THE ANNUAL FINANCE MEETING FOR BOZEAT PARISH COUNCIL WAS HELD ON MONDAY, 9th JANUARY 2017 IN THE SCHOOLROOM OF TLC (THE LITTLE CHAPEL), DYCHURCH LANE, BOZEAT AT 7pm PRESENT :- Cllrs Gibbins Chairman; Brown; Cooke; Dudley-Smith; Pollard; Pritchard and Spencer. PUBLIC :- there was one member of the public present at the meeting. ISSUES RAISED BY THE PUBLIC : - Public consultation notice re: parking restrictions 1. Apologies. It was resolved to accept apologies for absence received from Cllrs Docker; Skittrall and Wade. 2. Declarations of interest. It was resolved to note the following declarations of interest:- Allotments – Cllr Brown declared a pecuniary interest. BPFA – Cllrs Cooke and Gibbins declared non-pecuniary interests. 3. Employees. [1] review of salaries (a) Clerk/Burial Registrar – The Chairman reported that he and Cllr Wade had met with the Clerk to discuss the current contract of employment as this only allows for up to 35 hours of work to be paid. Cllr Gibbins proposed that the Clerk be paid for up to 45 hours per month and that the pay scale agreed by NCALC and SLCC be implemented from 1st April 2017, this was agreed. (b) Allotments Manager – Cllr Gibbins proposed that the salary remain unchanged but that an annual payment of £100 be made to the Allotments Manager to cover the costs of telephone calls, electricity etc. this was seconded by Cllr Pollard and agreed. [2] it was noted that all Parish Council employees are employed and that PAYE is operated. 4. Cemetery. [1] review of Cemetery fees – Cllr Spencer proposed that the current fees remain unchanged, this was unanimously agreed. [2] review of Cemetery guidelines - Cllr Spencer proposed that the current guidelines remain unchanged, this was unanimously agreed. 5. Allotments. [1] review of allotment rents for the year 1st January - 31st December 2018 – Cllr Gibbins proposed that the rents remain unchanged for 2018 at £40 for a full plot; £20 for a half plot; with primary tenants over 65 paying £25 for a full plot and £12.50 for a half plot. A vote was taken = 6 for with 1 abstention, motion carried. [2] review of Allotment guidelines – it was agreed to make no changes due recent revisions. Page 1836 – 9th January 2017. Page 1837 – 9th January 2017. 6. Insurance. It was resolved to add the flagpole, flags and electrical cabinet on the Village Green to the insurance policy. 7. Review of policies. It was resolved that the Clerk should create draft policies and procedures for the use of the electrical cabinet on the Village Green and for online banking. 8. Review of risk assessments. It was resolved that the Village Warden be asked to review the current risk assessment schedules and to add the flagpole; litter and dog bins; electricity cabinet; cemetery car park perimeter fence and new planters to the lists. 9. Review of Terms of Reference. It was agreed that no changes are required to the current terms of reference. 10. Review of Standing Orders. It was agreed that no changes are required to the current Standing Orders. 11. Review of the Parish Plan Action Plan. It was noted that this will soon be superceded by the Neighbourhood Plan. 12. Review of the Parish Council Community Project List. It was resolved that the provision of a Community Centre building be priority1; that the refurbishment of Town Well be priority 2; that improvements to the quality of the Village Hall and community centres be priority 3. 13. Precept for the year 1st April 2017 - 31st March 2018. It was proposed by Cllr Spencer that Bozeat Parish Council requests a precept of £30936 for the financial year beginning 1st April 2017. This was seconded by Cllr Cooke and agreed. Thanks were recorded to the Clerk for her work on the budget spreadsheets and reports. Signed …………………………………….……. Chairman 20th February 2017. A MEETING OF BOZEAT PARISH COUNCIL WAS HELD ON MONDAY, 16th JANUARY 2017 IN THE SCHOOLROOM OF THE INDEPENDENT WESLEYAN CHAPEL, DYCHURCH LANE, BOZEAT IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING PUBLIC PARTICIPATION AT 7pm. PRESENT: - Cllrs Gibbins [Chairman]; Brown; Cooke; Pollard; Skittrall; Spencer and Wade PUBLIC: - One member of the public and PCSO Mike Bowes were present at the meeting. ISSUES RAISED BY THE PUBLIC: - Safety issues with current roadworks in Queen Street. 1. Apologies. It was resolved to accept apologies for absence received from Cllrs Docker; Dudley-Smith and Pritchard. 2. Declarations of interest. It was resolved to record the following declarations of interest from members in items to be discussed: - Agenda item 6 – Planning – Cllr Brown declared a non-pecuniary interest in planning application WP/16/0735. Agenda item 7c - Allotments – Cllr Brown declared a pecuniary interest. Agenda item 9a – BPFA – Cllrs Cooke and Gibbins declared non-pecuniary interests. It was resolved to take the Police report next. 5. Police report. a. Crime figures – PCSO Bowes reported a total of 3 crimes for December, all domestic events. The spate of burglaries experienced late in 2016 seem to have abated, arrests made in other areas may have helped. Cctv installed at the playing field and the lowering of the car park hedge has cut the reports of criminal damage. Cllr Gibbins reported that the padlock securing the car park gate had been forcibly removed recently and a new lock installed. b. Parking – notices have been posted in the areas likely to be included on the next parking restrictions list. 3. Minutes. The minutes of the meeting of Bozeat Parish Council held on Monday, 12th December 2016 were proposed as correct by Cllr Gibbins. This was seconded by Cllr Cooke and a vote was taken = 5 for with 2 abstentions, motion carried. The minutes were then signed as a correct record. 4. Matters arising. a. Village Sign – it was noted that repairs are unlikely to be completed until the Spring. b. Co-option of new member of the council – one application had been Page 1838 – 16th January 2017. Page 1839 – 16th January 2017. received. Cllr Wade proposed that Stephen Foward be invited to join the Council, this was agreed. Mr Foward then signed a declaration of acceptance of office. Cllr Foward reported that he would wish to take on the role of Highways Representative and this was accepted. 6. Planning. a. Current/new planning applications – Cllr Skittrall proposed that his report [Appendix A] be accepted, this was agreed. Items appearing on the report were discussed in detail and it was resolved that, should the Site Viewing Group visit to inspect the Abbey Close area, Cllr Cooke will attend to represent the council. Cllr Skittrall reported that he will scrutinise the updated Minerals and Waste Local Plan. b. Neighbourhood Plan –Cllr Gibbins reported that Mr N Girling has agreed to help, however the Environment Agency have objected to all development in the village as current systems are unable to cope with additional demand and Anglian Water has no plans to improve or upgrade the existing treatment works within the next 10 years so it is unlikely that any substantial development would be permitted in that time. 7. Council Services. a. Cemetery – Cllr Spencer reported that the new trees for the green burial area have all been planted and some of the new marker slabs installed. It was resolved to send a reminder letter to A.J.Mills about the missing padlock. Information received from a specialist war memorial cleaning service was noted and it was resolved to ask the company to inspect the war memorial and provide a report. b. Applications for permission to place memorials or headstones in the Cemetery - none received this month. c. Allotments – it was noted that there are quite a few vacant plots and the Allotments Manager has asked the council to place a half-page advert in the next issue of Bozeat Matters magazine – agreed. Cllr Gibbins to ask the Headteacher of Bozeat Primary School if the school would like to take a plot. It was noted that the bins for the allotments will be domestic wheelie bins and not need to be purchased. It was resolved that that Cllrs Gibbins and Pollard should inspect the trees along the lane next to the allotments and that Cllr Brown should search the Land Registry for details of the ownership of the lane. d. Former play area in Abbey Close – Cllr Wade reported that the application for planning permission is likely to be considered by the Borough Council early in February. It was proposed by Cllr Gibbins that the council formally agrees to use any funds raised from the sale of the site to provide improved community activity and recreation facilities for the village. This was unanimously agreed. 8. Local Environment. a. Highways – Cllr Foward reported that he had submitted a number of reports using the Street Doctor system and it was resolved that all future reports be sent to Cllr Foward for submission. Cllr Spencer reported that some historic issues have not been resolved, such as visibility splay issues at the roundabout and on Easton Lane and London Road. Page 1840 – 16th January 2017. b. Street Lights – Cllr Brown reported that he had submitted a report to Balfour Beatty about an unstable lighting column on Allens Hill. Cllr Wade reported that he has been working on the likely benefits of converting the lights to LED, he is checking but anticipates a likely payback of 12-20 years. c. Parish Paths Warden – it was resolved that information about footpaths crossing fields of grazing animal to be linked from the council’s website. d. Village Warden – Cllr Gibbins proposed that the Village Warden’s report [Appendix B] be accepted, this was agreed. Cllr Wade reported that the plywood surround the skate ramp may need weather-proofing, Cllr Gibbins to inspect the ramp.
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