Special School EditIOn GROS"L POlN n MICHIGAN THURSDAY, AUGUST 6 1931 1930 1931 Annual School Report I Annual Report of Grosse Pointe Rural Agricultural School District No. 1 ------~! -_._------Herein Is Contained The Minutes Of The One nottce- on a telC'phone pole at the corner of Cadieux Rqad. Ohe notice on the outer door of the Kerby School on Kerby I For Precmct No l- Last Annual Meeting Of Electors Of and Kercheval Avenue lU the VIllage of Grosse Pomte Park Road III the Village of Grosse POinte Farms and one no1:1<:eon Theodore Damerow Chalrm..in One notIce on the outer door oi' the Kerby School on Kerby Bulletm Board Grosse Pomte Farms Wllham C BIshop Inspector Rural Agricultural School District No.1, Road 111 the VILlage of Gro<;se Pomte Farms and one notlee on One fIi:ltIce on 'the outer door of R Bennett Clerk Boulevard and Mack Avenue 111 the fawns hip of Grosse Pomte <;outherly of Vernier Road m the Town ..hIp of Grosse Pomte For Prec111ct No 4- hon of Rural AgrIcultural School DIStW..t No 1 Grosse PDmte Township Wavne County Michigan and for the pUl'\Pose of sub One nonce on the outer door of Cook School on Mack Avenue One notlce on the bulletm board 111 front of the VI3.lage Hall A H Bennett Chairman mlttmg to the Quabfied Electors of Rura1 Agncultural School DlS <;outherly of Vermer Road In thc TownshIp of Grosse Pomte on Mack Avenue m Lochmoor VIllage Albert E Renaud Inspector tnct:No 1 Grosse Pomte fownshlp Wayne County MichIgan all One notIce on the bulletm board In front of the Vl11age Hall One notlce on a telephone pole tl1 front of the Mason School GeoI"ge S Butterfield Inspector questIOns propOSItions and matters upon whIch actIon by the voters on Mack Avenue 111 Lochmoor Village In the V lllage of Lachmoor Wtlham Weldbush Clerk of the DIstrIct IS by law reqUIred or necessary or by the Board of One notice on a telephone pole In front of the Mason School One noUce on a telephone pole at the corner Df Mack Ayenue lor PrecInct 1\,[0 5- Education deemed proper rp.rudent Or expedient to be subm1tted 1n the Vl1lage of Lochmoor and BIshop Road III the Vl1lage of Grosse Pomte Park Edward Vanderbush Chalrman to the meetIng One notice on a telephone pole at the corner of Mack Avenue One notice on a telephone pole M the ("orner or Mack Avenue WIlham Hudson Inspector PreSIdent Sutter called the meotmg to order at 10 00 oclock and BIshop Road 111 the Vl1lage of Grosse POInte Park and Lakepomte Avenue 111 the VIHage of Grosse Pomte Park James VanAntwerp Inspector A M Eastern Standard TIme One nottce on a telephone 'Pole at the corner of Mack Avenue One notice at the corner of Kercheval Avenue and Three Mtle Phlltp F Allard Clerk The Preslden.t requested the Secretary to call the roll of Trustees and I akepomte Avenue 111 the VILlage of Grosse Powte Park DI11ve on a tele£hone pole 10 the Village of Grosse POinte Park Joseph I anstra Clerk present The followmg School Trustees a.nswered the roll call One not1ce at the corner of Kercheval Avenue and Three Mlle One notIce on a telephone pole at the corner of Waterloo ror Precmct No 6- Trustees foupard Parcells Watkms Barrett and PreSIdent Sutter Dnve on a telephone pole 1n the VIllage of Grosse Pomte Park Avenue and Beaco11'lfield Avenue 111 the VIllage of Grosse Pomte Joseph E Beaufalt Chdlrman FIve (5) Absent None One no1tce on d telephone pole at the corner of Waterloo Park Robert Piche Inspector The Secretary was requested to read the Nohce of the calhng Avenue and Maryland Avenue m the Vmage of Grosse Pomte One nohce on a telep.hone pole .at the corner of CharleVOIx Charles A Paye Inspector II of the meetmg Park Avenue and Maryland Avenue m the VIlhllge of Grosse Pomte Juhus Ortwem Clerk One nof1ce on a .elephone pole at the corner of CharlevoIx Park L J Mattice Clerk It was moved by George Butterfield supported by E F Poupard to have the Notice of the Annual Meetmg approved as read and to t\venue and Beaconsfield Avenue m the Village 'of Grosse PoInte One notICe on the 'Outer door of the Trombly School In the LoUIS Bogan Clerk I Park VIllage of Grosse POinte Park Passed unanimously have It spread upon the records 111 full AdQpted unanttmously The Notice IS as follows One nohce on the outer cloor of the Trombly School In the CHARLES A PARCELLS Secretary I Village of Grosse POInte Park Board of Education Trustee WatkInS then admmlstered the oath of ElectIon In NOTICE OF ELECTION Rural Agncultural School D1stmct No spectors to the saId In ..pectors In behalf of the Inspectors who CHAR,LES A PARCELLS Secretary Grosse POInte TownshIp, were not present at the time the oath was adnllll1stered Jt was NotLlee lS hereby gwen of an electton III Rural Agrrrcultuni.l Board of EducatlOn Wayne Courty Mtcn1gan moved by Juhus Ortwem supported by Joseph Bartlett to authorIze School Dtstr1d No 1 Grosse POll1'te TownshIp Wayne County Rural AgrIcultural School Dlstnct No 1, Subscnbed and sworn to before me thIS 8th clay of June A D the Chairmen of Election at the vafll0US precmcts to swear In those MlchIgan, to be held on Monday the eIghth day of Jrtme A D 1931 Grosse POinte 10wnshtp 1931 offiCIals who were not present at the 10 00 0 clDok seSS10n ThIS at the 'Po1hng places of the several precincts of the D~stnct to.rwtt Wayne County MIchigan (Sgd) EDMUND G WEST motion was passed unammously PreCInct No i-To Include all of Grosse POInte VtHage voung Subscnbed and sWain to before me thiS 8th day of June A D Notary Pubhc Wayne County Mlch1gan ,.. It was moved by ISI,e1'fhehnVhan Tlem suPPlortled fhYhWbllhlalm plaoce at the Cadieux School 399 St ClaIr Avenue, Grosse POlllie 1931 My comm1SSIOn explres May 18 1933 "'Itamman to mstruct a 0 t e c atrmen to sea a lot e a ot Vlllage Mlchlgarl . (Sgd) EDMUND G WEST boxes at the prec1l1cts before brmg1l1g them to the place of the Pree-met No 2-To mc1ude that part of the Village of Grosse annual meetmg at the High School to be counted earned unam~ Notary Public Wayne County Mlchtgan NOTICE OF ELECTION romte Park lymg south of Kercheval Avenue votmg place at the My cOmmtssIon expIres M'ay 18 1933 t mously MUn1Clpal Hall of the VIllage of Grosse Pomte Park sItuated at The polls then were declared open at 11 00 A M Cel1tral NQ 15115 E Jefterson Avenue Grosse POinte Park Mlchlgan NOTICE OF REGISTRATION NotIce IS hereby glVen of an electIOn 111 Rurdl Agrtt.ultural Standard TIme 12 00 NOOll Eastern ~tandard Time and were kept Precmct No 3-To lOclude all of Grosse p.omte Farms votmg NOTICE School DIstrlct No 1 Grosse Pomte TownshIp Wayne County, open contmuously untt! 7 00 0 clock P M Central Standard TJmt, pla.ce at the Kerby Sthool of the Villa.ge of Grosse Pomte Farms , Mlchigan to be held on Mondday. the eIghth day of rune, A D 1931, or 8 00 -0 clock P M Eastern Standard TIme on saId day 'i1tuated on Kerby Roa<1, north of Grosse Pomte Boulev~r.d Grosse Of the RegIstratlOn of Unregistered QuaLIfied School Elector~ of <1,+ the 'PollIng p1aces of the several precmcts of the DIstrict to-WJt In the absence of PreSIdent Sutter the evemng meetmg was I ~",nJe Farm'" ¥lch1/J:an _ Rural Agrtcultural School DlstnC't No 1 of the TownsWp of Glo~ ...e Precmct No 1-1'0 tnclude all of Grosse Pomte Vtllage, vatmg called to order by Secretary Parcells "'Precinct 'No ~~TQ mclude an of G'rosse '"'flow.te SliOres""""wltntn P61dte WllYlie~Cd1h\1Y Mlc1ngad - pldce at the (..acheux SL-hool, 399 St Cla1r Avenue, Grosse Pomte The Supermtendent was called upon t9 gIVe. h!s annual re NoNce IS hereby gIVen that there be a .r-egI.sirahoh. of the I the &chool DlStftlCtJ votIng place at the Mumcipal Ratt {)ofthe V'llJage wt11 Village Mlc!Ngan port WhICh Was as follows of Grosse Pwnfe Shores on the corner of Lake Shore DrIve and unregistered quabfied electors-of Rural AgrIcultural School Dlstnct Vernter Road Grosse Pomte Shores MichIgan No 1 Grosse POInte TownshIp \\t ayne County MichIgan at the Preclllct No 2-To Include that part of the VIllage of Gros.se In pre'Sentlllg thiS report your Supernntendent deSires to P0111tout Precinct No 5-To mc1ude aH of the VIllage of Lochmoor and pollmg places of the several preclllcts of the diStl"tICt to wIt P0111te Park lymg south O'f Kercheval Avenue votmg p[ace at the that mu'Ch has been accomplished In the development of Grosse Pomte I'ractlonal School Dlstnct ho 9 Gratiot TownshIp withm the PrecInct No I-To mclude all of Grosse Pomte Village VotIng MUnICIpal Hall of the VIllage of Grosse POInte Park situated at Schools dut'mg the <;chool y/"'ar 1930 31 For thiS progress 'Credit 1S due I School Dli;truct votmg place at thr Stevens T Mason School on place at the Cadieux School 399 St Clatr Avenue Grosse P0111te "\To 15115 E Jefferson AVf>nue Grosse Po.mte Park Mlch1gan the members of the 1Ustructlonal supervIsory operation and mamten It Verlller Road m the VIllage of Lochmoor MIchigan VIllage MichIgan Preclnct No 3-To I11clude all ot Grosse POIn1e Farms voting ance staff who have gIven 111 full 11 ea.!>ure thel.1r time energy and Precmct No 6-To Include that part of the VIllage of Grosse PrecInct No 2-To mclude that part of the V111age of Grosse place at the Kerby School of the VIllage of Grosse P01nte I arms wholehearted -cooperatlOll for the upbuJldIng of the system The POinte Park mcludmg and lYing north of Kercheval Avenue votmg POInte Park lymg south of Kercheval Avenue vat ng place at the <;Ituated Dn Kerby Road north of Grosse Pomte Boulervdrd Grosse system has b) no means been reached 111 orgamzatlon achIevement, pla,.ce at the Defer ~chool 15425 Kercheval Avertue Grosse Pomte MunICipal Hall of the VIllage of Grosse Pomte Park situated at No Pomte Farms MtchIgan and other ways the degree of oroficlency which Iii;can and must reach Park, MichIgan 15115 E Jefferson Avenue Gros<;e Pomte Park Mlch1gan To those of us working for toe upbuiLdmg of the scholashc achIeve and that the poll.!>of saId elecf1!OnwI11 be open at the polhng pJaces Precinct No 3-To mdude aU of Grosse Pomte Farms votmg Precmct No 4-To Include aU of Grosse PO'111teSh'Ores wlthm ment of pupIl character of economI'C and effiCIent organ~zat1on and lU the saId several precincts of the DIstrIct from 12 00 0 clock Noon place at the Kerby School of the Village of Grosse Pomte Farms \ the School DIStt"ICt votmg place dt the MUniCipal HaIl of the V111age management t'he result.!> seem at times pItifully smalq A re'Vllew of to 8 00 0 c1o.ck p m Eastern Standard Tmle (11 00 oclook a m sItua.ted on Kerby Road north of Grosse Pomte Boulevard Grosse of Grosse Pomte Shores on the corner of Lake Shore Dnve and the year however mdlcates thart material progress has 'been and IS to 7 00 p m Central Standard T'tme) and that at saLd election there PDlnote Farms Michigan VernIer Road Grosse POinte Shores MichIgan bnmg made alo'lg many lines Will be voted for and elected one member of the Board of saId Precm~t No 4-To Include all of Grosse Pomte Shores wlthtn Precmct No 5-To mclude all of the Vlilage of Lochmoor and Your Supenntendent deSIres on thIS occasIon to mdlcate hits real DISh'Ict for the term of three years and that Fred SUJtter an'ClWalter the School Dlstrlct votmg place at the Mumclpal Hall of the VtLlage FractlOnal Sehool DIStflIot No 9 Grat ot TownshIp Wllthm the tzatwn and apprecIation of the servIce to the school system of the S Conely are candIdates for satd office and su'Ch other que-stllons of Grosse POinte Shores on tne corner of Lake Shore Drive and School DlstJ:lICt votmg place at the Stevens T Mason School on members ot the Board of Education and members of the school s1aff Vernller Road Grosse Pomte Shores Michigan arid propoSiltlOn~ If any as are reqmred by law to be submItted to Ver11ler Road 10 the Village of Lochmoor M1Chtgan Their enthuslashc serVIce IS respon5'lbl-e for the development of the the vote of the electors of the DI&trlct votmg 10 precmcts Precmct No 5-To mclude all of the VIllage of Lochmoor and Grosse Pomte School system durmg the past nme years NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN lhM the Annual Meetlllg of SOld Frtern ~tandard TIme there win to 8 00 0 dock p m Eastern Standard Ttme (11 00 0 clock a m be submitted to those present and entttied to participate m the on Saturday the 16th day of May A D 1931 and on Saturday the ~o 7 OO'P m Central Standard Time) and that at sald ellecUon there 1878-1931 busmess and proceedmgs of the meetlllg al1 questions propOSItions 23rd day of May A D 1931 from 3 00 0 clock P M to 9 00 0 clock WIll be voted for and elected one member of the Board of saId and matters upon whIch actIon by the voters of the Dlstnct IS by law P M Ea.!>tern Standard Time (2 00 0 clock P M to 8 00 0' clock DistrIct for the term of three years and that Fred Sutter and Walter Supermtendent of Schoab required, or necessary or by the Board of Educatlon -deemed proper P M Central Standard TI-ne) on both of which d~s all unregllstered S Conely are randidates for said office, and such other questions prudent Or exped ent t) he 'lubnllth.d 11;0the meetmg l.,/uahtfied &chool electors of the DIStriCt ma:[ regIster for the annual and proposltlOns If any as are reqUIred by law to be submttted to RU1'at Agricultural School District No 1 Dated May 26 A D 1931 electlOn of the ~chool D1stnct to be held on June 8 A D 1931 the vote of the electors of the Dls.tnt:t ¥otmg 111 precmcts Gr.,..e POinte Township CHARLFs A PARCELLS, Secrotary and for dther electtons general or speCial 10 the Dlstnct untIl a Board of EducatlOn general re reglstrahon IS ordered accorclmg to law NOTICE IS ALSO GrvEN thM the Annual Meet1ng of 'ald Wayne County, Michigan Rural Agricultural School DIStfilct No 1, Notice IS also glVen that prOVlSlOn has been made by the Board School Dlstnct ,",lll be held on Monday the 8th day of June A D Grosse Pomte Townsh~p of Educatlon tor the regt~tratlOn of all unregistered and qualified 1931 and that the meetmg Will be opened at 10 00 0 dock A M From 1922-1927 Wa)ne County MIchIgan "chool electors of the dlstnct at any 'tIme durmg office hours by and dosed at 10 00 P M Eastern Standard TIme at the Grosse Only taxpayets ownmg property and lI'V1ngm the School DIstrH ..t the Secretary of the Board of Educat on and/or the Super111tendent Pomte HIgh School m for their ,s.ervlce-s on elechon day Motlon 1927 Trombly Elementary School (replacmg the old Trombly One notice on the door of the Town Hall corner of Roosevelt One notice on the outer door of the Grosse POInte High School carned unantmouslv School wh1ch was abandoned Place and Maumee Avenue III the Village of Grosse Pomte at 11 Grosse PaIUte Boulevard VIllage of Grosse POlllte Farms It was moved by WIlham Stamman supported by Stephen Van 1928Grosse POll1te High School One notIce on the outer door of the Grosse Pomte Hl$h School One notIce oh a telephone pole at th.e corner of Fisher Road Tlem that the followmg qualified electors be apPolOted to act as 1929 Mason Elementary ::,chool and Defer Elementary SLho04 at 11 Grosse Pomte Boulevard VIllage of Grosse PoInte Farms and Grosse Pomte Boulevard 10 the VIllage of Grosse Pomte Offi01als of Election together WIth such members of the Board as addItIon One notice on a telephoqe pole at the corner of Flsher Road One nottce on a telephone pole at the corner of Cadreux Road are legally qualIfied and such other persons as may be decte-d by 1930 Pere Gabriel Rlchard Elementary School and Trombly and Grosse P01O'te Boulevard tn the Village of Grosse Poonte and Kercheval Avenue 111the VIllage of Gros'Se remte Park the respeetlve BOdrds Elementary School addltton • (

THE GROSSE POINTE REV.rttW 1 "Jorthwestern t., lllversity STANDING AND RECOGNITION OF GROSSE POINTE The enrollmer was 143 In 1928 193 111 1929 and 301 111 1930 1 umverslty of Alabarn Brownell from 1927 to the present hand bookkeepmg }trantmg of w?rkmg 'Permits taking and chcckmg of 1q.e school Advantages of AccredIted Schools 011 the entire exammatlOn J'covenng the fields of readllUg anthmettc, mg on the plan procedures and results bf the problem which ~l1S cenSU"3 hal1dhng of truancv juvel111e dehnquency and other allied The advantages that high schools reahze as a resurlt of bell1g speIlmg literature geOigraphy hIstory and natural SClence~ was a.p bmldmg was stud) mg prob'le1l1s all form part of the child accountmg work a-ccredited by lhe Ul1lVerslty can be summat"Ized as fol1-ows prOXImately three months above standard ThiS stand1l1'g IS of more Problems chosen and reported on were 1 The recommended graduates of aocredlted high schools are Because of It:. dIose rclat o-nshlp With the chIld accounting achw SIgnificance when It IS conSidered In connectIOn WIth the result-s of Mr Allen-A 'Study of the Duties of }a11ltors and Engmeers and prlvileged to enter the U11lVerslty of Ml-chigan WIthout entrance les the ach evelT'cnt and mental test1l1g work of the schools 15 also the age grade study which shows that pupIls 111 Grosse Pornte poss1ble Economy 10 Operation and Mamtenance conductcd by thiS department Two full time pc Nons handle the exanunahons elementary schools on the average are s11ghtly younger for tbelr Mr Barnes-Development of A Program of GUldanf'f" for tl1e 2 As the accredIted lISt IS acce.pted by ail of the other hIgher chlld accountmg attendance and the achievement and mental testmg grade than IS generallv found true HIgh School 1l1stltultons of thiS state and by many schools mother -srtates work 2 That dt...rll1g the penod from the second week 10 Se'PtemJber Mr Barlett-A Study of SpecIal Children In the Gros:>e POl11tc th1S pt,Jvlle'tgc of admlsslOn on ceTtlficate may be enjoyed by gradu A survey of the achvltIes of thIS department reveals thesc par 1930 tQ the thIrd week 111 January 1931 the average achl1evement level Sch-ools .. ~ .. ates gomg to hIgher 1l1stltutlOns other than the Umversl'ty of Mr BIOVo.nell-EconomIes and standardIzatIon of eqUlpment and tlcular accomp.hshmc 1tS mcrea's'ed from aJpproxlmately one month below standard to apprQxI 1 A complete reorgal1lzatlon of the child accounting records Michigan '" mately three mQnths above standard 5upphes 1,R. Gros-se Pomte Schools enahhng a closer check to see that averv child of "chool age may be 3 The graduates of accredited hIgh schools have the assurance " Mrs Cowe-Improvement of Spellmg m Trombly SchoJl located at ts given at the openmg of each term help the 11adapt the school wor~ to the child members WIth the results of these studies suffiCIent funds 01:0meet obligations a'i they fell due have provJ.ded teachers w1th knowledge of class and PUI)!l weakne:.se:> 6 because the fall tests mdlcated general necd for speCial work 4 National Honor SocIety The problem of school finance 111 the y~ar ahead Js even more In Grosse Pamte High School was g,Ql.nted a charter for a cha through the measure mendatiOns made as to their best care Severall were found to be Grbssc P01l1te High Sclool graduat1l1g between 1928 and 1930 who 2000 nouses have been bUIlt n the torwnshlp durmg the past four ment of progress of their class ll1stltut onal cases '" ere attendmg colleges and u11lVersltIes the first semester of thiS years or the eqUivalent addition to the COmmUl1tlty of a town larger The openl11g of the Richard School and of the addition to the ,eat Of th s number t:he records of filfty one were ava1lable for a 1 One further actlV' tv~home tralll111g-1s of partlcular mterest than Mld1and SturgIS or Three Rivers In 1927 a few more than 2000 Trombly Schoo' In the Fall affected tl €' enrollmen.t and consequent y <;tudy The results of thiS study mdlcate that thesc graduates were Pupils unable ?y <:lhvslcal handlC'ap to attend school have been pro * pup1ls were enrolled 111 the public schools They were crowded 111 the orgamzatlOli of other chools as weJ11 Problems of organization vIded one to two hours of lll:>tructlOn per week at theIr homes For attendll1g the followmg colleges and U11lVe"'Sltlcs the Cadieux Defer Kerby Ver11ler and Trombly schodls One ~»d reorgamzat1on therefore were of unusual Importance 111 the thiS "ork a half t1l11e teacher speC1ally trallled and expenen<:ed 13 Detrolt Ctty College hundred fifteen 11111110nsof assessed valuatIon were ava~labl.e for Richard Trombly, Defer CadIeux and Ke'1'by schools thIS year m thiS type of work IS employed 10 Ul1lVerslty of MIchIgan their school support An expcnment WIth use of the radIO 111 the e~ementary school Dur ng the past year the {ollowll1g typc cases have received such 6 Ul1lverslty of DetrOIt Next year 3650 'Pupils must be educated Fortunately for these waS' tned m the RIchard Scnool Proglams of the Oh1O School of lI1struct on 5 Atb10n College pUP1!Smore adequate facll1hes are prOVided through the IHl1gh5cho01, the Air the Amencan School of the Air the Damrosch Concerts iJ,tld 1 Intestmal malformatiOn 3 Marygrove College Mason School RIchard School and additiOns to the Defer and other outSide pi ograms were found to work 111 welt WIth dassroom 1 Spastic Paralys1s 2 Ypsl1antl State Normal CQllege Trombly schools These addItional pupIls these additional bUlldmgs, InstructIOn Use of the microphone 111 the bUlldmg by pupIls In 1 Asteo 0'1 Tubercular leg 2 MIchIgan State College a pubhc hbrary system and a pubLIC recreatIon system :illl add to the giWmg programs for the entne school or selected rooms was hkevdse 2 Broken bones 2 ])etlOlt Institute of [C>chnology cost Yet the assessed valuaholl wI}l probaJbly be approxnnately ten found a valuable use of the rF\-dlO 1 MastOld "I 1 AIM' CoJlege m~lhon dollar's less than four years ago II The HIgh School 1 Chorea and bad heart 1 Colgate College The school dlstnct IS lace of the High School pnnclpal WIth elementary schoO'l prm vfamtenance 7409 14681 509 16436 508 5 500 I 51 r A branch hbrary IS located 111 each of the five VI~lages those ~n 12082 588 9477 380 , qpals and the supermtendeut facu.lty meetll1gs studIes by mdlvlduul the v 111age and Park beIng full t me branches The s.ta.ff of SiX Auxil ary AgenCIes 15710 544 18010 557 18060 495 f members of the staff and many other '1ctwlhes Through the foru1U members ""hlch conducts the work mcludes a tra~ned cataloger and (Library) 1,68'1 58 2,985 93 3 000 82 ~ (PublIc Recreation) Mted program defil1lte ways are set up whereby each pupil conun~ h\o tlan ed c111ldrens hbrar «""IS 14870 096 5863 203 9790 30,3 7500 205 t irom a Grosse Pomte elementaty .,chool should be better 1ll1ormed Camp anson of figures for the 12 months enillng June 30 1930 Fixed Charges 32993 1606 to 421 4 18 20754 7 19 10559 326 6,000 164 lof the s1J:uallOrls he w11l need to meet Il1 the Hlg'h Scltool bU1ldmg Capital Out1ay 31390 1528 WIth the 11 mon hs endll1g "M:ay 31 1931 md cates somewhat the 191475 7677 230504 7987 2804&5 8670 267025 7316 Debt Serv1ce 157666 7676 whereby each pupIl Will have one teacher as a persona1 ad.v1ser not grov. th Il1 hbrary service dunng thiS past year 584311 23429 719992 24948 833,610 25768 806445 22094 [ only to help m the adJu:.tmen+ pernd of the first year but throughout 1929 30 1930 31 Total 495311 24114 hiS course as advanced work IS planned and whereby pup1Jls wJ.ll (11 mo) 392,83615751489488 16961 553125 1709853942014779 (12 mo l Total wlthout De.bt SerVIce 337645 16438 t 1 ece.lve d.efil1lte mstructlOn a$ to the occupahona1 opportumtles 73242 110037 Orrct11at1ol1 COMPARlSON OF SCHOOL MEMBERSH'IP Wl1'H SCiHOOL Iequlremcnts 0'£ lUshtut10ns of higher education etc RegIstered borrowers 4071 5918 MUNICIPAL AND SCHOOl. TAX RATES It HI not expected that the program WIlt revolutlOl1lZe the effec Volumes 111hbrary 8749 12690 CENSUS SHOWING PERCENTAGE OF CHILD'REN OF f.,lvene<;sof the school but as It develops It shou1d do much to make Dunng the past year a fanly comprehensl1v.e study' waS made o.f the ..chool more nearly meet the personal needs of ea<:h mdlvHiual VI I Summer Playground Servlce muniCipal and school tax rates 111 Mlch1gan It was fouhd. that out of SCHOOL AGE ATTENDING PUBLIC SCHOOLS , ~upll By vote of the- e~ectors at the Annual MeetIng of 1929 the .Board the 121 c6ml11Ul11tlesreportmg rtlul1lclpal tax rates Cheboygan ranked Per>centage JU 2. Courae of Study Syllal)l Public Schools .. SeveiTaJl teachers are teachll1g El1gh"l-J mathematJ.cs etc All do of EducatIOn was authorljZed and dIrected to prOVide a summer recre hghest With a rate of $4500 per $1 000 The med~an mUl11clpal tax Year School Membersh1p School Certsus t}ot 'have the .gan1e tra101l1g or Ideas To aV01d overlappmg of courses, et1ed to re'Pl.>at ~he enttre -semester s work 111 all subjects. Throngh thes~ organizatIOns teachers are able to mcet parents par $1000 Mt Pleasant Pamsdale and Royal DaJk ranked 62 below the June 1925 24 20~ Juno 1926 29 241 12 (\ f. Revuuon of the Graduation Requtrements ents to see and talk over With leachers the common problems they h ghest and are 111c1uded111 the rued an -elass1ficaNon With $1600 rates 306 111 " Increase 111 t11e number of high school pupils has consequent!) have m workJmg WIth mdwldual pupIls as well as to learn more of June 1927 34 The lowest rate of the 125 reported was Grosse Pomte wmch ranked [anuary June 1928 58 398 146 tlloreased the number of subjects offered to meet theIr d1Verse need~ the alms and actiVItIes of the school 571 129 ~ Increase of puhls has meant 1l1crea,:,e 111 the number of graduates With There are five Parent Teacher oTlgaUizahons one each at thc 125 With a rate of 622 January June 1929 74 January June 1930 79 696 113 I ~ttter var1atlOn 111 the post g.raduatIon careers Defer the Trombly school the Kerby s<;hool the Richard school A study of the per-centages of total taxes spent [or school %lur )50 r AIQng With study of the plans for better gUIdance .lnl the h~gh January 'June. 1931 126 837 and the M-ason school At thf' Hlg11 school somewhat a Similar iunc~ poses revealed the fact that BelleVille devoted the htghest percerntage 8.-GIN~l1Jher~ha, e 'been worked out certa1l1 changes m the graduatIon hon IS filled by the Mothers (Jub Total No of Graduate~ 424 f~q'l1rements In general these art- Bns1des the monthly meetmgs of these organlZahons most of of ItS tax 75 55('10 fOfc:chool purposes The me-d an percentage de * S1ze of June -class estimated as 88 ,a An 'lncrease Il1 reqUired hours from 160 to 168 +rem have conducted other ;;tCrn.'ltIes to assJst some .gchoo1 project voted to schoO'ls was 50% mdlcatll1g that 60 olit of the 120 commU111 Notes I b Re&ogmt on of h1gh quality work through graduatIon mth ThIS year the H goh Sohool Mothers Club has estabhshed a college ties reportlllg spend 50% or more 01 the],r tax dallar on the1r s'Chocl.s {l) The June class of 88 graduates IS larger than the combmed scholarsh Ip of $20000 to become ava1lable to a graduate of Grosse hon\Jrs ' classes of 1925 1926 and 1927 It GraduatIon bv certlficate for pup1ls whose quahty of work Pomte Hgh School begmnmg thIS faM of 1931 The Grosse pOll1te Villages ranked below the medIan 111 all -cMfS fell below the 1 C or average quality mark reservtrig the diploma Lochmoor ranked 101 devot'1ng 40340/0 of 'lts total ta;; to the schools (2) The 1931 graduatIOn roll IS 60% larger than the 1930 roll f:or graduates WIth a (C or tngher scholastIc average DC Operat;.on and Matntenance of PhYSical Plant Grosse Pomte Shores ranked 107 Wl'bh 3612% Grosse POInte ,park although the 4 year hl-gh school enTdllment 1,5 OIllly 20% larger 'than (1 Rest'atement O'f '1"equ"'ements 10 terms of sequences each \ast year /' PltPIl !bemg reouired to complete one 4 vear sequence* one three For the actIvlbes connected Vvlth the school system to be ranked 112 With 3358% Grosse po'l.nte VItI-age ran.ked 117 WIth 26110/0 \rear sequence and two two year seqpences Certam subject matter properrIy conducted butld ngs and grounds mus,t be operated and and Grosse pOll1te Farms ranked 118 With 25 16% ACRI'EVEMENT 01" FIFTY.ONE GROSSE POINTE GRADtf. reqU1rements such as EnglIsh 3 years AmerIcah hIstory 1 year etc ma~ntamed ThiS engages the services of twenty two men and women ATES IN COLLEGE STUDIES ACOORDING TO GltOUPIl'fGS ~mcluded (A speCial report outlm ng these reqU1rements more full ume as janItors Jamtresses eng1l1cers firemen or v.orkl11g The facts broug?t out by th1s study most worthy O!f conSIderatIOn "brlllg BASED ON HIGH SCHOOL ACHIEVEMENT (FIRST SEM. Ih deta~l IS avallable at the Board of Edu-catlOn offices for personS on the grounds and at repair work 111 the eIght school bUlldmgs are mterested) With thC>1rcomb ned grounds of sQU1ewhat more than 40 acres ESTER 1930-1931) the vll1ages have mUl11clrpal tax rates htgB.er than ,;;: The program of Intra mural sports whl-ch <1S 1110tnew an the These buildll1gs and ground.g must be kept as dean sa01tar) That two of ABC g) E Tot.1 rates wel[ be~ow the s)-siem 15 also deservmg of speCial mentlon The school prIdes Itself and attract~e as the homes from which the ,pupils come and be (a) the median whIle three of them have No 79 147 133 20 8 387, on havmg a sport for everyone rather than devotmg ItS entire ready for the many uses to which they are pla<:ed Some Idea of the Upper I 3 median. % 20 38 34 5 3 IOQ eri'ergies to team athletiCS Elght football teams nme basketball commu01ty use to ""ruch the bUlldll1gc; are placed may be gall1,ed Middle 1 3 No 8 53 76 81 24 242 1~aJ.11S by repetitIOn a Of speCial note," connection With thIS phase of the school Year MembershlJ> Gain % Gain Census 407 1550 NQ Hondr Pomt Ave semester s falture or cotldlt!orl In grades 9 12 puplls may make up orgahlzatlOn IS the ""tudy bemg made of the entIre operatIOn and 1925 1685 3033 7, 247 -one or two 'lubjeets m whldf. they ha,e faIled or been gIVen COI1- mall1tenance orgai1l7atIOn Two al111Sare 111 Vle"" (1) Increase 111 1926 1660 -25 -148 3108 College or U nwer~lty 76 267 61'1 1983 252 .dttlo-nal promotIon by repetIilOn the operatIon and mamtenancf' effiCIency (2) Reducdon In 'OperatIOn 1927 1930 "'270 1626 37Z6 359 963 CommeCCIal College \ i6 " b Acceleratton and mamtenance cost 192& Z1l5 185 958 4085 1948 Other Tramll1g InstitutIons 35 229 796 216 rI ~5< Pup,I, With very good school record' may advance aile semester A Job analvslS a. each

...... c.rMu£,:£ri:t1Ol1.e iln",two_.1i1lJ.~£~,nl~ter-subleo!LUl~S' _ 9 ~u'Cc~ss- __~~_ hons ..of ~Rersons employed~~ J.n__eaoh ~!pOSItion'--'""--~""""'~~~urhned IS bemg __ma.de~_""'-t>~~.t.._'C'1931 *3295.....-",...11__...","'-_~o:lLn.~lL,,3?~342 1158-.....- ~'Iata1._ ~ __~~~~~~~~.~ill 2~& f f \ Palfe Three Thur,day August 6 1931 THE GROSSE P9INTE REVIEW Mtchlgan Bell Telephone Company telephone, Disbursements _ We furthe1\. certtfy that all the proceedmg$ Mason $8 89 Magazllles 29167 I gdn m such case made and provlded FQRD ACHIEVEMENT EXAMINATIONS A H Bennett J osepb E Beaufalt (206) Kerby $6 00 (206) Vermer, $600 (206), Supphes 230 34 177 8S Average No Months Albave or 4127 A1bert E Renaud Chas A Paye (206) LqUipment Grosse Po nte Cartage and Express Compamy, Below Standal d 64755 Geo S Butterfield Robert P.1che (48) Book E.epalrs frelght and cartage (207) 2280 SeI't 1930 J an 1931 GUlld \1embersh 1s 15050 Ldward Vanderbush Wm G Stamman Test Content of Test (49) DetrOlt City Gas Company gas Hlgh $500 (209) 1 Paragrwph Meanlllg +14 +70 3,66720 \Vll1Jam R Huclson :Cdtnond r POUiPard ames Van Antwerp Noah G Faye Defer $100 (209) Cacheux $100 (209) Kerby :a W UJ d Me.tl1111g +12 +34 r -25 -DO 488 Martm A Preston Chas A Poupard $100 (209) ';lason $100 (209) Vern,er $100 3 D1.ctatlOll (Spelling) Baldnce June 30 1930 $ (209) (209) 1000 4 Langudge Usage +20 +45 Smkmg Fund AnalYSIS Charles S Cox Thto r Damerow (50) Turner Res hent Floors Inc buddmg repairs -22 +18 Det Trust Peoples DetrOlt Margaret W 1yler \V~lham C BIshop 5 Literature HIgh (212) 2370 -86 --47 Bonds 1tl V\ ayne Co Trust Co John Murtagh 6 History and CVICS (51) Trmcol1 Laboratone!> bu ldl1lg repairs HIgh (212) 1200 Mr Conely took h s place OIl t1 e platform wHh the other 7 Geography +06 +77 Trust Bank 1 rust Total 1 he BeckIe} Ralston Company bU1ldmg repaIrs, -21 +10 $281 500 00 $ 65 16980 $ 529007 $351 959 87 memoe-rs of the Board of Educat on and made the rfollow.mg (52) 8 Ph} s1010gy and Hyg ene Balance July 1 1929 HIgh (212) 421 9 Ar thmetlc Reasonmg -02 +44 Recelpts_ statement I haven t any pdrtlcular !>tatel1ler t to mahe at thlS -36 +67 tIme !>mply tha~ there 1\ office Other friend" ancl people whom 1 did not know Ent re FxammatlOl1 -12 on Bonds 1728510 21375 1rambly $1000 (21) Kerby $B 25 (212) Ver +', 16000 00 ~revlOu!>ly got behlUd me and the re:oult tell~ for Itself The only Bo 1d::. Sold Cash Re d 1600000 mer $8 >5 (?12) (212) 7500 Table II sho v th avenge number of months above or beaow Bm cis Purchased 13300000 13300000 I>taten cnt I "ant to nnkc ,., I h",ve n ade no prOllll!>es to any person ~tandard for thp enUre ).~tem on the New ~tanford ALhll;ven ent or any organ zatlOn and now that I am elected 111 promise the tax (54) Grosse Pomte Hdrd\'vare 1l1lscellaneous repairs and ------supplies Trombly $450 (205) stalk $4 00 (205) Exam natlOns for each subJed It V> III be noted from thl:, table that payers of thIS school dIstnct that I will make a study of the sltua Balance Plus Receipts $414,00 00 $ 9845490 $ 550382 $51845872 Kerby $110 (212) Vermer $9 25 (212) HIgh, the January resulb Sh0W galn~ III all sUlbJects over the September Dl:&bursements- ton 1)oth as to the tandl11g 111 the school teachmg force and dlso tests The averabL of the en Ire system I\as ralsed from 12 months 6500000 a!> to the expenditure of money and wlth God s help I hope tl at I $744 (212) Cadleu" $3345 (212) Mason $950 Bonds Purcna:oed $ 6> 000 00 (212) Defer $9,0 (214) General Shop $9 77 below sta ldard to ') 5 mor ths above st.andard The only te!>l 111 1nt Accrued on wtll vote and vote fight I want to than!.. the people of these January that \fa" below standdrd WdS History and C1Vcs and even Vlllages~I don t know l,\hether I \\ ant to thank them or not for (305) $1350 (403) office $5472 (601) 15673 BOI d" Purchased 1729 90 172990 Cadillac Gla:o Company build r g repa1rs and bUlld 111 that there l,\-as gam of from 86 month'3 below to only 47 months \Juttmg me here-I may want to change thdt~al yway I wal t 10 (55) Pa}ment of Ing fund CadIeux $1248 (212) HIgh $1347 below III ] dnuary 16000 00 thank you for puttmg me here and 111 pOlTll,.,e that I will do every Ser al Bond 1600000 (2200 B) 2595 Bands Sold 16000 00 1600000 thmg tn my power to follow the wll1 of thl;' people That prom ~e PERCENTAGE OF PUPILS ACCELI:RATED, IN.GRADE.AT- I wlll make and after all 1t>sald and done the people are supreme (56) Allen "Vales Corporation equipment repairs office AGE, AND REfARDED IN GROSSE /POINTE, DETROIT, (213) ~20 $ 1600000 $ 8272990 $ 98729 90 They proved It m thIS electlOn and I am gomg to be '\1\lth the tax HIGHLAND PARK, AND 000 CITIES payers and the pdre ltS \Vhat they want I shall vote for Further (57) The Gorenflo Company eqUlpment repaIrs HIgh tpan that I don t beIteve I have any statement to make I agatn (213) 650 City .AcceleratlOn In grade at age* RetarqatlOn Total Balance J u 1e 30 1930 $398500 OJ $ 1572500 $ 5503 82 $41972882 W S Brown Company eqUipment repalrs Hlgh thank you one and all (58) "Gro"e Pomte 2355 6625 10 19 9999 Detad of Smkmg Fund Cash Secut'lt1es- (213) 503 DetrOIt 2089 6731 II 78 10000 Bonds for Safekeep1l1g DetrOit &. Securtty As there was no further busmess to be taken up at the meetll1g (59) Standard School FIxtures Company equipment re HIghland Park 1636 69 67 139S 9999 TI tlst Co $39850000 the motlOn was made "'upported and unamillously carned that the paIrS HIgh (213) 16.50 /900 U S Cltles 1196 6565 2238 9999 Peoples Wayne Co Bank cash IS 725 00 meetIng adjourn at 9 15 P M (60) The Crane Company eqUlpment repaIrs, Vermer * In gr~del af age-I8 months 12grade 24 months 1 grade $41422500 CHARLES A PARCELLS 505 I ;;,ecretary (213) ** Grases Pomte figure') confined to first eight grades, whIch DetrOit & Secur ty Trust Co- (61) Standard Santtary Mfg Company upkeep of would tend to JnLrease acceleratlOn and lower ret'ardatlon Gver other Trust I t..nd Bonds $ 518193 grounds and bU1ldl11g fund Defer $4991 (214), cltteS which reported for all twelve grades Trust 1 und Cash 32189 JULY I, 1930 Mason $1055 (214) HIgh $11 07 (22ooB) 7153 550382 (62) The Amencan School and UQlVerslty, general MI:DIAN AGES OF PUPILS IN HIGHLAND PARK, DI:1ROlT, (1) Peoples Wavne County Bank ll1terest on bonds teachers supphe~ general (304) 250 $ 750000 AND GROSSE POINTE SCHOOLS BY GRADES Total Secunt cs and C1.sh $41972882 (701) (63) Wolf Samtary W1P1l1g Cloth Company general It wa!> moved by J Fred I dgar supported by Lawrence Mattl-ce (2) F1fS1. ~atlOnal Bank mterest on bonds (701) 850000 • first e1ght grades Wh1Ch >teachers supphes stock (304) 490 **Gro~se P0111te f gures confined to That the 11 eas rer s report be acct.pted as read Passed unan>tmously (3) Grosse Po nte ~avmgs Bank mterest on bond!> The Robert Keller Ink Company general teachers. Theoretical Hlghland Park GlOsse POJnte Detro t (64) The ~ecretary then gave a report as £0110'\1\s (701) 924375 supphes stock (304) 2450 MedIan Age Age Age Age Grade (4) Grosse POll1te Savmgs ~ank mterest on bonds (65) Gmn and Company general teachers supphes, IB 675 637 628 615 SECRETARY'S REPORT (701) \ 418 75 677 668 stock (304) 8400 I lA 725 695 (5) FIrst ~atlOl at Bank ln1erest on bonds (701) 33750 W M Welch \1fg Company general1eachers sup 775 748 734 725 33750 (66) 2B I would hke to make a very bnef report to the effect that thiS (6) Amencan ~tate Bank mterest on bonds (701) phes stock (304) 4166 825 815 787 774 1300000 2A past year those of us 1n the Board feel that we ha'Ve made con (7) Payroll (67) J W Hallet and Company Inc general teachers 3B 875 847 827 835 ~lderable amount of progress tov. ards reach1l1g the Ideals which have 899 883 supplles RIChard $5300 (304) HIgh $8400 'A 925 913 been before the Board for the past several years that we feel JULY 21, 1930 (304) Trombly $2100 (304) Stock $42 00 (304) 210 00 4B 975 954 938 952 that there lS some credit due the Board for the fact that we have 978 991 (68) MOW tlhams general teachers supplies and 4A 1025 1002 not spent our budget by about $40000 for the past year and that 111 (8) Doubleday Brothers and Company chlld account supplies specml subjects stock $8160 (304), 5B 1075 \052 10 26 1051 planl1lng for the com ng year we are plannll1g a consldera.ble saV1l1g mg (108) pnnted forms $ 1745 1073 1100 art stock $8779 (3U5) art HIgh $9 00 (305) 17779 5A 1125 1112 ll1 a num'Ger of .ttems that w 11matelially save the taxpayers money account (9) Ih1l 19 Brothers Everard Company Chltd (69) Thomas Charles Company general teachers sup- 6B 11 75 1166 1139 1152 thJl.s comll1g year Dunng the past year the Richard School has 1l1g (108) pnnted forms 3340 1193 1199 pIles and supplies speCial subjects stock $57854 6A 1225 1234 been ll1 operatIOn and has made -d ve-ry co lSlderalble mcrease 111 (10) WY)1l1e ancl Kmsella treasurer s bond (110) 28125 1245 1252 (304) Defer $5062 (304) Trombly $8 38 (304), 7B 1275 1267 enrollment There has been an 1llcrease of 350 pup1ls-we have 350 (11) Grosse Pomte Pnntmg Company Iprmt1l1g and Mason $10 74 (304) Kerby $1189 (304), Ver- 7A 1325 1111 1301 1292 pupIls more than we had a year ago pubhcatlOn (112) 1800 , 1336 1339 n,er $794 (304) art stock $20954 (305), art, 8B 1375 1330 Vve expe'Ct the hlgh school whIch has reached about LtS capaClty (12) Beecher Peck and r ewts pnntmg stock been more bu~ldtng than stock $1156 (205) stock $11063 (304) HIgh (305) 1155 T 1e average salary paId Grosse POlllte elementary school teach- any other place 111 Grosse Pomte thlS pa~t year There IS eVldence (13) Alfred F Stemer Company transportatlOn and (71) Mondry Cleaners and D) ere:. Inc ph) slcal educa. ers dUring the vear 1930 31 was $182524 The average saJlary for high of more btllld1l1g 111 Gros~e :j?0111te at the present tIme khan any supply dehvery Fordor repalrs (113) 3354 8370 school teachers was $210209 for members of the admlnlstratlve staff tlon, HIgh (305) other sectIon of the Cl1:y I am not ab~olutely sure of that but that (14) VIllage Garage pick up repa rs (113) 700 Hrerman s Cut Rate Hardware supphes speCIal was $3 436 36 and the average for the system as a whole was $2051 65 (72) lS the Ul1preSSlOn I get from the real esta.te men The reason people (15) L Black Company office supphes office (115) 75 subjects phYSIcal educahon Hlgh (305) 600 are mterested 111com "lg out here to live IS that they feel they have 4675 (16) Chas R Snyder office suppl es stock (115) (73) Harry Levey supphes c:peclal subJects, phYSical Ages of Teachers an exceptIOnal opportul1lty for their children 111the Grosse Pomte (17) Volk Stamp and StenCil Company office supplIes educatIOn HIgh $4802 (305), Defer $3920 (305), The average age of elementary schoo1. teachers 111 the Grosse schools stock (115) 588 Trombly $980 (305) (305) Pomte schools for 1930 31 was 29 years the average age for teachers 970211 The actlvltv of the Board has been a very agreeable and satIs (IS) Prompt Press office supphes >stock (115) 1279 DetrOlt Board of Educatton tUltlon (309) 4500 m the hlgh schaal was 30 years the average age for members of the (74) factory one throughout the yea'!" Our bus1l1ess has moved WIth more (19) A B D1Ck Company office supphes and new equip Wagenvoord and Company school hbranes, books, admullstrattve staff was 36 years and the average age of staff meIl1J'o (75) facllity than any time these past several years We feel that the ment supplles stock $5070 (115) supplIes, HIgh (311) 2851 hers of the system as a whole was 30 years work of the Board lS mov ng along v-ery smoothly, and as we end 49448 office $6878 (l15) office $37500 (603) (76) The H W Wl1son Company, school librarIes, the year ana when the reports of wha.t has been accomplIshed go (20) The Dobson :evans Company office supphes gen. HIgh boks (311) 2520 Experience of Staff Members: out to the publIC we trust that there WIll be somewhat more approval eral teachers supphes and art supphes stock sup Syndicate Pnnt ng Company scho phes stock $600 (115) stock $2668 (304), phes (311) 95 teachers m 1930 31 wa~ 8 years the average a.ge for hIgh school of the Board that have been c1rcuJated III the past few weeks 10918 stock art $7650 (304) (78) Mack and Orth school lIbranes rebmdmg (311) 6730 tea'Chers was 7 yean the average age of the members of the admm It was moved by Lawrence MattIce supported by J Fred Edgar, (21) The Whl taker Paper Company office supphes, R E Beaupre property not for school purposes Istrdhve staff was 13 years and the average age of staff members m that the report of the Secretary be accepted Unanimously ~assf"d (79) stock and art ~uppItes stock suppllf's stock, (403) 450 the system as a whole was 8 yedrs Mr Parcells explamed that the annual meettng lS held 111 June 7210 1 $2538 (115) art stock $46 72 (305) (80) Detr01t Labrary ComnllSslOn school dlstnct hbrary whlle the fiscal year closes Tum; 30 It lS therefore Lmposslble to 1 (22) DItto Inc office supplles and commerCial depart (408) 9000500 Traanlng of Staff Members prese11t a co nplete report of the current year at the annual meet1llg ment supplies sl1ppbes office. $800 (115) sup 52276 The average number of yea.rs tra.tnmg above htgh school of (81) Henk Garska Company 1l1surance (501) It l~ a state law that the report read at the annual meet1l1g' be the phes HIgh $1760 (115) supphes stock $6025 The Peerless Electnc Company, office new eqUIp- teachers m the elementary schools dUring 193Q..11 was 2 years &or complete 1eport of the prev ous rather than the current year 9585 (82) (115) ment (603) 11531 ted;chcrs tn the h1gh school 'Was 4 years for members of the admm1s It was moved by Mrs Byrne supported by Mrs Edgar that (23) Kee Iox Manufactur ng Company office supplies trat ve !>taff WdS 4 years and the average number of yean trammg (83) DetrOIt and Security Trust Company mterest on the follow I 19 banls and commercIal department suppl es suppltes, bonds (701) 562 50 above 111gh school for staff members m rhe system as a whole wa'> Gro~se Pomte Savmg<; 10625 stock $4000 (305) comn erela1 $4000 (305) (84) &10!>se Pomte ~avll1g!> Bank mterest on bonds 4 years \ Allenca 1 State Bank (24) UnlOn Paper and T"'ttle Company statIOnery stock pnnc1pal payments on senal bonds and senal Peoples Way I e County and general teachers supphes s.tock statlOnery bond mtere,t $1487500 (701) $1200000 (703), It wa" moved by Mrs ] Fred Edgar supported by T Fred J effersoll Savmgs stock $2710 (115) stock $926 (304) 36 36 Edgar that the report of the Supenntendent be accepted Unaru $8 55000 (704) and such other bank!> as should be deSIgnated b:y the Board o-f (25) Detrot EdIson Company bgh tand po'\\er Htgh, J ones and Laughlm Steel Corporatlon, bUlldmg mously passed hducatlOn be approved as proper ban.ks as deposltones for school $79885 (203) Defer $12427 (203) CadIeux, (85) 35'4:~~ fund HIgh school (2200 B) Trea!>urer Poupard then gave hts report for the fiscal year from moneys Adopted unammomly $1292 (203) Trombly $4275 (203) M~son (86) Robert 0 Dernck bUlldmg fund Gabnel Rach~ ] u1y 1 1929 to June 30 1930 Mr Parcells made the followmg explanat10n We saId we $9533 (203), Kerby $504 (203) VernIer $551 ard (2200 I) 223551 would make the Amencan State Bank among others a depos1tory 108467 (200) (203) (87) A W Kutsche and Company, bUlldmg :fuud, TREASURER'S REPORT As a matter of fact there IS a very modest amount 10 the Amencan (26) VIllage of Grosse POlllte Farms Water High, R1chard (2200 1) 45 293 ':itate Bank but the lmportant reas.Qn for contlnumg Its relatIOnshIp 5639 $2268 Kerby $33 7\ (204) W J) Gale bmldmg fund G~bne1 RIChard (2200-J) 2,1951) "Receipts and DISbursements" (88) " the fJ.ct """'-13.tt~e School Board hds a note \\ th the !\merl('an (27) v 1I1dge: at Glu,.,,,C Po rte St,.ores \\uter VernIer Otto A W urm bmldmg'<' tund Garble! R.lchard July 1, 1929 to Jun@ 30, 1930 State' B.mk Of cour!>e that Bank has been taken by the Peoples 170 (89) (204) (2200 1) 11,\$1 Wayne County Bank and all of Its accounts guaranteed It seems (28) VIllage of Grosse Pottlte water (204) and !property (90) Mtchlgan Investor Pubhsihmg Company R1chard Ceneral Fund- Wlse to contmue that relatlOnshlp for thlS commg year not for school purposes (403) H1gh $51280 (204), 375 $ 860122 57870 (2'00 1) Balance July 1 1929 It was ':\,1ovedby ] Fred Edgar sUPiPorted by Lawrence Mat CadIeux $4450 (204), $2140 (403) Mlchlgan Bell Telephone Company 1bU11dmg fu.pd, t1ce that the ~alary for 1 rustee'3 for the commg year be Two (91) Recelpts- (29) V111age of Lochmoor water and property not for Gabriel Rchard (2200 1) $52605089 Hundl ed ($20000) Dollars and that 1he salary for the Treasurer 6480 36 Taxcs Current school purposes Mason $5300 (204) $180 (403) (92) Smlth Hmchman and Gryl1s bUlldmg fund, Trom- 1 axes De1mquent 3421613 for the commg year be One Thousand ($1 000 00) Dolla-rs Passed (30) The Chas A Strebnger Company Jamtors sup- 190000 00 bly addItion (2200 K) ?:n:; Notes Paya-bl~ unanimously phes HIgh school (205) 7601 Cornck Brothers bUlldmg fund Trombly addt. 6322908 U;>on canvass of the votes cast for the electIOn of a member (93) Pnmdry Money (31) Ponsett Floor Machltle Company Jamtors sup tlon (2200 K) 9,9(l .. 3 Int on Bank Balances 123235 of the Boafld of EducatIOn to hold office for the ensuing three years 9617 lIhes HIgh (205) (94) Stanley Electnc Company bUlld.mg fund, Trombly TUltIon 447933 , It was found that there were 1261 total number of votes ca!o't-901 (32) The WIckes BOller Company Jal1ltors supphes 1,0930 256100 4792 addItIon (2200 K) Rentals-Property Owned vote!> 111 favor of Walter S Cone1v and 356 votes ll1 favor of Fred HIgh (205) Peninsular "tove Company bU11dll1gfund Trombly 26250 Suitel and that therf' ",ere 4 spotIed ballots 175 (95) Rentals-AudltorluQ.1 (33) Kopp s Pha1 macy Jal11tors supphes HIgh (205) addItion (2200 K) 25 Refunds-Insurancf' '1324641 The Board of ElectIOn Inspectors thereupon declared the result (35) J I Holcomb Mfg Company Jamtors supphes Refunds----cellaneous 211741 accepted and spread upon the records 111 full Motion carned unalll 1176 (205) $ 12,500 838662 00 mously (36) Buchanan Lmen Service Jal1ltors supphe~ High (96) Payroll $6 65 (205) CadIeux 75c (205) Tromh1y $1 00 (97) Vvmterhalter and Glaser auditor (tOO) 400 $84726322 RETURN OF ELECTION INSPECTORS (205) Kerby $175 (205) Mason $225 (205) (98) Grosse POIt te Pnntmg Shop, prmtmg and pub .. Dlshu.rsements- Vern., 75c (205) (205) 1315 hcatlOl1 annual report (112) 5.0 General Control $ 4540757 The underslglled const tutmg the Board of ElectIOn Insl}ectors (37) Berry Brothers Jamtors supplies repalrs sU'Pphes (99) Shell Petroleum Corpora ton, supply delvery and Operatlon-BUlldmg ana Grounds 9735959 at the Annual Elechon of the Quahfled Electors of Rural Agrtcul spectal subjects playground supphes Bligh $1298 upkeep of grounds Fordor $3000 (113), truck, Mamtenance-Bmldlllg and Grounds 804216 tural School Dl!>tnct:No 1 Gros'le POll1te Townshlp Wayne Coun>ty (205) stock $28886 (205) Trombly $598 (205) $2000 (113) Hgh $5000 (214) roo' InstructlOna1 Servlce 27997910 MlLhlg2n held at the H1gh School situated at 11 Grosse Pomte HIgh $1236 (212) HIgh $59 78 (213) art $34 79 (100) Michigan EducatlOn ASSOCiatIOn, office supphes, Auxlhary Agencles 3207815 Boulevat>d at the corner of Fisher Road In saId Dlstnot on the (305) auto shop $2131 (305) general shop ofhce (115) ~, FIxed Charge!:> 586283 8th day of June A Q 1931 and $5419 (305), ,upphes, $1576 (406) office, $274 (101) DetrOIt Edlson Company light and power HIgh $66022 (203) Defer $79 84 (203) Cadleu'i 83 Capital Outlay 2075370 J ames Van Antwerp Joseph E Bea'Ufalt (601) - 508 75 lIS 23050375 Chas A Paye (203) Trombly $3325 (203) Kerby $3 18 (203), Debt Servtce Martm A Preston (38) Nattonal Flag and Decoratttlg Company Jamtors 865 Notes Payable 19000000 A H Bennett Robert Plche HIgh $3396 (205) Defer $1185 (205) Trombly, Vermer $262 (203) Mason $7738 (203) (203) $909986 85 Albert E Renaud Wm G Stamman $11 85 (205) RIChard $11 85 (205) Mason $9 42 (102) Anchor Packmg Company, Jamtors suppues, Hl~}t Geo S Butterfield Edmond r Poupard (205), Kerby $497 (205) Vermer, $497 (205), (205) 27 $ 6272363 Watkms and Radc1~ffe, Jamtors sU'pphes, fI~h Balance Overdrawn Edward Vanderbush Noah G Paye (205) 8887 (103) BUlldlng Fund- W llIam R Hudson Chas A Poupard (39) Anchor Packing Company Jamlors' suppbes H1gh (205) 24, Balance T uly 1 1929 $ 3593535 C1 arles S Cox Theo F \Damerow $3340 (205) Mason $3980 (205) Defer $2041 (104) A ] Marshall Company Jamtors \Supplies stock $22765 (205) Defer $2 81 (20$) (205) 230 Re~elpts- Margaret W Tyler VVilham C Bishop (205) (205) 9361 Sale of Bonds $36000000 John Murtagh (40) H D Edwards Company Jal11tors -supphes eqtttp (105) Berry Brothers Jallltors supplies and bUl1dmg re. Interest on Bonds 533500 ment repalrs and rechargl11g fire e:xltmgUlSihers pairs stock $2450 (205) HIgh $231 (212), PremlUm on Bonds 776000 Bemg appomted by the ql1altfied electors present on sa~d Boald stock $1318 (205) ';lason 98c (205) Vernier Kerby $54J) (212) Defer $7 79 (212) , 40 lut Bank Balances 20932- hereby certify that the polls of saId electlOn were declared open at $6 43 (205) Defer $1213 (205) HIgh, $10 35 (106) Tank Servlce Company, Jal1ltors supplIes, stock '37330432 :;'7 120 clock Noon on saId 8th day of June A D 1931 and were kept (213) $48,1 {217) 9158 (205) open cont1l1uously untIl 8 0 clock P M of saId day Eastetn Satn4ard (41) Eockstanz Brothers Company Jamtors supphes and (107) Boydel1 Brothers Compal/.y Jamtors supplIes stock $40923967 Tune haVIng been kept open for more than two conse-cutlve hours upkeep of grounds stock $42115 (205) Defer (205) 13 Dishursements- that a proper poll hst was kept and a SUItable ballot box was used $6731 (205L CadIeux $510 (205) Trombly $412 (108) Michigan Bell Telephone Compal}Y telephone IVgh Mason Grounds, ~ 1303722 and that upon a canvass of the ballots cast of whlch the fol1owmg (205) Mason $4959 (205) Kerl:>y.$5 59 (205) $12332 (206) Defer $6 04 (206) CadIeux $086 Mason Bldg Window Shades 12260 VernIer $412 (205) RIChard $9 55 (205), HIgh, (206) Trombly $11 71 (206) Kerby $600 (206), Mason BUlldmg 192254 15 a true copy $10454 (205) Hgh $2 65 (214) 673-72 Vermer $0 00 (206), Masou $735 (206) (206) 16 Mason Playground Eqmpment 200 00 (42) Vacuum Otl Company Jamtors -supplIes (205) and (109) DetrOIt CIty Ga> Company gas HIgh $166 (209), Ga.brlel Richard Elementary School Bmld OFFICIAL BALLOT supply dehvery stock HIgh $23009 (205), Trom CadlCux $100 (209) Defer $100 (209) Trom- mg 21566019 28767 bly $995 (209) Kerby $100 (209), Vermer, $1 00 For the electIOn of one member of the Board of EducatlOl1 to bly $2290 (205) stock $3538 (113) I SurveY1l1g MacMlllan lots 7000 (43) Watkms and Radcltffe Company JanJtors supphes (209) Mason $100 (209), (209) SIte un or Hlgh School No 2 19600 be elected for a term of three yed.rs (110) Turner Resillent FIsupphes HIgh, $185 (212), supplies, Balance June 30 1930 ensumg three (3) years were 1261 that FRED SUTTER recelyed (205) LIbrary Fund- (44) Manufaciurers Supply Company Janitors supphes, $749 (406) $ 226581 %6 number of votes that WALTER S CONELY received 901 (114) The Roach ReId Company, eqUlpment repaIrs Ba1ilnce July 1 1929 number of votes that receIved numb~r of votes stock $7651 (205) Defer 73c (205) TromPlY Rel;:elpts- $147 (205) Mason $135 (205), VernIer, $159 office (213) and that rece ved number of votes and that there De Luxe Welqlng COt1Jpany equipment repaIrs and Penal Fines $ 124912 (205) (205) 8165 (115) Int Dally Balances 6715 were 4 spOlled ballots (45) Deltro1t Waste Works Janttors SUlppltes ~tock upkeep of grounds HIgh, $300 (213) HIgh $350 9000 After the above canvass VVALTER S CQNEL Y was declared 3341 (214) Refund 140627 ly, $794 (214). (211) , ~, 3,672 O~ Mlch1gim, lor the ensumg three ye!!"., -'.~ _ (2Pit SI9Z -

~ ! 1 Page Four THE GROSSE POINTE REY,lEWj'l Thursday, Augu.t 6, 1931

(117) G Zanm upkeep of grounds, Deier (214) • 22503 Vermer, $183 (203), Mason, $2152 (203), (203) 43'6 7~ (259) Standard School F1xtures Company new eqUtp (332) Grosse Pomte Hardware mIscellaneous hardware (118) The Eckhardt Company, uj}keep of grounds, !HIgh (193) Mondry Cleaners and Dyers, Inc, Jamtors supphes, I ment Mason $17100 (603) office $2150 (603), sUP'Pltes repatrs and supplltoo spectal subjects (214) 750 Trombly (205) 22 50 H,gh $411 75 (2;300 A) R1chard, $33145b bffice 60c (115) Hlgh $240 (20') High $76D (119) W E Blankinship upkeep of grounds, High (214) 1666 (194) Vacuum OIl Company jamtors s'Upp1tes High (205) 477 (2300 H) Trombly $760 00 (2300 D) 467875 (212) Vermer 75c (212) 'vfason $545 (212), general $J 40 (212) general 72c (214), Trom- (120) Fred J Robinson Lum1>er COlnj}any, upkeep of (195) Berry Brothers Ine Jamtors supplies eqUIpment (26~) Grosse Pomte Savmgs Bank ll'1terest on bonds .grounds property not used for school purposes repatrs and office alteratIOns stock $91 89 (205), (701) 775625 bly $175 (304) Defer $3 D5 (304) general shop, alteratIOns to bmldmgs and butldmg fund Trom Richard $784 (205) High $60 27 (205), Mason $10935 (30)) auto shop $5845 (305) art High (261) Miller JCanfield Paddock and Stone bmldmg fund, $420 (305) SClence High $640 (305) tlO 85 bly $5 84 (214) Mason $11 02 (214) $484 (403), $1250 (205) Trombly $519 (205) HJgh $13450 Gabnel Richard (2200 I) 12000 office $433'30 (601) High $21041 (2200 B 66541 (213), offices $15907 (601) 42126 (403) ofrlces ~59 00 (601) Rkhard. $2168 (196) General Electnc Supply Corp Jamtors suppltes (262) A W Kutsche and Compan} bUlldmg fund Rich (2LOOI), TromblY ~3715 (2200 K) 33480 (121) Standard Samtary Mfg Company, upkeej} of 2548480 grounds and alteratIOns to butldxngs Mason, High (205) 700 ard (2200 I) (333) Custod an Account mtscellaneous expense'S and $122 (214), Defer $108 (214) office $9 81 (6m) 1211 (197) Garratt Callahan Company JanItors supphes HIgh, (263) Coon De V lSser Compan} bt.lldmg fund Trombly, postage postage $3500 (115) $400 (207) High (122) W S Brown Company, equIpment replacement! $11356 (205) Trombly $11356 (205), Mason, (2200 K) 14300 $110 (212) Defer $100 (212) manual tram High (216) 1252 ~37 86 (205) Richard $3786 (205) (205) 302 84 (264) James W Partlan bu Idmg fund Trombly (2200K) 8000 mg $138 (305) offices $150 (601) 44 48 (123) H D Edwards and Company rechargmg fire ex~ (198) TIVOlt Brewmg Company Jamtors supphes High (265) Corrtek Brothers bu klmg fund Trombly (2200 K) 5500 (334) Gregory Mayer and fhom office supphes art sup tmgmshers ana bU1ldmg fund $1 57 (217) J RIC'h~ $221 (205) 'vfaso'1, $221 (205) J RIChard $2 20 (266) Smtth Hmchman and Grylls bUllcLll1g fund Trom phes and new equ pl1'ent "tack $2185 (115) "rd $791 (2300 H) 948 (205) Trombly $220 (205) (20)) 882 hly (2200 K) 45082 office $4 42 (115) drt Il gh $372 (305) Hlgh (124) Th eA N Palmer Company general teachers sup- (199) Moore Manufacturmg Company Jamtors supplies $2822 (603) 5821 1386 (267) Beecher Peck and Lew s new eqUIpment Trombly I'hes stock $670 (304) Defer, $530 (304) Trom- Mason (205) (335) The DetrOlt Test ng Laboratory coal Rlchard (202) all CIty BaiTer Works Jamtors supphes Mason $3605 (2300 D) Richard $11845 (2300 H) 15450 400 bly $572 (304), (304) 1772 (200) (336) The DetrOlt Ld son Company llght and power 368 (268) The C F Pease Company new t.qUlpment Hlgh (125) UniversIty Pub1Jshlng Company, general teachers (205) High $33053 (203) Defer $1853 (203) Cadieux Modern Laundry Company Jamtors SlUpplIes, High, (2300 A) 24051 supphes stock (304) 10166 (201) $4 58 (203) Trombly ¥l988 (203) Kerby $276 $1060 (205) Trombly 81c (205) Kerby, $202 (126) Gaylord Brothers lnc general teachers supphes (Z69) Theodor Kundtz Company new eqUIpment Rich- (203) 'vfason $4973 (203) Vermer $328 (203), (205) Defer $272 (205) Mason, 89c (205), ard (2300 H) 70980 and school .<:hstnct libraries Trombly, $3 90 (304) , (203) 45929 general supphes $2550 (311) 2890 Cadieux $524 (205) (205) 2228 (127) NatIOnal Child Welfare AssocatlOtl Ine suppLIes (202) Watkuns and Rado11fle Janitors supp1tes H,1gh SEPTEMBER 22, 1930 (337) Village of Grosse POll te Park water Defer (204) 5819 sp-ecJal sUbJects, SCience HIgh school (305) 1500 (205) 2428 (338) VIllage of Grosse Pomte 'shores water Venuei (128) Samuel Bmgham s Son Mfg Company, supphes (203) W SHanley, Jamtors supplies Htgh (205) 667 (270) Shell Petroleum CorporatlOn supply deltvery and (204) 420 specIal sUPJects, prmt shop (305) 470 (204) Grosse Pomte Hardware Jamtors supp'hes bUildmg RIchard fetal FUr1'llture Company, bul1nmg fund, (212) 3195 (115), wanual tralOlng $537 (305) 7289 (212) High $4821 (213) a"t High $387 (305), High school (2200 B) 20500 (206) MIchigan Bell Telephone Company telephone ser- (m) North Central Assoclatton mlscellane'Ous expenses Richard $1098 (2200 f) 10914 (133) Ropert 0 Dernck, lnc, bUIlding fund, RIchard, vice High $9300 (206), Kerby $6 00 (206) Ver- (342) Chas A Stre1mger Comp,lJ11YJa111tors supplIes and (2200 I) 224226 mer, $6 00 (206), Trombly, $6 00 (206L Mason (117) 500 \ (274) Koemg Coal and Sup-ply Company coal, Rtchar-d bul1dlng fVnd Mason $153 (205) High $543 (134) A W Kuts<;he and Company, bU1ldmg fund Rich~ $725 (206) (206) , 11825 (205) HI~h $1587 (2200 B), Richard $13 80 2136800 (202) 46418 ard (2200-1) (207) Grosse Pomte Cartage and Express CompanYI (2300 H) 36 61 (135) Ot'o A Wurm bul1dmg fund Rchard (2200 I) 520830 freight and cartage (207) 9121 (275) DetrtHt Wa:>te Works janttors suppltes stoale AUGUST 18, 1930 (208) DetrOIt CIty Gas Company gas "Supply Htgh $100 (205) 2672 (343) \1lchlgan Bell 1e1ephone Company telephone ser (136) A B Dick Company office supphes (115) $ 1803 (209) Trombly $1643 (209) Cadieux $100 Vice offices ai d Hlgh school $11099 (206) Kerby (276) The Anchor P~ckmg Companv Ja11ltors supphes $6 00 (206) Vem er $600 (206) Mason $725 (137) Custodian A-ccount postage and miscellaneous re~ (209) KerbY $100 (209), Vemler, $100 (209), High $3 38 (205) \lason $3 29 (205), (205) 667 pairs and suppbes postalg~ $20 00 (115) Mason, Mason, $1 00 (209), (209) , 2143 (206) 1 rombly $6 00 (206) (206) 15624 (277) Mondry Cleaners and Dyers Inc I Ja:t:l1tors sup $590 (.05), High 70c (213) H,gh $2 05 (214) 2935 M1chlgan Floors Inc t bU1ldmg repaIrs Trombly (344) DetrOit Clty Gas Company gas High $500 (209) (209) p1les Kerby (205) 350 (138) National Soap Company Inc janttors suppltes, (212) 850 Cadieux ~I 00 (209) Kelby $1 00 (209) Defer High (205) 13653 (210) DetrOIt Marble Company b..u11dmg repaIrs High (277a) Bockssuppltes spectal \Subjects subjects manual trammg (305) 9219 sCIence HIgh (305) 4518 eous (401) 705 SEPTEMBER 8, 1930 (241) Chas Eneu Johnson and Company, supphes speCIal (309) Detrolt Board of EducatlOn tmhon (309) 23700 (374) Charles S Cox transportatlOn .. mIscellaneous (401) 600 su}ects, prmt shop (305) 110 (310) Herman Goldberger Agency -school lIbrartes Htgh (375) L C SmtIh and Corona Typewnters new eqUIp Baeder-Adamson Company suppltes speclal sub- AmerJcan State Bank .. ansier $ 1000000 (242) (books) (311) 145 ment High (603) 26760 (177) Jects manual traInmg (305) 1205 (376) W S Brown Company new eqUtpment, Masonl (178) Pay Rol1 4000000 (311) DetrOIt Motorbus Company transportatlOn stock Grosse pOInte Savmgs Bank, mterest on bonds (243) Yawman and Erbe Mfg Company, supph{js specJal (401) 116562 $2176 (603), Tromq,ly $3263 (2200 K) 5439 (179) subjects commerctal (305) 1092 (377) MartIn Gtbson Company new eqUIpment Mason (701) Z 70000 (312) Henk Garska Company msuraUCe (501) 235015 G ZallnJ, landscapmg Rtchard and Trombly Ad~ (244) The Chas A Strelmger Company supplies speclal (313) AmerIcan State Bank mterest on current mdebted $13100 (603) Defer $6300 (603) High $9300 (180) 20255 &tIOn bUlldlOg fund Richard, $399640 (609), subjects, auto ana general shop. (305) ne .. (504) 173787 (2300 A) Trombly $13100 (2300 D Richard, J L Hudson Mustc Store supplIes spectal subJects $147 00 (2300 H) 565 00 Trombly, $4530 (2200-K) 4,04170 (245) (314) A C PIerson Company alteratlOns to buddmgs and 'llew eqUIpment RIchard Qnd Trombly mUSIC, (378) James W Partlan bUlldlOg fund Trombly (2200 K) 5004 00 (181) Gregorj -Mayer and Thorn offioe supphe-s and sup offices (601) 10500 !pltes spe

(396) Buchanan Lmen ServIce Jallltors supplies Cadaeux, <' (459) Ross Coal and Ice Company fuel HIgh $300 (527) Public Address Systems eqmplllent repaIrs, High (592) Maryland ElectrIC Company re1)lacement of eqUllp- $3 11 (205) Dcfer $100 (205) HIgh $1095 (202) \fason $300 (202) Defer $3 00 (202) (213) 2645 ment H gh school (216) 3315 (205) Kerb) $200 (205) RIchard 75c (205) Trombly $300 (202), (202) 1200 (528) Edw C I evy upkeep .of grounds Defer $10 13 (593) De.tr01t Canvas Company replacement of eql1lp Mason $275 (205) Tromblv $325 (205) Ver (460) DetrOit Edison Company light and power High (214) Trombly $412 (214), (214) 1425 ment and new eqUIpment Defer $3298 (216) mer $125 (205) (205) 2506 $64879 (203) Defer $6886 (203) CadIeux $11 78 (529) Snuth Matthews 1: oundry Company, equlipment Trombly $31439 (2200 1\.) RIchard $42587 77324 (397) Watkms and Radcltffe Company Jamtors supplies (203) offices $4 56 (203) Trombly $5131 (203) replacement High School (216) 200 (2200 I) (594) Amer can ~afety EqU1pment Company rechargmg Defer (205) 2428 Keriby $418 (203) Vent er 95c (203) Mason, (530) Laidlaw Brothers general teachers supphes Rich $9899 (203) RIchard $96120 (203) (203) 98562 ard (304) 311 fire extmgUlshers (217) 683 (398) Bo-ckstanz Brothers Jallltors supphes equIpment (461) Bockstanz Brothers JanItors supplies Defer $412 (531) U111verslty Pubhshmg Company general tea'Chers (595) Amencan Book Company textbooks an-d gtneral repair replace"11ent of eqUlpment new equ pment (205) stock $1319 (205) (205) 1731 supplies Rlchard (304) 79 teachers st1pphe!l H~g'h $614 (303) IUchard HIgh $3469 (205) Kerhy $382 (205) stock (462) vIarvland ElectriC Company janitors suppbes (532) Wmnetka Indlvldual \1atenals, Inc general teach $560 (304) Defer $6 24 (304) 1798 $315,5 (205) Mason $490 (213) Defer $9 96 bU11dlllg repairs teachers suppLIes and bUILdung ers suppl1es RIchard (3M) 202 (596) The Boomer Company general teachers supplies (214) art HIgh $3 43 (305) I-ltgh $2058 (603), (533) Horace Llveng'ht Inc general teachers sUlOnTrDmlbly ment general $3340 (212) $346 (403) HIgh (604) LaAdlaw BrDthers general teaohers supplies R1Ch (213) 8440 $114 (3b5) (305) 5620 ard (304) 1007 $4580 (601) office $5890 (601) lOohard $4060 (539) Silver Burdett and Company supphes speCial sub (2200 I) 18216 (468) D R Middleton eqUlpment repaIrs Masollt. $2 00 (605) The CongregatlOnal PubLlshlng SocIety general I (213) HIgh $4 50 (213) (213) 650 Jects mUSIC Deter $7443 (305) mUSIC Kerby, 160 (405) Vacuum Cleane" Service eqUIpment repalrs Hlgh teachers '!lupphes Richard (304) (469) East SIde Carpet and Rug Cleanmg Co eqUlpment $1530 (305) (305) 8973 (606) Hall and McCreary Company general teachers ,I (213) 3779 repanrs HIgh $700 (213), o!hcc, $6 50 (213), (540) The Raympnd A Hoffman Company supplIes supphes Rlchar-d school (304) 310 (406) Fred J Relf and Son cqulpmoo.t repairs High (213) 1950 (213) 1350 speCIal subjects musIc Defer (305) 96 (607) The L Hudson Company general teachers sup (407) A A Clarke Company eqUIpmenrt repams general J (470) C P Stell1helser Company upkeep of grounds, (541) NatIOnal School MUSIC Service Inc supphes g.pec plies domestic art supplIes and new equapmen (213) 534 HIgh (214) 285 lal subjects mUSJC RIchard (305) 916 (408) DeLuxe Weldmg Company equ~pment repaIrs RIchard 75c (304) CadIeux $4 24 (304) domes (471) Allyn ~nd Bacon textbooks Hlg~ (303) 7200 (542) VIllage Market supplies s'Peclal subJeats domestlc tIC art $3589 (305) RIchard $6,63 (603) 4751 Mason $250 (213) Defer 75c (213) (213) 325 (472) J W Hallett and Company Inc, textbooks HIgh SCIence (305) 3888 (608) Ideal Pictures Lorp -'General teachers supplies, (409) The Gorenflo Company eqUIpment r-epaJrs and (303) 528 (543) Crawford Laundry sup.phes speclal subjects, do HIgh (304) 650 II supplies speCial subjects High $4 00 (213) phys (473) Amencan Book Company textbooks t{tgh (303) 1477 mestlc SClen-ce (305) 1310 (609) The Ul1lverslty of Chicago Press, general teach- ed HIgh $2882 (305) 3282 (474) The Macmtllan Company textbooks Hlgh ~19 90 (544) Demco LIbrary supphes school lIpnanes sUtPPlaes, ers supphes Hlgh (304) 330 (410) Peter J Platte Motor Sales upkeep .of grounds 442 (303), CadIeux $339 (303) Tromlbly $640 (303), $3 00 (311) equIpment $2260 (311) (311) 2560 (610) Alfred S Burbank general teachers supphes H1gh HIgh (214) (545) Natlondl Child Welfare assoclatllon scJhoDl 11b (411) Cl1arles E Mernll C0'11pany texttboks chard, DECEMBER 8, 1936 (618) Internahonal Mago:tz'1lle Company In<:, auto shoiP $1523 (304) (304) 2753 and supphes <;peclal subJects Kerby $147 (304), supphes (305) 300 II Defer $2068 (304) CadIeux $1215 (304), (424) J L HudsDn COll1lpa.ny general teachers sUiPphe'S (558) Pay Roll $ 4050000 (619) The. EducatlOnal MUehlld account (621) Centrarl SCientific Company sCience suppbes H~gh (488) J M Waterston phYSIcal educatIon -supplIes, ers supphes and tests ac:on $4 50 (304) R1C\h JUg and office supplIes stock supphec $167 (108), (305) • 1998 ard $4 00 (304) tests $ 328 (312) 31 78 HIgh (305) 1548 1392 (622) Wolverme Sporting Goods Compa1lY, physI!Cal edu- (489) Dudley Lock CorporatlOn 'PhYSical educatIon sup suppltes stock $1225 (115) (426) The Waldcraft GorntPany .sUQ}phes speclal sub (564) Beecher Peck and LeWIS pnntmg stock office sup~ catton suppltcs, Defer $784 (305), HIgh $7585 Jects art CadIeux $199 (305) art Trombly plIes Defer $4 80 (305) IOlchard $2031 (305) 2511 plies and new eqmpmcnt -stock $1823 (115), (305) 8369 $596 (305) art RIchard $199 (305), (305) 994 (490) Wolverme Sporltng Goods Company physo",,1 .du- (623) The Schettler Drug' Corrlpany first tatd and catlOn supplIes HIgh (305) ,upt>hes Defer $356 office $4 34 s~ock $26 89 (427) M1chllgan Audubon SOCiety supplIes spe'Clal sub 6420 (112) RIchard $118 (304), Defer $5 14 (603) phys educ Hg1h 59c (305), (305) 1712 Jects SClence Richard (305) 500 (491) Samuel Bmgham s Son Mfg Company supplieS office $220 (603) 6154 physlcal education supplIes first aid $1653 (305), (428) A J NysIrs II R Reamore transportatlOn mlscellan (432) Amencan Type fte Bank rmterest on bonds (701) 384750 (570) Gregory Mayer and Thorn office suopplies, office 20i8 (631) Amencan ';-tate Bank mterest on bonds (701) 33750 (435) EdWin Allen Camp an) school hbranes mendmg (500) Jefferson Sa,mgs Bank I-tcrcst on hands C7(1) 714000 (110) (311) 4951 (501) Fldehty Trus1 Company prmclpal and mteTest pay (632) Grosse POl11~e Savings Bank mterest on bonds (571) L C SmIth and Corona Typewrters 1nc office (701) 5,41875 (436) Jaynes Hardware property not used for s'Chool ments on Senal Bonds prmOlpal $1600000 (703) , supplies and eqUipment repaIrs supplies office, purposes (403) 1344 mterest $8 372 50 (704) 2437250 335 (633) ChIcago Gymna'>1Un1 EqUIpment Company bUiJldm~ 45c (115) repam office $290 (213) fund HIgh school (2200 B) 16469 (436a) Henk Garska Company, msurance (501) 7708 (502) Gaylord Brothers lIbrary fund HIgh suppfues (900) 715 (572) Sterlmg Coal Company coal HJgh (202) (437) Braun Lumber Company alteratJ.ons ly $440 (212) (583) Berry Brothel'S Inc butldll1g repalrs and teachers NOVEMBER 3, 1936 Cadeux $4 05 (212) Defer $210 (212) HIgh suppltes Trombly $299 (212) general $10 76 (654) H D Edwards and Company bOlldmg and eqUIp- $11 93 (212) Kerby 65c (212) general $2559 (212) stock $582 (304) gen shop $2326 (305) 4283 ment repaIrS HIgh $4 25 (212) HIgh $1794 (2J.3) 2219 (655) Cad~l1ac Glass Company bUlldmg repairs Defer (453) Grosse POl11te Savmgs Bank refund hbrary fund $ 95347 (212) general 55c (214) RIchard $8 30 (304) ( 584) Caduilac Glass Company bmldll1g repaIrs and al (454) Payroll 39800 00 Trombly, $2 90 (304) HIgh $180 (304) scemceJ tera.t ons to bUlldmgs Defer $4 16 (212) Trom (212) 971 (656) Fred J Rob1l1son Lumber Company bUlldmg re- (455) Beecher Peck and LeWIS Chlld Accounting sup- HIgh $125 (305) geueral shop $1328 (305), bly *232 (212) Kerby $2 22 (212) general, $173 paIrs and new equlpment Trombly, $2430 (212), plies office and general teachers supphes sup $1 50 (403) 8240 (312) offices $2821 (601) 3864 phes $884 (108) ,uppl es stock $1123 (115), (521) BuchaTlan Lmen ServIce Ja111tors supplIes HIgh (585) Schwartz Electnc Company eqUIpment repaJlrs Mason $168\ (603) 4115 supphes office $4 76 (115) staltJpnery stock, $1625 (205) Defer $225 (205) Cad'C'11x $2 50 general shop supphes and office and general (403) 2774 (589) West Thsmfectmg Company eqmpment repaus, Trombly 49c (205) Mason $128 (205) Kerby, teachers supplIes" postage HIgh school $1712 (525) Maryland :electriC Company bUlJd~ng Tepalrs and Hlgfl (213) 1188 $245 (205) Defer $833 (205) Cad,eux $2 87 (115) postage offices $3400 (115) HIgh $195 alteT'3.tIOn'S to bmldmgs Hflgh $4536 (212), (590) Then SOCCla upkeep of grounds HI.g1h schoDl (214) 2400 (205) office 22c (205) (205) 1564 (205) frelgany general te.:l.cher,s supp1 es bu ld 1 b repa r~ '11 I rellalemel t of eqUip nent ment general 1278 (212) general $1865 (601) (666) (203) 194832 RIchard (304) / 346 ,toel $114) (205) 1IIGh $6109 (2P) Defer Ladleu, $5104 (601) fronJbly $2304 (601) LJ (212) H gh $16~? (216) Riel ard $570 (812) Vl1lage of Gras e Po: tf' I a1111Swater High $12;)1 (667) \Vebb Publ shng C01 ~pa y general teachers sup p 5273 H,gh $7592 (601) RIChard $4 62 (601) Mason (216) 9661 (204) Kerh' $402) (204) (204) 20968 plie6 RIchard (304) 1828 Allt't B v\ r :.ley Co pal y jamtor:, suppl es Hlgh $963 (603) GIDSSC 10 I te C. a L.lbl d 1d }-< ",-press Lom'tlal y (813) (668) EducatJOl al Film L\.chal ge general teachers sup (7,6) 582 (876) Ed\\ard Groll CqUlpllent repairs I-hgh (213) 121 1858 fr ght a ld ca tafe (207) 1191 (20J) plies H gh school (304) Contl11l.ntal (hen cal Gorpol at IOn Ja111tors U) (877) L J Clossey E'qulpment repa IS HIZh (?13) 22, (737) Lask1 1 \1 d gd 1 R,llh\ ay ~y~te 11<>'frelght and (814) (669) Eastman Educat on Slldes general teachers sup 14812 (878) Standard Samtary MfG Company equ pment re 1400 cartage C'07) 200 phe:, stock (205) piles High (304) (815) T1voh Bre\\ ng COl1pany Jal tor~ suppl es Ma on plaremel tHigh schuol (216) 3657 The NatIOnal Cash Ret, ster C0mpany general (738) Auto Lei ter kdd dtor Re)a r Can pa 1) OUlldl11g (670) 1 (205) 39(> D Appleton dnd Comp-my textbooks RIchard (30.1) 1084 teachers supJ..;hes High (304) 300 repa rs "Ja:.o1 ( 1 ) 100 (879) 295 217 City of 1 renton Boal d of F ducatlOn general (739) De 0 t Eln ator (0 p,,-). 1 u ldmg repalr~ I-11gh (816) Vacuup 011 Compan) Janitor:, upphes High (205) (880) Fredenck A Stokes Company textbQO'ks High (671) Bock..,tarz Bothers Jan tors ~upphes stock $2107 tea-ehers supp! es general (304) 50 (?1?) 563 (817) (881) Silver Burdett 'lnd Company textbooks and mUSIC RoV\. Peterson and Company general teachers sup (74, Johl so 1 Sen Cf' Campa) b uld fib repd.lrs H1gh (205) \la on $412 (205) Kerby $412 (205) supphes R1chard $4.) 60 (303) MUSIC CadJ1eux (672) Defe1 $41' (205) High $342 (205) CadieUX 15699 pIles general (304) 140 (?P) 3025 (305) $6264 Tromb1) $4875 (305) $245 (,0,) (20,) 3930 Bureau of Pub1JcatlOns teacher .... College general (673) Pubhc School Pubhshmg Compa11'\, general teach (741) H A. h1fe bu Id l'1g repa r:, I\..erby (212) 1800 (88$) (818) MlchIga Bell felepho le Company te1ephone ser teachers snpplJe:, High 30e (304) general $3 50 ers 'luppl es general ()04) t 110 (74') 11 \1 StJ. 1 \L..ld 1 ery C01 val y bUild 19 r<,palr,., v ce gener.! $12990 (206) Trqmbly $1170 (206) (304) Trombly $175 (304) (304) 555 (674) Supem tendent of Documents gf'ueral teachers 11>"h (212) 442 I 430 1580 Defer $1143 (206) Kerby $600 (206) Ver (883) vVebster Pubhshmg Company genera.l )ea.chers supphes gene.ral (304) (743) O\elhead DoOI Co 111a)1Y bUIld 1g repa 1S High 175 ?O Harcourt Brace and Company general teachers J ales vV P:u t1a 1 b1 J1dlll~ upa rs Deier (212) 1~635 n el ~610 (206) 'lason $1007 (206) (206) supphes CadIeux $512 (304) Richard $1322 (675) (744) Nat anal Freight Company fie ffht d.nd cartage 2818 297 Anencan Blowev CU! poratlOn bmldmg repa1r's (819) (304) Mason $815 (304) Defer $169 (304) f supplles gem.ral (304) (745) 132 Houghton \1 f£1n Company rreneral 1I..-achers sup H gh (212) 2424 (207) (884) EducatIOnal FIlm L change general teachers ,.,up (676) Detr01t C1t) Gas Company ga!> High $500 (209) 1608 pIles general (304) I 40 (746) J ann P Croll111 bu ldlllg repall s office alteratIOn:, (8,0) phes HIgh school (304) a Id build ng fund High ~60 65 (212) RH..hard Defel $100 (209) Cad eux $100 (209) Tram (1385) Ml1ton Bradley Company eeneral t~achers $UP- (677) D App-leton and Company general teacher:, sup hly $695 (709) Mason $100 (209) Vermer pIles and art supplles stock $200 (304) Defer 348 $1 80 (212) SI 01' 80c (305) office $1506 (601) pItes general (304) (ID 1695 H gh '>2684 (2300 A) 10515 $1 (209) Ke"by $100 (209) $40 95 (304) Cadleu", $217 (304) Kerby 2& (678) Bureau of Publ catlOns Teachers College general Grosse POl11te Wll dow Cleamng w1l1dow c1eanmg (304) Rlchar4 ~3187 (304), Mason $2305 (304) 150 (747) Gro<;se Pomte Hardware bU11d1lg rep;.l.1rs and (821) teachers supphcs general (304) (211) 21666 Trombly $802 (304) art stock $2700 (305), Rand Mc~ally and Company gcneral teachers l11SCeJlaneous supphes H gh $1577 (212) general (679) (822) Berry I310t~ers b wldlllg repairs stock $4807 supplies 45c (311) 13579 supphes gfne"al (304) 218 ~4 35 (212) R chard $410 (212) Defer 45e 10182 (212) 1[ason 78e (212) Tro nbly $340 (212) (212) 1 romhly $53 15 (212) (212) (886) Colorado State Teclichers College generaJ teach (680) Macmillan Pubhshl11g Company general tea>chers (823) Robert L Webh bUlI supphes general $300 (304) High 30c (301) 330 suppbes 1 romb1) 72c (304) general $336 (304) general $135 (214), ,lop $170 (305) 60c (403) 3250 1500 R F Beaupre bmkll1 q; repa1r" general 95 (212) }!lgh $1275 (212) (212) (887) Doubleday Doran anQ. Company general te.achers (304) 408 (748) $2 240 (212) Kerb, $170 (212) (212) 470 I (824) Crane ,company bUllc1mg repa1rs Mason $319 sup.phes general (304) (681) 5101s Vlsual Mus c Company heneral teachers sup (212) ofhces ~2 60 (212) (212) 599 The H W W lIson Company general 'teachers sup 1404 (749) Standall Sa11ltary Mfg Company bu ldmg repa r" (888) phes Defer (304) (825) MOl11te vV"terproof (;rlue Company bUilld10g re pI es general (304) 700 Berry Brother<; general teaClhers supplies stock replacemel t of e lU1j)ment J. d auto ;,hop sup (682) pa rs and gencral shop supphe'l gene1al $15 n (889; ;Rand McNally and C91npan» g'Cneral teachers SUlD (304) \ 393 pi es Bigi $368 (212) office $502 (212) 1792 Mason $1454 (212) High $2528 (216) auto (212) general shop $200.(305) phes Defer (304) 1128 MIlton Br"dley Company general teaj:hels supphes Caddlac Glass Company bu 1dmg repairs and ge 1 (683) shop $8 '8 (305) 5710 (826) (8PO) Denoyer Geppert C( mpany general teaGhers sup and art supphes stock $6195 (304) art Tram eral shop supphes High $1237 (212) general phes 'fason $203 (304) Defer 45e (304) 7850 (750) Allen Wales C01porat 01 eqmpment re1Hlrs of-fice 1455 hly $215 stock $1440 (305) 572 shop $218 (305) Trombly $215 (304) (304) 563 Charles Cutler general teacher suppl~elj Defer (713) Sta 1dal d Sal1ltary Vlfg Company b1.11ldl11grepaIrs (684) EkLtr c Storage B'1t elY Compan) eqUIpment re (827) (891) Beecher Peck and I eWlS general teachers sup $4 00 (304) Mason $300 (104) Tromh1y $300 (7,1) shop sup hes and new eqUlpn ent H1gh $1459 p11rs vIas(n (213) 450 plies and shop '>upphes I-Itgh $3999 (304) (304) Richard $400 (304) Cadlcux $300 (304) (212) gc mal shop $927 (305) general $8 78 Mason $276 (304) general shDp $11 06 (305) 5381 2000 (7'2) D R "Ilddleton equ p 1 ent repairs High (213) 675 3264 Kerby $300 (304) (304) H D I:dwal <\"i and Compa 1) equ pment replace (603) (892) American Book Company ...general teachers sup MIch1gan School Senlce Inc general teachers (753) H D rdwards Company buJ1dllJ.g repaIrs and (685) ment Trombly (2'16) 3388 (828) phes Maso 1 $1\00 (304) Richard $5400 (304) supphes art supphes al d new equ pment Defer cqu P lent rcplacen Cl1t H gh $392 (212) Defer Trombly $2520 (304) (304) 9420 (754) na k C 1 eal (.( u 1 le 1t replacl111c t 1ro nbly 1004 $150 (304) art Richard $733 (305) Defer 9448 $612 (216) (893) MIc11lgan School Serv ce Company general teach 4823 $,480 (216) stock ~39 68 (216) (216) B1Shop Gra:,san 11c cqu pment repairs High 325 $1990 (603) frombly $1950 (603) Scott 1 orcsma 1 a 1d COlnpa y textbook:, High (829) eTs supplies Mason (304) Wolvenne Sport 19 Goods Campau) supphes (755) 2015 (686) (303) 8520 (213) (894) The H R Huntmg Company general teachers sup subjects pI:> s educ HIgh (305) 2866 Gn ll11 Brothers equ pment repa rs and mUS1C 190 Hou--,l to 1 \{ I Company textbooks Bibh (303) 199 (830) pbes Mason (304) Baeder Adamson Company suppl es spec al sub (756) m I-!lgh $500 (213) music High $60P (305) 11 00 (687) Charles F Merr 11Company texthooks "tock (303) 3102 (a95) The Zaner Bloser Company general teachers sup 1205 (757) The Rayl Can pal y eqmpment replacement High 38 Jccts general shop (305) Horace I ve Ight Inc tex.tbooks H gh (303) 453 (831) pl",s Mason (304) A G Spaldu g an 1 Brothers sup)l es S1)ecal sub (758) 4735 (688) (759) VV11a 1 \1orrow a Id Company I IC teXitbooks (21() (896) Industnal Arts..l(,oQ )e"at ve Service general teach 750 1 WI 1. C ty SCE'l11CCompal y equ pment replacement 352 Jects Fl:Jgh phys cal educatIOn (305) 491 (802) ers supphes TVlaso1 (304) Crawford La mdry Company supphes SpLC1.1 :,Lb H gh (303) a ld new eqUIp nent High ~5 82 (216) HIgh (689) All} n and Bacon tu..tbooks H gh (303) 5274 (897) World '"Book Coml an} general teachers supphes 952 (760) ~115 00 (2100 A) Trombly $15620 (2300 D) Jectlj domestlc sCience (305) I laIC' B 01,0,1'and Co npany tcxibook9fl 11 g;h (303) 1 76 and tests High ~ 80 (304) Richard $696 (304) (761) 1071 77 10937 f 0 j Gen BIOI Supply House High 'lc ence (305) 3919 Doulleday Dora 1 and COlrp'11y textbo( ks I-Itgh Richard $794'75 (2300 H) Tests $9761 (312) (762) 64 94 (601) HI' nan GOldbe ge:r Agercy school hbranes (303) 165 (833) John C Wm~ton Company te}Ctbooks stock (303) (898) The Boydell Brotl t;r<; Company supphes spectal '22025 '5179 subjects general hop (305) 986 magaz:lleS (311) (7C3) Tyo 1S anJ CarnahJ. 1 te"Xtbooks stock (303) 7882 (834) Lyons al d Can ahan textbooks stock (303) 01 ver Mach1l1ery (J npany suvpl es speclal sub ,eJ2) Magazme of M clllgan school 1111atles maga Mac 1 nl1an Pub1Jsh1l1g Co npany te>..tbooks H gh 6441 (89~) 500 (764) (815) Charle:, L Mcrnll Compan) te"{tbooks stock (393) 1985 zmes (311) (303) 581 rects general shop (305) (836) W 11a 11 II Sadl1er Tnc textbooks CadIeux (303) 321 (693) ,RemmglOll Rand Bus nc~s Serv ce school lib (765) 1h(.. Jo 1 C Wl11SiOl1Conpa y tn books 11dgel (900) Taylor Automotn. e Supply Company supphes rane:, suppl es (311) 1630 (837) Scott Fores na 1 and Company textbooks and ge I spec1al subjects 'luto shop (305) 240 cral t<...achers suppl es 11 gh $2019 (103) 1 rom eral tea<..her'l supplies stock $1583 (303) gep (694) Wagenvoord a1C! Lv panv school 1blar es books hly .150 (304) 2169 (901) Crawford Laundry Cotnpany stlpphes speclar sub H gh $26 58 Tlichdl I $280 (311) ,1 ndmg $4360 eral $135 (304) Kerhl $570 (304) Vermer Jects domestic sCienCe (305) 642 (706) (, 1 '111d C 11 J.1) te>..tbouks generaf t<...J.cher:, ~) 28 (314) \la,ol1 $576 (304) Richard 75e (311) (311) 7298 suppl es 'lei 1 111)1dnc st }ck 'j;9571 (303) S gma Gamma Convalescent Home tUlhon.(309) 3126 (304) 3873 (902) (695) Henk Garska C llPJ. 1V I su ance (501) 8674 R d ard $776 (3031 11ason $639 (301) Cad (903) Demco Llbrar) Sup,pltes hbrary suppltes and new (838) Gum at d Co 11 al v textbooks a ld general teacher-l. (696) Ameflcan State Ba 11 tere<;t on Cut re 1t l11debted IeUA $147 (303 High ~lq03 (303) T omb1y eqUipment equipment $4030 (311) High $510 1 717 87 Slpphes s(ocl $550 (303) Mason $834 (303) 4540 ness (504) 4 c (301) herl v 41c (303) Defer 440 (303) Ver 1 er $1016 (101) High $1800 (303) H gfh (603) NatIOnal nag a ld DeCal J.tll g Lompal y 1 ('\l \ er I I $)74 (10) pc Ieral $117 (304) books (904) DetroH Moto! bus Campan} transportatlOn stock (697) $661 (304) 4861 eqUlPJne 1t HKhard (6 3) 890 h chare ~ b4 (311) 13895 (401) 1 50000 (839) \lll1to 1 B "dIn Can pally genel al teaL hers suppl ('., (698) H W v\ 11son Campa 1) 1brar) lund books (9JO) 600 (767) Bducat 0 al 1 J1 11 I '\.chaoel gf'i erJ.l It:..aLhen up (905) Mrs H R Reamore transportation nllScellaneous and art supphes stock ~32 70 (304) R chard 696 (699) Harlem Book Company hbrary fund boo1-..s (900) 91~ pi es H gl (304) 1608 (401) $?210 (304) Cadleu", $969 (304) Kerby $110 Dr Howard McCluskey speakers (404) 5000 (168) Bureau of P'Lb11c<1t100Sgenel al teachel s :suwhes 004 frOl'1bh $305 (304) art R,chard $1375 (906) JNNUAR Y 5, 1931 R cha d (301) 8239 (907) Father h J H ckey speakers (404) 50PO (305) 700 (769) Rand McNally and Company general Can pany supphes spec~al 1264 (915) Beecher Peck and LeWIS ptmt1l1g and publica (304) (304) \ 2278 (704) MichIgan B~l1 Tekpho 1e COhlpo::lny telephone ser subjects domestic 'lJIt (305) 9550 Beecher Peck and Lew s general teachers sup tlon bulletms (112) (844) Detrolt ,Photo Engrav1l1g Company prmtmg and VICe'" general $1,731 (206) Trombly $1252 (775) The \-fU'61CStOle of J L Hudson supphes speCial phes stock (304) 711 (914) (206) Defer $1315 (206) Kerby $600 (206) subjects musIc High (305) 360 86J7 (845) The J L Hudson Company gene al teac~ers sup Vermer $610 (206) \la on $1167 (206) (206) 18665 (776) The Chas A Strdl11ger Company supphes speCIal (915) H~~~c~~~~I~u~~~~~a~;12~nntlng and ~pubbca tlon plies and new eqUlpment Mason $44Sl- (304) 2730 (705) Standard Carload111g Cort~.oratlOn freIght and cart subjects auto shop (305) 1179 Richard $1246 (304) ge"era1 40c (304) auto hullitl11s (112) , age (207) 447 (777) Oliver Mach111ery Company supplies :,peclal sub (916) 'tJ-t.e Van Leyen Hensler Company pnntmg and shop $150 (305) phy, ed Righ $160 (305) 920 (706, DetrOIt City G ~ Cu I pan" ga~ SUpply 111gh $500 Jec s gel erdJ shop (30,)) 671 art HI6h .135 Rlchord 95c (305) ofhce ~8 90 pubhLatlOll bul1etlrs (112) (209) Defer $100 (209) Cad eux $100 (209) Wllham M French pmnt ng and pubhcatlOn bulle (778) Crawford Laundry Co 11palY supplles spec1al >sub (603) 3161 (917) Trombly $7911 (209) Kerhy $100 (209) Mason Jed:. domestic SCIcnce (305) 915 (305) ollice $2500 (603) 8205 (846) rrank C Teal Company suppl es spe-clal subject., $100 (2b9) Vermer $100 (209) (209) 3931 (779) AmerJcan Book Company school llllbranes books 2775 (918) CustodIan Account postage and l11lscellaneous sup general shop (305) plIes and eqUlpment pIck up repalrlj 1Sc (l1J2 (707) Charlotte Lau general tea-ehers supplies Mason R ch and Companv new eqUlpment Kerlw ~6 52 (206) Vermer $600 (206) (206) 21497 3500 hnlletms (112) $ 2500 gas pUlcbase agle,nt rlOOO (113) carpenter Kerhy (60') (926) DetrOit CIty Galj Company gas Defer $100 (209) (861) Grosse POl1te Pnntmg Company prmtmg an4- ~ $10 00 (113) (113) 5000 (794) The Cleek Supply Campa lY new eqmpme 1t High _ Tromhly $52q (209) Mason $1 DO (209) Vel 03) 2250 publ cat a 1 general teachers suppl es and prop (719) A B D ck Company office supphcIj office (l1S) 1590 (9 el tv not Ilsed for school purposes bulletIns mer $1 00 (209) CadieUX $100 (209), Kenby (795) Gros'le P0111te Savll1hS Ba k mteIcst on bonds $100 (209) High ~5 00 (209), (209) 1529 (720) Ditto I1c ollice supphcs &tOCh (115) 310 $1100 (112) fllgh school $1800 (304) $500 p c pal and l11tere<;t P1.Y1 ellts 01 se4 al bo 1ds (927) The Crane Company bUlldmg repa'lrs general (212) 779 (721) Volk Stamp and StenCIl Compau) office su )l)l!es ~14 875 00 (701) $41l00 00 (703) $109(500 (704) 2984000 (403) 34 Oil V1llage C'arJ.["e St pply debvery and upkeep of (928) TUI ner Res.lhent Flors Inc bU11dmg repa.lrs and oRlce (115) 416 (796) DetrOIt a let SCCUJ1'lt)Trust Company 1 tzrest 011 (862) new equ pment High $92 96 (212) Mason $790 (722) Chas R Snyder office supphes stock (115) 3038 b01ds (701) 56250 grounds rc pal1 s 1 ardor $1 70 (113) repairs 10086 truck $215 (113) "pairs Pick up $745 (113) (603) (723) Custodian account po<;ta.ge 'lnd 1111scellaneo'lls sup (797) Sey 110ur E Pond COI pan) lIbrary fund books NaJtlOnal Marble Company bmldllng repaIrs K.erby genel a1 !i>2 40 (214) 1410 (929} pl1es and ('vel ng school salal e<; po'ltagc b0urd R chard $9609 suppb" $4 43 (900) 10052 (212) 910 ollices ~2D00 (115) gCI era1 $9 OS (301) II oh (798) VV D Gale 1.nulchng fU1d Rlcl ard (2200 I) 149500 (863) Gregorv Mayer and 1 ham offi<;e stlppltes office (115) 3087 (930) Berry I'kothers Inc b 1lldmg repaIr '}nd auto shop 69c (104) Defel 25c (304) Cad eux $100 (304) (799) rastn .11 Xo lak Store" rnc bmlding fund -equ~p supplles, general $357 (212) auto shop $1499 (864) The Detro t Test ng Laboratorv coal H~gh (202) 2000 ph) s euucatJO 1 $4 89 (305) sJ.lanes $S20 00 ment II gl ~b7 50 (2300 A) Trombly $15750 (305) 1856 (108) ,upphes $166 (311) 55754 (2300 D) R c1 a,c1 ~157 50 (2300 H) 47250 (865) Buchanan I me 1 ServIce Jalllto! 'l supplIes Cadaeux $225 (205) Defer $225 (205) Ihgh $1400 (931) The J OUlSAlhs Compdny eqUIpment repaIrs Defer (724) Gregol) Mdyer and 1h0111 officr supphes and new (213) 352 equipment sU'pplles office '1)2034 (115) office FEBRUARY 2, 1931 (205) Koby $400 (205) Richard $225 (205) Mason $3?5 (205) Trn l'bly $425 (205) Vern,er (932) Robe.rt L Welsh eqt.lpment repaIrs Hlgth $900 $7059 (603) 9093 $200 (205) ollice 160 (205) (205) 3585 (213) Mason $900 (213) Cad"ux $700 (213) (725) I'\..oemg Coal a 1d Supply COl1pam <-oal CadIeux (800) Pay roll $ 40500 00 (213) 2500 $14591 (202) effice ~14595 (202) VClluer $9000 (801) Jefrerson Sav 19~ Ban1 tranc;[er library fund 1519 (866) Grosse POllltL Hardwal e mIscellane-ous supplIes and repa r~ st )ck $400 (205) Trombly 20c (933) L C Smith and Corona Typewnters Inc eqUip (202) (202) 38190 +802) 1f1.rt I A Pre tOl Il1gh school a!tel atlOns High 210 (205) Vermel "Oc (205) Hugh 20c (205) HI&h 111I'nt repair office (213) (726) VIllage of Gro:,qe Po I te \\ dter and property not 5chool (?'OO P) 43062 (934) Maryland Electnc Compa:ny equ~iPment repalr and (801) Leggett Doll and 1 oster II1gh sCjhool alte1at on .2532 (?12) TlOlIb1) ~500 (212) Cad eux med for school purposes nigh $49G20 (204) $120 (21?) Richard 75c (21.1 beneral, $450 replaLement of eqUlpment Cacheux $100 (213) C.d,eu}. $35 60 (204) $2200 (403) 54840 IlI,h 'choo1 (2)00 B) 811 00 H,gh $200 (213) H.gh $3960 (216) 4260 (804) \L.cDo laId Smith Llectnc Camp an} aJtel at ons to (212) genua1 $585 (214) Trombly $225 (304) (727) VIllage of Loth noor \\ater and property lot used Mason $.1(6 (304) stock 50c (304) auto shop (935) R B Richardson equ pment replacement R~chard bmldll1!:{o.al d b11l1dmg fund Hllgh $8918 (601), 2735 for school purpo::.es Mason $8530 (204) $343 $1460 (305) gene"l shop 1 50 (305) 7023 .500 (216) High $2235 (216) (216) (403) 8873 11 gh $1019'37 (2700 B) 1 10855 (936) D R Middleton eqUIpment replacement HLgh Ala:, Ghc qUlere bu Idl11g fUl d Hlgh (2200 B) 4164 90 (867) DetrOIt \\ aste Works JaHltors sllpplJes stock (728) VIllage of Grosse Pomte Park wa.ter supply Defer (815) (205) 2733 (216) 7802 (806) Shell Petr01eUll Corporat on supply del velY chlld $5440 (204) 1rombly $2300 (204) 7740 Cha:> A StJ clmger Company janitors suppbes and (937) Fred Medart Mfg Company eqUIpment replq.ce , ct~ $10 00 (113 rordor ~1O00 (1l3) PIck up (868) 1572 (729) Vldlage of Grosse POlllte Shores '\\-atel \ er shop supplielj Ma"ol1 26c (205) art Hlgh 93'C __ment HIgh (216) mer (204) 1 "0 $617 (113) (113) 2617 (938) Riley Stoker Corporation eqUIpment replacement (807) A B D1Ch. Can pan} office supphes office (115) 15 89 (305) auto shop 2473 (305) gen shop $j951 (730) Buchanan] men Sefl Ice JanltOl s t.upphes Cad em,. (305) ,~ 75 4~ HIgh (216) 468 (80S) Cu todl.l11 Account postage sup.phes evenl11g $200 (205) office $1 (0 (?05) Defel $2~0 (205) Grosse POl11te Cartage and Express Company (939) Scott Fore:,man and Compapy textbqoks stock <;rJ001 1 Q ta.,e ofJlcc 51730 I-:l:Jgh $3 00 Mason (869) 375 ,I-h~h $1475 (205) Kelbv $200 (205) Rlchard freight and cartage (207) 1877 (303) $250 (205) Mason $3?5 (205) Trombly $4 00 $' 50 (115) TronJblv $120 (205) general $112 We:bster Pubhshmg Compa.py general tea-chen \ (870) John P Crollln bUlldmg repairs High (212) 2720 (940) (205) Vermer $100 (205) 3360 (304) '" }!lgh $304 (39-4) Mason $2 40 (304L supphes Kerby $256 (304) Defer $450 (304) (871) <..oon De V1sser Comp1.uy bmldmg reipalrs High (731) The Scb:ettler Drug Company ]a1'l1tors IsuP'Pl~es sCience H gh 99c (305) salanes $42112 (308) Cad1eux, $4 30 (304), (304) Hlgi\. (20,) 950 supphes, £Oc (311) 45317 O~ UOO 1


(941) Bureau of PubllcatlO1lS gerteral teachers suppll1es, (1017) Detroit Edlsoh Company light and power Hlgh (1092) VlIlage Garage rcpans Fordor (113) 1345 (1157) M lton Bradley Companv fre g'lt and cat;jt1gc general (304) 375 $100539 (203) Defer $13536 (205) offices $6 41 (1093) ~hel1 Petroleum CorporatIOn supply dch\rery and gc lcretl tCdc1 Cl t> '> 1 1 c rt" 11P~lCS $441 (942) A T Nystrom and Company, general teachers (203) CadieUX $3183 (203) Kechy $1444 (203) upkeep of grounds Gas Iordor $10 00 truch. (207) \1asoll $,56 (304) Galc!, $417 (114) suplp1es Trombly (304) 524 Venuer $299 (203) Mason $12ll33 £203), $10 00 pick uo $10 00 earpcnter $10 00 (113) Defcr $)70 (3041 I romblv f2 HIJ (04) ,tock (943) Newson and Company general teacrtlcrs suppl!\es, R ~hard $l'4441 (203) Trombly $210 82 (203) general $1000 (214) 5000 $10 13 (104) art Richard ~13 1) (300) art 'Trombly (304) 507 (203) 167198 (1094) Cuslodlan Account postage ph) slca1 cducatlOn ~tock $42J (305) (944) Gregor) Mayer and Thom Company general (1018) Bockstanz Brothers Janitors supphes High $956 suppbes al d evcn ng SCHool salarIes postagc (1158) Dctlo t <:- ty G"s Can J .. lV ,t.et~ <;1111 H~gh teachers supphes and new eqmpment stock (20,) 110mbly $171 (205) Defer $412 (205) I11gh $1250 Lad eu>, ~1 00 office $1650 (115) $5 GJ (209) J) lei $10J (20J) Lad eu, $100 $1274 (304) High $2 79 (304) office $2580 (603) 4133 (205) 1539 phys cd High $100 (305) salarieS $,5000 I (2( 9) herb) '!CO (~OJ) ) I ) $1173 (~09) (945) (1019) Grosse Pomte Hard\Vare sup..phcs repairs and (308) 58100 Mason $20J (20J) \ clnlcr ~1 00 (20)) (209) 2473 J B Lappmcott and Company suppLies speCial sub (1095) s'lop High $235 (205) Defer $150 (205) High L.mon Paper and Tw ne Company supplles High (1159) 1 d 1 ~ 6,0 Jects domest1-l,..art (305) 696 Jullt1::. Damt tun 1~ and rq a r 0 p (210) $733 (212) Trombly $6 97 (212) Cadieux $280 schoo' (115) (946) Gnnnell Brothers sU.l2phes speclal subjects rrtUS1~ 80 (1160) 11 c Crane Call pal} 1>uIdll g rq a 1:> High (212) 131 (212) general $700 (212) Defer $493 (212) (1096) The DetrOIt festmg Lel.b)rator} coal Ihg11 sel 001 H,gh (~05) 3681 (1161) general $220 (214) gen shop $2 10 (305) auto (202) 700 Otto A \'\ ur 11 J I lei 1 g reI a J 1 1 r 1 (212) 750 (947) Lee Machmcry Company supplies speCial subjects ,hop $100 (305) " 3818 (1097) Koenig Co tl and St 1ply Compal y COd.I Kerby ( 1162) Cetd Hac lrla s Co pal:> bu II .b I<'I n Hlgl auto shop (305) 759 $238 (212) Dcl r ~16 20 (212) 1858 (1020) M1chlgan Bell felephone Co 1 pany telCl)hone (202) 11093 (948) The Chas A Strehnger Company suppll1es speclal (1163) 11 ]) Lei \al d" <1.1d C 1 pa 1 1 1 g d 1 C\ll 1 general $15510 (206) Defer $1212 (206) Trom (1098) Stcl1ll1g Coal Company coetl II gh scho >1 (202) subjects auto shop (305) ..... '980 29139 n e1 t repd 1'0 11 hl <;:1)3 (212) 1l1.,1 'j;4~SJ (211) 622 bly $1174 (206) Mason $1183 (206) Vermer (1099) Dctrolt hdlS011 Compa 1J I gl t al I power 11lgh (949) Wolverme Sporting Goods Company supphes spec (1164) \ lk:,.t1. 1. 1 "ltl 1L 1 Lo J \ ) III 19 rc $6 00 (206) Kerby $6 04 (206) (206) 20283 $92050 (201) Def" $12746 (203) offic" $594 lal subjects pnys educ (305) 1Mr etll! c [tlJ 1 l l I tlrs t II I ,,27,) (212 3464 (1021) Gros,se Pomte Cartage and Express Company (203) Lad eux $3719 (203) Kerhy $1373 (203) (950) Lakeshore Motor Sales supplIes speCial subjects, ofb I $441 (213) 714 frelgh( and cartagc (207) 1697 Vcrmcr $271 (203) M~son $11558 (203) Trom auto shop (305) Mal \-lel. t 1 lectr L CO] I ) 1 1 Ie! h rt"! a r 345 (1022) DetrOIt City Gas Con 1?any gas High $500 (209) bl} $22823 (203) Riel ard ~123 32 (203) (203) 157466 (1165) (951) Funk and Wagllall~ Company supplies speCial su.b CjUPllC1t lCldr .. III c 1 nn It rq IdV I el t Defer $100 (209) LadlCl.x $100 (209) Kerby (1101) Modern Laundl y Company Ja11ltor~ ;).1 d auto '!hop Jects dome~tlc art (305) 380 )1 gh ~1717 (212) Cd lic I 00 (211) 11 g $100 (209) Mason $100 (209) Vermer $100 ,upplies 1ran bly $192 (205) M.son $16' (205) (952) The J L Hudson Company supplIes spciClal sub $22)( (21( I 4813 (209) Trombly 100 (2J9) (209) 1100 Kerby $168 200) DI fcr $515 (205) LadlCLiX Jects and n.ew eqUipment domestl'c SCIence $600 (1166) Stet d Inl ~a I tdf\ \1 f C :) 1 t tiel Ig rcpalr" 750 (1023) Cadillac Glass Company bUlldmg repairs Kerby $247 (2051 Richard 67c (205) auto sl10p $4 21 (305) High $150 (305) • 11 ke 1 i grOl 1 1 L I 1 II t IcJ 11.<..e] e It a ld (212) 283 (305) 1775 (953) Dctront Motorbus Company transportatIOn of el.ltlratlO b to bu 111 h'> 11 gl (1024) Standard Sal1l1tary Mfg Compa11! bUlldmg repairs (1102) Grosse Po nle Hardwarc jamtors suppllcs buddimg $1 11 (212) 11 gh clas"s on field tnps RIpev;lltCl~ ClUlP111e1t (W27) D R Middleton eqUIpment repalr Mason (213) 940 er.l $15426 (206) Trombly $1457 (206) Deler (957) Wm BastIen transportatlOn miscellaneous (401) 500 (1028) H 0 Trence Comparty eqUipment repla'Cement j 1 epa IS Cadleu,\: ~d 001 (213) 200 $1896 (206) Mason $1231 (206) \ ermer $000 The Gore Iflo COll pel I) eCjllll I el t repa I~ from (958) Volk Stamp and Stencll (ompany alterat1on~ to High (216) 475 (206) Kerby $21278 (206) (206) 21278 (1170) butldl11gs general (601) (1029) The Gorel1.fl-o Company eqUipment rep1acement, bly (213) - 650 289 1120 (1104) De.trolt CIty Ga~ Company ga<: Defcr $100 (209) (959) Mason L Brown and Son bUilding fund proposed Defer (216) (1171) M A.rtl tlr 1he1.t(' 1 J j 11el t Co 11el.ny cqu p Trombly $3 00 (209) Vermer $100 (209) Cad Ilelt repel.ts lIbh () 3) 160 Sites (2100 0) W(}OO (1030) Amencan Safety EqUlptnent Company rechargmg ICUX $100 (209) Kcrby $100 (209) H gh $500 Gr nnell Brother:o c 1 I I 1 cnt rCJ d r and ph) s cal (960) Alo1s A Ghesqulere bUlldmg fund H~gh addItIon fire exmtgulshers (217) 228 (209) (209) 1200 (1172) (2200 B) _ educd.tl 1 '>uppltc II gh $750 (?13) R Lhard 123000 (1031) Grosse POinte HIgh school book store textbooks (1105) Grosse Pomte Wll1dow Cleanmg wmdow clean $200 (213) II" e I 111gh J 80 (lIJ5) 1530 (961') Martm A Preston buddmg repairs an~ buildltlg and general teachers 5upphes HIgh $91 40 (303) 'ng (211) 11766 21666 (1173) C P ~tc III Cl L 1al \ U! I ('cp of grounds fuud geneml $500 (212) H,gh $4500 (2200 B) 5000 High $2626 (304) (1106) (962) MacDonetld Smith ElectriC Company bUrlldmg (W32) Laldlaw Brothers general teachers suppItes High Crane Company bUlldmg repalrs Hlgh school (212) 312 R c1 drd $228 (2l!) 11lg1 $' I ('HI 484 (1107) Cadillac GL",s Campau} bUlld1l1g repairs 1ran fund H1gh alterations (2200 B) 40691 (304) • 385 11 bly (212) 231 (1174) ] P 11m 1 tljl (ll of 6rt 1" Dl."fcr (214) 353 (1033) Scott Foresman and Company general teacher~ (117,) Ldw (, J C\ 1. J c('p f gr I lrlgh ~450 (1108) Multlstamp Products Compd.ny eqmpment rcpalr MARCH 16, 1931 supplies Richard (304) 1231 (214) \la 01 .30J (214) )r I bh ~;OO (214) 1050 High (213) 361 (1034) McArthur Thca1er hqU1pment Company general (1176) [hc :C('kl df 1t ( )1J j 1) Oil Cll of glUU ld RIch (963) Grosse Pomte Prmtmg Company prmtmg and teachers supphes High (304) 176 (1109) Grinnell Brothers equ pmcnt rcpalr Maso 1 (213) 200 ard (214) 5000 pubhcatlOn bulIetms (112) 2350 (1035) Revlew of ReViews CorporatIOn generetl teachers 11110) Robert Wclsh equ pme lt repa.Jrs H gh~ $225 (1177) The DclytOI Ul dl gr I H1 '--lPI kkr Corpol d.t 01 (964) Vdlage Service StatIOn -supply 'Ciehvery Fordor supplies High (304) 375 (213) Defer ~4 75 (213) frombly $350 (213) upkeep of groolCJ:, 1libh (214) 4421 $1000 (113) PICk up $1000 (113) carpen'er (1036) AmerJcan EducatIOn Press lue general teachers Mason $150 (203) (203) 1200 (1178) 11 c Pontlat.. I\ur::,c y Compti I} Ut keep of grol1nd~ $10 00 (113) a rs Trombly (1180) The \\ olff lOll 1any ..c 11P 11cnt rC] I tCCI CIt Cad (113) (113) 1114 ers supplies Kerby (304) 197 $200 (213) High $1200 (211) (213) 1400 lcU" (216) 3334 (966) Multlstamp Products Con'ipany office sUppl).es sup (1039) Fred J Robmson Lumber COln)any general teach (1113) Fred J Robll1s0 1 Lumber Compan} repair etl1d (1181) 1 he Rayl Co 1 pa I cqUll e t rcpldt..ullC It II gh plies office $10 00 (115) supphes lligh $490 ers supphe<; and alteratlon"- to buJldmgs Richard new eqUlpn1'ent Defer :1>176 (213) general $2035 (21G) Ma on $120 (211) (2Jr) 2155 j I (115) supplies Mason $262 (115) (115) 1752 $599 (304) High $23 74 (601) 2973 $1225 (214) general shoo $461 (305) High (1182) 11 \1 Stdrk \1 <1eh11 cry C I !..11\ Cjl1lpll Clt rl (967) D~tto 1nc office suppLies supphes Trombly $6 20 (1040) Kelvmator Sale!:>CorporatlOl supphes spcclal sub $2872 (603) Trol1bly $10 37 (603) 5771 placemci t H gh school (216) 27 )0 I I (115) sU!'Phes Richard $620 (115) (115) 1240 jccts domestlc sCience (305) 450 (1114) The Eckhardt Company upkeep of grou Ids H gh (1183) Scl wartz I kctnl. Co I11Mly {' UIIl CIt rcplacl" (968) Alvah Bu.shnell Company, office su'pphes H1.gh (1041) General BlOlogrlcal Supply House supplies speCIal $11310 (214) Trol1bly ~1070 (214) (214) 12380 Ilent H gh <1770 (211) R1CI 1 d $150 (216) 1920 I (115) 1813 subjects SClence (Hu:gh) (305) 1391 (1115) Lyon Metal Ploducts Compal y rcpLacement of (1184) A1l1er c tn }< ducat 0 1 PrL~:O bC teral tCdd Lrs ~tll) (969) Gregory Mayer and Thorn office supphes office (1042) W Atlee Burpee Company supphes s.peclal sub equ pment II gh (216) 10 36 plle'> Cad eu, (304) 3 "6 (115) 1169 jccts sCience Hlg'h (301) 189 (1116) Tht.. John C \Vll1ston Company te'<:tbooks H~gh (1185) 1he MdC 11 Han CO!tpam ge lcral teachers suPVI e~ (970) Bruce Publishmg Company nus educ High (305) 6987 (1118) Rand McNallv .lud Company gencral teachers sup (1187) Pub 1c School Pllblt"h b Co 11a l} bel el .11teaL I $67858 (202) Cadieux $15083 (202) Richard (1045) Gustav Schwarz supphes speCial subjects SClence pIles gencral (304) 78 er'! sup )1Ics and tc~b T\Ll.~o $275 (304) $228 87 (202) (202) - 105828 High (305) 800 (11119) Fxcellent PIctures Coyporahol gencral teachcr!:> 1 ests $312 (1'2) 587 (-973) '1 he Schettler Drug Company Jamtors supphes, (1046) Vlllage Market suppu.es speOlal subjects, domestIc supp1 es Hlgh school (304) 2620 (1188) Thc \\ ale dft Can pol' a t 511 phl~ H bh school High (205) 950 sCience (305) 2810 (1120) College Entrance :CxammatJon Board general (305) J294 (974) The Ant:hor Paoklng Company JanItors suppltes, (1047) DetrOIt Motorbus Company transpor'tatJon of teachers supphes Hligh (304) 280 (1189) General BlOlog cal Su )ph House SClUlce suppI cs Hrgh (205) 502 dasses on field tllps 1940 (1121) Secondarv Education Board general teachers sup H1gh sch.ool (30,) 262Z (1048) The New York T mes Con pally school lrtbranes (975) Buchanan ulllen Service Janitors supplies CadIeux plies I11gh (304) 5000 (1190) 1 he Schulte \iff!:! (01 IP'll} do nc C SCICIce $1 75 (205) omce $1 60 (205) High $12 75 (205) books High (311) I 750 (1122) Wehster Publtshmg Company general teachers equ pment H gh scnool (3JS) 1715 Defer $) 75 r205) Kerby $200 (205) ~Ichard (1049) Public School Pubhshlng Comoany tcsts (312) 2016 supphe'! Kerby (304) 173 (1191) DctrOlt \1 chlga ~tovc Can pa I} (!vn c"tlc SCience $175 (205) 'l<[ason, $225 (205) Trombly $300 (1Q50) World Book Company tests (312) 907 1112J) Amencan Book Company general teachers sup equ pmel tHigh sel 001 '(305) 63 ao I (205) (205) 2885 (1951) Mrs H R Reamore transportatlon, m)scetlaneous pIles 1rombly (304) 734 (1192) fhe CldVvford 1 au ltlry do ll~t1C !:>CllICC~upph(s 11 (976) Maunce A Knrght btuldlng repalrs High (212) 1782 (401) 780 I (1124) Mmnesotd. '\1mltlg and Mfg Company general (305) 11 01 (1193) 1 he v lllaRe \fal ket don cst c ~lJe lce suppl C~ (977) Cadillac Glass GOlllpany bUllldrng repairs., Defer, Henk Gar:>ka Company ll1sural1ce (501) 6772 shop suppl es (305) 1160 998 (1052) H gh (305) 5961 $5 50 (212) ~Iohard $468 (212) (212) (1053) AmerIcan TYPe Founders Company new eqUip (1125) Blasco Battery and Supply CompJ.l1y auto "lop (978) Grosse Pomte Hardware) bUltldlllg and eqUlp~ent ment H1gh $1868 33 (603) High $111552 supplies (305) 450 (1194) ~an uel B llg-ha 11 Sons 11fg Lo pI' t shop (305) 1116 repa'1ts etnd shop supplies Trombly $4 75 (212) (2300 A) 298385 (1126) ChIcago Apt aratus Company sCience suppl es ll195) I rne"t Kcrn Con pal y phv~lcal cducatlOn ~l1P High $3 60 (212) Defer 35c (212) Kerby $326 (1054) Lynn B Emery Company new eqUipment Hlgh High (305) 284 plies, H ~1 (305) 121 0 (212) High $4 00 (213) gene,,1 shop 980 (305) $925 (603) Richard $72 25 (2300 H) 8150 (1127) The Cha" A ~treL ng"r Compal:> etuto ~hop sup (11)6) \Volver c ~ )ort I 1-, Go d:o Cl ! dl v II H c tl <..<1t atito shop 330 (305) 2906 (1055) AblS Ghe:>qulere bUlI(;hng fund HIg'h school altcr plies (305) 519 Cdt 01 5U!phes supphes (311) 2550 mpnt High $61 98 (216) R,cha"d $4 99 (216) (704) 803250 (1199) Mack and Orth sc 001 hbrar c~ mend Ilg books (216) 6697 APRIL 2&, 1931 (311) , 1595 (983) Allyn and Bacot1 textbooks H1gh (303) 2774 MAY 18, 1931 IPOO) U i er t:> 0' \11CI ga t"ds (312) 2°28 (984) Amerlcan Vlewpomt Society texvbooks Iflgh (303) 275 (1059) Peter T Platte Motor Sales repairs FOf'idor, 89c (1201) Bureau of hducat ondl Research Ul1lverslty of (985) Excellent Plctures Corporahon general teachers (113) general $429 (214) $ 518 (1132) J efterson Savll1gs Bank 1I1tercst on bonds (701) $ 714000 Iowa tests (312) supplies HIgh school (304) 2371 (1060) A H Wells ofhce supplies (115) 450 (1133) Amencan State Bank ll1terest on bonds (701) 56250 (1202) \Vorid Book Company tests (312) (1203) DetJon Motorbus COll pany transportat on aId (986) Hanl1lton County Departmeht of Educa'tlon, gen (1061) Ster1mg Coal Co cOd.l HIgh (202) 67588 (1134) Flrst lIahonetl Bank mtcre&t on bonds (701) 56250 eral teadlers sup.plaes general (304) 100 (1062) Village of G:rosse POInte Shores water Ve1'lller field meet ,tock $2772 93 (401) Ladleu, $700 (401) Defer ~4500 (401) heb) $800 (401) (987) BenJ H Sanborn and Company general 1ecrchers (204) 1596 JUNE 8, 1931 supphes, Defer (304) 2171 (1063) VILlage of Grosse Pomte Farms water Kel1by MaS011 ~1000 (4C1) 1romhly $3000 (401) meet (988) DetrOit Board of Education general teachers sup- $4353 Richard $28530 (204) 32883 (1134) Payroll $ 39300 00 $2000 (407) 289_ )3 l'I1es and tUitIOn Trombly 45c (304) general, (1064). VIllage of Grosse P01nte watel High $37030 (1135) Grosse Pomte PI mtmg Coni,pany elect on and (1204) lfrs H R Reamore transportatlOn 1111scellaneou.. (401) 1310 $375 (304) $8550 (309) 8970 (204) CadlQux $4990 (200) $17140 (403) 43760 $5000 (104) b Il 0 5800 (1065) Village of Lochmoor water Mason $10598 (204) prmtmg u etms $8 0 (112) (1205) Fral k Diegel prop<>rty not used for school pur (989) Keufftl and Esser Company sUPP~les special sub O.h (1136) Gregory \1ayer and 1 ham election office ~up Jects mechamcal drawmg (305) 12702 $288 (403) (204) 108 Vy plies and new eqUipment $1764 (104) supphes po", (403) 24 7 (1206) (990) Central SCientific Compapy, supphes speCIal sub- (1066) Moore Manufacturmg Co engl11eers supplies (office $5880 (115) ofhce $3920 (603) 11564 Rus&ell HamptOl Company 11H.. field meet (4D7) 1879 Jects science HIgh (305) 1413 stock (205) 4207 (1137) Gro, $200 (205) office $156 (205) Defer $175 pairS an up ply dchvcr:> rcpa rs I (1001) The Amencan State Bank mter'est on 'Current m (304) general $282 (304) 10 62 Pick up $11 70 (113) general $8 76 (214) 4041 I ordor (113) 21 ) debtedness (504) 173787 (1077) Department of PubhcatlOns Iowa general teach (1146) Custodian account l111scellaneous postage I-Itgh (1219) Cu~tod1an aCCOl1t posta6e a Id SUIpi e~ ~pecJal (1002) D R \1lddleton alteratIOns (0 bldgs HJgh (601) 375 ers suppLle, general (304) 50 $3174 (115) po,tage office 2100' (115) High sJbjects po:otagc OfhLC $2200 H gh ~2 00 R <..h I (1003) Moreton Truck Company ne" eqtilpnten~ HIgh (1078) MIchlgan EducatIon AssoclahbU general teachers $130 (205) $350 (207) truck repaIr 30c {U3) "d $2,U \10'01 "'150 Delcr $200 (115) ph) s school (603) 19550 supphes general (304) .100 \ Mason $145 (212) general $419 (214) general", cd Iligh $150 (305) 3150 I (1004) Fred J Roblllson Lunilbe:r Company new eqtttp (1079) Bureau of PublicatIOns Teachers College general 15e (304) High 25e (304) $4402 (308) 50490 (1220) Stal dard SupplIes Can pal y ofhce suppl es (115) 560 ment Mason (603) 3Q 70 teachers supp1>ies general $500 (304) Defer (1147) Koel11g Coal and Supply Compan) coal Cadleu'<: (1221) Dcpartmel t of Supc ItenllCl1ce 111lscellaneous ex I (1005) J L Hudson Company ne>weqUlpmertt office (603)( 1350 $150 (304) 650 $1500 (202) office $1500 (202) (202) 3000 penses (117) 2,00 (1006) Grosse POil11te Sa'Vlllgs Bank mterest on bonds (1080) General B ologu:al Supply Hause sCience suppbes (1148) Sterllllg Coal Company coal Defer 1$8591 (202) (222) Fastern \11chlga 1 System frclght and cartagc (207) 90 (701) 775625 bIOlogy High (305) 1385 High $35526 (202) (202) 44117 (1223) Mel.ur ce A K.l11ght bldg repa r High (212) 833 (1081) The Educatlonal MUSIC Bureau lnc muSt<: High (1149) Detro1t Ldlson Company hght and power H gh (1Z24) Berry Brothers bldg repetlr Hlgl (212) 1070 APRIL 6, 1931 (305) 4730 $74333 (203) Defer $9880 (203) offices $475 (1225) Tohnson Serv ce Co I pany HIgh lldg repair (21?) 3233 (1082) Crawford Laundry Co domest1c SCience laundry (203) Cadieux $2717 (203) Kcrby $551 (203) (IZ26) ~tal dat d Sa 11tarv \Hg (,on panv hldg repair I (1007) Payroll $ 4<1000,00 High (305) 765 Vermer $1 85 (203) Mason $11833 (203) Trom High (212) 839 (1008) Peter J Platte Motor Sales supply delIvery re- (1083) Village Market domestic

ESTI~A TED REVENUES (1237) Wolverll1c Sporfmg Goods Company phYMcal edu- EXHIBIT "C"- Dtsbursements calIon ,upplies HIgh (305) 980 JULY I, 193o-JUNE 30, 1931 (1238) Gustav Schwar.l sCIence supplies HIgh (305) 850 CAPITAL FUNDS-BALANCE SHEET Llbrary Books 1,01543 (1239) Detroit Motoro'us Company transpo1"tattton for field Magazl11es 1520 $ 66,223 63 66,22363 classes Defer (310) 900 JUNE 30, 1931 Suppltes and eqUipment 4674 Cash Balances Delll1quent Taxes 13183244 80869 81 5096263 1240) AmeJ'lcan \1e 331659991 School Bul1dmg!) $13778381 $11682435 $ 20,95946 School EqUIpment 24190566 Total Estimated Revenues HUGO GLASER STANLIcY J WINTERHALTER $4 642 535 88 SCHEDULE 4- $4 644 228 85 APPROPRIATION STATEMENT SCHEDULE 6-

WINTERHAL TER & GLASER LIABILITIES JULY I, 1930-JUNE 30, 1931 SINKING FUND ANALYSIS Accountants and Auditors Outstandmg Bonds $404400000 Dnd er or Over Cap1tal Surplus 600 228 85 AppropnatlOl1 Expended EXQ.ended JUNE 30, 1931 LINCOLN BUILDLING, DETROIT General Control $4644 228 85 DetrOIt Peoples DetrOIt July 20, 1931 Supenntendents Salary $ 700000 $ 700000 Trust Co Wayne Trust Co Total Instruchon SerVice 34935000 33251814 1683186 Resear'Ch Ass1stant to Supenntend 300000 337500 $ 37500 Board of Educatton 13500 Bond Ac Co Bank Trust Ac Total JfhoOI LtbrallCs 255000 1 15961 139039 C1e"ks Salanes 1655000 1641500 <:,~ ... ", Rural AgrIcultural School Dtstnct No E)leotlOn I 600 00 86765 73235 Balance July I 1930 $398500 00 $15 725 00 $5 50382 $419,728.82 Grosse POinte Township Ml'Chlgan ,CHEDULE 1- Board of Educahon Salanes 1 800 00 1 800 00 Dear Sns GENERAL FUND Attorneys Salary 75000 75000 PUlsuant to engagement we have made an exammatJOn of tht Attorney, Fees 2500 00 81060 168940 ReceIpts books and recor

J Interest on Bank Balances 30443 .J04 43 Exh~bIt A l-Consohdated Balance Sheet JULY I, 193)'-JUNE 30, 1931 Treasurer s Bond 37500 37500 Exhlh'!.t B -Balance Sheet Current Ledger Frmtmg and PubhcablO11 1 55000 1 401 87 14813 Bonds Purchased 1 000 00 100000 5540 67 Exhllbtt C -Balance Sheet CapItal J:ch Sewer ExtenSIon 500000 5 Bul1dmgs 500000 4% l Fixed Charge" Spnngwells Twp Uruted School Dtst~1-ct ~uue 30, 1931 Hlg l Seha .....l $ 1'69527 8400000 4% 14099491 I: 14465000 14136500 328500 IS$ued Due Unexpended FtlOds 1388240 SCHEDULE 3- Mar 29, 1931 June 29 1931 $11000000 5".,1< 404400000 LIBRARY FUND Sln~1ng Fund 54200 00 6000000 5,80000 County Bank BO\lded Il'ldeptrldness PrmcIpal Payments on Grosse Pomte Smkmg FUlld Reserve 39842494 Tune IS, 1931 Sept IS, 1931 40 00000 4;1, 69103502 RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS Seflal Bonds 3200000 3200000 Savmgs Bank Surplus Senal Bond Interest 54280 00 3862000 IS 660 00 .. $15000000 $530658986 JULY I, 1930-JUNE 30, 1931 Total Debt ServIce 285 13000 271 985 00 1314500 Receipt. Others Totals $874610 00 $833471 50 $ 4113850 EXHIBIT "B"- $ 10911h Less Estimated Revenues 13778381 11644435 2095946 H Augustas 0 Dell Penal FInes 924750 5 Interest on Bank Balances 4'63 (Statement Annexed) & Wert C Rowland May 4, 1931 Aug 4 1931 BALANCE SHEET-CURRI:NT LEDGER $ 109578 Net T6tal::. $73682619 $71702715 $ 2017904 T-otal $139 247 5D June 30, 1931 Total ReceIpts

ASSETS SCHEDULE 5- BONDED DEBT AND SINKING FUND REQUIREMENTS JUNE 3D, 1931 tash $ 2312990 Cumulative Requtremenl$ faxes Receivable Annual to $ 708718 Year 1927 Date luueft Matunty Amount Int Rate Interest Payable ReqUirement June 30,1931 Year 1928 IS 345 40 Bond. , Cadteux School-Bldg 2 2 1917 I. 2 1932 $ 2500000 4;1,0/< I eb 2-Aug 2 $ 124850 $ 2283745 Year 1929 43929 61 1248500 14989628 15799253 Defer School-Bldg I IS 1921 I IS 1936 25000000 6 Jan 15-Julv IS Year 1930 Mar I-Sept I 4 903 25 20 821 45 22435472 Robt Trombly School-Bidg 9 I 1926 9 I 1956 27500000 44 HIgh School-Bldg -First 2 I 1927 .: I 1957 70000000 4" Feb I-Aug I 12481 00 5300007 Suppltes 324988 713200 2226325 11 069 07 HIgh School-Bldg -Second 7 15 1927 7 15 1957 400 000 00 4" Jan I-July I Text Books 10 I 1927 10 I 1957 300 000 00 4" Ap, I-Gct I 5 349 00 1669744 Llbrary Books 713250 High School-Bldg-TIu'd Hlgb School-Bldg I 15 1928 1 IS 1958 85000 00 4" Jan I-July 1 151555 473094 'imkmg rund I 15 1928 1-15 1958 10000000 4" Jan IS-July 15 I 783 00 5 565 81 Cash $ 192494 Defer School AddItion Steven J Mason School-Bldg 7 15 1928 7 IS 1958 25000000 4" Jan IS-July IS 445750 909330 SecuntIes 396500 00 Sertal Senal 39842494 Pere Gabnel R chard School-

GROSSE POlN n. MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, AUGUST 6 1931 By Vldll $200 pel yeal ~ll1g1e CopIes 5 Ceni, Vol No 5-No 36 q PARENT=TEAC"ERS CONFER WIT" PARCELLS ON SCHOOL ECONOMY ~------~- --~, Police Radio Station To School District Parcells Meets With Good News From PAY ~TRIBUTE TO p.T.A Units: Discuss 'Here Celebrates First Edmund C.,Vernier Electors Birthday: July Active __ 1~ THOMAS McGILLIGAN Economy in Schools In this issue of the RE- Good news for ta!ier. came Officers and membero of the A total of SIX hundse POlnte School cars and 6res m.creased over the pre out of T oWDslup funds mormng to pay .f\. most SIgnal tl!lbute The report is published in com. and IS expected to return soon cumibed to a heart attack ShOItly atter cedmg month The runs are c1a~slhed Norbert Denk, asSistant to Mr to the memory AA one of ItS foremo:.t pliance with a State Law that Board and dlscussed a program he was strIcken m h1S home on J ul; as follows Vernier explamed that the bonda •• * publIc sp1rlted ana chart table CIt!zenb- makes it imperative to an.. of economy to be effected m the' Thomas W Md.tllIttgan whose sudden 29 35 a-ccldents were Issued for finanCIng early Im- Mr and Mrs Leven Lawrence nually publish a report of the Grosse Pomte schools death on July last has been t 1'" Though ~t was httle known Mr Mc provements In the TownshIp at the Shreve, of 430 University Place, are f9 32 dogs Gllbgan dunng h1s hfetlme and reSl School District to the electors. fhe meetmg "as held at the begInnIng of the century, the major hosts thiS week to Mr and Mrs Cla&,w source of gnef to the entire commun 24 fires dcuce 111 the P01nte expended can part of thiS sum gOIng to pay for ence M Smith and son, DaVId, from Ity The report covers the activi. II1vltdtlOn of Mr Parcells In the 18 prowlers slderchool YCdr 5 breaklOg and entermg reports statement of affairs by announcing lowed by a brief SOjourn With fnends Trainees Prepare for McGllhgdn from II'!:. home at 753 Bar I Ion:. club the Holy Name soolety the j n dddltlOn M r Par cell, 3 reports of shootll1g~ that by 1935 the enbre bonded In- at Toronto 'Visitors Day' Set for debtedness of the Township WIll nngton rOad to the churcl1 where a ~t Ambrose Ushers clUiband the Turn ;ought wgge,tlOll> fro111 the ofh 3 broken ltght poles • • • reqmem mass was sung The body later verem Aug. 22 at C.M.T.C. 8 traffic tleup~ have been hqultiated and that It Will Lending Library-Your Drug Store cer, of the Parent Teachers A, was cntramed fbt MadIson WJSCOl HIS passing marks the first death 111 10 mlschlevous boys be only necMsary to t'alse but SOclatlOn relailve to altermg the • * • sm where It w~ hut'led Mondd.Y mor'1- the ranks of members of the LIons You 19 men fro n every county 111 3 dog bite reports $15,000 by 1935 to redeem all out- present pollcle, of the ':>chool MISS Betty Fre St Paul MISS HarrIet We~t1ake of In lS now on hand In the Township's the other mel\kii¥rs of that body acted lay state at the M.cG11~lgan home last Thursday (July 30) and the fi,,' 6 bathers irespas51Ug New York and We~tfield N J Will or r e com t11 end a t 1 0 11S were Sinking fund to effect .the redemp- as 'Ptllbearers, at--t.ompanymg the bod,! -;.tgnlficant of thIS fad three days were ~pent 1I1 preparatIon 12 IntoxIcated persons abo be a guest of M1S:. Clark and WIll reached or made dS result of the tJon to 1tS last r..eshd)g -place III Madtson In addItlO 1 to hIS Widow Mr Mc and organlzat 011 1 bd.nk alarm accompany MIss FrederIck bdck to De The councl{t;f1~Jl who beryed as pall GtlLlgan IS surVived by two sons and Bt.gmn111g thIS week each morllln~ cunference It wa' felt that the 1 lOdecent exposu.re trolt for a stay bearers a.re Joseph KO'lley John Ver a daughter Thomas Jr 16 Robert IS spent 1ll dnBs and lectures and the expreS>lOns of thought all the 1 attempted attack Lmden Wilham "hoemjker, ~aMt1el 14 and Patncla 8 hIS father Edwoird 1 woman screa,mmg for help * * • afternoons are given over to athlet1'" part of the representatives of the Lochmoor Bank Pays BastIen an,d '9tto (roeh1}, Juhus Berns McGJl1agan and two SIsters and two 1 man molestmg woman Mr and Mrs John Alden Blanch. contests Dances motIon 'Pldure sho,vll P T II. would prove of conSIder 30 Per Cent Dividend ard, of Kerby road, Gron:8 Po~nte, are attorney .for tlh.e P-a1'1k and Charte.., brothers Mrs MaY1l1e Yager, Mts band concerts, and other entertal11 1 hlt-n.111 dnver able help 111 {(Ulcl1ng the S<:hool "'Il'~1E:'6"h'ier .ho accQ!,:!~ :f,l!lla~ Dochanh'll, J F McGllh""n _ -:--: > ,,_ $ke"'U!!!~ cBl'I!J.€!l.~lj{.~. ¥"rdo., ment 1"5' 'P'1"6-Vl:d!'.d'4~'€h C'vell<1ng 1 S'bort; change artIst "',.,..."'" m.~' pan led the body in 'K1:adlson, With L1.eut and Frank MdGdhgan B~ard m effectlllg and "conom' ..r """rt01.SYradIo"'" """ ""'1"'*" ~1$M~ mntf: ~te~ l)f tKe d'€:. er Mr. Pauletta K. Page, In her cot .. Tr,"thday ter Frances and son Donal-d have re N A C 8, Frogs, 2 We have stopped travetIng tempor from S'Unfie1d M1ch~gan 111 1918 when In Milwaukee With Mr Vogel's granet.. turned irom a vacation tI"Fpto Ottawa Team Stanc:bngs arlly and are 'Plan11llng to meet Fr<1day Another bIg feature of the camp will only 12 years of age He I:. a member August 1 parents., Mr and Mrs Frederick Vogel, Beach MIChIgan on La~ SuperIor at 1 30 for an enterta'lnment by a tal be Vls~tors day whIch 13 set .for Sat of Hawkes Post No 361 J. P Park 7 0 1000 G ented group of young people Follow urdav August 22 At that time thl.- Whll1e yet a schoo[ boy Palmer went I • * • Kerchevals 6 1 857 Detroit Expected to mg the entefita111ment there W4tl be a relatives and ffllend's of the tramees WIlt to lama and euhsted ~lvtng has age ,is Feather-Weight Metal Mr and Mrs Robert W Standart M Lutherans 5 2 714 be enter tamed for the dd.y at the camp Rank Among First in A wonderful new metal of English Treasure Hunt 111 whICh ev.tyone IS m [8 Authontles learned hiS real age J r w1th MISS Bethme Robe1't W III St Clare 5 3 624 Startmg at 9 0 clock two hours wIll origin is a secret alloy of aluminum, vlted to Jom and compete for the prize through hIS slsrter MISS Esther Palmer Mortgage Investments and Katherine Standart have returned Frogs 4 4 5QO considerably lighter than pure alum! Now IS the tIme for all of you -chlld- be gIven over to demonstrat1Ons aIfter while he was 111 itrammg at Wa.co from theIr cottage at pomte aux Llnl1ts 3 4 428 wh1ch medals and prIzes wIll be pre num, yet nearly as strong as steel It ren who are Interested In a good record Texas and released h1m .F&lmer nov. Barques where they spent July TIgers 3 5 374 W,th $1999846283 mveste; By JOHN E ALLARD 100 yard lme not a fan left I11syost handhng of bunts that oretman1y III the eIghth when two extra base hits "ngle defeat Mr Crandall d.1d 111 Russell A Alger Post of the Veterans I heat who bolrowed $5 promised to pay until BdD Newcom clinched the pellet would be hIts to say noth1l1g of Reed s followed a ba:.e on balls which wa<; ~ov~ have pronllsed to u~e every po<; of ForeIgn Wars Will be head next tt hUlk and bv gollv did -Ohio Stab: under a sweltermg hot sun last :,un to retire the speedy Farms shortstop sparkhng catch diVmg through an as the llm1ts of l

/ ~ J ...u ~"- -....,..,_)<1" .CONCRETE EFFECTS ADD Diary Shows Washington American Museum Gets Writer Absolves Nero; HawaIIan Island BEAUTY TO HOME as Successful Hunter Relics of Bronze Age Emper<>r Fought Flames Kahoolawe (pronounced Kn ho a la I i Many people are under the impres .MOlethan ..,(\) obJects many of ':\aYI WIth the acce'nt on la) is a lesser ! • I Althur Welgall, the hz-storlan, has island of the Haw'lu'ln group sItuated SlOn that Georbe "J.slllngton shunt them {Hcr 1Ive thousand ,ears old are knocked into a cocked hat the notIOn ing e\:pe Iences were confmed to fox(>o; 011 e\.lllbit on In the Unn erslty of near the south"estern end at the larg that Nero fiddled while Rome burned" er island of MaUl to "blCh it is at in the \ 1rimty of h shame 10 V rglmn Per nS\l\a111'l museum The finds the Poor Nero I He not only did not know Such is not the case In the au n'1lorit,) of WhICh chte flam the early tnched politlcall:1 TI ere is ver~ Uttle how to fiddle but \\ as head of the fire on the Island other th"11 a steep vol tun n of 1770 he hunted buffalo "hile I ron/e nge were uncovered at .repe brlgade I I canlC hIll III the center and a hght on 11is trIp to tl e Oluo \'\lth h s Ga v. t ~ 'le'>opotJ.mia Accolding to:Mr \Velgall in his fine house in a bend of the n01th shole fuend Doctor Cr'l!l< accordlllg to tl e Some of the earlIest pottery ever and scholarly volume on ~eIo thIS dIviSIOn of inf )rmatlOn and publlcJ. C::"C<1HltcdIII the Ncar Last a small I gentleman when the fire broke out was twn of the George "\ aslllngton bIcen cODIer fl' 109 pan a cyltndei seal of at hIS country estate And that e't Earthly Deeds Weighed [(nowledge tennial commission In hIS dIary of a goat done in a decWedly expres plodes the popular notIOn that be set 'rhe Scales of JustIce were a Gleek November 2 of that ,)ear IS found this SIOI1~L1Cmanner an alabaster animal the place on fir-e for the fun of watch idea later adopted by the Mohamme interestmg item on buff'110 hut tmg ngullne renumscent of early Chmese mg it burn 't dans of the "eighmg of one s good The SClence of eye measur II 'We proceeded up the rn er (Kan j'lde wotl< and an c\.qmsltely painted He rushed ~ack to to",n and spent ant'! bad (leeds in the hereafter as a mg WIthout the use of drugs awha) \Hth the tanoe about four ml1l,s elay cl alice of about 3000 Be, are Sl"( days and nights worklOg hl..e a weans of deiermmll1g one s re\\ard or I and the correct fittmg of more and tl en incamped and went a lroJan-or 111.e a Roman It being an pUOlshment for the hfe on eal th glasses when needed can huntlllg k~lled five buffJ.loes and in~~U~~{~ttIOnthete -hIe numerous oth other wrong notion that the Trojans wounded some aU ers thlee deer ctc er ammal ngullnes and amulets a I only be successfully accom \\ orhed hardel than anybody else-and This country abounds in buffalo and complete cosmetIc set of the perlod organumg fire brlgades all o,er Rome New Serum Ofhets Fatigue phshed by thQse who have wild game of all kinds as also in all a mold for castmg bIOn.le obJects and tr,) mg to put the fire out -A seJum has been found to counfel been thoroughly educated kInds of WIld fowl there beIng in the a stone palette for mixing paint'< When however It got out nE'ar hIS act the penson n the muscles of the bottoms a great many small brassy thiS 111e unusual nature of some of the own magnificent home WIth ItS great body to which fatIgue IS attllbute 1 by :~~J;~;~l:s~o~n Import- ponds or lakes which are full of sv. aDS ! finds together with the fact that they collectIOn of art treasmes and he saw some SCfentists -Popular l\Iechamcs gef'se and ducl..s of dIfferent I Ind"! ' are remarkably well preserved makes lt \\J.S doomed he stood on the llver Magazne Our profeSSIOnal knowl- It will be obsen ed that Wa"hlng the collectlOn of particular interest bank lU front of the house and fang edge of the eye IS thorough I ton modestly refrains from statmg accordIng to Dr l.lphraim A Speiser a funel al dirge for Mr "" elgall shtes Our exammatIOns are com :to how many at the fh e buffaloes fell AT THE THEATERS Both the seal of the goat and anoth that Nero was one of the greatest SlUg In Tropical Zone plele SCIentIfic and exact :to from bullets from hIs rltle er stamped seal of about 3570 B C By MOLLY ELGOOD ers that ever lived-a tall, robust red The climate of the Panama Canal I In short we gIve }ou pam On 1\ ew Year s day 1772 some the latter WhICh portrays an ibe'( zone IS llke most tropIcal cUmates~ haired freckled faced opera smger sav1l1g eyeSIght serVIce that :to friends called on Washmgton at Mount .show a sense of deslgn that mIght at mOle lUterested in his music than m hot most of the year WIth a \ ery Vernon Several days later he enter most be called model UlStiC ' Doctor fires or in burnl11.l} ChrIstians ramy season in what corresponds to WIll prove benefiCIal and sat- By MOLLY ELGOOD Just why ValerIa West should deCHlc tained them with a lIttle huntmg trip Speiser stated • whIle the fn 111gpan Thus do our notions crumble one our ",inter -- lSfactory to you Michigan "Huckleberry Finn" to leave DIck Carmedon IS not very m the nearby forests WhICh he tells constItutes a partIcUlarly valuab1e dlS by one before the onslaught of truth I clear llJosslbly she became tired of hIS about In hIS dIary in thIS brief \\ ay co, ery because it stm retams its orlg Stars of Tom Sawyer carryon the -Albert E Wiggam 1U InternatlOnat~ gen.tle mebrIatIon but t~re of h1m she Went a huntlllg with the above gen JAMES BURTON, Mark Twam trad1t1ons, 'yoU know tr-e mal hfl,ndle, a very unusual occur CosmopolItan Unreasonable tlemen Found both a bear and a foX rence llItclf black people Abel Tasman In 1612 geographICal names is the Untted pltal founded by hIm In the Mexi a certaan well known tower pallettc and hIS lady a lot of unpleasantness by found Van Dl€mens Land Tasmanla Stutes Geographic board As far as IS can caPItal '\ hen the agItatIOn and left in dISgust In 1688 W1IlJ'lm practIcable the Untted States Post Of lIt Takes Both and brushes and beauttful women who dash1l1g off to find a notary a t ttle agamst everythIng Spalllsh was at ItS Dampier an english buccaneer landed get away wLth anythmg prov1ded they sooner flce department accepts the declsLOns height in 1823 the ashes of the can in West AustraUa and the follo"mg are beautt>ful enough Some day sOitne It IS all qUite entertammg good "lct at this board III aU Its offiCIal spell querer were removed to the church ye'1r mapped the coast In his report lngs In the cast! of Pittsburgh Pa to make Prosperity--- one 15 gOIng to WrIte a story about 1l1g by Constance Bennett Joe McCrea near the hospItal for fear that they 3 to KIng WIlliam he descnbed the land the board was fi1st aslsque st'lples latlon of sausage The church in grieved at all the s nand miserv he Unit of be the effiCIency of that httle black box Lenox and wlll soon start on Mata as the flower marhet and the thIeves yoked the aid of the law and the tithe- S1.W1.1111.t all thE>e\Il things he heard through which passes on an avera&c of Han the story which has been bu It market pa,) f'rs bad to delIver the customary I !?lng t I cd he sought a place to rest _ THE DETROIT BANKERS COMPANY one foot of film per second and the around the hfe of the famous spy Glose at hand is '\.ochw Ilco tl e l\lett,\urst But the church was stIll roman>ee of the reproduction of what which serves to remmd me of J etta 'fioatwg gal lIens and the p~ramI ls but 'IS It f'll erl \Hth IllS master so It unsatlsfied~the sausage It was al~ I55 fn"cd "llh him there was no room has 'Passed thtough that box a few Goudall the exotic DeMillle actlcss at San Juan de TeotJhuacnn In an leged was not up to standard-it can ~llIIlIflIlllm~lIIl11lll1lllllfllmll~lIIl1nlllllllmIlIlIlIlIlUlmllllllll1ll1l1l1l1ll1l11l11l1l1l1l1l1l1llR1lllllllllllllllllmmllllllllh other dlrectIOn IS CUerne\RCa a ra f0r him and no one \\ ould gl' e hIm hours later on the theater screen about whom It VIas samctlmes WhlS tamed too much beef Mettwurst 1ms sort e\ en m the days of the rmpf'r)f ,,;"plt(>t' At last;! he lay dowp under When I sought out the truck t e pe-red that sheJwas the daughter of t1le shnde of a ro,,;e and slept until always been a source of trouble HI i 'Ia't"imll an and no~ connected wlth l\{ec1.1enburg Schwenn In many par DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK?-CALL camera was damped securely on top thIS Mata Harl It s probably the con the II ing sun a'\ol e hIm Before MeXICO CIty by a pa,ed hlghwa\ Ishes the local clerg~ man" as entItled W r:'Q" rF.; Its filg'l1t heavenward he ad with Its operator beSide It The sub coctIOn of a ferNIe bramed press agent And over all brood the tWlll volca to so many ells of the sausag-e from )Jis d"~R9J the rose and said that as it BANNER ROOFING & SHEET Ject was arranged the motor set gamg but lt makes an mterestmg supposatlol1 noes-Popocatepetl anI IxtacClhuatl parlshoners He always got the rIght 1 hnc1 g "~n him shelter WhlCh man de and In about one half m nute at the for a warm c"c111rg\> length but if he \Yere unpopUlar tHe METAL WORKS nit d it shoul<1 rec.el'le an endurlllg cry orf all I'tg'ht It 'Was sW1tched off --a-- Mettwurst was of the smaliest possi HuGO WITT, Prop Insects as Tailors t()1rE>n{"f hIS lo\~ and so leaf by leaf the low hummmg ceascd and !the pro LIOnel Barrymore who forsook act ble thichness, there being notlllng in 900 Notre Dame, Grosse Pointe NIAGARA 8988 While many msects and spIders ale ard tng by t'\\.!'¥ the soft moss grew cess of dlsconnectmg was gone mto mg to wtelld a meg, short for mega the bond r.egardmg its dlameter. content to go about in tJle clothes that arnUD<"l the stellj; and th€l e it is to All kinds of roof repairs. Tile, asphalt, slate, gravel-Asphalt In a few moments thIS and that had phone and later was persuaded to play natur0 gave them others construct (10V fl. cradle in WhlCh the new born shingles over old shingles-Sheet Metal Work of all kinds beeh unscrewed, the front removed 111Norma Shearer s Free Soul seems robes of theIr own I'he oak tortrlx r(>Clemav he a broof of God\s power Castle of Sleeping Beauty Furnace Repair Work the magazines from on top and the bqx to ltke actmg after all he has been cast and 10'0 ' J for example IS an accomplIshed tmlor The ancestrfiJ castle of the counts All work guaranteed-38 years expenence ItSe-lrf thIS was followed by the blpod 111 The GU1~ty Hand and QUllds its overcoat out of a leaf of IJltz IS one of the finest in Germany, Usmg one that Is sl glltly curled at restmg hIgh on a preclIntous lock be'111g unclamped the electrIc -cords --a-- ElectrIC Plpeless Organ ~ the edge he runs a sll1.en thread from wlth cloud piercmg tower and rImmed wound on reels mstde the truck and Take these preVIOUS occupahons of Capt nlCh'llll Ranger of trans ------~"-\------this edge to a point on the opposite WIth darlr green \\oods ThIS is the everythmg 'Put to bed the cast of 'The M racIe Woman ocen IC r'1(1j ")hotognph fame lllwnt edge ura" mg the Ime taut Then he castle made famous by Sleeping Beauty The Whole thmg w.Ets so remarkably com111g to the RKO soon and thmk ed the el(>f'tnc plpeles"l Olgan It IS copstructs numerous parallel thread::. if legend lS to be belle\- e-d It dates For Better Job Printing Call LEnox 1162 b()~~ p pele::,s and reedless anu re effiolent that It 15 small wonder that them over Barbara Stanwyck ex B,) welghmg do" n one or more of back to the '1"elfth century and ItS SP? 1ds to a c;elles of ele~trtcal I who have warned my way mto more telephone orepator, DavId Manners these cross threads he causes the re gray w.alls have seen many a battle S "lid es tone generators and ampli places where I was not wanted than once a cowboy gU1de Sam Hardy ar malllmg ones to hang slacl Tllese he "aged It Imght almost be said to be ------.....;------....., flers "hen its st'1ndard PIpe or,..,an the average snooper, would contl11UC tlSt s model for HarrIson FIshel!" and tightens then takes up the slack in three castles m one grouped about an ChowMien EASTERN CAFE o.opSuey. keys are pla~ ed by an organist 'Ihe to be mtngued Charles Dana Gibson whlUe r,rank the ones "ith the weIght The leaf Inner court and each of the three has 154H M.ck, bet ..... " I'fottl".b ...... d /1.... - Tuedo 21411 as a consequence is rolled up a lIttle sounus ill e generated in groups each ItS own ently It is full of the para --0-- Cwpra the dIrector once pruned tref:S glOUp consi'

---~ To End the FIghtIng POint of View Greek the Older l.anguage AppendiCitIS yankee Sailors Opened Everything Routine in The idea of brlD,bmg umversal peaco Every m lD has henld the fellow "ho Gleek IS co.nslderably older than The year 1838 \\ as dtstmguished by Businels Directory Life of Modem "Bossy" is alwa s complauung about hlS Hawaii to Civili>:ation Latm WhICh is chosen by the fact the flrst operatIOn for dlsease of the by reductIOn of armament IS all wrong J 'punk job 'lhe ch'lnces are that hIS - The Umted States may well thank Golf has crowded the cattle out of that Latin was plofoundly influenced appendix as such The first deCIsive \Vhat they should do i<;reduce the out put of bridge tables -OhIO State Jour job IS all nght bJt IllS "orh IS punk Funeral Directors and its daring men of the sea the pastures and the cow of tomor b:r Greelt during Its development step in the ~directlOn of modern math fo r the fact that HawaIi now files the row will be lucl{y if she eV'er gets a ods was taken by a London pl jSlci'ln nnl He "on t Impro\ e \)) Changlllg job~ Lenos .,..,. His only hopt" !les III changmg his dis Lenos 4Z81 St ars and StrIpes rather than the Tri. look at the green -fields The produc nailled HandQck 1he first operatlOll Oldest Known Colors THE ORIGlN;\.L eolor or the Union Jack A Spamsh tion of mIlk has been reduced to a on the appendIX performed lD the Beyond Recall posltlon -Gut Geist & Company n aVlgator discovered the islands In very mechamcal operation and the The oldest eXlstmg colors created Lmted States was done bv I~ J Hall The ,\orus Lut accompli in dlpl cow 5 life '"'ill consi~t of a ramble by Jllan 'H~Ie found in a c[n ern used FUNERAL DIRECTORS 1555 but hIS country laId no claLf on of New York on May 8 1880 mahc language denote '111e\ E'lt tll It three tImes a day from her stall to a by thC' era l\hgnon race III I mope Many Lakes 1'1. Nebraska .. 60 Yean- m De-trcnt tll em and they were vIrtually forgot. has hapPf'ne 1 aull must ut- !H..Ct! tul revohing mllklllg platform and then around 10000 B C They" ere red Nebr'l&l a W'1~ 01Ct. tI ought of as 14911 Kerchenl ATe. te n The Brthsh Captum Cook VIsited or recogulleu J.S defimte however dib No Branches th e islands in 1778 and named them back to her stall 1he animal is kept anll yellow ploduced by daulnng a fine Negroes of Mlhtary GenIUS the Greut An (' l( n u0bClt or part of N_ Al••• R..... clay contamIng Iron (ocher) on the agree \blo th e SandWIch islands Stili the Islands so immaculately cleuD that her sis Dl1lglS\\ dYO Chalo Dmgao.n and it Dt"lnte tli 0 on then nnll now ere practIcally unTtnO\\D Then fol. ters of the fields \\ ould not be able to ",aIls in the fOlm of a decorJ.tIOn Ceta,'u\o were full blooded .lulu cllld~ tl at the st'1tC' 1., '1f d an 1 Sallaralike ~Iceilaneoul 11 Deht'wus Pomegranate wing the close of the American Revo recogm1e her It 1S the latest method wlo by the stlatcblc admmistratIon there aN' J 200 na.tural 1'11es in the of producing milk and IS based on 'Ille flmt of tl e pomq ran ltO Ib fHe 1 ~IIO III bon AmerIcan ShIPS began to saiL Money No Longer Washed of their force-c: then bnn ery and un ,:>tIe lIlt" '>'11I 11lls of l\ebrask 1 'Hth numelou<; r nrple n 1 l(~1 src 1" e se\ en seas in gro\\ lllg numbers, the observatIOns of a group of SClen doubted capacity for leaderslllp pre un fl Ie m f II t 11 arc fallly dotted th The d1\IS on of loans aod currencv C'lch inclosN1 lD n la\E'I of pulp lIllS tIfic gentlemen \\ho have given much \ented fot ol long tIme the bettlement a od in 1789 the first <:hip fiY1Dg the of the Departmel t of the Treasury "Uh 1 \tmll flt"h ".ltel lakes thought to the SUbJect and the new by the Dutch and later the Lnglls1 of pulp is user] to m he a ref e~i Db A merican flag-flom Boston-vlsiteu says tl at at one tlDle the Department method has been III operation for a the tur1torv of .tuIuland now a part drlllk 'lnll l!l <:..Olllecom 1 C'S 1::. lllJ.tl<. Ih e Hawallans It was the first of of the .rreasury dId launder money Great Work Daniel G. Allor and time at one of the plants of a well of the union of ~outh Aitira Ceta mto \\ me many from the same port carrymg and. retUln It to urculatlOn IhlS prac 11(, crtol f tl e C lid Research aders, whalers and adventurers and known company special17 ng on super wayo partlCUlalh cJ.usul grJ.\e COll Sons Ice & Coal Co. Ir tice \\US contmued for a few Jear" (C' l {I \\ '1<:;1iJ ",ton finds 2124 ways on the natives learned of the I epu]). clean D1Ilk for baby s use It repre cern to tlH Butlsh go\ernment de Rich and Poor so sents a complete revolutIon of the Hfe but was dlscolltmued before the Worltl 1 \ I h cl 11Ii( n am ov their parent'S 11c on the contment to the east and to feating a large continbent of I3r1hsh There s 1- u,lffennce bet" eel a ctn.nI of the cow but the ammals soon get war and has not bee-n practIced SlDce '\ow IL "omt. \yen 1 ~po~c 1 pelson wtll cqUlre the ways of the" lute men troops and an eccentric lilc 101'mr l~ a nUl a used to the routine and are saId to f 1 0 lt ho\\ man "a~ s son.e of these rhe Boston traders found each of sance the liter 1 IS III III \ -I tS An lIke it The cow is relt-ased from her Il':>Cl d 11F-,S 11 Y c\er)10d3 some Ph .... Niall .... ZU4 Ih e islands under a separate hlllg wIth ReVIval of Old Name stall and she walks along a We coated Arkansas Diamonds geles lIme"l tluDf, \\ orLh "lnle "11ay be accom t, :vo rIval rulers on Hawaii,. the largest The TurkIsh name for Constantl corrIdor to a revolving platform WhICh nople has al""a3 s been IstE\nbul 'Ihe The Ark'1nsas dIamond mme in PIke pUshed fI ICorb)' Road G. P F...... 0 f the Islands One of the latter ob. ained firearms and ammunitIOn fro1U accommodates 50 anlmals As the name ConstantInol;lle has been used by county has produced sevelal thousand BegInnmg of Pony Express t platform re\ olves the aRimal IS tlIe traders and got theIr assistance !Juropeans SInce the city \vas so named dIamonds equal III color to the best On Aprll 3 1860 the fir"lt pon\'" ex washed and then dried m a current produced in other parts of the ",orld press rldels left S'1crJ.mento Callf One 10 Every Party =- m buildmg a navy,1 WIth thIS Amen by Constantine the Gtent When the of warm aIr and gIven other atten TurkISh republtc was establIshed in and 1 per cent harder than the hardest to ride east and St Joseph Mo to Jud lunluns bd\S one objection to ean help he became the' Napoleon of JACOB VAN ZANEN hons to' secure her pedect sanitary 1922 Turkey was .fired by a wave of from otllel parts of the \\ orld In tne e\elY fishing putv lS that there IS al the Pacific' conquered the other Is- nde \\est cleanliness and after thIS she IS Arkansas dlamond mines the gems \"i '1"1'S some man in It "ho mSlsts on la nds, and as Kamehameha I ruled natIonal feelll1g and Istanbul was General Carpenter Work nlliked by machinery By the time ha"e been found I 10 place as the t"tll ng about the renl fishmg he used vel' the consolIdated kingdom. HIS made the oftit':Ial name of the CIty AntagonISt Is Your Helper 0 the great turntable makes a complete geologlsts put It,.. and nowhere else on Lo do son e", here else Repair Work 11ne died out wlth Queen LIUuokalam, He that wrestles WIth us strength We Specialize in revolution the operation has been thus hemisphere have they been so and the Umted States came into con. ens our nenes and sharpens our ShIll Z4 Ridremont Niagara 0796 completed and the cow is automatl Talking to One's Self found t rol ca1ly released and she steps from the The pubIlc health serVIce says that Our antagoDlst is our helper -BUlke Free Wheeling 10 AIrplanes \'V hen t1 e eng ne of an mrplane 1s Grc •• e Pointe Fal'Udt Mich. movmg platform and back to her it Is' no indlcat10n that a person who stall Her drinking \vater is sterIlIzed talks to himself is mentally unsound Place of IdentificatIon turned off and the plane glides the Need Not Visit Europe The old French "ord morgue We Can't Have Everything result is the> c:ame as flee wheelmg and her food is analvzed and electriC Some persons have developed the traIt Life If} not necessanly futIle be A. M. ARMSTRONG for Literary Research Ity supplIes a substitute for the defi meant to look at solemnly 'lhe name The! e is a coml '111" in rrance WhICh of thmking aloud ThIS is partIcular cause v cannot have all we want Two professors of Dnghsh at South .. comes from the bUIldmg m Paris dat alr(>aay m'111ufacturt.s free "heellllg Interior and Exterior Decorator clent sunlIgh t. ly true among the colored race m the when we ~ant It -Toledo Blade eIII MethodIst universify published a southern part of the Umted States ing from the rifth century to which propellers PaperhanalDg~ KalloMllung, P8Jntmg, unknown persons ",ho had perIshed by book, • Famous Editions at English Gr8JDlng oets," in WhICh 18 volumes of verse Humble Egg Hailed as aCCIdent, murder or SUIcide were P DeCeIVingthe Otters The LIvelytly MIhtary Feature All Work GuaranJeed are reproduced in full Just as they ap. taken Foundation of Cookery Hunters of the AleutIan islands, off Somebody has founu out that In In 0 More than 7 Jj(}..} \ arlCLJes of toy sol 1057 WAYBURN AVE p eared III the ongmals, wIth photo. ':,LIheFrench chef says All cool;: Alaska haa a custom of thro\\mg POlhon to Its SIze a fi) waU ..s 13 times 1 US" Ith j he un fOr111&"orn all over l..en.x 9369 Detroit, MICh~ raphic c@pies of the old Utle pages Man Saved hy Cow', Tall g ery rests on an egg The egg IS the as fust as '1 n'1n run run jJ e \\ollU for 2<1J{) 3"',11S were e1. his involved a vast amount of labor th€lr clotlung into the sea after an T Atlas that supports the world of gas Add to the list of famous cows-buch lit tld J.t the I, I "lC 1 r The mo nd research, and was done at Oxford ottcr hunt lD order that the sur\lV a tronomy, the chef IS the slave of tile as moon jumpers Chicago destroyers 111J lilo Incluue(l J un tI: ds of types mg sea otters mIght think that the Simple Gambling Game university and the B1.1tlsh museum, fresh egg What IS the masterpiece and contented ones-the helome of the If AmNI('ln "OllllfS lcploduc.ing ire vhere original copies of such works as hunters h'1d penshed and that 1t was The game of crackaloo is a form of '(ravis Brothers , of French cookery the dIsh that out fire that destro;yed the barn and out rlg I ents of e' rry A'11{'fICan \\ ar s'1fc to 1cturn to the rl?gioD f-,Ilmblng in \\hich the palticip'luts Shakef:lpeare's sonnets Pope s rssay hnes all other dishes the thing that omldmgs on the farm of Hobert Druce LandSC/lpe Contractors 0n Criticism" Byron's • The Prisoner is found on his nil1jestj s table no near Oldmeldrum Scotland Whlle pitch COlDSto or toward the ceilln; f Clllllon' aod Tenn~ son s poems • rescmng 22 cattle and two horses lD such a manner that they \Hll fall Runner ard Skater 0 less than upon the table of the bour Mystery of the ~un Cure ere available for copymg On re Bruce who IS SIxty two was overcome as near as possible to a crack in the '" het! er <.l lllJ. C.lll ru 1 as fast as a Big Tree Moving Tennis Courts geDISe the thing that IS as French as Hippocrates" as one of the first to "tllrnmg to this country the Texas the Frenchman and WhiCh expresses by smoke m the blazmg barn As he floor -L:1.cl ange person can bk'1te on Ice uepends upon Weekly relates thf' scholars were sur leco!,lll.te the powerful antIsteptic and sank to the fioor he Seized the tall of con 1 bons ull!1 lei ~th of race 'lbc the spirit of our people as no other heaImg propertIes of light He treat prlsed to learn that all the rare vol food can express it ?~the omelette a running file hatmg d~scontented 10o-~ard stUng recoru 1S !} 25 ser Resulence ed vanous diseases successfully by ex HIdden Virtue Ollie. u mes they had consulted 0\ erseas Could you make an omelette without bossy and was dragged to safety by onds and the 1ceOltl for the 100 J arc1 1,Josmgthe patients to sun1Jght but the I That pioneer urge to efl=plore places 7~ ~.~by Rd. eould hm. e been found in Ilbrunes of the frightened aDlmal ..actly how sunlight ac "here man has never before set foot thell' own state ThiS Is an amusmg the ~hatcr mal e':!the 1Jettel time NI.3806 eye over thIS e"{traordmary Monsieur compl bhes marveloUS cUles has not is most commend'11le sa3 s an cd ~,U84 inCIdent but it is more it indleates Egg and all Ius antIcs and evolutions Discovery of NItrogen torIJ.1 wrlter At the same t'n e It 13 how our countly has made intellectual been solved fully even toda~ FrOID J\ow he permIts hlmself to be boiled then until DOW as the employment of ~ltrogen "as fir&t reCOgDl7ed as n not a tliut to be admired in a golf "Alb on,j rogress while It expanded economical plain and even 11ke that WIthout frill P sun1Jght as a healer has increased, the distinct substance by Dumel Ruther ball The- name \.11 n b a rme or roetic 1y, and that it has Ilbrarles as well as he is excellent !\ow he consents to use of the surglcal hmfe has decreased fO!d of the l nh Cr9tty of I:umburgh II tIne fot Great B tJ. 11 J.nd dates sI yscrapers to be prOUd of It Is not appear in all ways from poached to Special Chicken Dinner III countrIes such as SWItzerland in 1772 HiS demonstration conslstell b lck to "tDCent tllllC" It v,as sug a lways necessary to rush to Durope perdu now he IS tl e soul of a vol where sun cures and sunlight treat III sl 0\\ mg that when a small ulllm"tl Prophesy Confirmed gC'stE.lo) the \"llte rl ffs ort the soutb every Thursday and Sunday at f or a draught from the Pierlun spring au vent now of a sauce not a pie menta ha\ e been placticed for manv bi e'Lthes the aIr III an inclosed spfr<'e In the London G[vette of 17GG 1 ern coast """"'I f ous A)1)ton "as a crust fit to eat but stands by VIrtue prophetic wrIter Sald I lIttle douht for a \\ hile and the carbon d oXide fft\onte lJ. e 01 of !\apoleon L- The Hoosier Kitchen of my lord the egg and should all the years produced IS removea by absorptIon can be entmtamed that AmerIca WIll National Park. Lurtt<.fddhons hens in the world commIt suicide to I itet arV' D be the greatest and mo~ pr ~ The natIOnal forests are not only morrow, every chef in France worthy Moslem Call to Prayer pable of supportll1g respIratIOn perMs emplre that the world has evel Crosse Pomte". Park natIOnal in ownership but are becom of the name would fall on hIS spit for In the evening the Mohammedan call SpeCIal Car for Crooks ng more and more national in ein .. scen ' i :fish is but a course In a dinner, where- to prayer is l God is most great (fou GermJ.n climinal':! are transported loyment It is estimated that there p as the egg is the cement that holds times), 1 beal WItness that there is Varietles of Elma from courthouse to prISon In a rail were nearly 82DOO()()()VIsitors to the E. A. GONTHIER all the castles of cookery together '- but one God (twice) '\.Gobear witness Thele are about 20 speCIes of elm~ Aristocrats \"ay cn" de"'\hned espec all\ for them various feuel al reservatIOns in the fainting and Decorating Sansas Cif-y Times If-olrammeu b"- t1.,tj -dlJ&'--dc gf God known tIhey are natives of the North Junkers were members of the reac It really is il. tra' e1 "g' J'lfl WIth a sep past year, many'" of whom were -realty (tWIce), Come to tllR:rer (tWIce), Come Temperate zone and of the southern tionary aristocratic party III the oW arate rell for C'ach I rlsoner Each cell 22 Years In BUSIness ntent upon gettwg back to nature. I to Salvation (twice) God is most portIons of the Arctic zone Their German empIre A junker was orig contaIns a bed \\ ash stand tUble and Expert WorkmanshIp Nearly 2000000 of the visitors were Archery Record great (twice) tIhere is no God but God southern IUllltS seem to be the HI mally a young German noble-jung cl"m Estimates and Suggestlon. campers whlle hunureds of thousandS The NatIOnal Archery associatIon (twIce)' In the morning are added malayas lU ASIa and the mountains ~oung ard herr "lir "ere hlkers walking theIr way through Cheerfully Given of the Umted ~tates says that the best the words I Come to SalvatIOn pra3 €I at southern Mo"dco ~ 0 elms were he forests aod over the mountalOs Rome Had Plumbers t fllght sho.ot record made by shooting an lS better than sleep' (twice) found native on the Pacific slope of 1353Nottmgham Road The convenientlY placed and well. FashIOns In Eyeglasses 1he \vOld plm lwr comes ffom tl1e ariOW with a longbow (wooden bow) !\orth Amenca TUXEDO 20257 equIpped camp Sites developed by the IS 424 \ al d'S 2 feet 8 wches ThiS was The real m'1nUfactUlc of ej(\,la~"C';:, Lutm"orl lJullnllI"l \\lllChmeans orest sen ice together with the well t ehao 1!l AmL lca 'lbout lS2J at ,,lt It 11 r 1 '11.11<; as wen I Ore .. at the annual tourn~ment of the l\IusI rooms ale de)f>loped from Court Jesters t me l:>ranumother S stC'C' and gold Kercheval-Wayburn \N'hich have brought many a vacation as fOI tIle lDstallatwn of running wa. National: Archery assoclatlOn held in spore::. "'hich are eqUIvalent to the ProfeSSIOnal jestus appE''lr to hme rimmed frames ",erc in vogue In the Ist to the forests The automobile was ChICago III August 12 to 15 1930 existed at all times and III aU coun last few years SlDce Dame FashIOn '1p ter s\stems m pf1\dte houses Prac .. Garage Service argely responsible for the tremen bN..ds in the hliSher plai1b The SP0t(. I 'lhere is a report that in 1914 one Ingo tries They \ ere I no'l n as Scurr le peared on the scene ej eglass \\ e'lr tic'lllj e\ ery hou'3e tllat has been ex. dous number of VIsItors carryIng p10duces mycel um or the vegetative We Serve All Make Cars SImon made a filght shoot III IJngland put of the plant whH'h grO\\S III so 1 and lIIoriones to the HomaDS The has comrIetcly Ch'1Dged Lenses or c'1\atC'd at the "Ite of HerCUlaneum nearly 30000000 to the reservatIOns \ urlOUS shapes and SI.Ges ll:l\ e re and Palllr ell had 1unnlH~ water, lllves~ Fender Bumping Top Repairing of 482 yards 9 inches In making thIS or other me(lla Tnl? tnqshroDm h~elf court fool or Jester \\ as e"lpeclally shot, however he used a TurkIsh com ropular dUling the '!lddle ages placed the small oval ones tlgators report Car Washing and AlelDiting IS the fruiting body Baths of DiocIettan posite bow instead of the longbow . and so far as we know, Mr Dalley s Prompt Service 1\ear the .f€1illllll raP way stallon, shot, as given above IS a world record the VIsItor to Rome will find the fa. Reasonable Prices for a wooden bow -WaShlllgton Star mons and immense ruins of the baths • Estimates Given Free of Diocletlan They were constructed by the Emperor Maxlmanus",A. D , 802, .'LIke a Battle" Call Lenox 0707 lD honor of his colleague Diocletian, *lIt was my first eogagement The and were the largest baths io Rome 15000 Kercheval at Waybum road from the fron:t was horribly new .rhey we1e frequented by the CItizens to me Our assailants, whO outnutn""' untll the SIxth century and then neg .. bered us 20 to 1, were yelling hk'€ General Repairing ected unhl they fell into decay some I fiends and theIr ammunitlOn seemed parts bemg put to other uses and oth. unlImIted 1 was struck several hmes Keys Made. Locks Repa1red, All Bi" ers bUrIed under constructIOns Twen .. cycles, Baby Carnage., SewlDB Ma.. My company WhICh had stood gallant. ty years ago t'he hIdden rums were Skates Sharpened, Iy till now turned and fled It was chines Repaired, brought to 11ght and the ancient hans Weldmg and Brazmg more than flesh and bLood coulcl stand and pavements were seen again It 15210 MACK AVE. (an be recalled that the monks of Cer .. The-" tosa received the rums III 1561 for • What battle did you say it was?" ,.- thelr monastery and Michaelangelo asked the man next to him • Who saId anythmg about it battle?!) I had the tash of changmg the Tepida- Maryland Electric rlum Into the S Marla degll AngelL replled the first speaker in a surprIsed ~ tone "I was describlllg my flrst ap ~ Contracting and Repairing pearance as Hamlet 1Dan amateur the .. atrical SOCiety '-Exchange ~ LEnox 5284 1009 Maryland Capttal's Attractions Every AmerIcan should at some bme ~ Grosse Pointe Park VISit the NatIOnal Capital, not neces .. iii \ EXCItement of the Better Kind sarilY from a patriotIc pOlOt of vIew, The two hIkers sat down outsIde ~ but because of the historic and educa .. the old country inn and surveyed bonal value. of. what is to be seen ~ Review Liners there The CapItol Itself, the senate theIr surroundings ~ "Well, here we are, nght off the chamber, the house of representatives, beaten track!' saId one • No slgn of ~ SALE the Supreme court room for instance FOR any traffic or traffic congestIon ~ The Library of Congress with its The village constable emerged from FOR SALE - Dmmg room smte 3000,000 volumes and 50 miles of ~ the inn door at that moment and Colomal soltd mahogany must be shelves where may be seen the orig. ~ seen to be a.ppreclated also many oth~ overheard the conversatIon ~ inal of the DeclaratIOn of Independence 10h, I dunno ' he chimed in Uonly ~ er pieces 643 Neff Road Hickory and the orlgmal ConstitutIOO of the ~ 4346 J last week we had a bit of a collISIOn' United States Here, too, are the IOh, and what was thaq' asked ~ smithsoman institution the various FOR SALE~Ivy m wicker bask~t 10 one of the bikers years old Cheap 1378 Beaconsfield government bureaus Washington mon .. lilt was between old Parker s wheel .. I ument, the War and Na'lY buildmg- ehaJ.r and the postmIstress' trIcycle" FOR SAL,E--L,brary Table $600 also ~ El\:change the constable proudly informed them New Chlffo"obe, $1000 Call Hick Ii! • ory 5742 R -London Answers ~ / M Grosse Pointe Printing Co. Showing HIS Intellect I ~ For Rent Be wasn t velY well read and dId Into the Olin Past not want the girl he was courting to Reca1Ung the past a Kansas paper ~ FOR RENT - Bungalow Grosse know because she was the daughter drags up. from the depths the tllltype ~ Pomte smgle 1140 Beaconsfield oIl of a college professor Every time the pIcture gallery the Last Chance sa burnel anad mstantaneOllS hot water com ersatlOu turned toward books he loon, the mediC ne show the dream sIde dnve Phone HIckory 0057 J steered it away into another channel booh, the qUIll toothPICk the candy - One day howe\er be wasn t so suc pUlllllg the potato on the spout of the WorkWantea cessful and so he determllled to bluff kerosene oil can congress gUiters the I 1162 · it out mosquito bal over the bed the plague 114935 Kercheval Ave., Lenox fond of chi! "Ha ve you read '\RomeQ aI'!d Jull of files in the house sometlung like 1 RELIABLE NursemaId dren Nlagora 0986 et? she asked a rat trap 0\ er the butter and Ben , I \ e"Just finished nomeo' aod I In Hur and the Lampllghter on the cen RBFINED young woman would ltke going to read 'JUliet' next," he replIed ter table-Mlnneapolis Journal ~ , ~I. care of chIldren and asslstmg wtth . bght housework Call HIckory 1682 J ~ = - --,...., Hard to Mena ~..,...... AntIquity ~ -. 'St Andlew s Gnnste£ld claIU1s the HANDYMAN-Fmmsh Wishes POS1~ When a man mends hiS ways he ~ ala any lond of work can dn ve must make a neat job of it or the old honor ot belllg the oldest chmch in s..m~.m!J1ll.l".mmm!1!llmmnJ!l!!l!ll!l!!l!!l.!1!_" • 1~ll!1!!l!I!!l'LU.oo!!l!l!!.l!l1!l ~!J!.I!!1!l!!l!.L!!l!l!!OO!!l!l!!l!l!!1!1!!1!lJI..1!l!lJ!l!I.l!l!~!f!l!!.I!.l!IJ!.l!li!.t!!I!.l!!i!I!!.l!I.!!.l!.L~!J.!J!IJ!I!ll!1!!l!Mmm!!!!!!J.!l! tWD ~ilil'"HfiIiiJiliilifu1iflifiliiJiJjifiliililiiiiflilifiiliJiifiIi • ilirurllllililiilillililiir!!IiiJiIiii jiIiliiIiliiIiliiliililiiljfiiIiIiiJjfu1jJiililiiliIilljfulil'"u"TifUliliiTiIiililiilifiiIITiiIiJiiliTiililiiTiIiiJiIiiJiIiiIiliiTiIiiJjfiiliJj~c car Phone N",gara 4791 tear will show -Toledo Blade "':J '- )iJngland It dotes from 870 ,

J I THE GROSSE POIINTE REVIEW Thursday, August 6, 1931 Page F6ur

., second forcmg" Vla;n Bece1alre" thlen I Dlflgllble ilS a tale of a<1venture and Orlgmal Siamese Twins Old London Landmark Grace Church • • • • • • • tossmg to Gardner to complete One c-ourage wlth :most of ltS actIon laid at Explaining Origin of Chang and Eng the original Sia The CheshIre Cheese in Lon,don was • mese twins '\Vere born at "'Banget:!sau, I SOCIETY run two hits no error the Naval a1r statton a.t Lakehurst American DoIlar Sign WhtIe the pastor IS away on a short a popular cQffee house in the days ot Slam, April 15, 1811 Their parent8 ~ Farms.....JGardner was caUed out on N J or 'I'n the wastes of the Antarctic In l'Animateur des Temps Nouveaux, Joshua Reynolds Samuel Johnson ~ vacatlOn the PUlPIt Will be occupIed were of mIxed ChInese and Siameae OlIver Goldsmith and the great 1.