THE ANNUAL FINANCE MEETING FOR BOZEAT PARISH COUNCIL WAS HELD ON MONDAY, 13th JANUARY 2020 IN THE SCHOOLROOM OF TLC (THE LITTLE CHAPEL), DYCHURCH LANE, BOZEAT AT 7pm PRESENT Cllrs Gibbins [Chairman]; Docker; Dudley-Smith; Foward; Pritchard and Skittrall. PUBLIC :- No members of the public were present at the meeting. 1. Apologies. It was resolved to accept apologies for absence received from Cllrs Bell; Brown; Cooke; Pollard and Spencer 2. Declarations of interest. No new declarations of interest from members of the Council were reported. 3. Employees. a. to review the following salaries (i) Clerk/Burial Registrar – it was resolved that the council allows sufficient funds in the budget a 2% cost of living pay increase, from 1st April 2020, subject to any national pay award agreed by SLCC and NALC. (ii) Allotments Manager – noting that the salary has not been increased since 2014, it was resolved to raise the annual salary for the Allotments Manager to £350 with an additional £100 towards the cost of using her home as an office. b. Employment status - it was noted that all Parish Council employees are employed and that PAYE is operated. c. Pensions – it was noted that the Parish Council adheres to the requirements of the Pensions Regulator. 4. Cemetery. a. Cemetery - it was resolved to make no changes to the cemetery fees. b. Cemetery guidelines – it was resolved to make no changes to the cemetery guidelines. 5. Allotments. a. Allotment rents for the year 1st January - 31st December 2021 – as not all plots are taken and receipts cover the cost of running the allotments, it was resolved to make no changes to the rents due for 2021 b. Allotment guidelines – it was resolved to amend guideline 16 to add “tenants who do not bring their plots up to an acceptable standard within 30 days of receipt of a warning letter from the Allotments Manager or Parish Council will forfeit their tenancy”. 6. Insurance cover. It was noted that the council has a 3-year deal with the current provider. 7. Review of policies. No amendments were requested. Page 1974 – 13th January 2020. Page 1975 – 13th January 2020. 8. Review of risk assessments. It was resolved that the Clerk should add a risk assessment for the grit bins that the Parish Council has taken over responsibility for. 9. Review of Terms of Reference. No amendments to the terms of reference were requested. 10. Review of additional Standing Orders. No amendments to the Standing Orders were requested. 11. Review of the Parish Plan Action Plan. It was noted that the Parish Action Plan was updated in February 2019 and no further amendments were considered necessary. 12. Review of the Parish Council Community Project List. It was resolved that the Parish Council requests that option 1 be New open space, activity areas, children’s play areas; option 2 be a new community building; option 3 be Village Green improvements. 13. Review of GDPR documents. It was reported that there had been no data breaches during 2019 and it was resolved that no amendments be made to the current set of documents. 14. Review of the effectiveness of internal controls for audit purposes. It was noted that, although the Clerk is a signatory for the Lloyds account, 3 are required to sign cheques or authorise payments. 15. Precept for the year 1st April 2020 - 31st March 2021. It was noted that the tax base is 768. Following discussion, it was resolved to remove the self-insurance budget as this is no longer required. It was proposed by Cllr Gibbins, seconded by Cllr Foward that a precept of £32000 be requested from the Borough Council of Wellingborough. This was unanimously agreed. There being no further business, the Chairman declared the meeting closed. Signed……………………………………………………. Chairman. 17th February 2020. A MEETING OF BOZEAT PARISH COUNCIL WAS HELD ON MONDAY, 20th JANUARY 2020 AT TLC, DYCHURCH LANE, BOZEAT, FOLLOWING PUBLIC PARTICIPATION AT 7pm. PRESENT :- Cllrs Gibbins [Chairman]; Bell; Brown; Docker; Dudley-Smith; Foward; Pollard; Pritchard and Spencer. Cllr Skittrall arrived during the course of the meeting. PUBLIC :- One member of the public was present at the meeting. MATTERS RAISED BY MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC :- • Planning application WP/19/00743. 1. Apologies. It was resolved to accept apologies for absence received from Cllr Cooke. It was noted that Cllr Skittrall would be arriving late. 2. Declarations of interest. No new declarations of interest in items to be discussed were received from members. 3. Minutes. The minutes from the meeting of Bozeat Parish Council held on 16th December 2019 were proposed as correct by Cllr Gibbins, this was seconded by Cllr Pollard and a vote was taken = 8 for with 1 abstention, motion carried. 4. Matters arising. a. Circulating documents – no packs were moved on at the meeting. b. Village Hopper and W8 bus services – it was reported that, throughout the Christmas and New Year period, a Sunday service only was operating, meaning that there were no services to Wellingborough. It was suggested that the bus companies be asked to run a Saturday service during this period in future as this would provide services to Wellingborough. c. Unitary authorities – Cllr Skittrall arrived later in the meeting and reported that the new Parliament has restarted the process to create the unitary authorities. d. Community Asset Register – it was noted that is waiting for a response from the Borough Council. e. Website accessibility regulations – it was noted that the working party is to hold a further meeting. 5. Council services. a. Cemetery – it was reported that the cemetery is looking good at present, with spring bulbs now shooting. It was resolved to consider quotes for work on mature trees at the next meeting. b. Cemetery – it was noted that no new applications for permission to place memorials or headstones in the cemetery had been received since the last meeting. c. Cemetery – it was resolved to include information about the possible provision of one or more tower columbarium in the next Bozeat matters report. d. Cemetery – it was reported that the current contractor will not be submitting a tender for the caretaking contract for 2020-2021 and it was resolved to seek alternative tenders. e. Allotments – no issues were noted. f. Allotments – noted that the provision of marker slabs is still pending. g. Allotments – it was resolved to take no further action regarding issues raised by tenants at the Annual Meeting of allotment tenants. h. Allotments – it was reported that some tenants have used the HSBC bank account for payments and the Clerk is waiting for the latest statement in order to confirm receipt. Page 1976 – 20th January 2020. Page 1977 – 20th January 2020. An initial reminder has been sent to all tenants who had not paid by 1st January, a second reminder will now be sent to those still outstanding. i. Allotments – a further report indicates that the gate may not need replacing yet and it was resolved to inspect the gate before the June meeting and discuss it again at that point. 6. Local environment. a. Highways – Cllr Foward proposed that his report [Appendix A] be accepted, this was agreed. b. Mill Road verge degradation – it was reported that quotes have been requested for the required remedial works. c. Street Lights – no issues were reported. d. Parish Paths Warden – it was noted that a stile has been repaired recently. e. Village Warden – Cllr Gibbins proposed that a report [Appendix B] be accepted, this was agreed. f. Land Registrations – it was reported that progress is slowly being made. It was resolved to prioritise the application for the Village Green. g. Verge mowing contract – tenders are to be invited for this work, including the village footpaths, cemetery and churchyard. h. Noticeboard – resolved to defer this item for a further month. i. Village Green – the Chairman reported that signed documents may not have been received at the Borough Council, this is being investigated. j. Village Green – it was noted that this was resolved at the Annual Finance Meeting and it was agreed to remove it from the agenda. k. Purchase of new and replacement dog bins – it was noted that poor weather recently has delayed the installation of the litter bin at the playing field. Wooden posts hosting dog bins are to be replaced with metal as and when required. It was resolved to note complaints received regarding the condition of disused properties, as action will not be taken unless there are safety concerns. 7. Planning. This report was received once Cllr Skittrall arrived. a. Current/new planning applications – Cllr Skittrall proposed that his report [Appendix C] be accepted, this was agreed. It was noted that an outline application has since been submitted for the former Nene Milling site. b. Neighbourhood Plan. 8. Representatives reports. a. Bozeat Playing Field Association – the Chairman reported that the playing field is doing OK, although the car park is a mess and needs repairs. b. Bozeat Primary School – no issues reported. c. JAG meetings – Cllr Docker outlined issues raised at a recent meeting. Police surgery dates in Bozeat to be advertised in Bozeat Matters. Cllr Gibbins to attend the next meeting on 11th March. d. Village Hall steering group – no further news. 9. Police. a. Crimes – it was noted that any local crimes reported are emailed to the council. It was further noted that Scott Desrochers is happy to attend council meetings if required. b. Parking – issues with regarding to parking. c. Speeding – the Chairman reported that he had asked about a 20mph limit for London Road, from the St Mary’s Road junction to the Easton Lane junction and also for the High Street Page 1978 – 20th January 2020.
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