PRESENT :- Cllrs Gibbins Chairman; Brown; Cooke; Dudley-Smith; Pollard; Pritchard and Spencer.

PUBLIC :- there was one member of the public present at the meeting.

ISSUES RAISED BY THE PUBLIC : -  Public consultation notice re: parking restrictions

1. Apologies. It was resolved to accept apologies for absence received from Cllrs Docker; Skittrall and Wade.

2. Declarations of interest. It was resolved to note the following declarations of interest:-  Allotments – Cllr Brown declared a pecuniary interest.  BPFA – Cllrs Cooke and Gibbins declared non-pecuniary interests.

3. Employees. [1] review of salaries (a) Clerk/Burial Registrar – The Chairman reported that he and Cllr Wade had met with the Clerk to discuss the current contract of employment as this only allows for up to 35 hours of work to be paid. Cllr Gibbins proposed that the Clerk be paid for up to 45 hours per month and that the pay scale agreed by NCALC and SLCC be implemented from 1st April 2017, this was agreed. (b) Allotments Manager – Cllr Gibbins proposed that the salary remain unchanged but that an annual payment of £100 be made to the Allotments Manager to cover the costs of telephone calls, electricity etc. this was seconded by Cllr Pollard and agreed. [2] it was noted that all Parish Council employees are employed and that PAYE is operated.

4. Cemetery. [1] review of Cemetery fees – Cllr Spencer proposed that the current fees remain unchanged, this was unanimously agreed. [2] review of Cemetery guidelines - Cllr Spencer proposed that the current guidelines remain unchanged, this was unanimously agreed.

5. Allotments. [1] review of allotment rents for the year 1st January - 31st December 2018 – Cllr Gibbins proposed that the rents remain unchanged for 2018 at £40 for a full plot; £20 for a half plot; with primary tenants over 65 paying £25 for a full plot and £12.50 for a half plot. A vote was taken = 6 for with 1 abstention, motion carried. [2] review of Allotment guidelines – it was agreed to make no changes due recent revisions. Page 1836 – 9th January 2017.

Page 1837 – 9th January 2017.

6. Insurance. It was resolved to add the flagpole, flags and electrical cabinet on the Village Green to the insurance policy.

7. Review of policies. It was resolved that the Clerk should create draft policies and procedures for the use of the electrical cabinet on the Village Green and for online banking.

8. Review of risk assessments. It was resolved that the Village Warden be asked to review the current risk assessment schedules and to add the flagpole; litter and dog bins; electricity cabinet; cemetery car park perimeter fence and new planters to the lists.

9. Review of Terms of Reference. It was agreed that no changes are required to the current terms of reference.

10. Review of Standing Orders. It was agreed that no changes are required to the current Standing Orders.

11. Review of the Parish Plan Action Plan. It was noted that this will soon be superceded by the Neighbourhood Plan.

12. Review of the Parish Council Community Project List. It was resolved that the provision of a Community Centre building be priority1; that the refurbishment of Town Well be priority 2; that improvements to the quality of the Village Hall and community centres be priority 3.

13. Precept for the year 1st April 2017 - 31st March 2018. It was proposed by Cllr Spencer that Bozeat Parish Council requests a precept of £30936 for the financial year beginning 1st April 2017. This was seconded by Cllr Cooke and agreed. Thanks were recorded to the Clerk for her work on the budget spreadsheets and reports.

Signed …………………………………….……. Chairman 20th February 2017.


PRESENT: - Cllrs Gibbins [Chairman]; Brown; Cooke; Pollard; Skittrall; Spencer and Wade

PUBLIC: - One member of the public and PCSO Mike Bowes were present at the meeting.

ISSUES RAISED BY THE PUBLIC: -  Safety issues with current roadworks in Queen Street.

1. Apologies. It was resolved to accept apologies for absence received from Cllrs Docker; Dudley-Smith and Pritchard.

2. Declarations of interest. It was resolved to record the following declarations of interest from members in items to be discussed: -  Agenda item 6 – Planning – Cllr Brown declared a non-pecuniary interest in planning application WP/16/0735.  Agenda item 7c - Allotments – Cllr Brown declared a pecuniary interest.  Agenda item 9a – BPFA – Cllrs Cooke and Gibbins declared non-pecuniary interests.

It was resolved to take the Police report next.

5. Police report. a. Crime figures – PCSO Bowes reported a total of 3 crimes for December, all domestic events. The spate of burglaries experienced late in 2016 seem to have abated, arrests made in other areas may have helped. Cctv installed at the playing field and the lowering of the car park hedge has cut the reports of criminal damage. Cllr Gibbins reported that the padlock securing the car park gate had been forcibly removed recently and a new lock installed. b. Parking – notices have been posted in the areas likely to be included on the next parking restrictions list.

3. Minutes. The minutes of the meeting of Bozeat Parish Council held on Monday, 12th December 2016 were proposed as correct by Cllr Gibbins. This was seconded by Cllr Cooke and a vote was taken = 5 for with 2 abstentions, motion carried. The minutes were then signed as a correct record.

4. Matters arising. a. Village Sign – it was noted that repairs are unlikely to be completed until the Spring. b. Co-option of new member of the council – one application had been

Page 1838 – 16th January 2017.

Page 1839 – 16th January 2017.

received. Cllr Wade proposed that Stephen Foward be invited to join the Council, this was agreed. Mr Foward then signed a declaration of acceptance of office. Cllr Foward reported that he would wish to take on the role of Highways Representative and this was accepted.

6. Planning. a. Current/new planning applications – Cllr Skittrall proposed that his report [Appendix A] be accepted, this was agreed. Items appearing on the report were discussed in detail and it was resolved that, should the Site Viewing Group visit to inspect the Abbey Close area, Cllr Cooke will attend to represent the council. Cllr Skittrall reported that he will scrutinise the updated Minerals and Waste Local Plan. b. Neighbourhood Plan –Cllr Gibbins reported that Mr N Girling has agreed to help, however the Environment Agency have objected to all development in the village as current systems are unable to cope with additional demand and Anglian Water has no plans to improve or upgrade the existing treatment works within the next 10 years so it is unlikely that any substantial development would be permitted in that time.

7. Council Services. a. Cemetery – Cllr Spencer reported that the new trees for the green burial area have all been planted and some of the new marker slabs installed. It was resolved to send a reminder letter to A.J.Mills about the missing padlock. Information received from a specialist war memorial cleaning service was noted and it was resolved to ask the company to inspect the war memorial and provide a report. b. Applications for permission to place memorials or headstones in the Cemetery - none received this month. c. Allotments – it was noted that there are quite a few vacant plots and the Allotments Manager has asked the council to place a half-page advert in the next issue of Bozeat Matters magazine – agreed. Cllr Gibbins to ask the Headteacher of Bozeat Primary School if the school would like to take a plot. It was noted that the bins for the allotments will be domestic wheelie bins and not need to be purchased. It was resolved that that Cllrs Gibbins and Pollard should inspect the trees along the lane next to the allotments and that Cllr Brown should search the Land Registry for details of the ownership of the lane. d. Former play area in Abbey Close – Cllr Wade reported that the application for planning permission is likely to be considered by the Borough Council early in February. It was proposed by Cllr Gibbins that the council formally agrees to use any funds raised from the sale of the site to provide improved community activity and recreation facilities for the village. This was unanimously agreed.

8. Local Environment. a. Highways – Cllr Foward reported that he had submitted a number of reports using the Street Doctor system and it was resolved that all future reports be sent to Cllr Foward for submission. Cllr Spencer reported that some historic issues have not been resolved, such as visibility splay issues at the roundabout and on Easton Lane and Road.

Page 1840 – 16th January 2017.

b. Street Lights – Cllr Brown reported that he had submitted a report to Balfour Beatty about an unstable lighting column on Allens Hill. Cllr Wade reported that he has been working on the likely benefits of converting the lights to LED, he is checking but anticipates a likely payback of 12-20 years. c. Parish Paths Warden – it was resolved that information about footpaths crossing fields of grazing animal to be linked from the council’s website. d. Village Warden – Cllr Gibbins proposed that the Village Warden’s report [Appendix B] be accepted, this was agreed. Cllr Wade reported that the plywood surround the skate ramp may need weather-proofing, Cllr Gibbins to inspect the ramp. e. Land registrations – Cllr Brown reported that applications have been submitted for Town Well and the cemetery lane. It was resolved that Cllr Brown prepare and submit an application for the Village Green. It was noted that legal advice may be required prior to submitting an application for adverse possession. f. Noticeboard – Cllr Cooke reported that a second quote has been sought. g. Parish Enhancement Gang – it was resolved that the Village Warden be asked for suggestions for inclusion and that Cllr Foward coordinate and submit the list.

9. Representatives reports. a. Bozeat Playing Field Association – Cllr Gibbins proposed that reports for December and January be accepted [Appendices C and D], agreed. b. Bozeat Primary School – Cllr Gibbins reported that he had met the Headteacher recently and planning consent will be sought for a redundant double decker bus to be used as a library and IT centre, which will be available for public use.

10. Parish Mowing Contract for 2017-2018. Cllr Gibbins reported that he has been unable to obtain information from the contractors who were awarded last years’ contract to cut the verges in Bozeat. He has approached others for quotes but a map of the areas cut is required.

11. Finance a. Payments – Cllr Gibbins proposed that the Financial Report [Appendix E] be accepted and the payments and fund transfers listed be approved, this was agreed. b. Bank account – it was proposed by Cllr Gibbins and unanimously agreed to open an account with Lloyds Bank plc and the full resolution is recorded in Appendix G.

12. Correspondence. It was resolved to acknowledge receipt of correspondence received since the last meeting as listed in Appendix F. Cllr Spencer reported that Peter Bone MP had submitted a petition in Parliament in relation to post office services in Bozeat.

Page 1841 – 16th January 2017.

13. Items for the next agenda. It was resolved to include the following items on the agenda for the next meeting: -  Circulating documents.

14. Date and time of next meeting. It was noted that the next meeting of Bozeat Parish Council will take place on Monday, 20th February 2017. The meeting will follow Public Participation at 7pm and will be held at TLC, Dychurch Lane, Bozeat, Northants, NN29 7JP.

Signed …………………………………………. Chairman 20th February 2017.

REPORT FROM THE PLANNING GROUP – January 2017 APPENDIX A Prepared by Brian Skittrall

(a) Granted Applications Reference No. For Date granted None

(b) Refused/Withdrawn Applications Reference No. For Date refused WP/16/00497 2 Semi-detached dwellings to rear of 129a London Road 14/12/2016 WP/16/00163 / New dwelling adj 129 London Road 14/12/2016 WP/16/00496

(c) Pending Applications Reference No. For Status WP/16/00670 New Dwelling, Dungee Corner No comments sent WP/16/00687 Extension and decking, 16 Allens Hill Comments sent WP/16/00735 57 High Street, dormer extension See below

(d) New Applications Reference No. For Status WP/16/00769 New dwelling, land adj 10 Abbey Close No comments sent – Parish Council application WP/16/00781 Rear extension, 7 Roberts Street No comments sent WP/16/00821 Extensions, 130 London Road Not yet received WP/16/00802 2 Semi-detached dwellings to rear of Comments by 26 Jan 129a London Road

(e) 16/00047/MINNMA/WP/16/00663 – P14 (Bozeat Quarry) – extension until 31 Jan 2017 A letter regarding the lack of consultation is outstanding.

(f) WP/16/00735 57 High Street, dormer extension - Suggested comments

Bozeat Parish Council has two concerns regarding this proposal; the effect on the street scene and the long term impact on parking.

When considering the impact on the street scene, 57 High Street forms one of four semi-detached houses that comprise a new build that were designed to for a character addition to our village High Street as a part of the Bozgate development. From the drawings it is clear that the proposed dormers would be prominent when walking up the High Street and would be noticeably different to the other three semis. This impact could be significantly reduced by removing the front dormer.

When considering parking, the Bozgate development has a chronic shortage of parking and the Parish Council has received a delegation from residents because of the severity of the problems. We are also aware of cases of criminal damage that have been attributed to parking disputes. Because additional bedrooms eventually lead to additional vehicles we are concerned that not only might this proposal increase the pressure on parking in its own right, but also that it would set a precedent that could be repeated in the other three semis.

(g) Minerals and Waste Local Plan Update: Proposed Modifications

A consultation running until 22nd Feb to which we may need to respond.


Decembers brief outline:

 Reported mattress dumped in Wollaston Road included in the November report, has been removed.  Cleared brambles from road signs in London Road and leaves from drains.  Reported car in London Road with flat tyres no action.  The bus shelter in London Road needs attention. Requires brambles cutting back from the roof and clearing. Possible job for the Odd Job Man.

Carried out usual checks around the village during the month.

Approximate 8 hours.

Bozeat Playing Fields Association APPENDIX C

Chairman’s Report December 2016


As of 14th December we were operating with a net surplus of £2087.66, copy attached

Bank account is now open and we are able to receive and make payments

Pavilion :

The redecoration programme continues with focus now on the corridor.

A Legionnaires risk assessment has been carried out and some remedial action is required on the water tank.


The hedge around the perimeter of the car park is still yet to be reduced in height. We are reliant on the good will of the Farmer but we are pushing to get it done.

Playing Fields :

Rushden and Diamonds have drawn up a draft lease proposal, we are awaiting copy from them for review

Play Area :

We will be proceeding with repairs to the play equipment. The Parish Council will be asked to place the order as VAT can be recouped.

Chris Challis, Chaiman

15th December 2016

Bozeat Playing Fields Association APPENDIX D

Chairman’s Report January 2017


As of 11th January we were operating with a net surplus of £2402.30, copy attached

Pavilion :

The redecoration programme slowed over the Christmas period quite rightly but now continues with focus now on the doors.

A clean up group has been arranged Sunday 15th January with Rushden and Diamonds to sort out the storeroom. We can then discuss with them possibilities of obtaining funds to put racking in the store.

We are actively looking into ways of promoting/advertising the pavilion and charity shop.


The hedge around the perimeter of the car park has now been cut.

Playing Fields :

Rushden and Diamonds lease proposal has been received and reviewed. Amendments are being requested. Upon receipt a copy will be submitted to the Parish Council for approval.

Play Area :

Quotes for new signage and parts for repairs have been obtained. Details will be passed to Parish Council to enable orders to be placed with VAT exemption.

Long Term Vision :

Longer term we would like to significantly enhance the facilities but this obviously involves high investment:-

 New fencing around car park  Extending car park up the side of the pavilion  Jogging track around the perimeter of the field  Outdoor exercise equipment

The Parish Council will be approached in due course to ask what financial support can be provided.

Chris Challis, Chairman 13 January 2017 BOZEAT PARISH COUNCIL FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR JANUARY 2017 APPENDIX E Account Balances as at 9th January 2017 as per Bank Reconciliation Account Village Sign/Contingency Fund £35,735.03 Deposit Account . £68,281.93 Current Account . £1,455.75 TOTAL £105,472.71

Payments made during the month which require formal approval Date Chq/DD Payee Details Nett Value VAT Amount Paid Budget 28.12.2016 D/D Veolia ES Waste disposal - cemetery £ 86.78 £ 17.36 £ 104.14 Cemetery - waste disposal £ 86.78 £ 17.36 £ 104.14

Payments for approval at the meeting held on Monday, 16th JANUARY 2017 Date Chq No. Payee Details Nett Value VAT Amount to PayBudget 16.1.2017 200510 M.Chapman Cemetery caretaking contract £ 563.00 £ 563.00 Cemetery - caretaking contract 200511 L.Payne Clerk/Registrar - salary/exp's/postage £ 411.84 £ 411.84 General - Clerk's salary + postage 200512 R & G Landscapes Playing field pitch marking and draining £ 718.52 £ 143.71 £ 862.23 BPFA - general grant 200513 NorthantsACRE Membership subscription £ 35.00 £ 35.00 General - subscriptions 200514 e-on Street light maintenance charge £ 32.31 £ 6.46 £ 38.77 Lighting - energy/maintenance 200515 e-on street light energy charge £ 86.36 £ 4.32 £ 90.68 Lighting - energy/maintenance 200516 e-on street light energy charge £ 121.32 £ 6.07 £ 127.39 Lighting - energy/maintenance 200517 R.Driver Village Warden £ 80.00 £ 80.00 Village enhancement - Village Warden 200518 NorthantsACRE Attendance at meetings £ 87.90 £ 87.90 Local Community 200519 M.Chapman Odd Jobs contract 15/2016; 16/2016 + 1 interment£ 90.00 £ 90.00 General/Burial

TOTALS £ 2,226.25 £ 160.56 £ 2,386.81 Resolved to transfer £2000 from the deposit to the current account to cover these payments. BOZEAT PARISH COUNCIL LIST OF CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED – JANUARY 2017 APPENDIX F

 NorthantsPolice – minutes from JAG meeting held on 7th December 2016.  Borough Council – notification of planning application WP/16/00735/FUL.  Borough Council – notification of planning application WP/16/00781/FUL.  Borough Council – notification of planning application WP/16/00769/FUL.  Borough Council – notification of reserved matters application WP/16/00802/REM.  IMI – War memorial cleaning services.  Kierwsp – Community Enhancement Gang visits – deadline for requests is 24th February.  County Council – invitation to apply for works to be undertaken by the Parish Enhancement Gang – deadline for applications is 24th February 2017.  Lloyds Bank – account information and bank mandate forms.  M & G Investments – Town Well account.  County Council – InNorthamptonshire magazine  The ICO – Certificate of registration.  County Council – notification of consultation [Draft Budget and Council Plan 2017- 18].  County Council – notification of consultation [Consultation on the Development of Northamptonshire Adult Social Services].  Peter Bone MP – Post Office services in Bozeat.  SLCC – notification of 2017 Practitioners’ Conference.  SLCC – The Clerk magazine [January 2017] – agreed to circulate this document in the monthly pack.  SLCC – Clerks & Councils Direct magazine [January 2017] – agreed to circulate this document in the monthly pack.  County Council – InNorthamptonshire magazine [January 2017].  County Council – notification of consultation [Northamptonshire Minerals and Waste Local Plan Update: Proposed Modifications].

Abbreviations: BPFA = Bozeat Playing Field Association; HMRC = Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs; CPRE = Campaign for the Protection of Rural ; SLCC = Society of Local Council Clerks; CALC = County Association of Local Councils; NRHA – Northants Rural Housing Association. Resolution agreed at a meeting of Bozeat Parish Council held on 16th January 2017. APPENDIX G

1. We, Bozeat Parish Council hereby appoint Lloyds Bank plc (“the Bank”) as our bankers and apply for the account and services as indicated to the Bank. 2. We authorise the Bank to operate our account whether opened now or in the future in accordance with the terms as set out in Sections 2 and 3 of the Authority and the general terms and conditions and these terms are approved. 3. We, the organisation hereby agree that :- - a current account or accounts or deposit account or accounts (“the account”) be opened with the Bank. For the purposes of the Authority, refers to “account or accounts” means the account whether opened now or in the future. - the terms set out in the general terms and conditions and separate terms and conditions governing the use of the accounts shall apply to the accounts. - the Bank is authorised to act on any instructions received from the people named in Section 2 of the authority (“the authorised signatories”) and in accordance with Section 3 (“Signing restrictions”) of that form, acting within the authority to pay from or debit the account either in writing or via any electronic or other automated payment or funds transfer system that the Bank makes available to the council, by telephone, bank card, debit card, credit or by any other means that may be introduced by the Bank. - the authority will apply whether the account is in credit or overdrawn, even where the account will become overdrawn as a result of the debit. 4. The authorised signatories are authorised acting within the authority to:- - arrange with the Bank from time to time for advances to the council by way of loan or overdraft. - Withdraw and deal with any of the council’s property which the Bank may hold from time to time. - Approve and authorise the execution on behalf of the council of any contracts, agreement or other document with any part of the Lloyds Banking Group for the provision of banking services. 5. The Bank may act on any instructions given pursuant to the authority provided by these resolutions without at any time making any enquiries as to the circumstances of the instructions or why such instructions were given. 6. The Bank is authorised to accept changes to this authority from the authorised signatories acting within the authority. 7. The Bank will be provided with the Rules and the Resolutions or Constitution for inspection and also with copies of any resolutions amending them that may from time to time be passed and certified by the Chairperson or the Secretary. 8. The Bank will also be provided with a list of the names of the officials of the council and also with copies of any resolutions amending them that may from time to time be passed and certified by the Chairperson or the Secretary. 9. The authority will not be affected by any change in the name of the council but the Bank will be notified of any changes and the council will complete all necessary documentation as requested by the Bank. 10. We have read and understood and agree to the terms set out in Section 4 of the authority “Personal and Business Data and Lloyds Banking Group” on how our organisation’s data will be used by the Bank. 11. It is certified that the above resolutions were duly passed in accordance with the organisation’s rules or constitution and entered in the organisation’s minute book and that the specimen signatures shown in Section 2 of the authority are correct and that all signatories are duly authorised on behalf of all members to enter into legally binding obligations with the Bank on behalf of the organisation.


PRESENT: - Cllrs Gibbins [Chairman]; Brown; Docker; Dudley-Smith; Foward; Pollard; Pritchard and Spencer. Cllr Skittrall arrived during the course of the meeting.

PUBLIC – There was one member of the public present at the meeting.

MATTERS RAISED BY MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC: - • Hedge trimming around the village. • Impact of Santa Pod traffic. • Maintenance of trees abutting the highway.

1. Apologies. It was resolved to accept apologies for absence received from Cllrs Cooke and Wade, also Cllr Skittrall, who is expected to arrive during the course of the meeting.

2. Declarations of interest. It was resolved to record the following declarations of interest from members: - Agenda item 7a – Cllr Brown declared a non-pecuniary interest in planning application WP/16/00735/FUL. Agenda item 8c [Allotments] – Cllr Brown declared a pecuniary interest in this item. Agenda item 10a [BPFA report] – Cllrs Docker and Gibbins declared non-pecuniary interests in this item. Agenda item 10b [Bozeat Primary School] – Cllr Dudley-Smith declared a non-pecuniary interest in this agenda item.

3. Minutes. The minutes of the Annual Finance Meeting of Bozeat Parish Council held on Monday, 9th January 2017 were proposed as correct by Cllr Gibbins. A vote was taken = 7 for with 2 abstentions, motion carried. They were then signed as a correct record.

4. Minutes. The minutes of the meeting of Bozeat Parish Council held on Monday, 16th January 2017 were proposed as correct by Cllr Gibbins. This was seconded by Cllr Pollard and a vote was taken = 7 for with 2 abstentions, motion carried. They were then signed as a correct record.

5. Matters arising from the last meeting: - a. Village Sign – ongoing. b. Circulating documents –the progress of circulating packs was reported and it was resolved to remove two packs from the list that have not been returned.

6. Police Report a. Crime figures for the previous month – the council received, with regret, notification that PCSO Mike Bowes has been moved from the rural SCT role. It was resolved to email him thanking for looking after the village. Two crimes were recorded for January 2017.

Page 1842 – 20th February 2017.

Page 1843 – 20th February 2017. b. Parking – letter received from Queen Street residents objecting to the parking restriction proposals, and it was resolved not to pursue this project. Email received from a resident objecting to the London Road parking restrictions, noted that the proposals have been formed taking into account advice from the Police. Resolved to continue to press for restrictions in this location. The Chairman to prepare letters of reply.

It was resolved to leave the Planning report until later in the meeting, pending the arrival of Cllr Skittrall.

8. Council Services a. Cemetery – Cllr Spencer noted an inspection report and estimate for cleaning the war memorial. Two residual piles of spoil have been left in the cemetery following recent burials, the Clerk has emailed the funeral directors concerned and it was resolved to send formal letters chasing up the removal of the spoil. b. Applications for permission to place memorials or headstones in the Cemetery. Cllr Spencer recommended that an application for an additional inscription on a memorial received from Blenkharns be approved and this was agreed. c. Allotments – it was noted that all rents have now been received and that there are now 11 vacant half-sized plots. An advert has been placed in Bozeat Matters and a poster placed on the council’s noticeboard. Cllrs Brown and Gibbins had inspected the overhanging trees which are causing problems for allotment tenants and it is believed that the land on which they stand belongs to a farmer. Cllr Gibbins is to investigate ownership in order to obtain permission to cut back the offending trees. d. Former play area in Abbey Close – it was reported that planning consent has now been granted and estate agents instructed to market the land. It was noted that the footpath crossing the site is not registered. It was suggested that the council contacts the solicitors who will act for Abbey New Homes in relation to the ransom strip.

9. Local Environment. a. Highways – Cllr Foward proposed that his report [Appendix A] be accepted, this was agreed. Street Doctor reports now recorded on a spreadsheet for ease of tracking. It was suggested that Helen Howard be asked to visit Bozeat to look at areas of concern. b. Street Lights – no issues reported, the unstable lighting column appears to have been fixed. c. Parish Paths Warden report – no issues reported. d. Village Warden – Cllr Gibbins proposed that the report [Appendix B] be accepted, this was agreed. It was agreed to let the Village Warden know that Mike Bowes is no longer the local Police officer. e. Land registrations – Cllr Brown reported that applications for registration have been submitted for the cemetery avenue and Town Well. f. Noticeboard – it was reported that the order for a new noticeboard has not been placed because a quote has been obtained from another supplier. Cllr Gibbins proposed that Cllr Cooke be given delegated powers to purchase a noticeboard on behalf of Bozeat Parish Council, this was agreed. g. Parish Enhancement Gang – Cllr Foward has created a spreadsheet of areas for consideration which includes areas suggested by the Village Warden. Cllr Brown reported that the estimated cost of closing the unofficial laybys on London Road would be around £8500, plus fees. This to be an agenda item for the next meeting. to consider areas for inclusion on this years’ list of requested works. Spreadsheet produced, includes matters raised by village warden.

Page 1844 – 20th February 2017. h. Great British Spring Clean and Litter Heroes Awards – it was resolved to forward the information about this event to the Bozeat Community Action Group and to ask them to lead on the project.

10. Representatives Reports. a. Bozeat Playing Field Association – Cllr Gibbins proposed that a report [Appendix C] received from the Playing Field Committee be accepted, agreed. it was noted that a new village football team is to use the pitches on Sunday mornings. Under 7’s football coaching and tennis coaching sessions are also being considered. It was resolved to support the Playing Field Committee’s 10-year agreement with Rushden and Diamonds Football Team to provide football pitches. b. Bozeat Primary School – it was noted that the bus which will be converted to a library has now been purchased. The Commonwealth Flag is to be raised on the Village Green on Commonwealth Day.

11. Parish Mowing Contract for 2017-2018. The Chairman reported that he had found it difficult to obtain the information necessary to make an informed decision on taking control of the verge mowing in the parish. A verbal quote of £480 per cut had been obtained. It was suggested that the contractors mowing the playing field pitches be asked to quote for the work. It was resolved to ask the Highways Department for a schedule of dates for next years’ planning mowing visits. Cllr Foward suggested that the grant offered by Highways be challenged.

12. Local Events. a. International Waendel Walk Weekend – it was resolved to provide stamping duties at the Bozeat checkpoint. The Clerk to produce a rota for the day and complete the booking form.

13. SLCC Annual Conference. Cllr Gibbins proposed that the council pays the £10 delegate fee for the Clerk to attend the SLCC Annual Conference, agreed.

14. Finance The Chairman reported that HSBC Bank had refused to activate the letter requesting a transfer of funds from the deposit to the current account and had returned one cheque unpaid, charging the council £15. A letter had been received instructing the council to use a Global Funds Transfer Request form for transfers and the Clerk advises transferring the bulk of the funds held in the deposit account to the current account to prevent future problems. a. Payments – Cllr Gibbins proposed that the Finance Report [Appendix D] be accepted and the payments and funds transfers included be approved, agreed. b. Bank account – it was noted that the bank mandate forms have been hand delivered to Lloyds Bank. It was resolved that the adoption of an online banking policy be an agenda item for the next meeting.

7. Planning. a. Current/new planning applications – Cllr Gibbins proposed that a Planning Report [Appendix E] submitted by Cllr Skittrall be accepted, agreed. b. Neighbourhood Plan – it was resolved to chase up a date for the requested meeting with planning officers. Cllr Brown advised that the council produces a document detailing

Page 1845 – 20th February 2017. areas where future development in Bozeat would be considered acceptable. c. NACRE Neighbourhood Plan Day – it was resolved to book two places at this event, costing £40 each. It was noted that the Borough Council had acknowledged receipt of the Parish Councils revised priorities for the Community Project List.

15. Correspondence. It was resolved to acknowledge receipt of correspondence received since the last meeting, as detailed in Appendix E.

16. Items for the next agenda. It was resolved to add the following items to the agenda for the next meeting: - • Delegates for the Parishes Forum Meeting.

17. Date and time of next meeting. It was noted that the next meeting of Bozeat Parish Council will take place on Monday, 20th March 2017. The meeting will follow the Annual Parish Meeting for Bozeat at 7pm and then Public Participation and will be held in the schoolroom of TLC, Dychurch Lane, Bozeat, Northants, NN29 7JP.

There being no further business, the Chairman declared the meeting closed.

Signed …………………………………………… Chairman. 20th March 2017.

Bozeat Parish Council – Highways Monthly Report

Month ending 13th February 2017

Street Doctor Headlines

Eleven reports raised, Boz - 0003 work completed. Four additional items have been closed by street doctor Boz – 0007, 0009, 0010 and 0011, but will continue to be monitored. Work on Boz – 0004, 0006 and 0008 to commence within the next two months.

Community Enhancement Gangs Works

A list of 10 items has been produced primarily by Robert Driver.

Project works

Work continues with the reinstatement of the two lay-by areas to the south of Bozeat. Presently drawings and quotations are being sort along with utilities checks once we have these to hand will present to the Council a fuller picture of the works to be undertaken.


Will continue to monitor street doctor to ensure works are undertaken as stated and report any changes to time frame for delivery.

Would like to express my thanks to Robert Driver for producing the Community Enhancement Gangs Works list; if any of the other members have items for this list please forward to me for inclusion.

Would request that the member provide me with any concerns they may have that require to be raised on street doctor.

The report captures all street doctor submissions up to and including the cut of date Monday 13 th February 17 that I’m aware of; if I’ve missed any please let me know and I will add to the spreadsheet.

Contact details need to be added to the spreadsheets, which I propose we should discuss at the 20 th February 17 Council meeting.


Highways Tracing Spreadsheet

Community Enhancement Gang Spreadsheet


January’s brief outline:

 Cut hedges in Allens Hill and cleared footpath.  Street Doctor report 851249 – pothole at junction of Mill Road and Queen Street. Told it would take up to 3 months.  Street Doctor report 851247 – sunken drain in London Road [south].  Mud on slide in children’s play area – possible mole heaps cause!  Skate ramp – timber splitting in some areas.  ELVIS – reported 4 vehicles as appearing to be abandoned, all taxed. Will follow it up again.  Village risk assessment – carried out throughout the village.  Village Enhancement Gang – forwarded details of areas for attention to the Clerk.

Carried out usual checks around the village during the month.

Approximate 12 hours including Risk Assessment and Village Enhancement checks.

Bozeat Playing Fields Association

Chairman’s Report February 2017


As of 6th February we were operating with a net surplus of £2472.90, copy attached

Pavilion :

The internal redecoration programme has picked up again after the Christmas period with focus to move onto the changing rooms. Thanks to the volunteers who are giving up their time for this project.

The next area being given consideration is renovation of the outside of the pavilion. Details will follow in due course.

The storeroom has now been cleared and reorganised by a joint working group with Rushden and Diamonds. Thanks to all those involved. Once the lease proposal is formally agreed we can discuss the possibilities of getting them to rack it out with funds from the FA and DHL.

The pavilion and charity shop are being advertised around the village, in Bozeat Matters and WASNAV the local circular for Wollaston.


The introduction of CCTV cameras appears to have made a positive impact since installation. A formal request will be sent to the PC for funding for further cameras monitoring the car park entrance and play area.

Playing Fields :

Rushden and Diamonds lease proposal has been finalised and will be submitted to the PC for formal approval.

Play Area :

New signage and parts for repairs have been ordered.

Long Term Vision :

In addition to the projects mentioned in the previous report additional areas for consideration are:-

 Increasing car park capacity  Additional tennis court

Chris Challis, Chairman

9th February 2017 BOZEAT PARISH COUNCIL FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR FEBRUARY 2017 APPENDIX D Account Balances as at 20th February 2017 as per Bank Reconciliation Account Village Sign/Contingency Fund £35,735.03 Deposit Account . £66,281.93 Current Account . £2,235.35 TOTAL £104,252.31

Payments made during the month which require formal approval Date Chq/DD Payee Details Amount Paid Budget 28.1.2017 D/D Veolia ES Waste disposal - cemetery £ 74.42 Cemetery - waste disposal 26.1.2017 HSBC Bank Bank charges £ 15.00 General - subscriptions £ 89.42

Payments for approval at the meeting held on Monday, 19th FEBRUARY 2017 Date Chq No. Payee Details Amount to PayBudget 20.2.2017 200521 M.Chapman Cemetery caretaking contract £ 563.00 Cemetery - caretaking contract 200522 L.Payne Clerk/Registrar - salary/exp's/postage £ 433.45 General - Clerk's salary + postage 200523 R & G Landscapes Playing field pitch winter marking £ 190.76 BPFA - general grant 200524 Colemans Stationery account - ink cartridge/paper/file£ 21.47 General - stationery 200525 Ricoh UK Photocopier rental /copy charge £ 65.59 General - photocopier rental 200526 NorseSupply and fit litter bin £ 288.00 General - street furniture 200527 Playdale PlaygroundsSpare parts for playground equipment £ 152.21 BPFA - residual fund 200528 L.Milligan Planter - annual allowance £ 25.00 Village Enhancement - planter 200529 Bozeat School Planter - annual allowance £ 25.00 Village Enhancement - planter 200530 Bozeat W.I. Planter - annual allowance £ 50.00 Village Enhancement - planter 200531 Windmill Singers Planter - annual allowance £ 25.00 Village Enhancement - planter 200532 AT Design Documents for planning application £ 1,200.00 Future projects/renewals 200533 R.Driver Village Warden - 12 hours £ 120.00 Village Enhancement - Village Warden

TOTALS £ 3,159.48 Resolved to transfer £60000 from the deposit to the current account to ensure future payments will be processed by the bank

REPORT FROM THE PLANNING GROUP – February 2017 APPENDIX E Prepared by Brian Skittrall

(a) Granted Applications Reference No. For Date granted WP/16/00769 New dwelling, land adj 10 Abbey Close WP/16/00821 Extensions, 130 London Road Permitted WP/16/00802 2 Semi-detached dwellings to rear of 129a London Road

(b) Refused/Withdrawn Applications Reference No. For Date refused None

(c) Pending Applications Reference No. For Status WP/16/00670 New Dwelling, Dungee Corner No comments sent WP/16/00687 Extension and decking, 16 Allens Hill Comments sent WP/16/00735 57 High Street, dormer extension Comments sent WP/16/00781 Rear extension, 7 Roberts Street No comments sent

(d) New Applications Reference No. For Status None

(e) WP/16/00769 New dwelling, land adj 10 Abbey Close

Cllr Cooke spoke for the Parish Council at the planning meeting and this was approved unanimously by the planning committee who were very supportive of us finding a positive use for the site.

(f) 16/00047/MINNMA/WP/16/00663 – P14 (Bozeat Quarry) – extension until 31 Jan 2017 A proposed letter regarding the lack of consultation is as follows:

Bozeat Parish Council is very concerned that the planning permission for this site was extended without consulting or informing our Parish Council. We believe that Wollaston Parish Council was also unaware of the extension. Whilst we appreciate that an additional month of operation at the site is not significant in the wider picture, we feel that it does not excuse the lack of communication with the affected communities.

Could you please explain how this has occurred and assure us that we will be kept fully informed about the final stages of work at the site? Could you also assure us that should there be any developments regarding site allocation M2 - Bozeat (formerly known as Bozeat Extension) the Parish Council will be consulted as a neighbouring community?

(g) WP/16/00735 57 High Street, dormer extension – Comments sent:

Bozeat Parish Council has two concerns regarding this proposal; the effect on the street scene and the long term impact on parking. We therefore object to the proposal as it stands. When considering the impact on the street scene, 57 High Street forms one of four attractive semi-detached houses that comprise a new build that were designed to form a character addition to our village High Street as a part of the Bozgate development. From the drawings it is clear that the proposed dormers would be prominent when walking up the High Street and would be noticeably out of character to the other three semis. This impact could be significantly reduced by removing the front dormer.

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When considering parking, the Bozgate development has a chronic shortage of parking and the Parish Council has received a delegation from residents because of the severity of the problems. We are also aware of cases of criminal damage that have been attributed to parking disputes. Because additional bedrooms eventually lead to additional vehicles we are concerned that not only might this proposal increase the pressure on parking in its own right, but also that it would set a precedent that could be repeated in the other three semis. However we believe that the additional room may constitute permitted development making this a moot point.

(h) WP/16/00802: 2 Semi-detached dwellings to rear of 129a London Road

This application was restricted to reserved matters relating to landscaping and technical highways design which were to standard. It is not approval of the buildings.

(i) Northamptonshire Minerals and Waste Local Plan Update: Proposed Modifications

The consultation covers the final stages of the plan process that started some time ago. There are no changes that are significant for Bozeat although the Bozeat extension remains on the plan as available for extraction. At present there is no interest in pursuing this site.


Northants Police – crime figures for January 2017. PCSO Mike Bowes – email advising his departure from the rural SCT role. Wellingborough JAG – minutes from the last meeting. Bozeat residents [8] – letter objecting to the parking restriction proposals for Queen Street. Borough Council – notification of visit by the Site Viewing Group [WP/16/0087/FUL]. Borough Council – email confirming receipt of amended Community Project List priorities. NorthantsACRE – invitation to attend the Neighbourhood Plan Day on 25th May 2017. Tackling Flooding 2017 – invitation to attend a conference on 27th April 2017 in Central London. Council – modifications to the Milton Keynes Minerals Local Plan. Borough Council – consultation on Public Space Protection Orders. IMI Ltd – inspection report and estimate for cleaning of war memorial. Blenkharns – memorial application. email requesting information about how to organize commemorative plaques in the cemetery. Anglian Water – opening of the water and wastewater market to business, public sector and charity customers. Bozeat resident – email advising the termination of their allotment tenancy. Northants Highways – Annual Parish Survey. CPRE – invitation to take part in the Great British Spring Clean. Borough Council – invitation to help at the annual Waendel Walk. SLCC – notification of training sessions and Branch Conference Day. HSBC Bank – letter advising that the requesting transfer of funds had not been activated. HSBC Bank – letter advising a charge of £15 for returning an unpaid cheque. R & G – unpaid cheque. NorthantsACRE – Rural Wellbeing Project. Blueton Ltd – street furniture information. NCALC – Update magazine [January-February 2017] – recommend that this is circulated in a pack. M & G Investments – Town Well account. Glasdon UK – product information. Borough Council – invitation to attend Parishes Forum Meeting [30th March 2017]. County Council – notification of public consultation [Northamptonshire County Council’s Prioritisation Framework and Process]. e-on – notification that electricity meter [Village Green] is to be replaced. Rural Wellbeing Service information. InNorthamptonshire magazine.

Abbreviations: BPFA = Bozeat Playing Field Association; HMRC = Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs; CPRE = Campaign for the Protection of Rural England; SLCC = Society of Local Council Clerks; CALC = County Association of Local Councils; NRHA – Northants Rural Housing Association. A MEETING OF BOZEAT PARISH COUNCIL WAS HELD ON MONDAY, 20th MARCH 2017 IN THE SCHOOLROOM OF THE INDEPENDENT WESLEYAN CHAPEL, DYCHURCH LANE, BOZEAT IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING THE ANNUAL PARISH MEETING FOR BOZEAT AT 7pm and PUBLIC PARTICIPATION.

PRESENT: -: - Cllrs Cooke [Chairman]; Brown; Docker; Pollard; Pritchard; Spencer and Skittrall.

PUBLIC: - There were no members of the public present at the meeting.

1. Apologies. It was resolved to accept apologies for absence received from Cllrs Dudley-Smith; Gibbins; Foward and Wade.

2. Declarations of interest. • Agenda item 7c [Allotments] – Cllr Brown declared a pecuniary interest in this item. • Agenda item 9a [Bpfa] – Cllrs Cooke and Docker declared non-pecuniary interests in this item.

3. Minutes. Cllr Pritchard proposed that the minutes of the meeting of Bozeat Parish Council held on 20th February 2017 be accepted as a correct record. This was seconded by Cllr Pollard and a vote was taken = 5 for with 2 abstentions, motion carried.

4. Matters arising. a. Village Sign – it was noted that the repairs have been ongoing for many months and it was resolved to write to the carpenter letting him know that the Clerk has a strut from the sign which he will need to re-attach when he visits. b. Circulating documents – packs were passed on.

5. Police Report. a. Crime figures for the previous month – 3 crimes were recorded for February 2017. b. Parking – the application for parking restrictions in Queen Street has been withdrawn following objections. Pavement parking outside a property in Allens Hill was reported and discussed. It was resolved to write to a delivery company about their drivers travelling at excess speed in the village. An invitation to attend meetings with the and Crime Commissioner were noted.

6. Planning. a. Current/new planning applications – Cllr Skittrall proposed that his report [Appendix A] be accepted, this was seconded by Cllr Pollard and agreed. it was reported that permitted development does not apply to properties which are part of the Bosgate Close/High Street development. b. Neighbourhood Plan – it was reported that Cllrs Docker; Gibbins and Skittrall had attended a meeting with Borough Council planning officers to discuss a statement issued by Anglian Water about the capacity to provide water and sewerage facilities in Bozeat. The Parish Council may wish to consider producing a Village Design Statement instead of a Neighbourhood Plan and it was resolved that any members of the council interested in discussing this should meet informally. c. NorthantsACRE Neighbourhood Plan Day – the Clerk reported that two places have been booked at this event. Page 1846 – 20th March 2017

Page 1847 – 20th March 2017.

7. Council Services. a. Cemetery – it was reported that the two spoil heaps left in the cemetery have now been removed, relatives have asked permission to purchase a commemorative public seat and that recent high winds have caused some minor damage. b. Applications for permission to place memorials or headstones in the Cemetery - none received. c. Allotments – it was reported that several plots have been issued to new tenants recently; a full inspection of the allotments is to take place at the end of March; the front fence has been repaired; ownership of land which abuts the allotments field has been established and the Chairman is to contact the landowner about the overhanging trees. d. Former play area in Abbey Close – Cllr Cooke proposed that the report submitted in February [Appendix B] be accepted, this was agreed. it was further resolved that the potential legal costs of transferring the land be an agenda item for the next meeting.

8. Local Environment. a. Highways – Cllr Cooke proposed that the report submitted [Appendix C] and tracking spreadsheet [Appendix D] be accepted, this was agreed. it was reported that a deep pothole has appeared in St Mary’s Road; a resident has complained about visibility issues when using the junction of Easton Lane and London Road; a resident has complained about parking and other issues in Allens Hill. b. Street Light – no problems reported. E-on has notified us of an increase in energy prices from 1st April 2017. c. Parish Paths Warden – it was noted that footpaths are soggy but no problems reported. d. Village Warden – Cllr Cooke proposed that the report submitted [Appendix E] is accepted and this was agreed. it was resolved to ask the Village Warden to submit photographs as evidence when inconsiderate or illegal parking is noted. e. Land registrations – acknowledgement received from the Land Registry for the Town Well application, Ordnance Survey is to visit the site as the map is not clear; the registration of the cemetery avenue is ongoing; the developer of the Easton Lane estate is to be asked to hand over the urban footway running from Easton Lane to Mill Road; work is ongoing on the Village Green application. f. Noticeboard – it was noted that the second quote received was lower than the one accepted by the council and it was resolved that Cllr Cooke should proceed with the purchase of the new noticeboard. g. Parish Enhancement Gang requests – it was resolved to accept the list of requests submitted [Appendix F], further resolved to note that the hedge in Allens Hill has already been cut back. h. Great British Spring Clean and Litter Heroes Awards – it was noted that the Bozeat Environmental Care Group are unable to organise a public litter pick due to the short timescale, and it was resolved to ask them to organise one for 2018 with the Parish Council to organise its own litter pick at the next meeting. Concern was raised at the volume of paper which litters the village after recycling waste is collected and it was resolved to write to the contractors about this. i. London Road laybys – Cllr Brown proposed that the council commits to paying up to £10,000 for works to close unofficial lay-bys on London Road, this was agreed. to consider paying for works to prevent parking on the unofficial laybys in London Road, costing £8500 plus fees. It was suggested that the council investigates requesting a speed limit of 40mph for the area from the Bozeat Bypass to the 30mph limit on London Road. It was noted that a village facebook page often includes complaints about speeding and parking in the village and Cllr Brown suggested asking local residents to get involved in

Page 1848 – 20th March 2017. local issues. Cllrs Cooke and Gibbins are to be trained in the use of the electronic speed equipment. It was suggested that one of the dog bins be moved behind one of the gateways, this to be an odd job request.

9. Representatives Reports. a. Bozeat Playing Field Association – reported that finances are in good shape and improvements are being made to the field and pavilion, parking is an issue in Dychurch Lane when football training or matches are on b. Bozeat Primary School – reported that planning consent is not required for the bus which is to be used as a library, but the wheels must be disabled.

10. Parish Mowing Contract for 2017-2018. Northamptonshire Highways is offering £624.56 per annum towards the cost of carrying out this work – it was noted that it is now too late to proceed this year, but it could be considered again for 2018-2019.

11. Local Events. a. International Waendel Walk Weekend – the checkpoint rota for marshals was confirmed, collection of the box was noted. b. Village fete – it was resolved to authorise the Chairman to spend up to £750 on essential expenses for the annual fete. It was noted that a procedure is required for use and access to the electricity supply cabinet.

12. Finance a. Payments – Cllr Cooke proposed that the Finance Report [Appendix G] be accepted and this was agreed. b. Bank account – it was noted that a number of letters have been received and passed onto members of the council. It was noted that the only payments which will be released will be those which are listed on the monthly Financial Report approved by the council. It was resolved to make one amendment to the policy as presented.

13. Correspondence. It was resolved to acknowledge receipt of correspondence received since the last meeting as listed on Appendix H.

14. Items for the next agenda. • To consider renewing membership of CPRE. • To approve the design for screen planting on the village green [electricity cabinet]. • The purchase of dog poo bag dispensers.

15. Date and time of next meeting. It was noted that the next meeting of Bozeat Parish Council will take place on Monday, 24th April 2017. The meeting will follow Public Participation at 7pm and will be held in the schoolroom of TLC, Dychurch Lane, Bozeat, Northants, NN29 7JP.

Signed ………………………………………………………………… Chairman. 24th April 2017.


PRESENT: - Cllrs Gibbins [Chairman]; Brown; Docker; Foward; Pollard; Skittrall; Spencer and Wade.

PUBLIC: - No members of the public were present at the meeting.

1. Apologies. It was resolved to accept apologies for absence received from Cllrs Cooke; Dudley-Smith and Pritchard.

2. Declarations of interest. It was resolved to record the following declarations of interest from members in items to be discussed: - • Agenda item 8c - Allotments – Cllr Brown declared a pecuniary interest. • Agenda item 10a - BPFA – Cllrs Docker and Gibbins declared non-pecuniary interests. • Agenda item 12b – Cllr Skittrall declared a non-pecuniary interest. • Agenda item 14 – Cllr Wade declared a non-pecuniary interest in the Community Church Hall.

3. Minutes from the Annual Parish Meeting for Bozeat. Cllr Pollard proposed that the minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting for Bozeat held on Monday, 20th March 2017 be accepted as a correct record, this was seconded by Cllr Docker and a vote was taken = 5 for with 3 abstentions, motion carried. The Chairman then signed the minute book.

4. Minutes from the last meeting of Bozeat Parish Council. Cllr Pollard proposed that the minutes from the last meeting of Bozeat Parish Council be accepted, this was seconded by Cllr Docker and a vote was taken = 5 for with 3 abstentions, motion carried.

5. Matters arising: - a. Village Sign – it was reported that the woodcarver has advised that a new bearer is required for the sign at an additional cost of £125 to the original quote. Cllr Spencer proposed that the quote be accepted and the work be authorized, this was agreed. It was further agreed to ask when the work will be done. b. Circulating documents – the progress of circulating packs was checked and items passed on.

6. Police Report – to receive reports. a. Crime figures for the previous month – it was reported that crime figures will no longer be provided, however they can be accessed from the Police website, although they are not likely to provide up to date information. It was resolved to write to Northamptonshire Police advising that this is not acceptable to Bozeat Parish Council, and to ask the local Police Officer to attend our next meeting to discuss this. It was further resolved that this be raised at the next JAG meeting. b. Parking – problems safely exiting Pit Field Close onto Harrold Road due to the proximity of parked vehicles were outlined in an email received from a Bozeat resident.

Page 1849 – 24th April 2017.

Page 1850 – 24th April 2017.

It was suggested that Helen Howard at Highways be asked to consider providing a mirror at the junction to aid visibility. c. Speeding and anti-social driving during Santa Pod events – email received from a Bozeat resident asking Northants Police to attend the village more often in order to deter traffic problems during Santa Pod events. Cllr Brown advised that he had contacted the Police requesting data from their visits with the mobile speed camera but this has not been provided. It was suggested that members of the council may wish to attend the next Crime Commissioner’s meeting.

7. Planning. Cllr Skittrall proposed that his report [Appendix A] be accepted, this was agreed. a. Current/new planning applications – Cllr Skittrall provided additional details to items on the report, and it was resolved to write one set of applicants asking them to consider using materials more sympathetic to the surrounding area. b. Neighbourhood Plan – it was noted that Bozeat is due to have another affordable housing needs survey and it was resolved to contact the Borough Council to ask when it will be done. The Chairman will organise an informal meeting so that members of the council can consider whether or not to pursue the production of a Neighbourhood Plan. c. NACRE Neighbourhood Plan Day – to note that Cllrs Brown and Docker will represent the council at this event. d. Neighbourhood Plan workshop – it was resolved to defer this item until the next meeting.

8. Council Services – to receive reports. a. Cemetery – Cllr Spencer reported that the flower beds are looking beautiful. Cllr Wade asked about the progress of the project to provide additional land for cemetery use and it was noted that work will begin once the registration of the cemetery avenue has been completed. b. Applications for permission to place memorials or headstones in the Cemetery – Cllr Spencer recommended that an application recently received from S. Blenkharn be approved, subject to the correction of a spelling error, and this was resolved. c. Allotments – Cllr Pollard proposed that his report [Appendix B] be accepted and this was agreed. Cllr Brown suggested that new tenants be asked to pay a deposit which is only refundable when plots are returned to the council in an acceptable condition. It was resolved to consult the Allotments Manager and that this be an agenda item for the next meeting. It was noted that the Parish Council has two strimmer’s available for use on the allotments. d. Former play area in Abbey Close – Cllr Wade noted that this report had been accepted at the previous meeting. It was resolved that the Chairman be authorised to act as the council’s signatory for any paperwork which is required to expedite the sale of the land. The estate agent will invite sealed bids for the land which will be opened by two members of the council the Friday afternoon prior to the next meeting and presented to the council for approval. It was resolved to advertise the plot on our website, on the village Facebook page and on our noticeboard. d.Village Green electricity cabinet – it was resolved that a new contract with e-on be approved.

9. Local Environment. a. Highways – Cllr Foward proposed that his report [Appendix C] be accepted, agreed. Cllr Skittrall asked that Highways be contacted again to attend to some potholes in St Mary’s Road, Cllr Foward asked that all Street Doctor issues be sent to him to report. Cllr Brown asked about the retaining wall at the junction of Easton Lane and London Road and

Page 1851 – 24th April 2017. requested that this be looked at again. Cllr Spencer asked about the report of overgrown briars impeding the view at the junction of London Road and Easton Lane and it was reported that Highways have inspected the area and decided that no action is required. b. Street Lights – no issues were reported. c. Parish Paths Warden – it was noted that two copies of the latest Definitive Map have been received together with a survey form. It was resolved to ask Cllr Pritchard to complete the survey form. d. Village Warden – Cllr Gibbins proposed that the Village Warden’s report [Appendix D] be accepted. e. Land registrations – Cllr Brown reported that more information has been submitted to the Land Registry recently. f. Noticeboard – it was noted that a recently received revised quote is cheaper than the one already accepted and it was resolved to ask Cllr Cooke to proceed with the order for the new noticeboard. It was further agreed to obtain quotes for the cost of installation and to ask the supplier to include Bozeat Parish Council on the board. g. Parish Enhancement Gang requests – it was reported that these have been submitted and accepted and it appears that some items have already been completed. It was resolved to ask the Village Warden to check the list and see what has been done. h. Great British Spring Clean and Litter Heroes Awards – it was noted that the Bozeat Environmental Action Group is unable to organise an event in 2018. i. Closure of London Road laybys – Cllr Brown reported that the contractor has viewed the site and work is in hand. Cllr Wade expressed concern at the cost of the works which ought to be done by the County Council rather than the Parish Council. It was noted that the Parish Council was responding to a request by the Bozeat Environmental Action Group. j. Dog waste bags – it was resolved to defer this item until the next meeting. Cllr Docker to ask the Borough Council about the supply of bags.

10. Representatives Reports. a. Bozeat Playing Field Association – Cllr Gibbins proposed that a report [Appendix E] received from BPFA be accepted, this was agreed. It was reported that the committee are considering extending the car park to alleviate parking issues. b. Bozeat Primary School – Cllr Gibbins reported that planning consent is not required for the retired bus which will be used as a library/IT centre. c. Parishes Forum meeting – it was noted that our apologies were submitted for this meeting due to illness.

11. Local Events. a. International Waendel Walk Weekend – confirmation had been received that the checkpoint needs to be ready by 09:15am. b. Battle’s Over Beacons of Light – it was resolved that Cllrs Docker; Gibbins and Spencer form a working party to investigate organising an event to mark the 100th anniversary of the end of WW1.

12. Subscriptions. a. NorthantsCALC – Cllr Gibbins proposed that Bozeat Parish Council renews annual membership of NorthantsCALC at a cost of £652.54, this was seconded by Cllr Wade and a vote was taken = 5 for, 2 against, 1 abstention, motion carried. b. CPRE – Cllr Wade proposed that Bozeat Parish Council renews annual membership of CPRE at a cost of £36, this was agreed, with 1 abstention.

Page 1852 – 24th April 2017.

13. Finance a. Payments – Cllr Gibbins proposed that the Finance Report [Appendix F] be accepted that payments listed be approved, this was seconded by Cllr Foward and agreed. Cllr Skittrall expressed concern at the high balance held in the current account and it was reported that action had been taken to alleviate difficulties in ensuring requests for transfers of funds from the deposit account were activated in a timely manner. b. Bank account – members of the council reported on items received and the Clerk reported that she would check what has been received to date. c. Audit of accounts for the financial year ended 31st March 2017 – the Clerk reported that the notification of this years’ audit had been received.

14. Correspondence It was resolved to acknowledge receipt of correspondence received since the last meeting as listed on Appendix G. Cllr Spencer requested that copies of any information received about the Local Liaison Group meeting be copied to herself and Cllr Brown.

15. To receive any items for the next agenda. • Inspection of the skate board ramp. • Former play area in Abbey Close. • Revised list of roles and responsibilities.

16. Date and time of next meeting. It was noted that the Annual Meeting of Bozeat Parish Council will take place on Monday, 15th May 2017. The meeting will follow Public Participation at 7pm and will be held in the schoolroom of TLC, Dychurch Lane, Bozeat, Northants, NN29 7JP.

There being no further business, the Chairman declared the meeting closed.

Signed ………………………………………………..…. Chairman 15th May 2017.


Prepared by Brian Skittrall APPENDIX A

(a) Granted Applications Reference No. For Date granted WP/17/00116 Garage on land adj 4 Pudding Bag Lane

(b) Refused/Withdrawn Applications Reference No. For Date refused

(c) Pending Applications Reference No. For Status WP/16/00670 New Dwelling, Dungee Corner No comments sent WP/17/00133 Extension 31 Mill Road Comments sent

(d) New Applications Reference No. For Status 17.00024.MINVOC Variation of conditions for P14 Comments by 12 May WP/17/00250

(e) WP/17/00116 – Garage adj 4 Pudding Bag Lane

This was permitted because despite being completely out of character and detrimental to the street scene, there is an existing modern garage nearby and we do not have a conservation area and so our character areas are not protected.

Comments sent: Bozeat Parish Council supports the development of parking on this site to serve the needs of 6 Church Lane which has no other parking provision. However, we feel that the proposed materials are wholly unsuitable in this location because such a utilitarian building would be completely at odds with the surrounding character properties. The most impacted building would be 4 Pudding Bag Lane and although this is not listed it is a historic property and is not involved in this development.

(f) WP/17/00133: - Extension 31 Mill Road

Comments sent: Bozeat Parish Council recommends that before considering granting permission for this extension that officers or decision makers should assure themselves that there is sufficient space between the proposed extension the extension to the adjacent attached property at 29 Mill Road to allow access for maintenance of both extensions.

The existing extension was built under application reference WP/15/00449.

(g) 17.00024.MINVOC – P14 restoration

Hanson has applied to vary the restoration plans for the P14 site. The main change is not to restore the entrance to its former state and to leave the roadway in place. The propose to replace the gates with slightly smaller double gates.

There are two main planning concerns: • Visual appearance – it will continue to appear to be an industrial site entrance rather than a rural field entrance • Increasing crime – the entrance would be attractive to fly-tippers and the metalled roadway to travellers.

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Bozeat Parish Council – Highways Monthly Report

Month ending 20 th April 2017

Street Doctor Headlines

An additional 4 street doctors reports added to the highways tracking spreadsheet during this period. Total reports to date 15. Boz - 0003 work completed. Four additional items have been closed by street doctor Boz – 0007, 0009, 0010 and 0011, but will continue to be monitored. Work on Boz – 0004, 0006 and 0008 to commence within the next two months.

Work on Boz – 0004, street doctor ref: 849607 did not commence as per notification from highways dated circa 19 th March 17. Additional comment raised on street doctor to advise new date.

Project works

It was proposed at the last Parish Council meeting that the council commits to paying up to £10,000 for works to close unofficial lay bys on London Road, this was agreed.


New items during the reporting month will be highlighted in red on the Highways Tracking Spreadsheet.

Will continue to monitor street doctor to ensure works are undertaken as stated and report any changes to time frame for delivery.

Would request that Parish Council members provide me with any concerns they may have that require to be raised on street doctor.

The report captures all street doctor submissions up to and including the cut of date Monday 8th April 17 that I’m aware of; if I’ve missed any please let me know and I will add to the spreadsheet.


Highways Tracking Spreadsheet

Highways Report February 17 By: SP Foward


March's brief outline:

• After wind damage, fixed fence at the allotment. In contact with Robert Hollowell to repair the gate. • Contacted Anglia Water regarding water leak in High Street. Now fixed. • Further inquiries into abandoned cars. One in Dychurch Lane and one High Street have been removed. Have contacted police over car in Dag Lane and Citroen in London Road and a van in London Road. Ref No: 863457. • Potholes that have been reported, St. Mary's Road, London Road/junction St. Mary's Road. Have been repaired. Potholes outside 18 Allens Hill, Mill Road junction with Queen Street and outside No: 6 Mill Road. Ref No: 864310. March 16th, I have been notified that it will take 4 months to repair. • Further inspection of foot paths, have discovered 3 loose inspection covers in Mile Street/ Junction with Church Farm Close. Reported to B.T. Ref No: ECOM9PLY98. Will take 4 weeks. • Fence at bottom of Vicarage field, along The Flat, London Road is now becoming insecure. • Memorial bench at the bottom of Easton Lane, needs a coat of preserve, could this be passed to the Odd Jobs Man?

Carried out usual checks around the village and Risk Assessments.

Approximate 11hours.

Bozeat Playing Fields Association APPENDIX E

Chairman’s Report April 2017


As of 10th April we were operating with a net surplus of £4134.60. We are hoping to be able to submit more detailed accounts on an excel spreadsheet in the near future.

Pavilion :

The internal redecoration programme continues with focus now on the home and away changing rooms.

Playing Fields :

We are awaiting formal agreement of the lease agreement from Rushden and Diamonds.

Bozeat FC is to reform at the beginning of next season and 2 players have joined the playing field committee.

We are waiting to see if Wollaston Vics unders 7’s and Romans want to go ahead and use the facility.

Car Park :

We have a budget price to extend the car park around the side of the pavilion in front of the storeroom. A formal request will be made to the PC to cover the cost of this work.

Play Area :

Parts have arrived but more parts now need replacing. A cost to replace the whole raised rope walkway is being obtained.

Tennis :

Emma Maitland has commenced coaching for youngsters one session per week. It is hoped this will be extended over the coming months.

Chris Challis, Chairman

11th April 2017 BOZEAT PARISH COUNCIL FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR APRIL 2017 APPENDIX F Account Balances as at 24th APRIL 2017 as per Bank Reconciliation Account Building Society Account £35,735.03 Deposit Account . £6,288.84 Current Account . £58,850.62 TOTAL £100,874.49

Payments made during the month which require formal approval Date Chq/DD Payee Details Nett Value VAT Amount Paid Budget 28/3/2017 D/D Veolia ES Waste disposal - cemetery £ 66.74 £ 13.35 £ 80.09 Cemetery - waste disposal 10/4/2017 200547 JNRS Events Fete Day amusements £ 200.00 £ 40.00 £ 240.00 General - village events £ 266.74 £ 53.35 £ 320.09

Payments for approval at the meeting held on Monday, 24th April 2017 Date Chq No. Payee Details Nett Value VAT Amount to Pay Budget 24/4/2017 200548 M.Chapman Cemetery caretaking contract 2017/18 £ 563.00 £ 563.00 Cemetery - caretaking contract 200549 L.Payne Clerk/Registrar - salary/exp's/postage /funerals £ 521.11 £ 521.11 General - Clerk's salary, home office + postage 200550 P.Driver Allotments Manager - salary £ 400.00 £ 400.00 Allotments - manager's salary + home office 200551 R.Driver Village Warden £ 110.00 £ 110.00 General - Village Warden 200552 R & G Landscapes Mowing and marking - playing field £ 369.34 £ 73.88 £ 443.22 BPFA - grant 200553 Anglian Water Water supply - allotments £ 38.38 £ 7.68 £ 46.06 Allotments - water supply 200554 e-on Electricity supply - street lights £ 118.68 £ 5.93 £ 124.61 Lighting - maintenance/supply 200555 NorthantsACRE Church Hall meeting £ 33.90 £ 33.90 Local community 200556 Bozeat TLC Use of meeting rooms Nov 16-Feb17 £ 150.00 £ 150.00 General - premises hire 200557 Ricoh UK Photocopier rental and copy charge £ 47.62 £ 9.52 £ 57.14 General - photocopier

TOTALS £ 2,352.03 £ 97.01 £ 2,449.04

There is no need to transfer funds from the deposit account this month BOZEAT PARISH COUNCIL LIST OF CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED – APRIL 2017 APPENDIX G

Glyn Mould Woodcarver – notification of additional cost of repairs for Village Sign. Northants Police – newsletter about the Fire, Police and Highways services. Northants Police – minutes from the SCT meeting [29th March 2017]. Bozeat resident – access to and from Pit Field Close. Bozeat resident – email about the siting of mobile police cameras [forwarded to Rachel Head]. Northants Police – reply to Bozeat resident’s email regarding mobile police cameras. Northants Police – Santa Pod traffic issues. Borough Council – notification of planning application [WP/17/00204/FUL. County Council – notification of application to vary a condition of planning consent [WP/96/0340C]. Milton Keynes Council – notification of submission: Milton Keynes Site Allocations Plan. NorthantsACRE – invitation to attend a Neighbourhood Plan workshop with Historic England [8th June 2017]. S.Blenkharn – application for permission to place a memorial in the cemetery. Allotments Manager – weeds on vacant plots. e-on – invitation to agree new electricity contract for supply to Village Green cabinet. Wellingborough Norse – reply to ours [litter problem after collection of recyclable waste]. Kierwsp – notification of surface dressing works on Easton Lane/Grendon Road/. County Council – consolidated Definitive Map and Statement and survey form. Bozeat Environmental Action Group – reply to ours [Litter Heroes Awards 2018]. Borough Council – Parishes Forum meeting agenda and minutes from the last meeting. Borough Council – confirmation of Waendel Walk checkpoint duty times. Battle’s Over – A Nation’s Tribute – Beacon lighting event for 2018. NorthantsCALC – invitation to renew annual membership. CPRE – invitation to renew annual membership. BDO – notification of annual external audit of accounts. Glasdon UK – product information. Rt Hon. John Bercow – invitation to take part in UK Parliament Week [13-19 November]. Anglian Water – amalgamation of Anglian Water and Northumbrian Water to form a new company [Wave]. County Council – notification of public consultation [Library Online Use Survey 2017]. County Council – notification of public consultation [consultation on the Northampton Northern Orbital Route and Northampton North-West Relief Road]. Wicksteed Playgrounds – product information. SLCC – invitation to attend a national conference [8-9 June 2017]. Enventure Research – information about public consultation and engagement exercises. Request for permission to put up an advertisement on the noticeboard. CPRE – Nominations invited for a CPRE Mark. CPRE – Outlook magazine [March 2017] – resolved to circulate this in a pack CPRE – FieldWork magazine [Spring 2017] – resolved to circulate this in a pack CPRE – Countryside Voice magazine [Spring 2017] – resolved to circulate this in a pack Bozeat Matters – invitation to submit a report for the June issue. NRHA – housing association property becoming vacant. Trading Standards News – magazine – resolved to circulate this in a pack Bozeat resident – funding for new community hall. Hags – play, sports and fitness equipment brochure.

Abbreviations: BPFA = Bozeat Playing Field Association; HMRC = Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs; CPRE = Campaign for the Protection of Rural England; SLCC = Society of Local Council Clerks; CALC = County Association of Local Councils; NRHA – Northants Rural Housing Association. A MEETING OF BOZEAT PARISH COUNCIL WAS HELD ON MONDAY, 15th MAY 2017 IN THE PAVILION, BOZEAT PLAYING FIELD, DYCHURCH LANE, BOZEAT IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING PUBLIC PARTICIPATION AT 7pm.

PRESENT: - Cllrs Gibbins [Chairman]; Brown; Cooke; Docker; Dudley-Smith; Foward; Pollard; Spencer and Wade.

PUBLIC: PCSO Rachel Head was present at the meeting.

1. Election of CHAIRMAN. Cllr Wade nominated Cllr Gibbins to serve as Chairman of Bozeat Parish Council for the next year, this was seconded by Cllr Docker and agreed.

2. Apologies. It was resolved to accept apologies for absence received from Cllrs Pritchard and Skittrall.

It was resolved to take agenda item 24 [Police report] next.

24. Police report. a. Crime figures – PCSO Head reported that there had been 5 crimes reported during April. Crime figures will be available on the Police website but will not be up to date, important or urgent reports will be sent by email to the Clerk. b. Parking – no further information. c. Speeding and anti-social driving – data from traffic travelling to recent Santa Pod events had been submitted to Cllr Brown. Cllr Dudley-Smith asked about community use hand- held cameras and was advised that communities are still able to set up Community Speed watch programmes. A vehicle which appears to have been abandoned is on the road legally so action cannot be taken to remove it.

3. Election of Vice-Chairman. Cllr Gibbins nominated Cllr Cooke to serve as Vice-Chairman of Bozeat Parish Council for the next year, this was seconded by Cllr Docker and agreed.

It was resolved to defer agenda items 4 through to 20 until the next meeting pending a review of the list of representatives.

4. Election of Allotments Representative. 5. Election of Bozeat & Liaison Group Representatives. 6. Election of B.P.F.A. Representative. 7. Election of Cemetery, Churchyard and Village Green Representatives; (i) Election of Spokesperson. 8. Election of Emergency Plan Representative/s. 9. Election of Highways Representative. 10. Election of Lighting Representative. 11. Election of Local Environment Representatives; (i) Election of Spokesperson.

Page 1853 – 15th May 2017.

Page 1854 – 15th May 2017.

12. Election of Neighbourhood Plan Working Party. 13. Election of Planning Representatives; (i) Election of Spokesperson. 14. Election of Public Transport Representatives. 15. Election of Responsible Financial Officer. 16. Election of Safer Community Panel Representative/s. 17. Election of School Liaison Representative/s. 18. Election of Village Enhancement Group. 19. Election of Village Events Working Party. 20. Election of Website & IT Representatives. 21. Declarations of interest. Agenda item 26d - Allotments – Cllr Brown declared a pecuniary interest in this item. Agenda item 28a – BPFA – Cllrs Cooke; Docker and Gibbins declared non-pecuniary interests in this item. Agenda item 28b – Bozeat Primary School – Cllr Dudley-Smith declared a non-pecuniary interest in this item. Agenda item 31 – Community Hall – Cllr Wade declared a non-pecuniary interest in this item.

22. Minutes. Cllr Gibbins proposed that the minutes from the April meeting of Bozeat Parish Council be approved as a correct record. This was seconded by Cllr Wade and a vote was taken = 7 for with 2 abstentions, motion carried.

23. Matters arising. a. Village Sign repairs – the Clerk reported that she had advised the carver that the additional work required had been authorised. b. Circulating documents – the progress of packs was noted and several passed on.

24. Police Report – this item had been taken earlier in the meeting.

25. Planning. a. Current/new planning applications – Cllr Gibbins proposed that the planning report [Appendix A] be accepted, this was agreed. Items contained in the report were discussed and Cllrs Docker and Gibbins reported that they had recently met with officers from the Borough Council’s planning department. b. Neighbourhood Plan – it was resolved to meet informally on 22nd May. c. NACRE Neighbourhood Plan Day – report from Cllrs Brown and Docker. It was noted that this was a draft housing white paper session, and the minutes have already been circulated. d. Neighbourhood Plan workshop – it was resolved not to attend this event. An invitation to attend a site meeting at the sand and gravel pit close to the village was noted.

26. Council Services a. Cemetery – it was reported that information had been sent to a local family wishing to purchase a plot in the cemetery.

Page 1855 – 15th May 2017. b. Applications for permission to place memorials or headstones in the Cemetery - none received. c. Review of cemetery guidelines – it was noted that the wording of the cemetery fees and guidelines need to be revised and the fees need to be fully revised. It was resolved that these be agenda items for the next meeting. It was resolved to approve the interment of more than one set of cremated remains in Green Burial plots. d. Allotments – Cllr Pollard proposed that his report [Appendix B] be accepted, this was agreed. It was noted that an Odd Job order to clear rubbish from vacant plots has been issued. e. Deposit scheme – to consider implementing a deposit scheme for new tenants wishing to rent an allotment from Bozeat Parish Council. Following discussion, it was resolved to consider adding a clause to tenancy agreements and to discuss this again at the next meeting.

27. Local Environment. a. Highways – Cllr Foward proposed that his report [Appendix C] be accepted and this was agreed. Cllrs Brown and Foward to view a hedge in Allens Hill recently trimmed back to see if it is acceptable. A report from Wellingborough Norse that the bin lorry had been unable to navigate Pear Tree Close recently was noted. Imminent road closures locally due to works were noted. b. Street Lights – it was noted that an open inspection plate on a light in Bull Close was secured recently following receipt of a report. c. Parish Paths Warden – no report this month. d. Village Warden – Cllr Gibbins proposed that this months’ report [Appendix D] be accepted and this was agreed. e. Land registrations – Cllr Brown reported that the cemetery avenue has been surveyed and measured, and additional information submitted about Town Well. f. Noticeboard – Cllr Cooke reported that this has been ordered and it was resolved to have gold lettering. g. Parish Enhancement Gang requests – the Village Warden had reported that some items remain outstanding and it was resolved to ask if the works will be completed. h. Great British Spring Clean and Litter Heroes Awards – it was resolved that a litter pick be organised for the first weekend in Aprils 2018 and that this be an agenda item for the next meeting. i. Closure of London Road laybys – it was noted that quotes are being obtained for alternative options to prevent parking in the unofficial laybys. j. Dog waste bags – it was resolved to defer this item until the next meeting. k. Village Green electrical cabinet – it was resolved that Cllrs Cooke and Gibbins investigate the possibility of moving the access door to the other side of the box so the noticeboard can screen it without preventing access.

28. Representatives Reports. a. Bozeat Playing Field Association – Cllr Gibbins proposed that the monthly report [Appendix E] be accepted and this was agreed. b. Bozeat Primary School – the school fete will be held on 24th June and members of the council have agreed to help with the barbecue. c. Parishes Forum meetings – minutes from the meeting have been received. d. JAG meetings – noted that no meetings have been held recently.

29. Local Events. a. International Waendel Walk Weekend – Cllr Spencer reported that this was a

Page 1856 – 15th May 2017. successful event. The first walkers arrived at the checkpoint around 9:15am, with the last ones passing through just after 1pm. b. Summer Fete – 1st July 2017 – it was resolved to deliver leaflets in the village around 2 weeks before the fete day. c. Battles Over Beacons of Light – it was resolved to retain this item on the agenda.

30. Former play area in Abbey Close. a. Bids for the purchase of the land - to consider any bids received and, if acceptable to the council instruct our solicitor to carry out the work to complete the sale of the land to the successful bidder. Cllr Wade reported that he and Cllr Gibbins had visited the estate agents on Friday and view the bids received. Cllr Gibbins proposed that the bid be accepted and the land be sold, subject to contract, this was agreed. b. If no bid is deemed acceptable to decide on future marketing of the site. c. If a bid is acceptable to consider possible uses for the funds and how the council can involve the village in that process. It was noted that any funds realised from the sale of the land must be used for a capital project, and Cllr Gibbins recommended that it be spent on recreational services for the village. Suggestions were made and it was resolved that any projects are costed up prior to being presented to the council for consideration. d. Delegated powers – Cllr Dudley-Smith proposed that delegated powers be given to the Chairman and Cllr Wade to approve the payment of solicitor's fees of no more than £3000 in order to complete the sale of the land. This was agreed.

31. Community Hall. An email had been received from the new working party requesting help with the costs of setting up a new community hall. Cllr Gibbins reported that he is to attend the next meeting of the working party. Cllr Gibbins proposed that the council sets aside a budget to settle invoices on behalf of the group providing the Parochial Church Council matches the funds provided, this was seconded by Cllr Foward and agreed with 1 abstention.

32. Insurance. The Clerk reported that Zurich Municipal had invited the council to enter into a further Long- Term agreement and provided a quote of £770.50 for the next year of cover. Cllr Gibbins proposed that the insurance policy with Zurich Municipal be renewed and this was seconded by Cllr Wade and agreed.

33. Finance a. Payments – Cllr Gibbins proposed that the Finance Report [Appendix F] be accepted and the payments and fund transfers listed be approved. This was seconded by Cllr Wade and agreed. b. Bank account – items received from Lloyds Bank by members of the council were noted and it was resolved to pursue receipt of outstanding items to enable online payments to commence next month. c. Audit of accounts for the financial year ended 31st March 2017 – the Clerk reported that the accounts have been balanced and she will send documents to members of the council in advance of the next meeting. d. Budgets – Cllr Gibbins proposed that £100 be transferred from the Election Expenses budget to the Stationery budget to cover the costs of additional stationery, this was agreed.

Page 1857 – 15th May 2017.

34. Correspondence. It was resolved to acknowledge receipt of correspondence received since the last meeting, as detailed on Appendix G.

35. Items for the next agenda. • Audit. • Housing needs survey.

36. Date and time of next meeting. It was noted that the next meeting of Bozeat Parish Council will take place on Monday, 19th June 2017. The meeting will follow Public Participation at 7pm and will be held in the schoolroom of TLC, Dychurch Lane, Bozeat, Northants, NN29 7JP.

Signed ………………………………………………………………. Chairman 19th June 2017.


PRESENT: - Cllrs Gibbins; Brown; Foward; Pollard; Pritchard; Skittrall; Spencer and Wade. Cllr Cook arrived during the course of the meeting.

PUBLIC: - Three members of the public and Cllr Martin Griffiths (County Councillor), were present at the meeting.

MATTERS RAISED BY MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC: - • Restoration of the land at P14 and field footpaths. • License application for festival at Podington. • Parking problems on London Road. • Speeding on Easton Lane.

1. Apologies. It was resolved to accept apologies for absence received from Cllrs Cooke [who arrived during the course of the meeting]; Docker and Dudley-Smith.

2. Declarations of interest from members in any item to be discussed. Agenda item 6a – Cllr Pollard declared a non-pecuniary interest in planning application WP/17/00335. Agenda item 7e/f – Cllr Brown declared a pecuniary interest in these items. Agenda item 9a - BPFA – Cllr Gibbins declared a non-pecuniary interest in this item. Agenda item 12 – Cllr Wade declared a non-pecuniary interest in this item. Agenda item 13 – Cllr Gibbins declared a pecuniary interest in this item.

3. Minutes. The minutes of the meeting of Bozeat Parish Council held on Monday, 15th May 2017 were proposed as correct by Cllr Wade and seconded by Cllr Gibbins. A vote was taken = 6 for with 2 abstentions, motion carried.

4. Matters arising: - a. Village Sign repairs – no further news. b. Circulating documents – packs were checked and passed on, as appropriate. c. Roles and responsibilities – it was resolved to defer this item until the next meeting, the Chairman and Vice-Chairman to produce a draft document in readiness.

5. Police Report. a. Crime figures – it was noted that crime figures for May had not been received. b. Parking problems – it was resolved that several members of the council should meet with a resident to look at problem areas. c. Speeding and anti-social driving – it was noted that data from the speed monitor is submitted to the Police and it was resolved to request another meeting.

6. Planning a. Current/new planning applications – Cllr Skittrall proposed that his report [Appendix A] be accepted, this was agreed with 1 abstention. It was resolved to write to the Borough Council expressing concerns about the approval of an application for new properties off Little Close.

Page 1858 – 19th June 2017.

Page 1859 – 19th June 2017.

b. Neighbourhood Plan – a recommendation to pursue a plan of some kind was received from Cllrs Cooke, Gibbins and Skittrall, who had met to discuss this. It was resolved that the production of a Neighbourhood Plan be added to the agenda for the next meeting. c. Housing Needs Survey – it was resolved to invite Dez Tanser, Wellingborough Council’s Housing Development Officer to attend the next meeting.

7. Council Services. a. Cemetery – Cllr Spencer reported that the turquoise chippings have now been replaced with a more acceptable colour, however another grave has had chippings placed on it without permission or the required kerbing to contain them safely. It was resolved to write to the family advising them of the requirements in our guidelines. It was noted that a car is regularly parked in the cemetery car park overnight and it was resolved that the Chairman should place a notice on the car. b. Applications for permission to place memorials or headstones in the Cemetery – it was resolved to approve an application received from AJ Mills and two applications received from S.Blenkharn, it was further resolved to inform HW Mason and Sons that an application they have submitted doesn’t meet this council’s guidelines and to request a sample of the material they intend to use. c. Review of cemetery guidelines – it was resolved to accept amendments as advised by the Cemetery Representatives with effect from 1st July 2017. d. Review of cemetery fees – it was resolved that the Clerk produce a new list of fees, as recommended by the Cemetery Representatives ready for consideration at the next meeting of the council. e. Allotments – Cllr Pollard proposed that his report dated 7th June 2017 be accepted, this was agreed. f. Deposit scheme – it was resolved not to pursue this item and to remove it from the agenda. g. Review of allotments guidelines – it was resolved to defer this until after allotment tenants have held their annual meeting in November. h. Risk assessment – it was resolved to accept the report as submitted noting that the allotments gate has already been repaired and an order raised for the work required at Town Well.

8. Local Environment. a. Highways – Cllr Foward proposed that his report [Appendix C] be accepted, agreed. Cllr Griffiths [County Councillor] asked that any highways issues be copied to him so he can monitor issues. b. Street Lights – no issues reported. c. Parish Paths Warden – changes to the Rights of Way team have been notified. It was resolved to check the definitive map to identify rights of way which cross the sand and gravel site. d. Village Warden – Cllr Gibbins proposed that the report [Appendix D] be accepted, this was agreed. e. Land registrations – Cllr Brown reported that the application for the cemetery avenue has been accepted for registration and is waiting for the notice to run out on 4th July, Cllr Spencer asked that thanks be recorded to Cllr Brown for the work he had done on this registration, agreed. Cllr Brown reported that Ordnance Survey have visited Town Well to look at the site and further information has been requested. He reported that the next project will be to extend the cemetery. f. Noticeboard – it was noted that this has been received and it was agreed that Cllrs

Page 1860 – 19th June 2017.

Brown, Gibbins and Wade should meet and agree a position for it. g. Great British Spring Clean and Litter Heroes Awards – it was resolved to defer this item until the next meeting. h. Closure of London Road laybys – it was resolved to defer this item until the next meeting. i. Dog waste bags – it was resolved to defer this item until the next meeting. j. Village Green electrical cabinet – it was noted that turning the cabinet around would not be easy to do. k. High Street stopping up – it was resolved that Cllrs Gibbins and Skittrall should arrange to meet the owner of the property to ask about the future of some local metalwork which may be affected.

9. Representatives Reports. a. Bozeat Playing Field Association – Cllr Gibbins proposed that the Playing Field report emailed today [Appendix E] be accepted, this was agreed. it was further resolved that a request for additional funding be added to the agenda for the next meeting. b. Bozeat Primary School – the annual school summer fete will be held this Saturday at 2pm. c. Parishes Forum meetings. d. JAG meetings – the next meeting will be held on 19th July 2017. e. Bozeat & Earls Barton Local Liaison Group meeting – Cllr Spencer provided a detailed report from the site meeting and it was resolved to accept her report [Appendix F]. It was agreed to post the photos taken by Cllr Spencer on our website. It was further agreed that Cllr Skittrall should investigate the requirements for the site access.

10. Local Events. a. Summer Fete – 1st July 2017 at 2pm. It was resolved to add the purchase of another gazebo to the agenda for the next meeting. b. Battles Over Beacons of Light – it was noted that we have registered to hold an event. Cllrs Docker and Spencer are to meet soon to discuss this project, funds may be available to help through the County Council’s Empowerment Budget.

11. Former play area in Abbey Close. a. Sale of land – Cllr Wade reported that Abbey Homes will be using their own solicitor but that matters are progressing.

Cllr Cooke arrived at this point in the meeting.

12. Community Hall. It was noted that the council had agreed to provide support of 50% with the expectation that the Parochial Church Council also provides 50% support. Cllr Gibbins proposed that the Parish Council agrees to spend no more than £2000 towards the set-up costs for the new community hall charity with invoices being submitted to the council for payment. This was seconded by Cllr Pollard and a vote was taken = 6 for, 1 against, 2 abstentions, motion carried.

Page 1861 – 19th June 2017.

13. Chairman’s Expenses. Cllr Cooke took the chair for this item and proposed that an allowance of £500 be made to Cllr Gibbins towards costs incurred during his year of office as Chairman. This was seconded by Cllr Foward and agreed, with one abstention.

14. Finance a. Payments – the Clerk reported that all payments except those by direct debit will be made by BACS this month. Cllr Gibbins proposed that the Finance Report [Appendix G] be accepted and the payments listed be approved, this was seconded by Cllr Cooke and agreed with 1 abstention. The Clerk reported that she will amend the draft online banking policy to reflect the practicalities of setting up and authorising payments online and present it for the council’s consideration at the next meeting. to receive a report and sign off the bank reconciliation account, and approving payments and any fund transfers to be made this month. b. Bank account – members of the council listed as able to authorise payments were encouraged to check that they have the necessary information to hand. c. Audit of accounts for the financial year ended 31st March 2017 – It was resolved to accept the Internal Auditor’s report, Balance Sheet, Receipts and Payments Account and Asset Register, as presented by the Clerk. Cllr Wade proposed that Section 1 [the Annual Governance Statement] of the Annual Return be completed and approved, this was seconded by Cllr Gibbins and agreed. Cllr Wade then proposed that Section 2 [the Accounting Statements] be accepted, this was seconded by Cllr Gibbins and agreed.

15. Correspondence. It was resolved to acknowledge receipt of correspondence received since the last meeting, as listed on Appendix H.

16. Items for the next agenda. • Purchase of a Red Ensign Flag • Purchase of a storage box for flags.

17. Date and time of next meeting. It was noted that the next meeting of Bozeat Parish Council will take place on Monday, 17th July 2017. The meeting will follow Public Participation at 7pm and will be held in the schoolroom of TLC, Dychurch Lane, Bozeat, Northants, NN29 7JP.

There being no further business, the Chairman declared the meeting closed.

Signed …………………………………………………….. Chairman 17th July 2017.

REPORT FROM THE PLANNING GROUP – June 2017 APPENDIX A Prepared by Brian Skittrall

(a) Granted Applications Reference No. For Date granted WP/17/00204 Rear dormers and front roof lights 57 High Street 1/6/2017

(b) Refused/Withdrawn Applications Reference No. For Date refused

(c) Pending Applications Reference No. For Status WP/16/00670 New Dwelling, Dungee Corner No comments sent 17/00024/MINVOC Variation of conditions for P14 Comments sent WP/17/00250 WP/17/00005 Land adj 129 London Rd Submission sent appeal APP/H2835/W/17/3170737 WP/17/00253 Straw Barn at Newlands Farm Not received

(d) New Applications Reference No. For Status WP/17/00292 Replacement roof Church Farm, 7 Mile St WP/17/00335 Beauty salon to rear of 5 Dychurch Lane Comments by 2 July

(e) WP/17/00292/LBC – New roof Church Farm 7 Mile Street

The roof of this listed building is to be replaced with appropriate heritage materials.

(f) WP/17/00335: - Beauty salon to rear of 5 Dychurch Lane

The existing outbuildings are to be replaced by a beauty salon with a reception area, two treatment areas, a tanning room, a tea making room and a WC. A parking & turning area is proposed but in practise this supplies no additional spaces if vehicles are to turn. Initial concerns are the level of parking provision for staff and clients, the potential for use as an additional dwelling and run-off onto Dychurch Lane. Additional spaces are possible with modified layout. Conditions could address conversion to residential and run-off. (g) Permission for semi-detached dwellings on Little Close

The convoluted way in which this permission was granted has raised concerns about the way that the planning process has been applied. The Council should consider whether it wishes to make an official complaint.

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Bozeat Parish Council – Highways Monthly Report

Month ending 10th June 2017

Street Doctor Headlines

An additional street doctor’s report added to the highways tracking spreadsheet during this period. Total reports to date 20. The following reports remain open or are currently being monitored Boz – 02, 05, 07, 10, 16, 17, and 20.

Project works

Councillors requested to consider alternative methods to reinstate the unofficial lay-bys on London Road to reduce costs and prevent reoccurrence of the lay-bys at alternative point along London Road.

Notes: New items during the reporting month will be highlighted in red on the Highways Tracking Spreadsheet.

Will continue to monitor street doctor to ensure works are undertaken as stated and report any changes to time frame for delivery.

Would request that Parish Council members provide me with any concerns they may have that require to be raised on street doctor.

The report captures all street doctor submissions up to and including the cut of date Sunday 10 th June 17 that I’m aware of; if I’ve missed any please let me know and I will add to the spreadsheet.


Highways Tracking Spreadsheet

Highways Report February 17 By: SP Foward


May's brief outline:

• Street Doctor Ref No: 867350. Job completed. • Reported (once again) to Open Reach loose manhole covers in Mile Street. Ref EM9 RP03. • Potholes in Mill Road, Ref No: 851249. Job completed. • Reported kerb stones missing in London Road, Ref No: 876028. • Grass overgrown on to pathway Wollaston Road up to Fullwell Road, needs cutting. • Also grass verges Queen Street and Mill Road and St. Marys Road to London Road. Nettles on footpath between Easton Lane and Mill Road. • Pathway through from Mill Road to London Road needs strimming. • Islands in Easton Lane opposite cemetery, grass needs cutting. • Over hanging branches along The Flat, London Road - I will do. • Carried out usual checks around the village.

Approximately 8 hours.

BPFA Chairman’s Report 12th June 2017 APPENDIX E

Margaret Docker resignation Huge thanks to Margaret for all she has done to help and support the BPFA

Finance Net operating surplus £4831

Pavillion Internal decoration, to resume again in July External renovation being considered, costs being considered A remembrance plaque for Mr Cole and the founding members of BPFA has been purchased and will shortly be displayed in the pavilion

Playing Field R&D agreement, signed by the Chairman forwarded to R&D awaiting counter-signature Bozeat FC, great job the team, goal posts painted, fencing erected to prevent loss and damage of footballs

Car Park We are obtaining costs to increase car park capacity and resurface exiting parking area

Tennis Court We are looking into carrying out repairs again costs being obtained

Play area It has been agreed to completely replace the traverse net and scramble net rather than carry our partial repairs. New signage has been sourced and will shortly be erected

Charity Shop The charity shop continues to do an excellent job raising funds. Specific thanks to Keith and Sue Evans and their team of volunteers.


Chris Challis



Report from the Bozeat/Earls Barton Local Liaison Meeting held on site on 25th May 2017 at 2.p.m.

Meeting attended by Jennifer Spencer and Brian Gibbins, apologies received from David Brown.

Operators Up-date by Hanson Aggregates.

This visit was to look at the restoration of the site after 15 years of sand/gravel extraction

The extraction is completed and Hanson's will work with the estate for 5 years, to ensure the soil is returned to original condition. All the planting has been completed with a whole range of native trees. There is now a lot more habitat on the site, more than 6000 newts, Hansons hope the estate will help with the long term care of the newts, which have proved very costly to this project. The Tin pits are looking good, all the water on the site is channelled to the tin pits, there are sand martins on the cliffs, the hedges have been kept high for the birds nesting. Sheep may be put on the site to bring back worm population. Entrance to be changed to double gates to soften the look of the entrance. Estate will manage problems i.e. fly tipping/travellers etc. The site will be returned 70% agriculture. The estate is active on the site. There is still some tidying up to do. The next meeting will be in 5 years time.

Report prepared by Jennifer Spencer BOZEAT PARISH COUNCIL FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR JUNE 2017 APPENDIX G Account Balances as at 19th JUNE 2017 as per Bank Reconciliation Account Building Society Account £35,735.03 Deposit Account . £24,855.35 current Account - HSBC Bank £25,918.22 Current Account - Lloyds Bank £30,000.00 TOTAL £116,508.60 Payments made during the month which require formal approval Date Chq/DD Payee Details Nett Value VAT Amount Paid Budget 28/5/2017 D/D Veolia ES Waste disposal - cemetery £ 66.74 £ 13.35 £ 80.09 Cemetery - waste disposal

£ 66.74 £ 13.35 £ 80.09 Payments for approval at the meeting held on Monday, 19th June 2017 Date ref. Payee Details Nett Value VAT Amount to Pay Budget 19/6/2017 BACS M.Chapman Cemetery caretaking contract 2017/18 £ 563.00 £ 563.00 Cemetery - caretaking contract BACS L.Payne Clerk/Registrar - salary/exp's/postage £ 497.18 £ 497.18 General - Clerk's salary, home office + postage BACS Colemans Stationery account £ 17.87 £ 3.56 £ 21.43 General - stationery BACS R & G Landscapes Mowing and marking - playing field £ 1,400.41 £ 280.09 £ 1,680.50 BPFA - grant BACS Zurich Insurance Annual insurance premium £ 770.50 £ 770.50 General - insurance BACS e-on Energy supply - village green £ 3.93 £ 0.40 £ 4.33 General - village events BACS M.Chapman Odd Jobs contact £ 160.00 £ 160.00 Allotments & General - general maintenance BACS R.A.Hollowell Repairs to allotments gate £ 33.34 £ 6.66 £ 40.00 Allotments - General maintenance BACS R.Driver Village Warden £ 80.00 £ 80.00 General - Village Warden BACS HMRC PAYE [April/May/June] £ 343.20 £ 343.20 General - Clerk's salary, home office + postage BACS P.Conroy Internal audit fee £ 130.00 £ 130.00 General - audit BACS Anglian Water Water charge - cemetery £ 32.72 £ 32.72 Cemetery - water charge BACS Anglian Water water charge - allotments £ 79.01 £ 15.80 £ 94.81 Allotments - water charge BACS Glasdon UK Seat for cemetery £ 634.12 £ 126.82 £ 760.94 Cemetery - general maintenance


Northants Police – Police and Crime Plan 2017-2021 – recommend that this is circulated in the monthly pack. Northants Police – Police Commissioners’ meetings in 2017. Bozeat resident – concern about parking outside the London Road shops and information about parking restriction orders. FJF Licensing Consultants – response to our comments on their application for new premises licence for Wold Farm, Podington. Borough Council – notification of planning application WP/17/00292/LBC. Borough Council – notification of planning application WP/17/00335/FUL. NorthantsACRE – Neighbourhood Plan workshop day [10th July at Rothwell]. AJ Mills – application for permission to erect a new headstone in the cemetery. S.Blenkharn – application for permission to place a new cremation slab in the cemetery. HW Mason & Sons – application for permission to set a new cremation slab in the cemetery. S.Blenkharn – application for permission to set a new desk wedge in the cemetery. Bozeat resident – complaint about height of grass on the verge, junction of Mill Road and London Road. Kierwsp – changes to Rights of Way team. Bozeat resident – notification of intent to apply for permission to stop up part of the highway/footpath in High Street. Northants Police – notification of cancellation of JAG meeting in May. Matthew Nicholas – confirmation of agreement to act on behalf of the council for the sale of land in Abbey Close. HSBC Bank – notification of new Head of Commercial Banking. Internal Auditor – audit report. Borough Council – notification of deadline for Community Grant applications. Seafarers UK – invitation to buy and fly the Red Ensign flag for Merchant Navy Day [3rd September 2017]. M & G – Town Well charity account. The Public Sector Show – invitation to attend an event in London on 27th June. Anglian Water Business – confirmation that the water account has transferred to the new company. Borough Council – invitation for the Chairman to attend the Civic Service on 25th June. County Council – InNorthamptonshire magazine [emailed to members]. Borough Council – information for the General Election [displayed on the notice board]. Borough Council – letter of thanks for manning the Waendel Walk checkpoint. Broxap – product information. Hags – SMP – notification of release of new 2017 catalogue for sports/outdoor fitness equipment. BBC Radio Northampton – invitation to take part in a radio programme on 22nd May.

Abbreviations: BPFA = Bozeat Playing Field Association; HMRC = Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs; CPRE = Campaign for the Protection of Rural England; SLCC = Society of Local Council Clerks; CALC = County Association of Local Councils; NRHA – Northants Rural Housing Association. A MEETING OF BOZEAT PARISH COUNCIL WAS HELD ON MONDAY, 17th JULY 2017 AT TLC, DYCHURCH LANE, BOZEAT, FOLLOWING PUBLIC PARTICIPATION AT 7pm.

PRESENT: - Cllrs Gibbins [Chairman]; Brown; Docker; Dudley-Smith; Spencer; Pollard; Pritchard and Wade. Cllr Skittrall arrived during the course of the meeting.

PUBLIC: - Dez Tanser from the Borough Council of Wellingborough attended the meeting

1. Apologies. It was resolved to accept apologies for absence received from Cllrs Cooke and Foward, Cllr Skittrall was expected to arrive during the course of the meeting.

Cllr Wade proposed that agenda item 6b, Housing Needs Survey, be brought forward to this point in the meeting. This was seconded by Cllr Brown and agreed.

6c Housing Needs Survey. The Chairman welcomed Mr Tanser to the meeting and it was reported that all local authorities should complete a housing needs survey roughly every 5 years. The last survey for Bozeat was undertaken by the Northamptonshire Rural Housing Association in 2012. Mr Tanser advised on the benefits of undertaking a survey and the options available, noting that the Borough Council would receive completed forms and produce the results of the survey. An online survey is not currently available. It was noted that the Parish Council could add questions to the survey form which could help with planning issues. It was resolved that the potential costs of undertaking a housing needs survey for Bozeat be added to the agenda for the next meeting.

2. Declarations of interest. To record declarations of interest from members in any item to be discussed. Agenda item 6e (Allotments) – Cllr Brown declared a pecuniary interest in this item. Agenda item 9a (BPFA) – Cllr Gibbins declared a non-pecuniary interest in this item. Agenda item 12 (Community Hall) – Cllr Wade declared a non-pecuniary interest in this item. Agenda item 9b (Bozeat Primary School) – Cllr Dudley-Smith declared a non-pecuniary interest in this item. Agenda item 6a (Planning) – Cllrs Docker and Pollard declared a non-pecuniary interest in planning application WP/17/00335.

3. Minutes. Cllr Gibbins proposed that the minutes from the meeting of Bozeat Parish Council held on Monday, 19th June 2017 be accepted as a correct record, this was seconded by Cllr Pollard and a vote was taken = 6 for with 2 abstentions, motion carried.

4. Matters arising. a. Village Sign repairs – no further news. b. Circulating documents – the progress of circulating packs was noted. c. Roles and responsibilities – Cllr Gibbins proposed that a revised list of roles and responsibilities be approved, this was seconded by Cllr Wade and agreed, the Clerk to produce a new booklet ready for the next meeting.

5. Police Report. a. Crime figures – figures no longer available.

Page 1862 – 17th July 2017.

Page 1863 – 17th July 2017. b. Parking problems and potential solutions – it was resolved that Cllr Wade should ascertain who to contact in the event of parking issues in the village when he attends the next JAG meeting. c. Speeding and anti-social driving – a summary of the data obtained from the speed monitor has been requested.

6. Planning – it was resolved to defer this item pending the arrival of Cllr Skittrall.

7. Council Services. a. Cemetery – it was noted that the car has now been removed from the cemetery car park. Silk flowers have been placed in the green burial area, Cllr Spencer to investigate. b. Applications for permission to place memorials or headstones in the Cemetery – a sample of blue granite had been received and it was resolved to grant the application it relates to and add the colour to the guidelines. An enquiry about the possibility of placing a footstone on an existing grave had been received and it was resolved to recommend a flat tablet or additional inscription on the existing headstone instead for safety reasons. c. Review of cemetery guidelines – Cllr Spencer proposed that the revised guidelines be accepted, this was seconded by Cllr Gibbins and agreed. d. Review of cemetery fees – it was resolved to adopt the revised cemetery fees from 1st September, the Clerk to advise funeral directors of the new charges. e. Allotments – Cllr Pollard proposed that his report [Appendix A] be accepted, this was agreed. It was resolved to accept the Allotment Manager’s recommendation that a plot be let rent-free for the remainder of 2017 due to its poor condition. It was resolved that the Chairman should order the requested odd jobs and seek the Odd Job Man’s advice on potential plot markers.

8. Local Environment. a. Highways – Cllr Brown proposed that the Highways report [Appendix B] be accepted, this was agreed. It was reported that the bollard has now been installed on the stopped-up section of Wollaston Road. It was resolved that the Chairman should submit an odd job order for the trimming around of public seats. b. Street Lights – no issues reported. c. Parish Paths Warden – Cllr Pritchard reported that she had submitted the Rights of Way survey form. d. Village Warden – Cllr Gibbins proposed that the Village Warden’s monthly report [Appendix C] be accepted, this was agreed. An inspection cover in Dag Lane was reported as having lifted during heavy rainfall recently, Cllr Gibbins to investigate. e. Land registrations – Cllr Brown reported that notices have been given and we are now awaiting the results for the land at Town Well and the cemetery avenue. Investigations into extending the cemetery are now under way. Cllrs Brown and Cooke are to meet to discuss registering the Village Green. f. Noticeboard – this is to be installed soon. g. Great British Spring Clean and Litter Heroes Awards – it was resolved to decide this at the September meeting. h. Closure of London Road laybys – Cllr Brown reported that he is waiting for information from contractors. i. Dog waste bags – it was resolved to defer this item until the September meeting. j. Village Green electrical cabinet – following discussion, it was resolved to leave the cabinet in its existing position, noting that a planting scheme for shrubs has already been agreed and the new noticeboard will be place in front of it. It was agreed that the cost of providing a new stainless-steel base be an agenda item for the September meeting.

Page 1864 – 17th July 2017.

9. Representatives Reports. a. Bozeat Playing Field Association – Cllr Gibbins proposed that the BPFA monthly report [Appendix D] be accepted, this was agreed. A request for additional funding for the remainder of the year was considered and it was resolved that the Parish Council should pay up to £3000 worth of invoices with BPFA refunding 50% to the council. b. Bozeat Primary School – Cllr Dudley-Smith reported that the annual sports day had been deferred to this week due to poor weather conditions. c. Parishes Forum meetings. d. JAG meetings – it was noted that Sharan Wildman will attend her last meeting this week. Cllr Wade to represent the Parish Council at this meeting.

10. Local Events. a. Summer Fete 1st July 2017 – the Chairman produced a financial report [Appendix E] which was accepted. It was noted that a further donation of £48 has been received. It was resolved to approve the purchase of an additional gazebo and other expenses incurred relating to the fete. Offers of help for next years’ event have already been received and it was resolved to consider either 30th June or 7th July for the 2018 Fete Day. b. Battles Over Beacons of Light – it was noted that the working party will meet for the first time on 10th August, however BPFA have already agreed to host the event on 11th November 2018.

11. Former play area in Abbey Close. a. Sale of land – Cllr Wade reported that Abbey Homes have now instructed their solicitor and that contracts are to be sent out, transfers will take place on the same day.

12. Community Hall. The Chairman to feedback the council’s decision at the June meeting to the secretary of the Community Hall working party.

Cllr Skittrall arrived at this point in the meeting and it was resolved to take agenda item 6 (Planning Report) next.

6. Planning. a. Current/new planning applications – Cllr Skittrall proposed that his report [Appendix F] be accepted and this was agreed. Cllr Skittrall to provide a copy of comments sent ready for the next meeting. b. Neighbourhood Plan – it was resolved that Cllrs Dudley-Smith; Gibbins; Skittrall and Wade meet to consider the best way forward. c. Housing Needs Survey – this item already discussed earlier in the meeting.

13. Purchase of Red Ensign Flag and flag storage box. Cllr Wade proposed that a Red Ensign Flag costing no more than £50 nett and a metal storage box costing no more than £100 nett be purchased, this was agreed.

14. Finance a. Payments – Cllr Gibbins proposed that the Finance Report [Appendix G] be accepted and that the payments listed be approved, this was seconded by Cllr Pritchard and agreed. b. Online banking policy – Cllr Gibbins proposed that the online banking policy be adopted, this was seconded by Cllr Docker and a vote was taken = 8 for with 1 against, motion carried.

Page 1865 – 17th July 2017.

Cllr Spencer left the meeting at this point. c. Audit of accounts for the financial year ended 31st March 2017 – it was reported that the Annual Return has been submitted and the required accounts displayed on our website.

15. Correspondence. It was resolved to acknowledge receipt of correspondence received since the last meeting, as listed on Appendix H.

16. Items for the next agenda. • Housing Needs Survey • Finance and payments • Planning report • Minutes from the July meeting • Repairs to the skate ramp

17. Date and time of next meeting. The next meeting of Bozeat Parish Council will take place on Monday, 21st August 2017. The meeting will follow Public Participation at 7pm and will be a reduced meeting due to the holiday period. All meetings are held in the schoolroom of TLC, Dychurch Lane, Bozeat, Northants, NN29 7JP.

There being no further business, the Chairman declared the meeting closed.

Signed ……………………………………………… Chairman. 21st August 2017.

Bozeat Parish Council – Highways Monthly Report

Month ending 10th July 2017

Street Doctor Headlines

An additional street doctor’s report added to the highways tracking spreadsheet during this period. Total reports to date 21. The following reports remain open or are currently being monitored Boz – 02, 05, 07, 10, 16, 17, 20 and 21.

Project works

Councillors requested to consider alternative methods to reinstate the unofficial lay-bys on London Road to reduce costs and prevent reoccurrence of the lay-bys at alternative point along London Road.

Notes: New items during the reporting month will be highlighted in red on the Highways Tracking Spreadsheet.

Will continue to monitor street doctor to ensure works are undertaken as stated and report any changes to time frame for delivery.

Would request that Parish Council members provide me with any concerns they may have that require to be raised on street doctor.

The report captures all street doctor submissions up to and including the cut of date Sunday 10 th July 17 that I’m aware of; if I’ve missed any please let me know and I will add to the spreadsheet.


Highways Tracking Spreadsheet

Highways Report February 17 By: SP Foward


June's brief outline:

• Loose manhole covers in Mile Street. Reported to Open Reach Ref No: EM9 RP03. Job carried out and completed.

• Report regarding missing kerb stones in London Road, to Street Doctor Ref No: 876028. Will be done in the next two months.

• Reported car in cemetery car park. Now removed.

• Overhanging hedge 106 London Road, tree over hanging 53 High Street. I will keep a check on these.

• I carried out cutting back over hanging branches along The Flat, London Road and the same bottom of Easton Lane.

• Carried out usual checks around the village.

• Approximately 8 hours.

BPFA Chairman’s Report 10th July 2017 APPENDIX D

Finance Net operating surplus £4586

Pavilion Internal decoration continues time permitting during the holiday season External renovation – Costs obtained to carry out extensive renovation and request for contribution towards funding has been made to the Parish Council Mr Cole’s remembrance plaque will shortly be displayed in the pavilion.

Playing Field R&D have approved the agreement, awaiting return of signed copy Bozeat FC have arranged their first fixtures for next season

Car Park Resurfacing and extension - Larger companies are not interested in taking on small projects. Other smaller resurfacing companies are to be approached.

Tennis Court Fencing is being damaged by people trying to gain entry to the tennis court. Costs to carrying out repairs being looked into

Play area New traverse net and scramble net have been ordered. Request has been made to Parish Council to contribute towards cost. New signage to be erected July 16th

Charity Shop Once again the Charity Shop has had a good month raising funds. A stall was set up at the village fete that seems to have attracted more people to the shop on a Saturday. More bric-a-brac is required.


Chris Challis


11th July 2017

Bozeat Village Fete July 1st 2017 APPENDIX E

Costs Supplier Total Charges £ VAT £ Income

Fun Fair JNRS £200.00 £48.00

Alcohol Licence East Northants D C £21.38 none

Gazebo Bestbuys £59.99 £10.00

Beer Potbelly Brewery £160.00 £257.20

Cider Saxby £70.00 £11.67 £64.30

Magician Steven Dimmer £140.00 none

Music Wellingboro Music Centre £100.00 none

PA System Lloyd £60.00 none

Black Sacks Bookers £22.80 none

Coconuts Whites £20.00 £119.00

Miscellaneous Ice Cream £25 Raffle £45.00

Total £854.17 £21.67 £558.50 REPORT FROM THE PLANNING GROUP – July 2017 APPENDIX F Prepared by Brian Skittrall

(a) Granted Applications Reference No. For Date granted 17/00024/MINVOC Variation of conditions for P14 30/06/2017 WP/17/00250 WP/17/00253 Straw Barn at Newlands Farm 18/05/2017

(b) Refused/Withdrawn Applications Reference No. For Date refused

(c) Pending Applications Reference No. For Status WP/16/00670 New Dwelling, Dungee Corner No comments sent WP/17/00005 Land adj 129 London Rd Submission sent appeal APP/H2835/W/17/3170737 WP/17/00292 Replacement roof Church Farm, 7 Mile St No comments sent WP/17/00335 Beauty salon to rear of 5 Dychurch Lane Comments by 2 July

(d) New Applications Reference No. For Status WP/17/00390 35 Easton Lane, rear extension No comments sent WP/17/00394 42 High Street, stopping pavement No comments sent WP/17/00408 49 Mill Road, rear extension Not yet received

(e) WP/17/00390– Rear extension 35 Easton Lane

I have a personal interest and so I passed this to Cllr Brown. He saw no obvious issues.

(f) WP/17/00394: - Stopping of pavement at the front of 42 High Street (The Nelson)

The residents wish to renew the stretch of pavement section of the highway outside their property. This does not affect the on-street parking, only the pavement that lines up with the steps into the property. Councillors viewed this after the June meeting & spoke with the resident. Our only concern was that this pavement is bounded by heritage iron kerbing which came from the Wellingborough foundry. When we highlighted this to the resident he advised us that this would be retained. (g) WP/17/00408: - Rear extension 49 Mill Road

This is a proposal for a single storey rear extension that links the space between the house, conservatory & garage. (h) Permission for semi-detached dwellings on Little Close

The convoluted way in which this permission was granted has raised concerns about the way that the planning process has been applied. The Council should consider whether it wishes to make an official complaint. (i) 17/00024/MINVOC Change of condition on P14

We have been advised that this has been allowed by delegated powers to the officer despite our objection. There is no report on the County Council web site so I have requested this via our County Councillor Martin Griffiths.

Page 1 of 1 BOZEAT PARISH COUNCIL FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR JULY 2017 APPENDIX G Account Balances as at 17th JULY 2017 as per Bank Reconciliation Account Building Society Account £35,735.03 Deposit Account . £24,855.35 current Account - HSBC Bank £26,904.81 Current Account - Lloyds Bank £24,821.39 TOTAL £112,316.58

Payments made during the month which require formal approval Date Chq/DD Payee Details Nett Value VAT Amount Paid Budget 28/6/2017 D/D Veolia ES Waste disposal - cemetery £ 93.86 £ 18.77 £ 112.63 Cemetery - waste disposal

£ 93.86 £ 18.77 £ 112.63 Payments for approval at the meeting held on Monday, 19th June 2017 Date ref. Payee Details Nett Value VAT Amount to Pay Budget 17/7/2017 BACS M.Chapman Cemetery caretaking contract 2017/18 £ 563.00 £ 563.00 Cemetery - caretaking contract BACS L.Payne Clerk/Registrar - salary/exp's/postage £ 518.31 £ 518.31 General - Clerk's salary, home office + postage BACS Colemans Stationery account £ 4.99 £ 0.99 £ 5.98 General - stationery BACS R & G Landscapes Mowing and marking - playing field £ 834.86 £ 166.97 £ 1,001.83 BPFA - grant BACS B.Gibbins Chairman's exp's; gazebo; tools £ 573.57 £ 9.99 £ 583.56 General - Chairman; village events; gen maint. BACS Lighting Lloyd Hire of P.A. for fete day £ 60.00 £ 12.00 £ 72.00 General - village events BACS Greenbarnes Noticeboard and fixing kit £ 1,878.20 £ 375.64 £ 2,253.84 General - street furniture BACS e-on UK Street light maintenance charge £ 32.31 £ 6.46 £ 38.77 Lighting - maintenance BACS R.Driver Village Warden - June 2017 £ 80.00 £ 80.00 General - Village Warden BACS e-on UK Energy supply - street lighting £ 131.25 £ 6.56 £ 137.81 Lighting - energy charge


Borough Council – notification of planning application WP/17/00390/FUL. Borough Council - notification of planning application WP/17/00394/FUL. Bozeat resident – planning application for the conversion of an outbuilding in Dychurch Lane. MK Council – notification of adoption of the Milton Keynes Minerals Local Plan. County Council – notification of approval of variation of condition for the Bozeat Quarry. AJMills – application for permission to place a new headstone in the cemetery. Abbotts Funeral Directors – enquiry about the possibility of having a foot stone placed in the cemetery. Allotments Manager – request to let a plot rent free for the remainder of 2017. Northants Highways – Community Enhancement Gangs and surface dressing works. Northants Highways – annual Parish survey. Bozeat Environment Care Group – grass verge mowing; access to public seats; London Road unofficial lay-bys. e-on – MBFU Street lights. e-on – notification of changes to terms and conditions. kierwsp – Rights of Way improvement plan survey. Sharan Wildman – JAG meeting on Wednesday. Lloyds Bank – notification of end of free banking period. payment advice and cheque for wayleave. County Council – consultation on the Northampton North-West Relief Road. County Council – consultation on the future governance of the Northamptonshire Fire and Rescue Service. Playground Projects – invitation to view products online. Borough Council – review of community capital grant applications. Clerks & Councils Direct magazine – recommend that this is circulated in a pack. The Clerk magazine - recommend that this is circulated in a pack. County Council – information about Flood Warden training. invitation to attend the Public Sector Show in Manchester on 21st November 2017. Bozeat Matters – invitation to submit a report for the next issue. CPRE – Outlook magazine [July 2017] – recommend that this is circulated in a pack.

Abbreviations: BPFA = Bozeat Playing Field Association; HMRC = Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs; CPRE = Campaign for the Protection of Rural England; SLCC = Society of Local Council Clerks; CALC = County Association of Local Councils; NRHA – Northants Rural Housing Association. A MEETING OF BOZEAT PARISH COUNCIL WAS HELD ON MONDAY, 21st AUGUST 2017 AT TLC, DYCHURCH LANE, BOZEAT, FOLLOWING PUBLIC PARTICIPATION AT 7pm.

PRESENT: - Cllrs Docker [in the Chair]; Brown; Dudley-Smith; Foward; Pollard; Pritchard and Wade.

In the absence of both the Chairman and Vice-Chairman Cllr Pollard proposed that Cllr Docker be Chairman for this meeting. This was seconded by Cllr Pritchard and agreed.

PUBLIC: - no members of the public were present.

1. Apologies. It was resolved to accept apologies for absence received from Cllrs Cooke; Gibbins; Skittrall and Spencer.

2. Declarations of interest. It was resolved to accept the following declarations of interest: - Agenda item 7b – Allotments – Cllr Brown declared a pecuniary interest in this agenda item. Agenda item 6 – Planning – Cllrs Docker and Pollard declared non-pecuniary interests in planning application WP/17/00335.

3. Minutes. Cllr Wade proposed that the minutes of the meeting of Bozeat Parish Council held on Monday, 17th July 2017 be accepted as a correct record, this was seconded by Cllr Pollard and a vote was taken = 6 for with 1 abstention, motion carried.

4. Matters arising from the last meeting: - a. Village Sign repairs – it was resolved that the Clerk should telephone Glyn Mould after the Bank Holiday weekend and ask him when the repairs will be done. b. Circulating documents – the progress of packs was discussed. c. Roles and responsibilities – it was resolved to accept the revised list of roles and responsibilities. d. Village Green cabinet – to approve the provision of a stainless-steel base for the cabinet costing no more than £50. Cllr Brown asked how the work being done will fit in with the existing procedures and Cllr Wade agreed to send an email explaining what is required. This to be an agenda item for the next meeting. e. Playing Field play area – to approve payment for urgent repairs required for play equipment for safety reasons, costing no more than £2000 nett of VAT. It was noted that no invoice has been received, however Cllr Wade proposed that the payment be approved and invoice paid on receipt, as this is a matter of safety. This was seconded by Cllr Prichard and agreed.

5. Police Report. a. Crime figures – as figures are no longer available it was resolved to remove this item from the agenda. b. Parking problems and potential solutions – Cllr Brown suggested that a village-wide strategy for parking, speeding and anti-social driving be considered. c. Speeding and anti-social driving. d. JAG meetings – Cllr Wade reported that he had attended the recent meeting, which had been attended by representatives from other parishes and Wellingborough Norse. Issues discussed included fly tipping and Sharan Wilding being moved to East Northants. Page 1866 – 21st August 2017.

Page 1867 – 21st August 2017.

6. Planning. a. Current/new planning applications. Cllr Wade proposed that the Planning report [Appendix A] be accepted and this was agreed. it was resolved that any comments on items contained in the report be forwarded directly to Cllr Skittrall. The Clerk noted receipt of a questionnaire from CPRE Northants and it was resolved that she should complete this on behalf of the council. b. Neighbourhood Plan – it was resolved to defer this item until the September meeting. c. Housing Needs Survey – it was resolved to ask if the additional questions we want can be included in an online survey and, if not, what the costs would be for a paper survey.

7. Council services. a. Cemetery – Cllr Docker reported that concerns had been raised about a recently received application, after discussion it was resolved to approve the application. Cllr Brown reported that the registration for the cemetery avenue has now been completed as has the one for Town Well, thanks were extended to Cllr Brown for his work. b. Allotments – Cllr Pollard proposed that his report [Appendix B] be accepted, this was seconded by Cllr Wade and agreed. The problem of weed growth on vacant plots was discussed and it was resolved that this be raised at the annual meeting of allotment tenants.

8. Bozeat Playing Field Association. It was resolved to receive the Chairman’s report [Appendix C]. a. Pavilion repairs and redecoration - it was resolved to approve additional grant funding of £2500 towards the cost of repairs and redecoration of the pavilion. b. Budget – the Clerk reported that additional expenditure will exhaust the current budget for the playing field and it was proposed by Cllr Wade that a virement of £5305.56 be made from the Self-Insurance Fund to the Bozeat Playing Field budget to cover future grants. This was agreed, the Clerk to ask the Playing Field Committee to prepare their budget request for 2018-2019 in plenty of time for the annual finance meeting in January. It was further agreed that the Clerk should provide copies of the invoices received for mowing and other works on the pitches so the Committee is aware of the costs being incurred.

9. Finance a. Payments – Cllr Dudley-Smith proposed that the Finance report [Appendix D] and the list of payments contained be approved, this was agreed. b. Audit of accounts for the financial year ended 31st March 2017 – the Clerk reported that she had received an email from the External Auditors and had replied on the council’s behalf.

10. Correspondence. It was resolved to acknowledge receipt of correspondence received since the last meeting as listed on Appendix E.

Other reports. Highways – Cllr Foward proposed that his report [Appendix F] be accepted and this was agreed. Cllr Foward noted that he is continuing to monitor the wall affected by a buddleia and asked for a copy of the revised proposals for stopping up the unauthorised lay-bys on London Road. Village Warden – it was resolved to accept a report [Appendix G] from the Village Warden.

Page 1868 – 21st August 2017.

11. Items for the next agenda. It was resolved that the following items be included on the agenda for the next meeting: - • Town Well – members to view the area and provide suggestions for improvement. • Beacon of Light event in 2018. • Suggestions for stopping up unauthorised lay-bys on London Road. • Full email boxes – now resolved. Cllr Wade asked that the minutes record that he believes the council should have a proper email system. • Permissive footpath which used to run along the access track to the sand and gravel pit off the A509.

12. Date and time of next meeting – it was noted that the next meeting of Bozeat Parish Council will take place on Monday, 18th September 2017. The meeting will follow Public Participation at 7pm. All meetings are held in the schoolroom of TLC, Dychurch Lane, Bozeat, Northants, NN29 7JP.

There being no further business, the Chairman declared the meeting closed.

Signed ……………………………………………. Chairman 18th September 2017.


REPORT FROM THE PLANNING GROUP – August 2017 Prepared by Brian Skittrall

(a) Granted Applications Reference No. For Date granted WP/17/00390 35 Easton Lane, rear extension 10/8/17

(b) Refused/Withdrawn Applications Reference No. For Date refused WP/17/00335 Beauty salon to rear of 5 Dychurch Lane Withdrawn Land adj 129 London Rd WP/17/00005 14/7/17 appeal APP/H2835/W/17/3170737

(c) Pending Applications Reference No. For Status

WP/16/00670 New Dwelling, Dungee Corner No comments sent

WP/17/00292 Replacement roof Church Farm, 7 Mile St No comments sent

WP/17/00394 42 High Street, stopping pavement Comments sent

WP/17/00408 49 Mill Road, rear extension No comments sent

(d) New Applications Reference No. For Status

WP/17/00503 40 Mill Road, 2 storey front extension Comments by 4th September

(e) WP/17/00503: - 2 storey front extension, 40 Mill Road

A proposal to replace the porch with a 2 storey extension on the same footprint.

(f) WP/17/00394: - Stopping of pavement at the front of 42 High Street (The Nelson)

Comments sent: Councillors viewed this after the June meeting & spoke with the resident. Our only concern was that this pavement is bounded by heritage iron kerbing which came from the Wellingborough foundry. When we highlighted this to the resident he advised us that this would be retained. This being the case then the Council do not see a problem with this application.

(g) 17/00024/MINVOC Change of condition on P14

Cllr Griffiths is following this up on our behalf.

Page 1 of 3 BOZEAT PARISH COUNCIL APPENDIX A (h) WP/17/00335: - Beauty salon to rear of 5 Dychurch Lane

This application has been withdrawn.

Comments sent prior to withdrawal: Bozeat Parish Council objects to the proposal to convert the garden of 5 Dychurch Lane into a beauty salon. Our concerns are: • Parking • Road safety • Loss of amenity space at 5 Dychurch Lane • Potential overlooking • Run off

The proposal separates the off-road parking provision, the majority of the garden and the outbuildings of 5 Dychurch Lane to create a beauty salon by demolishing the existing outbuildings to be replaced by a new outbuilding which would house the proposed business. Parking As with almost every planning application in Bozeat one of the key concerns is parking provision. The application site is opposite Town Well and near to the Wesleyan Chapel and school room. The Chapel is a well used community building which is not only used for services, but also for a number of other community activities and meetings, many of which occur on a regular basis. These occur both during the daytime and in the evenings. When the Chapel is in use this part of the village is often heavily congested with parked vehicles. 5 Dychurch Lane currently has a single off-road parking place which would be lost to this development. The parking provision proposed for the new business could accommodate a maximum of four vehicles, but only if the vehicles shuffle and do not turn on site. If vehicles turn on site and do not shuffle the plans indicate that there is only a single viable parking space. The business proposed has two treatment rooms, a tanning room and a reception area. This would allow up to three clients to be treated simultaneously with a minimum of two staff (assuming that the tanning room and reception can be left unattended). While we acknowledge that some clients and possibly staff could walk to the premises, it is far more likely that the majority would come by private car. This being the case it is inevitable that there would be inadequate parking on site leading to overspill parking on the street. We note that the application states that the salon will be used on a ‘one to one’ basis by the sole proprietor. However this is not consistent with the scale of development proposed. Whilst this may or may not be the initial intention, in planning it is necessary to take a long term view and the development proposed would certainly support a much larger operation. It should be noted that Town Well is not a public car park and the Parish Council have plans and funds set aside to enhance this facility to create a pocket park for the enjoyment of all residents of the village. This should not therefore be included in any assessment of parking available to staff and clients of this proposed business. The loss of the parking place for 5 Dychurch Lane would be mitigated if the business were attached to this property. However we understand that this is not the case. NNJCS Policies 8 a (iii) & b (ii)

Page 2 of 3 BOZEAT PARISH COUNCIL APPENDIX A Road Safety There is limited visibility when exiting the site and it is questionable whether the entrance has a sufficient visibility splay to meet the standard for safe egress. This is particularly of concern for pedestrians walking east along Dychurch Lane who will not be visible to vehicles exiting the site until they have passed the end wall of 5 Dychurch Lane. There are particular concerns that any vehicles reversing out of the site would not be able to see pedestrians until the vehicle has crossed the footpath. NNJCS Policy 8 b (i)

Impact on amenity The proposal is effectively a back-land development because the site has been created from the rear garden of 5 Dychurch Lane. We note from the application that the amenity space of this property has already been divided to leave the residents only the small area identified as patio/garden on the plans perhaps in anticipation of this proposal. NNJCS Policy 8 e (i)

Potential overlooking The site slopes up from the road and so the proposed salon is elevated above the ground floor level of the existing properties. There is a potential for this to cause loss of privacy in these properties and we recommend that the extent of overlooking is assessed during a site visit. It is likely that any overlooking could be mitigated by the use of an appropriate boundary treatment. NNJCS Policy 8 e (i)

Run Off The site lies in Flood Zone 2 and drains towards Dychurch Lane which is Flood Zone 3. We therefore consider it essential that all run off created from the conversion of the garden into hard surfaces should be retained on site. NNJCS Policy 5 a & c

Conclusion The Parish Council consider that the proposal is not acceptable in terms of parking provision and road safety and we do not feel that it meets policy requirements. We note that Highways have highlighted parking as a potential issue that officers should ensure is properly considered. We would also request that in the interest of public safety the visibility splay is assessed for compliance with standards. We are also concerned about the adverse impact upon the existing dwellings, particularly 5 Dychurch Lane the residents of which we understand are not connected to this proposal. Should permission be granted we would request that a condition is attached to require that all run off must be retained on site. A further condition may be necessary to address issues of overlooking.

Page 3 of 3

BOZEAT PARISH COUNCIL FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR AUGUST 2017 APPENDIX D Account Balances as at 17th AUGUST 2017 as per Bank Reconciliation Account Building Society Account £35,735.03 Deposit Account . £24,855.35 current Account - HSBC Bank £26,975.19 Current Account - Lloyds Bank £19,566.29 TOTAL £107,131.86

Payments made during the month which require formal approval Date Chq/DD Payee Details Amount Paid Budget 28/7/2017 D/D Veolia ES Waste disposal - cemetery £ 80.09 Cemetery - waste disposal

£ 80.09 Payments for approval at the meeting held on Monday, 21st August 2017 Date ref. Payee Details Amount to Pay Budget 21/8/2017 BACS M.Chapman Cemetery caretaking contract 2017/18 £ 563.00 Cemetery - caretaking contract BACS L.Payne Clerk/Registrar - salary/exp's/postage £ 554.64 General - Clerk's salary, home office, postage and village enhancement BACS R & G Landscapes Playing Field mowing/marking £ 432.45 BPFA - grant BACS B.Gibbins Fete Day expenses £ 70.00 General - Village events BACS R.Driver Village Warden/allotments strimmer £ 56.30 General - village warden/allotments BACS Ricoh UK Photocopier rental/copy charge £ 63.62 General - photocopier BACS Bozeat TLC Use of meeting room [Mar/Apr/May/Jun/Jul£ 125.00 General - meeting room BACS Ian Saunders Installation of noticeboard £ 360.00 General - street furniture BACS Hampshire Flag Red Ensign flag £ 42.36 Village Enhancement BACS M.Chapman Odd Jobs 4/2017; 6/2017; 7/2017; 8/2017£ + interment 135.00 Allotments, general maintenance, cemetery BACS e-on UK Village Green electricity supply £ 9.46 General - Village events


Northamptonshire Police – update for Parish Councils of Wellingborough and E.Northants. Borough Council of Wellingborough – notification of planning application WP/17/00503/FUL. The Planning Inspectorate – Appeal Decision APP/H2835/W/17/3170737. Borough Council – notification of planning application WP/17/00408/FUL. student – research on neighbourhood planning. Wellingborough Council – Housing Needs Survey. Dez Tanser – housing needs survey. CPFE Northants – planning roadshow questionnaire. S.Blenkharn – application for permission to place a tablet in the cemetery. War Memorials News [August 2017] Lloyds Bank – changes to business banking terms and conditions. kierwsp – CEG visit. Lloyds Bank – information about the Financial Services Compensation Scheme. County Council – information about a new book “Spanning the Centuries”. Nene Valley Community Action – invitation to attend a Funding Question Time in September. Bozeat resident – enquiry about land outside the former Spar Shop in Camden Square. Field Work magazine [Summer 2017] – recommend that this is circulated in the monthly pack. Countryside Voice magazine [Summer 2017] – recommend that this is circulated in the monthly pack. NorthantsCALC – Update magazine [July-August 2017] – recommend that this is circulated in the monthly pack. NorthantsACRE – Village Viewpoint magazine [Summer 2017] – recommend that this is circulated in the monthly pack. M & G investments – Charibond statement. Borough Council – notification of consultation [Market Rights Policy]. Quinn Developments Ltd – infographic [The Benefits of a Home Buyer’s Drain Survey]. Oakfield Community – invitation to attend a meeting with Helen Howard at Oakfield [6th September]. NorthantsCALC – list of training courses for Autumn 2017. Bozeat resident – enquiry about bonfires.

Abbreviations: BPFA = Bozeat Playing Field Association; HMRC = Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs; CPRE = Campaign for the Protection of Rural England; SLCC = Society of Local Council Clerks; CALC = County Association of Local Councils; NRHA – Northants Rural Housing Association. Bozeat Parish Council – Highways Monthly Report

Month ending 10th August 2017

Street Doctor Headlines

An additional street doctor’s report added to the highways tracking spreadsheet during this period. Total reports to date 21. The following reports remain open or are currently being monitored Boz 05, 07, 10, 17, 20 and 21. Boz -02 and 16 were completed and closed out during the period.

Project works

Councillors requested to consider alternative methods to reinstate the unofficial lay-bys on London Road to reduce costs and prevent reoccurrence of the lay-bys at alternative point along London Road. Matters pertaining to the reinstatement of the lay-bys remain outstanding.

Notes: New items during the reporting month will be highlighted in red on the Highways Tracking Spreadsheet.

Will continue to monitor street doctor to ensure works are undertaken as stated and report any changes to time frame for delivery.

Would request that Parish Council members provide me with any concerns they may have that require to be raised on street doctor.

The report captures all street doctor submissions up to and including the cut of date 10 th August 17 that I’m aware of; if I’ve missed any please let me know and I will add to the spreadsheet.


Highways Tracking Spreadsheet

Highways Report August 17 By: SP Foward


July's brief outline:

• Cut overhanging branches and brambles on Easton Lane, at the top of the hill towards the Cemetery.

• Carried out usual checks around the village.

Approximate 5 hours.


PRESENT: - Cllrs Gibbins [Chairman]; Cooke; Docker; Dudley-Smith; Pollard; Pritchard; Spencer and Wade. PUBLIC: - no members of the public were present.

1. Apologies. It was resolved to accept apologies for absence received from Cllrs Brown, Foward and Skittrall.

2. Declarations of interest. It was resolved to record the following declarations of interest: - • Agenda item 9 – Bozeat Playing Field – Cllrs Cooke and Gibbins declared non-pecuniary interests. • Agenda item 12 – Cllr Wade declared a non-pecuniary interest.

3. Minutes. The minutes of the meeting of Bozeat Parish Council held on Monday, 21st August 2017 were proposed as a correct record by Cllr Pollard, this was seconded by Cllr Pritchard and a vote was taken = 4 for with 4 abstentions, motion carried.

4. Matters arising. a. Village Sign repairs – it was noted that the repairs are underway, the top of the sign has been removed for refurbishment and the loose strut collected. It was resolved that the post be painted whilst the head of the sign is removed and further resolved that the Odd Job Man be asked to do this, the Clerk to let the woodcarver know. b. Circulating documents – packs were identified and circulated at the meeting.

5. Police report. a. Parking, speeding and anti-social driving – Cllrs Brown and Docker are working together to create a strategy and it was noted that additional double yellow lines will be provided in November after the required consultation period. Parking problems outside the village shops seem to be getting worse and it was resolved to contact the local resident who offered to help with parking problems and invite him to help prepare the strategy. The Chairman reported that he had attended a meeting at Easton Maudit with representatives from Oakfield and the County Council where traffic issues in the village were discussed. It was resolved to loan the speed monitoring equipment to the village of Easton Maudit for 2-3 weeks so that data can be obtained and evaluated.

6. Planning. a. Current/new planning applications – Cllr Gibbins proposed that the Planning Report [Appendix A] be accepted, this was agreed. b. Neighbourhood Plan – it was noted that progress is unlikely to be made until the housing needs survey has been completed. c. Housing Needs Survey – the Chairman reported on recent communication with Dez Tanser at the Borough Council.

Page 1869 – 18th September 2017.

Page 1870 – 18th September 2017.

7. Council Services. a. Cemetery – Cllr Spencer reported that the grass was cut recently and the cemetery is looking good. It has been suggested that the council buy some large poppies which could be placed on the cemetery gates around Armistice Day and Remembrance Sunday and Cllr Wade then proposed that the council buy 6 large poppies, this was seconded by Cllr Gibbins and agreed. It was resolved to progress the project to buy additional land to extend the cemetery. b. Applications for permission to place memorials or headstones in the Cemetery – no applications received since the last meeting. c. Allotments – Cllr Pollard proposed that his report [Appendix B] be accepted and this was agreed. The final inspection of the year will take place in October. d. Allotments – to consider a revision to the guidelines. Cllr Wade proposed that an additional guideline be added for the allotments - “that rent will not be payable for any half plots issued after 1st September for the remainder of the year” – this was seconded by Cllr Dudley-Smith and agreed. e. Annual meeting of Allotment tenants – it was agreed to check the availability of the meeting room on Saturday mornings in November and that the meeting will run from11-12noon.

8. Local Environment. a. Highways – Cllr Gibbins proposed that the Highways Report [Appendix C] be accepted, this was agreed. An email received from a local resident was noted and it was further noted that Cllr Martin Griffiths [County Councillor] had responded to it. b. Street Lights – no issues reported. c. Parish Paths Warden – Cllr Pritchard proposed that the council writes to Compton Estates to request the reinstatement of a permissive path which ran along the access track to the sand and gravel pit off the A509, the letter to be copied to the Bozeat and Earls Barton Local Liaison Group. This was agreed. d. Village Warden – Cllr Gibbins proposed that the Village Warden’s Report [Appendix D] be accepted, this was resolved. e. Land registrations – it was noted that the registration of Town Well and the Cemetery avenue have been completed and work continues on the registration of the Village Green. g. Great British Spring Clean and Litter Heroes Awards – it was resolved to hold a Spring Clean in April 2018 and to invite Bozeat Primary School to take part. h. Closure of London Road laybys – it was resolved that representatives from the Parish Council attend when the Action Group next litter picks in this area so they can report back to the council and the problem can be assessed. i. Dog waste bags – it was noted that Norse do not supply bag dispensers and it was resolved to look for an alternative supplier and also to ask Cllr Martin Griffiths if the County Council can supply. j. Village Green electrical cabinet – it was resolved that the Chairman should discuss the work to provide easier access with Cllr Brown and this remain on the agenda for the next meeting. k. Village Green – it was reported that the Bozeat Branch of the Women’s Institute have offered to donate a tree for the area near to the Village Sign. It was resolved to contact the W.I. and ask them if there is a specific reason for wanting to plant a tree and to offer the cemetery or playing field rather than highways verge. l. Town Well – Cllr Pollard produced a sketch of suggestions for the area and it was resolved that this be an agenda item for the next meeting.

Page 1871 – 18th September 2017.

m. Emergency Plan Survey – it was resolved that a copy of the Parish Council’s Emergency Plan be emailed to all members.

9. Representatives Reports. a. Bozeat Playing Field Association – Cllr Gibbins proposed that the report submitted by the Chairman of Bozeat Playing Field [Appendix E] be accepted, this was agreed, it was further agreed to consider funding options for the Playing Field, especially repairs to the play area equipment. b. Bozeat Primary School – it was reported that a new kitchen area has been installed in the staff room and fire doors replaced. iPad have been bought for one year group. c. Parishes Forum meetings – it was resolved to invite Cllrs Brown and Foward to act as delegates for the Parish Council at this meeting. d. JAG meetings – Cllr Docker proposed that her report [Appendix F] be accepted and this was agreed. It was resolved to circulate the minutes from the meeting to all members. e. IT Group – it was reported that the group will be meeting this month and members were asked to report any issues to the group so they can be addressed. Cllr Wade asked that the email system be reviewed.

10. Local Events. a. Battles Over Beacons of Light – Cllr Docker proposed that her report [Appendix G] be accepted and this was agreed. Cllr Gibbins proposed that a budget of £1000 be delegated to the working party to enable a suitable event to be organised, this was seconded by Cllr Cooke and agreed. b. Christmas Lights switch on – it was noted that the date for this event will be 2nd December 2017. It was resolved to invite the school to attend the event and to have just a few stalls such as a bar and BBQ food. c. Summer Fete 2018 – it was resolved to hold this event on 7th July 2018.

11. Former play area in Abbey Close. a. Sale of land – Cllr Wade reported that the sale is progressing.

12. Community Hall. It was reported that the group is working well.

13. Finance a. Payments – Cllr Wade proposed that the Finance Report [Appendix H] be accepted and the payments listed be approved, this was seconded by Cllr Cooke and agreed. b. Audit of accounts for the financial year ended 31st March 2017 – Cllr Gibbins proposed that the Annual Return including the certificate from the External Auditor be accepted and approved, this was seconded by Cllr Wade and agreed.

14. Correspondence. It was resolved to acknowledge receipt of correspondence received since the last meeting as shown on Appendix I. Cllr Spencer expressed concern that a local bus service provider has handed back the contract to the County Council and the service may be lost. Cllr Gibbins reported that comments about local bus services can be made on the County Council’s website.

Page 1872 – 18th September 2017.

The Clerk reported that she had recently attended the AGM for the Northants Branch of SLCC and provided a report for interest.

15. Items for the next agenda. • The purchase of a Wreath for Remembrance Sunday. • Repairs to the skate ramp.

16. Date and time of next meeting. It was noted that the next meeting of Bozeat Parish Council will take place on Monday, 16th October 2017. The meeting will follow Public Participation at 7pm. All meetings are held in the schoolroom of TLC, Dychurch Lane, Bozeat, Northants, NN29 7JP.

There being no further business, meeting declared closed.

Signed ……………………………………….. Chairman. 16th October 2017.

REPORT FROM THE PLANNING GROUP – September 2017 APPENDIX A Prepared by Brian Skittrall

(a) Granted Applications Reference No. For Date granted WP/17/00292 Replacement roof Church Farm, 7 Mile St 7/9/17

WP/17/00394 42 High Street, stopping pavement 29/8/17

WP/17/00408 49 Mill Road, rear extension 1/9/17

(b) Refused/Withdrawn Applications Reference No. For Date refused None

(c) Pending Applications Reference No. For Status

WP/16/00670 New Dwelling, Dungee Corner No comments sent

WP/17/00503 40 Mill Road, 2 storey front extension No comments sent

(d) New Applications Reference No. For Status

WP/17/00405 42 High Street, replacement windows Comments due

(e) WP/17/00405: - 42 High Street, replacement windows

This application is to replace a number of the windows at the Nelson.

Page 1 of 1

Bozeat Parish Council – Highways Monthly Report

Month ending 10th September 2017

Street Doctor Headlines

No additional street doctor’s added during this period; although an additional comment was added to Boz 21 to ask when the work would be completed as the highways date has lapsed. Total reports to date remain at 21. The following reports remain open or are currently being monitored Boz 05, 07, 10, 17, 20 and 21. No reports closed during this period.

Project works

Councillors requested to consider alternative methods to reinstate the unofficial lay-bys on London Road to reduce costs and prevent reoccurrence of the lay-bys at alternative point along London Road. Matters pertaining to the reinstatement of the lay-bys remain outstanding.

Notes: New items during the reporting month will be highlighted in red on the Highways Tracking Spreadsheet.

Will continue to monitor street doctor to ensure works are undertaken as stated and report any changes to time frame for delivery.

Would request that Parish Council members provide me with any concerns they may have that require to be raised on street doctor.

The report captures all street doctor submissions up to and including the cut of date 10 th September 17 that I’m aware of; if I’ve missed any please let me know and I will add to the spreadsheet.


Highways Tracking Spreadsheet

Highways Report September 17 By: SP Foward


• Harrold Road - cut brambles from obstructing pathway adjacent to pedestrian crossing outside of the school. The nettles need cutting back from pathway opposite the school.

• Playing Field, two loose fence post at the tennis court. Children's play area, cut back brambles . Large branches from trees overhanging lower part of the play area, require attention. Hedgerow at the car park and play area needs attention.

• Memorial seat, bottom of Easton Lane, needs painting with preserve. Spoken to Odd Jobs Man. if he can't do it I will.

• Hedgerow along London Road from Springvale Farm to bus stop needs cutting back reported it to Street Doctor. Ref. No: 893776.

• Hedge bottom of Allens Hill reported to Street Doctor. Ref No: 893782.

• Public footpaths A10 and A17 overgrown. Reported to Street Doctor. Ref. No: 893781.

• Carried out usual checks around the village.

• Approximate hours 10.

BPFA Chairman’s Report 12h September 2017 APPENDIX E

AGM The AGM was held on 11th September. All committee members were re-elected with the addition of a co-opted member Dan Richards representing Rushden and Diamonds Community Football.

Finance Net operating surplus £2811

Pavilion Internal decoration continues on the home team changing room External renovation – Has commenced Mr Cole’s remembrance plaque will be displayed in the pavilion in the next couple of weeks.

Playing Field Newly reformed Bozeat FC awaiting confirmation of fixtures for the season

Car Park Resurfacing and extension – 2 quotes received, funding now being sought.

Play area New traverse net has been installed, new twist net due October.

Charity Shop Charity shop continues to raise valuable funds.


Chris Challis


12th September 2017



The minutes of the meeting will be circulated when received however the following points are relevant to Bozeat.

1. The remodeling of the Police will be completed by 31 October. There will be 11 PC’s and 23 PCSO’s for Wellingborough and East Northants. Although villages will be allocated a named PCSO, when incidents occur anywhere within Wellingborough and East Northants, reserves will be pooled. This may result in villages not being visited on a regular basis. From December, PCSO shift patterns will be between 8am and midnight.

2. Villages to collate a list in relation to areas within the village where speeding takes place. This will be forwarded through JAG to the Community Speed Team.

3. If double yellow lines are required Helen Howard will forward a form to be completed. All forms are considered on an annual basis.

4. Bozeat is to forward details of the area being used as a “toilet stop”. A similar issue is being experienced within another village.

5. Scott is to inform if dummy CCTV cameras are legal.

6. Some schools have undertaken a project about local parking. This has resulted in more acceptable parking in the relevant village.

7. Any cars or motorbikes passing through the village on a regular basis which have noisy exhausts can be dealt with by the police. The number plate and type of vehicle to be forwarded to the police.

8. For non urgent cases, such as illegal cars parked in the village, an email can be sent to the force website.

Margaret Docker 14 September 2017



Bozeat Parish Council has agreed to participate in the WW1 Beacons of Light event. This is in commemoration and remembrance of the end of the First World War. 1000’s of Beacons of Light are to be lit at 7pm on 11 November 2018 throughout the , Channel Isles, Isle of Man and UK overseas territories. A century after the guns fell silent.

PROGRESS TO DATE 1. An initial meeting has been held to discuss an outline programme for the event. It is proposed that the event will take place from 6.30 pm to 8pm and will be held at Bozeat Playing Fields. First thoughts are that there will be at least standard bearers, the last post and wartime food supplied. The Royal British Legion will be invited to participate in the forming of the programme. 2. Two local companies have been contacted to supply quotes for a beacon brazier. To date, no quotes have been supplied. A beacon can be purchased through the national scheme. 3. Councillors Martin Griffiths and Tom Partridge Underwood have diaried the date.


There will be a monthly meeting to discuss the event and Bozeat Parish Council will be advised on progress.


The event will be delivered in a cost effective manner. However, there will be a cost associated with an event of this size.

It is therefore requested if the team can be given a delegated budget of £1000.

Margaret Docker 15 September 2017

BOZEAT PARISH COUNCIL FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR September 2017 APPENDIX H Account Balances as at 18th September 2017 as per Bank Reconciliation Account Building Society Account £35,735.03 Deposit Account . £24,857.24 current Account - HSBC Bank £28,193.54 Current Account - Lloyds Bank £19,011.65 TOTAL £107,797.46

Payments made during the month which require formal approval Date Chq/DD Payee Details Amount Paid Budget 28/8/2017 D/D Veolia ES Waste disposal - cemetery £ 80.09 Cemetery - waste disposal

£ 80.09

Payments for approval at the meeting held on Monday, 18th September 2017 Date ref. Payee Details Amount to Pay Budget 18/9/2017 BACS M.Chapman Cemetery caretaking contract 2017/18 £ 563.00 Cemetery - caretaking contract BACS L.Payne Clerk/Registrar - salary/exp's/postage £ 497.18 General - Clerk's salary, home office, postage. BACS R & G Landscapes Playing Field mowing/marking £ 607.31 BPFA - grant BACS e-on UK Village Green electricity supply £ 17.15 General - Village events BACS R.Driver Village Warden/allotments strimmer £ 100.00 General - village warden/allotments BACS Glasdon UK Replacement plate for seat £ 84.14 Burial - general maintenance BACS BDO LLP External audit fee £ 360.00 General - audit BACS Anglian Water Allotments water charge £ 129.32 Allotments - water BACS Anglian Water Cemetery water charge £ 14.80 Cemetery - water TOTALS £ 2,372.90 BOZEAT PARISH COUNCIL LIST OF CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED – SEPTEMBER 2017 APPENDIX I

Northants Police – Crime Commissioner meeting dates for the remainder of 2017. Northants Police – invitation to attend JAG meeting on 13th September. Borough Council – notification of planning application WP/17/00405/LBC. County Council – invitation to attend a Flood Warden exercise [6th September]. Wellingborough Norse – waste collection issues on 22nd August. Bozeat resident – overgrowth at Wollaston Road/Fullwell Road junction. NorthantsCALC – Emergency Plan survey [deadline is 15th September]. Bozeat W.I. – enquiry about the donation of a tree. Evanscook solicitors – copy of email received from Wilson Browne. BDO LLP – notice of conclusion of audit. County Council – termination of contract for public transport. NorthantsACRE – Social Media workshop [4th October]. Borough Council – invitation to attend a Parishes Forum meeting on 19th October. The Clerk magazine [September 2017] – resolved to circulate this in a pack M & G Investments – Town Well charibond statement. CPRE – invitation to attend AGM on 25th September. Aragon Land and Planning Co – request for contact information. NorthantsACRE – Rural Wellbeing Information Bus visit. Holcot Parish Council – request for information about the speed sign. Borough Council – notification of consultation [ Rail Franchise]. Pensions Regulator – increase in pension contributions. Playground Supplies Ltd – product information. Ousedale School – Musical aptitude places at the school. NorthantsCALC – training courses for the next few months. Clerks & Councils Direct magazine [September 2017] – resolved to circulate this in a pack

Abbreviations: BPFA = Bozeat Playing Field Association; HMRC = Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs; CPRE = Campaign for the Protection of Rural England; SLCC = Society of Local Council Clerks; CALC = County Association of Local Councils; NRHA – Northants Rural Housing Association. A MEETING OF BOZEAT PARISH COUNCIL WAS HELD ON MONDAY, 16th OCTOBER 2017 AT TLC, DYCHURCH LANE, BOZEAT, FOLLOWING PUBLIC PARTICIPATION AT 7pm.

PRESENT: - Cllrs Gibbins [Chairman]; Brown; Docker; Dudley-Smith; Foward; Pollard; Pritchard; Skittrall and Spencer. Cllr Wade arrived just after the start of the meeting and left before it ended.

PUBLIC: - no members of the public were present at the meeting.

1. Apologies. It was resolved to accept apologies for absence received from Cllr Cooke.

2. Declarations of interest. It was noted that interests declared on the member’s register do not need to be routinely declared at meetings.

3. Minutes. Cllr Pollard proposed that the minutes from the September meeting of Bozeat Parish Council be accepted, this was seconded by Cllr Gibbins and agreed, with 2 abstentions.

4. Matters arising. a. Village Sign repairs – it was noted that work is still ongoing – the post is to be painted by the Odd Job Man. b. Circulating documents – circulating packs were identified and passed on.

5. Police Report. a. Parking, speeding and anti-social driving – the Clerk to contact a local resident who has expressed an interest in helping with these issues. Crime figures – the Clerk provided a list of crimes recorded for August 2017, these being the latest available on the Police website. It was noted that there will be no police presence at this years’ annual Service of Remembrance parade.

Cllr wade arrived at this point.

6. Planning a. Current/new planning applications – Cllr Skittrall proposed that his report [Appendix A] be accepted and this was seconded by Cllr Wade and agreed. b. Neighbourhood Plan – it was resolved that Cllrs Gibbins and Skittrall meet to discuss the progress of this project, noting that the housing needs survey will be required. c. Housing Needs Survey – it was reported that the survey will be an online one including the questions requested by the Parish Council. It was resolved that the Editor of Bozeat Matters magazine be asked to reserve space in the December issue for information about the survey.

Page 1873 – 16th October 2017.

Page 1874 – 16th October 2017.

7. Council Services. a. Cemetery – it was reported that work has begun on securing land to extend the cemetery. b. Applications for permission to place memorials or headstones in the Cemetery – none received. c. Allotments – only 1 plot remains vacant at present. Tenants have asked what to do if they spot non-native species of insects on their plots and it was resolved to request that all reports come to the parish council as well as DEFRA. It was reported that the front hedge needs cutting back again and it was resolved that the Chairman should investigate how best to get this done. d. Annual meeting of Allotment tenants – to note that this will be held on Saturday, 25th November from 10-11am. It was noted that the Allotments Manager is not available that day and it was resolved to request a report which could be read out. Cllrs Gibbins and Pollard will attend the meeting. e. Allotments – to consider an offer to plant a new hedge on the boundary with Allens Hill – it was resolved that Cllr Pollard investigates the offer. f. Skate ramp – the Chairman reported that a meeting with Cllr Cooke, Phil Higginbotham from BPFA and a representative from the skate ramp constructors had been held to inspect the ramp. The top riding surface has become worn and this may need to be replaced every few years due to wear and tear. Cllr Wade proposed that the council sets aside an annual budget of £600 for repairs to the ramp and authorises immediate repairs costing around £1000, this was seconded by Cllr Skittrall and agreed.

8. Local Environment. a. Highways – Cllr Foward proposed that his report [Appendix B] be accepted, this was agreed. It was resolved to forward a photograph of an obscured highways sign to Helen Howard as the Street Doctor report has brought no action. b. Verge mowing – it was reported that the verge mowing contractors may refuse to mow verges in the village which are fouled by bagged dog mess and it was resolved to highlight this problem in the next issue of Bozeat Matters. c. Street Lights – a light fixed to a house in Wheelwrights Yard is insecure and not working, Cllr Wade has requested a quote to replace this, this to be an agenda item for the next meeting. d. Parish Paths Warden – no reply received to date to our letter asking for the reinstatement of a permissive path along the access track to the sand and gravel pit off the A509. e. Village Warden – Cllr Gibbins proposed that this month’s report [Appendix C] be accepted, this was agreed. f. Land registrations – it was noted that this item was covered under the cemetery report and it was resolved to remove it from the agenda. It was further resolved to add the creation of a working party to secure registration of the Village Green to the agenda for the next meeting – concern was raised about the security of the green and it was resolved to investigate how best to achieve this. g. Great British Spring Clean and Litter Heroes Awards – it was resolved to hold this in April 2018 taking into account the Easter break so that Bozeat School can be involved. h. Closure of London Road laybys – it was reported that Cllrs Cooke and Gibbins

Page 1875 – 16th October 2017.

inspected the area with Helen Howard recently, there are no funds available from the County Council for the work to be done so the parish council would have to pay. It was resolved that Cllrs Brown and Gibbins meet to consider options to resolve the problem. i. Dog waste bags – Cllr Gibbins reported that Wellingborough Norse will supply and fit this equipment and a quote has been requested. j. Village Green electrical cabinet – the amendments to the cabinet to allow for safer and easier access was discussed in detail, as was the potential use of the equipment and safety concerns, as well as the likely costs. It was resolved that the Chairman investigate all the issues including risk assessments, procedures, liability and safety ready for the next meeting. k. Tree donation by the W.I. – no further information. l. Town Well – Cllr Pollard produced a draft design for consideration and it was resolved that Cllrs Brown and Pollard produce an initial report ready for the next meeting.

9. Representatives Reports. a. Bozeat Playing Field Association – it was resolved to accept a monthly report [Appendix D], and acknowledge that the Clerk had produced a report into the council’s funding of the playing field. Following discussion, Cllr Skittrall proposed that a grant of £2500 be paid to BPFA towards the cost of replacing insecure doors, subject to the receipt of acceptable quotes, this was agreed with 1 abstention. It was noted that the parish council has already agreed to take over responsibility for the play area. b. Bozeat Primary School – it was reported that the library bus project is still ongoing. c. Parishes Forum meeting – it was resolved that Brian Gibbins and Brian Skittrall should attend this representing the parish council. d. JAG meetings – no meeting held this month. e. IT Group – Cllr Brown proposed that his report [Appendix E] be accepted, this was agreed, however Cllr Wade reported that he disagreed with the first paragraph relating to the email facility. Concern was raised about the current procedures for authorising online payments and it was resolved that the Clerk should draw up draft additional procedures for the online banking policy ready for the next meeting. Email capability and capacity was discussed and the current costs and potential additional costs debated.

Cllr Wade left the meeting at this point.

Cllr Docker asked that any member of the council that encounters problems with their council emails contact a member of the IT group.

10. Local Events. a. Battles Over Beacons of Light – it was reported that a meeting with representatives from BPFA is to be held tomorrow and a request has been made to use residual funds from the former Fireworks Committee towards the celebration. b. Christmas Lights switch on – it was resolved to invite the Headteacher of Bozeat

Page 1876 – 16th October 2017.

School to switch the lights on at 5pm on 2nd December 2017. c. Armistice Day/Remembrance Sunday 2017 – it was resolved to purchase 6 large poppies for the cemetery as well as the usual wreath to lay at the Remembrance Service.

11. Former play area in Abbey Close. a. Sale of land – it was noted that the completion of the sale is imminent.

12. Community Hall. It was noted that the group will meet again this Thursday.

13. Finance a. Payments – Cllr Gibbins proposed that the Finance Report [Appendix F] be accepted and the payments listed be approved. This was seconded by Cllr Brown and agreed. It was resolved that Cllrs Gibbins, Pritchard and Skittrall should check the invoices presented for payment and authorise the payments after the meeting.

14. Correspondence. It was resolved to acknowledge receipt of correspondence received since the last meeting, as listed on Appendix G.

15. Items for the next agenda. • Calendar of meetings for 2018.

16. Date and time of next meeting. It was noted that the next meeting of Bozeat Parish Council will take place on Monday, 20th November 2017. The meeting will follow Public Participation at 7pm. All meetings are held in the schoolroom of TLC, Dychurch Lane, Bozeat, Northants, NN29 7JP.

There being no further business, the chairman declared the meeting closed.

Signed ………………………………………….. Chairman. 20th November 2017.

REPORT FROM THE PLANNING GROUP – October 2017 APPENDIX A Prepared by Brian Skittrall

(a) Granted Applications Reference No. For Date granted WP/17/00503 40 Mill Road, 2 storey front extension 28/9/17

WP/17/00405 42 High Street, replacement windows 9/10/17

(b) Refused/Withdrawn Applications Reference No. For Date refused None

(c) Pending Applications Reference No. For Status

WP/16/00670 New Dwelling, Dungee Corner No comments sent

(d) New Applications Reference No. For Status


(e) Plan for the Borough of Wellingborough

This is entering the final stages of consultation before submission for examination by the Planning Inspectorate.

Page 1 of 1 Bozeat Parish Council – Highways Monthly Report

Month ending 10th October 2017

Street Doctor Headlines

One additional street doctor report added during this period; an additional comment was also added to Boz 21, last month, to ask when the work would be completed as the highways date to complete this work has lapsed; still no action on this matter further comment requesting when works are to be undertaken posted on street doctor this month. Total reports to date are 22. The following reports remain open or are currently being monitored Boz 05, 07, 10, 17, 20 and 21.

New report Boz 22 posted on street doctor; yield sign positioned at the corner of Allen Hill and London road totally obscured.

Project works

Councillors requested to consider alternative methods to reinstate the unofficial lay-bys on London Road to reduce costs and prevent reoccurrence of the lay-bys at alternative point along London Road. Matters pertaining to the reinstatement of the lay-bys remain outstanding.

Notes: New items during the reporting month will be highlighted in red on the Highways Tracking Spreadsheet.

Will continue to monitor street doctor to ensure works are undertaken as stated and report any changes to time frame for delivery.

Would request that Parish Council members provide me with any concerns they may have that require to be raised on street doctor.

The report captures all street doctor submissions up to and including the cut of date 10 th October 17 that I’m aware of; if I’ve missed any please let me know and I will add to the spreadsheet.


Highways Tracking Spreadsheet

Highways Report October 17 By: SP Foward


September's brief outline:

• Sunken drain reported bottom of Bull Close, Ref No: 896383.

• Childrens play area, unattached rope on climbing frame.

• Reported street light cover unattached, London Road near bus shelter.

• Cut brambles around the village, where necessary.

• Carried out usual checks around the village.

Approximate hours, 8.

BPFA Chairman’s Report 9th October 2017 APPENDIX D

Finance Net operating surplus £2440

Pavilion Internal decoration continues on the home team changing room External renovation – Well underway. several comments received on how good the pavilion is starting to look Founding members remembrance plaque is now on display in the pavilion.

Playing Field R+D usage of the pitches continue to rise

Car Park Resurfacing and extension – Highways Agency have confirmed we can extend out towards the road reducing the impact on the playing field itself. Full drawings to be produced and formal quotes to be obtained. Hanson have agreed to supply the sub- base materials FOC.

Play area Maintenance access gate has been repaired. This will be locked allowing access for maintenance only. New twist net due to be installed this week.

Tennis Courts In need of some maintenance but this is considered a project in itself and will be looked at in due course.

Charity Shop Once again, the Charity shop had a good month raising funds.


Chris Challis


10th October 2017

Report of the IT Group for the year ending September 2017 The IT Group consists of two Council members, Mr David Brown and Mrs Margaret Docker, together with the Parish Clerk, Mrs Lyndis Payne. The current domain and web site hosting was set up in 2010 with the unique feature for use by local and government authorities. WEBSITE Our website offers information of Parish Council meetings and business for Council Members and the general public with minutes and policy documents. Updates are made as required but typically on a monthly basis for the latest meeting agenda and approved minutes from the previous meetings. Minutes have been published since 2004 previously on our own village site maintained by Bozeat Matters. Our review of all pages has recently been made with minor amendments and adjustments to typo's, links and recently updated information. FACEBOOK Our Facebook presence is used for publication of the more urgent information and advertising of local events. No comments are made, or advice and opinion given, on any specific matter. We are members of one group, "Bozeat Community News and Updates" which is administered by local villagers. Although we have many requests to be friends with individuals they are all refused. Email FACILITY: In 2010, having set up each Council member with their own email address, the system has worked well this last 7 years since its inception. Usage has been continued without interruption by good housekeeping of each account, save for just a couple of issues that were resolved quickly and have not reoccurred. The statistics, using 100 as a measure for the usage are as follows: 0 1 member <20 5 members >21 - <35 4 members >36 - <100 0 members >100 - <500 0 members >500 - <1000 1 member The general usage over nearly 7 years has been managed adequately and there are no issues relating to continued and uninterrupted service. Should any member wish to increase capacity over fear of the blocked receipt of emails, please report concerns to the IT Group directly. Our Clerk Lyndis Payne has a larger storage requirement as copies on both received and sent emails are kept for administrative purposes, as often attachments are adding to the required capacity. EQUIPMENT New hardware had been purchased nearly two years ago with photocopier and laptop. They have served our Clerk well with no reported issues. Two encrypted USB memory sticks are used in each alternate month for back-ups. One stick remains with the current Chairman and is exchanged at the meeting or convenient time otherwise. BANKING The use of on-line banking has been established and appears successful with payments being set up and paid without any delay. There is no formal approved procedure set up at present and with our Clerk now routinely administering the system, Lyndis will recommend to the Council a procedure for discussion and approval together with a help file for continued use. This will help with current, and of course new members joining the Council in future years. IT Group, 09/17 BOZEAT PARISH COUNCIL FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR OCTOBER 2017 APPENDIX F Account Balances as at 16th October 2017 as per Bank Reconciliation Account Building Society Account £35,735.03 Deposit Account . £24,857.24 current Account - HSBC Bank £28,243.45 Current Account - Lloyds Bank £14,781.56 TOTAL £103,617.28

Payments made during the month which require formal approval Date Chq/DD Payee Details Amount Paid Budget 28/9/2017 D/D Veolia ES Waste disposal - cemetery £ 80.09 Cemetery - waste disposal

£ 80.09

Payments for approval at the meeting held on Monday, 18th October 2017 Date ref. Payee Details Amount to Pay Budget 16/10/2017 BACS M.Chapman Cemetery caretaking contract 2017/18 £ 563.00 Cemetery - caretaking contract BACS L.Payne Clerk/Registrar - salary/exp's/postage £ 529.38 General - Clerk's salary, home office, postage. BACS R & G Landscapes Playing Field mowing/marking £ 662.93 BPFA - grant BACS R.Driver Village Warden £ 80.00 General - village warden BACS HMRC PAYE £ 343.20 General - Clerk's salary. BACS B.Gibbins Licence for Fete Day 2017 £ 21.38 General - village events BACS Colemans Stationery account £ 3.49 General - stationery BACS e-on UK Street light maintenance £ 36.94 Lighting - maintenance/energy BACS e-on UK Street light energy charge £ 139.32 Lighting - maintenance/energy BACS e-on UK Energy charge - Village Green £ 8.79 General - Village events £ - TOTALS £ 2,388.43 BOZEAT PARISH COUNCIL LIST OF CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED – OCTOBER 2017 APPENDIX G

Northants Police – Police Commissioner meetings. Northants Police – policing Remembrance Day parades. NorthantsACRE – Invitation to attend an event on 24th October 2017. Borough Council – publication of the Plan for the Borough of Wellingborough. Bletsoes – Nene Milling site. NorthantsACRE – invitation to attend a community shops and pubs seminar [24th October]. Bozeat resident – notification of impending planning application. Bedford Borough Council – Bedford Town Centre South Master Plan Consultation. NNJPU – invitation to attend Right to Build Expo [7th November]. Helen Howard [NCC Highways Officer] – verge mowing issues. County Council – reply to ours [Pocket Parks]. Bozeat resident – suggestion for entrance to Pit Field Close. Helen Howard [kierwsp] – problems with mowing due to dog mess. Borough Council – agenda for Parishes Forum meeting [19th October] Northants Police – minutes from JAG meeting in September. Bozeat resident – Play area at BPFA. Bozeat Branch of the Royal British Legion – invitation to participate in the annual Service of Remembrance [12th November]. Roys Minibuses – bus service 43. SaveOurTrains – new rail users group. NorthantsCALC – update magazine – it was resolved to circulate this in a pack. Bozeat Matters – invitation to submit a report [deadline is 27th October].

Abbreviations: BPFA = Bozeat Playing Field Association; HMRC = Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs; CPRE = Campaign for the Protection of Rural England; SLCC = Society of Local Council Clerks; CALC = County Association of Local Councils; NRHA – Northants Rural Housing Association. A MEETING OF BOZEAT PARISH COUNCIL WAS HELD ON MONDAY, 20th NOVEMBER 2017 AT TLC, DYCHURCH LANE, BOZEAT, FOLLOWING PUBLIC PARTICIPATION AT 7pm.

PRESENT: - Cllrs Gibbins [Chairman]; Brown; Cooke; Dudley-Smith; Foward; Pollard; Pritchard; Skittrall and Spencer.

PUBLIC: - there were no members of the public present at the meeting.

1. Apologies. It was resolved to accept apologies for absence received from Cllr Docker.

2. Declarations of Interest. It was resolved to accept the declaration of a non-pecuniary interest in planning application WP/17/00704/FUL by Cllr Brown.

3. Minutes. Cllr Pritchard proposed that the minutes of the October meeting of Bozeat Parish Council be approved, this was seconded by Cllr Gibbins and a vote was taken = 8 for with 1 abstention – motion carried.

4. Matters arising. a. Village Sign repairs – it was noted that the support post has now been painted, the Chairman to contact the carpenter to chase up the return of the sign. b. Circulating documents – no packs were presented at the meeting. c. Casual vacancy – it was resolved to acknowledge the resignation of Robert Wade as a member of the council and the Clerk gave a report on the required procedure.

5. Police Report. a. Parking, speeding and anti-social driving – new double yellow lines have been installed in various locations within the village and it was noted that the council has now covered the majority of areas where double yellow lines were required. b. Crime figures – the Clerk provided crime figures for September 2017, which are the most current available on the Police website. Several more recent burglaries were noted, it was further noted that new PCSO’s may attend council meetings in the future.

6. Planning. a. Current/new planning applications – Cllr Skittrall proposed that his report [Appendix A] be accepted, this was agreed. A new application had been received today and details were provided for members of the council. It was noted that the consultation period for the Local Plan, part 2 has now closed. b. Neighbourhood Plan – Cllrs Gibbins and Skittrall reported that they had met to discuss the progression of this project and have prepared a list of people who had previously expressed an interest in joining the steering group. c. Housing Needs Survey – Cllr Gibbins reported that this will feed into the Neighbourhood Plan and letters are now ready for delivery with the December issue of Bozeat Matters. d. Community Project List – it was resolved to check the priorities agreed at the Annual Finance Meeting. The provision of a footpath along Dychurch Lane to the playing field was discussed and it was noted that this is unlikely to be considered as there is

Page 1877 – 20th November 2017

Page 1878 – 20th November 2017

an alternative route along Harrold Road and the highway would be narrowed if a footpath were installed on Dychurch Lane.

7. Council Services. a. Cemetery – Cllr Spencer reported that a tree has been ordered for the Green Burial area and will require immediate planting when it is delivered. A pile of spoil has been left on the path between sections C and D and some has been used to fill dips in the ground around the cemetery, also a grave has been left in an unacceptable state. The Clerk reported on a conversation with the funeral director concerned and it was resolved to amend the cemetery guidelines to require all graves to be finished with the turf being placed on top. b. Applications for permission to place memorials or headstones in the Cemetery – it was resolved to approve an application received from S.Blenkharn for permission to add an inscription to an existing memorial. c. Allotments – it was noted that there is only 1 vacant plot at present. Concern was raised about a shed which has been left on a plot and it was resolved that the Chairman should speak to the Allotments Manager about this. d. Annual meeting of Allotment tenants – to be held on Saturday, 25th November from 10-11am. e. Allotments – It was resolved to decline an offer to plant a new hedge on the boundary with Allens Hill. f. Skate ramp – Cllr Gibbins proposed that the repairs, costing £1200 be approved, this was agreed.

8. Local Environment. a. Highways – Cllr Foward proposed that his report [Appendix B] be accepted and this was agreed. It was further resolved that the Clerk contacts the Highways contractors and asks them to notify residents prior to cutting back overgrowth in order to prevent a repeat of complaints received in the past. b. Pit Field Close exit – it was noted that double yellow lines have now been installed so this issue should be resolved. c. Street Lights – it was resolved that Cllr Pritchard should take over as the council’s Lighting Representative. d. Street Lights – it was resolved that the Chairman should investigate the progress of a suggestion to change a bracket light in Wheelwrights Yard with a new column light. e. Parish Paths Warden – it was noted that the landowner has replied to our letter regarding the reinstatement of a permissive path along the access track to the sand and gravel pit off the A509. TA10 is overgrown and needs clearing, as does TA23, Cllr Pritchard will view the area and submit a Street Doctor report, as appropriate. f. Village Warden – Cllr Gibbins proposed that the Village Warden’s report [Appendix C] be accepted, this was agreed. g. Land registrations – it was resolved to set up a working party comprising Cllrs Brown; Gibbins; Pollard and Spencer to work towards registering the Village Green. It was further resolved to not include the abandoned land to the rear of the green on this registration. It was noted that the title for the footpath from Mill Road to Easton Lane is held by Abbey Homes and it was resolved that the Chairman would contact the company about keeping it clear. It was noted that work has begun on securing additional land for the cemetery. h. Great British Spring Clean and Litter Heroes Awards – it was resolved to fix a date for this event ready for the March issue of Bozeat Matters. i. Closure of London Road laybys – following discussion about the options available to

Page 1879 – 20th November 2017

achieve the required results, Cllr Gibbins proposed that up to £5500 be spent closing the unofficial laybys on the southern approach road to the village, to include the provision of signs warning of soft verges. It was further resolved to consider planting trees in the area, the Chairman to contact the Woodland Trust. It was suggested that the twinning signs on the approach road be removed, the Chairman to investigate which authority is responsible for the signs. j. Dog waste bags – it was reported that bag dispensers are not available through Norse. Cllr Cooke proposed that two additional dog bins be purchased and this was agreed. Criminal damage to two bins were noted and it was resolved to ask the Playing Field committee to check their cctv footage for evidence and report the damage to the Police. k. Village Green electrical cabinet – it was noted that the lock on the cabinet has been changed. There was lengthy discussion about the history and provision of the existing cabinet, and its suitability for use other than for the Christmas tree lights. Health and safety issues were discussed and it was noted that a health and safety expert has been asked to advise the council. It was then suggested that an additional box be placed at the Fish Alley end of the green and it was resolved that proposals for the future use of the electrical cabinet on the village green be presented to the council for consideration. l. Tree donation by the W.I. – it was resolved to remove this item from the agenda. m. Town Well – it was resolved to defer discussion on this item until the next meeting and to consider how much to spend on the project.

9. Representatives Reports. a. Bozeat Playing Field Association – Cllr Brown proposed that the £2500 cost of replacing external doors at the pavilion be paid by the Parish Council. This was agreed with 2 abstentions. b. Bozeat Primary School – a recent quiz night was well attended and successful. The Chairman will contact the Headteacher about attending the Christmas lights switch on event. c. Parishes Forum meeting – Cllrs Gibbins and Skittrall reported that the main topic of the meeting was fly tipping in the area. d. JAG meetings – Cllr Docker attended a brief meeting held at Earls Barton fire station. Scott Desrochers is now the lead for Rural Policing and he has PCSO’s working with him. JAG meetings will now be held every 2 months. e. IT Group – it was resolved that the Chairman be provided with additional storage capacity and it was noted that any member of the council who needs more capacity can request it.

10. Local Events. a. Battles Over Beacons of Light – it was noted that the group will meet again next week with the Bozeat Branch of the Royal British Legion. Cllr Gibbins proposed that an initial budget of £1500 be set aside for this project and this was agreed. b. Christmas Lights switch on – it was noted that this event will run from 4- 5pm on Saturday, 2nd December. The tree has been ordered and a Salvation Army band will play carols, and the Scouts will serve hot drinks. c. Armistice Day/Remembrance Sunday 2017 – it was reported that this was well attended and many young people represented the uniformed groups of the village. It was noted that only 3 members of the Parish Council were in attendance and, as next year will be a bigger event, better support was hoped for. It was resolved to record thanks to Cllr Spencer for taking photographs of the parade.

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11. Former play area in Abbey Close. a. Sale of land – it was noted that the sale of the land has now been completed and the monies realized have been paid into the council’s bank account. It was reported that the monies must be used on capital projects and it was resolved that the Clerk should seek advice from NorthantsCALC. It was further resolved to pass the original plans for the site to the purchasers and also to record thanks to Mr. R Wade for his work as a member of the council to achieve the sale of the land, and to Cllrs Brown and Docker for their work on the project.

12. Community Hall. a. Progress report – it was noted that charity status has now been achieved and the group has set up a bank account.

13. Calendar of meetings for 2018. It was resolved to approve the dates of meetings for 2018 as per Appendix D.

14. Membership of SLCC. Cllr Gibbins proposed that membership of SLCC costing £93 be renewed and this was agreed.

15. Data protection registration. Cllr Gibbins proposed that the council renews registration as a data controller under the Data Protection Act at a cost of £35, this was agreed.

16. Bus Service W8. An invitation by Cogenhoe and Whiston Parish Council to form a consortium in an effort to save the W8 service was considered and it was resolved that a positive response be sent. Cllr Skittrall suggested that there may be some SEMLEC funding for rural projects.

17. Finance a. Policy and procedures for setting up and authorising online payments – draft amendments to the existing policy were discussed and Cllr Gibbins then proposed that all authorisations for the online payments are completed away from the meeting venue within 24 hours of the council meeting which has approved them. The Clerk to amend the policy accordingly. b. Payments – Cllr Cooke proposed that the Finance Report [Appendix E] and the list of payments and fund transfers included be approved, this was agreed. It was further resolved that Cllrs Gibbins, Pritchard and Skittrall authorise the payments this month. c. Bank charges – it was noted that the period of free banking for the Lloyds account has come to an end and it was resolved to use interest received from other accounts to offset these costs.

18. Correspondence. It was resolved to acknowledge receipt of correspondence received since the last meeting, as listed on Appendix F.

19. Items for the next agenda. • Purchase of a remembrance flag for 2018. • Use of funds realised from the sale of land in Abbey Close. • Removal of twinning signs from the village approach roads.

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20. Date and time of next meeting. It was resolved to note that the next meeting of Bozeat Parish Council will take place on Monday, 11th December 2017. The meeting will follow Public Participation at 7pm. All meetings are held in the schoolroom of TLC, Dychurch Lane, Bozeat, Northants, NN29 7JP.

There being no further business, the Chairman declared the meeting closed.

Signed ……………………………………..Chairman. 11th December 2017.

REPORT FROM THE PLANNING GROUP – November 2017 APPENDIX A Prepared by Brian Skittrall

(a) Granted Applications Reference No. For Date granted None

(b) Refused/Withdrawn Applications Reference No. For Date refused None

(c) Pending Applications Reference No. For Status

WP/16/00670 New Dwelling, Dungee Corner No comments sent

(d) New Applications Reference No. For Status

WP/17/00640 73 - 75 High Street, rear extension Comments due by 20 Nov

(e) WP/17/00640 – 73- 75 High Street, rear extension

This consists of a collection of improvements including the replacement of the dining room roof & a loft conversion to create an en-suite. The only change visible to the public is the replacement of an existing front roof light with two roof lights.

(f) Plan for the Borough of Wellingborough

The consultation has closed and the next stage is the examination by the Planning Inspectorate.

Page 1 of 1 Bozeat Parish Council – Highways Monthly Report

Month ending 10th November 2017

Street Doctor Headlines

One additional street doctor report added during this period; an additional comment was also added to Boz 21, last month, to ask when the work would be completed as the highways date to complete this work has lapsed; still no action on this matter; further comment requesting when works are to be undertaken posted on street doctor this month. Again a reminder has been sent on this matter as works has still not been undertaken. This is the second time this has been raised will consider escalating if no action taken by the end of the next period. Total reports to date are 23. The following reports remain open or are currently being monitored Boz 05, 07, 10, 17, 20 21 and 22.

Boz – 0022 - An email was sent with a companying photo, as the Street Doctor report 900209 concerning an obscured highway sign was dismissed as the sign was considered to be “clearly visible”, requesting the Council’s team return for another inspection and cut the foliage back so the sign can be seen

Project works

Councillors requested to consider alternative methods to reinstate the unofficial lay-bys on London Road to reduce costs and prevent reoccurrence of the lay-bys at alternative point along London Road. Matters pertaining to the reinstatement of the lay-bys remain outstanding.

Notes: New items during the reporting month will be highlighted in red on the Highways Tracking Spreadsheet.

Will continue to monitor street doctor to ensure works are undertaken as stated and report any changes to time frame for delivery.

Would request that Parish Council members provide me with any concerns they may have that require to be raised on street doctor.

The report captures all street doctor submissions up to and including the cut of date 10 th Novemeber 17 that I’m aware of; if I’ve missed any please let me know and I will add to the spreadsheet.


Highways Tracking Spreadsheet

Highways Report November 17 By: SP Foward


October's brief outline:

• Re: Sunken drain, Bull Close reported to Street Doctor. Job completed.

• Re: Street light mended London Road.

• Reported broken stile in Harrold Road to Street Doctor, Ref. No: 904113.

• Cut grass verges in London Road,

Approximate 5 hours.


Monday 8th JANUARY [Annual Finance Meeting] Monday 15th JANUARY Monday 26th FEBRUARY Monday 19th MARCH [the Annual Parish Meeting will take place immediately before the council meeting] Monday 16th APRIL Monday 21st MAY [Annual Meeting] Monday 18th JUNE Monday 16th JULY Monday 20th AUGUST [short meeting only] Monday 17th SEPTEMBER Monday 15th OCTOBER Monday 19th NOVEMBER Monday 17th DECEMBER



BOZEAT PARISH COUNCIL FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR NOVEMBER 2017 APPENDIX E Account Balances as at 20th November 2017 as per Bank Reconciliation Account Building Society Account £35,735.03 Deposit Account . £37,231.24 current Account - HSBC Bank £30,991.77 Current Account - Lloyds Bank £68,819.63 TOTAL £172,777.67

Payments made during the month which require formal approval Date Chq/DD Payee Details Amount Paid Budget 28/10/2017 D/D Veolia ES Waste disposal - cemetery £ 80.09 Cemetery - waste disposal 17/11/2017 D/D Lloyds Bank Bank charges £ 6.50 General - bank charges £ 86.59

Payments for approval at the meeting held on Monday, 18th November 2017 Date ref. Payee Details Amount to Pay Budget 20/11/2017 BACS M.Chapman Cemetery caretaking contract 2017/18 £ 563.00 Cemetery - caretaking contract BACS L.Payne Clerk/Registrar - salary/exp's/postage £ 537.58 General - Clerk's salary, home office, postage. BACS R & G Landscapes Playing Field mowing/marking £ 1,274.77 BPFA - grant BACS R.Driver Village Warden £ 50.00 General - village warden BACS Colemans Stationery account £ 6.98 General - stationery BACS Ricoh UK Photocopier rental and copy charge £ 57.32 General - photocopier BACS B.Gibbins Reimbursement - poppies £ 35.00 General - local community BACS e-on UK Supply - Village Green cabinet £ 8.51 General - local events BACS M.Chapman Odd Jobs £ 215.00 Cemetery; allotments; general maintenance BACS Rampchild Repairs to skate ramp £ 1,500.00 General - skate ramp BACS L.Perkins Pavilion repairs £ 2,480.00 BPFA - grant £ - TOTALS £ 6,728.16

Resolved to transfer £56000 from the Lloyds Bank account to the Britannia Building Society account. BOZEAT PARISH COUNCIL LIST OF CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED – NOVEMBER 2017 APPENDIX F

Cllr R Wade – email resigning from the council. Northants Police – locally identified priorities for Wellingborough and East Northants. Northants Police – notification of Police Commissioner meeting dates. Borough Council – notification of planning application WP/17/00640/FUL. Milton Keynes Council – proposed submission plan: MKOctober 2017. Bletsoes – former Nene Milling site. I.M.I. – war memorial cleaning service for 100year anniversary of WW1. S.Blenkharn – application for permission to add an inscription to an existing memorial. Allotments Manager – email about the removal of a shed on the allotments. Northamptonshire Highways – Urban grass mowing contracts 2018. Bozeat resident – footpath from Cobblers Place to St Mary’s Road. EvansCook Solicitors – notification of completion of transfer of land adjacent to 10 Abbey Close. SLCC – invitation to renew membership. Information Commissioners Office – invitation to renew data protection registration. Barclays Bank – notification of changes to business services. Lloyds Bank – notification of changes to business terms and conditions. HSBC Bank - notification of changes to business terms and conditions. Zurich Insurance Co. – 24hour legal helpline. Glasdon UK – product brochure. County Council – Budget consultation [phase 1]. County Council – Consultation [Libraries and Information Service Review 2017]. CPRE – notification of Autumn Roadshow 2017. Wicksteed – product brochure. NorthantsACRE – Rural Wellbeing Service newsletter. M & G – Charibond statement [Town Well account]. Clerks & Councils Direct magazine [November 2017] – resolved to circulate this in a pack. NHS – request for help communicating with the local community. J.A.C.S.Ltd – village gateways. County Council – consultation [Reduction to the Trading Standards Service]. CPRE – Outlook magazine [November 2017] - resolved to circulate this in a pack. The Clerk magazine [November 2017 - resolved to circulate this in a pack. War Memorials News [November 2017]. NorthantsACRE – Launch of Good Neighbour Schemes. Hampshire Flags – information about poppy flags.

Abbreviations: BPFA = Bozeat Playing Field Association; HMRC = Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs; CPRE = Campaign for the Protection of Rural England; SLCC = Society of Local Council Clerks; CALC = County Association of Local Councils; NRHA – Northants Rural Housing Association. A MEETING OF BOZEAT PARISH COUNCIL WAS HELD ON MONDAY, 11th DECEMBER 2017 AT TLC, DYCHURCH LANE, BOZEAT, FOLLOWING PUBLIC PARTICIPATION AT 7pm.

PRESENT: - Cllrs Gibbins [Chairman]; Brown; Cooke; Dudley-Smith; Pollard; Pritchard; and Skittrall.

PUBLIC: - No members of the public were present at the meeting.

1. Apologies. It was resolved to accept apologies for absence received from Cllrs Docker, Foward and Spencer.

2. New declarations of interest from members in any item to be discussed at this meeting. • Cllr Brown – non-pecuniary interest in agenda item 6 [planning application WP/17/00690]. • Cllr Cooke – non-pecuniary interest in agenda item 6 [planning application WP/17/00690]. • Cllr Pollard – non-pecuniary interest in agenda item 8k [Town Well refurbishment].

3. Minutes. Cllr Skittrall requested several amendments to the draft minute and then proposed that the amended minutes be approved, the Chairman to sign them after the meeting. This was seconded by Cllr Pollard and agreed.

4. Matters arising from the last meeting: - a. Village Sign repairs – it was noted that this has been completed. b. Circulating documents – the progress of circulating packs was checked and several were passed on. c. Casual vacancy – the Clerk reported that the required notice had been posted on our noticeboard. d. Emergency Plan representative – it was resolved to elect Cllr Pritchard as the Emergency Plan representative. e. Bus service W8 consortium – it was noted that County Council funding is under review.

5. Police report. a. Parking, speeding and anti-social driving – consideration of creating a strategy to alleviate problems. The Clerk reported that contact had been made with the local resident who had expressed an interest in helping with this project, the representatives will arrange to meet to discuss progress.

6. Planning. a. Current/new planning applications – Cllr Skittrall read out his report and it was agreed to accept this [Appendix A]. b. Neighbourhood Plan – the Chairman reported receipt of three positive replies from contacts and a meeting is planned for early in the new year. It was resolved to write to the Borough Council advising that Bozeat Parish Council wishes to produce a Neighbourhood Plan. c. Housing Needs Survey – it was reported that the survey is underway.

Page 1882 – 11th December 2017.

Page 1883 – 11th December 2017.

7. Council services. a. Cemetery – no problems reported. b. Applications for permission to place memorials or headstones in the Cemetery – it was resolved to approve an application received from S.Blenkharn for permission to add an inscription to an existing headstone. c. Cemetery – it was resolved to note an increase of £0.69p per month for the duty of care charge for waste disposal by Veolia ES. d. Allotments – it was noted that there is currently 1 vacant plot and the Allens Hill hedge has been cut back. e. Annual meeting of Allotment tenants and rent collection – issues raised by tenants were discussed.

8. Local Environment – to receive reports. a. Highways – it was resolved to receive and approve a report [Appendix B]. b. Street Lights – a light in Peartree Close is not working, resolved that the Clerk should investigate contact details for the Parish Repairs at E-on. c. Street Lights – it was noted that no progress has been made with regards to replacing the bracket light in Wheelwrights Yard with a column light. c. Parish Paths Warden – the footpath which runs parallel to London Road is overgrown, but it is unlikely that Rights of Way will attend due to lack of funding. d. Village Warden’s report – it was resolved to receive and approve a report [Appendix C], noting that the Village Warden will check the speed monitor for data. e. Land Registrations Working Party – work is ongoing for the Village Green and Cemetery extension projects. g. Great British Spring Clean and Litter Heroes Awards – it was resolved to ask the Headteacher of Bozeat Primary School if the pupils would be able to take part and agreed to consider holding a target week rather than a single day. h. Closure of London Road laybys – it was reported that the contractor has now been instructed and plans for utility services being obtained. i. Litter and Dog waste bins – Cllr Cooke proposed that up to £1200 be spent on the provision of new litter and dog waste bins, this was seconded by Cllr Pollard and agreed. j. Village Green electrical cabinet – it was noted that some minor amendments have been made to the cabinet and it was resolved to approve the small costs incurred. k. Town Well – it was noted that Cllr Brown had produced a design a few years ago and it was resolved to look at these and Cllr Pollard’s recent design, it was further resolved to ask for suggestions in the next issue of Bozeat Matters magazine. Cllr Skittrall proposed that a budget of £10,000 be set aside for the project, this was resolved with 1 abstention. l. Verge mowing contracts 2018-19 –an invitation to take over responsibility for mowing the verges has been received and it was resolved to obtain several quotes. It was further resolved to contact Irchester Parish Council and request information as they have purchased supplementary cuts.

9. Representatives reports. a. Bozeat Playing Field Association – no report received as the committee have not met this month. It was noted that the external refurbishment of the pavilion has been completed and new doors are due to be fitted this week. b. Bozeat Primary School – it was reported that last week’s Christmas Fayre was well attended and raised a lot of money. A bus has now been organised for use as a library and a quote sought for fitting it out. c. JAG meetings – it was noted that meetings are now held every two months.

Page 1884 – 11th December 2017.

10. Local Events. a. Battles Over Beacons of Light – it was resolved to received and accept a report [Appendix D]. b. Christmas Lights switch on – it was reported that this event went well and the lights are working OK. It was resolved to record thanks to Gordon Betts for his work on the cabinet.

11. Community Hall. It was noted that no meetings have been held recently, the group are waiting for solicitors to begin work on the project.

12. Remembrance Flag. Cllr Cooke proposed that a Poppy flag costing £128.40 be ordered from Hampshire Flags, this was unanimously agreed.

13. Finance a. Payments – it was noted that a credit is required for items not received that have been included on the Playdale invoice and it was resolved to amend the amount paid. Cllr Gibbins proposed that a revised Finance Report [Appendix E] and the payments and fund transfers detailed be approved, this was agreed. It was further agreed that Cllrs Brown; Gibbins and Pritchard authorise these payments. b. Capital receipt – the Clerk reported that Danny Moody from NorthantsCALC had confirmed that the funds realised could be used for the projects being considered.

14. Correspondence. It was resolved to acknowledge receipt of correspondence received since the last meeting as per Appendix F.

15. Items for the next agenda. • East Midlands Holocaust Memorial Trust – invitation to commemorate Holocaust Memorial Day in 2018 –Cllrs Docker and Spencer to be asked to consider this. • Sponsorship for a PCSO – the Chairman to make an informal approach to Grendon, Irchester and Wollaston Parish Councils to seek their opinion. • Length of meetings – to consider a cap on the timing of discussions so that meetings last no longer than two hours.

16. Date and time of next meeting. It was noted that the Annual Finance Meeting will be held on Monday, 8th January 2018, and the next monthly meeting of Bozeat Parish Council will take place on Monday, 15th January 2018. The meetings will follow Public Participation at 7pm. All meetings are held in the schoolroom of TLC, Dychurch Lane, Bozeat, Northants, NN29 7JP.

There being no further business, chairman declared meeting closed.

Signed ………………………………………………. Chairman. 15th January 2018.

REPORT FROM THE PLANNING GROUP – December 2017 APPENDIX A Prepared by Brian Skittrall

(a) Granted Applications Reference No. For Date granted WP/17/00640 73 - 75 High Street, rear extension 7/12/17

(b) Refused/Withdrawn Applications Reference No. For Date refused WP/16/00670 New Dwelling, Dungee Corner 4/10/17

(c) Pending Applications Reference No. For Status

WP/17/00704 Extension & decking, 16 Allens Hill No comments sent

(d) New Applications Reference No. For Status

WP/17/00690 New dwelling to rear of Chequers Comments due by 19 Dec

WP/17/00673 New dwelling at Three Fields Farm Comments due by 21 Dec

(e) WP/17/00704 – Extensions & Decking, 16 Allens Hill

This is similar to the recently granted permission but to suit the needs of the new occupiers.

(f) WP/17/00690 – New dwelling to rear of 15 London Road

This is a substantial two storey 4 bedroom house behind The Chequers with access from Allens Hill. The main concern is over safe access although there may be concerns about the scale of the dwelling. The application is vague on access and on-site parking and needs clarification.

(g) WP/17/00673 – New dwelling at Three Fields Farm

This is a reapplication for a two bedroom bungalow for use by an agricultural worker at Three Fields Farm.

Page 1 of 1 Bozeat Parish Council – Highways Monthly Report

Month ending 7th December 2017

Street Doctor Headlines

No additional reports added to street doctor during this period. Additional comment was added to Boz 21 to ask when the work would be completed as the highways date to complete this work has lapsed. Repeatedly requested an update and have had no response to date.

Total reports to date are 23. Boz 017 closed during this period. The following reports remain open or are currently being monitored Boz 05, 07, 10, 20 21 and 22.

Boz – 0022 - An email was sent with a companying photo, as the Street Doctor report 900209 concerning an obscured highway sign was dismissed as the sign was considered to be “clearly visible”, requesting the Council’s team return for another inspection and cut the foliage back so the sign can be seen. A further email sent to council to make them aware of the issues raised previously when cutting back vegetation earlier in the year. Council requested to discuss with the property owner before undertaking the works.

Project works

The go ahead has been given to repair the lay-bys.

Notes: New items during the reporting month will be highlighted in red on the Highways Tracking Spreadsheet.

Will continue to monitor street doctor to ensure works are undertaken as stated and report any changes to time frame for delivery.

Would request that Parish Council members provide me with any concerns they may have that require to be raised on street doctor.

The report captures all street doctor submissions up to and including the cut of date 7th December 17 that I’m aware of; if I’ve missed any please let me know and I will add to the spreadsheet.


Highways Tracking Spreadsheet

Highways Report December 17 By: SP Foward


November's brief outline:

• Reported pothole outside No: 6 Fullwell Road and outside No: 18 Allens Hill to Street Doctor. Ref No: 907665

• Reported Fly Tipping on grass verge between Bozeat and Easton Maudit.

• Carried out cutting back of hedgerow over swing gates on footpath TA9 near school and Dychurch Lane.

• Carried out usual checks and picking up rubbish around the village.

Approximate 9 hours.



Councillors Docker and Spencer have met with Robert Welch on several occasions to draw up an outline plan for the Beacons of Light event to be held on 11 November 2018.

Progress to date: 1. Martin Griffiths and Tom Partridge Underwood have accepted an invitation to attend the event. 2. The Wollaston Salvation Army band has been booked. 3. Robert Welch has outlined and agreed to lead on the service immediately prior to the beacon being lit. 4. Councillor Spencer is finalizing a leaflet for the event. Guidelines given in a document produced by Bruno Peek LVO OBE OPR are being followed.

Other decisions to be made: 1. The venue is likely to be the Village Green rather than the Playing Fields. This is subject to discussions with The Red Lion. 2. Sourcing of the beacon. Welling borough Council has been contacted for information in relation to the supplier of the beacon at the Castle Theatre. Their beacon is an ideal size. 3. During discussions, Councillor Spencer has suggested that it would be a good idea to have a lasting memorial of the occasion and proposed that we purchase a bench. If agreed, this could be located by the Town Well, although further discussion to take place in relation to this. Benches have been sourced and there are two which are relevant.

Further meetings to take place in the new year to discuss the detail of the event.

8 December 2017.

BOZEAT PARISH COUNCIL FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR DECEMBER 2017 APPENDIX E Account Balances as at 11th December 2017 as per Bank Reconciliation Account Building Society Account £91,770.86 Deposit Account . £37,233.75 current Account - HSBC Bank £31,474.18 Current Account - Lloyds Bank £6,077.82 TOTAL £166,556.61 Payments made during the month which require formal approval Date Chq/DD Payee Details Amount Paid Budget 28/11/2017 D/D Veolia ES Waste disposal - cemetery £ 112.63 Cemetery - waste disposal 28/11/2017 D/D Lloyds Bank Bank charges £ 7.15 General - bank charges £ 119.78 Payments for approval at the meeting held on Monday, 11th December 2017 Date ref. Payee Details Amount to Pay Budget 11/12/2017 BACS M.Chapman Cemetery caretaking contract 2017/18 £ 563.00 Cemetery - caretaking contract BACS L.Payne Clerk/Registrar - salary/exp's/postage £ 497.38 General - Clerk's salary, home office, postage. BACS R & G Landscapes Playing Field mowing/marking £ 228.62 BPFA - grant BACS R.Driver Village Warden £ 90.00 General - village warden BACS HMRC PAYE (Oct/Nov/Dec 2017) £ 355.20 General - Clerk's salary BACS J & H Craig Christmas tree £ 160.00 General - village events 200567 Glyn Mould Repairs to village sign £ 550.00 Village Sign Fund BACS Playdale Repairs to play equipment £ 3,087.96 BPFA - grant BACS B.Gibbins Reimbursement - Christmas lights expenses£ 43.99 General - village events BACS Sinclair Fabrics Wayleave [defibrillator] £ 20.00 General - local community 200570 The ICO Renewal of data protection registration £ 35.00 General - subscriptions BACS e-on Energy charge - Village Green £ 9.26 General - village events BACS SLCC Membership subscription £ 93.00 General - subscriptions TOTALS £ 5,733.41 Resolved to transfer £10000 from the HSBC Bank account to the Lloyds Bank account [cheque number 200568 refers]. BOZEAT PARISH COUNCIL LIST OF CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED – DECEMBER 2017 APPENDIX F

Northants Police – invitation to sponsor a PCSO. Bedford Borough Council – Bedford Borough Sustainable Drainage Systems Supplementary Planning Document [public consultation 17/11/2017-22/12/2017]. Borough Council – notification of planning application WP/17/00673/FUL. Borough Council – notification of planning application WP/17/00690/FUL. Borough Council – notification of planning application WP/17/00704/FUL. Borough Council – acknowledgment of receipt of revised Community Project List. Veolia ES – notification of price change for duty of care documentation. War Memorials News magazine – resolved to circulate this in the monthly pack. S.Blenkharn – application for permission to add an inscription to an existing headstone. LGSS Law – notification of tariff increase for services. Lloyds Bank – acknowledgement of receipt of instructions re: account signatories. NorthantsCALC – update magazine [Nov-Dec 2017] – resolved to circulate this in the monthly pack. CPRE – Fieldwork magazine [Winter 2017] – resolved to circulate this in the monthly pack. CPRE – Countryside Voice magazine [Winter 2017] – resolved to circulate this in the monthly pack. NCALC update magazine [Nov/Dec 2017] - resolved to circulate this in the monthly pack. Borough Council – reminder that the consultation period for the Boundary Commission for England’s review of parliamentary constituencies ends on 11th December. The ICO – reminder to renew registration. East Midlands Holocaust Memorial Trust – invitation to commemorate Holocaust Memorial Day in 2018.

Abbreviations: BPFA = Bozeat Playing Field Association; HMRC = Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs; CPRE = Campaign for the Protection of Rural England; SLCC = Society of Local Council Clerks; CALC = County Association of Local Councils; NRHA – Northants Rural Housing Association.