1 ' I • s E c o N D s E c T I o 1 $2.00 A YEAR WILL BRING $2.00 A YEAR WILL BRING THE PAPER EVERY WEEK THE PAPER EVERY WEEK BY MAIL BY MAIL Special School EditIOn GROS"L POlN n MICHIGAN THURSDAY, AUGUST 6 1931 1930 1931 Annual School Report I Annual Report of Grosse Pointe Rural Agricultural School District No. 1 --------------------------------------------------- --~! -_._------------ --- Herein Is Contained The Minutes Of The One nottce- on a telC'phone pole at the corner of Cadieux Rqad. Ohe notice on the outer door of the Kerby School on Kerby I For Precmct No l- Last Annual Meeting Of Electors Of and Kercheval Avenue lU the VIllage of Grosse Pomte Park Road III the Village of Grosse POinte Farms and one no1:1<:eon Theodore Damerow Chalrm..in One notIce on the outer door oi' the Kerby School on Kerby Bulletm Board Grosse Pomte Farms Wllham C BIshop Inspector Rural Agricultural School District No.1, Road 111 the VILlage of Gro<;se Pomte Farms and one notlee on One fIi:ltIce on 'the outer door of <the Rllehard School on Me John Murtagh Inspector Bulletm Board Grosse Pomte Farms KmJey Road 111 the V~l1age of Grosse Pomte Farms Grosse Pomte Charles A Parcells Clerk and a Detailed List Of Expenditures One nottce on the outer door of the Rttchard School on Mc One notIce on a telephone pole at the corner of WeIr Lane and Stephen H Van Tlem (Jerk Made By The District During The Fiscal Kmley Road m the \ ill age of Grosse Pomte Farms Grosse Pomte Lake ~hore Road m the Vdlage of Grosse Pomte Shores George R Grove Clerk One llDt1ce on a telephDne pole at the corner of Weir Lane and One notice on a telephone pole .near Mr W E Mertz dnve For Precmct No 2- Year 1930.1931. Lake Shore Road 111 the Village of Grosse Pomte Shores way 1P the VIllage of Grosse Pomte Shores Chas A Poupard Chatrman One notice on a telephone pole near Mr W E Mertz dnve- One notllce on the outer door of the Vernier School In the Noah G Faye Inspector way In the VilLage of Grosse Pomte Shores VIllage Df Groses Pomte Shores Edmond 1< Poupard Inspector ANNUAL MEETING One nolll'Ce on t'he outer door of the Vermer School 111 the One notiCe on a bulletm board at the corner ()If Vernier Road WIll am G Stamman Clerk Vl1lage of Groses POlll'te Shores and Lake Snore Road III the VIllage of Grosse POlllte Shores Edward F Pf€l1ffle Clerk The Annual Meeting of the Quahfied Electors of Rural Agrl- C'ultura1 St:..hool DIstnct ~o 1 Gros<;e P0111te TownshIp Wayne One nohce on a bulletm board at the corner of Vermer Road One notIce on a telephone pole at the corner of Mack Road and Frank A Schehr Clerk and Lake Shore Road Jl1 the VIllage of Grosse Pomte Shores nsher Road In the VIllage of Grosse Pomte 1<or Precmct No 3- County MIchIgan was held at the Grosse Pomte HIgh School 11 Grosse POinte Boulevard Grosse P0111te Farms MichIgan on Mon One notIce on a telephone pole at the corner of Mack Road and One noUce on a telephone pole at the corner of Mack Roa<:l Mar1tn A Preston ChaIrman llsher Road In the Village of Grosse Pomte and ~eff Road 111 the Vdlag.e of Grosse Pomte Charle<; S Cox Inspector day the 8th day of June A D 1931 between the hours of 10 00 One noNce on a telephone pole at the corner of Mack Road One notice on a telephone pole at the corner of Manchester Margaret W Tyler Inspector o'Clock A M and 10 00 0 clock P M Edstern Standard TIme for the purpose of electmg one membel of the Board of Educ<lJt1on to and Neff Road 111 the Vdlage of Grosse Pamte Boulevard and Mack Avenue 111 the TownshIp of Grosse Pomte Toseph A Barton Clerk hold ofhce for the ensumg three (3) years on the Board 0.£ Ecluca Qne notIce on a telephone pole at the corner of Manchester One notIce on the outer door of Cook School on Mack Avenue, Charle.!> R Bennett Clerk Boulevard and Mack Avenue 111 the fawns hip of Grosse Pomte <;outherly of Vernier Road m the Town ..hIp of Grosse Pomte For Prec111ct No 4- hon of Rural AgrIcultural School DIStW..t No 1 Grosse PDmte Township Wavne County Michigan and for the pUl'\Pose of sub One nonce on the outer door of Cook School on Mack Avenue One notlce on the bulletm board 111 front of the VI3.lage Hall A H Bennett Chairman mlttmg to the Quabfied Electors of Rura1 Agncultural School DlS <;outherly of Vermer Road In thc TownshIp of Grosse Pomte on Mack Avenue m Lochmoor VIllage Albert E Renaud Inspector tnct:No 1 Grosse Pomte fownshlp Wayne County MichIgan all One notIce on the bulletm board In front of the Vl11age Hall One notlce on a telephone pole tl1 front of the Mason School GeoI"ge S Butterfield Inspector questIOns propOSItions and matters upon whIch actIon by the voters on Mack Avenue 111 Lochmoor Village In the V lllage of Lachmoor Wtlham Weldbush Clerk of the DIstrIct IS by law reqUIred or necessary or by the Board of One notice on a telephone pole In front of the Mason School One noUce on a telephone pole at the corner Df Mack Ayenue lor PrecInct 1\,[0 5- Education deemed proper rp.rudent Or expedient to be subm1tted 1n the Vl1lage of Lochmoor and BIshop Road III the Vl1lage of Grosse Pomte Park Edward Vanderbush Chalrman to the meetIng One notice on a telephone pole at the corner of Mack Avenue One notice on a telephone pole M the ("orner or Mack Avenue WIlham Hudson Inspector PreSIdent Sutter called the meotmg to order at 10 00 oclock and BIshop Road 111 the Vl1lage of Grosse POInte Park and Lakepomte Avenue 111 the VIHage of Grosse Pomte Park James VanAntwerp Inspector A M Eastern Standard TIme One nottce on a telephone 'Pole at the corner of Mack Avenue One notice at the corner of Kercheval Avenue and Three Mtle Phlltp F Allard Clerk The Preslden.t requested the Secretary to call the roll of Trustees and I akepomte Avenue 111 the VILlage of Grosse Powte Park DI11ve on a tele£hone pole 10 the Village of Grosse POinte Park Joseph I anstra Clerk present The followmg School Trustees a.nswered the roll call One not1ce at the corner of Kercheval Avenue and Three Mlle One notIce on a telephone pole at the corner of Waterloo ror Precmct No 6- Trustees foupard Parcells Watkms Barrett and PreSIdent Sutter Dnve on a telephone pole 1n the VIllage of Grosse Pomte Park Avenue and Beaco11'lfield Avenue 111 the VIllage of Grosse Pomte Joseph E Beaufalt Chdlrman FIve (5) Absent None One no1tce on d telephone pole at the corner of Waterloo Park Robert Piche Inspector The Secretary was requested to read the Nohce of the calhng Avenue and Maryland Avenue m the Vmage of Grosse Pomte One nohce on a telep.hone pole .at the corner of CharleVOIx Charles A Paye Inspector II of the meetmg Park Avenue and Maryland Avenue m the VIlhllge of Grosse Pomte Juhus Ortwem Clerk One nof1ce on a .elephone pole at the corner of CharlevoIx Park L J Mattice Clerk It was moved by George Butterfield supported by E F Poupard to have the Notice of the Annual Meetmg approved as read and to t\venue and Beaconsfield Avenue m the Village 'of Grosse PoInte One notICe on the 'Outer door of the Trombly School In the LoUIS Bogan Clerk I Park VIllage of Grosse POinte Park Passed unanimously have It spread upon the records 111 full AdQpted unanttmously The Notice IS as follows One nohce on the outer cloor of the Trombly School In the CHARLES A PARCELLS Secretary I Village of Grosse POInte Park Board of Education Trustee WatkInS then admmlstered the oath of ElectIon In NOTICE OF ELECTION Rural Agncultural School D1stmct No spectors to the saId In ..pectors In behalf of the Inspectors who CHAR,LES A PARCELLS Secretary Grosse POInte TownshIp, were not present at the time the oath was adnllll1stered Jt was NotLlee lS hereby gwen of an electton III Rural Agrrrcultuni.l Board of EducatlOn Wayne Courty Mtcn1gan moved by Juhus Ortwem supported by Joseph Bartlett to authorIze School Dtstr1d No 1 Grosse POll1'te TownshIp Wayne County Rural AgrIcultural School Dlstnct No 1, Subscnbed and sworn to before me thIS 8th clay of June A D the Chairmen of Election at the vafll0US precmcts to swear In those MlchIgan, to be held on Monday the eIghth day of Jrtme A D 1931 Grosse POinte 10wnshtp 1931 offiCIals who were not present at the 10 00 0 clDok seSS10n ThIS at the 'Po1hng places of the several precincts of the D~stnct to.rwtt Wayne County MIchigan (Sgd) EDMUND G WEST motion was passed unammously PreCInct No i-To Include all of Grosse POInte VtHage voung Subscnbed and sWain to before me thiS 8th day of June A D Notary Pubhc Wayne County Mlch1gan ,.. It was moved by ISI,e1'fhehnVhan Tlem suPPlortled fhYhWbllhlalm plaoce at the Cadieux School 399 St ClaIr Avenue, Grosse POlllie 1931 My comm1SSIOn explres May 18 1933 "'Itamman to mstruct a 0 t e c atrmen to sea a lot e a ot Vlllage Mlchlgarl .
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