RNI. No. KARBIL/2007/20997 Regn. No. MNG/991/2019-2021

Vol. 13 No. 2 February 2019


1 11.15 a.m. Mass at the Missionary Society of Infant Jesus, Bondel 04.30 a.m. Saamarasya, Cultural Fest, KACES, Balmatta 2-3 10.00 a.m. Pastoral Visit, Kadaba Parish 4 06.30 p.m. Meeting Regents and Deacons Pastoral Institute 5 10.30 a.m. Mass at Friendship House, Talapady 03.30 p.m. Governing Board Meeting, Concetta Hospital, Bishop’s House 6 10.15 a.m. Mass at St John Paul II Shrine, Bajpe 04.30 p.m. All United Christian Forum, Bishop’s House 7 04.30 p.m. Confirmation, Bejai Parish 9 08.15 a.m. Lourdes School Feast, Bejai. 11 06.30 p.m. Lourdes Feast, Jeppu 13-16 Theological Symposium, Kolkata 17 08.30 a.m. Confirmation at Farla Parish 04.15 p.m. Blessing of the Renovated Church, Kelarai 19-22 St Peter’s Seminary, Board Meeting and CCK 23 03.00 p.m. Graduation Ceremony, FMCI 22 01–02–2019 Inter Nos

24 04.00 p.m. Inauguration of Parish House, Bolkunje 27 9.30 a.m. Inauguration of Indoor Stadium, Madanthyar 06.00 p.m. Mass at Rosa Mystica, Gurpur 28 09.30 a.m. Regional Family Commission Meeting at Bajjodi Bishop meets in the forenoon: Diocesan Clergy – 11; Lay Faithful – 12; Religious Priests and Sisters – 18.


BISHOP’S MESSAGE FOR FEBRUARY 2019 We have solemnly inaugurated the Year of Youth at the diocesan level on 6 January 2019 during the Annual Eucharistic Procession and at the parish level on 13 January. Psalm 127 says: “Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one’s youth. Blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them! He shall not be put to shame when he speaks with his enemies in the gate”. Young men and women are the children of the Mother Church that she acquired through Christ. It is now the task of every minister of Christ to accompany our young men and women on their life’s journey. The representatives of the Youth Associations and the various committees of the Diocesan Pastoral Council have suggested a few programmes which could be conducted throughout the year in order to empower our young brethren. We shall publish the list soon in the Diocesan Weekly, Raknno. I warmly encourage the Priests, Religious and Lay Faithful to be deeply interested in the youth, seek them wholeheartedly, deal with them with fatherly and motherly tenderness and dedicate the time and energy for their well-being. Kindly spur them on to implement the programmes at the parish, deanery and diocesan level. I cordially invite the Parish Priests to encourage the youth to appoint a youth leader for every ward and thus get in touch with each and every one, and then appoint a main coordinator at the parish level. 23 01–02–2019 Inter Nos

One of the requests placed before me by the youth representatives is to make space for them during the Sunday Mass. The youth can conduct the liturgy of the First Sunday every month and the whole parish pray for their intentions. A list of intentions connected with the youth will also be published for the purpose. Our primary task is to become evangelizers and missionaries of Christ. To equip the youth for the purpose, they should be encouraged to buy a copy of the You Cat (Youth Catechism) which is already available in English and soon going to be published also in Konkani. Thus, they will have ready material to deepen their knowledge of faith and they will be well-equipped to make a defense to anyone who asks them for a reason for the hope that is in them and they would be able to do it with gentleness and respect (cf. 1 Pet 3: 15). In this context, the youth should be inspired to organize an hour of adoration on Friday evening with thanks and praise, with hymns and chants. They can also use the Taizé prayer to have an encounter with Christ in Song and silent meditation. Holy Father Francis has asked us to pray every day, after the Rosary, the prayer to Mary, Mother of God, popularly known as Sub tuum praesidium (Under Your Protection): “We fly to thy protection, O holy Mother of God. Despise not our petitions in our necessities, but deliver us always from all dangers O glorious and blessed Virgin”. He has also invited us to pray to St Michael, who is captain of the heavenly hosts so that the Church be protected from the insidious attacks of the Evil one: “St Michael the Archangel, Defend us in battle. Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly hosts, By the power of God, thrust into hell Satan, And all the evil spirits, who prowl about the world Seeking the ruin of souls. Amen”. These prayers are to be said in the families and in the parishes. The Evil one accuses the People of God day and night, and the Church is suffering in various parts of the world because of his tactics in escalating hatred, violence and division. 24 01–02–2019 Inter Nos

Unless we invite the youth to pray and adore the Lord with us by meditatively reading the Word of God, no activity can be really effective. God alone gives the fruit to our labour. Let us focus on creating a strong prayer network for humanity and the Church. Pope Francis is requesting us to pray intensely for his intentions, calling the Apostleship of Prayer, “Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network” (PWPN). This Apostleship of Prayer has a youth branch called “Eucharistic Youth Movement”. The daily morning offering is part of that Apostolate of Prayer. There is a move whole over the world to make associations for the purpose. The Eucharistic Youth Movement is an international movement of Christian formation for children and young people. It allows members to participate in this dynamic of prayer and service, learning to live like Jesus. It promotes the devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and nourished specifically by the intentions proposed by the Holy Father. In 1986, St John Paul II entrusted the propagation of Spirituality of the Heart of Jesus to the Jesuits. We are called to nominate a diocesan director to promote the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network. I want to bring to your kind attention the task ahead of us in doing the survey of the whole diocese to evolve an integral Pastoral Plan. The survey tool is getting ready. Competent people from the Parish capable of getting trained to administer the survey questionnaire may be requested to join in this task to complete the survey and hand over the filled forms to the Bishop’s House. A major portion of the tabulated data is essential to send the Quinquennial Report to the Holy See. I have requested the Nuncio to give me some more time to complete it as I took over the charge recently and he has consented to it. May God bless our diocese, and may Mother Mary and St Joseph intercede for us. Peter Paul Saldanha Bishop of 25 01–02–2019 Inter Nos


Pastoral ministry in a missionary way seeks to abandon the complacent attitude that says: ‘We have always done it this way’. Pope Francis has invited “everyone to be bold and creative in this task of rethinking the goals, structures, style and methods of evangelization in their respective communities” (Evangelii gaudium 33). In the light of Pope’s instruction and the need for better pastoral planning and ministry, the Diocese of Mangalore will be conducting a Socio-Economic and Pastoral Survey in order to bring out a comprehensive Pastoral Plan. The data obtained from the survey will be useful not only for the diocese but also for the parish for effective ministry of proclaiming the gospel of joy. In addition, the survey will facilitate the compilation of data and report to be submitted to the Holy See. The survey tool - the questionnaire – is almost complete, and the copies will be made ready by the end of February. However, motivation and training are necessary requisites for the proper conduct/administration of the survey. I have instructed the members of the Survey Committee to go to all deaneries to brief about the modality of data collection. All the priests are expected to attend the training sessions in their respective deaneries. The Survey Committee members have been assigned the following deaneries: Rev. Alfred J. Pinto : Puttur and Mogarnad Rev. Basil Vas : and Bantwal Rev. J.B. Saldanha : Mudipu and Kasargod Rev. Joseph Martis : Episcopal and City Rev. Maxim L. Noronha : Moodbidri Rev. Victor George D’Souza : Pezar, Suratkal (combined) and Kinnigoli Each Parish Priest may bring along with him 2 or 3 qualified/ competent persons from their parish who can guide the parish survey team. The Deans are required to take an appointment with the resource persons assigned above to schedule a training 26 01–02–2019 Inter Nos session on a day convenient for priests of the deanery and resource persons. This meeting/training session should be held in the deaneries before March 20, 2019. After this, each parish should organize and train its survey teams, and begin to administer the survey and collect data from every family. The data collection should be completed by the end of May, 2019. All the Priests are requested to involve in this socio- economic and pastoral enterprise, which is essential for Pastoral Planning and Ministry, both at the diocesan and parish level. Peter Paul Saldanha Bishop of Mangalore

******** REFLECTIONS ON THE YEAR OF YOUTH 2019 Our Diocesan Pastoral Council meeting on January 25, 2019 focused on the theme of the Year of Youth and briefly explored the Final document of the Synod of Bishops on Young People, Faith and Vocational Discernment held in October 3-28, 2018 consisting of 3 parts, 12 chapters, and 167 paragraphs. The document uses the account of the journey to Emmaus (Lk 24:13- 35) as a paradigmatic text for understanding the Church’s mission to younger generations. It is divided into three parts: (a) He walked with them; (b) Their eyes were opened; and (c) They set off without delay. The Synod speaks of a listening Church: Listening is an encounter in freedom, which requires humility, patience, readiness to understand, and a commitment to formulate the answers in a new way. Listening is not just a gathering of information, nor is it a strategy for achieving a goal, but it is the manner in which God himself relates to his people. Young people want to be heard. Listening is a key element in the ministry of pastors. The burden of administrative duties absorbs the energy of many pastors in an excessive and sometimes suffocating way. To highlight the priority of pastoral and spiritual duties, the Synod Fathers insist 27 01–02–2019 Inter Nos on the need to rethink the concrete ways in which the ministry is exercised. In his homily during the Mass at the closing of the synod, Pope Francis said: “I would like to tell the young people, on behalf of us adults: forgive us if we have not often listened to you. If instead of opening your hearts, we have filled your ears.” He also said: “How many times, instead of giving this liberating message of salvation, do we carry ourselves, our ‘recipes,’ our ‘labels,’ in the Church? How many times, instead of making our words, the words of the Lord, we have passed our ideas through His word. How many times have people felt the pressure of our institutions more than the friendly presence of Jesus?” A listening Church is just one of the many themes presented in the Final Document of the Synod of Bishops. You are encouraged to read the entire document, which is available on the internet. This issue of Inter Nos contains the text of the homily preached by Fr Leo Lasrado at the Diocesan Eucharistic Procession and Inauguration of the Year of Youth on January 6, 2019. It is included here as it relates to the Year of Youth, reflects the contemporary pastoral situation, and challenges us all to be the changes we want to see and God wants us to be.


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YOUCAT is short for Youth Catechism of the Catholic Church, which was distributed in multiple languages on world youth day 2011 in Madrid, Spain. The English language edition and edition are available at ATC Bangalore. This book is developed with the help of young Catholics and written for high school age people and young adults, YOUCAT is an accessible, contemporary expression of the Catholic Faith. The appealing graphic format includes Questions and Answers, highly readable commentary, summary definitions of key terms, Bible citations and inspiring and thought provoking quotes from Saints and others in the margins. What’s more, YOUCAT is keyed to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, so people can go deeper. It explains: l What Catholics believe and why (doctrine) l How Catholics celebrate the mysteries of the faith (sacraments) l How Catholics are to live (moral life) l How they should pray (prayer and spirituality) The questions are direct and honest, even at times tough; the answers straightforward, relevant, and compelling. YOUCAT offers four unique gifts that are life-giving to our youth: (a) it 32 01–02–2019 Inter Nos educates, (b) it informs, (c) it demonstrates, and (d) it loves. These gifts await those who engage in its study. Much like all four chambers of the human heart are necessary and work together to renew, sustain, and nourish the body, the four gifts of YOUCAT refresh, sustain, and nourish the faith of our present and future Church. YOUCAT is now available in Konkani. Parish Priests, youth animators, and all youth organizations must make every effort to obtain YOUCAT in sufficient numbers for their parish, so that every youth in the parish and every family has it in the Year of Youth for use in their family, meetings, and seminars. An honest and prayerful reading of YOUCAT is bound to transform a person for the better. Place your orders for YOUCAT in Konkani made available at a subsidized rate with Rev. Ronald D’Souza, Director ICYM or Rev. Vijay Machado, Director, Mangala Jyothi. Books will be available in the first week of March, 2019. ******** ANNUAL ACCOUNTS We have received good many instructions during the On- going Formation programme on how to maintain proper accounts. Keeping this in mind - as we are move towards the end of the financial year of 2018-19 - we request you to consider the following: 1. There should be two internal auditors from the parish assembly, who are not in the Parish Pastoral Council. They should go through the accounts and other things connected to annual returns of the year. Printed material is available in the Vicar General’s office as regards their work. Their independent report should be enclosed while submitting the annual accounts to the Bishop. 2. Please prepare a budget together with the Finance Committee for the coming year 2019-20, by the end of March 2019; get it approved in the Finance Committee and then send it to the Bishop for approval, latest by April 15th. In view of better 33 01–02–2019 Inter Nos

clarity, the diocesan auditor has suggested the following format for Income and Expenditure separately:

Items Actuals Budgetted for Actuals of Budget for 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 upto 2019-20 Dec. 2018

3. Please obtain TDS certificates from your banks for the TDS paid to the Government on the bank interest and submit the same to your Chartered Accountant for annual auditing in the month of April/May. 4. A few more guidelines will be intimated to you in the Inter Nos of March. - Vicar General ********


Income Expenses

From Parishes 27,73,093 Liturgical Expenses 42,682 From Religious Media & Publicity 4,436 Cong.-Men 1,40,000 Food & Refreshments 12,05,349 From Religious Logistics & Cong.-Women 3,46,000 Arrangements 19,40,626 From Diocesan Sound & Lights 72,310 Institutions 4,60,000 Invitations, Printing & Programme 1,69,356 From Others 5,10,000 Travelling & Transport 1,38,120 Miscellaneous Expenses 19,640

TOTAL 42,29,093 TOTAL 35,92,519

– Procurator, Diocese of Mangalore 34 01–02–2019 Inter Nos

0 00 111 Sunday Mission 182770 865323 215925 0 161018 0 325000 Pence Pence Peters Peters s House up to 25.01.2019 0 7700 148665 Ongoing Formation Peter Ap. Ap. Peter Soc. of St.

emitted to Bishop’ Pro Afris Pro Sunday Sunday Pentecost Pentecost Good Good Friday om Parishes r Maundy Maundy Thursday PARISH Earmarked Collections fr

1 Rosario Cathedral 2 Adyapady 3 Agrar 4 12600 Allipade 5 33000 Ammembal 6 Anegudde 8000 7 Angelore 6000 8 Arva 9572 9 4000 9400 9823 Ashoknagar 31189 1300 8000 19350 6909 52300 4000 5600 6435 97400 4500 30742 6200 4250 6228 28400 53037 3850 5500 13500 15600 6280 6924 3800 6300 19235 4115 5499 10266 3350 19650 5900 3220 54671 11002 10500 1512 1500 4290 9813 4121 8751 6576 104728 29195 10 Badyar 11 Bajal 12 Bajjodi 13 Bajpe 14 Bambil 15 3415 Bannur 16 Bantwal 12571 11396 17 13129 Bejai 28108 2552 21181 25690 6112 2744 2946 7886 51510 5400 7585 2264 12388 14000 8631 23000 12261 7010 1321 15320 2422 50000 10560 45000 5108 12800 6700 3456 16270 2122 7047 67930 15300 5805 14892 7800 63000 2136 7292 23714 12000 13260 5723 70000 2150 27575 81 15237 6123 27428 2205 1220 28420 4512 40000 26583 41890

35 01–02–2019 Inter Nos

0 00 00 00 00

000 000 0781 0781 Sunday Mission Mission 100000 400000 488150 0 0 386220 55 55 624000

Pence Pence Peters Peters 9376 9376 108025

Ongoing Ongoing Formation Formation

Peter Ap. Peter Ap. Soc. of St.Soc.

Pro AfrisPro

Sunday Pentecost

Good Good Friday

Maundy Maundy Thursday PARISH

18 Bela 19 Belloor 20 Belthangady 21 Belvai 22 Bendur 23 Bola 12020 18960 24 7188 Bolkunje 44530 25 41830 15327 Bondel 9506 26 11525 7840 Borimar 5080 27 98065 10540 12792 Bovikana 9350 4852 28 138500 12980 9333 Cascia 2237 4500 48060 29 2570 5108 11954 Cordel 10602 30 17000 44480 4037 52000 3910 Derebail 6069 8732 3650 31 44505 97624 4800 2323 Delanthabettu 1245 3890 2000 32 60000 24393 5254 Eliarpadav 4250 2065 33 2050 5660 15450 3961 24220 Fajir 2820 4100 34 2231 72307 84150 23020 1250 3100 27284 Farla 31505 35 2320 93439 3250 11200 2997 102250 35500 Ferar 1200 50804 37000 3700 5176 8000 22275 4250 2332 20715 1320 35197 12312 5000 260 8520 14852 21910 1370 39879 10455 3739 3500 21058 7910 39474 5540 20265 10473 4067 21000 7800 6850 38112 11920 16460 174 3333 103 21000 10825 17600 4350 3885 10450 6350 5332 10555 3653 6300 5500 10670 3 6568 5638 6110 4062 5425 73000 65525 45000

36 01–02–2019 Inter Nos Christ the Christ King

0 23 5330 8500 Sunday 71110 Mission 128339

5 123210 920 131200 Pence Peters

Ongoing Formation

Ap. Ap. Peter Peter

Soc. of St.

Pro AfrisPro

Sunday Pentecost Pentecost

Good Friday

Maundy Maundy Thursday PARISH PARISH

36 Fermai 37 Gantalkatte 38 Gardady 39 Gurpur 40 Hosabettu 41 7305 Indubettu 42 11559 Jeppu 1550 43 Kadaba 6605 10812 44 4570 10500 Karady 6338 45 38950 27937 1400 Kasargod 2050 46 6235 4362 Kateel 7545 1450 4050 47 21780 Katipalla 6830 4552 1076 48 1284 1520 1850 45640 Kayyar 3560 49 8820 3300 4830 5906 11220 Kelarai 1460 1290 3357 50 72000 16039 8015 11250 Kinnigoly 6779 1300 738 8040 51 1490 3805 4375 Kirem 7606 14681 10672 15560 52 2979 1135 843 Kokkada 5265 50318 11071 8180 4331 53 5345 Kollangana 1290 3880 10538 8450 2897 1324 27210 90500 4303 11145 19500 281 4011 38620 11293 2433 1400 31950 6260 4710 17972 24630 9308 4806 1513 19680 2638 3800 3959 5550 23356 40840 4825 26275 10603 19200 26200 2685 34850 8400 5960 10380 14736 12422 8538 17280 2326 2350 15336 9800 6320 5044 53000 18620 75000 1543 2250 10927 5120 11 3744 10890 90555 2650 4738 7296 2250 4757 23 2110 4033 45130 4

37 01–02–2019 Inter Nos 0 0 569 569 541 4450 4450 9650 71677 71677 Sunday Mission Mission 23000 860 860 272640 1514 1514 358270 Pence Peters Peters 6 6 6243 71000 25 25 8005 262411 Ongoing Ongoing Formation Peter Ap. Ap. Peter Soc. of St.of Soc.

Pro Afris Pro Sunday Pentecost Friday Good Good Maundy Thursday PARISH

54 54 Komangala 55 Kulur 56 Kumbla 57 Kuppepadav 58 Lawrencenagar 59 Loreto 60 Madanthyar 2915 61 5020 2200 Manela 62 11220 6995 Maniyampare 4800 63 2600 Manjeshwar 6001 64 26061 13518 1944 Manjottie 2400 2332 65 43364 43547 2155 Mariashram 2000 66 4780 4100 17798 3000 8751 Maril 2120 67 7000 4020 15177 6550 3010 Milagres 11220 2891 68 2012 11000 15051 4020 Miyapadav 10978 4145 2205 2420 69 - 8157 16772 1430 4600 Mogarnad 3242 9930 70 5 4100 61411 19178 1 Moodbidri-Alangar 5500 71 3580 7599 - 4020 6505 Moodbidri-Town 54500 5500 3257 98 3000 10055 108200 19831 3150 2800 5300 11423 19883 52960 2502 5000 23015 2800 3311 20000 45460 3920 6428 5200 2 32550 5000 46000 3199 45500 1 6845 15260 6765 4300 102780 48660 3626 13965 4808 6662 40 5100 14560 1714 5425 4365 718 10700 135 41996 5482 4891 3221 40 32053 108655

38 01–02–2019 Inter Nos

0 0 0 0 0 00 00 05 05 45 0500 0500 0450 0450 Sunday Mission Mission 2 2 115008 0 0 32000 Pence Peters Peters Ongoing Ongoing Formation Peter Ap. Ap. Peter Soc. of St. Soc. of

Pro AfrisPro Sunday Pentecost Pentecost Good Good Friday Maundy Maundy Thursday PARISH

72 72 Mudipu 73 Mukka 74 Mulky 75 Nainadu 76 Nala 77 4402 Narampady 78 4060 18321 Naravi 79 10092 5030 5740 Neermarga 4800 80 10980 Neerude 5130 2010 81 6200 9800 6265 Nellikar 1812 82 4750 2002 12500 Nellyady 3600 10079 83 1927 22547 9668 5660 Niddodi 2426 7100 6245 3900 84 33829 1600 10254 Nidpally 4940 2816 9570 85 7200 7314 3300 Nirkan 8380 5806 1433 1460 55000 86 20745 2757 7150 7220 Nithyadarnagar 3450 11056 87 7660 1217 - 5060 4170 63000 Omzoor 8300 6500 11892 4200 5840 88 6291 1356 Pakshikere 2040 5290 1400 89 7050 9730 58000 16350 - 6362 Paladka 7742 569 1840 4370 15 2500 4900 1025 4450 8178 18038 1550 7470 1300 7383 - 5550 10000 4296 8250 1800 4673 1075 2010 20000 3700 210000 4128 12599 - 5360 10490 1700 8892 1850 3020 4400 6000 3676 28925 2050 8272 2920 1400 2720 3700 3552 6000 7050 7482 1220 3110 1050 2135 441 3908 6841 10080 2750 2350 1829 5163 6492 7440 44550 4620 5042 886 6 5291 523

39 01–02–2019 Inter Nos

0 5 0 10 10 70 70 451 451 6000 6000 Sunday Mission Mission 205701 912 912 190172 Pence Pence Peters Peters Ongoing Ongoing Formation Formation Soc. of St.Soc. of Peter Ap.

Pro AfrisPro Sunday Pentecost Pentecost Good Good Friday Maundy Maundy Thursday PARISH

90 Paldane 91 Panir 92 Panja 93 Pavur 94 UliyaPavur 20500 95 Permannur 27000 96 13000 Permude 97 9400 5925 30000 Peruvai 98 2190 8600 Pezar 7302 8029 99 25615 Puttur 3330 7700 8243 4198 59682 1100 8245 11300 1700 8226 21165 3421 13620 3776 7000 1626 20115 8717 3100 2756 10 4859 3600 20400 9198 4423 19642 3060 23090 12200 2376 71932 80630 2980 23 3540 2700 3189 16043 46000 4120 4100 2988 15810 3572 14663 3123 3249 1172 17952 2756 3543 17340 12710 11750 3484 31350 1500 100 Ranipura 101 Salethur 102 Sampaje 103 Sampige 104 Saverapura 8051 105 Shakthinagar 2390 15150 106 Shambur 2298 107 7680 8190 Shirtady 4543 4154 1800 6669 2633 7515 8097 2097 3368 7250 2742 12056 3631 2300 2177 2240 6868 2680 4409 3420 7233 4500 2475 1682 3160 4313 15690 3430 2600 2300 2008 4284 6544 3590 67000 2700 2040 3925 6946 3178 3134 2200 51000 1786 7184 1950 3100 5702 17740 2060 30 4200 120000

40 01–02–2019 Inter Nos

00 00 500 500 6581 6581 Sunday Mission Mission 51667 28254 90000 65300 32103 40080 75000 214825 263088 236542

4010 4010 167777 Pence Peters Peters 4420 5026 3100 2955 4350 6827 12213 22826

6230 1233 5178 3450 3018 4480 5637 16637 32703 Ongoing Ongoing Formation

5084 1739 4807 3655 2500 4150 6486 17181 28036 Peter Ap. Peter Ap. Soc. of St.Soc.

7132 1746 6216 3610 3406 4365 6852 17342 28502 Pro AfrisPro

5828 1367 6310 4100 3445 5175 6119 Sunday 17298 25067 Pentecost

Good Good 5271 5675 Friday 23400 34463 30200 15819 89718 12755 16427

9470 2402 9000 5821 3565 4345 7597 19409 39250 Maundy Maundy Thursday

PARISH Siddakatte Surathkal Thannirbavi Uppinangady Valencia Vamadapadav Venur Vorkady

108 109 Sullia 110 111 Taccode 112 113 Thodambila 114 Thokur 3341 115 11000 116 8041 Ukkinadka 117 25000 6400 4535 118 5640 Urwa 9778 4370 119 1775 7500 120 3700 4255 1820 5460 121 5810 Vamanjoor 3907 3500 4160 122 1528 5700 4189 123 2906 1850 Vittal 48050 1638 124 3920 67136 87480 1900 125 1484 30030 Chapel Bellare 3496 28103 2050 1428 52000 54080 24481 4 15020 2075 1341 27580 6778 15050 540 2288 51500 28813 15000 27625 23 16825 - 15000 6981 1 6123 6773 1370 6421 1980 5119 1780 1100 1150 27400

Note: The Parish Priests are requested to remit the Earmarked Collections regularly as and when collection is made. 41 01–02–2019 Inter Nos

MANGALA JYOTHI I. Programmes: 3 Feb 2019 : Liturgy Seminar, Maril Parish 4 Feb 2019 : Novena Mass, Bajpe 4-28 Feb 2019 : Classes, Jeppu Seminary 4-6 Feb 2019 : Adult Catechesis, Roshni Nilaya 7 Feb 2019 : Novena Mass, Milagres 10 Feb 2019 : Liturgy Seminar, Shakthinagar Parish 13-17 Feb 2019 : ICA Meeting, Goa. II. New Arrivals: 1. £ÀªÉ£ÁZÉA ¨sÀQÛ¥Àuï (£ÀªÉ£ÁAZÉA ¥ÀĸÀÛPï) 2. zÉÊ«Pï UÁAiÀÄ£ÁA 3. D²ÃªÀðZÀ£ÀUÀ¼À UÀæAxÀ - PÀ£ÀßqÀ Roman Ritual (Revised) Rs. 900/- 4. What you should know about the Mass. 5. Praying the Rosary. 6. Family Prayer Book. III. Announcements : 1. The theme for the Catechetical Academic Year 2019-20 is “¸À馅 D«ÄÑ ªÀiÁvÁ D£ ²PÀëQ - ¨sÁªÁyð ²PÀëuÁPï ªÁmï” - “Nature is our Mother and Teacher - Way to Faith Education”. 2. All parishes may conduct the Catechism Day either on February 17 or 24. The Diocesan level Catechism Day will be held on March 03 and Value Education Day on March 02, at Mangala Jyothi. 3. Mass Candles, better quality Hosts & Particles, Incense are available at Mangala Jyothi. – Director Mangala Jyothi 42 01–02–2019 Inter Nos


1. Request to the Rev. Parish Priests: SCCs Diocesan Convention will be held on March 4, 2019 from 9 a.m. to 1.00p.m. at Cordel Hall, Kulshekar. Three youth, SCC coordinator of the Parish and Vice-President / Secretary of PPC – a total 5 persons can participate in the convention. Parish Priests and the Religious Sisters are cordially invited. Kindly see that you send 3 youth to the convention. Please submit the names of the participants along with fees (Rs. 200/ -per person) to the Varado Coordinators. 2. Contact the Director in advance for Retreat, SCC Day Celebrations, Training and other SCC requirements. 3. Books and relevant material on SCCs are available with us. I request you all to use them to guide and promote SCCs in your parish. – Director Small Christian Communities



DATE DAY TIMINGS SUBJECT MARKS 23/04/2019 TUESDAY 10.30 a.m. – 11.50 a.m. BIOLOGY 60

2.30 p.m. – 3.50 p.m. MATHEMATICS 60

24/04/2019 WEDNESDAY 10.30 a.m. – 11.50 a.m. PHYSICS 60 2.30 p.m. – 3.50 p.m. CHEMISTRY 60

For more details, candidates are requested to visit KEA website http:/kea.kar.nic.in 43 01–02–2019 Inter Nos

COMED-K UGET 2019 Based on the mandate given by the KUPECA, COMEDK’s Under Graduate Entrance Examination for Engineering Courses (UGET 2019) will be conducted on Sunday, the 12th of May 2019. Detailed Calendar of Events and the information Brochure has been published on the website (www.comedk.org). Please encourage the students of your parish who have a desire to appear for both the forthcoming CET – 2019 and Comed- K 2019 entrance examinations for pursuing Engineering Education at St Joseph Engineering College. – Director, SJEC ******** PROGRAMMES OF CODP-ISD 03.02.2019 - Cleanliness drive near Kadri Park, Mangaluru- Awareness and enrolling of construction workers at Manela 05.02.2019 - Training on Right to Food at Moodbidri 09.02.2019 - Training on Right to Food at Seethangoli and Bakrebail 12.02.2019 - Sahajeevana Okkoota meet in CODP-ISD 16.02.2019 - Jeevan Raksha Okkoota meet in CODP-ISD 17.02.2019 - Training on Networking and Lobbying at Pakshikere 19.02.2019 - Training on Right to Food at Talapady 22.02.2019 - Bandhavya organized training on ‘Responsibility of young people in care of elderly and awareness on ‘Human Trafficking’ in CODP-ISD 23.02.2019 - Training on Right to Food at Manjeshwar 25.02.2019 - Training on Right to Food at Bajpe Programmes planned for February 2019: Awareness on Government Schemes at Moodbidri, Seethangoli, Bakrebail, Talapady, Bajpe and Manjeshwar. – Director, CODP Inter Nos Regn. No. MNG/991/2019-2021 RNI. KARBIL/2007/20997 Published on 31.01.2019 Posted at Kodialbail Post office on 31-01-2019

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Rev. Fr Benjamin D’Souza celebrates his 80 year-birthday on 20.02.2019. Ad multos annos! You’re 80 years old and still going strong; so keep on celebrating all year long!

******** R.I.P. l Mr Jerome Nazareth (54), brother of Rev. Fr Bonaventure Nazareth, Parish Priest, Belthangady, expired on January 21, 2019 at Moodbidri Corpus Christi. ******

Printed by Rev. Fr Lawrence Ronald D’Souza Published by Rev. Fr Henry Sequeira owned by Most Rev. Dr. Aloysius Paul D’Souza, Bishop of Mangalore and printed at Codialbail Press, Bondel, Mangalore – 575 008 and published at Bishop's House, Mangalore – 575 003. Editor : Rev. Fr Henry Sequeira Annual Subscription Rs. 60/-