on tho ves• thing to ninture. The cattle wore look• L, S, Mct)/.Ki.i,.(,s-, D. P. A., "Xo, never niiud that. Now go railroad statio'j, but wero hard pressed. sels. The' lighting continued until tha London had 3,S40 flros, la which 101 St. LiHils. iMo. ing ns good as I saw anywliore, good Geo. D, Maxi-ikli), ii. 1', A,, abend," 'J^iio apprehensions as to tlio fate of tho forts wore rodiiccd nnd takon possession lives were lost, in 1800. pasture mid liny land, nnd plenty ot Indianapolis. 1n(L ".\h, sure, inistor, I would, honcsl; Europeans J.it o!{ iit 'Pien-Tsin wero of by the allies. .The losses in tlie'lloot P, A, PAn.MBit, A. (./. l>. A., water wherever you go; tho country Is sliitrpened liy Admiral tvempfC's message, niimboi'od about 100 in killed and wound• Uncle Slim uses the beat of everything, Clilcn.gc.i. Ills. but yo see, I can't write!" dotted all around like Islands witli tim• 0, 8, Oraiie, G. 1'. k T. A,, which was tlio lirst deliiiito aiiiioiinco- ed, largely llussians, .who wore iu the Unclo Sam uses Carter's Ink. He know.i. ber fit for fuel and building purposes, St, Louis, llo. nipiit of the hoiiiharduiont and dostrnc- greatest force. 'J!lio lirst vessel fired on 'Itli of JiilyUxciirsinn nnd -nithlu a day's walk of bimberlng tion of tlic foreign concession. Put it wns tho United Sttites giiulioat Mono- Idle and Ideal mean the samo thins Via Uic lN''i(;kel Plate Itoad on ,Iiily lird and woods, 'wiiero liitnbpriug and tlc-nink- London correspoiidont; says tlmt in spite cacy, which was shot through the bows. to Boino people. , 4tli, Rootl rchiriiing until the .')lli, incbi.sivo, lug is carried on in winter, Botli large of Sliniighai's grim statement that the Ono faro for the round trip wilhiii a riiilius From Tien-Tsin, then camo more seri• and small girme is plentiful. There ,nre of L'OO miles. Write, wire, ']ilioiio or call ous news. '.riic American .\dniiral two good sawmills In this district, with Olio Vttro for tlic Roiiml Trip Double on nearest nKont or C. A. Asterlin, 'J', P. Ivempfl: cabled that Tiou-Tsin was.hom- n good supply of all grades of lumber A., Fort Wayne, Ind. barded and that tlic American consulate .Within a radius oP200 mile.s on the Nickel Pally all the year round, and' nlso two good Plato i^oad on .Inly !!rd and 'Ith. Tickets and much of tlio foreign concessions were brickyards Avlth an excellent qualP.y nionuiiij; of lloll SJkh.s. destroyed. .Tapanesc sources reported gooil return until the t<\\\, inclusive. Write, Service of brick. There is no sciu'clty of build• wire, 'iilione or call dn noiirost agent or A tr.avoler llirougli Servia will often that 1,500 foreigners in Tien-Tsin had NewllnoTlaRock. ing material nnd at a reasonable prico; C. A. Asterlin, T. P. A., Port Wayne, ford, Diibuqiie, notice dolls hung np inside the cottage been massacred. Anothor story liad it cIotliin.g and living aro no higher thai} Ind. ______•Waterloo, i''or{ that Admiral Seymour liimaolC had been Dodge and Coun• windows. He learns tbat tho dolls are I And 111 Michigan, anfl furthermore I The EaKle Linen 'WrltlnK TaWet— killed, A. cablegram from tho Motliodisf cil Uluir.s. Hiill'ot- put up ns a sign to announce to way• wish to say that there Is a great dfr- rnled nnd unruled—coiitaiaing: 100 llbrary-sinoking- mission named three Americans ot the' farers tbat a innrrlagoable daughter mand for laboring men nil the year Hlicetn, arc tlie auperlor of nil othera. cars, sleeping cars, free rocllnlng chair cars, Tieu-TsIn station who wore saved, thus dining cars. i5end to tho iinilerslgned fora fro» round, and .good wages, ranging from Tlie Letter size aella for 2,') centa—tlic dwell In tlio house. implying that others, twenty-four in ntiin- C0|iy of PIcturas and Notes En-Rouls IHiistrate ifl.io tQ.fS per day, and from JfiiS to JfliS Note size for 15 centa. Aalc your Deal• Ing this now lino as soon from tlio car window. her, had been ninrdered. It was not mndo per month with board. er for tlicuj. Tnlcc no otlier. Tlokots of agon ts of LC. K, ]t,and connectlnr dear who it was bonibnrding Tien-Tsin. Unus. A, H. HANSON. G. I'. A„ Chicago, 1 wish to say tliat I am perfectly sat- but inasmneli as the Hoxors have no ar-! 'The Nicljcl Plate Road. TOO MUCH TAPE, tillery the implication has been that the. islied with the country, and I Intend to JOIINW.mOKRIS, •Will sell exoursion tickets for the i\h of W'uKhiugton, 1».0. Cbiiioso regular l'orc:es had lost their, retui'H to Prince Albert e.ai'Iy In the S ,hily at one fare for the round trip, witliin ,'Successfully Prosecutes Claims. gnus to the raiders or had joined them. spring of 1000. Any reasonable man a radius of 200 miles, good July 8rd cut go there and in from live to ten layi-sinclvllwar llSiulJndlcatlii£cialius,at,tv«lnctt A Live, Crawling Thirty-foot Moanwiiile the Hoot of warships off years make a good comfortable homo and -Ith and roturuing until the 5tli, in- Taku and in the foi-Ho has been aug• r.W.W. U. . - No; 26-1900. Man-Eater. for blinsolf nnd family, and if any per• •clu.s|j^e. Write, •wire, 'phone or call on mented by gunboats and cruisers of our son into whose hand "this letter should nearest agent, or C. A. Asterlin,T, P. A., Wjioii •\ViHlii;{ to Advortiaors pleiisu xaf own navy from Manila and otliors from fall deslres: more information, please Port'AVayne, Ind. you saw tlio Advurtiscaioal; la thla fiuiMb the navies of Kussiii. .Tapnn, Gormtiny, Hummi Lives Destroyed by Tnpo-Wormj— write to me and I'will freely give them Franco and Groat I'.ritain. Infantry Thousands of Weulc, Oobllitated my best opinion. I am wriling this for People Are Worm-Eaten. from Manila has boon ordered to the tlie beuelit of tliogo who may-want to scone of action and tlio other nations tire' COL, E. IL LISOOM. make a,better liome tor themselves and moving likewise to send- troops to the people are enteu alive without families or friends. Lots ot Veturan ^\'l\o IVIll Lead United States 'froopjthreatene d region. England is drawing kuowInK tt. In China. Thonsnnds ot Invallila sufforlng from on its Indian contingents, .Tapau on its Trusting'that this statement may be weakness and dclillity, wasting away In a Chinese used forty-poimders, aud that troops from homo, Russia on those ati useful to you In.the pnbllciition of your Blow death witliout appnrent cause, are next pamphlet nnd be the lueans of turulnj; out to he violliiis of tape-worm.'i. 1,500 I'oreignors wero massacred, there Port Arthur and Vladivostok, while! • Cigar Dealers Like • Cascareta Cnady Cathartic are found to Is no reason to conclude that the foreign France depends on its colonial forces at ffuldlug at least some of those who are b(i perfect elliiiliintoi'K of tape-woriua, those colony has been unable to protect itself. Saigon, aud Germany on the smnU de• in search of a home, I remain your dustroybii; punisltes tlmt are eating un hu- huiiible servant; nniu lives lij' ihoiisnnds. Ordered to lias ten Troops, tachments .nt its Chinoso port, Kino- Chdu. ; (Signed) WILLIAM PAYNE. 2 to have theic regular customers smoke " There was ao \vi\y of telling the pt-cscHco Every effort has boon uiado'a't tlie'War of tiipe-wonns uiiiii C«.scj|rota began killing Locntion of tlic Coiisiil.'itc. The above letter was written to -Air. llietn. The recorda ot cases come In dully. Department to expedite the dlspiitch,'of The United Stntos consulate, at Tien-' T. Grieve, CanadinD'Goyernment agent, Here Is one; troojis from the PhilippinDS to China, .be• Tsin, which Inie, news advices report to Saginaw, Mich. Information as to blaui, Ohio, E'eli. 2T,, 1800eaus. o of tho serious predicament of our Gentlemen—After .snfl'ci-Ing for two years have beeu.,,destroycd, is: situated, far up Ifindscaiibe hnd front him or from Mr. nnd,spending a great deal ot money trying diplomiitic roprcsentatives' iiiid ''.foreign on tho Meiidows, road, which ruiis from M. V. Melnues, No. 2-Merril block, De• S Old Virginia QierootsS to ho relieved from a tiipe-worin, I was lij- citizens at Pokln and Tieii-Tsin,\ :Jlaj. (liiced to iiy a box of yonr Cnsciii'ets. After the Poi-Ho directly through the center troit. : Geu, MacArtlinr wasroauostcd in'strong taking tour tablets between nine a. iri. luid of the town. It is far removed' from live p. Ill,, lit seven o'cioCdc lu the evening I laiigmigo by the Secretary '6f> War to any of the other consulates and practi- Tho AVorlcl's Greatest Library. passed ii worm nbont thlrtS--two (.tli) feet hurry the doparturo ol! tlio Ninth regular m because they know that once- a man • long, liend juid nil. I take great pleasure In cnlly isolated from: all other .foreign ThcLargestlibniry'in the world Is recommending Cuscarets to nay ono suffer- infantry from Manila, Tito .Secretary of buildings. This fact might explain the tho Bibliotbefluo Nationale, .In Piiris, n.'''r'^™w,.^''J,^ trouble. Yours truly. SAM- W''ar, also tolegt-aphei;! Gen, JIacArthur n?''^^r,"^'^'n Traveling Salesman, report of its destruction, before the rest ^ starts smoking them he is "fixed," 2 Yr'llU asking how mnuy troops could bt) spared toinded by Louis XIY. It coutains Uenry DIosol CIgur Conipiiny. of the foreign consulates were.molested. from the Philippines for service in China 1,400,000 volumes, 300,0.00 'paraplilets, ir yon feel bad, and don't know why, take The Japanese aud the Russian consulates CitBcnrets. They are absolutely harmless. in ,caso of an,emergency, how long it 175,000 manuscripts, 3(D0,000 maps and ® arid that he will have no more trouble • m . nre close together ,on . tho iNIeadows road i Si'i n "^''^'^ lively, open the bowels und would take to get thein ready and what cbafts,'iiud 150,000 coins andmedala. till the disease germs In tho body. near the river. Away off by. thcraseiv'es; Mm mni • Buy^aud try Cascarots to-day. It's what wero the facilities for traitspor'talion;: : ; farther up the Pei-Ho stand the British; they do, not whnt we any they'll do, that Tho Governincnt authorities at Wash• Air Caaliion Riiljtjcr Stanipa—tho proves their merit. All druggists, lOt^, 2iic, and French buildings iu close pro.ximity.i Beat—tlic Cheapeat. Send your nrdcro % with him trying to satisfy him with • nff'e'',,''^ "'"I'sl.for price. Send'for boo£ ington declared Thursday;that thoy know Th? American cbrisulnte^isT--or was, as! to LooU lioxmo, Fort AVayue, Ind. lot ami free sample. Acfdrcsa Sterling Kern- practically nothing of what was going on *,f|^,r|^Co., Chicago; Montreal, Can.; or New the, case maybe—-pnoof the most impos-' iu China. „.A correspondent asserts, liow- § different kinds of Five Cent cigars. * ing.and sttlistatitial buildings in thctpwH^* : iWbea j'ou,; jump, to a,.cpiiclusloii'-be ^This Is the CASGAUET tablet. ever, tlint a degree, of secrecy was boihg Every tablet of the oulv genuine displayed by oQlcials thatapproacheil the ciu'eful to land on both feet. 2 Three hundred million Old Virginia Cheroots smoked this J the magic letters ^necessary reserve, na to the mtjyemcnts of "CCC." Looknt the tablet beforo A foreignisculptljr'says' the; naval .'arch' jrrs. IVIndlow'a SooimiNo Hrnnp for Cliildren • .yeaf. Ask your own dealer. Price, 3 for 5 cents. • 2' yon buy, luid beware of; frauila. the army and navy in: the j: war with in .New, .York: is, the .most beautiful, in the 1 teething; BOttena the guius, reances inlUmiuiitloii. s Imitations and substitutes. . '• : Spain. .-An offloiaVspeaking parUcularlv world. 1 »U*KptklSicurou vrind coUo. ceatan bottb;..;: 'JUNE SALE Dry Goods, Cloaks and Carpets. C. A. PARKHURST. Ends on July 7, ISDO. OFFICERS OF THE DAY. riesideut, . . JIAVOli IIAltl'EU KUKl) ^'""hiil. . , COL. JOHN 0. H.N'OOK MAKING AUGUST PRICES AsslsuiutSlarshal. . j,^ jyjjg "'»""•• • IIO.V. C. 11. COLLlNGWOOl) ""''''sr. • • l!li:\'. W. J, WILSON RIGHT NOW IN JUNE C'lHPlalu. . . HIJV. A. S. ZI.MMUU.MAN

Has Captured the Trade of the City. PROGRAM OF THE DAY.

Snecial Sale White Lawn & Percale DON'T DO IT. IhintiUli I he liiltielpal sti'eels aiid illshaiiil nl Ihe Coiifl I'ark. where iho foUuwlni! exercises will he oom ueled: .Miisle hy DaiisvillH lianil. t'rayer hy the Ulutplain, .Music hy Male (."uartet, Ititadlni' of At Mason's Most Complete ileclarallon of Imlependeiieo, .Music hy Male cjaarlet, Address by Hon. C. 11. CoUlniiwood, Music. WAISTS (lisj)iite witli a woiiioii wlieu slie says oiir goods .ire tlio oiily Wash Goods Section. D ill I ones 'to buy, bcentise she SPORTS AND GAMES. knows wlifit she is talking about. At 1 iSO ]i. lu., sharp, the sports win he Klven as follows! iCbk ]{«t ,MIckelson. ist, B.ouo is-lticli Clear Units, Cedar Shlnijles, this year . . . 10 yds for 65c Si2,(xi; 2d, oiicCotninon Door, Si,25, for passing tlie store where the best and fireasi^d l'(>li»—Hniilli .Main street. I'rlzes, 1st, Unibrollii, $l.D0, C. A. rarklnirst; 2d.Sl,00ln trade cheapest go together. at K, W, Webb's Shoo Store, The selling of tliose sheer org.andies and lace stripe lawns, The s|)orts will bo In charuo of the following uentlomon, wllli whom entries should bo niado; Solon 11, Neely, Alfred It, Dart, Leo T, Lasenby and ICd, Mills, including some liaiid.sonie now patterns iu iigured o.xpect your wife to meet you I i>luasan'tly if you've gone' to pinks, lavenderand yellows, reduced in price from 1.0c, 20c, 25c, and now your choice per yard lOc U I some Other store than ours, BICYCLE RACES. whon she o.vjiressly told you to go no• The .SU-mllo llaiidleap llloycle Uaco will ht« run at 3 o'clock, stariltiK at the corner of 0 and Ash where else. Don't do these things if Special selling of the 12Jc percales for . lOc streuts and lliilshlnuat IliocornernI C and Oak Biroots, There are lo giiod prizes for this event. ; Wa Iiave ])iii'cliasod a largo lot of Write 11, U, Longyear, iiianiiKer, for entry blank. This will be a Kreat event. you cvpocl to live long and keep your I dainty while lawn waists and liaiidsonie The selling of Sc dress ginghams for . . 6c 'lair on your liead. I A Two-Mite Bicycle Barrel Race ; stylos of percale laiiiidried waists at will follow the precfidhiK race, I'rlzes, ist, *2,00casli; 2d, Tea and Collee, $1,25, W, 0, Walter; much less tliaii tlioir regular value. Wo The selling of the best table oil cloth for . 15c 3d, SUpjiei's. $1,00, Webb & l!d(,'ar; .Ith. Sack of Klotir, Mc. (ireBK & llunnett. place these goods on sale at •OOc, V^Oo, We liave no room for cheap trasli 81.00, ^].2r>,'$\.r)0,$\.7r>. Best valueand s no desire to deal in it. We guar• The selling of Coats'.spool cotton for . . 4c ojrerud this season. antee tliat every article in our store lias got the value in it and is Avorlli The selling of silk thread, per spool . . 3c At 5 o'clock will occur tho Great Oako Walk at ono ot tho lloworlos. Kour entries necessary Good (juality percale waists mado for a contest. Prizes, 1st, The Cake, $2,00, W. 11. I'orrlii; 2d, Tlu, 51.25, Holmes & Dancer. with lino oiiibroidory Oil front yoke and every cent of the prico aslced. We soli Tiie soiling of 81.00 ii.apkins for . . 59c two rows of onvbroidery down the front. tlie kind of goods that improve on close inspection and stand by you like Lauiidriod collars and cults, pearl but• The selling of 15c and lOc silk mitts for , . . lOc a brother. ForortheblKt'eslloadot f iiooploeoniliiKto town from outsldo tho city limits, any number of tons, ])i'iced at 50o. horsesis, to„ report at II. C„. Ward's Implement Kiiiporluiii and bo counted. I'rlzes. 1st, $1.60 cash; iriiiu (juality of wliito lawn waists, The special selling of ladies' white and colored silk para• 2d. $1,0,00 In trade, Hoyt & Son. O|ion-\voi'k yoke, plait back and ])oarl For the oldest person from out of town attcndlii« llio colebratlon, to report at 15. Onlver's, Si.oo, sols, .at . . 89c. $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 For prizes In the Hoys' llrlKado soo nolnw.. huLton.s, e.vlra value for .OOc. li'ino quality white lawn waists, two Our June Sale We prico, for you choosing 25 pas of the best alb silk Wanted, 100 Boys to Join tlie Boys' Brigade. rows embroidery down the front and ribbons. Every yard of which is worth 25c. Yoit Masks free to tlioso In costnme. I'rlzes, .$1,5 0 In cash to the bes„_t appearlni; and host drilled linishod willi clusters of lino tucking. m.ay pick these out at . . 19c yd company of in to 10 boys: 2(1, $1.00 to" " Iho most eonilea' •l 'dresse •d and • most atnitssliifiiKK compan uuiuimny yo lu iif l w I3NDS ON toi5boys;3d,fl.00Scarn'lniromli;,Ciilver'.s, tothehoywlththo most comical and InlciesUni; New dres.s sleeve with Hare cull', three outllt In thu panido. bo.v plait hack, pearl buttons. A 81.00 The 25c, 35c .and 50c Oriental laces, your choice of tbo value for lim. whole lot for . , , ,15cyd TO RENT, SUITS FOR MEN FOR PARADE, AT E. CULVER'S. IC.vtra Hue (|tialil.y lawn waists, froiil Saturday, A bargain in embroideries is the lot we ofl:cr. Every yard Come everybody, and enjoy an ol(l-f,ashloni!d Kourth of Jtily In Uie pleasantest city In the state. finished with broad bauds of Val. lace Mason always lakes good care of her kucsIs, KverylhliiK free, and rows of line tucking, plaited back worth not less than 8c, 10c .and 125c, your choice fo,. and iiearl bullous. 81.2,') is the price. the .Tunc S.alo, •at , . . . 5c yd A Grand Band Concert Display of Fireworks July 7th. p. S.-Don't Fall to See the Ball Game Given liy tlie K. of P. Team in the Afternoon!

LESLIETOWNSHIP. NORTHEAST ALAIEDON. KLINK. Iiigliam County ^anccrat A. .L Tuttle visited his parents over Tlie S. D. A. church attended ser• Mrs. Bert Topllir is quite sick. Sunday. vices at Bunkerliill Saturday. Mrs. Harlow of Dewitt lias been -hV- LotUc Garris of Jackson visited at Mr, and Mrs. Fred Pheliis of Lan• visiting her daughter, Mrs. Forward, W. L. CLARK. O. Y. Tuttle's part of lust week. sing spent Sunday at Geo. Mar/.OD's. tbe past week. Cliildren's Day Indistrict No, 2,was Miss Kate Stevens Is visiting at Miss Ethel Darling and Chas. llalt- a complete success, Gunnisonvllle. er, both of Eiiton Rapids, were united THURSDAY, JUNE 2S, 1900. Mr, Disonroth raised his new barn Mrs. Elmer Tyler is much Improved. in marriage by Justice Kllnk one day last Thursday, Mrs. Albert Thompson spent a few last week, NORTHEAST AURELIUS. Miss Alma Reynolds of Rives visited days at Durand last week. Mrs. Claire and d.augliter of Grand Mrs, L, R, May the latter part of last Mrs. Frank Gregg of Pomona is vis• Rapids are visiting her sister, Mrs. A. T. ICipp is biiikliu),' a new liouse week, iting her fatlier, S. H, Stanton. Forward, for a few weeks. on his I'uriii. For Sale hy LONG YEAH liltOS,, Mason, MIcli. Mrs, Carlton Swift of Tompkins and Mr. and Mrs. S. Osborne visited at The Earnest Workers will meet witli Mr. and Mrs. Ii. Mclntyre enter• Mrs, R. W, Swift of Vevay visited in Ilollis Clark's In Bunkerliill last week, Artie Maguire on Saturday, June 30. tained cdiupany from Owosso and tills vicinity last week. Wllllamston over Sunday. Mrs. M, J. Badder of Clarksville is Old Folks' Day at the Bobbins Mr. True and family of Jackson calling on friends here. church next Sunday morning. All Mr. and Mrs. I'attcrson of Lansing' county visited at Mr. Marshall's tbe are cordially invited. and Mr. and Mrs. Uavlsof Fowlervllle latter part of last week. WHITE OAK. WE BUY OUR visited at II. R. Davis' Sunday. •lolin Hunt and wife of Potreville CENTER VALLEY. Henry Marshall Is home from the OANSVILLE. M, A. C, were the quests at 11. D. Osborn's Miles Pulling and wife will spend a Rev. G, M. Bigelow will start for Monday, R. C. Boutwell's barn stood tlie the west this week. He will begin few weeks with bis father, Geo. Pull• wind atorm all right. PORTLAND CEMENT Mrs, Frank Colinan returned from ing. work at Independence, California. her visit to Nebraska Tuesday, David Gorsllne and Frank Reming' Ri3v. Bigelow, assisted by Rev, L. Renjarain Westfall and wife and ton have new roofs on their barns. Mrs, J. B, Ornuse and two daughters Blackmun, preached the baccalaureate In too barrel lots and can give you bottom prices. HOLT NEWS. Will. Jackson Is talking of starting sermon last Sunday evening at the M. Of Fostorl.a, Ohio, were guests at E. bis store at Vantown. The Maccabees arc planning larffoly Binding's last Thursday, E. church. W. F. Potter visited his brother in Save money by using the Lehigh Brand. for the roiirtli of July celebration. Frank Binding graduated In high The hearing of the People vs. Chas. All come and have a uood time. Locke last Saturday. Hurst, for keeping his saloon open on honors at Stockbrldge Tuesday even• Ina Dewitt is home from tbe north. Mrs. G. M, DeCarapspent Sunday In the Fourth of July last, was called be- For sale by ing. He received a gold watch and Old Grandma Douglassis quitesick. Aurelius. cbain and many other useful presents. fore.Esq. Randolph last week Friday, Chas. Hewitt found and hived a , Rosa Tliorburn (jraduatcd at tbe He expects to study law soon. and after six hours work the case was swarm of bees on the road. adjourned until this week Wednesday. State Normal last week. S, Grimes and family are camping HARTWICK & MICKELSON. Alta Hilllard returned from Ann Wm, Mullln of Ingham has his Mrs. J, F. Lemon Is reported sick. at Portage lake. barn enclosed. Mr. and Mrs. James Marshall, who Arbor last Monday where she lias S, Behm and wifeattended the Tal- graduated. Mrs. Reuben V7ing has been taken have been to Vassar for several weeks, mage-Roystoo wedding at Eden last to tbe county poor farm. returned home last week. Mrs. E. Russell and Mrs. Whltmore Tliursday. of Mason called on Mrs. Clark Hilllard Tbe creamery at Millvllle will soon Geo. Dayton, under the care of Dr. HOLT. A Sprained Ankle QuicKly Cured. Culver, is getting better. . NORTH LESLIE. Saturday. be running again. Frank Diehl returned home from E. A. Densmore and sister are home ' Mrs. Shaw of Pleasant lake visited .lolin and Emily Large of Morey are Chancy Hunt spent Sunday at Wll• "At one time I suffered from a the U. of M. last Saturday. severe sprain Of the ankle," says Geo. from Ann Arbor. He will study at her sister, Mrs. Wm. Harmon, part of visiting relatives here. lianiston. , last week. • Mrs. Belle Brumhaugh and son of Rev. Zimmerman of Mason exchang• E. Gary, editor of the Guide, Washing• home and work in the store until af• Chas. Stevens and wife visited at Misses Grace and Edythe Wllcox Roundhead, Ohio, are visiting her ed pulpits with Eev. Parlcer Sunday ton, Va. "After using several well ter vacation. HcnriettaSunday. and Kate Ingalls visited at Jackson sister, Mrs. D. S. Price. evening. recommended medicines wif-houb suc• Mrs. M. Collier is much better, so she cess, I tried Chamberlalti's Pain Ealtn, attends to her house work. last Friday. Katie Gunn of Okemos is visiting A Life and Death Flarht. her aunt, Mrs. H. J. Bond. MILLVILLE. and am pleased to say that relief came Graduating exercises will be held on R. Dill and family spent Sunday at Mr. W. A. Hines of Manchester, la., Mrs.' Elsie Bell and daughter of Fred Gauss and wife returned as soon as I began its use and a com Friday night of this week at the M. Pleasant Lake. from writing of his almost miraculous es• Eaton Eaplds are visiting at William Montana last Saturday. jlete cure speedily followed." Sold E. church. L^ B. McArthur was home Sunday. cape from death, says: "Exposure 0. E. Hyde and wife visited relatives Slbery's. Quite a good sized squall struck tbe after measles,Induced serious lung Dy Longyear Bros., Mason. Arthur Dowling has a sister here to liorae Of Norman Showers, June ISth, see him graduate. Her home is at at Delhi last week. Miss Alta Hilllard, who graduated trouble, whicli ended In cousumnfcion, at the U. of M. last week, returned ,A daughter weighing nine lbs, SOUTH INGHAM .Si BUNKERHILL Mears, Mich. Geo. Hamilton and wife of Leslie I- had frequent hemorrhages* and visited their sister, Mrs. P. P. Back• home Monday. ElderSargeon visited Adrian College coughed nig lb and day. All my doc Received too late for last yveek's issue. last weelc. us and family Sunday. Wm. Chapman returned last week tors said I must soon die. Then I be• Mesdames I. 0. and Johnson Backus from Ypsilanti, where he attends School closes next Friday. of Dexter visited the families of Rob• Edna Jones spent last Thursday gan to use Dr. King's New Discovery, with her old schoolmate, Mrs. Edith school. Zina Carter has returned from Ash• which wholly cured me. Hundreds ert aud Thomas Wright and Thomas ley and reports hia brother Linus as Holmes, near Aurelius.. D. N. Shull of Lansing spent Mon• have used It on my advice and say it Blalcely last week. day with his daughter, Mrs. M, E. being no better. Quite a number from here attended Jesse Laxton and wife were among never fails to cure throat, chest and •friends at Pleasant lake Sunday. Park. Ambi'ose Stevens und Levi Carter lung troubles." Regular sizes SOc and the big show at Lansing last week. arc in Ashley this week. Mrs. E. Duesterbeck returned home Mrs. Louis Price and son, Fred, and $1.00. Trial bottles free at Longyear Children's day e-xercises at the Felt Mrs. Julius Sheathelm started for Oliiuken pox Is followlngio the wake last Thursday after a two weeks' visit Bros.', Mason, and F. H. Field's, Dans• last Sunday. Bowling Green. Ohio, Wednesday. of tbe whooping cougb. with her daughter, Mrs. Vera Spring, vllle. Ira Blakely spent last Sunday with at Brown City. Mrs. D. W. Roberts will entertain Mrs. Mina Stevens Is able to ride Bert Brown. Mrs. Dunham of Bunkcrhill took the L. A. S. Of the M.,E. church Sat- ' out. A little child of Mr. Miner's died dinner at Adin Aldrlch's last Thurs• urday, July 17. Mrs. Thompson and .Mrs. Clements last weekwlth'diphtherla. Although day. A large number from here attended ' visited in Dexter last week. the disease was pronounced as sucli the rally at the college last Friday. by physicians, the house has not been • Miss'Maggie Aldrlch of Webberville Ilolt expects tn squeeze the eagle EDEN. Sdme Reasons quarantined or placarded as required visited her aunt, Mrs. Abble Aldrlch, hard this.year. Hon, A. M. Cummins , Miss Lena Cora Cornell of Grand by law. last week and took the examination Rapids is visiting her grandparents Why You Should Insist on Having at.Leslte. • '• ' will be the orator. Music furnished Mr, and Mrs, Chase. Frank Hazel ton and Wright Laxton by the I-Iolt Cornet band. Come to John Lee Clark of Bunlcerhill died the blue rock and rifle shoot, catch Lynn Rolfe visited in Jackson the Of Eden were In this vicinity Sunday. EUREKA HARNESS OIL very suddenly last Sunday. He had the greased pig, climb the greased latter part of last weelc, Unetiualed by any other. been a suil'erer for many years but Glorious News pole and. enjoy the base ball contest Mr. Douglas of "W^illlamston was a Renders liarcl leather soft. was not tliought dangerous. We ex• Comes from Dr. D, B. Cargile of and Other sports. • i , guest of his brother, Reaves Douglas, Especially^ prepared. s. tend to the family our sympathy. last weelc. Washita, LT. He writes: "Electric Mrs. Louis BIce and children of Keeps onl^vater. Theo. Purdy and wife attended the Chester are visiting relatives here. Miss Clara Sanders of Mason Is vis• A heavy bodied oil. funeral of tlie latter's sister at Eaton Bitters has cured Mrs., Brewer of iting this vicinity. Rapids Tuesday. , , Taken in the good scrofula, which has caused her great A Good Cough Medicine. Nellie Holden of Jackson is visiting Harness Mrs. Harry Hubbard of Detroit was suflering for years. • Terrible sores It. Speaks well for Chamberlain's would break out on her head and face her mother, Mrs.,C. A. Holden. , All excellent preservative. the guest of Mrs. Ella Austin recent• old-fashioned way- Cough Eemedy when druggists use it Florence and Ruth Johnson of Lan• Reduces cost of your harness. ly. She will be remembered as Mi• land the best doctors could give no in their own families in preference to > sing .are visiting their grandparents, n ever burns tlie leather; its randa Vicary. •'one teaspoonful after each meal irellef, but now her health Is excel• any Other. "I have sold Chamberlain's Mr. and Mrs. W. H, 0verholt. Eflicieucy is increased. lent." Electric Bitters Is the best Cough Remedy for the past Qve years Misses Gertrude and Mabel Laxton Secures test service. Call at Longyear Bros.' drug store brings new-fashion• blood puriner known. It's the supreme with complete satisfaction to mvselt ' visited in Lansing the latter part of Stitches kept from breaking. and get a free sample of Chamberlain's : remedy for ecKema, tetter, salt r leum, and customers," says Druggist J. Gold. last week, Stomach and Liver Tablets. They ed results. ' ulcers, boils and running sores. It smith, Van Etten, N. Y. "I have al-> Little Martha Chapin is quite sick. Oil are an excellent physio. Tliey also 60 OENTS. stimulates liver, kidneys and bowels, ways used it In.myown family, both ' . Several from this vicinity attended |s sold in all Improve the appetite, strengthen tlie expels poisons, helps dlgesfclon,.bulld8 for ordinary coughs and colds and for . the S.S. rally at the M. A. 0. last Localities Mmiufucttiredbr digestion and regulate the liver and up the strength. Only 50c remedy the cough following la grippe, and find-' Friday. Smnilard Oil Compniir> bowels. They are easy to take and AT DRUGGISTS. guaranteed. Sold by Longyear Bros., it very ellicacious." For sa e by Long- "Vance Douglas has been quite sIcIj. I pleasant in effect. June Mason, and F. H. Field, Dansvllle. year Bros., Mason. , "