目錄 Table of Contents

有關親切�� 4About TREATS 5 執行委員會成員名錄�� List of Executive Committee Officers

6主席的話�� Message from the Chairperson

重點工作 10Our Services 親切年度報告�2016-17 2 TREATS Annual Report 2016-17 53 統計及財務摘要� Statistical and Financial Highlights ‧統 計摘要 Statistical Highlights ‧義工服務統計 Volunteering at TREATS ‧收入及支出概覽 Income and Expenditure Key Figures

核數師報告� 5Auditor’s8 Report

6親切服務之受惠團體9� List of Groups Benefited by TREATS Services 71 鳴謝� Acknowledgement

3 有關親切 About TREATS

願景 Our Vision 讓每位兒童生活和參與一個接納及共融的社會。 To give every child the chance to live and participate in an accepting and integrated society. 因為共融,所以親切。我們相信共融的可貴。 Established in 1979, TREATS is a registered charity in 我們主張親親不同人。從愛不同人,到學曉不同的愛。 Hong Kong. We use the unique medium of experiential 從1979年 起,親切一直透過特別設計的共融活動,讓不同 learning, games and a variety of activities to bring 能力和背景的兒童、青少年及家庭走在一起,互相學習、 together children, youth and families from varying 彼此欣賞,促進個人及群育的發展。 backgrounds and with differing abilities, to provide them with opportunities for equal participation and interaction, to learn appreciation and acceptance of one another, and 服務目標 to develop personal and social skills. ‧ 讓不同能力和背景的兒童透過接觸和體驗,在平等 �參與的平台上認識和互動,以教育扭轉偏見和歧視, Service Objectives � 培 育 共 融 下一 代。 • To integrate children of all abilities and backgrounds on an equal participation platform through education, ‧ 提升弱勢兒童的社交技巧、建立自信心、擴大生活 exposure and experience and to break down prejudice �網絡,並有更多機會參與社會。 and discrimination.

‧ 透過社區教育和參與,改變社會人士對不同能力和� • To enhance the social skills and self-esteem of � 背景的兒童的認識,從而提升大眾對平等、多樣化和� disadvantaged children, expand their living network and create opportunities for their participation in � 無歧視社會的認同。 society.

• To change the general public’s view of children with 服務對象 different abilities and backgrounds through community education and participation, so as to increase the 所有兒童、青少年及其家庭,特別是社會上弱勢兒童組 recognition of equal participation, diversity and non- 群,例 如: discrimination in society. ‧智 能、肢 體、情 緒 及 社 交 方 面 障 礙 ‧綜合能力障礙、學習困難 Target Groups ‧新來港人士及居港的少數族裔 All children, youth and families, especially those who are ‧單 親 家 庭 disadvantaged, such as those: ‧低收入及貧窮家庭 • With mental, physical, emotional and social challenges • With multiple challenges and learning disabilities • New arrivals and ethnic minorities • From single parent families • From families living in poverty

親切年度報告�2016-17 4 TREATS Annual Report 2016-17 執行委員會成員名錄 List of Executive Committee Officers 迄至2017年3月31日 As at 31 March 2017

贊助人 執行委員會 PATRON EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 梁唐青儀女士 Mrs. Regina Leung 主席�Chairperson 丘璟珊女士 Ms. Carol Yau 會長 副主席�Vice Chairpersons PRESIDENT 許娜娜博士 Dr Anna Hui 馬登夫人 Mrs. Anne Marden 石鈞年先生 Mr. Colin Shaftesley 汪明珠女士 Ms. Elaine Ward

榮譽會長 司庫�Treasurer HONORARY PRESIDENT 陳子良先生 Mr. Barry Chan 張有興先生 Mr. Hilton Cheong-Leen 委員�Members 艾珍妮女士 Ms. Jennifer Edwards 榮譽顧問 李灼康先生 Mr. Lee Cheuk Hong HONORARY ADVISERS 蘇秀冠博士 Dr Atara Sivan 簡珍美女士 (法律) Mrs. Janine Canham (Legal) 蘇慧珊博士 Dr Christina Sue-Chan 曾皿堅先生 Mr. Kenneth Tsang 曹莉莉女士 Ms. Amy Tso

5 主席的話� Message from the Chairperson

丘璟珊女士 親切執行委員會主席

親切自1979年 成 立 至 今,昂 然 踏 進 第 38載,一 直 致 力 堅守以「讓每位兒童生活和參與一個接納及共融的社 會」為服務願景。作為兒童共融活動的先導者,我們一 直 透 過 精 心 設 計 的 共 融 活 動,教 育 下 一 代 學 習 欣 賞、 關懷接納和平等參與,令不同能力及背景的兒童及青 少 年,特 別 是 在 智 能、身 體、情 緒 和 社 交 方 面 具 障 礙, 以及有學習困難的組群能夠突破阻隔,一起融入社 區,促進個人及群育發展,從而改寫不同的命運。

我們的目標是給所有兒童、青少年及其家庭(特別是 因能力和背景受隔阻的群體)一個接觸和體驗共融的 機 會,讓 不 同 小 朋 友 平 等 參 與、互 動 和 認 識,促 進 了 解和接納,建立共融下一代。我們相信只要讓特殊需 要兒童有機會發揮潛能、提升社交技巧,他們一樣可 以認識新朋友、融入社區。我們透過教育及改變社會 對共融的認識, 從而推廣兒童權利和社會參與。

我謹代表執行委員會,衷心感謝所有關心和支持兒童 共融工作的朋友、伙伴機構、團體及捐助者。每位身 體力行的義工,多謝您們付出的寶貴時間和精神。當 然,我們也十分感激各位職員的辛勞及熱誠。

親切年度報告�2016-17 6 TREATS Annual Report 2016-17 今年,我印象最深的是參與了親切一年一度的亮點活動� 「親切共融之旅」嘉年華會,見證了一群年青人如何衝破 能力界限,在人生的舞台上如繁星一般發光發亮!而出席 「青少年職場共融體驗計劃」結業禮亦令我十分難忘和感 動。我們連續第二年與富豪酒店集團合作,讓智力障礙或 自閉症中學生跟隨富豪酒店集團不同部門的同事參與職 場工作。透過工作實習體驗及師徒關係的建立,能障人士 能夠得到一個平等參與工作的機會,學習正確的工作態 度 與 人 際 相 處 的 技 巧,亦能與商界伙伴攜手消除偏見歧 視,建 立 共 融 關 愛 職 場 文 化。

在新一年,親切定當繼續堅持和努力,致力發展更多元 化 的 服 務,推 動 成 立 兒 童 議 會,同時亦期盼您能繼續支 持親切,攜手創造更多兒童共融機會,共同改寫小朋友的� 命 運!

主席的話� 7 Message from the Chairperson Ms. Carol Yau Chairperson of the Executive Committee

Since our foundation in 1979, this year marks the Our objective is to offer a chance for all children, teenagers 38th anniversary of TREATS. We endeavour to and their families to experience integration, build their realize our vision “To give every child the chance to self-esteem and improve their life skills. We believe that live and participate in an accepting and integrated children with special needs can also meet new people society”. As a pioneer in children’s social integration, and integrate into the community if they are given the we have devised various activities to educate the opportunity to reach their full potential and promote next generation on learning how to appreciate their social skills. Moreover, by educating and altering and embrace others as well as achieve equal public awareness of social integration, we can improve participation, thus enabling children and teenagers and promote children’s rights and social participation. of different abilities and backgrounds, especially the intellectually, physically, emotional or socially On behalf of the Executive Committee, I would like to disadvantaged, and those who have difficulty in express my sincere thanks to all our donors, partners learning, to break through barriers, and develop and friends. Without their support, we could not have personal and social skills. We hope that everyone achieved so much. My special thanks go to all our can live freely and participate in our society with dedicated volunteers for their enormous contribution. dignity. Last but not least, I would like to give my deepest appreciation to all TREATS staff for their hard work and enthusiasm.

親切年度報告�2016-17 8 TREATS Annual Report 2016-17 In the coming year, TREATS will persist in the call for the Children’s Commission to explore more opportunities and seize every chance to nurture Hong Kong’s next generation so that they can grow healthily and happily. Your continuous support is appreciated. Together we can create more opportunities for children’s social integration and help them rewrite their lives.

This year at TREATS’ signature community education event “TREATS Journey to Integration” Carnival, teenagers from both typical and special schools showed me how they had broken through their personal limits and shine on stage, performing in front of a public audience. And at the closing ceremony of our 2nd “Social Sustainability Project through Work-based Learning for Underprivileged Youth” with Regal Hotels, I witnessed youths’ development of social skills and gain of self- confidence. This project provides teenagers with mild mental challenges or autism a chance to work in different departments of Regal Hotels under the guidance of the staff. Undoubtedly, it will not only provide an opportunity for less advantaged people to experience equal participation in the real workplace, but also help them to cultivate a positive working attitude and improve their interpersonal skills. At the same time, corporate partners can eliminate discrimination by establishing a caring, supportive and inclusive corporate culture.

主席的話� 9 Message from the Chairperson 重點工作� Our Services

2016/17 年 度,親 切 服 務 超 過 140,000 人次的兒童、 青少年及社區人士,服務的學校及中心更達155 間, 我們的重點工作包括:

In 2016/17, TREATS served more than 140,000 children, young people and community members and over 155 schools and centres. Our services include:

1. 學校共融教育 2. 共融體驗活動�

3. 體藝無界限 4. 青少年培育服務 5. 專業培訓及 � �親子共融教育 6. 關注及倡議 7. 伙伴協作 親切年度報告�2016-17 10 TREATS Annual Report 2016-17 Social Inclusion Education Outdoor and Community Integrated Programmes For ALL Series Youth Development Professional Training and Parent-Child Integration Awareness Building and Advocacy Partnership for Social Inclusion 重點工作 11 Our Services 學校共融教育 SOCIAL INCLUSION 1 EDUCATION

親切年度報告�2016-17 12 TREATS Annual Report 2016-17 教育是年輕一代累積知識,建立正確價值觀的重要途徑。要事半功倍,共 融教育更必須由小做起。親切的共融教育課程,以生動有趣的內容,分別 為幼稚園、小學及中學的學生帶來不同主題與程度的共融知識,旨在令學 生學習尊重每個人的權利、接納不同人的差異和欣賞多樣化。

在2016/17 年度,學校共融教育活動共有︰ ‧ 24 節親親融融兒童故事坊 ‧ 42 節共融教育講座� ‧ 52 節共融體驗學習坊� ‧ 17 個共融體驗之旅

參 與 人 數:46,322 位

Education brings our younger generation knowledge and more importantly, the concept of what is right and wrong. Social inclusion education should start from an early age. Our Social Inclusion Education Programme is implemented in primary and secondary schools and kindergartens all over Hong Kong, and aims to give students a better understanding of people with different abilities, and learn how to respect people’s rights, appreciate diversity and eliminate discrimination.

In 2016/17, Integration Education held: • 24 Storytelling Programmes for Kiddies • 42 Integration Education Talks • 52 Integration Experiential Workshops • 17 Integration Education Journeys

These served a total of 46,322 participants. 學校共融教育 13 Social Inclusion Education 親親融融兒童故事坊 “Storytelling for ALL Kiddies” Storytelling Workshop

今年,親切繼續以故事坊形式,結合啟發性故事、互動遊 “Storytelling for ALL Kiddies” storytelling workshops 戲和藝術創作活動,把關愛、尊重差異、欣賞多樣化和獨 bring the integration messages including acceptance, diversity and respect to kindergartens through 特性等共融訊息帶到幼稚園。令人鼓舞的是,很多曾參 interactive games, storytelling, and experiential activities. 與親親融融兒童故事坊的孩子,當再次看到故事的主角 The most encouraging thing is when the kids remember 們時,也能記得他們,而更重要的是,記得共融的意義︰ the characters of our stories, and more importantly, the 不同的人也可一起玩、一起做朋友。我們相信由幼兒階 meaning of inclusion: different people can play together and make friends with each other. 段 開 始 埋 下 共 融 的 種 子,能 為 日 後 建 立 共 融 觀 念 及 態 度 打下重要的基礎。

活動有趣易明,讓幼兒可輕鬆學習到欣賞自己和尊重不� Through the interesting and simple activities, children 同 人 的 差 異。 can learn how to appreciate themselves and accept everyone’s uniqueness. 香 港 基 督 教 女 青 年 會 荃 灣 幼 兒 學 校 ������ 老師感想 Teacher, Hong Kong Young Women’s Christian Association Tsuen Wan Nursery

以原創的兒童故事,輕鬆有趣地讓幼童學懂平等友愛的訊息。 Using original stories, kids can learn the message of acceptance, diversity and respect in a fun and interesting way.

親切年度報告�2016-17 14 TREATS Annual Report 2016-17 學校共融教育 Social Inclusion Education

親切的「學校共融教育計劃」是系統化的共融教育課程, More and more schools invite us to provide whole school 目的是為全港中、小學提供學習坊、講座及全校性的共融 workshops and talks. We can see that many schools are in urgent need of inclusion education. Some schools 體驗活動。今年,不少學校都邀請我們到校提供綜合性的 even have an inclusion team to promote inclusion in the 共融活動,有些學校更在校內設立共融大使隊,推廣關愛 campus. 共融文化,可見教育工作者及學生們對共融教育的需要愈 趨迫切,而社會對建立校內共融文化亦愈趨重視。 Our “Social Inclusion Education Programme for Schools” is a systematic integration curriculum in Hong Kong. It provides talks, workshops and experiential activities for 「學校共融教育計劃」以共融的三大元素─平等參與、 primary and secondary schools all over Hong Kong. The 開懷接納及學習欣賞為骨幹,引導學生認識共融概念和 core content of the programme introduces the concept 重要性。透過體驗式遊戲和討論,讓學生明白每個人有 of acceptance, appreciation and equal participation, 相同的價值及權利,建立同理心和批判性思考能力,並 equipping the participants with necessary knowledge and skills on social inclusion. 學 習與 不 同 的人相 處 的 技 巧。

十分感謝親切職員精彩的演講和充足的準備,讓學生 Thank you very much for TREATS’ staffs for their 能明白人與人之間的相處,尤其是面對弱勢社群時應 great presentation and preparation. Students can learn 有 的 態 度 和 觀 念。 to understand the relationship between each other, and learn the value and attitude to communicate with 將 軍 澳 官 立 中 學 ������ disadvantaged communities 老師感想 Teacher, Tseung Kwan O Government Secondary School

講座加入互動環節,打破沉悶,引發學生思考。 Interactive activities are added in talks and workshops to evoke students’ interest in the topic.

捐助機構�Funded by:

「 學 校 共 融 計 劃( 小 學 及 中 學 )」乃「 香 港 賽 馬 會 社 區 資 助 計 劃 ──兒童及青少年共融教育及體驗� � 計 劃 」項 目 之一,由 香 港 賽 馬 會 慈 善 信 託 基 金 捐 助,特 此 鳴 謝。 The “Integration Education Programme for Schools” under “The Hong Kong 由同學親自帶領的全校性共融攤位遊戲。 Jockey Club Community Project Grant: Social Inclusion Project for Children and Game booths for the whole school led by the Youth in Hong Kong” is funded by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust. students themselves.

學校共融教育 15 Social Inclusion Education 共融體驗活動 Outdoor and Community 2 Integrated Programme

親切年度報告�2016-17 16 TREATS Annual Report 2016-17 走出校園,一切都彷彿感覺更新鮮更自由。透過親切各式各樣的戶外共融 體驗活動,兒童及青少年有機會透過親身接觸、愈早接觸和生活化接觸, 消除因不認識而產生的誤解、偏見和歧視,並明白多樣化和共融社會的� 重 要。

在2016/17 年 度,親 切 共 舉 辦: ‧ 136個「攜手結伴同樂日」社區探索活動 ‧ 77個「你我全接觸」體驗日/宿營活動

服務共�24,305位分別來自 主 流 學 校、特 殊 學 校、少 數 族裔及低收入家庭的兒童及 青少年

Outside school campus, there are even more for students to experience! Through first-hand contact, early exposure and real-life contact, children and youths are provided with opportunities to eliminate social prejudices against people with varying abilities and backgrounds. They can also learn the way to embrace a diversified society from the new experiences.

In 2016/17, TREATS organized: • 136 “Integration for ALL” Community Exploration Programmes • 77 “Experience Integration!” 1-Day and 2-Day Outdoor Integrated Programmes

These served 24,305 children and youth from mainstream schools, special schools, ethnic minority groups and low-income families.

學校共融教育 17 Social Inclusion Education 「攜手結伴同樂日」社區探索活動 “Integration for All” Community Exploration Programme

社區探索活動讓不同能力、背景文化的兒童及青少年走 Community Exploration Programmes bridge students 在一起,一同踏入社區,親身遊走香港的歷史足跡及接 from various abilities and cultural backgrounds by providing an opportunity for them to visit different 觸留存至今的本土特色,了解多元的生活文化和社區特 historical and cultural areas in the city together, aiming 色,欣賞生活和文化上的差異,體驗不同人如何共同生 to boost their acceptance as well as appreciation 活在同一天空下。一般能力及特殊需要的參加者在生活 of the diversity in our community. Students from 化的活動中自然相處,成為「拍檔」結伴走進社區,建立 mainstream and those with special needs get to know more about each other and become buddies during 友好關係的同時,亦能認識大家的相同與不同,互相學 natural communications and cooperative activities 習 適當的 社 交 和 溝 通 技 巧。 in the exploration. It helps enhance their social and communication skills when they are encouraged to find 特定的活動設計讓參加者透過趣味性的活動形式和多樣 common ways to interact with their buddies. Friendship 藝術媒介,親身體驗香港的文化,除此以外,亦能促進參 is therefore developed. Appreciation between different 加者與社區的連繫及互動。參加者會在正面的體驗中進 parties of participants can also be seen. 一步了解社區特色及如何能投入參與其中,與不同人士 Through the special design of the programme themes 相處時亦會更有信心,推進他們更自信地投入社群。而 and contents, participants can not only experience 對一般市民大眾來說,親身的接觸及連結亦可幫助釋除 the city’s diversification, but the connection with the 他們對特殊需要人士的誤解,減少對能力障礙人士的歧 community is also presented. Apart from an increased understanding of the community during the exploration 見和疑慮,提升對他們的接納,包容不同能力人士成為 process, their confidence in getting themselves to the 社會的一分子,向共融社會踏出一大步。 community is also enhanced after positive experiences with the public, received from the opportunity given 放 下 成 見,每 個 人 都 是 生 而 平 等。 雖然大家一開始都 by exploration activities. Positive experiences are also 會比較害羞,但經過相處和認識,我們都變得熟絡, gained from the direct interactions between the general 成 為 朋 友。 public and participants with different abilities. It reduces 東華三院邱子田紀念中學��同學感想 their misunderstanding and negative perceptions of people with special needs. Their increase in acceptance Everyone is born equal. At the beginning of the of people with different abilities even takes us closer to programme, we all felt a bit shy, but after putting aside being a city of social inclusion. our prejudices, we could actually become friends. Student, TWGHs Yau Tze Tin Memorial College

與拍檔一起經歷挑戰,學習互相欣賞 手牽手,結伴走進社區 Through various challenges, participants learn Buddies walking hand in hand to explore the to appreciate people with different abilities. community together.

親切年度報告�2016-17 18 TREATS Annual Report 2016-17 在電車上欣賞風景之餘,也享受相處的過程和樂趣 Enjoying each other’s company while enjoying a great view.

不 分 彼 此,一 起 準 備 及 分 享 野餐食品 Picnic together! Sharing certainly makes the food more delicious.

共融體驗活動 19 Outdoor and Community Integrated Programme 「 你 我 全 接 觸 」體 驗 日 / 宿 營 活 動 Experience Integration! 1-Day and 2-Day Outdoor Integrated Programme

同學們一般都在學校裏上課學習,體驗日營及宿營則把 Outdoor environment serves as a natural platform 同學置身於戶外環境,與不同能力和背景的參加者一起 for children and youth to come into contact with new experiences and challenges. Through a series of team- 透過團體挑戰活動去學習。同學們在平等的機會下一同 building activities, typical students and students with 參與活動,在合作過程中親身接觸,增加對彼此的 認 識, special needs can join hands and work on collaborative 並且釐清大眾對特殊需要學生的謬誤。除此之外,小組 tasks together on an equal platform. Direct interactions 活動讓同學發揮創意,增進互動,從而學習表達自我的 facilitate the understanding among students with different abilities and backgrounds, this is crucial in 技巧,加強與人相處及溝通的信心。在小組裏,每個人都 battling against the misconceptions and biases about 有自己的角色,而要完成挑戰亦需要每個組員的貢獻。 people with special needs. Apart from this, interactive and 小組的經歷能讓同學學懂欣賞每個人的獨特性,只要給 creative activities can strengthen students’ confidence 予機會與支持,每個人都可以一展所長。 in communicating and cooperating with one another. They learn to express themselves in an effective and appropriate manner. In a group, every member has a role. 我們的拍檔很喜歡笑,為我們的小組帶來一股正能量。 It requires everyone’s effort to complete a challenging 我們亦感受到他非常渴望與大家一起參與活動。 task. The experience of the group allows students to acknowledge as well as appreciate the uniqueness of 嘉諾撒聖瑪利學校��同學感想 every individual, and more importantly, given opportunity Our buddy smiled all the time. He brought a lot of and support, every person can flourish. energy to our group and we could feel his eagerness to participate in the activities with us. 捐助機構�Funded by: Student, St. Mary’s Canossian School

「共融戶外體驗活動」及「攜手探索共融計劃」乃「香港賽馬會社區資助計劃 ── 兒童及青少年共融教育及體驗計劃」下之項目,由香港賽馬會慈善信託基 金 捐 助,特 此 鳴 謝。 The “Experience Integration! 1-Day or 2-Day Outdoor Experiential Programme” and “Community Exploration Programmes for Children with Mentally Challenged” under “The Hong Kong Jockey Club Community Project Grant: Social Inclusion Project for Children and Youth in Hong Kong” are funded by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust.

組員力量與心理上的 支 援,令 同 學 突 破 自 己 的界限 Physical and psychological 一 起 玩 樂,無 形 中 建 立 support from 真正友誼 teammates enable Friendship is built this student to go through the most beyond their limits. ordinary games.

親切年度報告�2016-17 20 TREATS Annual Report 2016-17 歡樂童學會�–�2016「中國海外」 內地香港學生夏令營 Cheers Mate! Integration Journey – China Overseas Summer Camp for Mainland & Hong Kong Youth 2016

自2010年開始,親切與中國海外集團會於每年的夏天在 Starting from 2010, TREATS and China Overseas 中國不同地區舉辦夏令營,目標是讓來自中港兩地、 Housing Limited have held a summer camp in different regions of China each summer, aiming at providing equal 各省各縣、不同能力的小學生,在正面共融氣氛下互相 opportunities and a positive inclusive atmosphere for 交流合作、彼此建立友誼。 participants from Hong Kong and China to exchange, cooperate and make friends with each other. 本年度的夏令營在2016年8月1至3日於 濟 南 順 利 完 成。 是次夏令營的參加者來自香港1所小 學、國 內 11所 希 望 學 “Cheers Mate! Integration Journey – China Overseas Summer Camp for Mainland & Hong Kong Youth 2016” 校及 濟 南 本 地 居 民,合 共 78位一般能力及聽力障礙 was held from 1 August to 3 August 2016 in Jinan. There 的 學 童。夏令營以多元社會為主題,參加者進入「多元 were a total of 78 participants from one Hong Kong 運動村」,一同認識團隊合作的重要性之餘,亦建立正面 primary school, 11 Hope Schools in the Mainland and 的自我價值,並從中明白多元社會的概念,學會欣賞和接 Jinan residents, including typical and hearing-impaired participants, in the camp. “Sports village of Diversity” was 納社 會 上 不 同 的 人。 the theme of the camp, facilitating participants to build team spirit and attempt self-exploration. Also, through 不論工作、學習及遊戲,不需要過分注重結果,可以多些 experiencing the importance of diversity, participants 體驗當中獲得的快樂,忠實地面對及反思自己的感受。 were willing to accept people with disabilities, respect 中國海外希望小學��老師感想 people from different cultures and appreciate others’ uniqueness. No matter whether working, learning or playing, it is better to focus on experiencing the process and happiness instead of the outcome only. What you should learn is to reflect on your feelings. Teacher, China Overseas Hope School

夏令營參加者以相片和文字記下難忘的片段 Photos and words mark the memories from the summer camp

共融體驗活動 21 Outdoor and Community Integrated Programme 體藝無界限 3 For ALL Series

親切年度報告�2016-17 22 TREATS Annual Report 2016-17 透過新穎有趣的創意及體藝活動,讓主流及特殊需要的參加者,有機會一 起締造獨特、平等、難忘的共融旅程。人本來就各有所長,一直等待的或許 只是一個自主的空間、平等參與的機會,令創意與潛能得以發揮,在人群 中發放獨有的耀眼光芒。

在2016/17 年 度,親 切 共 舉 辦: ‧ 62項「 共 融 藝 術 家 」活 動 ‧ 42項「 共 融 小 廚 師 」活 動 ‧ 17項「 運 動 零 界 限 」活 動 ‧ 16項「共融帆船計劃」活動

多達6,536人次受惠 ����

Through creative and interactive art, cookery and sports activities, participants with different abilities can experience a memorable integration journey under an equal, encouraging and barrier-free environment. Strength is within individuals, all we need is a free platform and an equal chance to participate, to express ourselves and to shine.

In 2016/17, TREATS organized: • 62 “Art for ALL!” programmes • 42 “Cookery for ALL!” programmes • 17 “Sports for ALL!” programmes • 16 “Sailing for ALL!” programmes

These served 6,536 attendees.

學校共融教育 23 Social Inclusion Education 共融藝術家 Art for ALL

親切的「共融藝術家」活動提供一個沒有「對」 與「 錯 」的 藝 術 空 間,讓 不 同 能 力 及 背 景 的 參 加 者 走在一起。透過多元、具啟發性的藝術創作過程, 讓參加者學會放膽表達所感所想,打破參加者之間 的隔膜並學會尊重及接納不同意見,欣賞多元化� 社 會。

TREATS “Art for ALL!” programmes provide a unique and non-judgmental integration opportunity for participants from different backgrounds with different abilities. Through diverse, inspirational art creation process, participants dared to express their views and feelings, learnt to respect and accept different opinions and appreciated our diversified society.

我以前完全不喜歡畫畫,因為我覺得自己畫得不好 看。但今次繪畫夢想時,我竟然十分滿意自己的作品。 這是我從小到大最享受的一次,現在我喜歡非常畫畫! 胡素貞博士紀念學校�同學感想 I was not interested in drawing before, because I 通過繪畫,一同經歷屬於我們的藝術之旅 thought I could not draw beautiful picture. But this Painting the same picture enables us to get closer. time I drew my dream, and I was very satisfied with my creation! It has been the most enjoyable time in art. I like drawing very much now!

Student, Dr. Catherine F. Woo Memorial School

這是我們一起設計的共融遊樂場 - 街市篇 This is an inclusive play space in a market we decided together!

親切年度報告�2016-17 24 TREATS Annual Report 2016-17 共融小廚師 Cookery for ALL

「共融小廚師」活動的參加者會與新朋友一同製作食物。 參加者在活動過程中互相合作,放下對不同人的固有想 法,一同分享製作成果。透過參與食物製作,參加者能學 習基本的生活技能,與不同能力及背景的人士相處,同 時 提 升其 成 就 感 及 自 信 心。

“Cookery for ALL!” programmes provide an equal and relaxing platform for children to cooperate with different people through cookery. Participants cooperated with each other, baked together and shared their final products together. Through learning the basic daily life and social skills, participants’ confidence and sense of achievement were improved, at the same time enhancing the mutual understanding of people from different backgrounds.

活動能增加學童接觸不同人士的機會,建立互信、實踐 合 宜 的 社 交 禮 儀。 基督教中國佈道會聖道學校��社工感想 The programme provided students an opportunity to interact with people with different abilities and backgrounds. Students had more confidence and learnt appropriate social manners.

Social Worker, Evangelize China Fellowship Holy Word School

認識不同,快樂相同 Share the food, share the joy.

體藝無界限 25 For ALL Series 運動零界限-欖球全接觸 Rugby for All

在「欖球全接觸 - Give a TRY」活動中,親切藉着欖球作 媒介,以球會友,讓不同背景和能力的人士能夠互相認 識,在平等參與的平台上體驗公平、友愛、尊重等重要的 價值觀。主流及智力障礙青少年一起參與訓練,當中包 括團隊活動、欖球訓練及友誼賽等。活動不但提升參加 者的溝通及社交技巧,促進個人成長,更希望從真實互 動及接觸中,加深主流大眾對能障兒童的特性和能力之 認識,打破彼此之間的隔膜,提升對不同能力及背景人 士的接納度,將共融訊息和歡樂帶給廣大市民。 即使能力不同,也可以在運動場上一展身手 The “Rugby for all” programme has recruited Despite differences in abilities, all children can be students from different backgrounds with different athletes. abilities since it was first launched in 2016. In this programme, participants get to know each other through playing rugby. They receive training and participate in friendly matches with local youth rugby clubs, through an equal platform, participants experience important values such as fairness, friendship, sportsmanship and respect. The programme also improves student’s communication and social skills through teamwork and collaboration, enhance the friendship between participants, increase understanding and acceptance of people with different backgrounds and abilities, and experience the spirit of social inclusion.

我看到學校的同學在社交技巧和處理人際關係上都有 很大的進步。同學也很享受和投入這次的活動,覺得既 新 鮮又 好 玩。 匡智張玉瓊晨輝學校��社工感想 I observed that my students have improved a lot in their social skills. They enjoyed the activities very much as it was a new and fun experience for them.

Social Worker, Hong Chi Winifred Mary Cheung Morninghope School

親切年度報告�2016-17 26 TREATS Annual Report 2016-17 共融帆船計劃 Sailing for ALL! Project

帆船是一種適合不同能力、不同背景人士參與的運動, 與親切確信之平等參與的信念十分配合。親切共融帆船 計劃已經開展了五年,今年同樣有來自兩間特殊學校的 參加者跟親切義工組成二人拍檔組,一起完成為期三個 月的緊密訓練。組員需要面對在大海出現的種種突發情 況,在處理的過程中互相配合。活動不單促進參加者的 溝通社交技巧,更能夠提升自信心及解難能力。整個計 劃以參與「白沙灣遊艇會 24小 時 慈 善 小 艇 賽 」作 結 尾, 讓參加者能夠再一次證明只要有合適的平台,他們亦能 夠 突 破 自 我,挑 戰 不 可 能。

TREATS sailing project has been held for five years. New team members were recruited from two special schools and TREATS volunteers. They paired up to form buddy groups and learned to sail together in a boat for 3 months. In the unstable sea, buddies had to solve these challenges together 無懼風浪,一起揚帆出海去 with collaboration; hence their self-confidence and Team members are all ready to set sail! problem-solving skills were improved naturally. With the mutual support and positive atmosphere surrounding the team, they competed in the 24HR Charity Dinghy Race organized by Hebe Haven Yacht Club successfully. Self-breakthrough and personal growth can be seen from everyone with different backgrounds and abilities, once the opportunities are provided.

只要你願意給予空間他們去嘗試,他們也可以做到。 親切義工��感想 Once we are willing to let them try, they can also do it. 帆船隊員親自嘗試裝拼船隻 Sailing team member tries to assemble the boat by himself Volunteer, TREATS

體藝無界限 27 For ALL Series 青少年培育服務 4 Youth Development

親切年度報告�2016-17 28 TREATS Annual Report 2016-17 青少年充滿活力,對未來帶着無限的展望與抱負。 親切致力發展青少年服務,藉不同的訓練及親身的 共融經歷,加深青少年對無歧視概念的認識,培育他 們成為推動社會共融的新一代。同時,亦讓弱勢青 少年得到更多參與機會,為他們投入社會作更好的 準 備。

在2016/17 年 度, � 親切青少年共融大使訓練計劃共舉辦:

‧ 207項活動,包括共融、兒童權利你我有份工作坊、 �「香港大發現」社區研習日、創意戲劇工作坊、社區 推 廣 日 及 大 型 嘉 年 華 會 等,達 33,469人次受惠


‧ 60項 活 動,包 括 簡 介 會、工作 坊、戶 外 團 隊 訓 練 及 職 場 體 驗 等,達 2,404人次受惠

The future is full of all kinds of possibilities and adolescence is a great time to explore the world. TREATS is devoted to the development of youth service. Through different training and real-life integration experiences, we aim to enhance young people’s knowledge of social inclusion and nurture a new inclusive generation. Our services also provide and create chances of participation for disadvantaged teenagers to develop their talent and engage in society.

In 2016/17, “Integrate! – Youth Development and Training Project on Integration” organized: • 207 activities including “Children Rights & Me” Workshop, “Discover an Inclusive Hong Kong” – A Community Investigation Action, Creative Drama Workshop, Community Out- Reach Days and carnival, etc.

It benefited the attendance of 33,469

“Work-based Learning for Underprivileged Youth” organized: • 60 activities including workshops, outdoor training and workplace experience

It benefited the attendance of 2,404 學校共融教育 29 Social Inclusion Education 青少年共融大使訓練計劃2016-17 Integrate! – Youth development and Training Project 2016-17

「青少年共融大使訓練計劃」是親切其中一項專為青少年 “Integrate! – Youth development and Training Project” 設立的年度活動,為期9個月,目的是培育120位一般能 is one of the long-term projects specifically for youth in TREATS, aiming at developing 120 teenagers with 力、智力障礙、自閉症及其他學習障礙的青少年認識及 different abilities to understand and experience the 親身體驗共融,讓他們建立對共融的使命感,並為建立 concepts of social inclusion. Participants eventually 無歧視社會出一分力,由自身出發,在朋輩中、學校內以 became Youth Ambassadors and promoted what 及社區上傳播接納與尊重的訊息,成為一個真正的共融 they had learnt about integration in the project to their friends, schoolmates as well as the community. Under the 大使。計劃進行至今已進入第十二個年頭,在香港公益 support of the Community Chest in the past 12 years, the 金的資助下,成功培養超過1,400位共融大使,在各個 project has developed over 1,400 Youth Ambassadors, 崗位及領域,將共融訊息帶進日常生活中。 who share the same vision on social inclusion in society.

本年的共融大使經歷了四個訓練單元。在「共融、兒童權 The project comprised four training modules. Concepts on integration and children’s rights were provided in 利你我有份」中,他們從遊戲中體驗到共融及兒童權利 module 1 - “Children’s Rights & Integration”. Participants’ 的基本概念,並走訪各區收集不同市民、嘉賓甚至相關 knowledge of integration was taught through different 學者的觀點,探索香港現時智障人士參與休閒活動的情 experiential activities and community research activities 況,亦親身公佈調查結果,為社會不公而發聲。接着,他 on specific social issues related to integration. “360 Degree Communications”, the 2nd module of the 們 在「 多 元 360°無障礙溝通」中嘗試與不同能力人士接 project, offered opportunities for participants to interact 觸及溝通,明白到和而不同的重要性,並感受到一個多 and communicate with people with hearing and visual 元社會的可貴。而在「共融新體驗」中,他們一起接受新 impairment, helping participants to understand the 挑戰,共同經歷包括舞蹈、功夫、雜 耍、啦啦隊等表演練 importance of a diversified society. “New Experience on Integration” was the module focusing on team building 習,憑着彼此的友誼及隊員之間的交流,攜手為觀眾帶 and cooperation between participants. Through lessons 來 最 精 彩 的 表 演。最 後,他 們 在「 共 融 在 社 區 」中 將 計 劃 of training and practice, a stage performance was 中 所 學 習 到、感 受 到 及 經 歷 過 的 共 融 理 念,透 過 不 同 的 created by each team at the end of this module. Last but 社區活動,傳揚至社會上每一個角落。 not least, there were different platforms for participants to practice the mission of Youth Ambassadors in the last module - “Reach Out to the Community”. From the 本計劃由香港公益金資助。� school to the community and the public, participants This Project is supported by The Community Chest. promoted, shared and educated others on the concepts, values and spirit of social inclusion as well as what they had experienced in their journey of integration.

這個經歷令我明白到社會上仍存在歧視,我們在做 我有常常練習扯鈴表演,家人看見都讚賞我十分厲害。 的事情是有意義的,要繼續再主動宣傳共融!加油! 東華三院徐展堂學校��同學感想 新界鄉議局元朗區中學��同學感想 I worked hard on my performance practice. I was happy This journey showed me that discrimination is that I could do it eventually. My mother was also surprised happening in our society. What we have done in by me. the project was meaningful and we should keep on Student, TWGHs Tsui Tsin Tong School promoting social inclusion.

Student, NT Heung Yee Kuk District Secondary School

親切年度報告�2016-17 30 TREATS Annual Report 2016-17 參與學校 Participating schools included:

華英中學 Wa Ying College

天保民學校 Mary Rose School

基督教香港信義會信義中學 ELCHK Lutheran Secondary School

香港西區扶輪社匡智晨輝學校 Rotary Club of HK Island West Hong Chi Morninghope School

中華基督教會燕京書院 CCC Yenching College

東華三院徐展堂學校 TWGHs Tsui Tsin Tong School

新界鄉議局元朗區中學 NT Heung Yee Kuk Secondary School

才俊學校 Choi Jun School



My buddy is very nice. I like him. I am happy when I play with him.

Student, Mary Rose School

每個人生而平等,沒有人是天生就擁有所謂獨特的權利。希望從現在開始由我 做 起,能 夠 帶 頭 撕 下 這 些 標 籤。


Understanding Children’s Rights let me realize the importance of equity.

Student, ELCHK Lutheran Secondary School 一眾大使走進社區與市民互動,宣揚共融訊息 The youth ambassadors get in touch with citizens through a community programme.

在香港大發現社區研究中,與嘉賓進行深入訪問 體驗式活動帶領各位大使了解兒童權利 共融大使第二隊在親切共融之旅2017表演精 Interview with mentally challenged The ambassadors learn more about 彩的旗鼓功夫 teenagers for the Hong Kong discovery children’s rights in the experiential games. One of the teams staged a Kung-fu research performance at TREATS Journey to Integration 2017

青少年培育服務 31 Youth Development 青少年職場共融體驗計劃 Youth Mentoring and Work-based Learning for Underprivileged Youth

去年,我們與富豪酒店國際有限公司再度攜手合辦「青 此外,我們亦得到羅兵咸永道會計師事務所的支持,再於 少年職場共融體驗計劃」,讓不同能力的青年人也有一 2016年開展Project Shine。計 劃 共 有 8位來自羅兵咸永道會 個平等參與職場的機會。 計師事務所的同事及14位 少 數 族 裔 中 學 生 參 與。計 劃 前 期 是 一連串訓練工作坊及外展訓練,目的是促進參加者對自我的了 計劃共有十位同學及九位富豪酒店的導師參與。十位 解,提高他們的解難及社交能力,亦讓他們明白團體合作的重 能障年青人除了參與不同的訓練工作坊及團隊活動,亦 要 性。 被安排到集團旗下五間酒店進行工作實習,包括人力 資 源 部、房 務 部、布 草 房 及 洗 衣 房。在 導 師 的 悉 心 教 導 經過前期的訓練,各位同學正式到事務所體驗職場工作,嘗試 下,同 學 不 但 學 習 到如何獨 立 處 理 酒 店 日 常 的 工 作,更 不同的崗位,例如:處理日常辦公室的文件工作、資料搜集分 重要的是踏出第一步去嘗試與不同人接觸,令自信心 析、進行匯報等,讓學員了解自己的能力,為未來建設更多元 及社交技巧都因而得到大大的提升。 的 選 擇 和 路 向。

「 青 少 年 職 場 共 融 體 驗 計 劃 」及 Project Shine透過與商界連 結,為少數族裔及能力障礙年輕人提供職場體驗和實習機會, 更直接提升不同企業對弱勢人士的了解和認識。親切會繼續 與商界伙伴合作,為建立一個親切共融的職場環境而努力。

學員參與會計師事務所的工作,從中學習與成長 Mentees learn a great deal from their mentors in PwC

工作體驗前,學員與導師會先從各種訓練中建立信任與了解 Mentors and mentees will undergo different team- building activities before the work-based learning

酒店洗衣房的同事與學員親身接觸,打破偏見及歧視 Mentee with his colleagues in the laundry department of Regal Hong Kong Hotel

親切年度報告�2016-17 32 TREATS Annual Report 2016-17 TREATS once again launched the “Social Sustainability Project through Work-based Learning for Underprivileged Youth” with Regal Hotels International Limited this year, which aimed to provide disadvantaged teenagers an opportunity to participate in the workplace.

Ten students from three special schools paired Project SHINE was another work-based learning with nine mentors from Regal Hotels. Apart from opportunity for young people for ethnic minority youth various training workshops and team building to realize their potential and experience real-life work. activities, students started work-based training at From September 2016 to January 2017, eight staff from different departments of Regal Hotels including PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), became the mentors departments of Housekeeping, Laundry, Uniform to 14 youngsters of ethnic minorities. All the participants & Linen, Human Resources, and Front Office. With underwent the team building activities, various training the support of mentors, they learnt to take up and workshops and Outward Bound Training. The process handle some hands-on tasks and job assignments helped to build participants’ ability of self-understanding on their own. Furthermore, the project is not only and problem-solving skills as well as communication skills about job tasks and work; mentees stepped out and they also understood more about the importance of to interact with different people. As observed, team work. students’ self-confidence was built and their social skills could be enhanced throughout the project Participants started their two-week work-based learning in PwC after a series of training. Mentors from departments assisted their mentees to finish their jobs like daily administrative work, business-related data research, market analysis and presentation.

By establishing connections with the business sector, these two projects have provided an inclusion opportunity for ethnic minority students and youth with special needs by having an experience of work life. Meanwhile, corporate staff got to know more about people from different backgrounds, building mutual trust and respect as well as promoting a caring and diversified corporate culture. We will continue to work with our corporate partners and strive for a more inclusive workplace.

我第一次與導師見面,他提醒我與人交流時要有眼神接 經過導師的指導,我除了掌握到不同的工作技能外,亦學習開 觸、保持笑容。我有記着他的話,以禮待人,在工作閒時 放自己與不同人接觸與相處。 與其他同事聊天,主動認識他們。 Project�SHINE��學員感想 青少年職場共融體驗計劃��學員感想 With my mentor’s support, I have learned more about The first time I met my mentor, he reminded me to various skills and am more open to interaction with keep eye contact and smile and be confident when different new people. communicating with others. So, I started to take the Mentee, Project SHINE initiative to talk with my colleagues and get to know each other.

Mentee, Social Sustainability Project through Work-based Learning for Underprivileged Youth

青少年培育服務 33 Youth Development 專業培訓及親子共融教育 Professional Training and 5 Parent-Child Integration

親切年度報告�2016-17 34 TREATS Annual Report 2016-17 成年人是兒童學習的楷模,透過言教身教,為他們建立正確的價值觀。親 專業培訓及親子共融教育 切透過專業培訓及親子共融教育,增加老師、社工及社會各界人士對共融 的認識,並讓家長學習培養懂得尊重、欣賞和接納不同人的孩子。

在2016/17 年 度,親 切 共 舉 辦: ‧ 16節專業培訓 ‧ 12節家長及親子共融活動 服務超過929位參加者

Adults are the role models of children and play an important role in every step of their growth. TREATS has been actively providing professional training and parent workshops to increase the knowledge and passion for social inclusion of different people.

In 2016/17, TREATS organized: • 16 professional training • 12 family and parent programme on integration These served 929 participants.

學校共融教育 35 Social Inclusion Education 專業培訓 Professional Training

要將共融訊息教育給下一代,必須依靠各界同工與我們 To educate inclusive concepts for our next generation, 一 起 努 力,特別是 不 同 界 別 的 青 少 年 及 兒 童 工 作 者。本 we need different efforts from different professions. TREATS has been actively providing professional 年度,我們繼續為老師、社工、大專生及來自商業機構的 training for people from different walks of life including 員 工 度 身 打 造 不 同 主 題 的 專 業 培 訓,讓 更 多人 加 入 推 廣 teachers, social workers, tertiary students and staff 共融的行列,與我們一起將共融的訊息發放。 from the business sector to achieve bigger impacts together with TREATS.

活動提醒我有時候一句話語會令人放棄,但一句鼓 One sentence can make someone give up, but an 勵說話足以改變別人一生。 encouraging sentence can change his life.

東涌天主教學校��老師感想 Teacher, Tung Chung Catholic School

機構/團體��Organization/Group 培訓專題��Training Theme

香港城市大學學生發展處 � 認識共融概念 Understand the concept of social inclusion Student Development Service, 特殊需要人士特性及相處方法 � City How to communicate with people with special needs

推動共融校園文化 Promote an inclusive school culture

香港中文大學專業進修學院 � 與能力障礙人士相處的技巧與態度 The attitude and skills to School of Continuing and Professional Studies, CUHK communicate with people with different abilities

中華基督教會基灣小學 推動共融校園文化 Promote an inclusive school culture The Church of Christ in China Kei Wan Primary School

東涌天主教學校 (中學)� 探討如何建立共融校園文化 � Tung Chung Catholic School (Secondary School) Promote an inclusive school culture

與教師携手建立共融校園 TREATS strives to build an inclusive school campus with teachers

親切年度報告�2016-17 36 TREATS Annual Report 2016-17 親親融融家長坊 Parent Workshop

家長是孩子的第一位老師,而家庭教育是影響孩子最 Parents are children’s first teachers and play a significant 深遠的一環。「親親融融家長坊」利用不同的主題短講、 role in their development. In view of this, our Parent Workshop aims at equipping parents with knowledge 討論和體驗遊戲,讓家長學習如何以身作則地,透過接納、 and skills on how to nurture a child with the attitude of 欣賞及尊重,培育孩子成為自信、正面和關愛的孩子。 acceptance and caring.

活動讓家長參與其中,更能具體明白與孩子的問題。 Parents can get involved in the experiential activities, which can make parents gain a better understanding of 惇裕學校��家長感想 their child.

Parent, Tun Yu School

各式主題的工作坊,與各位家長分享如何以身作則,培育關愛孩子 Workshop for parents to learn more about how to nurture children with a caring approach

親子共融活動 Integrated Family Fun Day 親子共融活動提供一個互動平台,讓參加者認識不同背 This provides opportunities for families from diverse 景的家庭,學會欣賞和接納不同能力的人士。同時,亦提 backgrounds to interact and experience integration. Families can build mutual support and network through the 供一個愉快的親子經歷,從而增 進 親 子 關 係。 creative and cooperative games, while children can gain a better understanding of people with different abilities. It also enhances parent-child relationships in a joyful experience.

我感到這活動可以帶來正能量,亦可以藉此機會和其他 捐助機構�Funded by: 家 長 交 流,學 習 一 些 和 孩 子 的 溝 通 技 巧。 秀明小學��家長感想 Today’s activity brings us positive energy. We can talk and share with parents from different backgrounds. 「 學 校 共 融 計 劃( 小 學 及 中 學 )」乃「 香 港 賽 馬 會 社 區 資 助 計 劃 ──兒童及青少年 Also we learnt some skills on how to communicate 共融教育及體驗計劃」項目之一,由香港賽馬會慈善信託基金捐助,特此鳴謝。 with our child. The “Integration Education Programme for Schools” under “The Hong Kong Jockey Club Community Project Grant: Social Inclusion Parent, Sau Ming Primary School Project for Children and Youth in Hong Kong” is funded by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust.

專業培訓及親子共融教育 37 Professional Training and Parent-Child Integration 關注及倡議 Awareness Building 6 and Advocacy

親切年度報告�2016-17 38 TREATS Annual Report 2016-17 親切一直希望服務能夠連結社區,讓更多市民能了解接觸、認識和體驗共 融的可貴。每一個市民都是推動平等社會的小齒輪,大家對待弱勢人士的 態度和選擇的行動都直接化為動力,令香 港 成 為 一 個 更 多 元 共 融 的 城 市。

TREATS’s service always aims to connect with society, and it is one of our missions to make more citizens understand and experience the value of social inclusion. When every little part plays its role, those who are disadvantaged can thus fulfill their right to live and participate in an equal and diversified society.

學校共融教育 39 Social Inclusion Education 傳媒報導 Media Collaboration

建設共融社會,需要社會上每一個人的努力。親切積極 Building an inclusive society needs the effort from every 透過大眾媒體的力量,向市民宣揚共融訊息,藉此將關 single one of us. Through different media and platforms, we shall broadcast the message of inclusion to more 愛文化帶至香港每一個角落。 people and cultivate a culture of care and acceptance. 親切於去年11月至今年1月期間進行了一項「關注智障青 TREATS has conducted a survey on the participation 少年參與休閒活動現況」的全港性調查,以問卷形式訪 in leisure activities of mentally challenged teenagers 問了超過1,000名市民,了解他們參與休閒活動的情況 during November 2016 to January 2017. Views and 及對智障青少年的看法和態度,又深入訪問了多位與議 opinions from both mainstream citizens and youth with mild mental challenges were collected from over 題相關的嘉賓,並於2月12日聯同本屆一眾青少年共融大 a thousand online questionnaires. On 12 February, 使舉行了發佈會,向傳媒及公眾公佈調查結果和發現, we held a press conference to announce the findings 提 升 社 會 對 議 題 之 關 注。 together with our youth ambassadors and raised public awareness on the issue. 親切本年度進行的不同活動亦得到報章、電台及網上平 台 採 訪 報 導,感 謝 以 下 媒 體 的 支 持: We are also thankful to the following media for interviewing and reporting our programmes: AM730 香港商報 AM730 心活誌 Hong Kong Commercial Daily 明報 Mind & Life 東方日報 香港電台 Oriental Daily Radio Television Hong Kong 社情 Scenario 體路 Sports Road 大公報 Ta Kung Pao 《我們的共融遊樂空間》新書發報會 The Book Launch of ‘Our Inclusive Play Space’

2017 eye 慈善繪畫創作比賽評審 Judging Panel of the 2017 eye drawing competition


Media Coverage raises public 親切共融之旅2017的開幕典禮 awareness of social inclusion- TREATS Journey to Integration related topics 2017 Kick-off ceremony

親切年度報告�2016-17 40 TREATS Annual Report 2016-17 TREATS engages and spreads the message of social 社區推廣 inclusion to the public through special and creative community education events. We also cooperate with Community Education various corporate partners to promote the message of Programme ‘Appreciation’, ‘Equal Participation’ and ‘Acceptance’.

親切透過不同類型的社區推廣項目與廣大市民直接接 “Children’s Dream Children’s Art” 觸,希望讓市民從展覽及互動性活動中認識共融的可 Mainland and Hong Kong Art 貴。我們更與不同的企業合作,攜手向公眾宣揚「開懷 Exchange Programme 接納」、「學習欣賞」及「平等參與」的訊息。 China Overseas Holdings Limited and TREATS started a three years project this year named “Children’s Dream Children’s Art” Mainland and Hong Kong Art Exchange 「童夢。同想」-「中國海外X親切」� Programme. The theme this year is ‘Our Inclusive Play 兩地學生藝術創作交流計劃 Space’ and the programme converged children from both Hong Kong and Mainland China to participate in creative 中國海外集團與親切正式開始為期三年的「童夢。同 art workshops. Their drawings were compiled into the book 想」-「中國海外X親切」兩地學生藝術創作交流計劃。今 named ‘Our Inclusive Play Space’ and the book launches 年的創作主題是「我們的共融遊樂空間」,結集了1,100 were held in Hong Kong and Foshan on 21 November and 名來自中港兩地、不同能力與背景的小朋友一起化身為 10 December 2016 respectively. We also held ‘Forum on Children’s Right to Play’ during the book launch in Hong 「空間設計師」,在多場創意藝術工作坊中設計出不同 Kong to advocate for the importance of inclusive space. 的遊樂設施與元素,打造理想中的共融遊樂空間。作品 被彙集成《我們的共融遊樂空間》一書,書籍發佈會於 HKT 2017 eye drawing competition 2016年11月21日及12月10日分別於香港及佛山順利舉 TREATS is honoured to be selected by Hong Kong 行。在香港的書籍發佈會同場舉行了「關注兒童遊樂權 Telecom eye as the sole beneficiary of their charity drawing 利座談會」,與公眾人士分享共融空間的重要性。 competition for the 4th consecutive year. This year, HKT eye received more than 10,000 drawings and donated HK$30,000 to TREATS to support our social inclusion 香港電訊2017 eye慈善繪畫創作比賽 services. The theme this year was “Broaden Children’s Horizons on the World”, with the aim to encourage children 感 謝 香 港 電 訊 連 續 四 年 揀 選 親 切 成 為「 2017 eye 慈善繪 to make good use of information technology which allows 畫創作比賽」的受惠機構。今年比賽收到超過一萬幅參 them to explore the places that they have never been. 賽作品,主辦單位捐出港幣三萬元予親切,支持本地兒童 Thus, making good use of the advanced information 共融工作。是次比賽主題為「小眼睛 放眼大世界」,目的 technology can help broaden children’s horizons on the world and nurture children’s interest in different countries, 是鼓勵小朋友善用資訊科技去擴闊自己的國際視野,從 which can also boost their creativity. 中培養兒童對世界各地事物的興趣,激發他們的創意。 TREATS Journey to Integration 2017 親切共融之旅2017 The 12th TREATS Journey to Integration 2017 was 由親切和120位青少年共融大使共同策劃的第十二屆 successfully held on 7 May 2017 at Sha Tin Park. The event was co-organized by TREATS and the 120 Youth 「親切共 融 之 旅 」已 於 2017年5月7日在沙田公園順利舉 Ambassadors. Through the nine thematic interactive 行。透 過 九 個 主 題 式 互 動 攤 位 遊 戲 及 才 藝 表 演,我 們 致 game booths and youth performances, we aimed at 力 向 市 民 推 廣 「 開 懷 接 納 」、「 學 習 欣 賞 」、「 平 等 參 與 」 spreading the message of social inclusion. Over 6,000 的 共 融 訊 息。活 動 當日吸 引 了 超 過 6,000名市民參與。 people were attracted to join the carnival on that date. We were honoured to have Dr Hon Fernando Cheung 我們衷心感謝立法會議員張超雄先生擔任主禮嘉賓,與 Chiu-hung, member of the Legislative Council, to be the 我們攜手向大眾推廣共融訊息。 officiating guest of this year’s event.

關注及倡議 41 Awareness Building and Advocacy 伙伴協作 Partnership for 7 Social Inclusion

親切年度報告�2016-17 42 TREATS Annual Report 2016-17 建設共融社會,需要的是社會各個階層與界別的共同合作。親切持續與企 業及各界有心人士建立密切的伙伴關係,共同為弱勢兒童和推動共融社會 而努力。同時,我們十分感謝支持親切工作的捐獻者與義工的無私付出, 令更多兒童及青少年得以受惠。

在2016/17 年 度,我 們 與 企 業 及 各 界 共 舉 辦︰ ‧ 52 個企業義工訓練 ‧ 7 次義工簡介會、基礎訓練課程和引領員訓練 合共有925位參加者

透過親切「共融有您」月捐計劃: 受惠人數超過140,000名兒童及 青少年

Through the collaboration with different corporate partners, we are building a more inclusive society for all children in Hong Kong. We are grateful for the unfailing support from our devoted donors and volunteers who walk hand in hand with us.

In 2016/17, TREATS organized: • 52 Corporate Volunteering Training Sessions • 7 Volunteer Info Days, basic training courses and facilitators’ training

These served 925 participants.

Through the generous donations from our monthly donors, we served more than 140,000 children and youth.

學校共融教育 43 Social Inclusion Education 商界伙伴 Corporate Partnership

企業義工服務 Corporate Volunteering 員 工 是 企 業 的 重 要 資 產,親 切 與 企 業 合 作,讓 員 工 成 為 Corporate volunteers walk hand in hand with TREATS by providing valuable and essential support to the 企業義工,接觸及服務有需要的兒童,並且回饋社會,透 inclusion programmes. By creating different corporate 過參與及投入服務,將關愛文化推動到不同界別。 volunteering opportunities, we involve people from all walks of life to serve children in need and promote an 親切亦為企業義工提供相關義工訓練,讓他們認識如何 inclusive culture in the business sector. 與不同能力及背景的兒童溝通及相處,並更了解弱勢兒 We thank the following corporations and their volunteers 童 的 需 要。 for their support to make our programmes more impactful and sustainable!

企業支持令我們能夠探索更多活動新方向 Corporate support allows us to explore more ideas for our service.

參加 Project SHINE 計劃,令我意識到如何運用我 Joining Project SHINE made me realize how our 們的知識和技能,去協助少數族裔的年青人建立自信 knowledge and skills can be used to develop EM children 心和價值觀,向他們提供另一角度的觀點,令他們對 to give them another perspective, giving them the 前景及融入香港充滿希望,積極令香港成為一個更共 potential future prospect to better integrate into HK 融 及 多 元 化 的 社 會。 society, making Hong Kong a more inclusive and diverse society. 羅兵咸永道會計師事務所��義工感想 Volunteer, PricewaterhouseCoopers

親切年度報告�2016-17 44 TREATS Annual Report 2016-17 共融活動�Programmes 合作伙伴��Corporate Partners

共融藝術家 Art for ALL!、 艾奕康有限公司 AECOM Asia Company Limited 共融小廚師 Cookery for ALL!、 阿里巴巴香港有限公司 Alibaba.com Hong Kong Limited 運動零界限 Sport for ALL!、 安盛集團 (亞洲區) AXA Asia Regional Office 「你我全接觸」體驗日營及攜手結伴同樂日社區探索活動 安盛投資管理亞洲有限公司 AXA Investment Managers Asia Limited Experience Integration! 1-Day Outdoor Integrated Programme & 巴克萊銀行香港 Barclays Bank PLC Hong Kong Branch “Integration for ALL” Community Exploration Programme 彭博 Bloomberg 香港家樂福全球採購亞洲有限公司 Carrefour Global Sourcing Asia Limited 中國海外集團有限公司 China Overseas Holdings Limited 普匯中金國際控股有限公司 Chinlink Hong Kong Company Limited 益博睿香港有限公司 Experian Hong Kong Limited 遠東環球集團有限公司 Far East Global Group Limited 德信管理咨詢有限公司 Fiducia Limited 蓋璞採購 (控股) 有限公司 Gap International Sourcing (Holdings) Limited 高盛 (亞洲) 有限責任公司 Goldman Sachs (Asia) L.L.C. 恆隆地產 Hang Lung Properties Limited K11 Concepts Limited 嘉里控股有限公司 Kerry Holdings Limited (Jigsaw) 金杜律師事務所 King & Wood Mallesons 克諾爾制動系統亞太區(控股)有限公司 Knorr-Bremse Asia Pacific (Holding) Limited 香港萬美有限公司 Mainetti (HK) Limited 創價管理發展有限公司 MVP Consultants & Development Limited 新創建集團有限公司 NWS Holdings Limited 羅兵咸永道會計師事務所 PricewaterhouseCoopers 富豪國際酒店集團 Regal Hotels International Limited 東亞銀行有限公司 The Bank of East Asia, Limited 萬博宣偉 (公關) Weber Shandwick

Project SHINE 羅兵咸永道會計師事務所 PricewaterhouseCoopers

青少年職場共融體驗計劃 � 富豪國際酒店集團 Regal Hotels International Limited Social Sustainability Project Through Worked-based Learning � For Underprivileged Youth � 中國海外集團有限公司 China Overseas Holding Limited 歡樂童學會 – 2016「中國海 外」– 內地香港學生夏令營 Cheers Mate! – China Overseas Summer Camp for Mainland & Hong Kong Youth 2016

(排名依英文名稱順序 In Alphabetical order)

伙伴協作 45 Partnership for Social Inclusion 企業捐獻� 企業透過組織不同的慈善活動或鼓勵員工籌募服務經 費 及 捐 贈 物 品 予 親 切,讓 更 多 弱 勢 兒 童 有 更 多 機 會 接 觸 社 會,感 受 關 懷 及 尊 重。

Corporate Giving A big thank you to our business partners and corporate volunteers who have supported TREATS through making donations or participating in our fundraising initiatives. Their support helps us build a more inclusive community and provides opportunities to underprivileged children to experience love and respect.

商界義工與能障同學共同體驗帆船活動 Corporate volunteers enjoying sailing with special needs children

親切年度報告�2016-17 46 TREATS Annual Report 2016-17 捐獻�Giving 合作伙伴��Corporate Partners

社區活動贊助 Community Event Sponsorship 中國海外集團有限公司 China Overseas Holdings Limited 奇蹟創藝有限公司 Miracle Atelier Company 專業護衞有限公司 Professional Security Services Limited 香港蜆殼有限公司 Shell Hong Kong Limited 太古可口可樂香港有限公司 Swire Coca-Cola HK Limited

直接捐款 Corporation Donation 白沙灣遊艇會 Hebe Haven Yacht Club 香港電訊有限公司 HKT Limited Multilaw Cruiser Owners’ Association

服務或物資捐贈 Pro-bono Service or In-kind Donation BRIO Hong Kong Limited 香港家樂福全球採購亞洲有限公司 Carrefour Global Sourcing Asia Limited 益博睿香港有限公司 Experian Hong Kong Limited 蓋璞採購(控股)有限公司 Gap International Sourcing (Holdings) Limited 香港貿易發展局 Hong Kong Trade Development Council 畢馬威會計師事務所 KPMG 香格里拉國際飯店管理有限公司 � Shangri-La International Hotel Management Limited 太古地產 Swire Properties Limited 飛騰行(香港有限公司) Wings

籌款活動支持 Supporting Fundraising Event 領峰貴金屬有限公司 Acetop Precious Metals Limited 鑄博共贏商機圈有限公司 Allwins.com Limited 東亞銀行 Bank of East Asia 鑄博醫護服務中心有限公司 BIB Health Care Centre Limited 鑄博地產有限公司 BIB Real Estate Agency Limited 鑄博網絡拓展有限公司 BIB Solutions Limited 鑄博教育有限公司 Brilliant Education Expert Limited 鑄博金盈移民投資有限公司 Brilliant Goldwin Overseas Immigration and Investment Limited 鑄博誠品保險經紀有限公司 Brilliant Insurance Broker Limited 鑄博皇御貴金屬有限公司 Brilliant Precious Metals Limited 俊和建築工程有限公司 Chun Wo Construction & Engineering Company Limited 俊和建築有限公司 Chun Wo Building Construction Limited 心活誌 Mind & Life 香港鐵路有限公司 MTR Corporation Limited 創價管理發展有限公司 MVP Consultants & Development Limited 小親親畫室 My Art Room 羅兵咸永道會計師事務所 PricewaterhouseCoopers Limited 富豪國際酒店集團 Regal Hotels International Limited 香港上海滙豐銀行有限公司 The Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited 萬博宣偉(公關) Weber Shandwick 泓基有限公司

(排名依英文名稱順序 In Alphabetical order)

伙伴協作 47 Partnership for Social Inclusion 商界展關懷 Caring Company 為了表揚企業推動社會責任的成果,親切共提名21間 To express our appreciation and recognize our corporate partners’ support and efforts, we nominated 企業參與2016/17年度商界展關懷計劃,所有企業均獲 21 companies for the Caring Company Award 2016/17 社會服務聯會頒授「商界展關懷」標誌。恭喜以下的企 last year. The nominations were accepted and awards 業 伙伴: were subsequently given to all these companies. Congratulations to our corporate partners including:

艾奕康有限公司 AECOM Asia Company Limited 阿里巴巴香港有限公司 Alibaba.com Hong Kong Limited 安盛投資管理亞洲有限公司 AXA Investment Managers Asia Limited 中國海外集團有限公司 China Overseas Holdings Limited 中國海外發展有限公司 China Overseas Holdings Limited-Land & investment 中國建築國際集團有限公司 China Overseas Holdings Limited-Construction 普匯中金國際控股有限公司 Chinlink International Holdings Limited 益博睿香港有限公司 Experian Hong Kong Limited 遠東環球集團有限公司 Far East Global Group Limited 德信管理咨詢有限公司 Fiducia Limited 高盛(亞洲)有限責任公司 Goldman Sachs (Asia) L.L.C. 恆隆地產 Hang Lung Properties Limited 香港電訊有限公司 HKT Limited K11 Concepts Limited K11 Concepts Limited 金杜律師事務所 King & Wood Mallesons 克諾爾制動系統亞太區�(控股)�有限公司 Knorr-Bremse Asia Pacific (Holding) Limited 香港萬美有限公司 Mainetti (HK) Limited 創價管理發展有限公司 MVP Consultants & Development Limited 羅兵咸永道會計師事務所 PricewaterhouseCoopers 富豪國際酒店集團 Regal Hotels International Limited 太古地產 Swire Properties

(排名依英文名稱順序 In Alphabetical order)

親切年度報告�2016-17 48 TREATS Annual Report 2016-17 同時,親切的兒童共融工作亦獲得不同的慈善基金會 Thanks also go to different Foundations and Trusts who 支 持,為 更 多 弱 勢 兒 童 帶 來 改 變 生 命 的 機 會 ! hand in hand with TREATS have built a better society for children in Hong Kong.

•�Charities Aid Foundation America • Charities Aid Foundation America •�中國海外愛心基金會 • China Overseas Charity Foundation • �黃廷方慈善基金會 • Ng Ting Fong Charities Foundation • PricewaterhouseCoopers Foundation •�PricewaterhouseCoopers Foundation • The Community Chest of Hong Kong • �香港公益金 • The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust • �香港賽馬會慈善信託基金

獲頒授「商界展關懷」標誌的企業伙伴蒞臨攤位與我們合照留念 Thank you for the unfailing support from all of our corporate partners

親切於商界展關懷伙伴合作展中與不同行業與界別的朋友會面 TREATS set up a booth in Caring Company Partnership Expo 2017

透過親身講解,讓各代表更了解親切的活動理念 Colleague explains our service to representatives from different corporates

伙伴協作 49 Partnership for Social Inclusion 籌款 Donation 親切「共融有您」月捐計劃已經踏入第10年,我們的籌募 TREATS Monthly Donation Campaign was first launched 10 years ago. Our Fundraising Ambassadors 大使每天都會在不同地方為親切向不同的市民講解我們 outreach to different places in Hong Kong and invite 的服務及邀請市民加入我們的月捐計劃。我們衷心感謝 people to be our monthly donors while explaining how 每一位願意停下腳步聆聽親切籌募大使講解的市民及加 our services promote integration and help children to 入我們月捐計劃的善長。有您們的支持,親切能夠維持 participate in society. 穩定的收入,以繼續為本港弱勢兒童提供多元的共融服 Heartfelt thanks to everyone who is willing to stop and 務,令更多小朋友受惠。 listen to our Fundraising Ambassadors’ explanations, and join our monthly donation scheme. With your support, 於2016年5月,我們誠邀了各善長參與我們的月捐者聚 TREATS is able to maintain a stable income in order to continue our services. 會──親切共融之旅,以便更深入了解我們的服務,見

證受惠小朋友的改變,體驗我們的共融精神。 In May 2017, we invited our donors to our significant event – TREATS Journey to Integration 2017, to gain a deeper understanding of our services, witness our beneficiaries’ changes, and experience the spirit of integration.

我們的籌募大使 多謝各位捐款者以行動支持我們 Our Fundraising Ambassadors Thank you for being our donor

雖然這份工作需要日曬雨淋,但我希望能夠透過我的 Being a fundraising ambassador is not just a job, but is a 講解,呼籲更多市民關注、包容和接納這班弱勢人士。 mission. Although this work is not easy, I hope I can appeal to 這不單單是為了一份工作,更是一份使命。希望讓更多 the public to pay more attention and accept underprivileged 市民認識共融這個理念,讓不同背景、不同能力的小 people through my descriptions, let more people understand 朋 友 融 合 在 一 起。 the concept of social inclusion, and children with different backgrounds and abilities join together. 親切「共融有您」月捐計劃�籌募大使感想 Fundraising Ambassador, TREATS Monthly Donation Campaign

親切是一個推廣共融的慈善機構,而香港雖然是一 Although Hong Kong is an international community, 個國際化社會,但對弱勢社群的歧視仍一直存在,所 discrimination against underprivileged communities still 以親切的存在是十分有意義。我很開心能夠為這個社 exists. TREATS is a charity that promotes social inclusion, 會 出 一 分力。 so the existence of this charity is very meaningful, and I am very grateful that I can be part of it. 親切「共融有您」月捐計劃��月捐者感想 Donor, TREATS Monthly Donation Campaign

親切年度報告�2016-17 50 TREATS Annual Report 2016-17 親切賣旗日2017 TREATS Flag Day 2017 親切賣旗日2017已於2017年1月7日在新界區順利舉行, TREATS Flag Day 2017 was successfully held on 7 January in New Territories, with the help of over 1,500 在超過1,500熱心義工的協助下,是次賣旗日合共為親 volunteer, $632,000 donations were raised. Special 切籌得$632,000元善款,成果令人鼓舞。感謝所有參 thanks to all of the volunteer, schools, corporate 與義工、學校、公司、機構的全力支持,是次賣旗日所籌 partners and organization for your support this year. 得的款項,將會用作發展及籌辦各項兒童共融服務,繼 The money raised enabled us to develop more inclusive programmes and create life-changing opportunities for 續為本地弱勢兒童帶來更多改變的機會。藉機構介紹及 underprivileged children. Also, with our newly designed 特別設計的旗紙,我們亦希望能讓更多市民認識親切推 flags, we can disseminate the message of acceptance, 動兒童共融的工作,並將共融的三大元素:「平等參與」、 appreciation and equal participation to more people in 「學 習 欣 賞 」及「 開 懷 接 納 」推 廣 至 社 會! the society.

親切於西貢白沙灣遊艇會24小時慈善小 艇賽2016所設的攤位 TREATS’s game booth at the Hebe 親切於聖士提反堂聖誕賣物會2016所設的攤位 Haven Yacht Club 24HR Charity TREATS’s booth in St. Stephen’s Chapel Fete Dinghy Race 2016

慈善攤位 Charity Bazaars and Public Education 親切積極參與不同的大型活動,舉行慈善義賣及設立遊 TREATS actively participates in various charity bazaars to raise funds and promote social inclusion in our 戲攤位。除了成功為親切籌募服務經費之餘,也透過遊 community through interactive games. 戲向社區推廣共融關愛的訊息。

日期��Date 10月 October 2016 11月 November 2016 12月 December 2016

活動��Event 第三十五屆蜆殼/港島青商展能 西貢白沙灣遊艇會24小時慈善小艇賽� 聖士提反堂聖誕賣物會 � 學童獎學金頒獎禮� Hebe Haven Yacht Club 24HR St. Stephen’s Chapel Fete 35th Shell/JCI Scholarship For Charity Dinghy Race The Disabled Ceremony

以上活動所籌得之款項將全數用作親切共融服務,惠及 All funds raised will be used for developing our integration 更多弱勢兒童。在此,我們感謝有關機構及團體的邀請 services. We sincerely express our gratitude to the above organizers for their kind support. 及場 地贊 助。

伙伴協作 51 Partnership for Social Inclusion 義工服務 Volunteer Work 義工是親切的最佳夥伴。在過去一年,多達1,046位義工 Volunteers are our buddies! Throughout the year, 1,046 volunteers actively participated in TREATS 參與親切共融服務,服務時數多達10,149小 時。我 們 感 programmes with more than 10,149 volunteer service 謝在共融這條漫長的道路上一直有義工們並肩作戰,義 hours served. Thank you for your continued support 工們的支持為我們提供了更大的動力,繼續為香港的弱 and enthusiasm on the road to social inclusion. Their 勢小朋友提供服務,讓他們能夠平等參與社會、在接納 participation has greatly facilitated our service for children and youth and helped to build a more inclusive 和欣賞的環境下成長。今年我們共舉辦了7次義工簡介 society with acceptance and appreciation. In this year , 會、基礎訓練課程及引領員訓練,參與人數多達356人, we organized 7 volunteer training sessions with a total 讓更多朋友加入推廣平等、共融社會的行列。 of 356 volunteers participating.

另外,一年一度的親切義工聚會在3月3日假青年會將軍 TREATS Volunteer Social Gathering was successfully held on 3 March, and 45 volunteers spent a warm and lovely 澳青年營順利舉行,當日共有45位義工跟親切各位同事 BBQ night with our colleagues. This special occasion not 聚首一堂,以輕鬆的遊戲及燒烤活動,促進大家的交流 only provided a time to relax, but also a chance for us 了解,分享自己過去參與各類活動的感受及對共融的看 to get to know each other more and share our views on 法,各位同事亦以親手製作的小禮物表達對各位義工無 social inclusion. 私 付 出 的 感 謝 心 意。

雖然難以用語言溝通,但我知道他(特殊需要小朋友) Even if we don’t have much conversation, he (special 能夠明白我們的愛。我學會了放下偏見,欣賞別人的優 needs student) understands our love. I learned to put 點 與 缺 點。 aside my judgment and accept both their strengths and 親切義工 感想 weaknesses. TREATS Volunteer

在帶領活動時我學會了如何引領小朋友投入參與,並從 After the programme, I found the children to have 中學習無論多麼不同的朋友都可以玩得很開心。 good hearts; we just need more time to understand and 親切義工 感想 communicate with them.” TREATS Volunteer

2016/17年 度,最 高 服 務 時 數 義 工 全年服務達50小時或以上 Annual service hours reached 50 hours or above List of Awardees in 2016/17 陳韻心小姐 Ms Chan Wan Sum 全年服務達 小時或以上 100 陳偉傑先生 Mr Chan Wai Kit Annual service hours reached 100 hours or above 黎建忠先生 Mr Lai Kin Chung 鄭明俊先生 Mr Cheng Ming Chun 李樂怡小姐 Ms Lee Lok Yee 張浩天先生 Mr Cheung Ho Tin 彭國棟先生 Mr Pang Kwok Tung 林振民先生 Mr Lam Chun Man 成思穎小姐 Ms Shing Sze Wing 李靄婷小姐 Ms April Lee 沈珀琪小姐 Ms Shum Pak Ki

親切義工在年度聚會中 聚首一堂 We all had a great night at the volunteer social gathering

親切年度報告�2016-17 52 TREATS Annual Report 2016-17 統計及財務摘要 Statistical and Financial Highlights 統計摘要 Statistical Highlights

活動總次數 916 Total No. of Activities 活動類別�Types of Programme

親親融融兒童故事坊 24 Storytelling Programme for Kiddies

學校共融教育計劃 Social Inclusion 111 Education for Schools

共融戶外體驗活動� Experience Integration! 77 Outdoor Integrated Programme

「攜手結伴同樂日」社區探索活動 Integration for ALL! 136 Community Exploration Programme

體藝無界限 140 Speical for ALL Series

青少年共融大使訓練計劃 Integrate! Youth Development and 207 Training Project on Integration

Project SHINE: A Work-based Mentoring & Capacity Building Project for 40 Ethnic Minorities Youth

青少年職場共融體驗計劃 Social Sustainability through Work-based 20 Learning for Underprivileged Youth

家長及親子共融活動 Family and Parent 12 Programme on Integration

專業培訓及義工發展 Professional & Volunteer Training 75

社區教育及推廣活動 Community Education & 62 Promotion Programme

關注及倡議 12 Awareness Building & Advocacy

親切年度報告�2016-17 54 TREATS Annual Report 2016-17 總受惠者人數 144,540 Total No. of Beneficiaries

親親融融兒童故事坊 728 Storytelling Programme for Kiddies

學校共融教育計劃 Social Inclusion 45,594 Education for Schools

共融戶外體驗活動� Experience Integration! 10,564 Outdoor Integrated Programme

「攜手結伴同樂日」社區探索活動 Integration for ALL! 13,741 Community Exploration Programme

體藝無界限 6,904 Speical for ALL Series

青少年共融大使訓練計劃 Integrate! Youth Development and 33,469 Training Project on Integration

Project SHINE: A Work-based Mentoring & Capacity Building Project for 1,516 Ethnic Minorities Youth

青少年職場共融體驗計劃 Social Sustainability through Work-based 888 Learning for Underprivileged Youth

家長及親子共融活動 Family and Parent 639 Programme on Integration

專業培訓及義工發展 Professional & Volunteer Training 1,215

社區教育及推廣活動 Community Education & 12,682 Promotion Programme

關注及倡議 16,600 Awareness Building & Advocacy

統計摘要 55 Statistical Highlights 義工服務統計 Volunteering at TREATS

義工類別 義工總人數 義工總人次 Volunteer Category No. of Volunteer No. of Volunteer Mantimes 企業義工�Corporate Volunteer 676 64.6% 1,444 68.7%

親切義工�TREATS Volunteer 370 35.4% 658 31.3%

1,046 100.00% 2,102 100.00%

企業義工 Corporate Volunteer 親切義工 TREATS Volunteer 6290.5 小時 hours 3858.55 小時 hours (62%) (38%)

義工服務時數 (以小時計算) No. of Volunteer Manhours in Service 10,149 小時 hours

親切年度報告�2016-17 56 TREATS Annual Report 2016-17 收入及支出概覽 Income and Expenditure Key Figures

服務收入 Programme Income $286,580 (2.02%) 其他 Others $188 (0.00%)

公眾捐款 Donaiton from the Public $11,157,509 (78.61%)

香港賽馬會慈善信託基金捐款 The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust $1,450,000 (10.22%) 香港公益金捐款 捐款 Donation The Community Chest of Hong Kong $13,906,209 $1,298,700 (9.15%) (97.98%)

總收入 Total Income 籌募支出 Fundraising $14,192,977 $813,373 (7.64%)

行政支出 Administration $249,176 (2.34%)

其他# Others# $280,829 (2.64%)

# 水電雜項支出、維修及保養、推廣、管治及資產 折舊 Utilities, Repair & Maintenance, Publicity, 直接服務* Governance & Capital Depreciation * * 直接服務支出包括項目支出港幣$2,520,138, Direct Programmes 項目員工支出港幣$5,922,387及項目行政員工 支出港幣$853,849。 $9,296,374 總支出 Direct Programmes include Programme Expenses HK$2,520,138, Programme and (87.38%) Total Expenditure Service Staff Cost HK$5,922,387 and Programme Administrative Staff Cost $10,639,752 HK$853,849.

義工服務統計�����收入及支出概覽����� 57 Volunteering at TREATS Income and Expenditure Key Figures 核數師報告 Auditor’s Report

親切年度報告�2016-17 58 TREATS Annual Report 2016-17 核數師報告 Auditor’s Report

核數師報告 59 Auditor’s Report 核數師報告 Auditor’s Report

親切年度報告�2016-17 60 TREATS Annual Report 2016-17 核數師報告 Auditor’s Report

核數師報告 61 Auditor’s Report 核數師報告 Auditor’s Report

親切年度報告�2016-17 62 TREATS Annual Report 2016-17 核數師報告 Auditor’s Report

核數師報告 63 Auditor’s Report 核數師報告 Auditor’s Report

親切年度報告�2016-17 64 TREATS Annual Report 2016-17 核數師報告 Auditor’s Report

核數師報告 65 Auditor’s Report 核數師報告 Auditor’s Report

親切年度報告�2016-17 66 TREATS Annual Report 2016-17 核數師報告 Auditor’s Report

核數師報告 67 Auditor’s Report 核數師報告 Auditor’s Report

親切年度報告�2016-17 68 TREATS Annual Report 2016-17 親切服務之受惠團體 List of Groups Who Benefited from TREATS Services

學校共融教育 69 Social Inclusion Education 親切服務之受惠團體 List of Groups Who Benefited from TREATS Services

香港童軍總會東九龍195旅 195th East Kowloon Group Scout Association 匡智獅子會晨崗學校 Hong Chi Lions Morninghill School 聖公會九龍灣基樂小學 Sheng Kung Hui Ling Oi of Hong Kong 匡智翠林晨崗學校 Hong Chi Morninghill School, Tsui Lam Primary School 九龍塘宣道小學 Alliance Primary School Kowloon Tong 匡智屯門晨崗學校 Hong Chi Morninghill School, Tuen Mun 聖公會天水圍靈愛小學 Shung Tak Catholic English College 黃埔宣道小學 Alliance Primary School,Whampoa 匡智元朗晨樂學校 Hong Chi Morningjoy School, Yuen Long 天主教崇德英文書院 Si Yuan School Of The Precious Blood 亞斯理衛理小學 Asbury Methodist Primary School 匡智元朗晨樂學校(住宿部) Hong Chi Morningjoy School, Yuen Long 寶血會思源學校 佛教慈敬學校 Buddhist Chi King Primary School (Residential Service) 官立嘉道理爵士中學(西九龍) Sir Ellis Kadoorie Secondary School (West Kln) 道慈佛社楊日霖紀念學校 Buddhist To Chi Fat She Yeung Yat Lam 匡智張玉瓊晨輝學校 Hong Chi Winifred Mary Cheung Morn 天主教聖安德肋小學 St Andrew’s Catholic Primary School Memorial School School 聖若瑟英文中學 St Joseph’s Anglo-Chinese School 明愛樂群學校 Caritas Resurrection School 香港中國婦女會中學 Hong Kong Chinese Women’s Club College 聖若瑟英文書院 St Joseph’s College 明愛屯門馬登基金中學 Caritas Tuen Mun Marden Foundation 聖母無玷聖心學校 Immaculate Heart Of Mary School 嘉諾撒聖瑪利學校 St Mary’s Canossian School Secondary School 伊斯蘭鮑伯濤紀念小學 Islamic Dharwood Pau Memorial 聖伯多祿中學 St Peter’s Secondary School 天主教鳴遠中學 Catholic Ming Yuen Secondary School Primary School 順德聯誼總會李兆基中學 STFA Lee Shau Kee College 中華基督教會長州堂錦江幼稚園 CCC Cheung Chau Church Kam Kong 潔心林炳炎中學 Kit Sam Lam Bing Yim Secondary School 德貞女子中學 Tack Ching Girls’ Secondary School Kindergarten 九龍灣聖若翰天主教小學 Kowloon Bay St John The Baptist Catholic 大埔官立小學 Tai Po Government Primary School 中華基督教會長洲堂錦江小學 CCC Cheung Chau Church Kam Kong Primary School 德信學校 Tak Sun School Primary School 光明學校 Kwong Ming School 將軍澳官立中學 Tseung Kwan O Government 中華基督教會全完第二小學 CCC Chuen Yuen Second Primary School 靈糧堂劉梅軒中學 Ling Liang Church M H Lau Secondary School Secondary School 中華基督教會基智中學 CCC Kei Chi Secondary School 世界龍岡學校劉皇發中學 LKWFSl Lau Wong Fat Secondary School 將軍澳培智學校 Tseung Kwan O Pui Chi School 中華基督教會基順學校 CCC Kei Shun Special School 樂善堂王仲銘中學 Lok Sin Tong Wong Chung Ming 基督教崇真中學 Tsung Tsin Christian Academy 中華基督教會基華小學 CCC Kei Wa Primary School Secondary School 崇真會美善幼稚園 Tsung Tsin Mission Graceful Kindergarten 中華基督教會基灣小學 CCC Kei Wan Primary School 路德會呂祥光中學 Lui Cheung Kwong Lutheran College 惇裕學校 Tun Yu School 中 華 基 督 教 會 基 灣 小 學( 愛 蝶 灣 )CCC Kei Wan Primary School (Aldrich Bay) 路德會啓聾學校 Lutheran School For The Deaf 東涌天主教學校 Tung Chung Catholic School 中華基督教會基元中學 CCC Kei Yuen College 閩僑小學 Man Kiu Association Primary School 東莞學校 Tung Koon School 中華基督教會蒙民偉書院 CCC Mong Man Wai College 天保民學校 Mary Rose School 東華三院黎鄧潤球幼稚園 TWGHS Lai Tang Yuen-Kaw Kindergarten 中華基督教會望覺堂啓愛學校 CCC Mongkok Church Kai Oi School 民生書院小學 Munsang College Primary School 東華三院呂潤財紀念中學 TWGHS Lui Yun Choy Memorial College 中華基督教會大澳小學 CCC Tai O Primary School 天主教新民書院 Newman Catholic College 東華三院力勤幼稚園 TWGHS Nickon Kindergarten 中華基督教會燕京書院 CCC Yenching College 聖母院書院 Notre Dame College 東華三院徐展堂學校 TWGHS Tsui Tsin Tong School 慈航學校 Chi Hong Primary School 新界鄉議局元朗區中學 NTHYK Yuen Long District Secondary School 東華三院邱子田紀念中學 TWGHS Yau Tze Tin Memorial College 中國海外陡溝希望小學 China Overseas Dougou Hope School 五旬節于良發小學 Pentecostal Yu Leung Fat Primary School 東華三院邱金元中學 TWGHS Yow Kam Yuen College 香港潮陽小學 Chiu Yang Primary School Of Hong Kong 五旬節聖潔會永光書院 PHC Wing Kwong College 基督教聯合醫務協會幼兒學校 United Christian Med Service 才俊學校 Choi Jun School 保良局方王錦全小學 Po Leung Kuk Fong Wong Kam Chuen Nursery School 彩雲聖若瑟小學 Choi Wan St Joseph’s Primary School Primary School 世佛會文殊幼兒學校 W F B Manjusri Nursery School 基督書院 Christ College 保良局陳百強伉儷青衣學校 Po Leung Kuk Mr & Mrs Chan Pak Keung 華英中學 Wa Ying College 宣道中學 Christian Alliance College Tsing Yi School 王肇枝中學 Wong Shiu Chi Secondary School 城市大學學生發展處 City University of Hong Kong, 保良局田家炳千禧小學 Po Leung Kuk Tin Ka Ping Millennium 香港普通話研習社科技創意小學 Xianggang PTH Yanxishe Primary School Student Development Service Primary School Of Sci & Creativity 中華傳道會安柱中學 CNEC Christian College 保良局王少清幼稚園 Po Leung Kuk Wong Siu Ching Kindergarten 仁濟醫院蔡衍濤小學 Yan Chai Hospital Choi Hin To Primary School 中華傳道會李賢堯紀念中學 CNEC Lee I Yao Memorial Secondary School 保良局余李慕芬紀念學校(宿舍) Po Leung Kuk Yu Lee Mo Fan Memorial 仁濟醫院友愛幼稚園 Yan Chai Hospital Yau Oi Kindergarten 中華傳道會呂明才小學 CNEC Lui Ming Choi Primary School School (Dormitory) 余振強紀念中學 Yu Chun Keung Memorial College 孔教學院大成小學 Confucian Tai Shing Primary School 獻主會溥仁小學 Po Yan Oblate Primary School 元朗三育幼稚園 Yuen Long Sam Yuk Kindergarten 柴灣浸信會學前教育中心 CWBC Pre-School Educaton 香港培道中學 Pooi To Middle School 育智中心有限公司 Yuk Chi Resource Centre Limited 呂明才幼稚園 Lui Ming Choi Kindergarten 嘉諾撒培德書院 Pui Tak Canossian College 中國海外三泉希望小學 胡素貞博士紀念學校 Dr Catherine F Woo Memorial School 皇仁書院 Queen’s College 中國海外三峽希望小學 心光學校 Ebenezer School 香港西區扶輪社匡智晨輝學校 RCHK Island West Hong Chi 中國海外沙嶺希望小學 基督教香港信義會信義中學 ELCHK Lutheran Secondary School Morninghope School 中國海外沅陵希望學校 基督教中國佈道會聖道學校 Evangelize China Fellowship Holy Word School 禮賢會恩慈學校 Rhenish Church Grace School 中國海外金鳳回民希望小學 深信堂幼稚園 Faith Lutheran Church Kindergarten 嘉諾撒聖心學校私立部 Sacred Heart Canossian School, 中國海外青龍希望小學 粉嶺公立學校 Fanling Public School Private Section 中國海外亭口希望小學 炮台山循道衛理中學 Fortress Hill Methodist Secondary School 香港耀能協會羅怡基紀念學校 SAHK B M Kotewall Memorial School 中國海外馬金希望小學 東莞工商總會劉百樂中學 GCC&ITKD Lau Pak Lok Secondary School 香港耀能協會東九龍 SAHK East Kowloon Parent Resource Centre 中國海外新湖希望小學 路德會西門英才中學 Gertrude Simon Lutheran College 家長資源中心 都江堰中國海外新建特殊教育學校 協康會康苗幼兒園 Heep Hong Society Healthy Kids Nursery School 南亞路德會沐恩中學 Salem-Immanuel Lutheran College 協康會海富早期教育 Heep Hong Society Hoi Fu Parents 救世軍石湖學校 Salvation Army Shek Wu School 暨家長資源中心 Resource Centre 三水同鄉會劉本章學校 Sam Shui Natives Association Lau Pun 協康會東涌家長資源中心 Heep Hong Society Tung Chung Parents Cheung School Resource Centre 秀明小學 Sau Ming Primary School 香海正覺蓮社佛教普光學校 HHCKLA Buddhist Po Kwong School 路德會救主學校 Saviour Lutheran School 香港紅十字會甘迺迪中心 HK Red Cross John F Kennedy Centre 香港中文大學校外進修學院 School of Continuing and Professional Stud- 香港四邑商工總會 HK Sze Yap C&La Chan Nam Chong ies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong 陳南昌紀念學校 Memorial School 沙田官立中學 Sha Tin Government Secondary School 香港四邑商工總會 HK Sze Yap C&La Wong Tai Shan 沙田公立學校 Shatin Public School 黃棣珊紀念中學 Memorial College 沙田崇真學校 Shatin Tsung Tsin School 香港中國婦女會 HKCWC Fung Yiu King Memorial 香港耀能協會石圍角 Shek Wai Kok Parents’ Resource Centre, SAHK 馮堯敬紀念中學 Secondary School 家長資源中心 Sheng Kung Hui Chai Wan St. Michael’s 香港教育工作者聯會黃楚標學校 HKFEW Wong Cho Bau School Primary School 香港管理專業協會李國寶中學 HKMA David Li Kwok Po College 聖公會柴灣聖米迦勒小學 Sheng Kung Hui Chu Yan Primary School 香港基督教女青年會 HKYWCA Tsuen Wan Nursery School 聖公會主恩小學 Sheng Kung Hui Kei Lok Primary School 荃灣幼兒學校 聖公會基樂小學 Sheng Kung Hui Kowloon Bay Kei Lok 可 道 中 學( 嗇 色 園 主 辦 ) Ho Dao College (Sponsored By Sik Sik Yuen) Primary School

親切年度報告�2016-17 70 TREATS Annual Report 2016-17 鳴謝 Acknowledgement

學校共融教育 71 Social Inclusion Education 鳴謝 Acknowledgement

特別鳴謝�Special Acknowledgement Weber Shandwick Chan Kin Ming Cheung Po Ying Dr Hon Fernando CHEUNG Chiu-Hung Wings Chan Kwan Shing Cheung Shuk Man Dr Siu Po Kwan Gertrude Chan Kwok Chi Cheung Shuk Ting, Emily Ms. Hebe Lau 信託基金�Trusts & Foundation Chan Kwok Shun Cheung So Yee, Grace Mr. Shek Wai Keung Charities Aid Foundation America Chan Kwong Yu Cheung Wai Hung Mr. Tsang Ming Kin Kenneth China Overseas Charity Foundation Chan Lok Yan Cheung Wai Man, Carman Ms. Yu Chui Yee Ng Ting Fong Charities Foundation Chan Luk Nam Cheung Wai Yi PricewaterhouseCoopers Foundation Chan Man Tat Cheung Wilma, Veronica 機構及企業�Corporate The Community Chest of Hong Kong Chan Matthew Cheung Wing Shing Acetop Precious Metals Limited The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust Chan Nap Kee, Joseph Cheung Wun Ting AECOM Asia Company Limited Chan Ngan Ling Cheung Yau Man, Humphrey 政府部門�/�團體/�院校� Alibaba.com Hong Kong Limited Chan Pearl Yew, Pearl Cheung Yik Sum Governmental Department/ Allwins.com Limited Chan Pui Ha, Natalie Chew Ka Hang Organization/Institute AXA Asia Regional Office Chan Sau Ching Chih Wan Wan, Vivian Box of Hope AXA Investment Managers Asia Limited Chan Shuk Man Chim Cho Lik, Eric City University of Hong Kong Bank of East Asia Chan Siu Man Chin Wai Wan, Vivien Fortune City One Barclays Bank PLC Hong Kong Branch Chan Siu Pik Ching Bik Wah Home Affairs Department BIB Health Care Centre Limited Chan Tak Shing Chiu Chit Ho, Peter Hong Chi Morninghill School, Tuen Mun BIB Real Estate Agency Limited Chan Tat Chee Chiu Chun Fan, Calvin Hong Chi Winifred Mary Cheung Morninghope School BIB Solutions Limited Chan Tim Shing Chiu Hoi Man Hong Kong Rugby Union Bloomberg Chan Tin Mun Chiu Hoi Qun Hong Kong St. John Ambulance Brilliant Education Expert Limited Chan Ting Chiu Kwok Wai, David Hong Kong Trade Development Council Brilliant Goldwin Overseas Immigration and Investment Limited Chan Tsz Yin Chiu Sin Hang Leisure and Cultural Services Department Brilliant Insurance Broker Limited Chan Wai Kit Choi Lin Kwan Life Workshop Brilliant Precious Metals Limited Chan Wai Lok Choi Man Nga Lok Fu Place BRIO Hong Kong Limited Chan Wai Man Choi Sai Tat, Simon Lutheran School For The Deaf Carrefour Global Sourcing Asia Limited Chan Wing Ho Choi Shuk Man Mary Rose School China Overseas Holdings Limited Chan Wing Yu Choi Sui Hei Sailability Hong Kong China Overseas Holdings Limited-Construction Chan Winnie Choi Yuk Kam Saviour Lutheran School China Overseas Holdings Limited-Land & investment Chan Yee Man Choi Yuk Wah Scout Association of Hong Kong Chinlink Hong Kong Company Limited Chan Yee Wa Chong Kar Man The Hong Kong Girl Guides Association Chun Wo Building Construction Limited Chan Yeuk Sin, Juliannyca Chong Tin Lung Chun Wo Construction & Engineering Company Limited 傳媒伙伴�Media Partner Chan Yiu Ho Chow Chi Kit Cruiser Owners’ Association AM730 Chan Yiu Ming Chow Chuen Yeung DLP Piper Hong Kong Hong Kong Commercial Daily Chan Yuet Chiu, Jackie Chow Ka Man, Clara Experian Hong Kong Limited Mind & Life Chan Yung Chow Ka Pui Far East Global Group Limited Ming Pao Chang Mei Lien Chow King Lung Fiducia Limited Oriental Daily Chao Hong Yiu Chow Siu Har Gap International Sourcing (Holdings) Limited Radio Television Hong Kong Charles Yeomans Chow Suk Yee GiftCiti.com Scenario Chau Ka Ki Choy Shun Ying Goldman Sachs (Asia) L.L.C. Sports Road Chau Ka Ming Choy Yin Lan Hang Lung Properties Ta Kung Pao Chau Yu Kit Chu Chee Kong, Bernard Hebe Haven Yacht Club Chen Wai Chung, Edmund Chu Kah Man, Michelle HKT Limited 善長 Individual Chen Wai Man Chu Sze Man iClub Fortress Hill Hotel Agarwal Anil Cheng Cheung Shing Chu Wai Ming iClub Ma Tau Wai Hotel Agnes Allcock Cheng Ka Wen Chuang Shan Shan iClub Sheung Wan Hotel Annie Fonda Cheng King Tuen Chui Wai Man, Raymond iClub Wan Chai Hotel Anya Brown Cheng Man Kay, Rhonda Chung Chi Kit K11 Concepts Limited Au Hiu Kwong Cheng Pui Ling Chung Kit Mui Kerry Holdings Limited (Jigsaw) Au Yeung Fung Kwan Cheng Sei Hong Chung Po Ling King & Wood Mallesons Au Yeung Ho Wing, Herbert Cheng Wai Kam Chung Siu Har, May Knorr-Bremse Asia Pacific (Holding) Limited Au Yeung Kit Ying, Kitty Cheng Wing Sum Colin Stuart Shaftesley KPMG Au Yeung Pik Shan, Patty Cheuk Wai Chuen Ding Ho Keung Mainetti (HK) Limited Au Yung Yung, Gloria Cheuk Yau Chung Donald Coghill, Richard Miracle Atelier Company Bux Abdul Karim Cheung Chi King Evelyn , Louise , Michelle Chau MTR Corporation Limited Byrn Radhika Nanda Cheung Chi Ting, Clione Fan Ching Man Multilaw Celia Arthur Cheung Chon Iat Fan Ka Hung MVP Consultants & Development Limited Chan Chan Sum Cheung Chun Keung Fan Yuk Lan, Sonna My Art Room Chan Chi Ho Cheung Chun Man Fok Ka Ho, Alvin NWS Holdings Limited Chan Chi Pang Cheung Chun Wai Fong Chun Sum PricewaterhouseCoopers Limited Chan Chi Shan Cheung Fu Hong Fong Pak Ling Professional Security Services Limited Chan Chi Yeung Cheung Hau Mei Fong Yat Ming Regal Airport Hotel Chan Cho Ho Cheung Ka Kuen Fu Pui Man Regal Hong Kong Hotel Chan Chor Ming Cheung Ka Tung Fu Wai Keung Regal Hotels International Limited Chan Fung Lin Cheung Ka Yu Fung Ho Yan Regal Kowloon Hotel Chan Fung Yi Cheung Kam Chiu Fung Tak Wing Regal Oriental Hotel Chan Ho Nam Cheung Kar Man, Yvonne Fung Wai Ho, Bruce Regal Riverside Hotel Chan Hoi Tak, Victoria Cheung Kim Hung Fung Wing Sze Rich Asset Limited Chan Hoi Wo Cheung King Ying George Wiser Shangri-La International Hotel Management Limited Chan Hong Wa Cheung Lai Chun, Vivien Gillan Lam Shell Hong Kong Limited Chan Ka Ho Cheung Lap Yin Hai Man Lung Swire Coca-Cola HK Limited Chan Ka Ki Cheung Lok Fung Hau Ka Fai, Matthew Swire Properties Limited Chan Ka Man Cheung Man Yee He Bing The Bank of East Asia, Limited Chan Ka Po Cheung Ming Chit Ho Kam Choy The Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited Chan Kai Kong Cheung Mo Yung Ho Kin Pong

親切年度報告�2016-17 72 TREATS Annual Report 2016-17 Ho Lap Yan, Colman Lau Hoi Pui Lip Fung Chun Sin Miu Man Wong Sik Ho Ho Lin Hing Lau Ka Man Liu Kwok Wai Siu Yuen Yau Wong Sing Chung Ho Loo Ming, Yvonne Lau Ka Ming Liu Wing Ping So Bing Ching, Billy Wong Siu Kuen, Rebecca Ho Sze Kai Lau Kwok Ming, Bosco Lo Chi Kin So Cheuk Hung Wong Siu Nam Ho Tung Sing Lau Pak Kin Lo Chin Mi, Jamay So Chi Fai Wong So Ping Hong Kam Fai, Jeffery Lau Shek Yin Lo Chun King So Lai Wah Wong Sze Hang Hou Tan Tan, Danielle Lau Shu Man, Fiona Lo Chun Pong So Sau Mei Wong Tak Ming, David Hsu Ka Ming, Micheal Lau Tung Tung, Tona Lo Ka Man, Vivien Suen Yi Nam Wong Tat Cheung Hui Chi Hung Lau Wing Man Lo Oi Man Sun Chun Ming Wong To Yee Sun Hui Ho Yin Lau Wing Yuen Lo Pak Tung Sze Chien Chi Wong Tsz Hin, Chris Hui Na Na, Anna Law Lok Yan, Gloria Lo Po Hing Szeto Mei Wan Wong Wai Chuen Hui Wing Han Christina, Wendy Law Wai Ping, Reney Lo Sau Keung Tam Ching Chung Wong Wai Hang Hui Wing Keung Law Yuk Yi Lo Wing Yan, Diane Tam Chiu Wong Wai Ki Hung Pui Kee, Peggy Lee Charn Wah, William Lo Yuet Fung Tam Kim Wai, Joseph Wong Wai Ping Huo Yan Lee Cheuk Hong Lok Choi Man, Teresa Tam Kwai Tung Wong Wan Ling, Rebecca Ieong Sao Chun Lee Chi Cheong, Brain Louie Wan Sze, Vanessa Tam Lok Kun Wong Wing Tso Ip Ka Wai, Calvin Lee Chow Yuet Luces Sonia, Diano Tang Mei Mei, Mimi Wong Wing Yu Ip Pun Keung Lee Hei Man, Victor Lui Ka Chun Tang Tong Wong Yat Wa Ip Sik Wing Lee Hon Kit, Joe Lui Kar Yin, Carol Tang Wai Lam, Connie Wong Yee Wan, Clara Ip Siu Kwan Lee Ka Chung Lui Kwan Yuk Tang Wing Yuk Wong Ying Kwan Ip Suk Man Lee Ka Hei Lui Man Kit, Alfred Tay Lian Huon, Flora Wong Yue Shing Ip Yiu Wa Lee Kam Ping Luk Kwong Kei Tay Siok Kiang Wong Yuen Fan Janet Chan Lee Kin Shun, Philip Luk Lup Tong, Kenneth Ting Fuk Wai Wong Yuk Fong Jennifer Edwards Lee Lai Yi, Joyce Luk Yuen Ting Ting Wing Yan, Vivian Woo Man Wai Joansa Lam Lee Man Sau, Eliza Lun Qi Le To Hau Kong Wu Chuen Yiu Jong Tak Lee Lee Mei Ting Lun Shun Hing To Shui Hung Wu Man Yee Kam Chi Wai Lee Ngo Chin Ma Ka Chung, Stephen To Sin Yee, Venus Wu Siu Kam Fong Yi Lee Pik Kwan Ma Siu Tit To Tin Chi, Wilson Wu Wai Ying Kam Lu Lee Ping Kei Mai Wu Zhen Tong Chong Sze Yang Shu Yuan Kan Sze Lai Lee Po Ling Mak Chun Wai Tong Chung Lin Yau Lai Chun Kennedy Robin, Mark Lee Shiu Leung, Dominic Mak Hiu Wai Tong Yin Lung Yee Chung Man Keung Ka Chi, Lander Lee Suk Yan Mak Kuk Wan, Catherine Tsang Ka Kin Yeung Che Tak Keung Kak Lun, Alex Lee Wai Yee Mak Wai Man Tsang Kam Hung Yeung Fung King King Suet Ying Lee Wing Chuen Man Kin Wa Tsang Kam Wo Yeung Hong Fai Ko Ka Chun Lee Ying Wan, Gilbert Man Kit Wing Tsang Kang Ching Yeung Po Wa, Paul Ko Kwok Tun Lee Yuk Mei Man Sau Lin Tsang Wai Ling Yeung Pui Ki, Dora Kong Kin Nang Lee Zhuo Lin Mao Tsao Yu, Frank Tsang Yuk Chung, Edwin Yeung Sau Ying Koo Tin Man Leow Say See Mau Kit Shun, Vivian Tsang Yuk Lan Yik Wai Shing Koo Tin Yau, Maseano Leung Chi Kuen Mok Chui Man, Josephine Tse Hong Un, Rosita Yip Lai Kuen Kou Wai Ying, Sandy Leung Ho Wai, Johnathan Mok King Fu Tse Kit Kee Yip Shu Man Kristy Ting Leung Hoi Ming Mui Pak Kuen Tse Kit Ying Yip Siu Wing Kwan Hoi Ching Leung Ip Lan, Shirley Mui Yee Ha Tse Kwok Fai Yip Yuen Kwan Kwan Tin Chun Leung Ka Chun Mui Yee Ling Tse Pui Fun Yip Yun Ying, Yvonne Kwok Chun Bun Leung Ka Lun, Colin Nam Ho Kwan Tse Sze Man Yiu Hei Man Kwok Mei Shan Leung Ka Yin Nan Siu Man Tso Hiu Yin, Vicky Yiu Wing Yu Kwok Pui Shan Leung Kam Wing Ng Ching Ha Tsui Chor Tsai Yiu Yu Kit Kwok Shuk Yee Leung Kei Shun Ng Chor Wai Tsui Hon Ting Yow Kit Man, Priscilla Kwong Chi Hang, Gary Leung Kin Pong Ng Chung Man Tsui Kwan Leong, Chris Yu Kwong Wai Ling, Maggie Leung Kui Hin Ng Ka Fung, Anita Tsung Suk Fan, Joey Yu Chak Ming Lai Hin Fung Leung Kun Hang Ng King Lam Tung Kwok Hung Yu Chun Lai Ho Leung Leung Kwok Mi Ng Mee Yim Wan Ping Sum Yu Ying Ho, Tony Lai Kwan Ming Leung Ma Mui Ng Mung Han Wang Gui Zhen Yue Oi Wa Lai Kwok Kuen Leung Tak Hong Ng Ping Lai Wei Shu Xin Yuen Pui Kee, Lisa Lai Ping Wah Leung Wai Choi Ng Sau Chun Wong Chau Lin Yuen Sik Man Lai Yin King Leung Wai Kay, Ricky Ng Sui Pong Wong Cheong Ching Yuen Siu Yam Lai Yuen Yee Leung Wai Lok Ng Wai Ngo Wong Ho Wai Yuen Wai Man Lam Che Kin Leung Wai Ming Ng Wing Yee, Petty Wong Hoi Chi Yung Kwok Yuen, Dillon Lam Chi Lun Leung Wai Ming, Franky Ng Yeuk Nam Wong Hon Wai Zhao Ning Lam Chi Wa Leung Yee Seen, Attie Pak Yuen Chu, Jenny Wong Ka Wai, Gregory Zhou Hui Quan Lam Hau Kei, Tony Leung Yuen Ping Pan Liang Yen Wong Ka Wai, Winnie Zou Jia Qi Lam Hing Wah Leung Yuk Man Pang Oi Wah, Marine Wong Kin Chi 劉漪琳 和 劉漪庭 Lam Kai Cheung Li Cheuk Wing, Gwen Pang Siu Shan Wong Kin Wa 潘禮謙 Lam King Chung Li Chi Ho Pang Suk Yin Wong King Ching Lam Kit Man Li Chi Lun, Alan Pang Yiu Fai Wong King Tip, Keith Lam Muk Lai Li E Cheung, Terence Parke Damien Shane Wong Kwun Wa Lam Pui Ha Li Ho Chun Po Chung Sze Wong Lai Man, Fiona Lam Pui Ha Li Kwok Fai Po Wing Sun Wong Lai Ping Lam Sau Bing, Suki Li Lai Kin Poon Pui Yee Wong Lai Shan Lam Sau Ling Li Man Chiu Man Poon Wai Man Wong Man Chun Lam Wai Kong Li Pui Man Poon Yu Su Chin Wong Man Sze, Grace Lam Wai Sze Li Yin Sham Yiu Chung Wong Matthew Lai Lam Yiu Fai, Florence Li Yiu Wai Shea Yuk Sum Wong May Ling Lam Yuk Hoi Lim Kim Chuan Sheen Pei Man, Pauline Wong Miu Ling Lao Lai Wa Lin Ka Yan, Tiffany Shek Chi Ho Wong Oi Man Lau Chau Chuen Lin Ming Yan Shing Yuk Ngor, Chelsia Wong Sai Wo Lau Chi Shing Lin Shun Ru Shiu Ying Yee Wong Sau Kuen Lau Chi Wai Ling Cheuk Kwan Shu Tan Ning Wong Shing Wai

*由於篇幅所限,未能盡列所有善長芳名。我們謹代表所有受惠兒童、青少年及家庭,衷心感謝您們的支持。 *Due to limited space, we are unable to list the names of all donors and supports who have given us invaluable support. On behalf of our beneficiaries, we extend our sincere thanks to all of them for supporting our work.

鳴謝 73 Acknowledgement