College student presidents moving broad front against threats of tuition for state universities By PETER HOWARD now directly lobbying the GI giant and loan plow allls, student t.,:t llelelme Student Lualio. anti work-studt lie feels if through in StaI.III :,tlt Seeing a threat of tuition from two legislature. lees, and instructionally related activities grants in part to finance the basic op- transfer funding of IRA from student Without a doubt, such an action would sources, the California State University A committee motion was passed funding. portunity program which, if not set in government to the state general fund with result in substantial reductions in the and Colleges Student Presidents As- unanimously urging "each student body Describing it as "a unique program in motion, would means severe over-all cut- a concurrent reduction in student body budgets of student governments - in- sociation (CSUCSPA) resolved Sunday to president to lay the groundwork fur com- that everybody has a shot at a certain back. lees, which the Board of Trustees itiVilrs luding that o! San lose State I nitl ersity. move on a broad front to defeat any municating to and mobilizing students, amount of money." Spencer Reidman, Hayalso pointed out that "the schools - the A.S. will FM longer be aide it. On other i. att. II, ' ! 'SPA attempt at instituting tuition in the CSUC and issue an individual press statement to member of the National Student Lobby are trying to advise incoming freshmen function. Funk a stand rising tuition system. their local media, opposing tuition; and INSL) from the Universtiy of California. and transfer students about financial aid, He therefore sees the two issues lit Ian, lo. out -ti. .1,, who are The first threat they envision is from further that a committee be formed to Berkeley. spoke before the meeting but how can you do that now." withal) the trol of student body lees and that ol IRA Ainerican iii miens 'ant- I) S.B. the Board of Trustees which has develop a CSUCSPA position paper..." Saturday in favor of anew program called uncertainty that exists. as inseparable. 'the CSUCSPA resolved president at CSU Chico spoke this recommended two possible tuition plans. Although the California Constitution Basic Opportunity Grants. The group resolved to send Hay to the Sunday. on King's motion, to obtain position but alter Hay pointed out that he One is to set tuition at the cost of instruc- states, .....he first priority of the general This Federal program would provide NS1. conference in Washington. D.C. from student body funding independent from couldn't present a unified front against tion - or about $45 per unit. The other Is fund shall be for education." Hay believes each student with a grant of $1400 minus Feb. 28 to March 2 where Federal student the Board of Trustees, and decided by a general tuition if the CSUCSPA came out I the recently publicized idea of charging philosophical arguments against tuitioi, whatever contribution the parents could aid will be one of the eight issues dis- vote of students on each campus. Only on in favor of increased tuition for non- "professional students" for excessive are not enough now. The strategy should make. cussed. (Of the remaining seven only Af- this condition will King support general residents, the meeting passed his units. be "attacking whatever they come at us At this time money for the grants has firmative Action deals directly with funding for IRA. recommendation to oppose the increase. The Joint Legislative Committee on the with. Hay proposed. He meant concen- been authorized but the machinery has education.) Along with Willis Edwards, At any rate. Jorge Haynes. the Defeated a motion to seek the Master Plan for Higher Education recen- trating on specific plans. not been set up for appropriating it, ac- the student body president at CSU. Los CSUCSPA legislative intern, sees funding creation of a third administrative vice tly released the report of a study done by However, the CSUCSPA is not merely cording to Reidman. Angeles and chairman of CSUCSPA, Hay through student bodies continuing for at president on each campus to relieve the the Academy for Educational against tuition but also the "scare of Comparing this to impoundment of will lobby Congressmen to raise Federal least another year. dean of students of personnel duties so Development of Palo Alto at the com- reverse racism" which they see being used funds Hay is worried that if "the Nixon grants and loans. "People will go through the motions that he could deal with student grievances mittee's request which recommended as a tactic by those favoring tuition. administration has its way we're in a lot As the Spartan Daily reported last knowing it will fail." he predicted. in the role of an ombudsman. raising student fees in the system by 1700 The presidents (10 out of 18 attended) of trouble. We'll have a lot less money Tuesday, A.S. Pres. Dennis King fears the Not surprisingly, the CSUCSPA came The presidents will get together next on per cent - or to about $2050. The all felt disgust at this tactic which they than we have now." Board of Trustees may use the issue of out in opposition to AB 159. being carried Feb. 25 and 26 in before the CSUCSPA lobbyist. Joe Hay, thinks the said consists of dividing students along He was referring to the fact that monies instructionally related activities (IRA) to by Assemblyman Ray E. Johnson, R- Board of 'trustees meeting the following Joint Legislative Committee is liberal and racial, class, and economic lines by get- are being cut beck from EOP, National abolish the power of student government. Chico. which would do away with man- two days. won't recommend tuition but the threat ting white middle-class students to is there." believe that poorer minority students are There have been no bills regarding damaging their educational and job op- Wednesday, February 21, 1973 tuition introduced to the legislature as yet portunities by allowing them late and so Hay recommended at the weekend minorities) to attend school free-of- meeting at State charge. University that the CSUCSPA concen- Money seemed to be the concern of the trate its attack through the campus media day as the association took up the topics POW wife tells ,partan Daily about ruined R&R Serving California State University at San Jose Since By DEBBIE TERESI wounded in the lung. And she added that Iranian students In a press conference at the San Fran- her husband owed his life to a French cisco Presidio Feb. 16, a POW's wife told photographer for UPI, Yves Michele how her husband was captured on the Dumond. who saved his life with quick very day she was to have met him in first aid when they were captured Bangkok on his R&R. together. bring awareness Her husband is Major Albert E. Carlson According to Mrs. Carlson, her husband of the U.S. Army, a 1971 graduate of San was kept in isolation for most of the eight By RAMIRO ASENCIO capital to protest the arrest of Khomeini. On their way, army Jose State University. months he was held prisoner by the Viet Community News Editor troops attacked them, Carlson arrived at Travis Air Force Cong. "He couldn't have made it without CNS The Iranian Student Association killing 400 villagers. Base Feb. 15 where he was met by his God," she said, adding. "He has much is working to bring awareness of the "Most Iranians live in small mud wife, Nancy jean, and their four-year-old inner strength." plight faced by many Iranians. and of the huts. Only 28 per cent of all living son, Eric. Asked about her son's reaction to his "repression against all domestic op- quarters in Iran are made of solid Carlson was taken immediately to lather's homecoming, Mrs. Carlson position" by the regime of Iran. materials; the remaining 72 per cent are Letterman Hospital at the San Francisco commented, "He's so proud to have his As part of their cultural presentation made of mud or straw. Over 41 per cent of Presidio where he under-went physical daddy home." week. Feb. 20-23, ISA members express it all households of five or more people live tests and debriefing. Although she wrote letters every two is important for all peoples to know of the in one room. 75 per cent of all houses have Army Lt. Col, Bernard Powell said that weeks and sent as many packages as were "injustices" faced by many of the people of no electricity; 85 per cent are not supplied Carlson used the word "fantastic" to des- allowed each week, Mrs. Carlson said that Iran. with water." cribe all the new things he observed. her husband did not receive one piece of According to the 1SA's publication In some provinces, there is only one He "looks forward to the special meat- mail from her. "Resistance" if ormerly "Defense doctor for every 50.000 persons. It is com- balls his father makes," stated Powell. And she said that she did not receive his Bulletin") children as young as six and mon in rural areas that only one doctor According to Powell. Carlson was im- letters either. seven years old work as many as 12 hours can be found for hundreds of miles. About pressed by the number of American flags Commenting on her husband's con- per day tying the necessary knots used to a third of all children die before the age of displayed upon his arrival at the post. dition, Mrs. Carlson said, "He is very make Persian rugs. Even though there are five. adaptable" and "his mental outlook is laws forbiding child labor, states the ISA Carlson has "some swelling around the "There are no democratic rights or good." publication, "children become blind and ankles," said Powell, but he said that freedom of' speech in Iran. The But, she said, "Sometimes he forgets 11111111WadellowtoN crippled due to bad working conditions." Carlson's appetite is good and he has "no Mrs. Carlson - she held back tears universities are occupied by government what he is saying." ISA members at San Jose State emotional problems to speak of." troops. Groups of three or more students Mrs. Carlson added, "He seems like the University pointed to various articles in Powell said that Carlson might possibly are forbidden to gather. Less than 35 person." the publication which focused on political have parasites and that "some same percent of Iran's population is literate." malnutrition is indicated by reports." According to Mrs. Carlson, one of the and economic conditions. Powell added that an anti-malaria first questions her career-minded hus- San Jose Police Dept. One article stated, "At a factory visited Other areas met with much criticism treatment has begun for Carlson. who was band asked her was: "Where do you want in Yazd, it was observed that infants kept are the "political executions" and trial considered well enough to have that beer to be assigned (for Army duty) next?" by their mothers in the factory during proceedings that have been kept secret. "he wanted so badly" on his first day Questions directed to Mrs. Carlson work hours, were suffering from severe There were 120 persons reported who back. concerning anything to do with Carlson's malnutrition. The 'food' infants were belonged to "subversive" groups in Jan. of inspects games was dried bread soaked in tea and 1972. By the end of May 1972, 28 of these According to the initial medical report, prison confinement could not be area eating answered for security reasons. sugar. The mothers indicated that they had been executed. Carlson has some well-healed fragment Members After a few questions, Mrs. Carlson of the San Jose Police tigate unlicensed pin-ball machines in the did not have milk to nurse their babies Another group concerned about these wounds on his body. Department's S.U. cafeteria was escorted from the press conference. Special Services Squad and games area. and could not afford to buy milk." trials is the National Lawyers' Guild, San Wearing a lavender orchid from Pres. appeared on campus Thursday to inves- Terry Gregory, manager of the games Nixon, Mrs. Carlson sat stiffly in the front Mrs. Carlson and her son. Eric, now Several other articles testified to harsh Jose Attorney John Thorne described Iran reside in Pleasanton. area, could not be reached for comment on rule by' the Shah regime. as. "...a police state that does not have the of the room, trying her best to hold the the incident. A member of the games Born in Oakland in July 1941. Carlson area In 1983, 8,000 Iranians war gunned slightest respect for the most basic human tears back during the press conference. staff confirmed the police were there. Mrs. Carlson said that her husband is attended SjSU where he received his B.S. Book talk down in the streets of Tehran for protes- rights." in 1963 in business and industrial "This was a routine inspection of pin ting against the arrest of religious leader, ISA students urge students to attends "proud to be an American" and that he "Slaughterhouse-Five" by Kurt ball machines," an official of the special was pleased with the welcome he management. He received his M.B.A. in Khomeini. lecture on the present military situation of Vonnegut Jr. will be reviewed during services division said. The peasants of Varamin, a village the Persian Gulf Feb. 22. at 7 p.m. in the received. She said he spent 22 months in 1971. today's faculty book talk by Dr. Carlson entered the Army as a second He said all pin ball machines in San Jose close to Tehran, walked toward the S.U. Umunhum Room. combat in Vietnam and was serving his Conrad Borovski. associate professor::: must have a license sticker on the second tour at the time of capture. lieutenant from ROTC at SISU. He has foreign language. served at Fort Dix, N.J.. Fort Benning, Ga.. machine. He said the ones in the cafeteria Carlson was assigned to Military As- Vonnegut's best-selling novel is: did not, but that he was assured they soon sistance Command Vietnam and was the and Fort Sill, Okla., in Europe and two ',currently a movie playing at local::: tours in Vietnam. He arrived for his will. adviser assigned to the ARVN unit in the theaters. He said the sticker costs $2 for each city of Loc Ninh where he was captured second tour in Vietnam on July 8, 1971. Faculty book talks are held every:3 According to Robert A. Loewer, profes- machine. when the enemy attacked and overran the Wednesday at 12:30 in Room A of theg The official refused to give his name or sor of business, Carlson is a "very likeable city on April 7, 1972. Spartan Cafeteria. any other information regarding the in- person" with a "good sense of humor." At Loc Ninh, Mrs. Carlson said. hr was cident. Peril for hitchhikers Coed disappearances rise in Santa Cruz

By LYNN FERGUSON victims to call police. DOG I accept rides Iron] a lone male park -like MSC Campus. The coeds at the University of Sheriffs Office or males. Five students sunning themselves out- California at Santa Cruz don't dare walk The Santa Cruz County Sheriff's Office Do write down the license number of side Stevenson College (one of eight alone anymore. detective handling the rape cases. the car before you get in. colleges UCSC is divided into) gave these They are frightened by the Howard Sanderson Jr.. said they are get- Do mail a self-addressed postcard reactions. disappearances of two coeds, victimized ting together a picture composite of the with the license number on it from a Nancy Hornbeck, freshman: "Mainly, by the rapist of at least four, with six suspect from his about 20 reported vic- nearby mailbox before you get in. paranoia. This is the perfect place for other attempts, and horrified by the dis- tims right now. When asked if the police were going to something to happen. It's really scary to coveries since August of five murdered "We have a few angles we want to work use police-women as bait for this walk across campus. Every little bush young women, four of whom were out," Sanderson said noncommittally. particular rapist, the detective replied, looks like something else." mutilated. When asked about his dealings with "No comment." Margit Dahl, sophomore: "It's a major All this within 35 miles of San Jose WAR, he said, "I haven't gotten a hold of He continued by saying it takes too source of self-excitement. I don't usually State University. them yet." much manpower to maintain such a trap, walk around at night, anyway. I'm not Janet Gellman and Linda Covello hit- The Santa Cruz police have no reported is too dangerous for the policewoman and walking around in a paranoid fear. One ched a ride to work last Saturday rapes more recent than Jan. 29.1n the last they haven't approached them about it. girl's mot her came and took her home, she morning, in spite of the fact hitchhiking six months they have pinned four of the The public relations spokesman for the was so scared." coeds, to and from UCSC, are being picked rapes on the same suspect, along with six campus police at UCSC, Tom O'Leary. Champed Atmosphere up by a rapist. assaults with attempt to commit rape. said they're "not doing anything, really" Dawn Ensley, freshman: "It changed the Luckily they got a ride with a Daily staff The police describe the suspect as about the rapist and the three missing atmosphere around here. The rapes had photographer and reporter instead of the Black, five feet eleven to six feet one, coeds. He said it fell into the city police's been going on - but finding all the bodies is six foot, 200 pound, medium-complected around 200 pounds, good-looking, not and sheriff's department's lap to handle bringing it all out led. note- the body of Black man whose method of operation so heavily negroid featured and medium- those cases. Mary Guilfoyle was found off Empire far appears to center around the UCSC complected. Search Parties Road on UCSC property). I don't like togo campus area. An added twist was that the rapist The campus police were involved with out at night. 1 put notes on my door where "We have to learn to protect ourselves - sometimes hitchhikes and girls pick him the search parties for two missing coeds I'm going." the police aren't," said Miss Gellman, a up. Then he simulates a gun and tricks last Wednesday. Turn McClellan, an of- Mellinda Ellestad, freshman: "There's senior at UCSC who also is one of eight them into co-operation. He is fairly easy ficer on the campus police force, said nothing you can do. It makes me mad they women heading "Women Against Rape" to talk out of the rape. hence the six who they'd given up on the search parties. (rapes) are not reported, even if it's going (WAR), a collective that maintains a Rape were just attempts, police said. "We looked everywhere a body could to be a hassle. I quit hitchhiking after they Line for Santa Cruz area victims. Police do not strongly consider him a have been rolled down or stashed ... up to found that dismembered girl in mid- WAR held a demonstration at UCSC suspect in the dismemberment slayings of about 100 yards off the highway." January (note: Cynthia Schell, identified last Friday with about 100 women protes- girls in the area. However, "...we are not The twomissing women are Alice Helen Ian. 23.) I go around here after dark not ting "lack of proper action" by the closing our minds to it," said a detective- Liu, 21, from Torrence, California and very far. Guys say, 'If you want to go nut horities. spokesman. Rosalind Heather 'rhorpe, 23, from anywhere alter dark, ask us. "The sheriff's department is working Tips for Hitchers Carmel. California. Both are enrolled at As the students walk in groups harder than the city police on this," Miss -We can't get too accusative - a minority UCSC. manzanita pokes nakedly through the Gellman asserted. Out of 150 women race is involved," the same spokesman The reactions from the students to the forest that is a living, breathing part of the interviewed over the Rape Line, only two continued. He had some tips female hit- terrorism of the coeds because of the campus. This same rich group of tree-life disappearances, are as is now one site of the terror of the UCSC had reported the rapes to the police, she chhikers could use to protect themselves. rapist and the psi Gould added, emphasizing Rape Line encourages Don't hitch alone. varied as the people that coexist on the coeds. Hitchhiking coeds take chances Editorial Amnesty benefits our nation Daily Forum

America's shouting war is limited to their own skin. conscience and not those of then Vol 60 Page 2, February 21, 1973 No. 69 almost over. But the bitter war of The real heroes of the war are draft boards. Elaborate screening emotions and ideals will still those rotting away in will be needed to sift them out, haunt our society as long as Leavenworth and Portsmouth but they are ones worth saving. amnesty is withheld. military prisons, the servicemen Much of our future depends on Yours In Survival Our prisoners are coming who refused to fight but who did the strength of a diversified home, our missing are being not desert. people holding diversified ideals. sought, and our dead are buried. There are Americans in It will be our loss if we do not Winning our war against pollution However, we have Americans Sweden and Canada who allow strong, conscientious men overseas who chose not to followed the dictates of their to return. I Inds. 1115114mo participate in a decade of killing. Last week President Nixon an- vironmental author, Barry Com- waste added by agricultural Most of them are in Canada and nounced to the nation that, moner, was among the first, wastes which clog rivers and Sweden. They are the ones who "America is well on the way to criticizing the President's streams, and by the nutrients and would have been drafted into and winning the war against en- withholding of water pollution organic matter added by sewage those who deserted from the vironmental degradation." control funds as an indication of and industrial effluents. armed forces. As if just saying it would make how little attention the ad- These problems are not going to Pres. Nixon has declared he it true, Mr. Nixon has assured us ministration is paying to be alleviated by the after-the-fact will not "forgive" those who all that we will be "making peace problems of the environment. cleanup technics of this ad- declined serving under him as with nature soon." Pres. Nixon has ordered the En- ministration which uses public their commander-in-chief. He has He said in his radio address, vironmental Protection Agency money to clean up private stipulated that even compen- "Day by day, our air is getting not to spend $6 billion of the $11 garbage. satory service in the Peace Corps cleaner. In virtually every one of billion authorized by Congress to Mr. Nixon's programs are not would not make up for their sins our cities, the levels of air aid construction of municipal winning the war against of not killing. pollution are declining." waste treatment plants in 1973- pollution. They are not forcing in- Our president is taking out the I don't know what cities the 74. dustries to display an en- frustrations of the Vietnam President could be speaking of, He has defended this action by vironmental conscience. They are nightmare on the evaders. He but the first one that comes to my saying that spending on water simply spending our tax dollars could not militarily win in a war- mind is Los Angeles, the smog quality has increased fifteenfold to clean up their messes. that -wasn't-a-war and he can capital of California. The air sure in the past four years and that, The no longer inflict B-52 arbarism on President's address last getting any cleaner down "Month by month our water the Viets. isn't week was aimed at easing the there. pollution problem is being con- minds of the people, who are It is said that after every major In fact, last year Los Angeles quered." becoming more and more war, presidential amnesty was County had more major smog But we will not conquer the granted. But those wars were concerned with the quality of alerts than any previous year. problems of water pollution, clearly won by the . their environment. It was Nitrogen oxides, a primary air whether we spend $5 billion or Pres. Nixon feels someone must *intended to cover up the ad- pollutant, have increased 91 per $500 billion, by the approach we answer and pay. ministration's lack of adequate cent since 1961 in that area. now use. It can only be conquered It is true there are evaders who funding of significant programs the President is by going to the source of the wanted nothing more than to sit Maybe in this area. referring to New York City. problem, to the causes of land and out the war and to return to the Contrary to Mr. Nixon's Things don't look so clean there air pollution as well. U.S. under a general amnesty. assertions the war on pollution is emphysema, a Water becomes polluted by Their concern for human life was either. Pulmonary far from over. It has hardly even disease linked to air pollution, is inefficient land use, by tons of begun. the fastest growing cause of death in that city. The mortality Belly of the Beast Staff Comment rate from the disease has gone up 500 per cent in the past 10 years, and other smog-related diseases are growing fast also. Solidarity with soledad brother Duncan Hall's many inconveniences It could be that Washington, D.C., has become cleaner, and the findleal Student Union "Faulty Duncan Hall" was the ground floor cabinet tor the class shot. President should know because subject of two recent Daily building directory contain award It is, in fact, faster to walk up he spends a good deal of time Ruchell Magee, one of the only himself. The state went so far as articles. Considerable blame was ribbons and notices instead of the stairways than it is to wait for there. Not so. In fact, air pollution inmate survivors of the Mann to declare him insane, the result directed or implied toward the department and office locations? the elevators. Of course, the only has gotten so bad there that the County shootout, is on trial up in of racist IQ tests, in order to keep building contractor. It is very inconvenient to travel way to find a stairway is from the White House must be scrubbed S.F. The police, the press; the him from defending himself. However, it appears that there from one floor to the next in order inside of the building (their down every morning in order to ruling class are doing everything Ruchell had every right in the is more wrong with the building to find, by chance, this important locations are hidden from outside keep it white. possible to make him out to be a world to free himself in anyway than a mere contractor could con- information. view.) And so it goes with city after mad crazed man incapable of con- possible. Aug. 7, 1970, Ruchell trol. Furthermore, there are no trash In short, this campus needs an city across the country, in- trolling himself, rather than a tried to escape along with two receptacles in the entrance official for approving building dicating that day after day air black man consciously rebelling other inmates and Jonathan Two areas that could have been hallways of each floor. Perhaps plans who has enough foresight against the oppressive conditions Jackson. vastly improved are architecture pollution is getting worse, not collecting a little garbage in our to comprehend the possible Blacks and other Third World The result was that the prison and convenience. Whoever ap- better. pockets is not all that functionality of buildings before people face in this country. They guards ruthlessly, with no proved the construction In the same speech,. the plans for bothersome, yet it should not be they are built. Recent additions to have even put a gag rule on him so thought for the hostages, much Duncan Hall must have been President promised that in necessary. the skyline have lacked even a he can't speak to the press as to less the convicts, opened fire on studying a different blueprint. coming weeks he would send And why do the elevators in minor degree of intelligent con- urgently needed proposals to the his side of the story. the van, murdering all but Similarly, basic human needs Duncan Hall (as well as those in sideration. Congress, and blamed them for Ruchell Magee was framed Ruchell of the convicts and a do not seem to be a consideration the Business Tower and Business Already, the new library not acting on 19 environmental from the word go, when a court- judge. Now they are trying to of the current building Classroom building (have to be so building has given me bad bills. appointed attorney in 1963 charge Ruchell with murder, have coordinator. slow? Were they installed with dreams. Odds are that it, too, will This sounds very good on the pleaded guilty against Ruchell's stuck Ruchell with another coun- But since the structure is there the impression that occupants be in the same vein as Duncan surface, but there is one very big wishes to a $10 robbery and a try club lawyer and are refusing and cannot be easily changed enter the building in the morning Hall, if not worse. It will be taller, snag. The President's proposed kidnapping charge, which carried to let him defend himself. We physically, convenience is thus and do not leave until night? therefore providing a greater budget for the fiscal year 1974 a life top sentence. Since that time must defend Ruchell against such more important than architec- This is not the case with the margin for error. holds a very tight rein on en- he has learned law and has filed charges. There will be a car pool ture. Therefore, why does the average student. He is on a one- Ardie Clark vironmental and resource spen- every kind of document known in going up to the trial this ding. New programs of any order to prove himself innocent Thursday leaving at 7:30 a.m. substance would involve large and to have the chance to defend from Seventh and San Fernando. Letter to the Editor expenditures and would probably be considered "in- Mane a Mono flationary" by the ad- ministration. Many environmentalists have Remember tutorials, boycott Understanding, part of preparation spoken out against this op timistic proclamation on the part Jaime QUI111/4 Editor: We all are against injustice in Would it not be nice, if as of Mr. Nixon. Noted en Daily I walk along and alone on any form. We are against the students at San Jose, as kindred Que pasa, que pasa and all of decir quien era y de donde era. the sidewalks of our University hypocritical Sunday mouthings souls in this confused sea of that. Bueno espero que a todos Pues de alli se fueron al canton de campus. I'm new and unac- of ideals which are completely humanity, if we habitually Spartan Daily les haya ido bien durante este dia la muchacha y para mejor quainted at San Jose. I pass other ignored or forgotten in the real- smiled at one anotherirrespec- Serving the San lose Stale Univerwly Community de descanso que nos dieron en conocerse tuvieron una fiestesita. people, unseeing or unseen, life scene. But what are we for? tive of race, creed and coloras Since 1934 nombre de un bato que quien sabe Aqui las tres amigas se dieron people who also walk alone. Second class postage paid at San lose. Caltfornia que haria, pero si nos quiern dar de lo que estaba pasando What do we all truly want? How we pass on the street, in the Member of Cale/ ornia NEWSPAPER Publishers As- cuenta Chicanos, Blacks, Orientals, about understandingand corridors, in the dining and sociation and the Associated Press. Published daily toda un semana de descanso no en el resto de los lugares tocante Anglos, whatever. We pass each by Son lose State Univereity. except Saturday and maybe love? That vaunted peace gathering places. Wouldn't it Sunday. during the college year. The opinions me aguito. Bueno baste con eso. alio accion en otros lugares. other, unsmiling, withdrawn and and love symbol, the inverted Y make for a happier environment expressed herein are not necessarily those of the Once again let me remind you Las chicas eran de un pueblo remote. I enter the cafeteria or the Associated Students, the college Administration. in the circle, that so many of us if we could stop, rap easily for a or the Department of laurnalrem ond Advertising. that Chicano EOP is offering muy chico. Asi que si ustedes son corridors of the Students Union, display so proudly? Do We prac- few words, in friendly fashion, Subscriphons accepted only on a remainder-of. tutoring. There are tutors willing de un pueblo chico, hagan lo que and there I see semester basis Full academic year. S9 each persons alone. tice this peace and understanding without prior introduction or Semester. 54 SU Off campus price per copy. 10 to help all those who need it. In hicieron estas chicas y salgan en eating or staring into and love in our daily lives? Do without being afraid of offending, cents. Phone 277.3/111 Adverlistng 277-3175. Press order to get a tutor in your special busca de la accion. Quien sabe tat of Folger Publications. Inc. Union City. spacealone and perhaps we? Go into the Student Union being misunderstood, or area, all you need to do is go to the vez aprendan algo. Pero se acaso lonesome, too. What is missing? any time, or look at the benches rebuffed? Editor.inchiel Hick Malaspina Chicano EOP and fill out your re- salen bien sabios nomas no dejen Going Advertising Manager Aubrey Goo to college or university, off Seventh Street. The Blacks Wouldn't it help if you were sit- Managing Editor (1enrge HP(IP quest form. After that you should que los domine el orgullo. city Editor I'm told, is a preparation for life. together. The Chicanos or just IerrV Ihrer be contacted by the student that Hey, this weekend there were gather ting alone eating Ass! City Editor Maureen McCarthy Hopefully, in the process, we will cluster among their own. And the daydreaming, if another persons, Layout Editor Gary Hyman is assigned to you. Asi es que people who picketed at the two learn also more about the world Forum Page Editor Alan Hosenberg same with the other types. (Of boy or girl, would ask to sit with Copy k.dder Virginia Golden orale gente get it on. Safeways and at Meryvn's. There about us, and some of its ac- course, there the occasional you and just rap? In other words, Ansi Copy Editor Steve Terry Hey, it's been a While that a lit- was a good number of people out cumulated knowledge and Feature Editor Holly Curtis wis- "mixed couples" who are the few if we could be informal, friendly, hoe Arts Edtior Stephanie 1:ories tle short story has not been there, but I am told that many dom. Hopefully, we'll gain a exceptions.) Is this the road to the sociablehanging loose and Entertainment kditor Marh Helloing shared with all of you, so what more are needed. Asi es que orate greater understanding Lunimunity News Editor Honor, Men," of the better understanding of other smiling, and oblivious of race, Sports Editor fohn B. Matthews better time than now to write it. Raze aqui se necesita el apollo. people around us. people? Is this the preparation for creed or colorwouldn’t this Exi bungs Editor CDs Wane/. Les voy a contar un cuento que There will be more picketing this What happened to Wire Editor Inn ;0%1 Inn the recent life for which we come to CSU- promote that understanding Photo Editor Phil (look! espero que les venga bien. Aqui weekend, so take time out from great explosive era of student SJ? What do you think? among all of us, and better Public Relations Director Lisa McKoney les viene. Habia una vez tres your studies or whatever and go protest? The almost violent after Chief Photographer linvid Semi,,, que decidieron un dia As students at a university, we prepare us for lifewhich is National Ad MOnagrr Handy Prippenhown amigos out there only if it's for a little demonstrations and the non- in fact occupy a special niche in all, the ultimate mission of our Art Ihrector Mork Salved salir de viaje. Se arrancaron las while. I heard that this weekend lose Nelson negotiable demands against war, society. We are the reservoir of going to university? You tell me. Nosiness Manager tres en su "heavy chevy" en was a real good one, with a good racism, prejudice, poverty, Spy, at Assignment Heportern. Mark liummann. the the ideals for the building of a Next time our paths cross, let's Wipe Easley. Debra Hurt. Bruce feweil. Hill rumbo de quien sabe. Que van hearty breakfast of chorizo con destruction of our ecology. And future better worldand smile. OK? Next time I am eating Paterson. Robert Pomba. Howard M Schleeter. Ilegando a una ciudad bien des- huevos, frijoles, papas and lIal/ Showing the pervasive ignorance about the hopefully we are the ones who alone in the cafeteria, come over, Reporters Nancy Halter Mike Hecker. Peg conocida, no conocian a nadie. La homemade tortillas. Wow, cultural backgrounds and will come to make it pass. We are smile, say "Hit," and let's rap for Rennet. Deborah Mock. Head Bollinger. chided a donde llegaron fue una doesn't that make your mouth get Hradlurd. Clark Drunks, Steve Boman, Ardie Clark. achievements of the various the ones who can make this thing awhile. And may I do the same ill Lyle Clark, Louis Covey. Gerald Curtis. Terry tiny. parecida a San Jose pero no tan watery. The refine was free of ethnic segments of our society called loved a living reality, in spot you alone? Wouldn't it make Laura Dayton. Leo C Dickason. lark Dickenson. amontonado y conjestionado. charge. Right after they all Paula Dorian. fern Engel Lynn Ferguson. William what comprise all of us. A our otherwise imperfect world. for a better day for the both of us? Flint. Hatboro French. PaRie Calligher. Don Pobres chicas no sabian que boogied on down to the place and protest, whether on paper or a being alive, and bonne Gribbin. Ion Confine. Warren hacer, asi es fueron a un tortilla picketed. Que vivan But surely we must experience Just for the joy of Hein, Hobert MR Peter Howard. :oho Heron. los riot, is in essence a plea, a cry, a and practice that love now and the love of one another as fellow lobos. Linda %dim, Mike Marhwith. Ion flat donde vendian tortillas que picket iadores. A Mi.0111. Michael Mitchell. Stephen Meyer Hay est aban on poco flat. Alli shriek for understanding. make it an integral part of our passengers in this voyage Morriwin. lames A Patrick. lerr, Bueno Raze que se sigan demand for compassion, for daily living now, if we are to through lifewhich is what it's Hanka. him Saler. Howard M Schhigter. refinaron y descansaron un rato. port andose bien. Tambien sigan mutual help, and underlying it effectively spread it among our all about! Luego que se acerca un muchacha siguiendo y no se aguiten que ye all, for love! Not so? fellow men later on. Albert J. Mandelbaum poco de aquella. Ella les empezo a mero es Easter. Yo creolIll February 21. 1973 Page 3 ,,,::::.;:t:::::::::::::::::::OX, ' ::: ...... . :-:::-::1SeI:::::::::::::::::::, ' News Review ::: ::. X- Recruiters Mullin suspect interviewing in new killings Recruiters Ito., the Boeing notification to the Busines, Company, Hughes Aircraft, 'technology. and Government By IAN GUSTINA GTE Lenkurt and National Office of Career Planning and Compiled from The Associated Press Semiconductor will be at San Placement, Building Q 3. SANTA CRUZ. Calif.Former San Jose State University Jose State University Monday. Failure to appear for an ap- student Herbert W. Mullin, 25, will be charged with killing four March 5, to interview job can- pointment will cause all other tt youths found shot to death Saturday at a Santa Cruz mountain didates from among 1973 June interviews to be cancelled. campsite, Dist. Ally. Peter Chang said yesterday. and summer graduates. Kelly McGinnis. head of Mullin has already been charged with six other first degree Locations of the previously career tub interviews, stated murders within a month, according to Chang. arranged appointments will be that the interviewees' dress Sheriff Douglas James said Mullin was linked to the four latest posted on the door of Building should lit the lob and the killings "as a result of a laboratory comparison of bullets and Q 3 on Ninth Street. preference of most employers shell casings found at the scene at the crime." He said no motive The four companies is the length of male hair be no, was known. representatives head a list of longer than the tops of their The lour latest victims brought the number of slayings in the people from 49 firms who will collars. area in the past six weeks to 13. Each of the victims found has be appearing at SJSU until been shot to death. March 13, talking to students Critiques on each interview Mullin has also been charged with the murders of Fred Perez. a interested in technically. are available in Building Q 3 former prizefighter killed last week, and the January shootings of related career fields. following the talk. Also a mother, her two children, and a young married couple. Cancellation of interviews available there is an instruc- :tt tional tape on Los Gatos police have reported that Mullin's fingerprints Mite should be made at least one interviewing match those mind Nov. 2 in a confessional where a Roman Comfortable browsing is being provided by the Spartan day in advance, wtih technique.

Catholic priest was stabbed to death, but no charges have been Bookstore with a couch in front of the magazine section. Relax :. Bookstore couch tiled in that killing. while you read is the motto! ::.::.::.:::::::::::.::::::::::::::: Food fun Eighteen more POWs returned TRAVIs AIR FORCE BASE, Calif.Eighteen more liberated prisoners of war Hew home yesterday. setting the total of freed American POWs at 163. Communist sources say they still hold 432 Americans in North State financiers visit; 'Poor Yorick's' and South Vietnam, with the next large group expected to be By STEPHANIE CURTIS drenched in rich brown gravy. released early next week. To its credit. San Jose has a The same side courses were Each of the 18 in the latest group had spent five to six years in song written about it, served with the pestle. It was a prison in Hanoi. charming Mayor Norman delicious and filling dinner for no approval on library Mineta, and Eastridge Shop- $2.89. Sharp gain seen in cost of eating ping Center. Despite the restaurant's low By PETER HOWARD top of the list of budget their own minds that the high- blockbuster on the playing WASHINUTONThe cost ol eating increased Iwo to three per On the other hand, San Jose prices it has the nice touches of Once again the state finan- priorities, according to rise is the most feasible field near the volleyball cent in January, the sharpest monthly gain in 20 to 25 years, the lacks blue skies, a downtown more expensive restaurants; ciers came to San Jose State Executive Vice President solution to our problem here," courts. Agriculture Department said yesterday. and good, reasonable res- while table cloths, friendly University last Thursday to Burton Brazil. Hunt said. "Both the finance people and The department has predicted that retail food prices will rise taurants. service and piping hot food. probe the school's library Although the 16-story tower the analyst people raised about six per cent for all of 1973, the most in 22 years. compared This brings up two ques- Restaurants with inexpen- Restaurant hours are 11 a.m. situation. has been listed under capital many questions and some 4.3 per cent gain in 1972. tions which Dr. Brazil thinks sive, good meals are far and to 10 p.m. weekdays and 11 with a No decision was made one outlays in the 1973-74 to answer," Dr. the administration must study were difficult few between which is why a.m. to midnight weekends. or the other on the plans Governor's Budget it has not have to way and which the financiers are Brazil observed. "We "Poor Yorick's Pub" on 866 to build the long-awaited been appropriated any money. homework." Burbank seeks ruling on jet traffic not yet convinced on: do some East Campbell should become tower library. But the SJSU "Ws difficult to say whether one more reason to If the high-rise the best He sees a regular for students tired of WASHINGTONThe City of Burbank, joined by the State of administration believes it has it's wise to be optimistic or be hopeful however. solution? tacky tacos and urpy Herlies. 'e Paul has told the U.S. Supreme Court that cities and states previously pessimistic at this time," Dr. is California, won several If a "blockbuster" (a The Chancellor's office Not only are prices must limit jet flights in and out of local airports if that is neces- points. Brazil noted. a plan debated lower but wider building) is seriously considering reasonable, $3.50 is the Butterfield sary to protect residents from undue noise. The finance department and whereby the California State Donald Hunt, director of the the answer where could it be highest priced item on the A Burbank ordinance in 1970 banned jets from the Hollywood- the staff of the legislative University and College system library, made this speculation: located? menu but, the atmosphere is Burbank Airportbetween 11 p.m. and 7 a.m. The city argued that analyst. Alan Post, are now will be split into northern and Group "I was hoping we'd get a warm and homey. the ordinance is not pre-empted by federal regulation of air convinced that SJSU needs a Buying additional land has southern regions with a cen- feeling that it would go. At Marge Garza, the owner of SPECIAL GUEST travel. library in light of the previously been rejected out- retrieval system new it tral library "Poor Yorick's," remodeled an least we didn't get a feeling of-hand, according to Dr. "A declaration of pre-emption is impermissible when it leaves current shortage of space and within each. Dr. Brazil thinks English style home into a res- would be knocked in the Brazil, but he said this idea Freddie King unprotected fundamental rights," a city representative said. services. This need belongs on it is likely SISU will be chosen taurant - pub specializing in head." will now be re-examined. as the northern storage center. English food. AND Both Hunt and Dr. Brazil Other alternatives which have "This would imply we need A fireplace glows in the agree however, that the finan- been raised are to demolish the a new library because the main dining room decorated in Bruce tiers have open minds ont he central and south libraries and DM V in charge present one doesn't even meet 1930's funk. The back rooms issue. erect a new structure in their Springsteen our own needs," he pointed are being converted into a bar "They wanted to be sure in place or to locate the out. and poolroom. SANTA CLARA The menu ranges from the FAIRGROUNDS British burger to fish 'n chips THURS., FEB. 22 New bike law and Cornish pasties. Coffeehouse has bands, The roast beef sandwich 8 P.M. By STEVE TERRY Enforcement of the new law state and, locally. utt was served on an English muf- ADV $450 AT DOOR A significant piece of begins July 1, 1976, and makes California Association of fin with gravy. A large salad $5 50 legislation was it a misdemeanor to ride, signed into Bicycling. Martinez. Ca. There with roquefort dressing, peas ON SALE move, haul or leave standing law last Nov. 27 which will was no active lobbying for the and French fries came with the SAN JOSE BOX OFFICE affect the an unlicensed bicycle after sales and licensing bill, according to the same priced food meal. A small feast for $1.89. 912 TOWN es COUNTRY that dale. reasonably of bicycles in California. source. For the diner with a more 246-1160 Robert Sinclair, head of San Assembly Bill 2213, spon- Wayne Nelson, new Union. II offers cider, nickel Wednesday. Terry hearty appetite there are en- (STEVENS CREEK & WIN- sored by Assemblyman Jose Police Department's An administrative aide to manager of the Joint Effort coffee, big, reasonably priced Fetterman. who sings and ticing pasties (meat pies) CHESTER) bicycle Robert E. Badham, R-Orange, detail, said the passage State Sen. James R. Mills, 0- Coffeehouse. has announced sandwiches, and other things plays acoustic guitar will be will establish "a statewide of the bill means law en- Dist. 40, stated that Senate the colleehouse is now open to eat. performing from 6 to 11 p.m. forcement agencies will have a system for the registration and Bill 147, sponsored by the from Tuesday through Friday. Talent auditions are held Admission is free. licensing of bicycles, as much better chance to prevent senator and signed earlier, and is in full swing. every 'ruesday from 7 to 11 Oganooke, in one of its final PILLOW SENSIOUS defined, to be administered by theft and recover stolen provides for the maintenance "A lot of effort is going into p.m. performances, will be here FURNITURE PILLOWS the Department of Motor bicycles. of a state-wide "hot sheet" on getting name bands to come to Those wanting to audition from 7 tp 11 p.m. on Thursday. Prior to the passage Everything You Need Vehicles." of the stolen bicycles. the coffeehouse, so it would be are directed to call Dale Cover charge will be $1. bill, it was not mandatory for The bill, which becomes nice to have a large turnout to Barcellus at 227-8794. On Friday, the BSOC is To Make Your Life Softer effective July 1, 1975, bicycles to be licensed or The aides at both offices see them," said Nelson. Everyone is invited to sit in. sponsoring a dance with music registered in the state, and prohibits the sale of bicycles said no legislation directly The Joint Effort Coffeehouse The agenda at the by rile Seventh House Band" licensing agencies were es- THE unless each has a "unique affecting bicycling was pen- is located in the Old Cafeteria Coffeehouse for this week is as from 9 p.m. to 2 a.m. Ad- serial number stamped or cast tablished by local ding by their employers. Building next to the Student follows: mission will be $1. PILLOW FACTORY into its head." government. Bicycle dealers will be re- Sinclair said those bicycles NO. 1 licensed in Santa Clara quired to register and license Get Your Pillow At First & Willow each bicycle sold. A license County under the present will be affixed to the bicycle system of voluntary licensing Bookstore security inadequate FABULOUS 4 PIECE LIVING ROOM SE and the registration form will have proven to be easier to $99.95 be completed by the dealer and locate and return to the owner OPEN: MON TO SAT 999 S. 1st St. forwarded to DMV. after theft. 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. SAN JOSE, CALIF. ' The license will be valid for Those involved in the illegal as deterrent for shoplifters SUNDAY. 12 to 5 p.m. 275-6808. sale and traffic of bicycles (the a period of three years and a fee of $3 will be charged to the so-called "black market bike Mew Security in the Spartan by stores in this area is to em- in the past; nut create much of a reaction. buyer at time of purchase. dealers") are less inclined, he Bookstore should be im- ploy off-duty policemen. Dean of Students Robert S. The cost of something of 'the bicycle requiring licen- added, to steal licensed proved, Harry Wineroth said Wineroth said. The officer has Martin said he thought this sort would be ap- sing are defined in the bill as bicycles. last Thursday at the bi-mon- the capability of issuing a student attitudes toward proximately $500 per month," those having three speeds or 'the licensing fees may also thly meeting of the Spartan citation (similar to a traffic police -on -campus has he said. Considering security more and with wheels 20 in- prove to be an important Shops Board. citation) whenever he ap- changed considerably within costs and savings by dis- ches or more in diameter. source of revenue for bicycle Wineroth, manager of the prehends someone. The in- the last 18 months. He said it is couraging thefts this would The licensing procedure will transportation systems (bike bookstore and of Spartan dividual then must appear possible that even a uniformed create a net savings of about follow that system now in use ways) and other projects that FREECHECKING II Shops, Inc., said the current before a judge in response to officer in the bookstore would $4,700 per year. he said. for processing of motor relate to the bicycle as an system of security is not ade- the citation. ONLY $100 MINIMUM BALANCE REQUIRED vehicles. License renewal will alternative form of quate. The system involves Wineroth said in the case be every three years, and transportation. having obvious store with the bookstore, the officer transfer of title and According to one of Assem- personnel (wearing a red and would be encouraged to use certification of sale with blyman Badham's aides, sup- white apron or a gold vest) in discretion in handling first Department of Motor Vehicles port for the bill came from I strategic locations around the offenders. He would use his FREETRAVELERS will be required. police organizations in the store. experience to guide him in CHECKS He said it is a deterrent each case. program to discourage poten- Ron Harbeck. chairman of New in town! FouRT0 FOR DEPOSITORS tial shoplifters. the Spartan Shops Board, Ellsberg, clark Methods of store security questioned the use of a police were recently discussed with officer (whether or not in Jim Cornelius of the San Jose uniform) on the SJSU campus. at 4th & Julian only! Police Department, Store He said that "It is a very FREE_ PARKING Security Division, said delicate question that has talk at Stanford Wineroth. created substantial problems USE OUR SAN PEDRO STREET LOT Wineroth, According to V.117 The Stanford Committee on Donner, of the national ACLU Cornelius estimated one out of R RANCHO DRIVE-IN Political Education and the political surveillance unit will every 20 or 30 persons .ied week 1,elkooe San Joke thine-In %how., Associated Students of Stan- speak. entering the bookstore steals %kWh 9:00 am, to ford university are sponsoring Winding up the conference something. "WORLDS (.141 a four -day conference at 8 p.m. Friday, in the "Even if it was one out ul ATH IT. it - STUDENT 5:00 p.m. featuring speakers including Memorial Church on the Stan- 100, we would still have a "NOW YOI sTi. HIM. DAILY. Ramsey Clark, former U.S. at- ford campus, Daniel Ellsberg reasonably high rate,' NOW YOT DON'T" torney general, and Daniel and Steve Weissman, editor Wineroth said. "We average TROPILAIRE I FRIDAYS Ellsberg, co-defendant in the for RamPart's publications, 3,500 sales per day. Three out HOURS! UNTIL 6 00 p.m. Pentagon Papers trial. will speak. of every five entering the store "ALL 1111 I (IN N1, The conference, entitled Speaker topics will be an- purchase something." (OUP! t, You yet more for yew mow at... "Might vs. Right." commenced nounced. The public is invited. (Inc method of security used "MOON 1.15.1111NC last night in Cubberely N IV LS" MOLEs I Tits Auditorium on the Stanford "THE campus. Featured speakers 1.1 WO 4V1 were Paul Rupert, of the AT TROPICAIRE II 11111.1 . BARCLAYS 1 military law project in San MC Francisco, and Bill Kurt's, "TRITE BARN only *41 CBS news reporter. Review and practice testing program for the Faslwood 'JOE KIDD- Barbara Babcock, Stanford Medical College Admission Test law professor, and Ramsey JONEs- BANK Clark will speak at 8 p.m. I Oulu Soft drinks...16C tonight in the Memorial For free brochure. write Shakes... 24 Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Auditorium also on the Stan- RAYSHORE So good ford kik reek I. nelume San our manager Tacos ... 19 C campus. STUDIES CENTER At 8 p.m. tomorrow in GRADUATE Joke lhoe-In Showowt Al Alvarado DOWNTOWN SAN JOSE OFFICE Walt Donek'. eats em' Cubberely Auditorium, Paul a division of The Minehart Corporation 31 N. MARKET STREET Halvonik, of the Northern "SWORD IN THE STOSI California American Civil P.O. Box 386 New York, N.Y. 10011 "211,111111 LEAGIll ES Liberties Union, and Frank UNDER THE SEA" OMR'

Page 4, February 21, 1973 . :::::::::::::w**06:::::::::::::::. - :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .. By ROGER WOO Inside the Playboy Club Special to the Daily Ka-boing thud bounce. that the sound of my eyeballs pop- ping out of my head and back into their sockets after ricocheting off my glasses. The reason? It's simple. I had just received my first glances of Club.warm-blooded-blooded Playboy bunnies at the San Fran- Everything a red-blooded American needs ciscosom e Prelaalylbiov ye,mwa Photographer Jeanloup Steil once remarked, "I don't believe in God, but women are the proof of His existence." After seeing s. By RICK hfALASPINA every red-blooded American bill. what I saw, I can only attest to the tact that the Almighty is alive Editer-ia-chief playboy needs: girls, booze. Alter stepping an the door, of and doing quite well at the Playboy Club. Visions of frolicking bun- food, entertainment, comfort course, everythingfrom The bodies, oh those bodies, they're so perfect. Michelangelo nies and carefree escapades and class. cocktails to entertainmentis would have a hard time sculpturing. certainly may hop in every man's head The problem Is every red- tacked on the bill. The stautesque qualities of the Playboy bunnies when he thinks of the Playboy blooded American boy "Naturally we don't need should be mentioned. The body lines are so well-defined, the skin Club and everything it stands probably can't afford to be a people who can't pay their so marble-smooth anti fresh looking. I think that someone's for, but a closer look at the playboy. bills.- said Frank F. parents should have received the Nobel prize for structural club could shatter those wild just to step in the front door, Worthington jr., general engineering. dreams. for example, the prospective manager of the San Francisco From the tip of the two ears down to the bunny tail, the custom San Francisco's Playboy playboy has to be a key- club. fitted "uniforms" which the bunnies wear also accentuates the Club, nestled at the foot of holder. That costs $15 yearly. Were shooting for young geometric proportions of the body. Montgomery Street and But in order to get the key. people, the college student,' he To add human qualities, besides being fluid and graceful in tastefully secluded from neon- card, the member has to passe added, and then conceded, their movements, the bunnies speak. Talking to the Playboy bun- clad Broadway. is as slick as credit check. If he fails, he is "but I don't know how many nies is truly an experience. that powered the issued a cash-key, which college students can afford it. I the magazine Bunny Joanne who declined to state her age or salary is the to a million- he pays on the spot know I couldn't when I was in Playboy image means heels with black ol receiving an college." "typical" Playboy bunny. Wearing two-inch dollar business instead stockings, on a slight, but Bunny (oanne talks of end-ol-the-month The Playboy Club, adequate frame. The club has everything itemized her experiences with the Playboy Club which she has Worthington said, caters to worked eight years. anyone "21 -years-old to 101 who likes good food, good As Joanne quietly speaks in the Playboy Playroom, which is entertainment and good dimly lit and just as quiet. I listen as she answers my many in- drinks." quiries. My hearing isn't so good because of a cold which I have, The drinks he was referring so my eyes had to work overtime by both listening and looking. locust members $2 a shot, in- Bunny Joanne talks of many things. She talks of how she ap- cluding tip. They're served ins plied and was accepted as a Playboy bunny, right after high snug little place called the school graduation, in the Detroit club. Playmate Bar, a sunken lounge on the first of the club's four It was also in the Detroit club where Bunny Joanne had her levels. most unusual moment. During this time, the current dancing fad With the subject of drinks. Roger WOO was the "jerk." enters another fixture of the Bunny Anine spins discs Bunny Joanne and other bunny dancers were on the club stage. playboy package, that alluring dancing to the music "when all of a sudden, everything jerked out little creature that made of the costume." Playboy famous, the bunny. Ka boing, thud bounce and my hearing suddenly comes back. I Alt hough the end result may 8C001 up further in my chair and listen even more intently for bulge some men's eyeballs (see Rights for 'risks' more good stuff, but alas, none flows out. The interview is over. right) the playboy bunny is a At the risk of being assailed by women libbers. my only mixture of processed sex and comment is -oink, oink.- sweetness poured into a con- guarded El 111 shapely, but tightly by council trolled, cottontailed mold. PREPARATION FOR SPRING By GERALD CURTIS have the power of safeguards," slates the policy. "What we look for in a bun- 'Fhe rights of the unborn, the surveillance, to insure the If safeguards are not LSAT ny," Worthington said, "is a living and the dead are rights of human subjects. provided 11) the project fun- fresh, young. well-groomed protected under the human The groups reviews: ding may be terminated, or (2) girl to provide service to key- research policy approved by The rights and welfare of take whatever other ad- GRE ATGSB holders." the Academic Council. the individuals involved. ministrative actions are \ .0 The appropriateness of But before a girl can provide The policy statement must deemed necessary. the methods used to obtain in- STANLEY H. KAPLAN that service she must project go to Pres. John H. Bunzel for '7'-111111111111111 formed consent. EDUCATIONAL CENTER Since 1938 the right image, the right com- approval, before it becomes The risks and potential posure and the right attitude. campus policy. benefits, physical and Tax talk In Bay Area (408) 275-8374 074 The policy applies to "all 'rake Bunny Joanne, for research projects, whether psychological, of the inves- Roger Woo example. "I love my work; I'm faculty or student initiated, tigation. El policy. Bumper pool bunny takes proud of what I do," she which support activities in According 16 the her best shot. glowed, eyed by Worthington which subjects may be at once the project is funded, it Thursday and her bunny mother. risk." may review a research project 'the policy mirrors the "at approximately six month Ihe lot ercult oral Steering Quizzed on the effects of intervals." Committee is sponsoring two women's lib, Bunny Joanne guidelines set by the federal T.V.'s FOR RENT A period of time will be experts in the tax field said, "I don't think about it, government, said Dr. Robert Spicher. chairman of the granted to violators of the Thursday, Feb. 22 at 7:30 p.m. Ecology and because I don't believe in it. I policy in the hope it will be in the Intercultural Steering enjoy my job." Instruction and Research Committee. corrected. Center at the New Wineskin at Special Student Rates The bunny mother is a sort A "subject" is defined as "If at any time, the inves- lath and San Fernando of Marine Corps drill sergeant. "any individual who may be at tigator fails to safeguard ade- streets. She advises, evaluates and risk as a consequence of quately the human subjects. The speakers are Joseph 9.00 PER MONTH labor merge guards the crew of 23 bunnies participation as a subject in the HSR committee shall es- Breen of the Internal Revenue at the San Francisco club. research at San lose State tablish a reasonable time Service, and Morgan Lynch, a She tells thegirls when their University. period in which the inves- certified public accountant in 377-2935 By LINDA MALLIGO developed serious skin make-up is off target, when Subjects may include tigator shall resotre the San lose. The fundamental nature of diseases and other ailments as their weight is slipping and volunteers, outpatients, in- the problems of the en- a result of exposure to the when they're slouching on the formants and students who vironment is the same as the chemical. job. are placed at risk during fundamental nature of the "Nothing was done about "The girls aren't allowed to training in medical, working class struggle. this condition because it was date customers and they can psychololical, sociological, This statement might seem a the workers who were being never sit down on the job." educational activities. bit far-fetched to some, for in harmed," accused MacGowan. Worthington said. "A bunny Groups with limited civil recent years there has been "Not until the chemicals always has to be on her feet so freedom are protected. Do you think noted antagonism between the became widely dispersed into she can see what the customer Prisoners, the mentally ill and labor movement and the en- the general environment did needs." the retarded are protected, vironmental movement. anyone take any substantial along with persons subject to He said the bunnies are a bright young But according to Alan action." military discipline. McGowan. executive weighed each week and The unborn and the dead are Polluting Industries graded on their performance. coordinator of the Center for McGowan went on to des- considered subjects that have the Biology of Natural "II a girl gains too much cribe the basis of the en- rights which can be exercised Electronics Engineer Systems in St. Louis, this is weight," Worthington said, vironmental problem as a by the next of kin or legally the case. McGowan was on "we give her a vacation and result of oursystem of produc- authorized representatives. campus last Wednesday night tell her to come back when tion technology. According to "At risk" is defined as being to talk to the Environmental she's back to normal." "exposed to the possibility of should spend McGowan, we have replaced Studies 196F class on relatively non-polluting in- Worthington shook his head harm as a consequence of any "Workers and the En- dustries with relatively assuredly when asked if the activity which goes beyond vironment." polluting ones. Playboy image is losingpower the application of established his most imaginative years on Unified Movements He illustrated this idea with especially in light of the City's and accepted methods neces- McGowan asserted that a series of slides and charts topless joints and other sary to meet his needs." there is a strong connection showing the United States' in- nightspots. Everyday risks, such as between the two movements creased production and con- crossing the street, are not the same assignment? as well as with all other "We're not even in the same sumption of items covered in this policy. movements for social justice. whose class," he shrugged, "Some production involves pollution. The "possibility of harm" He cited the struggle of the people like steak and some like "Our system of may be "physical, farm workers as an example. production hamburger." technology has increased psychological, sociological, or He stated that while he was squandering of resources and One thing's for sure: These other." here in California, Caesar energy, and is likely to go on, days steak just isn't cheap. Generally, this is how it Chavez was back in St. Louis, works: The Human Subjects Neither do And some of it looks better we. not only at the warning high levels of organo- expense of the environment but than it tastes. Review Committee (FISH) will phosphates. pesticides related at the That's why we have a two- You may select special- expense of the to nerve gas, in much of the let- workers as year Rotation Program for ized jobs, or broad systems- well," McGowan stated. tuce that the United graduating engineers who type jobs. Or you can choose Farmworkers Union is boycot- Needed Alliance THE ting. Throughout his talk, would prefer to explore several not to change assignments if "Labor unions have for a McGowan emphasized the technical areas. And that's why you'd rather develop in-depth long time led the battle for a need for an alliance between many of our areas are organ- skills in one area. better world," stated the labor and environmental 50'S ROCK ized by functionrather than McGowan. "The struggle for a movements. He said that en- Either way, we think better work environment is vironmentalists could only be TONIGHT by project. you'll like the Hughes ap- the same as that for a better counterproductive if they do At Hughes, you might proach. outside environment." not join forces with labor. work on spacecraft, communi- It means you'll become Restricted Chemicals McGowan has been active in an F,14 T. emphasize this point, the area of on-the-job en- cations satellites and/or tacti- more versatile in a shorter McGowan related the story in- vironmental quality for klA cal missiles during your first If you qualify, we'll arrange for time. volving the use of workers. He has been working two years. you to work on several different (And your polychlorinated byfenals with various labor unions in ROCK WITH JERRY JENOTT i HUGHES i (PCB's), a chemical used in the writing these provisions into All you need is an EE assignments...and you can salary will production of plastics. The their contracts. 9-10 P.M. degree and talent. help pick them. show it.) Food and Drug Ad- "Very few unions have these ministration has restricted the types of contracts as yet," says ALL 50'S FAVORITES use of PCB's to only closed McGowan. "because employes systems alter the drug was have fell that working con- found in many cases of food ditions were none of the BRIDGE OF HAR-MO-NEE contamination. workers' business." However, 35 years ago, He said that people must CIVIL RIGHTS PLAY BY workers in plants where PCB's work to create alternatives in KEN EISLER OF NEW YORK were used issued complaints our social system to alleviate that the substance was these problems and those of 8 P.M. producing harmful effects in the environment, describing Some of the current openings at Hughes: the workers. Many tsork the 'it niggle as a -11)110 fight." CONSUMER NEWS AT 9:35 Electro-Optical Engineers For additional information, Microcircuit Engineers please contact your College CAMPUS LISTEN FOR FREE Guidance & Controls Engineers Placement Director or writ, INTERVIEWS Components & Materials Engineers Mr. Robert A. Martin Head of Employment BY APPT, 293-2747 HERFY-HEFTY GIVE-AWAY Circuit Design Engineers MARCH 5 Product Design Engineers Equipment Engineering Divisions Hughes Aircraft Company LONG HAIR STYLING Laser Engineers 11940 W. Jefferson Blvd. Radar Engineers Culver City, California 90230 Contact Colkge Placement Office to FOR MEN BY Systems Programmers U.S. Citizenship is required arrange interview appointment 2/28 RADIO Physicists An equal opportunity or 3/I Bldg Q room .1. PROFESSIONAL ARTISTS 1(ISPUBLIC employer M & F 123 So. Third St. . FOR SAN JOSE February 21,1973, Page 5 Math award to prof Group self-exploration on campus

Dr. which C. Douglas Olds. profes- the prize, includes a By AIM PATRICK troubling him. There is no red further action can be taken:. yet feel unfulfilled. Many "Patients would come in and sor of mathematics at San lose certificate and a $500 award. "I like to think of myself as a tape. he said. "You don't have to times people need a sounding tell me their troubles and State University, has won a A native of New Zealand. he facilitator, who can't do "When you sit in on a session give your name at all. board to help them in working expect me to tell them the major national award from the received his A.B.. A.M. and something for or to somebody, in sell -exploration you don't After a person has made out minor troubles. Others answer, as if they had a Mathematical Association of Ph.D. degrees from Stanford but can assist them in finding have to give your name, rank initial contact with Dr. may not be happy in what physical problem.- the America. University. Before joining the themselves," states Dr. Robert and serial number before any Schemmel through the they're doing." psychologist said. Dr. Dr. was recently SISU Olds faculty in 1945. Olds Schemmel. psychiatric morning sessions, he Ines to Or. Schemmel was a Schemmel emphasized the the presented with 1973 taught at Stanford and Purdue resident at the San lose Stale work him into a self - counseling psychologist for 10 answers donut lie within him, Chauvenet Prize at the as- universities. University Health Center. Geologist exploration group that !begin years before he realized he but within the person who has sociation's annual business He is the recipient of many at a time preferable to the was not happy in what he was the question. "Thal is the key meeting in Dallas. the the Dr. Schemmel leads groups He won awards, including 1966 person. doing. to sell -exploration," he said. award for his paper, The Sim- Distinguished Teaching in self -exploration every Mon- According to Dr. Schemmel, "I got out of private practice Can you think of anyone ple Conti n ued day and Thursday morning Fraction Expan- Award of the California State to speak timing is very important, for because I felt I was holding more qualified to take you sion of from 10 a.m. to 12 noon in the e." which was University and Colleges. once a problem reaches a people together. not helping exploring than one who has published S.U. Guadalupe Room. Oceanography of Monterey in the American The author of numerous chronic state, the rate of cures progress," been there himself? Bay. them he said. Mathematical Monthly. scholarly articles. Dr. Olds and Moss Landing drop. Best discussion of a Laboratories' The Chauvenet Prize, es- also has written "Continued Dr. Schemmel said he activities, will situation occurs before it leads prefers the atmosphere be the topics of a talk by tablished in 1925, is awarded Fractions." a book published and Dr. to an emotional problem. William to recognize a noteworthy as part of the New location of the Student Union Broenkow of the "Self-exploration is not only STUDENT DISCOUNT expository or survey article. Mathematics Library of Ran- to the sometimes ominous laboratory tomorrow at 12:30 for those with a problem, but Dr. Olds is the 2Ist recipient of dom House. Health Center. where his of- p.m. in DH 306. also for those that want to fice is located. "A person may The talk is sponsored by the move on," Dr. Schemmel

walk by the Health Center 35 San lose State University stresses. "People may be EVERYTHING times before working up Geology Club. functionin full i PHOTOGRAPHIC enough courage to come in- Aikido course side," he said. "The Student Positions Union however, provides a 24 HOUR SERVICE place where people can come aca A ANIINYNOING 6 MANS in and talk and not feel like I'm 60001110/A1 MOM I SIM SISU5H0TOKANKARATELLUB.O1 students. taking notes on everything moat at p.m. an Women Gym Room CINEMA QUIZ OP THE DAY ... Se "Guntight at flu available in starts Thursday they've said." 101 All styles ul karate may loin. played Wyatt Lary 'so !IRS! Si Dowel. San to, THRUSDAY UK. Corri.lf" What famous Chien!, 66 expert Robert Nadeau of 1011ii INLOI N AVI 11111e Glee CALIFORNIA'S OLDEST A course in Aikido, the Dr. Schemmel has set up the TAX PROBLEMS OF SISLISTUDENTS gangster has been portrayed in films I. 0050 6E0*000 Ais San JoIA japanese art of self defense, Mountain View. program so a person can come wil be the main subrect ol special iris. Paul Muni. lawn Hoberds. and Km: CAMERA SHOP IN UNIVIRSITY Ay( Pole Air. studying cussiun at ' iopoc di the New Wineskin Sielkort Who had the Idle role II, will be taught at San lose State Witt has been in, sit down and get to the al the corner ol 10Ih anti San Fernando 'Shall r. Who was the i S President rr, overseas University Feb. 22 through Aikido for six years, including heart of whatever might be elreels I MC meeting is open lu all 5151.1 May 17. two and one-half years in "Thousands of paying The class will meet Monday japan and has a second degree student jobs" are available and Thursday from 7 to 9 p.m. black belt. P.D. SALES now in Europe according to in the Men's Gym mat room. Moskowitz has been Student Overseas Services Interested students may pay studying self defense techni- ISOSI. the $12 fee in the A.S. Business ques for four years and has a SOS, a Luxembourg student Office prior to the first class first degree black belt. organization, will obtain a job, meeting. work permit, visa and other The techniques of Aikido in- required papers for college volve re-directing the op- Hundreds o/ students applying soon. ponent's power to defeat the Sign-ups Details may be obtained by attack, rather than the at- FINAL fantastic Buys mailing name, address, name tacker. of educational institution and Bill Witt and Harvey Mos- now for $1 to SOS, Box 5173, Santa sowitz, instructors for the C1 IKAIMPIC:11 Barbara. 93108. course, are students of Aikido CLEAR OUT THE ENTIRE FLOOR SAMPLE STOCK FROM WHITE S.U. post STAG, WENZEL, ANTON. Students interested in serving on the Student Union IFIRST COMEGETS FIRST CHOICE Board of Governors may now What It Is apply for a position, according PRICE FLOOR SAMPLE. DEMOS, RENTALS to A.S. Personnel Officer Donna Lai. The only requirement is that TENTS the student have Tuesdays WHITE STAG, WENZEL By CHARLOTTE L.. BRADFORD free after 3 p.m. Sign-ups are DISCOUNTS AS LOW AS Week of Feb. 19 to 25. in the A.S. offices on the third Wednesdayjosh McDowell in his Christian Crusade will level of the Student Union. 'A OFF rr. e.a,$te Towle speak at 12:30 p.m. on "Hoax or History" in the S.U. Ballroom. The deadline is Tuesday. Feb. 19.99 F* reps. r Admission is free. 20. At 7:30 p.m. josh McDowell will speak on "Maximum Sex" in The SUBG is made up of the S.U. Ballroom. Admission free. students, faculty and S.U. em- STOVES Terry Fetterman, the acoustic guitarist and vocalist, will bc ployees, and is responsible for featured at the Joint Effort Coffeehouse from 13 p.m. to 11 p.m. directing the general policy of CUTS Food, drink, and admission are free. the Student Union. LANTERNS The 3:30 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. movie to be featured in Morris BERNZ-0-MATIC TURNER PAIMUS

Dailey Auditorium is "Joe," with Peter Boyle. Admission is 50 OPTIMUS THERMOS BACK PACKERS cents. STOVES LANTERNS UTENSILS FOOD From 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. the English Alumni Club will sponsor a Your first performance of a Medieval Mystery Play in the University P.D. DISCOUNT Chapel. Admission free. tampon BACK PACKERS There will be a guest speaker on job opportunities in the NO OTHER STORE OFFERS SUCH DISCOUNTS Almaden Room at 2 p.m. should USE OUR LAY AWAY BAINAMfal(ARD, III NAY. MASTER (BARU Tomorrow is the last day to see the exhibit of Arts and Crafts of Iran with Paul Mines photographs, and an informal collection DOWN BAGS PACK-SAGS 2-MAN of "Best in the West" craftspeople. The Art Gallery is in the be a STIRUN PACK-FRAMES MOUNTAIN TENTS Student Union on the third level. Gallery hours are Monday and CLIMATIC KNAPSACKS Isar- pihni IRIAN low% a.m. to 4 Wednesday 10:30 p.m., and Tuesday and Wednesday Kotex MON. Nylon RUCKSACKS SIP VW IMOD ON IN from 6 p.m. to 8 evenings p.m. SaNiNttI IN Non IMP or CURLS pisLA aryl= SW IAA I IA ThursdayA Black Drama Production, "Black Terror". spon- CRUISER TYPI exisx NYLON ISA IW tampon. NG HAI sored by Black Studies Organizing Committee will be held at 8 Ha HMI .. 49" ISATTINORIE by vvi mu 1 NA Admission $1.50 for students 1' a LI, 04.00 WINIC0.11AWAT. 0.5 T.." p.m. in Morris Dailey Auditorium. 1 Lb...... ROANS s, -CAMPWAYS public. wiA LON ao WM WIN 19 and $2 for general "q5LELL-42...... HIMALAYAN 1,0(11 ..... AI STAG A symposium from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. on "Impact of the Persian 11/14111 STAID SANS WHITE .99

Gulf Area" will be sponsored by the Iranian Students As- AT DISCOUNT pawn LIAGE_ST sociation and co-sponsored by the Associated Student Body. The sw..www Noka. A At, SELECTION ALROMA I. sythposium will be held in the S.U. Umunhum Room, MUNNT IA6 1 y co DIE PENINSULA VOYAGER From 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. Oganooki in one of its final i w ewe. mi. GIN setkornmus- HIKING performances of blue-grass music will be at the joint Effort SA IIIITINIATIE NOE PRIMUS-ILUETT BOOTS Coffeehouse. Food and drink free. Cover charge $1. LE visors rran MT Full line of FridayThe Black Students Organizing Committee (13SOC), 111121-110011 ITC STOVES lack Packing [girls presents "The Seventh House Band" at the joint Effort Dancing from 9 p.m. to 2 a.m. Food and drink, free. Coffeehouse. is:VU Admission is $1. CAMPING GEA I "W:IWIL44 The comedy "Hayf ever" by Noel Coward will be performed by CANAAN, Sea, 114101 AN, 0011, L6Nrs, 1.09, at. Mewl. 1.0% St. NONA 1.1/0, WAIN WON.. DIN, Swap loda, 550; DNA Paw 1.1101 01 ow. in. sew the Drama Department in the University Theater at B p.m. Ad- CAM. Woolf, MI*, Too INA. lid, IN

Mcommartmgamdmandimgm PARKAS MN 1151 MAT NAND notes tampons ELIDE 5999 1,4. (141 MA NNW 3 WOODS Boo 551 CIO IMMO miiially' 11110E4 I OLOYIE In ?9 NHS IMES 7" NIGHT Neenah, Wisconsin 54956 COMM SIT uelitill it 2 HATE r '48.011.1 ..... Bags HEAD R s 99c ea SNOB/ YONOSISANI 16A1091 sari ICarts anon GOLF SHOES 58,;:," 5.99 $25 to winner 12.99 6.99 c $15 all participants - Z,P CROSS COUNTRY SKIS 41100 4 weeks lor delivery OPEN %LC 1)11UFICIP %NTS SHOULD CALL Aim pmes December 31.19' VIEW 734-1454 SALES AND RENTALS MOUNTAIN SUNDAY BRASS 11.111, 1299 El (amino 10-5 DISCOUNT MO TO SATURDAY 760 MT. VIE WALVISO RD. OPEN 'TIL 9 P.M. F4RDI:YA Y 9 to 6 Full and l'arl-t int i l’oilion. 4 P. IN SALES Phone 967.5709 Page 6 February 21 1973 Play enio yable but lacks polish By NANCY BAKER Barton. her calm, novelist hus- Small elements in the Drama band, seemed insignificant un- Department's production of til his passionate scene with "Hay Fever" Friday night Myra. It wasn't until Act II lacked polish and kept the that lane Summers as Sorel play from being professional, the daughter. became but the light comedy was still noticeable. and Douglas enjoyable. Morrisson as Simon the son, The play was a difficult one seemed to be fighting a and relied on the individual tendency toward over-affec- actor's abilities since the tation in speech and script lacked strong plot lines. manna. sms. Even playwright Noel Coward The four guestsDaniel conceded that parts of this Anderson as Sandy the boxer. play were tedious. But several Kathleen Kurz as Myra the scenes are classically seductress. Saxon Rawlings humorous. as Richard the diplomat, and Usually, the comic timing Susan Grossman as Jackie the went well, although the first flapper performed well the Actors in Black production act started a little slow.Cherie stereotyped roles written by Weiner. in the role of the Coward. mother was especially effec- tive in pacing her dramatic Scene design by lames Earle one-liners. Only periodically and lighting by Kenneth Dorsi Blackness pursued did an actor jump his lines was traditional, but adequate. belore audience response. No great social comment By GERALD CURI1S stereotyped roles. SI11111.. Alt iiia-a- emotion of a scene. Boyd had Director Elizabeth Loeffler emerged from "Hay Fever." Its Who are Black people? What At the end of the play, one a-a-nnnnnl Give me some the smaller part but is the used several dramatic techni- purpose was as a light have they become? What is it wonders, who was the real slack." strongest most relaxed actor. ques to increase the comic comedy, which Noel Coward that they understand? What is Black person? No one has a The White man (David Fur the few lines that he had, exaggeration of her characters created through situation and it they must do? personality. Field) is blamed and almost he topped Wilson's lead. in several scenes: the nervous which depended on the talent Sponsored by the Black The identity of a culture beaten up, West is threatened, Overall, the production gave clicking ol the purse latch by of the actors. Studies Department, the three could be found in the streets and Joe's lather fails to bail a Black ethnocentric point of the frightened flapper, the Everyone involved with the one-act plays followed the and alleys of a revolution. "We him out, but died trying. view, to a White society, Own the Night" followed the overly dramatic renunciation pert ormance seemed to enjoy development of Blacks, during Boyd and Wilson pull ever% which WI( 1.11S1,1Ved them. scenes, the ritual of putting on the play and their responsive Black History Week. Students Black revolution of the 1980's. galoshes. audienceelements critical to of San Joaquin Delta College "I am a man, Mama," barked Perhaps the most enjoyable the audience's enjoyment. The presented the plays. lohnny (Cleardis Oliver). A performance was by loan light comedy was definitely Exploring the Black search mother (Joann Billingslea) Montgomery in the supporting worth going to. tor identity. the opening asked why, as her role of Clara. the maid. She The play will continue Feb. production began with "The revolutionary son clutched his successfully stole several 22 through 24 at 8 p.m. at the Gentleman Caller," by Ed bleeding wounds. She ques- HAPPY HOUR scenes with her Cockney San lose State University Bullins. tioned her son's defiance of accent and dangling cigarette. Theater, Tickets, 81 for A patronizing, heavy - God and the White man. ALL YOU CAN DRINK $1.00 Cherie Weinert also put in a students with ASB cards and chested, Aunt Jemima-type Johnny heard Mama tell humorous performance 82 for the general public, are maid (Delores Thompson) how the White man and God IIED-FRUSUN 8PM-9P.11 overall, although at times she available at the door or at the answered the phone. She are all seeing. To be a man, he sea Dowry did not quite catch the middle- box office at Fifth and San shouted: must "act White." They argued SAL'S SUB SHOP "Hoy Fever" antics age of her character. Ken Fernando streets. over who was right. "Ain't I told you? The "I am a man, Mama." He shot 858 13th St 289-9368 Madame is not here. I ain't her. gonna tell you no mo'. Bye." What was it that Johnny Kennedy book A knock at the door sent the understood? What had he maid heaving her limbs, in a become? To Johnny, he is Life in an uncoordinated effort to walk. Black people killing for glory. Opening the door with dis- Moments before, his mother not a biography may. she mistakes a Black gen- would have prayed for glory. This face can tleman caller (Booker Who had the answer, the gun BARBARA MELLEN Axe Factory By sympathizes with Kennedy as Thomas) for a common of the God? The question is left The last of the Kennedys a man subjected to many servant. In response, he flared to the audience. and the end of a legend in U.S. tragedies and disap- The best performances of we you his nostrils and presents his politics is the subject of New pointments, and too frequen- by Lou Covey calling card. the evening came from Billy York Times' editor William H. tly describes him as "voice Wilson and Lieutenant Boyd, Honan's book "Ted Kennedy: choked, swallowing hard, his Rushing to greet him, in "Flower for a Trashman." big as 'Puppy Love' ... Yeah Portrait of a Survivor:* eyes glistening with tears." at Madame (Yvonne Alverson) lift. The music crt s t is get- a The final one-act play, ting easier and easier. At least real trash, but they eat it up." Not a biography, Honan any mention of his brothers, called for tea. Madame was a centered on the gap between a BARBARA EDELL/244-6671 So while the agents are neurotic, white-faced for the vindictive ones. Not states in the preface that he And every Kennedy speech flower peddler and his only lift? PSA makes it signing up their talent )some Blackwoman. She fires and Need a like myself of course. "decided against it on the cited in the book includes at decent son, Joe (Wilson). easy with over 160 daily flights of it real talent) to have the not hires her maid at will. The tea A common lament heard ground that Kennedy does least one lack or Bobby Joe's sisters are prostitutes, connecting Northern and really good music hacked to yet merit a bidgraphy." reminder, was served. The maid was from both pop music lovers his brother is in prison, his Southern California Your PSA and musicians themselves is pieces along with the Instead, he discusses what he Honan doesn't paint fired. The maid killed the boss mother was divorced, and his campus rep makes it even that all new music is pretty teenybopper bullbleep over considers to be three major Kennedy as a saint or innocent and quit the job. father has broken promises all Get /oclether poor in quality. How true. the airways, many potential periods in Kennedy's political victim of circumstance, but he All of the characters share a his life. eas,er The music coming out over artists are put by the wayside, life: after Bobby, after Chap- does glide over those areas common "Blackness" but have Finally, West (Boyd) leads PSA gives you a lift. the airwaves is a combination eventually to become paquiddick and after three where Kennedy doesn't shine choosen to live in separate torn to jail. With a wide faced of the "golden oldies" of better disinterested and to go back to years of Nixon. by stressing their traumatic days and the garbage the assembly lines. Honan begins in 1971, when effect on him, rather than tits- produced by Donny Osmond, Why does this have to Kennedy appeared to be cussing Kennedy's in- the Partridge Family, and that happen? We let it happen. We touring the country for volvement or activities that tower of American capitalism. sit back and gripe about the presidential support while may have caused them. The Rolling Stones. junk we sit and listen to every mildly protesting that it While "Ted Kennedy: However, as the quality of day but continue to listen. wasn't so.The book, published Portrait of a Survivor" is con- new compositions continues Oh well, one can't expect a shortly before the Democratic cise and well-written, it does to reach record lows, one finds nation too apathetic to care convention. assumes Kennedy little more than create a mild a plethora of extremely about press freedom to give a would run if there appeared to disgust for the subject, as a damn rampant brain rot. talented individuals coming be a good chance of man who uses the memory of out of the woodwork. Democratic victory. his brothers to create In coming weeks: Jesse Colin The brief, conversational emotional Howcum? impact on the Wanted! Many of these artist have Young will perform on cam- text is little more than a pro- public. been ruined by money-hungry pus. Mar. 3. In March, K ennedy documentary. Honan people who can: recording companies. renowned jazz bassist, Cecil thirsting for the number one McBee will be in residence for spot on the top-forty. two weeks. Fleetwood Mac "Hi, Donny. Maxie here. will appear in concert Apr. It. Sander ceramic exhibit For the more conservative Listen The Hack just turned Dr. Herbert Sanders. SJSU Center this Friday. at 8 p.m. nut another one ( .1)111(16e as types. Feb. 23, the annual Chamber Choral Festival will professor of art currently base The public is invited to attend. he presented in the Concert ceramic exhibit at the San Jose The artist has been a Hall at 7:30 and Daniel Heifetz Art Center, 482 S. Second St. member of the SJSU faculty will give a violin concert. through March 1. since 1938, and is the author of Need books March it at 8 p.m. in the Dr. Sanders will present a several articles and four books Concert Hall. talk on ceramics at the Art on ceramics. Faculty members with unneeded books on social science and literature of all civilizations, as well as old professional journals and periodicals, can contribute them to a good cause.

Dr. Jack M. Patt, of the His tory Department. said the American Studies Research vI Center in Hyerabad, India. is V making an "urgent appeal" for all such material. The literature will be used to im- plement the Center so that In- dam students can conduct their research. Dr. Fait reminded I These are not exactly easy times in the history of American-Indian relations, and this would be a good op- portunity to improve them." The books can be turned in to the History Department of- fice IDMH 1234). or will be picked up at your office if you call 72595.

Alumni act K4 The English Alumni 'I'roupe will be presenting "The kw with someone who needs Second Shepherd's Play" Feb. It you can spend some time, even .1 hours, 21 and 22 at 7:30 p.m. in the a hand, not a handout, call your local Voluntary Action Center. University Memorial Chapel. -At 20013 need you. The shepherds will be Or write to: "Volunteer:' Washington, D.C. We played by Joe Mariscal. Steve The Nato (:enter for \ Oluntan Ai Holiday and lames Consoles. NOW It 4 Jan Riddle will play the role of Mary and George BUDWEISER the Virgin VOLUNTARY ACTION CAMPAIGN Grant will play the role of an BUDWEISER MALT LIQUOR molt liquor NEWSPAPER AD NO. VA -73-43 -600 LINES (4 col I0 angel. ALSO AVAILABLE. NEWSPAPER AD NO VA -73-42-1.000 LINES IS col a 14', ) The play, set on the moors of .rur6 maKes a difference Wakefield, will also have live At -At and a string quartet. sheep ANKOS(11 BOSCH. INC ST LOWS Admission is free. February 21, 1973, Page 7 Out of my mind Road trip is disaster; Bunzel Sports blunders hoopsters drop to 5th ra kis if Ali S411Hkiht)ffs Aztecs 67-62 with 6:15 left but Marlowe who put the game out out 1,1 I hull the Spartans ran off six points of reach. last five games on the road, the in less than a minute to go out SISU In) - Webb 5-1-11, By JOHN B. MATTHEWS San Jose State University in front 68-67. Skinner 9-4-22, Saulny 1-0-2. basketball team would just as Dockery 5-0-10, Orndorli 6- sports editor Mike Webb put in a 15-loot soon stay at home. 10-22, Hoyko 1-0-2. Adamson 'limper and a free throw to The gold medal-winning Russian water polo team has since State University 0-2-2. and Palmer 1-0-2. Totals .."*". notch the score at 71-71 with felt the Bay Area, and the United States and returned to its home, sank five free throws in the 21-17-73. 2:37 left. winning live ol six contests against three different American final 2:09 of the contest to slip SDSU (76) - Pete 3-2-8. I earlIS. One team they defeated was the San Jose State University by the Spartans 76-73 Then Skinner was knocked McNamara 6-1-13, Anderson .qudil. coached by Lee Walton, 10-6. Saturday night at Peterson to the floor which getting a 5-4-14, Copp 3-8-14, Jones 2-6- V alton and his team displayed not only a great deal of class Gym in a Pacific Coast loose ball setting up foul shots 10, Service 6-0-12 and during their meeting of the Soviets in De Anza's pool but before Athletic Association contest. for Aztec players Don Anders. Marlowe 1-3-5. Totals 26-26- and after the game as well. Such just was not thecase with SJSU It was the Spartans fourth Steve Cupp and Chris 76. President, John H. Bunzel. straight defeat. When the Russians arrived on campus lastIhursday, the first The loss eliminates any stop of their tour was to Dr. limners office in the Tower Building. chance for the Spartans to the entire group, 11 players. and four coaches, marched across have a winning season as they campus to meet with Dr. Bunzel only to find his office vacant. are now 9-14 overall and fifth SJSU cops After a short wait, Dr. Bunzel entered the office. at 4-5 in the conference with I. Interpreter Mikhail Ryshak introduced Pres. Bonzel to the three games remaining. II chairman ol the Soviet water polo team, Yuriy Shlyapin. and the "We played better in this head coach. Anatoliy Blyumental. Dr. Bunzel shook hands with game than the last time the each official and then turned and began to introduce himself to two teams met," said SJSU the last official-looking gentleman with the Soviets. basket ball mentor Ivan tourney win It was SJSU coach Lee Walton. Guevara. The Spartans won Dr. limners bad start turned into a rout of blunders and the first meeting earlier this unawareness. season 52-50 on a last second By PAUL STEWART pounds), and Oscar Trevino The SJSU President then asked the interpreter how many desperate shot by Doug Ad- 1964. (126 pounds) all garnered games have they played, against whom, what time was the game kins, The St. Louis Cardinals won thirds for SISU. Rich Soares i hat afternoon, how many more games would they play, did they Don Orndorff and Johnnie the World Series, UCLA won [150 pounds) finished fourth. lust arrive in San Jose. and what were their plans for the rest of HUBER'F CRAFT collects a 8.20 score to help the San Jose """" Skinner each tallied 22 points the collegiate basketball The Invitational was split the day. State University gymnastic team set a new school record even for the Spartans, Skinner crown, and it was the last time into two divisions, Division I; All those questions could have been answered by reading Record mark though they lost to U(:-Berkeley and Cal State-Northridge. having scored his 1052 career the San jose State University for National Collegiate either the Daily or the San Jose Mercury. points to place him third on the wrestling team won an in- Athletic Association and Proving, however, that he was not totally uninformed he did SJSU all-time scoring list. vitational wrestling meet. University teams, and thank the Soviets for bringing good weather with them. SJSU, who lost 117-75 to That was until last week. Division II; for NCAA small The players, unable to Long Beach Slate last The Spartans mat men broke college teams, National As- understand the brief question - Thursday evening, trailed the a nine-year drought by taking sociation of Intercollegiate and-answer period, were 'Best score ever' the team championship in the Athletics, and large college JV thumbing through a brochure Biota College Wrestling in- teams. given to them by Spartan vitational . They edged SJSU captured the Division Foundation executive Ben Ruggers Bakersfield Stale College 88 I title, and won three firsts and Reichmuth. Inside the 63 for the honors, with the a fourth place in Division II brochure was, amoung other but gymnasts third meet being decided on the last competition. Claremont things a letter from San Jose match. Fullerton State College, in Southern mayor Norman Minetta, and divide University was third with 61 California, won the Division II Though the San Jose State Anders, SJSU coach. through the efforts of Bill Dionne Warwick's record. "Do points. crown, with host school Biola University gymnastic team The Bears are live-lime Barnwell (8.9), Dave Squires You Know the Way to San Dan Kida (118 pounds) and second. finished third in a three-way Pacific-8 Conference champs (8.85) and George Hadres (8.b- matches Jose." Donnell Jackson meet Friday night in Spartan and two time NCAA champs 5). Study at Meanwhile, Ryshak asked a San Jose State University's (heavyweight) both recorded Gym, it set several records in while Cal State Northridge is a "Our speciality men did an The Professional question of Pres. Bunzel. rugby clubs saw action again first places for the Spartans. the process. two time NCAA college outstanding job and helped Art School Are you going to attend the last weekend, dominating one The latter match decided the PILES. BUNZELnot spoiled The Spartans collected titliests. make up for the all around game this afternoon?" game and providing a tourney in favor of SJSU, with 150.85 points to top their 147 The SJSU side-horse team of men," said Anders. balanced match in the other. Jackson pinning his opponent. Dr. Bonze' said that he wanted to but he had a meeting and compared to U.C. Berkeley's Hubert Craft (8.20). Bruce "However, there still is a lot Led by Chris Chirko's two An ecstatic coach Terry doubted if he could get out in time. 157 and Cal State Northridge's Frenzel (7.75) and John of room for improvement tries and Dave Paul's two Kerr had nothing but praise Ryshak was quick to respond. 153.25. Cameron (7.40) set a new before the PCAA meet next conversions and a penalty for his grapplers, "It was a Academy of "You are the president; you call off the meeting." "I'm pleased with the teams record from 23.10 to 23.45 for month." kick, the first squad shutout a great team effort. We were The president laughed and answered, "The meeting is with performance because of how the event. Bill Barnwell the top Art College team from Palo Alto at the prepared both mentally and nets,?,., Salm San Grancmca pcople form the government and when it comes to the they held up against national The high bar men set a Spartan's all around man was Ca 04102,0 halal 50-4200 losers field, 15-0. physically, and it was an Free Catalog government, I have no say." ranked teams," said Rea record from 25.8 to 26.4 third with 48 points followed The seconds moved south to especially satisfying victory." How beautil ully tactful, Dr. Bunzel. by Cameron's (44.50) and Monterey where they suc- Dean Prescott (167 pounds) I wonder when the meeting would have ended if a football Hadres (40.85). cumbed to the Monterey first placed second and 'rim Kerr game was scheduled that afternoon? Other top performances by team by the score of 22-16. (158 pounds), Jim Lucas 1142 Pres. Bonzel did not appear at the match, played before nearly the Spartan gymnasts include Wallenchuck and Rick 1,000 enthusiasts and KQED cameras. The educational publicly- Diamondmen Frank Sahlein with a 8.70 who Max accounted for the owned station broadcast portions fo the game last week during tied for first in the floor Plume and a 10-6 halftime us news programs. exercise, Steve Burgland who scoring The tragic lack of interest by Dr. Bunzel in a program that has collected 8.95 points for first lead. Chirko, appearing in his been a consistent winner and superb representative of San Jose in the long horse; Steve lo the year and State University is amazing. Next to judo, water polo is the most triumph, 8-4 McCormick with 9 points for first game it, twisted his ankle successful of all SJSU sports. third in the still rings; and staring in at the end of the game and it is It can be said that success has not spoiled Pres. Bunzel, Barnwell with a 8.90 showing The San Jose State very pleased not known whether he will with the for third in the horizontal bar. play this weekend. University varsity baseball performances of Zykler and 'rhe Spartans will host two Assisting coach Walton with entertaining the Soviets guests Coach Ron Macbeth said team came up with five runs in Pitney. more top gymnastic teams while in the San Jose area were numerous students for the toget a victory, after the sixth inning yesterday to Saturday. the varsity Saturday evening at 7:30 in "It'sgreat Foreign Language Department, majoring in Russian. One such by our first team, to the erase a 2-1 deficit and went on opened the season with con- Spartan Gym with Chico State loses student was Vera Wolwacz, a native-born American whose teams in the Bay Area. to defeat California State vincing victories over the University and California top four lamily came to the United States from Russia. play University-Hayward, 8-4 at Alumni in a doubleheader. Angeles. Chico State The firsts dominated She proved to be a more-than-adequate interpreter during the State Los Spartan field. The Spartans blasted 29 hits Western throughout the game last tour, assisting me in conversing with Soviet star is last years' Far ART campus The victory moved the weekend, while the seconds Soviets, off four different alumni Conference champions while Vladimir Zhmudskiiy. A starting forward with the Spartans' record to 3-0 this provided a well balanced the Student hurlers in the two games for the Diablos are expected to be Zhmudskiiy, like his comrades, found the trip to season while the Pioneers match for the Monterey on the brief tour. 11-1 and 10-4 triumphs. one of the top teams at the MATERIALS Union's bowling alley the most exciting stop firsts." slipped to 0-4. Newcomers to the varsity. Pt AA meet Next to Dr. Bunzel 's office, that is. time to stock up on art sup- The Pioneers scored twice in Rob Brasses, Dan Mays, Steve Both squads have records of It's Politics were not mentioned during the morning and most of the first inning but could not Macchi and Chuck Behnke. all 2-4, and coach MacBeth along plies and here's the place to do the Soviets were quiet and non-committal. Coach Walton at- score again until the eighth. JC transfer students, homered with his players is looking it. We've got a full line of brushes, tributed the Soviets' lack of conversation even among Sports guide Meanhwile, the coach Gene as did senior Bill Hiegel before toward to drier weather where oil and water colors, sketch pads, themselves to the students. The poloists could not converse Menges-men scored a single several hundred sun-worship- the speed and caliber of the easels everything you'l) need to help chalk up without being understood. TODAY tally in the third, five in the ping fans at Spartan field. games will improve. an impressive record this year. Drop in to the one- Zhmuilskiiy admitted that he knew nothing of San Jose State TENNIS, Northern California sixth, and two more in he Junior Kris Sorenson at Berkeley through In their last home stop "back-to-art-school" shop this week and University's team but when I said that one players was also a Intercollegletes seventh to put the game away. pitched five innings of shutout Saturday. appearance, the Spartans browse around. member of the American National team, he repeated his name to Cal State-Heyward, in The SISU offense was led by ball in the first game, retiring IUD, SISU v. firsts were upended by the me. Brad Jackson. the Spartan Gym at 7:30 p.m. Joie junior Rick Pitney with three seven alumni players via the Ramblers 16-0, while the son po;nt The red-haired gold medal winner in Munich in last summer's FRIDAY hits, including a double, and strikeout. Sophomore Jeff BASEBALL. 115 p.m. Spill v. Santa seconds pulled off a 12-7 win. and wallpaper co. Olympics is one of only three players not native to Moscow. He Iwo RBI's. lie drove in the Gingrich picked-up the vic- Clore al Municipal Stadium. Both squads travel this resides in Dubleny. near Kiev. v. Cal. 78 Volley Fair -Sort Joie -248-41171 Spartans first run in the third FROM BASKETBALL. SISU Saturday to play the North tory in the second game, at 8 p.m. after first -sacker Tom Elliott State Hayward at Hayward 365 San Antonio Rd. Mt.View-9411-3600 though pitching only two in- counties rugby teams. SATURDAY opened the frame with a nings. vititsrrit BASISIALL, S1SU v. Lit: double. Brasses complimented his Davis al Davis in a doubleheader st 12 se************************************V The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Rules Pitney then led-off the fifth first game home run with Western Collegiate Cham- Committee should learn a very important lesson from the Soviet with a double and scored on a IUD For three consecutive hits in the pionships at Hayward. starting at 10 * visit. throwing error on Hayward's second game. * Nonce V.W. Owners The NCAA plays under different rules than the AAU or * third-baseman. After Rob The Spartans have a brief MONO, Northern Gehlurina Foil international games are played under. Consequently, the Soviets L.hammunships. In Sonoma. * * Brasses walked, Mark Carroll. rest before their next game. * were able to take advantage of the lack of experience by all the WILESTUNG, FCAA Finale al Long Gus Mozart * Jim Johnston and Elliott all Friday afternoon, the Bomb. * American teams. Since the ultimate wild of water polo players in singled, accounting for the five Mengesmen will entertain the BASKETBALL. SISU v. Fresno at Fresno * America-is to compete at an international level, it seems logical to Annual Indoor runs. always-strong Santa Clara at I p.m. This game will be televised on * adapt international rules at the collegiate level, giving the young ABC. Pitney. again, singled to Broncos. The game will be * Americans the opportunity to accustom themselves to the GYMNASTICS, 7:30 p m. 51511 S. Cal open the seventh and Mark played at Municipal Stadium State Los Angeles end (Jura,, State at * Giant Flea Market Sale international play. Kettman followed with a beginning at 2:30. KSJS-FM the Spartan Gym. Admismon, tree to * However, the NCAA, having now officially withdrawn its Si SU uenerol. Bug Full double, moving Pitney to will broadcast the game begin- students and * Bargains by the support of the United State Olympic Committee (USOC), could FROSH BASKETBALL, !HSU v. Fresno third. Both scored on a ning at 2:20. p.m. * Over 5,000 items for Your Bug choose to retain the same rules just to embarrass the USOC. The at Fromm at 3 sacrifice fly and infield out. IBM Items United Slates representative finished third last summer in Winning pitcher was Randy " Save as much as 90% on Hundreds of Munich. Zylker, who relieved starter * All items must go in this Giant 1 Day Sale Jeff Gingrich in the fifth. The Scratched Accessories loss went to the Pioneer's Billy Many slightly used or Samarson, the third of four Fencers compete pitchers used by the visitors. Partial Listings of Bargain Items: "It certainly was not our best game," said coach Menges after the game. "We didn't 2 Tracks V.W. Cassette Tape Players Radios Stereos in tournament throw or hit well today but the Chemicals Polishes Special Mufflers * kids were tense. It was their Touche and awayl The San work. It usually takes a couple first real game. I hope we have Exhaust Extractors Seat Recliners * Jose State University fencing of years of training for a team this out of our system before Take off tires Wheels Tunnel Consoles * team travels to Sonoma State to reach competition level," we lace Santa Clara." University Saturday for the said Desert). Menges added that he was Engines Short Blocks (exchange) Batteries Northern California Foil Stabilizer Bars and Kits Stripe Kits Championships. Sport Steering Wheels Seat Covers SJSU won its berth to the championships last December Fresh Air Vents Hood Scoops Trailer Hitches * in regional competition with Calendar External Oil Filter Kits Floor Mats the women's team being 10% undefeated and the men's team N En FEB 21 OGANOOKIE Chrome Trim Goodies Speakers placing SERVICE AND REPAIRS third. DISCOUNT ON I III FEB 22 JIMMY WITHERSPOON 'rwenty colleges will ON ALL FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC MODELS compete in Sonoma. with ROBIN FORD 1 Day Only Placements in the competition FRI FEB 23 SNAIL will insure winners a trip to Sat. Feb. 24th 9 a.m. 5 p.m. the Western Championships. I In The Giant Service Shops in March. FEB 24 SNAIL of SISU will field a men and N FEB 25 APPALOOSA women's toil team and a men's Gus Mozart V.W. epee team on Saturday. TI E FEB 26 TO RE ANNO( \i II) Coach Mike Desaro ad- 1766 E. Embarcadero mitted that college STAR MOTORS 30 So. Central Campbell Palo Alto competition is much tougher. :175 So. Murky! Si. silo 1 Block East Hwy. 101 Even though the SJSU team is 374-4000 new. "I'm pleased with the Present Student Body Card For Discount No Cover Sun -Wed results for just one semester of s**************************************r. 4.1

Page 8, February 21 197t College has Summer info available Unique workshops given

change from all International Study programs classes will name graduate Europeans and Asians Need sonic extra credits? and offered plus several Travel - Want to take the courses you almost every department in pay the same 828.15 per unit 2281 for details. Study trips co-sponsored with By MIKE MITCHELL never have time for in the the university. Theie will be lee. FM Production: KKUP- the University of Pittsburgh. -A dancer from a topless Radio regular school year? How visiting instructors Ironies lar station, no fee. Summer session San lose club can take our bell ydancing FM radio for fun and away as Aberdeen, Scotland Students can study en- about world travel means special summertime ac- course to get ideas on how to Wednesday 7:30 p.m. 184 S and as close as Santa Clara. vironmental protection in credit? tivities for Si. students and thier Africa and Europe, tau-up her act.- said Lee 13th Consider Summer Session Supplementing the regular families. 'trips to Marine and Mercer. South Bay People's Arts & Crafts courses and workshops at San day schedule, over 30 evening educational systems Zarif a, no tee World and Yosemite are University (SBPUI director. Bellydancing: lose Slate University. classes will be cultures in Scandanavia. the materials. Fridays planned as well as berbeques, "and also meet with other but some A preliminary schedule of ollered.summer session South Pacific. Japan, England. SU Costanoan outdoor folk concerts, guest types of people, like a college 3:30-5:30 p.m. classes is available in the Summer session means a South America and Mexico. poets, free movies and much debutant." Rm. Summer Sessions Office relaxed pace for students by For complete details on Hula more. The name change from 'rahitian and Dancing: located in IC 136. comparison to the crowds and travel study and Summer Ses- to no fee, Theo - call or come visit IC 136, "Experimental College" Yolanda Kale% Unique, one-credit work- red tape of the regular school In addition to the on-campus sion, p.m. SOPI1 occurred as a result of days and "I'hursdays 7- la shops in everything from year. program, there are nine 14081 277-2182. 113. rust this concept of mixing. Industrial Studies Glass Blowing to Raku and One example of this is the Mercer said. Other Activities Nature Photography to lour day week. Fridays are The new goal is communit> Peer Coun,ling and Ad- Creative Play will be offered tree for special field trips. Hooper, involvement and de-emphasis visement: Thorlon throughout summer school cultural recreational al - TOWER SALOON

of a purely "student corn - provide counseling for fellow beginning with Intersession tivities. .fentures jazz 277-2262 for mum' y identification.- he students, call Week, June 18-22. Registration is simplified said. details. 'rhe regular six-week ses- during the summer by mail Community involvement Is Peoples Law School: San lose sion (June 25-Aug. 3) and the registration. One need not bee JACOB CHARLES SET Julian very much in evidence in the High School. 24th and lour week session !Aug. 6-31) regular student at SJSU to Thur Fri nighi fee or SHPLI's list of spring classes streets. 7-9:30 p.m.. no will feature undergraduate attend summer session. High released by Mercer: instructor listed. school juniors and seniors. WORLD'S I.ARGEST INAHG1RITt, Natural Living Consciousness & Sensitivity teachers, businessmen and (I/2 Gallon) Training Good Ruts - the Organic. graduates can attend. Way: Gary 1.yte. KOME- Vegetal an. (;oormet Group There is no special non- Astrology.. lour 111T Fm radio astrologer. no lee 511 Linda Sturgeon, lee $2.50 plus resident lee tor summer ses- for Almaden Km, 8-10 p.m. materials. call: 277-2281 sion students either. 163 W. Santa flora Sail Jose Wednesdays. details. forming Californians. New Yorkers. Backpacking: Pete Garcia. no Sell Enhancement Seminar: sells Ahamd Farugui, no lee. Tues- lee. Wednesdays 7-9 p.m. Eileen Whitecloud A new group 18 being formed

days 8-10 p.m. SU Montalvo Dudley Moorhead Hall 238. spring on Seventh St. on the San lose Stale Rm. Community Involvement University campus. The Seminar on Non-Violence: Internship In Community purpose is to bring students Roger Bunch, no fee, 7 p.m. Organizations: Della Tracy, and faculty interested in en- room 15, New Wednesdays. Jonah's Wail. Building vironmental psychology 277-3321. to be shown; College, 'Joe' no fee, 8 closer together. MAXIMUM Dawer, Message: Ray p.m. Wednesdays 990 Carly Life School: Nancy Hutchins, The group has not yet set up Blvd. Apt. No. 930G. Santa 998-1546 or 247-2872. a time and place for meeting. SEX education, no replaces 'McCabe Clara. alternative Anyone interested in joining report cards. Of Progressive Beluxation and grade levels or I (ought the Vs mitten shown 1,1s1 s irk, should call either Dee Chap- based on families' love is still Self-hypnosis: Bob Schlarb, 7 tuition Cinema will present the movie "be" is the story of an man at 246-4911 or Larry possible Blvd. ability to pay. Volunteer work. "redneck" as he con- in a junky world p.m. Thursday 990 Carly "be" starring Peter Boyle, American Edgar at 244-2757. Meetings St. Apt. No. 930G. Santa Clara. ibU N. Third instead of "McCabe and Mrs. fronts changes in our society. will be scheduled around for YWCA. 2nd and Principles ol Humanity: Stop Nape: Miller'. as previously Joe hales hippies, long hairs the convenience of the call Doris at William Baum. no lee, Tues- San Fernando. scheduled. and homosexuals. participants. far details. days 7:30-9 p.m. SU Almaden 292-5727 The movie will be shown in

Rm. Womerfs Center Presents: Morris Dailey Auditorium Backpacking, Auto Meehan - flatha Yoga and Meditation: 3:30 for 35 cents and at 7 pin Yoga. Women and the Law, George Chipman, no tee, 7 p.m. cis. for 50 cents. ir.1-"O I Tuesdays SU Pacifica Rm. Video Workshops. (call 294- "McCabe and Mrs. Mittel .0 McCown. NS 7265 or 998-8580 tor details on BILL'S woken on morn man a00 Subud (Indonesian has been rescheduled for th. this). Macrame and Weaving, raHnures fn roununn Meditation Hamill: Thorton Wednesday Cinema on Mara He ionnt Iwo inan Hooper. no tee.Tuesdays4:30- Karate. Womens Sports' amnI4 ....nit and 7. This showing may 1,, einct n Lain, Groups. Details available at 5:30 SU Costanoan Rm. presented free to make up In: Women's Focus on Media 294-7265 on all print of "20(11 COLLEGE the incomplete (Group listed as seeking end at Center classes. '36005 Oatle monied domination of mass media) STUDENTS NEED YOUR CAR Photography Workshop PHARMACY Wayne Glusker, lee $1 per week. Wednesday 7 p.m. SERVICED OR REPAIRED Dudley Moorehead Hall 162. Videotape Workshop: Focus LEAVE IT AT SILVA TEXACO COMMAND dry & natural I South on Media, no lee. Wednesday 7:30 p.m. 184 S. 13th St. Reg $2.00 Now $1.00 10th Media Lecture Series: Focus WHILE YOU ARE IN CLASS Street on Media, no fee listed. Tues- REVLON PARKING NEW /1 day 9:30-11 p.m. Home SILVA1 1RES shadow Economics 5. eye E. William TUNE-UP BATTERIES TONIGHT WED. FEB. 21 7:30pm Community Access to the "CRAYON" $1.65 Media: Focus on Media, no fee Loma Prieta Rm. Student Union Bldg. listed. 184 S. 13th St., call 998- 8580 tor details. LOVE'S "LEMON" San Jose St. University lob Skills skin trQatment $1.00 the place t J 13 Workshop in Underground MINI! ALSO 12:30pm) CHRISTIANITY HOAX OR HISTORY ssssss f Art journalism: Sedition Press, no NI= 1936 k 1.,'IMA COPIES lOr PHESCRIP7'10vs FREE ADMISSION tee. call 998-9542. SINCE Dome Building Workshop, 78 S 4th - close to CSUSF Library Sehast ion, nii all 277 - CLASSIFIED THE AFRICAN STUDENT UNION of Cal THE LOST FLEA MARKET. 50 variety GARDENER-HANDYMAN, to work 3 CLEAN, comfortable 1 brim apt. turn. SUNNY ROOM in large nouse.$70/mon- EXPERIENCE EUROPE 4 to 10 inks fm EASTER & SPRING CHARTER FUGHTS 288-7474 ANNOUNCEMENTS .tate University at San Jose. invites you shops -1940 S 1st St Ph 293-2323 hours every Sunday morn at 52 hr Apply 633 S. 8th St. S130/month, Coll th 960.17th SI Of call 295-7441. $220 Join our minibus loaded with guys TO N.Y. All flights leaving Oak. Round toe evening of Festival*, Sat 24. at 484 E Open We thru Sun 8-4 30 & 8-5 30 Free 815 West San Fernando Near Sunol Si or 294-7332. and gals from 7 English speaking coun- trip-$176. Also Minneapolis. Limited "JOBS IN ALASKA" wallah. now This San Fernando DINNER 6-7 30 pm. parking & admission Thousands of GIRLS TO SHARE newly turn. rooms. tries Camp & communicate with seats; $55. each way. For Hight into. con- handbook covers all fields summer and teaturing. AFRICAN FOOD. useful items antiques & collectable" MAXIMUM SEX LARGE 1 & 2 bdrrn opts turn/unfum One tillt from campus. All ut11. pd. Kit, Europeans. See Russia-Scan-Greece- tact Richard 274-4813 (after 5 p m Plan YOUR adven- career opportunities Entertonment and Party to follow Josh McDowell New carpets No kids/pets 286-2008 283 prin., washer & dryer. 441 S. 6th St, Mrs. T urkey & more. Send for brochure. Going ture, $300 JIA. Box 1565, Anchorage. AK GUEST DANCE TROUPE: "WATUMBE" COMPLETE MANISA C-330 system, ex- Tonne 7.30 E Reed St crnr of 7th Rodger 297-4057 S50/mo, Places-SD 422S. Western LA. Calif. Tel. 99510 FROM SAN FRANCISCO Students tra lenses plus accessories. 1 year old C.0 Ballroom 385-0012, S250 Adults $5 Couples $7 Save S400 227-1000 QUIET APTS FOR RENT 1 bdrin-$110. 2 LARGE, FURNISHED, carpeted apt. LOST 8, FOUND FRIDAY FLICKS "STRAW DOG!" Su Apts, bdrm-$130 3 bdrm-$150 Debra summer rates. Indry tacit Quiet 5380 CHARTERS TO MEXICO ECOLOGICALLY SOUND NG DUSTIN HOFFMAN, 7 & 10 St SAVE THIS AD: Before you purchase 628 So 101h 8th St 09 call 295-7894 9 days. 8 nights, incl round trip air fore, SINCE 1915 AUTOMOTIVE p.m. MORRIS DAILY AUD. FEB. 23 FOUND: 6 mo. male German Shepherd. retail check w/us for hotel, all transfers Food Supplements i Instant Protein, costly stereo equip plus extras Tan and brown Lost on campus. Tues. discount prices to SJS students on all NEEDED: Female roommate 21. for Mazatlan - $199 Vita C. Vita E. Calcium etc 1 '70 EL CAMINO Takeover payments Cali WANTED: Serving Wench/Bar Maid, An- Feb 6. Call 289-8875. your needs) We guarantee the lowest deluxe, safe apt with view! Have your SERVICES Puerto Vallarta -$220 Home Downers (Basic M. L. etc 1 Frank Rua 280-9377 dys Capps Tavern, 157 W El Camino. mi prices in the Bary Area on such nemeses own room & bath. 4 from campus $90 Acapulco - $299 Beauty Aids (Prolonged Shampoo etc I Hours & Pay to be arranged call 736- LOST: Set of keys 2-5-73 bhvn 2nd & 10th '95 TRIUMPH HERALD 1200 cc Sansui. Pioneer, Marantz, Teac, Dual. 295-2408 For into , contact Richard 274-4813 (after John & Mary Rhoades 297-3866 0921 TYPING. Sts When found call 277-8759 after 320 Conventble A classic on top Condition etc Cell us for weekly specials tool 292- EDITING. FAST, ACCURATE, 5 p.m.) IBM SELECTRIC. FORMER P M $775 No reasonable offer refused 226- 5593 or 252-2028 FURNISHED One-bedroom apts for rent. ENGLISH LOVE YOUR BOSS $145 per month & sec dept. 408 So 5th TEACHER. CALL 244-8444 AFTER 830 With SHAKLEE you are your own boss 1387 CHARTER FLIGHTS.. Complete domes- HOUSE TRAILER tor sale. $800. 2E18 HOUSING St. Inquire apt. 16 or 294-5270 MARY BRYNER tic/international Quotas programs Contact male puppy 9 weeks. No No 70,1 KAWA, 350 Bighorn. has *1971 im- 1951 Good condition. Call 578-3159 or FOUND: Brown FEMALE to Share apt with Craig, Student Services West, Inc., 235E, Shop No Risks provements team message at LOS 1 Sir opts $130 wiw carpets. Swim NEEDED RENT A TV OR , no contract. ID Found at Big Dipper Sandwich Excellent cond S500 Call 2243-5109 another Also male to share apt with Santa Clore ri710. 287-8301. No Pressure pool Recreation Room (Summer Raton Free del Free service Call Esche's 251- Call 263-6179 evenings 365-580(1 Redwood City same $65/mo. See 85801 5th St Our incentives are ample. 15 FT. 110AT. New post. glass over 251-4817. mgr SO 2598 Call RUSSIA-SCANDINAVIA. 5 weeks. $367 Every distributor nas different goals & wood, heavy duty trailer, controls, HP 295-0890 LOST: 10 wk. Me & brown. mole Germ. '51 CHEVY TON P.U. 4 sp runs good inclusive. London departures. Small, different approaches The fact that our motor $300/offer 226-1387 IVY HALL Rooms with kite Clean, quiet, Shep. Dob. pup. Sun. Feb. 11 in area of 5400 244-3154 TYPING international group camping travel. Ages natural products rattily are the finest is well managed 279 E San Fernando St WORKING GIRL NEEDS roommate for new SJ Community Theatre. 298-2268 or 80 North 3rd St., Apt 1423 ts-30 Also Europe, Africa, India: 3-11 reflected in our KADETT LS.35 thou. ml Clean, CANDLE ART across from AdMIn. Bldg. 253-1152. 293- Saul spacious apt or Pruneyard. 241-6361 Reward. 'MI OPEL 287-4355 wks. Writs. Whole Earth Travel. Ltd.. Box UNPRECEDENTED Sales Growth good condition, good tires, great Special 11 lbs wax St 50 professional 9814. 294-6472 bdrrn 1 bath all tail incl 'many mires 1497, KC.. Mo. 64141 These figures will economy 257-5828 supplies, whole-sale prices. 1536 Call Julie at 371-9009 aft 5.30 PM. PHOTOGRAPHY Camden Ave, near Bascom 377-9361 BLOW YOUR MIND HOUSE FOR RENT. 2 &Irmo. turn. Need Weddings -$25 PasspOrts-$4. CHARTER FLIGHTS TO EUROPE "LITTLE" IS LOST: Shaggy tan-colored Please make STUDIO'S $80 Men Only comparisons 1967 VW BEST OFFER 227-5897 4 girls $60 eartno W&G pd. 856 S. etti St. 820 S. 3rd St Commercial PR-Journalistic Call 275- Charter Flights International. Cell Cam- one year old male mixed poodle & terrier Ws vrili ask you to do a little research Call aft 430 p rn 297-8309 or see mgr. at 0596 Color & BW. pus rep. Barbaro Nevins, 286-1195. Missing since 2/6 near SJS Call 294- SICYCLE RACING? All the equipment. TWO FEMALE roommates before we Ill you sponsor in 70 KAWA 350 Bighorn. has No 1971 im- 674S 9th St at needed to 9410 JOHN & MARY 5150 264-1752 snare largo 2 bdrm, apt. with 2 others.1140 TYPIST-FAST, Accurate. Can edit- provements Exceilent cond $500 Call EUROPE - ISRAEL AFRICA 46650 5th 52 2 DORM. APTS. for rent $180 turn 8155 ea. Wit Walking distance to campus. Master's etc Near SJCC Mrs Asianian 365-5800 Redwood City Student flights. camping tours LOST-Turquoise & sayer necklace on PUPPIS& German Shepherd, mother unfurn 576 5 5th St Call 203-4767 See 292-7636 298-4104 Student 297-341116 Mexico. campus. Reward. 335-9963. Leap. mes- AKC rag, father German Shepherd-Lab. mgr in roff or asst mgr in 04 throughout Eurpoe. Russia and 51 CHEVY- Ton P U 4 sp runs good tor Inter-European sage. GUYS AND GALSI Bib or brown. 6 weeks 53. 562-2057. LARGE, CLEAN, FURNISHED 2 bdrrn. PRIVATE CLASSES in WEAVING, Maid SOFA agent $400 244-3154 student charter flights. Including Middle Join a college-sge BALLET class at $60 AND UP, nice, comfortable, quiet AEK, parking. lndry. Quiet study at- MACRAME. SPINNING. NATURAL East, and For East. CONTACT: ISCA LOST: Gold Ankh w/gold Chain. betwn Eutrazis School of Ballet Basic "techni- I LIKE MY VW, IMASI MUM 420 cm, "standard" Metal rooms downtown. kit. env . 293-3910 156 mosphere $220 843 S. 5th St el 294- DYEING & BATIK Credentialed junior 11687 San Vicente Blvd. *4 L.A. Calif P.E bldg in front of chapel Lost Feb 12 out for beginning dancers smell BUT MOST SELL with new bales. Om strong etwine 295- N 5th St 4749 college instructor Reasonable prices. 90049 TEL (213) 826-5809.826-0955 Reward call 282-6304 clasem-individusi attention Beverly recently re-built 1750 cc engine 3885 968-8750 Eufrazia Grant Director 241-1300 WANTED: FEMALE ROOMMATI. 3 L01. 1 11D. New shags, turn mod. W/G (receipts) fun to drive end looks Hock A MILUON LIND BOOKS, paperbacks Chinese girls want "quiet" person. Super pd. 293-7796 751 S. 2nd St -ID Extras Good dependable trane001111011 , price). and magazines. Neat Old DRUG GOT A PROSLIM OR A 124.1ESTION1 Apt on campus. Feb. free rent Analysis for 8650 961-5739 bookstore. Honest in Santa Clara Valley Anonymous Campus SOS can help Cali the Spartan $47 50/mo See 413S. 8th St. 65. 297- PROM Whim New rooms across the 1415)965-1158 Find Whnt You Need In The Daily since 1028 Woodruff & Thrash. Twice Daily afternoons after 2 p m 277-3181 (1295 campus Kit env util prf Men el 99 S VW '61 VAN rebuilt Imp. 5.000 ml. Must Read Books, 81 E. San Fernando bhen. sell Best offer 9918-01185 after 6 a.m. gth. women 278 S lath St Many extras CARPORT FOR RENT by the month LIPS SCHOOL A NON -GRADED 2nd & 3rd. 1030-5.30 10% off with this Mike HOUSE FOR RENT: 3 bdrm.. I bath, 2 that must be seen Open daily for inspec- across from Duncan Science Bldg. 367 ALTERNATIVE SCHOOL FOR AGES 5 to ad blks from campus $330 per ma. until tion Call 295-6514. 295-8526 or 2137- 4th St Apt as 13 We need volunteers. So supplies. parents OATHS ARE FUN with the now colorful June 241-4730 9585 51.109 '64 PLYMOUTH. 425 998-1546. 864 S 2nd St , San across-the-tub both tray See them at CARPORT for rent by the month across Jose 96112 Wedge. 4 Dana*, Hydro. Amer maps. stereo radio. $900 or best offer Call Eric LEES Town & Country Village ROOMMATE - Female, upper division, TWO FEMALE roommates needed to from Duncan Science Bldg 367 So, 4th UYE MUMC every Fri & Sat featuring 255-6565 own room in large house wryard seer share large 2 bdrrn apt with 2 otherS $40 St. Apt. 8 the GINGERS 9-1 am Spartan House DRESSER with three large drawers & campus $70/mo Call 257-9422. ea util Walking Milano. to campus 4th & San Carlos CHEV. MALIBU '54 V-8. clam, excellent matching nightstend 625 Call 289-8102 292-7656. CHILD CARE - playgroup. MW F 2-3 condition upholstery 1165 new Good after By m DUPLEX. Newly remodeled. 590, I yr. olds Certificated teacher. Multi- JOSH IS COMING. tires $400 ,ofter 252-3603 bedroom Move in now or March lat. 246 DORM CONTRACT FOR SALE: W111 pay culture] home $3 day or 506hr 266-5063 JOSH IS COMING! 3023, 739-5479 buyer $5010 lake contract, contact Bob JOSH IS COMING. HELP WANTED Martin 388-8684 or 258-6330 Leave mes- ROOM FOR FEMALE in furnished house Sage. PERSONALS DON'T MISS JOSH FOR SALE $50 Rooms avail now Larger room $86 Next Tugs & Wed PENINSULA FAMILY wants responsible by Feb 18 3835 llth St 246-3023. 275- ROOM FOR RENT, Women only U A FRIEND to handicapped man Live BLACKLITE POSTERS $1 50. PATCHES student husband and wife to be summer 8454 SaWmo Kitchen, only if buying own tree in attractive room Girls over 18 MAXIMUM SU 756 & UP. INCENSE 25-296. PIPES $1 00 caretakers at mountain camp on food. Phone Barbers at 297-3000 Ext pleale call 299-2306 aft 5 Josh McDowell & LIP, RADIOS $305 & UP. LEATHER beautiful lake in High Sierra DutteS SAN FERNANDO HOUSE-Groat at- 1742 Tonne 7:30 be light ample time for hiking, boating, GOODS. BINOCULARS $2200 & UP. mosphere linen & meld service, color MAXIMUM SEX CU Ballroom swimming fishing. reeding. 4100 Per T V utilities, ef- BLACKLi IE. COMPLETE 16" $1196. 4' Kitchen pm tile showers. Parkin/2 MARRIED COUPLE-Rent. Josh McDowell month plus room. board, transportation of ex- 822 95 STROBE LIGHTS 51166, GAS Ca". IICINIfY 237 E Son Fernando ficiency size cottage, Los Gatos, in Tones 130 TOURNAMENT BADMINTON. Camping experience car, references re- housework LEARN OLO BULB 83 95 INDIA PRINTS, FISH $69 to 889/rno 298-9504 or 293-6348 change tor gardening, and CU Ballroom Classes begin Thurs Feb 22 thru Mar 29 NETTING SI 98 8 UP T-SHIRTS 92 00 quires Send letter and snapshot to Post 394-8877 between 3-5 pm 7-e 30p rn Office Box 2478, Menlo Park, CA 94025 Setae Sign uriC U Cash4IFS EACH BROOKS 80 E San Fernando, 1 UNIVERSITY CLUB-Co-ed Beautiful FRIDAY FLICKS 'STRAW DOGS' Roger Hedge llb for prompt response Office Instructor blk from SJSU Phone 292-0401 house, fireplace, grand Plano. TV,00107 LA DONNA APTS. NO DUSTIN HOFFMAN. 7 I 10 $120 levels!) recreation room, kit priv Maid & linen., 1 bedroom apts lion $130. unfurn p.m. MORRIS DAILY AUD FEB.23 ,.CAN YOU SPARE 2 or more hours/week IF YOU LIKE BOOKS, you'll love PERSON NEEDED to work in ceramic perking. courtyard. Includes Continents! w/w new carpels met atmosphere near to tutor American Indian children? For RECYCLE a different used bookstore shop, pouring plaster molds Hrs 9-1. but breakfast From $70/mo. 202 So 11th the conipus 386 S 4th SI Call Ben 288- more info call 7394030 AM for Bed Recent paperbacks at 'hence Beet Sci-Fl flexible Call Lik 984-M88 293-7374 6363 or John 366-5708 TRANSPORTATION McClellan *election in Bey Area Records too We FIGURE NIODEUMG position Light but have 2 bath Townhouse, 10 Min ATHENS BIBS, N Y $95 One-way ticket the books you want & need & best serious work for persons of good LARGESS BR., 2 be ASK, carpets, off 3 SORM., 'STRAW prices McKee & Jackson $100 on Pan.Arn 747 Jumbo Fly any until FRIDAY FLICKS war in town YOS, we buy & trade bootie character Must be physically perfect $5 st park . pool, 4 bilis to campus. Study M- from State near day HOFFMAN. 10 (keening deposit $205 month call 251- March 13 Parn-Arn has daily Monte-this STARRING DUSTIN 7 I 6 ',COM., RECYCLE 23$ So let St 295. to $75/hr Periodic Box 1365, Mt View mosphere 470 3 11th Si I/1 287-7590 pin MORRIS DAILY AUD P15.13 6275 7450 IS not a charter No risk 287-9228
