Borough Council of Wellingborough Planning Committee Wednesday 4Th January 2012 at 7.00 Pm Council Chamber, Swanspool House
Borough Council of Wellingborough Planning Committee Wednesday 4th January 2012 at 7.00 pm Council Chamber, Swanspool House INDEX Page No. SITE VIEWING GROUP WP/2011/0225/F - Land at Orlingbury Hall, Buildings adjacent 21 Harrowden Road, Orlingbury. 1 WP/2011/0410/F - Land within the curtilage of 1 Harrowick Lane, Earls Barton. 9 WP/2011/0452/F - 1 Harrowick Lane, Earls Barton. 18 WP/2011/0459/F - Land rear of 113 Doddington Road, Earls Barton. 25 WP/2011/0489/F - 21 Bakehouse Lane, Mears Ashby. 36 DISTRICT WP/2011/0366/F - 7 Manor Farm, Dychurch Lane, Bozeat. 42 WP/2011/0415/FCOU - 87a Wellingborough Road, Finedon. 56 WP/2011/0430/F - Electrosite (UK) Limited, Easton Lane, Bozeat. 68 WP/2011/0478/F - 40a Main Road, Grendon. 82 WP/2011/0479/LB - 40a Main Road, Grendon. 85 WP/2011/0484/F - 128 Ecton Lane, Sywell. 87 OTHER BOROUGH WP/2011/0557/OB - Adjacent Skew Bridge Ski Slope, Northampton Road, Rushden. 101 - 1 - BOROUGH COUNCIL OF WELLINGBOROUGH AGENDA ITEM SITE VIEWING (Date of visit Tuesday 3rd January 2012 at 10.15 a.m.) Planning Committee 04/01/2012 Report of the Head of Planning and Development APPLICATION REF: WP/2011/0225/F PROPOSAL: New house and access road on land at Orlingbury Hall (development within the curtilage of a Listed Building). Revised Site Layout Drawings Showing an Amended Access Position. LOCATION: Land at Orlingbury Hall Buildings adjacent 21 Harrowden Road, Orlingbury, Kettering. APPLICANT: Mr P Webb. Site Viewing has been requested by the Parish Council. PROPOSAL AND DESCRIPTION OF SITE: It is proposed to erect a large 660 square metre (7104 square feet) dwelling-house with associated landscaping in open countryside under the special provisions of PPS7 which encourages the continuation of the English country house building tradition where high- quality contemporary architecture, congruent with the landscape, is offered.
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