目錄 Table of Contents 有關親切�� 4About TREATS 5 執行委員會成員名錄�� List of Executive Committee Officers 6主席的話�� Message from the Chairperson 重點工作 10Our Services 親切年度報告�2016-17 2 TREATS Annual Report 2016-17 53 統計及財務摘要� Statistical and Financial Highlights ‧統 計摘要 Statistical Highlights ‧義工服務統計 Volunteering at TREATS ‧收入及支出概覽 Income and Expenditure Key Figures 核數師報告� 5Auditor’s8 Report 6親切服務之受惠團體9� List of Groups Benefited by TREATS Services 71 鳴謝� Acknowledgement 3 有關親切 About TREATS 願景 Our Vision 讓每位兒童生活和參與一個接納及共融的社會。 To give every child the chance to live and participate in an accepting and integrated society. 因為共融,所以親切。我們相信共融的可貴。 Established in 1979, TREATS is a registered charity in 我們主張親親不同人。從愛不同人,到學曉不同的愛。 Hong Kong. We use the unique medium of experiential 從1979年 起,親切一直透過特別設計的共融活動,讓不同 learning, games and a variety of activities to bring 能力和背景的兒童、青少年及家庭走在一起,互相學習、 together children, youth and families from varying 彼此欣賞,促進個人及群育的發展。 backgrounds and with differing abilities, to provide them with opportunities for equal participation and interaction, to learn appreciation and acceptance of one another, and 服務目標 to develop personal and social skills. ‧ 讓不同能力和背景的兒童透過接觸和體驗,在平等 �參與的平台上認識和互動,以教育扭轉偏見和歧視, Service Objectives � 培 育 共 融 下一 代。 • To integrate children of all abilities and backgrounds on an equal participation platform through education, ‧ 提升弱勢兒童的社交技巧、建立自信心、擴大生活 exposure and experience and to break down prejudice �網絡,並有更多機會參與社會。 and discrimination. ‧ 透過社區教育和參與,改變社會人士對不同能力和� • To enhance the social skills and self-esteem of � 背景的兒童的認識,從而提升大眾對平等、多樣化和� disadvantaged children, expand their living network and create opportunities for their participation in � 無歧視社會的認同。 society. • To change the general public’s view of children with 服務對象 different abilities and backgrounds through community education and participation, so as to increase the 所有兒童、青少年及其家庭,特別是社會上弱勢兒童組 recognition of equal participation, diversity and non- 群,例 如: discrimination in society. ‧智 能、肢 體、情 緒 及 社 交 方 面 障 礙 ‧綜合能力障礙、學習困難 Target Groups ‧新來港人士及居港的少數族裔 All children, youth and families, especially those who are ‧單 親 家 庭 disadvantaged, such as those: ‧低收入及貧窮家庭 • With mental, physical, emotional and social challenges • With multiple challenges and learning disabilities • New arrivals and ethnic minorities • From single parent families • From families living in poverty 親切年度報告�2016-17 4 TREATS Annual Report 2016-17 執行委員會成員名錄 List of Executive Committee Officers 迄至2017年3月31日�As at 31 March 2017 贊助人 執行委員會 PATRON EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 梁唐青儀女士�Mrs. Regina Leung 主席�Chairperson 丘璟珊女士 Ms. Carol Yau 會長 副主席�Vice Chairpersons PRESIDENT 許娜娜博士 Dr Anna Hui 馬登夫人 Mrs. Anne Marden 石鈞年先生 Mr. Colin Shaftesley 汪明珠女士 Ms. Elaine Ward 榮譽會長 司庫�Treasurer HONORARY PRESIDENT 陳子良先生 Mr. Barry Chan 張有興先生 Mr. Hilton Cheong-Leen 委員�Members 艾珍妮女士 Ms. Jennifer Edwards 榮譽顧問 李灼康先生 Mr. Lee Cheuk Hong HONORARY ADVISERS 蘇秀冠博士 Dr Atara Sivan 簡珍美女士�(法律) Mrs. Janine Canham (Legal) 蘇慧珊博士 Dr Christina Sue-Chan 曾皿堅先生 Mr. Kenneth Tsang 曹莉莉女士 Ms. Amy Tso 5 主席的話� Message from the Chairperson 丘璟珊女士 親切執行委員會主席 親切自1979年 成 立 至 今,昂 然 踏 進 第 38載,一 直 致 力 堅守以「讓每位兒童生活和參與一個接納及共融的社 會」為服務願景。作為兒童共融活動的先導者,我們一 直 透 過 精 心 設 計 的 共 融 活 動,教 育 下 一 代 學 習 欣 賞、 關懷接納和平等參與,令不同能力及背景的兒童及青 少 年,特 別 是 在 智 能、身 體、情 緒 和 社 交 方 面 具 障 礙, 以及有學習困難的組群能夠突破阻隔,一起融入社 區,促進個人及群育發展,從而改寫不同的命運。 我們的目標是給所有兒童、青少年及其家庭(特別是 因能力和背景受隔阻的群體)一個接觸和體驗共融的 機 會,讓 不 同 小 朋 友 平 等 參 與、互 動 和 認 識,促 進 了 解和接納,建立共融下一代。我們相信只要讓特殊需 要兒童有機會發揮潛能、提升社交技巧,他們一樣可 以認識新朋友、融入社區。我們透過教育及改變社會 對共融的認識,�從而推廣兒童權利和社會參與。 我謹代表執行委員會,衷心感謝所有關心和支持兒童 共融工作的朋友、伙伴機構、團體及捐助者。每位身 體力行的義工,多謝您們付出的寶貴時間和精神。當 然,我們也十分感激各位職員的辛勞及熱誠。 親切年度報告�2016-17 6 TREATS Annual Report 2016-17 今年,我印象最深的是參與了親切一年一度的亮點活動� 「親切共融之旅」嘉年華會,見證了一群年青人如何衝破 能力界限,在人生的舞台上如繁星一般發光發亮!而出席 「青少年職場共融體驗計劃」結業禮亦令我十分難忘和感 動。我們連續第二年與富豪酒店集團合作,讓智力障礙或 自閉症中學生跟隨富豪酒店集團不同部門的同事參與職 場工作。透過工作實習體驗及師徒關係的建立,能障人士 能夠得到一個平等參與工作的機會,學習正確的工作態 度 與 人 際 相 處 的 技 巧,亦能與商界伙伴攜手消除偏見歧 視,建 立 共 融 關 愛 職 場 文 化。 在新一年,親切定當繼續堅持和努力,致力發展更多元 化 的 服 務,推 動 成 立 兒 童 議 會,同時亦期盼您能繼續支 持親切,攜手創造更多兒童共融機會,共同改寫小朋友的� 命 運! 主席的話� 7 Message from the Chairperson Ms. Carol Yau Chairperson of the Executive Committee Since our foundation in 1979, this year marks the Our objective is to offer a chance for all children, teenagers 38th anniversary of TREATS. We endeavour to and their families to experience integration, build their realize our vision “To give every child the chance to self-esteem and improve their life skills. We believe that live and participate in an accepting and integrated children with special needs can also meet new people society”. As a pioneer in children’s social integration, and integrate into the community if they are given the we have devised various activities to educate the opportunity to reach their full potential and promote next generation on learning how to appreciate their social skills. Moreover, by educating and altering and embrace others as well as achieve equal public awareness of social integration, we can improve participation, thus enabling children and teenagers and promote children’s rights and social participation. of different abilities and backgrounds, especially the intellectually, physically, emotional or socially On behalf of the Executive Committee, I would like to disadvantaged, and those who have difficulty in express my sincere thanks to all our donors, partners learning, to break through barriers, and develop and friends. Without their support, we could not have personal and social skills. We hope that everyone achieved so much. My special thanks go to all our can live freely and participate in our society with dedicated volunteers for their enormous contribution. dignity. Last but not least, I would like to give my deepest appreciation to all TREATS staff for their hard work and enthusiasm. 親切年度報告�2016-17 8 TREATS Annual Report 2016-17 In the coming year, TREATS will persist in the call for the Children’s Commission to explore more opportunities and seize every chance to nurture Hong Kong’s next generation so that they can grow healthily and happily. Your continuous support is appreciated. Together we can create more opportunities for children’s social integration and help them rewrite their lives. This year at TREATS’ signature community education event “TREATS Journey to Integration” Carnival, teenagers from both typical and special schools showed me how they had broken through their personal limits and shine on stage, performing in front of a public audience. And at the closing ceremony of our 2nd “Social Sustainability Project through Work-based Learning for Underprivileged Youth” with Regal Hotels, I witnessed youths’ development of social skills and gain of self- confidence. This project provides teenagers with mild mental challenges or autism a chance to work in different departments of Regal Hotels under the guidance of the staff. Undoubtedly, it will not only provide an opportunity for less advantaged people to experience equal participation in the real workplace, but also help them to cultivate a positive working attitude and improve their interpersonal skills. At the same time, corporate partners can eliminate discrimination by establishing a caring, supportive and inclusive corporate culture. 主席的話� 9 Message from the Chairperson 重點工作� Our Services 2016/17 年 度,親 切 服 務 超 過 140,000 人次的兒童、 青少年及社區人士,服務的學校及中心更達155 間, 我們的重點工作包括: In 2016/17, TREATS served more than 140,000 children, young people and community members and over 155 schools and centres. Our services include: 1.�學校共融教育 2. 共融體驗活動� 3. 體藝無界限 4. 青少年培育服務 5.�專業培訓及 � �親子共融教育 6. 關注及倡議 7. 伙伴協作 親切年度報告�2016-17 10 TREATS Annual Report 2016-17 Social Inclusion Education Outdoor and Community Integrated Programmes For ALL Series Youth Development Professional Training and Parent-Child Integration Awareness Building and Advocacy Partnership for Social Inclusion 重點工作 11 Our Services 學校共融教育 SOCIAL INCLUSION 1 EDUCATION 親切年度報告�2016-17 12 TREATS Annual Report 2016-17 教育是年輕一代累積知識,建立正確價值觀的重要途徑。要事半功倍,共 融教育更必須由小做起。親切的共融教育課程,以生動有趣的內容,分別 為幼稚園、小學及中學的學生帶來不同主題與程度的共融知識,旨在令學 生學習尊重每個人的權利、接納不同人的差異和欣賞多樣化。 在2016/17 年度,學校共融教育活動共有︰ ‧ 24 節親親融融兒童故事坊 ‧ 42 節共融教育講座� ‧ 52 節共融體驗學習坊� ‧ 17 個共融體驗之旅 參 與 人 數:46,322 位 Education brings our younger generation knowledge and more importantly, the concept of what is right and wrong. Social inclusion education should start from an early age. Our Social Inclusion Education Programme is implemented in primary and secondary schools and kindergartens all over Hong Kong, and aims to give students a better understanding of people with different abilities, and learn how to respect people’s rights, appreciate diversity and eliminate discrimination. In 2016/17, Integration Education held: • 24 Storytelling Programmes for Kiddies • 42 Integration Education Talks • 52 Integration Experiential Workshops • 17 Integration Education Journeys These served a total of 46,322 participants. 學校共融教育 13 Social Inclusion Education 親親融融兒童故事坊 “Storytelling for ALL Kiddies” Storytelling Workshop 今年,親切繼續以故事坊形式,結合啟發性故事、互動遊 “Storytelling for ALL Kiddies” storytelling workshops 戲和藝術創作活動,把關愛、尊重差異、欣賞多樣化和獨 bring the integration messages including acceptance, diversity and respect to kindergartens through 特性等共融訊息帶到幼稚園。令人鼓舞的是,很多曾參 interactive games, storytelling, and experiential activities. 與親親融融兒童故事坊的孩子,當再次看到故事的主角 The most encouraging thing is when the kids remember 們時,也能記得他們,而更重要的是,記得共融的意義︰ the characters of our stories, and more importantly, the 不同的人也可一起玩、一起做朋友。我們相信由幼兒階 meaning of inclusion: different people can play together and make friends with each other. 段 開 始 埋 下 共 融 的 種 子,能 為 日 後 建 立 共 融 觀 念 及 態 度 打下重要的基礎。 活動有趣易明,讓幼兒可輕鬆學習到欣賞自己和尊重不� Through the interesting and simple activities, children 同 人 的 差 異。 can learn how to appreciate themselves and accept everyone’s uniqueness. 香 港 基 督 教 女 青 年 會 荃 灣 幼 兒 學 校 ������ 老師感想 Teacher, Hong Kong Young Women’s Christian Association Tsuen Wan Nursery 以原創的兒童故事,輕鬆有趣地讓幼童學懂平等友愛的訊息。 Using original stories, kids can learn the message of acceptance, diversity and respect in a fun and interesting way. 親切年度報告�2016-17 14 TREATS Annual Report 2016-17 學校共融教育 Social Inclusion Education 親切的「學校共融教育計劃」是系統化的共融教育課程, More and more schools invite us to provide whole school 目的是為全港中、小學提供學習坊、講座及全校性的共融 workshops and talks.
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