PRESENT Cllrs Gibbins [Chairman]; Docker; Dudley-Smith; Foward; Pritchard and Skittrall.

PUBLIC :- No members of the public were present at the meeting.

1. Apologies. It was resolved to accept apologies for absence received from Cllrs Bell; Brown; Cooke; Pollard and Spencer

2. Declarations of interest. No new declarations of interest from members of the Council were reported.

3. Employees. a. to review the following salaries (i) Clerk/Burial Registrar – it was resolved that the council allows sufficient funds in the budget a 2% cost of living pay increase, from 1st April 2020, subject to any national pay award agreed by SLCC and NALC. (ii) Allotments Manager – noting that the salary has not been increased since 2014, it was resolved to raise the annual salary for the Allotments Manager to £350 with an additional £100 towards the cost of using her home as an office. b. Employment status - it was noted that all Parish Council employees are employed and that PAYE is operated. c. Pensions – it was noted that the Parish Council adheres to the requirements of the Pensions Regulator.

4. Cemetery. a. Cemetery - it was resolved to make no changes to the cemetery fees. b. Cemetery guidelines – it was resolved to make no changes to the cemetery guidelines.

5. Allotments. a. Allotment rents for the year 1st January - 31st December 2021 – as not all plots are taken and receipts cover the cost of running the allotments, it was resolved to make no changes to the rents due for 2021 b. Allotment guidelines – it was resolved to amend guideline 16 to add “tenants who do not bring their plots up to an acceptable standard within 30 days of receipt of a warning letter from the Allotments Manager or Parish Council will forfeit their tenancy”.

6. Insurance cover. It was noted that the council has a 3-year deal with the current provider.

7. Review of policies. No amendments were requested.

Page 1974 – 13th January 2020.

Page 1975 – 13th January 2020.

8. Review of risk assessments. It was resolved that the Clerk should add a risk assessment for the grit bins that the Parish Council has taken over responsibility for.

9. Review of Terms of Reference. No amendments to the terms of reference were requested.

10. Review of additional Standing Orders. No amendments to the Standing Orders were requested.

11. Review of the Parish Plan Action Plan. It was noted that the Parish Action Plan was updated in February 2019 and no further amendments were considered necessary.

12. Review of the Parish Council Community Project List. It was resolved that the Parish Council requests that option 1 be New open space, activity areas, children’s play areas; option 2 be a new community building; option 3 be Village Green improvements.

13. Review of GDPR documents. It was reported that there had been no data breaches during 2019 and it was resolved that no amendments be made to the current set of documents.

14. Review of the effectiveness of internal controls for audit purposes. It was noted that, although the Clerk is a signatory for the Lloyds account, 3 are required to sign cheques or authorise payments.

15. Precept for the year 1st April 2020 - 31st March 2021. It was noted that the tax base is 768. Following discussion, it was resolved to remove the self-insurance budget as this is no longer required. It was proposed by Cllr Gibbins, seconded by Cllr Foward that a precept of £32000 be requested from the Borough Council of . This was unanimously agreed.

There being no further business, the Chairman declared the meeting closed.

Signed……………………………………………………. Chairman. 17th February 2020.


PRESENT :- Cllrs Gibbins [Chairman]; Bell; Brown; Docker; Dudley-Smith; Foward; Pollard; Pritchard and Spencer. Cllr Skittrall arrived during the course of the meeting.

PUBLIC :- One member of the public was present at the meeting.

MATTERS RAISED BY MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC :- • Planning application WP/19/00743.

1. Apologies. It was resolved to accept apologies for absence received from Cllr Cooke. It was noted that Cllr Skittrall would be arriving late.

2. Declarations of interest. No new declarations of interest in items to be discussed were received from members.

3. Minutes. The minutes from the meeting of Bozeat Parish Council held on 16th December 2019 were proposed as correct by Cllr Gibbins, this was seconded by Cllr Pollard and a vote was taken = 8 for with 1 abstention, motion carried.

4. Matters arising. a. Circulating documents – no packs were moved on at the meeting. b. Village Hopper and W8 bus services – it was reported that, throughout the Christmas and New Year period, a Sunday service only was operating, meaning that there were no services to Wellingborough. It was suggested that the bus companies be asked to run a Saturday service during this period in future as this would provide services to Wellingborough. c. Unitary authorities – Cllr Skittrall arrived later in the meeting and reported that the new Parliament has restarted the process to create the unitary authorities. d. Community Asset Register – it was noted that is waiting for a response from the Borough Council. e. Website accessibility regulations – it was noted that the working party is to hold a further meeting.

5. Council services. a. Cemetery – it was reported that the cemetery is looking good at present, with spring bulbs now shooting. It was resolved to consider quotes for work on mature trees at the next meeting. b. Cemetery – it was noted that no new applications for permission to place memorials or headstones in the cemetery had been received since the last meeting. c. Cemetery – it was resolved to include information about the possible provision of one or more tower columbarium in the next Bozeat matters report. d. Cemetery – it was reported that the current contractor will not be submitting a tender for the caretaking contract for 2020-2021 and it was resolved to seek alternative tenders. e. Allotments – no issues were noted. f. Allotments – noted that the provision of marker slabs is still pending. g. Allotments – it was resolved to take no further action regarding issues raised by tenants at the Annual Meeting of allotment tenants. h. Allotments – it was reported that some tenants have used the HSBC bank account for payments and the Clerk is waiting for the latest statement in order to confirm receipt.

Page 1976 – 20th January 2020.

Page 1977 – 20th January 2020.

An initial reminder has been sent to all tenants who had not paid by 1st January, a second reminder will now be sent to those still outstanding. i. Allotments – a further report indicates that the gate may not need replacing yet and it was resolved to inspect the gate before the June meeting and discuss it again at that point.

6. Local environment. a. Highways – Cllr Foward proposed that his report [Appendix A] be accepted, this was agreed. b. Mill Road verge degradation – it was reported that quotes have been requested for the required remedial works. c. Street Lights – no issues were reported. d. Parish Paths Warden – it was noted that a stile has been repaired recently. e. Village Warden – Cllr Gibbins proposed that a report [Appendix B] be accepted, this was agreed. f. Land Registrations – it was reported that progress is slowly being made. It was resolved to prioritise the application for the Village Green. g. Verge mowing contract – tenders are to be invited for this work, including the village footpaths, cemetery and churchyard. h. Noticeboard – resolved to defer this item for a further month. i. Village Green – the Chairman reported that signed documents may not have been received at the Borough Council, this is being investigated. j. Village Green – it was noted that this was resolved at the Annual Finance Meeting and it was agreed to remove it from the agenda. k. Purchase of new and replacement dog bins – it was noted that poor weather recently has delayed the installation of the litter bin at the playing field. Wooden posts hosting dog bins are to be replaced with metal as and when required. It was resolved to note complaints received regarding the condition of disused properties, as action will not be taken unless there are safety concerns.

7. Planning. This report was received once Cllr Skittrall arrived. a. Current/new planning applications – Cllr Skittrall proposed that his report [Appendix C] be accepted, this was agreed. It was noted that an outline application has since been submitted for the former Nene Milling site. b. Neighbourhood Plan.

8. Representatives reports. a. Bozeat Playing Field Association – the Chairman reported that the playing field is doing OK, although the car park is a mess and needs repairs. b. Bozeat Primary School – no issues reported. c. JAG meetings – Cllr Docker outlined issues raised at a recent meeting. Police surgery dates in Bozeat to be advertised in Bozeat Matters. Cllr Gibbins to attend the next meeting on 11th March. d. Village Hall steering group – no further news.

9. Police. a. Crimes – it was noted that any local crimes reported are emailed to the council. It was further noted that Scott Desrochers is happy to attend council meetings if required. b. Parking – issues with regarding to parking. c. Speeding – the Chairman reported that he had asked about a 20mph limit for Road, from the St Mary’s Road junction to the Easton Lane junction and also for the High Street

Page 1978 – 20th January 2020.

from the Camden Square junction to the London Road junction. The evidence provided to support this the narrow pavements along the routes, which are used by children on the way to school. A suggestion was made that the entire village is subject to a limit of 20mph, however it was felt that an application was very unlikely to be successful, however smaller areas may be. It was then suggested that a request be made for a 40mph limit on Harrold Road on the approach to the 30mph limit, also for Easton Lane. Cllr Foward reported that the council had moved away from the agenda item of traffic calming for Harrold Road and reported a serious incident, with a vehicle being overtaken as it waited for children to use the pedestrian crossing outside the school. It was recommended that this incident be reported to the Police by the witness. It was resolved to request a visit from the Safer Roads Team.

10. Local events. a. Village Green electrical supply – to consider extending the supply to an additional power point – no progress reported. b. 75th Anniversary of VE Day – 7 May 2020. Cllr Docker reported that an initial meeting with organisations had been held. As the anniversary is now a Bank Holiday many people are likely to be away so events may not be fully supported. The school intends to mark the event on the Thursday in school. Church services will be held on the Sunday. If the council is to host an event on the Village Green a working party is needed as it cannot go ahead without enough helpers to set it up. c. Fete Day – 4 July 2020. d. Working Party – it was noted that members of the public can be included on the working party. It was resolved to complete the required forms for the Waendel Walk checkpoint on 9th May.

Cllr Skittrall arrived at this point in the meeting and agenda items 4c and 7 were taken at this point.

11. Capital receipt a. To consider providing a MUGA – the Chairman reported that he had met with a representative from the Playing Field and three companies who had submitted tenders for the equipment. The likely cost is around £80,000 with floodlighting. Details of how users could access the equipment and lighting were outlined. It was noted that the Parish Council has agreed to provide £50,000 towards the project, the Borough Council have been asked for a grant of £20,000 and additional grants are being sought.

12. Town Well. It was noted that the council had agreed to proceed with the project to install the memorial seat and beacon, costing £485.

13. Elections. It was noted that NorthantsCALC had encouraged all parish and town councils to actively promote candidacy for the May 2020 Local Government elections.

14. Minutes. Cllr Spencer proposed that the minutes from council meetings dating from January 2010 to January 2014 be deposited at the County Records Office. This was seconded by Cllr Gibbins and agreed.

Page 1979 – 20th January 2020.

15. Finance. a. Payments – Cllr Gibbins proposed that the finance report [Appendix D] and the payments and fund transfers listed be accepted, this was seconded by Cllr Foward and agreed. b. Britannia Building Society – the Clerk reported that she had sent the pass book off for updating and requested a change of signatory form.

16. Correspondence. It was resolved to acknowledge receipt of correspondence received since the last meeting, as listed on Appendix E. It was reported that a copy of the order of service from the 16 December commemoration service for Lt J Ahern had been sent to the American Embassy in London.

17. Agenda items for the next meeting. • Planters - renewal of care.

18. Date and time of next meeting. It was resolved to note that the next meeting of Bozeat Parish Council will take place on Monday, 17th February 2020 and will follow Public Participation at 7pm. All meetings are held in the schoolroom of TLC, Dychurch Lane, Bozeat, Northants, NN29 7JP.

There being no further business, the meeting was declared closed.

Signed ………………………………………………….. Chairman. 17th February 2020.


November and December's brief outline:

• The stile, back of Slype between and Bozeat has been repaired. Ref. No: 1844070.

• Carried out usual checks around the village.

Approximate 3 hours.


November and December's brief outline:

• The stile, back of Slype between Easton Maudit and Bozeat has been repaired. Ref. No: 1844070.

• Carried out usual checks around the village.

Approximate 3 hours.

REPORT FROM THE PLANNING GROUP – January 2020 APPENDIX C Prepared by Brian Skittrall

(a) Granted Applications Reference No. For Date granted None

(b) Refused/Withdrawn Applications Reference No. For Date refused WP/19/00614 New dwelling adj 22 Fullwell Road 23/12/19

(c) Pending Applications Reference No. For Status

WP/19/00698 Side and rear extension 18 Bull Close No comments sent

(d) New Applications Reference No. For Status

WP/19/00743 Redevelopment of Slype Farm Bungalow Comments by 29/1/20

(e) WP/19/00743 – Redevelopment of Slype Farm Bungalow

This application is effectively to replace the existing bungalow on the corner by Slype Farm with a 6 bedroom two-storey house. Highways have required a significant change to the entranceway because of the number of vehicles that would be using the entrance.

Suggested response: “This proposal is for the redevelopment of a modest single storey bungalow situated in the open countryside to the east of Bozeat. The proposal is for a two-storey 6 bedroom house and a separate garage block with space for 4 vehicles. Highways are requiring substantial changes to the access because of the anticipated increase of use of the entrance.

Bozeat Parish Council consider that the existing bungalow sits lightly in its countryside setting but are concerned that this substantial house would become a dominant feature that would be out of place. The plans available online do not show a street scene although this might be contained in drawing 19-058 planning issue-19-058-18B which does not display. Regardless, the Parish Council would like to see a street scene showing the house and revised entranceway so that we can assess whether or not we feel that this proposal would be appropriate. In the absence of such reassurance we would object to the proposal under JCS at policy 8 (d) (i) and (ii).”

Page 1 of 1 BOZEAT PARISH COUNCIL FINANCE REPORT FOR JANUARY 2020 APPENDIX D Account Balances as per Bank Reconciliation Account Building Society Account £91,913.40 Deposit Account . £35,193.96 Current Account - HSBC Bank £9,055.46 Current Account - Lloyds Bank £1,748.63 TOTAL £137,911.45

Payments made during the month which require formal approval Date Chq/DD Payee Details Nett Value VAT Amount Paid Budget 28/12/2019 D/D Lloyds Bank Account fee £ 7.15 £ 7.15 General - banking 28/12/2019 D/D Veolia ES Waste disposal - cemetery £ 71.23 £ 14.25 £ 85.48 Cemetery - waste disposal £ 78.38 £ 14.25 £ 92.63 Payments for approval at this month's meeting. Date ref. Payee Details Nett Value VAT Amount to Pay Budget 20/1/2020 BACS M.Chapman Cemetery caretaking contract 2018/19 £ 625.00 £ 625.00 Cemetery - caretaking contract *BACS L.Payne Clerk/Registrar - salary/exp's/postage £ 522.84 £ 522.84 General - Clerk's salary, home office. BACS R.Driver Village Warden duties November/December 2019£ 30.00 £ 30.00 General - Village Warden *BACS R & G Landscapes Playing Field maintenance/verge mowing £ 408.46 £ 81.68 £ 490.14 BPFA grant BACS e-on Supply to Village Green cabinet £ 10.30 £ 0.52 £ 10.82 General - village events BACS e-on Supply to street lights £ 186.19 £ 9.31 £ 195.50 Lighting - maintenance and repairs BACS e-on Street light maintenace contract £ 34.20 £ 6.84 £ 41.04 Lighting - maintenance and repairs BACS Ricoh UK Photocopier lease and copy charge £ 48.81 £ 9.76 £ 58.57 General - photocopier BACS Bozeat TLC Use of meeting room [August-November 2019]£ 125.00 £ 125.00 General - premises hire TOTALS £ 1,990.80 £ 108.11 £ 2,098.91

It was resolved to transfer £5000 from the HSBC Current Account to the Lloyds Current Account . BOZEAT PARISH COUNCIL LIST OF CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED – JANUARY 2020 APPENDIX E

Bozeat resident – complaint about the condition of a disused property. Bozeat resident – complaint about the condition of a disused property. Borough Council – notification of planning application WP/19/00743/FUL. SmithJenkins Co – submission of planning application for Nene Milling site. Waendel Walk co-ordinator – invitation to help at the checkpoint [9th May] R & G – quote for installation of memorial seat and beacon at Town Well [£485 + VAT] NorthantsACRE – invitation to attend a Network Event for parish councilors 25 February]. NorthantsACRE – invitation to attend a Network Event for community buildings 22 January]. Rural Action – Rural Matters magazine [Winter 2019/Spring 2020] – this has been emailed to members. County Council – My County Council magazine [January 2020] – this has been emailed to members. NorthantsACRE – press release [National Lottery grant for Good Neighbour Schemes]. SLCC – invitation to attend the 2020 Practitioners Conference. The Clerk magazine [January 2020] – it was resolved to circulate this in a pack.

Abbreviations: BPFA = Bozeat Playing Field Association; HMRC = Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs; CPRE = Campaign for the Protection of Rural ; SLCC = Society of Local Council Clerks; CALC = County Association of Local Councils; NRHA – Northants Rural Housing Association; NNJC – Joint Committee. A MEETING OF BOZEAT PARISH COUNCIL WAS HELD ON MONDAY, 17th FEBRUARY 2020 AT TLC, DYCHURCH LANE, BOZEAT, FOLLOWING PUBLIC PARTICIPATION AT 7pm.

PRESENT: - Cllrs Cooke [Chairman]; Bell; Brown; Docker; Dudley-Smith; Pollard; Pritchard and Spencer.

PUBLIC: - One member of the public was present at the meeting.


1. Apologies. It was resolved to accept apologies for absence received from Cllrs Foward, Gibbins and Skittrall.

2. Declarations of interest. No new declarations of interest from members were recorded.

3. Minutes [Annual Finance Meeting]. The minutes from the Annual Finance meeting of Bozeat Parish Council held on 13th January 2020 were proposed as correct by Cllr Pritchard. This was seconded by Cllr Docker and a vote was taken = 3 for with 5 abstentions, motion carried.

4. Minutes [Parish County Meeting]. The minutes from the meeting of Bozeat Parish Council held on 20th January 2020 were proposed as correct by Cllr Brown. This was seconded by Cllr Docker and a vote was taken = 7 for with 1 abstention, motion carried.

5. Matters arising. a. Precept for 2020-2021 – it was noted that the Parish Council’s precept request has been submitted to the Borough Council. b. Revisions to policies – amendments to the allotment guidelines and risk assessments were noted and copies of the revised documents provided. Cllr Pollard expressed concern at the allotment guideline which requires tenants to remove all structures such as sheds, from plots they relinquish. It was noted that this requirement would be subject to a new tenant not wanting to use the structure/shed. c. Circulating documents – the progress of circulating packs was noted. d. Village Hopper and W8 bus services – it was noted that a review meeting for the Village Hopper service is taking place this evening. No concerns were raised. e. Unitary authorities – it was noted that the act passed through Parliament last Thursday. f. Community Asset Register – it was noted that the application to include the Community Church Hall on the register has been successful and it was resolved to submit an application to include the Red Lion public house on the register. g. Website accessibility regulations – IT and Website Working Party to meet. h. Local Government elections – it was resolved to ask for information to be included on the village Facebook page. i. Town Well – progress on the project to refurbish the area was discussed and Cllr Docker proposed that up to £100 be spent on the purchase of an apple tree to be planted on the site. This was agreed, it was further agreed to formally open the refurbished area on 10 May after the VE Day Service at St Mary’s Church providing plaques bearing the names of the men who were killed in both wars and Lt John Ahern are ready.

6. Council Services. a. Cemetery – general report – concern has been raised about the general condition of St

Page 1980 – 17th February 2020.

Page 1981 – 17th February 2020.

Mary’s churchyard wall which is the legal responsibility of the Parish Council. The Clerk reported that, some years ago, the Borough Council took over responsibility for major expenditure such as this and it was resolved that she investigates further. b. Cemetery – no new applications for permission to place memorials or headstones in the Cemetery have been received. c. Cemetery –tower columbarium – noted that this has gone to public consultation via Bozeat Matters magazine. d. Cemetery – caretaking contract 2020-2021 – it was reported that the current caretaker will not be submitting a tender, and noted that tenders will be sought from several contractors. e. Cemetery – Cllr Spencer proposed that a quote of £1150 plus VAT for trimming work on mature trees in the cemetery be accepted, this was agreed. f. Allotments – no general report this month. g. Allotments - provision of marker slabs – this work is pending. h. Allotments - report on the rent collection for 2020 – the Clerk reported that only 1 rent remains unpaid however the tenant may have paid into the HSBC account and the latest statement hasn’t been received.

7. Local environment. a. Highways – no report this month. b. Mill Road verge degradation – no report this month. c. Street Lights – no issues reported. d. Parish Paths Warden - no issues reported. e. Village Warden – Cllr Cooke proposed that a report [Appendix A] be accepted, this was agreed. f. Land Registrations – Following a visit to Solicitor Company in Northampton, accompanied by Chairman, Cllr Brown commented upon legal advice received from them [as listed in the received correspondence] and it was resolved that Cllr Brown be authorised to act on behalf of Bozeat Parish Council in pursuance of registering the whole area of land of Bozeat Village Green; firstly that part recently transferred to Bozeat Parish Council from The Borough Council of Wellingborough, and secondly the remaining area of unregistered land which has been kept maintained by Bozeat Parish Council for more than 30 years. g. Verge mowing contract – it was agreed to request that the amendments made during the last year to the map be carried forward to this year’s contract. h. Village Green – to consider registering the green and/or creating a charitable trust. It was suggested that the land registration be completed prior to the creation of a trust. i. Purchase of new and replacement dog bins and replacement posts – it was noted that the dog bin on Easton Lane has collapsed again, and it was reported that new, metal posts for all the bins have been ordered. It was resolved to authorise up to £50 be spent on effecting a temporary repair to the bin.

8. Planning. a. Current/new planning applications – Cllr Pritchard proposed that a report [Appendix B] be accepted, this was seconded by Cllr Brown and agreed. Cllr Cooke provided information about an informal meeting to discuss the application for the former Nene Milling site and it was noted that a holding email has been sent. The Borough Council is working on an acceptable S106 agreement for the application. b. Neighbourhood Plan.

9. Representatives Reports. a. Bozeat Playing Field Association – noted that a circus has asked to use the playing field, the request has been passed onto BPFA.

Page 1982 – 17th February 2020. b. Bozeat Primary School - no news. c. JAG meetings – it was noted that Cllr Gibbins will represent the parish council at the next meeting. d. Village Hall steering group – it was reported that the group will be holding a meeting tomorrow.

10. Police. a. Crimes – local crimes reported to the council by the Police were noted. The next meeting with the Northants Fire & Crime Commissioner will be held on 24th February at 6pm. It was reported that there had been some crimes in Wollaston last night and reports that Bozeat had been targeted by men posing as workmen but asking for money then not doing any work. Facebook has been used to alert locals to the issues. b. Parking – to discuss issues with regarding to parking. c. Speeding – to investigate traffic calming measures for Harrold Road. A meeting with Helen Howard was held recently and she had reported that none of the traffic calming measures requested would be possible due to the lack of available funding. A suggestion that the village be subject to a 20mph speed limit was not considered enforceable and it was noted that traffic calming measures would need to be in place.

11. Local Events. a. Village Green electrical supply – it was resolved to remove this item from the agenda. b. 75th Anniversary of VE Day – 8 May 2020. c. Waendel Walk Weekend – 8-10 May 2020 d. Fete Day – 4 July 2020. e. Working Party – to seek at least two new members for the working party for village events.

12. Capital receipt a. To consider providing a MUGA – it was noted that the Parish Council has pledged £50,000 towards the project and the Playing Field committee are seeking additional funding from the Borough Council and other sources. It was noted that the Borough Council funding cannot be applied for once work has begun on a project.

13. Finance. a. Payments – Cllr Dudley-Smith proposed that a report [Appendix C] and the payments listed on it be approved, this was seconded by Cllr Cooke and agreed. b. Britannia Building Society – Cllr Cooke proposed that the Clerk replaces Cllr Spencer on the list of signatories for the Britannia Building Society account. This was agreed.

14. Correspondence. It was resolved to acknowledge receipt of correspondence received since the last meeting, as listed on Appendix D.

15. Items for the next agenda. • Parish Council roles and responsibilities. • Delegates for the Planning Roadshow.

16. Next meeting. It was noted that the next meeting of Bozeat Parish Council will take place on Monday, 16th March 2020 and will follow the Annual Parish Meeting for Bozeat and 7pm and then Public Participation. All meetings are held in the schoolroom of TLC, Dychurch Lane, Bozeat, Northants, NN29 7JP.

Signed ………………………………………………………….. Chairman. 16th March 2020.


January’s brief outline:

• Blocked drains reported in October, 17 Allens Hill; 29 Allens Hill, Ref No: 18440655. 17 Allens Hill fixed, I have resubmitted 29 Allens Hill.

• Broken School sign in Allens Hill reported 20/01/20 Ref No: 1934137. Fixed.

• Broken wooden post on dog bins in Easton Lane and Pit Field Close.

• Overhanging branches on pathway in London Road/ Easton Lane close to the Western Power sub-station.

• Carried out usual checks around the village.

Approximate 6 hours.


(a) Granted Applications Reference No. For Date granted WP/19/00698 Side and rear extension 18 Bull Close 4/02/2020

(b) Refused/Withdrawn Applications Reference No. For Date refused None

(c) Pending Applications Reference No. For Status

WP/19/00743 Redevelopment of Slype Farm Bungalow Comments by 29/1/20

(d) New Applications Reference No. For Status Redevelopment of former Nene Milling WP/20/00039 site as housing and a village hall Holding comment sent

(e) WP/19/00743 – Redevelopment of Slype Farm Bungalow Comments sent: This application is for the redevelopment of a former agricultural worker's bungalow situated in the open countryside to the west of Bozeat. The proposal would create a two-storey 6 bedroom house and a separate garage block with space for 4 vehicles.

We note that Highways would require substantial changes to the current access because of the anticipated increase of use of the entrance.

Bozeat Parish Council considers that the existing modest agricultural worker's bungalow is an established form often found in the countryside that sits lightly in its setting. We anticipate that the proposed substantial house would be a dominant feature that would be out of place. The plans available online do not contain a street scene although this might be contained in drawing 19-058 planning issue-19-058-18B which does not display.

The Parish Council consider that a street scene showing the house and revised entranceway would clarify whether or not the scheme would be acceptable but in the absence of such reassurance the Parish Council object to the proposal because we believe that it does not comply with JCS policy 8 (d) (i) and (ii).

(f) WP/20/00039 – Redevelopment of Former Nene Milling site This outline application seeks to gain permission in principle to develop the former Nene Milling site with up to 32 dwellings and a village hall. The application reserves all matters apart from access and so leaves great uncertainty about what might eventually be delivered.

Suggested comments: This proposal to redevelop the former Nene Milling site as housing and a village hall lies outside the village policy line. It was recently granted a certificate of lawful use with Use Class B1c. The site was unsuccessfully promoted for housing in the creation of the recent Local Plan part 2.

The proposal includes an indicative plan but the Parish Council note that the all matters other than access are reserved for future determination leaving significant uncertainty about what might eventually be developed. The Parish Council therefore would like to reserve our opinion on this application until we have full details of the proposed Section 106 agreement and full details of the property mix based on market and affordable housing.

Page 1 of 1 BOZEAT PARISH COUNCIL FINANCE REPORT FOR FEBRUARY 2020 APPENDIX C Account Balances as per Bank Reconciliation Account Building Society Account £92,032.89 Deposit Account . £25,193.96 Current Account - HSBC Bank £14,174.98 Current Account - Lloyds Bank £4,669.72 TOTAL £136,071.55

Payments made during the month which require formal approval Date Chq/DD Payee Details Nett Value VAT Amount Paid Budget 17/2/2020 D/D Lloyds Bank Account fee £ 6.50 £ 6.50 General - banking 28/1/2020 D/D Veolia ES Waste disposal - cemetery £ 42.21 £ 8.44 £ 50.65 Cemetery - waste disposal £ 48.71 £ 8.44 £ 57.15 Payments for approval at this month's meeting. Date ref. Payee Details Nett Value VAT Amount to Pay Budget 17/2/2020 BACS M.Chapman Cemetery caretaking contract 2018/19 £ 625.00 £ 625.00 Cemetery - caretaking contract BACS L.Payne Clerk/Registrar - salary/exp's/postage £ 550.02 £ 550.02 General - Clerk's salary, home office. BACS R.Driver Village Warden duties £ 60.00 £ 60.00 General - Village Warden BACS R & G Landscapes Playing Field maintenance/Town Well works £ 666.64 £ 133.32 £ 799.96 BPFA grant/Town Well BACS e-on Supply to Village Green cabinet £ 8.58 £ 0.43 £ 9.01 General - village events BACS S.Wagstaff Grant for planters x 2 £ 50.00 £ 50.00 General - planters BACS L.Payne Grant for planter x 1 £ 25.00 £ 25.00 General - planters BACS L.Milligan Grant for planter x 1 £ 25.00 £ 25.00 General - planters 100031 W.I. Grant for planters x 2 £ 50.00 £ 50.00 General - planters £ - TOTALS £ 2,060.24 £ 133.75 £ 2,193.99

There is no need to transfer funds between accounts this month . BOZEAT PARISH COUNCIL LIST OF CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED – FEBRUARY 2020 APPENDIX D

Cogenhoe & Whiston PC – notification of Village Hopper service review meeting [17th February 7:30pm]. Borough Council – confirmation of the addition of Bozeat Community Church Hall to the Wellingborough Community Asset List. St Mary’s PCC – concerns about the churchyard wall. Local solicitor – legal advice. Borough Council – notification of planning application WP/20/00039/OUT. CPRE Northants – invitation to attend a Planning Roadshow at Gt Houghton Village Hall on 2nd April at 7pm. Bedford Council – notification of the adoption of the Local Plan 2030. Bedford Council – notification of the submission of Bromham Neighbourhood Development Plan. West Northamptonshire Strategic Land Availability Assessment. Team Rubicon – skate park products. James Richards Circus – request for use of the playing field in October. Northants Police – burglary in Grendon on 29th-30th January. Northants Police – burglary in Wollaston on 25th January. Northants Police – theft from a motor vehicle in Fullwell Road. Northants Police, Fire & Crime Commissioner – Councillor meeting [24th February at 6pm]. Northants Police, Fire & Crime Commissioner – Youth Commission. Bozeat Matters magazine – invitation to submit a report for the March issue. County Council – notification of consultation [Carer’s Services]. Good Neighbours – invitation to attend an event at Moulton Community Centre on 18th March from 10am-2pm. Microsoft Exchange – notification of price increase for email services. NorthantsCALC – Training Newsletter January 2020 Edition. NorthantsCALC – eUpdate magazine [January-February 2020]. NorthantsCALC – mini eUpdate [17th January]. NorthantsCALC – mini eUpdate [7th February]. CPRE – Campaigns Update [February 2020]. NorthantsACRE – launch of a census of Rural England’s Village and Community Halls. R & G – information about services provided. County Council – February’s News from My County Council.

Abbreviations: BPFA = Bozeat Playing Field Association; HMRC = Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs; CPRE = Campaign for the Protection of Rural England; SLCC = Society of Local Council Clerks; CALC = County Association of Local Councils; NRHA – Northants Rural Housing Association; NNJC – North Northamptonshire Joint Committee.


PRESENT:- From Bozeat Parish Council - Cllrs Gibbins [Chairman]; Brown; Cooke; Pollard and Pritchard. There were no members of the public present at the meeting.

It was noted that an outbreak of coronavirus has led to the introduction of measures to reduce the spread of the illness.

1 Apologies. It was resolved to accept apologies for absence received from Cllrs Bell; Docker; Dudley- Smith; Foward; Skittrall and Spencer.

2 Minutes. It was noted that the minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting for 2019 were approved and signed at the meeting of the Parish Council held in April 2019.

3 Matters arising. No matters arising were noted.

4 Town Well Trust. a) Report from the Trustees – it was resolved to accept a report [Appendix A] from the Town Well Trustees. b) Trustees – Cllr Brown proposed that Mr Michael Pollard be invited to serve a further term of office as a Town Well Trustee, this was seconded by Cllr Pritchard and agreed.

There being no further business the meeting was declared closed.

Signed ………………………………………………… Chairman. 20th April 2020.


PRESENT: - Cllrs Gibbins [Chairman]; Brown; Cooke; Pollard and Pritchard. No members of the public were present at the meeting.

1. Apologies. It was resolved to accept apologies for absence received from Cllrs Bell; Dudley-Smith; Docker; Foward; Skittrall and Spencer.

2. Declarations of interest. No new declarations of interest were received from members.

3. Minutes. Cllr Cooke proposed that the minutes from the meeting of Bozeat Parish Council held on 17th February 2020 be approved. This was seconded by Cllr Pollard and a vote was taken = 4 for with 1 abstention, motion carried.

4. Matters arising. a. Circulating documents – the progress of circulating packs was checked. b. Village Hopper and W8 bus services – the report from a Village Hopper review meeting held in February was noted. It was reported that Diamond Coaches are to end services to Rushden Lakes and from 25th April. It was reported that Grant Palmer are considering the future of the W8 service and it was noted that the bus was unable to travel from Camden Square to St Mary’s Road due to an inconsiderately parked vehicle, this information will be passed to the Police. c. Unitary authorities – it was noted that elections due to take place in May have been cancelled due to the current pandemic and this will impact on the progress of the move to unitary authorities in Northamptonshire. d. Community Asset Register – the Clerk reported that she has started work on the application to include the Red Lion public house on the register. e. Website accessibility regulations – the working party needs to meet and progress this. f. Local Government elections – 7 May 2020 – elections cancelled due to the current pandemic crisis. g. Town Well – it was reported that the estimated cost for the name plates is around £3000, it was noted that a budget of no more than £10,000 was agreed for the entire project and the spend to date is well within the budget. h. Roles and Responsibilities – it was agreed to defer this item until the next meeting.

5. Council services. a. Cemetery – it was reported that the work to cut back mature trees in the cemetery is due to begin soon. b. Cemetery – it was reported that no new applications for permission to place memorials or headstones in the cemetery have been received. c. Cemetery – to investigate the provision of one or more tower columbarium – it was resolved to defer discussion until the next meeting. d. Cemetery – caretaking contract 2020-2021 – it was reported that the current contractor will not be submitting a tender, and concerns have been raised about protecting the conservation area to the rear of the church, as the mowing regime is not a precise schedule. It was resolved to draw up a plan of the churchyard clearly indicating the area which forms the conservation area and that this area not be included on the mowing schedule for the cemetery contract. It was also agreed to write to the contractor thanking him for his work over the past few years. It was further resolved that, from 1st April 2020, the

Page 1983 – 16th March 2020

Page 1984 – 16th March 2020

conservation area mowing is ordered using the odd jobs contract. Cllr Gibbins proposed that a quote of £8674 submitted by R & G for the mowing of the verges, cemetery, churchyard, village green, Town Well and some of the footpaths in the village be accepted, this was agreed. e. Cemetery – to consider arranging for an inspection of the boundary wall in St Mary’s churchyard – it was resolved that the Chairman and Vice-Chairman informally inspect the wall and report back to the council. f. Allotments – no issues were reported. g. Allotments - provision of marker slabs – it was noted that work is still pending. h. Allotments – it was noted that all rents due for 2020 have been paid. i. Allotments – Allens Hill hedge – it was noted that this will be cut back soon. It was suggested that the council considers having the hedge cut and laid, and it was resolved that Cllr Pritchard investigates further. j. Allotments – the Clerk reported that the payment made in April 2019 to the Allotments Manager for use of her home as an office was short by £50 and a payment to cover this has been raised for approval at this meeting. The Clerk also noted that the information provided to the council for budgeting purposes in January 2020 would have been incorrect. The correct amount of £150 will be paid this April.

6. Local environment. a. Highways – Cllr Gibbins proposed that the report [Appendix A] be accepted and this was agreed. b. Mill Road verge degradation – it was resolved to defer discussion on this item until the next meeting. c. Street Lights – no issues were noted. d. Parish Paths Warden – it was noted that the contractor is unable to start mowing along TA10 until it has been cleared of overgrowth and it was resolved to approve this work. It was reported that the path between Easton Lane and Mill Road is badly affected by dog mess, which will need to be cleared prior to mowing. e. Village Warden – Cllr Gibbins proposed that the report [Appendix B] be accepted and this was agreed. f. Land Registrations – it was noted that this is ongoing. g. Verge mowing contract – a letter requesting the removal from the mowing map of an area of verge in Wollaston Road has been received and it was resolve to agree to this request and instruct the contractors not to mow the area. It was noted that St Mary’s Road has not been included on the map and it was resolved to add this to the mowing schedule. h. Purchase of new and replacement dog bins – replacement metal posts for the bins have now been ordered and two new bins are to be installed. There appears to be much more dog mess being left on the pavements at the moment and it was resolved to ask the dog warden to visit Bozeat and to highlight the problem in the next issue of Bozeat Matters magazine.

7. Planning. a. Current/new planning applications – Cllr Gibbins proposed that the report [Appendix C] be accepted, this was agreed. b. Neighbourhood Plan – it was resolved to remove from the agenda for the time being. c. CPRE Planning Roadshow [2nd April at 7pm] – it was resolved to take no action regarding this event.

8. Representatives reports. a. Bozeat Playing Field Association – it was reported that the next meeting is due shortly. The planned open day on 28th March may be cancelled due to the coronavirus crisis. It was resolved to ask Rampchild Ltd to undertake an inspection of the skate ramp and to

Page 1985 – 16th March 2020.

request a quote for any repairs that are considered necessary. b. Bozeat Primary School – no issues reported. c. JAG meetings – no recent meeting. d. Village Hall steering group – as there is no current activity it was resolved to remove this item from the agenda.

9. Police. a. Crimes – it was noted that only 2 local crimes have been reported since the last meeting. A Police Surgery had been held in Bozeat today. b. Parking – the Clerk reported that vehicles are being parked on the hatched area in between Hope Street and Allens Hill and that this is badly affecting visibility for motorists. This had been passed onto the Police. c. Speeding – a meeting with Helen Howard [County Highways] was held recently to investigate traffic calming measures [20mph] for Harrold Road and it was reported that it is unlikely that any measures will be approved.

10. Local events. a. 75th Anniversary of VE Day – 8 May 2020 – it was reported that all planned events are likely to be cancelled due to the current coronavirus crisis. b. Waendel Walk Weekend – 8-10 May 2020 – it was reported that this may be cancelled. c. Fete Day – 4 July 2020 – it was resolved to take no action relating to this event for now. d. Working Party – it was reported that there is a need for additional practical help in order to keep village events running, the same few volunteers do all the work for all the events.

11. Capital receipt a. MUGA – it was resolved to defer this until the next meeting, full costings to be provided ready for consideration.

12. Finance a. Payments – Cllr Gibbins proposed that the report [Appendix D] and the payments listed be accepted and this was agreed. b. Britannia Building Society – a change of signatory form has been received, Cllrs Cooke and Docker to complete and sign the form.

13. Correspondence. Cllr Gibbins proposed that correspondence received since the last meeting, as listed on Appendix E be accepted, this was agreed.

14. Items for the next agenda. • Annual accounts and audit.

15. Next meeting. It was noted that the next meeting of Bozeat Parish Council will take place on Monday, 20th April 2020 and will follow Public Participation at 7pm. All meetings are held in the schoolroom of TLC, Dychurch Lane, Bozeat, Northants, NN29 7JP.

The Clerk reported that NorthantsCALC had recommended that councils prepare for the possibility that meetings may not be possible for some time, and it was resolved that the Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Clerk be given delegated powers to make decisions on behalf of the council, to ensure that council business can continue and payments be made.

Signed…………………………………………………… Chairman, 20th April 2020.


REFURBISHMENT Work to refurbish Town Well is underway, and the WW1 commemorative seat is now in position, together with one of the silhouette soldiers donated to the village and the beacon. A new flower bed has been created and is to be planted up shortly an apple tree will be planted on the area.

FINANCES The historic investment fund and bank account for Town Well have been closed and all residual funds transferred to Bozeat Parish Council. A separate Earmarked Fund for Town Well has been created within the parish council’s budgets, and all future expenses for the area will be met through that budget.

TRUSTEES Mrs Lyndis Payne has served three of her four-year term of office, Mr Michael Pollard has completed his four-year term of office and the Chairman of Bozeat Parish Council is an ex-officio Trustee. Mr Pollard is eligible to be re-elected to serve a further term of office.

Report presented by Brian Gibbins, Lyndis Payne and Michael Pollard, Trustees of Town Well Bozeat Parish Council – Highways Monthly Report

Month ending 10th Mar 2020

Street Doctor Headline

No new updates to report this month. Boz – 71 to 75 inclusive, have all been repaired. The following reports remain open or are currently being monitored Boz 60 – 64 and 69.

Project works

Discussions on the installation of a MUGA are ongoing with the Bozeat Parish Council pledging £50k to towards the cost. Bozeat Parish council will investigate remaining funding from other sources.

Mill Road verge

We have seen some degradation over the winter months, which will need to be addressed. The rest looks in fairly satisfactory condition, but we will need to be monitor.

We await a price to do this work before instruction the contractor to proceed March/April 2020.


New items during the reporting month will be highlighted in red on the Highways Tracking Spreadsheet.

Will continue to monitor Street Doctor to ensure works are undertaken as stated and report any changes to time frame for delivery.

Would request that Parish Council members provide me with any concerns they may have that require to be raised on Street Doctor.

The report captures all Street Doctor submissions up to and including the cut off date 10th March 2020 that I’m aware of; if I’ve missed any please let me know and I will add to the spreadsheet.

Attachments: Highways Tracking Spreadsheet

Highways Report Feb/Mar 2020 By: SP Foward


February’s brief outline:

• Overhanging Russian Vine in London Road, overhanging the pathway forcing pedestrians to walk on the road.

• None of the problems reported in January have been fixed, have emailed them back to Fix my Street.

• Carried out usual checks around the village.

Approximate 5 hours.


(a) Granted Applications Reference No. For Date granted None

(b) Refused/Withdrawn Applications Reference No. For Date refused None

(c) Pending Applications Reference No. For Status

WP/19/00743 Redevelopment of Slype Farm Bungalow Comments sent Redevelopment of former Nene Milling WP/20/00039 site as housing and a village hall Holding comment sent

(d) New Applications Reference No. For Status

WP/20/00105 Side & rear extension 6 Fullwell Road Not yet notified Two storey extension & sun room, 2 WP/20/00155 Brookside Not yet notified

(e) WP/19/00743 – Redevelopment of Slype Farm Bungalow This application is no longer visible on the Borough Council website. A query has been raised. * Update – the application has been determined as invalid.

(f) WP/20/00039 – Redevelopment of Former Nene Milling site Comments sent: This proposal to redevelop the former Nene Milling site as housing and a village hall lies outside the village policy line. It was recently granted a certificate of lawful use with Use Class B1c. The site was unsuccessfully promoted for housing in the creation of the recent Local Plan part 2.

The proposal includes an indicative plan but the Parish Council note that the all matters other than access are reserved for future determination leaving significant uncertainty about what might eventually be developed. The Parish Council therefore would like to reserve our opinion on this application until we have full details of the proposed Section 106 agreement and full details of the property mix based on market and affordable housing.

A meeting is arranged with planning officers prior to the Parish Council meeting to discuss this.

(g) WP/20/00105 – Side & rear extension 6 Fullwell Road This application is for a ground floor side and rear extension.

(h) WP/20/00155 – Two storey side extension and rear sun room 2 Brookside This application is for an additional bedroom over the existing converted garage and a sun room to the rear of the property.

Page 1 of 1 BOZEAT PARISH COUNCIL FINANCE REPORT FOR MARCH 2020 APPENDIX D Account Balances as per Bank Reconciliation Account Building Society Account £92,032.89 Deposit Account . £25,193.96 Current Account - HSBC Bank £15,537.31 Current Account - Lloyds Bank £3,136.64 TOTAL £135,900.80

Payments made during the month which require formal approval Date Chq/DD Payee Details Nett Value VAT Amount Paid Budget 28/2/2020 D/D Lloyds Bank Account fee £ 7.15 £ 7.15 General - banking 28/2/2020 D/D Veolia ES Waste disposal - cemetery £ 71.23 £ 14.25 £ 85.48 Cemetery - waste disposal 28/3/2020 D/D Lloyds Bank Account fee £ 6.50 £ 6.50 General - banking £ 84.88 £ 14.25 £ 99.13 Payments for approval at this month's meeting. Date ref. Payee Details Nett Value VAT Amount to Pay Budget BACS M.Chapman Cemetery caretaking contract 2019/20 [final payment]£ 625.00 £ 625.00 Cemetery - caretaking contract BACS L.Payne Clerk/Registrar - salary/exp's/ £ 522.84 £ 522.84 General - Clerk's salary, home office. BACS R.Driver Village Warden duties £ 50.00 £ 50.00 General - Village Warden BACS R & G Landscapes Playing Field maintenance/Town Well works£ 229.28 £ 45.85 £ 275.13 BPFA grant/Town Well BACS e-on Supply to Village Green cabinet £ 7.83 £ 0.39 £ 8.22 General - village events BACS Colemans Stationery supplies - paper/wallets £ 8.33 £ 1.67 £ 10.00 General - stationery BACS HMRC PAYE - January/February/March 2020 £ 362.40 £ 362.40 General - Clerk's salary, home office. BACS P.Driver Use of home as office [underpayment from April£ 2019] 50.00 £ 50.00 Allotments - Manager's salary BACS Lighning Lloyd Hire of PA and lighting systems - Xmas lights£ 2019 60.00 £ 12.00 £ 72.00 General - village events BACS CPRE Membership subscription renewal £ 36.00 £ 36.00 General - subscriptions BACS Wave Water supply - cemetery £ 28.25 £ 28.25 Burial - water supply BACS Wave Water supply - allotments £ 96.88 £ 19.38 £ 116.26 Allotments - water supply 100032 C.Chapman Odd jobs contact 1/2020;2/2020 £ 210.00 £ 210.00 General - village events; Burial - general maintenance TOTALS £ 2,286.81 £ 79.29 £ 2,366.10

There is no need to transfer funds between accounts this month . BOZEAT PARISH COUNCIL LIST OF CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED – MARCH 2020 APPENDIX E

Cogenhoe & Whiston PC – notes from Village Hopper review meeting [17th February 2020]. Northants Highways – notification of withdrawal of the Diamond Coaches services from 25th April. Borough Council – Future Northants update [March 2020] – emailed to members of the council. HugoFox – free websites for parish councils. Borough Council – local government elections May 2020. Churchyard Conservation Area group – reply to ours [caretaking contract]. Cllr Tom Partridge-Underwood – reply to ours [churchyard wall]. Bozeat resident – allotments boundary fence. Bozeat resident – verge mowing in Wollaston Road. – Launch of Dog Fouling campaign. Borough Council – notification of consultation [Rural Exceptions Site SPD]. NorthantsCALC – Fleecehold arrangements. Rampchild Ltd – skate ramp inspection offer. Northants Police – attempt to steal a car in Wollaston Road, Bozeat. Northants Police – attempted theft from a motor vehicle in Wollaston. Northants Police – Commissioner newsletter [2nd March 2020] – emailed to members of the council. Lloyds Bank plc – changes to account terms and conditions. HSBC Bank plc – changes to account terms and conditions. Britannia Building Society – notification of reduction in interest rates. NorthantsACRE – Village Viewpoint magazine – resolved to circulate this in a pack. NorthantsACRE – Ebulletin [3rd March 2020] – emailed to members of the council. NorthantsCALC – Mini eUpdate [28th February 2020] – emailed to members of the council. NorthantsCALC – Mini eUpdate [6th March 2020] – emailed to members of the council. County Council – notification of consultation [Children’s Centre Targeted Support Services in Corby]. Borough Council – notification of consultation [Wellingborough Town Centre Vision]. CreativePlay – product information. Littlethorpe Ltd – product information. Watco – product information. County Council – MyCountyCouncil newsletter [March 2020] - emailed to members of the council. Clerks & Councils Direct magazine [March 2020] – resolved to circulate this in a pack. The Clerk magazine [March 2020] – resolved to circulate this in a pack. Rural Services Network – The Rural Bulletin [10th March 2020] – emailed to members of the council.

Abbreviations: BPFA = Bozeat Playing Field Association; HMRC = Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs; CPRE = Campaign for the Protection of Rural England; SLCC = Society of Local Council Clerks; CALC = County Association of Local Councils; NRHA – Northants Rural Housing Association; NNJC – North Northamptonshire Joint Committee. A MEETING OF BOZEAT PARISH COUNCIL WAS HELD ON MONDAY, 20th APRIL 2020, AT 7pm. THE MEETING WAS HELD REMOTELY DUE TO THE COUNTRY BEING IN LOCKDOWN BECAUSE OF THE CORONAVIRUS CRISIS

PRESENT: - Cllrs Gibbins [Chairman]; Bell; Brown; Cooke; Docker; Dudley-Smith; Foward; Pritchard and Skittrall [meeting host]. Cllr Pollard joined in by telephone.

PUBLIC: - no members of the public were present at the meeting.

1. Apologies. It was resolved to accept apologies for absence from Cllr Spencer.

2. Declarations of interest. No new declarations of interest were received from members.

3. Minutes from the Annual Parish Meeting. Cllr Gibbins proposed that the minutes from the Annual Parish Meeting for Bozeat held on 16th March 2020 be accepted. A vote was taken = 5 for with 5 abstentions, motion carried. It was further resolved that the Annual Parish Meeting book be signed by the Chairman after the end of the Coronavirus lockdown.

4. Minutes. Cllr Gibbins proposed that the minutes from the meeting of Bozeat Parish Council held on 16th March 2020 be accepted. A vote was taken = 5 for with 5 abstentions, motion carried. It was further resolved that the minutes be signed by the Chairman after the end of the Coronavirus lockdown.

5. Matters arising. a. Village Hopper bus service – it was reported that Cogenhoe and Whiston Parish Council had requested additional funds from the parishes to keep the service afloat, however they have now applied for a support grant from the Government. It was resolved to wait and see if additional funding is necessary.

6. Council services. a. Cemetery – it was resolved to give delegated powers to Cllr Spencer to approve applications for permission to place memorials or headstones in the Cemetery. It was reported that a request has been received to place an anvil which belonged to a local blacksmith who has recently died in the cemetery, as a memorial. The anvil would be installed by the family and engraved to his memory. Considerations such as potential fees, location, suitability need to be addressed and it was resolved to defer a decision until next month. b. Cemetery – caretaking contract 2020-2021 – it was noted that a revised quote of £7875 for the year with work in the churchyard removed from the tender has been received. Cllr Gibbins proposed that the revised quote from R & G for the cemetery contract be accepted and this was agreed. c. Cemetery – caretaking contract for St Mary’s churchyard 2020-2021 – it was reported that the mowing and maintenance requirements for the churchyard and, specifically, the conservation area within it, would prove difficult for a large company with many operatives to understand and deliver. Cllr Gibbins proposed that a separate contract for this work to include the weekly emptying of the cemetery bins be awarded to Mr Clive Chapman, at a cost of £15 per hour. It was noted that Cllr Spencer had requested that the grass in the churchyard be cut every two weeks. d. Allotments – it was reported that the work to cut back of the hedge bordering Allens Hill had cost £160 and Cllr Gibbins proposed that this work be formally approved, this was agreed.

Page 1986 – 20th April 2020.

Page 1987 – 20th April 2020. e. Skate ramp – following an inspection by Rampchild, repairs costing £420 have been recommended and it was proposed by Cllr Gibbins that the repairs be requested. This was agreed. Cemetery – it was noted that part of the perimeter fence had broken and cattle from the neighbouring field had been able to get into the cemetery. The farmer had retrieved the animals and undertaken a temporary repair to the section of fence, however a permanent repair will be required. Cllr Gibbins proposed that the Odd Job Man be asked to complete a full inspection of the perimeter fencing and to report back any other areas which may be weak and in need of repair. This was agreed. Churchyard – it was agreed to investigate reports of a defect in the footpath in the churchyard. Allotments – it was reported that the marker slabs have been installed.

7. Local environment. a. Village Warden – Cllr Gibbins proposed that a report [Appendix A] be accepted and this was agreed. b. Verge mowing contract – a further letter has been received from a resident in Wollaston Road complaining about the verge outside their home being mown. It was reported that the contractor had been asked not to cut this area and the mowing map has been revised, however he advised that the grass is being cut too short in this area by the resident and it was agreed to pass this advice on.

8. Planning. a. Current/new planning applications – Cllr Skittrall proposed that his report [Appendix B] be accepted, this was agreed. Items contained in the report were discussed.

9. Police. a. Crimes – crimes reported to the council by email were noted. A substantial amount of fly tipping dumped on the road near to was noted.

10. Capital receipt a. MUGA – it was noted that the Borough Council have offered a grant of £20,000 and the Parish Council had already earmarked £50,000 from the sale of land for this project. Additional grant funding will be sought. Following discussion, Cllr Gibbins proposed that the project to provide the MUGA proceed with a budget up to £71450. This was agreed.

11. Coronavirus pandemic. Work being done by local volunteers during the current Coronavirus pandemic was noted and it was agreed to produce a poster for the noticeboard providing contact information for anyone needing help. It was further agreed to add this information to our website. Cllr Skittrall proposed that the council purchase a subscription for Zoom to allow for further remote meetings and this was agreed.

12. Finance. a. Payments – Cllr Gibbins proposed that the finance report [Appendix C] be accepted and the payments and transfer of funds listed be authorised, this was agreed. b. Audit of 2019-2020 accounts – the Clerk reported that the audit dates have been delayed due to the current Coronavirus crisis, she will monitor the situation.

13. Correspondence. It was resolved to acknowledge receipt of correspondence received since the last meeting as listed on Appendix D. Cllr Cooke reported that a contact of his had also received correspondence from Gigaclear and Cllr Brown reported on the situation relating to the local resident who had contacted the

Page 1988 – 20th April 2020.

council for advice. It was resolved to send a letter to the proprietors of the village shop and their staff thanking them for their work keeping the shop stocked and supplies available to the village during the current crisis. Cllr Brown reported that he had submitted two applications relating to claiming ownership of the Village Green and was thanked for his work on this. It was agreed to send a letter congratulating Cllr Martin Griffiths on being elected Deputy Leader of the new unitary shadow authority for this area.

14. Items for the next agenda. It was noted that the agenda for this meeting had been reduced and a fuller agenda will be required for the next meeting.

15. Next meeting. It was noted that the next meeting of Bozeat Parish Council, taking place on Monday, 18th May 2020, should be the Annual Meeting of the council. Advice has been received from NorthantsCALC about annual meetings and the Clerk will investigate if the next meeting will be a general or annual meeting. The meeting is likely to be held remotely unless the current lockdown is eased.

Signed ……………………………………………. Chairman. 18th May 2020.


March’s brief outline:

• Badly blocked drain on Allens Hill reported to Fix My Street ref no. 1985621/18440655.

• None of the problems previously reported to Fix my Street have been fixed.

• Carried out usual checks around the village.

Approximate 4 hours.


(a) Granted Applications Reference No. For Date granted WP/20/00105 Side & rear extension 6 Fullwell Road 7/4/2020

(b) Refused/Withdrawn Applications Reference No. For Date refused WP/19/00743 Redevelopment of Slype Farm Bungalow Withdrawn

(c) Pending Applications Reference No. For Status Redevelopment of former Nene Milling WP/20/00039 site as housing and a village hall Holding comment sent Two storey extension & sun room, 2 WP/20/00155 Brookside No comments sent

(d) New Applications Reference No. For Status

WP/20/00136 Lawful use of Bungalow at York Cottage No comments sent

WP/20/00144 MUGA at the playing fields No comments sent

WP/20/00164 New dwelling adj 22 Fullwell Road No comments sent

WP/20/00204 Flat roof replacement at Newlands Farm No comments sent

WP/20/00222 Barn conversion Springvale Farm No comments sent

(e) WP/19/00743 – Redevelopment of Slype Farm Bungalow

This application has been withdrawn.

(f) WP/20/00136 – Lawful use of York Cottage Bungalow

Seeking a lawful use certificate for the bungalow at York Cottage.

(g) WP/20/00144 – MUGA at the playing fields

Our application for the MUGA to replace the tennis court.

(h) WP/20/00164 – New dwelling adj 22 Fullwell Road

An altered application for a smaller house in response to a previous refusal.

(i) WP/20/00204 – Flat roof replacement at Newlands Farm

Replacing a flat roof with a pitched roof.

(j) WP/20/00222 – Barn Conversion at Springvale Farm, 26 London Road

This application is for the conversion of a small barn at the farm into a one bedroom dwelling.

Page 1 of 1 BOZEAT PARISH COUNCIL FINANCE REPORT FOR APRIL 2020 APPENDIX C Account Balances as per Bank Reconciliation Account Building Society Account £92,032.89 Deposit Account . £25,206.53 Current Account - HSBC Bank £15,551.83 Current Account - Lloyds Bank £850.73 TOTAL £133,641.98

Payments made during the month which require formal approval Date Chq/DD Payee Details Nett Value VAT Amount Paid Budget 28/3/2020 D/D Veolia ES Waste disposal - cemetery £ 100.25 £ 20.05 £ 120.30 Cemetery - waste disposal 8/4/2020 BACS P Longhurst Booking fee - village event £ 62.50 £ 62.50 General - village events £ 162.75 £ 20.05 £ 182.80 Payments for approval at this meeting. Date ref. Payee Details Nett Value VAT Amount to Pay Budget 20/4/2020 BACS L.Payne Clerk/Registrar - salary/exp's/ £ 557.00 £ 557.00 General - Clerk's salary, home office. BACS R.Driver Village Warden duties £ 40.00 £ 40.00 General - Village Warden BACS R & G Landscapes Playing Field maintenance/verge mowing/cemetery£ contract 913.36 £ 182.66 £ 1,096.02 BPFA grant/verge mowing/cemetery contract BACS e-on Supply to Village Green cabinet £ 8.37 £ 0.42 £ 8.79 General - village events BACS NorthantsCALC Annual Subscription £ 710.12 £ 710.12 General - subscriptions BACS Sports & Play ConsultingProject management fee - MUGA £ 2,450.00 £ 2,450.00 Leisure & Recreation BACS e-on Street lighting maintenance contract £ 34.20 £ 6.84 £ 41.04 Lighting - maintenance BACS P.Driver Salary - Allotments Manager/use of home as £office 491.80 £ 491.80 Allotments - Manager's salary/General - admin BACS B.Gibbins Re-imbursement - allotment signs £ 3.50 £ 3.50 Allotments - general maintenance BACS Heritage ArboricultureTree pruning [Cemetery]; hedge trimming [Allotments]£ 1,310.00 £ 262.00 £ 1,572.00 Cemetery/Allotments - general maintenance BACS e-on Street lighting energy charge £ 184.16 £ 9.21 £ 193.37 Lighting - supply BACS Max Engel solicitors Legal fees - Village Green £ 321.00 £ 63.60 £ 384.60 Future projects BACS B.Gibbins Reimbursement - planning fee £ 231.00 £ 231.00 Leisure & Recreation BACS D.Brown Reimbursement - registration of Village Green£ 125.00 £ 125.00 Future projects TOTALS £ 7,379.51 £ 524.73 £ 7,904.24

A transfer of £10,000 from the HSBC Deposit to the Current Account and then to the Lloyds bank account was approved. . BOZEAT PARISH COUNCIL LIST OF CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED – APRIL 2020 APPENDIX D

Cogenhoe & Whiston PC – change to Village Hopper timetable. Cogenhoe & Whiston PC – Village Hopper funding. Hollowells Funeral Directors – arrangements for a burial in Bozeat cemetery. S.Blenkharn – application for permission to add an inscription to an existing memorial. Memorials of Distinction – enquiry about current cemetery fees. Churchyard Conservation Group – mowing regime for St Mary’s Churchyard. Allotments Manager – issue of allotment plot and notice of change of plots. NorthantsCALC – request for information from local authorities who own/manage burial grounds. Bozeat resident – verge mowing in Wollaston Road. CPRE – notice of postponement of Northants Planning Road Show. Borough Council – notification of planning application WP/20/00164/FUL. Borough Council – notification of planning application WP/20/00155/FUL. Borough Council – notification of planning application WP/20/00144/FUL. Borough Council – notification of planning application WP/20/00202/FUL. Borough Council – notification of planning application WP/20/00204/FUL. Northants Police – statement re: COVID-19. Northants Police – playing field car park during COVID-19. Northants Police – please report online when possible. Northants Police – how to report suspected COVID-19 breaches. Northants Police – sheep worrying in Northamptonshire. Northants Police – police representation at the last JAG meeting. Borough Council – notification of cancellation of the Waendel Walk 2020. County Council – transport and highways services during COVID-19. NorthantsCALC – information for parish & town councils about COVID-19. NorthantsACRE – guide for volunteer groups during COVID-19. NALC – Information for parish and town councils about COVID-19 [26th March 2020] – emailed to members of the council. NALC – Information for parish and town councils about COVID-19 [27th March 2020] – emailed to members of the council. NorthantsCALC – Coronavirus briefing [25th March 2020] – emailed to members of the council. Bozeat Matters – notification that the issue due out in June will not be published. NorthantsACRE – map of Good Neighbours Schemes in Northamptonshire – emailed to members of the council. NorthantsCALC – Coronavirus briefing [1 April 2020] – emailed to members of the council. NorthantsCALC – Coronavirus briefing [8 April 2020] – emailed to members of the council. NorthantsCALC – Coronavirus briefing [15 April 2020] – emailed to members of the council. NCALC – Coronavirus – information for parish and town councils – emailed to members of the council. Borough Council – Coronavirus grant funding scheme for local businesses. County Council – Coronavirus Special Edition of inNorthamptonshire magazine – emailed to members of the council. SLCC – new legislation to allow virtual meetings. PKF Littlejohn – 2019-2020 AGAR arrangements during COVID-19. CPRE – Outlook magazine [March 2020] – agreed that this be circulated in a pack. e-on – data preferences.

Abbreviations: BPFA = Bozeat Playing Field Association; HMRC = Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs; CPRE = Campaign for the Protection of Rural England; SLCC = Society of Local Council Clerks; NCALC = County Association of Local Councils; Northants ACRE = Northamptonshire Action with Communities in Rural England; NRHA = Northants Rural Housing Association; NNJC = North Northamptonshire Joint Committee. BOZEAT PARISH COUNCIL LIST OF CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED – APRIL 2020 APPENDIX D NorthantsCALC – Mini e-Update [13th March 2020] – emailed to members of the council. NorthantsCALC – Mini e-Update [20th March 2020] – emailed to members of the council. NorthantsCALC – Mini e-Update [27th March 2020] – emailed to members of the council. Keep Britain Tidy – Great British September Clean [11-27 September 2020]. SLCC – information about training courses. NALC – Chief Executive’s bulletin [27th March 2020] – emailed to members of the council. NALC – Chief Executive’s bulletin [3 April 2020] – emailed to members of the council. Rural Services Network – Rural Bulletin [31 March 2020]. Bozeat resident – email requesting advice about broadband provision – Cllr Brown has been in contact with the resident. NorthantsACRE – April bulletin – emailed to members of the council. NorthantsACRE – membership certificate. NorthantsCALC – eUpdate magazine [3 April 2020] – emailed to members of the council. NCALC – Update magazine [March-April 2020] - agreed that this be circulated in a pack. Geospatial Commission – Public Sector Mapping Agreement. Agnda item 13 – Borough Council – media release from Future Northants – emailed to members of the council. CPRE – 2020 members guide and Fieldwork magazine [Spring 2020] – agreed that this be circulated in a pack. CPRE – Countryside Voices magazine [Spring 2020] – agreed that this be circulated in a pack.

Abbreviations: BPFA = Bozeat Playing Field Association; HMRC = Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs; CPRE = Campaign for the Protection of Rural England; SLCC = Society of Local Council Clerks; NCALC = County Association of Local Councils; Northants ACRE = Northamptonshire Action with Communities in Rural England; NRHA = Northants Rural Housing Association; NNJC = North Northamptonshire Joint Committee. A MEETING OF BOZEAT PARISH COUNCIL WAS HELD ON MONDAY, 18th MAY 2020, FOLLOWING PUBLIC PARTICIPATION AT 7pm. THE MEETING WAS HELD ONLINE DUE TO THE CURRENT CORONAVIRUS CRISIS.

PRESENT – Cllrs Gibbins [Chairman]; Bell; Brown; Cooke; Docker; Foward; Pritchard; Skittrall and Spencer.

PUBLIC – Cllr Martin Griffiths [County Councillor] and Cllr Tom Partridge-Underwood [Borough Councillor also attended the meeting.

MATTERS RAISED BY THE PUBLIC: - • Planning application for the former Nene Milling site on London Road. • St Mary’s Community Church Hall.

1. Election of Chairman. Cllr Gibbins was nominated to serve as Chairman of Bozeat Parish Council for the coming year by Cllr Pritchard, this was seconded by Cllr Docker and unanimously agreed.

2. Apologies. It was resolved to accept apologies for absence received from Cllr Dudley-Smith and Pollard.

3. Election of Vice-Chairman. Cllr Cooke was nominated by Cllr Gibbins to serve as Vice-Chairman for the coming year, this was seconded by Cllr Foward and unanimously agreed.

4. Roles and Responsibilities. Cllr Gibbins proposed that all members of the council continue with their current roles and responsibilities for the coming year and this was unanimously agreed. It was further agreed to consider reviewing the current lists in the future.

5. Declarations of interest. • Cllr Skittrall declared an interest in planning application WP/20/00039/OUT.

6. Minutes. Taking into account two minor amendments, the minutes off the meeting of Bozeat Parish Council held on 20th April 2020 were proposed as correct by Cllr Skittrall, this was seconded by Cllr Gibbins and a vote was taken = 8 for with 1 abstention, motion carried.

7. Matters arising: - a. Circulating documents – it was notes that packs are not being circulated during the current crisis. b. Village Hopper bus service – it was reported that the Village Hopper service is currently running as a permanent Saturday service, including Wellingborough. Funding has been secured which has ensured the service can continue for the time being. c. Unitary authorities – Cllr Griffiths [County Councillor] and Cllr Partridge-Underwood [Borough Councillor] provided an update on the current position and also information on the county and borough’s response to the current pandemic. d. Town Well – Cllr Cooke reported that the estimated cost for the name plates is around £3000 and asked for suggestions for the wording in front of the names. The plate will look very similar in design to the new village entrance signs, with a green background.

Page 1989 – 18th May 2020.

Page 1990 – 18th May 2020.

A young oak tree that has been donated needs to be planted and fruit trees are to be included, in containers. e. Zoom registration – it was resolved to approve registration with Zoom costing £119.90 for the full year.

8. Council services. a. Cemetery – general report – Cllr Spencer reported that the cemetery has not looked as good for a very long time, comments to be passed onto the new contractors. The work recently done to cut back trees in section A have opened up the entire area. b. Cemetery – no applications for permission to place memorials or headstones in the Cemetery have been received this month. c. Cemetery – to consider a request to place an engraved anvil in the cemetery as a memorial. It was resolved to agree to host the anvil at the end of the path between sections C and D. The Clerk to contact the family to request details of the wording they intend to engrave on the anvil and how it will be fixed as the council may prefer to use a contractor for this work. d. Cemetery – caretaking contracts for 2020-2021 – it was noted that both contracts have been signed and returned. e. Cemetery – perimeter fence – a report has been received indicating areas which require repairs. It was resolved to defer this work until it is safe to undertake the work required. f. Allotments – no issues reported. g. Allotments - provision of marker slabs – it was noted that these have been installed. h. Skate ramp repairs – it was noted that the recommended repairs have been completed.

9. Local environment. a. Highways – Cllr Foward proposed that his report [Appendix A] be accepted, several members reported that they had been unable to open the emailed report so this was agreed but with three abstentions. b. Mill Road verge degradation – remedial works – it was resolved to request a quote for the work required. c. Street Lights – a light reported as permanently lit was repaired today. d. Village Warden – a report received from the warden has not been circulated to members. e. Land Registrations – to note that applications to claim the Village Green have been submitted. The Chairman asked if any progress has been made on obtaining land towards extending the cemetery. i. Verge mowing contract – the Chairman reported that he is to view areas of concern with the contractors soon. Cllr Martin Griffiths [County Councillor] reported that some areas of verges in the county are now being left uncut to encourage insects and it was noted that a local wildlife champion has requested that areas of verge in Bozeat are also left uncut.

10. Planning. a. Current/new planning applications – Cllr Skittrall proposed that his report [Appendix B] be accepted, this was seconded by Cllr Pritchard and agreed. b. Former Nene Milling site in London Road – it was noted that in depth discussions with the Borough and County Councillors had taken place during Public Participation.

11. Representatives reports. a. Bozeat Playing Field Association – no meetings have been held recently. b. Bozeat Primary School – nothing to report. c. JAG meetings - nothing to report.

Page 1991 – 18th May 2020.

12. Police. a. Crimes – no local crimes have been reported since the last meeting.

13. Local events. It was noted that all planned events have been cancelled or postponed due to the current pandemic.

14. Capital receipt a. MUGA – it was reported that the planning application for this is under consideration and the project manager will be asked to confirm a potential start date for the project.

15. Finance report a. Payments – Cllr Gibbins proposed that the Finance Report [Appendix C] be accepted and the payments and fund transfers listed be approved, this was agreed. b. Audit of 2019-2020 accounts – it was noted that the council’s financial records are currently with the internal auditor.

16. Correspondence. It was resolved to acknowledge receipt of correspondence received since the last meeting, as listed on Appendix D.

17. Items for the next agenda. • Audit • Verge conservation • Repainting of all the public seats. • Grit bin inspection and repairs.

18. Next meeting. It was noted that the next meeting of Bozeat Parish Council will take place on Monday, 22nd June 2020 and will follow Public Participation at 7pm. All meetings are held in the schoolroom of TLC, Dychurch Lane, Bozeat, Northants, NN29 7JP unless otherwise advised.

There being no further business, the meeting was declared closed.

Signed …………………………………………… Chairman. 22nd June 2020.

Bozeat Parish Council – Highways Monthly Report

Month ending 11th May 2020 Street Doctor Headline

A new report this past month, Boz – 76, has been identified. The following reports remain open or are currently being monitored Boz 60, 64 and 69.

Project works

Discussions on the installation of a MUGA are ongoing with the Bozeat Parish Council agreeing to confirm acceptance of a quote.

Mill Road verge

We have seen some degradation over the winter months, which will need to be addressed. The rest looks in fairly satisfactory condition, but we will need to be monitor.

We await a price to do this work before instruction the contractor to proceed March/April 2020. This work can now be undertaken. Therefore, can we please discuss with contractor start date.


New items during the reporting month will be highlighted in red on the Highways Tracking Spreadsheet.

Will continue to monitor Street Doctor to ensure works are undertaken as stated and report any changes to time frame for delivery.

Would request that Parish Council members provide me with any concerns they may have that require to be raised on Street Doctor.

The report captures all Street Doctor submissions up to and including the cut off date 11th May 2020 that I’m aware of; if I’ve missed any please let me know and I will add to the spreadsheet.

Attachments: - Highways Tracking Spreadsheet

Highways Report Apr/May 2020 By: SP Foward REPORT FROM THE PLANNING GROUP – May 2020 APPENDIX B

(a) Granted Applications Reference No. For Date granted WP/20/00155 Two storey extension & sun room, 2 Brookside 7/5/2020

(b) Refused/Withdrawn Applications Reference No. For Date refused None

(c) Pending Applications Reference No. For Status Redevelopment of former Nene Milling WP/20/00039 site as housing and a village hall Holding comment sent WP/20/00136 Lawful use of Bungalow at York Cottage No comments sent

WP/20/00144 MUGA at the playing fields No comments sent

WP/20/00164 New dwelling adj 22 Fullwell Road No comments sent

WP/20/00204 Flat roof replacement at Newlands Farm No comments sent

WP/20/00222 Barn conversion Springvale Farm No comments sent

(d) New Applications Reference No. For Status

WP/20/00202 Redevelopment of Slype Farm Bungalow Objection sent

WP/20/00239 Workshop/store Slype Farm Bungalow Holding objection sent

WP/20/00265 Extension 55 Queen Street Comments by 1 June

(e) WP/20/00202 – Redevelopment of Slype Farm Bungalow

Comments sent: The Parish Council have viewed this resubmission and although there have been changes to slightly reduce the size of the proposed dwelling we believe that the revised design would not significantly reduce the visual impact to warrant a change in the Parish Council’s response. We note that the requested street scene that might have clarified the extent of the impact is not supplied. We support the highways authority’s assessment regarding the entranceway and should the application be approved we would suggest that this is required by condition. The Parish Council object to the proposal because we believe that it is of such a size and scale that it would represent an unacceptable intrusion in the open countryside and therefore does not comply with JCS policy 8 (d) (i) and (ii).

(f) WP/20/00239 – Workshop/store Slype Farm Bungalow

This is a proposal for a large agricultural style workshop and store. A holding objection has been sent because it is not clear whether the bungalow is classed as purely residential.

(g) WP/20/00265 – Extension 55 Queen Street

This is for a modest extension at the front of the property.

Page 1 of 1 BOZEAT PARISH COUNCIL FINANCE REPORT FOR MAY 2020 APPENDIX C Account Balances as per Bank Reconciliation Account Building Society Account £92,032.89 Deposit Account . £34,406.53 Current Account - HSBC Bank £15,431.53 Current Account - Lloyds Bank £2,961.49 TOTAL £144,832.44

Payments made during the month which require formal approval Date Chq/DD Payee Details Nett Value VAT Amount Paid Budget 28/5/2020 D/D Veolia ES Waste disposal - cemetery £ 71.23 £ 14.25 £ 85.48 Cemetery - waste disposal 18/5/2020 D/D Lloyds Bank Bank charges £ 6.50 £ 6.50 General - admin £ 77.73 £ 14.25 £ 91.98 Payments for approval at this meeting. Date ref. Payee Details Nett Value VAT Amount to Pay Budget 18/5/2020 BACS L.Payne Clerk/Registrar - salary/exp's/paper £ 587.35 £ 587.35 General - Clerk's salary, home office. BACS R.Driver Village Warden duties £ 80.00 £ 80.00 General - Village Warden BACS R & G Landscapes Playing Field maintenance/verge mowing/cemetery£ 1,425.16contract £ 285.02 £ 1,710.18 BPFA grant/verge mowing/cemetery contract BACS e-on Supply to Village Green cabinet £ 8.10 £ 0.41 £ 8.51 General - village events BACS Zurich Municipal Annual insurance premium £ 836.18 £ 836.18 General - insurance BACS Zurich Municipal Additional premium - outdoor gym £ 79.06 £ 79.06 General - insurance BACS Ricoh UK Photocopier lease and copy charge £ 49.11 £ 9.82 £ 58.93 General - photocopying BACS C.Chapman Churchyard contract £ 115.00 £ 115.00 Cemetery - caretaking contract BACS C.Chapman Odd Job 4/2020 £ 65.00 £ 65.00 Town Well refurbishment BACS Rampchild Skate ramp repairs £ 420.00 £ 84.00 £ 504.00 General - skate ramp BACS L.Payne Reimbursement - Zoom subscription £ 119.90 £ 23.98 £ 143.88 General - subscriptions £ - TOTALS £ 3,784.86 £ 403.23 £ 4,188.09

Resolved to approve the transfer of £6,000 from the HSBC Current account to the Lloyds Bank Current account. BOZEAT PARISH COUNCIL LIST OF CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED – MAY 2020 APPENDIX D

Cogenhoe & Whiston PC – update on Village Hopper service. Bozeat resident – complaint about verge mowing. Borough Council – notification of planning application WP/20/00265/FUL. Bedford Borough Council – Bedford Borough Local Development Scheme. Northants Police – information about special constables. NorthantsACRE – invitation to attend a network meeting for parish councillors [2nd July 2020 from 10am-12noon]. NALC – testing for Coronavirus. NorthantsCALC – mini eUpdate [ 7th May 2020] – this email was forwarded to members of the council. NALC – report on local elections - this email was forwarded to members of the council. Fabrications NorthEast Ltd – product information. County Council – message from the Leader of the Council. NCALC – Chief Executive’s bulletin [15th May 2020]. NorthantsCALC – Mini eUpdate [15th May 2020].

Abbreviations: BPFA = Bozeat Playing Field Association; HMRC = Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs; CPRE = Campaign for the Protection of Rural England; SLCC = Society of Local Council Clerks; NCALC = County Association of Local Councils; Northants ACRE = Northamptonshire Action with Communities in Rural England; NRHA = Northants Rural Housing Association; NNJC = North Northamptonshire Joint Committee. A MEETING OF BOZEAT PARISH COUNCIL WAS HELD ON MONDAY, 22nd JUNE 2020, FOLLOWING PUBLIC PARTICIPATION AT 7pm. THIS MEETING WAS HELD REMOTELY.

PRESENT :- Cllrs Gibbins [Chairman]; Brown; Cooke; Docker; Dudley-Smith; Foward; Pritchard and Spencer. Cllrs Bell and Skittrall arrived during the course of the meeting.

PUBLIC :- One member of the public was present at the meeting.


1. Apologies. It was resolved to accept apologies for absence received from Cllr Pollard and Cllr Skittrall, who would be arriving during the course of the meeting.

2. Declarations of interest. • Agenda item 7a - Cllr Brown declared a non-pecuniary interest in planning application WP/20/00343/FUL. • Agenda item 13 – Cllr Gibbins declared a pecuniary interest.

3. Minutes. The minutes of the meeting of Bozeat Parish Council held on 18th May 2020 were proposed as a correct record by Cllr Gibbins, this was seconded by Cllr Cooke. A vote was taken = 7 for with 1 abstention.

4. Matters arising. a. Circulating documents – noted that packs are not being circulated during the current crisis. b. Village Hopper bus service – Cllr Gibbins proposed that a report [Appendix A] submitted by Cllr Pollard be accepted and this was resolved. c. Unitary authorities – update on current position – Cllr Skittrall arrived later in the meeting and reported that the inaugural meeting for North Northamptonshire involved 152 councillors who met remotely. d. Town Well – update on the project to refurbish the area and install commemorative items. It was reported that the figure of the soldier is now on site. It was resolved that Cllrs Cooke and Spencer should liaise to agree the wording and format of the name plaques. e. Grit bins – it was noted that the Village Warden had inspected all the bins and they do not need any immediate attention or topping up. It was resolved to remove this item from the agenda. f. Covid19 – to assess any risks relating to the pandemic – a risk assessment guide prepared by NALC has been received and emailed to members of the council. The Clerk will read through the risk assessment and advise the council accordingly.

5. Council services. a. Cemetery – general report – Cllr Spencer reported that the cemetery is generally looking very tidy although a large laurel bush at the corner of sections B and C requires cutting back urgently. The Gardens of Remembrance are looking untidy and it was resolved to issue an odd job order for the work to tidy around all the slabs and expose the edging kerbs. The cemetery lodge needs some re-pointing work and it was resolved to add this as an agenda item for the next meeting and obtain a quote for the work. The water butt needs to be replaced as the tap leaks and the bricks it is standing on have begun to break up. It was resolved to ask the Borough Council if they are offering a Green Scheme which would help with the cost. Page 1992 – 22nd June 2020

Page 1993 – 22nd June 2020

A pile of residual spoil from a burial in April is still in the cemetery, the Clerk has been in contact with the funeral directors and will pursue the matter. An oak sapling has been offered to the council and a space in the cemetery identified, agreed to issue an odd job order for it to be planted. b. Cemetery - applications for permission to place memorials or headstones in the Cemetery – it was resolved to approve an application for an additional inscription to an existing memorial. It was further resolved to give Cllr Spencer delegated powers to approve an application for a new memorial and surround which requires more information. c. Cemetery – to consider the provision of a columbarium – it was noted that this was advertised in the March issue of Bozeat Matters magazine but no responses have been received. It was resolved to repeat the advert in the next issue that is published. d. Cemetery – anvil memorial – it was noted that this is in hand. e. Cemetery – repairs to the perimeter railings – it was resolved to ask a local contractor if they could repair the section where the welds have failed and the section that has been damaged by a vehicle. f. Cemetery – to consider the condition of the boundary wall in the churchyard – concerns about the burden of future costs for the wall were raised and it was resolved that the Clerk seeks advice from NorthantsCALC about the legal position of the Parish Council. g. Allotments – it was resolved to accept a report [Appendix B] submitted by Cllr Pollard. general report. h. Allotments – Allens Hill gate – it was resolved to ask a local carpenter/joiner if he would be able to make a new gate. i. Allotments – to consider the safe removal of a shed reportedly made of asbestos. It was resolved that Cllr Brown explores the safe removal and disposal of the shed.

6. Local environment. a. Highways – Cllr Foward proposed that his report [Appendix C] be accepted and this was resolved. It was reported that the Queen Street garages are owned and maintained by Wellingborough Homes and are not the responsibility of the County Council. It was also reported that TA10 was cleared recently and confirmed that the path from Easton Lane to Mill Road has not been cleared. b. Mill Road verge degradation – remedial works – the Chairman reported that he had spoken to the contractor and further damage was caused to this area during wet weather earlier this year. The reinforcement material has now lifted and created a trip hazard. Cllr Brown felt that the council should not be undertaking any work on the highways and would not be insured, Cllr Foward disagreed with that view. c. Street Lights – no issues reported. d. Village Warden – it was resolved to accept a report [Appendix D]. e. Land Registrations – it was noted that applications to claim the Village Green have been submitted and acknowledged. f. Verge mowing contract – Cllr Pritchard reported that the contractors had been using an incorrect map which led to problems in Manor Close.

Cllr Bell was admitted to the meeting at this point. g. Village Green noticeboard – to consider repainting the noticeboard – it was resolved to check that the order for the work has been issued. h. Litter/Dog bins – it was resolved to accept a quote received from Wellingborough Norse for the supply and fixing of metal posts to 12 dog bins costing £75 each. The Chairman reported that he had created a list of the location of all dog and litter bins in the parish. to consider any repairs required to existing bins and the provision of new bins.

Page 1994 – 22nd June 2020 i. Public seats – to consider repainting all public seats – it was noted that the contractor has begun checking all the seats. It was reported that Bozeat W.I. have indicated that a working party may clean down all the street nameplates and it was resolved to send a donation of £50 from the Local Community budget towards the cost of materials. It was further resolved to consider an additional donation, this to be an agenda item for the next meeting.

8. Representatives reports a. Bozeat Playing Field Association – it was reported that a new, upgraded, CCTV system is to be installed at the playing field, costing just over £3000, could the Parish Council cover the cost? It was resolved that this be an agenda item for the next meeting, the Clerk to investigate the council’s budgets and see if funds could be made available. Concern was raised about potholes in the car park and it was reported that any excess material left over from work on the MUGA will be used to fill these in. b. Bozeat Primary School – noted that some classes have returned to school. c. JAG meetings – none held recently.

Cllr Skittrall was admitted to the meeting at this point.

7. Planning a. Current/new planning applications – Cllr Skittrall proposed that his report [Appendix E] be accepted and this was resolved. Cllr Brown declared an interest in planning application WP/20/00343/FUL.

9. Police a. Crimes – it was noted that no new crimes had been reported locally. b. Parking issues – Warners Hill/High Street – the Chairman reported that he will prepare a map indicating areas of concern ready for the next meeting. c. Parking issues – Little Close – this was not considered to be a Parish Council issue.

10. Website accessibility legislation It was reported that the IT and Website Working Party are investigating options in order to ensure that the council complies with the new legislation.

11. Local events Noted that all events have been cancelled/postponed as a result of the current pandemic.

12. Capital receipt a. MUGA – it was reported that work to install this equipment will begin later this week and is scheduled to finish by the end of July. A basic hosting agreement between the Playing Field and Parish Council will be required, as for the skate ramp and it was noted that an agreement is required for the outdoor gym and table tennis table.

13. Chairman’s expenses 2019-2020 Cllr Gibbins left the meeting at this point and Cllr Cooke took over as Chairman. Cllr Cooke proposed that a payment of £600 be made to Cllr Gibbins towards the cost of expenses incurred during his year as Chairman from 1st May 2019 to 30th April 2020. This was seconded by Cllr Spencer and agreed.

14. Audit of 2019-2020 accounts a. Public rights - Cllr Pritchard proposed that the period that the public may exercise the right to inspect the council’s accounts shall be from Wednesday, 1st July to Friday, 7th August 2020. This was seconded by Cllr Foward and agreed.

Page 1995 – 22nd June 2020 b. Receipts and payments account - Cllr Docker proposed that the Receipts and Payments account for the period ended 31st March 2020 be accepted. This was seconded by Cllr Gibbins and agreed. c. Internal Auditor’s report – Cllr Docker proposed that the Internal Auditor’s report be accepted. This was seconded by Cllr Gibbins and agreed. d. AGAR section 1 – Annual Governance Statement 2019/2020 – Cllr Foward proposed that the Annual Governance Statement be approved, this was seconded by Cllr Gibbins and agreed. e. AGAR section 2 – Accounting Statements 2019/2020 – Cllr Gibbins proposed that the Accounting Statements be approved, this was seconded by Cllr Cooke and agreed. f. Significant variances – the significant variances listed on the spreadsheet were noted and approved. g. Publication of documents – it was resolved to note that all documents must be published on the council’s website and noticeboard by 1st July 2020.

15. Finance a. Payments – Cllr Gibbins proposed that the Finance Report [Appendix F] and the payments listed be approved. This was resolved. b. Britannia Building Society account – the Clerk reported that the pass book had been returned to the council and the change of signatories completed, however identification still needs to be taken to a branch for verification.

16. Correspondence It was resolved to acknowledge receipt of correspondence received since the last meeting, as listed on Appendix G.

17. Items for the next agenda • Cemetery water butt stand and tap. • Cemetery lodge pointing up. • Potentially unsafe building in Camden Square.

18. Date and time of next meeting It was noted that the next meeting of Bozeat Parish Council is scheduled to take place on Monday, 20th July 2020 and will follow Public Participation at 7pm. All meetings are held in the schoolroom of TLC, Dychurch Lane, Bozeat, Northants, NN29 7JP unless otherwise advised.

Signed ……………………………………………………….. Chairman. 20th July 2020.

Bozeat Parish Council – Highways Monthly Report

Month ending 15th June 2020 Street Doctor Headline

Eight new Street Doctor reports were raised this past month, Boz – 77 to 84. The following reports remain open or are currently being monitored Boz 60, 64 and 69 and 77 to 84.

The issue with the drain cover lifting near Dag Lane was first raised back in May 19. I have pointed this out on the latest submission, stating “as this was raised back in May 19 it should be repaired with immediate effect not in 6 months as is currently been report on Street Doctor”

Project works

Discussions on the installation of a MUGA are ongoing with Bozeat Parish Council agreeing to confirm acceptance of a quote.

Mill Road verge

We have seen some degradation over the winter months, which will need to be addressed. The rest looks in fairly satisfactory condition, but we will need to be monitor.

We await a price to do this work before instruction the contractor to proceed Jun/July 2020. This work can now be undertaken. Therefore, can we please discuss with contractor a start date.

Highways Report June 2020 By: SP Foward Bozeat Parish Council – Highways Monthly Report

Month ending 15th June 2020


The attached photo’s of two of the footpaths within the village show that they have not yet been cleared and mowed. Can we please take this matter up with mowing contract to agree when this work will be done to all of the footpaths with in the Parish?

Queen Street Garage area resurfacing

Why, when we have roads and pavement areas within the village that are in dire need of resurfacing is the garage area on Queen Street resurfaced by Wellingborough Council. Perhaps the parish council should raise this question as we have highlighted a number of areas requiring resurfacing only to be told that there is no money, but there is money to resurface the garage area that is hardly used.

Highways Report June 2020 By: SP Foward Bozeat Parish Council – Highways Monthly Report

Month ending 15th June 2020


New items during the reporting month will be highlighted in red on the Highways Tracking Spreadsheet.

Will continue to monitor Street Doctor to ensure works are undertaken as stated and report any changes to time frame for delivery.

Would request that Parish Council members provide me with any concerns they may have that require to be raised on Street Doctor.

The report captures all Street Doctor submissions up to and including the cut off date 15th June 2020 that I’m aware of; if I’ve missed any please let me know and I will add to the spreadsheet.

Attachments: - Highways Tracking Spreadsheet

Highways Report June 2020 By: SP Foward


May’s brief outline:

• Cut back Buddleia which was over-hanging the footpath in London Road, at the junction with Easton Lane. Remove debris.

• Checked all grit bins:- Allens Hill/Harrold Road - as per photograph the bin has a small hole in the bottom left hand corner. It doesn’t affect the strength of the bin. Bin in Wollaston Road/ Fullwell Road - lid is slightly loose but not in urgent need of repair. All bins are full.

• Carried out usual checks around the village.

Approximate 6 hours.


(a) Granted Applications Reference No. For Date granted WP/20/00136 Lawful use of Bungalow at York Cottage 20/05/2020

WP/20/00144 MUGA at the playing fields 20/05/2020

WP/20/00204 Flat roof replacement at Newlands Farm 20/05/2020

WP/20/00222 Barn conversion Springvale Farm 26/05/2020

(b) Refused/Withdrawn Applications Reference No. For Date refused WP/20/00164 New dwelling adj 22 Fullwell Road 22/05/2020

(c) Pending Applications Reference No. For Status Redevelopment of former Nene Milling WP/20/00039 site as housing and a village hall Holding comment sent WP/20/00202 Redevelopment of Slype Farm Bungalow Objection sent

WP/20/00239 Workshop/store Slype Farm Bungalow Holding objection sent

WP/20/00265 Extension 55 Queen Street Comments by 1 June

(d) New Applications Reference No. For Status

WP/20/00323 Sun room, Slype Farm House Comments by 8 July

WP/20/00334 Agricultural barn, opp. Church Farm Not notified

WP/20/00343 Detached garage, 25 London Road Comments by 10 July

(e) WP/20/00239 – Workshop/store Slype Farm Bungalow

This is a residential property and so the holding objection has been confirmed.

Comments sent: Now that the Parish Council have confirmed that the use class for this property is residential we object to this proposal to construct an industrial scale building in the open countryside.


(f) WP/20/00323 – Sun Room, Slype Farm House This is for the replacement of a conservatory at of the property with a larger flat-roof extension.

(g) WP/20/00334 – Agricultural Barn, This is for a new agricultural barn in the field opposite the roundabout which is accessed from the roundabout.

(h) WP/20/00343 – Detached garage, 25 London Road This is for a new detached garage on the land recently regularised at this bungalow.

Page 2 of 2 BOZEAT PARISH COUNCIL FINANCE REPORT FOR JUNE 2020 APPENDIX F Account Balances as per Bank Reconciliation Account Building Society Account £92,032.89 Deposit Account . £34,406.53 Current Account - HSBC Bank £3,984.36 Current Account - Lloyds Bank £4,760.40 TOTAL £135,184.18

Payments made during the month which require formal approval Date Chq/DD Payee Details Nett Value VAT Amount Paid Budget 28/6/2020 D/D Veolia ES Waste disposal - cemetery £ 129.27 £ 25.85 £ 155.12 Cemetery - waste disposal credit note Veolia ES credit 2 lifts -£ 58.04 -£ 11.61 -£ 69.65 Cemetery - waste disposal 29/5/2020 D/D Lloyds Bank Bank charges £ 6.50 £ 6.50 General - admin £ 77.73 £ 14.24 £ 91.97 Payments for approval at this meeting. Date ref. Payee Details Nett Value VAT Amount to Pay Budget 22/6/2020 BACS L.Payne Clerk/Registrar - salary/exp's/postage £ 579.39 £ 579.39 General - Clerk's salary, home office. BACS R.Driver Village Warden duties £ 60.00 £ 60.00 General - Village Warden BACS R & G Landscapes Playing Field maintenance/verge mowing/cemetery£ 1,306.35contract £ 261.26 £ 1,567.61 BPFA grant/verge mowing/cemetery contract BACS e-on Supply to Village Green cabinet £ 8.37 £ 0.42 £ 8.79 General - village events BACS C.Chapman Churchyard contract £ 205.00 £ 205.00 Cemetery - caretaking contract BACS P.Conroy Internal audit fee £ 130.00 £ 130.00 General - audit BACS HMRC PAYE £ 394.20 £ 394.20 General - Clerk's salary, home office. BACS Colemans Stationery - paper £ 14.16 £ 2.83 £ 16.99 General - stationery BACS Wave Water charge - allotments £ 4.91 £ 0.98 £ 5.89 Allotments - water charge BACS Wave Water charge - cemetery £ 1.44 £ 1.44 Cemetery - water charge BACS Norse Supply of litter/dog bins £ 611.67 £ 122.34 £ 734.01 General - street furniture BACS L.Payne Reimbursement - website fees £ 213.63 £ 12.20 £ 225.83 General - subscriptions £ - TOTALS £ 3,529.12 £ 400.03 £ 3,929.15

There is no need to transfer funds immediately to cover this month's payments. . BOZEAT PARISH COUNCIL LIST OF CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED – JUNE 2020 APPENDIX G

Borough Council – historic meeting for North Northamptonshire - emailed to members of the council. NALC – release of new risk assessment guide - emailed to members of the council. S.Blenkharn – application for permission to install a new memorial and surround in the cemetery. S.Blenkharn – application for permission to add an inscription to an existing memorial in the cemetery. Bozeat resident – verge mowing policy. Bozeat resident – high stile on right of way [TA6]. Bozeat resident – overgrown right of way [TA10; TA21; TA22; TA23]. Bozeat resident – overgrown right of way [TA15]. Lord Lieutenant of Northamptonshire – David Laing Awards for Litter Heroes. Bozeat W.I. – street nameplate working party. Borough Council – notification of planning application WP/20/00323/FUL. Borough Council – notification of planning application WP/20/00343/FUL. Bedford Borough Council – consultation [Houses in Multiple Occupation] - emailed to members of the council. Bozeat resident – parking issues in Warners Hill/High Street. Bozeat resident – parking issues in Little Close. NALC – launch of publication on website accessibility requirements - emailed to members of the council. NALC – Notification of consultation [New model code of conduct] – emailed to members of the council. NALC – Chief Executive’s Bulletin [22nd May 2020] - emailed to members of the council. NALC – Chief Executive’s Bulletin [29th May 2020] - emailed to members of the council. NALC – Chief Executive’s Bulletin [12th June 2020] - emailed to members of the council. NCALC – warning about email scams - emailed to members of the council. NorthantsACRE – Celebrating Northamptonshire’s COVID-19 Community Champions - emailed to members of the council. NorthantsACRE – Community group survey – COVID-19 response - emailed to members of the council. NALC – Coronavirus – information for parish & town councils [3rd June 2020] - emailed to members of the council. Northamptonshire AgeUK – Newsletter [June 2020] - emailed to members of the council. County Council – Thank you from Northamptonshire County Council - emailed to members of the council. NCALC – mini eUpdate [22nd May 2020] - emailed to members of the council. NCALC – eUpdate [29th May 2020] - emailed to members of the council. NCALC – mini eUpdate [5th June 2020] - emailed to members of the council. NCALC – mini eUpdate [12th June 2020] - emailed to members of the council. Kierwsp – notification of consultation [cycling and walking in Northamptonshire] - emailed to members of the council. NALC – publication of new edition of Points of Light - emailed to members of the council. County Council – online sports activities for teenagers. NALC – Building back communities - emailed to members of the council. CPRE – Outlook magazine [June 2020]. Magpas Air Ambulance – appeal for funding.

Abbreviations: BPFA = Bozeat Playing Field Association; HMRC = Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs; CPRE = Campaign for the Protection of Rural England; SLCC = Society of Local Council Clerks; NCALC = County Association of Local Councils; Northants ACRE = Northamptonshire Action with Communities in Rural England; NRHA = Northants Rural Housing Association; NNJC = North Northamptonshire Joint Committee. BOZEAT PARISH COUNCIL LIST OF CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED – JUNE 2020 APPENDIX G

County Council – notification of consultation [Safer Streets Northamptonshire – emailed to members of the council. NCALC – mini eUpdate [19th June 2020] – emailed to members of the council. NALC – Chief Executive’s Bulletin [19th June 2020] - emailed to members of the council. NACRE – eBulletin [22nd June 2020] - emailed to members of the council.

Abbreviations: BPFA = Bozeat Playing Field Association; HMRC = Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs; CPRE = Campaign for the Protection of Rural England; SLCC = Society of Local Council Clerks; NCALC = County Association of Local Councils; Northants ACRE = Northamptonshire Action with Communities in Rural England; NRHA = Northants Rural Housing Association; NNJC = North Northamptonshire Joint Committee. A MEETING OF BOZEAT PARISH COUNCIL WAS HELD ON MONDAY, 20th JULY 2020, FOLLOWING PUBLIC PARTICIPATION AT 7pm. THE MEETING WAS A HYBRID ONE.

It was resolved to record that the council is satisfied that the in-person council meeting checklist and risk assessment, as supplied by NorthantsCALC have been conducted correctly, and it was agreed to hold a hybrid meeting.

PRESENT: - Cllrs Gibbins [Chairman]; Bell; Brown; Cooke; Docker; Dudley-Smith; Foward; Pollard; Pritchard; Skittrall and Spencer.

PUBLIC: - No members of the public were present at the meeting.

1. Apologies. It was noted that all members of the council were present at the meeting.

2. Declarations of interest. No new declarations of interest were reported. from members in items to be discussed.

3. Minutes. The minutes of the meeting of Bozeat Parish Council held on 22nd June 2020 were proposed as correct by Brian Skittrall, seconded by Brian Gibbins and a vote was taken = 10 for with 1 abstention.

4. Matters arising: - a. Circulating documents – it was noted that packs are not being circulated during the current crisis. b. Unitary authorities – Cllr Skittrall provided an update on the current position and reported that the Future North Northants website provides a wealth of information. c. Town Well – it was reported that Cllr Pollard has completed the work to fill the planter. Cllr Brown provided details of the proposed design for the commemorative plaque and Cllr Spencer reported that the working party had decided to seek alternative quotes for the provision of the plaques as an initial contact with a supplier had not been satisfactory and the cost had increased to £7273. A quote of £2850 from an alternative supplier for a cast aluminium plaque had been obtained. Cllr Cooke asked that the original supplier be asked why the original quote for had increased by £5000 and noted that their work on previous projects had been excellent. It was noted that overgrown foliage on the rear stone wall needs to be cut back to the top of the wall prior to the plaque being installed. It was resolved to add this item to the agenda for the August meeting.

5. Council Services. a. Cemetery – general report – Cllr Spencer reported that the cemetery looks amazing and the new contractors understand the work that is required. She reported that several cemetery items have been missed off the agenda. Water butt – it was noted that the Borough Council scheme to provide water butts has finished and Cllr Gibbins proposed that no more than £100 be spent purchasing a new water butt and stand for the cemetery, this was agreed. Cemetery lodge pointing up – the Chairman reported that the lodge has been inspected and a quote for the work is in hand. Spoil heap – the Clerk reported that she had contacted the funeral directors who report that this will be removed by the end of this week. Cemetery extension – the working party has this in hand. Cllr Spencer reported that a complaint had been received that a headstone and surround on section B had been damaged. An inspection found no sign of an impact on the stonework so the reason for the damage is unclear. b. Cemetery - applications for permission to place memorials or headstones in the Cemetery. It was resolved to accept a recommendation to approve an application for a kerb plus cobalt blue chipping as similar memorials are already in position. Page 1996 – 20th July 2020.

Page 1997 – 20th July 2020. c. Cemetery – to consider the provision of a columbarium – it was noted that it had been resolved to advertise this once more in Bozeat Matters magazine to ascertain potential interest. d. Cemetery – update on the provision of the anvil memorial. Cllr Brown reported that there is no further news from the family. e. Cemetery – repairs to the perimeter railings. Cllr Gibbins reported that a quote is expected shortly for this work. f. Cemetery – to consider the condition of the boundary wall in the churchyard. Cllr Spencer reported that the churchyard had not been mowed for many weeks and the grass is very long. The Bishop of Peterborough had instructed churches to stop mowing churchyards due to the pandemic however an area containing cremated remains had been cut following a complaint. Cllr Spencer recommended that a meeting between the Parish Council, Parochial Church Council and Conservation Group who manage the conservation area be organised to agree policy and procedures for the future management of the churchyard, this was agreed. It was noted that the Borough Council had not confirmed that an inspection of the wall and trees would be undertaken and it was resolved to contact the Borough Councillor to chase this up. g. Allotments – no general report this month. h. Allotments – provision of a replacement gate. It was resolved to obtain a quote for this work. i. Allotments – to consider the safe removal of a shed reportedly made of asbestos. A report received from an asbestos removal specialist company including a quote for the removal of the shed was noted. It was reported that the shed is not considered to be in a dangerous condition and it was resolved to take no further action. j. Allotments – to consider what, if any, equipment the council ought to provide for tenants to use. Cllr Pollard recommended that the council does not provide watering cans at the allotments and it was resolved that allotment tenants be advised that they should supply their own.

6. Local environment. a. Highways – Cllr Forward proposed that his report [Appendix A] be accepted and this was agreed. It was noted that some defects have already been repaired in the village and areas marked up. Cllr Foward report that he will contact Helen Howard to ask about outstanding issues such as a request for 20mph limit on Harrold Road, damaged verge in Mill Road and the ongoing issues with the overflowing drain in Dag Lane. It was noted that repairs to the pavement around the drain cover have been completed once again but the problem causing the damage has not been addressed. It was noted that the overgrowth in Fish Alley has been cut back by the village environmental group so the odd job order for this work has been cancelled. Cllr Foward reported that he would represent the parish council at a meeting organised by Podington Parish Council with Bedford Borough Council to look at the t-junction at the top of Harrold Road, concern had been raised over the number of accidents at this junction and the meeting has been called to address this. b. Mill Road verge degradation – Cllr Foward report that he will be asking the County Council to pay towards the costs incurred in resolving the damaged verges in Mill Road. Cllr Brown repeated his concerns about the parish council organising works on the highways. c. Street Lights- nothing to report. d. Village Warden – it was resolved to accept a report [Appendix B]. e. Land Registrations – Cllr Brown provided an update on the submitted applications. f. Verge mowing contract – it was noted that no concerns or complaints had been received since the last meeting. g. Village Green noticeboard – it was noted that this is in hand.

Page 1998 – 20th July 2020. h. Litter/Dog bins – it was noted that the replacement posts and new bins are in hand. i. Public seats – it was noted that the seats are being inspected.

7. Planning. a. Current/new planning applications – Cllr Skittrall proposed that his report [Appendix C] be accepted and this was agreed. Cllr Skittrall recommended that the Parish Council requests a further meeting with the planning officers at the Borough Council to discuss the application for the former Nene Milling site as the provision of a grant to provide a new roof for the Community Church Hall may remove the need for a village hall.

8. Representatives reports. a. Bozeat Playing Field Association – it was resolved to accept a report [Appendix D]. It was noted that the play area had been inspected recently and a few repairs are required. Cllr Foward reported that he had noticed some damage on the skate ramp supporting structure and Cllr Gibbins reported that he would inspect the ramp as a matter of urgency. Work on the MUGA should be completed by the end of the week and the work to install floodlights by the end of July. It is hoped to open this facility by the end of August. b. Bozeat Primary School – it was noted that the school has now closed for the summer break. c. JAG meetings – it was noted that meetings are not being held at present. It was suggested that a request that a parking warden attend Bozeat to enforce parking regulations be taken to the next meeting. d. Public transport – it was noted that Cogenhoe & Whiston Parish Council have provided a six-monthly review on the Village Hopper service.

9. Police. a. Crimes – it was noted that no crime reports had been received for Bozeat although the shop was the target of a burglary recently. b. Parking issues – it was reported that a meeting was held at the junction of High Street and Warner’s Hill with members of the public, Cllr Martin Griffiths, members of the Parish Council and representative from Norse. This followed ongoing issues with the bin lorry being unable to access Warner’s Hill due to inconsiderate parking at the junction. to consider areas of concern. It was resolved to request double yellow lines around the junction when the next parking review is undertaken. It was reported that yellow lines are fading at Pitfield Close and along the High Street. It was further reported that a large vehicle often parks either partially on the pavement or fully on the village green.

10. Website accessibility legislation. It was reported that the work to comply with legislation is ongoing.

11. Provision of upgraded CCTV at Bozeat Playing Field. Cllr Docker proposed that the cost [£3253.80] of providing an upgraded CCTV system at the playing field be covered by the Parish Council, this was seconded by Cllr Skittrall and a vote was taken = 8 for with 3 abstentions.

12. Local events. It was noted that events are being cancelled/postponed as a result of the current pandemic.

13. Capital receipt a. MUGA – it was reported that work is underway on this project. The Clerk reported that funds will need to be transferred from the building society account in order to cover the cost of the project.

Page 1999 – 20th July 2020.

14. Finance a. Payments – Cllr Cooke proposed that the finance report [Appendix E] be accepted and the payments and fund transfers it contains be approved. This was seconded by Cllr Gibbins and agreed. b. Britannia Building Society account – it was resolved to withdrawn no more than £70000 from this account and transfer it to the Lloyds current account in order to cover the cost of the MUGA. c. Audit of 2019-2020 accounts – no further news.

15. Correspondence. It was resolved to acknowledge receipt of correspondence received since the last meeting, as listed on Appendix F.

16. To receive any items for the next agenda. • Town Well refurbishment

17. Date and time of next meeting – it was noted that the next meeting of Bozeat Parish Council is scheduled to take place on Monday, 17th August 2020 and will follow Public Participation at 7pm. Please note that this meeting will be shortened and only urgent items will be discussed. It was resolved to hold this meeting remotely due to issues surrounding the quality of sound and feedback from multiple devices in use at the hybrid meeting.

There being no further business, the Chairman declared the meeting closed.

Signed …………………………………………….. Chairman. 17th August 2020

Bozeat Parish Council – Highways Monthly Report

Month ending 14th July 2020 Street Doctor Headline

This month three new street doctor reports raised, Boz – 85 to 87. The following reports remain open or are currently being monitored Boz 60, 64 and 69 and 77 to 84 to 87.

The issue with the drain cover lifting near Dag Lane was first raised back in May 19. I have pointed this out on the latest submission, stating “as this was raised back in May 19 it should be repaired with immediate effect not in 6 months as is currently been report on Street Doctor” We need to arrange a site meeting with Helen Hunt to discuss this matter.

Project works

MUGA construction is well underway.

Mill Road verge

We have seen some degradation over the winter months, which will need to be addressed. The rest looks in fairly satisfactory condition, but we will need to be monitor.

Attached are two quotations to repair the verge for consideration/approval.


New items during the reporting month will be highlighted in red on the Highways Tracking Spreadsheet.

Will continue to monitor Street Doctor to ensure works are undertaken as stated and report any changes to time frame for delivery.

Would request that Parish Council members provide me with any concerns they may have that require to be raised on Street Doctor.

Highways Report July 2020 By: SP Foward Bozeat Parish Council – Highways Monthly Report

Month ending 14th July 2020

The report captures all Street Doctor submissions up to and including the cut off date 14th July 2020 that I’m aware of; if I’ve missed any please let me know and I will add to the spreadsheet.

Attachments: - Highways Tracking Spreadsheet Two Mill Rd. Verge Quotations

Highways Report July 2020 By: SP Foward


June’s brief outline:

• Reported to FixMyStreet - potholes around the village and obstructed sign in Allens Hill. Also sent email to Stephen Foward with reference numbers.

• Cut branches and brambles back from London Rd and around the village. Who is responsible for the bushes along Fish Alley? They are obstructing the pathway and could be a hazard to wheelchair/pushchair users.

• Carried out usual checks around the village.

Approximate 6 hours.


(a) Granted Applications Reference No. For Date granted WP/20/00265 Extension 55 Queen Street 02/07

WP/20/00334 Agricultural barn, opp. Church Farm 07/07

(b) Refused/Withdrawn Applications Reference No. For Date refused WP/20/00202 Redevelopment of Slype Farm Bungalow Withdrawn

WP/20/00239 Workshop/store Slype Farm Bungalow Withdrawn

(c) Pending Applications Reference No. For Status Redevelopment of former Nene Milling WP/20/00039 site as housing and a village hall Holding comment sent WP/20/00323 Sun room, Slype Farm House No comment sent

WP/20/00343 Detached garage, 25 London Road No comment sent

(d) New Applications Reference No. For Status Extension & loft conversion, 75A Eason WP/20/00370 Lane Comments by 24/07 WP/20/00395 Porch and lobby, Ind Welseyan Chapel Comments by 05/08

(e) WP/20/00370 – Extension & loft conversion, 75A Eason Lane

This is for a substantial extension of the bungalow that was regularised recently. This includes a loft extension.


(f) WP/20/00395 – Porch and Lobby, Independent Wesleyan Chapel This is for the replacement of the current porch and the creation of a lobby.

Page 2 of 2 BPFA Report to Bozeat Parish Council July 2020 APPENDIX D

A new and improved CCTV system has recently been installed, for which we are most grateful to the Parish Council, giving much greater cover to the field and equipment with much higher definition. A camera has also been installed inside the pavilion.

Work on the MUGA has commenced and will be complete by the end of the month.

In line with Government requirements the Playing Field was put under lockdown in March and although the field was available to people on foot and maintaining social distancing other facilities are starting to be opened.

Following the carrying out of Risk Assessment the children’s playground was re- opened on 11th July subject to the displayed Rules (see attached). The outdoor Gym cannot yet be re-opened as it is affected by the ongoing MUGA works but will open as soon as the construction works allow. Football training in small groups has also restarted.

We have recently been advised that the Septic Tank sewage system, built 49 years ago may now be illegal and if so BPFA could be subject to fines up to £100,000 (usually £5,000) if there is continued o use of the system after the end of this year. We have been considering ways to improve the system as we have regular blockages on the system and realise that the tank is in very poor condition and the system far from ideal hygienically. We have been quoted over £35,000 to connect to the main sewer at Pitfields (A grant to do this was made available by Wellingborough BC and the Parish Council in 2014 but was rejected by the committee then) but have an alternative quote at £10,000 to install a mini treatment plant for which we are now seeking grants. If we are not successful consideration will need to be given to closing the pavilion at the end of the year and therefore cancelling the football teams. BOZEAT PARISH COUNCIL FINANCE REPORT FOR JULY 2020 APPENDIX E Account Balances as per Bank Reconciliation Account Building Society Account £92,032.89 Deposit Account . £34,417.54 Current Account - HSBC Bank £9,898.89 Current Account - Lloyds Bank £824.10 TOTAL £137,173.42

Payments made during the month which require formal approval Date Chq/DD Payee Details Nett Value VAT Amount Paid Budget 28/7/2020 D/D Veolia ES Waste disposal - cemetery £ 71.23 £ 14.25 £ 85.48 Cemetery - waste disposal 30/6/2020 D/D Lloyds Bank Bank charges £ 7.15 £ 7.15 General - admin £ 78.38 £ 14.25 £ 92.63 Payments for approval at this meeting. Date ref. Payee Details Nett Value VAT Amount to Pay Budget 20/7/2020 BACS L.Payne Clerk/Registrar - salary/exp's/postage £ 567.10 £ 567.10 General - Clerk's salary, home office. BACS R.Driver Village Warden duties £ 60.00 £ 60.00 General - Village Warden BACS R & G Landscapes Playing Field maintenance/verge mowing/cemetery£ 2,177.86contract £ 435.57 £ 2,613.43 BPFA grant/verge mowing/cemetery contract BACS e-on Supply to Village Green cabinet £ 8.37 £ 0.42 £ 8.79 General - village events BACS C.Chapman Churchyard contract £ 135.00 £ 135.00 Cemetery - caretaking contract BACS Wave Water charge - Cemetery £ 20.43 £ 20.43 Cemetery - water supply BACS Bozeat W.I. Donation towards cost of cleaning materials £ 50.00 £ 50.00 General - local community BACS B.Gibbins Reimbursement - allotment signs £ 3.50 £ 3.50 approved in April, not paid by bank BACS B.Gibbins Chairman's expenses 2019-2020 £ 600.00 £ 600.00 General - Chairman's expenses BACS C.Chapman Odd jobs 8/2020;9/2020 £ 180.00 £ 180.00 Cemetery/Allotments - general maintenance BACS e-on Street lighting maintenance £ 34.20 £ 6.84 £ 41.04 Lighting - maintenance BACS e-on Street lighting supply £ 184.16 £ 9.21 £ 193.37 Lighting - supply BACS Ricoh UK photocopier lease and copy charge £ 48.90 £ 9.78 £ 58.68 General - photocopier BACS Mac Systems CCTV system for playing field £ 3,253.80 £ 650.76 £ 3,904.56 BPFA grant - virement of £3250 from Future Projects budget £ - TOTALS £ 7,323.32 £ 1,112.58 £ 8,435.90

It was resolved to approve the transfer of £9000 from the HSBC current account to the Lloyds current account to cover these payments. It was resolved that £3250 be vired from the Future Projects budget to the BPFA budget. BOZEAT PARISH COUNCIL LIST OF CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED – JULY 2020 APPENDIX F

St Mary’s PCC – report from churchyard meeting [25th June] with the conservation group. St Mary’s PCC – information about a faculty relating to the churchyard raised in 1982. St Mary’s PCC – report of a complaint by a Bozeat resident about the churchyard and response from the Churchyard Conservation group. NorthantsCALC – reply to ours [legal responsibilities for closed churchyards]. Bozeat resident – report of overgrowth encroaching Fish Alley. Podington Parish Council – t-junction at the top of Harrold Road. Borough Council – notification of planning application WP/20/00370/FUL Borough Council – notification of planning application WP/20/00395/FUL Bedford Council – Turvey Neighbourhood Plan. Bedford Council – Stevington Neighbourhood Plan. Bedford Council – Bedford Local Plan Review – consultation. County Council – Northampton Local Plan – consultation. P.Higginbotham – playground inspection report [8th July]. NALC – playground re-opening guidance. Bozeat resident – request for access to the outside gym equipment [10th July]. Cogenhoe & Whiston PC – six-monthly review of Village Hopper service. Bozeat resident – missed refuse collection [Warners Hill]. Northamptonshire Highways – suggested parking restrictions in the High Street. Northants Police – Northamptonshire OPFCC Youth Commission. NorthantsCALC – two requests – emailed to members of the council. NorthantsCALC – Mini eUpdate [26th June]. NorthantsACRE – Mini eUpdate [3rd July]. NorthantsCALC – Mini eUpdate [10th July]. SLCC – News bulletin [26th June]. NorthantsACRE – Parish Councillors network event [16th July]. NALC – Coronavirus information [30th June]. NALC – Coronavirus information [1st July]. NALC – Coronavirus information [2nd July]. NALC – Chief Executive’s Bulletin [3rd July]. NALC – Coronavirus information [16th July]. County Council – Safer Streets Northamptonshire update [6th July]. – provision of Christmas displays. Watco – product information. NALC – Chief Executive’s Bulletin [10th July]. Bozeat Matters magazine – invitation to submit a report for the September issue. Clerk’s & Councils Direct magazine [July 2020] – copy requested by and passed to Cllr Pollard. Firstforwellbeing – Summer activities. SLCC – The Clerk magazine [July 2020]. Bozeat resident – request for access to the outside gym equipment [10th July].

Abbreviations: BPFA = Bozeat Playing Field Association; HMRC = Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs; CPRE = Campaign for the Protection of Rural England; SLCC = Society of Local Council Clerks; NCALC = County Association of Local Councils; Northants ACRE = Northamptonshire Action with Communities in Rural England; NRHA = Northants Rural Housing Association; NNJC = North Northamptonshire Joint Committee. A MEETING OF BOZEAT PARISH COUNCIL WAS HELD ON MONDAY, 17th AUGUST 2020, FOLLOWING PUBLIC PARTICIPATION AT 7pm. THE MEETING WAS HELD REMOTELY.

PRESENT: - Cllrs Gibbins [Chairman]; Brown; Forward; Pollard; Pritchard; Skittrall and Spencer. Cllr Bell was admitted during the meeting.

PUBLIC: - one member of the public and Cllr Martin Griffiths were admitted during the course of the meeting.

No issues were raised by members of the public.

1. Apologies. It was resolved to accept apologies received from Cllrs Cooke; Docker and Dudley-Smith.

2. Declarations of interest. No new declarations of interest were noted.

3. Minutes. Cllr Skittrall proposed that the minutes from the meeting of Bozeat Parish Council held on 20th July 2020 be accepted as correct. This was seconded by Cllr Gibbins and agreed.

4. Matters arising. a. Circulating documents – it was noted that packs are not being circulated during the current crisis. b. Unitary authorities – Cllr Skittrall reported that the first Chief Executive of North Northamptonshire Council has been appointed and blueprints have come out as to what the initial council will look like.

Cllr Bell was admitted to the meeting at this point. c. Cemetery – it was noted that the replacement water butt and stand have been installed. d. Cemetery – it was noted that we have yet to receive a quote for the pointing up of the lodge. e. Cemetery – it was reported that several new applications for permission to place memorials in the cemetery have been received and recommendations to approve them were accepted. The Clerk to check the spelling and order of text for one application with the stonemason.

5. Planning. a. Current/new planning applications – Cllr Skittrall proposed that his report [Appendix A] is accepted and this was agreed. Cllr Skittrall reported that the Borough Council is seeking a further meeting with the Parish Council to discuss the former Nene Milling site once more information is provided by the land agents. Cllr Pollard reported that he is unhappy with an application for the chapel on Dychurch Lane and it was agreed that he would discuss his concerns with Cllr Skittrall. Cllr Skittrall reported that he would be attending a planning event on 4th September 2020.

6. Police. a. Crimes – no local crimes were noted. b. Parking issues – the Chairman reported that he had submitted a request for parking restrictions at the junction of Warner’s Hill and the High Street. It was reported that work to reinstate faded double yellow lines will be done. Concern was raised about vehicles being parked on the Village Green.

7. Highways. Cllr Foward proposed that a report [Appendix B] be accepted, this was seconded by Cllr

Page 2000 – 17th August 2020

Page 2001 – 17th August 2020

Skittrall and agreed. It was reported that the County Council has purchased new equipment which is producing better quality road and pavement repairs and can be used during the winter months. a. To consider requesting a speed limit of 20mph for part of Harrold Road, near to the school. Details of the proposal were discussed at length. Cllr Brown recommended that a speed limit of 40mph be requested for the section of Harrold Road from near to the stables to the proposed 20mph limit so speed is gradually reduced. Cllr Foward then proposed that the Parish Council writes to the County Council to formally request the provision of a 20mph speed limit on the section of Harrold Road close to the school, this was agreed. The Chairman will draft a proposal on behalf of the council. b. To consider proposals to restore damaged verges in Mill Road – it was resolved to add this item to the agenda for the next meeting. c. Fly-tipping of tyres in London Road – it was noted that this is on land belonging to the Diocese of Peterborough, the Clerk to contact the Churchwardens to make them aware.

8. Website accessibility legislation. Clerk noted that the deadline for compliance is approaching and it was resolved that the IT and Website Working Party meet soon to progress this.

9. Town Well refurbishment. The Chairman reported that the wall has been cleared of foliage and appears to be in good condition. Cllr Spencer is now leading on the project to provide the commemorative plaques and provided a detailed update. Cllr Foward proposed that delegated powers be provided to Cllrs Brown, Docker and Spencer to progress the project and produce the plaques. This was seconded by Cllr Pollard and agreed.

10. Finance. a. Payments – Cllr Gibbins proposed that the Finance Report [Appendix C] and the payments and fund transfers listed be approved, this was seconded by Cllr and agreed. The Chairman reported that snagging works on the MUGA should be completed this week and an invoice has already been received. Cllr Griffiths asked if an opening ceremony is being planned and it was reported that a low-key ceremony will be organised once the MUGA is ready to use. b. Britannia Building Society account – it was reported that the funds requested have been transferred. c. Audit of 2019-2020 accounts – the Clerk reported that she had received an email from the External Auditors with a couple of queries.

11. Correspondence. It was resolved to acknowledge receipt of correspondence received since the last meeting, as listed on Appendix D. It was also resolved to acknowledge receipt of the following reports: - • Bozeat Playing Field Report – Appendix E. • Allotments Report – Appendix F. • Village Warden’s Report – Appendix G.

Cllr Griffiths provided details about a proposed local travellers event and measures taken. Cllr Gibbins reported that work to replace wooden posts on dog bins will begin soon.

12. Items for the next agenda. • Allotments – replacement gate. • Allotments – condition of fence and hedge on Allens Hill. • Social media policy – revision and update required.

Page 2002 – 17th August 2020

13. Date and time of next meeting. The next meeting of Bozeat Parish Council is scheduled to take place on Monday, 21st September 2020 and will follow Public Participation at 7pm. All meetings are held in the schoolroom of TLC, Dychurch Lane, Bozeat, Northants, NN29 7JP unless otherwise advised.

There being no further business, the meeting was declared closed.

Signed ………………………………………….. Chairman. 21st September 2020.


(a) Granted Applications Reference No. For Date granted WP/20/00370 Extension & loft conversion, 75A Eason Lane 5/08

WP/20/00343 Detached garage, 25 London Road 12/08

WP/20/00323 Sun room, Slype Farm House 3/08

(b) Refused/Withdrawn Applications Reference No. For Date refused None

(c) Pending Applications Reference No. For Status Redevelopment of former Nene Milling WP/20/00039 site as housing and a village hall Holding comment sent WP/20/00395 Porch and lobby, Ind Welseyan Chapel No comment sent

(d) New Applications Reference No. For Status


Page 1 of 1 Bozeat Parish Council – Highways Monthly Report

Month ending 11th August 2020 Street Doctor Headline

This month no new street doctor reports identified. Four reports have been closed; the following reports have been closed Boz 76, 77, 78 and 81 remain open or are currently being monitored Boz 60, 64 and 69 and 79, 80, 82 to 87.

Brian Gibbins and I met with NCC Highways representatives Ben Wright and Helen Howard, to discuss actions to the following matters:

1. Traffic calming and 20mph speed limit along Harold Rd. Parish Council to make a formal application. To be discussed and agreed at the next council meeting 17th August 20. In the mean time a request for an additional Vehicle Activated Sign, which flashes up the speed limit at set times of the day, in the vicinity of the school access, this will alert drivers travelling from Allenshill Rd. 2. T – Junction Harold/Dungee Rd. Nine reflective posts have been installed by Bedford Council. NNC Highways to repaint road markings and look to upgrade road signage. 3. Dag Lane drain cover lifting during heavy down pours. NNC Highways to programme yearly root removal from pipe and to fix the cover so that it does not float off its mount during heavy down pours. 4. Mil Rd. Verge Repair. Repair can be undertaken by NNC Highways, but the cost would be for the Parish Council to cover.

NCC Highways have bought two new Thermal Repair Units, one of which has been used around Bozeat for the past few weeks at a number of the junctions and along sections of road within Bozeat. In discussion with Ben Wright this unit heats up the surface of the road and uses 80% less material in the repair.

NCC Highways have also confirmed they will resurface approximately 100m of Queen Street from the junction of Mill Rd. to the bend using their new Thermal Road Repair Unit, work to be completed prior to November 20.

Project works

MUGA construction is nearing completion.


New items during the reporting month will be highlighted in red on the Highways Tracking Spreadsheet.

Will continue to monitor Street Doctor to ensure works are undertaken as stated and report any changes to time frame for delivery.

Would request that Parish Council members provide me with any concerns they may have that require to be raised on Street Doctor.

The report captures all Street Doctor submissions up to and including the cut off date 11th August 20 that I’m aware of; if I’ve missed any please let me know and I will add to the spreadsheet.

Attachments: - Highways Tracking Spreadsheet

Highways Report August 20 By: SP Foward BOZEAT PARISH COUNCIL FINANCE REPORT FOR AUGUST 2020 APPENDIX C Account Balances as per Bank Reconciliation Account Building Society Account £92,032.89 Deposit Account . £34,417.54 Current Account - HSBC Bank £2,326.42 Current Account - Lloyds Bank £1,391.70 TOTAL £130,168.55

Payments made during the month which require formal approval Date Chq/DD Payee Details Nett Value VAT Amount Paid Total paid Budget 28/07/2020 D/D Veolia ES Waste disposal - cemetery £ 71.23 £ 14.25 £ 85.48 Cemetery - waste disposal 17/08/2020 D/D Lloyds Bank Bank charges £ 6.50 £ 6.50 General - admin £ 77.73 £ 14.25 £ 91.98 Payments for approval at this meeting. Date ref. Payee Details Nett Value VAT Amount to Pay Total paid Budget 17/08/2020 BACS L.Payne Clerk/Registrar - salary/exp's/postage £ 577.77 £ 577.77 £ 577.77 General - Clerk's salary, home office. BACS R.Driver Village Warden duties £ 50.00 £ 50.00 £ 50.00 General - Village Warden BACS R & G Landscapes Playing Field maintenance/verge mowing/cemetery£ 1,819.94 contract £ 363.98 £ 2,183.92 £ 2,183.92 BPFA grant/verge mowing/cemetery contract BACS e-on Supply to Village Green cabinet £ 8.10 £ 0.41 £ 8.51 £ 8.51 General - village events BACS C.Chapman Churchyard contract £ 120.00 £ 120.00 £ 120.00 Cemetery - caretaking contract BACS B.Gibbins reimbursement - spare parts for play equipment£ 10.74 £ 2.15 £ 12.89 £ 12.89 BPFA grant BACS Bozeat W.I. Grant for cleaning materials £ 50.00 £ 50.00 £ 50.00 General - local community BACS Rampchild Skate ramp repairs £ 300.00 £ 60.00 £ 360.00 £ 360.00 General - skate ramp BACS Lightening Lloyd PAT testing of equipment £ 11.20 £ 2.24 £ 13.44 £ 13.44 General - risk assessment £ - TOTALS £ 2,947.75 £ 428.78 £ 3,376.53 £ 3,376.53

Resolved to transfer of £10000 from the HSBC deposit to the current account and £5000 from the HSBC current account into the Lloyds current account to cover these payments. BOZEAT PARISH COUNCIL LIST OF CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED – AUGUST 2020 APPENDIX D

Borough Council – first Chief Executive of North Northamptonshire Council has been appointed. S.Blenkharn – application for permission to place a new headstone and base in the cemetery. S.Blenkharn – application for permission to place a new cremation tablet in the cemetery. S.Blenkharn – application for permission to place a flat tablet in the cemetery. Email from family member advising that their request to place a metal headstone in the cemetery is being reconsidered. NBC – notification of consultation on the Northampton Local Plan – emailed to members of the council. CPRE – Campaigns update [Planning Systems]. Bedford Borough Council – notification of consultation [Splitting the Council’s Self-Build and Custom Housebuilding Register]. Milton Keynes Council – notification of consultation [Planning, Strategic Transport and Place Making Plans]. – acknowledgment of receipt of request for parking restrictions at the junction of Warners Hill and the High Street. Bozeat resident – copy of support petition for parking restrictions at the junction of Warners Hill and the High Street. Northants Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner – proposed expansion of Northamptonshire ANPR network. Annual report for . Northants Police – doorstep crime advice. Bozeat resident – report of fly-tipping along The Flat. Wellingborough Norse – request for information about ownership of land either side of Hensmans Lane [information provided by the Clerk]. Bozeat resident – email advising that a “dogs on leads” sign has fallen off its fixing in the churchyard [the Chairman has issued an odd jobs order]. Bozeat resident – email regarding the hedge bordering their property in Queen Street [the Clerk has advised the resident that the hedge is not their responsibility and belongs to the owner of the field behind the property]. Bozeat resident – complaint about untidiness of highways contractors. Bozeat W.I. – enquiry about usage of the Village Green [the Chairman has replied]. Bozeat resident – request for information about a culvert next to the community church hall. Bozeat resident – access to a property in Dag Lane. County Council – message from the Leader [Covid19]. County Council – notification of consultation [Northamptonshire Pharmaceutical Needs Assessments] – emailed to members of the council. NALC - details of upcoming online events - emailed to members of the council. NALC – Chief Executive’s bulletin [17th July 2020] – emailed to members of the council. NALC – Chief Executive’s bulletin [24th July 2020] – emailed to members of the council. NALC – Chief Executive’s bulletin [31st July 2020] – emailed to members of the council. NALC – Coronavirus information [30th July 2020] – emailed to members of the council. NorthantsCALC – eUpdate [31st July 2020] – emailed to members of the council. NALC – Chief Executive’s bulletin [7th August 2020] – emailed to members of the council. NALC – Chief Executive’s bulletin [14th August 2020] – emailed to members of the council.

Abbreviations: BPFA = Bozeat Playing Field Association; NBC – Northampton Borough Council; HMRC = Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs; CPRE = Campaign for the Protection of Rural England; SLCC = Society of Local Council Clerks; NCALC = County Association of Local Councils; Northants ACRE = Northamptonshire Action with Communities in Rural England; NRHA = Northants Rural Housing Association; NNJC = North Northamptonshire Joint Committee. BOZEAT PARISH COUNCIL LIST OF CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED – AUGUST 2020 APPENDIX D

Northants CALC – mini eUpdate [17th July 2020] – emailed to members of the council. Northants CALC – mini eUpdate [24th July 2020] – emailed to members of the council. NorthantsCALC – mini eUpdate [7th August 2020] – emailed to members of the council. Northants CALC – mini eUpdate [14th August 2020] – emailed to members of the council. SLCC – response to a draft Model Code of Conduct drafted by the Local Government Association – emailed to members of the council. NALC – invitation to complete an online survey about remote meetings – emailed to members of the council. – information about public byways TV16 and TV17 and TA16 – emailed to members of the council NorthantsACRE – reminder for Parish Councillors Network Event [28th July 2020] – emailed to members of the council. David Ogilvie Engineering Ltd – product information. NALC – Coronavirus information [21st July 2020] – emailed to members of the council. NorthantsCALC – invitation to attend AGM [3rd October 2020] – emailed to members of the council. SLCC – invitation to attend an event [27th August 2020]. CPRE – Countryside Voices magazine [Summer 2020].

Abbreviations: BPFA = Bozeat Playing Field Association; NBC – Northampton Borough Council; HMRC = Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs; CPRE = Campaign for the Protection of Rural England; SLCC = Society of Local Council Clerks; NCALC = County Association of Local Councils; Northants ACRE = Northamptonshire Action with Communities in Rural England; NRHA = Northants Rural Housing Association; NNJC = North Northamptonshire Joint Committee. Bozeat Playing Field Report August 2020 APPENDIX E

Football has now restarted but Limited to one game taking place at any time with restricted access to toilets (single person entry) and no changing rooms in use in order to comply with Covid rules.

There is also very limited use of the pavilion due to these restrictions and income is therefore still very limited.

A Grant has been received from Wellingborough BC as part of the Government support to cover revenue losses due to the Pandemic and the Committee has agreed to use this to install an Improved Sewerage system for the pavilion that will bring it into compliance with new environmental regulations. This work is expected to be carried out during October.

The MUGA work is now almost complete with snagging works being carried out next week. Details of the opening and hire times and charges will be issued shortly.

The new CCTV is working well providing much extended cover of the facilities and the clarity of the system has been praised by the Police who are investigating an incident at the field.

The car park will remain closed until the end of the month at the request of the Authorities.

Woodland Trust will be providing 60 saplings later in the year which will be used to fill gaps around the border of the field.

Financially the Association is maintaining a balance in funds of around £6,000.00 to cover any unexpected emergencies which demonstrates responsible management of the Association.


July’s brief outline:

• Reported to FixMyStreet - Reported kerb stones, one collapsed and one missing in High Street. Ref No: 2190923. Job complete.

• Cut back over hanging brambles on pathways around the village

• Carried out usual checks around the village.

Approximate 5 hours.


PRESENT: - Cllrs Cooke [Chairman]; Brown; Dudley-Smith; Pollard; Pritchard; Skittrall and Spencer. Cllr Forward arrived during the course of the meeting.

PUBLIC: - No members of the public were present.

1. Apologies. It was resolved to accept apologies for absence received from Cllrs Bell; Docker and Gibbins.

2. Declarations of interest. No new declarations of interest were recorded.

3. Minutes. The minutes of the meeting of Bozeat Parish Council held on 17th August 2020 were proposed as correct by Cllr Skittrall, this was seconded by Cllr Pollard and a vote was taken = 5 for with 2 abstentions, motion carried.

4. Matters arising. a. Circulating documents – it was noted that packs are not being circulated during the current crisis. b. Unitary authorities – Cllr Skittrall reported that all statutory officers have now been appointed and blueprints for the new authority have been sent out for consultation.

Cllr Foward arrived at this point in the meeting. c. Town Well – Cllr Spencer reported that the commemorative sign has been ordered, and it was reported that work to further cut back ivy on the back wall will be done this week. It is hoped that an unveiling event can be organised for 8th November and it was suggested that the poppy wreath bought for the Lt John Ahern commemorative event in 2019 be fixed to the back wall, agreed. Concern was raised that the soldier figure appears to be set too high and it was suggested that it could be set deeper in the ground once the beacon is installed.

5. Council services. a. Cemetery – general report – Cllr Spencer reported that the grass in the cemetery is looking good, all credit to the groundsmen. The Churchyard Conservation Group have continued to cut the grass in the churchyard with scythes, and it was agreed that the churchyard should be mechanically mown before winter. b. Cemetery – an application for permission to add an inscription to an existing memorial was recommended for approval, agreed. c. Cemetery – to consider the provision of a columbarium – Cllr Spencer recommended that this project be shelved as no responses have been received from the consultation, agreed. d. Cemetery – update on the provision of the anvil memorial – no further news. e. Cemetery – repairs to the perimeter railings – it was agreed to defer this item. f. Cemetery – to consider the condition of the boundary wall in the churchyard – it was resolved to defer this item. g. Cemetery – to organise a meeting with the PCC and conservation group to discuss protocols and procedures for the maintenance of the churchyard. Cllr Spencer reported that this is not urgent and it was agreed to defer until the Spring when more people might be able to meet outdoors. h. Allotments – general report – Cllr Pollard proposed that his report [Appendix A] be accepted and this was agreed. A wasp’s nest has been reported on one plot, it was noted that wasps usually leave their nests in October and it was resolved to take no action. Page 2003 – 21st September 2020.

Page 2004 – 21st September 2020. i. Allotments – provision of a replacement gate – Cllr Brown had submitted a report [Appendix B] – Cllr Pollard reported that he was not happy with using concrete posts and would prefer wooden ones. j. Allotments – condition of the fence on Allens Hill – Cllr Brown had submitted a report [Appendix B] – following discussion, it was resolved that Cllr Brown obtains costs for the fence and gate.

6. Local environment. a. Highways – Cllr Forward proposed that his report [Appendix C] be accepted, this was agreed. It was reported that some work has been done to reinstate faded junction markings, noting that some areas of yellow lines also need reinstating. A section of Queen Street has been repaired using the new thermal equipment. The inspection cover in Dag Lane continues to lift during heavy rainfall and Cllr Foward is in contact with Ben Wright who is investigating how best to resolve this. Cllr Brown reported that he has provided information gathered during previous investigations into the problem. Lines have now been painted at the junction of Harrold Road and Dungee Road and an additional yield sign is to be installed. b. Mill Road verge degradation – Cllr Foward reported that he had not received a response to recent emails and will pursue this further. c. 20mph speed limit – a report had been received [Appendix D] and was accepted. The draft letter requesting a speed limit of 20mph near to the primary school is to be adjusted to provide more current data relating to the speed of traffic passing the school and the route used by commercial traffic. It was agreed that the speed monitor would be returned to the area so that more data can be obtained. Agreed to keep this item on the agenda for further discussion. d. Street Lights – no issues were reported. e. Parish Paths Warden/Rights of Way – no issues were reported with rights of way; however, a request has been received for vegetation to be cut back on the regularly used route from the stopped-up section of Wollaston Road to TA18, noting that this section is not a public right of way. It was resolved to add this to the agenda for the next meeting. f. Village Warden – Cllr Cooke proposed that a report [Appendix E] be accepted, this was agreed. g. Land Registrations – Cllr Brown provided an update to recent communications with the Land Registry. h. Verge mowing contract – no issues were reported. i. Village Green noticeboard – it was noted that this work has now been completed. j. Litter/Dog bins – it was noted that this work has now been completed. k. Public seats repainting – it was noted that this work has now been completed.

7. Planning. a. Current/new planning applications – Cllr Skittrall proposed that his report [Appendix F] be accepted, this was seconded by Cllr Cooke and agreed. An application relating to a property in the High Street was discussed, concerns were raised about the visual impact and potential overlooking of rear gardens. An application for a new, attached, dwelling in Council Street was also discussed, noting that it would be on the end of an existing terrace. Cllr Skittrall reported that the consultation on the planning white paper closes at the end of October and he recommends that the Parish Council responds as the formula for assessing housing needs and changes to the planning system are proposed.

8. Representatives reports. a. Bozeat Playing Field Association – Cllr Cooke reported that he has attended recent meetings and all is going well. The adult gym equipment is being well used and enquiries

Page 2005 – 21st September 2020.

received about the MUGA. An area of pathway has been partially tarmacked free of charge. b. Bozeat Primary School – Cllr Dudley-Smith reported that all is going well however the Headteacher is currently on bereavement leave and the school is being managed by the Chief Executive of . c. JAG meetings – none held recently. d. Public transport – Cllr Pollard reported that all services are working well at present.

9. Police. a. Crimes – the Clerk reported that no crimes have been notified since the last meeting. b. Parking issues – an email received from a resident of Little Close was discussed and it was noted that the properties opposite have no off-street parking provision so have to park on the road. The council was happy with the reply sent by the Clerk. It was reported that vehicles are being parked on the Village Green more frequently now. c. August Bank Holiday horse fair at Wollaston – it was noted that no major incidents were reported although some issues were reported in nearby areas.

10. Website accessibility legislation. Cllr Brown reported that he has contacted a person who is working with Wollaston Parish Council and the IT Working Party will meet him via Zoom to progress compliance.

11. Local events. It was noted that no events are planned at present due to the current pandemic although the British Legion are considering a scaled-down event on the Village Green on Remembrance Sunday.

12. Capital receipt It was reported that the MUGA has been installed and is being used. The Clerk had enquired about including it on the council’s insurance policy and the additional premium would have been over £300. It was noted that the Clerk had provided the cost price for the MUGA which included the cost of groundworks so the replacement cost of the equipment, surface and fencing would not be as much. Cllr Cooke proposed that the Clerk provides the insurance company with the value of the MUGA less the groundworks and that the MUGA be included on the policy whether or not the additional premium is reduced. This was agreed.

13. Remote meeting policy. The Clerk reported that she had created a basic policy for discussion. It was noted that councils are likely to need to meet remotely for many months so a policy would be good practice. Cllr Skittrall reported that he had one or two amendments he would like to make and it was resolved that this be an agenda item for the next meeting.

14. Finance. a. Payments – It was resolved to receive a report [Appendix G] and to approve the payments and fund transfer listed. b. Britannia Building Society account – the Clerk reported that she still needs to visit a branch with identification. c. Audit of 2019-2020 accounts – nothing further has been heard from the external auditor and the Clerk reported that other clerks had reported similar issues. d. Budgets – the Clerk reported that she had noticed that some budgets are like to be used up before the end of the year and Cllr Skittrall suggested that a Finance Working Party be set up to investigate and resolve the issues. Cllr Pritchard proposed that delegated powers to make virements between budgets be provided to the Finance Working Party, comprising Cllrs Cooke, Gibbins and Skittrall, this was seconded by Cllr Spencer and agreed.

Page 2006 – 21st September 2020.

15. Correspondence. It was resolved to acknowledge receipt of correspondence received since the last meeting, as listed on Appendix H.

16. Items for the next agenda. • Dragons tooth edging for the Village Green. • Cemetery – pointing up of the lodge. • Cemetery – marker crosses in Section D.

17. Next meeting. It was noted that the next meeting of Bozeat Parish Council will take place on Monday, 19th October 2020 and will follow Public Participation at 7pm. Meetings are currently being held remotely unless otherwise advised.

There being no further business, the meeting was declared closed.

Signed …………………………………………… Chairman. 19th October 2020.

Fence and Gates at Allens Hill, BOZEAT

Existing height app 1350mm. Two gate posts appear solid although slight checks.

Quotation please for: Removal and cart away gates and fencing. Gate posts to remain. New pair gates 1½ opening out. x1 Drop bolt. Hinges and throw over latch to be re-used [please advise]. New concrete fence posts, sw arris rails, sw picket pails.

Bozeat Parish Council – Highways Monthly Report

Month ending 14th September 2020 Street Doctor Headline

This month no new street doctor reports identified. Four reports have been closed; the following reports have been closed Boz 60, 64, 79 and 85 remain open or are currently being monitored Boz 64, 69 and 79, 80, 82 to 87.

Brian Gibbins and I met with NCC Highways representatives Ben Wright and Helen Howard, to discuss actions to the following matters:

1. Traffic calming and 20mph speed limit along Harold Rd. A draft letter has been prepared for review by the Parish Council at September meeting. 2. In the mean time a request for an additional Vehicle Activated Sign, which flashes up the speed limit at set times of the day, in the vicinity of the school access, this will alert drivers travelling from Allenshill Rd. 3. T – Junction Harold/Dungee Rd. NNC Highways have repainted the road marks and I have written to establish when the existing yield sign is to be straightened up and the addition sign placed on the island. 4. Dag Lane drain cover lifting during heavy down pours. NNC Highways to programme yearly root removal from pipe and to fix the cover so that it does not float off its mount during heavy down pours. NCC have delayed this work due to emergency work to be undertaken in other areas; waiting revised date. 5. Mil Rd. Verge Repair. Repair can be undertaken by NNC Highways, but the cost would be for the Parish Council to cover. Awaiting a response from Helen Howard. 6. Hensman Lane the junction of Hensman Lane to London Rd is to be resurfaced using the Thermal Road Repair Unit.

NCC Highways have satisfactorily completed the resurfacing works along, approximately 100m, of Queen Street from the junction of Mill Rd. to the bend using their new Thermal Road Repair Unit.

Highways Report September 20 By: SP Foward Bozeat Parish Council – Highways Monthly Report

Month ending 14th September 2020

NCC Highways have bought two new Thermal Repair Units, one of which has been used around Bozeat for the past few weeks at a number of the junctions and along sections of road within Bozeat. In discussion with Ben Wright this unit heats up the surface of the road and uses 80% less material in the repair.

Project works

MUGA construction is complete and has been formally opened.


New items during the reporting month will be highlighted in red on the Highways Tracking Spreadsheet.

Will continue to monitor Street Doctor to ensure works are undertaken as stated and report any changes to time frame for delivery.

Would request that Parish Council members provide me with any concerns they may have that require to be raised on Street Doctor.

The report captures all Street Doctor submissions up to and including the cut off date 14th September 20 that I’m aware of; if I’ve missed any please let me know and I will add to the spreadsheet.

Attachments: - Highways Tracking Spreadsheet

Highways Report September 20 By: SP Foward 20mph Speed restriction at Bozeat School

September 2020 APPENDIX D

There have been incidents reported by parents of “near misses” at this location and therefore Speed restrictions are required at Bozeat School as there is a high risk of a serious accident in the location due to

1. Children and Parents crossing to and from school using the Pedestrian Crossing located fairly close to the Junction with Allen’s Hill. 2. The many cars parked along the North side of Harrold Road on the approach to the school from the East 3. Children who cross the road, coming from an Easterly direction, away from the crossing between parked cars.

The Speed Restriction should be 20mph

The length of Harrold Road that should be subject to restriction would be from the junction with Allen’s Hill to the junction with Pitfield Close.

Also, there should be improved advance warning of a School Crossing and the speed restrictions on Allens Hill and Church Lane approaching the junction with Harrold Road particularly Allen’s Hill as this seems to have fast approaching traffic.


August’s brief outline:

• Reported to FixMyStreet, road damage outside school. Ref No: 2240922.

• Reported to FixMyStreet, blocked drain in Dychurch Lane/ Harrold Road, outside Playing Field. Ref No: 2240924.

• Reported van on pavement on London Road junction High Street. Removed.

• Reported to FixMyStreet, overhanging foliage in Allens Hill, obstructing the road sign. Ref No: 2190951. Job done.

• Carried out usual checks around the village.

Approximate 5 hours.


(a) Granted Applications Reference No. For Date granted None

(b) Refused/Withdrawn Applications Reference No. For Date refused WP/20/00395 Porch and lobby, Ind Wesleyan Chapel withdrawn

(c) Pending Applications Reference No. For Status Redevelopment of former Nene Milling WP/20/00039 site as housing and a village hall Holding comment sent

(d) New Applications Reference No. For Status

WP/20/00473 Slype farm bungalow, redevelopment Comments sent

WP/20/00490 43 - 45 High Street, New dormers Comments by 24/9 Three Fields Farm, new open shed to WP/20/00520 rear Not notified – prior approval app WP/20/00551 2 Council Street, new dwelling Comments by 30/9

(e) WP/20/00473 - Slype Farm Bungalow Comments sent: The Parish Council have previously commented upon application WP/19/00743 which proposed a replacement of the existing former agricultural worker’s bungalow with a substantial two storey dwelling. We raised concerns that we considered that whereas the existing bungalow sits lightly in the open countryside we considered that the proposed dwelling would form a dominant feature and therefore be out of place.

We note that this proposal reduced in scale from the withdrawn application but we nevertheless feel that it would still be of such a size and scale that it would form a new dominant intrusion into the open countryside and therefore be out of place.

We support the comments from NCC Highways who have again stated that this proposal would represent a material change of use which would require changes to vehicular access should permission be granted.

The Parish Council therefore object to the proposal because we believe that it does not comply with JCS policy 8 (d) (i) and (ii).

Page 1 of 2 REPORT FROM THE PLANNING GROUP – September 2020 APPENDIX F (f) WP/20/00490 - 43 - 45 High Street, New dormers This proposes the replacement of the existing velux roof lights with two large dormers,one each side of the building.

(g) WP/20/00520 - Three fields farm, new barn A new open barn is proposed to the rear of the existing buildings to store manure

(h) WP/20/00551 - 2 Council Street, new dwelling A small dwelling is proposed attached to 2 Council Street

Page 2 of 2 BOZEAT PARISH COUNCIL FINANCE REPORT FOR SEPTEMBER 2020 APPENDIX G Account Balances as per Bank Reconciliation Account Building Society Account £22,032.89 Deposit Account . £34,417.54 Current Account - HSBC Bank £29,816.42 Current Account - Lloyds Bank £70,877.52 TOTAL £157,144.37

Payments made during the month which require formal approval Date Chq/DD Payee Details Nett Value VAT Total paid Budget 28/08/2020 D/D Veolia ES Waste disposal - cemetery £ 71.23 £ 14.25 £ 85.48 Cemetery - waste disposal 28/08/2020 D/D Lloyds Bank Bank charges £ 7.15 £ 7.15 General - admin 2/9/2020 BACS Wards of Bristol Deposit payment for commemorative plaques £ 1,770.00 £ 354.00 £ 2,124.00 Town Well £ 1,848.38 £ 368.25 £ 2,216.63 Payments for approval at this meeting. Date ref. Payee Details Nett Value VAT Total paid Budget 21/09/2020 BACS L.Payne Clerk/Registrar - salary/exp's/postage £ 567.10 £ 567.10 General - Clerk's salary, home office. BACS R.Driver Village Warden duties £ 50.00 £ 50.00 General - Village Warden BACS R & G Landscapes Playing Field maintenance/verge mowing/cemetery£ 1,610.08 contract £ 322.01 £ 1,932.09 BPFA grant/verge mowing/cemetery contract BACS e-on Supply to Village Green cabinet £ 8.37 £ 0.42 £ 8.79 General - village events BACS C.Chapman odd jobs 12/2020; 12/2020 £ 105.00 Cemetery - general maintenance/General - Town Well projecty BACS C.Chapman Churchyard contract £ 105.00 £ 210.00 Cemetery - caretaking contract BACS M.Chapman Odd jobs 12/2019 [part]; 3/2020; 5/2020; 7/2020;£ 10/2020; 427.50 13/2020; 14/2020 £ 427.50 Allotments - general maintenance/General - general maintenance BACS Wave Water supply - allotments £ 2.92 £ 0.58 £ 3.50 Allotments - water supply BACS Wave Water supply - cemetery £ 13.36 £ 13.36 Cemetery - water supply BACS Wellingborough NorseSupply and fit metal posts to dog bins £ 900.00 £ 180.00 £ 1,080.00 General - street furniture 30/09/2020 BACS HMRC PAYE - July/Aug/Sept 2020 £ 391.40 £ 391.40 General - Clerk's salary, home office. BACS Fosse Contracts Ltd Construction of MUGA £ 65,597.50 £ 13,119.50 £ 78,717.00 Recreation/Leisure

TOTALS £ 69,778.23 £ 13,622.51 £ 83,400.74

It was resolved to approve the transfer of £15000 from the HSBC current account into the Lloyds current account to cover these payments. BOZEAT PARISH COUNCIL LIST OF CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED – SEPTEMBER 2020 APPENDIX H

Borough Council – notification of planning application WP/20/00473/FUL – emailed to members of the council. Borough Council – notification of planning application WP/20/00490/FUL – emailed to members of the council. Borough Council – notification of planning application WP/20/00551/FUL – emailed to members of the council. NCALC – online event on planning [18th September 2020] – emailed to members of the council. Bozeat resident – outdoor gym equipment availability. Bozeat resident – parking problem in Little Close – emailed to members of the council. NorthantsPolice – new Police Interceptors – emailed to members of the council. Northants Police – Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner newsletter [2nd September 2020] - emailed to members of the council. Zurich Insurance Co. – quote to include MUGA on the council’s insurance policy. HSBC Bank plc – information about business overdrafts. HSBC Bank plc – changes to terms and conditions. NorthantsCALC – invitation to attend an online event on 22nd September – emailed to members of the council. NALC – Coronavirus information [14th September 2020] – emailed to members of the council. NALC – Climate emergency declarations – emailed to members of the council. County Council – notification of consultation [Safer Streets Northamptonshire] – emailed to members of the council. County Council – notification of consultation [COVID-19 in Northamptonshire] – emailed to members of the council. County Council – notification of consultation [community health and wellbeing services] – emailed to members of the council. County Council – message from the Leader of the Council - emailed to members of the council. NALC – Chief Executive’s Bulletin [28th August 2020] - emailed to members of the council. NALC – Chief Executive’s Bulletin [4th September 2020] - emailed to members of the council. NALC – Chief Executive’s Bulletin [11th September 2020] – emailed to members of the council. NALC – Chief Executive’s Bulletin [18th September 2020] – emailed to members of the council. NorthantsCALC – mini eUpdate [21st August 2020] - emailed to members of the council. NorthantsCALC – mini eUpdate [28th August 2020] - emailed to members of the council. NorthantsCALC – mini eUpdate [4th September 2020] - emailed to members of the council. NorthantsCALC – mini eUpdate [18th September 2020] – emailed to members of the council. NorthantsACRE – E-Bulletin [24th August 2020] - emailed to members of the council. NALC – information about events to help communities go green - emailed to members of the council. NALC – notification of Health and Wellbeing events - emailed to members of the council. Clerks & Councils Direct magazine [September 2020]. The Clerk magazine [September 2020].

Abbreviations: BPFA = Bozeat Playing Field Association; NBC – Northampton Borough Council; HMRC = Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs; CPRE = Campaign for the Protection of Rural England; SLCC = Society of Local Council Clerks; NCALC = County Association of Local Councils; Northants ACRE = Northamptonshire Action with Communities in Rural England; NRHA = Northants Rural Housing Association; NNJC = North Northamptonshire Joint Committee. A MEETING OF BOZEAT PARISH COUNCIL WAS HELD ON MONDAY, 19th OCTOBER 2020, FOLLOWING PUBLIC PARTICIPATION AT 7pm. THIS MEETING WAS HELD REMOTELY.

PRESENT: - Cllrs Gibbins [Chairman]; Brown; Docker; Dudley-Smith; Foward; Pollard and Pritchard. Cllrs Cooke; Skittrall and Spencer arrived during the course of the meeting.

PUBLIC: - No members of the public were present at the meeting.

1. Apologies. Apologies for absence were accepted from Cllrs Bell and Skittrall. Cllr Cooke had advised that he would be arriving during the course of the meeting.

2. Declarations of interest. No new declarations of interest were received.

3. Minutes. Cllr Pritchard proposed that the minutes of the meeting of Bozeat Parish Council held on 21st September 2020 be accepted as a correct record. This was seconded by Cllr Pollard and a vote was taken = 4 for with 3 abstentions, motion carried. It was resolved that the Clerk should deliver hard copies of minutes that have been approved but not signed to the Chairman for signature.

Cllr Spencer arrived at this point in the meeting. Cllr Cooke arrived at this point in the meeting.

4. Matters arising. a. Circulating documents – it was resolved not to circulate packs for the time being. b. Unitary authorities – no further information available. c. Town Well – Cllr Brown reported that the plaque has been made and frames made. It was resolved that members consider placing the plaque on the wall so that it can be seen easily from the front of the area. It was further resolved to arrange for the beacon to be placed on the area and that flowers be placed inside the bowl. Cllr Spencer suggested that a short unveiling ceremony take place after the Remembrance Sunday commemoration on 8th November which will be on the Village Green this year. The Mayor, Borough and County Councillors are to take part and lay wreaths. The event will be reported in the next issue of Bozeat Matters. d. Insurance for the MUGA – it was resolved that the Chairman and Clerk should discuss this and contact the insurance company.

5. Council services. a. Cemetery – Cllr Spencer reported that the cemetery looks really good. She noted that services have now resumed at St Mary’s Church and asked that the churchyard be fully mown. It was reported that the final cut is due to be done during November and noted that the churchyard looks reasonable. It was reported that there is no news on the proposed anvil memorial. b. Cemetery - applications for permission to place memorials or headstones in the cemetery. It was noted that two applications have been received and agreed to approve both, it was further agreed to contact the family regarding a report that they intend to place chippings inside a surround after installation to advise that they will need to seek permission from the council before doing so. c. Cemetery – repairs to the perimeter railings – the Chairman reported that he felt this work is not urgent and - as railings could be moved when the cemetery is extended – recommended that this project be left in abeyance. This was agreed. d. Cemetery – pointing up of the lodge – the Chairman reported that this work is not urgent

Page 2007 – 19th October 2020.

Page 2008 – 19th October 2020.

and recommended that it be left until next Spring or Summer, this was agreed. e. Cemetery – unauthorised items left on the green burial area – Cllr Spencer reminded members that all items placed on the Green Burial area should be biodegradable. Temporary marker crosses with metal plates are permissible for up to 6 months after a burial has taken place. Several crosses have remained in position for several years. Cllr Spencer recommended that the cemetery guidelines be amended to include “any temporary marker crosses left on graves in the Green Burial Area will be removed after 6 months”. She further recommended that letters be sent to all families who have a person buried in the Green Burial Area asking them to remove temporary crosses by the end of December 2020 and advising that any left will be removed by the council. Cllr Spencer recommended that the family who have placed a slate marker on a Green Burial grave be contacted and asked to remove it. These recommendations were all agreed. f. Allotments – no issues reported, the Chairman reported that the hedge will be cut next month. g. Allotments – Cllr Brown reported that there had been some difficulty with the order placed and he is investigating alternative providers. h. Allotments – annual meeting of tenants and rent collection – it was resolved not to hold the annual meeting of tenants this year due to the pandemic. The Clerk to write to all tenants advising them that there will not be a meeting and inviting them to write to the council with any comments and concerns that they would have raised. Tenants will be encouraged to pay their rents online but, if they need to pay by cash or cheque, to place it inside a named envelope and deliver to either the Clerk or Allotments Manager.

6. Local environment. a. Highways – Cllr Foward proposed that his report [Appendix A] be accepted, this was seconded by Cllr Gibbins and agreed. Items contained in the report were discussed in detail, land ownership issues have delayed work to resolve the ongoing issue of the inspection cover lifting in Dag Lane during heavy rainfall. The Clerk reported a further complaint about overgrown foliage on New Path, which runs from London Road to Mill Road, Cllr Foward to investigate. b. Mill Road verge degradation – a proposal to tarmac the area and remove the verge is being considered by Highways. c. 20mph speed limit – it was resolved to accept a recommendation to use the Safer Routes to Schools programme to address the speed of traffic passing the primary school. d. Street Lights – Cllr Pritchard reported a light out in Bull Close, this has been reported to the repairers. e. Parish Paths Warden/Rights of Way – a request to cut back on the length of highways verge running from the stopped-up section of Wollaston Road to the start of TA18 was discussed. It was noted that this is not a public right of way and would be too big a project for an Odd Job, the Chairman will investigate options and report back. f. Village Warden – no report this month. g. Land Registrations – it was noted that applications to claim the Village Green have been submitted and are being processed. h. Verge mowing contract – no issues or concerns were noted. i. Village Green – measures to prevent unauthorised parking on the green – a proposal to place dragons’ tooth bollards on the perimeter of the green was discussed in depth and suggestions were made for alternative measures. It was resolved that costs be obtained for the installation of planters and seats rather than bollards. Cllr Spencer recommended that a letter be sent to the residents of a property next to the green advising that they do not have the right to park vehicles on an access lane, this was agreed.

Page 2009 – 19th October 2020.

7. Planning. a. Current/new planning applications – a report submitted by Cllr Skittrall [Appendix B] was accepted. An invitation to attend a meeting with officers at the Borough Council to discuss the former Nene Milling site had been received, the Chairman and Vice-Chairman will attend.

8. Representatives reports. a. Bozeat Playing Field Association – the minutes and financial reports from a meeting held earlier this month and the AGM were noted. It was reported that bookings for the MUGA are being received and the project to upgrade the sewerage system has been completed. b. Bozeat Primary School – it was reported that there are issues with some staff sickness at present. c. JAG meetings – no meetings have been held recently. d. Public transport – Cllr Pollard reported that passenger numbers remain low at present. e. Santa Pod Liaison Group – it was resolved that Cllr Dudley-Smith should represent Bozeat Parish Council on this group.

9. Police. a. Crimes – it was noted that no crimes have been reported that are local to Bozeat. b. Parking issues – it was noted that no further complaints have been received.

10. Website accessibility legislation. a. Existing website - Cllr Brown reported that the IT Working Party had met Paul Drake from Whitestar via Zoom. This company is currently building a new website for Wollaston Parish Council which will comply with legislation and the template could be used to build a new website for Bozeat Parish Council at a reduced cost of £1900. The company would maintain the site for £25 per month. The Clerk has requested quotes from two other website providers. It was noted that emails are currently provided as part of the package provided by Fasthosts and Cllr Brown recommended that this service is retained as it appears to be cost effective. It was resolved that a formal proposal be prepared ready for the next meeting for consideration. b. Future maintenance and management of the website – Cllr Brown reported that, should the council agree to the Whitestar proposals – the Clerk and/or members of the council would be able to easily edit items on the site.

11. Local events. It was noted that events are being cancelled/postponed as a result of the current pandemic. • 8th November 2020 – Remembrance Sunday – it was reported that a short commemoration will be held on the Village Green, followed by the unveiling of the new area at Town Well. • 11th November 2020 – Remembrance Day – it was reported that the usual short commemoration will take place at the War Memorial in the cemetery at 11am. • Christmas Tree – it was resolved that a Christmas Tree be provided again this year and any costs incurred be covered.

12. Policies. It was resolved that the Clerk should send out the draft remote and hybrid meeting policy again and it be an agenda item for the next meeting.

13. Finance a. Payments – Cllr Gibbins proposed that the Finance Report [Appendix C] be accepted and the payments and funds transfers listed be approved, this was seconded by Cllr Docker and agreed. b. Britannia Building Society account – the Clerk reported that she will visit the branch in Luton

Page 2010 – 19th October 2020.

once it is safe to do so. c. Audit of 2019-2020 accounts – Cllr Gibbins proposed that the council accepts the external auditor’s report and recommendations, this was agreed. d. Budgets – it was noted that Cllr Skittrall has worked through all the budgets and provided recommendations to the Finance Working Party. Cllr Gibbins proposed that the recommendations be accepted and this was agreed, the Clerk to email a copy of the recommendations to all members.

14. Correspondence. It was resolved to acknowledge receipt of correspondence received since the last meeting, as listed on Appendix D. The Clerk reported receipt of further items since the list was emailed to members. It was resolved to inform the Borough Council that Bozeat Parish Council wishes to retain the dog control orders currently in force within the village.

15. Items for the next agenda. • Hosting agreements for MUGA/outdoor gym/table tennis equipment • Calendar of meetings for 2021 • NorthantsCALC unmetered supply consortium.

16. Date and time of next meeting. It was noted that the next meeting of Bozeat Parish Council is scheduled to take place on Monday, 16th November 2020 and will follow Public Participation at 7pm. Meetings are currently being held remotely unless otherwise advised.

Cllr Skittrall arrived at this point in the meeting.

Cllr Skittrall reported that there is no new information about the unitary authorities but they have been set up to be safe and legal from day 1. Cllr Skittrall reported that the planning application for a new property at Dungee Corner is a resubmitted design. Concerns were raised about the access point close to the junction of Harrold Road and the road that runs from Hinwick to Harrold.

There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed.

Signed ………………………………………… Chairman. 16th November 2020.

Bozeat Parish Council – Highways Monthly Report

Month ending 14th October 2020 Street Doctor Headline

This month two new street doctor reports identified. Boz – 0086 has been closed; the following reports remain open or are currently being monitored Boz 69 and 82 to 84 and 87 to 89.

The following matters listed below are progressing.

1. Traffic calming and 20mph speed limit along Harold Rd. A draft letter has been prepared for review by the Parish Council at September meeting. The Parish Council has issued a formal letter and we have had a response which suggest rather than look at this request purely from a speed limit perspective it would be better to looked at this under Safer Routes to School programme. They will look at: a. Safety b. Accessibility c. Encourage more children to walk or cycle to school d. Reduce traffic congestion 2. T – Junction Harold/Dungee Rd. NNC Highways have repainted the road marks and I have written to establish when the existing yield sign is to be straightened up and the addition sign placed on the island. This work is to be completed prior to Christmas. Rumble strips have been installed by Bedford County Council on the approaches from Harold and Poddington to the Junction of Dungee and Harold Roads (see photo below). 3. Dag Lane drain cover lifting during heavy down pours. NNC Highways to programme yearly root removal from pipe and to fix the cover so that it does not float off its mount during heavy down pours. NCC have delayed this work due to emergency work to be undertaken in other areas; waiting revised date. Work to commence 19th October 20. 4. Mil Rd. Verge Repair. Repair can be undertaken by NNC Highways, but the cost would be for the Parish Council to cover. Awaiting a response from Helen Howard. Proposal is with regulatory awaiting a decision. 5. Hensman Lane the junction of Hensman Lane to London Rd is to be resurfaced using the Thermal Road Repair Unit. Work to be completed prior to Charismas.

I’ve suggested to NCC Highways that St Mary Road could do with a visit from the Thermal Repair Unit.

Highways Report October 20 By: SP Foward Bozeat Parish Council – Highways Monthly Report

Month ending 14th October 2020

Rumble strips


New items during the reporting month will be highlighted in red on the Highways Tracking Spreadsheet.

Will continue to monitor Street Doctor to ensure works are undertaken as stated and report any changes to time frame for delivery.

Would request that Parish Council members provide me with any concerns they may have that require to be raised on Street Doctor.

The report captures all Street Doctor submissions up to and including the cut off date 14th October 20 that I’m aware of; if I’ve missed any please let me know and I will add to the spreadsheet.

Attachments: - Highways Tracking Spreadsheet

Highways Report October 20 By: SP Foward REPORT FROM THE PLANNING GROUP – October 2020 APPENDIX B

(a) Granted Applications Reference No. For Date granted None

(b) Refused/Withdrawn Applications Reference No. For Date refused None

(c) Pending Applications Reference No. For Status Redevelopment of former Nene Milling WP/20/00039 site as housing and a village hall Holding comment sent WP/20/00473 Slype farm bungalow, redevelopment Comments sent

WP/20/00490 43 - 45 High Street, New dormers Comments sent Three Fields Farm, new open shed to WP/20/00520 rear No comments sent WP/20/00551 2 Council Street, new dwelling No comments sent

(d) New Applications Reference No. For Status

WP/20/00648 New dwelling, Dungee Corner Comments by 3/11

(e) WP/20/00039 – Former Nene Milling Site We have been contacted by BCW to meet with them to discuss the Parish Council’s current opinion of the proposal, the need for a new Parish Hall, what size and facilities are required in the new Parish Hall, and what other options and/or sites have been considered to provide a new Parish Hall.

(f) WP/20/00490 - 43 - 45 High Street, New dormers Comments sent: The Parish Council object to this application.

Our greatest concern is that the rear dormers would overlook the currently private gardens of the homes to the rear of the property (in Bosgate Close). There is a height differential between the properties on the High Street and those on Bosgate Close which means that the current first floor windows of 43-45 High Street do not overlook these properties. However, we believe that the windows of an additional storey would. The nature of the windows proposed would mean that unlike the existing roof lights, overlooking by occupants of the attic level would not be limited regardless of their position within the building.

The Parish Council also feels that the industrial appearance of the windows proposed is inappropriate on a stone built residential dwelling and would be detrimental to the street- scene. We do, however, acknowledge that visibility of these is limited by the built form on the frontage of the property and they would only be visible in oblique views on the High Street level and from the elevated properties on the opposite side of the High Street and from Warners Hill.


(g) WP/20/00648 – New dwelling, Dungee Corner A new dwelling is proposed in the orchard adjacent to the existing house at Dungee Corner.

Page 2 of 2 BOZEAT PARISH COUNCIL FINANCE REPORT FOR OCTOBER 2020 APPENDIX C Account Balances as per Bank Reconciliation Account Building Society Account £22,032.89 Deposit Account . £37,218.30 Current Account - HSBC Bank £24,540.49 Current Account - Lloyds Bank £2,051.38 TOTAL £85,843.06

Payments made during the month which require formal approval Date Chq/DD Payee Details Nett Value VAT Amount Paid Budget 28/09/2020 D/D Veolia ES Waste disposal - cemetery £ 71.23 £ 14.25 £ 85.48 Cemetery - waste disposal 28/09/2020 D/D Lloyds Bank Bank charges £ 7.15 £ 7.15 General - admin 30/09/2020 BACS Henderson FabricationsFramework for Town Well plaque £ 418.25 £ 418.25 Town Well £ 496.63 £ 14.25 £ 510.88 Payments for approval at this meeting. Date ref. Payee Details Nett Value VAT Amount to PayBudget 19/10/2020 BACS L.Payne Clerk/Registrar - salary/exp's/postage £ 612.05 £ 612.05 General - Clerk's salary, home office, postage. BACS R & G Landscapes Playing Field maintenance/verge mowing/cemetery£ 1,587.16 contract £ 317.42 £ 1,904.58 BPFA grant/verge mowing/cemetery contract BACS e-on Supply to Village Green cabinet £ 8.64 £ 0.43 £ 9.07 General - village events BACS C.Chapman Churchyard contract £ 115.00 £ 115.00 Cemetery - caretaking contract BACS C.Chapman Odd Job 16/2020 £ 30.00 £ 30.00 Town Well BACS PKF Littlejohn LLP External audit fees £ 300.00 £ 60.00 £ 360.00 General - audit BACS e-on Street lighting maintenance contract £ 34.20 £ 6.84 £ 41.04 Lighting - Maintenance/Energy BACS e-on Street lighting energy charges £ 186.19 £ 9.31 £ 195.50 Lighting - Maintenance/Energy BACS Sinclair Fabrics Wayleave for defibrillator £ 20.00 £ 20.00 General - local community BACS L.Payne Reimbursement - Fasthosts mailbox services£ 56.58 £ 11.32 £ 67.90 General - subscriptions BACS Fosse Contracts Ltd Upgrade of tennis posts to stainless steel £ 100.00 £ 20.00 £ 120.00 Recreation/Leisure

TOTALS £ 3,049.82 £ 425.32 £ 3,475.14

Resolved to approve the transfer of £5000 from the HSBC current account into the Lloyds current account to cover these payments. BOZEAT PARISH COUNCIL LIST OF CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED – OCTOBER 2020 APPENDIX D

White & Joyce Ltd Stonemasons – application for permission to place a new headstone and surround in the cemetery. S.Blenkharn – application for permission to place a new headstone in the cemetery. Bozeat resident – complaint about overgrown foliage on New Path. Bedford Borough Council – notification of availability of sites information. CPRE Northants – invitation to attend Virtual Planning Roadshow [19th October 2020]. WBC – invitation to attend a meeting to discuss an application for the former Nene Milling site in London Road. WBC – notification of planning application WP/20/00648/FUL. West Northamptonshire Joint Planning Unit – notification of consultation [Statement of Community Involvement]. Podington Parish Council – invitation to send representatives to the Santa Pod Liaison Group. Santa Pod Liaison Group – notification of Chairman and remit for the group. PKF Littlejohn LLP – notice of conclusion of audit and report. WBC – request for information about fireworks events in the Borough. Bozeat resident – request for information about availability of advertising spaces. Bozeat W.I. – letter of thanks for the donations towards the cost of cleaning the village street nameplates. County Council – message from the Leader of the Council [28th September 2020]. CPRE – Campaigns Update [October 2020]. NALC – Chief Executive’s bulletin [25th September 2020]. NALC – Chief Executive’s bulletin [2nd October 2020]. NALC – Chief Executive’s bulletin [9th October 2020]. NALC – Chief Executive’s bulletin [16th October 2020]. NALC – Coronavirus update [21st September 2020]. NALC – invitation to attend a Leaders Talk [30th October 2020]. NALC – invitation to join an online event [29th October 2020]. NCALC – eUpdate magazine [30th September 2020]. NCALC – mini eUpdate [25th September 2020]. NCALC – mini eUpdate [2nd October 2020]. NCALC – Mini eUpdate [9th October 2020]. NCALC – Mini eUpdate [16th October 2020]. NCALC – notification of public consultation [Council Tax Support Scheme for North Northamptonshire. NCALC – report from Q & A session [unitary authorities] September 2020. NCALC – Emergency Planning team survey. NCALC – the role of town and parish councils in health and wellbeing. NorthantsACRE – eBulletin [14th October 2020]. NorthantsACRE – Rural food survey. WBC – notification of consultation [Public Space Protection Order]. WBC – notification of consultation [Air Quality]. NCALC – unmetered electricity supply partnership proposals [street lighting].

Abbreviations: BPFA = Bozeat Playing Field Association; NBC – Northampton Borough Council; HMRC = Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs; CPRE = Campaign for the Protection of Rural England; SLCC = Society of Local Council Clerks; NCALC = County Association of Local Councils; Northants ACRE = Northamptonshire Action with Communities in Rural England; NRHA = Northants Rural Housing Association; NNJC = North Northamptonshire Joint Committee. A MEETING OF BOZEAT PARISH COUNCIL WAS HELD ON MONDAY, 16th NOVEMBER 2020, FOLLOWING PUBLIC PARTICIPATION AT 7pm.

PRESENT: - Cllrs Gibbins [Chairman]; Brown; Cooke; Docker; Foward; Pritchard; Skittrall and Spencer.

PUBLIC: - no members of the public were present at the meeting. none.

1. Apologies. It was resolved to accept apologies for absence received from Cllrs Dudley-Smith and Pollard. The Clerk reported that Cllr Bell had resigned from the council and she would follow the required procedure.

2. Declarations of interest. • Agenda item 7a – Planning application WP/20/0735/FUL – Cllr Skittrall declared a non- pecuniary interest in this application.

3. Minutes. Cllr Spencer reported that the unveiling of Town Well was planned for 8th November and not 11th November, as recorded in the minutes. It was resolved to amend that item and then the 19th October 2020 minutes were proposed as correct by Cllr Gibbins. A vote was taken = 6 for with 2 abstentions, motion carried.

4. Matters arising. a. Circulating documents – it was resolved not to recommence the circulation of packs at this time. b. Unitary authorities – Cllr Skittrall reported that matters are progressing. c. Town Well – Cllr Brown reported that the plaque and frames are now ready for installation and it was resolved that the plaque and frames be installed once it is safe to do so. An unveiling event to be organised in due course. It was further resolved to add the plaque to the council’s insurance policy. Thanks were recorded to Cllr Brown for his work on this project. d. Insurance for the MUGA – the Chairman reported that he had contacted the council’s insurers and is waiting for a response. e. Hosting agreements – the Chairman reported that the hosting agreements for the MUGA, outdoor gym equipment and table tennis table have been signed and will be passed to the Clerk for the records.

5. Council services. a. Cemetery – general report – Cllr Spencer reported that all looks OK. b. Cemetery - applications for permission to place memorials or headstones in the cemetery, including proposals for an anvil memorial – no new applications received and no further news on the anvil. Letters had been sent out regarding the possible installation of unauthorised chippings on a new memorial. c. Cemetery – non-biodegradable nameplates on the Green Burial Area – it was reported that letters have been sent to all families except one where the relatives have moved away, no responses have been received. d. Allotments – no report received this month. e. Allotments – provision of a replacement gate and fence on Allens Hill – Cllr Brown reported that he will chase up the quotes he has requested. f. Allotments – annual rent collection – letters requesting the payment of rent for 2021 have been sent to all tenants.

Page 2011 – 16th November 2020

Page 2012 – 16th November 2020

6. Local environment. a. Highways – Cllr Foward proposed that his report [Appendix A] be accepted and this was agreed. b. Mill Road verge degradation – awaiting response from Highways. c. 20mph speed limit – to be considered under the Safer Routes to School programme. d. Street Lights – Cllr Pritchard reported that she had chased up the repairs for a faulty light in Bull Close but received no response. It was agreed to contact the Churchwardens to request that the trees along The Flat be cut back so the street lights are more effective. e. Parish Paths Warden/Rights of Way – Cllr Pritchard reported that paths are muddy due to recent wet weather but no other issues reported. The request to cut back overgrown foliage on the length of highways verge running from the stopped-up section of Wollaston Road to the start of TA18 was discussed, noting that this is not a right of way. The Chairman reported that he had walked along this section and found no issues with it and it was resolved to take no action and remove this from the agenda. f. Village Warden – Cllr Gibbins proposed that a report [Appendix B] be accepted and this was agreed. g. Land Registrations – Cllr Brown reported that this is ongoing. h. Verge mowing contract – Cllr Cooke reported that the triangle of grass at the junction of London Road and the stopped-up section of Easton Lane was not cut when the team last visited Bozeat. i. Village Green – to consider measures to prevent unauthorised parking on the green – Cllr Pollard had produced a revised design providing posts connected with chains to act as a barrier to parking. Cllr Cooke outlined the reasons for considering parking prevention measures and a discussion followed. It was agreed that all members should email the Chairman with comments and suggestions ready for the December meeting. j. Parking issues – it was note that the junction of Warners Hill and the High Street, and the area around Camden Square have been submitted for inclusion on the annual waiting restriction review.

7. Planning. a. Current/new planning applications – Cllr Skittrall proposed that his report [Appendix C] be accepted and this was agreed. Applications received for the former Post Office/Spar shop on Camden Square were discussed at length and concern raised over the lack of parking provision for the number of residential units proposed and the loss of business premises. It was resolved that the Borough Council be asked to consider the applications together and that sufficient parking provision be required. Cllr Skittrall reported that he had passed responsibility for the council’s response to planning application WP/20/00735/FUL to Cllr Brown as it relates to a property close to his home.

8. Representatives reports. a. Bozeat Playing Field Association – the Chairman reported that the latest lockdown has affected the finances of the playing field as the equipment has been closed for public use. It was reported that the new sewage system has now been installed and proposals to extend the car park are being considered. b. Bozeat Primary School – no report received. c. JAG meetings – it was noted that meetings are not being held at present. d. Public transport – it was reported that services appear to be running OK although passenger numbers are low. The Chairman reported that the timetable case fixed to the bus shelter in London Road had been damaged, requiring repairs and the repaired case has also now been damaged. The Clerk reported that she had submitted reports to the Police and has crime reference numbers for each offence. The Clerk also reported that she had emailed the Community Support Officer to request

Page 2013 – 16th November 2020

additional patrols in the area. e. Santa Pod Liaison Group – it was reported that Santa Pod Raceway and Podington Parish Council had decided not to re-form the group at this time and it was resolved to remove this item from the agenda.

9. Police. a. Crimes – it was reported that one crime had been recorded in since the last meeting.

10. Website accessibility legislation. a. migration of the existing website to a new site which would comply with legislation and consider the set up and maintenance costs. Cllr Brown proposed that his report [Appendix D] be accepted and this was agreed. Cllr Brown proposed that the quote received from Whitestar Ltd for the design and build of a new website be accepted - costs as indicated on the report - and this was agreed. b. future maintenance and management of the website – it was noted that editing the new website will be within the capabilities of the IT and Website Working Party.

11. Local events. It was noted that events are being cancelled/postponed as a result of the current pandemic. • 8th November 2020 – Remembrance Sunday – it was reported that a recording of a short service of remembrance in St Mary’s Church had been released on social media in time for Remembrance Sunday. It was reported that the Mayor of the Borough of Wellingborough had visited every war memorial in the Borough and laid a posy and it was resolved to send a letter of thanks. • 28th/29th November 2020 - Christmas Lights – it was reported that a Christmas Tree will be provided and the lights switched on but no formal event will be held.

12. Policies. Cllr Skittrall proposed that a policy [Appendix E] to cover remote and hybrid meetings be adopted by the council and this was agreed.

13. Calendar of meetings for 2021. It was resolved that the Clerk email a copy of the dates to members and this be an agenda item for the next meeting.

14. Finance. a. Payments – Cllr Gibbins proposed that the Finance Report [Appendix F] and the fund transfers and payments listed be approved, this was agreed. b. Britannia Building Society account – noted that this is pending. c. Budgets – Cllr Skittrall proposed that his recommendations be accepted and this was agreed.

15. Correspondence. It was resolved to acknowledge receipt of correspondence received since the last meeting, as listed on Appendix G.

16. Items for the next agenda. • Western Power Community Festive Fund application. • Unmetered supply services – quote received from Clear Utility Solutions who have entered into an agreement with NorthantsCALC membership. • Local elections advice from NALC.

Page 2014 – 16th November 2020

17. Next meeting. It was noted that the next meeting of Bozeat Parish Council is scheduled to take place on Monday, 14th December 2020 and will follow Public Participation at 7pm. Meetings are currently being held remotely unless otherwise advised.

There being no further business the meeting was declared closed.

Signed ……………………………………………… Chairman. 14th December 2020.

Bozeat Parish Council – Highways Monthly Report

Month ending 10th November 2020 Street Doctor Headline

This month one new street doctor report identified. Two reports have been closed; reports Boz 88 and 90. The following remain open and continue to be monitored Boz 69 and 82, 84 87and 89.

The current position with the matters raised during a recent meeting with NNC representatives is as follows:

1. Traffic calming and 20mph speed limit along Harold Rd. I have written to Helen Howard agreeing to the proposed review awaiting feedback. 2. In the mean time a request for an additional Vehicle Activated Sign, which flashes up the speed limit at set times of the day, in the vicinity of the school access, this will alert drivers travelling from Allenshill Rd. 3. T – Junction Harold/Dungee Rd. NNC Highways have installed a new yield sign. 4. Dag Lane drain cover lifting during heavy down pours. NNC Highways to programme yearly root removal from pipe and to fix the cover so that it does not float off its mount during heavy down pours. NCC have delayed this work due to emergency work to be undertaken in other areas; waiting revised date. Works review by NNC planned for end of Nov beginning of Dec 20 with a view to commence and complete these works before the Christmas break. 5. Mil Rd. Verge Repair. Repair can be undertaken by NNC Highways, but the cost would be for the Parish Council to cover. Awaiting a response from Helen Howard. 6. Hensman Lane. Repair works completed. 7. St Mary’s Road. Thermal repairs have be carried out along St Mary’s Rd. There are two areas one on either side of Dag lane still to be repaired, but otherwise work in now complete.


New items during the reporting month will be highlighted in red on the Highways Tracking Spreadsheet.

Will continue to monitor Street Doctor to ensure works are undertaken as stated and report any changes to time frame for delivery.

Would request that Parish Council members provide me with any concerns they may have that require to be raised on Street Doctor.

The report captures all Street Doctor submissions up to and including the cut off date 10th November 20 that I’m aware of; if I’ve missed any please let me know and I will add to the spreadsheet.

Attachments: - Highways Tracking Spreadsheet

Highways Report November 20 By: SP Foward


September and October’s brief outline:

• Reported to FixMyStreet: Blocked drain reported again Dychurch/Harrold Road. Outside playing field. Ref: No: 2379020.

• Reported to FixMyStreet: Overhanging hedge Harrold Road/ Pitfield Close.

• Reported to FixMyStreet: Obstructed playing field sign Dychurch Lane. Ref: No: 2378970

• Carried out usual checks around the village.

Approximate 6 hours.


(a) Granted Applications Reference No. For Date granted WP/20/00490 43 - 45 High Street, New dormers 28/10

WP/20/00551 2 Council Street, new dwelling 2/11

WP/20/00473 Slype farm bungalow, redevelopment 5/11

(b) Refused/Withdrawn Applications Reference No. For Date refused None

(c) Pending Applications Reference No. For Status Redevelopment of former Nene Milling WP/20/00039 site as housing and a village hall Holding comment sent Three Fields Farm, new open shed to WP/20/00520 rear No comments sent WP/20/00648 New dwelling, Dungee Corner Comments sent

(d) New Applications Reference No. For Status

WP/20/00575 First floor extension, 2 Knights Close Comments by 5/12 Conversion of 5-bed apartment into 2 1- WP/20/00676 Holding objection sent bed apartments, former SPAR Change of use from Retail to 2x1bed WP/20/00679 Holding objection sent apartments, former SPAR WP/20/00735 Rear extension, 12 Fir Tree Grove Comments by 1/12

(e) WP/20/00575 – 2 Knights Close, first floor extension and garage conversion An extension over the existing garage which is converted into a utility room.

(f) WP/20/00648 – New dwelling, Dungee Corner Comments sent: The Parish Council object to this application.


We are particularly concerned about the safety of access onto Harrold Road in such close proximity to the Dungee Corner junction. The national speed limit applies on Harrold Road which is a road where the police regularly set a speed trap, particularly when Santa Pod holds events. Because of the frequency of accidents at the junction Bedford Borough Council has recently implemented additional safety measures and we consider that it is important that they are included in the consultation for this application.

As a consequence of these factors we suggest that should the application be granted permission, the access should be altered so that it is moved as far away as possible from the Dungee Corner junction. We also suggest that a new road sign be installed prior to the new access to warn drivers that there is a left hand driveway where vehicles may access/egress. Both measures will alert following traffic and mitigate any confusion that may occur by the new left hand turn prior to the Junction.

Safety aside we do not consider that the scheme meets the criteria to qualify under Policy 13 of the JCS and paragraph 79 of the NPPF. This requires that design should: • Be truly outstanding or innovative, helping to raise standards of design more generally in rural areas; • Reflect the highest standards in architecture; • Significantly enhance its immediate setting; and • Be sensitive to the defining characteristics of the local area.

We feel that this proposal fails to significantly enhance its immediate setting and note that although the applicant’s Landscape Impact Assessment states in its conclusion that there would be significant beneficial change to the landscape as a result of the scheme, this is not supported by the contents of the report which at best finds a moderate positive impact in some circumstances.

The Inspector at the appeal of the previous application (WP/16/00670) found that that scheme “would prevent rather than allow worthwhile glimpses of the meadow beyond” and we feel that the same would be the case with the building, gates and boundary treatments proposed in this scheme.

We also feel that despite taking themes from more distant buildings, the scheme is at odds with the character of the nearby host property. The LIA does not assess the relationship between these two buildings.

We request that the application is decided by the planning committee.

Response received: The above application will be considered at Planning Committee (date yet to be decided) as the proposal is contrary to the Development Plan and the previous application was refused and appealed.


(g) WP/20/00696 – Former SPAR Conversion of 5-bed apartment into 2 1-bed apartments Divide the current shopkeeper’s flat into 2 1-bed flats with no parking

(h) WP/20/00697 – Former SPAR Conversion of remaining retail into 2 1-bed apartments Change use from retail to residential with 2 1-bed flats



Working Party: The IT Working Party, made up of Councillors Mr Brian Skitrall. Mrs Margaret Docker, and Mr David Brown, with Clerk Mrs Lyndis Payne. We have met and discussed the new accessibility regulations for compliance as a Parish Council for our published website.

The Council maintains a website, hosted through FastHosts Ltd with the necessary statutory information of the Parish administration together with historic record information of monthly minutes from 2004. Fasthosts will continue with the Domain hosting and current email facility and will remain unaffected.

The Regulations: The full name of the accessibility regulations is the Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) (No. 2) Accessibility Regulations 2018. The Parish Council needs to comply with new regulations regarding accessibility and the current website is unable to comply. The new compliance was due 23 rd September 2020, although a statement is advertised that the new website is under review with work in progress.

The regulations are aimed at and includes those with: • impaired vision. • motor difficulties. • cognitive impairments or learning disabilities. • deafness or impaired hearing. Quotations: The Working Party have investigated the provision of the existing websites of several local parish and town councils and followed links of companies all setting up, hosting and maintaining those sites. Three Companies have been investigated,

• Whitestar Ltd in Northampton, are currently designing and building a new website for Wollaston PC. • 2commune , an On-line company based in Leicestershire building Council sites. • Hugo Fox , on-line based in Hampshire building community sites. Whitestar Limited , being local, and their director Mr Paul Drake also living in Wollaston have given us invaluable information and advice into the creation of a workable website for the future. Following a number of email correspondence Q&A a meeting being held with all the group via Zoom video link. Following that meeting, a detailed quote for the design and build of a new website for Bozeat Parish Council - based on the template currently being used for the Wollaston Parish Council website - was received. The cost of the basic design and build is £1900 nett of VAT. There would be an annual hosting fee of £300 nett of VAT. Using the quote received from Whitestar Ltd , as a template, the Clerk requested like-for-like quotes from 2commune and Hugo Fox , both website companies being used by other local authorities and communities. Both companies advised that the costs were available to view on their websites rather than engage directly with the Clerk and written replies; however the working party calculated that the costs were broadly similar to the Whitestar Ltd quote. The Working Party felt that it was difficult to obtain like-for-like costings due to the poor customer service received from both 2commune and Hugo Fox , and felt that the website proposed by Whitestar Ltd offered a more interesting and engaging design than those provided by these two alternatives. Recommendation: It was felt that Mr Paul Drake from Whitestar Ltd demonstrated an understanding of what the Parish Council was looking for in a website and took on board comments and suggestions. The IT and Website Working Party recommends that Whitestar Ltd be engaged to design and build a new website for Bozeat Parish Council, and provide on-going maintenance services, costs as above. The website, once set up, would be routinely edited by the Clerk or by members of the Working Party. All existing documentation would be incorporated in the new design. Any in depth design changes after launch would be made by the Company at additional costs. The Parish Council already has an IT and Website policy in force which may need minor adjustments. BOZEAT PARISH COUNCIL REMOTE MEETING POLICY OCTOBER 2020 APPENDIX E

As a result of Government legislation during the Covid-19 pandemic in March 2020, local authorities were informed that meetings should be held using a remote platform, wherever possible. Bozeat Parish Council decided to subscribe to Zoom and meetings have been held via Zoom or as hybrid meetings since April 2020. It is a legal requirement that all meetings of the parish council are open to the public, who must be able to access the meeting without registering in advance or requesting permission.

POLICY • The access information for all meetings will be made freely available to the public. • Access information will be provided to members of the parish council and the Borough and County Councillors at least a week prior to the date of the meeting. • A member of the council will act as meeting host and manage the meeting, this will not be the Chairman or the Clerk as they have other roles during the meeting. • The meeting host will admit members of the council to the meeting before the official start time, members of the public will be admitted after members of the council have been alerted to their presence. • If the meeting is being recorded, all attendees will be informed. • Where a hybrid meeting is being held, only the Clerk and members of the council who cannot attend remotely will meet in a venue, using separate rooms wherever possible. Members of the public will only be able to attend meetings remotely. • If a hybrid meeting is being held, social distancing and all Covid19 safety precautions will be observed by those physically attending. • Wherever possible, all attendees will use the video on their device so they can be seen on screen. • Members are reminded to dress as they would to attend a physical meeting of the council and to consider the location of their device for the meeting. In particular, members of the council should avoid attending the meeting in a noisy or busy area in order to prevent background noise. • Meetings will follow the usual format, with the Chairman leading the meeting. • Should a member of the public join the meeting from the start, the usual time allowed for Public Participation will apply. Should a member of the public join the meeting after it has officially started, the host will alert the Chairman that someone is waiting to join. The Chairman will halt the meeting at that point and the person will be admitted to the meeting. Either the host or the Clerk will welcome the person to the meeting and ask if they have something they wish to

Adopted by Bozeat Parish Council 16th November 2020 BOZEAT PARISH COUNCIL REMOTE MEETING POLICY OCTOBER 2020 APPENDIX E bring to the council’s attention. If they do wish to address the council, this will be treated as Public Participation. If they are wishing to observe only, they will be advised that they are not able to address the council as the meeting progresses unless the council invites them to do so. • All attenders should have their devices on mute unless they wish to speak. • A known issue with Zoom is a short time delay which has caused some problems during meetings. In order to avoid speaking over another person, attendees are requested to use the hand raised option, if possible. The meeting host should alert the Chairman that a person wishes to speak and the Chairman should invite speakers to give their comments in turn. • At all times during the meeting respect and courtesy for others shall be observed.

Adopted by Bozeat Parish Council 16th November 2020 BOZEAT PARISH COUNCIL FINANCE REPORT FOR NOVEMBER 2020 APPENDIX F Account Balances as per Bank Reconciliation Account Building Society Account £22,032.89 Deposit Account . £37,218.30 Current Account - HSBC Bank £34,377.65 Current Account - Lloyds Bank £3,492.59 TOTAL £97,121.43

Payments made during the month which require formal approval Date Chq/DD Payee Details Nett Value VAT Amount Paid Budget 28/10/2020 D/D Veolia ES Waste disposal - cemetery £ 71.23 £ 14.25 £ 85.48 Cemetery - waste disposal 28/09/2020 D/D Lloyds Bank Bank charges £ 6.50 £ 6.50 General - admin 21/10/2020 BACS Henderson FabricationsFramework for Town Well plaque £ 83.65 £ 83.65 VAT only 5/11/2020 BACS Wards of Bristol Memorial plaque frame - 50% £ 1,770.00 £ 354.00 £ 2,124.00 Town Well project £ 77.73 £ 97.90 £ 2,299.63 Payments for approval at this meeting. Date ref. Payee Details Nett Value VAT Amount to PayBudget 16/11/2020 BACS L.Payne Clerk/Registrar - salary/exp's/postage £ 567.10 £ 567.10 General - Clerk's salary, home office, postage. BACS R & G Landscapes Playing Field maintenance/verge mowing/cemetery£ 1,397.72 contract £ 279.54 £ 1,677.26 BPFA grant/verge mowing/cemetery contract BACS e-on Supply to Village Green cabinet £ 7.83 £ 0.39 £ 8.22 General - village events BACS C.Chapman Churchyard contract £ 135.00 £ 135.00 Cemetery - caretaking contract BACS R.Driver Village Warden contract £ 60.00 £ 60.00 General - village warden BACS Wave Water supply - allotments £ 281.46 £ 56.28 £ 337.74 Allotments - water supply BACS Ricoh UK Photocopier rental/copy charge £ 48.50 £ 9.70 £ 58.20 General - photocopier BACS SLCC Membership subscription £ 126.00 £ 126.00 General - subscriptions CHQ ICO Data Protection fee renewal £ 40.00 £ 40.00 General - subscriptions BACS Royal British Legion Poppy wreath £ 22.00 £ 22.00 General - local community BACS Externiture Supply of replacement bus timetable case £ 32.25 £ 6.45 £ 38.70 General - street furniture £ -

TOTALS £ 2,717.86 £ 352.36 £ 3,070.22

Resolved to approve the transfer of £5000 from the HSBC current account into the Lloyds current account to cover these payments. BOZEAT PARISH COUNCIL LIST OF CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED – NOVEMBER 2020 APPENDIX G

Cllr Mark Bell – email resigning from the Parish Council. NCC – parking restriction proposals for Camden Square and Warners Hill junctions with High Street. WBC – notification of planning application WP/20/00575/FUL. WBC – notification of planning application WP/20/00676/FUL. WBC – notification of planning application WP/20/00679/FUL. WBC – notification of planning application WP/20/00735/FUL. WBC – planning committee requests by parish councils. M.K. Council – consultation [Draft Milton Keynes Sustainable Construction Supplementary Planning Document]. Cogenhoe & Whiston P.C. – timetable amendment for Village Hopper service. Northants Police – crime reference number for criminal damage to the timetable case at the bus shelter. Northants Police – crime report for Irchester. Santa Pod Raceway – notification of decision to defer re-formation of the Santa Pod Liaison Group. Bozeat Branch of the British Legion – invitation to attend event on the Village Green [subsequently cancelled]. WBC – email advising that the Mayor had visited every war memorial in the Borough to lay a posy. Bozeat resident – email thanking Cllr Brown for help and advice given. NorthantsACRE – invitation to attend AGM {25th November 2020 at 10am via Zoom]. NALC – campaign to promote local elections in 2021. NorthantsCALC – mini eUpdate [23rd October 2020]. NorthantsCALC – mini eUpdate [30th October 2020]. NorthantsCALC – mini eUpdate [6th November 2020]. NALC – Chief Executive’s bulletin [23rd October 2020]. NALC – Chief Executive’s bulletin [6th November 2020]. NALC – Coronavirus advice [2nd November 2020]. NALC – Coronavirus advice [5th November 2020]. NALC – Coronavirus advice [10th November 2020]. NCC – consultation [academic term dates for 2022-2023]. NCC – consultation [admission arrangements for mainstream schools in Northamptonshire]. NALC – consultation [social housing allocation policies for North Northamptonshire Council. NCC – consultation [Farthinghoe bypass]. NCC – consultation [Rushmere Road cycle lane, Northampton]. NCC – consultation [Armed Forces Community Hubs]. Watco – product information. NorthantsCALC – budgeting information. NorthantsCALC – Training newsletter. NCC – Message from the Leader [29th October 2020]. Clerks & Councils Direct magazine [November 2020]. CPRE – Outlook magazine [November 2020] and invitation to AGM [16th November 2020 at 5:30pm via Zoom]. The Clerk magazine [November 2020]. Clear Utility Solutions Ltd – quote for unmetered supply services.

Abbreviations: BPFA = Bozeat Playing Field Association; NBC – Northampton Borough Council; HMRC = Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs; CPRE = Campaign for the Protection of Rural England; SLCC = Society of Local Council Clerks; NCALC = County Association of Local Councils; Northants ACRE = Northamptonshire Action with Communities in Rural England; NRHA = Northants Rural Housing Association; NNJC = North Northamptonshire Joint Committee.



Monday 11th JANUARY [Annual Finance and Policies Meeting] Monday 18th JANUARY Monday 15th FEBRUARY Monday 15th MARCH [the Annual Parish Meeting will take place immediately before the council meeting] Monday 19th APRIL Monday 17th MAY [Annual Meeting] Monday 21st JUNE Monday 19th JULY Monday 16th AUGUST [short meeting only] Monday 20th SEPTEMBER Monday 18th OCTOBER Monday 15th NOVEMBER Monday 13th DECEMBER

Please note that all meetings are held remotely by Zoom or in the meeting room at TLC, Dychurch Lane, Bozeat, unless otherwise notified.

Public participation is from 7pm for a maximum of 15 minutes – all are welcome to attend.

Notice published by Mrs L Payne, Clerk to Bozeat Parish Council. Email [email protected]