Minutes of Community Services and Planning
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Community Services and Planning Committee - 12 November 2015 Gwydir Shire Council MINUTES COMMUNITY SERVICES AND PLANNING COMMITTEE GWYDIR SHIRE COUNCIL THURSDAY 12 NOVEMBER 2015 COMMENCING AT 9.00AM BINGARA OFFICE COUNCIL CHAMBERS ______________________________________________________________ Present: Councillors: Cr. John Coulton (Mayor), Cr. Catherine Egan (Deputy Mayor), Cr. Angela Doering, Cr. Stuart Dick, Cr Marilyn Dixon, Cr. Kerry McDonald, Cr. Jim Moore, Cr. Peter Pankhurst and Cr. Geoff Smith. Staff: Leeah Daley (Deputy General Manager), Richard Jane (Director Technical Services), Ron Wood (Chief Financial Officer) and Glen Pereira (Director Development and Environmental Services) Public: Nil Visitor: Nil This is page number 1 of the minutes of the Community Services and Planning Committee held on Thursday 12 November 2015 Chairman …………………………………………………………………………………… Community Services and Planning Committee - 12 November 2015 Gwydir Shire Council DISCLAIMER No responsibility whatsoever is implied or accepted by the Gwydir Shire Council for any act, omission or statement or intimation occurring during and Council or Committee meetings. The Council disclaims any liability for any loss whatsoever and howsoever caused arising out of reliance by any person or legal entity on any such act, omission or statement or intimation occurring during Council or Committee meetings. Any person or legal entity who acts or fails to act in reliance upon any statement, act or omission made in a Council or Committee meeting does so at that person’s or legal entity’s own risk. In particular and without derogating in any way from the broad disclaimer above, in any discussion regarding any planning application or application for a licence, any statement or intimation of approval made by any member or officer of the Council during the course of any meeting is not intended to be and is not taken as notice of approval from the Council. Gwydir Shire Council wishes to advise that any plans or documents contained within this agenda may be subject to copyright law provisions and that the express permission of the copyright owner(s) should be sought prior to their reproduction. Members of the public should note that no action should be taken on any item discussed at a Council or Committee meeting prior to written advice on the resolution of council being received. Agendas and minutes are available on the Council’s website http://www.gwydirshire.com/ This is page number 2 of the minutes of the Community Services and Planning Committee held on Thursday 12 November 2015 Chairman …………………………………………………………………………………… Community Services and Planning Committee - 12 November 2015 Gwydir Shire Council OFFICIAL OPENING AND WELCOME – MAYOR APOLOGIES Max Eastcott (General Manager) Leeah Daley (Deputy General Manager) THAT the apologies of Max Eastcott and Leeah Daley are accepted. CONFIRMATION OF THE MINUTES THAT the Minutes of the previous Community Services and Planning Committee Meeting held on Thursday 8 October 2015 as circulated be taken as read and CONFIRMED. (Moved Minutes are confirmed Cr Doering, seconded Cr McDonald) PRESENTATION CALL FOR THE DECLARATIONS OF INTERESTS AND CONFLICTS OF INTEREST ADDITIONAL/LATE ITEMS THAT the following items, namely: 1. North West Regional Weeds Committee - Call for nominations are accepted as late items onto this Agenda for discussion. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE – CONFIDENTIAL ITEMS THAT the Council resolve into Confidential Session, Committee of the Whole and that in the public interest and in accordance with Section 10A(2)(a) of the Local Government Act, 1993, the public and press be excluded from the meeting to consider the items listed on the agenda. This is page number 3 of the minutes of the Community Services and Planning Committee held on Thursday 12 November 2015 Chairman …………………………………………………………………………………… Community Services and Planning Committee - 12 November 2015 Gwydir Shire Council ADOPTION OF THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE CONFIDENTIAL SESSION COMMITTEE RESOLUTION: THAT the recommendations of the Confidential Session, namely: Monthly Organisation and Community Development Report (Confidential Meeting) THAT the Monthly Organisation and Community Development Report (Confidential Meeting) be received Complaint – Illegal Building Work THAT Council proceeds with the issue of a letter requiring the owner to seek a Building Certificate for the illegal development. FURTHER that the letter requires the owner to undertake work as required to prevent stormwater from Structures 1 & 2 from discharging to the property owned by the complainant. FURTHER that Council does not proceed with the issue of a penalty notice given that the person carrying out the development is now deceased. FURTHER that the complainant be advised of the action determined by the Council. THAT Councillors Report – Naroo Personnel issue is noted. are adopted for recommendation to Council. (Moved Cr Doering, seconded Cr Dixon) This is page number 4 of the minutes of the Community Services and Planning Committee held on Thursday 12 November 2015 Chairman …………………………………………………………………………………… Community Services and Planning Committee - 12 November 2015 Gwydir Shire Council Item 1 IPart Response FILE REFERENCE DELIVERY PROGRAM GOAL: 1. A healthy and cohesive community OUTCOME: 4.1 WE ARE AN ENGAGED & CONNECTED COMMUNITY STRATEGY: 4.1.1 Encourage an informed community - GM - external AUTHOR General Manager DATE 10/26/2015 STAFF DISCLOSURE OF INTEREST Nil IN BRIEF/ SUMMARY RECOMMENDATION The NSW Government has extended one last opportunity for Councils to comment on the recent Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) Assessment of NSW Councils. Gwydir Shire’s assessment is attached. The Council’s draft submission is outlined in the ‘Comment’ section below. The recommendation is that the submission as outlined be made. It has been assumed that the Council’s position regarding any amalgamation remains unaltered in that the Council wants to remain as an independent entity. As part of the current incentive package announced by the Premier councils in regional NSW who decide to merge will also have access to the Stronger Communities Fund. These Councils can receive from $5- $10 million, depending on the number of merger partners. This funding is being offered to provide ‘help to give the new councils a head start in providing important community infrastructure’. In the case of a Moree Plains/Gwydir merger the amount would be $5 million, which is superficially attractive but does not solve the issue of the ongoing viability of the smaller rural towns. It could also have longer term funding implications for a Council’s ability to meet the self-funding requirement under the Road to Recover Program, for example. Also there is no guarantee where the additional money would be spent. Councils in regional NSW are also eligible for a merger implementation grant of $5 million towards the up-front costs of merging. This may not be sufficient when you consider that the merger costs for the former Yallaroi and Bingara This is page number 5 of the minutes of the Community Services and Planning Committee held on Thursday 12 November 2015 Chairman …………………………………………………………………………………… Community Services and Planning Committee - 12 November 2015 Gwydir Shire Council merger in 2004 amounted to over $3.5 million in the first 3 years after the merger with some merger costs being a continuing cost, such as the equalization of pay rates. Unfortunately it displays a lack of understanding on the part of the Government and a belief that a one-off injection of money fixes everything. Through this entire ‘independent’ process one thing has become crystal clear, the on-going sustainability of local government, according to the IPART Assessment process, is a problem far greater than perhaps was surely considered possible by the State Government but this has been directly the result of unreasonable benchmarks. Through the Government’s mishandling of this review process it now has the ridiculous situation where the results have highlighted the complete lack of academic rigor in the Independent Local Government Review Panel’s final report. The concept of scale and capacity linked to population has been discredited completely by the IPART Assessment process. The following table displaying the results for just a selection of Councils highlights the fundamental inaccuracy and distorted outcomes that have occurred because the process is flawed. The benchmarks were arbitrary and in lots of ways unreasonable because they were based on the ILGRP’s report. Council Population Scale and Financial Overall Capacity Criteria Rating Armidale 25,150 Not Fit Not Fit Not Fit Dumaresq Blacktown 312,350 Fit Not Fit Not Fit Cabonne 13,200 Not Fit Fit Not Fit Campbelltown 151,150 Fit Not Fit Not Fit Griffith 25,400 Not Fit Fit Not Fit Tweed 88,450 Fit Not Fit Not Fit Uralla 6,250 Not Fit Fit Not Fit Sydney City 183,300 Not Fit Fit Not Fit Junee 6,150 Not Fit Fit Not Fit Glen Innes 8,900 Fit Fit Fit Newcastle 155,550 Not Fit Fit Not Fit It is interesting to note that Cabonne, Griffith, Uralla and Junee have a merger suggestion in the ILGRP report while Glen Innes had no merger proposal. The only inference that can reasonably be concluded is that IPART’s ‘independent’ review was heavily weighted towards using the suggestions (only) of the ILGRP to reach its determination. In every example above, irrespective of the area’s population and financial rating, the councils considered Not Fit were suggested for a merger in