VOL. XXV. MASON, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JUNE 28. 1900. NO. 26 WOOL^. PINGREE PUSH POLITICIANS. tlons, principally commendatory of /WlCHICANrTENTgjT. LOCAL AND GENERAL UBV/S. the national administration, but not Attention! Parties holding wool may do well to one word on state all'airs. These were " Tha Magara Falls Route,''~ address letter or card to Chaulks L, adopted. He then read a resolution, Walt. Rogers calls tlie attention of Posfmasfers and Census Enumerators flOUTlIlVAUO, all who desire iKirtralls of ciiiidldiite Mbhkitt, Manufacturer's Agt,, Mtison which had tbe sanction of a majority Mason . I0:05H, IU. l;3(ip. m.OtliOp. m, Care L. 0, Webb, of tbe committee, recommending that Jackson, . lltlKI ma 1U:6U nn cotton, ciinipaign banners made Routed Foot, Horse and Dragoons. Take Notice. and lettered, or Fourth of July sign .See notice of Chester White boar, Henry R, Pattenglll of Lansing be Detroit . 6:S0p.ia. 6;a0p.ni.7;I&a.in. for booths. Call and see bIm, llrst given the unanimous support of the AU will want to coine to Mason and door east of Leverett's Grocery. *1 IsCRAPPy REPUBLICAN COUNTV Ingliam county delegation and moved Ohicago.,,..,. , 0:30 p. III. s i.Vi p. 111. C ;30 a. m. celebrate the J<"uurtb, its adoption, A motion by Elmer CONVENTION-STEARNS AND All who intend sOuTiiwAnu. Barn to rent. Mrs. il. L. Cliapin. Ji'ancy books and booklets at Kim- Wood of Bunkerhlll to lay resolution PATTENGILU WIN OUT. upon the table was voted upon viva to purchase Mason.,.. 7t4Sa, hi, 12:01 p, m.S;33p,m. Eaton county is to have a grand jur,v mel's Department Store, .8:12 laA-ip, in,fl;00 voce and the chair was unable to tell Bicycles cleaned and enameled at Fancy china and art goods for grad from the noise made by each side Owoiiso , O:l»0 7!l5 Hisses, Cat Calls and "Rats" Were which prevailed,' The roll by town , 1U:;)3 2:!12 8;lll i Kaymond's hardware. ]4*tf uatlng gifts at iCimmel's Dept. Store. Saginaw , Very Frequent. ships was called and the luotloii was , 11:10 3:'.'5 !1;20 Liiwton T. Ilemans delivers the Rev, n, Newberry of Rives will lost by a vote of 97 to 90. The reso• Mackinaw , T-ATi p. III, 7:110 a, m, 7;U0 a, m. Fourth of July oration at Onondaga. preach at the Baptist cliurcb next lution was then adopted and Patten .Sunday. 0, W, KtinoLKS, V. F. Young (if Jackson will soon go The republican county convention gill was endorsed by tbe convention, V. D, STANTON, (len, I'asa, & Ticket Agtto. Ji'itcliburg to open a general store The Choicest line of gradu.ating pres• to elect delegates to the state nomi iiuring the roll call the vote of Delhi Tlekut AKeiit, Mason, ChlcaKO ents In the City at Kiramel's Depiijt- uatlng and congressional conventions, township was challenged by G. W, This spring, bear iniiiind that John George J, i^'osterof Lansing has been held in this city last Thursday, was Bement and the delegates polled, ment Store. Dunsback, successor to the Mason BUSINESS DIRECTORY. granted an Increase of pension to $10 one in which many delegates wereou R, A, Montgomery was then elected per niontli. James Merrick has moved from Ban fur gore. It was a scrap all through Furniture Co., is in the market nister, Gratiot county, to Alba, An• delegate-at-large to the state con von X)332TTIS'r Sylvanus R. Cole nf ii'itchburf,' has between the i^ingree push and the tion. There was eonsldei'able opposi• trim county, federal push, In which the postmasters tion to Ills election and one earnest with E, inWI)lCU,SON,l), I),H, OllleeoverIlrown been granted an Increase of pension and census enumerators had to be C , Iji'os,'shot)store,,Mason, siiyl to$S per inontli. Elliott 13, KIniis of Wllliamston has republican said he hoped to see men been granted an original pension of content wltli second money. Jt was a elected to tliese positions who had Lower Prices For Cash PI-I'2-SlCl.6.a>TS ~ John \V. Wiirtle of Dansvllle hns $(i per month. very noisy and boisterous conventlun belonged to tbe party more than one been granted an increase of pension in which lihsslng, cats calls, cries of day. We saw several republicans rillAH. (i, ,IK.\KINH, IloniO!0|)ath I'hyslelan to $12 per month. • Mason has an Interesting program "rats," etc, were freiiuently indulged shake their heads when the chair an• For first-class goods than any other Kj and SnrKeon, Hpedal iitleniloii given lo Kye, for the i^'ntirtli. Don't fail to be here In, We wish the rank and llle of the Kar, Nnsi! ami Thi-oat Diseases, Diseases of George R. Wlilttmore, dead, of Liin nounced ;'I tliink the ayes have it, house in Ingham county. Wonioii ami lleelal lllseases, Olllcu In Near ind witness it, g, o, p, could have been present to sec the ayes do have it," lilock, Ilotira-i to ,1 and 7 lo 9, sing has been granted an original pen lublican got a bow their delegates behaved. Strong James Wheaton of Leslie moved to slon of $0 per month, The Leslie Local-Re Iileas were made all through the prO' vn, OKltTUuTlK 0, CAMPIIULL. Physician phonetic spell on its v ce presideut's divide into representative districts Yours Truly, / aud ,Siir(,'"on, Olllee over ,MeCi-osseirs Drug A fresli carload uf Potoskey stone ceeding for harmony and fair play. STore, Olllce lionrs, 8 to ii a, iii„ 2 tn .| ami 7 to 8 name liist week. and select dolegtites to tbe state and p, m, Couiitiyand town calls promptly attended, lime just received at Ilartwick & At 11 o'clock Chairman Collingwood congressional conventions, to be rati MIckcLson's lumber yard, *tf The ladles of the W, C, T, U, will of the county committee called tlie lied by the convention, Hon, John K, IfRANIC K, THOMAS, I'hyslclan and Stir- meet with Mrs, Lincoln on Friday, JOHN DUNSBACK. Mr, A''olney Palmer and Miss Nettle convention to order at the court house. IJolbrookof Lansing moved as a sub geon, Olllce over Wehh fi Whitman's sinio; June 29, at3;30 o'clock, Postmaster Mayerof Holt linmediute stltute that the chair appoint a com• residence at cornur It ami Oak streets. Mason, .Staats of Aurelius were married by I (iOODS DiJLIVlCIilJi) l'Rii:K'*\E3 Hev, A, .S, Zimmerman on the 23d, .Tustlce-elect Lyon, when ho goes ly moved that the convention adjourn mittee of tliree from each represontit H, KUIilKI.ANli.M, D„ I'hyslelan and Sur- to oiiice July 4, will occupy the rooms to the opera house, which prevailed, tlve district to select delegates. This O , geon, llotii's—8 10 !l a, in., 1 to 3, 7 to 8 p. Olllcu In Ijiwroncu lilock. Wm, F, Frost of Wheatlleld Is serl to be vacated b* Justice Stiulers, Tiie boodleof the three lead ng guber- stirred up the animals in great shape, in. ously 111 from the etfccts of a stroke of ' natorial candidates brought out a James Wheaton made a plea for fair paralysis received about twoyears ago, Lost, last Thursday night, a silver large crowd, the opera house being treatment, and said if tho federalists gold-lined cream pitdier. Finder will n, W. Lawrence is putting down a lllled below and a good many wore In were treated fairly thoy would meet ll, TAYLOH, Alloniey at Law. al Ahstracl return to D. E. Watts and receive re the gallery. Collingwood read the the Pingree-Stearnlteshalfway, "Bil• Pure Paris Green . Ofllco, ,'\Iason, Mich, cement gutter on tbe west side of his ward. * D block, Andrew Farren Is doin^ the call and ahso a irotcst against seating ly" McJCalc of Lansing jumped onto K, SANDKltS, Attorney at Law, Mason, the contesting delegation from Locke. Postmaster Brown of this city, claim G , Mich, Money to I.oitn, work. Ash street's business has suffered a Is necessaiy for the killing of po- loss, Robert Rlcks has moved his bar Ee urged harmony, as Ingliam county ng that while the latter was nota|.„, , „„,i .-^ •„ u A, l!I'.U(iMAN, Attorney at Law. Onice Eemonibcr, tliere Is not a more must be kept in line and the republi• over Loii|,'y(!itr llros,, Ma.son, Mleh, ber shop onto Main street just this delegate he was taking part In the h^to bugs and doing it in the prop- A. pleasant place In Ingbam county to side of Johii Penbertby's. can party is greater than any candi• 71UKI) A, Af.l.HN, Attorney aad Counselor at I celebrate the Fourth of July than date or candidates. convention. Chairman CalilU told er style. We have a fresh biir ; Law, Mason, al Ooiniiy Clerk's olllce, Mason. Lost, last Friday, between the Ag Chairman Collingwood called Chas. Billy" to throw him out if he didn't I ricultural College and the DuBols quit, Acliargewasmadethatan oul-l ^ot and it is only ]l, MoAUTIlUlt, Attorney and Counselor al There will be a song service at the W. Clark, the Ingham census enumer- , Law, ClreiiltCoiirlCoiiiinlsslonur, ('" school house, a lady's shoe. The find- crator, to preside as temporary chair• sider was acting with the Delhi dele• Lover yarniers' Hank, .Masnii, Presbyterian church ne.vt Sabbath r Is requested to leave at this olllce. gation and the chair requested the 25c Per Pound. evening.
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