Bureau of Statistics Government of the June 2006



.. not available ($'000) thousands of dollars - zero or too small to be expressed ($ million) millions of dollars (no.) number (kg) kilograms (%) percent (km2) square kilometers (monthly avg.)monthly average ('000 m3) thousands of cubic meters ($) dollars ('000,000 m3) millions of cubic meters x secure


Government of the Northwest Territories Natural Resources Canada Statistics Canada Transport Canada



Government ...... 1

Land Area...... 2

Population ...... 2

Education ...... 7

Income Security ...... 9

Income and Employment...... 10

Prices...... 14

Business Activity ...... 16

Economic Accounts ...... 18

Transportation and Communication ...... 19

Energy ...... 20

Mining ...... 21

Renewable Resources ...... 22



The current Legislative Assembly for the Northwest Territories consists of 19 elected members and functions in much the same way as a provincial legislature. The Territorial Cabinet consists of seven ministers elected by the Legislative Assembly. Federally, the NWT is represented by a Member of Parliament and a Senator.

Commissioner: Anthony W.J. Whitford

Premier: Joseph Handley

Cabinet Ministers: Brendan Bell, Charles Dent, David Krutko, Michael McLeod, Michael Miltenberger,

Member of Parliament:



GNWT - Expenditures & Revenues ($'000)

2006-2007 2005-2006 Main Estimates Revised Estimates

Expenditures 1,068,323 1,071,323 Revenues 1,106,057 1,084,435

Local Governments

Cities 1 Villages 1 Settlements 3 Towns 4 Hamlets 10 Charter Communities 4


Total Area 1,346,106 Land 1,183,085 Freshwater 163,021


Population Estimates - July 1

2005 2004 2003 2002 2001

Northwest Territories 42,982 42,851 42,240 41,489 40,822


Community Population Estimates – July 1, 2005

Northwest Territories 42,982 Fort Simpson 1,233 Hay River Reserve 299 Beaufort Delta Jean Marie River 69 Aklavik 600 Trout Lake 82 Fort McPherson 823 Wrigley 182 3,521 Paulatuk 318 South Slave Sachs Harbour 119 Enterprise 91 Tsiigehtchic 200 Fort Resolution 534 Tuktoyaktuk 990 Fort Smith 2,385 Ulukhaktok (Holman) 434 Hay River 3,825 Lutselk’e 414 Sahtu Colville Lake 140 Tlicho Deline 545 Behchoko (Rae-Edzo) 1,951 Fort Good Hope 576 Gameti (Rae Lakes) 302 Norman Wells 818 Wekweéti 138 Tulita 502 Whati 502

Deh Cho Yellowknife & Dettah Fort Liard 591 Yellowknife 19,429 Fort Providence 840 Dettah 218 3

Population Estimates by Age and Sex - July 1, 2005

Total Males Females

All Ages 42,982 22,093 20,889

0 - 4 Years 3,342 1,600 1,742 5 - 9 Years 3,507 1,825 1,682 10 - 14 Years 3,677 1,889 1,788 15 - 19 Years 3,454 1,747 1,707 20 - 29 Years 7,017 3,671 3,346 30 - 39 Years 7,381 3,811 3,570 40 - 49 Years 6,712 3,298 3,414 50 - 59 Years 4,666 2,487 2,179 60+ Years 3,226 1,765 1,461

Age Distribution by Sex - July 1, 2005

Total Males Females

Median Age (Years) 30.7 30.8 30.6

Under 15 Years (%) 24.5 24.1 25.0 15-59 Years (%) 68.0 68.0 68.1 60+ Years (%) 7.5 8.0 7.0


Population Estimates by Sex - July 1, 2001 - 2005

2005 2004 2003 2002 2001

All Persons 42,982 42,851 42,240 41,489 40,822

Male 22,093 22,091 21,822 21,439 21,099 Female 20,889 20,760 20,418 20,050 19,723

Components of Population Change – July 1, 2001 - 2005

2005 2004 2003 2002 2001

Natural Increase 514 539 529 466 450

Interprovincial Migration

In 2,176 2,324 2,439 2,724 2,405 Out 3,226 2,653 2,181 2,511 2,444 Net -1,050 -329 258 213 -39

Net International 47 64 157 11 90


Vital Statistics

2005 2004 2003 2002 2001

Births 707 709 701 635 613 Deaths 193 170 172 169 163

Vital Statistics Rates (per thousand)

2005 2004 2003 2002 2001

Birth Rate 16.4 16.5 16.6 15.3 15.0 Death Rate 4.5 4.0 4.1 4.1 4.0



Schools, Students and Graduates

2005-06 2004-05 2003-04 2002-03

Students 9,572 9,608 9,727 9,872 High School Graduates .. 343 292 283

Highest Level of Schooling

2005 % 2004 % 2003 %

Population 15 Years & Over 31,400 100.0 30,600 100.0 30,000 100

Less than Grade 9 3,800 12 3,500 11 3,700 12 High School, No Diploma 7,300 23 6,900 23 7,300 24 High School Diploma 6,500 21 6,900 23 6,300 21 Other Certificate or Diploma 9,700 31 8,900 29 8,300 28 University Degree 4,100 13 4,400 14 4,400 15


Highest Level of Schooling

2005 % 2004 % 2003 %

Males 15 Years & Over 16,400 100 15,600 100 15,200 100

Less than Grade 9 2,000 12 1,900 12 1,700 11 High School, No Diploma 4,100 25 4,000 26 3,900 26 High School Diploma 3,300 20 3,200 21 3,000 20 Other Certificate or Diploma 5,300 32 4,600 29 4,500 30 University Degree 1,800 11 1,900 12 2,100 14

Females 15 Years & Over 15,000 100 14,400 100 14,200 100

Less than Grade 9 1,900 13 1,800 13 1,700 12 High School, No Diploma 3,300 22 3,300 23 3,200 23 High School Diploma 3,200 21 3,300 23 3,200 23 Other Certificate or Diploma 4,400 29 3,700 26 3,800 27 University Degree 2,300 15 2,500 17 2,200 15



Income Support

2005 2004 2003 2002 2001

Payments ($'000) 8,601 9,269 8,946 8,701 8,840 Cases (monthly avg.) 1,050 1,110 1,111 1,118 1,202 Beneficiaries (monthly avg.) 1,923 2,073 2,152 2,200 2,425

Employment Insurance

2005 2004 2003 2002 2001

Payments ($'000) 28,361 29,891 29,826 28,098 23,615 Recipients (monthly avg.) 1,208 1,303 1,258 1,219 966



Personal Income

2004 2003 2002 2001 2000

Total Income ($'000) 1,246,589 1,199,686 1,148,300 1,058,019 921,079 Average Income ($) 44,080 42,572 42,047 39,186 36,220

Total Employment Income ($'000) 1,101,853 1,058,922 1,016,653 935,854 805,159 Average Employment Income ($) 43,969 41,904 41,428 38,497 36,187

Average Weekly Earnings ($)

2005 2004 2003 2002 2001

Industrial Aggregate 962.14 924.35 895.30 888.59 861.62 Goods Producing 1,129.47 1,103.45 1,129.62 1,172.37 1,124.32 Service Producing 929.05 890.47 847.29 827.27 799.96


Employment by Selected Characteristics – 2005

All Persons Males Females

Employed 22,700 12,100 10,600

Employees 20,700 10,900 9,800 Public 9,000 3,700 5,300 Private 11,700 7,200 4,500 Self-Employed 2,000 1,200 800

Goods Producing 4,500 3,800 800 Service Producing 18,100 8,300 9,800

Government Employment (monthly avg.)

2005 2004 2003 2002

Total 7,871 7,980 8,139 7,682 Federal Admin. 1,184 1,173 1,171 1,102 Territorial Admin. 4,085 4,103 4,122 4,024 Health & Social Serv. Institutions 1,159 1,164 1,181 986 Municipal Admin. 1,041 1,093 1,229 1,147 School Boards 402 449 436 423


Labour Force Activity – 2005

Total Males Females

Population 15 Years & Over 31,400 16,400 15,000

Labour Force 23,900 12,900 11,000

Employed 22,700 12,100 10,600 Unemployed 1,300 800 400

Participation Rate 76.1 78.7 73.3 Unemployment Rate 5.4 6.2 3.6 Employment Rate 72.3 73.8 70.7


Labour Force Activity, Yellowknife & Other Communities - 2005

Other Yellowknife Communities

Population 15 Years & Over 15,000 16,400

Labour Force 12,700 11,200

Employed 12,300 10,300 Unemployed 400 900

Participation Rate 84.7 68.3 Unemployment Rate 3.1 8.0 Employment Rate 82.0 62.8



Yellowknife CPI - Annual Averages (1992 = 100)

2005 2004 2003 2002 2001

All-Items 123.6 120.8 119.1 116.3 113.0 Food 124.3 118.0 118.9 118.6 116.6 Shelter 122.4 118.1 113.5 109.3 106.0 Household Oper. & Furn. 107.6 107.1 107.2 107.0 105.4 Clothing & Footwear 103.7 102.8 103.6 105.3 102.9 Transportation 144.6 142.2 142.0 139.2 135.1 Health & Personal Care 116.4 117.1 115.1 112.2 111.4 Recr., Education & Reading 112.8 113.3 112.9 112.4 111.0 Alcohol & Tobacco 164.9 161.6 154.3 132.9 116.0

All-Items CPI - Annual Average Change (%)

2005 2004 2003 2002 2001

Yellowknife 2.3 1.4 2.4 2.9 1.6 Canada 2.2 1.9 2.8 2.2 2.6 Whitehorse 2.2 1.0 1.9 0.7 2.0 Edmonton 2.1 1.0 5.3 3.0 2.2


Food Price Indexes - 2004 (Yellowknife = 100)

Beaufort Delta Fort Simpson 142 Aklavik 183 Hay River Reserve 107 Fort McPherson 163 Jean Marie River .. Inuvik 140 Nahanni Butte 169 Paulatuk 222 Trout Lake 166 Sachs Harbour 197 Wrigley 175 Tsiigehtchic 153 Tuktoyaktuk 206 South Slave Ulukhaktok (Holman) 188 Enterprise 109 Fort Resolution 131 Sahtu Fort Smith 113 Colville Lake 186 Hay River 113 Deline 191 Lutselk’e 175 Fort Good Hope 191 Norman Wells 187 Tlicho Tulita 190 Behchoko (Rae-Edzo) 137 Gameti (Rae Lakes) 153 Deh Cho Wekweéti 170 Fort Liard 135 Whati 153 Fort Providence 126 15


Private and Public Capital Investment ($ million)

2005 2006 Preliminary 2004 2003 Intentions Actuals Actuals Actuals

All Industries 1,701.7 1,534.5 1,248.2 816.8

Selected Industries:

Mining and Oil & Gas Extraction 1,215.8 1,060.1 793.1 443.5 Housing 89.3 80.7 105.1 102.4 Territorial Gov’t. Administration 85.8 93.2 77.1 72.5 Information & Cultural 22.2 25.2 x 17.2 Transportation & Warehousing 103.2 103.6 71.1 37.4 Utilities 8.3 10.6 17.8 19.8 Retail Trade 16.9 14.5 27.3 28.9


Retail Trade and Wholesale Trade ($ million)

2005 2004 2003 2002

Retail Trade 578.8 532.1 529.9 505.0 Wholesale Trade 207.6 192.7 198.8 262.1

Restaurant Sales

2005 2004 2003 2002

Total Receipts ($'000) 81,262 74,951 75,752 90,001 Total Locations (no.) .. .. 85 86

Corporate Registry (year-end)

2005 2004 2003 2002

Territorial 2,357 2,226 2,179 2,237 Extra-Territorial 3,016 2,903 2,749 2,641 Societies 666 641 608 568 Cooperatives 22 22 21 32



2005 2004 2003 2002

GDP at Market Prices: Current Dollars 4,083 4,174 3,680 3,037 Chained (1997) Dollars 3,876 3,838 3,649 3,123

Final Domestic Demand Current Dollars 3,934 3,539 3,086 3,477 Chained (1997) Dollars 3,396 3,139 2,804 3,212

Labour Income: Domestic Basis 1,666 1,533 1,452 1,399 National Basis 1,393 1,282 1,214 1,155



Vehicle Registrations

2005 2004 2003 2002 2001

Total Registrations 34,669 33,658 32,567 30,969 29,449

Passengers 26,884 26,127 25,317 24,236 22,921 Trucks 2,199 2,145 2,129 2,025 2,006 Buses 121 120 98 95 80 Motorcycles 620 576 481 427 393 Off-Road, Construction & Farm Vehicles 1,139 1,077 1,083 1,001 966 Trailers 3,684 3,591 3,441 3,165 3,061 Other 22 22 18 20 22

Air Traffic

2005 2004 2003 2002 2001

Take-Offs & Landings 123,782 134,827 130,310 121,483 137,315



Fuel Production

2005 2004 2003 2002

All Fuels ($'000) 524,341 554,904 500,814 466,878

Crude Petroleum ($'000) 425,032 366,704 337,129 332,609 ('000 m3) 1,171 1,325 1,284 1,462

Natural Gas ($'000) 99,309 151,119 177,908 134,269 ('000,000 m3) 409 659 842 952

Note: All Fuels includes Natural Gas by-products.



Mineral Shipments

2005 2004 2003 2002

Gold ($'000) - 8,752 42,820 52,439 (kg) - 511 2,614 3,382

Silver ($'000) 27 27 149 237 (tonnes) - - 1 1

Diamonds ($'000) 1,683,578 2,096,718 1,587,740 801,469 ('000 carats) 12,300 12,680 10,756 4,984

Tungsten ($’000) 21,333 - 29,755 18,790 (tonnes) 700 - 3,636 2,295



Fur Production

2003-04 2002-03 2001-02 2000-01 1999-00

Value ($) 812,312 751,349 849,527 477,365 842,049 Pelts (no.) 23,536 31,848 18,445 13,092 37,124