The Structure of Minimum Vertex Cuts∗

Seth Pettie Longhui Yin University of Michigan Tsinghua University [email protected] [email protected]

Abstract In this paper we continue a long line of work on representing the cut structure of graphs. We classify the types minimum vertex cuts, and the possible relationships between multiple minimum vertex cuts. As a consequence of these investigations, we exhibit a simple O(κn)-space data structure that can quickly answer pairwise (κ + 1)-connectivity queries in a κ-connected graph. We also show how to compute the “closest” κ-cut to every vertex in near linear O˜(m + poly(κ)n) time. arXiv:2102.06805v1 [cs.DS] 12 Feb 2021

∗This work was supported by NSF grants CCF-1637546 and CCF-1815316. 1 Introduction

One of the strong themes running through is to understand the cut structure of graphs and to apply these structural theorems to solve algorithmic and data structural problems. Consider the following exemplars of this line of work:

Gomory-Hu . Gomory and Hu (1961) [28] proved that any weighted, undirected graph G = (V,E) can be replaced by a weighted, undirected tree T = (V,ET ) such that for every s, t ∈ V , the minimum s-t cut partition in T (removing a single edge, partitioning V into two sets) corresponds to a minimum s-t cut partition in G. These are sometimes called cut-equivalent trees [1].

Cactus Representations. Dinitz, Karzanov, and Lomonosov (1976) [12] proved that all the global minimum edge-cuts of any weighted, undirected graph G = (V,E) could be succinctly encoded as an (unweighted) cactus graph. A cactus is a multigraph in which every edge participates in exactly one cycle. It was proved that there exists a cactus C = (VC ,EC ) and an embedding φ : V → VC such that the minimum edge-cuts in C (2 edges in a common cycle) are in 1-1 correspondence with the minimum edge-cuts of G. A corollary of this theorem is that there n are at most 2 minimum edge-cuts. Picard-Queyrenne Representation. In a directed s-t flow network there can be exponentially many min s-t cuts. Picard and Queyrenne (1980) [38] proved that the family S = {S | (S, S) is a min s-t} corresponds 1-1 with the downward-closed sets of a partial order, and is therefore closed under union and intersection.

Block Trees, SPQR Trees, and Beyond. Whitney (1932) [43,44] proved that the cut vertices (articulation points) of an undirected graph G = (V,E) partition E into single edges and 2-edge connected components (blocks). This yields the block tree representation. Di Battista and Tamassia (1989) [4,5] formally defined the SPQR tree, which succinctly encodes all 2- vertex cuts in a biconnected graph, and Kanevsky, Tamassia, Di Battista, and Chen [31] extended this structure to represent 3-vertex cuts in a triconnected graph.1

It is natural to ask how, and to what extent, these structures can be extended and generalized. Gusfield and Naor [29] described an analogue of Gomory-Hu trees for vertex connectivity, i.e., a tree that compactly represents the s-t vertex connectivity for every s, t ∈ V . It used a result of Schnorr [39] on an analogue of Gomory-Hu trees for “roundtrip” flow-values in directed networks. These claims were refuted by Benczur [6], who illustrated that Schnorr’s and Gusfield and Naor’s proofs were incorrect and could not be rectified. In particular, s-t vertex connectivity and directed s-t cuts have no tree representation. We take this as a reminder that having published proofs (even incorrect ones) is essential for facilitating self-correction in science. The inspiration for this paper is an extended abstract of Cohen, Di Battista, Kanevsky, and Tamassia [10] from STOC 1993. Their goal was to find a cactus-analogue for global minimum vertex cuts, or from a different perspective, to extend SPQR trees [5] and [31] from κ ∈ {2, 3} vertex cuts to arbitrarily large κ. As an application of their ideas, they described a data structure for κ-connected graphs occupying space O(κ3n) that, given u, v, decided whether u, v are separated by a κ-cut or (κ + 1)-connected. There are no suspect claims in [10]. On the other hand, the paper

1Many of the structural insights behind [5,31] were latent in prior work. See, for example. Mac Lane [34] (1937), Tutte [41, 42] (1961-6), Hopcroft and Tarjan [30], and Cunningham and Edmonds [11].

1 (a) (b)

(c) (d)

(e) (f)

(g) (h)

Figure 1: (a) A weighted undirected graph; (b) Its Gomory-Hu (cut-equivalent) tree [28]. (c) A weighted undirected graph (unmarked edges have unit weight); (d) the Cactus representation [12] of its minimum edge cuts. (e) A directed s-t flow network; (f) A dag whose downward-closed sets (that include s but not t) correspond to min s-t cuts (Picard-Queyrenne [38]). (g) An abstract representation of a 2-connected graph; (h) The representation of its 3-connected components as an SPQR tree (Di Battista-Tamassia [5]).

2 is 7 pages and leaves many of its central claims unproven.2 We believe that understanding the structure of minimum vertex cuts is a fundamental problem in graph theory, and deserving of a complete, formal treatment. In this paper we investigate the structure of the of all minimum vertex cuts and classify the relationships between different minimum vertex cuts. Our work reveals some structural features of minimum κ-cuts not evident in Cohen, Di Battista, Kanevsky, and Tamassia [10], and ultimately allows us to develop a simpler data structure to answer pairwise κ-cut queries in a κ-connected graph. It occupies (optimal) O(κn) space and can be constructed in randomized O˜(m + poly(κ)n) time, in contrast to [10], which occupies O(κ3n) space and is constructed in exp(κ)n5 time.3

1.1 Related Work Dinitz and Vainshtein [16, 17] combined elements of the cactus [12] and Picard-Queyrenne [38] representations, which they called the connectevity carcass. Given an undirected, unweighted G = (V,E) and S ⊆ V of terminals, λS is the size of the minimum edge-cut that separates S. The carcass represents all size-λS separating cuts in O(min{m, λSn}) space and answers various cut queries in O(1) time.4 Benczur and Goemans [7] generalized the cactus representation [12] in a different direction, by giving a compact representation of all cuts that are within a factor 6/5 of the global minimum edge-cut. Dinitz and Nutov [13] generalized the cactus representation [12] in another direction, by giving an O(n)-space representation of all λ and λ + 1 edge cuts, where λ is the edge-connectivity of the undirected, unweighted graph. Unpublished manuscripts [14, 15] give detailed treatments of the λ odd and λ even cases separately. Georgiadis et al. [21,25–27] investigated various notions of 1- and 2-edge and vertex connectivity in directed graphs, and the compact representation of edge/vertex cuts.

Sparsification. One general way to compactly represent connectivity information is to produce a sparse graph with the same cut structure. Nagamochi and Ibaraki [36] proved that every un- weighted, undirected graph G = (V,E) contains a subgraph H = (V,EH ) with |EH | < (k+1)n such that H is computable in O(m) time and contains exactly the same k0-vertex cuts and k0-edge cuts as G, for all k0 ∈ {1, . . . , k}. Benczur and Karger [8] proved that for any capacitated, undirected −2 graph G = (V,E), there is another capacitated graph H = (V,EH ) with |EH | = O( n log n) such that the capacity of every cut in G is preserved in H up to a (1 ± )-factor. This bound was later improved to O(−2n) by Batson, Spielman, and Srivastava [3], which is optimal. In directed graphs, Baswana, Choudhary, and Roditty [2] considered the problem of finding a sparse subgraph that preserves reachability from a single source, even if d vertices are deleted. They proved that Θ(2dn) edges are necessary and sufficient for d ∈ [1, log n]. d-Failure Connectivity. An undirected graph can be compactly represented such that connec- tivity queries can be answered after the deletion of any d vertices/edges (where d could be much

2The full version of this paper was never written (personal communication with R. Tamassia, 2011, and R. Di Battista, 2016). 3The algorithm enumerates all minimum κ-cuts, which can be as large as Ω(2κ(n/κ)2); modern vertex connectivity algorithms [22–24] may reduce the exponent of n in the running time. 4 The carcass was introduced in extended abstracts [16,17] and the (simpler) case of odd λS was analyzed in detail in a journal article [18]. We are not aware of a full treatment of the case when λS is even.

3 larger than the underlying connectivity of the graph). Improving on [19, 32, 37], Duan and Pet- tie [20] proved that d vertex failures could be processed in O˜(d2) time such that connectivity queries are answered in O(d) time, and d edge failures could be processed in O(d log d log log n) time such that connectivity queries are answered in O(log log n) time. The size of the [20] structure is O˜(m) for vertex failures and O˜(n) for edge failures. Choudhary [9] gave an optimal O(n)-space data structure that could answer directed reachability queries after d ∈ {1, 2} vertex or edge failures.

Labeling Schemes. Benczur’s refutation [6] of [29,39] shows that all pairwise vertex connectiv- ities cannot be captured in a tree structure, but it does not preclude other representations of this information. Korman [33] proved that the vertices of any undirected G = (V,E) could be assigned O(k2 log n)-bit labels such that given (label(u), label(v)), we can determine whether u and v are (k+1)-connected or separated by a k-vertex cut. That is, poly(κ) log n-bit labels suffice to compute min{κ(u, v), κ}, where κ(u, v) is the pairwise connectivity of u, v.

Vertex Connectivity Algorithms. In optimal linear time we can decide whether the connec- tivity of a graph is κ = 1, κ = 2, or κ ≥ 3 [30, 40]. For larger κ, the state-of-the-art in vertex connectivity has been improved substantially in the last few years. Forster, Nanongkai, Yang, Saranurak, and Yingchareonthawornchai [22] gave a Monte Carlo algorithm for computing the ver- tex connectivity κ of an undirected graph in O˜(m + nκ3) time, w.h.p.5 The best deterministic algorithm, due to Gao, Li, Nanongkai, Peng, Saranurak, and Yingchareonthawornchai [24], com- putes the connectivity κ < n1/8 in O((m + n7/4κO(κ))no(1)) time or O((m + n19/20κ5/2)no(1)) time. For κ > n1/8, Gabow’s algorithm [23] runs in O(κn2 + κ2n · min{n3/4, κ3/2}) time.

1.2 Organization In Section2 we review basic definitions and lemmas regarding vertex cuts. Section3 gives the basic classification theorem for minimum vertex cuts, and lists some useful corollaries. In short, every pair of cuts have laminar, wheel, crossing matching, or small relation. Sections 3.1–3.4 analyze these four categories in more detail. Section4 exhibits a new O(κn)-space data structure that, given two vertices, answers (κ + 1)-connectivity queries in O(1) time, and produces a separating κ-cut (if one exists) in O(κ) time. We conclude with some remarks and open problems in Section5.

2 Preliminaries

The input is a simple, connected, undirected graph G = (V,E) with n = |V | and m = |E|. The predicate A ⊂ B is true if A is a strict subset of B. Let the subgraph of G induced by A be denoted G|A. We call U ⊂ V a cut if the graph G|V \U is disconnected. A side of the cut U is a connected component of G|V \U . If P is a side of U and A ⊆ P , we say A is within a side of U, and let SideU (A) = P denote the side containing A.A region of a cut U is a side, or the union of several sides of U. Denote RegionU (A) as the region containing the sides of U that intersects with A. 6 We say a cut disconnects or separates A and B if they are in distinct sides of U. In particular, if B = V \(A∪U), we say U disconnects or separates B from the rest of the graph.

5The algorithm does not produce a witness, and hence may err with small probability. 6 Note when A is a singleton set {u}, RegionU (A) = SideU (A).

4 0 A path π = v1v2 ··· vl is from A to B, if v1 ∈ A and vl ∈ B. Two paths π, π from v1 to vl are internally vertex disjoint if they have no common vertices, except for v1, vl. We say U blocks π if U ∩ {v2, . . . , vl−1}= 6 ∅. A k-cut is a cut of size k. Define κ(u, v) to be the minimum k such that there exists a k-cut separating u and v, where {u, v}= 6 E(G). Define κ = κ(G) to be the minimum of κ(u, v) over all V (G) pairs {u, v} ∈ 2 \E(G). We say G is k-connected if κ(G) ≥ k. In this paper we assume that κ < n/4 and consider the set of all (minimum) κ-cuts.

Remark 1. There is some flexibility in defining the corner cases. Some authors leave κ(u, v) undefined when {u, v} ∈ E(G) or define it to be n−1. In [10] a k-cut is defined to be a mixed set of edges and vertices whose removal disconnects the graph. Under this definition, when {u, v} ∈ E(G), κ(u, v) = k if removing k − 1 vertices and {u, v} disconnects u and v. This last definition is compatible with Menger’s theorem, and allows for it to be extended to all pairs of vertices.

Theorem 1. (Menger [35]) Let G = (V,E) be an undirected graph and {u, v} a pair not in E. Let U ⊂ V be a minimum size cut disconnecting u and v and Π be a maximum size set of internally vertex disjoint paths from u to v. Then κ(u, v) = |U| = |Π|.

The following categories make sense when applied to non-minimal vertex cuts, but we are only interested in applying them to minimum vertex cuts. Henceforth cut usually means minimum cut.

Laminar Cuts. Let U be a cut and P be a side of U. If W is a cut and W ⊂ U ∪ P , we say W is a laminar cut of U in side P .7

Figure 2: A 7-cut U with two sides, and two 7-cuts W1,W2 that are laminar w.r.t. U.

Small Cuts. Informally, when a side of a cut tiny we call the cut small. We define three levels of small cuts. Let U be a cut with sides A1,A2,...,Aa. We say that

◦ ] P 1 U is (I, t)-small if there exists an index i such that i6=i] |Ai| ≤ t. Ai] is called the large side of U and the others the small sides of U.

◦ ] ] 2 U is (II, t)-small if there exists i such that for every i =6 i , |Ai| ≤ t.

◦ ] 3 U is (III, t)-small, if there exists i such that |Ai] | ≤ t. In this case Ai] is the small side of U.

Note that for any t, I-small cuts are II-small, and II-small cuts are III-small. We typically apply  n−κ  this definition with t = κ, t = Θ(κ), or t = 2 . 7These are sometimes called parellel cuts.

5 Wheel Cuts. Suppose V can be partitioned into a series of disjoint sets T , {Ci}, {Si} (1 ≤ i ≤ w, w ≥ 4, subscripts are taken module w), such that the {Ci} and {Si} are nonempty (T may be empty), and Ci ∪ T ∪ Ci+2 disconnects Si ∪ Ci ∪ Si+1 from the rest of the graph. We say (T ; C1,C2,...,Cw) forms a w-wheel with sectors S1,S2,...,Sw. We call T the center of the wheel, {Ci} the spokes of the wheel, and C(i, j) = Ci ∪ T ∪ Cj the cuts of the wheel. Define D(i, j) = Si ∪ Ci+1 ∪ · · · ∪ Cj−1 ∪ Sj−1. Recall that we are only interested in wheels whose cuts are minimum κ-cuts. The cut of the wheels discussed in this paper are all κ-cuts. It is proved in Lemma3 that, if (T ; C1,C2,...,Cw) forms a wheel, then for every i, j such that j−i∈ / {1, w−1}, C(i, j) is a κ-cut with exactly two sides, namely D(i, j) and D(j, i). Note that a w-wheel (T ; C1,C2,...,Cw) contains x-wheels, x ∈ [4, w−1].

Figure 3: A 6-wheel of 8-cuts with a center of size |T | = 2.

Specifically, for any subset {i1, i2, . . . , ix} ⊆ {1, 2, . . . , w} with x ≥ 4, (T ; Ci1 ,Ci2 ,...,Cix ) forms an x-wheel called a subwheel of the original. If a wheel is not a subwheel of any other wheel, it is ] P a maximal wheel. If there exists an index i such that, i6=i] |Si| ≤ κ, then we say this is a small wheel.8

Matching Cuts and Crossing Matching Cuts. Let U be a cut, A be a side of U, and P ⊆ U be a subset of the cut. We call a cut W a matching cut of U in side A w.r.t. P if (i) U\P ⊆ W ⊆ U ∪A, def (ii) A\W =6 ∅, and (iii) W disconnects P ∪ (V \(U ∪ A)) from A\W . The set MatchU;A(P ) = W \U is the neighborhood of P restricted to A. Note that a matching cut is a type of laminar cut. Now suppose U is a cut with exactly two sides A and B, and let P ⊆ U be a non-empty subset of U. We call W a crossing matching cut of U in side A w.r.t. P if (i) W ∩B =6 ∅, (ii) (U\P )∪(W ∩A) is a matching cut of U in side A w.r.t. P , One could view U and a crossing matching cut W as a degenerate 4-wheel, in which one sector S1 = ∅ is empty. Such cuts should not be regarded as wheels, as they do not possess key properties κ−|T | of wheels, e.g., that when U and W are (minimum) κ-cuts, that |C1| = ··· = |C4| = 2 , because C1 ∪ T ∪ C2 is not a cut.

Lemmas1 and2 are used throughout the paper. Recall here κ = κ(G) is the vertex connectivity of G. Lemma 1. Suppose U is a κ-cut and P a side of U. For every p ∈ P and u ∈ U, there exists a path from p to u that is not blocked by V \P . 8For a small wheel, all its cuts C(i, j) are (II, O(κ2))-small.

6 Figure 4: A cut U (drawn vertically) with two sides A and B. Dotted lines indicate two crossing matching cuts w.r.t. P1 (bottom 3 vertices of U) and P2 (top 2 vertices of P1).

Proof. Fix any v in another side of U. By Menger’s thorem (Theorem1) there are κ internally vertex disjoint paths from u to v, and therefore each must pass through a different vertex of U. The prefixes of these paths that are contained in P ∪ U are not blocked by V \P . Lemma 2. Suppose U and W are two cuts, P is disconnected by U from the rest of the graph G and Q is disconnected by W from the rest of the graph G. Then we have the following two rules:

• (Intersection Rule) If P ∩ Q =6 ∅, then P ∩ Q is disconnected by (U ∩ Q) ∪ (U ∩ W ) ∪ (W ∩ P ) from the rest of the graph G;

• (Union Rule) If V \(U ∪ P ∪ W ∪ Q) =6 ∅, then P ∪ Q is disconnected by (U\Q) ∪ (W \P ) from the rest of the graph G.

(a) (b)

Figure 5: (a) Intersection rule; (b) Union rule.

Proof. Denote A = (U ∩Q)∪(U ∩W )∪(W ∩P ), B = P ∩Q. First, A∪B = (U ∪P )∩(W ∪Q) ⊂ V , so V \(A ∪ B) =6 ∅. Consider a path v1v2 ··· vl from B to V \(A ∪ B). Because v1 ∈ B = P ∩ Q, and vl ∈/ U ∪ P or vl ∈/ W ∪ Q, this path must be blocked by U or W , so there must exist some vj in U ∪ W . Find the smallest i such that vi ∈ U ∪ W , and without loss of generality assume vi ∈ U. Then the path v1v2 ··· vi is not blocked by W , so vi ∈ Q ∪ W . Since (Q ∪ W ) ∩ U ⊆ A we have vi ∈ A. It follows that A separates B from the rest of the graph, proving the Intersection Rule. For the Union Rule, let R = V \(U ∪P ), S = V \(W ∪Q). Now that R∩S = V \(U ∪P ∪W ∪Q) =6 ∅, by applying the intersection rule above, R∩S is disconnected by T = (U ∩S)∪(U ∩W )∪(W ∩R) = (U\Q) ∪ (W \P ) from the rest of the graph.

7 3 The Classification of Minimum Vertex Cuts

The main binary structural theorem for vertex connectivity is, informally, that every two minimum vertex cuts have a relationship that is Laminar, Wheel, Crossing Matching, or Small; cf. [10]. Moreover, any strict subset of this list would be inadequate to capture all possible relationships between two vertex cuts.9

Theorem 2. Fix a minimum κ-cut U with sides A1,A2,...,Aa, a ≥ 2, and let W be any other κ-cut with sides B1,B2,...,Bb, b ≥ 2. Denote T = U ∩ W , Wi = W ∩ Ai and Uj = U ∩ Bj. Then W may be classified w.r.t. U as follows: Laminar type. W is a laminar cut of U, and in particular, there exists indices i∗ and j∗ such that Bj∗ \Ai∗ = (U\W ) ∪ (∪i6=i∗ Ai) and Ai∗ \Bj∗ = (W \U) ∪ (∪j6=j∗ Bj).

Wheel type. a = b = 2, and (T ; U1,W1,U2,W2) forms a 4-wheel with sectors A1 ∩ B1, A1 ∩ B2, A2 ∩ B2 and A2 ∩ B1.

Crossing Matching type. a = b = 2, and w.l.o.g., A1 ∩ B1 =6 ∅, A2 ∩ B2 =6 ∅, but A1 ∩ B2 = ∅. We have |W2| = |U1| > 0, |W1| = |U2| > 0, and W is a crossing matching cut of U in side A1 w.r.t. U2. Furthermore, if A2 ∩ B1 =6 ∅, then |U1| ≥ |U2|.

Small type. U is (I, κ−1)-small, and the small sides of U are within W , or W is (I, κ−1)-small, and the small sides of W are within U.

∗ ∗ Proof. Suppose there is a single index i such that Wi∗ =6 ∅ and Wi = ∅ for all i =6 i . It follows that W ⊆ Ai∗ ∪ U is a laminar cut of U in side Ai∗ . It remains to prove the other properties of ∗ the laminar type. By Lemma1 there exists paths from any vertex in Ai, i =6 i , to U\W that are not blocked by W , so they all lie within one side of W ; let us denote this side by Bj∗ . Then a (U\W )∪(∪i6=i∗ Ai) ⊆ Bj∗ , and because V = U ∪(∪i=1Ai), we obtain Bj∗ \Ai∗ = (U\W )∪(∪i6=i∗ Ai). Now that U ⊆ W ∪ Bj∗ is laminar w.r.t. W , so based on the same reasoning we have Ai∗ \Bj∗ = (W \U) ∪ (∪j6=j∗ Bj). We proceed under the assumption that such indices i∗, j∗ do not exist, and without loss of generality assume that W1,W2,U1,U2 =6 ∅. We now wish to prove that all Ui,Wi are non-empty. def Suppose Wi = W ∩ Ai = ∅ were empty, then Ai would be contained within a side of W , say Ai ⊆ Bj. By Lemma2 (intersection rule), whenever Ai ∩ Bj =6 ∅, the set Wi ∪ T ∪ Uj disconnects Ai ∩ Bj from the rest of the graph. It follows that

b X |Wi| + |T | + |Uj| = |T | + |Uj| ≥ κ = |T | + |Ul| , l=1 which implies that Uj is the only non-empty U∗-set, contradicting U1,U2 =6 ∅. Therefore, Wi =6 ∅ for all i and similarly, Uj =6 ∅ for all j.

Define Ω = {(i, j) | Ai ∩ Bj =6 ∅} to be the side-pairs whose intersections are non-empty. We consider the following possibilities, which are exhaustive. 1◦ There exist (i, j), (i0, j0) ∈ Ω such that i =6 i0, j =6 j0. Then by Lemma2 (intersection rule)

|Wi| + |T | + |Uj| ≥ κ

9The existence of Small cuts as a category—an a priori unnatural class—indicates that there may be other ways to capture all minimum vertex cuts through an entirely different classification system.


and |Wi0 | + |T | + Uj0 ≥ κ.

On the other hand,

|Uj| + Uj0 + |T | ≤ |U| = κ

and |Wi| + |Wi0 | + |T | ≤ |W | = κ.

Thus all these inequalities must be equalities, and, adding the fact that all Wi,Uj =6 ∅, we 0 0 conclude that a = b = 2, |Wi| = Uj0 , |Wi0 | = |Uj|. W.l.o.g. we fix i = j = 1, i = j = 2. See Figure6.

Figure 6: A depiction of cuts U, W in case 1◦.

◦ 1.1 Suppose A1 ∩ B2 =6 ∅ and A2 ∩ B1 =6 ∅. Then |Wˆı| + |Uˆ| ≥ κ − |T | for every ˆı, ˆ ∈ {1, 2}, so we conclude that κ − |T | |U1| = |U2| = |W1| = |W2| = . 2 Now that Wˆı ∪ T ∪ Uˆ disconnects Aˆı ∩ Bˆ from the rest of the graph, U1 ∪ T ∪ U2 = U disconnects (A1 ∩ B1) ∪ W1 ∪ (A1 ∩ B2) = A1 from (A2 ∩ B1) ∪ W2 ∪ (A2 ∩ B2) = A2, W1 ∪ T ∪ W2 = W disconnects (A1 ∩ B1) ∪ U1 ∪ (A2 ∩ B1) = B1 from (A1 ∩ B2) ∪ U2 ∪ (A2 ∩ B2) = B2, we conclude that (T ; U1,W1,U2,W2) forms a 4-wheel.

Figure 7: A depiction of the cuts U, W in case 1.2◦.

◦ 1.2 Suppose A1 ∩ B2 = ∅ (or symmetrically, that A2 ∩ B1 = ∅). Then A1 = A1 ∩ (B1 ∪ W ) = (A1 ∩ B1) ∪ W1. By Lemma2, W1 ∪ T ∪ U1 separates A1 ∩ B1 from the rest of the graph. Since U2 ⊆ V \((A1 ∩ B1) ∪ (U1 ∪ T ∪ W1)), it follows that W1 ∪ T ∪ U1 disconnects U2 from A1 ∩ B1 = A1\(W1 ∪ T ∪ U1), i.e., it is a matching cut of U in side A1 w.r.t. U2.

9 See Figure7. Because W2 = W ∩ A2 =6 ∅ and (W ∩ A1) ∪ (U\U2) = W1 ∪ T ∪ U1, W is a crossing matching cut of U in side A1 w.r.t. U2. If A2 ∩ B1 =6 ∅, by Lemma2 (intersection rule)

|U1| + |W2| + |T | ≥ κ = |W1| + |T | + |W2| ,

so |U1| ≥ |U2|.

◦ ] ] 2 Suppose there exists a j such that ∀i.∀j =6 j .(i, j) 6∈ Ω, i.e., Ai ∩ Bj = ∅. This implies that

∪j6=j] Bj ⊆ U, and because Uj] =6 ∅, ∪j6=j] Bj is strictly smaller than κ. Therefore W is a (I, κ − 1)-small cut, and all the small sides of W are within U.

3◦ There exists i] such that ∀i =6 i].∀j.(i, j) 6∈ Ω. Symmetric to case 2◦; U is (I, κ − 1)-small, and all the small sides of U are within W .

◦ a a 4 Ω = ∅. Then ∪i=1Ai ⊆ W , so V = U ∪ (∪i=1Ai) ⊆ U ∪ W , and |V | ≤ 2κ. This is a possibility, but not one we consider as it contradicts our initial assumption that n > 4κ.

Corollary 1. If U is a κ-cut that is not (I, κ − 1)-small and has at least 3 sides, then all other κ-cuts have a laminar type relation with U, or are themselves (I, κ − 1)-small cuts.

Corollary 2. Suppose U is a κ-cut that is not (I, κ − 1)-small, with exactly two sides A and B. Suppose W is a κ-cut with sides K, L (and possibly others), such that W ∩ A =6 ∅, W ∩ B =6 ∅, A ⊆ K ∪ W , and L ∩ U =6 ∅. Then W only has two sides, and W is a crossing matching cut of U in side A w.r.t. L ∩ U.

Corollary 3. Define CutsC;D to be the set of all κ-cuts that disconnect disjoint, non-empty vertex sets C and D. If CutsC;D =6 ∅, it contains a unique minimal element MinCutC;D, such that for any cut U ∈ , C ⊆ C . CutsC;D RegionMinCutC;D ( ) RegionU ( ) Proof. This is a corollary of Theorem2, but also admits a simple, direct proof via the Picard- Queyrenne theorem [38]. Form a flow network G~ via the following steps (i) contract C and D to vertices s and t, (ii) replace each vertex v with a subgraph consisting of vertices vin, vout and a directed edge (vin, vout), (iii) replace each undirected edge {u, v} with directed edges (uout, vin) and (vout, uin), (iv) give edges from (ii) unit capacity and edges from (iii) infinite capacity. If the flow value is κ, then the minimum (sout, tin)-cuts are in one-to-one correspondence with the minimum vertex cuts in CutsC;D =6 ∅. Since (sout, tin)-cuts in G~ are closed under union and ∈ C intersection [38], there is a unique vertex cut MinCutC;D CutsC;D such that RegionMinCutC;D ( ) is minimal w.r.t. containment.

Theorem2 classifies the pairwise relationship between two minimum κ-cuts. In Sections 3.1–3.4 we further explore the properties of wheel cuts, (crossing) matching cuts, laminar cuts, and small cuts.

10 3.1 Wheels and Wheel Cuts

Recall that a w-wheel (T ; C1,...,Cw) satisfied, by definition, the property that Ci ∪T ∪Ci+2 formed a κ-cut, but did not say anything explicitly about C(i, j) = Ci ∪ T ∪ Cj. Lemma3 proves that these are also cuts, and bounds their number of sides.

Lemma 3. Suppose (T ; C1,C2,...,Cw) forms a w-wheel (w ≥ 4) with sectors S1,S2,...,Sw. (Subscripts are modulo w.) For any i =6 j, C(i, j) is a κ-cut that disconnects D(i, j) from the rest of the graph. Moreover, when j − i 6∈ {1, w − 1}, C(i, j) has exactly two sides, which are D(i, j) κ−|T | and D(j, i). Furthermore, |Ci| = 2 .

Proof. By definition Ci ∪ T ∪ Ci+2 and Ci−1 ∪ T ∪ Ci+1 are two κ-cuts that, respectively, separate Si ∪ Ci+1 ∪ Si+1 and Si−1 ∪ Ci ∪ Si from the rest of the graph. By Lemma2 (intersection rule), Ci ∪ T ∪ Ci+1 disconnects Si from the rest of the graph. Thus, whenever j − i ∈ {1, 2}, C(i, j) disconnects D(i, j) from the rest of the graph. This is the base case. Assuming the claim is true whenever j − i ∈ [1, l − 1], we prove it is true up to l as well, l ≤ w − 1. Fix i, j such that j − i = l. Then C(i, j − 1) is a cut that disconnects D(i, j − 1) from the rest of the graph, and C(i+1, j) is a cut that disconnects D(i+1, j) from the rest of the graph. By Lemma2 (union rule), (C(i, j −1)\D(i+1, j)∪(C(i+1, j)\D(i, j −1)) = Ci ∪T ∪Cj disconnects D(i, j −1)∪D(i+1, j) = D(i, j) from the rest of the graph. This proves the first part. By Lemma1, there exist paths from any vertex in Sr to every vertex in Cr, and to every vertex in Cr+1, that is not blocked by V \Sr. Thus, when j − i 6∈ {1, w − 1}, C(i, j) separates D(i, j) from D(j, i), D(i, j) forms a side since all vertices in D(i, j) have paths to Ci+1, being distinct from Cj, and D(j, i) forms a side since all vertices have paths to Cj+1, being distinct from Ci. (When j = i + 1, D(i, i + 1) may be a region consisting of multiple sides.) Now it is proved that for all i, j, C(i, j) is a κ-cut, so |Ci| + |Cj| = κ − |T | for all i, j. Therefore κ−|T | all |Ci| are equal to 2 . w Remark 2. Lemma3 shows that the set {C(i, i + 2)}i∈[w] generates all the 2 wheel cuts. One might think that the sector cuts {C(i, i + 1)} would also suffice, but this is incorrect. In Figure8, C(i, i + 1) is a (minimum) 6-cut for all i separating Si from the rest of the graph, but this is not a 4-wheel since C(1, 3) and C(2, 4) are not cuts.

Figure 8: A faux 4-wheel.

Theorem 3. Suppose (T ; C1,C2,...,Cw) forms a w-wheel (w ≥ 4) with sectors S1,S2,...,Sw. (Subscripts are given by modulo w.) Let X be any minimum κ-cut. Then one of the following is true: 1◦ X = C(i, j) for some i =6 j.

11 ◦ 2 X ⊆ C(i, i + 1) ∪ Si for some i, i.e., X is a laminar cut of C(i, i + 1).

3◦ X has crossing matching type relation with some C(i, i + 1) or some C(i, i + 2).

4◦ X is a (I, κ − 1)-small cut.

◦ 5 (T ; C1,C2,...,Cw) is a small wheel.

◦ 6 There exists i < j, such that X ⊆ Si ∪ T ∪ Sj, and (T ; C1,...,Ci,X ∩ Si,Ci+1,...,Cj,X ∩ Sj,Cj+1,...,Cw) forms a (w + 2)-wheel; or there exists i =6 j, X ⊆ Si ∪ T ∪ Cj, and (T ; C1,...,Ci,X∩Si,Ci+1,...,Cw) forms a (w+1)-wheel. In other words, (T ; C1,C2,...,Cw) is a subwheel of some other wheel.

Proof. By the definition of wheels and Lemma1, there exists paths from any vertex in Si to Ci, to T , and to Ci+1 that are not blocked by V \Si, and there exist paths from any vertex in Ci to T that are not blocked by V \(Si−1 ∪ Ci ∪ Si). These facts are used frequently below. For every i ∈ {1, 2, . . . , w}, we consider the following cases relating cuts X and C(i, i+1), which are exhaustive according to Theorem2.

i. X = C(i, i + 1), this is a trivial case and we are in case 1◦.

ii. X ∩ Si = ∅.

iii. X is a laminar cut of C(i, i+1), and X ∩Si =6 ∅, then it must be true that X ⊆ C(i, i+1)∪Si, and we are in case 2◦.

iv. X is a wheel type cut of C(i, i + 1), and X ∩ Si =6 ∅.

v. X is a crossing matching type cut of C(i, i + 1), then we are in case 3◦.

vi. X and C(i, i + 1) have a small type relation, such that X is (I,κ − 1)-small, then we are in case 4◦.

vii. X and C(i, i + 1) have a small type relation, such that C(i, i + 1) is (I, κ − 1)-small, and D(i+1, i) is the small side, which implies that |D(i, i + 1)| < κ, so the wheel is a small wheel, and we are in case 5◦.

viii. X and C(i, i + 1) have a small-type relation, such that C(i, i + 1) is (I, κ − 1)-small, and Si = D(i, i + 1) is the region of the small sides. Then we have that Si = D(i, i + 1) ⊆ X.

It can be seen that if for any i, we are in case i, iii, v, vi, or vii, there is nothing left to prove. Otherwise, we may proceed under the assumption that every index i is in case ii, iv, or viii. We define the index sets I1,I2,I3 as follows.

I1 = {i | case iv applies to i},

I2 = {i | case viii applies to i},

I3 = {i | case ii applies to i},

and hence I1 ∪ I2 ∪ I3 = [w] = {1, 2, . . . , w}.

We split the possibilities into the following cases.

I. |I1| ≥ 2.

12 II. |I1| ≤ 1, |I2| > 0, |I3| > 0.

III. |I1| = 1, |I2| = 0.

IV. |I1| ≤ 1, |I3| = 0.

V. |I1| = |I2| = 0. We will show that I and III lead to case 6◦, II leads to case 3◦, IV leads to case 5◦, and V leads ◦ to 1 . Define Yi,Zi,Q as follows

Yi = X ∩ Si,

Zi = X ∩ Ci, and Q = X ∩ T.

I. Suppose i =6 j are in I1. Because X has a wheel type relation with some other cut (namely C(i, i+1) and C(j, j +1)), it must have exactly two sides; let them be K and L. Without loss of generality we assume i = 1. We consider two subcases depending on whether j 6∈ {2, w} (I.a) or j ∈ {2, w} (I.b).

I.a. j 6∈ {2, w}, i.e., j is not adjacent to i. We prove the following claims, culminating in Claim 3, which puts us in case 6◦.

Claim 1. X ⊆ S1 ∪ T ∪ Sj. Because X has a wheel type relation with C(1, 2) and C(j, j + 1), |X ∩ D(1, 2)| = |X ∩ D(2, 1)| and |X ∩ D(j, j + 1)| = |X ∩ D(j + 1, j)|. Thus, in terms of the Y∗,Z∗ sets, X X X X |Y1| = |Zr| + |Yr| and |Yj| = |Zr| + |Yr| . r6∈{1,2} r6=1 r6∈{j,j+1} r6=j

κ−|Q| Therefore, |Zr| = 0 for all r, |Yr| = 0 for all r 6∈ {1, j}, and |Y1| = |Yj| = 2 . This means that I1 = {1, j}, I2 = ∅, I3 = [w]\I1, and X ⊆ S1 ∪ T ∪ Sj. Claim 2. C2 ∪ D(2, j) ∪ Cj and Cj+1 ∪ D(j + 1, 1) ∪ C1 are in different sides of X, and Q = T . By Lemma1, the subgraphs induced by C2 ∪D(2, j)∪Cj and Cj+1 ∪D(j +1, 1)∪C1 are connected, and therefore each is contained in a side of X. Suppose they are contained in the same side, say K. Any vertices in T \X must be in K as well, so L ⊆ S1 ∪ Sj and w.l.o.g. we assume L ∩ S1 =6 ∅. Applying Lemma2 (intersection rule) to X and C(1, 2) we conclude that

(L ∩ C(1, 2)) ∪ (S1 ∩ X) ∪ (X ∩ C(1, 2)) = (S1 ∩ X) ∪ (X ∩ C(1, 2)) = Y1 ∪ Q

is a cut that disconnects L ∩ S1 from the rest of the graph. It follows that |Y1| + κ+|Q| |Q| = 2 ≥ κ, but this contradicts with |Q| < κ. Therefore, we conclude that C2 ∪ D(2, j) ∪ Cj and Cj+1 ∪ D(j + 1, 1) ∪ C1 are in different sides of X, and since each of these sides are adjacent to all vertices of T , that Q = T as well. Claim 3. (T ; C1,Y1,C2,...,Cj,Yj,Cj+1,...,Cw) forms a (w + 2)-wheel. κ−|T | By Claim 2, T ⊆ X, so |Y1| = |Yj| = 2 and C2 ∪ D(2, j) ∪ Cj ⊆ K and Cj+1 ∪ D(j + 1, 1) ∪ C1 ⊆ L are in different sides of X. To verify that this is a wheel we simply need to confirm that the four new cuts involving Yi,Yj are in fact

13 cuts. We illustrate this for Y1 ∪ T ∪ C3. Applying Lemma2 (intersection rule) to X with side K and C(1, 3) with side D(1, 3), we conclude that (K ∩ S1) ∪ C2 ∪ S2 is disconnected by Y1 ∪ T ∪ C3 from the rest of the graph. The other three new cuts are confirmed similarly, hence (T ; C1,Y1,C2,...,Cj,Yj,Cj+1,...,Cw) forms a (w + 2)-wheel. I.b. j ∈ {2, w}. W.l.o.g. we assume j = 2. Once again we prove the following claims, culminating in Claim 6 which puts us in case 6◦.

Claim 4. X ⊆ S1 ∪ S2 ∪ T ∪ C2. Because X has wheel type relation with C(1, 2) and C(2, 3), we have that X X X X |Y1| = |Zr| + |Yr| and |Y2| = |Zr| + |Yr| . r6∈{1,2} r6=1 r6∈{2,3} r6=2

Therefore, |Zr| = 0 for all r =6 2, |Yr| = 0 for all r 6∈ {1, 2}, and |Y1| = |Y2| = κ−|Q|−|Z2| 2 . This means I1 = {1, 2}, I2 = ∅, I3 = [w]\I1, and X ⊆ Y1 ∪ Y2 ∪ T ∪ Z2. Claim 5. Q = T and Z2 = ∅. By Lemma1, C3 ∪ D(3, w) ∪ C1 is within a side of X, say K. Moreover, if T \X =6 ∅, then T \X ⊆ K. Because X has a wheel relation with C(1, 2),

|L ∩ C(1, 2)| = |K ∩ C(1, 2)| ≥ |C1| .

Thus, X ∩ C(1, 2) = Q ∪ Z2 and |X ∩ C(1, 2)| ≤ κ − 2 |C1| = |T |. Since T \X ⊂ K, it follows that

|L ∩ C(1, 2)| = |L ∩ C2| ≤ |C2| ≤ |C1| + |T \X| = |K ∩ C(1, 2)| ,

implying |T \X| = 0 and therefore that Q = T and Z2 = ∅. Claim 6. (T ; C1,Y1,C2,Y2,C3,...,Cw) forms a (w + 2)-wheel. κ−|T | By Claims 4 and 5 we know |Y1| = |Y2| = 2 . There are three new wheel cuts involving Y1,Y2 that need to be confirmed, namely X = Y1 ∪ T ∪ Y2, which separates C3 ∪ D(3, w) ∪ C1 from C2, as well as Cw ∪ T ∪ Y1 and Y2 ∪ T ∪ C4. The latter two are established by applying Lemma2, as in Claim 3. We conclude that (T ; C1,Y1,C2,Y2,C3,...,Cw) forms a (w + 2)-wheel.

II. At most one index is in I1, so there must be indices in I2 and I3 that are adjacent in the circular order. Without loss of generality let them be 1 ∈ I2, 2 ∈ I3, i.e., C(1, 2) is small, S1 ⊆ X, and S2 ∩ X = ∅. By Lemma1 there exist paths from any vertex in S2 to C2\X, C3\X, and T \X that are not blocked by X, so they are all on the same side of X, call it side K. Refer to Figure9 in Claims 7 and 8.

Claim 7. There exists another side L of X, such that L ∩ C1 =6 ∅. Note C(1, 3) separates D(1, 3) from the rest of the graph, and X separates K from the rest of the graph. If the claim were not true, then C1 ⊆ X ∪ K, so G\(X ∪ K ∪ C(1, 3) ∪ D(1, 3)) ⊆ G\(X ∪ K) =6 ∅. We can now apply Lemma2 (union rule) to C(1, 3) and X, and deduce that K ∪ D(1, 3) is disconnected from the rest of the graph by

(C(1, 3)\K) ∪ (X\D(1, 3)) ⊆ X\S1.

But |X\S1| < |X| = κ, a contradiction. So there exists a side L such that L ∩ C1 =6 ∅.

14 Figure 9: In case II S1 ⊂ X and S2 ∩ X = ∅.

Claim 8. X is a crossing matching cut of C(1, 3) in side D(1, 3) w.r.t. L ∩ C1, or a crossing matching cut of C(w, 2) in side D(w, 2) w.r.t. K ∩ C2. If X ∩ D(3, 1) =6 ∅ then Corollary2 implies that X is a crossing matching cut of C(1, 3) in side D(1, 3) w.r.t. L ∩ C1. Otherwise, if X ∩ D(3, 1) = ∅, then because there are paths from every vertex in D(3, 1) to Sw within itself, and paths from Sw to C1 ∩ L not blocked by X, D(3, 1) ⊆ L. Now that S3 ⊆ L and S2 ⊆ K, it follows that C3 ∪ T ⊆ X. Based on the same reason of Claim 7, we have K ∩ C2 =6 ∅. Now for cut C(w, 2), we know that X ∩ D(w, 2) ⊇ S1 =6 ∅, X ∩ D(2, w) ⊃ C3 =6 ∅, D(w, 2) = Sw ∪ C1 ∪ S1 ⊆ X ∪ L, and K ∩ C(w, 2) = K ∩ C2 =6 ∅, by Corollary2, X is a crossing matching cut of C(w, 2) w.r.t. K ∩ C2. u

III. W.l.o.g. we assume I1 = {1} and therefore I3 = {2, 3, . . . , w}. With Y∗,Z∗ defined as in case I, we have w X = Y1 ∪ Q ∪ (∪i=1Zi). Because X has a wheel type relation with C(1, 2), X has exactly two sides, say K and L, and moreover, the intersections of X with the two sides of C(1, 2) have equal size, i.e.,

X κ − |Q| − |Z1| − |Z2| |Y1| = |Zr| = . r6∈{1,2} 2

Claim 9. Q = T . If T \X =6 ∅, by Lemma1 there exists paths from every vertex in Sr, r =6 1, to T \X, to Cr\X, and to Cr+1\X, that are not blocked by X. Thus, ((D(2, 1) ∪ T )\X) is within a side of X, say side K. It follows that the other side L satisfies L ⊆ S1. Applying Lemma2 (intersection rule) to C(1, 2) and X, we find that L ∩ S1 = L is disconnected from the rest of the graph by

(L ∩ C(1, 2)) ∪ (X ∩ C(1, 2)) ∪ (S1 ∩ X) = Y1 ∪ Q ∪ Z1 ∪ Z2.

That means |Y1| + |Q| + |Z1| + |Z2| ≥ κ, which implies w X κ = |X| = |Y1| + |Q| + |Zi| ≥ |Y1| + |Q| + |Z1| + |Z2| ≥ κ, i=1

and therefore Zr = ∅ for all r 6∈ {1, 2}, so X ⊆ (C1 ∪ T ∪ C2 ∪ S1), contradicting the fact that X,C(1, 2) have wheel type. Thus Q = T .

15 Claim 10 There exists j 6∈ {1, 2} such that Zj = Cj. If there does not exist such a j, then it follows that Cr\X is nonempty for every r 6∈ {1, 2}. Thus, there are paths from any vertex in Sr to Cr\X and to Cr+1\X that are not blocked by X, so D(2, 1)\X is still contained in a side of X, say K. If C1\X or C2\X is nonempty, then they are also in K as well, since there exist paths from C1\X to Sw, and from C2\X to S2. Then we have L ⊆ S1. Based on exactly the same reasoning in Claim 9 we obtain the contradiction that X ⊆ (C1 ∪ T ∪ C2 ∪ S1). This proves the claim.

Claim 11 (T ; C1,Y1,C2,...,Cw) forms a wheel. Since Q = T , Cj = Zj, and

X κ − |Q| − |Z1| − |Z2| κ − |Q| κ − |T | |Zr| = ≤ = = |Cj| = |Zj| , r6∈{1,2} 2 2 2

it follows that |Zi| = 0 for i =6 j. By Lemma2 (intersection rule) it is easy to verify that (T ; C1,Y1,C2,...,Cw) forms a (w +1)-wheel, as is done in Claims 3 and 6, and this puts us in case 6◦.

∗ IV. Recall that I1 ∪ I2 ∪ I3 = {1, 2, . . . , w}. In this case, except for at most one i ∈ I1, all other P i are in I2 and therefore Si ⊆ X, then i6=i∗ Si ≤ |X| = κ, so this is a small wheel and we are in case 5◦.

V. Again recall that I1 ∪ I2 ∪ I3 = {1, 2, . . . , w}. So in this case I3 = {1, 2, . . . , w}. Therefore, w w X ⊆ T ∪ (∪i=1Ci). Note that the graph induced by (∪i=1Si) ∪ {t} is connected for any t ∈ T , and that every vertex in some Ci is adjacent to Si−1 and Si. This implies that T ⊆ X, and that there exists indices i =6 j such that Ci ∪ Cj ⊆ X; otherwise X is not even a cut. We have deduced that X = C(i, j) for some i, j, putting us in case 1◦.

3.2 Matching Cuts and Crossing Matching Cuts

def Define N(P ) to be the neighborhood of P ⊂ V and NA(P ) = N(P ) ∩ A. Theorem 4. Let U be an arbitrary κ-cut and A a side of U.

◦ 1 If there exists a matching κ-cut of U in side A w.r.t. P , then it is W = (U\P ) ∪ NA(P ), and |P | = |NA(P )| < |A|. In particular, MatchU;A(P ) = NA(P ).

◦ 2 When there is such a matching cut W , G contains a matching between P and MatchU;A(P ) = NA(P ).

◦ 3 Suppose MatchU;A(P ) and MatchU;A(Q) exist. If P ∩ Q =6 ∅, then MatchU;A(P ∩ Q) exists, and MatchU;A(P ∩ Q) = MatchU;A(P ) ∩ MatchU;A(Q).

If |A| > |P ∪ Q|, then MatchU;A(P ∪ Q) exists, and

MatchU;A(P ∪ Q) = MatchU;A(P ) ∪ MatchU;A(Q).

16 Proof. Part 1◦. By definition, W is a matching cut in side A w.r.t. P if (i) W ∩ U = U\P , (ii) W ⊆ U ∪ A, and (iii) W separates every vertex in A\W from P . It must be that NA(P ) ⊆ W , for otherwise W would not satisfy (iii). It also follows from (iii) that NA(P )\A =6 ∅. Since 0 0 W = (U\P ) ∪ NA(P ) is a cut (separating A\NA(P ) from P ∪ V \(U ∪ A)), it follows that W ⊆ W , 0 but since W is a (minimum) κ-cut, then W = W and hence |P | = |NA(P )|. Thus, by definition MatchU;A(P ) = NA(P ) = W \U is just the neighborhood function NA(P ) whenever such a matching cut W exists. ◦ Part 2 . Define H to be the bipartite subgraph of G between P and NA(P ) = MatchU;A(P ). By Hall’s theorem, if H does not contain a matching then there exists a strict subset P 0 ⊂ P such 0 0 0 0 that |P | > |NA(P )|, but if this were the case, (U\P ) ∪ NA(P ) would be a cut with cardinality strictly smaller than κ, a contradiction.

Figure 10: Left: a cut U with matching cuts in side A. Right: the derived flow network for P,Q ⊂ U.

◦ Part 3 . Redefine H to be the bipartite subgraph of G between P ∪ Q and NA(P ∪ Q). We construct a directed flow network H~ on {s, t} ∪ V (H) as follows; see Figure 10. All edges from H appear in H~ , oriented from P ∪ Q to NA(P ∪ Q), each having infinite capacity. The edge set also includes edges from s to P ∪Q and NA(P ∪Q) to t, each with unit capacity. Clearly integer flows in H~ correspond to matchings in H. By the Kőnig-Egerváry theorem, the size of the minimum vertex cover in H is equal to the size of the maximum matching in H. Following the same argument in 2◦, they must both be of size |P ∪ Q| for otherwise U would not be a minimum vertex cut. In fact, minimum size vertex covers of H are in 1-1 correspondence with minimum capacity s-t cuts in H~ . The correspondence is as follows. If (S, T ) is a minimum capacity s-t cut then there can be no (infinite capacity) edge from S ∩ (P ∪ Q) to T ∩ NA(P ∪ Q), so

C = ((P ∪ Q) ∩ T ) ∪ (NA(P ∪ Q) ∩ S) is a vertex cover in H and |C| = cap(S, T ). Picard and Queyrenne [38] observed that minimum s-t cuts are closed under union and in- tersection, in the sense that if (S, T ), (S0,T 0) are min s-t cuts, then so are (S ∪ S0,T ∩ T 0) and 0 0 10 (S ∩ S ,T ∪ T ). By assumption (P \Q) ∪ NA(Q) and (Q\P ) ∪ NA(P ) are minimum vertex covers of H, with cardinality |P ∪ Q|. Translated to the flow network H~ , this implies that

10 This follows from the fact that (U\Q) ∪ NA(Q) and (U\P ) ∪ NA(P ) are assumed to be matching cuts of U in A w.r.t. Q and P , respectively, with MatchU;A(P ) = NA(P ) and MatchU;A(Q) = NA(Q).

17 ({s} ∪ Q ∪ NA(Q), (P \Q) ∪ NA(P ∪ Q)\NA(Q) ∪ {t})

and ({s} ∪ P ∪ NA(P ), (Q\P ) ∪ NA(P ∪ Q)\NA(P ) ∪ {t}) are minimum s-t cuts, which implies that their union and intersection are also minimum s-t cuts:

({s} ∪ P ∪ Q ∪ NA(P ∪ Q), {t})  and {s} ∪ (P ∩ Q) ∪ (NA(P ) ∩ NA(Q)),

     (P ∪ Q)\(P ∩ Q) ∪ NA(P ∪ Q)\(NA(P ) ∩ NA(Q)) ∪ {t} .

Translated back to H, these correspond to vertex covers

NA(P ∪ Q)

and (P ∪ Q)\(P ∩ Q) ∪ (NA(P ) ∩ NA(Q)).

Whenever NA(P ∪ Q) is a strict subset of A the first corresponds to a matching κ-cut of U

(U\(P ∪ Q)) ∪ NA(P ∪ Q)

with MatchU;A(P ∪ Q) = NA(P ∪ Q) = MatchU;A(P ) ∪ MatchU;A(Q).

Whenever P ∩ Q =6 ∅ the second corresponds to a matching κ-cut of U

(U\(P ∩ Q)) ∪ (NA(P ) ∩ NA(Q))

with MatchU;A(P ∩ Q) = NA(P ) ∩ NA(Q) = MatchU;A(P ) ∩ MatchU;A(Q).

Fix a κ-cut U and a side A of U. Define Θ = {P | MatchU;A(P ) exists}. According to Part 3◦ of Theorem4, Θ is closed under union and intersection, and is therefore characterized by its

18 ∗ minimal elements. Define Θ = {∩u∈P,P ∈ΘP | u ∈ U}. It can be seen from the definition that ∩u∈P,P ∈ΘP corresponds to the minimum matching cut for vertex u. κ In the most extreme case Θ may have 2 −1 elements (e.g., if the graph induced by U ∪NA(U) is a matching), which may be prohibitive to store explicitly. From definition we know that |Θ∗| ≤ κ, so it works as a good compression for Θ. Lemmas4 and5 also highlights some ways in which Θ∗ is a sufficient substitute for Θ.

Lemma 4. Let U be a κ-cut and let Θ be defined w.r.t. the matching cuts of U in a side A. Suppose that P ∈ Θ∗ and P ⊆ Q ∈ Θ, and that W is a crossing matching cut of U in side A w.r.t. Q. Then (W \ MatchU;A(Q)) ∪ (Q\P ) ∪ MatchU;A(P ) is also a crossing matching cut of U in A w.r.t. P . ∗ Moreover, if Q = P1 ∪ P2 ∪ · · · ∪ P` where each Pi ∈ Θ , then any pair disconnected by W is also disconnected by some (W \ MatchU;A(Q)) ∪ (Q\Pi) ∪ MatchU;A(Pi).

Proof. Apply Lemma2 (intersection rule) to cuts W and (U\P ) ∪ MatchU;A(P ) and we have the first statement, that (W \ MatchU;A(Q)) ∪ (Q\P ) ∪ MatchU;A(P ) is a cut. For the second statement, suppose W separates vertices u and v. If both u, v 6∈ U∪MatchU;A(Q), then they are separated by any (W \ MatchU;A(Q)) ∪ (Q\Pi) ∪ MatchU;A(Pi). If one of u, v is in Q, say u ∈ Q, then there exists at least one i for which u ∈ Pi. Then v ∈ A\W and therefore u, v are separated by (W \ MatchU;A(Q)) ∪ (Q\Pi) ∪ MatchU;A(Pi).

Lemma 5. Let U be a κ-cut with two sides A and B, and let Θ be defined w.r.t. its matching cuts ∗ ∗ in side A. For P ∈ Θ , define U (P ) to be the cut separating P from A\ MatchU;A(P ) minimizing

SideU ∗(P )(P ) . 1◦ U ∗(P ) is either a crossing matching cut of U in side A w.r.t. P , or else there is no such ∗ crossing matching cut and U (P ) = (U\P ) ∪ MatchU;A(P ) is a matching cut. 2◦ Suppose X is a crossing matching cut of U in side A w.r.t. P . If u, v are separated by X, ∗ then they are also separated by either U (P ) or (X\ MatchU;A(P )) ∪ P , which is a laminar cut of U.

◦ Proof. Part 1 . Let W be a cut that disconnects P from A\ MatchU;A(P ). Because every vertex in MatchU;A(P ) is adjacent to P and adjacent to A\ MatchU;A(P ), it follows that MatchU;A(P ) ⊆ W . From Corollary3 we know the set of all cuts separating P from A\ MatchU;A(P ) has a unique minimum element. This is the cut U ∗(P ); let the sides of U ∗(P ) be K∗,L∗ with P ⊆ K∗ ⊆ B ∪ P ∗ and A\ MatchU;A(P ) ⊆ L . ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ If K = B ∪ P , then U (P ) = (U\P ) ∪ MatchU;A(P ). If K ⊂ B ∪ P , then U (P ) ∩ B =6 ∅. ∗ ∗ Now since MatchU;A(P ) ⊆ U (P ) and (U (P ) ∩ A) ∪ (U\P ) is a matching cut w.r.t. P , it follows that U ∗(P ) is a crossing matching cut of U in side A w.r.t. P . ◦ Part 2 . Fix such a crossing matching cut X. It disconnects P from A\ MatchU;A(P ), and has ∗ ∗ exactly two sides, K ⊇ P and L ⊇ A\ MatchU;A(P ). By the minimality of U (P ) we have K ⊆ K. ∗ Because X ∩ B =6 ∅, K ⊂ B ∪ P . Thus, if U (P ) = (U\P ) ∪ MatchU;A(P ) is the matching cut (not a crossing matching cut), this contradicts the existence of X. We conclude that U ∗(P ) is a crossing matching cut of U. Let u ∈ K and v ∈ L be disconnected by X. If u ∈ B ∩ K and v ∈ L then by Lemma2 (intersection rule) applied to U and X, B ∩ K is disconnected from the rest of the graph by (X ∩ B) ∪ (X ∩ U) ∪ (U ∩ K) = (X\ MatchU;A(P )) ∪ P , which is a laminar cut of U. By the minimality of U ∗(P ), K∗ ⊆ K and U ∗(P ) ⊆ K ∪ X, hence L ⊆ L∗. When u ∈ P and v ∈ L, they are also disconnected by U ∗(P ).

19 Corollary 4. Fix a cut U with two sides A and B, and let Θ∗ be defined w.r.t. the matching cuts in side A, and let U ∗(P ) be defined as in Lemma5. Define U = {U ∗(P ) | P ∈ Θ∗}. Let X be a crossing matching cut of U in side A w.r.t. Q. If u and v are separated by X, then they are also separated by a member of U or (X\ MatchU;A(Q)) ∪ Q, a laminar cut of U in side B;

Proof. By Lemma 4, w.l.o.g. we may assume that Q ∈ Θ∗. Since X is a crossing matching cut, there is a crossing matching cut U ∗(Q) ∈ U. The claim then follows from Lemma5.

3.3 Laminar Cuts In this section we analyze the structure of laminar cuts. Throughout this section, U refers to a cut that is not (I, κ − 1)-small, not a wheel cut C(i, j) in some wheel, and has a side A with |A| > 2κ. Consider the set of all cuts W that are laminar w.r.t. U, contained in U ∪ A and not (I, κ − 1)- small. It follows that W has a side, call it S(W ), that contains U\W and all other sides of U.11 Define R(W ) to be the region containing all other sides of W beside S(W ). We call W a maximal laminar cut of U if there does not exist another laminar cut W 0 such that R(W ) ⊆ R(W 0). Theorem 5. Let U be the reference cut.

∗ 1. If there exist matching cuts of U in side A, define Θ w.r.t. U, A, define Q = ∪P ∈Θ∗ P , and let X = (U\Q) ∪ MatchU;A(Q) be the matching cut in side A having the smallest intersection with U. Then every laminar cut W of U in side A is

(i) a laminar cut of X in region A\ MatchU;A(Q), or (ii) a matching cut of U, or (iii) a crossing matching cut of X.

2. If there are no matching cuts of U in side A, every laminar cut of U in side A is a maximal laminar cut, or a laminar cut of some maximal laminar cut Wi in a side of R(Wi). Moreover, whenever Wi, Wj are distinct maximal laminar cuts, R(Wi) ∩ R(Wj) = ∅.

Proof. Part 1. X has a side K = Q ∪ (V \(U ∪ A)) and a region L = A\ MatchU;A(Q). According to the number of sides of X, we split into two cases:

r I. If X has strictly more than two sides, let its sides be K and L1, L2, ..., Lr where L = ∪i=1Li. Then by Corollary1, any other cut should have laminar type relation with X, or themselves be (I, κ − 1)-small cuts. But here the cut W in our concern are not (I, κ − 1)-small. For such a W of U in side A, it can only be a laminar cut of X in some side. If it was Li, then we have (i). If it was K, then we have that W ⊆ X ∪ K and also W ⊆ U ∪ A, so that W ⊆ (X ∪ K) ∩ (U ∪ A) = U ∪ MatchU;A(Q). Then by definition of Θ, W is a matching cut of U and we have (ii).

II. If X has exactly two sides, then they are K = Q ∪ (V \(U ∪ A)) and L = A\ MatchU;A(Q). Fix any laminar cut W of U in side A. If W ⊆ A ∪ (U\Q) then W is a laminar cut of X in side A\ MatchU;A(Q), and we are in case (i). If W ⊆ U ∪ MatchU;A(Q), then by definition of Θ, W = (U\P ) ∪ MatchU;A(P ) for some P ∈ Θ and W is a matching cut of U, and we are in case (ii).

Thus, we can proceed with the assumption that W ∩ Q =6 ∅ and W ∩ (A\ MatchU;A(Q)) =6 ∅. Therefore, W ∩ K =6 ∅ and W ∩ L =6 ∅. So W must have wheel type or crossing matching

11 S(W ) is exactly Bj∗ of Theorem2, if using its notation on U and W .

20 type relation with X. We only need to show that W does not have wheel type relation with X. Because R(W ) ⊆ A, we know that R(W ) ∩ K ⊆ A ∩ K = ∅, so they do not have a wheel type relation. Then, W must be a crossing matching cut of X, and we are in case (iii).

Part 2. By assumption U does not have matching cuts in side A. Enumerate all of its maximal laminar cuts W = {W1,W2,...,W|W|}. Fix any laminar cut W of U in side A. If W 6∈ W, then by definition of maximality there exists some Wi such that R(W ) ⊆ R(Wi). It follows that W ⊆ R(Wi) ∪ Wi, so W is a laminar cut of Wi in one of the sides of R(Wi). It remains to prove that for all i =6 j, R(Wi) ∩ R(Wj) = ∅. Suppose the statement were false. Because S(Wi) ∩ S(Wj) =6 ∅, Wi,Wj must have laminar, crossing matching, or wheel type relation. They cannot be laminar, for then R(Wi) ⊂ R(Wj), or R(Wj) ⊂ R(Wi), contradicting the maximality of Wi,Wj. Otherwise, Wi and Wj must both have exactly two sides, namely R(Wi),S(Wi) and R(Wj),S(Wj). Apply Corollary3 to C = R(Wi) ∩ R(Wj) and D = S(Wi) ∩ S(Wj), noticing that Wi and Wj disconnects C and D, we may set Y = MinCutC;D. Because

RegionY (C) ⊆ RegionWi (C) ∩ RegionWj (C) = R(Wi) ∩ R(Wj) = C, C is actually a region of U. As long as R(Wi) ∪ R(Wj) =6 A, Y is a laminar cut of U, also contradicting the maximality of Wi,Wj. Thus, we proceed under the assumption that R(Wi)∪R(Wj) = A, meaning Y = U is not a laminar cut of U. If Wi and Wj have a crossing matching type relation, at least one of R(Wi) ∩ S(Wj) and R(Wj) ∩ S(Wi) is empty, suppose it is R(Wi) ∩ S(Wj) = ∅. Then R(Wi) ⊆ R(Wj) ∪ Wj, but we already have that R(Wi) ∪ R(Wj) = A, so R(Wj) = A\Wj, which means Wj is a matching cut of U in side A, contradicting the assumption of Part 2 that U has no matching cuts in side A. The last case is when Wi and Wj have a wheel type relation, i.e., they form a 4-wheel with center T = Wi ∩ Wj, spokes Wi ∩ R(Wj), Wi ∩ S(Wj), Wj ∩ R(Wi), Wj ∩ S(Wi), and sectors R(Wi) ∩ R(Wj), R(Wi) ∩ S(Wj), S(Wi) ∩ R(Wj), S(Wi) ∩ S(Wj). Thus, the κ-cut (Wi ∩ S(Wj)) ∪ (Wi ∩ Wj) ∪ (Wj ∩ S(Wi)) disconnects S(Wi) ∩ S(Wj) from R(Wi) ∪ R(Wj) = A. This means U = (Wi ∩ S(Wj)) ∪ (Wi ∩ Wj) ∪ (Wj ∩ S(Wi)) is also a cut of this wheel. This contradicts the original assumption that our reference cut U is not a wheel cut C(i0, j0) of some wheel.

3.4 Small Cuts  n−κ  Fix a vertex u and a threshold t ≤ 2 . Define Smt(u) to be a cut U minimizing |SideU (u)| with |SideU (u)| ≤ t. We first show that Smt(u), if it exists, is unique. Theorem 6. If there exists any (III, t)-small cut that is small w.r.t. u, then there exists a unique such cut, denoted Smt(u), such that for any other cut U, u 6∈ U,

SideSmt(u) ⊆ SideU (u). Proof. It suffices to show that for any two (III,t)-small cuts U, W , there exists a cut X (possibly U or W ) such that SideX (u) ⊆ SideW (u) ∩ SideU (u).

If SideU (u) ⊆ SideW (u) or SideW (u) ⊆ SideU (u), we may set X = U or X = W . If V \(U ∪ W ∪ SideU (u) ∪ SideW (u)) =6 ∅, we may pick an arbitrary vertex v in this set, and apply Corollary3 to the singleton sets C = {u} and D = {v}, and we may set X = MinCutC,D. These two cases above rule out the possibility that U, W have a laminar or wheel type relation, except when, using the notation of Theorem2, Ai∗ = SideU (u) and Bj∗ = SideW (u). But this would lead to a contradiction that

|V | = |Ai∗ | + |Bj∗ | − |Ai∗ ∩ Bj∗ | + |U ∩ W |

21 n − κ ≤ 2 − 1 + (κ − 1) 2 < n.

By Theorem2 the remaining case is that U, W have crossing matching type, i.e., SideU (u)\ SideW (u) =6 ∅, SideW (u)\ SideU (u) =6 ∅, and V = U ∪ W ∪ SideU (u) ∪ SideW (u). By Lemma2 (intersection rule), (U ∩ SideW (u)) ∪ (W ∩ SideU (u)) ∪ (U ∩ W ) is a cut. If it has size exactly κ then we can set X to be this cut. We proceed under the assumption that it is strictly larger than κ. Thus, by inclusion/exclusion,

|V | = |U ∪ W ∪ SideW (u) ∪ SideU (u)|

= |U| + |W | + | SideW (u)| + | SideU (u)|

− | SideW (u) ∩ SideU (u)| − (|U ∩ SideW (u)| + |W ∩ SideU (u)| + |U ∩ W |)

Since u ∈ SideW (u) ∩ SideU (u), this is

≤ 2κ + 2t − 1 − (κ + 1) n − κ ≤ 2 + κ − 2 2 < n, which contradicts the definition of n = |V |. We conclude that when t ≤ d(n − κ)/2e, Smt(u) is unique if it exists.

4 A Data Structure for (κ + 1)-Connectivity Queries

In this section we design an efficient data structure that, given u, v, answers (κ + 1)-connectivity queries, i.e., reports that κ(u, v) = κ and produces a minimum κ-cut separating u, v, or reports that κ(u, v) ≥ κ + 1. We work with the mixed-cut definition of κ(u, v) (see Remark1), which is the minimum size set of vertices and edges that need to be removed to disconnect u and v, or equivalently, the maximum size set of internally vertex-disjoint paths joining u and v.12

Theorem 7. Given a κ-connected graph G, we can construct in O˜(m + poly(κ)n) time a data structure occupying O(κn) space that answers the following queries. Given u, v ∈ V (G), report whether κ(u, v) = κ or ≥ κ + 1 in O(1) time. If κ(u, v) = κ, report a κ-cut separating u, v in O(κ) time.

Sparsification. In O(m) time, the Nagamochi-Ibaraki [36] algorithm produces a subgraph G0 that has arboricity κ+1 and hence at most (κ+1)n edges, such that κG0 (u, v) = κG(u, v) whenever κG(u, v) ≤ κ + 1, and κG0 (u, v) ≥ κ + 1 whenever κG(u, v) ≥ κ + 1. Without loss of generality we may assume G is the output of the Nagamochi-Ibaraki algorithm.

12If {u, v} 6∈ E(G) and κ(u, v) = κ, then there exists U ⊂ V , |U| = κ, such that removing U disconnects u, v. If {u, v} ∈ E(G) then there exists U ⊂ V , |U| = κ − 1, such that removing U and {u, v} disconnects u, v. In this case the single-edge path {u, v} would count for one of the κ internally vertex disjoint paths, the other κ − 1 passing through distinct vertices of U.

22  n−κ  The Data Structure. Throughout this section we fix the threshold t = 2 . Define Sm(u) = Smt(u) to be the unique minimum κ-cut with SideSm(u)(u) ≤ t, if any such cut exists, and Sm(u) =⊥ otherwise. The data structure stores, for each u ∈ V (G), Sm(u), | SideSm(u)(u)|, a O(log n)-bit identifier for SideSm(u)(u), and for each vertex v ∈ N(u) ∩ Sm(u), a bit bu,v indicating whether {{u, v}} ∪ Sm(u)\{v} is a mixed cut disconnecting u and v. Furthermore, when | SideSm(u)(u)| ≤ κ − 1, we store SideSm(u)(u) explicitly. When Sm(u) =⊥ we will say SideSm(u)(u) = G and hence

SideSm(u) = n. The total space is O(κn).

Connectivity Queries. The query algorithm proceeds to the first applicable case. Note in the following, Sm(u) may be ⊥, and for all vertices v, we define v∈⊥ / .

Case I: Sm(u) = Sm(v) and SideSm(u)(u) = SideSm(v)(v). Then κ(u, v) ≥ κ + 1.

Case II: u 6∈ Sm(v) and v 6∈ Sm(u). Then κ(u, v) = κ. Without loss of generality suppose that

SideSm(u)(u) ≤ SideSm(v)(v) . Then Sm(u) is a κ-cut separating u and v.

Case III: v ∈ Sm(u) ∩ N(u), or the reverse. The bit bu,v indicates whether κ(u, v) ≥ κ + 1 or κ(u, v) = κ, in which case {{u, v}} ∪ Sm(u)\{v} is the κ-cut.

Case IV: v ∈ Sm(u), u ∈ Sm(v). Then κ(u, v) ≥ κ + 1.

Case V: v ∈ Sm(u), u 6∈ Sm(v), or the reverse. If SideSm(v)(v) ≤ κ−1, directly check whether u ∈ SideSm(v)(v). If so then κ(u, v) ≥ κ + 1; if not then Sm(v) disconnects them. Thus

SideSm(v)(v) ≥ κ. If SideSm(v)(v) ≤ SideSm(u)(u) then Sm(v) is a κ-cut separating u and v, and otherwise κ(u, v) ≥ κ + 1.

Lemmas6,7, and Theorem8 establish the correctness of the query algorithm. Its construction algorithm is described and analyzed in Section 4.1.

Lemma 6. If v ∈ SideSm(u)(u), then either Sm(v) = Sm(u) or Sm(v) is a laminar cut of Sm(u) with SideSm(v)(v) ⊂ SideSm(u)(u).

Proof. Sm(u) is (III, t)-small w.r.t. v. By Theorem6, Sm(v) exists and SideSm(v)(v) ⊆ SideSm(u)(v).

Lemma 7. Suppose u and v are not (κ + 1)−connected, i.e., κ(u, v) = κ. If {u, v} 6∈ E(G), then they are disconnected by Sm(u) or Sm(v), and if {u, v} ∈ E(G), then they are disconnected by {(u, v)} ∪ Sm(u)\{v} or {(u, v)} ∪ Sm(v)\{u}.

 n−κ  Proof. First suppose {u, v} ∈/ E(G) and let X be any cut separating u and v. When t = 2 either |SideX (u)| ≤ t or |SideX (v)| ≤ t. W.l.o.g. suppose it is the former, then Sm(u) exists and by Theorem6, SideSm(u)(u) ⊆ SideX (u), so Sm(u) also separates u and v. If {u, v} ∈ E(G), suppose (κ − 1) vertices W = {w1, w2, . . . , wκ−1} and {u, v} disconnect u and v. After removing W from the graph, G\W is still connected. By deleting the edge {u, v}, the graph breaks into exactly two connected components, say A and B with u ∈ A and v ∈ B. Then W ∪ {u} forms a κ-cut with SideW ∪{u}(v) = B, and W ∪ {v} also forms a κ-cut with SideW ∪{v}(u) = A. Clearly we have n = |W | + |A| + |B| = κ − 1 + |A| + |B| .

23 W.l.o.g. suppose |A| ≤ |B|, then

n − κ + 1 n − κ |A| ≤ = = t. 2 2

Thus Sm(u) exists, SideSm(u)(u) ⊆ SideW ∪{v}(u), and Sm(u) is either W ∪ {v} or a laminar cut of W ∪ {v} in side A. Since {u, v} ∈ E(G), we have v ∈ Sm(u). If we remove {u, v} from G, then any path from u to v goes through a vertex in W , but any path from u to a vertex in W goes through a vertex in Sm(u)\{v}. Therefore, {{u, v}} ∪ Sm(u)\{v} is a mixed cut separating u, v as it blocks all u-v paths.

Theorem 8. The query algorithm correctly answers (κ + 1)-connectivity queries.

Proof. Suppose the algorithm terminates in Case I. It follows that u 6∈ Sm(v), v 6∈ Sm(u), and neither Sm(u) nor Sm(v) disconnect u and v. Lemma7 implies that κ(u, v) ≥ κ + 1. In Case II, if Sm(u) =6 ⊥ but Sm(v) =⊥ then Sm(u) is the cut separating u, v and since

SideSm(u)(u) < SideSm(v)(v) = n, then the query is answered correctly. If both Sm(u), Sm(v) =6 ⊥, then by Lemma6, v∈ / SideSm(u)(u) and once again the query is answered correctly. In Case III, by Lemma7, if u and v are separated by a κ-cut, they are separated by {{u, v}} ∪ Sm(u)\{v} (if Sm(u) =6 ⊥) or {{u, v}} ∪ Sm(v)\{u} (if Sm(v) =6 ⊥), and this information is stored in the bit bu,v, bv,u. If we get to Case IV then {u, v} 6∈ E(G) and neither Sm(u) nor Sm(v) separate u, v, hence by Lemma7, κ(u, v) ≥ κ + 1 and the query is answered correctly. Case V is the most subtle. Because v ∈ Sm(u) and {u, v} 6∈ E(G), Lemma7 implies that if κ(u, v) = κ, then u, v must be separated by Sm(v). If Sm(v) =⊥ then κ(u, v) ≥ κ + 1 and the query is answered correctly. If | SideSm(v)(v)| ≤ κ − 1 then the query explicitly answers the query correctly by direct lookup. Thus, we proceed under the assumption that Sm(v) =6 ⊥ exists and is not small.

If u ∈ SideSm(v)(v) then Sm(v) does not disconnect u and v, and by Lemma6, SideSm(v)(v) >

SideSm(u)(u) , so the query is handled correctly in this case.

If u∈ / SideSm(v)(v) then Sm(v) separates u and v, so we must argue that SideSm(v)(v) ≤

SideSm(u)(u) for the query algorithm to work correctly. It cannot be that Sm(v) and Sm(u) have a laminar relation, so by Theorem2 they must have a crossing matching, wheel, or small type relation. If they have the small-type relation then the small sides of Sm(u) are contained in Sm(v) (contradicting u 6∈ Sm(v)) or the small sides of Sm(v) are contained in Sm(u), but we have already rules out this case. Thus, the remaining cases to consider are wheel and crossing matching type. Suppose Sm(u), Sm(v) form a 4-wheel (T ; C1,C2,C3,C4). Then u 6∈ Sm(v) appears in a sector of the wheel, say S1. Then C(1, 2) is a cut violating the minimality of Sm(u) = C(1, 3). Suppose Sm(u), Sm(v) have a crossing matching type relation. Let A1 = SideSm(u)(u) and A2 be the other side of Sm(u), and B1 = SideSm(v)(v) and B2 be the other side of Sm(v). Then u ∈ A1 ∩ B2, and it must be that the diagonal quadrant A2 ∩ B1 = ∅. Suppose otherwise, i.e., A2 ∩ B1 =6 ∅, and let X = (Sm(u) ∩ B2) ∪ (Sm(v) ∩ A1) ∪ (Sm(u) ∩ Sm(v)). Then by Corollary3 X is a κ-cut with SideX (u) = A1 ∩ B2, contradicting the minimality of Sm(u). Thus, Sm(v) is a crossing matching cut of Sm(u) in side A2 w.r.t. some Q ⊆ Sm(u)∩B1 with v ∈ Q. By Theorem2 and u ∈ A1 ∩ B2 =6 ∅, we have

|A1 ∩ Sm(v)| = |B2 ∩ Sm(u)| ≥ |A2 ∩ Sm(v)| = |B1 ∩ Sm(u)| = |Q|.

24 Thus, | SideSm(u)(u)| = |A1| > |(A1 ∩ B1) ∪ Q| = | SideSm(v)(v)|, establishing the correctness in the crossing matching case. (The strictness of the inequality is because A1 ∩ B2 =6 ∅.)

4.1 Construction of the Data Structure We assume Nagamochi-Ibaraki sparsification [36] has already been applied, so G has arboricity κ+1 and O(κn) edges. We use the recent Forster et al. [22] algorithm for computing the connectivity κ = κ(G) in O˜(poly(κ)n) time and searching for κ-cuts.

Theorem 9 (Consequence of Forster, Nanongkai, Yang, Saranurak, and Yingchareonthaworn-  n−κ  chai [22]). Given parameter s ≤ 2 and a vertex x, there exists an algorithm that runs in time 3 3 O(sκ ) with the following guarantee. If the cut Sms(x) exists, it is reported with probability ≥ 4 , otherwise the algorithm returns ⊥. If the cut Sms(x) does not exist, the algorithm always returns ⊥.

 n−κ  Corollary 5. Given x ∈ V (G) and an integer s ≤ 2 , we can, with high probability 1 − ˜ 3 1/ poly(n), compute Sms(x) in O(| SideSms(x)(x)| · κ ) time, or determine that Sms(x) does not exist in O˜(sκ3) time.

Proof. High probability bounds can be accomplished by repeating the algorithm of Theorem9 i O(log n) times. Use a doubling search to find Sms0 (x) for each s0 = 2 , i ≤ dlog se. When s0 ≥ | SideSms(x)(x)| the procedure will succeed w.h.p. We call the procedure of Corollary5 FindSmall(x, s).

Definition 1. Let U be a cut, A a side of U. We use the notation A = G\(U ∪ A) to be the region of all other sides of U. Define G(U, A) to be the graph induced by U ∪ A, supplemented with a G(U,A) κ-clique on U. If W is a cut in G(U, A), define SideW (x) to be SideW (x) in the graph G(U, A). Lemma 8. Let U be a κ-cut, A be a side of U, and W be a set of κ vertices in G(U, A). Then W is a κ-cut in G(U, A) if and only if W is a laminar cut of U in one of the sides of A. Moreover, when W is such a cut, for any vertex u ∈ U\W ,

G(U,A) SideW (u) = SideW (u) ∪ A.

Proof. A laminar cut W of U in one of the sides of A does not disconnect vertices of U, so it is a cut in G(U, A). When W is a cut in G(U, A), all vertices of U\W should be in one side B of W . Let the other sides of W form a region C. Then in G, by Lemma1, there exists paths from vertices in A to U\W that are not blocked by W , so vertices in A and B together form a side D of W . But any path from C to A should pass through some vertex in U, while any path from C to B (involving U\W ) should pass through W , so W is a cut in G. This proves the first statement. G(U,A)(u) Note B here is exactly SideW , and D is exactly SideW (u), and we have that D = B ∪ A. This proves the second statement.

Lemma9 shows how, beginning with a cut X where SideX (u) is small, can find another cut Y 4 (if one exists) where SideY (u) is about M, in O˜(Mκ ) time. The difficulty is that there could be an unbounded number of cuts “between” X and Y that would prevent the algorithm of Theorem9 from finding Y directly.

25 Lemma 9. Fix any integer M ≤ t/2, vertex u, and cut X with A = SideX (u), |A| ≤ 2M. There ex- ists an algorithm Expand(u, A, M) that runs in time O˜(Mκ4) and, w.h.p., returns a cut Y satisfying the following properties.

• SideX (u) ⊆ SideY (u).

• |SideY (u)| ≤ 2M.

• If there exists a cut Z that is (III, M)-small w.r.t. u, then |SideY (u)| ≥ |SideZ (u)|.

Proof. This algorithm uses Corollary5 and Lemma8.

1. Initially Y ← X. While |SideY (u)| < M,

(a) For each vertex v ∈ Y , in parallel,

i. In the graph G(Y, SideY (u)), run FindSmall(v, M). (b) The moment any call to FindSmall halts in step (i) with a cut W , stop all such calls and set Y ← W . If all |Y | calls to FindSmall run to completion without finding a cut, halt and return Y .

Throughout the algorithm, Y is always a cut such that SideX (u) ⊆ SideY (u) and |SideY (u)| ≤ 2M. Furthermore, |SideY (u)| is strictly increasing, so the algorithm terminates. By Corollary5 4 the running time of (a) is O˜(∆κ ) where ∆ = | SideW (u)| − | SideY (u)| if a cut W is found, and ∆ = M otherwise. (The extra factor κ is due to the parallel search in step (a).) The sum of the ∆s telescopes to O(M), so the overall running time is O˜(Mκ4). Suppose the cut Z exists. If it were not the case that |SideY (u)| ≥ |SideZ (u)|, then in the last iteration, |SideY (u)| < |SideZ (u)| ≤ M. We argue below that there is another cut to find, and therefore that the probability the algorithm terminates prematurely is 1/ poly(n), by Corollary5. def Note that |SideY (u)| + |SideZ (u)| ≤ 2M ≤ t, so C = G\(SideY (u) ∪ SideZ (u) ∪ Y ∪ Z) =6 ∅. Apply Corollary3 to sets C and D = {u}, we may set U = MinCutC;D. Because RegionU (C) ⊆ RegionY (C) ∩ RegionZ (C) = C, C is actually a region of U, so U is a laminar cut of Y , SideU (u) ⊆ SideY (u) ∪ SideZ (u). Since |SideY (u)| < |SideZ (u)|, U =6 Y . Then for any vertex v ∈ Y \U,

G(Y,SideY (u)) 0 < Side (v) ≤ |SideU (u)| − |SideY (u)| ≤ |SideZ (u)| ≤ M. U

Therefore, U or some other cut should have been found in step (a) in the last iteration.

Theorem 10 (Consequence of Picard and Queyrenne [38]). Let H = (V,E, cap) be a capacitated s-t flow network and f be a maximum flow. In O(|E|) time we can compute a directed acyclic graph H0 = (V 0,E0) with |E0| ≤ |E|, and an embedding φ : V → V 0 ∪ {⊥}, such that the downward closed sets of H0 are in 1-1 correspondence with the minimum s-t cuts of H. I.e., if V 00 ⊆ V 0 is a vertex set with no arc of E0 leaving V 00, then (φ−1(V 00), φ−1(V 00)) is a min s-t cut in H, and all min s-t cuts in H can be expressed in this way. Here φ(v) =⊥ if v appears on the “t” side of every min s-t cut.

We use Corollary6 to find Smt(u) for potentially many vertices u in bulk.

Corollary 6. Fix two disjoint, non-empty vertex sets C and D. In O(κ2(n − |C| − |D|)) time, we can output a cut S(v) for every v ∈ V \(C ∪ D), such that if Sm(v) exists and C ⊆ SideSm(v)(v), then S(v) = Sm(v).

26 Proof. Form a flow network G~ as in the proof of Corollary3, shrinking C and D to vertices s and t, splitting each v into vin, vout, etc. The minimum sout-tin cuts in G~ are in 1-1 correspondence with the minimum vertex cuts separating C,D in G. We are only interested in these cuts if they have size κ, so in this case a maximum flow f can be computed in O(κ2(n − |C| − |D|)) time. (Recall that the graph is assumed to have arboricity κ + 1, so every induced subgraph of G~ has density O(κ).) Given G,~ f, the Picard-Queyrenne representation G~ 0, φ can be computed in linear time. For each v ∈ G, let S(v) be the cut corresponding to the smallest downward-closed set containing ~ 0 ~ 0 φ(v) in G . Thus, the set {S(v)}v∈V \(C∪D) can be enumerated by a bottom-up traversal of G in ~ 0 O(|E(G )|) = O(κ(n − |C| − |D|)) time. If C ⊆ SideSm(v)(v) then clearly S(v) = Sm(v).

We are now ready to present the entire construction algorithm.

Preamble. The algorithm maintains some κ-cut T (u) for each u, which is initially ⊥, and stores | SideT (u)(u)|. If the algorithm makes no errors, T (u) = Smt(u) = Sm(u) at the end of the computation. The procedure Update(u, U) updates T (u) ← U if U is a better cut, i.e., | SideU (u)| ≤ min{| SideT (u)(u)| − 1, t}, and does nothing otherwise. Update(A, U) is short for Update(u, U) for all u ∈ A.

Step 1: very small cuts. For each u ∈ V , let U ← FindSmall(u, 100κ) and then Update(u, U). This takes O˜(nκ4) time.

Step 2: unbalanced cuts. For each index i such that 100κ < 2i ≤ t, let α = 2i, and 13 pick a uniform sample Vi ⊂ V of size (n log n)/α. For each u ∈ Vi, compute Smα(u) ← FindSmall(u, α). If Smα(u) = Sm(u) =6 ⊥, we first do an Update(SideSm(u)(u), Sm(u)), then com- pute Y ← Expand(u, Sm(u), α). For each v ∈ Y we compute Wv ← FindSmall(w, α) and then Update(v, Wv). We then run the algorithm of Corollary6 with C = SideSm(u)(u) and D = V \(Y ∪ SideY (u)), which returns a set of cuts {S(v)}v∈V \(C∪D). For each such v ∈ SideY (u)\ SideSm(u)(u), 4 4 do an Update(v, S(v)). For each index i, the running time is O˜(|Vi| · ακ ) = O˜(nκ ), which is O˜(nκ4) overall.

Step 3: balanced cuts. Sample O(log n) pairs (x, y) ∈ V 2. For each such pair, compute U ← FindSmall(x, t). If U =6 ⊥, apply the algorithm of Corollary6 to C = SideSm(x)(x) and D = {y}, which returns a set {S(v)}. Then do an Update(v, S(v)) for every v ∈ V \(C ∪ D). By Corollary5 this takes O˜(κ3n) time.

Step 4: adjacent vertices. At this point it should be the case that T (u) = Sm(u) for all u. For each v ∈ T (u) ∩ N(u) compute and set the bit bu,v. (This information can be extracted from the calls to FindSmall and the algorithm of Corollary6 in the same time bounds.) Lemma 10 is critical to proving the correctness of the algorithm’s search strategy.

Lemma 10. Suppose Sm(u) and Sm(v) exists, u ∈ SideSm(v)(v), and suppose there is a cut W such that

κ ≤ SideSm(v)(v) < |SideW (u)| ≤ t.

13The Forster et al. [22] algorithm samples vertices proportional to their degree. Note that after the Nagamochi- Ibaraki [36] sparsification, the minimum degree is at least κ and the density of every induced subgraph is at most κ + 1, so it is equally effective to do vertex sampling.

27 Then v ∈ W ∪ SideW (u).

Proof. Because u ∈ SideSm(v)(v), by Lemma6, Sm(u) =6 ⊥ is a laminar cut of Sm(v) and SideSm(u)(u) ⊆ SideSm(v)(u). Consider the relationship between W and U = Sm(v). We use the same notation U∗, W∗, A∗, B∗ and T from Theorem2. Neither U nor W is (I, κ − 1)-small, so they may have laminar, wheel, or crossing matching type relation. If they have laminar type relation, then u ∈ SideW (u) ∩ SideU (u), so either SideW (u) is Ai∗ or SideU (u) is Bj∗ , but they cannot be both true as otherwise n − κ |V | = n > 2 + κ − 2 ≥ |Ai∗ | + |Bj∗ | − |Ai∗ ∩ Bj∗ | + |T | = |V | . 2

If SideW (u) is Ai∗ then v ∈ SideW (u). If SideU (u) is Bj∗ then |SideW (u)| < SideSm(v)(u) , which contradicts the definition of W . If they have wheel type relation, then v cannot lie in a sector of the 4-wheel formed by W and U, as this would violate the minimality of Sm(v). Therefore v ∈ W . If they have crossing matching type relation, suppose A1 ∩B1 =6 ∅, A2 ∩B2 =6 ∅ and A1 ∩B2 = ∅. Then v ∈ W (and the proof is done) or v ∈ A2 ∩ B1, because for v ∈ A1 ∩ B1, W1 ∪ T ∪ U1 is a cut with side smaller than Sm(v), and for v ∈ A2 ∩ B2, U2 ∪ T ∪ W2 is a cut with a side smaller than Sm(v). If v ∈ A2 ∩ B1, then by Theorem2, |W2| ≥ |U2|. Also, A2 is SideSm(v)(v) so u ∈ A2. Thus

|SideW (u)| − |SideU (v)| = |B2| − |A2| = |U2| − |W2| − |A2 ∩ B1| < 0,

which contradicts the condition that |SideW (u)| > SideSm(v)(v) .

4 Theorem 11. The construction algorithm correctly computes {Sm(v)}v∈V and runs in time O˜(nκ ).

Proof. If | SideSm(v)(v)| ≤ 100κ, then T (v) = Sm(v) after Step 1, with high probability. j j+1 j+1 Suppose that | SideSm(v)(v)| ∈ [2 , 2 ] and 2 ≤ t. Then with high probability, at least one vertex x ∈ Vj is sampled in Step 2 such that x ∈ SideSm(v)(v). Step 2 (Expand) computes a cut Y such that | SideY (x)| ≥ | SideSm(v)(v)|, so by Lemma 10, either v ∈ SideY (x) or v ∈ Y . In the former case Sm(v) is computed using the Corollary6 algorithm. In the latter case Sm(v) is computed directly using FindSmall. Finally, if Sm(v) is balanced, say | SideSm(v)(v)| ≥ t/4, then w.h.p. we would pick a pair (x, y) in Step 3 such that x ∈ SideSm(v)(v) and y ∈ V \(Sm(v) ∪ SideSm(v)(v)). If this holds the algorithm of Corollary6 correctly computes Sm(v).

5 Conclusion

This paper was directly inspired by the extended abstract of Cohen, Di Battista, Kanevsky, and Tamassia [10]. Our goal was to substantiate the main claims of this paper, and to simplify and improve the data structure that answers (κ + 1)-connectivity queries. We believe that our structural theorems can, ultimately, be used to develop even more versatile vertex-cut data structures. For example, is it possible to answer the following more general queries in O(κ) time using O(κn) space?

Is-it-a-cut?(u1, . . . , uκ): Return true iff {u1, . . . , uκ} forms a κ-cut.

28 Part-of-a-cut?(u1, . . . , uκ−g): Return true iff the input can be extended to a κ-cut {u1, . . . , uκ−g}∪ {uκ−g+1, . . . , uκ}.

We assumed throughout the paper that κ was not too large, specifically κ < n/4. When n < 2κ, all cuts are (I,κ)-small by our classification, and the classification theorem (Theorem2) says very little about the structure of such cuts. Understanding the structure of minimum vertex cuts when κ is large, relative to n, is an interesting open problem.


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