Non-Marine Ostracod Biogeographical Regions of the Early Cretaceous In
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ZOBODAT - Zoologisch-Botanische Datenbank/Zoological-Botanical Database Digitale Literatur/Digital Literature Zeitschrift/Journal: Zitteliana - Abhandlungen der Bayerischen Staatssammlung für Paläontologie und Histor. Geologie Jahr/Year: 1982 Band/Volume: 10 Autor(en)/Author(s): Chun-Hui Ye Artikel/Article: Non-marine Ostracod biogeographical regions of the early Cretaceous in China 395-398 © Biodiversity Heritage Library,; 395 Zitteliana 10 395-39S München, 1. Juli 1983 ISSN 0373-9627 Non-marine Ostracod biogeographical regions of the early Cretaceous in China By YE CHUN-HUI*) With 1 text figure ABSTRACT The investigations of the non-marine ostracods of the early fauna in the province of North China can be related to those Cretaceous in China (predominantly representatives of the of Central Sibirian region and Mongolia. The province of superfamily Cypridacea) permit a subdivision into two large South China reveals interconnexions with the Centralasia- paleobiogeographical regions, each of which can be divided tic-Southrussian province. A warm, subtropical climate is again into three subregions. The assemblages of these regions suggested for both provinces. are characterized. In addition to numerous endemic forms the KURZFASSUNG Die Untersuchungen der nicht marinen Ostrakoden der mischen Formen zeigen die Faunen in der nordchinesischen Unterkreide in China (meistens Vertreter der Uberfamilie Provinz Beziehungen zur mittel-sibirischen Region und zur Cypridacea) gestatten eine Einteilung in 2 große palaeobio- Mongolei, während die südchinesische Provinz Gemeinsam geographische Regionen in denen jeweils wieder 3 Unterre keiten mit der mittelasiatischen-südrussischen Provinz auf gionen ausgeschieden werden. Die Vergesellschaftungen die weist. Für beide wird ein warmes, subtropisches Klima disku ser Unterzonen werden charakterisiert. Neben vielen ende tiert. I. EARLY CRETACEOUS NON MARINE OSTRACOD ASSEMBLAGE AND BIOGEOGRAPHICAL REGIONS IN CHINA Between the late Jurassic and late Cretaceous, there were na, Tarim Basin of Xinjiang, Qinghai, Zhejiang, the south of about 30 genera and 350 species of non-marine ostracodes in Anhui and Jiangsu. continental sediments over most of the territory of China. The North China region is characterized by the high diver Most of them fall into superfamily Cypridacea except a few sity of complex-ornamented Cypridea and the presence of which are involved in superfamily Cytheracea. The early Cre genera Mongolianella, Luanpingella, Zonocypris and Can- taceous non-marine ostracod fauna is widely distributed in dona throughout the early Cretaceous and it may be separa two different biogeographical regions: The North China and ted into the Innerland Area (R) and the Circulated-Pacific The South China regions, with the Mts. Tianshan, Qilian, Area (I2). Qinling, Wuniu and Dabei as their borderland. In geography the former includes North-Eastern China, Northern China, The South China region differs from the North China re Shandong, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Inner Mongolia, Ningxia, Gan gion in the appearance of Jingguella, Monosulcocypris and su, Zhungeer Basin of Xinjiang and the north of Jiangsu, An Pinnocypridea; the genus Cypridea in this region carries hui. The latter covers South-Central and South-Eastern Chi simple ornaments. Based on the endemic species, it may be divided into the Borderland area of Mediterranian (II3), the *) Ye C hun-HUI, Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, Acade Innerland area (1I2) and the Circulated-Pacific area (Hi), (see mia Sinica, Chi-Ming-Ssu, Nanjing, China. fig. 1). 396 © Biodiversity Heritage Library,; A. The early Cretaceous non-marine ostracodes of the Anhui and its equivalent continental deposits in Central Asia, South China region can be separated into three ostracod as USSR. semblages: 2. The Cypridea-Mongolianelhi-Darwinula assemblage is 1. Jingguella-Pinnocypridea-Darwinula assemblage of the middle early Cretaceous ostracod fauna of the South early Cretacous; China region. Among the main characters of this ostracod as 2. Cypridea-Mongolianella-Darwintda assemblage of semblage are the simple ornaments of Cypridea and a moder middle early Cretaceous; ate number of Darwinula, Rhinocypris, Zizipbocypris and 3. Cypridea (Monma) - C. (Bisulcocypridea)-Monosidco- Damonella. Of great significance determining the age of this cypris assemblage of late early Cretaceous. ostracod assemblage is the frequent appearence of Cypridea 1. The Jingguella-Pinnocypridea-Darwinula assemblage is (Ulwellia) paulsgrovensis A nderson, C. (U.) minevensis characterized by the appearance of great number of JingguelLi A nderson which are the important members of ostracod as including many subgenera, such as JingguelLi (Jingguella), J.semblages of Wadhurst Clay (middle Valanginian) in Eng (Minheella) , J . (Jiangenia) and a number of Darwinula, Da- land. According to the data above, this ostracod assemblage is monella, Pinnocypridea and Cypridea which are in posses referred to middle early Cretaceous in age and it is considered sion of faint beak and notch. The age of the ostracod assem to be equivalent to Valanginian to Barremian in Western Europe. blage is supposed to be early early Cretaceous, corresponding to the Berriasian of Western Europe, and also probably late Most typical strata that contain the second ostracod assem Portlandian. blage is the Puchanghe formation of Yunnan. The other for The Chengqiangyan Group of Sichuan within the Border mations that contain individual elements of them are the Gu- land area of Mediterranian of the South China region is a typi dian formation of Sichuan; the lower subgroup of Hekou cal bed that contains the first ostracod assemblage. The other Group of Minhe Basin, Qinghai and the upper part of Shou- formation containing this ostracod fauna is the lower part of chang formation from Zhejiang. The first and the second Qiapushaliang formation of Tarim Basin, Xianjiang; the Da- ostracod assemblages have not been discovered so far in the tonghe formation of Minhe Basin, Qinghai; the Jinxing for Innerland area of the South China region. mation of Lanping-Simaoo district and the Gaofengshi for 3. Cypridea (Morinia) - C. (Bisulcocypridea) - Monosulco- mation of Chuxiong district, Yunnan. With the exception of cypris assemblage is the late early Cretaceous ostracod fauna these, there are individual elements of the first ostracod as in the South China region which is characterized by Cypridea semblage to be found in the Yuantang formation of Southern (Morinia) associated with Cypridea (Bisulcocypridea) which © Biodiversity Heritage Library,; 397 is the common member of late early Cretaceous (Aptian to blage is the earliest non-marine ostracod fauna of the Cretace Albian) non-marine ostracods all over the country. In addi ous in the North China region and is considered to be con tion, there is higher development of small carapace forms of temporaneous with the first ostracod assemblage of the South Darwinula and of genus Monostdcocypris which is widely di China region. stributed in the red beds of the South China region. 2. Unlike the first ostracod assemblage of early Cretaceous The widespread late early Cretaceous ostracod assemblage the Cypridea-Yumenia-Mongolianella assemblage is charac can be compared with each other in the South China region terized by the high diversity of forms and the complex-orna where the endemic species came into existence especially in mentations in Cypridea. In addition to Cypridea (Cypridea), the Innerland area (II). there are Cypridea (Morinia), C. (Ulwellia), C. (Cyamocyp The strata containing this ostracod assemblage are the Ma- ris), C. (Bisulcocypridea) and Yumenia (including to Cypri toushan formation and Mangang formation of Yunnan; the dea (Yumenia) before). The Diwopu formation or Xiagou upper subgroup of Hekou group, Minhe Basin of Qinghai; formation of Ganxu is a typical bed in the North China region the Qijiahe formation and Dongjing formation of Hunan; which has a lot of such ostracod faunas. The other equivalent Ningxiang formation of Hubei; Huizhou formation of Sou formations of the North China region are the Jiufutang for thern Anhui; Huoko formation of Fujian and Guantou for mation of Western Liaoning, the Guyan formation of Inner mation of Zhejiang. Mongolia, the upper part of the Zhidan group of Ertoushi has It is worth mentioning that an important ostracod assem the some ostracod fauna but the individual elements of them blage which is characterized by Cypridea (Morinia) associa may be absent in some formations. ted with Monostdcocypris is usually present in the lower part It should be noted that some species of Cypridea in the se of some strata, such as the lower part of Huizhou formation cond ostracod assemblage are similar to those of England, and the Hengshan formation. i. e. Cypridea koskulensis resembles Cypridea bogdensis, B. The early Cretaceous non-marine ostracodes of the Cypridea setina gansuensis Y e is similar to Cypridea setina North China region can also be divided into three ostracod as A nderson, Cypridea changmaensis Y e is similar to Cypridea semblages: dolobrata angulata M artin, Cypridea (Bisulcocypridea) sub- 1. Cypridea-Luanpingella-Eoparacypris assemblage; chuxiongensis Y e to Cypridea (Bisulcocypridea) frithwaldi 2. Cypridea-Yumenia-Mongolianella assemblage; A nderson. All of these