INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER HORIZONS is S\3^ £^v & ft*1 fft bV*> oftfc IG^ '7 VOL. 3 • NO. 4 WE ARE NOW observing the about 85 per cent of the world's population today would one hundredth anniversary of have to be agricultural in order to maintain life. the introduction of Cyrus Today, a full century after the first introduction of Hall McCormick's Virginia the McCormick Reaper overseas, International Har Reaper to the world at the vester operations reach into all sections of the globe. famous Crystal Palace Exhi Overseas business is handled through the International bition of Industries of All Na Harvester Export Company, a separate organization tions in London, England. In from the parent company. To market its farm machines, this centennial year, we com motor trucks, industrial power, and refrigeration units, memorate the beginning of International Harvester has established subsidiary com one of the world's largest and oldest foreign traders, a panies in 19 countries outside of the United States. pioneer in global markets. International Harvester Com These subsidiaries maintain 11 IH manufacturing plants pany, the organization that was formed fifty years after and 63 branch houses. In addition, there are 170 distrib the initial introduction of McCormick's reaper in world utors with 112 branches located throughout the world. markets, developed along free enterprise lines from the In all, International Harvester is represented in 128 little reaper plant of Cyrus Hall McCormick until today countries. its operations blanket the globe. We now find International Harvester Company's Had it not been for the deep-rooted predilection of foreign and domestic markets developed far beyond the Cyrus Hall McCormick to advance the best interests of hopes and dreams of the company's original founders.
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